#spottedleaf learns to fight
bonefall · 11 months
Super interested in how you plan to write Leopardfoot! I feel like both fanon and canon tend to make her into a sweet mom(tm) who’s super sad that Tigerstar is evil, very similar to how Goldenflower is usually treated. What’s her thoughts on Pinestar and him leaving? How did she influence Tigerstar? What are her political beliefs?
Society has progressed past the need for sad moms who stare tearily at their evil sons and boohoo about all the murder. It's MOTHER AGENCY TIME
BB!Leopardfoot was FEROCIOUS. Her father was the indominable Adderfang, and he taught her about the importance of honor and glory. When Tigerpaw was given to Thistleclaw as an apprentice, she was proud of it. It felt perfect to her-- that her father's apprentice was now her son's mentor.
For his brief rule, she supported Sunstar completely. It helped that he came after the disastrous and embarassing exit of Pinestar, which ruined the legacy that she wanted him to give her son. Pinestar was a damn coward and a codebreaker... and she assured Tigerkit that he was more HER son than his.
She even gives him a life, for Legacy, in defiance of StarClan
She was friends with Bluemoon for a time, but after ascending to StarClan, she learned about the Forget-me-nots.
This changed her opinion of her. Leopardfoot supports Thistle Law, STRONGLY so.
She supported THISTLECLAW when he tried to forcefully void the Queen’s Rights. If Bluemoon hadn't broken the code, then what did she have to hide?
She backed off when Thrushpelt leapt to her defense though, "She didn't reveal it because she doesn't love me are you happy now??"
Leopardfoot: *awkwardly turns away feeling like an asshole now, tea SPILLED, her friend's dirty laundry EXPOSED, thought she was crusading for the law but she just dug up drama*
Towards the end of Pinestar’s reign, he was getting exhausted. He wanted peace. Leopardfoot wanted kittens around that time, and figured that there was no better cat than the son of Oakstar, architect of the infamous Crusade Era.
If Pinestar had no children, a glorious bloodline would have died out. She wanted it for her kits. Pinestar agreed on the condition that he would be their Mi, which she happily accepted.
So when Pinestar left, she jumped into the nursery to take over and had to explain to her kits where their Mi went.
She drove it home to them that he abandoned everything, because his weakness took over. They would never be like him, she promised.
Mistkit died very young. Nightpaw made it to apprenticeship before she also succumbed. Tigerclaw remembers very well how hard it was to lose his sisters.
Leopardfoot herself was taken shortly before TPB, in Spottedleaf's Plague. Her death causes Tigerclaw to have a bit of a moment.
After the trial in Bluestar's Flowers, Leopardfoot leaves StarClan along with a bunch of other Thistle Law supporters, including Thistleclaw himself. She joins the BOTTE at the end of OotS, fighting to the end with her son.
She misses him a lot, and remains in the Dark Forest to the current arc. She chose her path; and has the dignity to walk it.
She does miss StarClan sometimes though, and will tell you stories about it if you ask.
In terms of demon friends, she's somewhere in the clique between the harsher and softer spirits.
She dislikes Morningstar, Cloudberry, and Ryewhisker on the softer end, and has come to resent Thistleclaw and Finchflight on the other, but likes Darkstripe, Leopardstar, and Silverhawk.
Gets along with a range of "mid" level demons.
In particular I imagine she hangs out with Darkstripe a lot. Taste test buddy, he asks her to try his experimental recipes because she's honest but not mean. One of the few Thistle Law supporting cats he hangs out with after the double-death of Tigerstar.
He calls her Lefty. Her official nickname is "Left" but he calls her Lefty.
(Clanmew: her name is Saorpwyyar. Others call her Saopr. He calls her Sapyy.)
Her mom and dad Swiftbreeze and Adderfang are here too, following Thistleclaw like she did, but she's been minimizing her contact with her dad. She feels like she is owed an apology somehow but also doesn't have the emotional intelligence to know that it's what she wants.
She just knows that she feels really bitter talking to him, and that's unpleasant.
She used to be VITRIOLIC with Pinestar, who is also here, even going after him physically when he chose to join in with the Dark Forest trainees. But now... honestly so much shit has happened, she just doesn't like seeing him. She wishes he wasn't here.
I write her being very dignified. She doesn't like to admit publically she was ever wrong and speaks with confidence, quietly backing off and not wanting to speak about her mistakes. She loves her children and her family, but explores the world in a very "self-centric" way, trusting her feelings and personal judgement over anything logical.
A reactionary sort of person, if that makes sense.
Her Land Mar has to develop over time because she is an ex-StarClan migrant (damned souls get theirs instantly after judgement), but it's called the Fence Cliff. It's a picket fence that blocks off a sheer drop, making a sharp turn down the cliff face and acting as a walkway. Follow the fence down the slope, and you can access the Dark Forest's town biome.
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
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Design Notes:
In my last design for him I made him a light gray tabby colorpoint, but I decided to make him a black tabby colorpoint this time because 2 of his kits are black, and despite the fact that RoC does not follow realistic cat genetics... it still bothers me bec it makes no sense that two dilute cats would have non dilute babies LOL
I actually really like this change tho!!! I think it looks really cool!
Also fun fact! His white is the exact same as Tigerclaw's and to make his gray I took Thistleclaw's gray and made it the hue of Snowstorm's blue!
Character Bio:
Cis Tom; he/him
Age as of 1st arc's beginning: 4 cycles, 4 moons; ~33 Hyrs
Title meaning: -storm =   a cat who is powerful in battle; strong and fights like a storm; Was specifically given this title in reference to his mother.
Warrior -> Second of Thunder Order; was in line due to being Star Bluefrost's nephew
Mentor: Star Bluefrost
Mother: Snowstorm
Father: Thistleclaw
Siblings: Sky; Shine; Shimmer; Star Tigerclaw
Mate: Willowchime
Kits: Sootfur; Rainwhisker; Sorreltail
Step-Kits: Darkstripe; Graybelly
Grandkits: Cinderheart; Honeyfern; Poppyfrost
Step-Grandkits: Ashfall; Ferncloud; Willowfeather; Oakfeather
Other notable kin: Star Pineheart (grandfather); Leopardfoot (Grandmother); Swift (nephew); Brambleflower (nephew); Star Tawnyclaw (neice); Mothwing (neice); Star Hawkfrost (nephew)
Extra notes: I changed his name to Lynx bec White is boring and it matches with Tiger!
Lynx was mentored by Bluefrost bec I think thats cute, and it also just adds to why they are so close <3
another fact! Blue wished she had chosen Lynx to be her Second instead of Tiger... but tbh Tiger probably would have killed him, even if Lynx was his brother.
Character Summary:
Lynxstorm and his littermate Tigerclaw were Snowstorm and Thistleclaw's second litter, the first being a litter of 3 which all sadly died due to a premature birth. It was many cycles before Snow and Thistle tried for a second litter as the death of the first had left Snow distraught and fearful of it happening again. However their second litter were healthy and strong, and because of this Snow named them after two kinds of powerful and strong wild cat.
Thistleclaw took far more interest in Lynx's brother Tiger, as Tiger was the larger and stronger of the two, it was obvious that Tiger took after Thistle, which Thistle loved. However Lynx was smaller and more empathetic and kind, he spent far more time with his mother and found his father's more cruel nature unappealing.
As Lynx grew he also took far more notice of how toxic his parent's relationship was. Thistleclaw was so obsessed with power and strength, that he would often judge his own mate for doing things he deemed "weak" and Snowstorm would refuse to let anyone think her weak and would feel the need to prove Thistle wrong. Thistle didn't just put this pressure on his mate either, he put it on his sons, especially Tiger, and Lynx grew to hate Thistle for it.
Snowstorm died during a border dispute early into Lynx and Tiger's apprenticeship, and this drove Thistle to be even more cruel. Thistle would take his sons out on extra night time training sessions that were far more brutal than anything a normal apprentice would be doing. Lynx knew that he only rarely was taken on these training sessions, Tiger on the other hand was trained constantly by Thistle. Lynx wanted to tell someone but Tiger made him swear not to, as Tiger wanted those sessions to learn how to be strong, even if he hated Thistleclaw for how brutal he was during them. Lynx never learned that Thistle had also been training Tiger in the Dark Forest as well...
As an adult, Lynx stayed far away from his father, choosing to go about his live happily and without any Thistleclaw bullshit. This would be made truly permanent when Thistle was found out for his grooming of Spottedleaf, Lynx was horrified by this (though not 100% surprised by his father's actions). Lynx joined Bluefrost's plan to assassinate Thistleclaw instead of simply banishing him, and though Tiger was the tom to serve the killing blow, Lynx was certainly there to make sure the deed was done. This not only felt like vengeance for Spotted, this felt like vengeance for his childhood, for his brother, and for his mother.
During the first arc plot Lynx becomes a big role model to Fire, being something like a father figure along side Lioheart.
Lynx got closer to and fell in love with Willowchime around the time that Gray was an apprentice, Willow always wanted to chat with Lynx and Lion about her son's apprenticeship and they started bonding from there. Lynx is also one of the only cats to learn the full story of Willow's past romance with Dark and Gray's kittypet father, and he holds not judgement towards her for it.
Lynx and Willow both died in the great battle against Tiger Order.
[Image ID: A digital drawing of Lynxstorm an au version of Whitestorm from Warrior Cats. He is standing tall and proud, with his right side showing, and he has a calm expression and smile. He is a long furred, white tom with dark gray almost black tabby color point markings, and white on his muzzle , paws and tail tip. His eyes are blue with yellow-orange irises, and his inner ears and nose are pink./End ID)
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skuffypaw · 2 days
If you could, how would you write a Redtail novella, or Redtail as a whole?
here is my shitty attempt at a redtail’s debt rewrite. warning: horrible writing ahead.
firstly i want redpaw to be an outcast in some way, never quite fitting in, not knowing how to, struggling with training. (coughcough autistic just like me fr cough) out of his two siblings i think he’d be closer to spottedleaf when they were apprentices, mostly because he’d like the be in the medicine den where it’s quieter.
like most apprentices, redpaw has an admiration for battle and war because of how idolized it is in the life of a warrior. this is especially true when he’s an apprentice in an era of battles between thunderclan and riverclan over sunningrocks. this helps tigerclaw start to influence him more. he realizes this fascination with battle when they’re on the bridge, how he says white-eye is jeleous that she can’t fight in battle when redpaw tells him how she warned him about the dangers of battle. this is why after tigerclaw saves him from the hawk, he creates the debt.
when they get back to camp, redpaw is still shaken up by everything. he feels humiliated at how he acted; freezing and falling, having to be dragged away by sparrowpelt, how it’s his fault their patrol was too late to riverclan. tigerclaw supports him, telling him that he did mess up but sunstar would understand that it was out of his control. this is where redpaw starts to get attatched to tigerclaw. he sticks to him like a leech, estatic that such an admirable warrior at least understands him.
redtail becomes a warrior, he’s still close to tigerclaw. a one-sided friendship. he still feels the need to prove himself to him, and instead of being hesitant about hurting sorrelpaw when she runs into tigerclaw during their hunt, he fights. over the past few moons the neccesity of fighting and battles has been cemented in redtail, and he believes he did the right thing. this is only emphasized by tigerclaw’s praise. redtail doesn’t correct him when tigerclaw retells the story with a few changes to sunstar, not wanting to get in trouble.
when redtail’s at the gathering that follows, his belief that he did the right thing is only heightened when heatherstar says that warriors should be patient with apprentices when they make mistakes. he’s fueled by his own insecurity over his previous failure with the hawk and his general struggle with learning when he was an apprentice.
the battle with windclan goes about the same. redtail isn’t hesitant about it, he’s excited. he listens to tigerclaw’s pep talk, agreeing when he’s told to claw the windclan warriors’ fur off and how weakening windclan will make thunderclan stronger. the intensity of the battle is high, the worst redtail’s been in. he starts to become less focused on attacking windclan warriors and more focused on his clanmates, hence why he still saves bluefur when she’s heavily injured and calls for a retreat. if the battle’s purpose was to strengthen thunderclan, then it’d be more important to save the second in command instead of fighting.
after the retreat, tigerclaw still compliments him for ‘pretending’ to care about bluefur. redtail can’t find it in him to fight back, but he’s starting to consider that the older warrior might be in the wrong. but tigerclaw saved him, guided him through how to be effecient and deadly in battle, was patient with him when his own mentor wasn’t. redtail keeps his mouth shut, not wanting to argue with him or lose his trust.
getting older made redtail realize that there was more to life than battle, but he still wants to keep on tigerclaw’s good side, he still trusts him and admires him. instead of ravenpaw being weirdly bloodthirsty, he’s as he is in tpb, nervous and meek. redtail can’t help but sympathize with him, especially when he sees him struggling with training just as he did when he was an apprentice. he’s more patient with him than tigerclaw is, ignoring the older warrior’s protests when he offers him extra guidance or is more gentle with him.
the sunningrocks skirmish happens, and redtail still defends tigerclaw from oakheart. he doesn’t kill him (hate that fucking retcon oakheart gets crushed by rocks.) but pushes him away when another warrior attacks ravenpaw. the deputy orders him to retreat. once the riverclan cats disperse, redtail checks on tigerclaw to make sure he isn’t terribly injured. that’s when he’s cut down. as he bleeds out on the stones, tigerclaw hisses at him that ever since he’s saved bluestar from dying all those moons ago, he’s gotten softer, weaker. thunderclan needs a better, stronger deputy, that he shouldn’t have bothered saving him from that hawk. redtail bleeds out and dies, the sound of water roaring in his ears.
when redtail wakes up in starclan, the first thing he feels is betrayal. how could tigerclaw do this to him - didn’t he prove himself? wasn’t he good enough? redtail still begs sunstar to do something, anything to warn the clans of how dangerous tigerclaw is. but upon seeing firepaw in the camp below, learning that “fire will save the clan”, redtail’s heart drops, realizing what this poor apprentice is getting himself into and how he can’t do anything to save him.
