#sprout is so the sapphire/steven
intotheelliwoods · 9 days
Ok, ok, hear me out…
Poptart and Sprout meditating, and they’re in like a mindscape, and it’s filled with butterflies, like in Steven Universe when Garnet meditates with Stevonie ^^
First and foremost, I got the best fanart of this idea from @leisi-lilacdreams which can be seen here!
BUT..... I wanted to try my hand at it thanks to someone on discord! Ended up doing this
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no context bonus:
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professorhawthorne · 2 years
Hawthorne's Pokemon Etymology Corner #1 - Milotic and how it's even better than you think it is, I promise!
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Welcome to the first of what might be a regular feature here because I'm a huge dweeb and in a few weeks I'll have a glorious month of having nothing to do but play Scarlet and Violet and look into stuff like this! Today we're looking at the etymology (that's the study of the origin of words and phrases) of the name of one of generation three's most notorious water types.
I wanted to start with Milotic because every time I hear someone talk about its name origins they never quiiiitteee go far enough or hit it from the scientific angle that I like to approach things from.
So, let's get the first portion of the name out of the way because I agree with the majority and it seems pretty cut and dry. The "Milo" in Milotic is likely a reference to the Venus De Milo, a famous statue thought to depict the Greek goddess of love and a personal muse of mine: Aphrodite. The name of the statue comes from Venus (the Romanized name for Aphrodite) and Milos, the island the statue was found on. Making the name roughly "Venus from Milos" or "Venus of Milos".
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The connection Milotic has to this famous work of marble is much more explcit in its debut generation as well as the fourth generation but less so in following generations due to the phasing out of contest and pokeblock/poffin mechanics after gen 4 (Which were all unfortunately present in both sets of remakes for generations three and four).
See, Milotic evolves from Feebas, a pokemon noted for being excessively ugly even when compared to its loose counterpart Magikarp, but by using pokeblocks or poffins to raise a Feebas' beauty trait you could evolve it into Milotic with a level up. This beauty based mechanic is the link to the Venus De Milo because the goddess it depicts was said to be the most beautiful woman in existence, a title she would violently defend.
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This connection became less apparent from generation five onward as it became possible to evolve Feebas by trading it while it held a Prism Scale, somewhat severing the connection to its Greco-Roman origins. The last part of the name is where I have more fun though! The "tic" In Milotic is thought to simply be the end of the word "Aquatic" because Milotic is a water-type the is loosely based on the Oarfish or Gymnetrus gladius, a species of deep sea fish with bright reddish-pink spines sprouting from a dorsal fin that runs the length of its entire body, a trait that Milotic takes inspration (and heavy liberties) with. This all makes a lot of sense and is nice and simple and works well with Occam's Razor but I'M A DORK AND IT GETS EVEN JUICIER!
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To explain how we need to go aaaaaaalllllll the way back to Ruby and Sapphire and look at the Route you initially catch Feebas in, if you even could. Feebas, and subsequently Milotic, were so elusive in their first few generations of existence that most players had no idea how to obtain one. The way it worked was that the original route that Feebas spawned in, Hoenn Route 119, had a few tiles of water, out of over a hundred total water tiles, that Feebas could be found in. These tiles were randomly generated when you made your save file and could be rerolled by telling the trendy phrase guy in Dewford town a new phrase (This is honestly so bizarre??). So, to find the lil guy you had to methodically fish an entire water route covered in flowing water and waterfalls.
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Here's where the point of this whole post comes in. In the field of Limnology, that is the study of bodies of freshwater, there are two basic classifications of waterbodies, lentic or still bodies and lotic or flowing bodies.
See where I'm going? Hoenn Route 119 is obviously a flowing body of water, it's a river that runs south to the coast, roughly where you encounter Steven Stone and the counterpart to your game version's Eon pokemon in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.
I posit that it isn't simply the word "Aquatic" that gives Milotic the end of its name but the word "Lotic" which refers to the flowing rivers in which its young live and it later inhabits.
Now there's potentially some holes in this, just one generation later you can find Feebas in an underground lake in Mount Coronet which may be a lentic system but I posit that the Feebas must have entered the underground lake through some submerged cave system likely branching off of one of the rivers in northern Sinnoh so uhhh there. The portmanteau is smooshed even closer together if you use the word "Lotic" over "Aquatic" and that's just more elegant~
Tune in next time to see if I spend this long getting to the point again, next time in Professor Hawthorne's Pokemon Etymology Cornerrrr~
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maine-writes · 3 years
Vonvon's Space Adventure, Part 3
Another resplendent scene of Beach City. The azure waves crashed upon the golden sand, darkening it to an earthy hue. Steven and Connie eagery awaited the crystalline vessel descending from the atmosphere. Its ivory body glimmered in the sun, its strking eyes looking ever onward toward the horizon. To them at least, their darling child's weekend went without a hitch. But little did they know of the horrors that transpired on a distant world.
It began on a Saturday.
"So, where are we going again?" Vonvon asked.
Shortly after waking up from a rather restless night, Vonvon was brought aboard White Diamond's ship; a massive, crystalline upper torso. All they were told was that the Diamonds had prepared a "game" of sorts. After all, children enjoy games, at least that was what Spinel told the Diamonds.
White Diamond sat in her command chair, supervising her bridge crew. The central viewscreen above was focused on a strange alien world. White clouds swirled around the northern hemisphere, a vast ocean covered a majority of the planet, which had only three major landmasses.
"Vonvon." said the Diamond, directing their attention to the planet. "This was Exoplanet D-23, one of Blue's. Despite initial findings, she deemed the planet unfit for full colonization."
"So what happened to it?"
"She decided to use it as an educational facility. Gems under her supervision were sent here for training." She continued. "This was once a place where Sapphires would go to learn proper etiquette and learn how to decipher their visions. If I remember correctly, the Sapphire you are familiar with spent some time here herself."
When the ship landed, Vonvon looked out an idyllic, tropical landscape. To their surprise, the seas were relatively shallow, no deeper than several meters. There were extremely deep pools, however, which were noticably darker as their depths descended deep into the limestone below. Strewn all across the landscape were sandbars and the occasional solid landmasses, with crystalline trees sprouting out from them. The combination of the warm sun and salty breeze refreshed Vonvon's little body.
They then looked to the distance, spotting great spires on the horizon. These were once the courts of Blue Diamond, where countless Gems would congregate and speak on matters and events from across the great dominions of Homeworld. These were places of culture and refinement.
"What do the Gems there do now?" Vonvon inquired.
"Whatever they desire, dear." Said the Diamond. "Blue still occasionally holds court here, mostly to hear about what they've experienced."
The child wondered if they were going to meet with these Gems. But it seemed as if the Diamonds had another idea.
White led Vonvon to a massive, dome-shaped construct that stood on crystalline pillars in the water. Inside, they were greeted by a crew of Gems and the other two Diamonds.
"Welcome to a Gem warfare command center." Yellow Diamond said, visibly excited for the day's activity.
"Command center?" Vonvon wondered.
"According to our studies on what sort of games human child enjoy," Yellow explained, "We've decided on allowing you an opportunity to command a small army for war games. Blue, White, and I will be commanding our own forces, while you try to take our command centers."
The Diamonds led the child to their small, human-sized command chair in the center of the room. It was elevated over a crew of diligently working Gems, who were making their final preparations and communications checks.
"Are the Gems okay with this?" Vonvon sheepishly asked.
"As you know, with the beginning of Era 3, Gems are free to pursue whatever lifestyles they desired." Blue Diamond assured them. "Some, however, didn't know what to do with themselves and so we organized a number of activities for them."
"Does Papa know about these sort of games?"
"W-Well, no." White Diamond said. "Your mother suggested that we not tell him of her idea."
Vonvon wasn't at all surprised that their mother suggested that militaristic Gems take part in these war games. But they did wonder if she took part in any herself. The more they thought about it, they began to wonder about the large rolls of paper that Connie kept hidden in the broom closet that somewhat resembled battle plans.
Vonvon was given an hour to prepare their forces as the Diamonds left for their command centers. The game seemed easy enough, command units to capture bases, and only after capturing all their bases can forces move on the command center. Units included artillery, cavalry, armored, infantry, logistical support, and air support.
As the Diamonds left, Vonvon excitedly waved them good-bye, joined by Spinel. But as soon as the doors closed, the child's demeanor instantly changed.
"Alright, Spinel show me what we have to work with."
Outside of the command center, Vonvon's grand army awaited. As soon as they saw the child, the thunderous echo of hundreds of Gems standing at attention and giving the child the old Homeworld salute filled the air.
"Good morning, General!" Said hundreds of voices.
Vonvon donned a pair of violently outlandish and dramatically pink visors, as pointy as they were outrageous, as they took a deep breath.
