#spn xovers
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lapseinrecs · 9 months ago
the war machine keeps turning
By thisisaboutnotbeinginclass @thisisaboutnotbeinginclass
On Archive of Our Own
Status: Dead; Abandoned; 32,794 words
Summary: The Avengers discover a HYDRA base on US soil, and while dismantling it, they rescue two brothers. In the aftermath, tensions are high and secrets are revealed. NOTE: This work has been abandoned, and will not be finished.
My thoughts: Really good crossover. The Avengers being confused and Hill girlbossing in to order people around and save the Winchesters is just so. It's a good fic. Just be aware that it's dead.
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ladylynse · 7 months ago
One for the Money: Claire doesn't do circuses, not really, but the stories surrounding Circus Gothica don't sound like nothing.
A Supernatural/Danny Phantom crossover written for SuperPhantom Week 2024. (I'm blending Day 2, Strange, with Day 3, Family/Outsider.)
Technically, this is a prequel to my fic Through the Wringer (FFN | AO3), but it can easily be read as a standalone.
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ebenelephant · 2 months ago
writing a fic where evan buckley hooks up with an older guy he meets in a bar who's in LA for a while. dean travels for work – "uh, landscapers" – with his brother, and he's... kinda odd? but they lay everything on the table and yeah, buck doesn't mind being someone's casual lay, and watching films with him for a couple of weeks (because god, dude, did you drop off the face of the earth, how have you never seen the shining?) before he's back on the road. it isn't for another few months that he finds out that the guy and his brother are at the top of the FBI's most wanted list.
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crossoverdanuary · 1 year ago
Crossover Danuary Week 2024
Day 7- Saturday the 27th
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The Fandom is Supernatural
The Optional Prompt is Veil
Make sure to tag your posts as #Crossover Danuary Week 2024 and please Ping Me When You Post! (Tumblr's tags can be wonky)
Also tag it as "dp x spn" and "dp crossover".
More information about the week available here and on this spreadsheet .
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fandom-hoarder · 7 months ago
Was reading your pinned post and decided to go read the SPN/Merlin cross over. It was fun! I don’t think I had read that one, but I remember a couple others that had Sam and Dean going back in time to Camelot.
Oh sweet! I'm glad you enjoyed that one. I mention it in all my intros lately lol. If you have links to others, I'd love to check them out. 👀👀
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inkandpaperqwerty · 25 days ago
Got some Collision Course editing done, which is great, but I didn’t get around to editing the next chapter of Rehearsing Tragedies. Not to worry, though! It’ll be all shined up by 03/12, and then you’ll get some delicious Slave!Castiel angst and rage.
Posted Kindred Spirits on 02/26, and it didn’t get as much engagement as I hoped, but it was better than the straight original works I post. I think the aspect of crossing it over with an already existing show helped, but people don’t like original characters, so crossing over with an original work is still kinda ehhh. But I was stoked to get some kudos, and I think I’m gonna keep doing little crossover oneshots with my books!
Mom’s surgery went well, and she is now couch-bound! I’m working from home all week (which actually might give me more time to write since WFH = No Commute. But I make no promises, because I’m also essentially Mom of the House until she’s back on her feet. (Haha, get it, because it was foot surgery?)
Thanks so much for reading! I’ve been trying to post more often, and every time I do, I get engagement from you guys, and it’s great. You’re all the best!
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luckybyrdrobyn · 7 months ago
Supernatural / tears of the kingdom crossover
Sam and Dean are just fucking confused as this feral child runs around building war machines and talking to thin air after looking under rocks
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fandom-hoarder · 7 months ago
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Something something when Sam and Dean finally meet it sends Sam into heat (and puts them in more danger 👀👀👀)
Happy day 4, bestie!!
I only watched a few eps of Dark Angel when it first ran because of life things lol, so I don't remember much, but---
Dark Angel!SPN AU where Sam is a manticore kid, but Dean is his regular brother who has been looking for him since his pregnant mother was kidnapped? Maybe Sam sort of replaces Max, or maybe he and Max find each other. Maybe Sam doesn't know about Dean, but he's psychic and has a *feeling* about him---a part of himself somewhere out there.
