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fromthecrypt · 6 years ago
me: *knows that there are actual genuine valid reasons spg can't come to my country such as distance, plane tickets, etc*
also me: robots can't go through metal detectors
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romewritingshop · 4 years ago
I’m a Dad
Fandom: Choices, Open Heart, AU
Relationship: Dr. Ethan Ramsey X F!MC (Name: Alyssa Brooks)
Warnings: Fluff, slight angst, mentions of birth complications, Alan is okay no need to panic 😅, anxieties of fatherhood, slight injury (nothing gruesome).
Rating: 12+ Word Count Total: 3209
AN: This is a birthday commission for @tsrookie who wanted a fic of dad!Ethan. I hope this is what you wanted and enjoy. The song that inspired this was Michele Morrone’s Dad (Accoustic Version):
I wanted to portray the significance of Alan in Ethan and Alyssa’s lives. It was emotional writing this 🥺.
Rome’s Birthday Celebration Masterlist 2021
Tagged: @eleanorbloom @juliafranquet @me-and-my-choices @drethanramslay @choicesficwriterscreations @queencarb @miss-smrxtiee @melaninnntae @they-callme-ami @openheartfanfics @mvalentine @starrystarrytrouble @drariellevalentine @nikki-2406 @caseyvalentineramsey @kiara-36 @choicesreal @sophxwithers @brightningstar @tsrookie @gryffindordaughterofathena @arnikki-2406 @mercury84choices ​@theinvisibledreamergirl @stygianflood @ethansramsey
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A blissful silence settled in the room as Ethan tossed his house keys onto the kitchen countertop. Flicking the switches as the lights turned on in his house. A large suburban white painted house that he and Alyssa bought a few years ago. Ethan’s eyes wandered around the living room, taking in the quiet. Alyssa wasn’t home yet which gave Ethan the time to head to his study. Clambering up the stairs and going to the first door on his left, a spacious room with forest green walls. A metal case of shelves with wooden baskets filled with stationary, was diagonally placed in the corner to the door. Directly opposite the door was a mahogany table with a cushioned wheeled office chair.
To the left of the door, was a red and green small plastic table and bench. Crayons and pencils were scattered on the table and floor, there were sheets of coloured papers with indiscernible scribbles. The furrow in Ethan’s eyebrows relaxed as he slipped off his black cashmere jacket and hung it on a hook to the left of him. Crouching by the small kids table and glanced at the drawings, noting the curved shapes to be attempts at writing. Writing what exactly? He wasn’t too sure. 
Nathan and Savannah were the smartest kids he knew. Why wouldn’t they be though, since their parents were the acclaimed doctors of Bloom Edenbrook’s diagnostics team. Ethan put their drawings in a woven basket which had a label of ‘kids’, he held onto all the crayons and pencils and placed them in their respective labelled pots. Placing the pots in their woven basket and placing their basket on top of the shelf unit. Alyssa probably didn’t have time to tidy up their mess because they were spending the afternoon and evening with Alyssa’s friends.
Maybe now was a good time to get started on his project as he pulled out a basket and took out a few sheets of thick matte paper and an envelope. Bringing them over to his desk and seating himself, opening a drawer in his desk. He took out a few ink pens and placed the pens next to his paper, his eyes darted to the wooden picture frame of Alyssa and their three kids: Allison, Nathan and Savannah. He still couldn’t believe that he was theirs, and they were his. It was only yesterday, when he and Alyssa were in the reception, treating for a thoracotomy and now they had a house and kids.
Ethan knew what he had to do as soon as he brought his pen to the paper, the words flew right through him as he wrote. The memories of his kids flooding his brain with a warm familiar glow.
“Out of the way!”
Ethan rushed down the stairs, shoving past nurses and doctors before slamming the corridor door open to the maternity ward. Sienna was hot on his heels as he growled and grimaced at people, his eyes went to the pager as a message from Naveen popped up. ‘4cm dilated’. Ethan was close as he weaved through a never ending maze of Edenbrook’s corridors. In the distance he spotted Naveen, his dad Alan, and his daughter Allison were looking into the window of one of the maternity rooms.
“Ethan! There you are!”
