#spn s/i
girlyaois · 1 year
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i had huge ambitious plans for this piece but i cant focus on it enough to do it all in one day so im uploading a rough version for now. maybe another day ill polish it super epicly. my september familial f/o prompt :) day 3 is vulnerability + comfort. theres lore happening here
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winterstaryu · 16 days
The thing about season 7 destiel is that Castiel is barely in that season but not only is his presence felt everywhere, when he DOES show up it feels fucking batshit. LIKE. Dean carrying the trenchcoat from stolen car to stolen car all season??? INSANE BEHAVIOR. Emmanuel showing up and Dean looking fucking HEARTBROKEN over this guy having a wife??? The scene where he regains his memories while smiting a bunch of demons??? MASTERPIECE. INCREDIBLY MADE. Literally EVERYTHING about crazy Cas and MEG and WHEN CASTIEL FIRST LAID A HAND ON YOU IN HELL HE WAS LOST. WHAT THE FUCK WH AT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCKKKKK
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
The Blood of the covenant is thicker than water of the womb
Cw: Fire in the moodboard, mentions of food.
Summary: Rowena takes his heart nephew (jack) and her daughter (jerico) on a trip to scotland for vacation.
->Lovely Taglist: @malewifehenrycooldown @sugar-and-pearls @mercuryships @tex-treasures
->Only mutuals allowed to reblog.
A/n: I needed to write something fluffy w Jack n rowena. If anyone wants to make fanart of any of the scenes id be so happy! But no pressure./gen.
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Jack felt a little lost looking at all the books before him. He huffs and anxiously taps his foot.
--What seems ta be the matter,dearie?-- rowena asked softly with concern.
The nephilim sighed and replied-- there are so Many books I dont even know which ones to pick
--Pick all the ones ye want, its on me-- the witch replied.
He nodds giving her a small smile-- thank you, auntie rowena
--No problem, ill check on yer sister-- the older woman replied-- stay put
Rowena leaves for the Fantasy section of the old library, she cant help but chuckle as jerico carries a stack of books between her arms.
--Need help with that?-- the witch asked with a smirk.
Jerico turns to her and sheepishly chuckles-- 'm fine..., Jack picked anything yet?
--Hes in ta process, boy's a little lost on what ta pick-- the other woman replied-- c'mon then
Both women return to where Jack was, and just like his sister hes carrying easily seven books of different thicknesses-- I know you told me not to move but I had to ask some people what books they reccomended me, And here they are-- Jack explained-- sorry
--Curiosity did kill ta cat, ye know?-- rowena teased-- but of course thats not ta whole sayin'
--Then what is the whole saying?-- he asked.
--Curiosity killed the cat, but the answer brought it back-- the witch answered.
--Answers can bring...cats back from the dead?-- Jack asked tilting his head to the side.
Jerico giggled-- not really
Soon after they payed for the Books and went back to Rowena's cabin in the Woods.
It was big enough to house three people with their own personal space.
That day was cloudy and foggy, the Windows blurred with mist and condensated steam, falling dead leaves littered the ground.
Jack finished to put the books on his bookshelf, smiling proudly at his work.
--Dinner's ready!-- rowena called from the kitchen.
The older woman hears two sets of rapid footsteps and she cant help but laugh as her eyes settle on her nephew and daughter who look like rabid famined dogs.
--ye two look hungry-- she mused with a smirk.
--Very much-- jerico replied-- ill take the glasses
--Ill take the cutlery and plates
The house smelled of food and dried herbs, a mix of sweet, fresh yet Musky scents gave the house a cozy feel.
The light sources where candles and a few electric warm lights around the place. On the table was a centerpiece that held a combination of candles of various colors.
Both younger members of the family set the table, and the witch is quick to serve the food.
--Ma, this tastes great!-- jerico exclaimed looking up at the red haired woman.
--Shes right. Your cooking is great, auntie rowena!-- Jack exclaimed.
Rowena smiled with pride, chest warming up pleaseantly-- ah I had plenny o' time ta perfect it. Thank ye
Both younglings smile at her and Keep eating.
