#spike spiegel anon
lonichedgehog · 4 months
If you’re still taking requests, I’d love to see Spike and Jet in 80’s hoochie daddy crop tops and short jorts, for Reasons (maybe they lost a bet with Faye?)
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Included some cheesy pick-up lines as a little extra.
Thanks for the request! :>
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inkpot909 · 2 years
I loved your one shot with Spike! He was soo pure with his feelings 😭Do you have any HC’s for when Spike realizes got a crush and he’s fallen in love with them?
A/n: Thank you so much for the lovely message; I’m glad you liked the one-shot! Spike Spiegel is one of my absolute favorite characters of all time, so I was more than happy to write this request for you. I hope you enjoy!
Warning(s): Swearing.
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Falling in love overall brings out the best in Spike Spiegel. 
Having a special someone in his life gives him the extra kick in the ass he often needs to keep motivated. Not long after realizing his feelings, many aspects of his life become something done ‘for you.’
He works hard as a bounty hunter, earning money in order to have the ability to support the both of you and show off his successes (you’re just about the only member on the Bebop he willingly financially assists). Taking a more active role in caring for Ein was born purely from wanting to share the weight with you.
Now, don’t be mistaken, he’s still your lazy yet loveable Spike. But there’s added pride in what he does that wouldn’t be quite the same without you in the picture.
Spike does not shy away from flirting. It comes to him naturally, meaning he’ll flirt with you a good amount even before learning the extent of his feelings. He’s confident, has his fair share of romantic experiences, and is aware he’s the type to turn heads.
What mainly separates his treatment of you and his short-term relationships/hookups, is that he’s very reactionary. Spike deeply cares about you, so he’s going to take his time in studying your body language and responses to his flirts. He’s patient enough to put in the time, and persistent enough to put in the work.
He’ll adjust his actions according to your responses, especially if you’re shy and don’t favor getting teased in front of other people. His usual approach is quite forward, regardless of location or the people around. But if that makes you nervous, he’ll start off much more discrete. Discomforts such as those matter a lot to him, as what’s important to you is important to him. And ultimately, he hopes that you’ll return his interest. 
Not only that, but he’s a total showoff. From smoothly beating up a group of assholes, to lying about the amount of times he wins at card games with Jet. Even if you merely blush or smile, that’s good enough incentive for him. Jet once even felt the need to inform you it’s best to take what Spike tells you about his own skills with a grain of salt.
However, humor him and play along with the joke- he thinks it’s adorable. It boosts his ego, sure, but deep down he longs to know your opinion of him. Even if it’s tongue and cheek, it warms his heart to believe that you think so highly of him.
Before long, it’ll turn into a common conversation shared only between the two of you; especially when alone. It’s one of many inside jokes he’ll be sure to form with you.
Spike is also very protective. He wouldn’t ever describe himself as possessive, but he certainly likes keeping you within arms reach.
If you’re not a bounty hunter, he’s going to want to know where you are and how you’re doing quite often. Partially, he loves being your knight in shining armor, but it goes a bit deeper than that. The thought of not being able to keep you safe from his past or present… it eats away at his brain. 
But if you're a bounty hunter as well, or generally engage in a dangerous lifestyle like him, he’ll hold back just a bit. He knows you can hold your own in tough situations (undoubtedly a huge reason as to why he fell for you in the first place). He does have his moments, though, where letting you run off towards peril is done begrudgingly. It’s hypocritical of him, but he cannot stand whenever you leave the Bebop without telling him beforehand. Spike could care less if Faye or Jet know about where you rush off to; just be sure to let him know. He’ll grow sick with worry if you’re gone for days on end, and isn’t above lecturing you on your recklessness.  
Initially, it will admittedly take some time for him to realize how he feels about you. Especially if you meet after Julia’s unfortunate end, he’ll be closed off from his own emotions.
