#spencer walter reid
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scarletriddles · 5 months ago
Lost in the fire ˚༄ | S.R
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↳ in which the team’s newest case puts your life in jeopardy, at your own accord.
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pairing: spencer reid x fem!reader
genre: angst, sprinkle of fluff
warnings: general cm gore/case discussion, fire/arson, injuries related to fire, swearing, references to religion + greek mythology, friends to…? (they’re in la-la-la-love, your honour), some possible inaccuracies (sorry!), small jemily mention because lesbian rights, hopeful ending, use of she/her pronouns, no use of y/n, second person narrative.
word count: 4.3k
a/n: my first ever fic i’m very nervy🫣i’m not expecting this to gain any sort of traction, but lmk how you find it, i suppose!
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“Haley Bradstone, aged twenty-five, and Laura Kilmey, aged twenty-seven, are the most recent victims in a series of murders in Detroit, Michigan. Both victims were discovered four days apart, and only five miles away from each other, their bodies disposed of in black FIBC bulk bags that were left in trash-sites.” JJ pauses, her gaze flickering between the team, almost hesitant as her thumb circles the silver remote. But, with a clearing of her throat, she continues. “Cause of death for both victims has been ruled asphyxiation…by smoke inhalation.”
You abruptly halt toying with the frayed edges of the case file, your eyebrows shooting up and head lifting to look at her, and then also at the rest of the team - who look just as bewildered.
“Sorry, did you just say smoke inhalation?” You ask, genuine confusion weighing down your tone.
JJ nods, her expression dismayed as she eyes the two beaming faces displayed on the board. “Yes, as laid out in the case files, high levels of carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide and hydrogen sulphide were found in both victim’s lungs. The coroner also noted soot around the victim’s faces, and TBSA burns, all of which are synonymous with death via smoke inhalation.”
“Carbon monoxide poisoning is actually the leading cause of death in smoke inhalation - causing approximately 2,100 deaths in the U.S each year.” Spencer adds, followed by his familiar flat smile, which he usually does when he doesn’t know what to do with his face - which happens to be always.
You blink, with a slight quirk to your lips, despite the circumstances. Trust your good doctor to know just about everything.
“Were there reports of any fires around the general area?” Hotch pipes up, his face set in his usual stony expression, though his eyes betray his pensiveness.
JJ shakes her head, adjusting her stance. “No, which is what makes this stranger. The DPD reported no calls about any sort of fire on the days our victims were killed.”
“What? So our unsub just…lit a bunch of fires in plain sight?” Derek questions, with a flick of his brow, his gaze alternating between the board and the manilla folder in his grasp.
You huff, turning to face him with a slight smile, musing. “Must be one hell of a magician.”
Derek smirks in general bemusement, his dark eyes swirled with mirth, his tone light as a feather as he shifts in his scratchy office chair. “Looks like it, lil mama.”
Ever the smooth talker.
“Or, he could be using a secondary location.” Emily chimes in, her narrow-eyed gaze set firm on the file in front of her, her slender fingers fiddling with a bullet-point pen, and her lips contorted into a reflective pout.
“That’s plausible, but you’d think at least someone would notice.” Rossi adds, with a slight huff of incredulity, his calculating gaze sweeping across the entire room before him.
The two smiling faces are quickly joined by two more, both just as radiant, both just as nausea-inducing. Those poor girls.
“We don’t know for sure. But, the most recent victims join twenty-eight year old Sarah Holloway, and twenty-two year old Jessica Bailey. Who, similarly, were found four days apart, five miles away from each other and dumped in black FIBC bags, also ruled dead via asphyxiation. However, Sarah and Jessica’s dumpsites were around 14 miles away from Haley and Laura’s.” JJ purses her lips faintly, eyes still fixated on the crime scene photographs of four similar looking women who didn’t even live properly yet, robbed of the chance to, just like Poseidon robbed Medusa of her autonomy, on the marble steps of her deity’s temple. The thought alone just worsens the crease between her brows.
“four victims…why are they only just asking for our help, now?” Spencer ponders, features frozen in contemplativeness. His fingers sweep up to push his black-rimmed frames back to their previous position on the bridge of his nose.
God, you love his glasses.
JJ’s face morphs into a faint grimace, as she replies in a reluctant tone. “Unfortunately, the media managed to connect the dots on this one, they’re dubbing our unsub ‘the smoke-killer.’ But, the DPD really needs our help with this.”
You sigh, eyes trained on the gruesome imagery displayed on the silver screen. No matter how long you’ve been with the BAU, the violence never quite gets bearable for you, though you can’t bring yourself to look away - like witnessing a car-crash. You understand the psychology behind it, shock rooting the human body in place as the brain tries to comprehend that what it’s processing is real.
