#split personality au
dragomere · 2 years
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doctorsiren · 11 months
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Thinking about how Iris knew Feenie, who was all 💖🥰🤭🤪 and then she sees him again 5 years later and he’s all 💀💥🫵😠
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ghost-bxrd · 1 month
You guys ever think about an AU where Jason goes to hound Tim through Titans Tower, and, mid pursuit—while Tim is screaming at him about the second Robin being his hero, tryin to crawl away in a trail of blood—realizes he’s become an even worse version of his own mother, who sold him out to the Joker?
Because I do.
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blackkatdraws · 1 year
My two Narrators (Grey and Black) listening to music together :3
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Look at them vibing!
Unrelated siblings forever ♡
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vulpixisananimal · 4 months
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(. . . You wake up.)
(Where. . . Are you?)
(You feel your own chest rise slowly and fall as you breathe. It hurts. Everything hurts. Yet, when you try and move a finger, you feel nothing at all.)
(Are, are you dead?)
(. . . .)
(You hear someone's voice calling your name.)
(You're so tired. . .)
(You pass out.)
(You wake up.)
(Where. . . You're alive?)
(You're, you're alive right? Or, or did you die and, a-and. . .)
(Your body aches, stars, it hurts so much. You try opening your eyes, you can't Even do that. You trying making a sound.)
"Siffrin?" (Voice, it was, it was, housemaiden, Mirabelle.)
(You try to talk again. Nothing.)
"Don't, don't strain yourself, I'm here, you're safe, yo. . .re. s. ."
(You pass out.)
(You wake up.)
(. . . It's pitch black, it's night time.)
(You breathe in, and out. Your head. . . It sang, it sang so, so loud.)
(You're lying in a bed. Your bed. The blankets are heavy, your body is heavy. You keep breathing. This was. . . Your bed, or, was it? You're not just you, right? That's what you had gathered.)
(Who are you?)
(. . . You leave it for now, you close your eyes.)
(You pass out.)
(Your chest, your, your, chest, it, burns, you sputter, you choke, you can feel your hand twitching, body dying, can't, can't feel, think, can't-)
(Someone's calling your name, someone's yelling! Somoene, someone. You. Knew. You felt a hand on your chest- You felt a hand HAMMERING on your chest! Again. Again. AGAIN. PLEASE. HELP. HELP.)
(Another voice, a third, an argument. It's. it's-)
"What happened?!?"
"I-I don't know!! He started like this just, j-just-"
"Heart attack, don't stop what you're doing!"
(It hurst, it hurts it hurts it hurts so much please. PLEASE. PLEASE STOP. JUST. LET. IT. STOP!!!)
"H-he's, I don't know if, if-"
"Do you smell that?!?"
(Hahahahahahaha this was it this was it this was it this was it You're going to die today. it's finally happened you're going to die. You're going to-)
(You feel a tug on your-)
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(You scream.)
"I-I'll explain, in, a bit! Please!"
"S-siffrin! Siffrin you're ok! We've got you, we're he.... t... n...."
(You can barely hear them now. That rythmic beating on your chest continued. You were loosing energy to scream, to beg, to cry, to, to. . .)
(It all, hurts, so, much. . .)
(You pass out.)
(You wake up.)
(Everything. . . Everything hurts. . .)
(Someone is talking, talking to you. No, talking at you. Like you're still asleep. They're, they're talking about how you're doing, how everyone's doing, how their day is going. You don't know who's talking to you.)
(You, you're really not dead. . .)
(. . . It's a nice voice.)
(You pass out.)
(You wake up.)
(. . . You're not dead. A miracle. What did you miss. . . Right.)
(You got hit.)
(The sadness hit you when you were worried about Bonnie. Look at you, getting distracted, and you nearly died, again. Disgusting, you're disgusting. You deserve this.)
(. . . You open your eyes. Everything hurts, everything is blurry. You're in your room. There's, someone accross the way, sitting in a chair. . .)
(Odile. You look at her, it's all you can do, really. You're tired, you're so tired. . .)
(She looks up, and sees you looking at her. She get's up)
"Awake?" (She puts a hand up to your head, you wince, she hesitates.) "I'm. . . Going to check your temperature, ok?"
(Ugh, fine. It's, not like you could say no anyways. She touches your forhead, it feels like spikes, she takes her hand away.) "You still have a fever, can you talk?"