IDK how exactly this would go, but it's omegaverse. 👀
Bestie first of all I just want to tell you I love you. I had these all set up to post each day and have already deleted the others but thank you for doing this for me. It really means a lot to me.
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But agh yes I love that!!!! I love Sam being a X5 experiment, he feels a pull to the outside. Like there's someone waiting for him and he can't imagine who. It's just him and his 'siblings'
The night they all escape, he sticks with Max, he got along with Ben but he preferred staying with Max.
Years pass, the others have started getting caught, Max and Sam lay low, they work together, keep an eye out for anyone and anything, can't really trust anyone.
Sam swears he saw Ben when he was at work, tells Max and it worries her because she already caught wind of an X5 killing people, leaving teeth as offerings to the blue lady(Virgin Mary) at church.
Dean gets arrested, they think he's Ben, manticore of course takes him claiming they're FBI and he's wanted.
Max decides to break him out only after Sam begs her to, that connection, that feeling, it's only around this Dean Winchester guy, it was never like this with Ben.
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sunnydaleherald · 6 months ago
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, September 21
GLORY/FIRST: I honestly don't think there's a human word fabulous enough for me. Oh, my name will be on everyone's lips, assuming their lips haven't been torn off.
~~BtVS 7x01 “Lessons”~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Dolled Up (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by veronyxk84
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Don't End With Blood (Giles, SPN xover, G) by CookieDoughMe
Youth and Beauty (Buffy/Giles, G) by GhostDetective
In(Discretion) (Giles/Faith, E) by fleetfootedfox
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Thank You (Angel/Cordelia, M) by Serena The Drama Queen
Reflections of the Night (Ensemble, G) by Doe 23
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Salvaged (Buffy/Spike, R) by RavenLove12
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Salvaged (Buffy/Spike, R) by RavenLove12
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Kiss It Better (Buffy/Faith, M) by Technicolorrevel
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Shadowed Suspicion Chapter 342 (jojo's bizarre adventure xover, T) by madimpossibledreamer
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Season 1, Episode 12: Play it Again, Chapter 1/4 (Ensemble, T) by Emcee
hit rewind, Chapter 76/? (Buffy/Spike, Buffy/Angel, M) by untiljanuary
Aegis, Chapter 18/? (Xander, DCU xover, T) by dogbertcarroll, Narsil
Recompense, Chapter 16/? (Buffy/Faith, M) by Moonkid10
CAT-SCRATCH FEVER, Chapter 5/5 (Buffy/Cordelia/Oz, E) by KNZ1
… A Stranger I Go Hence, Chapter 17/? (Faith/OMC, M) by MalkMcJorma
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Soul Mate Magic - Chapter Five (Giles/OC, M) by emma-m-black
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The Steps Saga, Chapter 5 (Buffy/Angel, M) by a2zmom
Superboys, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Angel, T) by OveliaGirlHaditRight
I Don't Want to be the One, Chapter 20 (Buffy/Spike, ensemble, T) by pommedapi
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Unchained Melody, Chapters 1-3 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Geliot99
Getaway Gang, Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by violettathepiratequeen
Out of this World, love..., Chapter 10 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by Miss Kitty
Lost in Desolation, Chapter 10 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Melme1325
Incarnate, Chapter 16 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Sigyn
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Happily Ever After, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Dusty
Unchained Melody, Chapters 1-3 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Geliot99
Getaway Gang, Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by violettathepiratequeen
What the Drabble? Vol. 2, Chapter 73 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by VeroNyxK84
Viral, Chapter 4 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Harlow Turner
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: [Drawing of Jenny Calendar and Anya] (worksafe) by mistyintherivers
Gifset: Every Tara look: S4E17 Superstar (worksafe) by lovebvffys
Artwork: If I drink enough (Buffy/Faith, worksafe) by artseamoni
Artwork: Virginia Woolf, in a letter to Violet Dickinson, September 1907 (Buffy/Spike, worksafe) by silkspectred
Gifset: Buffy Meme: [2/8 Episodes] 5x16 The Body (worksafe) by lovebvffys
Fanvid: a willow edit bc s6 is so special to me (worksafe) by bananabeans88