But, guilt still flows around in your system like the Noachian flood. Maybe, if you thought about it hard enough, you’d feel the ark bashing against your innards as it tries to navigate the brutal waves.
You suppose the violence doesn’t get easier for the team, either. Perhaps that’s what keeps you all tethered to each other, bonded. After all, the Greeks did beat the Trojans in unity - and disguised as a large, ligneous horse, but you digress.
Hotch nods, solemnly. “Alright, we can discuss further on the jet. Wheels up in 20.” And with that, he abruptly stands up, striding out of the room with a sureness in his step that only he could possess, effectively putting an end to the briefing.
The screen then goes dark, the car-crash finally being attended to. The sounds of chairs scraping across the frizzled navy carpeted floor and paper rustling bounces around the small space, as everyone heads out and into the bullpen, all but the exception of spencer, who remains seated, brooding over his manilla file as though he’s a modern day Thomas Aquinas. always thinking. You muse to yourself, though your eyebrow still raises in question nonetheless.
“Reid, you coming?” You probe gently, standing in the doorway with a faint grin. Your eyes flickering like fairy-lights all around his hunched-over frame.
Spencer startles slightly, craning his head up from the file and over to you - a rosy hue creeping up the nape of his neck from the sight of you alone. He swallows, standing up suddenly, and pushing his chair out with his hip, as he breathes out. “Uh, yea-yeah i’m…i’m coming.” He collects his things quickly, scrunching up his case file as he slings his satchel over his shoulder. Though, it doesn’t really matter, he’s already memorised it from start to finish. Eidetic memory and all.
He flashes you his signature flat smile once again, as his muddy hues rake over your appearance. You look pretty today, well he thinks you always look pretty, but today especially. Your hair swishes around your face in wisps like cotton-candy, your frame adorned in your usual grey fitted slacks, paired with a pink striped puff sleeved button down and black leather boots.
He believes you’re the personification of an angel, and with the way the abnormally-harsh office lighting is dancing around your hair in a nimbus-like manner, he’s probably right.
“C’mon then doctor genius, we have an hour long flight to catch.” Your voice rolling out with a teasing lilt, a subtle smile curled around the edges of your glossed lips.
Spencer usually loathes being referred to as a genius, namely because it’s said with such obvious sneer and condescension, like he’s an abnormal form, like he’s still that twelve-year-old high schooler. But, you never say it with thinly-veiled disgust, no, you say it with such reverence- like it’s something to be admired.
Yeah, angel.
He mirrors your smile, eyes soft and starry eyed as he follows you out of the room. “one-hour, 19 minutes and 45 seconds.” He corrects softly, always keen for specifics, his satchel smashing against his upper-thigh periodically as he walks beside you.
You huff in amusement, rolling your eyes in jest. “Right. My bad, one-hour, 19 minutes and 45 second long flight.” Your head tilts up slightly to look up at him, your irises dipped in unsubtle gaiety,
Spencer lets out a huffy laugh of his own, shaking his head in amusement. He loved when you teased him, though he’d never admit that. At least, not to you anyway.
“Oh, forgive me for being specific.” He sounds out, airily, like a dish-soap bubble crafted by small exploring hands, as he places his own ridiculously large palm on his chest in mock-offence.
“more like particular.” You reply, just as you reach your desk, in faux-annoyance, the curl of your lips betraying that fact.
Spencer puffs out another slight laugh in response, as he leans against the edge of your desk, watching you comb through it. His gaze doesn’t settle, darting around the array of trinkets and just general stuff aligning the glossy oak, including the multiple pots of bright pens - some looking vaguely like the ones he’s seen scattered around Penelope’s ‘bat-cave’ - and even a stick-figure drawing of him scribbled onto a canary yellow sticky-note, featuring overly large glasses and converse, which are more akin to clown shoes, alongside an equally as dramatised stick-figure version of Morgan, complete with a badly scrawled out six pack and huge biceps.
He feels a warmth blossom in his chest as looks over the cluttered space. It’s just so irrevocably you.
“particular or not, i still believe everything-“ He begins.
“-everything should be accurate, wherever possible” You mock affectionately, with a barely hidden smirk, still rooting through your things like a squirrel digging for an acorn.
A slight pout forms on his face, bordering on more petulant than anything. “How’d you even know I was going to say that?”
A faint effervescent giggle slips past your lips, your head still firmly pulled down, as your hands continue their wandering through your desk drawers. “ ‘Cause you’ve said that line at least a dozen times now, doc.” You drawl out, still grinning to yourself.
He wants that sound to be his morning alarm.