"Smell that, Spinel?" They said as they popped a lollipop in their mouth. "Smells like a good day for war."
Little did the Diamonds know, Connie had trained her child for this day. Fire Emblem, Advance Wars, Chess, Risk, Monopoly, years of playing strategy games and dealing with Connie's competitiveness were about to pay off.
"I wonder what Vonvon did all weekend." Steven said as he and his wife watched White Diamond's ship descend from the upper atmosphere.
As the door at the front of giant crystal torso opened up, the pair were greeted by Vonvon and White Diamond, the former decorated in military medals, flashy regalia, and a flowing, dramatic cape.
"Mama! Papa!" Vonvon laughed as they ran to their parents.
Steven was relieved everything seemed to have gone well, but wondered about Vonvon's strange outfit.
"Had a fun weekend?" He asked, looking up to White Diamond.
"Oh, absolutely!" She assured him as Yellow and Blue Diamond emerged from the ship. "They're a regular chip off the old Gem!"
"They remind me of myself when I was newly emerged." Yellow Diamond added, wiping an emotional tear from her eye.
"Huh?" Steven asked. "What did you guys do all weekend?"
"Pretty sure they just played games, hun." Connie quickly interjected.
"Like Battleship?"
While Steven was distracted with an excited little Vonvon, who was babbling what sounded like nonsense, Blue Diamond caught Connie's attention.
"They caused a little damage in their first battle." She whispered to Connie. "So our usual game will have to be postponed until the repairs are finished."
"What game?" Steven inquired, curious as to what the two were talking about.
"Chess." Connie said.
"Chess? I didn't know Blue played chess."
"You child is surprisingly sharp." Blue said, consciously failing to mention the sea of carnage they left on the distant world. "How was the colony?"
"W-Well..." Steven began as a distant, orange dot appeared in the distance.
Slowly, the dot came closer, changing into a large, humanoid shape.
"Steven!" Jasper yelled as she approached. "I formally request that you expla-!"
Vonvon noticed both Steven and Connie sigh while the Diamonds looked on in both confusion. They then had an idea.
"Jasper Facet-9 Cut-1T4!" They barked.
The big, buff Quartz stiffened up, straightened her back, and crossed her arms in salute.
"What is the meaning of this insubordination?!" They continued.
"I-It is not insubordination!" Jasper explained. "As Steven's bodyguard, I only wanted to do my duty and prove that I am as capable as Connie!"
"I simply request an explanation for what Connie can do for Steven that I cannot."
"Oh, that's a good question." Vonvon innocently noted. "You are a big, strong Gem. Mama can swordfight, but I don't think she can crush rocks with a headbutt."
Everyone, including the Diamonds, looked to Steven and Connie, waiting for an explanation. They could feel everyone's gaze piercing their souls, unblinking, unwavering.
"I'll handle this." Garnet announced, appearing without explanation. As she whispered something to Jasper, the big, orange Gem glanced over at Steven and Connie, then down to Vonvon.
"That's disgusting!" She screamed.
"It's what humans do." Garnet shrugged. "Rose did it."
Jasper struggled to process the information she was given. She then approached Connie.
"You survived what Pink Diamond could not." She said, deflated. "You truly are more capable than me."
Fortunately, Vonvon and the Diamonds weren't curious enough to ask Garnet about what she told Jasper. But more importantly, Jasper wasn't going to bother Steven or Connie again.
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lalikaa · 4 years
“I’ll Always Be”
That was some finale!! The connverse kiss gave me a lot of feelings, so I turned those feelings into this fic.
I hope you all enjoy it!!
Link to the fic is HERE, or you can read it below!!
Oh god, oh god, he could really not screw this up again.
Granted, the first time he’d been sixteen, overwhelmed by his own trauma and desperately trying to piece himself together, blindly believing a proposal would heal his hurting.
The second time he’s been twenty-three. He’d waited seven whole years. Seven years that he and Connie were in a long-distance relationship. Seven years of Steven eagerly planning their engagement, of long conversations with Ruby and Sapphire about all the potential weddings they could have.
However, Connie had sternly told Steven several times that he was not allowed to propose to her until she’d graduated from college. So he had dutifully waited, and on the night of her graduation, after the party, he had gotten down on one knee, with the no-longer-lit glow bracelet (it seemed as though even spending over a decade in a freezer couldn’t save it), and tried again.
Instead of the alarmed reaction he’d received the first time around, Connie burst out laughing. Steven was perplexed, and could feel himself starting to glow in embarrassment. 
“You said to wait until after you graduated! Well, you have, haven’t- haven’t you?” He sputtered.
Through her fit of giggles Connie responded, “I didn’t mean to propose literally the same day I graduated, silly! We’re still so young!”
“But we need to get married before you become president!”
“Steven, how many times have I told you, I want to be in the senate.”
Steven sighed, hoping it would help his stomach unclench, his shoulders untense. But it was hopeless. Connie had said no. 
Before Steven could completely crumple within himself, Connie quickly leaned over and kissed him, slow and sweet.
“Steven, it’s not a no, it’s just… it’s just a not now.”
“You said that last time.”
But he didn’t argue it further.
And now, here he was, twenty-seven, and ready to try again.
After all, the third time’s the charm. Right?
They were staying at a bed and breakfast on Marlantic Island. It was March, and spring was blossoming. They were both living together in Capital City now, where the cherry blossoms had begun to sprout tiny buds from the trees. Connie had become one of the youngest congresswomen in history that year, and so they had decided to move to the city to be closer to Connie’s work. Steven was still busy as ever with being an intergalactic ambassador, but to help pay the exceedingly high rent for their tiny apartment in the city, he did a number of various part-time jobs, including but not limited to; a musician who played for tips, a museum gift shop employee, and of course, working at a hot dog and ice cream stand. 
Getting used to the living in one of the largest cities in the country had been a big step for the two, but together they were making it work.
Steven had insisted that they take this weekend trip to relax from the various stressors of their lives, and to celebrate spending nearly a year living together in Capital City. It had taken some coaxing for Connie to come, but she eventually agreed when Steven seemed crestfallen at the possibility of her rejecting his idea outright.
And now, here they were on the cozy island, not too far from the city, but far enough to where the atmosphere was far more serene.
They had just gone out for dinner at a quaint restaurant in town. Connie had taken a shower when they’d returned, giving Steven time to set the mood. He set out the numerous candles he’s brought along and arranged them artistically on the small table as well as the wooden ledge of the balcony. He also set out jam and biscuits, a vase of daffodils (Connie’s favorite), and his guitar.
Connie came out, and cooed over his decorations, with a glitter in her eyes. She came over and gave Steven a kiss, and it was then that Steven knew that she might be on to him.
Ah, well.
 It was still a little brisk outside, but they were warm cuddled up on a blanket on the porch swing on their private balcony overlooking the beach. 
“It’s beautiful here,” Connie murmured.
Steven couldn’t help himself when he said; “Not as beautiful as you.”
“Oh, stop,” Connie giggled. “Everyone knows I’m the smart one in the relationship, and you’re the pretty one.”
Steven grinned and sang softly; “I’d rather be tall, I’d rather be smart…” 
Connie leaned against him, her head nuzzled perfectly on his shoulder. Steven leaned his head against hers and the two sat quietly for several moments, before Steven finally broke the silence.
“You know, Connie, I actually wrote you a new song.”
Connie leaned back, brushing her hair behind her ears as she whispered, “I’d love to hear it, Steven.”
Steven kissed her forehead, then got up to retrieve his guitar where it was leaning up against the balcony ledge. He turned to face Connie, and with the ocean waves providing a lovely sound in the background, Steven sang the new song he’d written for his love:
I’ll always be the biscuit to your jam
Because you take me for who I am
I’ll always love you to the moon
Whisper I’ll be back to you soon
When we’re apart I can hardly take it
But being with you, I know I can make it
‘Til the summer sun sinks down
With you I know I’ll never frown
We’ve been together through a lot
But here’s what I have been taught
You’ll forever stand by my side
Even when I want to run and hide
I love you more than words can say
I’d love if you’d say the same
I’d love for everyone to know
How my love for you just grows and grows
I’ll always be here when you need me
And joyful with you, I always will be
So it is now I must confess
I sincerely hope that you’ll say ‘yes’
As Steven had hoped, Connie was crying by the end of the song. 
He set his guitar aside as she stood up, just in time before she embraced him, her tears dampening his shirt. When she tilted her head back, the breeze causing her hair to stick to her wet cheeks, Steven brushed it aside gently. He was surprised when she reached up to wipe his cheeks, and only then he realized he’d been crying as well. 
It was then that Connie kissed him, soft and warm, only the candles illuminating their presence, the only sound the ocean waves lapping slowly on the shore.
