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speckaboo · 7 months ago
this might be a wild take but something I noticed about The Magnus Protocol is that we haven't seen ANY statements about the Web so far. Like no spiders or manipulation whatsoever. The lines between Fears seem more blurred in TMP but we've had loneliness and bloody violence and ceaseless watching so they're still around, there's just new stuff now too. But you know who seems to be trying to manipulate things behind the scenes in order to stay in control of all the horrors and keep them in check? The OIAR.
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lingeringscars · 2 years ago
"They truly are the yin to each other’s yang, and she really, really admires Callie’s opinion on things, and Callie is always there for her in ways that she needs."
“I think this season, you have seen Mariana really kind of be compartmentalized from what exactly happened to her"
“She’s keeping herself busy with the idea of being needed by people. She wants Evan to need her and to help at Speckulate. She wants Joaquin to need her help with looking for Madison, and she’s not really listening to her own feelings. She’s kind of been pushing them down for a while.”
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nightwhispcrs · 2 years ago
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evan speck ( good trouble , aaron tveit fc ) ; 35 years old ; uses he/him ; is unaware that he is not from washington dc; been stuck here for ~ a year . human ; non magical .
evan is direct , polite , brilliant , ambitious , confident , and just a lil bit awkward . evan is generally kind-hearted , but he has trouble connecting with others or understanding their motives , social cues , sarcasm , or general communication . he tends to speak bluntly and tries not to inconvenience others . ever since he was a kid he has suffered from severe social anxiety ( he once shared a memory of standing by the door at his first day of kindergarten not interacting with the other kids because he was worried someone would try to talk to him and he would be trapped . ) evan also has obsessive compulsive disorder and likes to furnish safe spaces and routines for himself . he also confirmed being on the autism spectrum , though he never spoke about it at length because it is not something he fully understands himself since his diagnoses changed throughout his life based on various doctors .
back home in LA , evan was known for his massively successful tech startup : speckulate . here in DC , he also runs a tech startup centered around social gaming , but it is much smaller than his old one ( which he currently doesn't remember , anyway . ) he doesn't have many friends , but he connects with people through talking about business or playing video games . i love him so so much pls push him outside of his comfort zone . although he loves routine and feeling safe , evan is also someone willing to grow and learn from the few people he trusts .
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amayaswatchtowers · 2 years ago
so Speckulate is still the same.......so all that CHANGE~~~ Mariana was vying for didn’t pan out. 
like ya know.......in real life. 
lol im just mad they wasted so much of her time on that arc and made her kinda insufferable during that arc................
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yennefferss · 2 years ago
I don't think they will play the amnesia card with Evan. Most likely he'll come around once the anesthesia wears off.
Or will they let Mariana run Speckulate a bit more? i would loooove that
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sweet-sexy-small · 4 years ago
Is it bad I’m still on team Evan..... like the girls don’t deserve to be harassed at their work obviously but like 90% of the problems were with their co-workers who got fired, the pay wage which Evan didn’t even know about but then sought to fix and idk who this imaginary board is but they seem to cause some shit which still is out of Evan’s hands like he didn’t do the best at running his company but it’s not like he said que sera, he was and is trying his best!!!!!!!!
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speckulators · 5 years ago
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tfc2211 · 3 years ago
The Speckulations: Walking The Dog In The Midnight Hour With The Speckulations (1966)
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iloveevanspeck · 6 years ago
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I knew it had to be a dream but I still squealed.
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anonynaomi · 6 years ago
Good Trouble 1 x 13
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I hate the fact that they sunk Evan and Mariana (my Maraj heart loved it tho)
I don’t care what they do with Callie or Gael or whoever but they BETTER NOT, and I repeat THEY BETTER NOT, ruin Evan or his character.
honestly, I hope he gets a satisfying storyline that does him justice.
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madlilsongbird · 6 years ago
Evan being Evan just makes me smile for some unknown reason
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speckaboo · 7 months ago
next prediction! the next time we see or hear from Colin it's gonna be his corpse reciting his statement
Jonny and Alex have the opportunity to do the funniest thing ever and unceremoniously kill off this universe's versions of Jon and Martin within moments of introducing them in TMP after all this dramatic build-up
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infinitemusicplaying · 4 years ago
Sooo on this week of Good Trouble: not only did Mariana's fake ass friends kick her to the curb on a company she basically started, they accept her back to give her a second chance on the condition thay she is as an employee. If that wasn't wack enough as is, they don't even have the confidence as partners of a group to make pitches and connections for themseleves. Once again, they are using Mariana's peak conversational skills to get a meeting with Zelda and her boss, all the while barely thanking Mariana and took her chair basically shuffling her to the back... oh oh but also requiring the code for the whole shebang..... Honestly while BB may have been a good idea, Marina should leave them behind, given now she has an additional choice with what looks like could be BB's competition and be project leader.