(She's worried about you. You don't reply.)
"R-right. . .." (She stands there for a moment.) "I'm, I have some some medicine if you can dr.. t. ... o"
(You pass out.)
(. . . Someone was calling your name)
(Your name, your name, your name was. . .)
(You open your eyes.)
(You blink a few times, your vision was blurry, but, you could never forget that face. Those eyes, that face....)
"Iiiiisaaa. . ." (You say, you're brealy able to smile, but you smile.)
(He smiles back, such a big smile.) "!!! Good morning!!"
"Mmmorning. . ." (You try lifting your head, you see stars-)
"O-oh!! Careful careful!" (Isa leant down and caught your head, his hands.... Soft...) "You stessed yourself, like, a lot, I don't think you should even move."
"Awww...." (You groan as relax back onto the bed.) "Wha, whathappened. . ."
"Uhm," (Isa rubs his neck.) "W-well, I guess what do you remember last?"
(What DID you remember last? It was, it was. . . It was. . . Ramos, Ramos came visiting, you talked, then, blank, blank and blank, then, talking to your family, Isa, Mira, Odile. And then. . .)
"Ra, Ramos visited, and, talked. Then blank. Then. . ."
"Then nothing?"
(You nod.) "Did. . They change, my memory?"
"W-well, you tell me! You're, Siffrin right now, right?"
"Huuuh. . ?"
(He smiles.) "Yeah!! Cause, well, Loop was helping us out a lot with everything, they explained you got effected by it, a-and, oh right."
(Oh, your surprise must have been obvious. Loop? Well, well, you, you knew Loop would probably be the only person who COULD have been around without you. But, they, they were OPEN about it? They TOLD your family about it?)
(You took a second to reply.) ". . . Y-yeah. . D-don't, remember after, after Ramos visited. A few, other, memories jumbled."
"And. . ." (He, looked worried.) "Is, Ramos a friend, or, w-well-"
(You shuddered.) "No, n-no. . . Don't, don't think so."
(His face relaxes, he strokes your head.) "Haha, well, looks like you're good then! I broke Ramos' star emblem and after that a lot of their mind craft dissipated."
(Well, that was good. You were lucky that only you were effected by mind craft, and somehow Loop or Mal weren't. Then again, it persisted through looping, too, so maybe not so lucky.) "Eeeveryone alright?"
(Isa nodded.) "Everyone's a-okay, even Ramos. There's a lot to go over, but you should be resting."
(Even Ramos, huh?)
(You close your eyes.)
(You hear crying.)
(Someone was crying, there was a weight on your legs, a soft weight. There was a voice, no, two voices. It was, it was. . . Bonnie, Bonnie and Nille. Bonnie was crying?)
(You force your eyes open. Bonnie was sobbing at the foot of your bed. Nille was reasuring them.)
(You talk with some effort.) "Bbbooonbonnnn. . ."
(Bonnie looks up, they looked devistated.) "F-frin!!"
"See? I told you they're a-okay!" (Nille walked up to your bedside table, oh, theres water there.)
"I-I know but!! B-but!!"
"Whahappen. . ." (You blink the blurryness from your eyes.)
"Kiddo had a nightmare." (Nille says, putting a cup of water to your lips, you drink it.)
"IT FELT REALLY REAL!!!" (Bonnie was, gripping your blanket.) "L-like! Like!!"
"Wh'kinda, nightmaare. . ." (You say drearily.)
"B-bad. . ." (They look away.) "R-real bad. Lotta nightmares. Lot about you."
"Whuh?" (About you?)
"T-there was one where, where you were yelling, and it hurt. A-and one where you, you killed someone. And, and one, where, where w-where-" (They're starting to cry again.)
"Boniface. . ." (Nille went back to their little sibling.) "It was all a nightmare, not real, right?"
"T-there was, was a nightmare, you, you, h-hurt yourself, w-with, with your y-your--"
"What'reyou. . ." (You, hurt yourself?) "I'm ffffine, just, tired...."
(Bonnie nods, you're drifting off again, you try waving goodnight but you don't have the energy.)
(You hurt yourself? You yelled at someone? Why so many nightmares, and, and why are they. . . Familliar. . .)
(You pass out.)
(You hear people talking.)
(It's, just two people, they're having an, argument? No, not an argument. More like a discussion or, no, reassurance. You decide to listen in.)
