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revdrjoshuasidgwick · 6 months ago
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The more we attempt to illuminate that which is from our past, the more shadows we tend to cast. Sometimes a flaming torch is too bright and things are hidden in the light. On the other hand, a small flame, like the light of a candle, can illuminate that which we can easily handle ~ Rev. Dr. Joshua Sidgwick
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thesagittarianmind · 4 months ago
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cigarrebates · 3 months ago
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Thank you to my heart.
Thank you to my mind.
Thank you to my spine.
Thank you to my eyes.
Thank you to my ears.
Thank you to my hands.
Thank you to my feet.
Thank you to my lungs.
Thank you to my liver.
Thank you to my kidneys.
Thank you to my stomach.
Thank you to my intestines.
Thank you to my skin.
Thank you to my blood.
Thank you to my bones.
Thank you to my muscles.
Thank you to my nervous system.
Thank you to my mitochondria.
Thank you to my immune system.
Thank you to my lymphatic system.
Thank you to my joints.
Thank you to my teeth.
Thank you to my tongue.
Thank you to my hair.
Thank you to my nails.
Thank you to my cartilage.
Thank you to my blood vessels.
Thank you to my pancreas.
Thank you to my gallbladder.
Thank you to my adrenal glands.
Thank you to my thyroid.
Thank you to my tears.
Thank you to my sweat.
Thank you to my bile.
Thank you to my saliva.
Thank you to my urine.
Thank you to the bacteria in my gut.
Thank you to the flora and fauna.
Thank you to my sense of touch.
Thank you to my sense of smell.
Thank you to my sense of taste.
Thank you to my sense of sight.
Thank you to my sense of hearing.
Thank you to my sense of balance.
Thank you to my connective tissues.
Thank you to my fascia.
Thank you to my bone marrow.
Thank you to my endocrine system.
Thank you to my reproductive system.
Thank you to my hormones.
Thank you to my naddhis.
Thank you to my siddhis.
Thank you to my chakras.
Thank you to my aura.
Thank you to my prana/Chi/ mana.
Thank you to my breath.
Thank you to my etheric body.
Thank you to the electromagnetic energy.
Thank you to the elements within.
Thank you to its rhythms and cycles.
Thank you to my body, my temple.
Thank you to my being.
Thank you to my essence.
Thank you to my soul.
Thank you to my God.
Acknowledge the courage and resilience it takes to embark on a journey of self-acceptance and self-discovery. Each step towards embracing your authentic self reflects your inner strength and determination. Celebrate your progress and honor the resilience that fuels your journey towards greater self-acceptance and fulfillment.
Create a Life of Happiness. Wealth. Health. Love. Wisdom.
💟 How to live Your Best Life
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lawofattraction4811 · 1 year ago
If your response is a resounding "YES," then this holds the key to everything...
Listen closely—there's a concise 20-word script known to Nikola Tesla and Bob Proctor.
This script, proven to manifest desires 100 times faster, compels the universe to deliver.
For the first time, it's been revealed (click the link in my bio to witness).
Upon viewing, give it a shot... and behold the magic unfold.
You've never witnessed anything quite like this.
It's not about hype or exuberance; it's a transformative tool.
Simply click the link in my bio to explore and apply it.
#lawofattraction4811#lawofattractionquotes#universallaw#innergrowth#dailyaffirmation#lawofattraction#estherhicks#spiritualawareness#manifestingdreams#spiritualthoughts#lawofattractioncoach#consciousnessshift#enlightenment #successtips #entrepreneurlife #leadershipskills #businessstrategy #motivationalquotes #successmindset #entrepreneurmindset #love #life #lifehacks #meditation
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petunia-rosebud · 2 years ago
Still have the Ouija board from my childhood with me (after getting weirdly lost for decades before being found again). This is very cool. #ouijaboards #playingwithbigspirits #spiritualthoughts #iwantone
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What could possibly go wrong?