He rolls his eyes, only half-seriously, a smile lighting the corners of his mouth up like a vegas ‘welcome’ sign. “I have not said that a dozen times!” He huffs out, with a shake of his head at the injustice of it all, his dark curls springing with the movement.
You just smile, continuing to rifle through your desk before you locate what you were looking for, quickly straightening up and collecting the rest of your things before turning to him.
“Well, I’m all set doctor, lead the way.”
“Is that just so you don’t get lost again?” he replies, with an overt teasing twinkle.
You groan, blowing out like a whistle “that was one time! i was still new, and the hallways are confusing!”
He just bellows out a laugh, pushing up off the edge of your desk and beginning to walk - more like stride - his way to the elevators. You in tow, but just barely. His legs are way too long.
“I can put a sign on my back that says, ‘follow me’, if needs be.” He throws behind his shoulder.
“Oh, shut up!” You bark out, not really with any bite. Never with him.
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It had been about three days since you landed in Detroit, Michigan. Most of that time being spent cramped up in the tiny makeshift office curated for the team, downing copious amounts of coffee, reading files until the backs of your eyes burned and dodging the borderline leering looks from the mid 40-year-old, beer gut endowed cops.
In other words, it was hell.
The team had made some progress, though. Narrowing down the profile to a white male in his early to mid thirties, who works a menial job, of average height and build, and who clearly dislikes women. Obviously, that didn’t narrow down the ‘Where’s Waldo’ search by much. But still, you really just couldn’t shake the obvious question…
Why go through all the trouble of burning these women, but not completely, just to dump their bodies?
And it seemed that question floated around the backs of everyone else’s mind, too. It was bizarre, to say the least.
Currently, the team is all stuffed in said aforementioned makeshift office space, like sardines in a can, no less. Emily and JJ sat at the table together, as usual, Derek propped up against the wall, Hotch and Rossi stood brooding in the corner of the room, quietly discussing something between themselves, leaving you and Spencer situated in front of the board, where the geographical profile is mapped out.
“He’s operating within a 20 mile radius, dumping the bodies within an area he’s comfortable in. He’s either going to strike here.” Spencer points to a spot on the map with his finger, tapping against it slightly before dragging it across and towards another spot, “or here.” His features were swamped in pondering thought, his honeyed gaze encompassing the sight in front of him.
“Yeah, but i still don’t understand why he’d go through all the trouble of burning them till they die from smoke inhalation, and then discarding the bodies. jus’ seems a lil’ pointless t’ me” Morgan drawls out, his stance wide and his arms folded, one of his hands resting on his chin.
“well ain’t that the million dollar question.” You reply, with a sigh lathered in perplexity, your arms folded in a similar manner, but with one of your hands rubbing up the side of your arm, in a absentminded fashion.
“Morgan’s right, it doesn’t make any sense.” Hotch pauses slightly, contemplating - like everybody else in the room. His dark eyebrows stitched together, and his lips set in a taut frown.
“None of it makes sense, i mean, even the dumping method, why bulk bags and not just plain ol’ trash bags?” Emily questions, sitting back in her seat with an exhale, her legs crossed with her boot-clad foot tapping against one of the legs of the rickety table.
You blink, a thought coming to you at her question. “Theres a Hardware store in the middle of town, right?” You throw out, hands stuffed into the pockets of your black slacks.
Hotch’s brows furrow, as he regards you. “Yes, why?” He says simply, almost curiously.
You shrug, “so then he’d probably be getting the bulk bags from there, since it’s easily accessible.”
Everyone goes silent at your question, seemingly mulling it over, before Morgan responds.
“If so, why wouldn’t he just buy trash bags?” He says, with a cock of his brow.
“Because he wants the victims to be found.” Spencer states, plainly, piling onto your train of thought and rocking back and forth on his heels, as his tongue darts out, swiping his slightly dry bottom lip.
“Think about it, a bulk bag is much more conspicuous than a simple trash bag, he wants his handiwork to be seen - maybe not right away, but he knows at least one person would find the presence of a large plastic bag near a dumpster to be…alarming, whereas no one would bat an eye at seeing a trash bag. Same goes for his M.O, he most likely has some sort of access to an incinerator, perhaps due to his job, which allows him to discreetly ‘burn’ his victims, before dumping them in a way which derives notice.”
His hands flail around wildly as he talks, an endearing habit that makes it seem like he’s so excited to talk about what he’s discussing that, at the minimum, one part of his body has to move with the speed of his mouth.
You smile - more of a secret thing, really, just for yourself - you love listening to that man talk. It’s the eighth wonder of the world, to you.
