#spoons is french
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Pourquoi le tag « français » c’est upthebaguette ? C’est une réf que j’ai pas ?
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marejadilla · 4 months ago
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Francine Van Hove, "Le 22 septembre (September 22)", 1996, oil on canvas. B. 1942, Saint-Mandé, Seine, France.
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mewvore · 1 year ago
to be loved is to be changed
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sp00ntaneous · 11 months ago
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'Spoon Devil' ~ Wooden spoon carved in Lacewood, Cherry, Ebony, Bloodwood and toothpicks. Designed by the famed French spoon carver 'Spheridus Premier'.
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Charles Beaudelaire, Les Fleurs Du Mal
albatrosses will wipe the floor with any species of bird you choose to compare them to. they’re the Most, or at least Extremely, by almost every metric
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thelostgirl21 · 1 year ago
Please join me, as we all take a moment to appreciate that The Witcher Season 3's soundtrack has a track that's actually called...
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cytry · 2 years ago
Imagine if Lyney could pull random shit outta his hat, like magicians tend to do. "Oh boy it's time for lunch!" and he pulls an entire baguette™ outta his hat, cuts it into 3 pieces, and him and his siblings all have a nice wittle lunch. and the traveler just stares. Paimon is like: What the fuck. He provided the feast, he provided baguette™. Good for him, good for Lyney. Edit: And before anyone asks. No. No baguette™ for Arlecchino >:(
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Only speaking english must be wild. You guys don’t even have Orelsan
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nickyhemmick · 3 months ago
I’m afraid that we’ll never speak again. That I’ll never see him again. I know it’s a consequence of the choice we made, but it hurts to think I’ll never really have him in my life again. And it hurts more to know that if he ever reaches out, it will be because he’s over me. I can’t stand living in a world where he doesn’t love me anymore.
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malcolm-reeds-pineapple · 3 months ago
Once nuns teach you how to juggle at a defunct ski lodge as part of a school trip that none of your parents remember consenting to, you’re pretty much doomed by the whimsical narrative
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As a French person : let’s talk about particles !
Particles (or more exactly aristocratic particles) are those little words like « de » « du » or « de la » which technically mean « of » or « of the » and are put before actual last names. They used to indicate that someone was part of the aristocracy and owned land. So Louis is « of the » Pointe « of the » Lac : he’s an aristocrat twice over, he was known for being from Pointe and from the Lake, maybe one title came from each of his parents or both came from one, or he acquired both during his life.
In France it’s not uncommon to see people with particules ! Famous examples include Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (who wrote the Little Prince), Valery Giscard d’Estaing (a French président), or Jean d’Ormesson (a French writer who died in 2017). They are a leftover from old noble families. And we don’t concatenate them to the last name, I think that’s an American thing.
Now let’s see what we call those people ! The « de » particule is almost always removed if you only say the person’s last name : you’ll say « Saint-Exupéry wrote the Little Prince ». A famous exception (because it’s not French if there aren’t any exceptions) is the Général de Gaulle : we say « De Gaulle was a French president ». However, the other particules are always kept, and we’ll say things like « I’ve read a book by D’Ormesson », « I think Du Bellay wrote this poem » or « D’Artagnan was a musketeer ».
Valery Giscard d’Estaing is often called Giscard (which is one of his last names) as a shorthand, or sometimes Giscard d’Estaing, and more rarely just D’Estaing.
So it’s totally possible that some people call Louis just « Du Lac » only because it’s shorter and people in general are lazy. Also, having a lot of particles is seen as pretentious : « yeah, we get it, your ancestors were hella rich. I’m not going to say all that just so you can remind us ». They could also be trying to deny his claim to the « De Pointe » name and say that his family did not own the Pointe land but that’s a little bit far-fetched.
As for Lestat, as we’ve seen before, we remove the « de » so it’s natural to just call him « Lioncourt », although if you call him Mr before you should keep the « de » so that might be a misuse of language or just people hearing other people call him « Lioncourt » and them assuming that’s just how you said it.
Also, some people who have multiple last names call themselves using both their last names, and others only one, and other do either depending on the situation.
