#spicy takes that I won't at all come to regret
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adickaboutspoons · 1 year ago
Fuck me, I have more to say about this moment:
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And it's gonna get ugly, folks, so buckle in. As important as it is to understand this scene as a moment of Character Growth for Stede? It's also key to understanding Why Shit Went Down the way it did during the negotiation of the escape plan in Act of Grace. So Stede stands up for himself and draws some boundaries. Good for him! Love to see it. And how does Ed respond to "I don't like who you are around this guy?"
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And what does he say when he chooses to leave with Jack?
It's a through-line. In this moment, Ed is calling back to the conversation on the beach. I don't think he is being intentionally cruel - to him, what he's saying is more of a reflection of his struggles with feelings of worthlessness - but how can Stede help but make the association; the ONE TIME he draws boundaries with Ed, Ed leaves. Not only does Ed choose to go, rather than stay and respect Stede's boundaries (which, I would argue are completely reasonable here; Don't wantonly kill innocent animals), he is aligning himself with the man that has spent the entire day tormenting Stede ("This" - Jack killing Karl - "is who I am"). Again, I'm not saying that he's being intentionally cruel; I don't think he fully understands how awful Jack has been to Stede. But, surely you can see how, from Stede's perspective, this is absolutely DEVASTATING - much more than JUST the heartbreak of the man that you had so recently made tentative plans to join your life with ("Co-Captains!") breaking up with you. But breaking up with you AND CHOOSING ONE OF THE WORST PEOPLE YOU KNOW OVER YOU.
So now we come to the Act of Grace and the scene on the beach:
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No, AFTER that.
Ed proposes a plan to run away together. And Stede... doesn't say yes. In fact, his first instinct is to push back, THREE TIMES.
"But you said there was no escape."
"What about the English? They'll be all over us."
"China? That's quite far away."
Every time Ed dismisses his concerns - comes up with a reason to make the plan A Thing. Ed is clearly not going to take "no" for an answer.
And what happened the last time Stede told him no?
Ed left.
Ed broke his heart.
Ed sided with the kind of person that validates Stede's every insecurity about not being enough.
So is it any wonder that Stede gives in? And not even with enthusiastic consent. With the most tepid positive-leaning neutral responses possible.
"I think so."
(Which is to say nothing about his body language - the incredulous-bordering-on-disgusted face he makes when he talks about China, his lips pressed together when he says "Mm-hm", the way he starts the conversation leaning in toward Ed, his body twisted toward him, but quickly shifts so his body is angled straight ahead with his head awkwardly twisted to the side to look at Ed)
The seeds of tragedy were planted when Ed left Stede. Because, by doing so, he accidentally reinforced a lifetime of Stede being taught that his wants and needs are secondary to those of others, and that acceptance is conditional on compliance.
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nerdygirlramblings · 1 month ago
continuing adventures of omega!soldier
Given the conversation you'd had with them that morning, none of your squad is surprised by your decision when you join them for lunch. You see a few looking relieved, and while it stings, you don't fault them. You know it's only a taste of the battle you'll have to prove you're worthy of being part of the 141. Still, you feel uneasy leaving them, not knowing what kind of CO will take your place, decide you'll work with Captain Price to find a good replacement. Someone who won't end up running poor Geoffrey out of the service. Someone whose secondary gender might be a leg up for your most promising recruits.
You've been carrying the signed transfer papers since talking to your parents, but they feel like they're burning a hole in your trousers. You'd stared at your signature on them all afternoon. You don't, couldn't, regret your decision, but you have an irrational fear that something will happen to them if you don't deliver them to Captain Price before the ink dries, so to speak.
The walk from the mess to Captain Price's office feels simultaneously like the longest walk you've ever taken and one that's over before it starts.
Once in the right building, you find his office without issue and raise your hand to knock. You hear your raps echo hollowly on the other side of the door, but there's no other sound, no other movement. You never considered he might not be in his office. You can feel your hands get clammy, and you work to control your scent. There's no need to flood the hallway with your distress. You refuse to give into panic, remembering the good-looking assistant whose desk you passed on your way in.
You walk back down the hall to the handsome beta, his calming sent of fresh lemons and cinnamon, a homey, spicy blend, permeating the space, and wait a few moments until he notices you. When he glances up from the document he's poring through and over towards his computer screen, he finally sees you hovering/ Smiles brightly, he asks, "How can I help you?"
You shuffle a moment and glance down at your feet, surreptitiously wiping your hands against your thighs and reply, "Well, er, I was lookin' for Captain Price?" You only hope this man knows where he is.
Curiosity races its way across the beta's face before he locks down his expression. "Captain Price doesn't come into the office unless he has to, ma'am. Can I help you with something?" He's polite, but his scent has shifted ever so slightly. In addition to the comforting scents of lemon and cinnamon, there's now a subtly bitter scent of coffee or burnt brown sugar. Your presence is clearly unexpected.
You hurry to say, "Oh, I have some paperwork for 'im."
Recognition flashes in his eyes. "You're the omega, aren't you?" he whispers in an excited rush. He leans forward as if to share a secret. "He did say if you came by to make sure I bring you to the task force's barracks." His eyes sparkle playfully, and the lemon and cinnamon are now accompanied by the thick scent of buttercream. He taps his keyboard a few times, slides the papers he had on the desk into the drawer, and quickly stands. He's taller than you, but not by much, not like the other members of the 141. As he comes around the edge of the desk, he loops his arm with yours.
He begins steering you out of the office building and around to the barracks on the other side of base. "Name's Adam, and I do most of the boring stuff for the 141. and some of the other specialized groups on campus. I'm the one you give your leave paperwork to or incident reports, requisition requests, things like that." He gently squeezes his arm against yours. "I have to say, I haven't seen Price or the others this excited in a good long while. But don't tell them I said that!" He looks a little scandalized about having shared so much with you so quickly.
You smile at Adam. "I won't," you chuckle. "Are...are ya part 'a the pack too?" You remember Captain Price telling you the task force was a pack but that one didn't require the other. If Adam works closely with them, it stands to reason he might be.
"Oh no! No," he says quickly, catching your stricken look out of the corner of his eye. "Oh! No, I mean, not that I wouldn't have been interested, once upon a time. But I have my own pack. My alpha and another beta are military here on base, and our omega works in town."
You're a little placated, but Adam's comments do make you more wary of being part of their pack, something your omega whines about. He must notice your hesitation because he rushes on. "They're a good pack. Captain Price is a great leader. He keeps them in line both on and off the field, and with such big personalities, even from their betas, it's a job of its own. You wouldn't think two big alphas like him and Ghost could be in a pack without trying to kill each other, but it works. Then you throw in the bundle of energy of Sergeant MacTavish, and it's a whole other story."
You're so taken with how bright and open he is you don't realize you've stopped walking until you're standing at a nondescript door on a smaller building simply labeled 'TF 141.' Adam knocks three times in quick succession, waits, knocks three more times, and throws open the door. His voice echoes in the part of the building you can see as he calls out, "Captain Price, got a lovely, lethal Sergeant here who says she's got some papers for you!" Then he gives you a conspiratorial wink and turns on his heel, walking quickly back in the direction of the base offices.
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citysuk · 6 months ago
echoes of us | anakin skywalker
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pairing: anakin skywalker x fem!reader
summary: anakin has spent the last four years away from you, consumed by his duties as a jedi, trying to move past the pain of your departure. although seeing you again wasn't something that he was expecting, the reunion leads to a tense confrontation, where anakin's deep-seated feelings clash with his lover's sense of duty, highlighting the tragic consequences of their forbidden relationship.
words: 7,1k words (oops)
warnings: please, you already know me so ANGST. kinda manipulative anakin¿ only a little bit. stubborn reader for the sake of the plot, i'm sorry (i'm not). a little bit of spicy hehehhe. no smut tho. no use of y/n but no oc neither. no proofread. i won't say a word about the finale so read to know what happens at the end 😤
notes: i just- (SATURATED SCREAMS). i'm on a star wars binge and i just couldn't help myself, i needed to write this. all i want in life is someone to love me like anakin loves her.
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It's been four long years since you left, and Anakin Skywalker has tried to move on with his life. He throws himself into his duties as a Jedi, taking on more missions and responsibilities. He pushes himself to his limits and beyond, trying to forget about the pain of losing you. But no matter how hard he tries, he can't seem to shake the memories. You're always there, lurking in the back of his mind, a constant reminder of what he lost. His heart still aches for you, and he still feels a sense of emptiness inside him.
As the years have passed, he has become more stoic, more reserved. He barely smiles anymore, and his laugh is rare. His fellow Jedi see these changes in him and wonder what has happened to make him so serious and cold. But Anakin keeps his emotions buried deep inside, never letting them surface, never letting anyone see the pain he's feeling. He's become a shadow of his former self, the bright-eyed and carefree Padawan replaced by a hardened and withdrawn Jedi Knight.
As the Clone Wars rage on, Anakin throws himself into battle, fighting with a ferocity and intensity that borders on feral. He's become a skilled and feared warrior, known for his bravery and skill, but also for his ruthless efficiency and lack of mercy towards his enemies. Even his fellow Jedi, the ones who are closest to him, cannot penetrate the shell he’s built around himself. He hides his emotions so well that it’s as if they don’t exist anymore, and no one suspects the depth of the pain he’s carrying inside him. He still feels your loss like a physical wound, and he fears that it will never heal. But he cannot let himself think of it, cannot allow himself to dwell on the past. He has a duty to the Jedi Order and the Republic, and longing can distract him from that.
So he goes through the motions of being a Jedi, fighting in the war, protecting the innocent, and doing his best to serve the greater good. But deep down, he knows that he'll never be truly happy again, that he'll carry his pain to the grave.
There are times, when he’s alone in the darkness of night, that he lets his guard down, that is when he allows his emotions to surface. And in those moments, he allows himself to think of you, to remember the happy times you had together, to ache for what might have been. But then, as the night ends and the morning comes, he pushes those thoughts away, locking them back up inside him, and he goes back to being the stoic and reserved Jedi Knight that everyone expects him to be.
And the cycle of pain and loneliness continues day after day, year after year. He keeps on living, fighting, and serving, but deep down, he knows that a part of him will always be empty, the part that you took when you left.
He wonders sometimes if you ever think of him and if you ever reflect on your time together with the same sense of melancholy and regret that he does. But he doesn’t allow himself to hope for that. It’s better to just keep pushing forward, to keep fighting the war and doing his duty.
That's until he hears the news that your father is coming to visit the Order. His heart skips a beat it's the first thing that he feels. He knows that since you went back to your planet your father never travels without you by his side, and this won't be the exception. His mind reels at the possibility of seeing you again. It’s been four years since you left to help your father in his political arrangements. Four long and lonely years. The thought of being in your presence again, even for a brief moment, fills him with a mix of emotions. Anticipation and dread, hope and fear.
He tries to keep his emotions in check, not wanting to get his hopes up too high. The idea of seeing you again after all this time is too good to be true. Besides, he knows that there is a small chance that you will not come to the temple, but he decides to embrace the possibility of at least seeing you.
When the masters of the Order confirmed that you would arrive with your father, he couldn't help but feel a rush of adrenaline running through his whole body. There's gotta be some sort of catch in this whole situation. But the more he thinks about it, the more he wants it and needs it.
As the day of your arrival approaches, he can't help but feel anxious. He doesn't know what to expect, how he'll react when he sees you. Will he be able to keep his emotions in check? Or will they surface in a wave of longing and regret? He tries to prepare himself, to steel himself for the moment. He tells himself it's just a visit, that it doesn't mean anything. But deep down, he knows that's not true. He's been waiting for this moment for years, and he can't deny the excitement and anticipation that's building inside him.
When the day finally arrives, he waits anxiously in the Temple, trying to remain calm. But his heart is racing, his palms are sweaty, and he can barely keep still. He's acutely aware of every passing moment, every second that brings him closer to seeing you again. His fellow Jedi notice his change in demeanor. He's usually so stoic and collected, but now he's jittery and restless, out of character for him. They wonder what could be causing this change, and they eye him with curious and sometimes amused glances. But Anakin ignores them, his thoughts solely focused on the moment ahead. He rehearses different scenarios in his head, trying to figure out how he’ll act when he sees you. But no matter how he imagines it, he can’t quite predict what will happen. The thought of facing you again after so long both thrills and terrifies him.
And then, finally, the moment arrives. He sees you walking through the Temple, in the company of your father and a few other dignitaries. The sight of you takes his breath away. You’ve grown, your features more mature and defined. But the sight of you holding the hand of another young politician he heard being called Kenth Cardas it's what makes him feel sick to the stomach. His heart clenches as he watches you, a sudden realization hitting him like a knife to the heart. You’re with someone else. Another man. And the pain that washes over him is sharper and more intense than any pain he’s ever felt before.
It takes all his willpower to keep his composure, to keep the expression of his face neutral. But inside, he’s seething with jealousy and hurt. He had been hoping, even expecting, for you to be single.
The thought of another man’s hands on you, another man’s eyes taking in your beauty, it’s almost too much for him to bear. He watches as you, your father, and your companion make your way through the Temple, greeting the Jedi and discussing diplomatic matters. Every step you take, every word you utter, it feels like the knife is being twisted in his heart. He wants to walk up to you, to pull you away from the other man and take you for himself. But he knows that’s not an option. You’re not his. You never were.
The scene is too abhorrent for him, he cannot bear another second of seeing you with another man that isn't him. With a lump in his throat and tears of frustration pricking at his eyes, Anakin turns and strides away from the scene, the sound of your laugh following him as he goes. He can’t stay there, can’t watch you pretending to be happy with someone else. It’s too painful, too agonizing. He needs to get away, to be alone, and try to process the torrent of emotions that threatens to overwhelm him. He heads to one of the quieter parts of the Temple, a place where he can be alone and try to get his emotions under control. He leans against the cold stone wall, his hands clenching into fists. He tries to push the image of you with another man out of his mind, but it’s burned into his memory, seared into his eyeballs. He’s never felt this level of jealousy and hurt before, and he doesn’t know how to deal with it. He feels like he’s unraveling like everything he’s worked to keep under control is suddenly slipping through his fingers. He punches the wall in impotent rage, the pain in his knuckles a welcome distraction from the pain in his heart. He wants to scream, to shout, to let out all the emotions that are boiling inside him. He stays still there for a few minutes which seems like hours, until he feels a presence behind him.
He turns, his heart racing as he senses who it is. And sure enough, there you are, standing a few feet away from him, looking at him with a mixture of concern and uncertainty. An uncomfortable silence settles between them as they stare at each other. The air is thick with emotion and tension, and Anakin feels his heart thudding in his chest. He doesn’t know what to say, or how to react.
He studies you as you stand there, his eyes roving over your face, taking in every detail. You’re even more beautiful than he remembers, but there’s a sense of sadness and resignation in your eyes that he doesn’t quite understand. He wants to say something, to break the silence that hangs between you like a thick fog. But the words stick in his throat, and he can’t force them out. Instead, he just stands there, staring at you like an idiot.
Taking a deep breath, you break the silence, your voice soft and hesitant. “Ani... Can I talk to you? For a moment.”
Anakin nods, barely able to speak. His heart is racing, his mind spinning. He can’t believe you’re really standing here in front of him, that he’s actually talking to you again after all this time. “Of course,” he manages to say, his voice rough and raspy.
You take another step closer, the distance between you feeling like an eternity. You look up at him, your eyes searching his face as if you’re looking for something. “It’s been a long time, you've grown,” you say, your voice barely above a whisper.
He nods again, feeling a lump in his throat. He wants to tell you how much he’s missed you, how many nights he’s spent thinking of you, yearning for you. But the words won’t come. He’s scared, scared to show you the depth of his feelings, scared that you’ll reject him. “Yeah, it has,” he manages to reply, his voice flat and emotionless.
You notice his tone, the way he’s putting up his walls, trying to keep his emotions in check. You know him too well, you can sense how he was feeling, the storm of emotions raging inside him. But you also know how stubborn he can be, how he’s willing to suffer in silence rather than admit his true feelings. You take another step closer, closing the distance between you even further. You reach out to touch his arm, your hand tentative and gentle, like you’re handling a wild animal. He freezes at your touch, his breath catching in his throat. He can feel the heat of your hand through the fabric of his sleeve, the warmth of your touch seeping into his skin. He wants to reach out and pull you to him, bury his face in your hair, and breathe in your scent. But he stands still, frozen in the moment, unable to move. You can feel his tension, the way his body is coiled tight like a spring. But you can also see the flicker of emotions in his eyes, the way his walls are crumbling as he stares at you. You know that underneath the hard exterior, there’s a part of him that’s aching to be let out, yearning for affection and connection.
You move closer still, your hand still gently resting on his arm. You’re so close now that he can feel your breath on his skin, the warmth of your body almost touching his. He shivers involuntarily, overwhelmed by your proximity. He wants to pull you to him, to hold you tight, and never let you go. He looks down at you, his eyes roving over your face, taking in every detail. He notices the flecks of gold in your eyes, the slight blush on your cheeks, the curve of your lips. It’s all he can do to keep his composure, to keep his emotions in check. But seeing you this close to him, feeling your touch on his skin, it’s like a dam breaking inside him. He takes a shuddering breath, trying to steady himself. He wants to tell you how much he’s missed you, how much he’s still in love with you, and how much he’s been hurting since you left. But the words won’t come, stuck in his throat like they’re glued there.
He’s torn between the conflicting desires to push you away and to pull you closer. Part of him wants to protect himself from further hurt, but a greater part of him is desperate to have you close, to feel your touch, and to hear your voice. He stands there, caught in an agony of indecision, his heart and his mind warring with each other. He wants to do the right thing, the sensible thing. But when it comes to you, he’s never been able to do what’s smart or pragmatic. He’s always been guided by his emotions, and right now, his emotions are screaming at him to take what he wants, consequences be damned. He can feel his resolve weakening, the walls he’s built around his heart crumbling. He’s always been a man of action, but right now, he doesn't know what to do.
You look up at him, your heart racing in your chest. You can sense the turmoil inside him, the storm of emotions raging in his eyes. You know that he’s struggling to keep his composure, but you also know how much he’s hurting. You take a deep breath, summoning up the courage to say what you need to say. “Ani, I didn’t forget the time we spent together, the promises we made.”
His eyes widen at your words, his heart skipping a beat. He hadn’t expected you to say that, to admit that you’ve been thinking of him all this time. He feels a surge of hope and longing rise in his chest, his breath catching in his throat. You pressed on, your voice was soft but firm. “The friendship we maintained for so many years will always be marked in my mind, no matter where I am.”
He feels his heart skip a beat at your words. It’s what he’s wanted to hear for so long, the confirmation that you still think of him, that there’s still a chance for them.
He stands there, frozen in the moment, caught between the desire to pull you to him and the fear that if he does, it will only end in heartbreak. He doesn’t know what to say, or how to react. He feels like he’s in a dream like this isn’t happening.
He looks down at you, his eyes roving over your face. He sees the honesty and vulnerability you’re showing him. He wants to believe you, he wants to let himself hope. But he can’t shake the feeling that this is just a cruel trick, the vision of you holding that man's hand it's something that he can't shake off his head. He feels that he’s going to wake up any minute and find himself alone again.
He starts to pull away, his walls going up again. “I don’t believe you,” he says, his voice cold and distant.
Your eyes widen at his words, your heart sinking at the tone of his voice. You had expected some resistance, but you didn’t expect him to deny your feelings outright. "What I'm saying it's truthful, I never stopped thinking about you"
He shakes his head, his eyes hard and cold. He wants to push you away, to protect himself from the pain. “I don’t want to hear it,” he says gruffly. “It’s too late, it’s been four years. You made your choice when I asked you to stay but you left.”
You blink back tears at his words, the hurt and anger in his voice like a knife to your gut. You had hoped that he would understand, that he would see how much you still cared for him. “You know that what we were feeling exceeded friendliness and was wrong, the attachments are prohibited. This was for something bigger than you and me both,” you say, looking at him almost guilty.
He scoffs at your words, his anger rising. “Don’t talk to me about attachments. I know the Code, I know about the stupid rules. But don’t tell me that what we had meant anything to you since you come here now holding another man's hand.” Anakin is seething with jealousy now, his hands clenching into fists. The thought of you with another man, another man touching you and holding you, it’s more than he can bear. He wants to grab you and shake you, to make you understand how much the sight of you with someone else hurts him.
He takes a step closer, looming over you. He’s taller and stronger than you, and he towers above you, his presence intimidating. “Tell me the truth,” he growls. “Did you ever really love me, or was it all just a lie?”
Your heart is racing in your chest as he looms over you, his eyes flashing with anger and hurt. You can feel the tension in the air, the danger and volatility of the situation. “Of course I loved you,” you say, your voice shaking just a little. “I loved you with all my heart, and I still do.”
He sneers at your words, his face twisting into a cruel smile. He doesn’t believe you, doesn’t want to believe you. It’s easier to think that you’re lying, that you never really loved him at all. “Prove it,” he snaps. “Prove that you love me.”
You’re taken aback by his challenge, his demand. You didn’t expect him to ask you to prove your feelings, to put them to the test. “What… what do you mean, prove it?” you ask, your voice small and uncertain.
He takes another step closer, his body almost touching yours. He’s so close that you can feel the heat of his skin, the tension radiating off him in waves. “Kiss me,” he says, his voice low and dangerous. “Kiss me like you mean it. Show me that you’re not just playing with me.”
Your heart skips a beat at his words, the intensity of his gaze, and the heat of his body. You’re nervous and hesitant, but you also feel a pang of longing and desire. You want to prove to him that your feelings are real, that you’re not just toying with him. You can feel his breath on your lips, the heat of his mouth just inches away from yours. "I'm engaged." You blurt out.
His face darkens at your words, the mention of your engagement like a slap in the face. He feels a surge of irrational jealousy and anger, the idea of you marrying someone else infuriating him. “So what?” he snaps. “You’re engaged to someone else, but you’re still here, standing here in front of me, telling me that you love me. Kiss me. You said you still love me. Prove it.”
You're taken aback by his insistence, his refusal to listen to reason. "It's not that simple, Ani," you say, trying to maintain your composure. "I'm with another person now, and it wouldn't be right to-"
He cuts you off, grabbing you by the wrists and pulling you to him so that your bodies are pressed together. He’s breathing heavily, his chest heaving with emotion. He’s on the edge, barely holding it together. He can feel the warmth of your body pressed against his, the scent of your skin, the beat of your heart. “Damn the rules, damn the Code,” he says, his voice low and dangerous. “I want to feel your lips on mine. I want to taste you, I want to hold you. I don’t care about anything else.”
You can see the desperation in his eyes, the hunger and need. You’re torn, part of you wants to give in to his demand, to give yourself over to the passion and desire that always existed between you. But another part of you is wary, knowing that this is dangerous, that indulging in this could lead to nothing but pain and heartache. "Ani, stop," you say, your voice gentle but firm. "We can't do this. We can't let ourselves go down this path."
