#spn fan theories
insanesonofabitch · 10 months
Kind of funny. SPN was supposed to end in s5, with Sam in Hell, Cas in Heaven, and Dean on Earth, living with a wife and a son. But it ends after ten more season later with Cas in superhell, Dean in Heaven, and Sam on Earth, living with a wife and a son. Like some fucked up game of musical chairs. Except the chairs are never taken, the song remains the same, and they’re just going in circles. Anyways, Happy November 19th.
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wellofdean · 3 months
I got this one hobby horse, and god knows I'm gonna saddle up and ride it: Supernatural was a legitimately good show and it was queer as hell in its very bones.
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hetaczechia · 2 months
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bisexualmikisayaka · 4 months
how is nobody talking about the two grunts named jared and jensen in chaos theory lmfao
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Queer women are the main culprits of fetishising mlm relationships (both real and nonexistent ones), and I think we’re all scared to admit that.
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kerwinthefrog · 9 days
OOC Post:
I'm running a SPN blog for writing class, and I'm covering 4 topics. I haven't fleshed them out yet, but I have a basic overview.
1. Chuck lost his soul
2. Crowley and Rowena's relationship
3. The character assassination of Lucifer
4. Chuck booting Gabriel from the story
Here's what I have so far:
Gabriel was a minor antagonist pretending to be an entity called The Trickster. After being revealed as Gabriel, he died. Later when he was revealed to be alive and getting tortured in Hell, he sacrificed himself to save the boys. Many speculate that Chuck intentionally excluded Gabriel from the narrative because he cared too much about Cas and the Winchesters, interfering with his narrative. Gabriel was the wild card. He went MIA, leaving Heaven to live among humans. Unlike Chuck, Lucifer, Michael, and Raphael, Gabriel adored humanity. And he especially loved the Winchesters (had a crush on Sam). There are numerous episodes where he tries steering them away from what Chuck wanted, especially when it came to Lucifer. Gabriel was a danger to Chuck's narrative as his true self. So Chuck wrote him as The Trickster and regulated him to a "character" that only came into their lives three times at that point in the narrative. But then the Winchesters uncovered his identity, so Chuck was forced to allow him to be Archangel Gabriel. The devoted youngest son that searched endlessly after God "vanished". That's why Gabriel dies a few episodes after the reveal. Chuck needed Gabriel gone, as he'd already started convincing Cas and the brothers not to kill Lucifer.
Ok, so a big trigger for the brothers turning on Chuck is they find out all their trauma and stuff was purposely caused for Chuck's "entertainment" because he sees humanity as toys and characters for his "story”. When they suddenly made Chuck a villain with zero hints or foreshadowing, making his personality do a 180. So in Supernatural, you can lose your soul and live. Sam, Jack, and Crowley are examples. When you lose your emotions and sense of right and wrong (All three were able to recover their souls in various ways). During the fight against Amara, Chuck refused to kill his twin. She had no such reservations and destroyed him. This left Chuck powerless and slowly dying (the fucking SUN was going out because of this). Amara made amends and restored his power and they took a vacation to learn to get along (didn't work). The theory states that after Amara hit him so hard, she destroyed Chuck's soul.
He had a really cool redemption arc/antihero plot line until the writers fucked him up. Lucifer low key good dad for Jack until the character assassination. Lucifer wasn't evil until he took the Mark of Cain to help Chuck seal away his twin sister Amara (The Darkness), then he got infected and turned. He also felt Chuck loved Adam and Eve more than him. Michael and Chuck locked him in a Cage in Super Hell. The Winchesters released him and all he did was fight with Michael so hard the world was almost destroyed (but I count that as both Michael and Lucifer's fault). He got out again using Cas as a vessel (Casifer) because he was needed to seal away Amara again. He had a really good talk with Chuck about how he took the Mark for Chuck and Chuck just locked him away once the Mark changed him. Then he gave Cas his body back and possessed the President so he could lose his virginity and have Jack. Crowley and Cas died trapping him on a destroyed earth in another dimension so he couldn't see Jack. Lucifer literally gives up his Grace and goes through Hell to get to Jack. Jack actually really liked him when they met on Apocalypse World, and Lucifer helped get everyone back onto the good earth. But the Winchesters trapped him there again and lied to Jack saying he died. From then on the writers ruined both Lucifer and Chuck and the finale.
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conduitandconjurer · 1 year
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How do I even articulate this?
Basically I continue to think Klaus is very fucked up but not in the same way that 90 percent of the fandom seems to think (or prefer) and it is the WEIRDEST experience. I'm just constantly like, "oh yeah, I guess that IS how most fans perceive this character."
Does ANYONE else (aside my long-trusted mutuals) get this?
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alsaurus-loves-dean · 6 months
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ahquadthesecond · 2 years
I think Dean does this thing where he thinks his job is an excuse for every other thing going wrong in his life. Every flaw in him is a result of him being in the hunting business.
