#spinning them around in my brain like a microwave
sillyinq · 1 year
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My boy!
(Backround under the cut because it looks cool)
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ocelotbread · 1 year
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that one scene but gayer somehow
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reading-writing-dying · 6 months
Life series: real life has me desperately wanting a Gem and Joel team up in a full season but consider also: a triad with Etho, Joel, and Gem
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2 am and my npmd rotted brain is even more incoherent than usual but like... max explicitly saying that he views grace as "forbidden fruit", and while not said out loud, that is clearly also how grace views max... in christian doctrine, adam and eve ate the forbidden fruit and became sinful and unintentionally doomed the rest of humanity with original sin... grace having sex with max, tasting her forbidden fruit and becoming sinful and taking it upon herself to doom the rest of sinful humanity (well, dirty dudes, but she clearly doesn't have extreme qualifications for who could deserve that title)
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galactikburzt · 1 year
I have been thinking constantly about Fact core's characterization in Harry101UK's meet the cores for the last couple days
They're so creature 🥹 i wish i could put more than one video in a post
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shadowsight-aster · 1 year
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OH AND BEFORE I FORGET cause the last post reminded me of it i love love love the project bluebird au/theory it makes me want to jump up and down and climb walls and froth at the mouth i'm so normal about it so here's little q and jaiden in a little colored sketch i did :)) ough they're so important to me i love them i love them so much the other image is just some info on the other test tube kids from my fic planner. not a LOT to see but i wanted to include foolish and cellbit and baghera
(not that anybody asked but. if you want to know my like full idea here) (the federation brought them up together as a little sleeper agent family to help them in the future and it kinda backfired since only 2 of the original 5 (6? technically with elquackity) actually want to work for the federation anymore) (if you want to hear me ramble i will) (please i have so many thoughts about them)
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lookitseddie · 25 days
gnawing at the walls catching up to 'a study of the heart and brain' by @anonymousewrites
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aestophobia · 1 year
oh my god domestic wesper is actually going to be the death of me
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putting qcellbit and qbad in a microwave in my brain their dynamic is everything to me i need to squeeze them both until their eyes pop <3
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amethystunarmed · 10 months
for the 4 different headcanons ask game: Ruth Fleming!
Y'all are making me think outside my typical wheelhouse and I love it! (From this ask meme)
Headcanon A (realistic): I talked about this with @snarky-wallflower on their fic, but I think Ruth would be a phenomenal acolyte for Nibbly. She is so hungry for touch, for love, I think she would be a wonderful Wiley type character for Nibbly if he ever decides he wants an apocalypse.
Headcanon B (while it may not be realistic it is hilarious): Ruth has worn that skeleton costume for Halloween every year since like the 5th grade because she loves being able to make jokes about boning without the teachers being able to call her out on it.
Headcanon C (heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends): The night after they learned Richie had died, Ruth cleared off one of her shelves of Star Wars merch to make room for some of Richie's anime figurines, so she could keep him close. It remains empty.
Headcanon D (unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.): There is a universe where Ruth and Brenda get together after Max dies. Listen, Brenda called Ruth's headgear "fire today." And Ruth wears the headgear everyday. Brenda has noticed but just hasn't been able to say. And the way Ruth smiles? You knows she is absolutely is swooning over a pretty girl complimenting her. Those two would be so good together. They had one canon interaction, but it lives rent free in my brain. Ruth should get to date the prom queen.
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ephemeralgalaxies · 2 years
nah cause the funniest part for me is still Jiang Cheng thinking that LWJ actually hates WWX so much like this man could not have been more wrong.
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akanemnon · 7 days
picking up lesslo and shaking them around like a plush toy. and then spinning them in my brain like a microwave. I forgor their gender
Drown him in milk and throw him at a wall while you're at it. He deserves it
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gh0stcav3 · 5 months
thinkin’ abt gillions asexuality a ton. its so important to me, and its just one of those character traits that spins in my head like its in a microwave. canon ace characters mean so much to me. like i got so happy when i found out he’s canonically ace bc im ace and like there isnt a ton of rep. and how it never really needs to be explicitly said in canon but its just sometimes off handedly mentioned at. and thats just cool to them all. i could (and probably will) go on a whole tangent about how i think his asexuality affects him and shit like that but its just one of those things that just spins around in my brain all the time bc like. its just something thats there and a part of him and i genuinely love that so much
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unironicallytes · 3 months
(Discussion and sharing of thoughts encouraged even if they're opposing viewpoints, please join me in the sandbox)
In working on Dear Brother's timeline, I've been revisiting a lot of the canon even around the Skyrim era, and I find Astrid so much more compelling and sympathetic nowadays. I used to dislike her a lot, because I was coming fresh off of Oblivion and also hadn't deep-fried my brain in lore yet. I was playing the Skyrim DBh with @orfeoarte last night and we got to talking about her again, specifically about how she's probably having a crisis of faith during the game.
