#but ik they werent yet yk?
“oh, wow. she dumped you.” CUT! hey, jared, could you say it more sympathetic and less betrayed? no? okay, just- i guess thats fine?
but the “you loved her, and you dumped her” isnt posed as any kind of question, sam doesnt ask why, because he doesnt really care about the why, he just likes that dean had done it. then dean barely gives him a look and suddenly its “oh, wow-“ and the smile he just had is gone and sams looking like he just got told the trip to disney was cancelled over being told it was the other way around. this isnt sympathy its like jealousy mixed with curiosity idk
his tone just goes from teasing to bitter so fast, he doesnt follow dean into the car, and looks around for a second while he thinks about he feels about that. because dean has always been with women, and while it had made sam bitter ever since he was eleven and could place the feeling he got watching dean come back to the motel room covered in hickeys and scratch marks, he had gotten over it after stanford. he didnt have any right to feel that way, and realized how wrong it was he did when he was in a stable environment away from the other half of that co-dependent relationship.
now the feelings hed never addressed about dean fucking anything that is human and wears a skirt are back for the first time since he left for stanford, except this time its about a genuine romantic connection dean had. dean had loved cassie, and she left him, and he just told dean to go talk to her. had been making innuendos about them all day, even
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