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Video: Interview with YOU! Part 1 by Slayin It with Juliet Landau
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[Vid Collection] Fall Equinox 2024: After Life (2 fanvids for BtVS) by Unrevealed authors
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Angel Season 1 Opinions by Business-Chair4961
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PODCAST: It's DJ Adam! (S4E21) by It Stakes Two
PODCAST: Episode 74: Somnambulist by Gym Was Cancelled
[In Search Of]
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ISO: I need help finding info on the green mushroom shirt Xander wears in the 2nd episode of season 1 requested by blackdogwalksatnight
[Community Announcements]
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[Prompt] Angel doesn’t do the memory wipe by buffyversekinkmeme
[Fandom Discussions]
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The fact that Angel knows a lot of things about Cordelia is probably explained by some moments off-screen by cangel4ever, vampandvisiongirl
Watching seasons 2 & 3 of Angel and man. Gunn was NEVER just the muscle. by paarthursass
One of the reasons Buffy the Vampire Slayer is so good by coraniaid
the thing i just don’t get about the whole “buffy should be alone” thing by pinesorneedles
Something that isn’t talked about enough is how totally unhinged Buffy can be like by paperpuzzles
This may be me jumping the gun by judging the season too early [...], but I dunno, Buffy season 3 is kinda turning into the “gas leak year” of BTVS? by trojanteapot
season seven is good because buffy anne summers. by artloife, nicollekidman
in btvs 5x22 “the gift” when spike and buffy go to buffy’s house there’s that little moment of disconnect [...] by lesbianmarrow
So much of the horror in Buffy comes from struggling to achieve bodily autonomy in a world where everyone else is trying to take ownership over your body by 5bi5
giles suffocating ben in the gift was kind of hot it must be said by lesbianmarrow
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How would you rewrite Xander? by MR422
I really love how the Mayor evolved during Season 3 by sKullsHavezzz
Connor might have gotten a worse storyline than Dawn, but he was a better character by yeahitsme9
What’s your favorite rando scene that you lost it at? by HockeyPuckRattleSnke
In the series, what does losing your soul mean to you? by murder_drone_V_N_Usy
Out of Mind…Out of Sight by UhOh_HellNo
S6x18 Entropy by raccoon_smh
Connor IS the most tragic character of these universe by FoxIndependent4310
Favorite songs from "Once More, with Feeling" by StarsThatGlow
Giles’ exasperation with Xander and Cordelia is my favorite thing about him by spectacleskeptic
Anybody else take a drink whenever Giles cleans his glasses? by okgloomer
Am I the only one who genuinely likes Connor? by Fancy_Fuel15
Multiple slayers by Electrical-Host-8526
[S4E4] Cordy’s Yearbook by TheHan27
Did anyone else think Buffy was crazy for sending the Gem of Amara to Angel? by HinduHillbilly
Slayer's blood by Lloronalina
How episodic is this show, and what are some core episodes? by FelixDaPenguin
Submit a link to be included in the newsletter!
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sunwarmed-ash · 2 years ago
WIP Folder Names Tag Game!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, & then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPS.
I got tagged by @covenscribe, thank you so much!
Here we go!!!
WIPs in my Docs
Brothers- Detroit become human (hankconvin, Gavin&Elijah)
Tantrum- Hankvin
stranger geeks- Stranger Things/Freaks and Geeks AU
Relapse- bbc Sherlock Holmes
Memory Palace- bbc sherlock
Hawkins is so two years ago- Post Stancy, pre harringrove
DBH spongebob prompts
nick miller as spiderman
the cursed ship, J. Jonah Jameson/Spiderman
the landlord- Nick/Remy/Jess new girl
WIPs on my ao3
The Eden Club- Hankconvin, sex worker poly AU,
Eastside- steddiegrove, harringroveson
Silence isn't golden, Drarry, noncon Snaco
Empathetic asshole- harringrove
Deja Vu- parksborn, Peter 2/3
You know what they say about assuming, steddiegrove, buckingham
Mirror images- petercest, spideydevil
Ride with U- Harringrove powers au
The New Kid- parksborn 2000s, emo au
if love was easy they'd name it after you- gay and wondrous life of caleb gallo
for your entertainment- Starker, parksborn stripper AU
time of dying- bbc sherlock
an unexpected set of circumstances- bbc sherlock
Supernatural activity at shermer high- spn/the breakfast club xover
love bites but so do I- Twilight polycule
get a few scotches in him... Supernatual wincest
Now I tag: @tentoriumcerebelli @sweeteatercat @sweetasblack @squooshybrainmeats @tradedsymmetry @moviemuncherao3 @thediktatortot @writerwhowritesao3 @eevylynn @disdaidal @youweremovingyourfeet @irishbeings @a-book-of-lost-things anyone else who wants to play!