Like, in thinking about the entire Dark Brotherhood questline from Astrid's perspective ... she's the matron of the last Sanctuary. They haven't had a Listener since 4E188 - that's 14 whole years without a religious leader, organizational leader, or any of the Black Hand for that matter. (As far as I can tell, Rasha sounded like a Speaker from Cheydinhal, and he lasted until 4E189 according to Cicero's journals.)
Basically, up until this point, Falkreath stayed functional due to Astrid's leadership alone, and Astrid herself went through that bearing the knowledge that their gods had probably abandoned them. That's a lot to deal with. Imagine the absolute inner turmoil of turning your back on the Brotherhood's religion, because there's no point in holding to a spiritual leader that refuses to lead. Maybe Astrid had spent a few of those 14 years mourning, wondering why she'd received no guidance; but eventually, she had to amputate that part of herself and move on because no one else was going to do it for her. She would've needed to focus on the survival of the order that was left, rather than cling to the ashes of the one that was dead and gone. Besides, the latter seems to have collapsed in on itself because the Hand couldn't even agree on how to move forward, so why would she follow their lead?
All that being said, 14 years pass, Astrid keeps it together, keeps the last remaining family together ... then suddenly out of fucking nowhere, Cicero shows up with the Night Mother herself, spouting the old ways. A bit jarring, a bit poor taste - it's not his fault, he has no idea what this Sanctuary might have been through. He hasn't interacted with family members at all for these 14 years, and he probably expected them to be exactly as he remembered them. And then, barely any time into Cicero's arrival, the Night Mother finally chooses someone, and it's Astrid's newest recruit.
Like, how dare she, after all these years of abandonment? Wouldn't that infuriate you? In Astrid's eyes, the Night Mother hasn't done shit for her. No wonder Astrid's immediate reaction and tone is basically "are you fucking kidding me" followed by "I need time to process this." It makes a lot of sense that she resists the return to tradition, both from a leadership level and from a personal level. No wonder she shatters through Tenet 1 in front of Cicero and everyone, no wonder she tries to get you removed from the equation, too.
Extremely interesting character right there!!! I am spinning her on the microwave plate-- ..... ....... ah, well, uh. I suppose the Penitus Oculatus did that already, poor choice of words.
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whumpshaped · 9 months
been spinning this idea around in the microwave that is my brain for a while now.
pet/slave/etc whumpee being rescued, seemingly improving and going along with what caretaker asks of them, and then immediately bolting and returning to their master the moment they get the chance.
they feel sorta bad for caretaker, but ultimately where they belong is at their master's side. whumpee's life was miserable and empty before they found them, but with master they were fed, had a warm place to sleep, and were shown more affection than they'd ever experienced before.
whumper, who in this specific scenario is more like a carewhumper/soft whumper, wanting to keep whumpee as their pet/slave but otherwise not being cruel to them, is of course elated to have whumpee back, lavishing them with praise and love and affection, further cementing in whumpee's mind that this is where they belong.
tw pet whump, conditioned whumpee, stockholm syndrome, caretaker new master, betrayal, abandonment
When Whumpee caught a glimpse of the article, it was like colour had suddenly returned into their world. Like the storm clouds had parted and finally allowed the sun to shine through, making all their worries and sadness dissipate.
All charges dropped.
Caretaker seemed to have the opposite reaction, throwing the newspaper across the room and groaning in frustration. Whumpee flinched, alerting them to their presence. “Oh, shit… Whumpee, I’m sorry. I didn’t– fuck, did you see the article?”
Whumpee suppressed their eagerness and slowly nodded, attempting to keep their expression neutral. Whatever Caretaker had interpreted it as, it made them open their arms for a hug.
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart. Would you like a hug? Or… or would you like to talk about it?”