He scoffs at your words, his grip on your wrists tightening. He can’t believe you’re still resisting him, still holding back when you’ve already admitted that you still love him. “Why not?” he asks, his voice a low growl. “What’s stopping us? You said you love me. You can’t deny that you want this. I can see it in your eyes.”
You feel your resolve weakening, the heat of his body and the intensity of his gaze making it hard to think straight. "I can't do this to Kenth," you say, trying to hold onto your reasoning. "I can't just throw away what I have with him. I can't hurt him like that. He's a good man."
He scoffs again, his jealousy flaring at the mention of your fiancé. To him, he's nothing more than a rival, a hindrance to what he wants. "A good man," he sneers. "What does he have that I don’t? What can he give you that I can’t?"
You take a deep breath, feeling the weight of his question. You know that your fiancé is a good person, kind and respectful, but you also know that he’s not the same as Ani. There’s something about your history with Anakin, something about the passion and intensity of your connection, that’s unique and special. “It’s not about what he has or what he can give me,” you say, your voice quiet but firm. "It's about the future and following the rules for the sake of everyone."
He feels a pang of jealousy and bitterness at your words, the idea of you building a life with someone else it's like his biggest nightmare turning into reality.
“You’re mine,” he says through clenched teeth. “You will always be mine. I don’t care about your fiancé, your future, or anything else. I only care about you. So stop thinking about what you should do, and what you shouldn’t do, and just feel. For once in your life, just let yourself feel what you know you want.”
His words strike a chord within you, the intensity and possessiveness of his declaration igniting a spark of desire deep inside you. You can feel yourself weakening, your resolve cracking under the weight of his words. “Ani, please,” you say, your voice little more than a whisper. “This isn’t fair.”His words send a shiver down your spine, the heat of his body and the strength of his grip making it impossible to resist him. You’re caught between reason and emotion, torn between your loyalty to your fiancé and the deep-seated love you still feel for him. “Please…” you whisper, your voice breaking. “You’re not thinking straight. You don’t know what you’re doing.”
He looks down at you, his eyes burning with intensity. “I know exactly what I’m doing,” he says, his voice fierce and determined. “I’m claiming what should have always been mine. I’m taking what I want. You.” He leans down, his mouth hovering mere inches from yours, his breath hot against your skin. The tension between you is electric, the air thick with desire and need. Your breath catches in your throat, your heart racing in your chest. You can feel the heat and power radiating off of him, the primal force of his need and desire nearly overpowering your senses. You know that you should resist, that you should push him away and run before it’s too late. But you can’t bring yourself to do it. Your body is drawn to his, your mind consumed with the need to feel his lips on yours.
He can see the conflict in your eyes, the battle between your loyalty and your desires. He can tell that you’re close to breaking, close to giving in to what you both want. He leans in even closer, his lips practically touching yours. “Stop fighting it,” he whispers, his voice low and sultry. “Stop trying to be strong, and just let go. I know you want this. You’ve always wanted this.“ His words send a jolt of electricity through your body, the truth of them hitting you like a ton of bricks. You know that he’s right, that deep down you’ve always wanted this, always wanted him. You know that no matter how hard you try to deny it, there will be a part of you that will always belong to him. You can feel your resistance crumbling, your body and mind completely under his control.
He senses your surrender, the last of your resistance crumbling beneath the weight of his words and his touch. He can feel the heat and desire radiating off you, the air between you electric and charged. Without another word, he closes the tiny gap between you and captures your lips with his own. The moment his lips meet yours, it’s like a circuit is completed. The floodgates of long-suppressed desire burst open, and you kiss him back with a passion that takes your breath away. It’s like nothing you’ve ever experienced before, the intensity and heat of it like a storm, crashing over you and consuming you whole. You respond to the kiss with equal hunger and fervor, his hands moving to cup your face, to pull you closer to him. He wants to devour you, to possess you completely. He can feel the tension building between you, the passion and need threatening to overwhelm you both.
You wrap your arms around him, pulling him towards you and molding your body against his. You can feel his strength, his power, the taut muscles of his back, and the heat of his skin beneath his robes. The kiss deepens, your mouths moving together in a dance of desire and need. Your hearts are racing, your bodies electrified by the heat of the kiss.
You feel the possessive urgency in his touch, the hunger and need in his every movement. You can feel the jealousy and the anger, the primal need to possess you completely. And despite yourself, you feel your body responding to his touch, igniting a fire deep within you that you thought was long extinguished.
He breaks the kiss, his eyes burning into yours, his body still pressing you against the wall. He’s panting, his breathing ragged and uneven, his body vibrating with need. “You’re mine,” he growls, his voice raw and hoarse. “No one else is ever going to touch you, no one else is going to have you. I want you to leave him.“
Your mind is hazy, your thoughts clouded by the heat and desire coursing through your body. You know that you should resist him, however, you want to tell him that he owns your body and soul completely. But your mind betrays you, your words coming out in little more than a breath. "I... I can't," you whisper, your voice trembling.
The words are like a cold bucket of water to his face, his eyes flashing with a mixture of hurt and anger. He pulls back from you slightly, his hands still on your hips, anchoring you to the wall. “Why not?” he bites out, his voice rough and sharp. “What’s stopping you?“
You try to find the words to explain, to tell him that it’s too much, that you’re still engaged to someone else. But before you can form the words, he’s leaning back in, his body pressing against yours once again. “Tell me,” he says, his voice a low growl in your ear. “Tell me why you can’t be mine. I want to hear you say it.“ The heat and desire that was coursing through you moments ago has faded, replaced by a sense of guilt and confusion. You know that you should put your foot down, that you should remind him of your engagement. But you’re finding it increasingly hard to think straight as he presses his body against yours, his voice a seductive whisper in your ear. “It's a political arrangement.” You manage to say, the words coming out in a shaky breath.
A low, possessive growl escapes his throat as he hears your words. "What do you mean, a 'political arrangement'?" he snaps, his hands tightening on your hips. "Explain."
You take a shaky breath, your body still pressed against the cool surface of the wall. The primal possessiveness of his touch sends a shiver down your spine. “My marriage. It’s an arrangement made by our families,” you explain, your voice barely above a whisper. “It’s meant to strengthen our families’ political relationships.”
His jaw clenches at your words. The thought of you entering into a political arrangement with someone else, someone who didn’t deserve you, is enough to make his blood boil. He moves his body impossibly closer, his hands shifting to cup your face, his voice a low growl. “So your family basically sold you to someone else for political gain?”
Your heart sinks at the harsh truth of his words. In the back of your mind, you’ve always known that the engagement was more about politics than love. But the truth hurts, especially hearing it said out loud. You can feel the tension and possessive anger in his body, the way his body is pressed against yours like a cage. You know he’s not going to let this go easily. You nod, your voice barely above a whisper. “Essentially, yes.“
His mind reels at your admission, his anger and jealousy growing even stronger. He can’t believe that your family would treat you like a bargaining chip like a possession to be traded away for political gain. “And you agreed to this?” he practically spits out, his voice thick with anger. “You agreed to marry someone you don’t even love?“
Your heart twists at the anger and hurt in his voice, but you can’t deny the truth of his words. You did agree to marry someone you don’t love, all because of your family’s political aspirations. You nod again, your eyes downcast. You’re ashamed and embarrassed, and guilt washes over you like a wave. You know you’ve hurt him by agreeing to marry someone else, but you don’t know how to fix it.
He pulls back slightly, his hands falling from your face. He feels a mix of anger, hurt, and jealousy coursing through him, the primal possessiveness warring with the need to protect you. “So you’re going to marry him?” he asks, his voice low and hoarse. “You’re going to spend the rest of your life with someone you don’t even love? Are you gonna be happy with that?“
You find yourself unable to meet his gaze. You’ve never thought about it that way before, but there isn't much that you can do. You shake your head slowly, your voice barely above a whisper. “It's the best outcome for everyone. For my family, the Order, the Force... and for you.“
His jaw clamps shut at your words, a surge of anger and frustration coursing through him. The thought of you marrying someone else, settling for a life that is anything less than what you deserve, is unbearable to him. “Best outcome for everyone?” he grits out, his voice raw with emotion. “Except for you. What about what you want? What about your happiness?“ His words sting bitterly, the shame and guilt you feel growing stronger. You know that your happiness is not a priority in this arrangement, that it never has been. But the truth hurts, especially when it’s said out loud. You shake your head again, your voice trembling. “It doesn’t matter. I have a duty, the responsibility to see this through.“
His heart aches at your words, the fact that you’re willing to sacrifice your own happiness for the sake of duty is something he can’t understand. It goes against everything he believes in, against everything he fights for. “Duty and responsibility be damned,” he snaps, his voice edged with anger and frustration. “You deserve to be happy. You deserve to be with someone who loves you, who worships the ground you walk on. Not some political arrangement.“
Your heart clenches at his words, the mix of anger and desperation in his voice bringing tears to your eyes. You know he’s right, deep down you’ve always known that you deserve more than you’re settling for. But duty and responsibility have always been pounded into you, and the thought of going against them is terrifying. “It���s not that simple,” you whisper, your voice thick with emotion. “It’s not just about me. It’s about the Republic, the Jedi Order…”
He scoffs at your words, the anger and frustration growing stronger. The fact that you’re still focusing on what's expected of you, even after everything you’ve just shared, is frustrating for him. “None of that matters if you’re not happy. You’re not some pawn to be used in someone else’s game.“
Your heart aches more with every word he says, the truth of them echoing in your head. You know he’s right, you know that your happiness should come first, but the years of conditioning and expectations are hard to break. “I can’t just... abandon everything...” you say, your voice weak. “I can’t disappoint them.“
His eyes flash with anger and disbelief, his patience wearing thin. “You’re more worried about disappointing them than about your happiness? That’s a load of Bantha poodoo and you know it. They don’t deserve your loyalty.”
He's right, you know he is. You've been putting everyone else's needs above your own for so long that it's become second nature. You look up at him, tears streaming down your face. "But what about you?" you whisper, your voice trembling.
“What about me?” he echoes, his voice hoarse with emotion. “You’re choosing someone else over me. You’re choosing a life of political duty over our happiness, over what we could have together.“ He steps closer to you again, his body once again pinning you against the wall. His hands reach out to cup your face, his touch gentle despite the storm of emotion raging within him. “We could have a life together. We could be happy.“
Your heart clenches at his words, the weight of the decision you’re facing hitting you like a ton of durasteel. You know what you want, deep down you know that you’d give anything to be with him. But responsibility, a lifetime of conditioning, is still weighing heavily on you. You lean into his touch, your eyes falling closed. Your voice is a whisper, choked with emotion. “Is that possible?” He feels a pang of pain at your question, the doubt in your voice makes him want to just keep you in his arms until you understand what you mean to him. He’s never been more sure of anything in his life. “Yes,” he says, his voice steady and firm, despite the emotions churning inside him. “It’s possible. It’s more than possible. It’s what I want, what I’ve wanted since I met you.“ His hands tighten on your face, his touch gentle yet possessive. “Please, don’t marry him. Choose me.“
His words and touch cut through the fog of doubt and confusion surrounding you. The thought of choosing him, of having a life with him, fills you with a sense of longing and hope that you’ve never known before. For the first time, the thought of your future isn’t shrouded in obligations, it’s filled with love and happiness. You let out a ragged breath, your body tense. “I don’t want to marry Kenth.” You whisper.
His heart nearly leaps out of his chest at your words, a surge of triumph and relief coursing through him. He pulls you closer, his arms wrapping around you like a vise, pulling you flush against him. His body is taut with need and desire, the primal possessiveness in him raging stronger than ever. “Then don’t.” he whispers into your ear, his voice a low growl. “Be with me.“
Your body melds against him, your trembling hands coming up to rest on his shoulders. You feel a mix of relief and desire and fear coursing through you as you look into his eyes, your voice a whisper. “What if they find out? What if they try to... stop us? Or worse, haunt us?“
He pulls back slightly to look at you, his eyes burning with a mix of passion and determination. The thought of anyone trying to stop or hurt you fills him with a fierce, protective rage. “They’ll try,” he says, his voice hard. “But I’ll never let anything happen to you. I’ll protect you, no matter what. And if anyone tries to stop us, they’ll have to go through me first.“
His words, full of certainty and strength, send a shiver down your spine. You’ve never felt so wanted, so desired, so protected. The thought of being with him, of having his love and loyalty, is both exhilarating and terrifying. You look into his eyes, searching for reassurance. “And what if it doesn’t work?” you ask hesitantly. “What if we can’t make it?“
He sees the doubt and fear in your eyes, and his heart clenches at the thought of losing you. He pulls you even closer, his body pressed against yours, his arms wrapped around you fiercely. “It will work,” he says, his voice firm and unwavering. “I’ll make sure it does. I won’t let anything come between us.“ He leans in, his lips brushing against your ear, his voice a low growl. “I love you. And I won’t let anyone or anything take you away from me.“
His words, spoken with such unwavering conviction, send a jolt of hope and love through you. You’ve never felt so safe, so cherished, so loved. You can feel the heat and strength of his body against yours, the possessiveness and determination radiating off him in waves. You close your eyes, leaning into him, his lips at your ear. “I love you too,“ you whisper, your voice cracking with emotion. “I’ve always loved you.“
Anakin for the first time in his life, feels complete, whole. He embraces you tightly, his hands roaming over your body, possessive and protective. “You’re mine,” he whispers, his voice rough with emotion. “And I’m yours. No one can keep us apart again. Not the Order, not the Republic, not the universe.“
You can feel the possessiveness in his touch, the way his hands roam over your body as though he owns it. And a part of you, a primal, feminine part of you, longs to be owned by him, to belong to him completely. You nod, your body molding against his, your voice a whisper. “I’m yours. Completely yours.“
His heart nearly bursts at your words, your surrender and acceptance igniting a primal, possessive need in him that nearly takes his breath away. He leans in, his lips against your neck, his voice a low, ragged growl. “Say it again. Say you’re mine.“
You tilt your head slightly, giving him better access to your neck, your body melting against his. You feel a shiver of desire run down your spine at his words, his possessive tone sending a wave of heat through you. You let out a shaky breath, your voice a ragged whisper. “I’m yours. I belong to you, completely and utterly.“
Anakin’s eyes lock onto yours, the intensity and determination in his gaze making your breath hitch. His hands coming up to cup your face, his touch achingly gentle. “There are so many words I want to say to you,” he whispers, his voice thick with emotion. “Words that will never do justice to how I feel about you. You’re the air that I breathe, the thought that consumes me, the obsession that drives me to the brink of madness.“ He leans in closer, his forehead pressing against yours. "You’re the reason I feel alive, the reason I’ll do anything, give anything, to be with you.“ His hands move to your back, his body pressed against yours, the raw need and desire in him almost feral. “I’ve tried to fight it for years, to deny it, but I can't. I can't pretend anymore that I don't want you, that I don't need you. Because I do. I need you more than anything. I’m obsessed with you, completely and utterly obsessed. Living without you it's like not having a soul inside of my body.“
He pulls back slightly, his eyes burning into yours, the force of his emotions like a tidal wave washing over you. “I will do whatever it takes, I will risk everything, I will defy the universe itself, to keep you by my side. You’re mine, and I will never let you go. You’re my love, my every thought, my every dream, my entire existence.“
Your heart is pounding in your chest, the intensity and passion in his words, his voice sending a shiver down your spine. Your hands reach up, touching his face, your fingers tracing over his features gently. “Ani…“ You whisper, your voice thick with emotion. “I… I don’t know what to say. You… you make me feel things I’ve never felt before. You make me feel loved, wanted, desired… worshipped.“
He leans into your touch, his eyes closing as he savors the feeling of your fingers on his skin. A small, vulnerable smile tugs at the corners of his lips as he looks at you. “Say you’ll be mine,” he whispers, his voice gruff with emotion. “Say you’ll stay with me, that you’ll be my everything. I need to hear it, I need to know that you want this as much as I do.“
His vulnerability in that moment, so different from the fierce and possessive man he usually is, makes your heart pound even harder. You look into his eyes, seeing the love, the fear, the need in them. You never knew he was capable of such emotion, such passion. “I’ll stay with you,” you murmur, your voice soft yet filled with conviction. “I’ll be yours, yours completely. For as long as you’ll have me.“
He lets out a ragged breath, his body visibly relaxing as your words sink in. The fear, the doubt, that had been lurking in his eyes vanishes, replaced by something wild and primal, something that nearly takes your breath away. “Forever,” he whispers, his voice hoarse and fierce. “I want you forever. I need you forever. You’re mine now, and I’m never letting you go. Together, we will defy the odds, we will fight fate, we will prove that love, true love, can conquer all."
His lips brush against yours, soft and gentle at first, but quickly turning hungry and demanding. His body presses against yours, the heat of his desire like a fever burning through you. The world around you falls away, leaving only you and him, lost in a moment of complete and utter obsession and love. You’re his and he's yours, and nothing else matters.
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harmonyrae · 2 months ago
A Not So Silent Night...
Merry Christmas, again! This is the NSFW continuation of A Christmas Kiss - things do be getting spicy on this Christmas night...
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Synopsis: You surprised him with a Christmas office makeover. But the best decoration? The mistletoe. The angel is on the tree, the halls are decked, it's time for presents. And one present is... it won't be a silent night, that's for sure.
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The crackles and pops of the fire and the sultry notes of Santa Baby drift through the air as Sylus kisses you once more. After placing the angel on the tree, he resumed kissing your neck. Gently at first, but an occasional bite nearly caused your knees to give out. Sylus, of course, noticed, but he didn’t tease or slow down. He spun you around and lifted you up, his arms tucked under your ass. He smiled up at you as he made his way to the couch.
“Do you want to continue?”
His question surprised you. He lowered you both on the couch, moving your legs to straddle him comfortably. You lock your fingers behind his neck, playing with the ends of his hair with your thumbs. You swear you had so many plans for today, but they all flew out the window when you hung that damn mistletoe. 
“I do have other presents for you. And I know you got me presents, the twins already tattled.” 
“I hope they don’t know about their presents then.”
“You got Luke and Kieran presents? That’s so sweet!”
“I got them muzzles cause they can’t keep their mouths closed.”
You clasp a hand over your mouth to stifle your giggles. The thought of the twins in muzzles to punish them for yapping too much is just too good. Come to think of it…
“Did you really get muzzles for them? Or are you joking?”
“Why? Did you want one for yourself?”
“Might be useful… for things…”
Sylus’s eyes darkened, the hint of a smirk on his lips. His gaze dropped to your lips and you couldn’t help but lick them. The idea of Sylus in a muzzle so he can’t sass you while you explore his body has made your mouth very dry all of a sudden. 
“Is that so?”
You smile, shifting your hips slightly. The subtle grind forces a groan out of Sylus, it takes you by surprise and you let out a breathy laugh. You trail your hands down his chest as his circle around and under your ass. He leans forward to capture your lips once more, but you lean back  suddenly. He glares at you.
“Something wrong?”
“No, nothing. I just…” You hesitate, you can feel the warmth in your cheeks.
“You just what, sweetie?”
“I’ve thought about this moment and I guess I had… thoughts? Plans?”
“Oh, you’ve thought about this, have you?”
“And that is why I want you in a muzzle.” 
Sylus lets out a laugh and tucks his arms under your ass once more, lifting you off the couch with ease. You wrap your arms around him, hiding your face in the crook of his neck.
“Let’s get in those matching PJ sets and I’ll have the chef bring our dinner in here. We can open the presents after. How does that sound?”
“Damn, Luke and Kieran do need those muzzles. Those PJs were supposed to be a surprise!”
Sylus chuckles as he carries you out of his office to change. 
An hour later, you’re in your festive sleep set and sitting on the floor next to the coffee table. Sylus’s chef had prepared roast pork and your favorite potato dumplings. Sylus brought out one of the rarest wines in his collection and instructed the chef to bring the dessert and leave it on a cart outside the door. With that, Sylus sent him, and the everyone else on base, home early and you both settled in for the night.
“Do you like the pajamas I picked?”
Sylus glanced down at his pajama pants covered in candy canes. It came with a matching shirt, but Sylus opted to go shirtless for the evening. Damn him. You were already regretting the pajamas you had chosen - long pants and long sleeves? You were burning up from the inside out at this point next to the fire and Sylus sitting there looking, well, perfect.
“They’re very comfortable. I’m just glad you didn’t make me wear those reindeer antlers.”
“Luke and Kieran put those on voluntarily! They’re really embracing the holiday spirit. It’s cute.”
Sylus nods before sipping his wine.
“They’ve never celebrated the holiday. Even before finding me.”
“Then I’m glad they’re having fun. You should take a page from their book. You’d look adorable in antlers!”
“Do I not look adorable already?”
Your cheeks flush and you sit up on your knees to stand before Sylus can make another joke. You gather the presents from under the tree. Sylus had brought in a few boxes while you were taking off your makeup. You were shocked at how many boxes there were now.
“Please tell me these aren’t all for me.”
“And if they are?”
“I won’t apologize for spoiling you. Especially during a holiday you love so much.”
You can’t argue with him there. You finish hauling the boxes over to the coffee table as Sylus clears the dishes and takes the cart back into the hallway. There’s one gift you are terrified to give him and no matter how perfect this day has been, you can’t convince yourself to give it yet. You quickly stuff it under the couch next to you before Sylus comes back in the room. Maybe later? 
“Okay, who goes first? Or should we go back and forth?”
“This is your holiday, sweetie. It’s your call.”
You pick up a small box from his pile and hand it to him before picking up one from your own. You’re careful not to shake it, no matter how tempting. 
“We open at the same time, okay?”
He nods. He starts peeling the sparkly green paper off the box. The golden wrapping paper on all of your gifts feels fancy and it’s wrapped so perfectly. It almost feels like a crime to tear it off, but it doesn’t stop you from shredding it like you are a kid again.
Your stomach flips when you see the tiny box, it’s a ring box. You had wanted to take the next step, but this is several steps… You slowly open the box, holding your breath. The ring inside isn’t an engagement ring, and you almost laugh at the fact you thought Sylus would propose like this. Or that he’d propose at all after a few months of dating. 
The ring is a tiny ruby on a silver band, but there are cat ears attached and accent stones making them shine in the firelight. A tiny cat ring with a bright ruby gem. It had to be custom made and it fit perfectly on your middle finger. 
“Is it a little too on the nose?”
You’re about to make a joke, but when you see his brows pinched and his ears nearly glowing red, you hold your tongue. You realize he’s nervous.
“It’s adorable. I mean it.” You slip the ring on and hold your hand out to examine it. You look over to see Sylus smiling while he fiddles with the unwrapped box in his hands. “Your turn, open it!”
Sylus returns his focus to the box in his hands. He opens the box and pulls out a book. He takes a moment to read the cover, but a smile crosses his face before he can say a word. 
