#spiritual books hindi
ismailfazil1-blog · 1 month
Dast-e-talab by M.I.Fazil | Poems | Urdu poetry | Sufi poetry | ebook version
Spiritual Urdu poetry with Roman Translation for Urdu and Hindi readers.
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air-atman-in-ravi · 7 months
What is the purpose of life? Life is the journey between birth and death. Neither can we control birth nor can we control death. But we are in charge of everything that happens in between. If we don’t discover the purpose of life, then we will just come back to planet earth again and again. We would have a new body, but as per Karma, we would experience the triple suffering — the pain of the body, misery of the mind and agony of the ego as we visit this planet again and again.
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dyimple9891 · 9 months
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अधिक जानकारी के लिए Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Youtube Channel पर विजिट करें। या रोज देखो साधना TV, 07:30pm और ईश्वर TV, सुदर्शन Tv, Nepal1,सुबह 06:00am
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gringadano · 1 year
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hindipdf · 1 year
Vigyan Bhatrav Tantra (विज्ञान भैरव तन्त्र) Rudryamal Tantra Ka Goor Rahasya Hindi ebook pdf
Vigyan Bhatrav Tantra (विज्ञान भैरव तन्त्र) Rudryamal Tantra Ka Goor Rahasya (रुद्रयामल तन्त्र का गूढ़ रहस्य) Hindi ebook pdfe-book name- Vigyan Bhatrav Tantra (विज्ञान भैरव तन्त्र)Book Type- Hindi spiritualFile Format- PDFLanguage- HindiPages- 102Pdf size- 2MbQuality- HQ, without any watermark शैवागम का दुर्लभ ग्रन्थविज्ञान भैरव तन्त्र(भैरव-भैरवी सम्वाद)रुद्रयामल तन्त्र का गूढ़…
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mysticmindblog · 1 year
अध्यात्म की बेहतरीन किताबें | Top 7 Spiritual Books in Hindi
 Spiritual Books in Hindi – क्या आप भी अपनी अध्यात्मिक यात्रा शुरू करना चाह रहे हैं या पहले से ही चल रहे हैं बस इसे अगले स्तर पर ले जाना चाहते हैं? यदि आपका जवाब हां है तो इस आर्टिकल में आपके लिए कुछ ऐसी चुनिंदा पुस्तकें हैं जो अपका मार्ग दर्शन करेंगी। साथ ही आपकी यात्रा को सरल और रुचिकर भी बनाएंगी। इस आर्टिकल में जो भी पुस्तकें हैं उन्हें अन्य पुस्तकें जैसे की नोवेल या कुछ और समझकर न पढ़ें। इन…
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mantralipi · 2 years
विभीषणकृत हनुमद्वडवानल स्तोत्र की तंत्र साधना(Bibhishan Krit Hanumadbadbanal strotra ki tantra Sadhana)
हनुमानजी को महावीर भी कहा जाता है। महावीर का अर्थ है- अजेय अर्थात्जि से बल, बुद्धि, विद्या, ज्ञान, नीति में कोई पराजित न कर पाये और जिसने समस्त शक्तियों को जीत लिया है। यह बात हनुमान जी पर बिलकुल सही बैठती है । इसलिये . हनुमानजी को शास्त्रों में बल बुद्धि और विद्या का दाता कहा गया है।
हनुमानजी और शिव जी संपर्क 
हनुमानजी के संबंध में कुछ बातें विशेष ध्यान देने की हैं। एक बात तो यह है कि हनुमानजी शिव के अंश हैं। हनुमानजी को एकादश रुद्र अवतार इसी दृष्टि से कहा गया है। इसलिये हनुमत साधना से हनुमानजी की कृपा दृष्टि तो प्राप्त होती ही है, भगवान शंकर की कृपा भी सहज ही प्राप्त हो जाती है। 
हनुमान जी पास अतुल शक्ति होने का कारन 
हनुमानजी के संबंध में दूसरी बात यह समझ लेने की है कि यह समस्त देवों की शक्ति को अपने अन्दर संचित करके अवतरित हुये हैं। इसलिये वे वीरता, पराक्रम, दक्षता, निर्भयता, निरोगता आदि के प्रतीक हैं। जो साधक हनुमानजी की सच्चे मन से साधना करता है, उसे यह समस्त गुण सहज ही प्राप्त हो जाते हैं। हनुमानजी शक्ति, पौरुषता, स्फूर्ति, धैर्य, विवेक, वाक्पटुता आदि गुणों से भी सम्पन्न हैं। इसलिये हनुमानजी के साधकों को यह समस्त गुण सहज ही प्राप्त हो जाते हैं ।
हनुमान जी का भक्ति और शक्ति 
