#spirit seeker
boricuacherry-blog · 11 months
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SO's Bookclub : Spirit Seeker
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Title: Spirit Seeker Author: Joan Lowery Nixon Genre: YA Mystery
Goodreads Summary :
     Holly Campbell’s life has suddenly become a newspaper-headline nightmare. The parents of her friend Cody Garnett have just been found in their home, brutally murdered, and Cody is the main suspect. Holly’s father is the police detective in charge of the investigation, and even he thinks the evidence points right at Cody.          Holly knows it’s up to her to prove what she believes it the Cody is innocent. Against her father’s wishes, secretly crossing the barrier of police tape and television reporters that surrounds the Garnetts’ house, she begins her own investigation. Computer files, an odd neighbor, and a mysterious psychic—each might have the evidence Holly needs to help Cody. Or they could all be red herrings that will waste Holly’s precious time.
Review :
You know, it's interesting - after kind of turning the 90s corner, JLN's books have been, if nothing else, changing it up some. So I guess it's no surprise when she kind of backpedals easily into something that feels stuck in the 80s.
The plot of this one has already been done before -- it's very much The Stalker, though throws on an added supernatural-ish element. We're back in Texas, we're back in small town land where everyone is up in everyone else's business. We're back to a plucky protagonist who is annoyingly stubborn (but at least unlike The Stalker, Holly reaches out to people for help and is way less annoying.)
I've even picked up on another trope -- the delicate wife/mom who is suffering depression. Makes me kind of wonder for old JLN - because there's been a whole string of these books where the mom is just in a bad mental state and just kind of there and out of it as the rest of the story plods along.
The biggest issue with this book is that it is really boring. And while already short, could have been half the length. I still got through this one in a few hours - but I struggled with it.
The plot revolves around Holly finding out that the boy she has been sorta involved with (these books just don't go near the girls having full fledged relationships) is suspected for the murder of his parents. And of course, she's going to figure out what really happened.
Not a whole lot happens in the first half of the book. Her dad is the detective working on it -- so we get a lot of second hand information. Holly doesn't have to do much. There's a subplot where Holly's parents are having marital problems but that doesn't take much time. It's mostly a lot of Holly repeatedly stating that her guy - Cody - didn't do it.
Then, half way through - she meets this kinda crazy older woman who says she has psychic powers - and that Holly is gifted and can use her own powers. It's a bit of a left turn, but at least adds something interesting to this somewhat boring story. The book doesn't go full on supernatural -- there's enough doubt put out there that Holly's 'powers' could be circumstantial. And the book still relies on classic investigation over anything else.
The mystery of who did it, however, turns out to be kind of bland. There really aren't that many suspects - and I kinda figured it'd be the person it was fairly early on (even though I didn't remember much of anything from this book). There is one tense moment in the middle of the book -- and I always hand it to JLN -- she can really do the atmosphere of being alone in a spooky house. But otherwise, there's nothing ornately scary about the book.
I think the only thing that had me thinking was the fact that this book felt like the ones she was writing in the 80s. Other than the reference to Holly using a computer to dig through files (and even an internet mention!) nothing remotely screamed 90s. The way everyone acted still screamed 80s -- which I found interesting since the last few books seemed to have moved along with the times.
Ah well, I'm rambling in this one.
Rating : 3 stars. Not bad, not good, really boring, and very derivative of earlier books.
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ghost-dusk · 2 months
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Late Kyoshi week day 6
I wasn’t gonna participate at all since I found out about the event literally a few days before so I couldn’t plan anything, but here’s a little something for the animal companion prompt.
I’ve always felt that the spirit fox was fitting as her animal companion.
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plasticlacex · 2 months
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“C’mon Jetfire! Lighten up a bit!”
I love him sm you guys have no idea ⭐️😱
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quotelr · 3 months
Have you ever met someone for the first time but feel like you've known them all your life, a sense of déjàvu and synchronicity wrapped into one little motherf*cking mystery to untangle the way our lives are ruled by logic. I have and my life has never been the same since.