“A book about history's most notorious criminal masterminds?”
“From Al Capone to Jack the Ripper and it even covers the legend of that guy from Philos who started the illegal protocore trade.”
“I look forward to reading it, thank you.” 
Your cheeks hurt from smiling, his approval of his gifts mean more to you than you realized. You turn to pick up the next two gifts. Neither of you hesitate to start opening the boxes now. Yours is a bit larger and you gasp when you see the brand on the heavy wooden case. 
“Hero Leather Works? Sylus!”
You open the box to reveal a brand new custom holster. The deep chocolate leather and shining golden buckles take your breath away.
“You mentioned your holster was getting old.”
“You remembered? I said that nearly 3 months ago!”
“And you still haven’t replaced it. So I called in a favor.”
“With the most famous leather artisan in Linkon? They’ve been booked for months!”
“Like I said, Hero owed me a favor. And you needed a holster.”
You drop your gaze and hold the holster in your hands, stroking the leather slowly. Tears build up in your eyes, but you refuse to let them fall. Without looking up you urge Sylus to open his present.
“Okay, okay, your turn.”
He opens the bag and tosses the tissue paper over his shoulder onto the sofa. He stares into the bag, he chuckles under his breath. He finally pulls out two plushies. A dove and a crow, connected at the wings, their heads turned toward each other so their beaks touched. 
“I got it custom made from the same company that made the big crow plushie you got for me. This one is a bit smaller, since I know you’re not a huge fan of plushies. I just thought –”
Sylus leans over and kisses you, effectively shutting you up. He pulls back and rests his forehead against yours. 
“I take it the crow is me and the dove is you?”
You smile and he pulls back to kiss your forehead. 
“I love it. It’ll have a permanent spot on my desk.” 
The tears you fought off a few minutes ago threaten to fall once more. You clear your throat.
“How about you pick the present we open next?”
“Now that is a good idea. I was wondering when I’d have a chance to ask about the box you stuffed under the couch, guess I won’t have to.”
You stop breathing. Your heart pounds in your ears. How had he seen you do that?
“Oh I just…”
He reaches past you and pulls the box from under the couch, setting it on the table in front of him. You’re tempted to grab it and chuck it in the fire, but you can’t seem to move. Is this what they mean by “frozen in fear”? Sylus lifts a small slender box from your pile and sets it before you before leaning back on the couch and holding his present up to examine. 
“Why would you hide this one in particular? How curious.” 
You shake your head trying to pull yourself out of this paralysis. 
“I wasn’t hiding it, it must have just slipped under there by accident.”
“Kitten, I always know when you’re lying.”
You glare at him.
“Oh no no no. I’m not revealing that. It’s too much fun watching you try to wiggle your way out.”
You sigh and cross your arms in defeat. Your heart is racing so fast your chest hurts. How could you have been so confident and sure when you bought it, but now you are convinced you are going to ruin everything? Sylus pushes your present closer to you.
You take in a ragged breath. You tear off the red satin ribbon and tear off the gold paper to reveal a long slender velvet box, much like the ring box. You tentatively open it and gasp when you see its contents.
A silver chain necklace holds a delicate silver charm in the shape of an elegant dragon. Its tail wraps around the ruby heart shaped stone while its wings curve inwards to secure the sides. The head rests on the gem, its eyes two smaller rubies. You find yourself captivated by the charm, your hands tremble slightly and a tear spills over.
Sylus reaches out and wipes away the tear with his thumb. He shifts closer to you, placing an arm around your shoulder. He doesn’t speak, he just holds you and lets you take in the gift. A gift you didn’t understand, but loved instantly. You finally turn to face him.
“It’s beautiful.” 
“Would you like to put it on?”
You almost blurt out yes, but your eye catches on Sylus’s gift, still sitting on the table. Your stomach flips and you feel heat spread from your chest to your center. The only thing you can think of is that gift and this one. 
“I would, but only after you open your gift.”
Sylus squints at you, but doesn’t argue. He pulls the gift over and starts to peel the paper away. He is purposefully going as slow as possible, he can feel how nervous you are. He is enjoying this way too much. You lean over and press your mouth to his ear.
“If you keep teasing me, you won’t get to see me wear it.”
You feel his body tense, his jaw clenches. You place a soft kiss on his cheek and lean back. The nerves you were feeling earlier vanish. If he could tease you, you could tease him. He picks up the pace and finally reaches the thin box. As he opens the lid, you watch his face. His eyes widen, his breathing quickens, a blush spreads across his cheeks and down to his chest. He sets the box on his lap and pulls out the contents.
His fingers trace the thin red lace of the bralette. Tiny red hearts adorn the sheer fabric, but not nearly enough to hide anything. The matching red lace thong follows, the ribbons at the hips tie together to secure it to the body. A matching garter and red lace robe lay at the back of the box. You can help but smile as you look down at the necklace you still hold in your hand. The red matches the ruby perfectly.
“So you hid this present because you changed your mind?”
His voice is gruff and breathy. You almost jump up to straddle him at that very moment. His words are full of doubt, but his voice is full of desire. You dare to shift closer to him, lifting your hand to pull his chin in your direction.
“I was worried you wouldn’t want to go there yet. But I never changed my mind.”
His eyes drop down to your lips, then down to your neck and chest. You drop your hand to his chest and feel his heart racing. He lets out a shaky breath before returning his gaze to the box on his lap. He returns the contents and closes the lid. He turns to you, the box directly between you both. That familiar smirk returns.
“Change. Now.”
You place the necklace back in its box and close it. You hold it out next to the box he holds.
“But first, put this on me.”
He doesn’t hesitate. He takes the box, removes the necklace and unclasps the hook. You reach to pull your hair up and he wraps his arms around your neck to secure the necklace. The cold metal almost stings against your hot skin. Sylus reaches down to straighten the charm, allowing his fingers to linger on the exposed skin of your chest.
You stand and calmly walk out of the room, but as soon as you reach the hall you are a fumbling mess. You damn near skip down the hall to the nearest room. You slip into the bathroom and stare at yourself in the mirror. Is this really happening? Are you about to put on sexy lingerie and parade around his office like you’re a present to be unwrapped? Oh god you hope so.
You strip out of your festive pajamas and freshen yourself up a bit before slipping on the silky two piece. You’ve never been one to love or hate your body, but as you look in the mirror now, you can’t help but feel unbelievably sexy. The red is bright, the ribbons delicate, your skin soft, your nipples hard and the butterflies in your stomach are making it hard to breathe. You slide the garter up your thigh and drape the robe over your shoulders, not bothering to tie it. You gently open the bathroom door and look both ways up and down the hallway. You know Sylus sent everyone home early for the holiday, including Luke & Kieran, but you were not used to walking around wearing so little, especially here.
You speed walk to the office and pause before placing a hand on the handle. Would he like what he sees? Would you be enough for him? Would you satisfy him? Would he still want you to take the lead or would he take control? What if you couldn’t get there? Would that make him feel bad? What if you can’t get him there?
You take a deep breath, you knew you were being ridiculous. The way he kissed you earlier? He wants this. God, he wants this. Memories of your kiss flood your mind and you press a hand to your chest trying to slow your breathing. Open the door. You just need to open the door. Everything else will come naturally. So you do it. You open the door.
Most of the lights have been turned off, the glow of the fireplace and the candles around the room cast dancing shadows against the walls. Sylus leans against his desk with a glass of whiskey, facing the door. He glances up at you as you slowly make your way towards him. He drinks you in, his eyes barely knowing where to look first. They linger on your chest before lowering to your nearly completely revealed cunt. He nearly breaks the glass when he sets it on his desk with a clink. 
You stand in front of him, his eyes now locked on yours. He slowly lifts his hands to your shoulders, stroking the sheer fabric. He tugs at the fabric and pulls it over your shoulders, you let it fall away and onto the floor. His hands return and finally glide over your skin. Chills spread over your arms at his touch. His fingers glide down your arms to your hands, he pulls you closer to him placing your hands on his hips. 
“If you had taken any longer, I would have come looking for you.”
You laugh and gently squeeze his hips, his fingers trailing up and down your arms.
“Maybe we’ll play hide and seek later?”
Sylus laughs, it’s not his usual laugh - it is darker, you feel electricity flicker across your skin. He moves his hands down to your bare waist and you nearly moan. His hands on your skin feels even better than you imagined. 
“I doubt I’ll be letting you out of my sight the rest of the night, sweetie.”
And before you could say another word, he leans down and presses his lips to your neck. His hands circle around your waist and pull you to him, your hardened nipples press against his chest. You let out a breathy moan, your hands grasping onto his shoulders. He reaches down and tucks his hands under your ass, pulling your lower half directly to him, his thigh settling between your legs. He slowly shifts his leg, the friction just enough to make you painfully aware of how wet you are.
He grunts against your neck before straightening and swiftly turning you both around. He lifts you and places you on his desk before spreading your legs and slotting himself between them. You feel his erection now, pressing against your stomach. God, he’s big. Your mind goes blank as his lips meet yours again and his hands move your arms up and around his shoulders.
He grinds against you, letting you feel him. You are thanking every deity that Sylus is the one taking control because your brain is short circuiting. Your skin feels like it’s on fire, your core is so tight like you did countless sit ups, what is this man doing to you? 
His mouth has moved from yours to your neck and down your chest. You tilt your head back and close your eyes, trying to make breathing your only priority. His fingers trace the lace of your bra from the back to the front. The throbbing between your legs is getting so intense you barely register that he has pulled one of the straps of your bra down exposing your breast. His lips close around your nipple and you gasp. He keeps a hand on your back, giving you the resistance you need to arch and press your chest into his mouth. His other hand squeezes your breast, peaking your nipple and making it easier for him to suckle. He gently bites down and you moan loudly. No one has made you moan just from nipple play, but you realize now, it doesn’t matter what Sylus does, you’d be moaning for him.
He unclasps the bra with his hand at your back and pulls the straps down your arms. He tosses it to his desk chair before diving down to give your other breast the same treatment. Your hands thread through his hair and down his back. You’ve started grinding against him now, desperate for more. He finally reaches a hand down to run a finger along the fabric over your entrance. As soon as he feels the wetness he releases your breast with a loud pop and meets your eyes.
“Already soaking through your present?”
You glare at him, but he presses his fingers firmly against the fabric leaving you gasping. You nod frantically trying to get him to stop teasing.
“We should get those off before you ruin them.”
As he says this, he tugs at the ribbons on the sides. The fabric falls away and settles onto the desk. He wraps an arm around you, lifting you off the desk leaving your panties behind. He bends to pick you up properly and you wrap your legs around him. He lets out a soft whimper when he feels your bare cunt against his stomach. That sound alone nearly made you come. 
He lowers you down onto a soft blanket in front of the fireplace. He places kisses all over your face, your neck, your chest. He starts lowering himself to your stomach and when he places a kiss to your hip you finally register his intentions. 
“Sy, wait –”
You look down at him and see his eyes sparkle in the firelight before he lowers his mouth onto your throbbing clit. The sight was intoxicating enough, but the feeling of his tongue lapping at your swollen clit over and over before sucking it into his mouth was euphoric. He pressed his tongue against your entrance, his nose pressing perfectly against your clit. You arch your back and feel your hips twitch with need. 
“Sy… Sylus… I need… I need more– oh god…”
The rumble of his response against you sent your hips thrusting upwards. He tucked his hands under your ass, giving you the leverage to continue the movement. He finally pressed his tongue into you, swirling against your walls, his nose massaging your clit. And every time you grind yourself against his face, his grunt of approval sent vibrations up your spine making your legs shake. 
You had no time to warn him, the pressure built and spilled over so rapidly you would feel embarrassed if you weren’t so deliriously happy. You hear him groan and his hands knead your ass as he takes everything you gave him. When he lifts his head, his face is coated in your arousal, a love drunk expression painted on his face. You smile and giggle at the sight.
“Sorry I couldn’t warn you…”
He gets onto his hands and knees crawling back on top of you. He tucks a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Always keeping me on my toes.”
He nuzzles his face into your neck. You let your hands drift down his chest. You wanted to feel him, to see him, to not be the only one exposed. Your fingers trace the hem of his pajama pants. He lifts his head to stare down at you.
“Already wanting more?”
“From you? Always?”
Your quick reply surprised even you. But you weren’t lying, “always” was the right word. Being with him made you happy and horny and peaceful and daring. His eyes dropped to the necklace, the charm still cool against your skin. Sylus runs a finger over the charm, a small smile pulls at the corner of his mouth. You wanted to ask why a dragon, but you also didn’t feel like you needed to - it just felt right. You pressed your fingers against the hem harder, pushing the fabric down to his hips. 
He looks into your eyes as he pushes himself up to his knees. He tucks his thumbs into the hem of his pants and boxers and pulls them down letting his cock spring forward. He tosses the clothes onto the couch before returning his gaze to yours. You felt your chest tighten, he was big, but not scary big. You’d always wondered what you’d do if he was too big - like in those trashy romance novels. 
He lowered himself over you once more. His tip grazes your inner thigh making you spread your legs wider on instinct. He looks down to see you spread yourself for him and he lets out a soft moan. 
“Stop that.” You breathe.
He looks at you, his brow raised in surprise. You reach up and pull him down on top of you. You nearly swallow his tongue once he parts his lips. All the fear and nerves from earlier are long done, you needed him inside you. Now.
You reach a hand down and wrap it around the base of his cock. His breath catches and he pulls back to look down at you holding him. You stroke him gently, building intensity based on his breathing. He sinks his head into your neck as you continue to pump him. When he starts placing messy kisses to your collarbone and those soft moans start slipping out one after the other, you line him up with your entrance.
When he feels his tip press against your folds, he pulls back and looks down at you.
“Are you… on the… pill? Do I –”
“I’m on the pill, I want you – god, I want you inside me Sy. Right fucking now. Please…”
Hearing the urgency in your tone, he reaches down and moves your hand away. He presses his tip further into your entrance, your arousal making it easy to initially slide through. You feel his breath against your ear.
“I won’t take it easy on y– you kitten. Remember you asked – fuck… you asked for this.” 
You dig your nails into his back as your chest heaves, your chest brushing against his with every breath.
“Fuck yes…”
At your response, he sinks himself into you. Not too fast, but he doesn’t slow down, he doesn’t take breaks to let you adjust. You feel the delicious stretch and cry out, letting your nails drag across his back. You feel his muscles ripple in response. His pelvis now pressed against yours, his cock twitching as your walls squeeze him. 
He lets out a deep groan before he pulls back and starts thrusting into you, slow and deep. You lock your ankles around his waist. His movements pick up pace, you hear the slapping of skin against skin. Your chest burns, tears spill from the corners of your eyes, pressure builds once again, but you’re determined to ride this high as long as he lets you.
The way Sylus moans is unexpected. It’s needy, but he meets those needs himself. It’s like he knows how badly he needs you and he has no doubt he’ll get what he desires. You know if you were in control he would be desperate, but how your body is responding to his has proven to him that you will never deny him. Even if you tried, you would give in eventually. 
You curl your fingers into his hair and hold him against you as his thrusts turn savage. He’s hitting that spot that makes you see stars with every brutal thrust. Your moans turned to grunts and then screams of ecstasy. His moans have been replaced by soft whimpers of your name in your ear. Your heart flutters, his desire has taken over and the only thing he can say is just your name. 
His whimpers stop suddenly, his breathing shakes, you know he’s close. You start thrusting your hips upward and before long he is coming, hot and fast. Your second release of the night is almost immediate once you feel his body shake and his lips find yours again. You whimper and moan into each other's mouths as you ride out your high together. 
The crackle of the fire and the soft Christmas music slowly comes back into focus. He rests his forehead against yours, keeping himself tucked inside your warmth. You unhook your ankles and let your legs fall open. He sinks down to his elbows, your chests pressed against each other.
“I think I might like Christmas.” He sighs contentedly. 
You giggle and press a kiss to his cheek. 
“Merry Christmas, my love.” 
Tag List (comment if you wanna be added!): @trishiepo0 @not-so-quite-human @kitsunetori @babyx91 @libriomancer @lilyadora @cordidy
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izzabela · 8 months ago
Buldak Nightmare - MK1 (2023) Roster x male!reader (scenario fic)
in which your spice tolerance is way above everyone else
a/n: i recently bought a pack of buldak... so iykyk
ship[s]: friendSHIP (get it?)
warning(s): sindel ain't dead hoes, slight character deviations, def. using my own headcanons for some characters
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Earthrealm (human reader)
Raiden & Kung Lao
- you're eating with him and Kung Lao after a hard training session with new initiates at the Wu Shi
- to save money, you offer to cook ramyeon for them, an obsession of yours you want to put them on
- in front of them lay bowls of semi-orange ramyeon, with sprinkles of cabbage, green onion, and other stuff that came from the pack
- you tell them "enjoy!" and immediately stuff your face silly with the food
- as much as both loved food, especially Kung Lao, they were nervous. Kung Lao took a whiff and noted the pungent spicy aroma, to which Raiden agreed. However, they didn't want to waste your efforts, so they dove in head first. Kung Lao took a hearty bite while Raiden took the safer route
- regardless, both men are wide-eyed and choking, gasping for air, water, and their souls as the spice hits their tongues
- poor Kung Lao, snot coming out of his nose and the entirety of his face red. Raiden is straight up crying, but he offers a weak smile to make up for his position
- you stop eating and try to help them, but you're sitting idly as they say they can handle it. they take their sweet time, drinking water mid bites and breathing quickly- any strategy to try and make the spiciness go away
- after they're done eating, Raiden's back slouches against the chair, while his best friend is hunched over the table. their faces are red, and remnants of their "episodes" linger: dried tear stains, tissues all over the table and floor, and empty cups signify their victory
- they'll eat this again, for sure, just a little later... in the next century when the tournament happens again
Johnny Cage:
- he's definitely nervous
- he's white, so of course his bland tastebuds couldn't handle the heat
- he looks at you with his signature, flashy smile, but you can see the way his eyes dart left and right, away from the bowl
- he came from a poor town, so poor that even Maruchan noodles were a luxury to him. Stardom allowed him access to all sorts of services and foods, but this was put of his professional scope. His ego wouldn't let him lose to you though, so he tried to match your pace and shoved an equal amount of noodles in his mouth
- at first bite, he's down for the count
- your favorite token white boy is legit howling in pain over the spiciness of the buldak
- "I thought you said you had this before?" you asked.
- he's blowing his nose over how spicy the noodles are, "I went to Korea... once!" he annunciates with his pointer finger in the air
- still, his pride won't take the loss, so he does his best to finish it all through tears and pathetic male hiccups
- he accidentally got some on his hand, and he rubs his eyes which practically sends him into a seizure
- when he's back in the real world, he pushes his bowl to you as he watches you down the spicy nuke of food down with a joyful smile
- as much as he values your friendship, he will not be doing this again
Kenshi Takahashi:
- while he doesn't show it, he loves his friends. So much so he'd put himself in a position like this to make you happy, even if he hates spicy noodles
- he definitely would stick to how normal instant ramen is: simple, savory, and safe, and not the abomination that you placed in front of him. Though he no longer can view colors, the smell is what begins his growing fear. An artificial, spicy, and a unique smell entered his nose, and he remembers a brief memory
- he remembers going to South Korea once, for business of course, but he never got to try the food due to his mission at the time. Of course you had to put him on it, and he was slowly beginning to regret it
- "Are you sure this is safe?" he said, his brows upturned as his red bandana covers his marred eyes. You look at him with concern, "Safe? Korean food is as safe as it gets!"
- he doesn't want to make you sad though. He watches you carefully, his teal vision showing you slurping the food with a bright smile on your chiseled face. Quickly, he slurps up the food to get over it quickly
- no, dearest reader, he doesn't get it over with until a whole three hours later
- his diet was strict, ex-yakuza habits still going strong, but it's also due to him being a special agent for the OIA and an Earthrealm champion
- because he no longer has eyes, he simply sweats, shouts, and swears- a lot. he does it so much the police were called on you both for fear of "abuse" (it was abuse if his mouth)
- at the end of the night, you felt so bad that you did the dishes and cleaned up his kitchen, but he says he had a great evening.
- "Just... choose a different brand," he said with a lopsided smirk
- she's eager to try new things, since being able to leave the Netherrealm, and this was no exception
- you knew she had history with heat, being from the Netherrealm and such, but you didn't know if that applied to food. When you mentioned to Ashrah about your favorite spicy ramyeon, she was curious and down to try it. So, with the monks permission, you were allowed to cook in the kitchen and prepare the lovely dinner you promised your friend
- in the dormitories of the Wu Shi Academy, you both slurped up the noodles with ease and joy
- "Seems you enjoy the burn," you remark, her cheeks full of ramyeon as she stops mid-chew
- she covers her mouth, "I am no stranger to the heat, my dearest friend," she said simply as she took more noodles in
- Ashrah takes momentary breaks, though, in order to actually digest the food. As she finished her food, she also took small sips of water, said it was to "help her digest quickly". You believed her, though
- as she said, her goal to purify herself makes her human, but she was still exploring what "being human" really meant
- when you're both done, she smiles happily and thanks you for going to such lengths to befriend her
- "We have to get Sareena to try!" you exclaim, though Ashrah looks a bit hesitant
- a conversation for another time perhaps
- he legit cannot stomach any form of human food, but that doesn't mean he's off the hook from your cooking
- being the Empress's Emissary meant great benefits, and access to the palace was one of them
- he invited you under the friendly (and watchful) eyes of Mileena, Tanya, and Kitana, so he could eat with you
- "What... is that?" he questions, "The ominously deep red sauce..."
- you smile, offering it to him. He says yes mistakenly, and you smother it all over his fried bugs galore
- he takes a relatively small bite, but it's not enough to keep him from throwing up and howling in pain.
- the three women were on high alert, ready to apprehend you, but he musters out a "no" to stop them
- you're by his side as he vomits his famous green goo, plus the remnants of the bugs he ate
- after getting him to a healer and medic, you get an earful from Empress Mileena and her sister, and Syzoth tries his best to stop them
- even after all that, he still wants to eat with you (just, not your food)
Kuai Liang & Tomas (plus Harumi & Hanzo):
- he, Harumi, Hanzo, and Tomas all sit together in the compound's eating area, the bowl of ramyeon in their hands
- you tell them to dig in, and you immediately slurp the unfathomably spicy noodles up with ease
- Tomas and Hanzo follow suit, but their confidence is cut short when the burning pain of the artificial spice hits their vanilla tongues
- Tomas was from the Czech Republic, so spice like this was unheard of. His European genes were getting the better of him, and it's evident through how much smoke is being emitted off his body
- Kuai is hesitant, but Harumi's soft voice pulls him through, "Together on three?"