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debashreeduttadd · 2 years ago
Discover the Power of Spirituality #debashreedutta
Spirituality is a broad concept that encompasses a wide range of beliefs and practices related to the human spirit or soul. It can include religious or non-religious beliefs, meditation, mindfulness, yoga, and other practices that focus on personal growth and connection to something greater than oneself. Many people find spirituality to be a source of comfort, guidance, and inspiration in their daily lives. - Take a journey of personal growth and explore your spirituality through meditation, mindfulness, yoga, and other practices. Find comfort and guidance in your daily life. Create deeper connections with yourself and the world around you. Unlock the power of your spirit and achieve true happiness. Try it now and find your inner peace. To know more in details click here
#debashreedutta#spirituality #spiritualawakening #spiritualjourney #spiritualgrowth #spiritualhealing #spiritualpractice #spiritualguidance #spiritualcommunity #spiritualenlightenment #spiritualquotes #spiritualteacher #spiritualmindset #spiritualenergy #spiritualbeliefs #spiritualpath #spirituallove #spiritualwisdom #spiritualawakenings #spiritualthoughts #spiritualhealer
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wahoeorg · 2 years ago
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Varanasi is a sacred city for Hindus who travel there to take a bath in the Ganges, which flows through the lush Ganga valley. What is Known About Varanasi? Hindus, Buddhists, and Jains all hold Varanasi, also known as Benares, in high esteem as a sacred city. It is one of the oldest cities in the world, and visitors come here in search of spiritual awakening and to experience the eldest city's many attractions and delectable cuisine. . . . #IrinaNaam #Wahoe #Varanasi #Banaras #Ganges #Travel #TravelPhotography #Travelgram #Traveling #Travelling #TravelBlogger #LosAngeles #California #Spirituality #Spiritual #SpiritualAwakening #SpiritualGrowth #SpiritualJourney #SpiritualGuidance #SpiritualQuotes #SpiritualEnlightenment #SpiritualPath #SpiritualLife #SpiritualThoughts #SpiritualVibes #Peace #PeaceOfMind #World
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irinanaam · 2 years ago
Depending on who is asked, there are many various definitions of spirituality. It can be something as straightforward as seeking a greater purpose in life, or it can be something so complex that one bases their entire set of beliefs, religious practises, and way of life on it. Rituals, songs, dances, stories, and writings are just a few examples of ways that one can express their faith. . . . #IrinaNaam #Wahoe #Spiritual #Initiation #Light #Power #TakeAway #Darkness #Crystal #LosAngeles #California #Spirituality #Spiritual #SpiritualAwakening #SpiritualGrowth #SpiritualJourney #SpiritualGuidance #SpiritualQuotes #SpiritualEnlightenment #SpiritualPath #SpiritualLife #SpiritualThoughts #SpiritualVibes #Peace #PeaceOfMind #Life #SpiritualHealing #SpiritualGuide #PeaceOfSoul #PeaceofTheWorld #World
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manifestationsmagicus · 3 years ago
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kollibri · 3 years ago
👰‍♀️Relationships are neverending path to another person 🤵🏻‍♂️
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spiritualawakening37 · 3 years ago
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Everything you want can be yours.🌻💫 Focus on the feeling.
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followerofchrist888 · 3 years ago
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Knowing God’s Heart • Devotional
Today's devotional from Youversion app is so on point. Jesus died for us and was RESURRECTED while mankind were still sinners. As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I know that gift is able to be used throughout all ages thanks to the restored priesthood. We can take advantage of the Atonement while still sinning. It's the desire in our hearts we need. The DESIRE to take His name upon us that allows HIM to work in US. You can bootstrap perfection all you want but the real blessings come from desiring Him, giving up the pride of thinking you can do it on your own, and leaning into the ease of His yoke, watch Him work the miracle in your life.
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thesagittarianmind · 5 months ago
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cigarrebates · 3 months ago
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In Spiritual Warfare?
Darkness is Light.
And Light is Darkness.
Neither is good.
Neither is evil.
Both simply are.
And in order to reach your full potential?
You must balance and integrate both.
Care not for the Moral Compass of others.
Morality does not affect these dynamics as much as your Masters have you convinced you they do.
If you are scared of the Darkness?
Then you are limiting your Light.
And if you stray from the Light?
You are also neglecting the power of your Darkness.
The goal is to become whole.
Neglecting either Darkness or Light in your practices will leave you one sided.
And you will never reach your full potential in this way.
Acknowledge the courage and resilience it takes to embark on a journey of self-acceptance and self-discovery. Each step towards embracing your authentic self reflects your inner strength and determination. Celebrate your progress and honor the resilience that fuels your journey towards greater self-acceptance and fulfillment.
Create a Life of Happiness. Wealth. Health. Love. Wisdom.
💟 How to live Your Best Life
➤➤➤ rebrand.ly/HowToLiveYourBestLife
#highlevelliving #lawofattractionquotes #spiritualthoughts #trusttheuniverse #synchronicity #dailyaffirmations #highvibrations #soulpurpose #awakespiritual #positiveenergyplus #likeattractslike #soulawakening #spirituallyawake #innerbeing #universalguidance #innerguidance #thirdeyethoughts #higherfrequency #spiritualbeing #higherawareness #thehigherself #lightworker #selfaware #raiseyourvibration #dnaactivation #universalknowledge #higherdimensions #innerknowing #fifthdimension #lightbeings
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lawofattraction4811 · 1 year ago
If your response is a resounding "YES," then this holds the key to everything...
Listen closely—there's a concise 20-word script known to Nikola Tesla and Bob Proctor.
This script, proven to manifest desires 100 times faster, compels the universe to deliver.
For the first time, it's been revealed (click the link in my bio to witness).
Upon viewing, give it a shot... and behold the magic unfold.
You've never witnessed anything quite like this.
It's not about hype or exuberance; it's a transformative tool.
Simply click the link in my bio to explore and apply it.
#lawofattraction4811#lawofattractionquotes#universallaw#innergrowth#dailyaffirmation#lawofattraction#estherhicks#spiritualawareness#manifestingdreams#spiritualthoughts#lawofattractioncoach#consciousnessshift#enlightenment #successtips #entrepreneurlife #leadershipskills #businessstrategy #motivationalquotes #successmindset #entrepreneurmindset #love #life #lifehacks #meditation
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chrismkundaliniquotes · 3 years ago
Kundalini Awakening
•Activation = introduction of Kundalini into the body with subsequent changes that occur. Phenomena and tactile pressures and psychic experiences. Preparation for awakening.
•Awakening = union with the divine. A direct product of the activation. Beyond words. Can contain many of the attributes of the activation but with a furthering of and a broadening of skill sets, wisdom downloads, divine expressions taking over human expression.
-c h r i s m
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