Everyone nods, the notion seemingly settling into their psyche without much problem, as logically, it did make sense.
“If thats the case, then we have a problem.” Rossi scratches the side of his jaw lightly, his head tilted and his bronze hues directed at the table.
Emily raises her brow, in clear need of clarification. “What problem?” She murmurs out, her head cocked to the side, questioningly.
“We have an unsub who wants attention, and will stop at nothing to get it.” Hotch adds on, sharing a brief glance with Rossi, his expression more grave than usual, before he fishes out his phone, dialling a number and setting the onyx Nokia down onto the table. “Garcia, you’re on speaker.”
“Hello, my favourite crime-fighters! To what do i owe the pleasure?” The shrill cheery voice of Penelope Garcia rings out, immediately bringing a small smile to your face. She really was like bathing in sunshine.
“We were wondering if you could take a look at a hardware store’s sales within the last month, more specifically of FIBEC bulk bags.” Hotch drags out, his arms still folded and his face betraying nothing but his usual stoicism.
“Oh, that i can do upside down with my hands tied, sir! just…one…second.” Penelope’s voice hauls out, followed by the rapid clinking of keyboard keys. “What’s the name of the store?” She asks, her tone focused.
“Sally’s Shack” Hotch replies, his tone equally levelled.
After a few moments, and a lot more keyboard clicking, Penelope finally pipes up again. “Ah-hah! so, it appears that our shack in question has sold six FIBEC bulk bags within the last month, all to the same buyer - well, at least the same credit card was used, ending in 4678.”
Hotch looks visibly taken aback slightly, before he asks “Can you get a name, Garcia?”
“Already on it, sir.” Penelope replies, with her usual peachy tone.
A tense silence follows, only sporadically broken by the clickity-clack of Penelope’s rainbow pastel keyboard. Then, she pipes up again.
“Okay…looks like the card belongs to a 33-year-old, Mr. Eugene Humphrey, who currently works at…” Her words trail off, obvious hesitance behind them “…burns funeral home and crematory, and owns a residence just in the middle of town.”
Everybody seems to pause, then. He matches the profile - Mid thirties, works a menial job which would give him access to a ‘discreet’ burning method and just so happened to purchase the same material used by the unsub, whilst also owning his own property not too far away from the hardware store in which the material was purchased…yeah that can’t be a simple coincidence.
“Pen, does he have a criminal record of any kind?” Your voice floats out, drifting through the confined space like Thumbelina on her shamrock lily-pad.
“I will have a looksie for you now, my sweet sugar muffin, just hang on one second-“ Penelope cuts herself off as her fingers begin their ministrations again, the keyboard rumbling with every tap, a smile edging on your face at the absurd term of endearment.
“Alright…looks like our guy spent six months in juvenile detention when he was sixteen for lighting his girlfriend’s car on fire, claimed he caught her cheating on him with his best friend, youch!”
You can practically see the cogs turning in your teammates heads, looks like you got your guy.
“Okay, thats good garcia, could you-“
“-send his information over? already done, sir.” promptly interrupting the low voice of your unit chief, in a way that is so Penelope, that he can’t really object.
“Thank you Garcia, We appreciate it” Hotch replies in his typical authoritative tone.
“You’re welcome, my gorgeous gods and goddesses, now go and save lives.” Penelope chirps out, swinging on her swanky desk chair, her hands now preoccupied with a bright pink fluffy pen.
“You’re the best, babygirl.” Morgan calls out, his tone suave and a smirk illuminating his features.
Penelope lets out a giggle, replying in her token-teasing articulation. “Only for you, my chocolate thunder, now ta-ta!” Her sing-songy voice sounds out with finality, before the line drops, indicating that she ended the call.
“Alright, everyone, looks like we’re scoping a funeral home. I’ll go inform the captain, and i need all of you to gear up, as a cautionary, is that clear?” Hotch demands, his gaze expectant.
resounding murmurs of “yes” fill out the area, to which the dark-haired agent replies to with a curt nod, before swiftly exiting the room.
You let out a breath, turning to the rest of the team with a faintly reluctant expression. “Let’s get this show on the road then, guys.”
Morgan flashes an easy smile, coming up behind Spencer and clapping him on the shoulder, his smooth voice infused with teasing. “You heard her, pretty boy, let’s get moving.”
Spencer has to resist an eye-roll, his cheeks immediately flushing raspberry red, whereas you just let out a small confused laugh - clearly not in on whatever inside joke that seems to be playing out - turning on your heel and prancing out of the room, leaving the two of them to squabble like 10-year-old brothers.
Though, on your way out, you swear you saw Emily squeeze JJ’s hand underneath the table…
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Something went wrong. Terribly wrong.