हनुमानजी राम, लक्ष्मण और सीता की सेवा भक्ति में सदैव समर्पित रहे हैं। उन्हें सेवा और समर्पण का भाव बहुत पसन्द है। इसलिये जो व्यक्ति गहरी आस्था और पूर्ण समर्पण भाव के साथ हनुमानजी की शरण में आ जाता है, वह सहज ही हनुमानजी का कृपापात्र बन जाता है। साधना में पूर्ण समर्पण भाव ही साधक को तत्काल फल प्रदान कराता है। ऐसी कोई बाधा, ऐसी कोई शारीरिक या मानसिक समस्या नहीं है, जो हनुमानजी की शक्ति के सामने ठहर सके । इसी तरह ऐसी कोई व्याधि और ऐसा कोई संकट नहीं है जो हनुमत साधना से दूर न हो सके। जिस साधक पर एक बार हनुमानजी का वरदहस्त आशीर्वाद स्वरूप रख दिया जाता है, फिर उस पर कोई भी शत्रु प्रभावी नहीं हो सकता । उसके शत्रु हजारों प्रयास करें, कई तरह की तांत्रिक अभिचार क्रियायें करवा कर उसे परास्त करने का प्रयत्न करें, लेकिन हनुमत कृपा से वह उस साधक का कुछ भी नहीं बिगाड़ पाते हैं। ऐसे हनुमत साधक को भूत, प्रेतादि का डर भी नहीं रहता। सभी अशरीरी आत्माओं की शक्ति उसके सामने आते ही कमजोर पड़ जाती है।
ग्रहबाधा में हनुमान जी पूजा
बुरे ग्रहों का प्रभाव भी हनुमत साधना से समाप्त हो जाता है। ज्योतिष शास्त्र में शनि ग्रह को सबसे पापी और संताप देने वाला ग्रह माना गया है ।इसलिये शनि के प्रकोप से कोई नहीं बच पाता । वक्री शनि की दृष्टि, शनि की ढैय्या, शनि की साढ़ेसाती का प्रभाव तो इतना आक्रांत करता है कि इस अवधि में व्यक्ति महल से उजड़ कर सीधे सड़कों पर आ जाता है। असाध्य व्याधियों के रूप में शारीरिक एवं मानसिक पीड़ा देने में भी ऐसा शनि पीछे नहीं रहता । पारिवारिक कलह का कारण भी ऐसा शनि ही बनता है । यह आश्चर्यजनक बात है कि जिस शनि के प्रताप से व्यक्ति कांप जाता है, वह शनि स्वयं हनुमानजी से भय खाते हैं । इसलिये बहुत से ज्योतिषी अपने यजमानों को शनि के पापी प्रभाव से बचने के लिये हनुमान जी की पूजा-अर्चना करने का परामर्श देते हैं। नियमित रूप से हनुमानजी के मंदिर में जाकर हनुमत कृपा प्राप्त करने का आग्रह करते हैं। अधिकांश शनि पीड़ित लोगों को हनुमानजी की पूजा-अर्चना का फल शीघ्र ही मिल जाता है।
दक्षिण भारत के तमिलनाडू राज्य में अम्बपुर नामक एक प्रसिद्ध स्थान है। उस स्थान पर हनुमानजी के उग्र स्वभाव ( उग्र हनुमान) की स्थापना की गई है। यहां हनुमानजी उग्र आवेश में आकर शनि को अपने पैरों में दबाये हुये हैं। अन्यत्र कहीं भी हनुमानजी के उग्र स्वरूप की स्थापना नहीं की गई है। विश्व भर में यही एकमात्र ऐसा स्थान है, जहां हनुमानजी के विकराल स्वरूप की पूजा-अर्चना की जाती है । मानसिक रूप से कमजोर, मंदबुद्धि और मानसिक व्याधियों से पीड़ित चल रहे लोगों के लिये हनुमान जी की साधना संजीवनी बूटी से कम नहीं होती । हनुमानजी की नियमित साधना, उपासना से शीघ्र ही मानसिक परेशानियों का समाधान हो जाता है तथा साधक स्वयं के अन्दर संतोष, शांति एवं स्फूर्ति का अनुभव करने लग जाता है।
विभीषणकृत हनुमद्ववडवानल स्तोत्रम :
बडवानल वन में लगी भीषण अग्नि को कहा जाता है । यह अग्नि थोड़े समय में ही विशाल वन को नष्ट करने की सामर्थ्य रखती है। जिस प्रकार ग्रीष्म ऋतु के दौरान वन में वृक्षों के परस्पर घर्षण से उत्पन्न हुई छोटी सी चिंगारी शीघ्र ही भीषण अग्नि का रूप धारणकर लेती है और जंगल में चहुं ओर फैल कर समस्त जीव-जन्तुओं को पीड़ित करने लगती है, बडवानल की इस तपस से जंगल के जीव-जन्तु ही नहीं, बल्कि सभी तरह की वनस्पतियां तक समाप्त होने लग जाती हैं, ठीक वैसे ही हनुमानजी के इस हनुमद्ववडवानल नामक स्तोत्र के नियमित पठन-पाठन से अन���क प्रकार के संताप स्वतः ही समाप्त होते चले जाते हैं। हनुमत स्तोत्र का प्रभाव अरिष्टकारक ग्रहों के दोषों को शांत करने, शत्रुओं के संताप से बचने, असाध्य रोगों के चंगुल में फंसने से बचने, भूत-प्रेत आदि के भय से मुक्त रहने के साथ-साथ मानसिक व्याधियों के समाधान के लिये भी किया जाता है। यह हनुमत स्तोत्र जीवन में असमय उत्पन्न होने वाली अनेक प्रकार की
भीषण समस्याओं से बचने के लिये बहुत प्रभावशाली सिद्ध होता है । इसके नियमित पाठ से हनुमानजी की अनुकम्पा सदैव अपने साधक पर बनी रहती है । इसलिये ऐसे साधकों को अपने जीवन में किसी तरह का भय नहीं सताता। हनुमानजी की साधना हनुमद्ववडवानल स्तोत्र के द्वारा किसी हनुमानजी के मंदिर में हनुमानजी की प्रतिमा के सामने बैठकर की जा सकती है अथवा अपने घर पर भी हनुमानजी की प्रतिमा स्थापित करके इसका प्रयोग किया जा सकता है। जानकारी के और और पड़े
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nimblermortal · 3 months
Also, warning to neopagans: This one is not for you. I try to be polite and respectful about neopaganism and y'all do some cool stuff, but this is specifically complaining about things neopagans do. So if that's your jam, this is a good place to stop reading.