Regardless of that, he’s going to need a bit of a push. The life of a bounty hunter isn’t exactly a glamorous one, and he finds it difficult to deny his own hesitance over long-term relationships.
Luckily, the step he needs to take isn’t a large one. Just a moment of clarity; a skip of his heart beat. Full understanding of the warmth that builds within his chest every time you’re together practically comes at him with a steel chair. It was on an average afternoon, after having caught a decently-sized bounty:
With his chin held up, a cheeky whistle plays on Spike’s lips. Passers by give him a variety of strange looks, turned off by the tied-up man he’s practically dragging behind him. John Pilgrim was the name; a rowdy criminal with a shiny price tag attached to his person.
He tugs at his binds, letting out an obnoxious curse towards the bounty hunter. A mother walking by gives both him and Spike a disgusted look, covering her small child’s ears. Smiling casually, Spike gives her a nod and a pleasant “Howdy.”
Turning a corner, the Bebop is sitting just yards away. Ein’s excited barks quickly reach his ears; running circles around the ship's landing site. Ed is dancing around the chipper dog, cartwheeling and mimicking Ein’s yips. Jet is tinkering with Faye’s personal ship, a large frown on his face. You’re standing beside him, holding a bright red toolbox and observing his work in silent awe. 
Glancing at Ein, Jet raises a brow. Searching for the source of the dog’s glee, Jet is the first to notice Spike’s return. “Oi, Spike!” Jet calls out, immediately removing himself from Faye’s trashed ship. Ed stops cartwheeling, and your head perks up. 
“Spike!” you squeak. Your hands both clasp over your heart, dropping the toolbox on top of Jet’s foot.
“Yowch! Fuck!” the older man shouts, inhaling a sharp breath. His knee bends upward, hopping on one foot as he mumbles more curses and profanities underneath his breath. Ed erupts in laughter, pointing at Jet. As always, any mocking tone in Ed’s voice is totally unintentional. “Jet Black! Jet Black! Give him some slack!”
Spike stops walking towards the Bebop, sighing. Home sweet home. 
“Spike!” you call again. His eyes search for you, having lost track of you on top of the Bebop. He’s taken aback upon spotting you running towards him on ground-level. “You’re okay!” you pant, slowing to a stop in front of him before long. You clutch your stomach, having rushed yourself off the Bebop in mere seconds. 
“Whoa, whoa, of course I’m alright,” he chuckled, nodding towards his annoyed captive. “Got the job all done and everything.” 
“Well-...” you pause in order to take a breath, “You’d stopped responding to us. I figure that’s also why you don’t have your racer?” 
He nods, “Yeah; I’m sure Jet will be happy to repair it when he’s done cleaning up Faye’s mess.” 
You giggle, covering a hand over your mouth. Tilting your head to the side, you tell him earnestly, “I’m really so glad you’re safe… I was damn near ready to head out and look for you myself. Next time, tell us you’re abandoning your vehicle. Don’t get me so concerned! I worry about you, you know.” 
Spike’s eyebrows rise in unison, and both his hands release any tension. Now… that’s real interesting. ‘I worry about you…’ your words echo in his mind. Briefly, he recalls past missions. You always are the first to greet him whenever he returns. A bright smile is spread on your lips regardless of whether or not the bounty was caught. Even if the others are annoyed, it never halts your expressed happiness. You’ve even engulfed him in tight hugs before, so thankful that in your joy, you’ve damn near thrown yourself at him.
‘I worry about you…’ 
Heat rushes to Spike’s cheeks. In slow motion, he watches you race back towards the Bebop. You’re going off about how you’re going to “tell Faye you’re back safe and sound!” but the majority of what you say flies over his head. Your arms spread wide and chin tilts upwards. Inspecting your body language, Spike swallows a gulp of spit.