You don’t know how - hell, nobody on the team knows how, but Humphrey somehow found out you were coming. He might’ve gotten some frustratingly accurate in-tell, or maybe he just… knew. After all, bad news attracts bad news, right? And being arrested for the murders of four women sure seems like pretty bad news. Or maybe he was a paranoid fuck. Either thought seems plausible, but currently pointless.
Ironically, Burn’s Funeral Home and Crematory, was well…burning. The two-story high foundation, which you’re guessing was once a depressing waxen colour, is now engulfed in orange. Bright, blazing orange, and for a moment, you almost believe the sun crash-landed onto earth.
The ignited shades dance across your features , making you look like you’re almost glowing. You hear Morgan let out a few curses, and Emily mutter something eerily close to “Oh my God” under her breath. But, the rest of you remain silent, devoid of speech, heads lifted up and staring at the fiery wreckage. Drawn in, entranced.
You can’t pull your eyes away, Not even when Hotch snaps out of his own silent gazing and begins to talk around you, shooting out instructions like darts to your co-workers. Well, until you hear a fire-man trudge past you, in full PPE and carrying a winding anaconda-like hose, writhing along the gravelled floor with each step he takes, similar orders being barked out of his mouth to his team-mates. But, that isn’t what grabs your attention, it’s the information coming from his radio.
A mother and her child are stuck in there, apparently looking for a casket for her husband before the building went up in flames, and they aren’t even going to attempt to save them - something about the fire being “too large, too risky.”
A mother and her child. Her 8-year-old little girl who just lost her father, and now is going to lose her own life, trapped in a scorching maze.
Not on your watch.
You will not, cannot, let this sick bastard take another girl’s life.
Your legs move before your brain even has time to catch-up, darting straight past multiple fire personnel who all try to stop you, but you dodge each one. Not even the sounds of the team shouting your name halts you, your figure retreating straight into the raging inferno.
What’s that saying? Moth to a flame?
Well, consider the molten-structure your flame. Because you won’t stop, will not stop, not until the mother and her daughter are out. Safe.
Either way, God appeared before Moses in the form of a fiery bramble. And maybe, he was doing it again, instead for their freedom, not yours or a 120-year-old man’s. You were getting them out of this desert, even if there were no miles of grainy-sand and the occasional tumbleweed, but instead hot, piercing, smouldering heat.
Spencer’s astute brain doesn’t take long to register what the hell you are doing. And, he doesn’t think he’s ever felt so panicked. He practically screeches your name, moving to go after you, but with no such luck as Morgan and Hotch hold him back. But he fights, and he fights harder than he’s ever had in his life, because this is you.
“Let me go! she’s in there! you can’t just let her go in there!” He shrieks, every word sharpened with utter desperation.
Neither Morgan’s nor Hotch’s replies to his incessant wailing actually penetrates his mind. He feels like he’s underwater, succumbing to the depths of the Mariana Trench, fading black and blue.
The water freezes over the longer you’re in there. Trapped in that dismal, enflamed formation. He feels sick, but he knows spilling his stomach content won’t provide any relief, it’s a sickness that’s lodged itself into his bones, into his very being. He wonders if this is what the Woolly Mammoths felt like during the first coming of the glacial-period, just observing as they, one-by-one, all perished to the frost.
He can’t have lost you. Not before he-
…Not before he could tell you that you’re his first thought when he wakes up, and his last before he surrenders himself to the dark abyss of unconsciousness.
No, this can’t be it. He refuses, he downright rejects the thought.
He just stares, and stares at the lit up property, his whole entity screaming for you to just make it. His mind and mouth spinning prayers to god’s he doesn’t even believe in because if there was any chance of that turning the cards in your favour, then he’s taking it and holding on tight.
The seconds feel like minutes, the minutes like hours. Time is a fickle thing, always stretching and compressing back together again depending on someone’s emotions. But, that philosophy does nothing to distract him from the ache. Because a life without you in it, he grasps, isn’t a life at all. Not one that he wants to live, anyway.
Two soot-covered frames emerge from the fiery entrance, immediately being swept away by fire-personnel for medical treatment. And his heart stops, until he realises you aren’t either of those coughing figures.
Where are you? Why aren’t you coming out?
Time seems to stretch again, expanding like a black-hole over his fitful, beating heart. Ready to consume, ravage. But, maybe, that would be an act of mercy, anything would be an act of mercy compared to the waiting. Agonising, hoping and waiting.
Then…a third figure finally bursts out of the flames. He’s seen that mop of hair before, he knows that hair. Even at a fair distance, hunched over and simultaneously gasping for air and hacking your lungs up, tousled, with skin embedded in ash, You’re beautiful and you’re alive.
