#spinning them around in my brain like a microwave
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thunderxleafart · 4 months ago
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"What do you want driver to do, take a saw and cut us in half?"
Mac has never regretted his words more than he does now. Don't worry though, no MightyMacs were actually harmed! It was all just a bad dream... probably. ;P On that note, Happy Halloween everyone! <3
Wanted to draw something spooky for the season and since I've still got MightyMac on the brain, they were the unfortunate victim. x"D Nothing too over-the-top, of course, but it's fun to get a little more spooky every now and then >:3 Separation is 100% one of their greatest fears, not bc they neccessarily enjoy being stuck together forever but because they don't know what would happen. And not knowing is always scarier, isn't it? Spooks aside, I hope y'all have a great Halloween however you celebrate (and even if you don't!) <3 I know I'm gonna be hanging with my bestie and prolly eating lotttss of candy LMAO maybe going out we'll see BONUS DOODLE!
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And it was all just a bad dream. xD Welp, no more horror movies for Mac! Not for a looong time LOL
With that, enjoy the art! <3 And Happy Halloween everyone! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MightyMac (c) TTTE Art (c) Me! <3
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sillyinq · 1 year ago
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My boy!
(Backround under the cut because it looks cool)
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herogardn · 5 months ago
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i like to think vice gets around by way of extreme gear. haven't decided on looks or anything like that, or if they stole it or just got it from eggman or smth bc they've Definitely worked for him before
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frogs-running-in-circles · 5 months ago
clexa really is that one lesbian couple that never made it, they loved each other so much it literally altered the course of history lexa changed years of tradition for clark and clark trusted lexa even when she had betrayed her and lexa died and she saved clark in the city of light and hundreds of years have gone by and she is just a distant name in a history book and she is the love of clarks life hundreds of years later she is still clark’s greatest love, lexa will always be with her
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reading-writing-dying · 11 months ago
Life series: real life has me desperately wanting a Gem and Joel team up in a full season but consider also: a triad with Etho, Joel, and Gem
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2 am and my npmd rotted brain is even more incoherent than usual but like... max explicitly saying that he views grace as "forbidden fruit", and while not said out loud, that is clearly also how grace views max... in christian doctrine, adam and eve ate the forbidden fruit and became sinful and unintentionally doomed the rest of humanity with original sin... grace having sex with max, tasting her forbidden fruit and becoming sinful and taking it upon herself to doom the rest of sinful humanity (well, dirty dudes, but she clearly doesn't have extreme qualifications for who could deserve that title)
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lookitseddie · 6 months ago
gnawing at the walls catching up to 'a study of the heart and brain' by @anonymousewrites
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aestophobia · 2 years ago
oh my god domestic wesper is actually going to be the death of me
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no1vern · 29 days ago
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anachronistic-falsehood · 1 year ago
putting qcellbit and qbad in a microwave in my brain their dynamic is everything to me i need to squeeze them both until their eyes pop <3
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amethystunarmed · 1 year ago
for the 4 different headcanons ask game: Ruth Fleming!
Y'all are making me think outside my typical wheelhouse and I love it! (From this ask meme)
Headcanon A (realistic): I talked about this with @snarky-wallflower on their fic, but I think Ruth would be a phenomenal acolyte for Nibbly. She is so hungry for touch, for love, I think she would be a wonderful Wiley type character for Nibbly if he ever decides he wants an apocalypse.
Headcanon B (while it may not be realistic it is hilarious): Ruth has worn that skeleton costume for Halloween every year since like the 5th grade because she loves being able to make jokes about boning without the teachers being able to call her out on it.
Headcanon C (heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends): The night after they learned Richie had died, Ruth cleared off one of her shelves of Star Wars merch to make room for some of Richie's anime figurines, so she could keep him close. It remains empty.
Headcanon D (unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.): There is a universe where Ruth and Brenda get together after Max dies. Listen, Brenda called Ruth's headgear "fire today." And Ruth wears the headgear everyday. Brenda has noticed but just hasn't been able to say. And the way Ruth smiles? You knows she is absolutely is swooning over a pretty girl complimenting her. Those two would be so good together. They had one canon interaction, but it lives rent free in my brain. Ruth should get to date the prom queen.