"-even awake."
"I know, but, but if they do wake up you should talk to them, right?"
(Isabeau, and, and. . .)
"I dunno, Isa. I-I mean, I did some pretty bad stuff, wouldn't just, going away be better?"
"Rams, what did you promise me again?"
(Oh. Ramos.)
". . R-right, you're right, just, gotta be brave about it."
"See? Here, how 'bout we stick around for a bit to see if they wake up."
(. . .)
(Do we want to talk to Ramos?)
(. . . I do not like them.)
(Yeah, I know. But they made a mistake, right? Shouldn't they get a chance?)
(. . . Fine.)
(You open your eyes.)
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(Ramos and Isa are both here, talking. Ramos, they seemed, different? It was hard to describe, it was like they were more, nervous? Less confident? Isa eventually notices you.)
"Oh! Good morning!"
(Ramos turns, catches your eye, then looks away. Isa nudges them in the side, until they say.) "H-hey, glad you're ok."
(Ramos. Ramos. Who you had considered an enemy not long ago. They just stood here, stood in your room, next to your, your someone-who-is-important-to-you. Not like nothing happened though, look at them, they're scared, nervous.)
"You. . ." (What do you even say? After all you went through. Do you threaten them? Say it's ok? Ask if they're ok? What do you do.)
(Whatever is is, it looks like they're expecting the worst. We made mistakes too, after all. Fine.)
"You. . . You're really stupid."
"N-no, they have a point." (Ramos put up a hand.) "I was being really, really stupid."
"B-but, still!!"
(You laugh, and then cough. Stars, that hurt. Isa rushed to your side, you cut him off before he can ask.) "I'm fine, Isa. Just, just a cough."
"You don't know that!! Change, I just want to make sure you're alright. I've been worried all week about you!!" (You can't stop him, he's getting you water. You accept it, of course.)
". . ." (Ramos walks to the bedside, rubbing their shoulder.) ". . . I-I'm sorry, about, about all that, mind, stuff."
(It was hard to Believe, they where just, apologizing. Just like that. After they hurt you, changed you.)
(But that didn't happen, did it?)
". . . It's, it's Even." (You finally say.)
"H-huh?!?" (They look surprised.)
"Not forgiving you, just, even." (You sigh.)
(Ramos looks at Isabeau, then back to you.) "You make it sound like you owed me."
(. . . Honesty is going to backfire on us one day.) ". . . We, killed you. Once."
"O-oh. . ." (Ramos sinks down a bit.) ". . . T-thanks for, uh, n-not doing that."
(You laugh again, not coughing this time. You and Ramos both knew things wouldn't just, heal up in a second. What they did to you was lost in the loops, just as what you did to them. You were still wary though-)
(Did Isabeau say week?)
"Week?!?" (You say, finally having that sentence register. You try sitting up.) "W-what, what-"
"C-calm down Sif!" (Isa gently puts a hand on your chest to stop you.) "It, W-well, yes, it's, it's been a week, actually just, five days but it's ALMOST been a week."
"Buddy I don't think two days makes much of a difference." (Ramos comments.) "'you're not supposed to craft time' and here's Siffrin telling Change he can do whatever he wants."
(You laugh.) "I met Change once."
"Oh yeah. . ."
"What, like in a dream?"
(You shook your head.) "When we fought the king. They were angry at me for looping."
(Ramos looks at you dumbfounded. You laugh again, and cough.)
"Here, Sif." (Isabeau helps you drink a tonic, it was some mix of ginger and. . . You couldn't place it.) "You should probably rest up now, right?"
"You've got to tell me about your traveling stories. W-when you're better." (Ramos says with a smile. You nod in reply.)
(They really were better, huh. . .)
(You close your eyes.)
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vepaluiron · 4 months
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Sylvanas Windrunner, Ranger-General of the Blood Elves of Quel'thalas
vereesa -- sylvanas roleswap au??? i kept seeing banshee queen vereesa in that one time rift timeline and had sudden brainrot over it, so now this exists!
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non-plutonian-druid · 21 days
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[ID: a comic in the TUA paranatural au, depicting Patch recruiting Lila to spy on the Activity Club for her. Both of them are about twelve. The first three panels are a flashback of an argument between Diego and Patch.