You’re alive.
He pushes his body forward and he runs, he sprints and goes to you. And this time, Hotch and Morgan let him.
629 notes · View notes
vilovescats · 7 months ago
Spencer Reid P links
Part 2
You need to be logged into Twitter/X to access these links.
These links contain pornography and I am not responsible for your media consumption after you click these links.
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Fingering you
Holding you while you ride him
Shower sex
licking your clit
From the top
Hard and Fast
Mounting you
needy thrusting
(I might add more later but here you go anyway)
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939 notes · View notes
sarcasm-and-stiles · 7 months ago
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162 notes · View notes
shortnspidey · 3 months ago
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This book …
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The main character is based on Spencer, and omg don’t get me started on the spice!!
I cannot recommend this book enough! This is why I haven’t been updating anything, but I promise to have some stuff out next week!
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reidiot · 2 years ago
this guy, he doesn't go on dates
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he doesn't go to parties
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he doesn't feel comfortable in front of groups
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and of course he's a total psychopath
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1K notes · View notes
monkey30 · 4 months ago
Fragments of Trust
“Fragments of Trust” is a deeply emotional journey filled with angst, heartache, and hope. Readers can expect to dive into the fragile dynamics between Spencer Reid, a man haunted by his mistakes, and Y/N, a fiercely protective single mother determined to shield her daughter, Ella, from further pain.
This story delivers:
• Angsty tension as Y/N struggles to forgive Spencer for abandoning her and their child during the most vulnerable time of their lives.
• Heartwarming fluff as Spencer slowly builds a relationship with Ella, from tender storytime moments to her first steps.
• Emotional depth, exploring themes of trust, redemption, and the messy, complicated process of rebuilding a family.
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The world had hardened Spencer Reid. Prison had stripped him bare, leaving only the jagged edges of a man who once clung to hope like it was his lifeline. Now, hope was a foreign concept, a cruel reminder of everything he’d lost—or had convinced himself he’d never deserved. He wore the scars of his time behind bars on his soul, invisible but deeply felt. They showed in the tight set of his jaw, the lifeless gray of his eyes, and the way he distanced himself from anyone who dared try to reach him.
And that included her.
Y/N had been his solace once, a lighthouse in the tempest of his life. Her touch had softened his sharp edges; her laughter had reminded him that joy was still possible, even in his darkest hours. But prison had convinced him otherwise. In those bleak, endless days, he’d built walls so high around his heart that even the thought of her couldn’t climb them. He told himself it was better this way—safer for her, for him. What could he offer her now? What kind of man was he after everything he’d endured?
The first time he saw her again, it was like being punched in the chest. She stood in the doorway of his apartment, the soft glow of the porch light spilling over her face. Her eyes, once so full of warmth, now carried shadows he couldn’t quite place. Shadows he was too afraid to examine.
“Spencer,” she breathed, her voice trembling. He flinched at the sound, the vulnerability in it, the way it cracked something in him he thought was long dead.
“What are you doing here?” His tone was cold, flat, even as his heart hammered in his chest.
She hesitated, clutching a worn diaper bag against her side. He noticed it then—a baby carrier at her feet, its occupant stirring with a tiny whimper. His chest tightened, but he forced himself to remain still, his expression unreadable.
“I—” She faltered, then straightened her shoulders, her gaze hardening with resolve. “We need to talk.”
“There’s nothing to talk about.” His words were sharp, final, like a blade cutting through the air.
Her lips parted in disbelief, and for a moment, he saw the hurt flash across her face. “You don’t even know what I’m going to say.”
“I don’t need to.” He stepped back, gripping the edge of the door like it was the only thing keeping him upright. “Whatever it is, Y/N, I can’t—I won’t be a part of it.”
Her eyes glistened, but she refused to let the tears fall. “You think you can just shut me out? Pretend like we never existed?”
“We don’t exist.” His voice cracked on the last word, but he masked it quickly, his jaw tightening. “Not anymore.”
“That’s not your decision to make.” Her voice rose, defiance lacing her tone. “This isn’t just about us, Spencer. It’s about her.”
He stiffened, his eyes darting to the carrier again. The baby stirred, a tiny fist poking out from under the blanket.
“She’s your daughter,” Y/N said, her voice breaking. “Our daughter. And you can’t just walk away from her.”
The words hit him like a freight train, but he refused to let them sink in. He shook his head, stepping further back into the shadows. “No. You’re lying.”
“Why would I lie about this?” she demanded, her voice thick with frustration.
“I don’t know!” His voice cracked as he ran a hand through his disheveled hair. “But I—I can’t…” He trailed off, shaking his head. “I can’t do this, Y/N.”