So what I’d say is : it’s kind of a French thing, but in the end it’s mostly a matter of personal preference, culture differences, and people across the world being lazy. However if Louis only ever introduces himself as Louis de Pointe du Lac and Mr de Pointe du Lac it’s a little bit weird that people only call him Du Lac. Might be racism, might be laziness, might be them assuming he’s pretentious
hey HEY HEY i just realized something!!
louis refers to himself as louis de pointe du lac! nothing weird about that if that’s his name, right? sure! except all the white fellas in the 1910s call him simply “mr. du lac.”
so i reckon it could be one of two things:
racism! these white folk just don’t care about your whole name! they’re lazy and like things done quick, so they skip over half because they don’t respect you
this is a French Thing.
& when i say “oh this is a French Thing,” i mean… like… my grandmama’s maiden name, the one she always said, was miville deschenes. but if you look on legal documents (& truth be told, i don’t think i’ve ever found her personal documents, but i remember finding her family’s), it simply read “miville.” so maybe french people, or rather— french canadians and french americans, just have an extra part of their last name that is like… real, but not… official? maybe real in france but not across the pond? idk help me out
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questwithambition · 1 year ago
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Weekly update - 26/02/2024
Maybe bringing these back? We’ll see how it goes - but she’s back in London! Only partially moved in with the most chaotic of weeks as everything seemed to happen at once (and a feeling of being behind), but am leaning into the accepting what is and doing what you can about it now. Which seems to be working fine; we’re focusing on the making sure my life is working and adding tiny improvements as and when I can. Oh, and hopefully catching the exposition on fantasy at the British library before it ends!
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scoringeffects · 6 months ago
#guys i was in such a baking kick over the summer i cannot stop thinking abuot a natejo bakery au#doesnt matter why french canadian jo is in colorado with a cafe/bakery but he is#nate is nate as we know him osmething or other tyson finds the bakery#introduces them dududu nate CANNOT stop just dropping by every time he heads to practice#his daily order is black drip/americano + whatever jo's special is for the day#this is like circa 2017 or smth so nate's done going thru it (avs 16-17 season) and hes in his chickpea pasta if i dont hit my protien goal#something terrible is going to happen era#but sweet sweet jo and the way he goes all shy and pleased when nate compliments his pastries and cakes and what have you that hes#desperately convincing himself that the fibre in the apple turnovers outweigh the refined sugar + sat. fats definately for sure#(one morning he's in and jo's so fucking gorgeous under the morning light that he couldve handed him a spoonful of buttercream frosting and#the macros wouldve been worth it just for seeing him)#idk one day jo makes low fat high protien banana bread ('theyre real chocolate chips though' jo's telling nate 'but there's also walnuts'#nates not thinking much beyond jo made this for /me/ and he's a little fucked if he falls in love with a damn pastry chef but jo's placing#peice in his hand and it's still a little warm and his fingers brush against his palm and his heart is beating out his chest like he just#got double shifted in overtime so maybe he's been a little fucked this whole time. tyson is going to have a field day with this revalation.#bc tyson mentioned that youve been focusing on healthy eating right?#anyway.
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famewolf · 1 year ago
our home's vibes are immaculate rn
I've got a huge pot of chicken soup cooking on the stove, I'm just about finished making pumpkin brioche french toast ... it's raining outside and so many of the leaves are golden against the dark green evergreens. the whole house smells like sweet cinnamon, hearty soup and warm laundry
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C’est pas grave :D regarde, on est en train de participer à l’instant même (c’est une référence que tu n’auras mais c’est assez obscur donc c’est normal)
Oui bonjour je viens célébrer le syld avec toi (: Je t’aime fort Arson, et je me répète mais tu es comme ma petite sœur 💜🔥
Aweee, hvala ti! Volim i ja tebe<33, istina je da syld izgleda zanimljivo, ali ne znam šta bi rekla -v-''
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whimsicalcotton · 11 months ago
out of context spoilers for this mess
Homura is a kyomami shipper
what she thinks: i won't lose you again. what she says: You Goddamn Reckless Fool. How Dare You.
(cinema sins ding) Rebellion foreshadowing
Kyoko your Sayaka trauma is showing. Kyoko you-- dammit she has her airpods in
kyomami using 'i need to get my stubborn ass cat to the vet' tactics on Homura
the implication that since Mami is waiting for her tea to cool down then Homura is drinking hers scalding fucking hot
the laws of the universe may have been fundamentally altered but their homeroom teacher Still goes on unhinged rants about her boyfriend(s)
Sayaka said "damn Akemi you have issues. have you tried dreaming about fish? come dream about fish with me"
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