TLDR; redtail has a closer ‘friendship’ with tigerclaw, is influenced by him and is more battle hungry until he saves bluestar and starts to mellow out, and he stays being his ‘friend’ right up until his death.
other changes i’d make:
i don’t think he’d have a partner / kits. at least in clan. i had the idea of him having a kittypet for a partner but a) idk who and b) idk when. there would be a horrible break up before the windclan battle and a couple moons before his death they’d reconcile.
i’ve considered making him fireheart’s starclan guide instead of spottedleaf, but i feel like that could still work if you just got rid of all the weird romance. maybe they could share the job.
i also want him to be close to darkstripe when he was younger. especially since he was a one kit litter with an unknown father, he sympathized with how he was outcasted. they grew apart as darkstripe grew up since he was influenced by tigerclaw, believing his uncle to be weak.
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goose-reads · 4 months
I was thinking about some of my favorite warrior cats, and i remembered this kittypet i got really attached to: Snowdrop. She was one of the kittypets encountered by the patrol sent to investigate what was blocking the river. I remember shipping her and Lionblaze together hardcore as a young child, and today i toyed with the idea in my mind again just to see where it went.
Far. It went far. It and other headcanons/tweaks completely changed the focus of Omen of the stars.
Things go as normal on the patrol itself, but when they got home, Lionblaze feels different. Dovepaw would assume he misses the patrol cats which leads to her trying to get them all to meet up again. Shes taught the same lesson she did, but this time she doesnt learn it. She keeps pushing until eventually shes forcing Lionblaze back to twoleg place. Him and Snowdrop talk again and have a good time, much to Dovepaws delight. This leads to Snowdrops interest in clan life, and Lionblaze. He did fight a beaver after all, thats impressive! After Lionblaze and Dovepaw went home, she’d follow. This leads to a confrontation between Snowdrop and Lionblaze where he cant say no and make her trek all the way back to twoleg place, so he begins sneaking off to teach her about the clans. Sometimes Dovepaw joins in to help, which leads to her so easily becoming friends and sneaking off to meet Tigerheart. Lionblaze has done nothing to really teach her its wrong.
To back track and shift focus ever so slightly, lets go back to when Lionblaze and Dovepaw left to visit Snowdrop. Cinderheart, now without Lionblaze or Hollyleaf, begins hanging out with Jayfeather more. As he uncovers her past life as Cinderpelt and she begins feeling pressured to conform to Starclans wishes and become a medicine cat like Cinderpelt. Jayfeather, all too familiar with the sentiment, fights tooth and nail to help Cinderheart forge her own destiny and identity. Shes not Cinderpelt after all, shes Cinderheart, and that means something. This reignites his will to fight against Starclans will himself, just as he had tried as an apprentice. Poppyfrost could do it, Briarlight could do it, Cinderheart could do it, why cant he?
Eventully, Snowdrop decides she wants to join Thunderclan. Lionblaze is nervous but he actually likes the idea of not having to sneak around to see her. Not like he did with Heathertail. Something thats been on his mind since he first started this little routine with Snowdrop. It had done nothing but remind him of his lost friend, and fallen sister, Hollyleaf. But if Snowdrop does become a Thunderclan warrior he wouldnt have to feel so guilty, and its this thought that convinces him to bring Snowdrop to Firestar. Firestar, being an ex-kittypet himself and Lionblazes grandfather, gives in and allows her in so long as Lionblaze teaches her the ropes. The rest of the clan isnt so happy. However Dovepaw, now Dovewing, is ecstatic. She is confused by Snowdrops negative reception and speaks up about it, earning the ire of many. This leads Ivypool to distance from her significantly more than she had been (seeing as shes had the same plot for the most part), but also to begin stalking Dovewing when she went out alone. Of course, this leads to her learning about Tigerheart.
Cinderheart had been slightly jealous of Snowdrop, and all the attention Lionblaze dedicated to her now, but had decided to move past it by now. There were better things to worry about than a fading crush on a childhood friend. Things such as her old apprentice, and how weird she had been acting. She begins prodding Ivypool for answers which leads to her gathering bits and pieces about the dark forest and Tigerheart and Dovewings relationship. She shares these with Jayfeather, who then looks deeper into the dark forest cats and trainees. When Spottedleaf steps in tosave him, he refuses, and actually ends up meeting Snowtuft. That mixed with meeting Ashfur in Starclan leads him to turning his back on Starclan altogether, and starts him on a path to forgiving Squirrelflight and Leafpool. He also begins working with Ivypool to plan against the dark forests invasion.
By bringing Snowdrop to the clan, Lionblaze has been outcasted by the majority of his clanmates. Cats like Squirrelflight and Leafpool support him though, and even help defend Snowdrops place in the clan. This leads to Lionblaze forgiving and accepting them. Berrynose was uncertain about her at first, but accepted Snowdrop, causing a feeling a mutual respect to foster between him and Lionblaze. And the same with Berrynose’s family. After all, Daisy, Mousewhisker, and Hazeltail are all outsiders too. Poppyfrost took some time but warmed up aswell, Snowdrop did help entertain the kits. Thornclaw, Spiderleg, and Mousefur were not so pleased, going out of their way to insult and scrutinize the two. They claimed Lionblaze only let her join so he wasnt breaking the code if they became mates, which made him feel oddly guilty. They werent mates, they were friends, thats all. He still liked Cinderheart right?
He took Cinderheart on a stroll to try and convince himself it was true, which led to his own discovery about the dark forest and Dovewings half-clan relationship. By the end, Cinderheart had fully accepted Lionblaze moving on, and Lionblaze was left dreading his lack of butterflies around the molly. This led to him acting weird around Snowdrop, who had began struggling to feel at home in a clan that seemed to not want her.
Ivypool, by now, had begun spying for Jayfeather. Jayfeather had begun refusing to go to half clan meetings and gatherings (which is how we skip over the kinda dumb Flametail plot) leading to Leafpool getting her job back. She encouraged Jayfeather to still help take care of his clan mates using his knowledge on herbs, but also suggested he trained under a warrior in his newly acquired free time if he really wanted to. If Jayfeather wanted to turn his back on Starclan who was she to try and convince him otherwise? She owed Starclan no favors. Jayfeather. Began training under Poppyfrost when the queen got restless, then eventually Brightheart again when Berrynose shooed Jayfeather off.
Upon Hollyleafs return things start getting serious. War with the dark forest is fast approaching. She reconnects with her brothers and old friends, especially rekindling a bond with Cinderheart. She is forgiven by and forgives Squirrelflight and Leafpool, going to them for updates on the clan frequently, an helping Leafpool out with herbs when Jayfeather is out training. She even helps Jayfeather train, and Snowdrop. This leads to her and Lionblaze having a conversation about Heathertail, during which Hollyleaf comforts him. The warrior code is important, yes, but she does not have to judge with the same scrutiny that Starclan does. This eases his nerves enough for him to tell Snowdrop about his feelings, which she reciprocates. He had introduced her to a new life, and stuck through the hardships to help, he was loyal.
When Jayfeather finds out Hollyleaf is alive, he abandons Starclan altogether. They cant know much of anything if they cant even know if a cats dead or not. Who are they to guide his paws for him.
Hollyleaf learned of Ivypools spying through Jayfeather and Cinderheart both, and offered to help hide it from their clanmates and even join her in the dark forest itself. This aided Ivypool greatly, which eased Dovewings nerves enoughto let her focus on her and Tigerheart. She hated how they had to hide while Lionblaze didnt, and while she wanted to come out with it, Tigerheart did not. When Dovewing said that if he truly loved her, he’d announce it himself, he choked up, unable to dedicate himself fully. He had a reputation, and what would his clan mates think? His father? His sister? Dovewing was heart broken, returning to Thunderclan to be comforted by her sister. She hated the borders. She hated the borders and what they did to cats. How much hurt came from them. Lionblaze and Snowdrop suffered because of them, Leafpool and Crowfeather, Her and Tigerheart. She couldnt even have friends from across the border like Sedgewhisker or Petalnose.
When the three get together to discuss the prophecy and plans against the dark forest, they come to a discovery. They each resent a part of clanlife. Jayfeather resents the blind faith in Starclan. Lionblaze resents the hatred surrounding outsiders and the clans xenophobic mindset. And Dovewing resents the clans separation and hatred of eachother. Each has strayed from Starclan, and each has grown more powerful because of it. Jayfeather can go into peoples minds, Lionblaze can fight against impossible odds and come out unscathed, and Dovewing can hear anything coming from miles away. They hold the power of the stars in their paws, because they are not bound by them, because they are not blinded by their light like so many cats are.
Leafpool is the one who tells them theres a forth cat, which leads to theorizing on all ends. Jayfeather thinks its Cinderheart, as not only is she a reincarnation, but directly strayed from Starclans path. Lionblaze thinks its Hollyleaf, she was no longer blinded by the code and had appear right in time to help prepare against the dark forest. Dovewing thinks its Ivypool, whos been helping spy against the dark forest almost since the beginning, and has looked past the code to comfort her sister. Squirrelflight and Leafpool also get thrown around, until Firestar approaches them. Hes listened in on a few of the meetings theyve had, and takes the responsibility of being the fourth cat. Hes a cat from outside the clans, hes seen what the borders can do to the clans, and hes gone against Starclans will before. Starclan owed him too much to smite him.
The final battle goes almost the same, except rather than Starclan cats, Tribe cats help the clans. Thunderclan specifically had helped them when they needed it most, and neither group would exist without the other. Also rather than Spottedleaf saving Sandstorm from Mapleshade, its Jayfeather, who is then saved by Firestar. He earns his grandfathers praise shortly before his death. Snowdrop fights as fiercely as any warrior to protect her clan, ending up saving Mousefur from Brokenstar. Finally, she earns her clanmates respect, and is particularly praised by Mousefur. Mousefur still dies later on from infected injuries, joining Longtail in Starclan. After killing Tigerstar for the final time, Firestar is killed by a falling tree, too weakened to escape. Hes greeted by a plethora of Starclan cats floating down into Thunderclan camp, coming down to apologize and praise the clan cats.
Dovewing and Tigerheart eventually get back together in Avos, Snowdrop and Lionblaze eventually have kittens to replace the CinderLion kits, Jayfeather decides to stay as a medicine cat but participates in warrior duties regularly, mostly with Conderheart as they mourn the loss of Hollyleaf together. Ivypool also mourns Hollyleaf especially, having begun to idolize the she-cat. I don’t actually see Ivypool having kits in this au because shed help take care of Dovewings but you can do whatever you want. Same with Cinderheart, she helped Poppyfrost raise her kits. Alderheart is trained by Leafpool but is greatly influenced by and idolizes Jayfeather, who cusses Starclan out for him. Also i think Dovewing and Tigerheart step in to help Twigkit and Violetkit separately, which leads to them getting back together.
Thunderclan begins down the path of major change, led by Bramblestar and his brief crush on Jessie.
If events are out of order i apologize! This is an au, obviously, and its been awhile since i read the books. I stopped reading at avos. Also sorry for typos i wrote this bery quickly
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theanoninyourinbox · 1 year
I’m a long time lurker (adore your art, and adore your ability to expand on glorious ideas), so!!