So the thing is, for assorted reasons we don't have any writing from actual Norse pagans. There's archaeological records and what you divine (ha) from those, but everyone serious is telling you that we cannot have any real idea of what these religious practices look like. There were groves; there were figurines of gods which had their own spaces; it seems likely that rich/powerful people were also priests; there were sacrifices of beasts and animals, and some really freaking creepy funeral rites.
(Part of the volcano rant is about how prior to the volcanic eruptions there is sun symbolism in the archaeological record, and afterward, none. Probably related to the whole "ash blocking out the sun in the Arctic Circle for three years straight, leading to the deaths of 40-60% of the population" thing. So we have that sort of record too.)
And I'm also going to preface with how when I took a bellydancing class the instructor was careful to tell us that she learned from someone who learned from someone from the regions this was practiced, so we were at best three removes from the culture. When we're talking about Norse paganism, we are a thousand years removed from the culture. Put a generation at 20 years, that is 50 generations. If we want to be super generous and assume that every other generation some grandparent taught their grandchild the secret rituals they remembered, we are still 25 removes from a living culture.
Nothing has actually survived.
But, you say, what about the Eddas? Those were written down in the medieval period. Those are contemporary.
Nope! Those were written by Snorri Sturluson (1179-1241). He's an Icelander. Iceland was officially Christianized in the year 1000, it's very easy to remember. Snorri was born 179 years after Christianity got enough of a grip to be enshrouded in law. I've been reading the Grágás (early law book, ~1260) and it has an initial section specifically on Christianity, with the punishments for things like men not knowing the words to baptize a child, much less daring to fast incorrectly. These people were not pagan. Snorri was writing down what he could guess from very old stories, and he begins by saying the gods were Asians from Troy.
There's just a period in medieval Europe when paganism was considered cool, and so everybody wanted their own pagans, and they tried to resurrect the concepts and everybody kind of suspiciously came up with the same general kind of paganism, which is an artifact both of like. How monotheists think about polytheism, and of wanting to keep the cool elements from what they heard from their friend in France or wherever. It's like how everybody knows that vampires can't be seen in mirrors.
So that brings us to my archnemesis Stephen Flowers, who would really prefer I called him Edred Thorsson.
Mr. Flowers originally decided to research runes "after I audibly 'heard' the sound 'RUNA' on a summer day in 1974." Two years later, in 1976, he completed his handbook of rune magic, which he assures you remains largely unchanged in this its third edition, because he uh spiritually inherited everything there was to know about runes in two years. He believes the Norse pagan "ancestors never died but rather were reborn, generation after generation, always keeping their secrets with them - until now, they are us" because who doesn't love some Hindi wheel of reincarnation in their Norse paganism.
So this sort of reincarnation/divine inspiration is one way he gives himself legitimacy. The next is by judicious use of Nazis, because Norse stuff has always had a problem with Nazism. Mr. Flowers, rather than disavowing Nazism in his introduction, goes with "Indeed, the Nazis made use of the runic forms in their most external aspects, akin to what we might call 'branding' today. The beginning rune vitki* of today may take some strange comfort from the fact that the runes did continu to show themselves to be such potent symbols in the twentieth century!"
He will grant that "the Germanic spirit itself was not at the heart of this 'bureaucratic blasphemy,' but rather it was a sort of pseudo-Christian messianic Manicheanism that owned the soul of the Nazi party." Far removed from the true religion Flowers intends to invent! He, after all, intends to create "a system as free as possible from any Judeo-Christian influence" with the classic random flinging of the Judeo- prefix in to seem more, I don't know, cosmopolitan, without showing any sign of having done the slightest research on Judaism and whether it might apply to his construct religion.