Soon it starts to rain, but for the three of them tucking in for the night was ways away.
Rowena pulled her cloak's hood forward-- now remember, anythin' here is yers for ta takin', do let me see it first ta make sure it isnt cursed
--Yes ma'am!--both exclaim and with their flashlights they start to scan the place for trinkets.
Both find a series of oddities, quickly calling over rowena who dispells any sort of curse or bad vibes the object had.
At some Point in late night, Jack calls the witch over showing her what seems to be an ocre colored cat pendant with a half moon on its side.
After making sure it wasnt cursed, rowena takes a step back and Jack looks at his finding for a moment before extending his hand towards the woman.
The old witch smiles and takes it, hooking it into one of her Many necklaces-- thank ye,dearie
The nephilim boy smiles and gives her a nodd of acknowledgement, returning to his search for more trinkets.
Rowena takes the hint that Jack decided to go non-verbal for the time being and simply follows his lead.
Next thing he finds is an old and dirty sun charm, he calls his heart aunt over and points at it.
--That ones fine-- she replied and he took it, inspecting It
The gold sun has been dirtied and worn by the enviroment around it, he inspects it and then puts it between his hands and closes his eyes.
His hands shine with a dim golden light, and when he shows it to rowena, the theres an inscription on the back.
She carefully takes the charm in her hands and inspects it. The sun had little rhinestones littered across the surface, and then she takes notice of the engraving in the back. It read "you showed me a divine light that did not hurt nor blind. You called it love, I call it a Bond. Thank you"
Rowena handed the trinket back-- its a very beautiful phrase
He nodded and Walked up to jerico, whose pointed ears twitch back as his feet crush the dead leaves under them.
But she doesnt flinch, she knows his gentle footsteps. He pats her back and she turns around.
Jack silently hands her the sun he found and she inspects it. Her eyes go wide once she reads the engraving.
--This is beautiful, thank you jackie-- she replied hugging him. He hugs back and nuzzles her neck-- youre nonverbal for the time being?
He nodds and Gently pulls back-- okay-- she acnowmledges.
Five minutes later is jerico who finds something in the ground.
A pendant made of oxcidized Copper in the shape of a grimoire hides between leaves.
Rowena gives it the "in the clear" sign and jerico hands it to her-- here. It has your vibe
The older woman smiles and kisses the girl's forehead-- thats really sweet o' ye, dear
Jeri smiles and returns to her search.
The rest of the night is spent looking for trinkets, and by the time they are back home its the wee hours of the morning.
--Oh Jack I found something for you!-- jerico called out, pulling out of her pocket a ring. Its made of silver and has a white lily carved out of clear quartz-- white lillies means purity of heart, and clear quartz helps with inner light
Jack seems to recognize the gem and quickly scribbles something on a notepad he always carried "Like the one your friend gave you!"it read.
--Yeah, exactly that one-- she confirmed.
He puts the ring on his middle finger, and jeri takes his hand-- funny, putting that ring on that finger symbolizes personal identity, self worth,beauty, responsability and life purpose. You knew that?
He shakes his head.
--Ah well its a good omen then-- rowena replied-- cmon, tea's done and the cookies are just about to be
The three of them soon snuggle on the couch and get ready to watch some movies.
But when the TV turns on theres nothing but static.
Jerico is the first one to get up to fix the problem. It takes a hot minute for them to do so.
--Rowena can get it fixed up in a split second-- Jack said-- youll never get that thing working
--O ye of little faith-- jeri bit back, before moving some cables to a different port.
She steps back and the TV is back to normal, she turns around and makes eye contact with her younger brother-- eat It, kline
He snorts and raises his hands up-- alright fine
Some hours later, Jack is braiding jeri's hair, muttering a lullaby castiel had taught him-- hey jer?
--Youre a really good sister-- he replied absentmindedly-- you were always sweet and nice to me when others werent
--I see a good Man in you, Jack-- she commented-- I could feel it
--Thank you for beliving in me
--Thank *you* for choosing to do the right thing
After their second movie they took a break, and just as rowena came back with replenished teas and baked goods, she finds her daughter teaching her nephew spanish.