“Oh, Steven,” she breathed, after breaking away from their kiss. “Yes.”
She did have to grab his hands before he floated off the balcony, and it was then that the couple burst out laughing.
“I’ll always be by your side, Steven,” Connie said as soon as Steven was grounded again.
“I’ll always be by your side, too. I love you so much, Connie,” Steven said as he squeezed her in another tight embrace.
Connie leaned into his hug and said softly; “I love you too, Steven. More than you’ll ever know.”
“Jam buds forever?” Steven grinned.
“Jam buds forever,” Connie smiled.
The night ended with biscuits, jam, and an excessive amount of smooching. 
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miakwat · 4 years
Aight! Quick list of AUs I want to elaborate and make stuff for!
There’s a l o t so read at your own risk. (If you don’t want to waste your time scrolling through all of this crap just to find out if I want to do a specific fandom, I’ve listed every one that’s in this post in the tags)
Camp Camp AU: I call it the Jasper AU, and basically David dies in the explosion on Spooky Island instead of Jasper. Now Jasper works at Camp Campbell to honour his childhood friend’s name. (This all sprouted when I started thinking about what Jasper's would be when if he met Daniel.)
Miraculous AU: Ever since I saw Marinette combine miraculous', I couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if the miraculous gave it's user the ability to fuse with other people. I mostly started really thinking about this when brain said to me in the dead of night, "Adrien and Marinette accidentally fuse as civilians. They both are pretty sure it's because the other has weilded a miraculous (the snake and mouse miraculous) but they don’t know how to shake it off without seeming suspicious" and I went "Yes please".
Steven Universe AU: Aight. So basically, I’m kind of curious as to what would have happened if Pink and Pearl had never come to Earth? Or even if they had, I'm curious as to what would have happened if Ruby and Sapphire hadn't fused, or if Amethyst had emerged on time? Because it would absolutely change the crystal gems.
Young Justice AU: (I may or may not have already written (and abandoned) a fic for this. But like, shush. It was about the team meeting their alternate selves, not the au on its own.) The AU circled around what would happen if Dick was taken in by Deathstroke, Artemis had given in and joined her father, Superboy wasn't created (at least, not yet), M'gaan never came to earth, Wally's experiment failed, and (I’m just adding this in now because I want to) Kaldur was raised by Black Manta. So it's basically a "everything went wrong" AU. This would be heavily focused on Dick, because I want his to go through some crap, and instead of Young Justice he runs into the Titans (made up of Speedy, Blue Bird (probably going to change the name, but it's supposed to be Jason), Aqualad (Garth), and Wondergirl (Donna). I wrote something out for it a year ago, but I may or may not have deleted it 😔. (Now that I’m looking it over, it just seems like a DC au)
Teen Titans AU: This... This may or may not be a lot like the fic I mentioned. It was basically going to centre around Robin being trained by Slade, Starfire basically being in Blackfire's place, and the others... I don’t exactly know yet? Raven would either be like her canon self, or would have given in to Trigon's power? While I don’t completely know what to do with Cyborg and Beast Boy. I mostly just came up with this idea because I wanted to draw a badass Starfire with short hair ngl.
Danny Phantom AU: Ok, so I know that I already have Jumpstart, but that can’t and won’t stop me from working on other DP AU stuff.
He Lives AU (Don’t have a proper name for this, so it’s either this, or Fenton survives): I actually spent all night writing out a basic story for this? I've also made multiple posts about this in the past but ssshhh... Long story short, instead of dying when Dan first forms, Danny’s human half survives and dedicates his life to stopping Dan. He allies with Vlad and the Grays, and eventually takes over FentonWorks.
Gothica AU: Basically me having a need to make an ask account while also wanting more Circus Gothica!Danny content. One day, after returning from a crime spree, Danny finds a phone that seems to call for him. There was one small problem. He doesn't know how it ended up in a money bag that he had packed.
(That’s more like a summary, but OK.)
Thank you for sitting through this mess UwU
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sumisuchan · 6 years
Hey guys! I guess I’m a bit late with this one, but I hope y’all enjoy it. It’s about White struggling with changes after Steve went and made her blush. Since we’re going back to the citrus scale, I also need to warn you that there’s a brief lemony scene between Yellow and Blue in here. Please enjoy!
Homeworld grew lighter after the blush had spread across White Diamond’s face. The atmosphere didn’t weigh as heavy; the sky became pinker. Her gems walked with their heads up. They would pause sometimes to admire a cloud floating by, chatting in pairs.  
The gems that Yellow passed on her way saluted her. Caught in the midst of an illegal conversation, they snapped upright, beads of sweat popping onto their skin. “Greetings, My Diamond,” they would sputter.
“Relax. It’s a free day.” She continued.
Some waved to her, friendly as they held hands. Others stared. They only saw her if they had gotten in trouble, and if not that, not at all. One even reached out to her, as if to grasp a handful of her light. Yellow didn’t tell her that she would have another chance; that she intended walking this path many more times. Instead, she cast her in a temporary shadow, waved back, and moved along.
As Yellow approached the palace, White stood upon the balcony in a rare slump, hands securing the railing. Light, instead of radiating from her, came from the sun and was processed through her gem. Rather than a sterile glow, she created a nonchalant rainbow, flashing from her forehead. She would shift, change colors, facets bathed in red, or gold, or blue, or pink.
Yellow waved, drawing her attention.
White gasped and went inside as Yellow stepped into the main room. The Pearls were busy cleaning.
Corners still languished in dust. The silver chandelier overhead had surrendered some of its shine, its suspended shower of glass beads spotted and unpolished. The walls were marked where pictures used to hang, top corners having left puncture wounds. White removed them after Pink had disappeared, but even the indication of past photographs proved too much.
White stopped a few stairs from the floor, hand upon the banister. Her perfume cut the dusty air, smelling of delicate flowers and chemicals. Yellow recognized the faint floral smell from a bottle she had gifted her during Era One.
“I plan on adding some color to this room,” White said. She tapped her nails upon the banister. Its fresh polish undercut her flowers. “Now that I’ve come back after so long, I can’t stand all the white. It’s oppressive.”
“I’m just glad to see you out of your head.”
White smiled with fastened lips. “Follow me, won’t you?”
She led Yellow to the second floor, to a room for company. It wasn’t as dusty as the first, and accented in small colors—a bright green pillow upon the sofa, a yellow rug blooming upon the floor, red curtains that couldn’t reach the tiles.
“Please sit with me.” White occupied the left side of the sofa.
“You did away with your chairs.”
“They were impersonal.” Yellow sat. White breathed in. “Thank you for meeting with me.” Her face pinkened as she set her hands upon her lap. It spread across the bridge of her nose. “I want to apologize, for everything. I’m sorry for making myself impossible to reach, and I’m sorry I didn’t listen. Even if you had gotten my attention during that time, you couldn’t have spoken your mind. I’m sorry for working you so hard. I’m sorry for possessing you—I—”
“White,” Yellow touched her hand. White unfurled it so they could lock fingers. The other she used to set before her mouth, gem glinting blue as her eyes grew wet.
“I can’t say that all of that was alright,” Yellow squeezed, “but I do understand. It’s easier when you can’t feel. I won’t deny that I tried to do the same. Had I your powers, I would have succeeded.”
White kept from squeezing too hard and tearing through the fabric of Yellow’s gloves. “I didn’t realize how I was hurting you—It’s so clear to me now. I was such a fool—”
“I forgive you, White. Let’s just vow never to let it come to that point again.”
White lifted Yellow from the couch. She settled their points and edges, colliding, then snapping into place. Yellow followed the old path beneath her arms.
They lingered until White freed Yellow. She traveled back into the streets as White watched from the open doors of the main room. Once Yellow’s silhouette had become a spot upon the horizon, White cleaned the dust from the chandelier. She was the only one tall enough to do it.
                                                        <3 <3 <3
Everyone continued to work. With the rising sun arrived swarms of gems traveling to their posts. The former spectrum of regulated colors blurred over strict dividing lines. Soldiers on missions walked alongside Sapphires. Groups of three or more different gems chatted. As long as they were on time, Blue had said of it. Yellow lowered hers and everyone else’s quotas. There needn’t be so much.
Yellow received a call from Blue before leaving that morning. Holding the communicator before her, she walked and talked.
“Have you reached your sauna yet?”
“I was just going.”
“Well, why don’t you come to mine instead? It’s been a few days before we caught up.”
Blue angled the camera to a decent view of her face. The bags beneath her eyes had lightened; her lips were less pouty.
“I’ll be there momentarily.”
Blue giggled before hanging up.
When Yellow arrived at the bath, the room emitted a gust of steam. Blue sat shoulder deep in the water, raising a dainty hand to welcome her.
