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deer-motif · 2 years ago
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fire within
↳ @spnpoetryrenaissance's spn poetry renaissance: day 24, elements
i was talking about ruby 2.0 earlier today and it hit me: has anyone ever thought of rubylilith?
transcript below cut
ⅰ. you first found me in the depths of damnation
lesser beings fled at your sight,
but you were the most beautiful despite
the way you lifted my chin, rubbing at the abrasions
you chose me to take up the cause
you saw my fire from within
ii. I was loyal to you, only you, and you knew
I was birthed from Hell’s weeping lips
and I will bring apocalypse,
because you believe in me to raise our king
I will not let you down
I stoke the fire from within
iii. blades and barbs strike my body
I am bruised by foe and kin alike,
but I have your love to hold me tight,
blessing me as your blood trickles onto the tile floor
iv. lord will not, cannot save me
I do not want saving, I do not need it
o, I am fire within
you love my fire from within
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benevolentsam · 6 years ago
Femslash February | Day 3: Favourite Ship With an Antagonist 
"I've made a deal with the Winchesters."
Ruby frowned at Lilith. They had a plan, a huge plan that extended long past Ruby's existence. The war between Heaven and Hell had been raging on for millennia, and a plan with the Winchesters would throw a spanner in the works. All of what they'd been working towards. 
"What kind of deal?" Ruby was hesitant. She didn't know if she wanted to hear what Lilith had done.
"I stop breaking the seals, they stop trying to kill me," Lilith shrugged. She was laid back against a chaise-lounge, relaxing like she was some kind of queen. In a way, Ruby knew she was. 
"What about Lucifer? We've been-"
"As long as I don't die, Lucifer will never be let out of the cage," Lilith grinned, almost feral. "It's a perfect plan, my love. We get to stay top-side for as long as we want, never have to lower ourselves to the Winchester's level ever again."
There was so much that could go wrong, of course there was. Humans lie, and there was no telling if Sam and Dean would keep up their side of the deal. Then again, Sam trusted demons; he would trust Lilith even if Dean didn't. That wouldn't stop Alistair or the whole host of Heaven from frying them for halting the Apocalypse. The angel that the Winchesters had on a lead was not fond of Ruby in the slightest. Probably for corrupting his precious pet. 
"Ruby, you're overthinking," Lilith said. "You've spent too much time around humans. You forget how powerful I am - I could kill most of Heaven in a heartbeat. I could destroy every demon with a snap."
To demonstrate her point, Lilith clicked her fingers. All the light in the room faded. From all around the hotel, there were car alarms blaring and streetlights exploding. Ruby startled, almost falling over but Lilith caught her. When the lights turned back on she was smiling. Her eyes were wide and white.
"Don't you see, my love? We're free!" Lilith said. "No more Winchesters, no more blood, no more listening to the male ego. Just us, doing what we want."
It sounded so perfect. A millennia of Lilith and her alone. 
"I can't wait to get started," Ruby finally smiled back. She joined Lilith on the chaise-lounge, curling into her mistresses side. They could start a new life volition in the morning. For now, all Ruby wanted was to know they were still alive.
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She was barely more than a child 13 or 14 and the Naumkeag girl, Tonalli, wasn’t much older when her family sailed over from Spain. The girls worked hard to communicate and chose to mostly use pictures.  By the time they were 18 or so they had learned the other’s native tongue as well as the other’s heart and body.  
A former schoolmate found them. She had seen the still unmarried Ruby sneak off into the forest.  When she found them lying in the grass clothes scattered and bodies writhing, she sounded the alarm.
The city council found Tonalli to be guilty of bewitching young Ruby with her spellcraft, and they burned her in the town square. Ruby’s father held her still and forced her to watch while she screamed and screamed.  She can still, so many centuries later, remember that smell.  It was a unique blend of her and the putrid stench of burning flesh.
 Ruby did not leave her bed for three weeks.  Her little sister brought her water and changed her clothes. She helped her to the chamber pot and held her hair when she threw up what she had been given to eat.  Six weeks.  She did not count the days but Maria did, and she told her that if she did not leave her bed soon her parents were going to leave her in the woods where they had found her with the heathen girl, and if there was one thing Ruby could not do it was to return to the last place she had been truly happy.  