*Flowers proposes vitki as a practitioner of runic magic, which he refers to as galdrar. I have been sufficiently wrong often enough not to argue with him on this point; I will say only that there are many words for magic, and for all I know galdr (nominative singular) does refer to runic magic. I have not seen the word vitki elsewhere as yet.
I am probably getting overly het up about Stephen Flowers; I am prone to doing so. He concludes his introduction as follows:
Too long has the Westerner suffered "bearing the cross of alien fruits." They have had their chance and have failed time and again in their impotent effort to satisfy the depths of the IndoEuropean soil. Their aeon has come to an end; the time is ripe for a reemergence of the wisdom of the Eriloz (the vitki). The breakthrough of holy power must take place within the soul of each individual - and it is in this hope that this work has been wrought.
Which just. Having established the word vitki we're now going to add another cool foreign word for the same thing?? Westerners have suffered bearing the cross of Christianity?? It has failed to satisfy the depths of the IndoEuropean - look, it's just a list of white supremacist dogwhistles, okay. And I could be wrong about that, because I don't know white supremacist dogwhistles, but it sure reads like that to me!
I have a friend who is a neo-pagan and is studying Egyptian magic. Apparently the Egyptian practitioners wrote their things down. Which is cool and great, they had a writing system and they were using it, I know nothing about that and have nothing to say about it. She also says a lot of pagan practices are invented wholecloth, which is true and great. It's the "we are reviving a practice that has simply lain dormant for a thousand years until we arrived to accept this unbroken tradition" that drives me wild.
Anyway the key concepts include: appealing to some sense of an ancient unbroken tradition, which should appeal to you specifically because you are special in [spiritual and/or racial trait], and you can reject [practice that many people have been hurt by] because your special nature was reaching out to this the whole time. Sprinkle in appropriate symbols. Use some cool foreign-sounding words. Throw a minority under the bus if at all possible.
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santmat · 1 year
Caught Up To The Heavens - The Esoteric Santism of the Tulsi Sahib Satsang - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts
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Mystic Poem of Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras:  Within This Body: 
"Within this body breathes the secret essence.
Within this body beats the heart of the Vedas.
Within this body shines the entire Universe, so the saints reveal.
Hermits, ascetics, celibates all are lost, seeking Him in endless guises.
Seers and sages perfectly parrot the scriptures and holy books, blinded by knowledge.
Their pilgrimage, and fasting, and striving but delude.
Despite their perfect practice, they discover no Destination.
Only the Saints who know the body's heart have attained the Ultimate, O Tulsi.
Realize this, and you've found your freedom
(while teachers trapped in tradition know only the mirage in the mirror)."
Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast - Caught Up to the Heavens, The Esoteric Santism of the Tulsi Sahib Satsang @ YouTube:  
Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast - Caught Up to the Heavens, The Esoteric Santism of the Tulsi Sahib Satsang - Listen/Download @ the Podcast Website:
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Today during this Satsang Without Walls some rare passages from the world of esoteric Santism translated from Hindi, the writings of Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras, India and a few of his spiritual successors on this Path of the Masters, Inner Light and Sound Meditation, the Way of the Soul Merging into the Heart of the Beloved, the Ocean of Love in the Nameless Plane (the Anurag Sagar of Sat Purush Anami Radhasoami).
"Only by breaking the bonds of mind, illusion and time is one free from the cycle of transmigration." (Sant Prakash Das)
"Complete Mahatmas, Genuine Saints came to the world in their respective times and kept on emancipating the living beings who were connected with them.  On completion of their time, they left the body as per the will of the Lord and went to the Lord and left their work [their spiritual mission] to the other saints when departing." (Sant Prakash Das)
"The true master practices the spiritual Sound and Light that comes from beyond. By these methods of meditation, the soul becomes introverted through regular practice and hears the melodious Sound within, and the soul reaches where the Sound is emanating from. This is the goal of the practice of Surat-Shabd-Yoga." (Sant Prakash Das)
Like Galileo discovering new worlds through the lens of his telescope, mystics of the East and West (Jewish mystics, Christian Gnostics, Sufis, and in modern times, the Sants and Radhaswamis of India: Path of Sant Mat) have been trying to tell humanity for eons of something quite similar... about another kind of space... Inner Space. The reason why the contemplative state of being is still hidden from most of us is that, unlike Galileo’s telescope, in order to look through this particular lens, we mustn’t focus on the outward sensory impressions, but go in the opposite direction: into Inner Space. Look through the lens of the third eye to access the world of within. But one has to be willing to take the cap off the lens and have a look, to actually do the meditation. If we do follow the methods of meditation practice revealed by the Masters, with the third eye we will behold the Inner Light, Inner Visions, hear the Sound of Silence, the Holy Stream of Sound -- Music of the Spheres, traverse the heavens for ourselves, and return home to the Beloved Lord of Love, the Lord of the Soul.