Nikki Rowe
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bayofwolves · 5 months
you wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me
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nerd-elf · 4 months
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If took me a REALLY long time, but heres another one! Hope you’ll like it XD
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mtg-cards-hourly · 6 months
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Latch Seeker
Artist: Eytan Zana TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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discordiansamba · 11 days
okay but what if I gave knowledge seeker Zuko some shapeshifting. as a treat. you can't spend three years on the boundary of the spirit world, living with spirits and doing the job of one without it having some kind of impact on you. add in that he has no memory of his past, and well... you get a human that is slowly in the process of transforming into a spirit.
just consider it. for a moment. fox Zuko. it's delightful. I need no other reason, really. he's so casual about it. REALLY not helping the spirit allegations.
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harleyification · 2 years
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ATLA Au where Sokka befriends a rogue Knowledge Seeker ✨
(More info under the cut)
Side A: Sokka Adopts A Stray Fox Spirit
- After a toddler Sokka gets lost in a blizzard, a Knowledge Seeker that is taking back a scroll wanders upon him. Knowledge Seekers in this world not only retrieve information for the library, but also protect it - sometimes with their life. - This particular Knowledge Seeker feels the need to protect Sokka (who, unbeknownst to them both, is going to be a genius who tilts the world of knowledge on its head), and disregards its former duty in order to make sure the tiny human makes it. - If Sokka dies, then so much knowledge will be lost to the world. The spirit can’t have that. It curls up around Sokka, giving the child warmth and saving his life. - It decides to stick around when it realizes this particular human is rather curious and thus drawn to danger, aiding this one in its destiny. And while spirits don’t need to eat (And can eat just about anything), it’s also a bonus that human treats are really good!! Side B: Sokka Becomes A Knowledge Seeker (or New Spirit Entirely...?)
- Everything is the same as above, except for the fact that young Sokka succumbs to the coldness despite the spirits best efforts... - The Knowledge Seeker, keen in fulfilling its duties, essentially thinks, “Well shit. Can't let this potential go to waste. I'll sacrifice myself in order to heal the world, aid destiny, and ultimately expand knowledge for the world. This human's worth it." - Doggo combines its essence with Sokka’s soul, and gives the child a second chance at life. - Sokka in return gets canine teeth, a bigger propensity for meat, can go Borf, probably has auburn hair (still not set on the design), and has most of the abilities of the Knowledge Seeker. - No ears or tail on a literal level (Maybe...), but these abilities include: enhanced hearing, the ability to innately and uncannily Know Things by accessing his past spirit life memories and having a connection to the library, a 6th sense for danger and spiritual activity, climbing up walls like Spider-Man, and eventually being able to walk back and forth between worlds! As well as typical dog traits, like growling, claws, teef, and a propensity for meat!
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seekcrs · 3 months
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NOTES this episode is mainly an introduction so everyone can see how i'm planning to format + write this! i'm not a good writer, so please excuse grammar errors, spelling errors, overusing certain words, and anything that's out of order. i'm trying my best & that's really all i can do for now! thank you to everyone who signed up, i'll be reaching out to you in order of this list + i'm up to coming up with a good posting schedule, i don't want to post here too often & burn through the list too quickly but i don't want to just post every month or so, so maybe every 2 weeks? feel free to suggest posting times as well <3 FEATURING REYES and DOVE ( @dovectrl ) WARNINGS mentions of death + violence ( scratching, burning, biting, etc. ) WORD COUNT 2.8k
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the video started with the camera pointing out of the open car window. the sky was dark and the camera's view was angled upward, capturing a clear shot of the moon. the only sound in the video was the wind as the car cruised. after a few moments, the camera was pulled back into the car, initially facing the dashboard for a minute before flipping around as a muffled laugh broke the silence.
"hello everyone!" reyes greeted, waving and smiling as he held the camera. "my variety show has finally been approved, so currently i'm in the car with my manager and a very special guest heading to our first location." he explained, placing the camera onto his lap. "before i introduce our guest for today, i think it'd be good if i informed everyone on our first location."
"today, our location is the very famous sallie house! several stories have seemed to float around over the years over why this small kansas house would be haunted and why a little girl named sallie is rumored to reside here." the idol leaned back in his seat, fixing his seatbelt over his shoulders while picking the camera up again, finally holding it steady.