Yellow entered the tub. Blue greeted her with an embrace. “Thank you for coming,” she said. “I hope you don’t mind, but I invited White too.”
“I’m sure we can arrange something, if you’d prefer to be alone.” Yellow nearly pressed their lips together. “We have more free time now.”
“You don’t mind spending it with me, do you?” Blue laughed, her voice vibrating with happiness as she closed the distance between them. Her laughter tickled Yellow’s lips, causing her to lean closer, her own joy bubbling to the surface to mingle.
But Blue pulled them apart with a pop. She held Yellow’s face, thumbs circling her cheeks. “Oh, Yellow. There’s so much I’d love to do to you, but she could be here any moment. Later, perhaps.”
“In that case—” Yellow stole a kiss.
“I’m sorry.” Blue stole one back, and then another, on her cheek. “But I did want to ask you—” Another, on the other side. “Did she apologize to you too?”
They had drifted to one side of the tub, huddled together as if shielding a secret. Blue had grasped Yellow by the hips, but they had ceased kissing. The air grew denser, if not for all the steam.
“She did,” Yellow answered.
“I thought she would. Do you think—”
Yellow kissed Blue’s forehead.
Her voice lowered. “Do you think she’ll be able to change?”
Her hands upon Blue’s shoulders, Yellow pulled back.
Had they not settled so close together, the flowing water would have masked her words. Yellow listened closely as Blue whispered, “She had trapped herself in her head for so long. I’m sure the adjustment is going to be hard.”
“I think she wants to change.”
“I agree,” Blue sighed. “I hope she comes. How many times have we invited her to something only to have her Pearl come in her place, or receive no word at all—” She looked over Yellow’s shoulder, at the door. That was White’s cue to strut inside and prove them wrong, but it remained steadfast and sealed.
“We have to give her time.”
“Yes, and we have to help her. I only hope that she lets us.”
“Forget ‘letting’ us. We have to help her. Period.”
“But you don’t think—”
“No, she felt terrible about it.”
The doors finally snapped open then. White leaned in from the outside, placing her hand upon one side of the frame. She paused as if unwelcome.
The air grew cold, with the doors open.
“You can come in, White.”
She made a few slow steps. Her long legs disagreed with her high heels, unwalked in for so long that she quaked the walls with every step, until phasing them off at the lip of the tub. She removed her cloak, and the rest of her clothes in a shower of starlight upon entering the water. It rose as she took her seat.
“Thank you for coming, White,” Yellow said.
“Of course.” She sat up perfectly, trying not to take up space in the enormous tub. “I don’t have a reason not to be here.”
“How is your redecorating going?” Blue asked. She still sat next to Yellow, fingertips sitting atop hers, obscured beneath the water.
“I feel overwhelmed with what I should do with the place.”
“We could help you,” Blue said. “I’ve always enjoyed that sort of thing, and well—Yellow tends to be more minimalistic, but I’m sure she’d be happy to help.”
“Hey,” Yellow said, “but it’s true, White. We’d be happy to assist. Perhaps over the next free day.”
White sank into the bath. “I wouldn’t want to bother you.” Her cheeks turned a little pink, too. It seemed to sprout from her neck, coloring due to the hot water.
“Nonsense,” Yellow said.
“We want to spend time with you, White. It’s no bother at all.”
Her skin pinkened. She sank further. “If you’re certain.”
Eventually, they moved onto another topic—something Blue had asked Yellow, then something Yellow had asked Blue. They spoke, touching each other upon the shoulders, holding hands beneath the bath. Occasionally, they would turn to White and ask something, too. “How is this project going?” or, “Are you ready to change some of the architecture?”
“I think it would be nice to have a few statues of Steven.”
They had remembered what she was working on. They listened intently when she answered, “Everything is going smoothly,” or when she cut in with, “That sounds like a lovely idea.” Blue and Yellow granted her their full attention. They gave her a turn.
Then a chime rang them apart. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” and, “Have a nice day.” Blue and Yellow squeezed each other’s hands before leaving. They touched White along the arm as well.
“Yes, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Blue said something inaudible to Yellow as they left the room. Their voices faded as the doors closed and the tub drained. The swirling water provided the only conversation, to which White’s echoing heels replied.
Later that evening, when Yellow sat at the control panel of her ship, her communicator awoke with white light. Where she expected a call arrived a text message, reading, I’m sorry again, for everything.
I’ve already forgiven you, Yellow typed. There’s no need for future apologies.
The message sent. The silence ensued. Amongst her other messages, Yellow waited for another at the top of her feed, but it never came. There was no, I’m sorry for being sorry, but I’m still sorry for what happened. Yellow even checked her correspondence with White to see if her communicator had neglected to flash. Such errors had happened before, but truly, nothing new had arrived.
Rather, the screen turned momentarily blue.
She apologized to you, too? She had forwarded an identical text from White.
I’m sorry again, for everything.
Of course she did.
The screen pinged blue. I wish she didn’t feel this way.
She may not truly believe we’ve forgiven her.    
I’m sure she doesn’t.
If she takes action to right some of her wrongs, she’ll feel better. Yellow sent that message and began another. We have a meeting about Homeworld’s laws tomorrow. That would be a good time to bring it up.
There was a pause, after that. Yellow opened a report about one of her colonies, sent by a Nephrite. They had successfully landed upon the planet’s surface. Yellow confirmed that she had received it, and again, the screen flashed blue.
You’re so proactive. Blue sent two characters that resembled a heart.
Yellow copied the series of keys, checked that they matched, and sent the message. Then she found a character that could be interpreted as eyes—two dots, and one that could be a mouth—a box with three lines inside. Before she could send it, however, Blue had already returned a cluster of characters that resembled a shooting star.
Your skills are formidable. Yellow wrote, and entered her smiling face.
Blue returned the same smile, with a line for a nose.
Teach me your ways.
Tomorrow, my love.
Yellow’s breath hitched amongst the quiet humming of the communicator. Her ship passed several gardens of stars before she opened the message and returned a series of three evenly spaced hearts.      
                                                         <3 <3 <3
Steven gifted Yellow a book about Earth governments. It was small and colorful, its cover decorated by cartoon people dressed in various styles of clothing—one with a crown and scepter, another in a straightforward military uniform. The inside margins were full of Pearl’s translations. She had gone through at Steven’s request and summarized the main point of each paragraph. The pages warped beneath her writing.  
“Maybe this will help you decide what to do with Homeworld’s government,” Steven said, “but you might want to stay away from totalitarianism.”
Yellow handed the book to her Pearl, who read it aloud as she took notes. Pearl dog-eared the pages and wrote her own notes in the margins, as Yellow clacked at her keyboard, achieving nearly twenty pages.
To the meeting that morning, she brought the book. Pearl carried it, cradled in her arms and walking reverently. As if watched, she made a ceremony of carrying it.        
Blue arrived. In taking her seat she brought it closer to Yellow, wielding her communicator and showing her possible text faces. Through Homeworld’s complicated script, she produced smiles with their mouths wide open, winking faces, and one that looked unimpressed, its mouth at a slant.
Yellow laughed. “How did you learn all of these?”
“I don’t know,” Blue sent Yellow the message, with the faces she had made. “I’m surprised you’ve never seen these before. Though, I suppose they were a bit of a secret. They are nonstandard.”
Yellow held Blue’s hands, which held the communicator.
“Are those all the ones you know?”
“They’re the ones that come to mind.” Blue leaned until her shoulder rested against Yellow’s. “There’s nothing to stop us from inventing new ones—”
The doors slammed open. White entered. She altered the room with her light, which affected the bright sequins of her outfit, glaring like stars in the abyss of space. Her black lips pursed. Her high heels chattered. One booming step after another, she approached her chair and sat.
Blue had returned to her side of the table, equidistant between Yellow and White.
“I didn’t mean to interrupt.” White’s voice was quiet. She cleared her throat. “I don’t mind if you sit more closely together.”
“It would be easier to focus, sitting this way,” Yellow said, mostly to Blue, and brought up her notes. “I’ve sent a copy of these to each of you. Did you have a chance to look at them?”
White fiddled with her communicator. She pulled up the main screen and paused before it, its neutral blue light illuminating her face. She stopped at each button, finger hovering over them before finally selecting messages. The sound it made interrupted Yellow’s speaking, but finally, she regarded the document.
“I didn’t realize I was supposed to look at this,” White said. Her screen froze as she scrolled too quickly. It beeped gently in protest as she kept trying.
“It’s alright if you didn’t, White. We gathered to discuss how to govern going forward.”
Finally, the screen cooperated, but shot directly to the bottom. White sighed and went back, moving in small chunks of text by the careful but impatient motion of her finger. Her nail tapped loudly.