Oh, they wanted to talk about it more than anything, but they doubted what they had to say would’ve been to Caretaker’s liking. They accepted the hug anyway, holding their temporary owner tight for what was probably the last time.
“You did your best,” Caretaker whispered. “I’m so sorry that… that they’re a bunch of incompetent idiots there! You gave all that evidence, all those testimonies… I don’t get it… I’m so sorry.”
“Let’s not talk about it?” Whumpee hoped that was a reasonable request. They hated hearing about all the ways in which they’d betrayed Whumper, but they hoped their reasoning wouldn’t be readily apparent.
“Of course. I’m sorry. I got carried away.” Caretaker took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly, and Whumpee had the feeling this hug was more for their friend than it was for them. “You wanna do something tonight? As a little distraction? We could make those new cookies you found a recipe for. Or watch a movie.”
Whumpee pulled away so they could look Caretaker in the eye. “Would you mind if… if I went for a little walk?”
Caretaker hesitated. “Can it be another time?” they asked cautiously. “I don’t like putting restrictions on you, I really don’t, it’s just…”
“Okay,” they said without knowing what Caretaker was going to say. “Another time.”
They could seek out Whumper any time, right? The sooner the better, but they didn’t need Caretaker following them.
“I’m a little nervous about letting you out of my sight after news like this,” they finished anyway.
“Okay,” Whumpee repeated.
“You’re not mad?”
“Of course not.”
Caretaker smiled and pulled them in for another hug. “Alright. Thank you.”
It was two days later when Caretaker finally let them go. It was honestly a little heartbreaking to know they would never go back, but… It couldn’t even compare to that time the police had swarmed the building and took Whumper away from them.
Whumper had been their everything. Their best friend. Their owner. The only one who cared. The one who had always provided for them, food, shelter, love. It didn’t matter what others had told them — they had to get back. And now that Whumper was finally let go, they could.
They kept looking over their shoulder, hoping Caretaker really wasn’t following them. They weren’t. They were left to their own devices, and they were about to betray every morsel of trust Caretaker had placed in them.
It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered outside of getting back to Whumper. Whumper was the only one whose trust counted for anything.
They rushed back to the house they’d used to stay in, and the ugly police tape was finally gone. It looked just like the first time they’d seen it: friendly and inviting.
Whumpee walked up to the door and knocked before their anxiety could’ve gotten the better of them. They stepped back and waited, rocking back and forth on their feet, shifting their weight from heels to tiptoes.
The garden seemed a little neglected, but it looked like Whumper had gotten to work since their release. There were fresh seeds in the bird feeder, and fresh water in the bowl they used for any stray creature that might’ve needed a sip. They were so caring. It was ridiculous that any investigation had even been conducted.
The door opened, and Whumpee’s eyes snapped up to meet their owner’s. They jumped into their arms without thinking, burying their face in the crook of their neck. “Master, you’re free!” they exclaimed, delighted when Whumper’s arms closed around their waist.
“I’m free!” Whumper parroted, just as giddy as their pet. “And you’re back!”
“Of course I am! I missed you so much!”
Whumper brought them inside without letting go, pushing the door shut with their foot. “I missed you too, sweet thing. I’m not quite packed yet, but now that you’re here, I’ll try to make it quick so we can leave tomorrow.”
Whumpee pulled away, frowning a little. “Leave?”
“Of course. They’d never leave us alone if we were to stay; not the police, and definitely not Caretaker.” Whumper moved their hands to cup their pet’s cheeks, smiling at them softly. “We’ll go somewhere peaceful, hm?”
Well… When they’d left the house and told themself it’d be forever, that they’d never see Caretaker again, that they were ready to leave all of this behind… They didn’t think it’d be so permanent. So irreversible.
They didn’t think they’d have to leave Caretaker so far behind.
Some of the cookies they’d baked the night before were still waiting for them at home, soft and sweet and tasting of friendship.
“I’d love that,” Whumpee said with a smile of their own. “We can go whenever you’re ready, Master.”
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alittlefanatic · 1 year
Hello! If it's okay, can you please write an angst thing (it can be a oneshot or headcanons, I don't mind) where Wally and reader get locked in Home for an extended amount of time, and Wally is not doing great and is like clinging to reader to keep it together with some fluff at the end? Sorry if this is like, super specific I've been spinning this scenario in my brain like a microwave ;w;. Love your writing, thank you!
