#spn fic search
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Anyone know that fic where Dean and Cas are together in the bunker and Dean constantly uses feminine words and phrases to describe himself. Cas brings it up and gives him a gender crisis where he realizes that maybe he’s not always totally a dude
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holylulusworld · 2 years ago
Hi! Can you help me find a fic? I believe it was sam x reader, reader is little, Sam is a dentist, dean is a doctor. Castile has little meg, chuck has little lucifer. I remember it was on ao3.
Hi. Sorry, I don't remember the story. I do not read much on AO3, mostly on Tumblr. And, I don't read DDLG or age regression/age play stories.
Does anyone remember the story and can help the reader out?
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topcas · 22 days ago
had a mental breakdown last night bc ive been rewatching spn and getting super back into it and destiel but have nobody to talk to about it anymore so like. i may start just randomly posting my every thought on here even though i havent used this website since 2018. pls feel free to send me recs of people to follow. or be my friend. i wanna talk abt destiel.
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sky-is-the-limit · 3 months ago
We really needed a Chuck reality episode where Dean and Cas wake up every day in a new Hallmark movie. The only way for them to escape is by playing along until the final scene or the movie restarts.
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strawlessandbraless · 6 months ago
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Dean Winchester, Supernatural Jennifer Check, Jennifer’s Body
I just think they’re neat, ok?
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runawaydr3amerao3 · 3 months ago
Asking here in case you could help me find a Wincest Fic!! I’ve been following your recommendations for a while and figured you were probably familiar with the scene!
Relationship was: Sam/Dean
It featured Sam being mute, or at least unable to speak. I believe this would also be pre-canon as well! A scene that I remember vividly was Sam and Dean learning sign language. Dean, at one point, turned off the lights when he had an argument with Sam and it ended up causing a rift.
(UPDATE: FOUND!) Fic Search: SPN, Wincest (Dean/Sam), Mute Sam
(Update 2025-Jan-04: The wonderful @soulmates-for-real-tranquility found the fic! It is Facta non Verba by dimeliora. Thank you so much! Thank you also to everyone who saw this post and searched or reblogged, as well as those I asked in the @wincestbookclub discord. Teamwork makes the dream work. I love this fandom. 🫶💖)
Ohh, that rings a really loud bell, specifically the scene where Dean turns off the light so Sam can't communicate with him. But for the life of me, I cannot remember the fic!
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I searched on AO3 with the tags Mute Sam Winchester and Muteness (filtering by Explicit and English, since that's what I read), then went through the spnstoryfinders' past Mute Boys searches, but couldn't find anything that seemed to match.
I even tried the same searches with deafness instead of muteness just in case, but again, no luck.
I mean, it's very possible I'm overlooking something (especially with my Explicit filter—maybe this fic was in a series, and the scene was in a part not rated E, so I'm missing it?), misremembering, or even that AO3 is doing that thing where it just leaves matching fics out of search results. 😒 But it could also be that the fic isn't tagged in a way that makes it searchable through tags.
So I'm really hoping someone out there in Tumblr land might be able to help us with this one? If anyone knows the fic we're looking for, please get in touch! We would be super grateful! 🙏
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Also, thank you for reaching out, @teagreenlatte! 🥰 I hope you've found some fics to enjoy among what I've shared over on @imthedr3amer! I'm sorry I couldn't find your fic here, but I definitely found some stuff to read while I was looking for it (some old, some new, some re-reads), so thanks for that as well. They'll end up on the side blog eventually too!
Happy New Year's Eve! 🥳
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imthedr3amer · 4 months ago
I'm reading: deleted fics, recovered (SPN).
I haven't had many links to share in the last week or two because I've been reading from PDFs. The above link goes to an incredible LJ community, spnstoryfinders. It is, praise the fandom gods, still active after all these years. Admittedly it's quiet nowadays. As we know, much of fandom has moved on from that platform, so there aren't as many hands to help with every search, but it's still a wonderful resource, and every pair of dedicated eyes deserves thanks. 🙌
It's also heavily tagged (characters, pairings, themes, tropes, etc.), so even if you just wanted to go scrolling back through old searches to find fics to read, it'd be worth it.
