kalluraloveblog · 2 years
*Rules: pick any ten of your fics, scroll to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. Then tag ten people.
I was tagged by @godestof3worlds. Thank you for the tag!
“So Allura, it sounds like you and Keith really are total opposites,” Lance pondered as he pushed his vegetables around his plate absentmindedly. “Maybe that’s why you two were always butting heads. You’re like that Yin and Yang stuff.”
The comment annoyed Allura and she quickly snapped back at him. “We had our disagreements but we were always looking out for each other. At least he cared enough to speak out when I needed him to!”
Lance sat a moment in shocked silence before his cheeks began to heat with anger. “Hey, I cared enough to stick around while he was off playing with his Galra buddies,” he retorted, his voice rising as he spoke. “You’re just feeling guilty. Remember it was the Black Lion’s idea to strand him on Aesh, so maybe we should leave Keith there to do his job!”
“Better than I’ve ever slept in my life,” he beamed.
Allura giggled at the scene they were playing, pulling him even further down to plant a kiss on his lips. She remembered how they felt the night before. Last night he tasted of sweat and red wine, this morning of sleep and hot coffee.
The Princess quickly dressed and ran to the control room, checking every nook and cranny on her way. Nothing. Her heart was racing faster than it ever had during any battle with the Galra. When she arrived on deck she found Coran looking curiously at the dash.
“Have you seen Keith and Fala?” she asked frantically.
“Ah, so that’s why the pod is missing,” he replied in an annoyingly nonchalant manner. At least it seemed so to her at the time. “Did he not tell you they were leaving?”
“No, he didn’t. And when I find him I’m going to kill him!”
If there’s one thing he’d never get tired of it would be this.
Sure, things weren’t always perfect. He was sure he didn’t want them to be. Perfect is predictable, and predictable is dull. Life with the Princess was anything but boring. It was winks and nudges, inside jokes and long talks. It was promises and apologies. Tears and kisses. And love.
Maybe it was perfect, after all.
One turn-of-the-knob and push-of-the-shoulder later and Allura found herself regretting her impulsivity. 
She’d entered the boys’ locker room. Thankfully it was empty since there were no classes at the moment. Prematurely she closed her eyes and breathed a sigh of relief before slumping against the door frame. Unfortunately doing so caused her to miss the figure moving swiftly towards her from the showers.
“What the hell are you doing in here?”
“Keith, are you hurt?” she asked, looking him over for bruises or cuts. Seeing none she relaxed a bit, gently holding onto his hand as she spoke to him. “Let’s get you back to the castle to get checked out, just in case.”
Once again Keith insisted there was nothing to be concerned about. Getting the refugees to Olkarion was the most important thing right now. His injuries could wait.
The Blade loaded the Alteans onto their ship while Keith decided to go with Allura in the blue lion. They’d seen little of each other with him being away for missions so often. He missed her terribly but couldn’t bring himself to say so.
It was obvious when he finished eating, his head tilted back to touch hers, the light weight of it making her own head buzz a bit. She finished her own sandwich as she felt his breathing grow shallow, his heartbeat slowing as well.
Finally, his head lolled to the right and she knew it was time to move. She cautiously shimmied around, holding him upright with one hand and moving herself in a half-circle with the other. Once she was in the right spot she stretched her long legs outward and gently lowered his head onto her lap.
“What do you want, Lance?”
“I didn’t say anything! Why are-?”
Shiro sighed loudly, cutting off Lance’s question. “Keith called me a while ago and said I’d probably be hearing from you, and that I should probably ignore your call.”
Oh, that does it!
“Did he tell you WHY I’d be calling?”
The line went quiet for a moment, prompting Lance to check if the call was still connected. It was.
Fucking Lance.
Another of Cupid’s foes, this guy was missing the big picture. Namely his ideal partner, Pidge. 
But that’s another story for another day.
Anywho, this Lancey-Lance guy was eating at Cupid, who decided to do a little digging on his own. How in the galaxy did he pull off the biggest heist since King Tut’s tomb was robbed? What larger forces were at play here? 
Because that’s when everything started to fall apart.
He felt a pang of guilt. After all, the man who’d been like a father to him was missing. Voltron inoperable. Yet here he was thinking about her, and how happy she had made him. Despite the time that had passed from the moment she'd accepted him he could still feel her warmth on his chest, her breath on his neck. The brief moment they’d had before the mission tempted him to stay put, to hold on to her as long as possible. But he had a job to do, for better or for worse. Her words, however, pushed him to run from the fight. To survive. 
