agender-wolfie · 8 days
Y’all need to understand what gender neutral actually means. Saying “This fic is gender neutral and there are no pronouns or descriptors used” then using “pretty girl” or “that’s my girl” immediately after is NOT gender neutral! Stay out of our spaces if you can’t respect us.
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justaz · 2 months
merlin slipping up early on around arthur and trying to assuage his fears by assuring that the gods would look out for them and arthur pauses before asking “the gods?” and they have a awkward lil conversation where merlin is like “yeah i worship the gods of the old religion” and arthurs like “why?” and merlin goes “well why do you worship the god of the new religion? we just believe in them” and arthur takes in this new information and is eventually like “yeah. sure. i guess its not illegal in escetir is it?” anyways thats it. it doesnt get brought up again until later on
when arthur + the knights and merlin and in that shrine and the knights aren’t taking it seriously and merlin goes “in the time of the old religion, they built shrines like this to appease restless spirits. we shouldn’t be here” and the knights brush it off but arthur knows merlin truly believes in it all so he redirects the knights away and later on its him and merlin at the well and arthur is there to calm merlin after he sees the visions from the raid. merlin’s crying and pleading with arthur to leave, that they shouldn’t be here. arthur agrees and goes to leave when merlin calls out to him. arthur stops but doesn’t turn. merlin wraps his arms around his middle
“you were here”
arthur doesn’t say anything more and walks away
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red-spider-lilies · 6 months
Can we talk about the fact that Chuuya visited Rimbaud's grave so many times after his death that both Dazai and the Sheep knew they would find him there?
The Sheep choosing to betray him in that graveyard wasn't a coincidence, they knew he would be there because he had been visiting his tomb enough times to become a routine. They needed a place where they would definitely find Chuuya so their plan could work, after all.
And the thing is it's canon he did the same with the Flags after they died:
"Piano Man, Albatross, Doc, Iceman and Lippmann were buried in a well-kept graveyard near the mountains. Their graves were never without flowers.'' Stormbringer.
"Chuuya, you smell like incense. Did you go visiting those graves again?" Shirase to Chuuya, Stormbringer.
But the difference between Rimbaud and the Flags is that Chuuya almost didn't know Rimbaud, but he did such impact on Chuuya that he kept visiting his tomb. And he was betrayed in that graveyard, just like Rimbaud was, due to it.
I just find it beautiful (and tragic) that the reason the Sheep could betray him was because he visited the tomb a lot of times. Because he chose to do a pretty human thing and visited the tomb of a deceased person often.
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lopa124 · 6 months
Don't you love when a fictional (almost always) non canon couple is a blond dude (bonus point if he's taller) + a dark haired person (bonus point if they don't have a leg/harm and have scars in their face) and their adopted daughter (bonus point if she has powers)
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ahleecollaborations · 1 month
So like we all know that most of the side characters in HP weren’t fully fleshed out and left a lot of questions (especially pivotal side characters) and this is for a LOT of reasons. Mainly cause the series is in Harry’s POV.
This gives Fanfic writers so much wiggle room to develop those characters and I love it!
So today I wanna talk about Percy Weasley and a thought I had that was spurned on by some recent HC from other mutuals on here.
So we’re all coming to the conclusion Percy would straight up do something illegal, get away with and never be suspected (only by Arthur cause he KNOWS his son) 10000%
This is my theory about canon book Percy (not fanfic) just by what little we know.
Recap: he was a described as straight laced, worked in the ministry as the right hand to the Minister (high freaking up in the food chain), ambitious, and he “turned against his family” before “coming home” and fighting alongside his family in the battle of Hogwarts.
But what if he didn’t? Didn’t turn against his family all along?
What if he too (like Snape) was a spy in the ministry?
He’s seen as so rigid and straight laced that he’d never be suspected as being defiant. So what if he used that and his ambitious and cunning mind to be the inside right hand of the Minister of Magic?
Parallel to Snape’s role as Nose-less lunatic’s right hand and covert spy.
And the only one to ever know to ever suspect… was his father.
Because Arthur was his handler/contact to the Order?
As another ministry employee, Arthur would be able to talk to Percy no questions asked. And as his father he’d only be okay with his child being a spy and keeping it a secret from his wife if he could watch out for him.
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mysticsublimeperson · 4 months
I've been hunted by one little all consuming idea.
Basically I want the knights exposed to BAMF spy! Merlin, I was thinking something like this..
The knights are spying on someone on enemy territory. They are following this person across the border and being seen there could cause a war, but the thing they need from this person is very time sensitive, so they go, surprisingly without any major trouble; mostly because Merlin's been assuring a safe passage n the dark.
The thing is this person finds an inn, and they can't be sure of they're way because in a inn you can ask for a ride, or trade the very thing they are after, they are unsure that this person knows it's value so...
"It'll be easy..." Arthur assured while taking of his gauntlet "We'll take off the armor and pass for merchants or something" explained as he indicated Merlin to take of the rest of armor.
Merlin couldn't contain the snort that escaped him.