"okay, so the first story, which is by far the most popular—oh, and by the way, none of this has ever been historically proven. there are no documents nor witnesses that can prove any of this happened; all we know is that it's very possible. anyway, before the house became 'haunted,' it is rumored that a doctor lived there. one day, he heard loud knocks on his door, only to be greeted by a woman holding her small child. according to the stories floating around, the woman was frantic and worried about her daughter who had been sick at the time. when the doctor took her in, he started examining her, finding out she had a ruptured appendix, and before he could start treating her, she ended up passing away."
there was a brief pause as reyes' phone screen lit up the very dim car as he turned it on. another pause of silence happened while he scrolled for a moment before the car dimmed again and reyes faced back at the camera. "the little girl is known as sallie, i'm guessing. everyone says that is her name, but once again, it's not been proven or documented ever."
he let out a small breath. "it's also rumored that this house isn't haunted by the presence of a little girl at all and actually harbors something much more sinister, which is supposed to be in the basement."
"this house is known for being rather violent at times, especially towards men, according to the homeowners. it's often said that people are scratched or even burned, and it's noted that random fires have been started at this location as well," he informs, trying to show indifference in his emotions, though it was evident he seemed a bit worried.
reyes remained quiet for a small moment, trying to ground himself again. "anyway, now that we've discussed all of that and we're almost to the house, i will introduce today's guest!"
the camera turned towards the backseats, a light illuminating the darkness, revealing the guest, dove of stray kids! the female idol had a bright smile on her face as she took the camera from reyes.
"hi everyone," she greeted, the bright smile not faltering for even a minute. "i'm very very excited to be here as the first guest on reyes' show—he's told me how long he'd been asking his company for it, so i hope everyone ends up supporting and enjoying it."
after the small talk session, the video cut and now the two idols were sitting on the couch of the sallie house. a blanket was thrown over the back of the couch and, overall, the house looked normal so far.
reyes stood from the couch, picking up the camera off the small table in front of them. he turned it towards dove. "are you scared at all?" he asked. "not really," dove replied without any hesitation, a confident smile spreading on her face. the younger idol just shook his head, turning the camera to give a better view of the first floor of the house.
the lights were still on as the camera moved from the couch to the entrance of the kitchen, to the stairs, and eventually landed on the front door. "which room do you want to start in?" reyes asked, turning the camera back towards dove, who happened to be standing over by the kitchen now, glancing around the room.
"the kitchen seems fine, let's turn off all the lights first though. the camera light should be good enough for now," dove suggested, already reaching for a light switch and flipping off all the lights the next second.
now that a majority of the lights were off in the house, the setting seemed slightly more eerie as the video continued on. reyes grabbed a bag with one hand, fighting to stabilize the camera in his other until dove came to take it for him. then the duo walked into the kitchen together.
"those doors over there, the red ones. that's the basement," reyes pointed out as the camera panned to a set of red doors not far from the kitchen table. dove hummed in response, positioning the camera onto the table while reyes continued to mess with his bag.
dove looked around the kitchen for a moment. "i got a really random hot flash," she said after a few minutes of walking around. "isn't the air on in here?" - "i'm not sure, i think it's supposed to be. are you okay?" the younger asked. dove nodded, taking a seat in one of the kitchen chairs.
the camera cut again. in the next scene, the duo was now both sitting at the table in almost complete darkness. reyes was holding a little device in his hand while dove zipped up the bag beside her.
"this is a spirit box. basically, it scans through a bunch of different radio frequencies super fast, and whenever you hear something clear, that's supposed to be a spirit communicating," he informed, holding up the little device to the camera with a small, satisfied smile.
he looked over at dove, holding out his hand with the spirit box in it, offering to give it to her. the older took it, switching it on, causing a loud static noise to break through the room. she glanced at reyes for a moment, who gave her a quick thumbs up before she continued.
"is anyone here with us?" she asked. "do you like us being here?" she added, placing the spirit box onto the table, standing it upright. all that could be heard for a while was the same static noise, pieces of songs, or very faint talking, but nothing super coherent in the slightest.
reyes looked at dove, raising an eyebrow, then reached for the device to switch it off and then back on again. he motioned for her to ask her questions again, leaning his arm onto the table. "is anyone here with us?" the female idol asked again, waiting for just a moment before asking her other question, "do you like us being here?"
after a few more moments of what seemed like no responses, there was a sudden breakthrough as the spirit box very clearly said, 'i'm here,' and then 'new friends' shortly after.
the younger idol very subtly shifted in his seat, straightening his arm up while the other seemed completely unaffected, instead having a small smile on her face.