Flashback, Panel 1: A younger Patch shouts at a younger Diego, "WHAT is the Activity Club!" Diego growls "None of your business."
Panel 2: Patch says, teary-eyed, "You've been so different since you joined."
Panel 3: Diego looks guilty while Patch continues, "It's like it ate your brain! Why won't you talk to me anymore?"
Present Day, Panel 1: Patch is leaning on a desk while Lila sits on it. Patch says, "So, yeah. That's why I want to know what the Activity Club does."
Panel 2: Lila kicks her feet and says " And that's why you want me to join YOUR club. So I can spy on them for you." Patch smiles, embarrassed, and says "Yeah, basically."
Panel 3: Patch hunches her shoulders, saying, "It sounds bad when you say it like that."
Panel 4: She looks beseechingly up at Lila. "But I'm really worried about him. He won't talk to any of his friends. What the hell did they do to him!"
Panel 5: Lila waves her hand reassuringly. "No, I totally get it!"
Panel 6: Lila holds out her hand to Patch, smiling. "I'll tell you everything I learn."
Panel 7: She continues, "Trust me." Meanwhile, she writes a list in a notebook, headed with "Lies for Patch". End ID]
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lizaluvsthis · 8 months
No other liz arts yet but liz doodles only :)
First up- TANGO ART FOR @shygirl4991 's REBOOT OF NEXT STEP WITH YOU FIC! (Drew the dance because I loved the parts)
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SMG4 Bi panic:
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They LOOKED like they both kissed but thats just the camera angle (due to the fic's 'description')
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Next up is @shygirl4991 's splits but three in fusions with his personality traits!
LightPlum = Heart and Three
RusSet = Book and Three
BluRple = Spade and Three
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(I can't draw frogs but here :3)
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@itsajjanea I'm blaming you for putting that angst idea on shay HOW COULD YOUUU???? /silly
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Looks like SOMEONE missed their spanish lessons.
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(I still have more stuff gimme a minute :))
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chiscribbs · 1 year
Saw your clone Donnie au and I thought of dramatic Donnie a bit and realized that he probably would act a lot like how Leo does when he’s being dramatic.
Leo claims it’s a twin thing
It's definitely a twin thing. Look at these ridiculous dorks.
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They're cut from the same cloth. The co-kings of Drama Town, each even comes with their own spotlight, lol. Donnie's just a bit more theatrical with his dramatization than Leo is, saying things like "alas" and quotin' straight Shakespeare sometimes.
Dramatic Donnie probably acts like he's performing at the Globe 24/7.
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dangans-ur-ronpas · 6 months
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the exorcist(?) toko fukawa (and her 'ghost')
descended from a powerful exorcist but her current family is mostly non-magical (but not necessarily normal)
has seen ghosts since childhood and was taken to a temple countless times. ended up learning how to make talismans
has been followed by one particular spirit for a long time. syo claims to be an exorcist and a distant relative of hers but there's no family record of any such person existing? anyways the talismans seem to keep syo from taking over her body for the time being
likes writing romance and fantasy stories...publishes them anonymously on scrolls
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scrollonso · 4 months
Crazy In Love²
A Strollonso AU where Fernando succeeds the Spanish throne and makes it his goal as king to make the Prince of France his groom. (1.9k words, dark!nando, murder (duh), fluff too) [@catboysracing @mercyreg] {This took so long but first kiss race 14 is taking longer so 🔥}
last part - masterlist - next part (coming soon)
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As people began to disappear into the guest rooms Fernando excused him and Lance once again, his hand settling on the small of the boys back as he showed the Prince to the room he'd be sleeping in for the night.
The shorter one was practically beaming, unable to wipe the smile off his face since his father and Fernando began discussing the terms of the marriage.
"Will my son be able to continue his studies if he was to begin living here with you?"
"Of course. I'll be sure he learns the same if not more."
"Will my son be involved in battles if Spain was to find itsself in conflict while he's ruling by your side?"
"No, I'll do everything in my power to ensure he's as far from conflict as possible."
They'd continued asking and answering questions like that for ages, Chloe and Lance drifting to the side to talk about the younger boys plans as the soon to be King Consort
Lance was excited once Fernando whisked him away, eyes glued to the man as they walked, almost tripping over his own feet because of how lost in thought he'd gotten
"Careful, mi rey" Fernando spoke, quick to pull Lance into his arms, pulling one hand away to point at the two doors closest to them, the rooms across the hall from one another "This one is yours for the night, I'll be a few steps away if you need anything."