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andii-artz · 6 months ago
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Exit strategy
look who's back ~
If you are new to this AU, or don't remember: It's called Gertrude is still around or GiSA for short
More from this au
The AO3
My kofi if you like what I do, or want me to draw something for you and stickers at my redbubble
Thanks again for sims4, where I builded a whole cafe just for the last bg :'D
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scarycranegame · 4 months ago
That’s actually a real interesting take on Jimmy/Mouthwashing in general!
THANK YOUUUU!!! <333 if you couldnt tell, i've been lost in the sauce abt this game since i first decided to check it out so yknow. i care these guys a lot. especially since this is one of those fandoms where everyone seems to write the characters really one-note, especially jimmy and anya, which is a huge shame because its such a complex game with so many things to think about in it. like... every time i've played i've noticed a new thing. its So Cool™
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ihavea-natural-curiosity · 3 months ago
Viktors Disabilities, a Speculative Analysis
Ever since i first watched Arcane i have wanted to know (and i mean this in the nicest way possible,) what was wrong with Viktor. His disability was never explained beyond “he was born with a malformed leg”.
And so, i was left alone in the house with my thoughts today so i took it upon myself to figure it out, (and talk about his medical issues so i can ignore my own lmao) and i am releasing my thoughts upon yall!
(disclaimer: yes i am aware that this arcane is a fantasy world that is not our world and the disorders/illnesses and treatments will not be the same but the issues he has have to be based off of something (especially with how detailed this show is and how many references are made throughout.) this is not me trying to say that he definitively has any of these conditions, i’m just comparing them to conditions that exist today and suggesting what Viktors disabilities may have been based off of.)
(disclaimer pt 2.: i have not played League of Legends, i do not intend to play League of Legends, i have only watched Arcane and i am only talking about Arcane and Arcane lore and what i have been able to figure out from watching Arcane and spinning it around in my brain like it’s in a microwave.)
Now, i think i’ll just start from the beginning, and go in order of development.
1. Viktors Leg
According to the wiki (and about every other site that talks about Viktor) he is said to have been “born with a malformed leg”, and said pretty much nothing else. Now, when Viktor is an adult, his leg appears to be very not-malformed, so, let’s start at the flashback.
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Now, even in the flashback Viktors leg looks normal. It’s pointing forward, and looks totally fine. But as the clip goes on, and he gets up and starts moving, the problem becomes apparent. Here’s a clip:
Yall have probably already noticed what i’m talking about with this clip, but i want to illustrate it more because the clip moves so fast:
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As Vikto moves faster, his foot shifts inwards! It shifts inwards pretty severely (i mean, he full on trips on it), and the only time in this entire clip where it is doing so. And that is because the other times he is around someone else. I think he is purposefully pointing his foot forward and in turn walking on the wrong part of his foot (balance issues), and more than likely causing himself pain 1. to appear less ‘crippled’ and more “normal” to other people, and 2. because clearly, his foot is pointing inwards to a degree that is impairing his ability to walk.
Now to me, (and i’m not a doctor so if any actual doctors want to call me on incorrect information please do so!) this looks like Femoral Anteversion, or a twisting of the femur that points the knees inward (it’s typically found in both legs but it can happen with just one)
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Now this isn’t necessarily a terrible thing, ~10% of children are affected with Femoral Anteversion (or “pigeon toes”), and most of the time it resolves itself, unless it is super severe, at which point it requires surgery to fix it. Which, of course, Viktor did not have access to.
Now, his leg does appear to be normal as an adult, but the femoral anteversion thought is still plausible. There are 3 reasons i can think of for this one.
1. He got to Piltover and after a little bit Heimerdinger noticed how messed up his leg was and Viktor got the surgery to correct it as much as possible (it’s implied that Viktor was in Piltover for years, based on how he acts and the fact that he’s Heimerdingers assistant) (this thought doesn’t seem very plausible to me, i don’t remember seeing any surgery scars on his leg in the hexcore scene, but it is a possibility.)
2. He’s simply just still correcting his leg. The reason we wouldn’t see him mess up like we did in the flashback is that he’s about 24-25 in act one, and i’d say that 14-15 years is probably enough to get used to doing that sort of thing.