May I offer my “Redtail and Spottedleaf are Wishkit and Hopekit” au to place into your amazing hands? 👀
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I've seen you lurking for a while, glad you came up with such a good idea! These hands went to work! Gave you Bonus AU - What if Medicine Cat Brokentail?
So a heavily pregnant Swiftbreeze begs to go for one more walk before she gives birth. Adderfang goes with her, because he loves him wife, and the pair find themselves on the Shadowclan Border when the contractions hit. Adderfang has been studying with Featherwhisker (and Goosefeather if he was still around) for this very occurrence, because Swiftbreeze loves to be moving All The Time, and Willowkit is born healthy. The two are Gazing at the kitten when a hoarse cry comes from nearby. Adderfang goes to investigate, and finds a gray molly, one with a similar build and face, desperately licking her three kits. Adderfang wastes no time, calling to Swiftbreeze what's happening, and bolts in to help. The molly hisses, but is far too weak to put up a fight. She relaxes when he starts licking them as well - the brown tom is doing well, but the pair of torties are shivering cold. When Adderfang looks towards the queen, she's vanished - and a stunned Adderfang brings the kits to Swiftbreeze, who immediately begins to clean and nurse the kittens.
(they wonder who the queen was, and how she snuck onto Shadowclan territory. Swiftbreeze suggests that she must have heard of the Clans taking in kits or pregnant queens. Eventually Adderfang spies Yellowfang at a gathering and goes OH. Ohhhhh boy. Oh Starclan.)
The pair come back to Thunderclan and Featherwhisker is somewhat confused by the amount of kits but nice job you two, no work for me! Patchpelt and Leopardfoot are dazzled - lil babies! We love them! Swiftbreeze had already named Willowkit, so Adderfang names Redkit, Leopardfoot names Spottedkit, and Patchpelt names Brackenkit. The family grows up well loved and cherished. Brackenkit spends hours in the medicine den, listening to Featherwhisker talk and learning herbs. He practically BEGS to be a medicine cat, and Featherwhisker agrees heartily. Spottedpaw learns so much from Thrushpelt that she's named after him, and when Thistleclaw tries to spend time alone with her, Thrushpelt nearly claws Thistle's ears off, leading to his banishment. Redpaw makes close friends with Tigerclaw, pulling him back to a clan that does appreciate him. Willowpaw falls for a Riverclan warrior apprentice, and Willowpelt has Darkkit, who has little webbed paws and a gaggle of adoring aunts and uncles. Eventually Spottedpelt mentors the Kittypet Rusty.
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hatsbattlecats · 8 months
Collars to Stars Lore p1
So to start, Smudge is spiritually sensitive and often has dreams about Starclan AND Skyclan cats. He can also see the ghosts of dead cats out in the woods from his fence. THIS is what freaks him out about the woods, not so much the wild cats.(note, he can’t talk to/interact with them like Goosefeather could, he can just see them. He can only talk to them when he’s asleep)
The night Rusty goes into the woods, Smudge goes after him because it's not safe, and he doesn’t want his best friend to become one of the ghosts in the woods. Rusty almost catches a mouse while Smudge is honestly just in awe of how pretty the actually woods are. He’d never noticed from the fence because he was too distracted by the ghosts.
They meet Greypaw together when Rusty gets pounced on. Smudge panics and rams/headbutts Greypaw off so they can both run. Rusty realizes Smudge is falling behind and won’t make it to the fence before Greypaw catches up, so he turns around to fight back and they all get tumbled into a pile cause Grey can't stop in time.
They talk for a bit before getting caught by Bluestar and Lionheart. Bluestar offers both of them a chance to join as warrior apps because she’s impressed by their loyalty and bravery for each other. Smudge is hesitant, but something about the way she described starclan in her description of clan life sticks with him, and Rusty wants to join, so he does too
The day they get to camp, Longtail still harasses them, but it’s not Lionheart or Bluestar’s prompting that leads to Rusty attacking the older cat, but Longtail’s jabs at Smudge. The fight goes the same as canon, but with a concerned Smudge in the background. Rusty gets the name Firepaw, but before Smudge can get his new name, Ravenpaw bursts into camp with the news Redtail is dead.
Smudge is kinda freaked out by the blood, but his concern for the other apprentice wins over his fear, and he ends up helping Spottedleaf carry Ravenpaw to the medicine cat den to make sure he’s alright. Once there, he helps by bringing some water-soaked moss to help wash the blood from Ravenpaw’s wound so Spottedleaf can dress it with herbs and cobwebs. While Spottedleaf is working, Smudge asks her either about his dreams, or about the ghosts (i havn’t decided yet)
Before she can give him a proper answer, Firepaw and Greypaw come in to check up on Ravenpaw, along with Tigerclaw (whom Spottedleaf passive-aggressively asks to leave). She thanks Smudge for the help, and seems to be watching him as he leaves with Firepaw and Greypaw. 
Sandpaw and Dustpaw are still rude to Firepaw and Smudge (the latter of whom is still wearing his ribbon) the next morning when the other apprentices are getting ready to go out with their mentors, Bluestar pulls Smudge aside with Spottedleaf where she informs him that Spottedleaf has asked to have Smudge as her apprentice, to learn how to be a medicine cat.
Smudge is apprehensive about training separately from Firepaw, but he also thinks Spottedleaf is really nice compared to the the other clanmates he’s met. He also doesn’t really like the idea of fighting and hunting all the time, so he agrees. 
Bluestar calls a clan meeting, finally giving Smudge his clan name, ‘Mosspaw’, and announces that he’ll be training under Spottedleaf to become a medicine cat. A vast majority of the clan disagrees with this decision, especially Tigerclaw and his posse. A choice comment from Darktripe “a kittypet for medicine cat?! I’d rather get my ears clawed off”  is rebutted by spottedleaf with “Harrass my apprentice for mine and starclan’s decision and I will gladly claw them for you, thank you very much”, all with her very sweet Spottedleaf smile.
He begins his training with her, growing close with Ravenpaw as well while the other apprentice is in the medicine cat den. Time flies by as he begins learning, all while Firepaw goes more or less through canon events, occasionally dragging Mosspaw along on shenanigans. When Yellowfang is taken captive, he occasionally helps Firepaw care for her. Spottedleaf told him Yellowfang used to be Shadowclan’s medicine cat, So Mosspaw asks her questions sometimes, eager to learn all he can to help out and maybe even impress his mentor.
Soon after Yellowfang is taken into camp, The duo’s first half-moon in the clan rolls around, and Spottedleaf takes Mosspaw to the moonstone for the first time, where he’s simply in awe as everything clicks into place. The starry cats from his dreams, the ghosts in the woods, they’ve all been a part of this. He’s ecstatic when he returns to camp, and can barely keep himself from telling Firepaw everything.
He doubles down on his training after that, honestly taking to it like a fish takes to water. Even the more skeptical members of the clan have to admire his dedication (even if begrudgingly in many cases) and things seem up for a bit
Just before the next gathering, Firepaw runs into Princess during his hunting assessment. She’s happy to see that he’s okay, since him and Mosspaw had forgotten to say goodbye when they left, so from her perspective, the two of them had simply disappeared. She makes him promise to give her regards to Mosspaw before they part ways. 
Firepaw still gets in trouble with Tigerclaw for “fraternizing with a kittypet”, but Firepaw explains Princess is his sister when pressed by Bluestar, (he still reassures Bluestar that his place is in the clan, and he doesn’t regret joining) and his leader seems surprisingly sympathetic of him having kin outside of Thunderclan
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sapphanimates · 9 months
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2023 Art Summary
I originally created my blog back in April, but I've decided to jump on the trend and share a compilation of some of my favorite works.
My first attempt at a digital painting style, featuring a character I don't believe I've introduced here before. A reimagining of the Tails Doll, with a Phantom Ruby twist: The Phantom Amalgamation (or Maggie, as my friends call them), made for Project Alacrity. I'll have to get around to redrawing them so they can have a proper introduction.
Fanart for YouTube creator, Miharu the Fox. Whilst watching one of her streams, I asked what I should draw, with her co-host Marc suggesting that I should "Draw Spyro glitching into the abyss." Seeing that they were playing Spyro Enter the Dragonfly, it seemed only fitting. So I drew him shaking on top of a trapped baby dragon in ice.
An attempt at a papercraft style using a tutorial by YouTube user, CariadsCoffee. The character pictured is Squirrelflight (or rather, Squirrelstar) from Warrior Cats, using my own design. Learning this method of drawing is what eventually led to me adopting the lineless style I use in many of my posts.
Parody designs of Silver and Blaze, aptly dubbed Pothead and Lighter. They originate from a Sonic 06 parody comic for 4/20 that was written by my friend, @alzikeiswrong , and was illustrated in TuxPaint by me. Whether or not I decide to actually finish and post it is a mystery.
A post made as a gut reaction to discovering the amount of articulated parts the Jakks Pacific Tails Nine figure had. 70 points of articulation is ridiculous, but man is the figure amazing. I just wish he was to scale with the normal Tails figure.
My second attempt at a digital painting, this time featuring Blaze the Cat. Manipulating the flames and how they interacted with Blaze and the background, was a fun challenge, as well as figuring out the textures and posing.
This is the point when I discovered my lineless style. Specifically the one I use when drawing my fursona, Sapph. Her design has developed a lot over the years, from being a Minecraft X Warrior Cats crossover OC, to slowly rounding out and becoming less Minecraft, gaining new design details in the process, to where she is now.
A drawing of multiple AU designs of Tails for Project Alacrity, socializing at some sort of get together. This was mainly a test to practice how to frame a drawing with multiple characters in it, as well as giving them each something to do. To show the differences between these various different versions of the same core character through their designs and how they interact with one another.
One of the ask answers for my MommyClan cat's ask blog, @stepcousinclawspeaks . Stepcousinclaw was originally created for the fanclan in August, but this panel was one of my favorites. It shows his chaotic and often arsonistic side really well. I'll return to the blog soon for a big story update. Stay tuned!
October brought with it the Sonic OC Showdown 2, which I had miraculously managed to get my Trace the Tasmanian to participate in. She passed the first round by a close call, but lost by a wide margin in the following. It was a good fight, with a good string of propaganda art coming from me and some of my supporters as a part of the campaign. Thank you all for supporting me while I was a part of it.
Whilst exploring through old files, I came across a template I saved. I used it to share the designs I made for various Warriors characters, some who I already had made designs for, and others I had to make up on the spot. One of my favorites was Spottedleaf. The balance of colors and details seem just right to me, as well as being a vast improvement from the color inaccurate one I had made as a ten year old.
December's was fun. I haven't ever really had a "set style." Every time I try to revisit one specific design I always make something a bit off. Same can be said for this sketch style. I loved doing it. It felt the most accurate to how my art on paper feels as I draw it. Rough around the edges, but lifelike. Sadly I've had a hard time returning to it after dumping out all my thoughts around the 06 AU onto my screen. I've been working on it. There's more to see in the coming year, so I hope you'll stick with me to see how I can grow as a young artist!
Template is by @zontarzon !
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Twin Flames Rewrite: Into the Wild
Prologue: There is a fight between ThunderClan and RiverClan at Sunningrocks; later, all medicine cats receive a prophecy from a shooting star with two tails: Wildfire will save the Clans.
Nutmeg brings her kits Princess and Rusty to WindClan, as they have been dreaming of the moorland. Tallstar agrees to try and train them as warriors, naming them Firepaw and Wildpaw. They befriend Onepaw and Morningpaw, and begin to learn about Clan life.
Wildpaw is injured in a skirmish with ShadowClan; a few days later, when they arrive to force WindClan out of their territory, she is accidentally separated from the others, and winds up in ThunderClan territory before collapsing. She is found by Yellowfang, who hides her and heals her for a few days. Once Wildpaw is awake again, she insists they both seek aid in ThunderClan.
In ThunderClan, Bluestar agrees to shelter them; she says that Wildpaw’s training will continue in ThunderClan and that Wildpaw will be in charge of caring for Yellowfang.
Longtail protests the allowance of a WindClan cat to learn from them. He tries to instigate a fight and Wildpaw refuses to fight him, easily dodging all of his moves. After Longtail tires himself out, Wildpaw sits and begins grooming herself as he collapses, exhausted, on the ground, and says that she hopes he isn’t her mentor, as she has nothing to learn from him.