She crawled her way from the tattered sheets and stinking hay, and her mother sent her to the market. Ruby could feel their eyes on her.  The verman sneered as she walked past or worse, looked upon her with pity, but she refused to lower her eyes. She stared every one of them down and made her way to the town square.  
The pire had long since been removed, but if she looked, she could still see the scorch marks on the ground. She looked up when she, once again, felt eyes on her.   Across the square, there was a young woman staring back boldly with gold in her hair and fire in her eyes.  It was like lightning.  The moment their eyes met she was ablaze and her feet moved her across the square and she had to stop herself from touching her in that very first second.  Lilith smiled sweetly with just a few too many teeth.  
“I can offer you everything they stole away.  All it will cost you is one little kiss and an eternity with me.”  And for just a moment Ruby swore her eyes flashed yellow.  But she was perfect and she was intoxicating and Ruby felt her body moving without giving it consent.  Their lips sealed and Ruby swore she could feel her soul break just a little bit more, but it was healed once more a moment later; plastered over with a vile sort of power and she knew that she would be Lilith’s forever.
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deer-motif · 2 years ago
somebody tagged my rubylilith poem as destiel. Can I Help You
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benevolentsam · 6 years ago
Can I ask for some Ruby/Lilith ? I prefer canon but feel free to write anything!
The hotel room was the cleanest place Ruby had been in a long time. Trailing around after the Winchesters didn’t offer much comfort, so when Lilith called she jumped at the chance to meet her. It wasn’t hard to placate Sam, she’d told him she had to stop one of the seals and he’d accepted it. The poor gullible idiot. Ruby smirked to herself.
She was laid back on the bed, king sized with soft sheets. Maybe if she was human, she could have have fallen asleep then and there.
The door to the room clicked open. Ruby turned her head to the side to see Lilith stood in the doorway with a coy smile on her face. The vessel she wore was beautiful, it took Ruby’s breath away whenever she saw it, but there was something about the look in her eyes that made Ruby’s heart pound. She swallowed. 
“Ruby, my favourite warrior,” Lilith said, sauntering over to the bed. She paused a step away from Ruby, watching her carefully. “You smell… human.”
“Well, I have been spending a lot of time with them,” Ruby laughed. As Lilith sat on the bed, the mattress dipped and Ruby shuffled a little closer to her. Lilith’s willowy fingers wrapped around Ruby’s thigh.
“How’s Sammy boy? Still in the dark?” She asked. Ruby nodded. The fact that Sam thought he was doing good was almost laughable. He’d been destined for evil his entire life, Ruby didn’t know how he always forgot that. “Is he still drinking your blood?” Another nod. Lilith’s lips curled into a predatory grin, her grip on Ruby’s vessel tightened.
“You’ve done good.”
“I always would for you,” Ruby said, and she meant it. She would walk to the ends of the Earth and back for Lilith. Hell, she’d go back on the torture rack if it was what Lilith wanted, but she knew Lilith wouldn’t ever ask that of her. She was the favourite. The best of all of Lilith’s lieutenants. When it came down to it, it would be Ruby and Lilith still left standing. Ruby felt a hand on her cheek, smiled into Lilith’s palm.
“I know,” Lilith’s eyes were bright. “We’ll be together soon, my love. Away from all this humanity.” Lilith planted a kiss on Ruby’s lips, so soft and tender but it made the lights in the room flicker. When she pulled away Ruby grabbed hold of the hand that was on her face, tangling her fingers in Lilith’s.
“Promise me,” she begged, but she knew Lilith couldn’t promise much. What was a demon but a liar though.
“I promise.”
Prompt me?
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holyhael · 10 years ago
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lilith x ruby catholic school au for transruby
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holyhael · 10 years ago
lilithruby anon: catholic high school au in which lilith is an artist so she gets hooked on making all sorts of things look beautiful color wise and lucky for her her girlfriend ruby has such easy markeable skin and a bright red rosary long story short during their ahem sleepovers lilith likes to tie ruby's wrists up with a rosary from her confirmation because it just looks so pretty and ruby loves it
mmmm anon i love you. what a beautiful headcanon. the rosary!! *drools*
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