3. (Honestly this one seems to be the most plausible to me) His leg has (partially) corrected itself. Most children whose femoral anteversion fixed itself had normal gaits by age 8-10, but that’s an average age and those typically aren’t perfectly accurate to everyone (i have. very personal experience with that.) and it makes the most sense to me that his leg has mostly/partially corrected itself and he’s just also continuing to self-correct to avoid appearing any more disabled than he already does (he shows quite a bit of internalized ableism throughout the season, and his line about people not listening to him because he’s “just a poor cripple from the undercity” really drives it home for me, honestly.)
2. Viktors Deterioration
When we first truly see Viktor in act 1, he seems lively, and unless he’s actively walking, he’s not using his cane, not really (he hangs his cane on his arm to read a book with both hands (really great rep btw, we do in fact do that!), he leans it against a desk to pace in front of a chalkboard with Jayce, he puts it down somewhere to go help Jayce with the experiment, etc.).
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I mean, look at his stance, he’s not really leaning on his cane for support, more likely he’s using it for balance, and as an assist to his bad leg, rather than an attempted replacement like we saw in the flashback.
But in act 2? Hoooo boy
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Look at that, beyond just looking 10x sicker, look at his posture, his shoulders specifically. He is actively leaning on his crutch (because he needs a crutch now, the cane wasn’t enough), using it like a replacement. Now, over the course of the ~7 year time skip, Viktors condition has deteriorated enough that he 1. needs the braces 2. needs a crutch 3. can no longer even get up without his crutch, let alone take a single step!
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i mean, even when he’s sitting down, he’s holding onto it, leaning on it. The way he uses his crutch, how skinny he’s gotten, how much more tired he seems, all of these things say some sort of newfound muscle weakness, but why?
And the braces. Let’s start with the leg brace, since it’s right there. How it’s built around the actual leg and knee looks a whole lot like a much cooler unloader knee brace, or a knee brace that redistributes weight away from the weakened knee. I have to wear one of those when my knee gets really bad in the winter, when it starts buckling randomly and just.. not working. Which makes sense for the muscle atrophy/weakness theory i have, because that leg was already weak to begin with, and his knee would have been all kinds of fucked up if he did spend basically his whole life misaligning it like i’m thinking he did. (and to support that theory even further, the way that the brace goes over his foot as well reminds me of the braces some children wear to attempt to correct their ‘pigeon toes’ (which have been proven not to work, btw)
Now, the back brace. I’m gonna be honest, this part took me the longest, it truly confused me.
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When you look at it, it just looks like a thoracic back brace, with some extra support on the hips (once again, pointing to muscle weakness)
But the thing that really confused me?
The screws in his back.
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It took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out what procedure this was referencing (Percutaneous Pedicle Screw Fixation (i’m like really sure that the screws aren’t showing in the real life surgery but the fact that they are makes sense with Arcanes style)), and an even more embarrassing amount of time to realize that the golden screws in his brace weren’t connected to him. (i am. very tired.)
But essentially, a Percutaneous Pedicle Screw Fixation is a less invasive spinal fusion procedure. Now a spinal fusion can be done for many, many reasons, but only one really fit.
Support, because of muscle weakness.
Every single thing that got added on to Viktor could be explained by muscle weakness, but there’s never any explained reason why he was so weak all of a sudden. His terminal illness is cited as a reason but that didn’t really make sense to me, all of these procedures, all of these mobility aids made perfectly to his measurements would’ve had to have been caused by something with a much slower onset than the illness would have given him.
And after literal hours of scouring, i have a theory.
Post-Polio Syndrome.
The timeline makes sense, Viktor would have most likely gotten sick before the flashback, when he was a child (a lot of children who get Polio fight it off without even knowing they have it). Viktor is estimated to be about 32 in act 2, and the average time between the initial Polio infection and Post-Polio Syndrome onset is about 20-40 years (inconsistent numbers).
Now some of the symptoms we have no way of knowing if they affect Viktor or not, but the main ones that caught my eye were muscle atrophy, chronic fatigue, and, you guessed it, muscle weakness.
Given where Viktor lived as a child, and how heavily polluted it was (remember that Viktor was in the undercity over 10 years before we saw it in act 1 with Vi and Powders childhood), it’s not too far of a stretch to say that he could have contracted an illness very similar to Polio as a child, and only really be feeling the affects of it now.
