#spiteful ask
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lawgrain · 7 months ago
Some things I love about Spiteful: 
Even though Bakugou is spiteful about everything and never admits (even to the audience) how hurt he is, you can still feel his hurt through the tone. It’s impressive how consistent you’ve been with his character.
The way you made Bakugou subtly mention saving a random guy in the store, and then this minute detail became relevant in the next chapter. 
I love how you show each character's perspective rather than only Bakugou's. I think it’s so interesting seeing how Class-1A views the situation as them being righteous as opposed to assholes. I mean, obviously, they’re assholes, but they don’t realize that in being virtuous, they’re also being hypocrites.
DEAF BAKUGOU!!! But not just deaf Bakugou. The reason I tend to stray away from deaf!Bakugou fics is because they tend to make him SOOO self-deprecating all the time. Being deaf doesn’t mean you’re miserable, nor does it mean that the character can’t handle themself. But in Spiteful, I think Bakugou’s deafness only adds to his character and acts in part as an explanation for why he’s become so independent. I like that you didn’t write him as utterly dependent on his hearing aid either (when his mom took it away). It is also used as a turning point in the story for Aizawa, and I like that something Bakugou didn’t seem to think about a lot became a big part of a different character’s development.
Spiteful is one of the few pieces of media I connect to every song I listen to (that’s maladaptive daydreaming for you lol)
You’re quite skilled at irony. Even in the last preview, where Bakugou is about to talk with Kirishima, you ended it off with, ���Even if it didn’t change anything, Bakugou just needed to know because after he could just let it all go.” And we all know he’s not going to let it all go. 
Have you ever thought of doing a master class on positive comments? I hope you have a fantastic day and know you've made mine brighter! A little inside some of the decisions though! It's so cool that you noticed the hints of minor things in one perspective that are important in others. It was intentional on my part but I never know if my execution is either too obvious or too subtle. Bakugou's hearing! I tried to be very respectful with this decision. I didn't want to make his hearing his entire identity, but just a part of it. I also didn't want to do a thing I've seen constantly where people will write a disability only to do everything they can to make it seem like it doesn't affect them or exist. I had a mutual ask after that chapter why I didn't make it so where Bakugou could lip read everything, which was a good question. The decision came to the fact that lip reading helps but isn't a cure all. It's not a thing I don't see Bakugou doing, it's just something that doesn't magically make hearing difficulties disappear. When speaking with hard of hearing friends, they mentioned it as a thing they subconsciously learned, but were never taught and will struggle when sounds come from behind. In short, I tried to sensitive and thoughtful and hope I succeeded. If I come a short, I hope that those part of mentioned communities (respectively) help me become aware of any oversights I now want a playlist from you, but that's neither here nor there. I'm very flattered by your comment! I try to write very intentionally even if I don't always succeed and it means a lot to see it acknowledged.
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daiwild · 1 month ago
more timkon.. more timkon i beg.. or timberkon... either one.. pls and thank you..
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i just can not stand these guys (lying)
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psin314 · 3 months ago
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be careful, boys. 😦
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dustykneed · 4 months ago
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survival is an act of rebellion. jim loves you SO MUCH. i hope this finds all of us who need it today. please stay alive so we can make it out together. sending so much love and strength
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chloesimaginationthings · 8 months ago
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Is Michael Afton gay or European in FNAF?…
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ministarfruit · 1 year ago
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day 15: haunting ♡
(femslashfeb prompt list)
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riadoodles · 6 days ago
Does Dawn communicate with Spite or no? And do they get along like Esha? Or is it a different dynamic?
omg yes all the time! I’d like to think they’re buddy-buddy!
They’re gossip girlies hehe i think Spite is happy to have at least two people (Dawn and Emmy) actually be able to listen to him and Dawn is a nosy little goblin
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vaguely-concerned · 4 months ago
thinking about not only the specific people lucanis pulls in to represent the 'locks' in his psyche, but the storytelling that happens in the structure/order of them. the underlying ideas are presented something like:
the lucanis who went into the ossuary never came back out again; he died down there (the boy caterina raised is gone forever) -> you're putting yourself in danger doing this (by being close to me), you should leave because I can't bear it if you get hurt because of me -> it doesn't matter even if we do try this, it won't work anyway (again because of me) ('you know what he's like, you can open the door but he won't walk through it' :'( oofie doofie) -> what if the real secret is that there was never anything but the monster in here from the beginning. you should leave, there was never anything here worth saving in the first place. (implicitly: what if I deserved what happened, all along.)
it runs pretty cleanly from outward-oriented attachment anxiety ('caterina won't even want me back like this, she won't recognize me (the same way I no longer recognize myself)) and gradually deeper inwards until we reach self-image and self worth. or you know, the harrowing basic lack of it lol.