His crinkled grumpy face relaxed at the sight of Allison. Five years old with a knack for mischief and a carbon copy of himself. She had his eyes and ears but Alyssa’s nose, lips and hair. Alan was taking care of Allison while Ethan and his wife were working, however, Alyssa’s contraction pains strengthened and her constant lavatory needs indicated that she needed to be checked in. Naveen came up to stand beside Ethan; who took Allison into his arms.
“Naveen, how is she?”
“Well the contractions are hurting and I have a feeling the babies are coming now. Dr. Delarosa is in there with her. Are you ready Ethan?”
Ethan gave a nod as he turned to Allison, a calm gentle smile reserved for her.
“Time to get your new siblings. You okay to wait here with Uncle Naveen and Grandpa?”
“Yeah! Uncle Naveen is buying me chocolate!”
Ethan quirked a brow at his mentor, who in return stuck with a confident grin before Ethan placed Allison down. Naveen clasped his hand around her tiny hand and led her to the staff break room, whilst listening to her ramblings about her new siblings. Ethan took a deep breath as Alan stepped up to rest his hand on his shoulder.
“I’m proud of you, son.”
Ethan smiled and was about to step into the room, when something held him still. His buried nerves leaked through his wall as memories of Dolores seeped to his front. Alyssa was pregnant with twins, that alone carried several complications in terms of the positioning of the babies, possible post partum haemorrhage. On top of that she was one week late, twins born post due date carry risks to the mother and the babies.
A flash of baby Ethan in the NICU drained the warmth from his face and he felt like he was drowning. He couldn’t breathe as he pressed a hand against the door ledge, bowing his head as Alan stood beside him. Alan could tell Ethan was panicking. His shoulders shook as Alan gently probed.
“What if something happens?”
“Boston’s famous doctor is worried about a twin birth? Ethan, you’ve done this before. You know what to do.”
“It’s different. Alyssa is in there. She’s the patient. What if I can’t make the right decision?”
“Ethan Jonah Ramsey. You are a diagnostician. A famous one at that. You look at the possibilities before you make your decision. You have it in you son. Plus she’s a fighter. She won’t back down. But she needs you. Be brave and if you can’t be brave, be brave for her. She needs your support.”
His father’s words felt like a warm wash of life as he inhaled the air, exhaling his anxieties and giving a steady nod. Ethan smiled at his father before pushing open the door to step into the room, stepping into action to help make Alyssa’s labour as easy as possible.
“Daddy! When is Twilight Sparkle coming?”
“In a bit. If you finish your lunch, then she’ll come.”
“Daddy! Will she bring a lot of presents for us?”
“An average amount, Nathan.”
Ethan pinched the bridge of his nose as he watched over the several little kids munching on their mini pizza slices and tater tots. It was the twins’ birthday today and the two of them invited their whole class to celebrate, the sun was shining as the kids sat on picnic blankets. The Ramseys’ had a spacious garden which could hold for nearly twenty five kids and several adults. Bryce, Jackie and Elijah were keeping an eye on the kids as Ethan slipped away to the kitchen where Alyssa was sat on a breakfast stool with her foot in Sienna’s lap. Aurora was beside them as she carefully tapped a finger against the swollen skin near her ankle. Jenner paced on his paws with nervous energy as he whined at his mom, Alyssa.
“Alyssa has sprained her ankle … Ethan.”
The friends still had a difficult time addressing Ethan by his first name but he paid no heed to it as Alyssa tried to come off the stool, trying to brush off the pain.
“It’s nothing, I’m sure I’ll be fine as long as I don’t walk on it.”
Ethan sighed rather exasperatedly as he folded his arms at his wife. That motion alone made Alyssa meekly smile and remain in her seat. Aurora handed her a cool pack for Alyssa to use for her sprain. She knew that she needed to rest her ankle but the twins would be so upset.
“Fine. But how are we going to solve the entertainment issue?”
At that moment the front door opened and closed as Alan strode in with a confident excited gait. He had a white cardboard box in his hands as he hummed and placed the box on the table, unveiling it to reveal a My Little Pony cake with ‘Happy 4th Birthday! Nathan and Savannah’. Alan’s brows sagged at the sight of his daughter-in-law.
“What happened?”
“I … fell.”