- he and his wife eat it at the same time, and they are met with the same fate
- due to his own magic, Kuai's body becomes exceedingly temperate as the effects of the spice get to him. He's sweating profusely, and the metal chopsticks in his hand begin to warm
- poor Harumi, though, she's completely sprawled out on the tatami floor, fanning her mouth and kicking her legs in the air
- they don't even bother finishing their plates, which prompts you to eat more and finish for the rest of them
- both brothers are embarrassed, ashamed that you wasted your time for "men who couldn't even honor their word" (Kuai Liang's words), but you don't mind
- you simply ask, "next time?" and they look at each other nervously, Tomas's brows crinkling with anxiety
- "Of course," Kuai Liang says, "Why ever not?"
- you were gonna hold them to it, and Kuai Liang's conscious slaps him for that
Bi Han (plus Cyrax & Sektor):
- Bi Han knows your games, but he was certainly not expecting this
- after a mission in South Korea, you offered your culinary expertise to make some ramen, well, "ramyeon" for him, Cyrax, and Sektor. You had gotten it from a convenience store in the country, wanting to take a souvenir from the beautiful nation
- being part of his inner circle, he let you work your magic and cook up the ramyeon for him and friends. The kitchen was in close proximity to the office you all were going to eat in, and immediately all three men were worried when the smell of the food came to assault their noses. Bi Han especially, his worried face including an obviously upturned eyebrow
- when you bring out the huge pot of ramyeon, all of the men were even more appalled by the look of the food. brightly colored orange, it was clear that the spice wasn't the only thing going to kill them
- they were emboldened when they saw you put some in your bowl and eat it happily, but they weren't aware of your inhumane spice tolerance. Cyrax and Sektor ate some rather confidently, while Bi Han slurped up a max of five noodles.
- the poor men were losing their minds: Cyrax downing the tea prepped by one of the handmaidens of the palace compound, Sektor's head down on the table as he tried to compose himself, and Bi Han trying to keep his cryo magic under control
- Bi Han knew it could become out of hand, so he ran from the table in record time, also leaving a trail of ice. You noted that the man's chopsticks were covered in jagged crystals of ice, and his seat was covered in a layer of frost
- you stop eating and try to help your comrades, but they insist they thug this one out. Unfortunately, Cyrax taps out and heads to the kitchen for water, while Sektor pushes his bowl back with a sad smile on his face. You immediately clean up the food, trying to keep the mood up by making jokes on how they performed well and survived
- Bi Han comes back finally, but his hair slightly glossy as some strands stick to his face and forehead. He brushes it off, saying he got some snow on him, but you knew better. Still, you do not press further as you continue cleaning up, however he also comes to your side to help.
- "No more of this," he huffs out his order, "Effective immediately."
- you sigh sadly, not wanting to anger your Grandmaster anymore
Liu Kang & Geras:
- The Fire God was no stranger to heat, he literally commanded it. Your food, though, was on his mind as you presented it to him and Geras
- You were talking with Liu Kang as you strolled the grounds of the Fire Temple. He mentioned something about wanting to eat noodles, so you offered your skills to him. He accepted, of course, wanting to see his dear friend's capabilities
- so much so he even brought Geras in from the Hourglass
- as much as Geras says he does not interact with mortals, he finds your friendship his own personal fixed point in time. He does not mind you talking to him, you also found his sand manipulation fascinating, and he appreciated it greatly by making many a sand sculptures
- you presented the bowls to your friends and told them to dig in. You sat down at the table with them and stuffed your face silly, happily humming as you ate the noodles with eagerness.
- Liu Kang always does his best to keep his facial expressions to a minimum, as humility was his greatest strength. As much as the spice was getting to him, he still kept his composure as he spoke about the interesting flavors
- "I did not realize that much time had passed," he said calmly, drinking his water, "The people of the past would certainly be left awestruck at the creativity of humanity."
- Unsurprising to you, Geras kept eating the food with a straight face. You expected this much from him, being a "fixed" point in time and all, but did it really not illicit any reaction... at all?
- Geras speaks, as if hearing your inner thoughts, "I must admit, there is something peculiar in this food."
- everyone finished without a scream, worry, nor sweat. although, Liu Kang was drinking just a bit more water than usual. when you mentioned wanting to eat again with them, they both smile softly.
- "What are friends for?" Liu Kang said
Outworld (Outworlder reader)
Sindel & Li Mei
- as a dear friend to the crown, Sindel cherished you greatly. So much so that she saw you as the son she never had. Li Mei did as well. She did, after all, train Sindel's daughters, so you were but a child in her vision
- according to Sindel, you also could make a good sovereign if you married one of her daughters (you vehemently declined multiple times)
- tonight, Sindel invited you and Li Mei to the palace to catch up. Sindel also wanted to put your kitchen skills to the test, since she had remembered you mentioning you're a decent chef. She also invited Li Mei, just wanting to catch up with her as well
- the older Outworld women were sitting in the more intimate dining area of the palace, a simple round table with four seats surrounding it. As you finished up the food, the smell of the intoxicating artificial ramen invaded their noses
- "A rather interesting aroma," Sindel noted, "What exactly is it?"
- you shrugged, "A gift from the Earthrealm actor," sitting down across from your friends, "He said that it was a commoner's meal, and I was curious. Besides, he said it had a kick."
- you noted their silent reservations, the older women watching you eat it first. Your eyes are wide with joy, and you keep slurping the noodles Johnny gifted you.
- trusting your joy, they also ate the noodles with the preconceived notion they would also enjoy it. However, both women stood up in horror at the flavors of the food. Orange in appearance, they were under the assumption that it was just the color of the noodles. They were sorely mistaken, though, as the spices choked their airways closed from any air
- your mother-figure was holding her mouth with her hand, elegantly holding the food in as she waved for an Umgadi warrior to take her to the bathroom
- Li Mei was alone in her suffering, clutching to the end of the table as she coughed and hacked, haggardly breathing for oxygen
- you stopped eating as quick as lightning flashed, getting up to help your friends. Wrapping the food, you grabbed water from the kitchen to try and soothe Li Mei's pain, but it didn't do much
- by the time her episode had ended, Sindel came back looking as regal as she did before, as if she didn't feel the effects of the ramyeon (her lips were slightly red, though)
- she announces, "That actor is lucky he is under Lord Liu Kang's protection...."
Kitana & Mileena (ft. Khameleon)
- the sisters looked amongst themselves before they looked back at the hideously orange noodles. Khameleon is also present, face nonchalant as she does her best to do her job
- it's midnight in the luxurious hotel Johnny had set you three up in for the princesses Earthrealm visit. It was sanctioned by Empress Sindel that her daughters build rapport with Lord Liu Kang, plus experience the beautiful world. You were brought along too, since Kitana and Mileena asked for your presence.
- "how did you come across such a delicacy?" Mileena questioned, her sister also with a quizzical brow
- you were introduced to the spicy delicacy on your own trip to this part of the universe by Johnny himself, and ever since then you had stocked up on the food so you'd have enough back in the empire. now that you were back in Earthrealm, it was a good opportunity to stock some more in your pantry and introduce your friends to it
- you shrugged, "Johnny introduced me to it. I think you guys will like it!" you said enthusiastically, digging in your own bowl
- the twin princesses look at each other one more time before nodding, digging into the bowl just as you had done. Unfortunately, they underestimated the spice that was emitted from the noodles
- Kitana's eyes widened, mimicking her mother as she tried to hold the food in her mouth. Tears lined her eyes as she began fanning her face with her hands. Realizing it wasn't enough, she took her real fans out and fanned herself aggressively to relieve her pain
- Mileena, on the other hand, had completely let herself get consumed peppery noodle. Choking, gasping for air, her Tarkat disease got the best of her as her jaw unhinged and large fangs protruded from her mouth
- Tanya was unavailable for this visit, so Khameleon was in charge of administering the medicine for Mileena. Before she could do so, though, Mileena has a couple of words for you
- "Before I kill that pompous actor," she breathed, "You're head will be on a stake!" she lunged at you, but the medicine was administered just in time
- when you four get back to the Empire, Sindel scolds you for putting her daughter in a precarious situation
- but it didn't live up to the fact Mileena was down on her knees begging for your forgiveness
- in a very rare instance, Tanya had a day of rest from the Umgadi and her responsibilities
- also, in a rare instance, she asked you to cook for her the same food that got you in trouble with the empress and her daughters (yes, of course she heard about that incident)
- you placed the finished ramyeon bowls on the small square table in your room, the smell making her face twist in disgust
- "It's so... pungent," she said with conviction, "As if death came itself..."
- you look at her oddly, "I mean, Princess Mileena almost killed me... so I guess you aren't wrong."
- regardless, you smile and dig in, her joining after she offers a prayer to Delia and Argus. She chews slowly, her hand covering her mouth as she tries to decipher how she feels about the taste
- she's definitely feeling the heat, but she's more composed than the entire royal family. Holding the food in her mouth, she swallows her food and takes a good drink of water, offering a smile and her opinions
- "It certainly is... unique in taste, but it isn't entirely awful," she says with her rough voice, "Quite the opposite, in fact"
- you smile at her honesty, "Joy! Please keep eating, there's more in the pot."
- you two continue your meal, talking to each other about your recent life updates and plans for the upcoming days and weeks. You even ask an update on her and princess Mileena's relationship (she was under the impression she kept it well hidden)
- once you both finished, Tanya asked if she could keep the rest of it for herself and the sisters back in the Cenobium, to which you sent her off with a packed up box of it
- she would definitely eat with you again, mentioning that she'd try and get you inside the Cenobium herself
Shang Tsung:
- hiding out in Earth, you stole some food for you and Shang Tsung to eat. in a stroke of luck, you had found some cheap noodles by a convenience store, not taken in and unexpired
- both marked as traitors, war criminals, and villains, you two were on the run to avoid them at all costs, but at this point you two were starving
- as you cooked, you loved the zingy smell that the noodles emitted. Shang Tsung, on the other hand, harboring an obvious contempt
- "Why must we settle for such atrocious fodder?" the sorcerer said with distase
- "We cannot be choosy, Shang Tsung," you said, placing the bowl down on a makeshift table of cardboard boxes. You smooth your pants down and sit on the rickety plastic crates that acted as substitute chairs
- Shang Tsung looked at the food with abhorrence, but watching you chow down with joy (despite the circumstances you were both in) made him take a bite as well. Just a bit smaller, though
- no matter the size, the spice was taller than any threat he had ever faced. he kept the food in his mouth as he stood up, his fist colliding with the wall of the convenience store
- he. was. pissed.
- he tried to wash the flavor down with water, but it was no use. He bit his lip, so much so it began to bleed. You were up from the "chair" to help him, but he grabbed your thick neck with one hand and his other had his cuffed metal claws under your chin
- "Consider yourself lucky I find you useful," he whispered, his sultry voice in your ear. You gulped and nodded, taking his noodles and finishing them yourself
- he was in charge of food for an unseen amount of time as you two were on the run
Quan Chi:
- you and Quan Chi were stuck in a cave, similar to the mines he once worked in, except this time he was awaiting the food that he was promised
- on the run from the imperial army under Kitana's lead, the Umgadi, the Sun Do Police, and the champions of Earthrealm were after you two after they all found about your plots against the empire
- unable to go anywhere, you two holed up in a cave on the other side of a mountain in the desolate area of Outworld. Hungry, you decided to use some magic to heat up some food you had kept on you before you left
- the sharp, pungent smell attacked Quan Chi's nose, which made his face crinkle in pure loathing
- "This is not how I intended for things to go, my friend," his unique voice sounded annoyed as you placed a bowl in his hand
- "Seems to be an ire we both share," you say, equally displeased at the situation. Despite this, you ate the zesty noodles with ease. Quan Chi was hesitant, but ate as well
- "A most astute creation, my friend," he said rather proudly, "Pleasant, even."
- he was keeping up with your spice tolerance, casual dialogue about future plans, how to escape, and more as you both ate. Theonly taking a sip of water at the end of the meal
- by the time you both finished the food, you two were energized and ready for the next course of action
- "Delicious, my friend," he said, "Perhaps the Sisters will enjoy your skills as well."
General Shao & Reiko:
- You had just finished up making some spicy noodles for your general and his second in command. You were a talented chef within the ranks, and equally talented in kombat, but they were interested in the former trait of yours
- so, after training a new set of militants for the day, everyone was due for dinner, but you three separated and went to the general's tent for the meal. All three of you partook in light conversation ranging from potential rank upgrades, battle plans, and even family
- as you cooked, the smell began to invade their noses, with General Shao noting the smell first
- "Interesting smell," the general noted, "Reminds me of a time when I was younger."
- Reiko, though, kept his opinions more reserved, "It is rather... unique. How did you come across this?"
- You smiled, bringing their bowls to them, "The princess mentioned this to me in passing conversation. I had asked her to give me a pack to try it, and it is quite addicting."
- they look at the food in front of them, Reiko picking at the food as you and General Shao ate at the same time. You did not know your superior's lineage, but it is clear he enjoyed the heat it gave in his mouth. he's laughing whole heartedly, and his hand lands on your back with alarming force as he pats it
- Reiko takes one big hearty bite, but he's in a fit of coughs as he gasps for air and water. His face is angry, and his sweat began to wear his eye-makeup down. He groans in pain, setting down the bowl as he runs out the tent. General Shao laughs loudly, commenting on how his second could withstand taking a life versus hot food
- you two finished your bowls, and the General even split Reiko's bowl with you so you could eat more. A comfortable silence befell you two as you ate, and your heads turn to see Reiko back. His face is cleaned up, and he has glasses of water in his hands for everyone in the tent
- "Beverages," he announced gruffly, "For everyone."
- you both thank him and drank, washing down the last remnants of the flavor down your throats. General Shao praises your cooking, saying he will want more to share with the military, but Reiko stays quiet
- "Leave me out of your plans," he said politely, "I wish to partake in nothing regarding this... 'food'."
- Rain is quiet as you place the food in front of him. he looks down to see steam rise from the orange-sauce covered noodles, slices of beef and greens on top to add some nutritional value
- he was grateful that you were in defense for his change of heart. In fact, it was enough to let him keep his assets in the empire, the only thing he couldn't do was practice magic again (the deal between the Empress and the Sorcerers Circle)
- "Eternal thanks for you," he says quietly, "It's been a while since I last had a meal with someone."
- you smile at your friend, pulling the chair out from your front to take a seat. His eyes are noticeably more tired than before, guilt and fatigue in his mind. you were the only one in Sindel's court to trust his change of heart, while the intrigue rather scorn you and him for being together- especially after he decimated an entire nation. Everyone, and you meant it, did not trust him nor his words. But, you were the only one to give him a chance
- you watch him pray, offering up to the gods before he dug in with a fork. It surprised you that he ate first, and you conclude it's the tiredness getting to him. When he finally swallows the food, though, he's wide awake
- he cries out, leaving the table and tripping on the way to the kitchen to grab water (if he activates his magic, he will be sought after by the imperial army)
- he cries out to the gods, splashing his face with water over and over and over again until his complaining ceases
- by the time he is calm, he turns to you with the most incredulous face, pointing to the bowl of black magic
- "You willingly consume such foods," he said exasperatedly, "To a degree in which you do not even feel pain?!"
- you nod, and he puts two fingers on the bridge of his nose to express his disappointment and obvious distaste
- he gives the bowl to you, stating he is full by watching you eat
- he'd rather be imprisoned than do that again
Orderrealm (Seido survivor)
Havik (ft. Darius):
- as a follower of Havik and his vision, you did his best to get close to him
- unfortunately, your inability in kombat didn't allow you to join him in the field. That didn't stop you though, and you've found great prestige in the culinary arts
- so much so that Havik and Darius wanted you to cook for them in their conquest of disorder. of course you did, immediately jumping on the opportunity to show your favorite food to him and his partner
- "Before Seido fell," you began as you placed the bowls in their hands, "This was my family's favorite dinner food."
- they looked at you sadly, Havik's contorted face trying to show concern
- "The government kept raising the prices of ingredients, so we settled for this," you take a big bite, smiling at the memories, "It's pretty good! The spice keeps you awake, and it's not all that overpowering."
- both men nod, and they take a bite after hearing your experience under the cruel government
- unfortunately, their pity for you dissipated as quickly as it came, the unbearable spice of the noodles getting to their tongues and throats
- Darius made the mistake of not chewing wholly, while Havik ate the noodles without anything to quench the pain
- Havik's face, being burned off at the jaw and mouth, didn't allow him to chew correctly, so the spice just sat there on his tongue as he writhed and yelled in pain
- "Never again!!" they yelled in unison
Vaternus (Vampire reader)
- you were the exception in all of Vaternus- not being able to stomach humans after becoming immortal. you still ate normal human food, especially your favorite noodles when you were still a human
- you and Nitara ate together, her devouring human flesh as you ate your spicy noodles. She eyes you curiously, a thigh in her hand as you slurped the orange noodle up
- "Odd creature you are," she said dead-panned, "Does that even sustain you?"
- you nod happily, your bowl in her face as you point to the noodles with your fork, "Mhm! You want to try?"
- she's hesitant, the smell getting to her nostrils as she turns from disgust
- "I'll pass..." she says, "The sauce, perhaps I can stomach it."
- You flash a dopey smile, taking the leftover sauce packet and coating the human body part in loads of it, before spreading it out evenly for her to enjoy the taste
- she takes a good, hard, long sniff of the sauce, before taking a fat bite out of the thigh again. She chews thoroughly, getting a feel for the taste before spitting it out in front of you
- she's got a glare on her face, her sharp features even sharper with her disgust
- "Never again, you heathen."
- she tosses the entire part away, letting it rot as she picks up a human arm, relishing in the taste as blood coats her mouth and around it
notice that nitara's is the shortest (megan fox killed her)
anyways, buldak is not for the weak. i cried so much eating half of my bowl, my dad ate the rest without breaking a sweat
also, i've got a trip this saturday to california! i'm meetin my boyfriend's family, so the requests might be slow, but i'll get to it asap!
that's all! i'll see y'all in the next fic!
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synnamon-hearts · 1 month ago
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Pairing: Ghostface!Josh Washington x Fem!Reader
Description: Staying home alone while there was a killer on the loose was a decision that would change your life forever—but you never would have imagined how...
Warnings: Mutual Pining, Dark Fluff, Angst, Talk Of Violence, Blood, Gore, Friends To Lovers, Suggestive Flirting, Implied Smut, Talk Of Mike Being A Creep, Extra Talk Of Characters' Death.
Word Count: 2.6k
A/N: Ah, my very first Ghostface fic. It feels nice to finally fix this up and repost it. Josh was always perfect for the role. I mean, he already has that psychotic energy that goes so well with it. 😅 And I always loved this fic too much not to redo it. It's been sitting in my draft for awhile but it's finally done and ready to read! I hope you all enjoy it! 🖤 Oh! And if enough of you do like this fic, I may consider doing more spicy Ghostface!Josh fics in the future... 👀
I sat in my bedroom on a late Friday night, not doing anything but staring up at my ceiling in complete boredom. My parents didn't want to leave me home alone, but I insisted they go out. After all, it was their anniversary. Though I wanted them to have a good night and celebrate, I didn't really want to be home alone either. There had been a serial killer going around, taking out almost everybody I knew.
Even though the attacks hadn't been directly on me, I still had that grueling feeling that I could be next at any given time. My parents made me promise to keep all the doors and windows locked and stay inside while they were gone, and I had strongly intended to keep that promise.
So I decided to just stay in my room, laying in bed while counting the minutes. Time was going by slowly until I got a call—a call that would change my life forever in the most unexpected way. And I don't know why I chose to answer it, since it was from an unknown number, but something deep inside of me told me to press that green button on the screen.
"Hello?" I muttered simply after answering my phone and bringing it to my ear.
"Hello, (Y/N)." Said the voice of an unknown man on the other end. It was deep and dark—a voice I would definitely remember if I heard it before.
"Who is this?" I asked as I furrowed my brows in confusion. Though it was a very easy question, the man stayed silent for a few seconds. Deep, heavy breaths were the only thing heard on the other end of the line; until the man spoke again in a more sinister tone.
"The question isn't who am I–it's where am I?"
The beating of my heart rang through my ears as it's speed increased faster each second. I wasn't sure if it was just some sick prank or not, but I had a pretty damn good feeling about who it was. Still, I didn't want to accept the horrid truth—I didn't want to believe that it could be the man who had been slaughtering all of my friends.
"This isn't funny!" I shouted into my phone with anger in my tone. I tried to keep my voice strong—to not show how I really felt by letting my voice fall weak and crack. But it was hard not to. "Seriously, this better not be a fucking prank!"
"Oh, what's the matter, (Y/N)? Don't you wanna play with me?" His voice sounded mocking, teasing with a little hint of a laugh at the end of his words.
"N-No..." I whimpered, my voice being just barely above a faint whisper. Tears filled my eyes as I sat up in my bed, eyeing my bedroom door wearily while praying deep down that there was nobody in my house.
"Aw, too bad, little bird. We're going to play regardless of what you say. You won't regret it." He cooed mockingly, sounding as if he was trying to hold back another laugh as he spoke. "Here I come."
Within a matter of seconds, somebody began banging on my bedroom door. I screamed from astonishment and pure terror before scrambling off my bed to find something—anything that could be used as some sort of weapon.
The man continued to bang on my door for what felt like hours, but only turned out to be a couple of minutes. But to my surprise, he stopped... And then there was silence—unsettling silence.
I ended the call with the man—nearly dropping my phone several times due to how shaky my hands were—before attempting to dial 911. But as luck would have it, the screen turned black, and I quickly realized that I had forgotten to charge my phone.
It's crazy how one small, dumb mistake could have such a fatal consequence...
"(Y/N)?" The man sang from the other side of my door. "Come out, come out wherever you are!"
"Go away!" I cried out, clenching my phone in my hand as fear crippled my body. "I'm going to call the police!"
It was a lie, I know, but I thought that maybe a threat would be enough to get the psycho away from me, long enough for somebody to come find me.
"Oh, (Y/N)." The man chuckled darkly. "The police won't get here on time. And besides, don't you want to meet the man behind it all—the one who killed your little friends?"
I froze for a minute in complete shock and fear. This man—who had taken so much from me within the last month—was just outside my door. The chances of me getting away at this point were slim. So, if I wasn't going to survive, I might as well have found out who this monster really was. But maybe I'd be lucky and survive if I found a way to kill him first? Regardless, I needed to know who this man was...
"F-Fine..." I tried to make myself sound much more confident and tougher than I really was, but failed due to the way my voice cracked thanks to my anxiety. "Come in..."
I grabbed my alarm clock and fully prepared to whip it at his head the second he opened the door, but life had a different plan for me.
To my surprise, the man kicked my door open and there stood a tall figure, wearing an all-black cloak and a white ghost mask. The costume was frightening enough and made me feel quite uneasy, especially with how he cocked his head as he stared at my weak form like a curious puppy—though I knew the rabid beast that hid behind the innocent gesture. There I stood—like a complete fucking idiot—holding my alarm clock in my hand as I stared at this murderer with a look of pure horror on my face.