3. The Illness
I have 2 main theories for Viktors illness, the first one seems to be the most popular among the fandom: Tuberculosis.
If you’re unaware, Tuberculosis (TB) is a sickness that mainly affects the lungs, with the main symptom being coughing up blood. Now this is a really good theory imo, it fits pretty well, with some of the other symptoms being muscle atrophy, fatigue, malaise (general feeling of discomfort/unease with no discernible reason), loss of appetite, and severe unintentional weight loss. all of this sounds like our guy, no?
TB can take weeks to be symptomatic, so we probably just caught Viktor at the worst time ever lol with this theory.
My other theory is actually one my friend suggested to me, and that theory is COPD.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a progressive disease that is basically a terrible combination of chronic bronchitis and asthma that can be caused by exposure to pollution (Viktor grew up in the Undercity before Cassandra’s vent system, i mean the river he was playing on had an oil slick on it, i think it’s safe to say he was exposed to some pretty severe pollution as a child.)
This theory makes a lot of sense to me, because it’s said in the show that his illness was probably caused by the air where he grew up, which this would have been, while TB would not. (not 15-20 years later, at least) COPD, once it reaches stage 4 is very severe, any flare up of symptoms could be life threatening at that stage, and the symptoms? Fatigue, shortness of breath, coughing, weight loss, and less frequently, coughing blood.
Anyway, i guess that concludes my analysis/comparison? I’m gonna repeat that i’m not definitively saying that ‘he has this condition and this is why!’, i’m just analyzing and speculating on what different parts of his disability is based on in real life. So, let’s just all be nice, yeah? (also PLEASE feel free to use this as a reference point for modern aus and stuff!!)
i do genuinely think that Viktors disease progression and his deterioration is one of the best examples of chronic illness that i have seen in media, in my experience (both with my own issues and what i’ve seen in other people) and Viktor himself is one of the BEST representations of what it’s like to be young and disabled and the internalized ableism that comes with it (if anyone wants to hear about that i will happily yap your ear off about it!
Anyway, for real this time. Yap session over.
[edit: if you like this you should look in the reblogs there’s a couple of really good in-depth deep dives from others that build on this!!]
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chestersbraincell · 4 months ago
Don’t really like talking abt this bc I low-key cringe abt it but I was listening to the playlist I made about them and I just got struck with this DOPE ASS mental image you have to understand I couldn’t just not share
So yk that part of My Ordinary Life(The Living Tombstone) that goes like
“Touch me, Midas, make me part of your design”
I just imagined this like robotic hivemind ahh shit with a synthetic hand reaching out to theirs kinda like
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But then it shifts to a sort of X-ray view but veins/nerves rather than bones showing the parallel between that and cables from the robotic hivemind hand and a singular cable connecting with the nerve with a golden spark that then travels across all of the nerves making them into cables
Dear Our Wonderland fandom, here's a fun little what-if to think about. Ofc don't feel the need to engage if it's too personal for you
If you were in the place that the cast were(ie in the version of wonderland twisted to your deepest darkest desires/"character development"), what would your character/wonderland segment be like?
I was thinking about this and I feel like mine would be similar to Gidget in terms of motivations(ie being what others wanted me to be) but instead of it being centered around gendered stereotypes mine would be the stereotypical burning out gifted kid type of trope. I'm thinking mad scientist vibes; let me explain. Because being a doctor/scientist IS usually seen as the the most "prestigous" path academically. And then the "validation" part would come from being appraised for the inventions. You could also loop back the inventions into being used to even further enhance productivity/knowledge. And, Arc 5 style, it would probably culminate in a sort of god complex/existentialism(ie "knowing too much"). Visual symbolism/monster body modification wise(because arc 5 also largely involved body horror), I'm thinking a robotic metaphor to really drive home that automation productivity type vibe. idk, just a fun concept for a character loosely based on an aspect on my life
hur dur what would be YOUR wonderland sona?/half-serious invitation
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akanemnon · 5 months ago
picking up lesslo and shaking them around like a plush toy. and then spinning them in my brain like a microwave. I forgor their gender
Drown him in milk and throw him at a wall while you're at it. He deserves it
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