Ethan resorted to pinching the bridge of his nose before explaining the story. The children were showing off dance moves and there was a little girl who was showing off her gymnastics ability. Alyssa thought she could show off her talent by demonstrating a cartwheel, unfortunately her cartwheel was aimed the wrong way and Alyssa landed awkwardly in a bush with her legs askew. Alan smiled at Alyssa as he realised that there was an issue of entertainment since Alyssa was planning to dress up as the kids’ favourite character, Twilight Sparkle.
“I guess that means Alyssa can’t be Twilight Sparkle.”
Sienna gave a nod and spoke up.
“Aurora, Jackie and I would do it but I don’t think there’s enough time for any of us to learn everything about My Little Pony. The kids are gonna see right through us.”
“It’s a conundrum.”
Everyone took a moment to think before Alan’s eyes twinkled with an idea.
“I have an idea. Sienna, start watching some My Little Pony, I’ll stall the kids. ‘Lyssa, where did you keep your guitar?”
Alyssa’s eyes twinkled as she informed Alan of the guitar, to which Aurora ran up to search for it. It seemed everyone knew what to do, everyone except for Ethan, who placed his hands on his hips, turning to his father.
“Would you mind clueing me into your plan?”
“A little singing will have the kids distracted while Aurora, Alyssa and Sienna get ready. The kids will love it!”
At that moment, Bryce popped his head through the glass garden doors, there’s a slight line of sweat near the crown of his neck as he nervously glances back.
“The kids are going rabid if Twilight Sparkle doesn’t come in the next five minutes.”
Aurora rushed back down and handed Alan a brown varnished acoustic guitar, a gift from Alyssa’s patient Remy. Alan hung the strap over his shoulder and strutted outside to where all the kids shrieked and yelled.
“Okay kids! Who’s gonna sing the My Little Pony theme song?”
Ethan went out and noticed all the kids sitting at their picnic blankets, bopping and singing while Alan strummed the tune of the My Little Pony theme song. Ethan and Rafael took the time to begin cleaning up the rubbish whilst Bryce, Elijah and Jackie kept an eye out for Sienna, Aurora and Alyssa. All the kids and the twins were enraptured, even Jenner was happily panting to the music. Alan was going through a list of songs going from the My Little Pony Theme Song, to the lime and coconut song and to  the rhinestone cowboy.Not long after, Alan got a thumbs up from Bryce and Jackie to which Alan smiled and announced.
“Now children! There is someone who’d like to wish two special children a Happy Birthday!”
Nathan and Savannah jumped up with excited shrieks as Alan strummed the music of the theme song and out came Twilight Sparkle. It was Sienna donning a purple sparkly dress, wings protruding from the back and a dark wig flowing off her shoulders. Her unicorn headband was fixed into the wig and her purple make-up shone in the sun as Sienna skipped towards the kids, tossing bounds of glitter.
Aurora and Jackie were helping Alyssa settle on a deck chair as the twins hugged and cried at the fact that Twilight Sparkle had come to their party. Ethan and Alyssa sent a thankful smile as Alan returned their smile, everyone’s faces warming at the twin’s excitement.
Ethan used the back of his hand to wipe off the sweat on his brow as he pushed the front door of his apartment open. Baby Allison happily chewed on her yellow teether while bouncing in the baby sling, strapped across Ethan’s chest. Alyssa was working at the hospital after spending four months at home and it was Ethan’s turn to stay home with Allison. He was glad he opted for a loose linen shirt and khaki trousers as the Boston heat was slowly racking up. Ethan had gone out to buy some ingredients for their dinner: stir fried tofu and broccoli. 
Alyssa would need some good comfort food after going back to work and he knew that Chinese would delight her. He unclipped one arm strap, pressing a palm to hold up Allison before unclipping the other to carry his daughter to her high chair in the kitchen. Allison was teething so he handed her a teething ring to help Allison improve motor skills. His daughter smiled and babbled at the sight of her dad as Ethan pressed a kiss onto his daughter’s forehead.
Allison was a daddy’s girl since she would whine and cry with Alyssa, but when it came to Ethan, Allison babbled and laughed. Alyssa was sure that she would say ‘Dada’. Ethan grinned as Jenner padded into the kitchen, bringing himself up to stand on his hind legs beside Allison. The dog was protective and loving to Allison as she tried to swat at Jenner’s nose.
“Jenner, keep an eye on her.”