Bluestar agrees that Wildpaw should be watched carefully to ensure she does not take ThunderClan secrets to WindClan; as a result, Bluestar herself will mentor Wildpaw.
Wildpaw quickly makes friends with Graypaw and Ravenpaw, and is treated with hostility from Sandpaw and Dustpaw, as well as many other ThunderClan cats.
Wildpaw trains in ThunderClan and grows close to some of the cats in the Clan, such as Spottedleaf, Frostfur and her kits, and the elders. She discovers she enjoys the forest more than the moorland.
She is very suspicious of Tigerclaw, and Ravenpaw reveals that he saw Tigerclaw kill Redtail, the previous deputy. She also learns from Yellowfang that Brokenstar is training kits to be warriors.
She goes to Dustpaw and Sandpaw and tells them what she knows; they don’t believe her, and are even more cold to her, Graypaw, and Ravenpaw.
Clawface raids the camp, killing Spottedleaf in the process, and steals Frostfur’s kits. Ravenpaw is sent to Barley’s Farm for his safety. Yellowfang, Wildpaw, Graypaw, and the ShadowClan elders conspire to overthrow Brokenstar and get the kits back.
Their coup is successful, and Wildpaw is relieved to see the kits a little scratched up but mostly okay. When they return to camp, Wildpaw and Graypaw become warriors, receiving the names Wildflame and Graystripe.
Wildflame tries to tell Bluestar about Tigerclaw, but Bluestar reminds her that this is a silent vigil. Wildflame is upset she can’t speak with Bluestar, but completes her vigil, thinking of Firepaw the entire time.
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dreamingblacktabby · 1 year
Camp Guards
Alright, because I never make it far enough into my AU to reach this point, I want to explain camp guards.
It is a position created by Cinderpaw/hop(Cinderpelt) after she struggles with warrior training after her leg injury.
Explanation is going to be long so it will be under the cut.
Inspiration and history (If you don't want to read about how Cinderpaw created the position, just skip to the next section)
After Cinderpaw's leg injury, she finds herself questioning her position in ThunderClan and starts to consider becoming a healer(medicine cat) because she finds she actually enjoys working with herbs. She however, does not want to be stuck abiding to the rule of healers not taking a mate or having kits and so Fireheart agrees to stay as her mentor and try to help her remain a warrior. He introduces Cinderpaw to WindClan's deputy, Hopfoot(Deadfoot) so he can possibly give her advice on how to work with her leg injury so she would be able to hunt and fight again.
After speaking with Hopfoot, Cinderpaw learns of WindClan warriors being divided into two different ranks, Moor Runners and Tunnelers. This gives Cinderpaw the idea to create a secondary rank for ThunderClan warriors, one that better accommodates her needs and limitations.
Given that Cinderpaw still very much enjoys herbs and healing, she starts with trying to create a middle area so that she can do both warrior and healer duties. Spottedleaf and Yellowfang do train Cinderpaw a lot of basics about healing while Fireheart continues to try and teach her how to hunt and fight.
Soon after Tigerclaw's exile, Cinderpaw recognizes that ThunderClan camp has on several occasions been left almost completely unguarded because so many cats have been out on patrols, out hunting, or out training. This gives Cinderpaw the idea to have her new ranks involve having cats specifically tasked with making sure the camp always had cats around to protect it. She quickly ropes Princess into this to join her and they set about figuring out how to incorporate this idea. This is also where Cinderpaw comes up with the idea for her rank to be called Camp Guards.
After the fire sweeps through ThunderClan territory and destroys the camp, Cinderpaw is one of the cats working the hardest to help rebuild. She very quickly realizes how often dens have needed fixing in the past and figures she can incorporate this into her new rank as well.
When Cinderpaw finally earns her warrior name she requests to be named Cinderhop in honor of Hopfoot for inspiring her to create her own path. She is formally recognized as the first ThunderClan camp guard alongside Princess(warrior name still pending).
All Camp guards must have had basic battle training as well as basic knowledge of herbs and healing. They are in charge of basic camp maintenance and upkeep, as well as ensuring the camp is never left unguarded, day or night.
Battle training: All cats must be able to defend themselves in case of an invasion. They are in charge of ensuring the camp is never left unguarded thus meaning they may be the only cats in camp if an invasion takes place while most warriors are out. If more cats arrive in camp or there are already plenty of cats still around, camp guards are not required to fight.
Herbal and healing knowledge: All cats are required to know basic healing. This allows them to help the healer(s) after a big battle or an incident where many cats have been injured. They can help tend to cats with lesser injuries so the healer can focus on cats with grievous or terrible injuries. They can also help out when there's a sickness outbreak in camp if the healer(s) are overwhelmed.
Building and repairs: Camp Guards are in charge of upkeep of dens and the walls around camp. They are in charge of fixing leaks in dens, adding additions to dens that are too small, ensuring the walls around camp are well kept and strong, as well as ensuring elders dens are clean when there are few or no apprentices.
Guarding: Camp guards are allowed to leave camp to hunt and patrol if they wish but their main duty is to ensure the camp is always safe. They makes rounds around camp to check the walls around camp and check for anything unusual, like a predator's scent or an enemy clan cat that has gotten too close. They are also in charge of night watch of the camp. They always get a break from night watch when a new warrior holds their silent vigil, and if all the camp guards need a break or another warrior wants to take up the watch, a normal warrior can take up the duty. It is the duty of the head Camp guard to ensure there is always a cat on night watch.
Becoming a Camp Guard
Camp Guards are very similar to Perm-queens, as a cat may choose to become a camp guard long after their warrior training is over, or they can choose to become a normal warrior for any personal reasons. There is no special ceremony for cats who become Camp Guards, but they can choose to have it announced to the whole clan if they wish.
A cat can choose to become a temporary Camp Guard if they are injured and need time to heal, or if the injury is permanent, give them time to adjust to the injury. Temporary Camp Guards are not required to have any herbal or healing knowledge, unless they later decide to become an official Camp Guard.
Feel free to send me an ask if anything is unclear or you want me to expand on something. Also feel free to use this for your own AUs or whatever.
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It's my AU and I'll spoil the plot if I want to! Get ready babes!
Let's talk about the first and last death of Redstar!
There are 2 important plot things before I get into it:
1) It actually takes a LOT of convincing from literally everybody (AND their moms) for Redtail to get his 9 lives. He is loyal to Thunderclan and truly believes that he will return to it, until he learns of its fall in the paws of Tigerstar. It's only when Sandstorm (his only family left at this point) tells him of her want to remain in Skyclan that he accepts.
2) When Tigerstar killed Spottedleaf at the Moonstone, Starclan shut itself away. No cat could reach them or recieve their 9 lives (in the forest territories) while Tigerstar was alive.
So let's begin
Redstar, of course, loses his first life to Tigerstar in the battle against Tigerclan. Now, Redstar had given the command that no cat would call him 'star'. He knew about the cut off from Starclan, and purposefully hid his role from the enemy. Tigerstar had no reason to assume Red would have more than 1 life.
Big mistake, cue the shocked pikachu face.
Redstar stands back up and dives right back in (he was pleasantly surprised that he only had to kill Tiger once)
Big time skip. We're in the new territories (there's lots of story here but that can wait)
The eclipse is a few hours away and the Dark Forest is coming with it. Redstar wakes his deputy and medicine cats and they hustle to the Moonpool to get Hollyleaf her 9 lives in secret before the battle.
He knows he won't survive this battle. He is old, and hyper aware that Tigerstar is coming for him personally.
And he's right.
During the battle Hollyleaf stays at Redstars side. When Tiger and his sons make an appearance she dies taking Hawk and Bramble down (with the help of her ghost friend)
Redstar fights Tigerstar but is overpowered. Tigerstar gloats over his victory, drawing out Redstars death. He knows that Redstar has no more lives. Redstar won't get back up this time.
But Hollystar will.
With the last of his strength, Redstar pins Tigerstar long enough for Hollystar to recover and deliver a killing blow. Redstar praises his great-granddaughter, encouraging her for her new journey as leader, and then passes away.
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sillspore · 10 months
Rippling Pawsteps Outline (so far!)
i’ve been talking about my rewrite for a little bit now, and i think i’ll be calling it rippling pawsteps! or tagged ripples au for short. so far, i’ve covered the first two arcs vaguely. nothing much has been changed, mostly minor things and setups for arc 3. nothing is completely set in stone, so feel free to give me suggestions and requests anytime! i won’t be able to do all of them, but i love hearing what others think about my stuff and exchanging ideas :)
outlines below the cut! beware, it’s so long. oh and entirely raw. unedited. i wrote the outlines for the first arc as i read the books, and the outlines for the second as i watched moonkitti’s “i spoil” videos for them lmao
- Prologue is the same, sunningrocks battle (NOT the one Redtail dies in.), Spottedleaf delivers the “Fire alone can save our clan” prophecy
- Timeline is moved up a bit, Rusty is 5 months old, not 6 —same with Graypaw. When Rusty walks into the forest to hunt, he’s jumped by Sandpaw, who was followed by Whitestorm and Bluestar. Same conversation about joining the clan commences, but Bluestar comments that Rusty looks small and finds out he’s only 5 moons.
- The next day, Rusty is taken to camp, but by Whitestorm and Redtail. Redtail is still having empty nest syndrome after Sandpaw was apprenticed, so he’s super interested in Rusty. The same “test” getting to camp is done, but much less intense.
- They arrive at camp, same as canon. When Darkstripe and Longpaw threaten Rusty, however, Redtail threatens to body him because this is Redtail’s new baby, back off.
- Bluestar says shhh let them duke it out and rusty beats the shit out of longpaw and gets his collar ripped off
- Redtail takes the newly named Firekit to the nursery and introduces him to Graykit, who’s waiting for his mother Willowpelt to come back. Fire and Gray are instant bffs.
- For the next moon, until Fire and Gray are apprenticed, Fire learns his way around camp and clan life, and gets to bond a lot with Redtail. From what Redtail’s said, Fire will be apprenticed to him.
- Also during this time, Fire sees Longpaw’s warrior ceremony
- Firepaw is indeed apprenticed to Redtail, and they have fun for a single day before the sunningrocks battle where Redtail is killed. When Ravenpaw bursts into camp announcing Redtail’s death, Firepaw, Sandpaw, and Runningnose are wailing, and this is how the story introduces 1) the mystery and 2) clan culture’s death rituals and grieving process
- Lionheart is made deputy
- Bluestar takes over Firepaw’s apprenticeship, but Firepaw is held back because he just misses redtail :(
- Through this, Tigerclaw is very soothing to Firepaw and Sandpaw, trying to instill loyalty in them, so Firepaw has a relatively favorable opinion of Firepaw
- Firepaw and Goldenflower have a kind of nice aunty thing going on, she loves him, he loves her a lot too
- 2 moons into training, Firepaw is a natural hunter and while a bit slower at picking up fighting, doing very well regardless
- Frostfur and Lionheart have the babies: Brightkit, Thornkit, Cinderkit and Brackenkit
- Firepaw and Graypaw are hunting together at sunningrocks and Fire is angsty about it. Firepaw notes that it looks like there had been a rock slide, but Tigerclaw hadn’t mentioned that in the report
- Riverclan apprentices Silverpaw, Heavypaw and Shadepaw show up at sunningrocks, and get into a verbal spat with the boys
- Fire is aggressive, this clan killed Redtail. He screams for them to leave, or Tigerclaw will kill more than just their deputy. River kids are pissed, but one of em goes “huh???? Tigerclaw didn’t kill Oakheart. He died in the rockslide” Graypaw is like “what are you on??? Tigerclaw killed Oakheart in revenge after Oakheart killed redtail.” River kids are ???? no man oakheart never killed redtail. Redtail killed oakheart.