“I will always come back to you.”
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 I'm tagging @blkjessrabbit and @tocamochi. Show us what you got!
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dchan87 · 15 days
🌟 Are You Worthy 🌟 please!
*Takes a drag of a fake cigarette* So anyways, we filmed most of this short in one take, except for the ending, obviously. 
One of the things I like about this final sequence is how both the actors got into character once the lights went down… a little bit too much. Anyway, we heard the guy who wrote it thought it up in a tweet storm, which I thought was weird. But then he showed us the story and treatment, and we realized it was so well thought out. He also had a specific idea for what we wanted us to do, but thought it was okay for our actors to improvise if they needed it.
Anyways, we bring in the actors, and they did everything right. Turned out good, much better than the original ending. I have no idea who approved that.
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klovefics · 3 years
My original Kallura fic, originally titled “The Dance”
After Shiro’s disappearance, the team has to rebuild itself with Keith in the role of the Black Paladin. Keith and Allura have to navigate the changing dynamics as well as their growing affection for one another. And what secrets will they uncover along the way?
(This story starts at the end of Season 2 and therefore many characters written in the story bear little resemblance to the ones that may have appeared in the series)
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adashicentral · 4 years
Music Appreciation Spinzgirl | 0.5k
Shiro is a violinist who finds videos of himself being posted online by an avid fan. Apparently for Adam, flattery will get you everywhere.
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kalluralove · 6 years
The next chapter is up, and here’s a hint:
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miss-macca · 6 years
Rules: Write ten facts about yourself and then tag ten of your followers you want to get to know better.
I was tagged by @spinzgirl Thank you!
1. I am a middle child, with an older brother and younger sister
2. I have a dog, Indie, who’s a Cockier Spaniel. I love him very much.
3. I’ve been a Scout in Australia for 10 years now
4. I hope to one day be a cop and work with youths
5. I have a Diploma in Community Services and have worked with some of the nicest people
6. I was an exchange student and lived in Germany for 8 months
7. In this year alone (2018) I have partially dislocated the same shoulder at least once a month... It’s only may
8. I am a klutz and have sprained both ankles multiple times, broken 3 fingers in one hand, dislocated my shoulder multiple times (duh), and broken my collar bone. 
9. I’m not even yet legal to drink alcohol in the US.. But I can in Aus!
10. I’ve not had a drink with alcohol in just under 2 years.
I’m tagging @clouds-in-her-eyes @the-ghost-of-keith-kogane @wickedwitch1997 @wallwriterstuff @cheebs-3-e 
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monoukotori · 7 years
Whenever you get this you have to say five (5) things you like about yourself, publicly. then you have to send this to ten of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) 💕
1.- No one can tell when I am spontaneously weird or doing it on purpose
2.- I have a great music taste
3.-  There is literally nothing in the internet that can surprise me anymore and I am proud of it
4.-I am good with kids
5.- I am childish, I like being childish
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femmedplume · 7 years
Number 6. I think this says a lot about a person.
6) Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?A) OMG, I did do this for the longest time! Just because I’d forget my coupon book at home, and then I’d stop by the store on the way home from work and I’d realize at the last minute, but be too damn tired to put everything back, go home, get the coupon book and come back. Like, I am le poor, but I am also le tired, ya know?
I am definitely a fan of the places that send you coupons in your email or by text, so you can’t forget them. 
Ask me unique questions!
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eastofthemoon · 7 years
It’s Not Just Make Believe- Ella Enchanted
I’m Cinderella at the ball, I’m Alice over ten feet tall!
It’s not just make believe!
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spinzgirl replied to your post “seasonofthegeek replied to your post “Somehow on the one day I really...”
I hope it passes soon and you're up and about!
Unfortunately, one of my issues is chronic, but I would love it if this cold/allergies/sinus whatever would actually pass.  It’s really cutting into my productive writing (and mom-ing) time.  :(
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kalluraloveblog · 3 years
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My original Kallura fic, originally titled “The Dance”
After Shiro’s disappearance, the team has to rebuild itself with Keith in the role of the Black Paladin. Keith and Allura have to navigate the changing dynamics as well as their growing affection for one another. And what secrets will they uncover along the way?
(This story starts at the end of Season 2 and therefore many characters written in the story bear little resemblance to the ones that may have appeared in the series)
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dchan87 · 6 years
Plance #73 please! Let's mix things up a bit!