Jenner barked as Ethan began taking out utensils and the shopping to get started. Draining the water from the tofu and breaking up the broccoli into florets. Every so often, his eyes would wander to his little girl on the high chair. Ethan still couldn’t believe the fact that he was a father. A living breathing child was in his care, one he made with the woman he loved as his eyes glistened at the memories of her birth. Despite expecting for children to not be in the cards for him, life had a way of telling him that it was always the case.
As Ethan stared longingly at his daughter, Jenner could smell something faintly burning; turning his head to hear a loud crackle and pop. Jenner barked furiously which had Ethan snap out and realise the onions and garlic had burnt in the wok, the broccoli was charred beyond recognition as Ethan turned off the induction hob. The loud barks caused Allison to startle and little beads of tears streamed down her face.
His heart lurched as he immediately stalked to his daughter to take her in his arms and get her to settle down. It was the first time in a long time that Ethan burnt dinner as he exhaled at the time on his wrist watch. Alyssa would be home in an hour and it was too late to restart. He didn’t have enough ingredients and he couldn’t whip up something else in time for Alyssa to sink her teeth into.
At that moment his phone rang as Ethan reached into his pocket to rest the phone between his ear and shoulder, while bouncing a teary Allison in his lap.
“Ethan Ramsey.”
“Ethan.” The corner of Ethan’s lips curled upwards at the recognition of his father’s voice. “I’m just about ten minutes away from your home. Alyssa invited me to have dinner, do you need anything?”
Ethan glanced at the mess behind him, a low exhale left his lips.
“Can you please pick up some Chinese on your way here?”
It wasn’t long when Alan arrived with several bags of Chinese take out from Xing-Fu’s Restaurant. Ethan took the bags from Alan and set up the dining table while Alan took the time to talk and play with his granddaughter, Jenner wagged his tail rapidly as he watched Alan and Allison. Not long after the kitchen was clear and the dinner table was set, Alyssa had entered the apartment with a smile on her face.
She took a moment to freshen up before joining the Ramseys at the dinner table. Her eyes sparkled at the array of side dishes as she pecked Ethan’s cheek before digging rather ravenously into the food. All the tension from the day melted under the spicy heat of duck and the softness of lotus buns. Ethan and Alan share a knowing smile as they too get stuck into their meal, Allison smiles and babbles in her high chair next to Alyssa. Glad to have her mother with her.
The memories faded as Ethan lifted his pen from the letter, a soft nostalgic smile brushed on his face as he pushed the frame of his glasses up the bridge of his nose. A faint sound of the front door opened as excited chirps and barking fluttered into his study. The kids, Jenner and Alyssa were home as Ethan smiles at the incoming thunder steps, spinning his office chair to the direction of the door. The twins come tumbling in and launch themselves into Ethan’s arms, not giving a chance for Ethan to pay attention to their chatter. Jenner is sitting at the entrance of the door, while Allison stands behind him with her hand scratching the top of his fur. 
“Nathan, Savannah! I cannot understand your rambling.”
“Yeah, they had a lot of pastries. Aunt Sienna made a lot of cakes and biscuits.”
Ethan shook his head with a teasing grin at the twins. The two of them hid their mouths as Nathan denied.
“No we didn’t. Ally did!”
“Liar, I saw you two take two slices of the chocolate fudge cake.”
“No! You’re dreaming Ally.”
Ethan raised an eyebrow at his troublesome twins but pressed long kisses into their hair. Savannah leaned over his shoulder and noticed the pen and paper before pressing her two palms on Ethan’s face, forcing him to look directly at her as she asked.
“Are you drawing without us?”
Ethan shook his head as he explained.
“I’m making a gift for grandpa.”
“Are you gonna give it to him tomorrow?”
Before he could answer, Alyssa appeared at the door with her hands on her hips, dressed in a green cotton dress and brown knee high boots. Her mom voice was coming through as she moved her eyes between the troublesome twins.
“Nathan and Savannah. Time for bed. We’ve got to wake up early tomorrow if you want to spend the whole day with Grandpa.”
“Do we have to?”
Ethan stood up and held on to the twins as he smartly urged.
“Come on if you get dressed for bed, you can stay up late tomorrow.”
The twins gasped as they scrambled off Ethan’s arms and rushed to their bedroom to get into their pyjamas. A small smile curled up on Alyssa’s lips as she turned to the eldest Ramsey child.
“You too, Ally!”
“But Mom!”
“Come on.”