In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters, Radhaswami,
James Bean
Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts
Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts
A Satsang Without Walls
Sant Mat Radhasoami
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ismailfazil1-blog · 3 months
Dast-e-talab | rohaniat ka safar | Journey to spirituality | Urdu poetry with roman translation |
Spiritual Urdu poetry with Roman Translation for Urdu and Hindi readers. In the days of my youth, I went through some such circumstances that my thoughts turned towards the pure being of Allah. In the beginning, I had to deal with the states of faith and disbelief at times. Since then, I had started writing my emotions and states in the form of verses and poems. But except for a few close friends, I never tried to recite my poetry in poetry gatherings or publish it. But after retirement, now on the insistence of my dear wife, I am taking the courage to present to the readers a part of my writings written during the period of about thirty years of my life.This poetic material of mine is a portrayal in the form of verses of a continuous journey of my life where a person travels in the world of Sufism riding on the chariot of emotions of desires, happiness, sadness, peace, love, pain and suffering, supplication and demand and writes down the unseen states and effects.I hope that these writings of mine will not only be interesting for the readers but will also be a means of learning and understanding something new along with the journey of the world of Sufism and the encouragement of the readers will give me the courage to publish the second part of my writings which is the material beyond these writings.
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air-atman-in-ravi · 8 months
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To be peaceful, still the mind
It is ironical that the mind itself steals our peace of mind. When the mind appears, peace disappears. When there is peace, there is no mind. The mind is the cause of all our misery, stress and anxiety. If we still the mind, we will be peaceful. #spirituality
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lgbtqiamuslimpedia · 1 year
A Jihad for Love (2008)
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Director - Parvez Sharma
Producer - Sandi Simcha Dubowski
Cinematography - Parvez Sharma, Berke Baş,David W. Leitner
Writer - Javed Haider Zaidi
Cast - Imam Muhsin Hendricks,Arsham Parsi,Maryam,Abdellah,Mazen,Ferda,Qasim,Ahsan,Amir,Mojtaba,Kiymet,Sana,Maha,Pedram Abdi (Payam)
Languages - Arabic,Farsi,Urdu,Bengali, Hindi,English,French,German,English,Turkish,etc
Genre - •LGBTQ •Islam •Documentary
Year of Release - 21 May,2008
Box office - $105,651
Awards - •Best Documentary Award,MIX BRASIL •Best Documentary, Image+Nation Film Festival •Best Documentary,The Tri-Continental Film Festival,India • GLAAD Media Award •Teddy Award,etc
A Jihad for Love (preceded by a short film called In the Name of Allah) is an award-winning international documentary on Homosexuality & Islam.It took total six years to make this groundbreaking documentary.Parvez Sharma took the risk to film this documentary in most dangerous country (like Islamic Republic of Iran,Iraq, Saudi Arabia,Pakistan,Egypt).Homosexuality is a punishable crime in most Muslim World.
The work that Sharma started with this film has become a staple in many books on Islam and at U.S. University libraries.The website Faith in Equality put it at number 9 in a list of LGBT films about faith.IMDb rates the film at 13 on its list of 58 titles under the category of "Best documentaries on religion, spirituality & cults".The film first premiered at the TIFF in 2007, and has been screened to great acclaim at several film festivals around the world.The film went on to win 15 other international awards.
At starting it shows a glimpse of Islam across the globe.The film first featured Hendrick Muhsin, a South African,Pakistani Gay & Muslim.He is also the first Out Gay Imam of Africa.Filmmaker Parvez got into the deep of Hendicks's personal life struggles,his understanding of Islam & reconciliation of intersecting identities.
Mazen, an Egyptian effeminate muslim was arrested in 2001, in a gay nightclub named Queen Boat.He was beaten,forced to stand trial twice on "debauchery" charges & sentenced to a total of 4 years in prison, where he was raped.He eventually moved to Paris.Mazen also has left his families & friends in Egypt.
Sana is a Black Lesbian refugee, & a victim of FGM.She has a deeper understanding of Islam & told Parvez that Queerness is not against Islam.Sana didn't have any kind of sexual relation with any women.But she had intimate loving relations with women.Like others, she came to France as a refugee.Sana befriend with Maryam & Mazen.
Maryam is Moroccan-born queer womxn who lives in Paris.Her girlfriend Maha lives in Egypt.Both lovers met each other on Bint-al Nas - a meeting site for Arab LBTQ womxn.Maryam still believes that she deserves punishment for her lesbian sexual relationship.Both have survived abusive marriages and can only share their love for each other in private.Maryam & Maha go on a shared journey of search and discovery of female homosexuality.In Al-Azhar, they discover an old bookstore where they find a copy of the Fiqh al-Sunnah(The Laws of the Prophet).In the heart of an ancient mosque in the Citadel,they discover beautiful Islamic calligraphy as they declare their impossible love for each other.