Oooooo now this goes along with my headcanon of how Home is! Also, I LOVE SCENARIOS LIKE THIS! It's just enough wiggle room to give it more detail but straight to the point, which is PERFECT! First time writing angst, so sorry if it's not the best neighbor!
☔ Homebody ☔
Tags: Angst, Vulnerable, Crying, Isolation, Comfort, Trapped, Darkness, Some Fluff but mainly angst
Summary: You don't know how long it's been since you've been in Home. It feels like forever, and it's starting to get to you. But Wally...He's in absolute shambles.
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(Lovely art done by @kjoooooji !)
You don't know how it all could have gone horribly wrong.
Everything started off so normally! You noticed that Wally hasn't seemed himself lately. He appeared less chipper, or attentive, which isn't like his usual self. You asked Wally if you could come over sometime to paint, you figured that would cheer him up! Which, it did, he almost seemed relieved even when you asked. In fact, he invited you over on the same day to do so.
"Thank you for the offer Neighbor, I guess I've been a little into my own head lately," Wally spoke quietly, appearing in thought as he set up the stools and canvases in the living room, while you squeezed some paint into the pallets and got the paintbrushes ready.
"I noticed...I was wanting to make sure you were doing ok. You know you can talk to me about anything, right?" You spoke kindly, to which Wally's smile faltered some, looking towards you with a sad look, before shaking his head, sitting down on the stool and simply picking up the paintbrush, begging to paint.
You sighed quietly, sitting next to him as you began to paint on your canvas. You couldn't help but notice Home seemed more quiet than usual either. Home would usually creak and squeak! But...today was quieter than usual, did they have an argument?
You looked over at Wally, examining him closely he looked tired. Some of his usually perfect pompadour was sticking out in certain places, and he had dark circles under his eyes. He almost seemed to be on edge.
"Wally, did you and Home have an argument?" You asked casually. Wally though, seemed to freeze, stopping his painting right in its tracks. He almost seemed to go pale. He gulped.
"Neighbor, I am being con-"
All at once, everything became extremely loud. Home was slamming all the doors, the floor creaking, furniture shifting, you name it. It was blaring in your ears as you covered them, Wally doing the same.
"Wally? What's going on-" You tried to speak, looking towards him, did he have tears in his eyes?
"Neighbor I-"
Everything went dark. You couldn't see.
"Wally?!" You yelled, panicked as you tried to adjust to the darkness, covering your ears still. Things were beginning to crash, break and shatter. You could hear your own heart beating as you were trying to contain yourself. Dropping to your knees, you kept your ears and head covered.
Until it was silence. Eerie silence.
That's how it happened. You've been walking around home for what felt like forever. You don't know how long it's been, you know you've had to sleep, you know that much, but you haven't even seen the outside.
You haven't even heard from Wally.
You paced around in the darkness of home, your eyes adjusted to the dark by this point, it was like it was all you've known. You called out with a strained voice.
"Wally! Please Wally if you're there, say something!" You cough, holding your chest, when was the last time you had water?
"Home...home why are you doing this.." You asked quietly, your throat sore from the yelling. No matter how much you walked and walked, you couldn't seem to find Wally, or even a way out.
"Home, please...I just want to know if Wally is ok...If I did something, if I intruded, please, I'll fix my mistakes..."
You started hearing whispers, though, you couldn't make out what they were saying, as you started to hold your head and cover your ears. They were growing louder and louder.
"HOME PLEASE! I just...I just want to see someone...I just...I want out...I want Wally...Please..." You began to cry, hugging yourself. You just wanted to make sure he was ok. You just wanted out of this HellHole.
Taking a couple of breaths to try to calm yourself, you could have sworn you heard sobbing. Looking around, you stayed quiet, walking toward the source of the noise.
"Hello...? Wally...?" You softly asked, feeling around the walls with your hands. You were walking down a hallway that felt like it was going on forever. The crying grew louder and louder until you reached the source. It was a deep black door, with what seemed to be a swirl on it. You knocked on the door.
"Wally...Wally is that you...?"
"Nei-Neighbor?" Wally stuttered. "Please, please tell me that's you. Please. I'm not hearing things, right? Please...Please..." He started to sob as he spoke. He sounded destroyed.
"Yes! Wally, it's me...It's me, are you ok?" You couldn't help but feel absolutely relieved. You tried to jiggle the door handle to open, but it was stuck.