Ethan steps up to the doorway and sweetly kisses his wife as she cupped his cheek.
“You coming?”
“Just finishing up.”
Alyssa gave a nod and led her daughter away to her bedroom, Jenner obediently bounding behind them. Ethan returned to his desk to read over the last words he wrote.
Look at me now. I’m a dad.
Thank you for making me the man I am today.
Dr. Ethan J. Ramsey
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greatestate · 8 years ago
Cercate un appartamento di prestigio, finemente ristrutturato, nel cuore del centro storico di Cetona, in provincia di Siena, nella splendida e rinomata Toscana? Allora Great Estate ha quello che fa per Voi:  “White Apartment”  “White Apartment” è un caratteristico appartamento situato proprio nel centro storico del famoso borgo toscano di Cetona, vicino alla piazza principale del paese e a tutti i servizi necessari, ( Cetona, paese ricercato ed amato da molti turisti, letterati ed artisti, dista pochissimi kilometri dai caselli autostradali di Chiusi-Chianciano Terme e Fabro dell’ Autostrada del Sole ). 
L’ appartamento  “White Apartment” si trova in perfette condizioni ed abitabile da subito, essendo stato ristrutturato solo nel 2014; misura una superficie di circa 57 mq, suddivisi tra piano terra, dove si trova l’ ingresso della residenza, nonchè una carinissima cucina completa di tutto il necessario, e piano superiore nel quale trovano spazio un soggiorno, un disimpegno con armadio a muro, un bagno con grande doccia e una camera matrimoniale con vano guardaroba interno. Vi sono inoltre circa 10 q di soffitte. Ricordiamo inoltre che l’ appartamento di prestigio in vendita in Toscana viene ceduto completo degli arredi interni, tutti nuovi e montati in tempi molto recenti.
Una interessante caratteristica che balza subito all’ occhio è il delizioso gusto estetico che domina l’ appartamento, particolarmente rifinito in ogni dettaglio: troviamo infatti pavimentazioni in parquet sbiancato, solai in latero – cemento, e faretti incassati sui controsoffitti; porte e finestre in legno. Inoltre sistema di allarme, predisposizione per impianto audio in filodiffusione, antenna satellitare e copertura a.d.s.l. ( oltre ovviamente alle utenze di acqua, luce e gas metano ). 
   “White Apartment” rappresenta l’ occasione per acquistare un incantevole appartamento in uno dei centri storici più ricercati della Toscana, potendolo sfruttare sia come residenza privata, da vivere tutto l’ anno, oppure durante le vacanze, ideale per un single oppure per una coppia, o altrimenti come immobile da inserire nell’ ambito del circuito degli affitti turistici, per metterlo così a reddito! Buona opportunità di investimento in Toscana!
White Apartment – Codice: spge3523 – Prezzo: € 148.000
    Appartamento di prestigio in vendita in Toscana, nel Centro Storico di Cetona: "White Apartment" Cercate un appartamento di prestigio, finemente ristrutturato, nel cuore del centro storico di Cetona, in provincia di Siena…
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moosiesims · 6 years ago
Who isn’t excited about Mermaids?? 
Check out my video as I attempt to re-create the Seven Daughters of Triton! 
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eminenz · 2 years ago
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courtsideheat · 4 years ago
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Who are you taking? Kobe’s squad or Jordan’s squad? • • #NBA #NBAFinals #Bucks #FearTheDeer #DreamTeam #RallyTheValley #Suns #Phoenix #olympics #CourtSideHeat #Instagram #HOF #LeBronJames #BreakingNews #MichaelJordan #giannisantetokounmpo #KobeBryant #Fans #YouTubeTV #Money #followforfollowback #followforfollowbackinstantly #follow4followback #followtrain #likeforlikes #likesforlike #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #SunsIn7 #BucksIn6 https://www.instagram.com/p/CRuicR-spGe/?utm_medium=tumblr
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maconhaque · 8 years ago
favorite blogs?