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Amir, an Iranian gay shia who has respect for Imam Hosseini.He sacrificed his life for Allah & reconciling his muslim faith.While in Iran, he was persecuted under the charges of illicit sexual conduct,illicit mannerism & received 100 lashes.After being brutally beaten and tortured in the police custody.The judge also threatened Amir that he should be punished by stoning.However he was sentenced to flogging.He told Sharma that Allah helped him to escape this traumatic situation.He fled to Turkey as soon as well.There he met 3 gay refugees - Arsham,Payam,Mojtaba.Mojtaba, another (Persian) gay muslim who ran away from Iran,due to his same sex marriage ceremony in 2005.
Ferda & Kiymet are a happy couple in Turkiye.Kiymet belongs from a conservative family.In her early Kiymet's marriage was fixed with a man.Kiymet's marriage ended up at divorce.Then she found Ferda, her soulmate.Ferda's mom is very supportive & tolerant of sexuality.Ferda is a devout sufi queer muslim, who honors Rumi - a prominent sufi icon for both LGBTQ+ & Straight Muslims.
Ahsan & Qasim are queer platonic friends.Ahsan is a Sunni Muslim & Qasim is a Shia Muslim.Both men, belongs from poor backgrounds do not adopt the western peronae of ‘gay’ and instead rely on vernacular terms.Ahsan & Qasim are part of transvestite,transgender community called Zenana,Kothi in Northern India.Most of these community hide themselves from public.Ahsan,Qasim find a safe space in his community.While Qasim is struggling with his sexuality in heteronormative society.
The filmmaker also documented the diverse tolerance of sexuality in sufi traditions (Pakistan,India & Turkey).
Is it the first film on Islam & Homosexuality?
''A Jihad for Love'' is called world's 1st film on Islam & Homosexuality.A Jihad for Love would be an international feature documentary film rather than world's first film on LGBT muslims.However there are several films that focused on LGBTQ muslim or Queerness in Islam.For Example:
Road to Love (2001)
Act of Faith (2002)
Haremde dört kadin (1965)
Hammam al-Malatily (1973)
Köçek (1975)
Ihtiras Firtinasi (1984)
My Beautiful Laundrette (1985)
Marcides (1993)
Istanbul Beneath My Wings (1996)
Hamam (1997)
Lola & Billy the Kid (1999)
Bismillah (In the name of Allah) was considered as an early working title for this documentary.Among muslims,the word Bismillah is very auspicious & used before beginning actions,speech,writing.But the tittle was not considered as the final title of this film due to controversy.
A Jihad for Love is produced by Halal Films, in association with the Sundance Documentary Film Fund,Channel 4 (UK),ZDF (Germany),Arte (France-Germany),Logo (US) & SBS Australia.The director & producer Parvez Sharma & co-producer Sandi Dubowski raised more than a million dollars over a 6 years period to make the film.
In an interview with The NY Times,Parvez Sharma said that he "would shoot touristy footage on the first 15 minutes & the last 15 minutes of a tape", with interviews for documentary in between, to avoid having his footage seized at customs.He compiled 400 hours of footage from a dozen countries ranging from Iraq to Pakistan to the UK.The nature of the work placed him at considerable personal risk.He adopted hardcore guerrilla film-making tactics,pretending to be a tourist in one country,a worker for an AIDS charity in another country.Wherever he went,he asked his queer friends to keep copies of footage and destroy the tapes once he had successfully smuggled the masters out of the country.
During his filmmaking Parvez traveled several countries including Pakistan, Iraq, India, Bangladesh, Egypt, USA, UK, Turkey, France, Saudi Arabia, South Africa,[...].
In an interview with NY Times magazine,Parvez Sharma said,"Being gay and Muslim myself,I knew that this film had to be about us all coming out— as Muslims. It's about claiming the Islam that has been denied to us." With a target audience of "faithful Muslims," he undertook a variety of outreach tactics, including leafleting mosques,blanketing MySpace,screening in Astoria for 15 key progressive Muslim leaders.In an interview to Der Spiegel, Sharma explained the significance of the title: "I'm not looking at jihad as battle.I'm looking at the greater jihad in Islam, which is the jihad as the struggle with the self.I also thought it was really compelling to take a word that only has one connotation for most -- to take that, reclaim it and put it in the same phrase as love,which is universal.I really think it explains it very well.
Film Screening
A Jihad for Love first premiered in Toronto International Film Festival(TIFF) in September 2007.At its premier,the director was given a security guard for safety reasons.After this film festival A Jihad for Love got huge applaud internationally.A Jihad for Love film premiered as the opening film of Panorama Documente of the Berlin Film Festival in February 2008.