Why hadn’t you hugged him this time if you were so concerned? He wouldn’t oppose it. No, he wouldn’t. In fact, his heart pounds desperately against his ribcage just imagining you taking the opportunity. Your arms wrapped around him, head buried in the crook of his neck, and the both of you sharing each others’ warmth. Even if it lasts for a moment…
Turning back to him, your smile falls. “Spike!” you exclaim, frantically tripping over your own feet as you stumble into another run.
Chuckling, Spike closes his eyes. In dramatic fashion, he opens his arms for you to rush into. He ignores his flushing cheeks, and pushing through the possibility of Jet or Ed watching him act like some romantic gush. Instead, he braces himself for impact.
Running footsteps blitz right past him, leaving his arms empty, and a tiny gust of wind fanning his face. “Huh?” Spike blurts, turning. 
You’re running after John Pilgrim, wiggling away as discreetly as he can muster. He’s still bound up, but while Spike got lost in his thoughts, he’d slipped from the bounty hunter’s grasp with ease. You barely manage to keep up but with a single lunge forward, you tackle the man to the ground. He struggles against your grip, but you keep him pinned down, a feat made easier due to his restraints. “Spike!” you yell, “Why the hell did you let him go!?” 
“Shit!” Spike exclaims, jerking his body forward and chasing after you. 
After that day, Spike Spiegel no longer can define his feelings for you as anything other than affectionate and loving. It’s so clear to him at that point he’s nearly ashamed to have not understood before.
But being in such a state of mind allows hope to flood his heart, so he doesn’t get hung up on the fact. Instead, he immediately starts making up for lost time.
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thus-spoke-lo · 1 year
I think some people only see Sanji as his lovestruck reactions rather than his scary cool and calm regular demeanor. Maybe i'm just a hopeless bottom but omg he's so sexy when he just stands there ready to fight with his long legs and his gloves with a cigarette between his lips. Omg.
Sanji finding you cornered in an alleyway by some creepy pirates who are trying to get in your pants and showing off the power of his kicks. Being so cool and suave, beating the gross pirates to a pulp while one arm stays wrapped around your waist to keep you close. They're lucky he doesn't kill them. (He would if you asked him to)
Once they finally crawl themselves away Sanji takes a drag before he's alerted to you gripping his jacket, tiny little sobs wracking through your chest. He pushes your hair back and tilts your chin up at him as he pulls you close. "Whats wrong my dear? They didn't hurt you did they?" You can hear the anger in his voice.
You shake your head against him. "I was just so scared." He pulls you into a hug against his chest as he runs his hands through your hair. "If you hadn't have gotten here in time..-"
"I did get here in time. And I always will."
Suave and smooth Sanji does something to me that sets feminism back 50 years. That long, lean, suited silhouette, illuminated by the brief flash of his lighter, smoke drifting above him and circling him in a light haze. The way he’s so protective, not letting you out of his sight again if he can help it, willing to do whatever it takes to keep you safe… 😭
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hartxstarr · 2 years
to that one anon who said my old chucker fics are good: thank you.
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l0v3tast3 · 1 year
i hope your wrist feels better! and your spike spiegel story is fantastic 🫶🏻 it's my new favorite 💗🎀💖
JKLDSF ANON THANK YOU I LOVE SPIKE SM i need to write for him again asap !!! i'm so glad you like it so much (´꒳`)♡ and thank u for the good health wishes your lovely energy helped me to heal fast <<<333
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manias-wordcount · 15 days
HAII! i love your spike spiegel fics <3 i always look forward to them!! hehehehe!! i was wondering how to join the spike lovers tag list if ever :o?
for that, you just need to either message me or send me an ask using while not as an anon
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urfavhasnpd · 6 months
Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop has NPD!!
queued!!!! LOVEEE this one oh my god hes literally so npd its insane ily anon
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proshippersstimming · 2 years
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Spike Spiegel with yandere themes for anon!
❤️ 🩸 ❤️ / 🔫 🚬 🔫 / ❤️ 🩸 ❤️
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tarot questions: the magician, the moon, the lovers, the empress.