73. Height Difference Kisses Where One Person Has To Bend Do Wn And The Other Is On Their Tippy Toes
I decided to shake things up a little more, with a funny little twist on the premise... but this evening’s wave of angst over Kallura and Plance affected my writing, so here’s some Plangst.
“Can… you… what!?” Lance asked.
Are you quiznaking kidding me!? Pidge thought.It was a simple request; she’d asked Lance if she could kiss him. Knowingfull well that Lance and Allura were closer together than she would admit, ithad taken all her courage to ask Lance if she could kiss him. Standing on aplatform above him, it was impossible to hide her nervousness. Her face musthave been beet-red. Judging by his shocked expression, there was plenty oftruth to that. But the way he said it made it sound like he hadn’t heard her,which brings us back to the problem at hand; she wanted to confess her feelingsfor him before it was too late.
“I said, can… I… please… kiss… you?” she asked, her cheeksflaring red.
“What the hell are you doing!?” Lance sputtered.
“Lance, we might die!” Pidge snapped back. “And I’ve hadthis crush on you for a long time! Just let me have this!” She was on the vergeof tears. While she respected Lance’s decision, she always felt jealous wheneverhe flirted with any girl. But since he and Allura were getting closer, thatjealousy was turning into despair, and she needed to confess her feelingsbefore it was too late.
“But, me and Allura…”
“Lance, I’m just asking for one kiss, right now,” she interrupted. Her voice was bubbling upwith tears. “I don’t want to force you to do it, okay? I’ll try to be happy foryou and Allura. But you have to admit; we have something special that you’llnever have with Allura—I’m… really sorry.”
Lance’s shock softened, and he smiled at her. He leanedforward and hugged her, with his head right on her belly button, although theawkwardness of their position immediately struck him. Still, he actually likedit.
“Lance, please,” Pidge begged through tears.
“Okay,” Lance agreed. He closed his eyes and stood on tiptoes for her, while she bent down, and their lips met. Keeping the kiss going,Katie was relieved for now, even if her hopes of being with Lance were bound tobe dashed eventually.
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pornosophical · 7 years
@spinzgirl replied to your post: Hi, I'm really intrested in your opinon, mostly...
Every show I watch has at least one hetero couple. Even YOI. So is that to say that they should all scrap those couples in favor of representation? Nevermind the fact that Keith, Allura, and Lance aren’t the only characters on the show. I’m just tired of the same stale arguments being used.
hey @spinzgirl where did I say that? please show me the worsds
I just got accused of needing to learn to read, but... I really don’t know where I said that
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sword--wings · 7 years
spinzgirl replied to your post “have u heard of the anti shaladin kallura ppl ��”
I almost subbed a Kallura page until I saw it was anti. I'm all for defending Kallura but not actively attacking other ships
How hypocritical do you have to be to attack other ships and ship kallura??? How the eff do you have ppl who ship kallura and CANT admit that certain other ships (cough sheith/) clearly have a lot of crew and in canon evidence?
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ao3feed-kallura · 2 years
Nice to Meet You...Again
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/rcvSNZ0
by KalluraLove (Spinzgirl)
Hundreds of years have passed since the war ended. All of the paladins are long gone, and the Lions of Voltron have vanished.
So when a young woman bearing a striking resemblance to the Princess Allura, as well as being named after her, pays a visit to the place it all started, what could she hope to find?
Part 3 of Destiny Sonata. Please read the first two prior to this one!
Words: 3832, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Destiny Sonata
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Allura (Voltron), Keith (Voltron)
Relationships: Allura/Keith (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Reincarnation, Sequel, kallura, Voltron: Legendary Defender Season/Series 08 Fix-It
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/rcvSNZ0
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kallurafics · 5 years
Allura stared at the clock on the wall, willing the bell to sound. Fifteen minutes felt like an eternity at this point. She heard the shuffle of her students finishing up their work, many already tucking binders into their already overfilled backpacks. Background chatter and the occasional scraping of chair legs across worn tile floors accentuated the unrest amongst her pupils. 
Normally she’d be irked by their rush to leave her classroom, but today was an exception. The heating system was being worked on and the last hour left her fingers numb from the cold. She could only imagine how tough it was for the kids who couldn’t wear gloves while holding pencils. A few had begged her to let them just read instead, but then essays wouldn’t be complete before the holiday break.
Maybe that would have been better, I hate grading papers on Christmas anyway. 
Here is my submission for Kallura Secret Santa. I got @kicdoesthings request for “Hot Chocolate”. 
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of my followers! Hope you enjoy all of the amazing fics and art that will be coming your way today!
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