"careful -- they'll know we're not right," spite says in one of their first scenes... but clearly, some very deep part of lucanis has feared or suspected for much longer than that that there's something inherently not right at the core of him, way before any demon entered the picture. and the voice he gives those lines to is the person who should know him better than anyone in the world, who he has loved more than anyone in the world -- and who deliberately chose to hurt him so horrifically anyway. 'It's better if I'm just a monster and deserved what happened than it is to allow for the idea that the brother I love doesn't really exist and maybe never did'. it's better if he's fundamentally flawed in some way that needed fixing to help him survive, and that's why caterina chose to hurt him again and again -- out of love. (this one I think he might have a very sad wakeup call on one day if he ever ends up with the responsibility and care of a child of his own in some way and realizes just how alien the idea of ever intentionally hurting them for any reason is to him. oh buddy. also interesting that he keeps caterina as the outermost lock -- there IS a distance he keeps there that he hasn't with illario. he doesn't resent her 'anymore' he says, but he also keeps her carefully further away from his deepest self.)
as far as I could tell the only note in the mind prison that's fully hidden and needs to be uncovered is the sad painful helpless stupid little truth that even after all this, even knowing what happened... he still loves his brother. is there anything illario could ever do that would make lucanis completely stop loving him, do you think? sometimes the trouble with unconditional love is that it is, well. unconditional, even when some terms and conditions probably would have been in order haha.
that's the pattern you see there again and again; he would rather destroy and abandon and imprison himself at every turn than let go of love, even when it's just scraps, even when there's only ever enough of it to hurt him. it's only when rook shows up and as it were takes his hand and walks along with him that he can entertain the idea of changing the story of what walking out the door might mean in the end.
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its-tea-time-darling · 2 years ago
im sorry, we turned your boyfriend into a mole. yeah and all of tumblr‘s interested in him now. sorry
edit 9/12/23 11.22 CET
and so it begins…
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fic1, fic2 @pathsofoak ao3 tag. Mole Poem @thaliaisalesbian . fic by @tourmelion .
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ao3 link. please vote for mole scene in most underrated goncharov scene poll
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iheartbookbran · 10 months ago
My favorite part about the Debling plot was Penelope and Cressida doing the most over there top cat-fighting in order to win him over, not because they genuinely liked the guy, but because they wanted to escape their families and also lowkey just hate each other.
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rook-rot · 2 months ago
just thinking about the way Lucanis' voice gets super fast after you give him the wyvern tooth dagger because of how excited he is
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lawgrain · 7 months ago
I doubt this would happen but in spiteful, I was imagining the wildest shit where upon class 1A basically excommunicating bakugou- class 1B and mei adopting him as honourary classmate- I don't know how that would happen but it just feels funny to imagine class 1A reaction to bakugou willingly hanging out with like monoma😂😂😂 and the dynamics to come from that- don't mean to be rude in any way, I just thought this particular headcannon to be funny and I love your fic!!!!!!
This was asked a hot minute ago, I missed it somehow. There was a hot minute I considered bringing Monoma in actually. I decided not too because it felt a bit disjointed? I considered it too late in the story where it felt like the decision would distract from where the direction should go. That's a bit the problem with my unposted chapters right now too. I'm frustrated with the too frequent pov switches I have with new point of views I might have to take out. Back to your point though, that is a fun direction to go! I only considered it as far as Monoma becoming a third in a Bakugou friend trio. I can't remember but I might have some excerpts written with that in mind that got cut. Did ever post that? If not I can certainly look back and see what I have
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peace-hunter · 3 months ago
I like the idea that the Matrix was said to contain "The wisdom of the Primes" and while it kind of DOES, what he actually got was the ability to commune with the Primes, and while everyone expects them to be a well of wisdom they're kind of just normal people and tell Optimus that Megatron's a glitch.
He's basically just got 13 older annoying siblings.
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some times collective wisdom means knowing how to build and lead an entire army while restructuring your entire society after decades of oppression.
others it means knowing that mixing the cybertronian equivalent of vodka and tequila is a Stupid Idea and you will definitely regret it oh my god-
and being the youngest of fourteen sometimes means knowing that and doing it anyway lmao
but yeah that's basically it! that's kinda the point of the au! yeah they were wise and intelligent and almost divine but they were still people! and the concept of wisdom can be very subjective when there's thirteen of you and you have thousands if not millions of years of Opinions™ aklsjdlalds
haunted au
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psin314 · 3 months ago
poor Spite deserves some love too ❤️ (also love ur art sm its sososo good)
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of course he does hehe. so here's a little kiss on the cheek. and... candles eating. 🗿never do this guys okay
also some thoughts on my spite x rook (ppffffhhhtffpf spook). im sorry my fellow horny spite enjoyers but it's not my cup of tea. spite's just a little very supportive guy. i dont think he really understands all the things rook and lucanis do to each other but he feels and sees that it makes them both happier so he's like nice👍👍. rook likes to give him forehead and cheek kisses tho.
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jade-of-mourning · 6 months ago
i love your art so much! the style is so eye catching!
if you feel inspired, do you think you could do a doodle of soren and rayla sparring?
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auhsdghaskhjd you're too sweet <333 this is the summer of me trying to draw more LOL… anatomy's kinda wonky though bc idk how swords work rip
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chloesimaginationthings · 8 months ago
Thanks for the new discord emoji boss!!
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The last thing you saved on your phone is what Michael is reacting to….
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