- Firepaw is upset, and tries to write it off, but the way the Riverclan ‘paws seemed really confused, not angry
- Next day, Firepaw finds Yellowfang and feeds her, Tigerclaw is furious with him because she has a bad rep, but Bluestar is pleased
- Yellowfang is a healet, and they are sacred: Firepaw did good in bringing her here and feeding her, but bad bc he also ate the rabbit
- Firepaw is grounded until the next gathering, taking care of Yellowfang, and learning Lore from her and forming the cute relationship we all know and love. Also Shadowclan things
- Gathering: Windclan is missing, Brokenstar yowls that Yellowfang is disgraced, and declares that they’re the ones who chased WindClan out of their territory,
- Firepaw notes how small the Shadowclan apprentices are, hmmm….. Here is where he learns about Littlepaw’s Law
- After the gathering, tigerclaw and gang + the queens are in an uproar over yellowfang, and darkstripe and longtail drag her out of her nest
- Bluestar admonishes them, saying Yellowfang is welcome in Thunderclan and she will not tolerate any harm against her. Darkstripe and tigerclaw look disgruntled, but longtail is SO shameful
- Bluestar announces her moonstone visit! Same group as canon, they travel but firepaw is soooo weirded out by tigerclaw like he’s being so weird
- During the sleepy time bluestar insists firepaw commune with StarClan too. He does, and redtail visits him, cue cute reunion, dream ends with redtail trying to tell firepaw what happened, “Tigerclaw…” bluestar then wakes the boy up
- Same visit, bluestar has the dream, loses a life to the rats. Firepaw notes that tigerclaw is oddly apathetic about bluestar losing a life right in front of him
- They race back to thunderclan, everyone be fighting fr
- Firepaw beats the shit out of a shadowclan she-cat, and witnesses blackfoot killing rosetail and trying to steal frostfur’s kits
- Yellowfang fucks blackfoot UP protecting the babies
- Yellowfang is made a full member of ThunderClan, and offers to help Spottedleaf with post-battle healing, hooray
- Lionheart was killed during battle, and bluestar makes Tigerclaw deputy. Ravenpaw is HORRIFIED, and Firepaw is uneasy due to his recent dream from redtail
- Ravenpaw finally tells firepaw the whole story, then they tell graypaw together
- Brindleface gives birth to ashkit and fernkit
- Bluestar tells firepaw she’s only got 2 more lives left, not 4
- Frostfur’s kits go missing :000
- Tigerclaw blames yellowfang cause she’d also missing, then the gang finds spottedleaf—firepaw is horrified, he wasn’t close to spottedleaf but they’d bonded over redtail after his death and he’s devastated that she’s dead now too
- The storm begins—Bluestar forbids a patrol to go out for the kits until the storm is over, tigerclaw pushes his “there’s a traitor in thunderclan” argument again, frostfur is increasingly paranoid and strikes ravenpaw when he comes too close to the nursery to check on brindleface’s kits
- Bluestar asks Firepaw to go find Yellowfang before Tigerclaw can, because she has a feeling he’d “put the clan’s wants above the code” = kill Yellowfang
- Firepaw goes to do just that, but sees the clan turning on Ravenpaw and decides to bring him to get him somewhere safe first. Graypaw sees and tags along with them
- They drop Ravenpaw off at the edge of WindClan territory to go live with Barley, and this takes like half a day before the boys are tracking Yellowfang
- They find her and it goes as in canon, she tells them Clawface took the kits and they tell her that he also killed Spottedleaf. They run into the ThunderClan patrol(which this time around includes Sandpaw and Dustpaw), Yellowfang gets the ShadowClan elders, they execute their plan.
- During the battle, Firepaw beats the shit out of Boulder and Clawface, Whitestorm stops him from killing Clawface but Firepaw still adds another deep scar to his face before sending Clawface running
- Firepaw helps Yellowfang with Brokenstar before he and the rogues leave, and they check on the kits. Cinderkit and Brackenkit are okay, but Thornkit and Brightkit have some nasty cuts
- They go back to camp, the kits are tended to by Yellowfang, Yellowfang is made ThunderClan’s official healer
- Bluestar names Firepaw, Graypaw, Sandpaw, and Dustpaw warriors, they are now Fireheart, Graystripe, Sandstorm, and Dustpelt.
- Fireheart and Graystripe declare Ravenpaw dead, found in ShadowClan, and Yellowfang obv knows they’re lying and is confused but doesn’t say anything cause she’s fucking based
- The book ends with Fireheart sitting vigil after unsuccessfully trying to tell Bluestar about Tigerclaw’s crimes, Tigerclaw glaring at him threateningly. He knows Fireheart knows.
- Book begins with the morning after the vigil, fireheart checks on the kits with Yellowfang. Thornkit and Brightkit will have their apprenticeships delayed while they heal, but Cinderkit and Brackenkit will be ready soon
- Fireheart doesn’t try to tell bluestar the truth yet, he doesn’t think he has the whole story bc he knew redtail so he knows redtail would never kill
- Gathering, nighpelt asks to keep the loaned riverclan territory, Crokkedstar calls him fucking crazy like what
- Bluestar reprimands Nightpelt, then says WindClan must be brought back, the other two fight back about it but in the end agree WindClan would be brought home
- Next day, Bluestar gives fireheart and graystripe the mission of finding the windy cats
- This goes exactly the same as in canon, including the gorge fight where whiteclaw dies rip to that bitch but i haven’t read leopardstar’s honor so i don’t even know his personality
- Fire and gray are given Cinder and Bracken as apprentices, and just like in canon Gray falls in the river and meets Silverstream
- Most of this book goes the same as canon, tbh. Tigerclaw is slightly less aggressive though bc it adds Layers
- Fireheart finds out about graystripe sneaking off to meet his riverclan babe and is HEARTBROKEN (this will be able to be read both romantic and platonic)
- Like fireheart is so upset and betrayed, he yells at graystripe for disloyalty
- Gray is a stubborn ass and yells back, continues to use his excuse of a cold to not do his mentor or warrior duties and instead lay about and meet with silverstream
- Fireheart takes over mentoring for both Cinderpaw and Brackenpaw, Runningwind helps sometimes and the two bond over Redtail a little
- Tigerclaw sets the thunderpath trap for Bluestar while she is recovering from greencough/losing a life, cinderpaw goes and falls into it instead while fireheart is getting catnip from twolegplace
- Fireheart is, once more, devastated. Graystripe arrives back in camp, fireheart glares at him, graystripe snarls and doesn;t talk to him
- Throughout the book i want tiny longfire interactions and firesand interactions, but firesand is sibling coded here due to fire’s relationship with redtail
- Next morning, graystripe has the same argument with fireheart as in canon, why didnt you tell me bluestar lost a life?! And fire’s like well you didnt want to speak with me…
- It goes similar to canon, but more aggressive on fireheart’s side—this man is petty and heartbroken and so, so sad. His pseudo grandmother mother mentor is so close to death and his little sister apprentice kid is on the verge of death and his best friend was too busy galivanting by the river with a pretty girl to care
- Fireheart blows up about how he wasn’t in camp when cinderpaw was in danger and if he had been he could’ve been fast enough to stop her from leaving, and about how graystripe has completely abandoned brackenpaw
- Graystripe calls him a disloyal untrusting jerk and this hurts fireheart soooo bad
- Graystripe is definitely in the wrong here but i want fireheart to have some spice too, he’s gotta have some sass to contend with longtail lfmao
- The argument was heard by the clan, most thunderclan cats are feeling weird about graystripe and how often he’s gone
- Sandstorm beckons fireheart to sit with her, dustpelt, and longtail, who are kind of a little friend group within the clan
- Dustpelt is still pretty aggressive with fireheart, but sandstorm is downright friendly after he saved her at the gorge and longtail is still sassy but not in the kitty racism way, so fireheart is surprised that he enjoys talking to longtail
- Soon after, fireheart goes to princess for more catnip and she hands over baby Cloudkit, woohoo
- Tigerclaw and darkstripe are PISSED, and most of the clan is relatively hostile about gaining a new member
- Graystripe sticks up for fireheart a little, but sandstorm sticks up for him too and that does it for bluestar
- Brindleface agrees to nurse him anf frostfur is super nice to fireheart, bluestar names cloudkit, bur refuses him a ceremony. Fireheart begins to feel a bit jaded, his best friend is betraying him, tigerclaw is a fucking kitty racist murderer, cinderpaw almost died, and bluestar is not mothering like mother used to. Mother is mothering like MY mother, which is never a good thing to be. Do better, bluestar.
- After this things continue pretty similarly to canon
- Brokenstar leads all warriors except fireheart out of camp and attacks, fireheart, sandstorm, and dustpelt defend that shit
- They are Praised
- Brokentail is blinded and now prisoner
- At the end, we have the shadowclan and riverclan vs windclan and thunderclan in the WindClan camp, fighting goes hard fr
- Leopardfur tries to literally kill fireheart, he asks tigerclaw to help, tigerclaw just stares at him blankly and watches. Fireheart manages to get away, attacking nightstar and going to help whitestorm, but he’s stopped by silverstream
- This battle goes a little different than in canon, bc fireheart actually hates her guts for taking graystripe away from him
- So when she comes to her senses and stops fighting him, he just hisses and swipes at her before she runs away. Tiny, but big effect on his and graystripe’s relationship. The boys are FIGHTING
- I want this to drive fireheart to seek out company in sand, dust, and long, so their bonds will be solid when graystripe comes to his senses and stops putting riverclan pussy over his home and family ?! long and dust are still iffy but sandstorm and fireheart become bros
- Opens with the next gathering, Fireheart and Graystripe are friends again but fireheart openly disapproves of graystripe’s choices, he insists this will end badly
- Gathering goes as normal, fireheart overhears elders talking about bluestar’s missing kits
- After the gathering, fireheart and graystripe go to see ravenpaw to ask for more information, when ravenpaw says oakheart died via convenient rocks fireheart is relieved and goes to tell bluestar
- On the way back, they hunt a lil and so tigerclaw doesn’t give them the punishment in canon, just yells at them and calls them names and stuff
- Brightpaw and thornpaw are finally made apprentices, their wounds have healed and they are strong, given to whitestorm and mousefur like in canon
- Ask silverstream about the rockslide, who gets mistyfoot who confirms the story
- Talks to graypool about the weird thing oakheart said, she tells gim mistyfoot and stonefur were thunderclan kits yadayadayada
- Fireheart goes to talk to Bluestar, tells her about the story, bluestar is completely unreceptive, snarls at him for accusing tigerclaw of such crimes but says she’ll let it slide because she knows he misses redtail and is just looking for answers. Fireheart finds this incredibly patronizing
- Fireheart and cinderpaw go looking for herbs, cloudpaw comes with and learns about deathberries
- All fireheart’s prophetic dreams are delivered by redtail and not spottedleaf
- Next morning graystripe is still knee deep in riverclan pussy so fireheart trains brackenpaw and saves cloudkit from that badger with sandstorm, tigerclaw punishes cloudkit for this. Fireheart is filled with rage.
- Fireheart sees tigerclaw sneakin to twolegplace????