But what I'm sharing today are the lists of deleted authors/journals/stories (there are two posts–don't miss the second one, linked in the first paragraph). Where available, the lists provide links to download the deleted fics.
Our fandom has lost a lot of fanfiction and fanart over the years, either by having it swept out from under us by platforms we trusted or deleted by the creators themselves. Having some of it recovered and shared like this is a bit like having a little treasure chest we can open any time we like. 🫶
Don't take it for granted, though. Save your favourites. Download the fics in your bookmarks. Back up your backups. Preserve yesterday and enjoy tomorrow. ✌️
[ETA: Point of etiquette: never publicly share the direct download link to someone's archive or file. Only link to the post they've made about it (such as I've done with the link at the top of this post). If there is no post to link to, share peer to peer only.]
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holylulusworld · 1 year ago
I'm not sure but this sounds like a story I read some years ago. I think it was written by @kittenofdoomage . I can't remember the title.
Hi. I'm looking for a fic I'm hoping someone can help me find. It's a 3 part (I think) poly J2xreader fic. They go on a vacation to a beach and the reader is attacked. Sorry I don't have more details... but hopefully someone knows it...?
We sent a message to our Discord server, but it didn't ring any bells for anyone in there. Hopefully, someone out in the world will see this and recognize it!!
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Does anyone know this fic our Nonnie is looking for?
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chicken-wayng · 6 months ago
Alright, Supernatural fandom
Rise once again, a sister needs thy assistance
We all know the siren episode. I'm looking for fics that explore that episode. Anyone got any recs?
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curly-fry-3 · 24 days ago
me with some of the requests sitting in my inbox because even though I know all the plot lines of supernatural I'm only on season 8 and I want to make sure what I write is accurate
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I know it pisses me off when I see inconsistencies in plot or timeline so I can't be doing that to my readers
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casadefreewill · 10 months ago
Alright, it’s been literal years since I’ve thought about these fics but I wanna read them again but have absolutely no clue how to find them so I turn to you, the people,
Has anyone out there read a supernatural fic where Dean, Sam, and Cas head into hell and have to travel through the different circles but as they’re down there there’s like a “crack” or something in Castiel’s vessel and hell starts to infect him?
And has anyone read a fic where Cas is starting to fall and is terrified because it’s revealed that angels don’t fall from Angel > Human but rather Angel > Demon, skipping anything close to human in the process?
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Okay so there’s this fic I’ve been looking for for a while. It wasn’t very long and there wasn’t really a lot to it, just one scene. It was Dean trying to tell Bobby that John and Sam are overly “tactile” and he doesn’t like it. I specifically remember that phrasing and I don’t think it was explicitly stated what was happening but the non con was heavily implied.
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ficfinding · 4 months ago
Tags: #spn #destiel
I'm looking for a fic where Dean has brain damage and he's barely mentally there. Castiel takes care of him (I remember a bathing scene). Slowly Dean's brain starts to somewhat work again and he gets angry at Cas .. I think for keeping him alive? There's some drama at the end with Micheal. And also Dean and Castiel live in this house that's warded. So the entire story takes place there.
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bitter-goodbyes · 6 months ago
Hihi!!!! I need help finding a spn fic…
It was a one shot, the main characters being Dean, Bobby and I think Sam. Cas showed up at the end. It was kinda a canon divergence of 1x04 “Lazarus Rising”, where Dean was kinda obsessed with Cas, and the other two were very concerned about him lol
It was very well written (imo) and on Ao3. I don’t remember the author…
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nekoshi13 · 6 months ago
Supernatural fandom, this is for the small corner that loves Michael and Midam, I need fanfic recommendations that are Michael centric or, you know, just his POV
I need to read something of him but I can't find lots of fanfics like that ;;;
Preferably in the canon verse/canon divergence
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lambmotifz · 3 months ago
i keep seeing this one samjohn au on ao3 but it's. it's dom sam. with subby john. and im baffled by how ooc this is, which is impressive given how the wider spn fandom is.
if people interpret “i said get back in the damn car” as john being subby for sam then i don’t even know anymore lmao. that’s not surprising though, it’s a normal thing in the spn fandom to misinterpret and twist canon dynamics
also most people confuse sam’s canonical brattiness with dominance, especially when it comes to s1 sam
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