He drinks too much? Comes with the job. He has a horrible attitude most of the time? Comes with the job. He's emotionally constipated? Comes with the job. His complete disregard for his physical and mental well-being? Comes with the job. His bottled up rage that comes out in waves and consumes him entirely until he does something that's so messed up he can never come back from it? Comes with the job. His entire life is just about saving people and hunting things and absolutely nothing else? Comes with the freaking job!
I think that's because that was the kinda role model Dean had growing up. John was an absent father who made a lot of mistakes and Dean probably thought it was okay because Dad was on a mission. It was okay that he was never around for their birthday's or that he never cared about their feelings or never respected their choices. Because he had a job. And that's all that mattered.
So, that's how Dean grew up, I think. Constantly looking for a cause to fight for. A role to play. And as long as he had a mission, he didn't care about anything else. That's why we see him so driven. As long as he got the job done, everything else was just a distraction.
But Sam didn't grow up with John as his only role model. Sam had someone else. Someone who showed him that you can do the job and also be yourself. Sam saw Dean, going on hunting trips with their Dad but also never forgetting Sam's birthday; sneaking him away to the arcade every once in a while; respecting his choice to go to college and just being their for him in ways their father never was.
So, Sam grew up different. He didn't make his entire life about hunting. He had hobbies and little habits that made him 'normal'. He never let the job consume him. But it was Dean who taught him that. It was Dean who taught him that he could be a hunter and be his own person.
But Dean doesn't realise that because when he was looking after Sammy, that was his cause; that was his mission. Look after your brother. Everything else came second. And in a way, as Dean grew up, that cause just blended in with his "saving people" motto. Because that was all Dean cared about. Devoting himself to the cause. That's why he was always saying he wanted to go out swinging. On the job. Because, maybe, that's all Dean Winchester sees when he looks in the mirror: a tool for a cause. He never saw himself for what he was: a human. With real feelings and doubts and questions. Because all his life, he's just been told to follow orders and do things you don't like if the job called for it. And I don't think that cage he was in, ever went away. He was always trapped in his cause: saving people, hunting things, the family business.
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🅱️ A L L S
tanuki!Bobby statue
I do wonder why this isn't a more popular hc
(statue by me)
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areyoudoingthis · 10 months
people will make fun of tjlc for being a conspiracy and then turn around and do the same thing with their show and be 100% convinced that they're right actually and the difference is that the tjlcers were wrong
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acesammy · 1 year
daily mantra: you can do nothing about peoples rancid takes you can do nothing about peoples rancid takes you can do nothing about peoples rancid takes
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barren-heart · 2 years
Really missing those spn tumblr theory accts that would break down the whole episode bit by bit and theorize what was gonna happen in the season finales.
Please reblog with an account you follow that does The Winchesters episode theories.
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i-isa-i · 1 year
I think it’s so interesting how much authority is awarded “the author” in different fandoms. You always here people scream “Death of the Author” but still hold up authorship as an authoritative concept.
Like, when Buffy had bad storylines the consensus was something like ‘trust Joss Whedon” who btw turned out to be a horrible person.
Similarly, Kripke was kind of deified by the fandom (and also kind of by the show) during early seasons spn.
Even disclaimers on fanfics show this dynamic. Why did we write stuff like ‘these characters belong to JKR’?!? Like no shit, I didn’t create Sirius Black but the character still doesn’t belong to that woman?
It’s so interesting to look at the stark difference between gomens and spn fan discourse at the moment. I’m not saying one way is the right way, just that the dynamics are interesting.
Neil says something and most people respect it, some even see it as their duty to act as his apostle and spread his word. People are in his asks to try and get his opinion on certain fan theory bc they consider him the ultimate authority over canon.
And then you have spn fans, especially destiel fans. Not only do they not care what kripke/ dabb or most of the show runners say, they actively oppose the “authors”’ perceived interpretations of the characters and routinely make fun of them. Dabb says he wrote a finale that is only meant to satisfy 30% of the fans and the rest of the fandom decides to strike it from canon and collectively produce enough fix-it fic to fill a library.
Can you imagine what would have happened if Dabb or Kripke or whoever had asked the fandom to keep a spoiler or leak like the gomens one a secret?!? It would have become a meme in 5 seconds and it would have trended above a historic election.
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sunflowerdigs · 24 days
I have a theory that they're deliberately removing Tommy from all promo material so that once the show comes back on and he and Buck break up, any queerbaiting claims can't be validated in any way. Because I can see the bt fans trying to play that card and just making everything really ugly for a bit.
Fwiw, even if LFJ is currently contracted for a different show, that wouldn't preclude the promo team from using videos or images of him from s7. And, honestly, in all of my fandom experience, I've never seen fan hostility stop a team from promoting an aspect of a show. The SPN ship wars were legendary but Castiel still appeared in promotional material, sometimes even alongside Dean. In fact, sometimes fan hostility is good - it translates into clicks, which is all the SM promo team cares about. I think that's why they let LFJ's cameos go on for so long - while he wasn't part of their promotional strategy, he was bringing in engagement, which the network probably saw as a positive thing (at first).
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leounderthemoon · 8 months
A rant and theory
It’s really long, but I think I make some valid points.