- River floods, fireheart and graystripe report it to bluestar who is Oddly Worried
- Fireheart and graystripe go back out to patrol the river border and find two kits, save them, bring them back to riverclan. Every riverclan cat ever is super ungrateful about it, especially leopardfur, who is a bitch (i hate her. I hate her so mucg)
- Mistyfoot puts them in their place and thanks the boys, who promise to hunt for them
- I’m not doing the plot where they hunt from thunderclan territory tho
- Idk how yet but i’ll have them hunting outside of it and bringing that prey to riverclan
- Riverclan is grateful, but cloudkit followed them and tigerclaw used that to find out and bring them back to camp yelling traitor!!!! Traitor!! Bwuetsar he huwt my feewings by feeding stawving wiverclan cats :(
- Bluestar punishes them lightly for not telling her and sneaking around, but praises them for helping riverclan
- She sends then out to hunt and forbids them to eat until next sunrise, like apprentices, and longtail gloats a little calling fireheart firepaw and fireheart threatens to rip his other ear and longtsail shuts up bc he’s scared and also a little attracted, i think
- Before the next gathering, the stream thunderclan usually has to cross is too inflated due to the flood. Tigerclaw makes fireheart test a branch to get across, fireheart falls and almost drowns, longtail saves him though and genuinely seemed concerned for fireheart’s safety
- Fireheart locks eyes with murderclaw and knows he was trying to kill him yippee
- Cinderpaw becomes yellowfang’s official apprentice
- Gathering comes, bluestar takes most warriors and they get to the gathering by crossing through shadowclan territory, bc there is no other way
- At the gathering, nightstar reveals bluestar is sheltering brokentail, windclan and shadowclan are piiiiiissed and threaten to attack
- Shadowclan refuses to let thunderclan get home through their territory
- Riverclan lets them use theirs, fireheart notices how similar bluestar, mistyfoot, and stonefur look
- Fireheart is once again training graystripe’s apprentice when brackenpaw sees the windclan and shadowclan cats getting ready to attack them so they race to camp, commence the attack
- Brokentail lives, thunderclan wins the attack
- Brackenfur is made a warrior, thanks fireheart but not graystripe bc brackenfur hates him why would he not wtf
- Graystripe leaves and silverstream is given birth, cinderpaw helps and tigerclaw witnesses it and clearly hates children
- Silverstream dies. Rip
- Fireheart and cinderpaw take the kits back to camp, and goldenflower agrees to nurse them
- Bluestar talks to fireheart and she knew this would happen bc she too fell foe the charms of riverclan pussy, here goes her backstory bc fireheart figured her shit out
- Graystripe has buried silverstream and says where are the kits to bury and firehearts like wtf they're alive and graystripe goes :0
- Cloudpaw is firehearts new apprentice that’s crazy
- They visit princess, who tells them about strange cats in twolegplace
- Back in thunderclan, riverclan wants silverstreams babies
- Fuck you says fireheart
- Maybe not fuck you says bluestar
- Later, on a hunting mission sees tigerclaw meeting with cats from twolegplace, fireheart realizes they’re going to attack thunderclan and goes home to warm them
- Attack, wow
- Tigerclaw slips into bluestar’s den to kill her and reveals his evil plan but fireheart stops him, oh em gee
- Fight’s over, sandstorm and graystripe are holding tigerclaw down bc he has like fucking rabies idk that bitch is crazy
- Bluestar tells fireheart to reveal all he knows about tigerclaw to the clan
- Tigerclaw is exiled, asks each of his lackeys to go with him
- Ummmm. You left me out of this plot and i’m upset with you so no - darkstripe
- What the fuck. You tried to kill bluestar??? No???? - Longtail
- Bitch you killed my mentor??? What??? - dustpelt
- Rip tigerclaw he was funny (sike)
- Fireheart sees yellowfang kill brokentail
- Right before moonhigh, bluestar makes fireheart deputy
- Everyone is shocked but most of the clan has a good opinion of fireheart atm bc he saved bluestar
- Riverclan comes to take the kits, bluestar says fuck you but graystripe says no fuck me :( i will give riverclan my babiees
- Fireheart helps him take the babies to the border, graystripe reveals he’s going to riverclsan too, fireheart is sad
- Opens the same as canon, fireheart out hunting with cloudpaw — cloudpaw is being a little shit, disobeying and acting very egotistical. Cloudpaw calls fireheat a loser. Fireheart watches as cloudpaw storms off to go hunt and so he heads back to camp
- He assigns some patrols, fumbling a little, poor boy is struggling and not used to being in charge
- Whitestorm tells him ashkit and fernkit are ready to be apprenticed, so fireheart goes off to tell bluestar
- Like in canon, bluestar asks if he or graystripe can mentor them, even though fireheart already has cloudpaw and graystripe is gone. Bluestar is losing it, and doesn't trust anyone in clan
- Fireheart tries to work out who should be mentors for the kiddos, and choses dustpelt and sandstorm. Yes in canon yellowfang tells him it’s not a good idea to have two inexperienced warriors mentoring at the same time, but like bluestar did it in fire and ice with fireheart and graystripe so i disagree. Give sandstorm that apprentice
- Fireheart has the moment where bramblekit’s eyes scare the bejeezus out of him, goldenflower makes her slay threat to kill anyone who hurts her babies
- Apprentice ceremony, darkstripe is irritated about the lack of an apprentice
- Sandstorm is over the MOON
- Fireheart is irritated with Cloudpaw, Longtail sits next to him and they Converse, Longtail says not to worry, that some apprentices are just rebellious and need time
- Cloudpaw finally comes back that night, with one piece of prey. Fireheart is pissed and scolds him, forbidding him from eating from the prey pile and cloudpaw is outraged
- Bluestar decides to go to the Moonstone, takes only fireheart bc she only trusts him
- Mudclaw stops them on the way there, Fireheart says they’re breaking the warrior code by preventing Bluestar from communing with StarClan, Mudclaw doesn;t care
- Fireheart and Bluestar turn back, and soon the next gathering is held
- While they were gone, Cloudpaw was supposed to be training with Runningwind but he ran off on his own
- Fireheart tries to convince Bluestar to tell Tallstar of his warrior’s conduct, but she refuses
- Gathering, bluestar announces Brokentail is dead and Fireheart is the new deputy. She refuses to tell anyone what happened with Tigerclaw, Fireheart assumes it is because of shame
- Littlecloud and Whitethroat are found by the Owl Tree, begging for food and herbs. Like in canon, Bluestar is worryingly suspicious, and Yellowfang says they have an old ShadowClan disease that is known to wipe clans and they’re kicked out
- Sandstorm and Fireheart accompany them to the border, discovering the thunderpath tunnel
- Fireheart notices how fat Cloudpaw is getting lmao
- Joint apprentice training sesh with fireheart, cloudpaw, longtail, and swiftpaw. Fireheart notices how kind longtail is to swiftpaw….hmmm…….
- He sees Cloudpaw begging for kittypet food, he is HORRIFIED
- Fireheart sees this as an attack on him and how hard he’s worked for the clan to see him as loyal — he completely blows up on Cloudpaw, worse than in canon
- Cloudpaw is completely nonchalant, he thinks he should be able to do whatever he wants
- Fireheart tries to lecture him about the warrior code, to no avail
- Willowpelt gives birth to Sootkit, Rainkit, and Sorrelkit
- Drought, fireheart goes to get wet moss hoping to run into graystripe, instead he stumbles upon the sickly ShadowClan cats. He’s a lot nicer to Cinderpelt about this issue than in canon bc like damn there was no need
- Sandstorm and fireheart follow cloudpaw to Twolegplace like canon, seeing the twoleg take Cloudpaw away in the monster
- Fireheart says now he has no kin and his adoptive sister Sandstorm is super offended
- Ashpaw misses cloudpaw :(
- Redtail dream again
- Cinderpelt says his dreams are dumb stop focusing on the past and start focusing on the NOW, fireheart!!! Fireheart says huh??? Cinderpelt says oh my god you’re so stupid i don’t understand why longtail likes you so bad
- Fireheart is strangely flustered by this information
- Himbo energy
- Mousefur, runningwind, and thornpaw were attacked by rogues, including tigerclaw, tigerclaw nerfs runningwind
- Fireheart is So sad. Poor boy
- Like in canon, whitethroat dies via car while being chased by fireheart
- Tigerclaw and fireheart go at it, tigerclaw is insufferable like usual
- This makes bluestar Worse
- The whole saving cloudpaw happens exactly as canon, ravenpaw tells em he’s in a house near highstones and they yoink him home, on the way back fire sand and cloud beat the fuck outta those windclan guys
- Cloudpaw says he was stolen and everyone believes him
- Bluestar gets worse
- Everyone’s eepy until Redtail comes to Fireheart in his dreams again, and Fireheart smells smoke oh no smoke?!?!
- During this fireheart and longtail have a Moment
- SO tempted to make fireheart save yellowfang instead of bramblekit here bc god do i find that guy insufferable but firebaby would never
- Yellowfang death scene :( bluestar is losing it 🙁
- After going back to camp, bluestar hides away and fireheart is the defacto leader
- Gathering! Tigerclaw is now tigerstar and oh shit uh that’s bad uh oh
- Gathering, just as in canon, Fireheart freaking out over Tigerstar, Tallstar is uneasy
- Graystripe disobeys Leopardfur to give ThunderClan free fish slay
- Cinderpelt gets the “pack, pack, kill, kill” dream, Fireheart takes this much more serious than in canon
- Fireheart tries to get Bluestar to make Cloudpaw, Swiftpaw, Brightpaw, and Thornpaw warriors. She does not
- Brackenfur notices Snowkit is not like the other girls
- Med cat meeting Littlecloud is now becoming a doctor! Congrats, you gay little kitty you
- Graystripe tells how Tigerstar and Leopardfur are talking in secret
- Graypool missing, fireheart sees her reveal that oakheart has two thunderclan kits before he kills her rip that cool old lady
- Bramblekit catches a mouse :)
- Snowkit is Deaf, but with much less ableism than in the books??? Bluestar is a little ableist but it’s because she’s losing it. Speckletail is angry
- Thornpaw scent dogs wow
- Tell bluestar, she says that would never happen thats crazy talk why would dogs be in the woods lmaoooo
- Hawk attempts to drag snowkit off. Brackenfur says fuck you i adopted him already so snowkit does NOT die but he does get some gnarly scars
- Bluestar claims starclan must be taking revenge on the clan
- Cloudpaw doesnt believe in starclan cray
- Gathering we get strangely emotionally connected to Gorsepaw from WindClan. Nothing bad will happen to him i’m sure
- Leopardstar is a leader now, and sucks just as much.
- Bluestar accuses windclan of prey stealing, snarling occurs, yadayada
- Next day fireheart catches darkstripe taking tigerstar’s murder babies to meet him at the border. Wtf
- fireheart rallies the warriors to disobey bluestar and prevent the fight, he uses ravenpaw to arrange the fourtrees meeting, peace is secured but bluestar is pisseddddd
- Same losing it talk as in canon that shit went hard
- Fireheart and longtail anguish about bluestar losing it, longtail’s upset over swiftpaw’s lack of promotion, and fireheart confides in him about her mental decline
- Bluestar leads patrol sunningrocks leopardstar tries to take it cue fight
- Mistyfoot and stonefur try to kill Bluestar, but Fireheart goes wait no shes your mama!!!!!
- Graystripe is reabsorbed into ThunderClan
- After the battle, Bluestar makes only Cloudtail a warrior because he doesn’t believe in StarClan and she likes that about him
- Swiftpaw and brightpaw are enraged
- They go after the dogs as in canon, they go after the dogs — but in my rewrite they both survive fuck you!
- Bluestar gives them their warrior names on their deathbeds, Lostface and Dogscar. Fun, but nobody likes this.
- Bramblepaw apprenticed to fireheart and tawnypaw to brackenfur
- Fireheart tells the kids the truth about their dad, they’re heartbroken
- Next gathering tigerstar demands his babies, bluestar says maybe next month idk
- Longtail warns Fireheart that he’s found a trail of rabbits, fireheart’s like fuck
- From here it proceeds exactly as canon, with Brindleface’s death and the plan to kill the dogs. Bluestar dies, and tigerstar watches angrily
- Fireheart better get ready for his imminent promotion
- Oh look it’s his imminent promotion! Hello firestar! Mourning bluestar times and then highstones journey (lives from lionheart, redtail, spottedleaf, runningwind, bluestar, yellowfang, rosetail, brindleface, and either gorsepaw or silverstream)
- Prophecy
- Tigerstar meeting with scourge so cute
- Whitestorm, i promote thee to deputy
- Bramblepaw and firestar bond training
- Darkstripe fucking feeds sorrelkit deathberries what a bitch
- Get exiled loser
- Tawnypaw is sad
- Ceremonies! Thornclaw is a big boy now. Lostface and Dogscar are now Brightheart and Swiftscar :)
- bright/cloud/swift is very clearly A Thing
- Longtail and firestar are very obviously mates
- Gathering, tigerclan is a thing now. Thunder and wind are Offended, clouds on the damn moon prevent Firestar from sharing Tigerstar’s emo backstory with the clans
- Tigerstar is scary
- firestar , graystripe, and ravenpaw save featherpaw, mistyfoot and stormpaw from tigerclan. Rip stonefur
- Tawnypaw is gone?? Wtf tawnypaw >:(
- Tigerclan attacks windclan, tigerstar kills gorsepaw, thunderclan gets there too late
- Tigerstar asked tallstar and firestar to meet at fourtrees to talk about joining him. The boys are concerned
- Tawnypaw is with Tigerstar at fourtrees, bramblepaw is upset
- Tigerstar introduces bloodclan, who don’t listen to his orders
- Firestar tells everyone Tigerstar’s crimes, and scourge decides to instant k.o. Tigerclaw and fucks off before telling everyone he will come back to take the forest in three days
- Training montage. sandstorm trains the kits to kill
- Whitestorm kinda wants to leave instead of fighting
- Firestar gets riverclan and shadowclan to fight with him, minus darkstripe cause he’s a bitch
- Lionclan at war fr
- Darkstripe attemps to kill fireheart but graystripe kills him instead :0
- The apprentices maul bone in revenge for whitestorm’s death
- Firestar saved onewhisker from the scary baby but loses a life rip
- Scourge is like hehe i won but when he turns around ed sheeran gets up
- What??!!!!??!?
- I have god, says Firestar.
- Scourge dies
- Bloodclan leaves
- Mistyfoot deputy of riverclan <3
- Blackfoot is NOT leader of shadowclan, because he’s fucking evil???
- I say we promote Darkflower because she’s a slay and also unknown so easy to make antagonistic
- Leafpaw and Crowpaw pov
- Squirrel and bramble fight so much
- Bramble comes to leafpaw about a weird starclan dream he had…..
