#spn in the beginning
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waihtie · 9 days ago
Of course Season 4 is what's gonna get me binging
Season 4, Episode 3 - In the Beginning
○ YES. Thank you. Don't make me wait for Castiel
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○ Damn, Dean is in 1973
○ Young John is fine. This damn show with their damn men.
○ Did Castiel do this? What would be the point?
● Awe there he is. He's being so vague. And looking so adorable.
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○ Dean convincing John to buy the Impala lol. Is that how he always bought it? Is there a timeline where John bought that hippy van?
○ "Sammy, wherever you are, Mom is a babe. I'm going to hell. Again."
○ Turns out Mary was a hunter pre-John. John never knew.
○ Samuel. Deanna. Really?
○ Azazel the son of a bitch. That's who he's here to stop.
○ Mary says the worst thing she could think of is her kids being raised in the hunter life. That's so sad.
○ Cas just blipping in and out. I love him.
○ Shit. Azazel killed both Mary's parents.
● Damn. And John. That's why she made a deal with him. She gave him permission to go after baby Sam (without knowing it)
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○ It's interesting Dean allowing himself to show vulnerability in front of a warrior that he just met. You can tell he appreciates the little comfort Castiel is trying to provide. You'd think he'd try to cover it up and be all macho in front of him.
○ More Cas by a sleeping Dean
○ Oh shit. Castiel wants Dean to stop Sam. "Or we will". That's a pretty big threat from an angel.
Was Sam not in this one at all?
Also, this:
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Third episode in a row. Bro, he's only been here for 3 episodes.
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spn20rewatch · 2 months ago
Season 4, Episode 3: In The Beginning (December 23rd)
Castiel sends Dean back to Lawrence in 1973, where Dean attempts to avert the course of events that led to his mother's death. -Super-wiki
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Originally aired on: October 2nd, 2008
Written by Jeremy Carver, directed by Steve Boyum.
Fun fact: From Super-wiki, "Mary deals for John's life on May 2. This is Sam's birthday. It is also the same day Dean traded his soul for Sam's life in 2007, and the day Dean went to Hell in 2008."
Enjoy the re-watch and tag any posts with #spn20rewatch!
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shallowseeker · 2 months ago
The ghostly specter of John's hopes and dreams in SPN 1x01:
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Above Baby Sam's crib, we see John's symbolic hopes and dreams. The crib mobile is filled with the baseball items John adores.
Baseball is a consistent special interest of John's, from the djinn dream where he plays softball to his #SPNwin dream of becoming a minor league catcher.
In SPNwin, he's not yet the monstrous inverse of his "dreamer" self. He's still the thing that attracted Mary to him: the soldier who hasn't lost his ability to dream. He keeps believing, even when Mary, a child-raised-soldier, feels like she can't muster up the strength to. Aside// Mary is like Dean this way, with lines like: "it only ends one way... bloody." On the other hand, John doesn't start there. It takes lying, coercion, and manipulation to get John's world to shrink, for his path[s] to narrow to hunting.
Hope is "what" John is (until, of course, he isn't):
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MARY: I don't know. He's sweet, kind. Even after the war, after everything, he still believes in happily ever after, you know? Supernatural, 4x13 In the Beginning
// Until Mary died, it seems his dreams were difficult to extinguish. His primary mode of being was hopefulness:
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Note: As Mary and John discuss their dreams, we see behind Mary some Jack Kline types of motifs, "The Future," crowing roosters, sunflowers, and a rainbow.
JOHN: See, I, I wanted to be a catcher for the Kansas City Athletics. MARY (fatalistic) : My parents never let me dream like that. Being a kid who killed monsters was my only option.
JOHN (wistful): You know, when I was a kid, I, uhm... I made this list of all of these places I was gonna go to look for my dad. Kept it for years, crossing off destinations, adding more. Enough time goes by... all you see is a list, you know? MARY (angry): Are you saying I should stop looking for my dad? JOHN: I'm saying that once you find him and leave hunting for good, you're gonna need a new list. The Winchesters, 1x03 You're Lost, Little Girl
We're familiar with the Winchester gun, but in the 20s Winchester (yes, the same gun brand: Winchester Rifles and Firearms Co) made a short run of baseball gear, known specifically for its top-of-the-line catcher's gear. It was outlasted by brands by Rawlings, Wilson, and Spalding.