The man slowly approached me and with each step he took forward, I took one backwards until I hit the wall behind me. After what felt like a century, the killer was finally one foot away from me—the black eyes of the mask drinking me in as I coward in fear before him. But just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, my eyes lowered and focused on the bright crimson liquid that covered his hands and knife.
"W-Whose blood is that?" I asked with much hesitance in my voice. Though it was a question that I did not want an answer to, I figured it was pretty important; since I still had some friends that were still alive, and my family as well.
Without a single word, the man leaned in almost as if he was attempting to pin me between him and the wall. The only sound that could be heard was his breath behind the mask and my beating heart. But then—breaking the silence like a hammer smashing through glass—he chuckled lowly.
"It used to belong to your friend, Emily."
Though the man was wearing a mask, I could tell by the smug sound of his voice that he had a huge smirk plastered on his twisted face. It was at that moment, I felt my heart stop. Without even realizing, tears began to fall down my cheeks as I grieved the death of my friend.
"Oh, come on!" He scoffed. "Why are you shedding tears for that little bitch?! After all, I did kill her for you."
I froze up completely after hearing his words, like time itself had stopped to let the sudden news sink in. I was shocked, but it all made sense. Out of anybody in my friend group, I was never attacked by the killer. So he was killing my friends... For me... Only one question remained inside my mind:
It was the only thing I could think to say. I didn't understand why this psychopath—this murderer was doing all this awful stuff for me. The man only laughed and then, to my surprise; lifted his mask over his face, revealing his true identity.
I audibly gasped and it was as if the shock of who stood before me punched me right in the face. My heart sank and my body grew cold, as my mind refused to accept the truth. I just stood there, with tears in my eyes as the only thing that escaped my lips was a name: "Josh?"
Josh Washington—who I had known for years—stood in front of me with a twisted, psychotic grin on his face as his eyes stared down at me with a lot of excitement in them. They seemed almost gray now, compared to the light green that shone with kindness before. His hair was now disheveled too—strains of it hanging down into his eyes; I had never seen it messy like this before, since he always had it slick back and tidy around me. It definitely added to the psychotic look he had going now.
"Ta-da!" He cheered while he threw his arms up dramatically as if he revealed some positive surprise like a birthday party. "Surprised? Of course, you are! Do you know how many movies I watched to get this right? It was a lot. After all, that's how the best killers learn: watch a few movies, take a few notes; it was fun! And the look on your face now makes all that work even more worth it!"
I only continued to stare at him in silence as tears filled my eyes. He was one of the few friends who made it—other than Chris and Sam—but I had never suspected him to be a killer; it didn't feel real or right in any way. He was always so sweet and kind... It didn't make sense...
"W-Why?" I asked in a barely audible whisper. "Why did you do this?!"
He shook his head as if he expected me to know, while his smile only broadened as he did so. "I told you, (Y/N). I did it for you."
"But why?!" I cried out, raising my voice as I did so, my vocals now scratchy and damaged from my earlier cries. He seemed surprised by my sudden outburst and took a step back as his eyes widened from shock.
"(Y/N), I did it because those fuckers were jerks! They treated you like trash, talked shit about you behind your back, and tried to keep us apart!"
His motive shocked me and also unlocked some realization in my mind: he was right. They were mean to me and treated me like garbage. But killing them just seemed too far. Though... It also ignited another question in my mind.
"What the fuck do you mean by 'kept us apart'?" I asked as I furrowed my brows with confusion. I swore at that moment that if jealousy had been the reason for his murders, I would kill him myself just out of anger due to his stupidity.
He laughed again, but this time his expression held a look of disgust and anger.
"Those assholes kept telling you that I didn't want you—that I was even appalled by the idea of being with you—all over the simple fact that Jess had a crush on me. You call that being a friend?" He scoffed bitterly. "Not only that, but those bitches had sabotaged many of your other relationships, as well as bullied you into thinking you were not good enough for anybody."
I stayed silent, looking down at my feet as the tears finally fell down my cheeks. Merely seconds later, I felt a gentle gloved hand meet my cheek. He caressed it softly with his thumb, to carefully wipe my tears away.
"You don't have to listen to their abuse anymore; they are gone." He whispered softly. "And you don't have to worry about not being good enough anymore either. Do you know why?"
I shook my head as I sniffed quietly, unable to speak due to not fully trusting my voice to form words correctly.
"Because you're good enough for me." He murmured in the softest tone I had ever heard, only making me tear up more.
I slowly looked up to meet his gaze—his soft gaze of adoration. He smiled warmly as he continued to hold my cheek in his large hand. And for the first time ever, I felt truly loved.
"And I know Mike was being a pig with you, that's why I slaughtered him like one." He admitted proudly as his kind smile split open into a prideful, toothy grin. I couldn't help but giggle as I wiped a few more tears away from my other cheek.
"Yeah, despite being with Emily, he would never give up on me. He just didn't understand that I didn't feel that way for him." I admitted sadly.
"I mean, I don't blame the guy because you are a fucking goddess, but he would go a little too far with his attempts to 'woo' you."
"Woo?" I chuckled at his choice of words.
"You know what I mean." He rolled his eyes playfully. But once they gazed back down upon me, they had grown soft and loving again. "So, would you consider being the lover of a dangerous psychopath?"
I smiled warmly as I stared up at the man before asking, "Well, I don't know. Promise not to stab me?"
"Not with this knife." He gestured down at the bloody knife in his hand, while his voice dropped low and seductive as his lips turned up into a sexy half smile.
"Good answer." I chuckled before placing my hands on his cheeks and pulling his face down to mine for a sweet kiss. Then—after pulling away a minute later—I gazed into his eyes with a lot of love and warmth. "We'll get to that later."
He smiled and placed his lips back on mine, while holding me tightly in his arms. The kiss lingered for another good minute and lit a spark within me—a spark that told me that I was in love. Once we pulled away, he stared down at me lovingly.
"Seriously though, I promise to protect you at all costs and destroy anybody who threatens your safety." He declared in a warm tone as he brought his hands back up to caress my cheeks again, the soft fabric of the gloves drying my soaked cheeks.
"I know." I responded as I smiled happily before planting another warm kiss on his surprisingly soft lips. "And I'll do the same for you."
"Oh? Do I have myself a little partner in crime?" He teased and my sweet smile twisted into a more sinister one as I took his knife from his hand, gripping it firmly in my fist and moving it up to place the blade against his throat.
Though the sharp metal was nipping at his skin and painting the ridge deep crimson, he didn't seem to care. His lips stretched into a devilish and seemingly excited grin, as he gazed down at me with a look of adoration in his green orbs.
"Hey, we all go a little mad sometimes. And I may know of a few more people who need to be taught a fatal lesson." My voice grew darker and more evil as his smile broadened with pride for his new lover —me. "I just need to have a mentor by my side to guide my way."
"My lady," he spoke softly as he carefully took my small hand in his big one. "It would be an honor."
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nilsavatar · 1 year ago
Parings: Neteyam x Fem!Omatikaya
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Genre/Warnings: NSFW/MDNI +18, no use of Y/N, SMUT in the end, voyeurism, mimicked intercourse (Neteyam and reader copy everything Jake and Neytiri do), blowjob, face fucking, rough, dirty talk, degradation, breeding kink, commitment relationship, dom-Jake, sub-Neteyam who turns in a dom-Neteyam later on, slight mention of claustrophobia, mention of KirixSpider. All characters are AGED-UP.
Summary: Jake and Neytiri are out for their periodic date night. Neteyam is supposed to look after Tuk, but Aywanin (reader), thanks to Kiri's involvement, manages to convince him to sneak away to have their own personal date night. One rule: no ikran. To avoid detection, they travel a secret passage in the rock tunnels of High Camp that would have taken them out of Mons Veritatis, but something bars their way. Or rather, somebody.
Word Count: 4k
Masterlist - Request a fic
“Oh, come on!” “Aywa,” his tone was one of warning, but a pleased note ruined the intent not to make her press further with her risky request. “I promise you won't regret it.” She looked up at him through long black lashes, her face tilted to one side, her lips parted in an unmistakable, allusive smirk. Neteyam shook his head in amusement, no longer able to restrain himself from smiling back and meeting her gaze with equal expectation. He drew her into an embrace. Their arms circled each other's waists and the tips of their noses rubbed together. He inhaled the sweetness of the balm she used to wash herself. It enveloped her, exuding a luscious aroma reminiscent of nectar, with hints of amber that accentuated the natural fragrance of her skin, leaving him at a loss for words to describe it; it was simply her. He would have been able to recognize her scent among a thousand. Even if he lost his sight, hearing, or memory, he was sure it would bring him back to her.
The two looked at each other in complicity, their foreheads leaning against each other. "How do we deal with Tuk?" he asked, unable to let go of his diligence altogether. The obedient good-boy. A side of him that could greatly irritate her, but concurrently, it contained goodness, protectiveness, and a sense of duty that was the key to her love for him. How could she not love a man like that, after all? Someone who would make her feel guarded and respected? Always attentive and understanding, he was like a gentle guide, ready to coddle her but also willing to steer her in the right direction if needed. As should have been the case tonight, yet the inclination to give her everything she wanted prevailed, to give in under those pleading but cunning eyes. His greatest weakness — and undoubtedly the prospect of a spicy night was playing its part.
Neteyam was still a man. Perfect, but just a man.
“I’ve already talked to Kiri. She’ll take care of her.” “You talked to Kiri?” he stared at her in amazement, stepping back a little, but not enough so that he no longer felt the warmth of her body. His large hands anchored on her arms, unable to resist sinking his fingers into her flesh, from tasting the smooth skin. Aywanin bit her lower lip with a mock guilty air. She blinked a few times before running her fingers over his pecs, then his abs, and finally entwined again behind his back. Clinging to him until she felt the beginning of a bulge press against her abdomen. The skin flushed where the nails lightly scratched their path. “I knew you'd back off otherwise. I had to pre-empt.”
“Smart move.” “I learned from the best," she teased.” “It's pretty odd that she actually said yes to babysitting Tuk. You know how she is.” “Let’s say we struck a deal.” The wry grin that crippled her mouth sent a shiver down his spine. Shivers of pleasure, because it drove him crazy when she brought out her nasty side. “Is this related to Spider?” “Uh-huh, no way. My lips are sealed. Girls’ secret.”  “It's like you answered me, you know?” “If you make assumptions I don’t confirm, that’s all that’s left...” she rose on her tiptoes to reach his mouth, on which she blew into it, “... assumptions.” “You have a knack for making things go your way.” He asserted, not missing the opportunity to gather both buttocks in his broad palms playfully and blow her a flying kiss. “No ikran, got it?” “It’s not like I wanna get us caught, silly,” she giggled, satisfied with her own success.
Who would have guessed that even his parents would not venture out into the night sky for a flight?
Sneaking out of the village was easier said than done, especially after the return of the RDA and chiefly when you were close to the olo’eyktan family. Security had increased significantly since the clan had moved to the Hallelujah Mountains, with a patrol always stationed at each entrance. However, within the labyrinthine caves, a secret dwelled - a concealed passageway known only to them.
Lo'ak used it as a means of evading their parents and exploring the forest.
“This way,” Neteyam whispered to keep his voice from booming and offered his hand. For the first time that evening, he read hesitation on the girl’s face, normally unfamiliar with apprehension.  “It gets a little tight up ahead, but we'll pass through in a single line. And then, the passage leads to a secret chamber that connects to another hallway, and we'll finally be outside.” He threw her an encouraging smile, “You trust me?” She smiled back, “Yes.” Stealthily and guided by luminescent larvae that colored the massive limestone walls a pale blue, directing them through the otherwise dark and asphyxiating corridor, the two made their way watching out for stalactites and stalagmites that threatened to trip them up or, worse, leave their heads in them. Walking under that semblance of a starry sky was a captivating experience, truly breathtaking. Aywanin wished to stay there longer, but each additional minute meant sacrificing their personal delight.
They noticed a light up ahead that grew stronger with each step, filling the air with a loving glow and beckoning them closer. Moonlight filtered through the mouth of the cave. The path out led to sturdy roots, which they would climb to reach a lush glade growing atop the giant boulder that now served as home to the Omatikaya. A place of rare beauty, especially during the enchantment of the night. The girl felt a warm sensation spread through her as her lips curved into a smile. They were finally out; the chances of being caught red-handed were minimized. Regaining the playful spirit that had driven them there, she pulled Neteyam by the arm to encircle his neck with hers and glued her mouth on his in a messy kiss. It caught him by surprise enough to make him stumble over his steps and slam his back against the jagged wall. A sigh swallowed his moan of pain when Aywanin ran her tongue past his tooth line.
Neteyam, driven by her resourcefulness, leaned down and wedged his forearms behind her knees, anchoring her securely to his waist, when she gave herself the momentum to pounce on him. Her heels crossed behind his hips, positioned in the small but obvious, symmetrical, lateral depressions in his lower torso that seemed to be designed specifically for that. Earthlings called them ‘dimples of Venus,’ taking their cue from the goddess of Physical Glee and Love of an ancient cult in their world. It was a name Aywanin liked; an apt association. As faithful as she was to the Great Mother, she had to admit the sensuality of that particular spot on their bodies could only be a detail born from the mind of a deity devoted to love, desire, and passion.
The young warrior gave himself the push to break away from the rough, sharp surface, rotated on himself, and slammed her against it. Pleasantly painful, the impact forced her to break their effusion with a hiss. His gaze carried a hint of disapproval, softened by the familiar gleam in his eyes that deepened the color of his iris. His eyes, usually a piercing cold yellow, with just the right hint of vibrant green akin to a lime peel, morphed into a mesmerizing shade of honey gold.
“We’re almost there,” he exhaled, his warm breath gently brushing against her face. “I'm loving it here. Isn't this place so … suggestive?” “Too risky. We'd be totally busted if someone showed up.” There was nowhere to hide. “You said this is a secret passageway known only to you and Lo’ak.” “Yeah, but —.” Aywanin hushed him by laying her index finger to seal his lips. “No one's gonna drop by. It's the middle of the night. C'mon, take a look. It's so pretty here.” It looked like a Martian landscape: rocky, inhospitable, and rugged, with a magnificent sky to witness their love. Although their stars were the glowworms with which they faced Unitarol. "Why not switch things up and try something different?” she asked, winkingly. Again, that expression that sometimes he wanted to tear away, but most of the same made his knees go soft, and his saliva thicken into a rump. “You will be my downfall,” he accused with a smile. “I am your downfall.”
Holding her tightly, Neteyam followed the veins that marked the rock where rainwater seepage led to a depression in the innermost part of the underground chamber. A place secluded enough for no one to surprise them, and of ideal acoustics to hear her chant his name over and over again like a prayer.  Aywanin knew how to put a strain on his balance as he walked, being careful where he put his feet. Her kisses and bites were distracting because of the tremors they caused throughout his body. But Neteyam was a man of iron will; he would not give in to the temptation to take her there, in a chalky rock corridor. No, he would lay her down on the nice moss that covered the moisture-laden stone pavement, at the spot where the luminescent larvae had the most prolific colony. So many trails and shimmering dots on par with constellations in the celestial vault.
Perhaps if they had not been so immersed in their frolicking. In the hard kisses that wanted to suck the air out of each other’s lungs, in the scratches along his back, in the marks between her neck and shoulder. Perhaps they would have noticed sooner the low moans that echoed from the depths of the cave. More and more frequent and high-pitched, until one of them culminated in a louder shriek.
The tips of Neteyam’s ears clicked like toy soldiers, and he urgently crouched down behind the largest boulder he could find, with still Aywanin clinging to him, shielding her. “Teyam?” she asked in a daze, but he quickly signaled for her to stay quiet by raising his index finger. “What is it? What’s going on?” she whispered then. Without a word, he lifted himself up just enough on his ankles to peer over the edge of the rock.
The clan only had one Jake, and only one person could appeal to him in such an intimate manner.
Neteyam stifled an expletive, shrugging her off to slide seated against the wall, where he slammed the back of his head. “My parents are here.” “Your parents?! You said this passage—.” “Guess it's not as secret as we thought.” “Why are they even here?” He cast her a look that was both eloquent and pleading. Don't make me say it out loud, please. “Date night.” He simply stated, and the girl's eyes squinted wildly. She was shivering with cold sweat. By now it was too late; they could no longer escape without them noticing. All they could do was wait for them to... finish.
Jake had nailed her to the wall in a voracious kiss as he trudged to unfasten the flight leggings that veiled her legs. His fingers slid over the perforated details of the leather fabric and up her calf, then over the knee that grazed his pelvis. What was left of their clothes soon scattered on the floor. Sucking the breath from her lungs, his wet kisses lingered on her lips, letting the desire to be taken dig into her skin and creep ever stronger. He lifted her off the ground, lacing her ankles behind his back and sliding to his right. She was unbalanced for a second for lack of support, but Jake was ready for that eventuality as well.  “No way I’m going to drop you,” he whispered laughingly, continuing to a deliberately bumped obstacle. He set her down on a hard surface and the woman brought her hands behind her, bracing herself on what must have been a deformation of the rock face. Before she could speak, her mate bit the back of her shoulder. A wave of strong ardor washed over her flesh, and she could not help but rub herself against him, moaning Jake’s name. His bites were wild and fervent and made her legs soft.
A strange heat spread through Aywanin as she stared at the scene in astonishment, unable to look away. It was bewitching. Every flap of skin flushed, every nerve ending awakened. The senses heightened; especially the touch that grew impatient and the sense of smell yearning to register any detail of the pheromones that characterized them. So unique, so theirs.
“Why didn’t we start like this right away?” The olo’eyktan whispered between kisses. “Someone here didn’t even want to go out tonight. He was tired,” Neytiri reciprocated with all the passion she possessed. “What a bad person.” “Horrible.” “This horrible guy gonna bang you so well that you will forget even your name.” He swallowed her tongue again, his arms wrapped possessively around her. 
The kiss lasted an eternity.
It was strange to see Neytiri so vulnerable. The image of the woman in her head was very clear: proud, beautiful, and imperturbable. But in her husband’s hands, she shattered and became malleable like soft clay. It was as if she lost what she was in that state. Warrior, mother, tsakarem. Only the woman remained, and so did Jake. For the first time, the girl’s eyes rested on their figures without seeing what they represented, and this triggered something in her. As if the two lovers had pressed a button inside her, lit a fire that burned away everything else. Without looking away for an instant, she reached for Neteyam’s loincloth and unfastened it. Despite the soft thud it made, the sound of his parents' cries overpowered any potential echo.
The boy was about to ask her what the fuck was going on in her mind, but the grip on his throbbing member cut off his breath. “No. No, Aywa, stop!” he yelled in a murmur, but she took to pump him undaunted. Up and down along the shaft, preening the base more and more, and teasing his slit at the tip as she knew he liked it. “We can’t leave without them noticing us. We might as well make the most of this experience and get a free lesson in a fortunate marriage.”
Marriage. It was a recurring theme lately. Or rather, it was a topic Neteyam often brought up, ready to culminate in their long courtship, their dream of love. Yet Aywanin had never been too open about it, leaving the question undetermined, although the answer would have been simple. They just had to set a date. This was the last of the situations in which he would have predicted her to open the subject of her own accord.
Were they indeed going to discuss it now? With his parents’ moans in his ear, their bodies entwined in his peripheral vision, and his fiancée's hand jerking him off to top it all off?
“I want to learn whatever it takes to make you happy.” “You already make me happy.” “I want you to be happy forever. That you choose me all your life like your father chooses your mother every day.” “I wish the same.” “Then let’s make the most of it. There is no better example than them,” she smiled like a fox.
They mimicked as far as possible everything they saw their unsuspecting mentors doing.
“Open.” heard Jake say, out of breath. “W-what?” “Your legs,” his voice was an octave lower, “Show me what you’re hiding.”
Aywanin swallowed hard as Neteyam positioned himself between her own legs. She didn't think the young man would get involved in such a perversion. Normally, he was the sweetest man in the world in bed. He cuddled her by whispering sweet nothings in her ear. Their bodies swayed together as they listened to the ticking of the bedposts and the rustle of the wind beating against the roof of the hut. But he could also be imperious and rough, aware of how much she liked a little force between waves of bliss. And that was just a taste of what he planned to do within minutes as he listened to his father’s words as if they were direct orders.  The perfect little soldier.
Watching him participate in the game was an ecstatic experience that words cannot capture. The satisfaction that inflamed her insides was so enveloping that it stunned her, leaving her with a single, powerful conviction, a blaze of lucidity impossible to extinguish except with the roar of orgasm.
She was responsible for his transformation. She uncovered his true essence.
And what could pass for dominance was, in reality, nothing more than submission to the drives that he was so distressed to drown; but when he was with her, they resurfaced and obscured reason, erasing the hardness of his nature. The only thing that mental state allowed to keep hard was the long, heavy cock that now contracted against his belly.
She shuddered under his gaze, the coils in her stomach tensing. He knew she didn’t want it to be gentle, not after coming all that way at that time of night. She didn’t want him to be respectful, right now, with this amount of desire burning inside her. If this was a way to please her, even if it was out of his character, he would do anything to fulfill her dirtiest dream. 
They turned to look at the other couple. The mischief in Jake’s eyes was quickly replaced by impatience when Neytiri didn’t indulge him. “I said, open,” she lifted her chin, feeling weak under the superiority of his gaze. “Are you pretending to be shy?” he spat. Nonchalantly, she opened her legs, allowing a glimpse of her folds, wet and glistening. “You can do better than that. Spread.” He ordered as he reached out a hand, tightening his fingers around her ankle, and yanked her forward until she slid off the boulder. She gasped in surprise, her shins dangling over the edge as he cupped her mouth with one palm and pinned her thigh with the other. His grip was never too strong to leave a mark. He loved her too much to hurt her.
He forced her to extend them as far apart as possible, exposing her squirming hole to hungry eyes.  “Look at you,” he said, as he traced the folds with his fingertips. “You’re soaked.” He slipped two digits into his mouth, smeared them with saliva, and brought them back down to slide over her clit. Without warning, he pushed them in, spinning them upwards and she gasped. He removed his fingers, only to put them back in his mouth and taste her on his tongue. He kept his eyes on her as he emitted a little mumbling around his phalanges. His smile was salacious.
Asserting that Neytiri enjoyed being taken in that indelicate way because she loved suffering itself was inaccurate. On the contrary, she knew how to turn out to be extremely proactive. Sometimes a spark would inflame within her, propelling her to seize control with a calculated and ruthless determination, detached from her usual self, solely driven to instill despair in him. But most of the time, she loved the feeling of being able to melt into his powerful arms. The realization that he knew exactly whatever weakness she had and turned it to his advantage sent her into raptures.