"Can I stay in your room?" Lance asked, hands grabbing onto the Spaniards biceps as he spoke
"With me?"
"Just until I get tired, I don't want to be alone" Lance said quietly, praying the man wouldn't find it weird
"What, are you scared of the dark?" Fernando raised a brow, just teasing the Frenchman
"Mhm" He nodded, bottom lip jutting out slightly at the thought of sitting in the new dark room alone.
The King laughed under his breath, not expecting the boy to really be afraid of the dark. Without hesitating he unlocked his door and pulled Lance in, letting go of him in order to light the lantern besides the door
"It's not funny!" Lance protested, covering his face in embarrassment as he stood in the chilled room
"I know, I'm sorry, mi rey" Fernando cooed, pulling Lance closer to him again to litter his exposed skin in kisses, pleased with the giggles that came as a result.
They spent the next hours just talking and getting to know eachother. Lance had practically told Fernando everything about him and Fernando had told the boy everything he needed to know.
Just as the boy began getting tired there was a knock at the door, it wad weird and had a certain pattern to it that caused Fernando to get up instantly, planting a kiss on his grooms temple before excusing himself to deal with whatever was waiting outside for him.
Lance heard the yelling from through the door, he wasn't sure what was going on since the conversation was happening in Spanish and he was far from fluent.
All he understood were scattered cuss words and the obviously tense tone. He heard Fernando's voice above all the others, the king's sentences practically overflowing with swears as his fist slammed into the closest wall, Lance unable to hide his fear as he heard the situation escelate.
He had no idea what had happened but when the door opened and the now rugged looking King came back in a part of him was scared. Scared of what he might be capable of.
Fernando noticed.
He always noticed.
"What's wrong, darling?" He asked, reaching out to cup the Frenchmans face, reddened knuckles further contrasting their skin tones
"Did something happen?" Lance asked, eyebrows knitting together as he gazed up at the man towering over him
"Nothing important, mi rey." The man insisted, craning his neck in order to peck the boys lips, taking a seat on the mattress besides him as soon as he pulled away "Don't worry about anything, it's all under control"
Lance believed him, of course he did. What reasons did he have not to?
Not long after Fernando came in Lance had fallen asleep, head on the Spaniards shoulder as his breath steadied.
The man knew he had stuff to do and if he didn't move the boy soom he'd never get to work so he slowly lifted Lance, laying him on the mattress and covering him up. The boy slept as if he'd never faced any misfortune in his life, he hadn't. Not yet.
Fernando krept out of the room, looking back to make sure his groom was still asleep under his covers before closing and locking him in.
"Padre" A voice called, Fernando turning to see his oldest son and military commander just steps away
"Carlos, when did you return?" Fernando asked, little to no emotions in his voice as he spoke
"Just now." He confirmed, coming closer to his father so he could lower his voice "I've almost finished escorting Jesuits out of the kingdom but some have barricaded themselves in their homes. What should we do?"
"I'll handle it. Lead me to them, Carlito."
It was towards town square, one house in particular had a handfull of Jesuits in escondites throughout the large building.
Fernando wasn't stupid. He practically broke the door down, snapping the wooden plank holding it shut in two, Carlos following close behind because he knew many men were in the home but he also knew his father had a tendency of getting out of control once he started.
The king listened, lanza gripped hard in his left hand. He'd had it modified, shortened so he could use it easily even when he wasnt on horseback. It was ironic, his weapon of choice had always been a lanza but something felt different today. The name felt different. Lanza. Lance.
His fingers flexed around the wooden rod, knuckles white as he began searching the first floor, Carlos staying further back to watch. His father liked what he did and he liked doing it alone.
He could hear breathing, it was shakey, it was muffled, but it was near. He stopped walking, realizing the person was behind the bookshelf to his right. Fernando turned back to Carlos, nodding over to where he suspected the Jesuit to be hiding.
Fernando didn't want to move the shelf, figuring there was somewhere else they could run off to in the mean time so he positioned his lanza against the wood and shoved it forward, hearing the way skin tore under his blade. He knew it wasn't a serious injury because only seconds later the bastard began to pray
"St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil."
He scoffed. Ridiculous. There was no St. Michael. No Archangel. No God. No Devil. But if there was, Fernando would be the closest thing to it.