"do you consider us as your new friends?" she questioned, her voice light and welcoming to whatever was trying to communicate with them. the static continued for a moment before once again something was heard - 'yes,' with what sounded like a young girl's voice.
reyes felt a shiver settle down his back, shaking his head. dove, on the other hand, seemed really just surprised by the whole situation, immediately asking another question - "do you want us to go to a different part of the house?" - 'up,' and then 'stairs.'
the duo exchanged a few glances, dove making the first move as she stood up from her seat and turned off the spirit box for now, grabbing the bag beside her. reyes took a moment longer, pulling himself from the chair with a very faint groan as he picked up the camera.
"i didn't expect to get clear answers at all," he said, shaking his head as he looked into the camera. dove stifled a small laugh, throwing the bag over her shoulder. "we're ghost hunting, wouldn't you want clear answers?" she teased, patting the younger on the shoulder.
once the video cut again, the two of them were now upstairs, in a room filled with many toys and little objects all on the bed. "this is sallie's room, or what everyone says is sallie's room, considering the toys and all."
the two busied themselves with messing with a few pieces of equipment before focusing on the task again. they set up a music box in the doorway of the room and in the middle of the "tea party" that was already set up in the room, they placed a rem pod in the middle.
dove picked up the camera, showing off the two pieces of equipment as reyes calibrated both of them. he stood up, taking the camera from her. "so basically, they both detect motion. for the music box, you have to step directly in front of it and then it'll play a little tune, which is very creepy by the way," he says, shaking his head with a small huff.
"with the rem pod, you have to touch the antenna and the little lights will go off in the direction of where the energy or touch is coming from. a rather simple concept. it'll also make a noise—not as creepy as the music box, but it's way louder." reyes shrugged, handing dove the camera back and stepping away for a moment.
dove turned the camera to face the little tea party set up in the middle of the room. stuffed animals were set in a circle, with little tea cups positioned in front of them. while she was focusing on the rem pod, the music box started going off behind reyes, making him flinch.
the younger moved closer to dove as the music box continued with the creepy music as if something was standing in front of it. reyes looked at the music box, then at the camera. "uh, okay, well, the music box can be rather iffy. sometimes it'll work, and other times it just bugs out," he mentioned, motioning to the music box that wouldn't stop.
"if something is in front of the music box, could you step away for a moment?" dove asked, turning the camera over to the music box again right as it stopped. reyes shook his head, growing slightly creeped out by the whole situation. "that surely isn't bugging," he mumbled.
the music box stayed quiet for quite a while, letting the duo turn back to the rem pod and tea party, which seemed rather lacking in activity for now. "does someone want to have a tea party with us?" reyes asked, sitting behind one of the toys.
dove handed him the camera as she followed his actions, sitting next to him behind another toy. "if anyone would like to join us, we're having a tea party," she offered.
not long after the duo had sat down in their positions, the music box started going off again behind them. reyes nearly dropped the camera as he shot up to turn around, catching the music box in motion.
again though, it stopped after a few moments of the song. then the rem pod started going off—the camera was turned as the rem pod continued going off. the light that was pointing was next to dove, as if something had sat down next to her.
she didn't seem worried at all, motioning for reyes to sit back down with her. the rem pod stopped as reyes sat down. he set the camera in front of him. "if someone joined us, can you make the rem pod go off again? it was the device you were just playing with," dove requested, and her voice was still as welcoming as ever.
the device didn't go off for a while, and the two just sat in silence, reyes' gaze continuously shifting between the rem pod and the camera over and over. dove remained completely unbothered, moving the toy in front of her to the side for a moment so she could turn the rem pod off.
"and it's not responding anymore. it's odd how it will and then it won't," she said with a shrug, holding the rem pod in her hand. reyes just shrugged, standing up from the floor. "maybe it just doesn't like us being at its tea party."
when the video cut again, the two idols were standing in the dark basement. "oo, it feels odd down here," dove said, looking over at reyes. "i mean, we're standing on a burnt pentagram, so like..." he trailed off, shaking his head.
reyes set the camera up on a little ledge down in the basement. "so, now we're in the basement for the very final little investigation. we haven't gotten too much yet, so maybe we'll get something more down here. but this is the basement where it's rumored that a much darker entity spends its time, which fits because it is a basement, so..."