“I think it’s important we surrender at least some power to our gems. I looked at the book Steven gave me, and it mentions…” She checked her notes. “Vote-ing.”
“Voting?” White didn’t look up.
“Yes. Our gems can state their opinions on issues and we would make laws based on what they select.”
“How often would they need to do that?” Blue asked. She and Yellow spoke as White read. Each paragraph outlined worlds of possibilities—systems where their gems would make the rules, where they would show up dressed ridiculously like little queens, arguing about morality. Representative governments, where gems who previously knew nothing of laws or ruling or authority would choose someone who would supposedly speak for them, who would care, allegedly. There were governments that had no rules—its people could do whatever they pleased—
“We’ve already made fusion legal.” White rested her print over anarchy and stopped scrolling. “What more do they need?”
The air stilled.
“They need more than we’ve given them, White,” Yellow said.
“How much do you propose giving them? Each were made for a task, a purpose. Do you honestly believe a Bismuth or a Quartz could become some sort of—some senator? How could they possibly know what’s best for them?”
“Well,” Blue said, “They would know what’s best for themselves, wouldn’t they?”
“So you’ll give them all of this power, then what?”  
“White, we’re not going to let them do whatever they please at a snap of the fingers, but we need to consider them. They should at least defend their interests—”
“Why? We’ve already resolved to be kinder to them—”
“What are we to do? Stand around while our empire grinds itself to dust? While gems who have no clue what they’re doing regulate colonization? We’re still the most powerful. Why shouldn’t they listen to us?”
Yellow crossed her arms. “I don’t know what you’re so upset about. You did stand around. It would be easier for everyone if we surrendered a little power. Our empire is enormous and it’s unrealistic that two gems should manage the entirety of it.”
“You can’t—” White’s face popped pink. “You can’t speak to me that way!”
“White, just because the other gems aren’t as powerful doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have a voice. We’re three gems out of millions.” Blue leaned in, crossing her fingers.
“You’re overreacting. We could at least allow our gems opinions on certain issues.”
“How about where to place the newly proposed recreational center?” Blue suggested. “That’s simple enough. If it ends up somewhere inconvenient for some gems, it’s not something that would cause widespread harm.”
“Excellent idea, Blue. It’s a good means to introduce the idea.”
White set her communicator on the table before her. She hid her bright pink burn.
“White?” Yellow asked. Her voice had an edge to it. “Would that be acceptable to you?”
“Yes, Yellow.” White lowered her hand. She focused on the polished table top and the resting corpse of her communicator.
“Perhaps you could read over the notes.” Yellow stood. The meeting had ended. “We can talk about this matter later, but it’s important you know that things will change. Understanding that will help.”
Blue looped her arm through Yellow’s. Their steps measured the silence in which White sat alone. Her communicator didn’t ring. No one sent a text of stupid-looking faces or hearts. It remained still. The air remained still.
Finally, her single pair of heels droned a quiet march from her chair to the door. Having sat at the far end of the table, she had the furthest to go. She turned off the lights and went home alone.
                                                          <3 <3 <3
White’s message arrived later that night. I’m sorry for my behavior at the meeting today. The light appeared above both communicators, scattered at different corners of the room. Homeworld has been one way for so long that it’s difficult for me to think of it as anything else.
The messages arrived with a ping—only one because Yellow had set her device to silent.
I’ll try harder not to lose my composure.
I hope neither of you hate me.
“Don’t tell me you’re uncomfortable.” Blue straddled Yellow, on top of the rug. She ground her into the floor, touching between her legs. “I’ve told you that you should commission a bed for this room, or at least a cushion.” She placed one hand flat against Yellow’s knee. “That said, you seem to be enjoying yourself.” The other she pushed inside of her, leading with three fingers.
Yellow would have arched her back.
“Too rough?” Blue gently tucked her fingers in, stroking Yellow’s nerves.
I might hate me.
All over the rug, all over the room, they licked and felt each other. One pushed the other into the walls, biting, marking where no one would see. Blue decorated Yellow with a spotting of love bites. Yellow ate Blue’s pussy raw, until it was soaked and swollen. They spanked one another. They kissed, and landing back upon the rug, they cuddled, overlapping, unaware of their limbs.
“Oh, Yellow,” Blue sighed. Her hair lay in disarray upon her face, framing it.
Yellow, mouth sore from kissing, kissed her again.
“We haven’t fucked like that, since, well.” Blue closed the distance between them, flat against each other. Their breasts fought for space. “Since the first time.”
“Maybe not even the first time.”
Blue trailed her hand along Yellow’s back.
“I remember being afraid of being found out.”
Blue kissed Yellow’s neck. “But that was kind of hot too, wasn’t it?”
Both laughed. They laughed with the gasping breaths of creatures who had run a long time, escaping the open door of a rusting cage. They gasped. They squeezed, and before passing out on the floor, they made out again. The pulse of White’s messages beat on. It flashed against the walls from either communicator, unread through closed eyes.
They left together the next morning. Arising from the rug, they checked for bruises and went, arms entwined, to White’s bath. Rather than warping, they walked. The brisk morning air shocked them from their thick evening haze.
The gems they passed saluted. They prepared to grovel, but Yellow and Blue moved on too quickly. They granted them brief, informal waves. The sun rose higher and higher in the sky, and they came to the bath, where White awaited them.
Spotting her, both froze. She stilled, back turned amidst the bubbling water, unmoving as the towering rocks and statues around her. Some were old goddesses, baring their breasts and naked hips in ways White wouldn’t have allowed. The others were Diamonds, dressed precisely in their uniforms, staring auspiciously into the waters of the pool. They stared at White too.
Finally, she turned.         
Her eyes had been underlined with heavy grey bags, accented by angry pink veins. Even her lashes seemed weighty as she blinked them slowly, mouth agape. “Hello.”
“White—” Yellow said, “You’re early.”
“Did you receive my message?”
“Yes—” Blue said.
��Do you hate me?”
A slow purple cloud passed over the sky, shrouding the bath, the statues, and the Diamonds in shadows. White waited, and Blue held Yellow closer. Her short nails dug into her open skin.
“Of course we don’t hate you,” Yellow said. Her words escaped on a gasp, like a musical phrase. There was no space between them.
“I’m sorry we didn’t answer back—” Blue said. She had yet to release Yellow’s arm. “We were busy.”
“Alright.” White didn’t ask what they were busy doing, nor did her voice soften. She merely sat in the water, mouth held shut as Yellow and Blue hesitated to animation. Had White come late, they would have undressed each other, run their hands along their love bites, pinch at unmarked expanses of skin. But they didn’t. Blue undressed. Yellowed undressed. White watched. Her expression was unmoving as their sex-bruised bodies entered the water. She was unmoving as they hid beneath the bubbles, covering their spotted necks and shoulders behind embarrassed hands.
“There,” White said, “Now we’re all together.”
They sweat out their life-giving essence for Homeworld. The water didn’t clean them.
                                                          <3 <3 <3
Homeworld prepared herself for Liberation Day. Originally, the name referred to White Diamond’s rise to power, her breaking of the gem’s barbaric ways. She had come with her rules, her standards, her expectations, and like they had every year, the gems took to the streets and decorated from the tallest capitol buildings to the most secret, tiny ghettos. Instead of the classic white and silver bows hanging from every entrance, or the clear sparkling garlands strung from one structure to another, they painted in color. Bows of every vibration spotted the city like a technicolor illness. The streamers in their garish hues poured from street lights and window panes. It resembled spilled paint.
They put on a parade. Gems of varying sizes and colors took to the main road, playing their instruments of choice. Different divisions had teamed up to build displays—a stage of holograms, or a papier mâché monstrosity of White Diamond, dressed in infinite colors. They had created a sign, hanging from her neck. Welcome Back!  
She had authorized it. Of course she had. They had requested to make a float of her, which meant they still loved her. In their letter, they said that White Diamond, like the military, shined ‘every variation of hue,’ in an attempt to be fancy. They wanted to represent that beauty as it ‘represented’ them, and created a statue of sorts with its eyes angled unevenly, without a nose, with an off-kilter smile. What was to be expected? They were soldiers, not sculptors.
White watched the parade from her balcony. She was still as another float passed by, a mural of Yellow and Blue painted by a fleet of Lapis Lazuli who carried it on strings as they flew overhead. On the canvas, they embraced, faces a breath away from kissing. They looked happy. The world knew they were in love.      
Blue touched Yellow’s shoulder. They sat on either side of White and she leaned right in front of her. Yellow grinned. For a moment, they held hands.
