benevolentsam · 6 years
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Charlie Bradbury Appreciation Week - 8x20 Pac-Man Fever
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frenchiestan · 6 years
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SUPERNATURAL COLOR CHALLENGE | freckledean ↳ Prompt: Charlie Bradbury + Blue Cola (#0088DC)
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crvdematter · 7 years
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countdown to wayward sisters | day six ↳ kaia nieves appreciation
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stanfordsammy · 7 years
first ever promos!
thanks for over 500 followers (currently at 550)!!! i love you all so much!! doing promos to celebrate this and will be doing blogrates at a later time!
must be following me
reblog this post (likes don’t count)
mutuals💜, +f
ends october 18
blacklist emmadoespromos if you don’t want to see them
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benevolentsam · 6 years
Can I ask for some Ruby/Lilith ? I prefer canon but feel free to write anything!
The hotel room was the cleanest place Ruby had been in a long time. Trailing around after the Winchesters didn’t offer much comfort, so when Lilith called she jumped at the chance to meet her. It wasn’t hard to placate Sam, she’d told him she had to stop one of the seals and he’d accepted it. The poor gullible idiot. Ruby smirked to herself.
She was laid back on the bed, king sized with soft sheets. Maybe if she was human, she could have have fallen asleep then and there.
The door to the room clicked open. Ruby turned her head to the side to see Lilith stood in the doorway with a coy smile on her face. The vessel she wore was beautiful, it took Ruby’s breath away whenever she saw it, but there was something about the look in her eyes that made Ruby’s heart pound. She swallowed. 
“Ruby, my favourite warrior,” Lilith said, sauntering over to the bed. She paused a step away from Ruby, watching her carefully. “You smell… human.”
“Well, I have been spending a lot of time with them,” Ruby laughed. As Lilith sat on the bed, the mattress dipped and Ruby shuffled a little closer to her. Lilith’s willowy fingers wrapped around Ruby’s thigh.
“How’s Sammy boy? Still in the dark?” She asked. Ruby nodded. The fact that Sam thought he was doing good was almost laughable. He’d been destined for evil his entire life, Ruby didn’t know how he always forgot that. “Is he still drinking your blood?” Another nod. Lilith’s lips curled into a predatory grin, her grip on Ruby’s vessel tightened.
“You’ve done good.”
“I always would for you,” Ruby said, and she meant it. She would walk to the ends of the Earth and back for Lilith. Hell, she’d go back on the torture rack if it was what Lilith wanted, but she knew Lilith wouldn’t ever ask that of her. She was the favourite. The best of all of Lilith’s lieutenants. When it came down to it, it would be Ruby and Lilith still left standing. Ruby felt a hand on her cheek, smiled into Lilith’s palm.
“I know,” Lilith’s eyes were bright. “We’ll be together soon, my love. Away from all this humanity.” Lilith planted a kiss on Ruby’s lips, so soft and tender but it made the lights in the room flicker. When she pulled away Ruby grabbed hold of the hand that was on her face, tangling her fingers in Lilith’s.
“Promise me,” she begged, but she knew Lilith couldn’t promise much. What was a demon but a liar though.
“I promise.”
Prompt me?
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benevolentsam · 6 years
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The Cyclops Played by Regina George
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frenchiestan · 6 years
Hey gang! 
So my brother is getting married on Saturday which means two things: one, i’ll barely be on here for the rest of the week, and two, i’m really fucking excited and I wanna spread the happy!!! So i’m gonna do some blogrates/blog compliments/fan casts and all that jazz!!
So rules:
mbf this gal
reblog this post 
send me one or multiple of the following:
a 💐 + something your looking forward to for a blograte
a ❤️ + your favorite movie for a blog compliment
a 😎 + your selfie tag + a fandom + a gender (if you want) for a fan cast 
black list //caitlin does blogrates// to not see them
blogrates under the cut
url: nice | good | great | amazing | awesome | who did you kill
icon: nice | good | great | amazing | awesome | can i have it??!
theme: nice | good | great | amazing | awesome | brb stealing this
mobile theme: nice | good | great | amazing | awesome | fucking suburb
posts: nice | good | great | amazing | awesome | aasdfghjklvb just wow
overall: nice | good | great | amazing | awesome | you’re clearly a god holy crap
following: no but ily | now! | of course | you’re never getting rid of me
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crvdematter · 7 years
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countdown to wayward sisters | day two ↳ donna hanscum appreciation
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frenchiestan · 7 years
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Supernatural Creations Challenge | freckledean ↳ Prompt: Patience Turner + [Song] Brave by Sara Bareilles + [Color] Pale Gold (#EFC683)
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frenchiestan · 7 years
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My birthday is at the end of the month! So what better way to celebrate both that and hitting 600 followers than by hosting my very first tumblr awards!
R u l e s
must be following the birthday girl 
reblog this post to enter (likes to bookmark only!) 
must get 30 notes or we forget this ever happened
ends March 31st (my special day)
winners will be announced about a week after
1 winner and 1-2 runner-ups per category (depending on notes)
C a t e g o r i e s
best url
best icon
best theme
best mobile theme
best original content**
best supernatural
best multifandom
my personal fave 
**submit your original content tag here 
P r i z e s
w i n n e r s 
follow back from me if not already
a spot on my updates tab
7 promos from me (upon request)
3 creation requests from yours truly (icon, graphic, or art)
my undying love and friendship
r u n n e r - u p s
follow back from me if not already
a spot on my updates tab
3 promos from me (upon request)
1 creation request from yours truly (icon, graphic, or art)
my undying love and friendship
That’s it! If you have any questions shoot me an ask! Have a great day :)
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crvdematter · 7 years
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countdown to wayward sisters | day one ↳ jody mills appreciation
197 notes · View notes
crvdematter · 7 years
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as if you’re not always reaching for the sun.
39 notes · View notes
crvdematter · 7 years
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spn hiatus creations | week eighteen ↳ Always Keep Fighting (Wayward Sisters edition)
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benevolentsam · 7 years
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Join My Spn Family
I hit 700 followers (like a month ago I am so slow fml) so to celebrate I’m making an spn fam so you know we can chat and show each other selfies and stuff
How to Join:
Must be following me
Reblog this post
Send me an ask with the character you’d like to be
Check out my family page to see what characters are free (Also since I’m super far behind I may have missed off a character you want to be so just ask me and I’ll add them)
Use the tag #leahsspnfam so the rest of us can see your cool stuff
I’ll then add you to the page!
Any questions, just ask
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benevolentsam · 7 years
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Sunshine Riptide // Fall Out Boy
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benevolentsam · 7 years
It's officially midnight so merry christmas to all who celebrate it !!!
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