He pulled his blade out harshly, shoving the now broken wood out of his way so he could reach the man easier, seeing him clutching his shoulder as he continued
"May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God,"
It was embarrassing, the King thought, how the man was still praying to his god after being put in this situation.
He reached out his hand to grab the frightened mans cappa. He shook under Fernando, practically falling to his knees as he began to sob. Not stopping his prayer. Fernando was going to let him finish.
"Thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen."
As soon as he heard the mans voice fade he slammed him against the caved in wall behind him, lanza positioned against his larynx. Fernando knelt down, the Jesuit too afraid to move
"There is no god." He spat, watching as the mans sobs became harder before he pierced his throat, the life leaving his eyes as he was propped up with the Spaniards blade.
It took time but eventually Fernando had managed to rid Madrid of the rest of the Jesuits. Anyone else would feel some sort of emotion, regret, fear, jealousy, Fernando just felt content. Knowing the Popes biggest supporters were either dead or exiled brought a smile to his face.
The walk back was nice, Carlos telling him the things he'd gotten into that day. His oldest truly was a mini-him. The other two mainly took after their mother but Carlos was the spitting image of Fernando and he couldn't wait for his boy to be king.
As they reached the palace Carlos told his father goodnight, going to see what food was left over from the ball while Fernando returned to Lance.
The Spanish king unlocked his door, eyes scanning the hall around him before he stepped in, making sure to re-lock it before finding his way back to his groom.
He was still asleep, eyelashes laying against his pale cheeks as he slept, soft smile on his face. He was beautiful, to Fernando, to everyone. The man still had his blade in his hand, his lanza, he hadn't bothered to wipe the blood off, simply stashing it in his wardrobe before finding his way to bed with the Frenchman.
It wad odd, sleeping in the same bed as someone you were just engaged to, but killing someone with your blade then laying with someone with the same name was stranger so Fernando couldn't be bothered to do anything differently.
Lance awoke hours later, registering the arms around his waist straight away, it was nice, foreign, but nice.
His hands found their way to the Spaniards, fingers lightly brushing over his rough knuckles, scabs forming over the cuts he'd made the night before. He was rugged, far more rugged than Lawrence.
Fernando was the first King, besides his father, that Lance had truly been in the presence of since he was very young, since the signing of the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle when he was only six.
He felt safe, for whatever reason, in the mans arms. He was so much larger than the boy, so much stronger, so much more powerful. Lance felt as though he could lay in Fernandos arms forever and never have to worry of anything bad happening to either of them.
"How'd you sleep, mi rey?" Fernando spoke softly, lips pressing against the nape of Lance's neck
"I slept good" Lance smiled, turning to face Fernando, checking to make sure he was as handsome as he remembered. "Did you sleep well?"
"How could I not" The king smiled back, hand leaving the princes waist to brush the hair from his face "Sleeping next to you was perfect, can not wait to do it every night."
Before Lance could respond there was a knock at the door, a man saying something in Spanish that caused Fernando to get up, petting the boys head as he left the mattress
"Let's get dressed, your father wants the wedding to happen as soon as possible."
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teakoodrawz · 4 months
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" I'm a Psycho, loving it~ "
#[album]#ask to tag#cw#Music Shot#S-2#also i just wanna mess with its expressions and poses cuz it's fun#he can turn the black face into a screenface. changing any shapes and expressions as it pleases#horror. realistic eyes. tv static. etc but he prefers the original triangle smiles more#also i'm planning to redesign S-2 right now#S-2 focuses only on killing / violence to gain LV and he's stuck that way and called it a purpose to wipe out population#He got so focus on gaining LV because it made him feel so powerful and wanted more feeling like it's the only thing that made him feel aliv#i'm okay to spoil his story and all. He's made out of human determination in Mark's body and became a split personality to him#that's why S-2 and Mark are both corrupted because they're still not compatible to each other in one body#instead of being unstable in physical form. his mind is. because Gaster used a different formula but failed again#Gaster was trying to cure Mark because he was really ill and about to die#I only took the references/theories from the original undertale amalgamation obviously#S-2 was formed from Mark's own negative emotions and personalities then it became its own character#which causes the two (or Mark or S-2 themselves) to self-loathe with each other#it's literally like looking in a window as a mirror talking shit to each other#The real good Mark in this au is Mark himself. he just needs to be set free from this misery (and need to get rid of S-2 if possible)#that's why in my old Mark death posts. S-2 was gone from self-forgiveness meaning Mark forgives himself and deserves to be happy#(because everyone don't deserve to hate themselves)#i'm gonna keep the left eye joke not being available when doing the horror screenface cuz still wanna make it a Mark thing to him#cw horror#cw eye contact
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doctorsiren · 2 months
aah I absolutely adore your split reigen au!! it's such a fun concept :D
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hehe thank you :D
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akkivee · 8 months
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ichiro apparently
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IDK if you're interested about this new AU I forged my brain, but...