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taliemsite-blog · 6 years ago
For the detection of DNA hybridization, a new electrochemical biosensor was developed on the basis of the interaction of Doxirubicine (DOX) with 22-mer oligonucleotides (from human Colorectal cancer) a simple biosensing design to yield an ultrasensitive electrochemical biosensor for cancer biomarker detection on Screen Printed Gold Electrodes (SPGE) without use of any modification on electrode surface perhaps direct detection with the help of electroactive label (DOX) and MicroRNA92a (miRNA) as an biomarker selected for being up-regulated in Colorectal cancer. The biosensor was assembled in two stages the immobilization of the probe that was modified on an SPGE and second stage of target hybridization of completely match strand electroactive label DOX has been used after hybridization process which is an intercalator with our miRNA strands as an redox indicator for amplifying the electrochemical signal of miRNA 92a. For conformation electrochemical techniques including Cyclic Voltammetery (CV) and Differential Pulse Voltammetery (DPV). were used and hybridization was observed successfully .The final biosensor provided a sensitive detection of miRNA 92a with good selectivity.
#chemistry #شیمی #Voltammetery  #hybridization #electrochemical  
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eureauwaternews · 7 years ago
Le réseau wallon d’eau potable est en bon état et stable grâce aux investissements des distributeurs d’eau
Les distributeurs d’eau de Wallonie prennent très au sérieux le renouvellement de leurs infrastructures d’adduction et de distribution d’eau. Ainsi, l’état du réseau d’eau est stable depuis 2005, c’est ce qu’indique la dernière publication d’AQUAWAL relative aux statistiques du secteur de l’eau 2017 disponible sur le site web www.aquawal.be.
Le secteur wallon de la distribution d’eau potable a investi 460 millions d’euros ces 5 dernières années dans le remplacement des canalisations d’adduction et de distribution d’eau potable, ce qui permet de remplacer progressivement les quelque 40.000 km de réseau d’eau qui alimentent les ménages à travers la Wallonie. Cela fait du secteur de l’eau un des services publics qui investit le plus par rapport à son chiffre d’affaires.
Si les volumes que représentent les « pertes » peuvent paraître élevés, il est important de rappeler que le volume non-enregistr�� n’est pas constitué seulement de fuites, mais également du sous-enregistrement des compteurs d’eau (un compteur plus vieux a tendance à sous-estimer le volume d’eau), aux volumes utilisés afin de nettoyer le réseau lors des travaux (purges de conduites), au volume utilisé par la protection civile et les services incendies, et aux vols d’eau. Des études ont abouti à la conclusion que les fuites ne représentent environ qu’un tiers de ces volumes non-facturés.
Il ne faut pas oublier que la comparaison avec la Flandre en la matière n’est pas pertinente, puisque le nord du Pays a été alimenté en eau potable bien après la Wallonie. Elle dispose donc d’un réseau nettement plus jeune que la Wallonie.
Au niveau financier, le coût des volumes non-enregistrés s’élève aujourd’hui à 22 centimes d’euros par mètre cube produit et non facturé, composé comme suit : 5,1 centimes pour l’énergie pour le pompage et le traitement, 2 centimes pour les réactifs et 15,13 centimes de taxes de prélèvement.
A contrario, si l’objectif était de remplacer 2% du réseau, le coût supplémentaire annuel dont devrait s’acquitter l’usager wallon serait de 274 millions d’euros, soit une augmentation du prix de l’eau de 1,7 €/m³, soit, pour un ménage moyen, un surcoût annuel de 120 euros par an. Par ailleurs, on peut également s’interroger de la répercussion de cette augmentation étant donné la structuration des entreprises de pose de conduites. Il est en effet probable, au regard des expériences passées, que cette croissance budgétaire se répercute, en partie, dans une augmentation des prix unitaires, et donc des marges des entrepreneurs, plutôt que dans le renouvellement des réseaux.
Le coût total des volumes non-enregistrés est donc largement inférieur au coût nécessaire pour réduire ces pertes. Economiquement, investir afin de limiter les volumes non-enregistrés est donc non-rentable.
Il est cependant évident qu’il est nécessaire, pour maintenir la continuité du service, que les distributeurs renouvellent régulièrement leur réseau c’est leur mission, mais sans pour autant viser un niveau 0 de pertes. De plus, les budgets consacrés à la maintenance (recherche de fuites et réparations) permettent d’être plus efficace dans la limitation de fuites et diminuent les besoins budgétaires par rapport à un renouvellement pur et simple de conduites.
Le budget des ménages wallons n’étant pas extensible à volonté, le secteur de l’eau a décidé de phaser ses investissements, en donnant la priorité à l’assainissement des eaux usées et à la sécurisation de l’approvisionnement en eau potable pour toutes les zones de la Wallonie.