It may be fucked but these girls got a hell of a nerve to be talking about loyalty meanwhile one of the girls of dating Mariana's ex and them not even having confidence to pitch things for themselves because if I remeber one of them just sucking at picthing things.
Also these girls really act like they didnt follow Mariana out of Speckulate due to the toxic environment they faced.. because if it wasnt for her they'd all still be there suffering and hating life because they lack confidence to do anything for themselves whatsoever. I again understand why they are upset with her but I think they took it to the extremes by literally removing her from the group.
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thetypologymodel-archived · 4 years ago
Good Trouble | Mariana Adams Foster: ESTP / 7w6
Well, you may be able to play that game, but they want to know what it’s like to work here. I’m gonna tell them. And if I get fired, then at least someone had the guts to speak up.
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Perceiving Functional Axis: Se/Ni
Mariana walks into Speckulate, upbeat and ready to work hard, but when it doesn’t work out, she’s not above spending all night partying, wasting her money on clothes and furniture, and accruing debt. She’s bold, adventurous, and willing to jump head-first into doing new things (pitching her ideas to Evan even though she’s new; agreeing to have a threesome when she’s put on the spot.) Mariana is determined to change the work culture at Speckulate and takes immediate, concrete steps to do so. First, creating a Women’s Fight Club and then releasing their salary information. Mariana is smart and fearless, but she’s not good at assessing the consequences of her actions; sometimes it never even occurs to her until someone points it out to her (she doesn’t consider what it would mean for her and her Latinx coworker if she ticks the race box until her coworker explains it to her.)
Judging Functional Axis: Ti/Fe
Mariana is more than comfortable working a situation to her advantage or finding loopholes that will allow her to do so. She’s satisfied with cashing her paychecks and doing no work — at least, at first. She has no problem throwing Evan under the bus to save herself and the women (she doesn’t understand why they shouldn’t do it until people tell her why.) She makes Raj the team leader of her project instead of one of her female coworkers to micro-manage him from the sidelines. She allows Evan to help her team get their foot in the door once they quit. Mariana is also good at rallying people around a common cause. She has a “we” mindset that inspires the women to join her, stand up for their HR head together, and then quit their jobs with her. Mariana has no filter. She’s incapable of hiding her feelings from people — she almost breaks down when she and Callie talk to their moms. She needs to vent about Callie with her friends in the Coterie and just assumes that Callie must be doing the same thing, as well. To her, it isn’t malicious or personal — it’s just something she needs to do to blow off steam.
Enneagram: 7w6
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more-hats · 3 years ago
I don’t fully remember everything, like why Mariana lied about her birthday, but I’m pretty sure she didn’t promise Claire the spot of team leader or whatever. Claire just expected it because she’s a woman. And let’s face it, none of the Speckulate girls are good at leading except for Mariana.
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Name: Clara Abbott
Fic: TBD
Love Interest: Gael Martinez
Face Claim: Victoria Pedretti
Summary: Clara always considered herself to be a bit of a recluse — with her art keeping her busy, there was really no reason to leave her loft in the Coterie. Of course, it didn’t help that she didn’t really have any friends. Enter Viviana Morales, Clara’s new roommate who instantly breaks Clara out of her shell.
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Name: Diego Morales
Fic: TBD
Love Interest: Mariana Adams-Foster
Face Claim: Tyler Posey
Summary: Diego only had one dream: move to LA and work for Speckulate, one of the largest tech companies in the world. But when he arrives for his first day of work, he realizes that Speckulate is not all it’s cracked up to be.
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Name: Viviana Morales
Fic: Crash
Love Interest: Dennis Cooper
Face Claim: Ana De Armas
Summary: Viviana follows her little brother Diego to LA on a whim (and by order of her strict parents) and moves into the Coterie, having been promised by her boss that it would be just fine for her to work remotely. That had been a lie. Viviana finds herself doing all sorts of odd jobs, including performing as a lounge singer at Douro. She meets Dennis while practicing her set at the Coterie, and her entire world flips upside down.
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