"Neighbor...Neighbor I'm so happy..." Wally sobbed as you put your hands on the door.
"I'm gonna get you out...Home..please.." You begged quietly. "Home please...whatever we've done I'm sorry...please.." You could feel the tears falling down your face. "Please...just let him out..."
Everything was quiet, until you heard a 'click.' You quickly jiggled the door handle and it opened, thick inky blackness peering back at you, until your eyes adjusted.
Wally practically jumped into your arms, as the door slammed behind him, sobbing loudly as he clutched onto you for dear life.
"Neighbor I am sorry...I'm so sorry...I'm sorry I'm sorry..." Wally cried, burying his face into your chest, as you wrapped your arms around him. He was trying to calm his breathing to seem ok, but we knew. We both knew we weren't.
"It's ok Wally...I'm here...I'm not going to leave you.." You whispered quietly, patting Wally's back as you both just held onto each other, Wally's sobs slowly becoming less intense. You both were in no hurry, you were just happy to know the other was with you and ok.
You don't know how long has passed, as you and Wally held each other, giving into each other's warm embrace that seemed to shield you two from the coldness of Home. You decided to break the silence, leaning back slightly, feeling a wetness on your chest which you assumed to be tears.
"Wally..we need to try to make it to the living room...that way if the front door opens we can leave...ok?" You spoke softly, trying to be strong for the poor guy. He could only nod as a reply, as you both stood up slowly. He was clutching onto your arm as if you were about to disappear at any moment.
With a deep breath, you put your hand against the wall, feeling it as you began to walk back. This time, it felt shorter, just a couple of steps and you were in the openness of the living room. Was...Home manipulating the inside of the house? So you and Wally couldn't get to each other?
You shook your head, seeing Home's eyes signifying where you were. Making no comment, you head over to the front of Home. You could see the front door and the sunshine that barely seeped in through it.
With a sigh of relief, you and Wally sat next to the door. Wally's sniffles combating the silence that was Home.
"I'm so sorry..." was all he could seem to say, causing another crying fit as you held him close.
"This isn't your doing sweetie...this isn't your fault...I promise your ok...I'm not going anywhere..." You spoke softly.
"Please don't ever leave me...please always stay by my side..please...please don't run away after this..." He cried, which made you only hold him tighter.
"I won't...I'm never going to leave your side again...you're never going to be alone...I'm sorry..." You sighed, your eyebrows furrowing in anger. You didn't know what Home was capable of, and for all of this to happen? You were tempted to just burn the house down.
As if Wally was reading your thoughts, he spoke: "We can't..do anything...It would..it would make me do horrible things...I don't want to do horrible things...I love my friends...I love you, I, I don't..."
"Shh..It's ok...we don't have to talk about it now...you can explain to me in time...let's just...focus on each other.." You couldn't have Wally spiraling again, not now. Wally simply nodded, holding onto you as you laid your head against him.
You don't know how long you two were like that, holding each other and comforting each other. Exhaustion was hitting the both of you hard, as you could feel your eyes shutting. Everything felt heavy, as any adrenaline you had seemed to vanish, any noise becoming gentle breathing. You couldn't help but speak.
"Home...are you satisfied...we're exhausted...we learned our lesson...please..." You pleaded once more.
You felt your heart rate increase at the sound, immediately reaching for the doorknob and yanking it open. Holding Wally as you practically lurched yourself forward. It took a moment for your eyes to adjust to the sun, but it seemed it was rising. It was morning. How long were you two gone...?
You and Wally stayed close after that incident, never leaving each other's side, even for a moment, nor did you speak about it to any other neighbors. You would have no idea what Home would do if you did...
For the first week, neither of you slept. You both stayed at your house and as far away from Home as possible, just telling neighbors you were having a 'week-long sleepover.'
You would comfort each other, telling each other you were ok, and if one began to panic, the other would reassure. You were there for each other now more than ever.
Eventually, Wally returned to Home, fearing that if he was away for any longer, Home might do something sinister, but you always went with him. Some nights you would stay at home, others would be at your house.
No matter what, Home would never separate you two again. You both were going to make sure of it.
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I tried to make it real good and angsty! I think I made it a bit too spooky though...what do you think?
You can also read all of my oneshots and other stories on my Wattpad! Please go check them out! Click me!
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