The last float, the Diamond’s float, passed slowly by, and the crowd stopped cheering. Whether  in reverence or fear, everyone watched quietly as the light show took place. It began with White’s emergence, floating bulbs snapping into her silhouette. They formed a shadow of light that built an empire, commissioned Yellow, then Blue. The bulbs made a star map of the galaxies they owned, before becoming Pink Diamond, then Rose Quartz, then Steven. The crowd gasped. They knew the truth, but some had yet to see him. They clapped. He had suggested the celebration to be this way, after all. Colorful and noisy.
The float had traveled down the road, where it started over. They had neglected to include the part when White ripped out Steven’s gem. They had neglected the part where he embarrassed her and changed everything, forever.
The color drained from White’s face. Yellow touched her arm. “Let’s join them,” she said. “We should be part of the festivities.”
White nodded and was the slowest outside.
                                                           <3 <3 <3
Blue collected cushions from her room and put them on the ship. She piled them into the viewing dock, in the round end of the pinky finger where the solid walls became windows, so every detail of surrounding space would be visible.
Blue drove them to a patch of stars, suspended within a pale pink cloud. They glowed at different frequencies, winking at one another, communicating through an unknowable code of flashes and rests. Perhaps they needn’t say anything. They used their light to sing of their existence. We are, and we always will be.
Yellow and Blue sat upon the cushions, a part of it. They embraced as the stars chattered and the massive cloud of rosy dust breezed by. They touched each other’s gems, palms flat, grasping for the heart.
Aside from the stars listening, they were truly alone. Yellow whispered to Blue, “I’m worried about White.”
“Me too.”
The ship didn’t hum. The sounds of its mechanical pulse didn’t reach the viewing chamber.
“She doesn’t leave her chambers very often,” Yellow said. Her fingers played at Blue’s hip, bunching the fabric of her dress. “Other than the meetings and responsibilities, she holds herself in the palace. That’s not good.”
“What do you think she does?”
Neither wanted to answer.
“When we return, we’re scheduled to go to your sauna,” Blue said, smoothing her finger along the length of Yellow’s neck. “Let’s check on her. We can at least ask how she is, ask if she needs anything.”
The stars swirled, glinting like lost pieces of glass. They and Yellow and Blue were silent, the cloud glowing more profound and pinker. Blue had reached Yellow’s gem again. She stroked it.
“How much time do we have left?” Yellow asked.
“Plenty,” Blue said. They undressed each other, and scattered the cushions further across the floor.
Upon arriving home, they went straight to Yellow’s sauna. They had run behind schedule and rushed inside, half-expecting to find White, back facing toward them so she could turn and accuse with an empty stare and a cool, “Hello, Yellow. Hello, Blue.”
Blue and Yellow took their places. They undressed. They held hands. Having spoken all of their words upon the ship, they didn’t converse but sat with their legs touching. They swung their held hands and watched the door.
It never opened. They sweat and waited and waited and sweat, but White didn’t walk in. By the time it occurred to them to call her, it was too late. Another matter rose to importance, sending them in opposite directions. They kissed goodbye, with promises of calling White as soon as either caught a break.
Blue called first. She attempted several times, starting a call, allowing it to finish, and then beginning another. Eventually, she texted Yellow, She won’t reply.
Yellow tried too. From the control panel at her ship, the jingle meant to connect them played over and over, all the way through until giving up. Yellow called again. She put the song to work, but it quit every time, with a single downcast note.
She won’t answer me either, Yellow wrote. Blue texted back a frowning face.
Upon arriving on Homeworld, Yellow walked to White’s palace. Blue would meet her there. The sun was setting, retreating from the sky and leaving it a dusty but majestic purple, stars opening inside it like emerging beads of glitter. They glared brighter and brighter with every step, shedding light upon the empty streets. Yellow didn’t cross any other gems, except the eyes she perceived piercing from the shadows. That too may have been the stars.
Blue waited silently before the doors. Her cloak covered her face. Only the stark white of her hair gave her away. Even the soft flashing of her gem would have mimicked the starlight.
Yellow took her hand and they entered.
The front room, the staircase, the chandelier radiated silence. They were perfectly clean, with a few specks of color, and no Pearls roaming around to greet them. Even the chandelier, whose glass beads should have chattered against one another with the door shutting, didn’t.
“This isn’t right,” Yellow whispered. Her words still echoed.
Blue led her upstairs. They walked quietly in bizarre reverence to the silence. Their normally loud footsteps became sacrilege. The goddess would throw them out for being so rude.
They found her in the salon of the second floor. She stood directly across from her new friendly sofa, facing the window. She held her arms out, bent slightly at the elbows, and radiated an arresting light. She painted the curtains sepia, and turned her happy green pillow grey.
Blue and Yellow hesitated to speak. She used to address them first if they had met at all, so they waited excruciating seconds until loosening their vocal chords at the same time.
She gasped. The moment she saw them, she allowed the curtains to be red and the pillow to be green and Yellow to be yellow and Blue to be blue. They sighed in relief as pink took White’s face.
“You caught me—” The color rose. It flooded her cheek bones. It invaded her eyelids. She covered her mouth, ready to fall onto her knees.
Yellow and Blue sat her on the sofa and took places at her right and left. “All of these changes terrify me,” White told them. She hugged the pillow. “Everything feels so unpleasant and I don’t know who I am. Everyone seems so happy, but I don’t know how to be—” Yellow and Blue held her by the arms. “I’ve spent too much time away. I don’t belong anymore. You don’t need me—I’ve been useless—I keep being useless—”
“White,” Yellow said.
“That’s not true.”
“We’re so happy you’re back.”
“That’s why we tried calling you.”
“We were worried sick.”
“You were?” White sighed.
“Of course we were!” Yellow crossed her arms. “You need to get out more—”
“And we should be better about including you. On our next free day, why don’t we go somewhere?”
“Perhaps we should visit Steven.”
“Okay,” White said. Blue and Yellow settled into her shoulder pads. She held them close. They continued talking even after that. Yellow and Blue stayed as long as they could, leaving only when there was more work to be done. They made White promise they would see her again the next morning, at Blue’s bath. She said she would, and she did.
                                                          <3 <3 <3
They packed up and went to Earth. White stood in the main room, shuffling her enormous canvas bag over her shoulder. It held her towel and sunglasses—items Steven suggested she commission. Yellow had said they would likely go to the beach. It was summer on Earth.
Yellow and Blue arrived at her door, side by side. They offered their hands to take and led her to the ships. Earth required only minutes.
Steven ran out of the house as soon as they landed. He entered the brief sandstorm to embrace the toes of their shoes, their thumbs, and little fingers.
They took places at the beach by his suggestion and waited as Steven brought them each a tiny glass of tea. They had to be balanced at the end of each Diamond’s index finger, but balance they did over bouts of conversation.
Yellow told Steven of Blue’s non-standard characters, of the hearts and faces she had taught her to make. She said that Blue knew so many, to which Blue tapped her arm. “I don’t know that many.”
“She does!” Yellow insisted, and in the sand began drawing the ones Blue had shown her. White put on her sunglasses.
They talked about White’s redecorating, and about the parade. They talked about the recreational center. Steven talked about helping the corrupted gems, as if it hadn’t hurt at all, and suggested they play in the water a moment later.
“You better be careful of your lightning,” Blue said to Yellow. “You don’t want to murder all of Earth’s sea creatures.”
“I won’t—”
They were stepping in, but White hesitated.
“Is everything okay?” Steven asked, stories below.
“No.” White set her glass carefully in the sand and picked him up. She held him in one hand and lifted her shades with the other, to give him her full attention. “I feel terrible about everything I put them through.”
White had spoken quietly, but a scream rang in the distance. Yellow had splashed Blue and ran away. The ocean halted them, making them appear in slow motion as they called to each other. They laughed beneath the high sun’s bright rays.
“I used my powers on myself again. It was easier to feel nothing, than to watch everything change—”
“It’s okay to feel that way. You have to be honest about how it feels so you can move on.” Steven had laid on his stomach, propping his head up by the elbows. “Have you tried talking to Yellow or Blue about it?”
“A little.”
“I bet they would listen if you tell them you’re lonely. You could call me too. You guys gave me a communicator thing. I can’t read Homeworld’s writing yet, but maybe if you send one of those sad faces Yellow was talking about, I would know to give you a call.”
“I ripped out your gem.”
“Yeah,” Steven sat back, “and it was really scary, but I’m okay now.”
Yellow and Blue had moved across the water, now sitting in the deep. Blue had captured a shark, who undulated and tried to bite as both of them stared wide-eyed in awe.
“You don’t want things to go back to the way they were before, do you?” Steven asked.
“No,” White sighed and leaned back. “I’ll admit, it would be easier if it did, but—”
The shark got away. Yellow and Blue screamed.
“Everyone is so much happier now, and though I struggle sometimes, I could be happier too. I definitely wasn’t back then.”
“White!” Yellow called, “Steven! Are you coming?”