AQUAWAL tient à rappeler que la limitation des coûts des infrastructures est également de la responsabilité de chacun. La dispersion importante des activités sur le territoire wallon génère des surcoûts d’équipements, et il est à cet égard urgent de favoriser l’urbanisation dans les zones urbanisées existantes et autour de celles-ci.
Plus de renseignements : AQUAWAL - Cédric PREVEDELLO, Conseiller scientifique -  081/25 42 34 - 0471/58 94 08
AQUAWAL est l'Union professionnelle des opérateurs publics du cycle de l'eau potable en Wallonie. Elle regroupe les principaux producteurs et distributeurs d'eau, l'ensemble des organismes d'assainissement agréés en Wallonie et la Société Publique de Gestion de l’Eau (SPGE). AQUAWAL et ses associés mènent depuis plusieurs années des campagnes d'information et de sensibilisation destinées aux écoles et au grand public quant à la qualité de l'eau du robinet, aux enjeux de la gestion durable de l'eau et à la protection de la ressource. Plus d’informations : www.aquawal.be
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emptycoyote · 11 years ago
A little on top of the universe I did real quick. Just playing around with a mike. Sorry I don't sing very well.
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greatestate · 8 years ago
Today Great Estate is delightful to offer for sale an extremely exclusive property: prestigious townhouse in the historic center of Pienza. Pienza, located practically in the center of Val d’Orcia, was proclaimed as the UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996, thanks to the beauty of its renaissance historical centre. The prestigious building is located just in the old town, close to essential services, in the main street, Corso Rossellino, and in front of Palazzo Piccolomini, the palace that once belonged to Pope Pius II. The building has a total area of about 500 sqm, arranged on three floors (on the ground floor there is a garage and cellars; good practicable attics). The main part of the structure consists of 4 apartments, each with 1 bedroom, a bathroom, a living room and a kitchen. There is also a fifth apartment on the top floor of a magnificent Renaissance building located next door, which, in addition to the living area and bathroom, has two bedrooms. From here you can admire a magnificent panoramic view of the town center and Val d’Orcia. All apartments are fully restored. Inside, you can admire tiled floors and ceilings with wooden beams and terracotta tiles, typical structural elements of this area of Tuscany.
The prestigious townhouse for sale in Tuscany, in the historical center of the Renaissance town of Pienza is undoubtedly a unique and exclusive property, both for its location and for its inherent characteristics. It can be perfectly used as a small boutique hotel or as a residence, or other type of rents in one of the most sought after areas of Tuscany, definitely, popular and tourist frequented. It is also possible to transfer it into a private residence of prestige.
  Prestigious Townhouse for Sale in the Historic Center of Pienza – Code: spge3494 – Price: € 1.990.000
Prestigious Townhouse for Sale in Tuscany, in the Historic Center of Pienza Today Great Estate is delightful to offer for sale an extremely exclusive property: prestigious townhouse in the historic center of Pienza…
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greatestate · 8 years ago
Great Estate propone oggi una proprietà veramente esclusiva: palazzo di prestigio in vendita nel centro storico di Pienza. Pienza, collocata praticamente al centro della Val d’Orcia, entrata a far parte del Patrimonio UNESCO nel 1996 , si distingue proprio per la bellezza del suo centro storico rinascimentale. Il palazzo di prestigio si trova come detto si trova all’ interno del centro storico della cittadina, vicino ai servizi di prima necessità, sul corso principale del centro, Corso Rossellino, e difronte a Palazzo Piccolomini, il palazzo che fu di papa Pio II.
Il palazzo ha una superficie totale di ca. 500 mq, su tre piani ( oltre al piano terreno, dove si trovano i locali garage/cantine e alle a belle soffitte praticabili ).  La parte principale della struttura è costituita da 4 appartamenti, ciascuno con 1 camera da letto, bagno, soggiorno e cucina; vi è inoltre, un quinto appartamento posto all’ultimo piano di un magnifico edificio rinascimentale situato accanto, che , oltre alla zona giorno e al bagno, possiede due camere da letto. Da qui si può ammirare una magnifica vista panoramica sul centro della cittadina e sulla Val d’Orcia.  Tutti gli appartamenti sono perfettamente restaurati. Al loro interno si possono ammirare pavimenti in cotto e solai con travi in legno e pianelle in cotto, elementi tipici delle strutture di questa zona della Toscana.