Aywanin was on the verge of saying his name when he tightened his grip around her throat and groaned into her lips as he burned her with a peck. His tongue slipped between her teeth, moving in a mad dance against her writhing one. The clamp around her neck was tight, his hand and his kiss choking her simultaneously.  When he let go, Neteyam’s face hovered over hers, letting her savor the fresh scent of his breath. “Consider yourself lucky that I love you so damn much to give you what you want,” he remarked as he plunged his digits in. A shudder ran through her like a shot of adrenaline that melted her in his grasp, her lips parted in a choked sob. 
The other man kissed his woman once, softly, languidly, but when he dragged his lips to her ear, his voice was dangerously arousing, “Do you want me to fuck you here and now?” “Y-yes,” she pleaded at his mercy. He purred, a small smirk pressed against the skin under her earlobe, pleased by such abandonment. Removing his hand from her larynx, he cupped her jaw until her lips puckered. He was only a breath away when he hissed, “First things first, you'll have to do a little something for me.” He stood up before her, staring at her through impossibly black lashes. She yearned so much for him to touch her, but even without speaking, Jake could already tell. 
“On your knees,” he commanded, but she was too overwrought to obey immediately. He laid her on the ground, wonderfully aligned with his pelvis, “Do you want me to do it or do you think you can give pleasure to your husband?” he taunted her, poking her right in the self-esteem: a challenge. A proud grin colored his face as she settled better on her knees, a glint of ardent stinginess crossed her golden eyes. His thumb tucked into her mouth and rubbed his tongue, his fingertip pressed against her taste buds. Jake’s gaze lit with lust as her lips sealed around his finger, mimicking what she would do next. Withdrawing his hand, he returned to caress her chin, raised to look him straight in the eye. Those sharp, criminal eyes, and he rearranged her hair haphazardly so that it would not be in the way. 
She, though a little trembling, kissed him on the tip, letting him know the softness of her lips before her tongue came into play.  “Look how docile you are, just a little bitch.” The girl squinted. Neteyam was different. Rougher. The sweetness and romance that characterized the affection of his actions had vanished; he was doing the opposite of what he usually did. She had never yet seen this side of him. His mouth's inclination towards dirty talk didn't shock her, but he never insulted her. She was intoxicated by the electrifying novelty, as if under the influence of a powerful drug. The blood rushed all southward as she looked at him surreptitiously, so yielding prostrate at his feet, kneeling like a worshipper before her god. “Use that long tongue of yours.” She obeyed, giving him little laps on his crevice as she pumped him with one fist. He snorted, immensely pleased at her meekness. This wasn’t Neteyam. It appeared a demon had pilfered Neteyam's face and put it on.
Aywanin dragged her lips to one side, tracing the raised veins with her tongue. “Good. Now open.” Her mouth parted in a gasp and he slammed his shaft against her full lips, pulling back her arranged tail when she did not move in the desired rhythm. Her muscles adjusted to the intrusion and Neteyam wasted no time, in one attempt he thrust fully into her cavity, reaching up to strike the back of her throat. Her eyelids closed, soft whimpers muffled on her epidermis. Her glittering reddened eyes barred as she struggled to breathe, and struggled to hold up his hard irises, but the disparaging smile that made him look like a reprobate got the better of her; it was so tyrannical it was almost frightening.
Seeing how her features altered as she savored his length, how her eyelashes became tear-drenched and a vivid erubescence colored her cheeks, was the most heavenly sinful sight he could imagine. The way she sustained his piercing glance, the way she repressed the instinct to puke when the tip struck the base of her larynx, past the uvula. He nullified the remaining space, pressing her nose against his pelvis and blocking her airway for a few seconds before releasing her. She coughed for air, choking on her own saliva.
Jake lowered himself down to his spouse's level, wiping away the salty trails that joined her eyes to her open mouth. His thumbs caressed her flushed cheekbones, forcing her to meet his gaze as he set her back on her feet, turned her around, and leaned her against the rock.  “You won’t have any peace. I won’t slow down until I have stuffed you. I’ll give you yet another of my kids.” The gentle touch he shook her hair with broke the tension for a moment. That genuine concern in his voice and in his eyes. “Just take me and shut up,” Neytiri playfully rolled her eyes, and he returned it. Four children were more than enough.
No one would engage in further conversation; instead, they would delve into each other’s boundaries within the cave, with no chance of retreat. The dragon had been awakened.
“Your parents are funking hot.” “Do. Not. Say. It. Ever. Again.”
Aww poor boy, he’s traumatized now.
Special thanks to @pandoraslxna for the prompt!
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pablitogavii · 2 years ago
can you do an image in Ibiza and reader sends gavi like a lingerie photo or a spicy text while at dinner with the boys and he can’t control himself and when you get home he punishes you (smut)
Spicy Text
What a good idea ;))
Obv SMUT ahead!!
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Your POV
When Pablo invited me to go to the dinner with him and the boys, I gladly declines since I knew Aurora wasn't going and I didn't feel like being the only girl.
"Are you sure you don't want me to stay amorcito?" he asked me like a thousand times until I pushed him outside of that door myself telling him to go have a fun night with his friends.
I was never one of those girls who needed to be by her man 24/7 but tonight when he was gone, I started missing him a little extra...if you know what I mean ;)
I was guilty of checking out some of those fan edits they made and let me tell you they make a girl excited..especially when she has the real thing in her bed every night..and I really needed him in this bed right now!!
I peeked through the door of our bedroom seeing that Aurora was asleep in the living room before pulling a new lingerie I got before vacation from my suitcase and putting it on..I had an intersting idea pop into my mind.
I checked myself out in the mirror smiling before grabbing my phone and taking a quick pic before texting Pablo.
amorcito: the room is so cold without you papi ;)) sent pic
I smirked to myself and not even a second later he opened it and started typing. It surely came as a surprise but I knew he will save that photo onto his phone(even though he would deny it!).
pablitoo: i'm weak nenaaa!! why do you look so good!???
I smirked at his text knowing that playing with fire like this will only get me into trouble later but not being able to resist it..it was way too much fun to play with him like this.
amorcito: it's the new one just for you papi ;)
pablitoo: stop playing with me nena!!
I knew it! He was getting frustrated and I was enjoying myself way too much to stop right now..come whatever punishment ;))
amorcito: or what??
pablitoo: or i'm gonna rip that off your beautiful body and make you regret making me hard!
Fuck!! He was just as needy as me right now..maybe if I keep pushing he comes home earlier??
amorcito: show me how hard you are papi..
pablitoo: it hurts me soo much preciosa.. sent pic
You chuckled at his secret picture of his pants that showed clear bulge that made your thighs close in anticipation...fuck he was so beautifully hard right now!!
amorcito: if you were here right now, I would...
pablitoo: you would what princesa?? ;)
I knew not replying would only make him angrier and that hopefully makes him come back and 'punish' me in his special ways.
pablitoo: amor??
pablitoo: you can't get me going like this and then ignore me!
I chuckled turning off my phone putting it on charger before heading to the shower..well that was certainly fun!
Pablo's POV
Joder!! She did not just turn me on and then ignore my texts! She's playing with fire and I was on the verge to get into my car and teach her a proper lesson!
"Should we head to the club boys??" Mario said and but there was no way I was going anywhere with bulge in my shorts and my mind fixated on that lingerie hugging her body so perfectly..fuck, I needed her badly right now!!
"I'll pass. You go ahead" I said and they all gave me a suspicious look smirking amongst each other ready to tease me about being 'needy' for my girl but I knew they were just jealous..cabróns!
"I'll go back with you" Javi said and we separated with the rest getting into my car as I was speeding towards the villa holding my crotch so that he doesn't see the bulge. Damn it, pricnesa!
"Hermano, slow down or we won't make it home!" Javi said and I apologized although still trying my best to go through traffic quickly as we finally arrived to the villa.
"You're back so early!" Aurora greeted us at the door hugging Javi and smiling at me as I asked where my girl was.
"I heard the shower turn on when I woke up.." was all she said before i rushed towards our shared bedroom locking the door behind myself.
I came into the bathroom seeing that sexy body of hers in the shower surrounded by water and light fog that made the bulge in my pants only grow more.
I took off my clothes quickly (i didn't think I could do it so quickly before) before stepping in quietly and snaking my arms around her wet torso making her jump.
"Dios! What are you doing home so early cariño??" she played dumb but I could tell she was smirking behind my back as I turned her around grabbing her neck and making her look up at me with those dopey eyes.
"My naughty girl was misbehaving so I came to teach her a lesson.." my hold tightened but only enough to cause shivers before my lips slammed on hers as we devoured each other while water fell on top of us.
"I really needed you Pablito.." she whined and I knew she was trying to get herself out of trouble like always but I was not in the mood to show her any mercy tonight..tonight she will get what she deserves.
"So you thought teasing and then ignoring me is the way to go? Hm?" I pushed her against cold tiles roughly and she whined shaking ehr head while her hands touched my wet abs caressing them gently.
Fuck! she was driving me mad!!!
Your POV
I LOVED whenever he would get rough like this which is why I 'misbehave' ever so often waiting for him to tame me like only he can.
His hand around my neck while his mouth devoured mine was the definition of heaven when suddenly he pulled away looking down at me with a big smirk on his face.
"Since you didn't tell me what you would do if I was home..how about you show me instead.." he smirked pushing me into my knees and I felt my core drench at this while I looked at his long hard shaft.
I was about to grab it with my hands when he pulled back making me look up in confusion.
"What do you say princesa??" he smirked and I pouted nodding my head obediently. Last thing I needed was to push him too far and make him not allow me to cum tonight. I needed to give him all he wanted.
"Please, papi..let me suck your cock like a good girl" I said and he nodded his head petting my head while putting his cock into my mouth groaning when I hollowed my cheeks and started sucking him.
"Fuck yeah! Just like that princesa..show me why I shouldn't punish you" he groaned throwing his head back while I sucked him diligently feeling his dick pulse inside my mouth before swallowing all he would give me.
"Good girl!" he said rising my chin up and smiling down a t me before grabbing my body and taking me to our bed.
"Mm are you gonna make me cum now papi??" I bit my lips feeling more needy than before especially after tasting him a few seconds ago.
"Now you are going to cockwarm me until the morning..and if you behave and hold it, I might make you cum when we wake up" he said making me lay on my side and slipping inside of me while holding me tightly against himself.
"No...please papi! I was your good girl" I tried moving but his hold on my hips tightened and he held me in place.
"Good girls don't tease amor! And if you continue to whine like a brat, I won't let you cum for the whole damn vacation!" he threatened and I knew better than to take that chance nodding my head and keeping still while he kissed the side of my shoulder.
"That's mi niña buena..goodnight amorcito" he said getting comfy and I felt my walls contract around him.
"Night amor" I said closing my eyes...I couldn't wait for the morning! ;)
Damn! Pablito was mean to us :// but I hope you liked the story <3
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crimswnred · 1 year ago
I've just gotten back home from work so I'm a little late to the party, however...
LITG SEASON 8: TEMPTING FATE — VOLUME 2: thoughts, concerns and prayers
first of all yesss more hair booooo paywall, fusebox get it together??? (at least they are pretty but again that's the bare minimum)
anyway, here's my girl with her new hair
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why do all of the girls' nightwear look like I'm on a strip club and they're asking me if I want something to drink
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it's so over for you Theo
honestly she's too good for him anyway
okay kiss challenge!!!! let me snog everyone
I don't want any more of that "peck" crap we want FULL ON SNOGS, TONGUE AND CHAOS
Jin: "Nap, then results?" Hamish would be so proud of him
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okay, so you rate me EIGHT just so I feel like I have to pay to have one extra kiss, your game is a dirty as ever Fusebox
date time!!!! going with Jin ❤️
LMAO Jack is kinda funny
so sad to see a baddie doing too much to keep a man in love island 💔 Luna I'm so sorry you didn't deserve it your only crime was being coupled up with the one guy I want
oh. so about the terrace scene...
first of all, super sweet gem scene. it seemed like a super important one for it to be a gem scene though. so idk I'm a bit lost.
Jin is a walking red flag 😭 this boy is soooo gonna flip on me when the next hot girl shows up!! but let's enjoy the ride
and Luna... girl... was it ever that serious?
the award for worst outfit design goes to 👇
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and the one for BEST outfit design goes to 👇
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like wow wowza mmmhmm yeah! this man is hot hot HOT 🔥🔥🔥
oh, Jack is kinda sweet... if he looked more like Lewie/Alex he would be favourite boy of the season for sureeee
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keep the compliments coming, darling
I had to kiss him too. you know, to be polite.
but it was just a peck, tho
okay, NOW JIN!!!
having a spicy conversation with the guy I want to fuck and his currently girl isn't how I planned to spend my afternoon but here we go
"You're adventurous. You're fun to be around. And you'd make every sight even more beautiful", "Okay. Where's the punch line?", "There isn't one :)" OKAY GAG ME WITH THE WRITING
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lmao Sophie mixing the boys up she's so me
Claudia is a real one let me tell you that
she's nice, she doesn't force herself upon us, she's polite, she give us all the tea, and she even help us to graft on the boys behind their girls' backs. like, THAT'S MY GIRL
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and if Theo doesn't step up she will DEFINITELY be mine
so sad to see Luna go, I really like her :/
he was so out of pocket ?? what's your deal man, are you jealous I picked Jin instead of you? we kissed ONCE. be sooooooooo for real rn
okay Sophie you can join your boy in this bullshit he still cheated on you with me when you weren't looking (and he probably would do it again)
no. I won't forgive you?? you were basically calling me a whore back then and now you are SORRY? don't say something you'll regret later that's not cute.
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and he's supposed to be serious?
anyway, stressful night over. time to go to bed with my babygirl Jin
29 gems to go all the way? what is this?
they could've make the scene a little longer but they have gotten way better ever since the writers dropped the word crescendo
still not 100% sure if I'm going with Jin or Oakley but I'm leaning towards Jin, I'm not gonna lie 😁 I did some stuff that will fuck me over on movie night if fusebox finally learnt how to code (which they prolly didn't so I guess I'm safe)
I really enjoyed this episode except for the part when Jack and Sophie went full on villain mode but if the narrative made sense all of the time it wouldn't be LITG, right?
anyway, let's see what this Tyler guy is about... see you all next week 🫶
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zoeykallus · 2 years ago
Okay. So, this is a bit weird. But maybe the Bad Batch (+ Gregor?) when their s/o is VERY protective over their baby when it's born? Even though it's the Batcher's kid too, s/o stares intently at them holding baby to make sure nothing bad happens, won't leave the baby's side, can hardly sleep because they are so on edge about something happening to baby when they aren't around, and is wary and tense about Batcher taking care of them?
I mean, I know the boys would do a good job, but I find myself doing this with my little brother when we was younger, my cousins, and friends kids - I get so overprotective because I'm scared something will happen, and anyone other than me and the Mom, I can get...pissy/snarly/angry when baby and I are separated. I have absolutely no clue why this happens?
But if it's not too much trouble, I would love to know how the boys would react. I am...a spicy, hot mess sometimes 😅
Aloha! 😊
I've heard of this phenomenon before, but I don't know exactly where it comes from. Though, I think it's called 'postpartum maternal separation anxiety' or it is a form of it.
I should utter a warning, I have no idea (experience) about motherhood, or parenthood (and I don't want to 😅 ), at least not first hand!
Nevertheless, I could be able to estimate how the boys react to it. Let me see… Most of this is not going to be very fluffy though. Sorry, I'm trying 😅
The Bad Batch/ Gregor x Reader HCs - The Overprotective Parent
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Warning: Angsty/Tiny bit of fluff and comfort
He is so confused that he says nothing at first when you carefully but impatiently take the baby out of his arms.
"Is something wrong?" he finally asks alertly.
"Everything's fine."
Hunter frowns, clearly sensing something is wrong, as he approaches you and the child again to touch it, you pull back from him.
"This is my child too," he says calmly but with his brows drawn together critically, "What do you think will happen if I touch it?"
You sigh and finally try to explain to him what is going on inside you. That you're worried and anxious if you don't take care of it yourself.
"We need to work on that" Hunter says seriously "It's our child, I'm the father, you can't keep it from me, it's not right or fair. You know me, I would never harm our baby".
Of course the rational part of your perception knows this, but there is unfortunately also an irrational part that sometimes takes control. You will have to find a way to deal with this together. Hunter is a good partner and father, he will not want to have his time with his child taken away. If you can't find a common ground on your own, it could have a very negative impact on your relationship.
However, Hunter is willing to accommodate you in some way if you are willing to do the same and perhaps allow outside help, possibly in a therapeutic form.
Your reaction surprises him, and he vacillates somewhat between confusion, annoyance, and concern.
"You're acting like you don't trust me all of a sudden. Is it the prosthesis? Are you afraid I'll drop the kid?" he asks, frowning critically.
"Among other things," you reluctantly admit.
Seeing how this statement hurts him, you regret saying something. He looks at you wide-eyed, then lowers his gaze to his scomp-link arm. Echo doesn't quite know if he's disappointed or angry.
"So I never get to hold our child?" he asks, and his voice has taken on a strange tone that you haven't heard from him before, there's something somber about it.
When he looks at you again his expression is bitter, "You can't deny me that, I've never given you a reason to mistrust me, this is my child too".
You try to explain to him how worried and insecure you are about the baby, in general, not just about him. His expression slowly softens a bit, and he seems to understand, at least partially.
"We'll have to do something about that. Maybe we should ask a doctor for advice"
Echo tries to be understanding, even if in this case he actually finds it difficult for once. He is determined to find a solution that you both can be happy with.
He is already overcautious because the baby is so tiny and he is so huge. It feels strange for him to have this small, wonderful but so fragile looking being in his life. Wrecker is overjoyed to be a father but a little insecure at the same time. Your behavior fuels this insecurity.
He withdraws unhappily, observes the child mostly only with some distance, and you can see how deeply sad he is about not being able to approach his baby properly. Your behavior, and his insecurity, mix into a very bitter cocktail for Wrecker.
Eventually, his brothers notice the pattern and intervene, insisting that you give Wrecker a chance to hold his child. When it becomes clear what this is doing to you, Hunter insists that you seek medical as well as therapeutic help. He can no longer stand by and watch Wrecker suffer.
You need to communicate, so he understands you don't feel like this on purpose, that you can't help it. He'll be happy to find a solution with you.
He notices your behavior very quickly and doesn't like it at all.
"You are overreacting. I am perfectly capable of taking care of our baby. What's your issue?"
Your explanation makes him frown worriedly as well as thoughtfully. Tech quickly does some research and concludes, "You have some form of 'postpartum maternal separation anxiety'. We need to do something about that."
He knows it's hard for you, but you both have to go through it now.
"I'm not comfortable knowing how uncomfortable you feel seeing me with the child. Actually, I had hoped that the opposite would be the case, that it would make you happy. But I'm certainly not going to give up our baby. So we have to do something. Therapy seems not only appropriate, but necessary if we're going to get this out of the way."
Tech will not back down on this. He tries to be as considerate as possible, but he has a hard time hiding his disappointment. However, he is hopeful that with professional help, you can both get relief from this situation.
He never wanted to become a father, and he has a hard time getting used to this situation. Pride, happiness and a good portion of fear and insecurity mix. Crosshair keeps his distance at first, observing everything carefully, thoughtfully, but also with a loving eye.
It takes quite a while, but when he finally comes out of his shell and takes the baby in his arms, you react quite strongly, partly because it is unexpected due to his previous behavior. Crosshair carefully puts the baby back down, and you see that he is holding back right now, but is incredibly angry.
He doesn't want to confront you in the presence of the child and initially retreats to let off steam. Crosshair feels patronized, discouraged and incredibly angry. You end up arguing quite heatedly, because he can't really understand what you're trying to explain to him, until you present him with some articles that can explain the whole thing more objectively.
He reluctantly reads what you've presented, wearily rubs his hand over his face with a sigh, and leans back in his chair. Finally, he understands, you can't really help it right now.
"Somehow, nothing is ever normal with us, is it?", he mutters.
You shrug your shoulders in embarrassment and lean back in your chair as well, across from him at the small dining table you're sitting at.
Crosshair finally leans forward again, arms folded on the tabletop, and looks directly at you.
"Kitten, I love you, I hope you know that. But this is a non-tolerable situation for me. We need to find a solution. I'm having a hard enough time adjusting to all this as it is. Maybe we need professional help from the outside."
He raises his brows and looks at you in surprise as you take the child from his arms.
"Is something wrong?"
It doesn't matter what you say, he'll notice that you're avoiding him or trying to cover something up, he has a sense for that kind of thing. Gregor won't let the subject rest until you talk to him openly about it.
"Love, this is my baby too, it's our baby. You trust me, don't you?"
"That's not the point"
"Then what is it about?" he inquires gently but firmly.
Gregor listens attentively, trying to understand you, and he quickly realizes that a lot of work is needed here, and perhaps professional guidance. You are surprised when you see him smile, unperturbed, and he strokes your cheek.
"Okay, so we've discovered a problem. Let's set out to find the solution, together."
He's in good spirits, he won't give up that easily, it's not in Gregor's nature. He is sure that together, with a little willpower and cooperation, you will find a solution that is right for both of you.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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zethsdumpster · 5 months ago
More at midnight au
did y'all see that official picture of Ace and Luffy for the radio show? yeah
Whitebeard (&co) worked at a radio station till Akainu (&Teach) fucked them over and Whitebeard decided to go -let´s see what are the youngsters into these days- and it's gonna end up growing from podcast to vtubers or sth
Whitebeard's crew becomes so popular people are begging for them to do those podcast videos but ofc Whitebeard won't make them reveal their faces so those who aren't comfortable doing so end up getting vsonas lmao Ace, to whoever is making the characters: make them look super cool
Ichiji has insomnia and Ace's narcolepsy also fucks up his schedule so his talk shows tend to be quite late at night and Ichiji always listens to his shows .... He's just a big fan of Ace's voice and the wide variety of topics present on his shows....
Deuce is Ace's writer At some point Ace and his team get in trouble for no reason (and by no reason I mean Akainu is being difficult cuz he doesn't like them) so they stop working at the radio station and Ichiji is distraught until he finds Whitebeard now has a podcast channel...
Ichiji doesn't know it but he's closer to Ace than he thinks
He and Deuce grew up in the same social circles so they've been friends since forever (went through an edgy phase together lmao) and Deuce has been besties with Ace since they became roomies at college (after Deuce was disowned for dropping med school in favour of creative writing)
And on top of that Yonji is dating Sabo (they attend the same mixed martial arts club/class)
And Sanji is also besties with Luffy
It's nothing less than divine intervention that he hasn't met Ace because they have a lot of people in common
Ps, Ace is studying veterinary while Ichiji is studying anthropology (Robin is his tutor) Sabo is in law school and Yonji is in robotics with Niji (Franky is their fav teacher)
Ichiji ends up meeting Ace through his internship at the closest vet, Ace might be specializing in working with big animals but he also has to learn to deal with the small ones Nyasha gets sick and Ichiji takes her to the vet, where Ace assists them Ichiji is internally panicking because he knows that voice...