“We found a sea creature!”
“Well—” White put on her sunglasses. “They’ve found a sea creature. We simply must go.”
Steven laughed. “Those suit you.”
“Thank you, Steven. I’m glad you suggested them.”
                                                           <3 <3 <3
On an evening when the recreational center’s skeleton loomed in the background, and sounds of its creation echoed into the night, White Diamond sat alone at the window. Its glass showed the reflection of her beach towel drying in the corner. Her fingertips smoothed over the sunglasses in her lap.
She used her communicator to text Yellow and Blue. Fighting with the messenger, she had to start over until the third try, but she wrote, I’m feeling lonesome. After sending, she opened another and entered a sad face.
Yellow replied quickly. I’m coming.
As did Blue. I’ll be there soon.
To both of them, White wrote a single heart and waited in the dark shades of her room.
234 notes · View notes
breakingdownsu · 6 years
Chorus Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Thirteen
Apologies for the long delay, I had two trips abroad and I'm also currently working on the sequel to my novel, which is taking up a lot of my attention. I'll try to update as regularly as I can but as with the rest of 2018, my schedule is very packed.
BTW this chapter will get a little technical with musical and dance expressions, but I will add a glossary to the end.
“Okay, Steven, look...I get why they have to stay here, but why do we have to?” Amethyst whined.
He estimated that about a cycle had passed by the time she finally reached the end of her tether. It wasn't exactly fair, though. It wasn't like the pearls were doing anything terrible. Or anything at all, really, besides staring into space and gesture-speaking with each other and occasionally singing little scales quietly to themselves.
“We have to wait here for Orthoclase to come back, she's not going to take long,” Steven assured her. “Come on, they're not doing anything weird...”
“That's why they're weird, Steven,” Amethyst hissed. “They don't do anything! I mean, jeez, Pearl would have been cleaning up or, like, making a pie or something...it's really freakin' creepy.”
“You get used to it,” Steven shrugged. “The only dangerous one is Murder Pearl, and she's not going to hurt us. Right?”
Amethyst blanched; clearly hadn't realized that Murder Pearl was just behind them, placidly listening to their conversation.
“No,” she replied softly. “Not right now.”
“Oh, and Elsa, but I think you'd only have to worry if you're a Jasper, and neither of us are, so we're okay!” Steven said, finishing with a thumbs up.
Amethyst just groaned and stomped away to sit in the stairwell.
She had only been sulking there for a few minutes when Orthoclase arrived, kicked open the door and told them all to get up.
“We've got everything, we're heading out in the next half-quadrant. This is it!” she announced with a wide grin.
Steven held all the pearls (minus Ginger) in a sack on his lap, but thanks to the nanobytes it was disguised as a barrel of graphite shavings and the Topaz at the checkpoints didn't even look twice. Lapis had gone ahead with Garnet after she unfused; it wasn't unusual for a gem of her standing to have a Ruby bodyguard and a Sapphire in attendance.
Steven knew Garnet was still unhappy about this plan, but when she unfused he realized that her unhappiness was down to conflict between Ruby and Sapphire. Sapphire couldn't see far enough ahead to calculate the risk and she didn't respond well to the unknown, whereas Ruby just wanted to find Pearl and get them all off of Homeworld before they inevitably got caught. The disagreement between the two of them hadn't made them unfuse right away, because both were firm that they wanted off the planet, one way or another.
Still, as they drove the van-type vehicle out of the main city, it was clear where they were going was far away enough to (hopefully) escape detection. The balustrades of the abandoned building they were going to loomed in the horizon. All around it, the landscape was bare.
When they pulled into the central courtyard, there were a handful of Jaspers milling around, lifting the symphonaria under Lapis' strict instructions and rigging up the pylon in the centre of the yard.
“It's rather more rundown than I expected,” Lapis told them, brushing the hem of her gown with an air of irritation. “But it will have to do.”
“I'm not picky,” Orthoclase shrugged. “When did the Jaspers get here?”
“They were here when I arrived.”
“Efficient. I like it!” Orthoclase said with a grin, and walked over to greet them.
Steven approached Ruby and Sapphire cautiously. The hem of Sapphire's gown was fringed with clinging icicles, and she was visibly gritting her teeth. Ruby was stepping from one foot to the other, clutching her hands, full of nervous energy.
“It's all going smoothly so far,” he laughed quietly.
Sapphire's jaw clenched, the icicles shattered as she turned and walked away.
“We should leave her alone for now,” Ruby said in a voice that quivered like a bowstring. “When she gets like this there's no talking to her. What's with these Jaspers? Are they supposed to be here?”
Smoke plumed from the soles of her feet.
“They were told they're allowed to keep some of the pearls after the Chorus,” Steven told her. “So they owe us a favour...”
“A favour? This kind of thing goes beyond a favour, Steven,” Ruby giggled in a frenzied manner. “Jaspers never break the rules! This is a sting, oh sweet core it's a sting...!”
“No, no, they just really like pearls. They even let us borrow their pearl for a while,” he assured her. “Look! That one likes pearls so much she's crying!”
It was the seed pearl fanatic. Steven figured she'd volunteer for the Chorus mission, but once she caught sight of not just Thumbelina but the other seed pearls she crumbled into a sobbing, howling mess.
“There's...too...many...” Steven heard her gasping through her tears. “I... can't... protect... them!”
“That's okay,” Daisy shrugged and patted her back, and the others nodded. It only made the Jasper howl louder.
“Agh, you're so cute!”she shrieked skywards.
In the corner, Ginger was removing the pearls and (Steven assumed) calling them out. One by one they were regenerating and filling the courtyard. Steven found himself joining her, watching the pearls spring back to life was a very positive action when surrounded by so much nervous energy. Alice approached the symphonaria, but Lapis waved her away.
“You should sing with the others,” Steven heard her say. “I will play.”
“This is a pearl song,” Alice responded, quietly but firmly. “It should be played by a pearl.”
Lapis raised an eyebrow at this little defiance, but she stepped aside and ushered Alice to sit by the instrument. Then she sauntered off to watch the proceedings in the stands.
“Don't you need three strong singers to start the song?” Steven asked Ginger, recalling that little detail from the planning. “I mean, you have Blinky and Bunny but don't you need...”
“Willow can fill in. Her owner was fond of her singing,” Ginger replied.
Steven glanced over at the pearl he'd named Willow. He named her that because she had six long ponytails sprouting from her head and was silver and pale green in colour. That was before he noticed that both her arms was missing from the elbow down. Her owner may have liked her singing but it wasn't enough to protect her from being 'improved'.
“It looks like we're ready to begin,” Ginger told him. “You should go to the stands with the others.”
Up on the stands, Amethyst, Sapphire, Ruby, Orthoclase, Lapis and the Jaspers had taken their seats. Their expressions ranged from apprehension to mild interest to excitement. The superfan Jasper audibly gasped when the seed pearls climbed up on the little platform that had been built to keep them on the same level as the others to take their positions.
“Don't start crying again,” Steven heard one of the others hiss. “You're embarrassing us.”
“I'll try,” the superfan hissed back. “But I can't make any promises.”
When all the pearls were in position, Ginger included towards the centre, the signal went out to Alice, and she began to play. An ascending high note, clear as a bell, climbed through the pipes and was joined by another, lower, in harmony.
Bunny's mouth opened, and she matched the high note as Willow took the low. A resonant note on the strings rang and was matched by Blinky, just as a rhythmic percussion thrummed through the ground. The notes were held, rose and burst, just as visible strings of gold started streaming from their outstretched hands towards the pylon.
The notes changed, an arpeggio, and their fingers danced along, weaving the gold threads deftly. Even Willow managed to weave with the stumps of her arms, catching her threads on her exposed toes effortlessly. The threads fluttered down the pylon, making it look like a maypole, and then they fanned out.
The Disney pearls, just behind the beginning trio, took up the strings and the song. Their notes soared as a web of threads were fixed to the central threads, and were spread out into the air. The trio stepped back and spun on their toes as the sextet made a forward glissade, then hopped back so that their threads wound around each other. Considering they weren't looking at each other, and one of the dancers was blind, they melded so perfectly it made Steven shiver, despite himself.
As the woven threads flexed and wavered, the structure spread outwards over the courtyard. Finally, the rest of the pearls joined in. The song formed words, though they were words that couldn't be understood by those watching, they spoke of searching, of longing. The tune was mournful and yet hopeful, full of minor keys and soaring resonance.
They danced together, circling and weaving in and out of each other as they wove the threads that built the web. They moved in impeccable symmetry, even the seed pearls on their platform kept pace with the others. Alice's fingers flew over the symphonaria, then suddenly she increased the volume with a heavy crescendo that the pearls matched. The web flew into the air, spun once and fluttered out beyond the courtyard, beyond the building, towards the sky. It was now large enough to be seen from anywhere on Homeworld.