Il palazzo di prestigio in vendita in Toscana, nel centro storico della città rinascimentale di Pienza, rappresenta senza dubbio un immobile unico e esclusivo, sia per la location che per le sue caratteristiche intrinseche; perfetto dunque se utilizzato come piccolo hotel boutique, ovvero come residence o comunque struttura ricettiva in una delle zone della Toscana sicuramente più ricercate, ambite e turisticamente frequentate. Possibile inoltre la sua trasformazione in splendida residenza privata di prestigio.
Palazzo di prestigio in vendita nel centro storico di Pienza – Codice: spge3494 – Prezzo: € 1.990.000
Palazzo di prestigio in vendita in Toscana, nel centro storico di Pienza. Great Estate propone oggi una proprietà veramente esclusiva: palazzo di prestigio in vendita nel centro storico di Pienza…
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greatestate · 8 years ago
“The Garden View” è una proprietà di prestigio in vendita in Toscana, nel cuore del centro storico di Cetona: trattasi di terra-tetto che sviluppa una superficie complessiva di 163 mq. oltre al piano mansarda per ulteriori 27 mq.; ottima esposizione in direzione sud, vista panoramica sul comprensorio verde del Monte Cetona e bellissimo ed ampio giardino pensile privato per una superficie di 190 mq. con vista sulla vallata.
La proprietà in oggetto si sviluppa su n. 4 livelli e comprende un‘intera porzione di palazzina da terra a tetto, il tutto così composto: P.T. (60 mq.) – Atrio di ingresso sul vano scala, locali di sgombero e magazzini sul retro; P.1° (54 mq.) – Soggiorno/living con camino, tinello con angolo cottura, w.c., ripostiglio. P.2° (49 mq.) – disimpegno, n. 2 camere, bagno; P.3° (23 mq.) – Mansarda open-space con camino; sullo stesso livello è inoltre presente una soffitta (4 mq.).
La proprietà di prestigio in vendita in Toscana si trova attualmente in buone condizioni manutentive strutturali (impermeabilizzazione del tetto rinnovata nel 2016) e, seppur le finiture interne risalgano agli anni 70′ (epoca dell’ultima ristrutturazione), l’immobile si trova oggi in uno stato di efficienza risultando essere già fruibile per gli scopi abitativi. Indubbiamente un accurato restauro interno potrebbe innalzare il confort, lo charme e quindi il valore di questa antica residenza.
Con particolare riferimento alla fortunata location panoramica e grazie alla presenza di un grande giardino privato in centro storico, “The Garden View” si presterebbe ottimamente ad un utilizzo come seconda casa ove trascorrere le proprie vacanze in uno dei luoghi più suggestivi della Toscana e ricco di attrattive culturali, naturali e termali. L’immobile ha un ottimo potenziale per essere inserito all’ interno dei circuiti internazionali degli affitti turistici di lusso nei periodi di non utilizzo.
The Garden View – Codice spge3437 – Prezzo: € 290.000
Proprietà di prestigio in vendita in Toscana, nel cuore del centro storico di Cetona: “The Garden View” “The Garden View” è una proprietà di prestigio in vendita in Toscana, nel cuore del…
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greatestate · 9 years ago
Appartamento in centro storico con vista mare in vendita nelle Marche
“Casa della Rondine” è un immobile situato  nel centro storico di Lapedona (provincia di Fermo). Si sviluppa su due livelli: al piano terra troviamo  ingresso, salone con camino, sala da pranzo, cucina, al primo piano troviamo invece due  camere, due bagni e terrazzo panoramico. Infine al secondo piano vi è un’altra camera e due ampie terrazze. L’appartamento si trova a dieci  minuti dalla costa…
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greatestate · 9 years ago
Le Marche dall'altro - In Volo Su: Corinaldo, San Lorenzo in Campo e Pergola
Le Marche sono una regione ancora tutta da scoprire per i turisti stranieri che decidono di arrivare in Italia ma non per questo si deve pensare che abbia meno da offrire delle più conosciute Toscana o Umbria. In questo affascinante video proposto dalla Italian Tourism è possibile ammirare alcuni piccoli borghi in una suggestiva visione dall’alto.…
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