"what are we going to use down here?" dove asked, handing reyes the bag with all the equipment. reyes shuffled through it for a few seconds, pulling out a flashlight and an emf reader. he handed dove the flashlight, causing her to give him a very skeptical look. "so the emf reader picks up on electromagnetic fields, and from my very vast knowledge, other ghost shows, it sparks when ghosts or energies in general touch it. the flashlight is rather basic; if a ghost wants, it can switch it on and off."
dove still looked a bit skeptical at the flashlight, even though she set it up on the ledge next to the camera. "it's not rigged or anything, i picked it up from some random store not far from our hotel," he clarified, picking up on her skepticism.
the flashlight sat on the ledge, which dove showed after she lifted the camera. behind the ledge was an odd box-shaped hole in the wall. "i was watching a video before we came here, and i guess a medium had seen something back in the hole," dove said, speaking to both the camera and reyes, who was busy screwing around with the emf reader.
once he finally turned it on, he handed it to the other, taking the camera from her as a trade. he zoomed in on the obviously burnt or drawn-over pentagram. "forgot to mention, but it's rumored there were like satanic rituals down here that also brought a lot of different energies and spirits here, so they burnt it."
the camera flipped back over to the ledge, showing the flashlight that was just sitting there, currently off in front of the giant hole in the wall. "you can ask questions, by the way," reyes suggested to dove, motioning to the flashlight.
she hummed, the emf barely sparked in her hand, only going up to the second green dot for just a second, completely unnoticeable to both the idols. "if there's anything down here with us, can you turn on the flashlight?" - not even seconds after she asked, the flashlight turned on, and for the first time throughout the whole video, the female idol genuinely seemed surprised.
"is the thing in here perhaps negative?" the younger questioned, zooming in on the flashlight that was off again. the flashlight seemed like it was struggling to come on, barely flickering but not completely turning on.
reyes moved back a bit, getting dove into frame as she stood off to the side of the flashlight. "do you want one of us to stand in the pentagram?" he added, zooming in on the emf reader in dove's hands that sparked to the yellow light, making a faint static noise.
"i just want you to know that i am not standing in that pentagram. i'm a guest, you should do it as the host," dove remarked, shrugging as she placed the emf reader next to the flashlight. reyes sighed, rubbing his face with his free hand. he hesitated for a moment, then handed dove the camera, which she turned to face him.
the female idol turned on the light of the camera, shining it onto the pentagram that reyes was currently standing next to. she motioned for him to stand in it. "man, if i get possessed in the first episode, my company is so gonna get me," he mumbled, stepping into it.
the youngest stood in the middle of the pentagram, surprise washing over his face as he jumped and pointed behind dove. as soon as he started standing in the pentagram, the flashlight turned on. he left the pentagram, "it turned on! i swear it turned on!" he exclaimed, pointing at the flashlight that was still on.
dove turned the camera to the flashlight that reyes was so frantically pointing at. "why did it turn on as soon as i stepped onto that thing?" he asked, his voice with a small desperate edge to it. the older hid a small laugh that threatened to break past her lips, shaking her head as she placed a hand on his shoulder.
"it came on, but i'm sure it's just the ghost trying to scare you. calm down," she reassured, keeping her hand on his shoulder, softly patting it. reyes calmed down rather quickly, grabbing up the flashlight to turn it off.
the video cut again, and the two were back in the car. dove had the camera in her hands—this time she was in the front seat. "since reyes had a mini heart attack, we've decided to call it quits for today." she pointed the camera to reyes in the back, who just smiled and threw up a peace sign, fixing the hoodie on his head.
"so that was the sallie house. it wasn't disappointing at all, but the activity was pretty dull. but that's fine, each location is different," dove explained, pursing her lips.
once she was done with her closing remarks, she handed the camera back to reyes. he took it, still smiling as if he didn't panic on camera. "do you regret asking for this variety show?" dove asked off-camera as the car started moving.
reyes shook his head, "no, it's fun. i'm just working my confidence up with everything," he responded, shrugging. the camera cut off with the screen going black for a few seconds.
in the final scene, reyes was in a hotel room by himself. his hoodie was flipped over his head as he waved at the camera again. "hello again, i wanted to thank anyone who watched this. uh, next episode i won't be as scared over something so little, i was just surprised," he clarified, trying to keep his cool surface.
"goodbye and remember to uh subscribe! for more ghost content..." he trailed off, shaking his head again, "i don't know what i'm doing," he said, covering the camera with his hand. the camera cut off for the final time and a small outro played.