The film was screened in The Rio Film Festival,Brazil on September 2007,Morelia Film Festival,Mexico, on October 2007,The Sheffield DocFest on November 2007,London Gay & Lesbian Film Festival on March 2008,Melbourne International Film Festival on July 2008,Thessaloniki Documentary Film Festival on March 2008,etc.A Jihad for Love's first premier in African continent was The Out in Africa Film Festival in Johannesburg and Cape Town,November 2007. On April,2008 A Jihad for Love film was successfully screened at Istanbul International Film Festival.It was the first time that the film allowed to screen in a muslim-majority country.Film also screened in Q! Film Festival of Indonesia.Although singapore banned the film from festival in 2008 due to its sensitive subject.
A Jihad for Love film's sale and broadcast on NDTV, South Asia's largest network in 2008 would have a "remarkable" impact on this LGBTQ cause. "NDTV's broadcast has in effect made the film available to over one billion viewers in India,Bangladesh,Pakistan, & large portions of the Middle East and Africa.The various distributors and their Total Rating Points in European television, the Indian/South-Asian sale with its claimed footprint of 15 billion viewers, the theatrical release & the purportedly large numbers of Netflix viewers made the filmmakers and the TRP experts arrive at a number of 8 million total viewers calculated over a period of four years for this documentary.
International Muslim Dialogue Project
Immediately after the film's theatrical launch around the USA,Parvez & Sandi launched the International Muslim Dialogue Project on 2008.The aim of the project was to organize screenings of the film in Muslim Capitals.Sharma called it the "Underground Network Model" of film distribution.He invented this model sending unmarked DVD's of the film with friends & colleagues to Muslim capitals across the world with full permission to sell pirated copies.Some of the boldest were Beirut,Cairo,Karachi,eight cities in Indonesia & Kuala Lumpur
The film was screened privately screened in Iran,Palestine,Bangladesh and Somalia.
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bollywoodirect · 11 months
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Tributes to Bhupen Hazarika, one of India’s finest film musicians, on his 12th death anniversary (05/11/11). Bhupen Hazarika was a renowned Indian artist from Assam who wore many hats. He was a singer known for his rich baritone voice, a lyricist who wrote meaningful songs, a musician, poet, actor, editor, filmmaker, professor, and even a politician. His songs, mostly in Assamese, are loved for their themes of humanity and brotherhood and have been sung in various languages, including Bengali and Hindi. In West Bengal, Assam, and Bangladesh, his music is celebrated for promoting unity, justice, and empathy. Hazarika brought Assam and Northeast India’s culture and folk music to the broader Indian audience, significantly influencing Hindi cinema. He won many prestigious awards, including the National Film Award for Best Music Direction, the Padma Shri, Padma Bhushan, and after his death, the Padma Vibhushan and Bharat Ratna. He was also Chairman of the Sangeet Natak Akademi. His work included adaptations of American Black Spirituals learned from his friend Paul Robeson. His song “Manush Manusher Jonno” is highly regarded in Bangladesh, and his “Bistirno Parore” reflects influences from Robeson’s “Ol’ Man River.” A documentary film about his life, “Moi Eti Zazabor” (‘I am a Wanderer’), was started in 1986 by directors Waesqurni Bora and Arnab Jan Deka, featuring music by Jim Ankan Deka. Despite production delays, work on the film continues, aiming for release in multiple languages. Two books by co-director Arnab Jan Deka document the film’s journey, with one released at an event organized by Hazarika himself.
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Solving the Mystery of Tulsi Sahib's Guru (Origins of Sant Mat Series)
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"Listen, O Phool Das, I have given out the same true secrets which Sants like Kabir Saheb, Dadu Saheb, Rai Das Ji, Dariya Sahib, Guru Nanak, Soor Das Ji, Nabha Ji and Mira Bai have spoken of. They, too, have composed similar hymns describing the bliss of the highest spiritual region, whose glory I also have sung, blessed by the grace and the dust of the holy feet of Sants." (Ghat Ramayan section of, "Param Sant Tulsi Sahib", Agra, page 148, 1979)
Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast: Solving the Mystery of Tulsi Sahib's Guru (Origins of Sant Mat Series) - Listen, Download, Subscribe @ the Podcast Website:
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Tulsi Sahib (1763-1843) is viewed as being the adi-guru or founding spiritual master, the "great grandfather" of modern-day Sant Mat and Radhasoami. Most all recent Santmat sects trace their lineages directly back to him. Some believe that Tulsi Sahib, the great Saint of Hathras, never mentioned the name of his satguru in the writings that have survived. For them there is no answer to this question of who his initiating Sant Mat guru might have been. In recent years I have established my own view on this subject and have observed that Sant Tulsi did indeed mention the name of his guru on numerous occasions in the way that most disciples typically have done in their banis and bhajans (devotional hymns, mystic poetry). This name has been there the whole time in the English translations of his writings, and there are many more such references to the identity of this spiritual master if one can access and read all of the Sant Tulsi writings available in Hindi. All we need do is notice this particular guru's name as it appears in the various books attributed to Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras, India (Shabdavali, Ratan Sagar, Ghat Ramayan and, Padma Sagar).