- Cut to crowpaw, having the same weird dream
- The journey cats meet, through crowpaw’s eyes. Scathing commentary on everyone srs
- Crowpaw hates everyone and wants to never be spoken to
- Crushes on feathertail so hard
- Brambleshade collects everyone to tell them they need to go on the journey
- Cinderpelts prophecy thing…..
- Leafpaw gives em herbs and squirrel and bramble take off
- Leafpaw has a crush on mothwing and it’s so obvious
- Purdy helps the travelling cats! Crowpaw opens up to feathertail
- rats . uh oh
- Squirrelpaw knows the herb to help bc leafpaw is a nerd and infodumps her all the time
- They meet badger!
- Leave the forest. The forest is dying. Uh oh.
- End with Leafpaw pov in ThunderClan, uh oh tractors
- At some point during this book snowpaw becomes a warrior. Snowsight??? His eyes would be his best sense idk
- Stormfur and feathertail pov
- Stormfur is upset that crowpaw likes feathertail, because he knows how badly half-clan relations usually end
- Purdy is helping, midnight fucks him up, group goes to the mountains
- Stormfur is attacked by a bird. Yikes.
- Everyones swept away by water aw man
- They are freezing to death, tribe helps them as long as they let them keep stormfur. Brambleshade and feathertail are upset about this
- Stormfur finding out about the cougar fr
- Brook! Brook and stormfur
- Brambleshade is edgy
- Tribe tells stormfur to kill their cougar and they’ll let his friends go
- The group is allowed to leave, without stormfur
- Come back to save stormfur when cougar is fucking around
- Brambleshade is apathetic about the tribe’s lives
- Tribe found their hideout. Starclan shames stormfur for not facing the mountain lion
- Squirrelpaw says deathberries?
- Cougar!!!! Sharptooth!!!!!
- Feathertail and sharptooth impaledcore
- Stormfur is heartbroken
- Decide to go home
- Epilogue, leafpaw pov again. Everyone is starving and dying and leafpaw gets trapped by twolegs with like sorreltail i think
- Tawnypelt and squirrelpaw pov
- Leafpaw in a cage fr
- Sasha!!!
- gathering/meeting, journey cats arguing ensues
- Leopardstar and darkstar are very against leaving, tallstar is contemplative, and firestar is anxious
- Squirrelpaw and sorreltail save leafpaw, graystripe gets yoinked
- Larchkit and hollykit die. So does Shrewpaw
- Leafpaw and cinderpelt go to riverclan bc mudfur is dying rip
- Windclan and tawnypelt ask thunderclan for help, they r dying
- Evacuating shadowclan
- All clans hang at sunningrocks
- Elders stay behind to die
- Sasha wants her kids. Announces they were fathered by tigerstar. This changes nothing
- So much walking
- Over the mountain!!!! Crazy
- Mudclaw sucks ass
- Apprentice dies. Rip
- Brackenfur smacks a hawk and saves a kit
- Leafpaw looks into tribe water thing meets their ancestors
- Crowpaw is now crowfeather.
- Stormfur stays with the tribe and his wife and his sister’s grave
- brambleshade and squirrelpaw are becoming friendly
- Lake!
- Crowfeather. Crowfeather and leafpaw pov
- Clans sit near horceplace, firestar tries to be a leader, mudclaw spits at him
- Squirrelpaw evolves into Squirrelflight
- Prophecy kitties walk around the lake. Plus mistyfoot
- Crowfeather notices leafpaw and mothwing hanging out
- Mistyfoot finds riverclan territory
- Kittypet attack
- Squirrelflight finds thunderclan camp
- Brambleshade and hawkfrost are friends now. Ew, says squirrelflight
- Squirrelflight is love bombed by ashfur
- Tallstar is dying. Tallstar does not want mudfur to lead windclan. He promotes onewhisker
- They announce this. Crowfeather is unhappy. Mudclaw is unhappy.
- Hawkfrost wants that islandQ!!!! Ugh!!!!!!
- Hawkfrost and brambleshade are besties
- Spiderpaw now spiderleg. Mousefur retires
- Mothwing is an atheist
- Spottedleaf tells leafpaw to go find the moonpool
- Sorreltail comes with her
- Leafpaw sips moon water
- Squirrel and bramble r fightingggg
- Crowfeather in the windclan civil war
- Leafpaw is leafpool
- Hawkfrost and mudclaw tag team attack windclan, thunderclan comes to help and mudclaw gets smited by god
- This lets everyone meet for gatherings at fourtrees
- Crowfeather is emo
- Squirrelflight pov, leafpool pov
- Squirrel is worried about brambleshade’s loyalties bc of hawkfrost, and hangs with ashfur and gang.
- Bramble is being weird
- Everyone attacks a badger
- Leafpool is in love with mothwing. Sorreltail is pregnant. Leafpool is pregnant.
- Squirrel and ashfur fight, ashfur is being fucking weird
- Thunderclan visit windclan, onestar hurts firestar’s feelings
- Feathertail tells leafpool she should totally run away with mothwing
- Birchkit apprenticed to ashfur. squirrelflight is grateful bc this makes him leave her alone a little
- Cinderpelt is mad at leafpool for sneaking off all the time (she’s visiting her wife, mothwing, who’s babies she starts having during their argument)
- Babies. The three are born. The clan is curious, and suspicious, but under the code leafpool doesn’t have to tell anyone where her kits came from
- Brambleshade and squirrelflight are still fighting
- Medicine cats have scary dreams
- Daisy brings her kits to thunderclan. Spiderleg is mad
- Leafpool goes to have mothwing with riverclan’s issues
- Cinderpelt tries to convince leafpool not to run off, but leafpool takes her kits and meets up with mothwing, about to run away
- Squirrelflight is looking for leafpool. Brambleshade and squirrelflight are tired of fighting
- Midnight tells leafpool to go back to the clans they r dying of badgers
- Sorreltail is giving birth, cinderpelt dies protecting them, leafpool gets back just in time to watch her die
- Midnight makes the badgers stop
- Stormfur and brook appear
- Brambleshade pov. Finally. leaf pov
- We immediately see he’s training in the dark forest with tigerstar, tawnypelt, and hawkfrost
- We also see that he wants to be deputy SO bad, and wonders why longtail couldn’t have just stepped down when he was blinded
- Stormfur and brook are visiting in thunderclan
- Sorreltail’s babies, yay
- Midnight implies stormfur is important
- Brambleshade tries to make up with squirrelflight, who is receptive
- Leafpool is incredibly busy, having babies and a full time job
- Foxtrap. yea
- Squirrel asks leaf if she can trust brambleshade, leafpool says yes
- Brambleshade has doubts during dark forest training
- Berrykit loses his tail to a fox trap
- Mothwing has an apprentice, willowpaw
- Tawnypelt tells brambleshade hawkfrost is evil
- Hawkfrost makes mothwing tell the clans about a sign
- Mothwing tells leafpool how hawkfrost faked the sign that made mothwing a healer
- Tawnypelt curses out tigerstar, says she only trained with him to become a better ShadowClan warrior
- Tigerstar rants about brambleshade becoming deputy then leader. This is something brambleshadw wants, but doesn’t want firestar, the guy who basically raised him, to die for
- Leafpool gets the sign about the brambles, tells squirrel it means he’s good and will protect the clan, but worries if he’ll strangle it instead
- Hawkfrost tells brambleshade to meet him by the lake at sunset
- Leafpool visits cinderpelt at the moonpool yay
- Hawkfrost punches brambleshade
- Hawkfrost is trying to kill firestar with a foxtrap
- Meanwhile, leafpool is helping sorreltail with her kits, ashfur bursts into camp and says firestar is dying
- Brambleshade proves himself by beating the shit out of hawkfrost
- Switch back to bramble pov
- Tigerstar urges brambleshade to kill firestar, brambleshade immeadiately says no and kills hawkfrost instead, saving firestar. Firestar says thanks son and brambleshade feels warm and fuzzy and decides he doesn’t need to be deputy to be happy
- He just needs his wife :)
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bonefall · 1 year
May we talk about the differences with better bones au Firestar?
BB!Firestar is VERY different from canon. No longer is he a leader who slips deeper into blind reverence to the warrior code, he is ALWAYS defined by his dedication to freedom and diplomacy.
It is this defiance that becomes the foundation of the Fire Alone ideology, marking a radical change to Clan society.
Back in TPB he bonded immediately with Spottedleaf, who acted like a big sister.
She taught him the difference between invoking StarClan and channeling a spirit.
And also how to break the law LMAO
From her, he learns humor, and how to not fear death even when it surrounds him.
From his mentor, Bluestar, he learns about justice, diplomacy, how to be gracious and how to stand up for himself.
He never stops learning, understanding new things about the people around him.
Unlike other warriors and leaders, Firestar's first instinct is to use diplomacy. While he won't back down from a fight, he tries to at least negotiate better terms first.
BB!Firestar, famously, DOES NOT kill Scourge. He defeats him honorably, extending the Warrior Code even to outsiders.
Learned about SkyClan from horrible dreams and Runningnose, found out that Brokenstar's spirit was the spirit of the 5th Tree at Fourtrees, and told StarClan to shove it when they told him to ignore it.
Sandstorm is not with him during this quest, Firestar's Quietus. The ghost of Brokenstar is.
Had FIVE deputies in his reign. Whitestorm, Longtail, Graystripe, Brackenfur, and lastly Brambleclaw. A record!
Through his leadership, he was always extending help to other Clans. Especially in Po3 as the Clans settled the lake and tried to fix its ecology.
He is leader through TPB, TNP, and Po3. He dies during the Fire Scene in Cruel Season, which was actually a Dark Forest distraction.
Thornclaw, Breezepelt, and Whiskernose were his killers.
After his death he rapidly becomes a diety associated with fire and breaking bad habits.
He's often invoked by cats who are trying to make a change in their lives, or when they can't get a fire started.
In terms of personality,
He remains CURIOUS. He is not the sort of person who can accept not knowing things.
He likes to work out puzzles, riddles, and enjoys being in the gossip loop.
Other leaders think he's quite nosy. Keeps getting involved in their business and won't leave them alone.
Can be a bit of a sassy bitch.
He is aromantic but not ace! He's had flings before, but eventually break off. He dated Onewhisker for a short time.
He isn't mates with Sandstorm, they are friends who had children together. It was an Honor Siring.
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
Love the idea of healer Fire. What if Tigerclaw suggesting Fire prove it by taking one of his lives? And Fire comes back and stares down Tigerclaw
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ok!! here are my ideas for healer/ex-healer Fireheart (which i am very tempted to add to the au)
this is long (and rambling) so im putting it under the cut v
Just as a note: Fire's reasoning for joining the Orders is slightly different than in canon, Fire wishes to join because he wants to be free from human influence "cats aren't pets anymore! I don't get why /humans/ get to be in charge!". He is exited and fascinated by the idea of a community of cats built by cats, and run by cats. He wants to be a part of something like that! His idea of the Orders are a bit idealistic though, he dreams of them being some lovely cat utopia where cats can thrive and be at peace, he doesn't focus on the tales of their battles or the cat blood spilt in the forest beyond the human village...
When Fire joins the Order he is still made Bluefrost's apprentice (that orrr I could make him Redtail's apprentice instead....), and things go as normal for a bit.
But Fire often questions why the Orders need to fight, and why he needs to fight other cats for seemingly petty reasons (this is canon to roc either way). Fire is also a friendly guy (he is such an orange cat), he likes to make friends with other cats in other Orders (at least the ones who don't mind his kittypet origins)... he hates the idea of having to fight them one day...
During this time Fire also continues to have dreams from the Stars... he is often visited by a wispy blindingly white cat who speaks of great power and great futures... This all confuses him and he seeks comfort and answers in Spottedleaf who serves as a sort of older sister role
he likes spending time in the Healer's den and learning about herbs and the Stars. He doesn't tell Spotted about his dreams at first, he instead asks Spotted a LOT of questions about her dreams, prophecies and how communication with the Stars works. He has a feeling that his dreams are something more, but he doesn't want to say anything incase he is thought to be crazy for claiming he is regularly speaking to Order ancestors (especially since he is an ex-kittypet).
Eventually though Spotted catches on and gets him to tell he about his dreams... She realizes that he is not only talking to an ancestor, he is talking to an extremally ancient and powerful one. This along with Fire's interest in Spotted's other Healer duties makes her ask him if he wishes to be her apprentice.