All of them looked at him.
"Sorry, sorry..."
"You have something to say Merlin?"
"It's just... I mean not offense sires, but you are way too posh for that to work, even your normal clothes is way to fine, not matter how much dirt you cover yourself with" explained takin another part of the armor.
"Aren't you forgetting something Merlin?" said Elyan amused.
"Yeah.. alright, not all of you come from nobility, but... well, let's say that he perks of being a knight change people enough" he tried not to be offensive, but the fact is that after being trained as knight all of them had a change in demeanor, the walked differently, they looked at the people with a superiority that only power gave. Even if it's the power to do good and protect, they had that kind of authority. "Believe me, if you walk in there and claim to be anything other than a knight, we'll be discovered, people in this kinds of places know how to detect threats" He explained helping Elyan after loosening Lancelot's armor.
"Then what do you suggest?" Asked Leon softly.
"Maybe we can twist a bit the truth... Gwaine is already a drunkard" Gwaine laughed at that "And all of you can be yourself, before being a knight, just not together" thought outloud, he could hear some agreement "And Arthur and Leon could be knights on a quest, just not say that you are Camelot's knights" offered looking at Leon.
They spoke about the details of their background stories and arranged their accommodation. They would enter at different times, and from different paths. Most of them could fake no having any kind of relationship with each other, but some, Merlin knew, would not be able, so they planned around it. In the end they would take four rooms, one for Leon and Arthur, one for Percival and Lancelot, one for Elyan, and one for Gwaine.
"And what about you?" Lancelot asked worried.
"It doesn't make sense for me to have enough coin for a room" he said like it was obvious. But he could see the surprise in every face surrounding him.
"You'll come with us then" othered Arthur.
"That won't make sense with the story..."
"Us then.." said Percival, surprising Merlin, before he could deny.
"No, I won't work, come with me Merlin" offered Elyan.
"Don't be ridiculous, Merlin is my best friend, he surely can come with me without arising suspicions" laughed Gwaine.
Merlin was a bit chocked up with surprise, he hoped his face wasn't too red, but he couldn't help it. It was rare that the knights showed this kind of affection towards him.
"Thank you for the offers" he said sincerely "but I think you are not understanding, all of you will be interpreted as thread, maybe Gwaine could pass but he won't be discreet, all of you attract a terrible amount of attention and someone who is trying to smuggle something won't want that... just trust me" even this he could see protest in their eyes they agreed.
Merlin entered last, all of them already had been accommodated at the inn. Once alone, he could let loose, the rain was just a nice touch.
He entered the inn drenched, and purposely tripped at the entrance. He approached the owner and begged for a simple job to pay the stay, he looked at him and offered a cot under the stairs for serving the tables.
Now he had the attention, everyone knew him as a bumbling idiot, desperate for cain and roof, most of them view Merlin as an easy target, and that was the point.
He served awkwardly and tripped a bit more, the owner threatened to make him sleep with the horses but that secured his image.
"Are you ok?" Lancelot asked when Merlin brought his drink, if it was another Merlin would be in risk of being discovered. "You're still wet"
"It's fine, it's not different from the usual" that turned his expression into a frown.
"Surely that..."
"BOY!" called the owner.
"Yeah! Coming"
The person the comes to the room and sits themselves in a far table, Merlin knows that they are aware of him so he put his plan. He crashes softy, almost making a mess, and thanks them profoundly, he picks up something valuable looking from the floor and give it back, earning the look of someone too naive, and the he blushes ashamed when they comment on his situation. He spills some bullshit on how his master left him on the road for packing the wrong coat, making himself pitiful. Then he would sputter an apology for speaking out of turn, and would go. Now that the bait was set it was just a matter of time.
Usually this kinds of people would try to smuggle shit using someone else, so if they get caught, they'll just put the blame in the other person. It was smuggler 101.
He was kind of losing hope until a bully on a table he purposely took the other wrong decided that Merlin was good enough punching bag. The punch to the gut let him without air for a full minute, he felt himself gaping like a fish out of the water. He had prepared himself for the punch, but had to make it believable, now he looked weak, which solidified the character. He could hear voices, but he was a bit unfocused.
"Hey, friend, are you ok?" it took everything in him not to smile victorious, it worked.
Basically this person invites Merlin to their room and tries to convince Merlin to travel with them. And at dawn they go, Merlin, with some help from the magic, gets them confused enough to turn back to the borders where the knights are waiting and arrest them properly.
Then they are all terribly silent, because there's so much to unpack here.
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theroundbartable · 10 months
Arthur: Merlin.... Can you explain those?
Merlin's back is full of scratches
Merlin: uh...
Memory: Merlin, running from the mafia, jumps over a fence where his jacket got stuck. One of the mafia guys shoot, barely miss Merlin. He falls into a container. He has done it. He's stolen the information that will help him create the antidote to the spread of a globally spreading virus that will make people addicted to cocaine, which funda the mafia. Now he only needs to get out of here. Merlin pulls out his own gun.