--okay, lets recap, how do you say "my name is Jack kline"
--mi nombre es Jack Kline-- he replied before adding-- Y mi hermana se llama jerico, y ella es genial (my name is Jack Kline, my sister is called jerico and shes awesome)
Jeri giggled with eyes full of awe and excitement-- thats great! Youre a fast learner!
Jack, who had the same look in his eyes as his sister, replied-- I have a great teacher
The witch couldnt help but smile, jerico had been teaching Jack a lot of things since they got to scotland for their little vacation.
Amongs them where how to Cook, dance, take care of injured animals and play the guitar, Jack was in fact a very quick learner, and Rowena was sure that between that and their one on one talks both siblings had, the nephilim boy had learnt how to understand himself further.
Jack felt a little less lost now that jerico was with him. She had taught him Many things, and he was discovering who he really was.
She settles besides jerico and they resume their movie night
Its in the middle of their final movie when rowena noticed just how quiet both younglings were, she turns her head and finds that both are asleep.
Jack leans on jerico, his hand holding hers, his head on her shoulder. Jeri's own head rests against her brother's. And both are slumped against the couch's backrest.
So thats why both of them were so quiet.
Usually both would make quips and little commentaries of the things they noticed in the film, so the silence was a bit off putting.
With a snap of her fingers a moss colored blanket drapes around both siblings.
She stands up and kisses their forehead-- Oidhche mhath (good night) my little bairns
The Next morning the three of them arranged a nice picnic in the Woods near the cabin.
A maroon blanket was set on the floor, an ornate and intricagely weaved picnic basket sat ontop of it, around it were a menagerie of different foods, portable kettles with all sorts of tea and three teacups.
Jack closed his book, looking up at the cloudy day above-- aunt rowena? I have a question
--What is it, dearie?-- she asked.
--Theres a saying I read in this book that says "blood's thicker than water" but I get the sense its not the complete phrase. See, it reminded me of what you two told me in the library...
Rowena nodded-- aye, the whole sayin' is "Blood of the covenant is thicker than water of the womb" meanin' that the Bonds we make are more important than those we were given at birth
--Kinda like us?-- he asked.
--Exactly like us-- jeri replied-- oh by the way I also found this but I forgot to give it to you-- she hands him a moon pendant that seemed to match with the sun one she had.
This one was also made of gold and decorated with rhinestones. It also seemed old but the engraving on the back was recent.
He took a moment to read it. "Love is a Bond found everywhere In everyone. We shine forth with divine light, always and forever. Where you go. I go"
He smiles and quickly hooks it to the chain around his neck, a protection charm rowena had given him and jerico-- thank you
--Its quite rare ta see matchin' sets in the forest, I guess whoever those things belonged ta deemed ye worthy of carryin' their legacy -- rowena pointed out.
Jack smiled and hugged jerico's arm, she hugs back and giggles.
By the end of Next week the three of them were back at the bunker.
Castiel was handed a small keychain That had a pair of two wings on each side,made of some black metal. Jack was the one that found it and gave it to him, saying "it reminded me of you"
Jerico in turn had found various oddities for each of her partners. -- nothing like a cursed trinket to remember you by-- lucifer Joked to then kiss the top of her head-- thank you dear
Each of her partners had one of her various findings.
Gabriel had a gold ring that had six wings.
lucifer had gotten a small pitchfork made of black iron. Crowley, a ring in the shape of a crown made of that same ore
while balthazar had been given a necklace with an ornate pendant with a moonstone in the style of victorian jewelry.
Sam held a small protection charm like the one he had tatooed, only this one was attached to a short leather coil. He wasnt sure what to make of this trinket but he appreciated.
Ketch was defenetly not expecting to get something,but he had underestimated his lover's inner goblin.
After Jack pointed out that jeri dragged him along for hours to find a nice thing to give him, Arthur granted himself a second look at it.
It was a silver cross in the style of victorian jewlery ornated with rubíes.