Supernatural was on for 15 years. There have been interactions with the cast, some crew, some producers, directors, writers, etc. due to the ongoing conventions and the existence of social media. Writers will talk about changes to scripts, actors will talk about filming, directors will talk about why they chose a certain angle.
Given that most of the fans/stans do not personally know any of the people involved or personally know anything about the things that are/aren’t going on, it’s weird the way some fans/stans speak so confidently about what happened with SPN behind-the-scenes, production, writing, casting, you name it! 
Especially when it comes to PrequelGate. People will state with their whole chest, that their version of events is absolutely correct. One J is an asshole, and one J is an innocent baby. Which J is which depends on who is talking. It can be either or both. The only thing that all fans who have theories have in common is that there is a definite good guy and a bad guy.
But the Js are still friends. They say they got over it and forgave. Since no one has given any details, I thought I’d join the bandwagon and come up with a theory of my own. One where there is no good guy/bad guy. So here goes.
I fully believe that the story of The Winchesters was not meant to be an AU. It was supposed to take place between 15.19 and 15.20, with Dean and Sam finding out about their parents.  They had to switch it to the AU version because of the leak, a new timetable, and the fact that Jared was no longer available. There is also a recent podcast (I don't have a link) where a writer from The Winchesters said that Robbie Thompson, the writer and show runner for The Winchesters, kind of knew that they were only going to get 1 season because of all the mergers/sales of the networks and studios.
Robbie Thompson said in an interview (https://tvline.com/news/the-winchesters-recap-season-1-finale-dean-heaven-multiverse-jensen-ackles-1234942742/)  “There was the spot that takes place in between Episodes 19 and 20, when what happens to Dean happens to Dean… So there was an opportunity to tell stories there, but that just didn’t work for me because we wouldn’t have access to Sam in that way, in a way that we could easily explain or at least emotionally explain, and that just didn’t feel like it was a story that certainly I wanted to tell and none of us did.” (Underlining mine) They wouldn’t have access to Sam because Jared could not be involved. Not because no one wanted him, but because he just couldn’t.
The reason I believe this is because of the following.
It starts with Virtual Con (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADYwrZ787a0) held in March 2021. In the video, the question about Chaos Machine projects starts at around 23 minutes. Watch Jared’s face throughout Jensen’s whole answer. He’s nodding along, looking at his screen, and not even showing the slightest surprise in what Jensen is saying. He doesn’t because he already knows. To me, that is the face of someone who already knows what the other person is talking about. Jared already knows which projects Jensen is working on. He knows which alum he is talking about. So he just sits there and lets Jensen answer.  His quip at the end that he will also be acting in it is just that, a quip for the fans.  Because (supposedly) he is bound by a 5-year contract to CBS. He can not legally get involved in Jensen’s project with WB. He can acknowledge that he knows about it, but he has to show that he is absolutely not involved. 
Next is the announcement of The Winchesters in June 2021 by Deadline. There were tweets by Jared that said he was upset that he didn’t know about it and that he wasn’t involved. There was also a tweet directed at Robbie Thompson calling him a back stabber that was later deleted. And, silence from Jensen, because he was unable to come online and address anything because he was on set in Canada. 
Things were set in motion that were not meant to be put in motion for a while. I don’t think Chaos Machine was ready to start casting/filming yet. I think Jensen and Jared were trying to make it work with CBS so that Jared could be involved in the prequel. But those talks weren’t finished, or possibly even started yet. But the leak by Deadline, the WB/Discovery merger, and Mark Pedowitz leaving, combined to put pressure to do the show sooner, while Pedowitz was still in charge. If they waited, then nothing might come of Chaos Machine’s deal with WB once the new owners came in. Maybe they were waiting for Jensen to finish shooting The Boys to get together and talk about all this, but they still hadn't.
And this is what Jared was upset about. He thought there was time before the show would start, so was surprised that it was announced without him knowing. It also explains why he thought Robbie Thompson back-stabbed him. Because he was going to be a part of this show, and now he couldn’t. He couldn’t even say he had been part of the development from the beginning because it would be against his contract with CBS. He can’t even say wants to be a part of it now, because again, it would be against his contract with CBS. He’s upset, because he hasn’t had any communication from Jensen about this going through, and Jensen was also unreachable. So he vented online a little.
Once this narrative that Jared was never involved, and would not appear in it, spread, all of them had to run with it. Jensen apologized for not telling Jared. He said he was superstitious. He wanted to tell Jared, but he didn’t have his phone. That he was on set. That Jared couldn’t participate because he was busy. Etc. etc.
But, when Jared spoke with Jensen, and was (possibly) made aware that the news came out because it was leaked, and that they didn’t have time to clue Jared in, and (possibly) they were thinking of doing the show sooner because of WB, Pedowitz, Zaslav, etc., and that they were still in a holding phase, Jared forgave Jensen.
All of the above explains the inconsistencies and “lies” and “tantrums” and finally the forgiveness, and moving on. 
I choose to believe that neither Jared nor Jensen are entitled assholes. They do not owe the fans any BTS details.
I’m sure people can tear this apart, but their theories don’t hold up either. 
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