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Vintage Winchester catcher gear goes for ~$700 on eBay.
Here, John, the ever-hopeful soldier who holds onto his dreams will lose those dreams. The dreams will go up in smoke, and he emerges from the flames like a demon possessed.
In the words of Lady Toni Bevell (12x21): "A mad slowly going mad, searching for revenge."
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thesunoficaruss · 10 months ago
season one of supernatual is so funny to me. sam and dean will literally show up to the crime scene in some fuck ass flannels and dean is in his leather jacket and the cops are like "who the hell are you?" and dean will be like "oh, us? well we are obviously from the us fish and wildlife service who else could we possibly be???" 
meanwhile theyre in the craziest outfits known to mankind with no badge or anything, so the cops will ask for their IDs and they'll hand them the most unconvincing fake id you'll ever see. the thing will be crumpled to no return and look like it was all hand written by a toddler and SOMEHOW THE COPS STILL BELIEVE THEM??
and then, they'll start questioning the victims family like "aw man :( I'm so sad for you :( that must be really hard :( so like what happened? and on a completely separate note, did you see anything? feel a temp drop? did you feel a cold spot? did you see something weird? like a creature mayhaps? like a ghost? did you see a ghost? do you believe in ghosts? please tell me it's a ghost?" like that's a totally normal line of questioning for a random drowning from two members of the us fish and wildlife service.
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seasononesam · 5 months ago
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Spirits like Greeley are, uh ... like wounded animals. Lost. In so much pain that ... they lash out.
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smashandpassaway · 1 month ago
I actually cannot comprehend s5ep16 when Sam and Dean are in heaven and Ash is explaining how heaven works, and how in special cases people can share a heaven.
“Like soulmates.” Ash explains *meaningful eye contact*
Sam and Dean avoid each others eyes. Silence.
That’s fucking insane to me. It’s not even like a LITTLE bit subtext
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aturnoftheearth · 4 months ago
destiel // love is embarrassing - olivia rodrigo // watch on youtube
fellas, do you ever confess your love to your best friend and then immediately die?
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katherinehoughtoncastle47 · 6 months ago
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1.01 - PILOT
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shirtlesssammy · 11 months ago
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Castiel every day so often -- 3/139
Supernatural 4x03//In the Beginning
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antisocialpyromaniac · 6 months ago
Dean: I’ve been here in jail so long I think I’ve lost my mind.
Dean: The days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months.
Dean: How long have I been in here now? Almost a year?
Castiel: …
Castiel: This is Monopoly.
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shallowseeker · 1 month ago
In a way, Sam "killed" his father before he was even born.
Azazel was protecting his own vision for how Sam's life should play out:
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And in a way Jack "killed" Cas, too, before he was even born. Lucifer was protecting his own vision for how Jack's life should play out:
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winbred · 3 months ago
You'd think people who empathize with Sam wanting a normal life would be the most pleased with decisions Sam has made and be more alert on seeing the cycle of manipulation and abuse John has created that seeps into Dean's treatment of Sam. But no, it's always Sam is a terrible for wanting something best for himself or even struggling to cope with a life that he wasn't made for.
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17yearslatewithlattes · 2 months ago
Okay but they’re so silly. They’ve had two five minute conversations Dean has yelled through both of them Cas could snap Dean out of existence and the last thing he said to him was threatening to throw him back in hell. Then Cas apparrates in Dean’s room and Dean’s response is ‘come oooon don’t you have any manners?’ and Cas goes ‘I’d love to learn more about you Dean :)’
The hell are they on about <3
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seasononesam · 3 months ago
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Ah, I wasn't meant to do anything, I don't believe in that destiny crap. You mean you don't believe in my destiny.
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ebenelephant · 1 month ago
anyway samuel and mary's relationship is just so incest coded even before azazel possesses him and kisses her. a lot of the ways hunters are portrayed kind of mirrors incest, but these two specifically. it's her little secret with daddy that they can never talk about with anyone. she can't date a civilian, they could never understand. she also can't date other hunters, because samuel doesn't trust other hunters. it only leaves so many people. when i rewatch the scene of mary running out to meet john, falling into his arms, saying, "you promised you'd take me away," i wonder what he thinks is going on inside that house.
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babyjaans · 4 months ago
No matter how angry dean is, the second cas is in danger he becomes a worried little husband
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