It continued to spread, towards the city they had come from and, Steven assumed, over the rest of Homeworld. The pearls held the remaining strings as the song faded, lowered into a single held note. One by one their eyes closed, and their movements finished. They were concentrating.
Then, slowly, the song began to break. Each pearl let go of her string with a little exhaled breath, it dissolved in the air like smoke. Their eyes fluttered open and they looked to each other. Some of them began gesture-speaking, almost frantically.
Ginger broke away from them, marched towards the stands as the watchers were still trying to process what they had seen. Steven glanced over at Lapis, and was astonished to see tears flowing down her cheeks. From behind her, the superfan Jasper burst into loud sobbing again, but the other Jaspers seemed shell-shocked, too incredulous to stop her.
Even Sapphire seemed stunned. Her mouth was hanging open, as though she were trying and failing to find words. Ruby had an expression of rapture. Orthoclase was failing miserably at looking unimpressed, and Amethyst's face was...pleased? Confused? It was hard to tell.
In Steven's esteem, it had been one of the most beautiful things he had ever heard or seen. It made him want to cry, but it also made him want to laugh. It filled him with sadness and joy in equal measure, both emotions fighting for dominance.
Joy won in the end, because as soon as Ginger reached the stands she had news.
“We know where she is.”
They regrouped back at Lapis' mansion. The Jaspers were dismissed, and Steven had to say a reluctant goodbye to the Disney pearls and the seed pearls (they had decided they might as well give them to the superfan.)
“I hope they treat you well,” Steven said as he hugged each of them in turn.
“They will,” Bunny assured him. “They have always been very good to me.”
Very good to me for Bunny meant being dragged to dangerous planets, singing non-stop for hours and being trussed up like a demented plastic doll, but it was probably as good as it was going to get for them. He'd fooled himself up until the very last moment that he could take the pearls with him when he left but he knew now it was impossible. The best he could hope for was for them to go to kind owners.
Lapis had been silent ever since they left the abandoned building, sitting by her symphonaria but making no effort to play it. Alice hovered nearby, watching her intently.
Orthoclase, meanwhile, was acting almost like it had never happened. She had three screens open, one of which was a news bulletin detailing some 'strange astral phenomenon' that had caused almost every pearl on Homeworld to glitch.
“I dunno, we were just walking around the promenade like we usually do,” a pretty and somewhat vapid-looking purple gem was telling the interviewer. “And then that thingy appeared in the sky and she just, like, freaked out! Started spinning around, and I didn't even tell her to do it! Then once it was gone, she was okay.”
“Did every pearl on Homeworld join in?” Steven asked, sitting down beside Ginger, who was typing on a fourth screen.
“All but the ones who couldn't,” she replied.
“What do we do now? We know where she is, right?”
Ginger stopped typing, and before she spoke she observed the other gems in the room. They were all distracted, Amethyst and newly refused Garnet were having a quiet hissed conversation in the corner. Lapis was at her instrument. Orthoclase was flipping through her screens.
“We do know,” she said, in a whisper. “A pearl who was nearby when she was brought in spread the word through the song. But she will not be easy to get to. We need to make a lot of preparations.”
“Is she okay?” Steven asked.
“No,” Ginger replied with her characteristic bluntness. Steven's heart skipped a beat.
“But...she's alive, right?”
“For now.”
*Percussion: A beating instrument, such as a drum, or the sound of it
*Arpeggio: Series of notes in a rising or descending order
*Glissade: A small jump, starting on two feet and ending on one, a traveling movement
*Resonance: A vibration of sound waves in the air
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livneedsfood · 7 years
Steven Universe Theory
After watching 'Wanted' for the tenth time, I have finally gathered enough information to create a theory about Pink Diamond's shattering. So this theory sprouted from Blue Zircon's quote from 'The Trial', "Where were Pink Diamond's attendants? Her Agates? Her Sapphires? And where was her Pearl?". This quote literally answered so many questions. Now we know that each Diamond has ONE Pearl. This also adds fact to the theory that Pearl is White Diamond's original Pearl. Also adding to the Pearl theory is Rhodonite. The permafusion is a fusion of a Ruby and a Pearl. If you look closely at the Pearl gem itself, it has a pink hue, hinting that Rhodonite is a fusion of the Pink Pearl and Ruby. Now you can identify all the Pearls, since only 4 Pearls are known to exist. Back to the topic of Pink Diamond: If Rhodonite is a fusion of a Ruby and Pink Pearl, how long as she been fused? Rhodonite mentions her Morgonite replacing her. If she had been a Pink Pearl and Ruby, had she fused before or after Pink Diamond's shattering? I say she did. In the episode 'Steven The Sword Fighter', Pearl retreats to her gem to heal. In the episode 'The Answer', Sapphire says she will see Blue Diamond when she reforms on Homeworld. She says it will a serious tone which I see as her saying it will take a long a time. Both of these instances show our closest example to gem creation. If gems take a long time to (re)generate, could the replacement Pink Pearl be in the process of forming when Pink Diamond was shattering? I believe she was shattered between that time frame. That frame could have been minutes or decades. I don't know. Who shattered her? I don't know. Just this kinda adds to Blue Zircon's theory that the Diamond's shattered her. This also adds to The Roundtable's Pink Diamond theory. Thanks if you read all this.
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izukacchan · 7 years
actual good-faith question: on what do you base your view that lgbt fans who vehemently take issue with elements of content featuring lgbt themes are engaging in deliberate slandering campaigns instead of just being angry
No one is deliberately starting slander campaigns but people’s behavior and intentions spread.
Steven Universe, one of cartoonnetworks most ambitious, representative, and powerful shows has been the WORST contender for it.
And I hate to keep using SU to talk about it because things like Voltron, Dream Daddy, etc. also got hit with it but I always come back to SU because it’s a show for kids that has been ruined and is now just SCRAPPING to survive because of people’s extreme need to tear LGBT content apart.
Steven Universe has been GREAT for kids, I’ve seen kids talk about the characters, the relationships, the story, their emotions, EVERYTHING on a level that -- as a kid -- I NEVER got. 
So it’s INFURIATING to me, when people feel the NEED to talk about the little problems, CONSTANTLY. Criticizing the art is one thing, 10k, to 20k+ note long posts about how Steven Universe is absolute shit because their QUEER TEAM + GROUP OF ARTISTS isnt consistent with their storyboard style is EXTREME, and it’s not just the LGBT community, of course it isn’t, you have meatheads on youtube taking 800 hours just to rant about Steven Universe and how bad it is, how hard its trying, how shitty and annoying the characters are, when in 2013-2014, everyone was ALL OVER IT! 
Then, now I’m seeing people justify this behavior with how the LGBT representation wasn’t “good enough”, how one of the artists deserved to get run off by the fandom for her “queer baiting” or “art direction”, how Lapidot was bad because it was normal or silly, I saw some people talking about how Ruby and Sapphires relationship was unhealthy, the MAIN consistent lesbian pair.
Why does LGBT/POC content have to be PERFECT to be GOOD.  Other cartoons sit on cartoonnetwork or disney or nick just fine and don’t get this much BACKLASH, and they all have pretty much the same formulas, protagonists and love interests, background characters and background romances.
Not once have I asked people to stop criticizing, I’ve asked people stop normalizing this widespread behavior of taking content and doing everything in their power to find EVERY SMALL THING wrong with it before they just ENJOY it.
I wouldn’t say any of these show are perfect or free from people’s anger, nothing is. 
But when ADULTS (everyone I’ve talked to has been between 18-20+ tonight??) decide they will do everything in their power to TEAR the opportunity of representation away from kids just because of some mistakes, some art discrepancies, or how the plot isn’t going how they want or some shit, it’s DAMAGING. It ruins the chance for SUCCESSORS to follow, it ruins the chance for our public networks to sprout.
And it has nothing to do with being a coward, it has more to do with how the people up top will refuse to greenlight anything even similar or better than Steven Universe again, how writers will conform their writing and tip toe to avoid hitting anyone, how the SIGHT of a POC creator/character will immediately turn off stations/editors because people. can’t handle it. 
Its dangerous, it’s risky, and if its not just right it will fail. 
That shouldn’t be the case, I want more kids to be happy and sing songs and be accepting of themselves because that’s the surface of what a cartoon is showing to them rather than the concepts grown folk have decided it’s okay to politicize and dictate for them.
It’s a slandering campaign when there’s visible damage and it’s widespread, people should be more privy to talk about the good things than the bad things if the bad things aren’t overwhelming or glaring, that’s all I ask. Please be as close to as easy on LGBT/POC content as you would be on an Avengers movie or fuckin Supernatural.
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