He put the cross in his pocket and smiled-- thank you, my dear
--No probs!-- she chirped and quickly followed her brother along as he sits in the library.
Without another Word spoken, both cuddle up and continue their books.
Rowena materialized a tea set and some of their favorite snacks to munch on.
--How Many books did you get 'em?-- Sam asked toying with the trinket he was given.
--A lot. That'll keep 'em busy for a while-- she replied watching the two younglings point some of their favorite quotes to one another.
Rowena says her goodbyes to everyone present, Jack and jerico thank her for the awesome vacation and she takes her leave.
Though before actually leaving she gives both younglings a final look filled with adoration and love.
Their family was weird, they were different pieces that made up a perfect masterpiece.
After all, the Blood of the covenant is thicker than water of the womb.
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limbel · 3 months
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🏳️‍🌈 day 10 ~ falling from grace
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demonicseries · 1 year
"will lokius go canon this season?" thats the not the question here. It's marvel. I know they won't. But i want to see just how close they will get to it. How much will they get away with? How much of the story they want to tell will make it through?
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jamjjamm · 2 days
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pollsnatural · 6 months
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bloodfreak-boyking · 5 months
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stop looking at your brother like he hung the moon challenge (failed immediately)
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spnwingifs · 2 years
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The Winchesters - S01E13
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ajcrowlor · 5 months
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It's so clear now that you are all that I have I have no fear cos you are all that I have
so i decided i wasn't actually all that happy with the background of this piece and redid it haha :'D
again, this is from a post-series Empty rescue plotbunny, it's yet another image of Dean and Cas in freefall (which is probs from watching too much Eureka Seven in hs), and have the soundtrack that is both inspired by this scene and acted as inspiration to draw this (mostly Snow Patrol's You're All I Have and Signal Fire being blasted on repeat):
(also how the FUCK do yall size your procreate shit for tumblr? i feel like everything i post looks like a pic i took with my first slide phone circa 2008... it makes potato quality look good *sobbing*)
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lambmotifz · 8 days
sam literally offering himself to dean in 2.11 playthings, and dean not giving it to him because he doesn’t want to “ruin” his little brother
and this is why sam would initiate. AND he would prefer to bottom
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girlyaois · 1 year
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day 1 of my familial f/o prompt calendar! i probably wont be able to do each day esp not on time but thats ok. apple pie with dean winchester. Ok?
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“oh, wow. she dumped you.” CUT! hey, jared, could you say it more sympathetic and less betrayed? no? okay, just- i guess thats fine?
but the “you loved her, and you dumped her” isnt posed as any kind of question, sam doesnt ask why, because he doesnt really care about the why, he just likes that dean had done it. then dean barely gives him a look and suddenly its “oh, wow-“ and the smile he just had is gone and sams looking like he just got told the trip to disney was cancelled over being told it was the other way around. this isnt sympathy its like jealousy mixed with curiosity idk
his tone just goes from teasing to bitter so fast, he doesnt follow dean into the car, and looks around for a second while he thinks about he feels about that. because dean has always been with women, and while it had made sam bitter ever since he was eleven and could place the feeling he got watching dean come back to the motel room covered in hickeys and scratch marks, he had gotten over it after stanford. he didnt have any right to feel that way, and realized how wrong it was he did when he was in a stable environment away from the other half of that co-dependent relationship.
now the feelings hed never addressed about dean fucking anything that is human and wears a skirt are back for the first time since he left for stanford, except this time its about a genuine romantic connection dean had. dean had loved cassie, and she left him, and he just told dean to go talk to her. had been making innuendos about them all day, even
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
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S8 outfit alternation. Ive embraced the flannel in true winchester fashion because Sammy gifted it to me!
Only mutuals allowed to reblog. Dont repost my art
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mlobsters · 15 days
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supernatural s1e16 shadow (w. eric kripke)
No, bite her. Don't leave teeth marks though, I mean just enough to where—
dean is invested and ready to help 📝
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redmyeyes · 11 months
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one brotherlook per ep -> 6x05 ❝ Live Free or Twihard ❞
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