I think Fire thinks on it for a while, but he decides to do it, maybe he is pushed towards it by Blinding Moon (Moth Flight)? I like the idea of him enjoying being a healer and actually taking an interest in it though! If he was Bluefrost's apprentice, I think she would be slightly unhappy about this at first as she saw a heir/future leader in him, but I think Spotted would tell her that she fully believes that Fire's destiny as a prophecy cat involves him being a healer. which would make her agree. If I made him Redtail's apprentice I would have it to Red dies around the time he is asked if he wants to be a healer, maybe he dies very soon after and the trauma of this is what finally pushed Fire to switching to being a Healer.
After this I think that the plot would stay close to the same, but Fire trains as a Healer apprentice. Spotted dies, Fire is left Thunder's only Healer, and is then given his Healer title by Spotted's spirit at the Moonstone, she tells him that Yellowfang can continue to teach him the rest of what he needs to know, but he is now a full Healer.
Cinder still trains as a Healer apprentice and becomes a healer, if this was an actual book this just means more Fire and Cinder being Yellow's children content!!! and also more Fire and Cinder bonding!! (i love the idea of them being like siblings)
Since I am making Fire have the Scottish fold cartilage disorder, he would also probably spend a lot of time learning about different remedies and Healer techniques for making his chronic pain more manageable. I like the idea of him sharing some of his fave mixes of pain relief herbs with Cinder and Bright after they experience their injuries that leave them with their own chronic pain.
Fire stays close to Bluefrost and sees her decent, he can tell she is having a mental break and is most likely experienceing the beginigns of a deterioration of the mind due to old age as well... He spends a lot of time trying to help her as her Healer and friend, but there isnt much he can do, and she wont take much aid. However because of Fire caring for her so much and staying empathetic towards her Blue decides Fire is the only cat she can trust.
I love the idea of Blue just finally starting the "im making a new cat Second" speech, and Fire feeling relived... only for her to say that HE is going to be Second. The outcry and horror that would result in this!! OH the DRAMA
Blue would refuse anyone's input. she would just hide in her den after this and would leave Fire to the chaos she had started.
Fire would end up trying to do a lot of the Second (and leader) duties (which i think he was already kind of doing, bec Blue was out of commission) but most cats refused to accept him as the actual second. His life would be absolute hell for a while, Sand and Shrike (after Swift's death and Fire and him bonding) would back the poor guy up though...
He would only really prove himself when Blue died and he went to the Moonstone to ask the Stars to tell him what to do next. I dont think he even thought he counted as a true Second, so he went to ask who should lead, only for the Stars to grant him his 9 lives...
I love the idea of him proving he's an actual leader by losing a life, though maybe his leader mark (diamond/star on chest) would be enough??? Either way the other Orders would contest his position so much, it probably would take Fire loosing a life to get them to shut up. Star Talltail would probably believe it though.
Anywayssss they're is a lot of potential in this, a lot of drama and rule breaking would happen... the Stars would really just show how hypocritical they are bec they would break their own rules to make him a leader.
I think as leader Fire would probably do more of a combination of Caretaker and Healer duties rather than Warrior ones as well. Caretakers can become leaders and they arent expected to stop doing their Caretaker jobs so, I like the does of Fire kinda becoming a Healer helper/Caretaker!
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blazingmicah-wc · 1 year
okay so tigerstar, ruling thunderclan and shadowclan, targets half-clan cats but crookedstar is still alive and wants to protect his brother`s kits so he sends them to join the exiled windclan cats for the time being. he also sends away silverstream and longtail seeing as theyre 1/4 windclan. silverstream doesnt seem to mind seeing as both mistyfoot and graystripe are going with them, but longtail doesn`t want to leave behind fireheart. he does regardless and goes to find the windclan cats. there, eldertalon (scourge) kickstarts bloodclan to fight off the shadowclan cats on their territory and is immediately skeptical of the new half-riverclan cats but tallstar quickly befriends longtail and silverstream (seeing as they are the grandchildren of his old deputy). they also hangout with bluestar, yellowfang, spottedleaf and lionheart seeing as they too are taking refuge there.
they get the news that riverclan has been taken and crookedstar has died, making leopardfur the new leader. fireheart and many thunderclan cats run to windclan and are horrified to learn what eldertalon is doing. it turns out that they were followed by thunderclan and riverclan and they attack the camp. silverstream begins her labour and longtail is blinded defending her from leopardstar, but she still dies from blood loss. during the midst of the battle eldertalon kills tigerstar 9 times over and the fight grinds to a halt. shadowclan was about to join but they see tigerstar`s body and flee. the other clans leave and eldertalon proudly leads windclan back to their territory.
suddenly eldertalon announces that tallstar has stepped down and he will be the new leader but seeing as there isnt any starclan atm he will be changing his own name to scourge. he kicks out the refuge-seeking cats and they return to a leaderless thunderclan. bluestar is welcomed back as leader but riverclan come in, demanding silverstreams kits and longtail. stormkit and featherkit are given to riverclan but longtail and graystripe swap places.
bluestar has thunderclan join windclan/bloodclan and fireheart is greatly disheartened. scourge is happy that his little brother has "come to his senses" and makes him deputy.
i just made all this up on the spot so if anyone has any ideas for this au then it would be nice :))
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starfilled · 1 year
The Medicine Cat Path.
This is the Medicine Cat path, the route I follow, is a different path to the Leader Path. It involves herbology, green witchcraft, healing magick, medicine cat ceremonies and gatherings, and also the general belief in StarClan.
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© Warrior Cats, Spottedleaf
Medicine cats in the Warrior Cats series are one of the most important clan members. They treat other cats with injury or illness, and are the main StarClan omen interpreters. They are very respected by all of the clans.
The medicine cats go to the Moonstone/Moonpool on the half moon gathering to "share tongues" with StarClan and receive prophecy. So speaking with ancestors and doing divination work during this time is good. Cats who are going to communicate with StarClan also don't eat beforehand, so fasting for the day preceding the half moon is also a good idea.
Keeping Half Moon water (As the Moonpool) and a Quartz Crystal (As the Moonstone) charged under a Half Moon is a great idea, and then doing some divination with your ancestors and StarClan with them on your altar.
If you want to work with StarClan in the way a medicine cats would, I recommend also looking into green witchcraft and herbology. As well as healing magick. Or you could dedicate your life to being a nurse, doctor, EMT, etc. if you're very serious about this.
Below the cut is the Medicine Cat Code.
The Medicine Cat Code and how it translates to Paganism. Some of these rules do not apply to us.
1. A medicine cat cannot take on a mate.
You may have a partner, but don't let the relationship get in the way of your work.
2. A medicine cat cannot have kits.
3. A medicine cat will never let personal feelings in the way of his or her duties.
Self explanatory.
4. Medicine cats are outside Clan and Clan rivalry.
Don't get involved in drama.
5. A medicine cat may be trained in as a warrior before a medicine cat, but a medicine cat cannot become a normal warrior.
6. Medicine cats are outside Clan rivalries, but they still must learn basic fighting moves.
Don't get involved in drama, but still learn how to stand up for yourself.
7. A medicine cat must be able to inturpret signs from StarClan.
Learn to interpret omens, signs, and general divination. It is important in the Medicine Cat Path.
8. Medicine cats cannot reject an injured cat.
Do not refuse to help a sick or injured being. This includes everything, all animals.
9. A medicine cat must do everything in his or her power to save a sick or injured cat.
Do everything you can to save a sick or injured being.
10. A medicine cat will give his or her life to save a cat.
Give what you don't need to those less fortunate. (I don't see how giving a life would apply to the pagan world.)
Thank you for your time in reading my post, reblogs are preferred over likes. :)
- Moonfeather
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hatsbattlecats · 7 months
Their first gathering happens, but Mosspaw leaves Fire/Grey/Raven to go talk to the other medicine cats with Spottedleaf. Either Spottedleaf or Mudfur mentions it’s strange that Barkface didn’t show up to the last med cat meeting at the half moon, and how strange it is that he isn’t here now since Tallstar is usually very punctual
Fire and Grey still overhear Ravenpaw telling the tale of sunningrocks, and Tigerclaw still overhears. Brokenstar still demands hunting rights and reveals that he drove out Windclan, however, in this version, Bluestar already had suspicions that he’d done this as informed by a patrol of her own sent to give a message to Tallstar, and also from Spottedleaf, who brought news of Barkface’s absence from the meeting and the smell of Shadowclan in Windclan’s territory
When the clan starts rallying to go back and get rid of Yellowfang, Firepaw runs ahead, and Mosspaw stays back with the others to explain what he knows to Spottedleaf since he’s been spending a good deal of time helping Firepaw care for Yellowfang, and has heard plenty of stories from her. He’s certain Brokenstar is lying, and says as much to his mentor.
When everyone returns from the gathering, and many of them call for Yellowfang to be killed or thrown out, Mosspaw is right there with Firepaw ready to leap to her defense before Bluestar tells everyone to knock it off and stop being paranoid.
When Bluestar announces that she’s going to the moonstone, Firepaw already knows what it is (courtesy of Mosspaw) and is instead intrigued about why Bluestar is going now. She’s not a medicine cat, and she’s already been granted her nine lives.
During the Shadowclan attack while bluestar and the others were gone is when Mosspaw experiences his first real encounter with death in the forest, to actually SEE it happen. Redtail was already dead when he had first joined the clan, but the battle with Shadowclan? Rosetail, and Lionheart, both of them perished. He’d tried to save Rosetail, she was on the edge of the battle and Yellowfang had stepped in when the tortoiseshell had fallen to protect the kits, but she’d already lost too much blood. 
After the battle, he’d helped Spottedleaf care for everyone else, but he was stuck in a mixture of shock and grief, going through the movements and barely speaking beyond asking his clanmates where they were hurt.
Spottedleaf sits him down afterwards and they have a talk. She tells him that this is the hardest lesson he will learn as a medicine cat, that he can’t save everyone. When starclan calls, not even the most gifted of medicine cats can keep a cat among the living.
Things become progressively worse for Ravenpaw after the battle, and he starts hiding out in the medicine cat den with Mosspaw when Tigerclaw isn’t sending him on dangerous missions or fetch quests.The two apprentices grow close in this time, and Mosspaw starts having Ravenpaw assist him with herb gathering to get the other apprentice out of Tigerclaw’s grasp as much as possible. During one such herb gathering, Ravenpaw actually confides his secret to Mosspaw before he ever tells Firepaw and Greypaw, though Mosspaw encourages him to tell them too
Spottedleaf is killed by Tigerclaw after she confronts him about killing her brother both to help the apprentice gang gather proof, and for her own closure on the matter. Spottedleaf may be weaker, but she’s faster and more agile, as well as clever. The two of them are distracted from their fight by Clawface and his accomplice running away with Frostfur’s kits. Tigerclaw takes advantage of her distraction and finishes her off.
He comes back into camp just after Frostfur sounds the alarm about her missing kits. He claims to everyone that Clawface and Yellowfang (who slipped out when the alarm went up) stole the kits, and that he totally saw them. He had been out with spottedleaf and tried to fight them back for the kits, but poor Spottedleaf was killed by Clawface while he was trying to chase down the other thief.
Bluestar asks him if he’s sure he was Yellowfang, and (just in case he were to be caught in the lie) says that he isn’t sure, that they “ran past him so fast all he saw was a blur of grey before he turned back to help spottedleaf, but it was too late”
Mosspaw helps Willowpelt prepare Spottedleaf for burial. It’s at this point that Mosspaw notices TIGERCLAW’S fur in Spottedleaf’s claws. He goes to tell Firepaw, but the orange apprentice is already vowing revenge on Clawface, and Mosspaw realizes that not even Firepaw would imagine that Tigerclaw would harm a medicine cat. Not yet at least. Mosspaw wants to go with Fire/Grey/Raven to find Yellowfang and prove her innocence. He’s heard her stories about her past (not all of them of course) and he knows she’d never harm a kit, but Bluestar keeps him behind, telling him that Thunderclan just lost a medicine cat, they cannot risk loosing another
He manages a goodbye to Ravenpaw before the trio leaves, and remains in camp while Firepaw and Greypaw proceed as canon in liberating Shadowclan with Yellowfang’s help. Yellowfang returns with them to clear her name and also to become Mosspaw’s new mentor to finish his training.
After Spottedleaf is buried, Mosspaw finally removes his ribbon collar, leaving it on her grave as a thank-you for everything she taught him. As well as a promise to her that he will always stay with and protect the clan in her stead, for as long as he lives, and theneven longer from beyond when he someday joins her in starclan’s ranks.
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