Ah, a romantic Anon! Let me do my best to answer these questions with my absolute dearth of romantic feelings or experience…
The Magician: Have you ever written a poem or song about somebody else?
Yes, but never ones I’d show to anyone else (subject of the poem or otherwise).
Unless you count this poem I wrote about Chris Pine when I was 12:
I pine for Chris Pine!
I want him to be mine!
I think he’s rather fine,
And really quite divine!
And when the stars align,
Chris Pine will be mine!
And when I learn he’s taken…
That’s so far in the past at this point that it’s circled back from being cringey and embarrassing to being…well, still cringey and embarrassing, but I can laugh about it and share it with others. (And even then I wasn’t writing it completely in earnest—it was meant to be funny and badly-written.)
The Moon: Have you ever written a love letter?
Nope. Never really had occasion or reason to. (Not even fan mail to Chris Pine!)
The Lovers: Do you have a crush?
Yes! He’s tall, and dark-haired, and has a lovely low voice, and he’s 27 years old (a little old for me, I know), and he works as a bounty hunter in space and his name’s Spike Spiegel and…
Okay, fine. In all seriousness, no. I’ve had lots of fictional and celebrity crushes (Chris Pine among them!), but never a crush on a real, attainable person. And anyway, looking back, I feel like a lot of those fictional and celebrity crushes were actually just obsessive/hyperfixation feelings I wasn’t sure how to label. Like, I don’t think I actually had a crush on Harry Potter at age 10, I think I was just obsessed with the Harry Potter series in general.
The Empress: Do you think you will ever get married?
Oh, God. Uh. Maybe????
I would love to get married and start a family someday. I read romance novels or watch rom-coms and it just makes me want a partner, if only to feel all the happy romantic feelings I’ve been missing out on. I watch the happy little kids on Bluey or read parenting magazines/advice columns (a weird hobby of mine) and it reiterates to me how much I’d like to raise children someday, even though I’m terrified of the possibility of messing them up. I do want that in my future. (I don’t necessarily want to have sex or be pregnant, though; if I do have kids, I plan to adopt them.)
BUT, right now, marriage isn’t really something I can envision. Getting married to someone typically necessitates falling in love first, right? And I’ve never even had a crush, much less fallen in love, much less had someone I could call a boyfriend/girlfriend/partner or initiated a kiss. And sometimes this worries me—like I’m losing track of the trajectory to Adulthood™️ and at this rate I won’t find a life partner at the Normal, Expected Adult Age™️. I mean, obviously, as I said in the tags of this post, I’m not expecting to have found the one when I’m only 20, but haven’t most people my age had at least one relationship or crush? Felt something? Haven’t they at least had some practice?
But the thing is…as I currently understand it, romance, or those “happy romantic feelings I’ve been missing out on,” isn’t something you can control. You can’t turn it on and off at will like a faucet; you can’t just decide to have romantic feelings for someone. Trust me, if I could, I would have! This is why my current conception of my sexual identity is “asexual???????”, complete with all those question marks—maybe the clichés are right and I am just a late bloomer, or I haven’t found the right person yet.
And I hate the idea of spending the rest of my life waiting, and waiting, and waiting for that ever-elusive and possibly nonexistent “right person” to come along; trying to get those romantic feelings (that sound so wonderful in books!) to stir up in me when I’m not sure they even can. But at the same time, I don’t want to completely cut off the possibility of romance in my future, or just have a marriage of convenience/for tax benefits. And I never, ever, ever want someone to pressure me into doing romantic or sexual things with them after I have made it very clear that I don’t feel that way. Never.
So I guess all I can do for now is keep reading those romance novels, and wonder, and wait.
[Tarot Questions]
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lostbluejayart · 9 months
i like following you bc your art is so..soft? it feels like all dreamy. I'm definitely staying bc you seem super sweet n chill. also also, its nice seeing another poc who has a f/o crush! a looong time ago i felt so ick and weird bc of it, now im happy. skin glowing. staying hydrated and in my lane, lol.