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lapseinrecs · 9 months ago
Here Tomorrow Gone Today
By tari_roo
On Archive of Our Own and Livejournal
Status: Complete; 32,766 words
Summary: SGA/SPN Crossover AU. The world ended and not how any hunter would have imagined. A BSG-style fleet of refugees on the run, with Dean Winchester aboard the Hammond. Shep POV.
My thoughts: !!! Great crossover. Mechanic/Engineer!Dean is always great.
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surelysilly · 7 months ago
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“Don’t talk to me, I’m busy,” Ellen says instead of anything else. A wry, bemused smile appears at that, and the man drops himself onto the vacant stool with a tip of his head. Ellen already spies jealous and bewildered eyes from all around — no one just gets to sit in her bubble. And, really, she’s only allowing it because it’s a weird full house sort of night, and the guy… seems off.  But maybe not quite in a bad way. To be seen if it’s good though.
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ebenelephant · 7 months ago
Concept: Frank Castle sets his sights on the infamous Winchester brothers but becomes progressively baffled by all the weird shit that has reportedly gone on around them. They almost shoot each other a couple times, but the result of their eventual meeting is grudging respect and Frank calling Dean a dickhead.
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samwpmarleau · 1 year ago
Hello there! I've been on a Criminal Minds binge recently and thought of your SPN Criminal Minds xover fic 'All the King's Horses', so I reread it. First read it back in the day on LJ! I really enjoyed your fic, and I’m an amateur book binder. Would you mind if I bound a copy for myself? You can see other books I’ve done on my side-blog @greenhorn-art.
oh god my white whale series that made me realize i should have longfics done in their entirety before posting lest i not finish them 😩
but what a compliment, thank you! i appreciate you being considerate in asking me, and you're absolutely free to bind it! shoot me a message or ask once you're done, i'd love to see it :)
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fandom-hoarder · 8 months ago
Also, in 3x01 at the end of the scene where they put Cordi into the cell (the cage!), the music says:
"Give me your body and control.
The Devil's cries burning through me
I'll meet you at the crossroads
To tie you down and watch you
Omg, idk if I thought this the first time, but---when Liam is telling Cordi about being tortured with mind games, being made to bury him---he says they smelled like sulfur. 👀👀👀👀👀👀
Ignore the coal processing/nerve agent Walker reasoning, and let's say they were demons trying to get Sam's cooperation for a coup in hell. 👀👀👀
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inkandpaperqwerty · 9 months ago
Got my Sales Use ID and was able to purchase some ISBNs, so everything is lining up and September is fast approaching! Still looking for ARC readers, so please let me know if you’re interested in reading and reviewing the psychological torment of a young man turning into a zombie over a slow, agonizing three-month period.
Got a lot done on Sparkling Eyes and Cigarette Burns! Chapter 19 is sooo close to being done, and because I really want to get you more consistent updates for this story, we are going to skip the Through The Gate update this Wednesday, and update SECB instead!
Speaking of Through The Gate, did a little work on it and went back and fleshed out a few things in the chapters I will be posting next to get them ready. I’m really excited for you guys to see what happens in the next chapter, and I’m anxious to hear your thoughts!
Also found myself chipping away at other stories, like Rehearsing Tragedies (the Slave!Castiel fic I actually planned to work on) and my latest Depressed!Sam project (which really came out of nowhere). Still, it’s all good, and it was a very productive week! Thanks so much for reading and supporting me!
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