In Divine Love, Light, and Sound, Sat Naam Saheb,
James Bean
Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts
Spiritual Awakening Radio
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alleanut · 1 year
— Itachi Kobayashi
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TW: Death ⋆ Suicide
————————— I. INTRO
AGE: 1954 MENTAL AGE: 38 SPECIES: Azure Dragon GENDER: Male SEXUALITY: Unlabeled ETHNICITY: Japanese
—————— I.I Powers & Drawbacks
HYDROKINESIS: Ability to control, generate or absorb water and moisture ——— If he overuses his hydrokinesis, he gets greatly sick RESURRECTION: Ability to come back to life after being killed ——— The only way to actually not come back to life is if he takes his life with his own hands SPIRITUALITY: Ability to see and understand souls while also being able to summon a dragon from his own soul ——— It is very hard for him to use this ability, so when he does he's very exhausted after. Not only that but it's beyond complicated to control, so he has to genuinely focus, which leads to splitting head aches
-—————-————— I.II Personality
——— POSITIVE TRAITS Kind ⋆ Empathetic ⋆ Calm ⋆ Patient ⋆ Open-minded ——— NEGATIVE TRAITS Dishonest ⋆ Unpredictable ⋆ Self-reserved
-—————–———— I.III Appearance
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————————— II. EXTRA
PRONOUNS: He / Him NICKNAMES: Ita, Chi-Chi ( pseudonym ), Monsoon BIRTHDAY: February 29th ZODIAC SIGN: Pisces OCUPPATION: Psychologist LIKES: Books, Spending time with his loved ones, Nature DISLIKES: Dealing with William's aggressive outbursts, Crying, His long hair, Not being able to help someone LANGUAGES: Old and Modern Japanese & English, Chinese, Hindi, French, Russian, Arabic, German, Spanish, Serbian
————————————— III.I Family
MOTHER: Fuyuko Kobayashi FATHER: Onyx Kobayashi YOUNGER BROTHER: Aito Kobayashi YOUNGER SISTERS: Sitala Kobayashi, Laelynn Kobayashi EXTENDED FAMILY: The Henderson Family ( "foster" family )
——————————— III.II Romantic
OLD CRUSH: Himari Kim ???: Amelia Cinder
——————-————— III.III Platonic
SOULMATE: Frederick Henderson CLOSE FRIENDS: Greed Harrisburg, Allen Moore, William Isaac Henderson ROOMMATE: Hansuke Yaoyorozu ( "son" )
————————— VI. PAST
——————————— VI.I Childhood
Itachi was the eldest sibling out of everyone, Silata was after him, then Aito and Laelynn was the youngest. He grew up in a kind family, where everyone absolutely adored him. However, in his time, there was an organization of humans who was trying to eradicate creatures who were not human, especially azure dragons. The ironic thing was that the leader of the group was not human himself. His parents decided that if they wanted to keep anyone from their kind alive, they had to sacrifice themselves for their children. All of the four siblings were each given to a different empire, Itachi ended up in the vampire empire. That was the last time he ever saw his parents and he would end up not hearing a word from his family for decades
—————————— VI.II Teenhood
—————————— VI.III Adulthood
Itachi works daily. He pays his taxes and rent in due time, unlike someone else in his life...( It's William. ) When he needs a breather, he hangs out with his close friends, or goes somewhere with Hansuke for some quality father and son time. He is very satisfied with his life, he's kind to everyone and tries to help as much as he possibly can. It is a life he always wished for in all his years of living. However, he has a secret that he hasn't been able to share for almost a century now
LINKS: Picrew credits to やすばる Superpower Generator
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voiletflames · 1 year
Model AMANDEEP SINGH JALANDAR Love and war #voiletflames #wizard
Model AMANDEEP SINGH JALANDAR Love and war #voiletflames #wizard
I am Amandeep Singh Known as wizard too in spiritual & music & influencer community.
Born in faridabad Haryana & brought up in Jalandhar in a musical family. Learned music & spiruality since childhood.
Amandeep Singh or known as wizard I am experienced tarot cards, photo, dream & pendulums reader, healer & occult practitioner & researcher.
Founder of spiritual cult of ‘voiletflames, wizard’ in which I have healed & coached & initiated many Indian & foreign clients. Amandeep Singh or the wizard is initiated by big aghori masters & is a part of ancient sanatan parampara of Aghor.
Also, an author of occult book called ‘The game of primal forces’. Released worldwide.
My mission & motto in sadhna & spirituality is to train & heal as much people as I can & empower & heal human souls to make them a powerful personality.
As an artist, I am a learned singer composer from patiala bodal gharana & Jaipur Kathak gharana. Did collabs & fusion etc. With lots of music producers & artists in India & internationally.
As an influencer & actor I am pursuing my career in Punjabi & hindi ott & web series etc.
May the power of Anadi anant shiv blesses all
#loveandwarrealityshow #loveandwar #voiletflames #wizard #Voiletflameswizard #aghor
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