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FINAL NOTES didn't really re-read it because ik i'd dislike it but here is the first episode, i'm so sorry for how long it took to get this out. er just wanna say again i'm not a good writer but i hope to grow as this series continues. feel free to leave thoughts in my inbox here or just anything <3 tysm for reading!
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Another fine solstice image: Night Spirits by Inuk artist Kenojuak Ashevak (1927-2013)
* * * *
“Listen to the air. You can hear it, feel it, smell it, taste it. Woniya wakan—the holy air—which renews all by its breath. Woniya, woniya wakan—spirit, life, breath, renewal—it means all that. Woniya—we sit together, don’t touch, but something is there; we feel it between us, as a presence. A good way to start thinking about nature, talk about it. Rather talk to it, talk to the rivers, to the lakes, to the winds as to our relatives.”
― John (Fire) Lame Deer, Lame Deer, Seeker of Visions
[alive on all channels]
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starryscale-art · 2 months
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"how forward of you, warrior of light~"
happy birthday jai ~! (7/8!)
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"Open reproof is better than concealed love."
Proverbs 27:5
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kkatastrophic · 3 days
OK OK OK so i saw this supder dupder cool spirit touched sokka idea by @harleyification and while i didn’t think i was going to doodle anything about it just was CONVINCED! SO I DID!!! it’s not all that great. but was it fun doing some light research about foxes? Yes. was it fun drawing? yes. did i giggle? Yes. FOX SPIRIT SOKKA SOOO COOL!!! Fanart technically? Methinks? IDK!!! sokka sokka sokka sokka sokka! moght draw something with color maybe MAYBE AIF IM NOT BUSY. but ya!
enjoyed very much the fic is so great btw ‘The Little Fox’ by Spookedy !!!! on ao3!!!! ITS SO CUTE AND COOL AND GRAAAHHHHGHGJGN THE AU IDEA IS SO AWESUMM might draw more 🙏🙏
quality is bad so just click on it i suppose to see it.. less blurred? IDK! sorry there aint no color 😞 also my handwriting bad if u cant tell 😆☝️
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this is such a cool and unique au idea cries my eyes out i need to draw more I NEED I NEED!!!!
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jasper-pagan-witch · 8 months
Hey, any ideas on how to create a nice relationship with a house spirit of a house that has always given you bad vibes your whole life?
I was definitely going to cleanse, and maybe just talk allowed and introduce myself, but im not sure how im gonna make it feel like home.
I don't interact with house spirits, but let me just...
*vigorously shakes a bag of trail mix* I call upon my friends who know more about this than I do! @windvexer and @friend-crow, please reblog this with information if you wish!
Another buddy, Muinmos, had this to say when I asked who wanted to answer your inquiry:
Just to toss some of my thoughts in here; imo this is a case where it's important to distinguish whether the spirit themselves gave you "bad vibes" OR if you don't like the house for whatever reason, trauma related or otherwise. Distinguishing if the bad feeling is coming from yourself internally for whatever reason, or actually from the spirit themselves.
If it's really the spirit, then it's important to try explore what kind of bad vibes they are and why they might be there. (Is the spirit angry? Irritated? Sad? Gloomy? Etc) Because then that can be something to work on with the spirit if they're willing, smooth things out all that jazz.
I personally wouldn't cleanse outright or at all (I'm generally not keen on cleansing). To me in this particular case it kind of sends the message of like, "I want to get to know you but first of all you're faulty and dirty as you are, now let me give you a good wash before I touch you with a 10 ft stick", which I don't think is a very good basis for approaching someone. An introduction would be a much better first step ahaha.
I'd try to brainstorm & divine on what the spirit might like. It could also be connected to the very stare of the home. Like is it cluttered? Do small acts of the devotion by trying to declutter little by little to make the spirit feel more comfortable. Is the place bare? "Soulless"? How can you make it feel more homely in small ways? Scented candles, decorations, diy-ing things to make them work and look better, spending more time on upkeep or domestic activities, all of those are options. But while there's a general list of what you can do, ultimately the preference will lie in the spirit themselves and the specific circumstances of their home.
I'll definitely reblog any reblogs of this post, just to provide as much information from as many folks as possible. This is very much a case where we're not in that house with you and we don't know your practice, nor if anyone else lives with you who might have thoughts, so we're kind of just throwing some ideas at you which you can then take and adapt into something you can work with!
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