Ace is happy to know that Ichiji enjoys listening to him and that he helps with his insomnia, so ofc he asks him about his favourite shows Ichiji will never admit that it´s the Valentine´s events so he says sth random
Ichiji stick his foot all the way in his mouth like “have you ever considered doing ASMR I hear it’s trendy” and then the next episode he regrets it so much because Ace is just whispering in his ear -> worst thing is that Ace thanks "Red"'s suggestion and Ichiji wants to throw himself off the balcony
Now let me add the lemon:
has Ichiji jacked off to Ace´s voice? Hint: the answer isn´t no
what better use of Judge's money than paying for access to "spicy" audios that Ace has in the Patreon
some involve Ace saying dumb pic-up lines and Ichiji "hates" that Ace makes those bad pick-up lines work
and it's lines someone else has already tried on him and it very much did not work then but now... from Ace...
Ace trying to see if can make Ichiji come with just his voice Spoiler: he probably can
Ichiji cockwarming Ace while he's doing a live...
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yril-writes · 2 years ago
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synopsis ; fushiguro togi, the beloved customer of the red light district. Dating him without knowing anything about that man screams red flag, until you got an intel about his life it all went to flames.
scenario ; toji is the famous vip customer in the red light district where you are currently working, the dating part between the both of you is nothing but a contract to keep nosy people out of both of your lives.
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"So, when are you going to tell me that you have a fucking kid?! I thought that you were divorced but a kid?!"
"And I didn't know you liked being fucked by a dad like me?"
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type ; drabble
include/s ; fushiguro toji
pairing/s ; single dad character x fl! reader
genre ; a hint of spicy corn
warnings ; cursing
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The man who you've been dating in contract keeps this secret of his in his pocket. He acts as if he is holding the world in the palm of his hands, taking everyone and controlling all people he can possibly get. Unfortunately among those people, you stood up head to head with this man without even knowing how he can just make you disappear by just saying a word. His name is Fushiguro Toji, he is well known in the red light district, always looking for women to spend the night with and sometimes go and gamble as well. It was your shift at the bar, then he came in and like the whole room felt cold as ice and all they could hear was his slippers hitting the wooden floor making creaking sounds, he was on his way toward the counter of the bar. "Can I get you a drink?" you politely asked in a gentle voice, only for him to let out a chuckle and stared at you as you worked. You felt that the way he stares may bore a hole behind you, so you walked towards him and glared at him. "Sir, you might burn a hole through me if you keep staring. Do you mind? I am trying to work here." the tone of your voice came out a little annoyed, you deeply regret after saying those words against that man. But after telling him off, he didn't stop staring at you instead he gave off an aura as if desperately getting your attention, all the customers felt uncomfortable so one by one they all left the bar. "Thanks! Now I won't have to serve for the customers. NOT! MR. FUSHIGURO! I AM TRYING TO WORK HERE?! If you can't grasp that in your fucking head, then I'll drill it into you, how's that sound?" now you're just fed up by the situation, but in Fushiguro's perspective he found someone he could have this deal with he was offering other people. Finally he found a match. Of course it was already suspicious as to why he wanted you to be his, even if it's just a paper it felt heavy to talk about it was also a sensitive topic to begin with. He told you he needed someone with a no strings attached relationship. And the catch is that he would pay you handsomely, who would ever refuse such an investment, so with no other choices, you agreed. The contract mostly contained about Fushiguro controlling his urges, and your job is to just literally stop him from going overboard at anything. You didn't mind the mix of pleasure in your daily life with this man, actually you couldn't complain, the man's performance exceeds your expectations. He wasn't known for no reason, though when it comes to gambling he loses more than wins. And you gambled not knowing what he had, until you heard a knocking on the door in the apartment that the both of you slept. Opening the door, a small figure greeted you. "Is my dad there? Tell him I need money." the kid half your size is standing in front of you, asking bluntly for money from his father. (Did this kid just dad? Fushiguro has a kid?!) still shocked the kid walked past you and went directly in the room you both just made out like a minute ago. "Money." he reaches his hand out towards the man fully naked sitting up on the bed, scratching the back of his neck he gives him the money. And the kid immediately goes out the moment he gets a hold of the money he wanted. "So, when are you going to tell me that you have a fucking kid?! I thought that you were divorced but a kid?!" he says with that low toned voice of his mixed with the morning tone as well, giving a small chuckle he shoots you with that typical smirk he gives. "Hey, doll. Mind shoving that big mouth of yours on my throbbing hard on, instead of nagging?" eyeing his member as he glances at you across the bed, you sigh and raise a finger. "You are a fucking red flag. I'm out!"
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a/n ; I could make a part two of this! A smut one but that is for another story! Toji as a gambler addict and a vip of the red light district kinda fits and reader as a bartender!
taglist ; @sammushy @jasugoi @gcj-doesart @ryuuudesuwa
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xlucy-in-the-skyx · 8 months ago
Bloodletting Announcement and Chapter 19 Preview
The long-awaited preview of chapter 19! (Please be gentle. This is pre-edits, pre-polish, pre-everything.) An announcement on the upcoming chapter can be found after the preview!
“I’m in love with you.”  Siobhan lets out a single choked sob, a few more tears rolling down her trembling face. She turns her head away, enough to pull her cheek out of his palm, and cradles their hands to her chest. Gale can feel how her whole body shakes with the effort of reigning herself in, trying desperately to keep from succumbing to the pain.  “What—? What am I supposed to say to that?” Siobhan whimpers. Gale feels as if someone’s punched a hole through his chest, achy and raw and gaping. He’d known that the chance of Siobhan reciprocating his feelings was slim, but there had always been a tiny hope, a possibility that she would. No more. “You don’t have to—I know you share a special bond with Astarion. I won’t pretend that I could ever supplant him in your heart, but I couldn’t—I just needed you to know.” Gale is bereft, adrift in the agony of her rejection. The jagged edges of the wound in his soul burn hot and sharp, the stabbing shooting pain of an exposed nerve.  “This isn’t about him.” Siobhan glares at him, furious, heartbroken tears cascading freely now in uninterrupted lines, “How am I supposed—how can you expect me to—it’s so easy for you to say that to me, to feel that for me, but what am I supposed to do? If I let myself love you, then what am I supposed to do when you’re gone? How—” her breath stutters, “how is that any fair?”  “It’s not,” Gale’s voice breaks over the shoals of his regret for having caused her so much pain. That her reticence to return his feelings has nothing to do with Astarion brings him no comfort at all. "But I couldn’t bear—I needed you to know. I’m sorry.” He’s sorry, yes, but he wouldn’t take it back even if he could. Gale is selfish, and he’ll die selfish, for there isn’t time enough for him to change.  “I hate you,” Siobhan cries quietly, “I hate you because I could love you if you’d given me the time, and you’re throwing it all away. What gives you the right—” another sob rips through her, “t-to make me feel— only for it to all—” “I’m sorry.”
Hi guys! You know how I totally lied and did not update last weekend when I was supposed to? Well I think the delay is going to be so worth it because this chapter is a MONSTER. I'm not even done yet and we're already over 7k words.
What's more, this chapter has got the first real spicy scene of Bloodletting (and by real, I mean honest to god, bona fide penetrative intercourse, lol.) I think it's gonna make y'alls brain melt. Not so much because it's super NSFW (i think it's pretty tame all things considered) but because of the angst/feels of it all. It's certainly making my brain melt.
So, when are y'all gonna get the new chapter? Well, since the actual writing isn't done yet and my beta reader is currently on an airplane, probably not today. Hopefully, I'll have it all done (written, edited, polished, etc.) sometime tomorrow for your reading pleasure. If it looks like that won't be possible, I'll make sure to come on here and let y'all know.
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bookaddict24-7 · 3 months ago
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Every week I will post various reviews I've written so far in 2024. You can check out my Goodreads for more up-to-date reviews HERE. You can friend me on Goodreads here.
Have you read any of these? What were your thoughts?
385. Always Mine by Laura Pavlov--⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
I'll admit that this was a complete cover buy for me. This was a special edition and the synopsis sounded really cute with some tropes I love, so I couldn't resist. And honestly, for the most part, I don't have any regrets.
ALWAYS MINE was one of those cute and fluffy reads that went by super quickly. The connection was already built in because of the friendship that was obviously going to turn into something more eventually. The sexual tension ramped up and we got some spicy scenes added to the mix. Overall, the writing was light, quickly paced, and kept me wanting to read the next chapter.
My issues come from some of the funnier aspects of this book. Mainly, the crying. Man, it's a good thing these characters live by a lake because damn can they cry. I'd blink and suddenly the phrase "tears streamed down [their] face" was being used. It was a very popular phrase. If I played a drinking game with this book, it would be "take a shot every time someone cries in your book." I'd be gone and drunk by the middle of the book.
Other than that, I liked the suspenseful edge to the book and how it was prominent, but didn't overtake the main storyline. I find that I really enjoy romance books like this that have that extra twist to make the story more compelling.
I loved the side characters (mainly the sisters, especially Dylan) and this book DID succeed in making me want to read the rest of the books in this series since they are all for each sister.
Though the romance was built on the back of this lifelong, will-they-won't-they best-friendship, I still found that it moved a bit fast. I wish they'd given themselves a bit more time to adjust to their new reality. But I WILL say that other than one little moment that I'll let go of because it felt very realistic, the communication between these two was great.
I know it's winter right now (in North America--Canada, in my case), but this book is an excellent romance novel to read in the middle of the night in summer--even if it takes place in winter. It just has that binge-worthy vibe that would fit best in the summer.
ALWAYS MINE was quick, cute, addictive, and didn't have a third act break-up.
386. My Darkest Prayer by S.A. Cosby--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
MY DARKEST PRAYER isn't my favourite Cosby book, but it still holds that sense of exciting possibility that I'm really growing to love in his writing. That dark level of revenge, mixed with some cool action scenes, is vivid in this one and to make it even better, it's all washed in that gorgeous noir writing style that Cosby has perfected.
I thought, of all the books I've read by Cosby, the MC in this one had the most interesting job that had a lot of potential for future detective-like, high stakes mysteries. I liked the connection between the MC and his cousin and how it led to show us what certain family love looks like. The way he was pulled into the mystery was great, especially because we see him having to confront his old coworkers from when he was a police officer. Which is another thing I like about Cosby's writing--he's presented us so many different aspects and relationships Black people have with the police in all of his books. It's eye opening and so important.
I loved the female character in this because even though she's presented in a way society would deem demeaning, I loved that she owned who she was and was completely unapologetic about it. So many people tried to take her identity from her, so watching her own it was powerful. Which by the way, I didn't like how the MC revealed a dark experience of hers with someone else. It wasn't his story to tell. And that and some of the commentary on women made me uncomfortable. If there's one thing I wish Cosby did better was his treatment of female characters in his books. The one female character in here did own her identity, but I don't know if this was intentional or a positive coincidence.
Overall, I liked this for what it was and the mystery had me hooked. I think this would make a fantastic movie--especially since so many of Cosby's books feel cinematic. There was also an interesting Easter Egg in here regarding one character that appears in another book!
387. Fearless by M.W. Craven--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
FEARLESS is one of those books that just scratches a specific itch in my brain that I didn't know I had. These adventure/mystery/main character hero-complex books are like honey to my bee--I can't explain why they get me every time. AND this book was self-aware? LOL. There were some very pointed comments about REACHER that had me cackling.
I also love books where the MC is severely underestimated (think John Wick) and then goes and proves everyone wrong. And since this guy is literally fearless, it made this part of the book so much better.
The story itself was fun and I liked the mystery and how it took the MC on a wild chase around the US. There were some choices that were made that made me side-eye where this story was going, but it still had some exciting and entertaining moments after the questionable situation. This could also make a great movie and you know what? I'd watch the hell out of it. Or a TV show.
What did take me out of the story was the continuous mention of a certain place. I get it from a government employee perspective because they ARE military experts, sigh, but of all the places to choose. WHICH, if I rant about this: I have read so many books that will casually drop the name of this place when you could literally pick ANYWHERE. It runs deep, even in literary works. Ugh. /endrant.
Anyway, other than that, this was an exciting story with some fun twists and some badass moments. I loved the whole concept of a fearless action-hero detective. I want to read the next one!
388. The Suspicion by K.A. Applegate--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
THE SUSPICION felt like a filler book. This honestly felt like one of those books where the author needed to meet a deadline and had to have content ready for her publisher, but needed more time to cook for the main storyline. It was like a side-quest.
I liked the adventure and thought it was hilarious, but it felt like those episodes of shows that pop up just because they needed more content to appease viewers. Especially because of how over the top and ridiculous it felt. There was a moment that could have ended everything and saved the world, but of course, it's too early to end the series.
I thought it was interesting though because it shows us more alien beings not affected by the enemies of the series. It DID challenge the MCs' sense of anti-war thoughts for a bit there, though. That was interesting and made me wonder if there would be a limit at some point in the series where pragmatism would have to override their anti-war mentality. In this book, it felt like they only remembered their moral compasses near the end.
And even though this definitely felt like a filler, it made me more curious about what else we will see in this series, what other challenges the MCs will face, and how they will overcome their inability to cross that line they straddle so often. But realistically, these are children and it is a children's series. Not that I haven't read children's books that have crossed that line many times.
Onto the next one!
389. Lights Out by Navessa Allen--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
If you like audiobooks and romance, do yourself the biggest bookish favour of this year and listen to this. It is absolute gold and I would recommend it to everyone who likes their romance with a lick of darkness and a lot of spice. The voice actors KILLED it and gave this book so much life.
LIGHTS OUT was absolutely hilarious. It was dark, but so completely self-aware. I had to go out and buy a physical copy because I absolutely needed this in my personal library.
One of my favourite things about this book was the cat and how he was essentially a character in his own right. He was the pride of his parents and the most welcoming little asshole to his new dad. The way the MMC talked about him made me love him even more.
This was a dark romance, but not to the extent that made me nervous. I've seen some of the dark romances out there and while this had some themes and the potential for it to be really dark, this was actually strangely wholesome? I mean, besides the stalking and murderous father, of course. I actually loved the connection between the two MCs and how much communication they had. Their reactions to certain situations were realistic and so were the moments they took to talk themselves through their emotions.
Where this book took a darker tone was so unexpected, but also entertaining. It added a whole other layer of hilarity and surprise that I was NOT expecting.
Also, please, the one-liners from the characters? Absolute gold. I'm so glad I finally gave this one a shot and I absolutely can't wait for book two! This is definitely one of my favourite books on the year.
390. Brother Odd by Dean Koontz--⭐️⭐️⭐️
BROTHER ODD is not my favourite book in this series so far, simply because I thought it felt a bit…boring and long-winded. It also felt a bit random and I had to check to see if I had missed a book between the last one and this one. Regardless, I thought it was interesting and had it's entertaining moments, especially the paranormal turn it took. That aspect alone makes me excited to see what else Koontz puts into this series.
I loved that grief was more explored in this, especially since it was one of my comments about the last book. I definitely think Odd is experiencing the different stages of grief with these last two books. This one felt like Odd was definitely caught more in his grief and wasn't numb anymore. And it was certainly interesting seeing that grief manifest itself both through his abilities and how it affected those around him.
I liked that he was outside of his small town and bodes well for the rest of the series. While I liked the little town that the first two books took place in, I also know that I'm in for some entertaining adventures as Odd makes his way through his road trip. He both needs to experience that outside world he felt so apathetic towards in the past, and needs to learn more about his abilities and what else exists out there.
I also like his sassiness. I always like Odd's sassiness and how it comes out of nowhere, or in the most inappropriate times. Makes me think a lot of how this was a characteristic of so many main characters in the early 2000s, especially in this genre of fiction.
I want to read the next book because I want to know what else Odd experiences! Hopefully the next book is a bit more exciting (even though this one had some creepy and unique situations).
391. Ends of the Earth by Keira Andrews--⭐️⭐️
I LOVE this author, but this was probably the weakest one for me so far. It lacked that sense of urgency I sometimes get with her writing, which leads to me binge reading it (which I usually do with her work, but this one just didn't grip me the same way).
I liked the characters, but this was one of those insta romances that was a little hard for me to swallow. I get that surviving a horrible situation can bond people--much like we've seen in other books by Andrews, but this one lacked a bit of believability for me. I couldn't wrap my head around the immediate attraction that led to such intense feelings and, technically, sacrifices from the characters after they spent the majority of their adult lives not wanting to do the very things they suddenly decide to do for each other. There is a lot of potential here, but it was just all so quick. I think if this book was a bit longer; if the story had cooked some more, it would have held more of an emotional punch, which is what I usually love about Andrews's books.
I love a good age gap romance and save for some side-eye worthy moments, I liked this aspect of the story.
ENDS OF THE EARTH took a bit to get to the main event, which is fine because we're building those connections and setting those scenes, but then it was over quicker than I was expecting--which isn't a bad thing, but this added to the sense that this book just had a slight problem with pacing. I wish we got to see the two MCs together as a couple for longer than just that happy ending. I want to care for them and connect with them, but it just didn't feel like it was long enough for me to love them.
i think thats the main issue--it was too quick. I wanted more. And while I enjoyed this story for what it was, I think it could have been more. I'll still check out more of Andrews's work because she's still one of my favourites, but this one was a little bit disappointing.
392. Lost & Lassoed by Lyla Sage--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
Lyla Sage does it again with another cute addition to this wonderfully satisfying series! I must have the next book. I MUST HAVE IT.
One of the things i love about this series is how low-angst/low drama the stories are by the end. I can just enjoy them knowing that these characters won't be idiots when it comes down to it and there isn't a third act breakup waiting for me. I just want a love story--whether it's an enemies to lovers or something else--that is simple and enjoyable, and this delivered.
I knew sparks would fly between these two characters because we've known since book one that they "hated" each other. For a good chunk of the first half of the book, we see this animosity in effect--almost to a detrimental level? The MMC was really mean. His judgment of the FMC had my hackles up for a bit and it took me out of the story a bit. But I did like seeing how the relationship between the two characters changes as the story progresses and I like that though this is a short novel, it still takes its time in growing this relationship organically.
The MMC's daughter is adorable and I loved the relationship she has both with her dad and with the FMC. Which brings me to how much I loved the FMC. She loves her best friend and the people she cares for so fiercely, that it immediately endeared me to her. I also felt her emotions of how she felt so forgotten while everyone around her experienced such big changes. I think one of the reasons why I liked her so much was because of how honest Sage was in writing her character and her conflicted emotions. Also, that battle of "what will I do with my life?" runs super deep. Of all the FMCs in this series so far, she's my favourite.
Finally, this was SPICY. Holy crap. It wasn't dark romance spicy, but for a traditionally published contemporary western romance? Phew. Yes, ma'am, get your man. I had to wave my hand in front of my face.
I know the next book will probably be the last in this series, but I will be so sad to see it end. I love these characters and their simple but comforting lives in their small town.
Happy reading!
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nowoyas · 2 years ago
Edible Arrangements 39
First - Prev - Next - M.list - Read on Ao3
A/N: howdy folks and strokes it took literally all my strength not to post this chapter early yeehaw
if you're interested in a spicy little oneshot, please direct your attention over to Legs Spreadable Arrangements for all your smutty spinoff chapter needs!
please note that this chapter is more than twice the length of recent chapters before settling in to read. please enjoy with responsibility to your sleep schedule! <3
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Summary: You're making amazing strides. So is the hunt.
Warnings: oh man haha let's think uhh some talk of death, food mentions including some gross shit, mind fuckery things, implied parental abuse
Word count: 5000+
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The students in the day ahead of him are fresh-faced, not yet tainted by the drag of the semester ahead of them. [name] sits at the farthest seat in the back of the room, Ochako sitting with two seats of space between them. Ochako is flashing sweet, pleasant smiles at the other students as they enter. Like this, Izuku almost forgets that Ochako is their aide, here to get them through this class. He wishes he had that privilege. Every time he thinks he can handle this, surreptitiously glancing up from papers to scan the room, he sees their face and feels his heart shatter into powder.
Already his regrets have dragged on for a month. They were, by everyone's judgment, prepared for this, and yet, he doesn't feel like it now. He's not prepared for it, either.
He inhales. Exhales. Checks his watch. Twenty-five students in the course, twenty-one bodies in the room, one of them extra seeing as Ochako isn't technically on the roster. He’d had to remember to add her to the list so no one notices when he calls roll that she's not on it.
Class start time in two minutes. Five no-shows, but they still have time.
He hates this. He hates teaching in-person classes. He hates the moments before the class starts, casing the students out for who he can rely on, who may need to rely on him. Connections to make, or, more likely, to inevitably fall apart as his words tumble, rather than slip, from his mouth.
Class start time in one minute. Two stragglers, running into the room last-minute and skidding into seats at the back, filling the spots between Ochako and [name].
Oh. That won't be good.
They cast a panicked glance Ochako's way, but neither of the two appear to say anything.
Why did they sit apart to begin with? Is [name] less comfortable with being around people now? Is that enough to leave the risk that two stragglers—that he's now growing increasingly angry with—would fill the seats between them?
Class start time is now.
He stands up, clears his throat. Waits for the few surprised looks that are inevitable when he says he's Dr. Midoriya, the professor, and not a TA or a student making a power play.
He's somewhere over fifty years old, thank you very much. How old? Hell if he knows.
So he squares his shoulders, reaches for his list.
"A-alright, I think that's everyone who's showing up, so without waiting any further, hello everyone! I-I'm Dr. Midoriya, I took over this course from Dr. Hakamada in light of his... untimely circumstances." His eyes come to rest on [name], staring blank at their desk. He hesitates. "I know things aren't—things aren't what everyone expected right now, but I expect that all of you will be able to make it through this course if you're willing to keep working and come to me if you have any issues! Before we get into the syllabus for this course, I'm going to give us all a chance to, uh, to break the ice."
Some attentive stares. Some blank. The expected anguished looks from students who don't want to speak up for any reason, let alone to introduce themselves.
"Now, I know some of us are more socially-inclined than others, so I'll let all of you take this at your own pace. Feel free to decide the order you go in, but let's all take a moment to introduce ourselves. How about... name, major, year, and a fun fact about you? I-I'll start!"
Dammit. Stop stuttering.
"My name is Dr. Izuku Midoriya, I teach in several different areas, but specialize in Quirk Theory. A fun fact about me is that, judging by the way most of you assumed I was a TA or another student, I actually have the worst babyface on the planet!"
A few students let out polite laughs. He gives them nods of appreciation in reply.
"Wait, so how old are you?" a girl in the front row asks. She has her chin resting in her hand. "No offense, Professor, but you look younger than nearly everyone in this room."