“You already are,” she said quietly, her anger giving way to desperation. “You’re leaving her with nothing, Spencer. Just like you left me.”
The words struck a nerve he hadn’t realized was still raw, but he refused to let it show. “You’re better off without me,” he said, his tone hollow. “Both of you.”
“Don’t you dare tell me what’s best for us!” she snapped, her voice trembling with barely restrained fury. “You don’t get to make that choice, not after everything we’ve been through.”
He looked at her then, really looked at her, and for a moment, the mask slipped. She saw the pain in his eyes, the guilt that threatened to consume him. But it was fleeting, gone as quickly as it had appeared.
“I’m sorry,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. “But I can’t be what you need. I can’t be a father.”
Before she could respond, he stepped back and shut the door, the sound echoing in the silence like a gunshot.
On the other side, Y/N stood frozen, the weight of his rejection pressing down on her. She looked at the baby in the carrier, her tiny face scrunched in confusion, and a tear slipped down her cheek.
Inside, Spencer leaned against the door, his fists clenched at his sides. His heart felt like it was being ripped apart, but he forced himself to push the feelings away. He told himself he was doing the right thing, sparing them both from the broken man he’d become.
But deep down, he knew he wasn’t sparing anyone. He was running.
And it was only a matter of time before the truth caught up to him.
Authors note:
let me know if i should do a part two also this is my first post😝
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wildfloweretbarley · 9 days ago
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spencer reid doodles 🤍
closer shots under the cut :)
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get a load of THIS guy
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moviesbuff · 1 year ago
Hey 👋
Favourite criminal minds episodes?? Any season
I like any episodes where Spencer solves the case, or talks down the unsub. which is a lot of the episodes. Honestly, they wouldn't be able to solve half of the cases in time, if ever, without him.
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sleepyangelkami · 1 year ago
smut's fun. have you ever read soul crushing, heart aching, head throbbing comfort that makes your eyes burn out of your head to the point where you just have to crawl into a ball because your inner child feels so safe? haha... yeah smuts fun.
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euaphora · 10 months ago
Do you have twt links of the girl ridding the guy and the guy being a moaning mess ???
most are just guided masturbation, hope you enjoy regardless!
one | two | three | four|five| six |seven |eight | nine| ten |eleven| twelve | thirteen |fourteen |fifteen
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Spenkl water reed
0 notes
piastappies · 1 year ago
requests guidelines ⭐️
hello everyone! after a year (and a half?) i’ve finally got to myself to show all the things i could write for. it’s gonna be updated regularly as soon as i obsess over something new.
so . . .
i’m not sure if i’m a good person to write smut so… request if u want, but might take a long time before i post it! (i haven’t really written anything smut related so that might be bad)
please, if you request something, write a small blurb of what you’ll like to read!
i mainly write for a female reader with she/her pronouns and all that, but i’m up for gender neutral as well if you feel like it :)
i might add sth here if i think of it, but the most important part is who do i write for. bold stands for my favs, italics is like… second fav, i guess!
✩ harry potter — slytherin boys (theodore nott, mattheo riddle, lorenzo berkshire, draco malfoy + pansy parkinson and daphne greengrass), marauders (james potter, sirius black, remus lupin, regulus black, evan rosier, barty crouch jr.), golden era (harry potter, ron weasley, cedric diggory, weasley twins, ginny weasley).
✩ percy jackson — greek demigods (percy jackson, leo valdez, annabeth chase, luke castellan, grover underwood, hood brothers, clarisse la rue, piper mclean), roman demigods (frank zhang, jason grace, hazel lavasque).
✩ books — the inheritance games (jameson hawthorne, grayson hawthorne, xander hawthorne, avery kylie grambs, thea laughlin), a good girl’s guide to murder (pippa fitz-amobi, ravi singh), hockey boyfriends (nate hawkins, garret graham, john logan, dean di laurenti, john tucker, hunter davenport, henry turner, russ callaghan)
✩ miscellaneous series — jenny han universes (conrad fisher, peter kavinsky, kitty song covey, cam cameron, steven conklin, minho), criminal minds (spencer reid, aaron hotchner, jennifer jareau, derek morgan), outer banks (jj maybank, pope heyward, rafe cameron), my life with the walter boys (alex walter, cole walter, isaac garcia, kailey)
✩ anime — haikyuu (kageyama, tsukishima, osamu, atsumu, suna, oikawa, bokuto, akaashi, kuroo, kenma, semi + the rest😭).