Merlin: ... Nothing?
Arthur: you've been fighting that racoon again, haven't you.
Merlin: a RACOON!!!! Why is that the first thing he thinks of? Why doesn't he think I'm... i dunno, cheating or something?!
Lancelot: because one of them is a lot less likely than the other, mate.
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howlingday · 1 year
Watts: (Thinking) Damn! I didn't expect Nightshade to be here! No matter... I'll just have my boys outside gun him down, and then we can take-
Penny: (Grabs his coat)
Watts: What the- Get off of me!
Penny: Papa, help~!
Jaune: Penny?!
Penny: I'm being kidnapped!
Watts: What are you talking about?! You're the one who grabbed me!
Jaune: Get your hands...
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Penny: (Lands in Jaune's arms) Whoa!
Jaune: Are you okay, Penny?! He didn't hurt you, did he?!
Jaune: (Thinking) Jeez, I really overdid it this time. He's not dead, though, r-right?.
Blake: (Saw the whole thing) Whoa...
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scionsthings · 2 months
Bruh what is blud doing behind that barrel...
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dreamalongwithamy · 1 month
RW&RB brain rot too real, I just saw Jude Law on tv in a suit with a gun and immediately clocked him as Arthur Fox James Bond
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beansforwhat · 1 year
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Same vibe
original posts from @mozzcho and @lewvithur respectively
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poylesh · 3 months
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My headcanon is Harry as Arthur. YES
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missalexjellybee · 2 months
My Supanova Comic-Con [ 2024 ] Adventures
I had lot's of fun at Supanova Comic Con(29th - 30th of June, 2024), I'm glad to have my Team Fortress 2 RED Pyro costume ready for this and had met some awesome people. [ My favorited picture is Pyro 'axing' a question to the Lethal Company employ, their costumes are cool beans! ]
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And here are the goodies I've got!(R.I.P wallet)
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god tywin lannister deserved worse
just remembering elias death and i wanna puke and the way tywin talks about elia and what happened is so damn gross
but rip tommen and myrcella we all know what’s about to happen in the next book :/
the cycle of violence just keeps spinning and damn you tywin for beginning it
(i got a bit crazy in the tags 💀)
#rest in peace elia and rhaenys#i’m one of those crazy ppl who thinks jaqen h’ghar is aegon 💀#literally lost the teeny tiny amount of credibility i had#anyways i think doran’s in on it and i think rhaegar switched out asharas child for aegon paralleling the baby swap jon does#the pact made in braavos about viserys and dany marriages is a half truth half lie#and arianne being sent to faegon is simply doran testing his heir. if she messes up then whoever’s spying for doran will correct her#gerold dayne knows too much that’s why doran thinks he’s too dangerous#but this would make the dornish plot sooooo much more interesting and would show that no doran hasn’t been doing nothing#it would also automatically make the daynes more important#jaqen (aegon) was in kings landing to kill robert but got caught by varys. syrio was sent to find him. ned cleared out the black cells tho#saving aegon in the process. fun how we’re actually introduced to this character through lyanna starks mini me arya#aegon was able to kill robert with a boar tho so mission accomplished.#now he’s in old town trying to hatch his dragon egg. the stone beast taking flight in danys vision is aegon being symbolically depicted…#..as a spinx#i’m crazy delusional. but ppl who think faegon is actually aegon are even more delusional than me#plus the real aegon being alive fulfills the suns son part of quaithes warnings#i like this theory bc it makes the dorne plot more interesting and it explains whatever is going on with jaqen h’ghar cause he is sus#yes yes i know i’m delusional 💀 i just think it’d be a very interesting twist#kinda hoping no one sees this post at this point bc i know no one will take this theory well lol#i do think this theory can be supported by the text tho#and cerseis throw away line about ned stealing asharas baby would suddenly become peak foreshadowing#barristan comparign dany to ashara would also be peak foreshadowing bc ashara would take the place of gilly in this parallel and she was dis#dishonored by someone at harrenhall. likely aerys and then she turned to a stark probably brandon for comfort#tbh i think it was ashara who lied to brandon about what happened to lyanna. perhaps she was trying to mess with brandon’s wedding and#was trying to get back at rhaegar for humiliating elia at the tourney. i highly doubt it was baelish who lied to brandon cause brandon#has little reason to believe him and no reason to trust him. ashara tho? arthur daynes sister and elias lady in waiting? also his lover?#anyways varys the spider potentially stealing aegon away (if he did take a child it was the false aegon) is there to parallel the others#who ride ice spiders taking crasters sons. tbh i think it was aegon who decided he wanted to train as a faceless man so he could get revenge#on his own terms. and the sea lord of braavos at the time was in on it and helped aegon with his plans#the unveiling coming up is going to be a lot more important than arya just reclaiming her identity. yes im delusional lmao. rant over
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blue-star-above-me · 1 month
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Otakon 2024 pics part 1
Let me know if you're in any of them
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adhd-merlin · 7 months
mergwenthur is real
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