He laughs at that. It's becoming easier, so long as he doesn't look at [name] in the back. So long as he doesn't acknowledge the heartbreak in the room. "I stopped counting after I hit my fifties."
"Oh, there is no way you're actually in your fifties."
He smiles, nods to her. "Alright then, it sounds like you're volunteering to go next!"
She rolls her eyes with a smile. "I guess I am." She rattles off her introduction—well-practiced, as many are, after several years of several classes all requiring her to rattle off the very same information. Quick, dirty, easy.
He checks off her name and scans the room for the next volunteer.
And his eyes land on [name].
Staring right at him.
With that very same look that tells him they're confused and definitely caught information with their quirk that he didn't think about communicating to them.
He chooses the next lazily raised hand and tries to brush it off as they tap something on their phone—not too discreet, [name], but he'll let it slide—and Ochako reaches for hers moments later.
Oh, to know what information they were exchanging now.
"Good to have you!" he says and checks off the next name to introduce themselves, searches for his next victim. "Next, how about..."
He pauses, tries not to freeze.
"You, in the back."
"[full name]. I'm told I'm in my senior year, and I'm a quirk theory major." A pause. "I like to read, and I don't like to talk."
He laughs softly, more dumbfounded than anything. "Same here. You'll be happy to know that I offer options to turn in papers instead of present in front of the class for every relevant assignment, and that goes for all of you. Now, who's next?"
He eases into it. Tries not to bubble over with relief and maybe excitement at seeing [name] make such a stride in his class. Gets through the icebreakers, goes over the syllabus in detail. He even manages to completely stop stuttering by the end. It's never been about the actually teaching the class, anyway, just the anticipation of where it could go wrong in the moments leading up. And nothing goes wrong!
At least, not until the end of class. He watches his students filter out, watches [name] and Ochako wait. Ochako appears to be chatting with them, ostensibly to make it less obvious that they're waiting to talk to him. He goes through the motions, answers the questions of a stray student, and watches as the pair approach him from the back of the room.
"[name], you did great!" he gushes when he's sure the others have left the room. "I'm glad to see you making an effort to speak up!"
They give a little half-shrug, favoring their unstabbed arm. "I had to ask Ochako what year I was in. I didn't remember."
"Well, that's understandable. I forget my own age, after all!"
Ochako pulls a tight smile. He has the sense that she does a lot of customer-service smiling around him. "[name] had something to ask you?"
They blink in confusion, tilting their head at Ochako. "I thought you did?"
"No, remember? You texted and asked what year you were in, then asked if we could stop after class to ask Dr. Midoriya a question."
She holds up her phone, shows [name] the texts.
"Oh," they say after a moment. "I don't remember, so it probably wasn't important. Sorry."
Oh. He knows what that’s about, doesn’t he?
The look on their face as he joked about his age. The way they can’t process it now.
Another wrench of guilt. He smiles anyway. “Well, if you do remember, you know how to find me! Good work today, both of you.”
A flash of pink at the door. Mina is there, arms crossed, glaring him down while waiting for her friend. When Ochako and [name] leave, Mina lingers a moment longer, just glaring.
He shrugs it off and packs up his things. Class is over. He can handle the rest. Not without issue, of course. The issue was always him.
Besides, soon enough, this will be over. He’s gotten his affairs in order. [name] may never understand it, but they’ll understand the money, the house. They’ll understand Sbeve. If they’re smart—and he knows they are—they can live the rest of their normal life on his dime and never know why. He doesn’t need forgiveness. It won’t do him any good where he’s going.
[name] sits on the edge of the couch, listless as the others chat over pizza. In total, there’s five people in the living room, aside from [name]. Whatever they’re talking about, [name] hasn’t been listening, and they’re still not listening when a plate with a slice of pizza is balanced atop their knee.
They eat, mindless.
“[name], honey, are you listening?” Mina elbows their side gently. “Do you remember Tenya? We’re really worried about him right now.”
A flash of recognition. It fades away, slips away from their mind in real time.
“Is Tenya important?”
They don’t miss the looks of pity they receive, though they don’t understand why they receive them. As their attention falls back away, the others turn on to other topics that don’t matter.
None of it does, really.
“Thanks for coming on such short notice.”
“You’re sure of it?” Tenya spurns his pleasantries with little more than a look.
He sits across from Izuku, looking entirely out of place sitting peacefully in Izuku’s admittedly drafty living room. He really should get that door fixed before [name] inherits it.
“Yes. The Death Adder has been staying in the area. It has to be because we’re here, though I’m not sure he knows we’re working together or even know each other.”
“After he attacked [name], I admit that he knows you’re here. You were probably his target that night.”
“I know. But, look. I was reading the paper—“
“Really?” He raises an eyebrow. “I didn’t think anyone still got paper copies in this day and age.”
“I’m fifty years old, so sue me. Anyways!” He lays out the classifieds in front of Tenya, tapping a circled paragraph.
I know where you are, my children. I’d like to see you again someday. DA.
“DA for Death Adder. We’d be his children, in a sick way that makes me even more geared up to do this. But that alone isn’t why I asked you to come here.” He spreads out another paper, this one more recently dated, and taps the circled section on this sheet. “I replied.”
DA - You made me into myself, so many years ago. I’d like to return the favor. If you truly want to see me, you know where to find me. If we meet again, I’ll happily pass on the message you taught me. IM
“That was two days ago. Now, I’ve been getting the paper daily. There was nothing yesterday, but in today’s paper, we have this.”
IM - You will see me again, a week from today. DA.
Tenya looks up from the paper with hardened eyes. “So we have a week.”
“Get your affairs in order, just in case. I’ve already established everything to pass on to [name] once I’m gone. I suggest you figure out where all you have will go.”
Tenya nods. “Do you still have our weapon?”
“[name] secured a bottle of holy water for me, before all this happened. We’ll have to be careful with it, obviously.”
“A week to get my affairs in order and take down a serial killer.”
“No going back?”
“No going back.”
When they open their eyes, it is morning. Normal morning, not some obscenely late-in-the-day morning like the ones they’ve been waking up in. The clock reads 9:09 AM, and because it is a weekend, their alarm has not gone off. They sit up in a haze.
This is their bedroom, but this is not the apartment.
No, wherever they are, it is so familiar and so unfamiliar but it is theirs.
Their phone buzzes. It is atop their eight-drawer, fine-wooded dresser. The piece of furniture is more expensive than anything in the apartment. The sight of the mirror attached to it fills them with a strange dread, but they must answer the phone. It’s important. It isn’t important. It’s so, so unimportant. It is Nothing.
They slide out of bed.
What doesn’t matter is how large the bed is. What doesn’t matter is how empty it felt to sit alone on its edge. What doesn’t matter is that it is not the bed they fell asleep in. What doesn’t matter is the depression beside them, where someone laid not long ago.
Who decides what is important and what is not, except for them? Who decides for them?
Bare feet sink into a plush rug. The sensation is familiar, soothing. Lazy mornings before the world stopped making sense and began making change.
Bare feet pad across the room, to the dresser. The phone has stopped buzzing, but they still know they must reach it.
Was the mirror covered before? They can’t remember, but the sight soothes them. They can’t see themselves. Not now.
Beside the phone is an arrangement of fruit skewers in a vase. The card attached to the vase with a simple green ribbon is blank. Nothing is written there. The fruit is rotten, and its heady, alcoholic scent draws them in even as the scent warns of danger and disgust forgotten. Somewhere behind them.
Behind them.
behind you
They turn. Nothing is behind them. There is Nothing in the bed.
Nothing behind them. What is behind them in life? There cannot ever be nothing, not really, but the past must not have been important, if they lose hold on it so easily.
The past, too, must be Nothing behind them.
The buzzing of their phone, once again, but once they turn, it falls away to Nothing.
There is Nothing covering the mirror now, the sheet Nowhere to be seen.
There is a skewer of rotten fruit held to their lips. When did they pick one up?
Their phone is at their ear. They don’t remember answering it.
“Hey. What’s wrong?” They do not know this voice.
“What do you mean? Nothing’s wrong.”
“Are you sure? You’re crying.” They know this voice.
What? No. They can’t be. Why would they be crying?
They put down the phone. The fruit in their mouth squelches as they bite into it, the flesh giving beneath their teeth with the faintest pop. Beyond the skin it is liquid. The flavor is sour and burns their nose as they chew, although there’s no need to do so. Their teeth are sharp, their jaw strong, and the flesh sludge. It leaves them drunk as it melds past their teeth. Although their body protests, they swallow it without a thought and take another bite. It leaves a metallic-tasting burn in its wake.
They look in the mirror, now that they know they can. They shouldn’t be crying. Why would they be crying?
It is now that they realize what is wrong.
The thing about Nothing is that it matters. It matters so, so much. When there is Nothing where there should not be, there is a problem.
They look in the mirror to inspect their tears, and Nothing is there.
When they open their eyes, it is morning. Normal morning, not some obscenely late-in-the-day morning like the ones they’ve been waking up in. The clock reads 10:08 AM, and because it is a weekend, their alarm has not gone off. They sit up in a haze.
This is their bedroom. This is the apartment.
This is familiar, and it is theirs.
The knowledge feels good, that there is something that is theirs and cannot be taken from them for at least the year. They feel good, that they have slept well and made it through a week of classes and classwork and physical therapy and worked hard at getting better. Their memories aren’t returning, but their soul is, and that, in itself, feels good. They don’t remember when last they were truly in their body.
They dreamed, they’re pretty sure. Of what, they’re not sure, but phantom aches linger about their throat in pinpricks and bruises, and when they check their reflection in their bathroom, they find no source.
They think back to last week. They had been rude, hadn’t they? They’d completely ignored those questions about Tenya. Their friends were worried, they think. Their friends have been so good to them, and they were rude. They need to do better.
They pad out of the room in their pajamas, not bothering to change, and find Mina and Tsuyu commiserating over breakfast, scrolling their phones in silence.
“Mina? Tsuyu?”
The girls look up in tandem. “[name]. Sleep okay?”
“I’m sorry about last week. You guys were talking about Tenya. You were worried. What’s wrong with Tenya? Can I help?”
“It’s… a lot.” The girls share a look before Mina continues. “We can get into it, but it’ll take a lot out of you, and we’ll need to invite the others back over. The guys, at least. Itsuka isn’t really involved.”
“I feel good today. I think there’s a lot of me to take.”
“If you’re sure, there’s no backing out, okay?”
Tsuyu nods, adjusting her posture to focus on the phone in her hand. “I’ll call the boys.”
Their friends sit around them in a rough imitation of a circle. They are sat in the center, turning their head nervously as the others settle in.
“Tenya can’t come,” Mina sighs, pocketing her phone, “he says he has plans, but at least you guys are here. Neito, did you bring the stuff?”
“Of course I did. We’re really doing this?”
“Look at them. Their eyes are brighter than I’ve seen them in months. I think we can get them.”
“So how are we doing this?”
“We rely on their quirk,” Neito declares. He’s got a box with him. He reaches in, pulls out an old journal that has something scratching on [name]’s memory. “[name]. This belonged to you. Do you remember it?”
They shake their head. “That isn’t mine.”
“Look at it. Tenya was holding onto it for you for all this time. Will you read it?”
“I don’t—I thought this was about Tenya.”
“It is about Tenya,” he says simply, and it isn’t a lie.
They take the journal. They open it to the first page.
In younger, scratchier handwriting than theirs today, the first page details their name, a phone number that was once theirs, and an address they almost remember writing. They trace a fingertip over the letters. They didn’t write them, but it is undeniably their handwriting, so long ago now.
“This isn’t mine.”
“It is.”
“It’s not!”
“[name], listen to me. You used to be in love with Tenya. The two of you dated for years. You lived with him after cutting ties with your parents.”
“No,” you reply firmly. “That didn’t happen. I don’t remember it.”
“You don’t remember anything.”
“You’re just—you’re just saying things, but that didn’t happen. I don’t know Tenya that well.”
“You did. You used to be inseparable. He still hasn’t gotten over what happened to you and your memories.”
“You’re lying.”
“Look at any of us and tell us whether we’re lying.”
You look. You slip away into them again. “Then you’re wrong.”
Tsuyu slides several photos toward them. [name] picks them up blankly.
They were younger, when these photos were taken. They see themselves, leaned against Tenya’s chest, and they don’t remember ever seeing Tenya, but they know it is him, looking at them with soft eyes.
It is you and him.
Your head hurts.
“Can… can we stop this? I don’t wanna help anymore. This doesn’t—this isn’t important.”
“I’m sorry,” Hitoshi says. “We have to keep going.”
“It’s not just that you used to date,” Neito insists. He has produced a folder that they do not recognize, and their head aches sharply. “We want to give you this to read. A few years back, you were attacked just like you were all those weeks ago. Do you remember? Tenya lost his brother, and you changed. Do you recall what happened?”
They don’t open the folder. “Nothing happened. Nothing.”
“You know that isn’t true.”
“If it isn’t, then—“
“It isn’t. Look at them. It’s notes from your therapy sessions with Dr. Fuyumi. Why would you lie to her in therapy, if all of that was untrue?”
They lift their hand, but can’t open the folder. They’re frozen, stuck in the headlights.
The folder is flung, papers fluttering around the room as they bolt for their bedroom. Hitoshi is up and after them, grabbing at them a bit too harshly. “[name]! Didn’t you want to help Tenya?”
“Not anymore!” They bite back. In the next moment, they slip away and stop struggling in his hold.
“Sit back down in the middle of the circle,” he orders, and they obey.
The papers are collected and placed in their lap, roughly back in their same order.
“Speak if you want to. Read the papers you’re holding.”
They tilt their neck downward, eyes roaming over the pages. “These are real?”
“They’re real. We got them from Dr. Fuyumi herself.”
The words ring true. Even without being able to turn to see them, no glow edges at your vision. No evidence of lies.
Your head hurts. Worse and worse it hurts.
The more evidence they pile on, the worse it feels. Unable to look away or run, they whimper out protests. Old texts talking about Tenya. Social media posts long since forgotten, tagging Tenya or talking about a boyfriend or their parents. Another old photo. [name] with a slice of cake, sat next to Tenya.
They—you—keep returning to the notes. “How do you know these notes are real?”
“We stole them from Dr. Fuyumi’s office.”
He isn’t lying.
The words on the page are the truth.
You were attacked by whoever killed Tenya’s brother. Tenya had been acting distant in a way that didn’t seem like grief. You wanted to understand it better and help your boyfriend through a difficult time.
Your boyfriend.
Ex? Boyfriend?
“Hitoshi,” you say, voice hoarse. “Let me go.”
“Are you going to run?”
“No. Let me go.”
He lets you go.
You hunch over, letting the folder and the photos slide off your lap as something strikes. A match against damp sandpaper.
What is he now? Who are you now?
When it comes together at last, the pieces snap into place. You would swear that there was an audible click, or perhaps a cracking like a bone, snapped from crashing your bike into a tree while chasing your dear neighborhood friend.
something is creaking something is bending something is straining under the weight and you cannot understand you will not understand you are not to understand you are to look away you are to forget but you cannot
it is Nothing but the thing about nothing is that Nothing Matters and it is nothing and so it matters
what are you looking away from why are you looking away look at it look at him look at your past look at it look at it LOOK AT IT
…are you looking?
…are you looking.
…do you see it?
they come back to you in fragments. your own wrist, blurry. faint scars there. a soft shade against your skin. a pattern of bite marks.
do you remember who put those there?
it was tenya, wasn’t it? you asked him to. he only fed from you once. something went wrong.
what went wrong?
what’s wrong?
nothing’s wrong.
You’re crying.
The fragments slip from your grasp as you come back into the moment. Mina is holding you as you thrash, holding you as you sob. Your vision is white, and you are screaming, and it is normal, and you are staring at a photo on the floor of you with Tenya and remembering the day it was taken.
He had planned a surprise party for you. It was your first birthday away from your parents. He’d declared it a necessity for a proper birthday party to be held, and so it was, with cake at his parents’ dining room table and all kinds of gifts and an innocuous sheet of paper declaring you officially emancipated from your parents.
The headache is blinding, less so as you latch onto the memory and find more attached.
The fragments come up like a system of roots and fungus, a mycelial network of all the things you’d forgotten you’d forgotten.
Tenya, chasing off bullies for you with nothing but a glare and his size, being an older kid. Tenya, never raising a hand and yet protecting you all the same. Tenya on one side of you, Tensei on the other, explaining in dire words the situation you were in and couldn’t you stay for a while? Tenya’s mother, smiling and nodding and saying she’d speak to their father but they have an extra guest bedroom in the meantime if you’d like to spend the night.
“How long?” You whisper, and it is you, but it is not. All of the things you remember as though they were yesterday, and yet, you cannot find Yesterday among your memories. There is a gap, or more like a ravine, stretching between you. When was Yesterday? Where are You?
“But that isn’t everything, is it? There’s more. More than just that my… boyfriend? Ex? Best friend? Fuck, I don’t know, that he’s a vampire? That vampires exist? The lifetime of tragedy I couldn’t save him from?”
“No. There’s more. It’ll take more pain, but we’ll be there for you every step of the way.”
There isn’t a moment’s hesitation, only a question. “Tenya was never coming for this, was he?”
“No. He doesn’t know we’re doing this, and he’s off doing god knows what.”
“…I don’t know if I want to know what it is I forgot.”
“You do.” Tsuyu’s voice is firm. “You just can’t know you want it.”
“Don’t you want to know why you’ve been so despondent? Don’t you want to remember what you’ve done? The months leading up to your stab wound? Me and Hitoshi?” Neito’s voice is low.
You don’t want to know. You don’t want to know.
You don’t—
“Unlock your phone.”
You listen, though you don’t have to, and wait for further instruction.
“Have you been without your phone at all since you woke up without your memories?”
You shake your head.
“Look back at your old texts. What do you notice?”
You look. There are ones where your eyes glaze over, where you just can’t focus on the words or the photos. They must be talking about other texts, anyways—
“Look at the ones you don’t want to look at. There’s someone you’ve forgotten. Not me or Neito, but someone else. There, stop scrolling.”
You stop on a photo of you. It’s a selfie. Someone is beside you—a man with a cute face and fluffy green hair and freckles. “I know him,” you mumble. There is a flicker of hope as they gather around you. “He’s my professor.”
The hope flickers but does not extinguish.
“He’s more than that. Don’t look away. When did you meet him?”
“Dr. Midoriya and I met a month or two ago, I think. Ochako took me to meet him so I would be able to get ready for the summer semester.”
“No,” Hitoshi starts to say, but Mina cuts him off.
“What do you remember about that meeting?”
“Um… I don’t know. Dr. Midoriya was lying about it being nice to meet me?”
“Why would he lie about that?”
“Because I’m a pain in the ass with a lot of accommodations…?”
Mina coos with pity, then shakes her head. “Remember, there are usually other explanations that don’t involve self-deprecation. Why else might he lie about it being nice to meet you?”
You pause for a long time, staring at the photo even as your headache rears its hideous head once again. “It wasn’t nice.”
“He wasn’t meeting me?”
“There you go. That wasn’t your first meeting. Look at the date on that photo.”
October 31st, 2050. During the Yesterday you’re missing.
You put down the phone. You look away, rubbing your eyes. Your head is split.
“Come on, [name], don’t look away now. Just a little further and you’ll remember. If you can’t look at the photo, look at me. All you have to do is verify whether or not I’m telling you the truth.”
A whimper. You open one eye to look at Tsuyu as she speaks. “You were in love with Izuku. You lived with him for months. You kissed him on New Year’s and you had a cat together named Sbeve.”
“I’ve met Sbeve,” you manage. “He was sweet. I guessed his name right.”
“You named him. When you stopped living with Izuku, you had been sleeping with him for months.”
They’re telling the truth. Why are they telling the truth? Would it kill them to lie to you? Would it kill them? Won’t this kill them?
the bending the creaking the snapping of the pressure in your head but it isn’t enough it won’t be enough
“Do me a favor and look at this.”
you are looking.
there is a phone in front of you. the camera is on. the screen shows not your face. the screen shows your neck. someone guides your hand to touch the throat. you watch the hand move, reflected in the camera image on the screen. something changes. you must not understand. you are beginning to understand. you cannot look away. something changes.
your neck is littered in bite marks
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the-wisteria-house · 2 years ago
Requests and Rules
I will currently take requests for Demon Slayer and My Hero Academica for the following characters. (If you're not sure about a request, you can still submit it, and I'll get back to you :) )
Shoto Aizawa
Oboro Shirakumo (loud cloud)
Keigo Takami (Hawks)
Toshinori Yagi (Allmight)
Shoto Todoroki
Katsuki Bakugo
Izuku Midoriya
Hitoshi Shinsou
Mirai Sasaki (Sir Night Eye)
Miro Togata (lemillion)
Rody Soul
Tenya Iida
Tensei Iida
(If there is someone you want that is not listed, you can still send a request, and I'll see)
Giyuu Tomioka
Sanemi Shinazugawa
Genya Shinazugawa
Kyojuro Rengoku
Shinjuro Rengoku
Tanjiro Kamado
Inosuka Hashibira
( If you want a character not listed, feel free to still send a request)
Please Note: I will do past ships with characters listed and not listed, for example: Past Tengen x Reader with Present Rengoku x reader.
I will also do none romantic ships with people listed and not listed.
Rules/ Things I won't write
It's fine if you like that stuff, but I just can't write it well. Now, that's not to say i won't do a, for example: character x (y/n) where (y/n) has a stalker and is saved by the Character of your choice.
This is self-explanatory.
I'm not good at writing explicit scenes. I'll write spicy scenes that fade to black and imply that something occurred, but not smut.
Polyamory/ Polygamy
I myself am not Poly and feel I would not be able to properly write such fics. So, no Rengoku x Tengen x Y/N. But I will do love triangles like were (y/n) has to choose one or the other.
Male (y/n)
I'm not a male, so I don't think I'd be all that good a writing (y/n) as one since I don't know the male experience. (Sorry to all my guys out there, but I mostly write in second person, so you can imagine (y/n) as a male)
I won't do OCs, but an exception is for example would be: Endeavor, and (Y/n) were together as teens, and (Y/n) got pregnant, and he left her, now he's trying to make things right with his son.
(Y/N) is still in the story, but the main focus is her son and his relationship with Endeavor, and (Y/n) and him are in no way getting back together.
Please try to be specific and give me a lot of details.
Example request:
Tanjiro x (Y/n) where (y/n) is Rengoku's younger sister (not a demon slayer), and they meet after Rengoku died on the train. They end up connecting and becoming pin pals, and over time, fall in love.
Tanjiro comes to visit her and Senjuro, and Shinjuro (who is now sober) pulls him aside and tells him to stop waiting on asking (y/n) out because if he doesn't, he'll regret it. He heads Shinjuro's advice and asks (y/n) out.
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