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Oh anon babe??? That makes me soo happy to hear! I do tend to go for an abstract, dreamy look whenever I put something together. And at times I may not even know what background I may end up with until later! lol
But aww gosh TwT I try my best <333 And yes yes I do got a crush on Spike Spiegel...the first in a long time since I had an anime crush, who would'a thought??? Not me (Paul Rudd meme) But also using my oc write up fanfics with as well! Which has been really fun!
But love, don't feel bad or ick about it :(( It's all for your enjoyment and a way to show your appreciate and love for your fav character <333
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roosterforme · 2 years
Share ten different favorite characters from ten different pieces of media in no particular order, then send this to 10 people (anon or not, your choice) 🎥🎬📺
Hey, Bella! This was fun, thank you!
Bradley Bradshaw (Top Gun)
Kaz Brekker (Six of Crows)
Spike Spiegel (Cowboy Bebop)
Poe Dameron (Star Wars)
Scott Lang (MCU)
Velma Dinkley (Scooby-Doo)
Will Turner (Pirates of the Caribbean)
Arwen (Lord of the Rings)
Mulan (Mulan)
George Weasley (Harry Potter)
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sunflowersareonfire · 2 years
Hello! Welcome to my page. Here's the thing, I'm just here for fun. This is my third or fourth account on Tumblr, and I've been on this website since 2009. Mostly I just stick to my aesthetic which is mostly books, nature, quotes, politics, shenanigans, and art. Very rarely will there be NSFW content, but sometimes that may be the case so probably best to stay away if you are not into that. Minors are not welcome (you will be blocked).
I don't dilly dally with blank or ageless blogs. My profile picture is not of me (it is a drawing of Spike Spiegel that I did). I don't generally post pictures of me on here, but if it's really important to you you can DM me.
I read. A lot. I have two three cats. Sometimes I play video games. I try not to take life too seriously. I work in the field of mental health and policy analysis, and I volunteer when I can. I try to put in to the world what I want to get out of it.
Feel free to message me, leave anons, ask questions, etc.
Tags of interest:
Personal - If you want to get to know who I am a little more Music - All of my music tastes, which is ever evolving Asks & Answers - Self explanatory
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uncannylaw · 1 year
anon #1 wit some random shit
Okay, I have no idea if you’re into Cowboy Bebop or not, but hear me out. Spike Spiegel. HIS (DUB) VOICE. LAWDDDDDDD HAVE MERCYYYYY
thank you for your time. ☺️😇
No bc you’re so real anon, his voice does things to me. And then the hair, the suit + his personality, he is fo’sho a panty droppa
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Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop has read My Immortal!
Requested by anon
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xospike · 9 days
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❤ directory ❤
#vinnie.txt - personal blogging
#vinnie.mp4 - writing/fics
#vinnie.reblogs - reblogs
#vinnie.psa - important announcements
#vinnie.oomfs - anything for/by my moots/anons
#vinnie.events - events i've participated in/hosted
#vinnie.nav - navigation post
#mrs.spiegel - vinnie x spike spiegel (self-ship)
#mrs.dehya - vinnie x dehya (self-ship)
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kaiyaki-sano · 3 years
What is a little whore like you doing running around with all those little boys? It's so pathetic how you whimper on my hard cock, while I am choking you. God you fucking love it don't you? Your pussy juices coating my thick cock while I pull on your hair? You screaming my name as loud as you possibly can, like you fucking own me. You don't though do you? Cause when we see each other on the street, I don't even see you... I don't acknowledge you exist, and you love it.
Don't I? Sure, you don't acknowledge me on the street, but you always stare. I know what you're thinking about when you're trying to pretend you don't care I exist. Leaving marks on me, places you know people will see, you want it to be known that I'm yours don't you?
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