✩ people i don’t know how to classify — zuko + sokka, steve harrington, matthew gray gubler, drew starkey, louis partridge, timothee chalamet, peter parker, nct members.
if you don’t see someone, just ask! there’s a high chance i just forgot about them xx
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catchthewindd · 1 year ago
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they have the exact same vibes. my pookies fr <3
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speedy-beans · 2 months ago
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hello criminal minds fandom.
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reidiot · 2 years ago
*constantly thinking of spencer reid*
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monkey30 · 4 months ago
Fragments of Trust Part 2
"Fragments of Trust" is a deeply emotional journey filled with angst, heartache, and hope. Readers can expect to dive into the fragile dynamics between Spencer Reid, a man haunted by his mistakes, and Y/N, a fiercely protective single mother determined to shield her daughter, Ella, from further pain.
This story delivers:
• Angsty tension as Y/N struggles to forgive Spencer for abandoning her and their child during the most vulnerable time of their lives.
• Heartwarming fluff as Spencer slowly builds a relationship with Ella, from tender storytime moments to her first steps.
• Emotional depth, exploring themes of trust,redemption, and the messy, complicated process of rebuilding a family.
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Or worse—the baby.
His baby.
The words echoed in his mind like a taunt, a cruel reminder of what he’d just walked away from. He told himself it wasn’t true, couldn’t be true. How could it? He’d been locked away for years, trapped in a nightmare that left no room for life to flourish on the outside. He hadn’t even dared to imagine a future, let alone one with her.
But deep down, in the places he didn’t dare acknowledge, he knew Y/N wasn’t lying. She wouldn’t do that to him, not after everything they’d been through. And that terrified him.
He pushed off the door abruptly, pacing the small apartment. It felt too small, too constricting, as if the walls themselves were closing in on him. His breath came in short, shallow bursts as memories of Y/N flooded his mind. The way she used to smile at him like he was the only person in the world. The way her voice softened when she told him she loved him.
The way she begged him to fight, to hold on, even when everything inside him screamed to let go.
A sharp knock on the door snapped him out of his spiraling thoughts. He froze, his heart lurching in his chest.
“Spencer,” Y/N’s voice called softly from the other side. “Please. Don’t do this.”
He closed his eyes, his hands balling into fists at his sides. He couldn’t open the door again. If he did, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from crumbling, from falling into her arms and begging for the forgiveness he didn’t deserve.
“You can hate me,” she continued, her voice breaking. “I don’t care. But don’t hate her. She’s innocent in all of this. She doesn’t deserve to grow up wondering why her father didn’t love her.”
A strangled sound escaped him, somewhere between a sob and a gasp. He pressed a hand over his mouth, willing himself to stay silent.
“I’ll leave,” she said after a moment, her tone heavy with resignation. “If that’s what you really want, I’ll go. But don’t expect me to come back. Not after this.”
The weight of her words settled over him like a crushing blow, but he didn’t move. He heard the soft scrape of her picking up the baby carrier, the shuffle of her feet retreating down the hall.
And then she was gone.
Spencer sank to the floor, his back pressed against the door. He felt hollow, like a part of him had been ripped away. But wasn’t that what he wanted? To sever himself from the people he cared about before he could hurt them any further?
He’d told himself it was for their sake, that they were better off without him. But as the minutes stretched into hours and the silence grew deafening, he couldn’t shake the nagging doubt creeping into his mind.
What if he was wrong?
What if walking away wasn’t protecting them at all, but only condemning them to the same loneliness and pain that had consumed him for years?
The image of the baby’s tiny fist flashed in his mind, and for the first time, he allowed himself to wonder. What was her name? Did she have Y/N’s eyes or his? Did she smile when she heard Y/N’s voice?
He gritted his teeth, shaking his head. It didn’t matter. It couldn’t matter.
But no matter how hard he tried to convince himself, the questions lingered, haunting him like ghosts in the dark.
Across town, Y/N sat on the edge of her bed, cradling her daughter in her arms. The baby had finally fallen asleep, her tiny chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. But Y/N couldn’t rest. Her mind was a storm of emotions—anger, sadness, exhaustion.
She had always known Spencer would struggle to adjust after prison. She’d prepared herself for the walls he would put up, the distance he would try to create. But she hadn’t expected him to push her away so completely, to deny their daughter so easily.
A tear slipped down her cheek, and she brushed it away quickly. She couldn’t fall apart, not now. She had a little girl depending on her, a child who deserved all the love and stability in the world.
“If he doesn’t want us,” she whispered, her voice barely audible, “we don’t need him.”
But even as she said the words, she felt the weight of them pressing down on her chest. Because no matter how much she tried to convince herself otherwise, she couldn’t stop loving Spencer Reid.
And that was the cruelest part of all.
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