What if all the deceased MonsterVerse Kaiju (lesser) villains (MUTOs, King Ghidorah, MechaGodzilla, Skar King, Tiamat, Scylla, Shinomura, MUTO Prime) has a chance to live their lives, but in a most impossible consequences...
Reincarnated as HUMANS?
Yeah, they will have similar aspects of their own Titan forms, but without powers or strength, and their memories were a bit hazy because of someone stolen their perspective except in their past lives. Admired or hate Godzilla? Well, it's their choice.
A potential sequel of my own take about the epilogue of GxK. But basically, my OC will be there to find these Titan incarnated people in order to avoid chaos. What cause them being incarnated will be revealed sooner. And yes, I added this AU on my list.
The title of this AU is called Present Incarnation.
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jamiesfootball · 1 year
Always lowkey simmering a Leverage AU in the back of my head hear me out:
Ted is an ex-insurance investigator who was able to get his son life-saving medical treatment because his first, original Crime Pal Beard was like ‘Ted if your company doesn’t come through with the coverage, we’re doing things my way.’
The company did not come through. The company did let him go due to suspicion of Ted’s involvement in the incident, but Ted will happily remind folks that no charges were formally pressed. Henry is alive and healthy and living with Michelle, who divorced Ted shortly thereafter (not just because of pre-existing marital problems, but because Ted wouldn’t tell her anything about why the doctors “””suddenly decided to do the procedure for free”””). Shortly thereafter, Ted fled the country.
What Ted learned from the whole experience is that there’s a lot of people out there, good people just trying to live by the rules, but sometimes things happen that are just out of their control. And well- if we’ve got the means to help the good people out when no one else will, then shouldn’t we try?
“We’ve got means,” Beard agrees. “And motives.”
They do things Beard’s way now.
#also Rebecca is a grifter who gave it up when she married into money and her name(s) echo mysteriously through the back alleys of London#“did you hear about this Secret Princess Lydia who went missing in the 90s?’ ‘yes Ted that was me’#the woman is constantly dodging every half-told lie she made on a lark twenty years ago but she is amazing at keeping them straight#and Roy- Roy long ago took an injury that ended his career as a footballer before it started#and he fell into a bad spot as a hitter#and then he fell into a worse spot#and then he dug himself out for his neice that no one knows about (see: everyone knows about think mafia kid no one is allowed to touch her)#the problem now is he’s getting old#the hits hit harder and his speed isn’t what it used to be#(Roy Kent’s slow is still leagues beyond what these young wannabe punks can do these days)#keeley! she is a sneak thief. very charming. tiny. great with repelling down sides of buildings#loves money and shiny rocks and thinks Rebecca is the bee’s knees#and then there’s Jamie who is a 24 year old hacker with gaudy taste no knack for accents and a problem with authority#in this au him and ted have basically split Nate’s backstory#Ted’s dad took him to bars and taught him little tricks and mind games- nothing fancy just stuff an HR person might know#meanwhile Jamie’s dad took him to shady deals in bars because his dad was a fixer who’d put bad guys in touch with each other#jamie keeps a tracker running on his laptop with his dad’s whereabouts at all times#unfortunately he didn’t think that anyone else would bother looking for him- he’s not exactly a big time crook#but Ted and his crew have pissed off Rupert Mannion who is big time and who wants to hit back at Rebecca for making a fool of him#and Mannion’s people have identified that the way in to breaking their little crew is through Jamie#who’s name sounds so ridiculous people have assumed it was fake this whole time#anyways#thanks for reading#I will likely never write this but boy I have ideas 💡#leverage au#ted lasso#jamie tartt#roy kent#keeley jones#rebecca welton
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