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noisycowboyglitter · 8 months ago
Autism and Dinosaurs: How One Teacher Connects with Special Needs Students
The "Autism Teacher Dinosaur" is a playful and endearing concept that combines the worlds of education, autism awareness, and prehistoric fascination. This imaginative character serves as a symbol for educators who specialize in working with autistic students, embodying the patience, adaptability, and unique approach required in this field.
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Like a dinosaur, these teachers are strong and resilient, facing challenges with determination. They possess a wealth of knowledge and experience, much like the ancient wisdom associated with dinosaurs. The dinosaur aspect also appeals to many autistic children who may have a special interest in prehistoric life, creating an instant connection.
This character might be depicted as a friendly, colorful dinosaur wearing teacher attire, perhaps with puzzle pieces (a symbol often associated with autism) incorporated into its design. The Autism Teacher Dinosaur could be used in educational materials, classroom decorations, or as a mascot for autism education programs.
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The concept celebrates the unique skills of autism educators, including their ability to adapt teaching methods, create structured environments, and communicate effectively with students who have diverse needs. It also highlights the importance of making learning engaging and relatable for autistic students.
By combining education, autism awareness, and a beloved childhood interest, the Autism Teacher Dinosaur serves as a powerful and memorable symbol in the field of special education.
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When considering gift ideas for daycare teachers, focus on items that show appreciation for their hard work and dedication. Practical gifts such as personalized tote bags, insulated water bottles, or high-quality pens can be useful in their daily routines. Comfort items like cozy socks, scented hand lotions, or relaxing teas are thoughtful ways to help them unwind after busy days.
Personalized gifts, such as custom photo frames with class pictures or engraved keychains, add a special touch. Gift cards to local coffee shops, bookstores, or teaching supply stores are always appreciated. Handmade items from the children, like a collaborative art project or a book of drawings, can be heartwarming keepsakes.
Consider classroom supplies or educational materials they might need. Ultimately, the most meaningful gifts often combine practicality with a personal touch, showing genuine appreciation for their important role.
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The autism puzzle piece has been a widely recognized symbol for autism awareness since the 1960s. It represents the complexity and diversity of the autism spectrum, suggesting that each individual with autism is unique and fits into the broader picture of society in their own way. The puzzle imagery also alludes to the mystery and ongoing research surrounding autism.
However, the symbol has become controversial in recent years. Some autistic self-advocates argue that it implies incompleteness or that autistic individuals are a "puzzle to be solved." As a result, alternative symbols like the rainbow infinity loop have gained popularity, representing neurodiversity and acceptance rather than a need for a "cure" or solution.
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lokerjabodetabekid · 4 years ago
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@hs.sekolahku Halo semua✨ DIBUTUHKAN SEGERA!!! Bagi kamu yang memiliki passion dan ketertarikan dengan dunia anak dan pendidikan, saat ini Homeschooling SEKOLAHKU membuka lowongan pekerjaan sebagai Guru Homeschooling. Kirim CV ke: [email protected] Dengan subjek lamaran: HS_area yang dituju_Nama Contoh : HS_Cibubur_Nama Batas pengiriman: 14 Januari 2020, pukul 23.59 Silakan share informasi ini ke teman, kerabat dan keluarga yg membutuhkan 😊 #lokerguruabk #lokerguru #guruabk #specialneedsteacher #hometeacher #loker #lokerjabodetabek #lowonganpekerjaan #lokerindonesia #lowongankerja #lowongan #lokerguru #lowongankerjaguru #lowker #lowkerguru #guru #lowonganguru #infolowonganpekerjaan #infoloker #lowkerjabodetabek #infodepok #carikerja #anakberkebutuhankhusus #indonesiahomeschooling #homeschoolingindonesia #homeschoolingdepok #homeschoolingjakarta #homeschoolingsekolahku #klikpsikolog #psikologi #lokerpsikologi https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ5DID6HNA7/?igshid=1q1yqdrkserfl
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trendingbelizenews · 5 years ago
Regístrese ahora para nuestra capacitación para padres / maestros, mejores prácticas en el desarrollo del IEP: ...
New Post has been published on https://trendingbelizenews.com/registrese-ahora-para-nuestra-capacitacion-para-padres-maestros-mejores-practicas-en-el-desarrollo-del-iep/
Regístrese ahora para nuestra capacitación para padres / maestros, mejores prácticas en el desarrollo del IEP: ...
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Regístrese ahora para nuestra Capacitación para padres / maestros, Mejores prácticas en el desarrollo del IEP: Lo que el private y los padres deben saber, el martes 18 de agosto a las 6:30 p.m., hora de Belice. Debe preinscribirse para participar en esta capacitación GRATUITA. # parenttraining #entrenamiento #parejasespeciales #especialista #iep #individualeducationplan #autismbelize #Consciencia sobre el autismo #autismacceptance #conocer los hechos #compartir #especialista
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thesensorycorner-blog · 5 years ago
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We are coming into unprecedented times and those parents of young children and special needs children don't have enough resources to help their children cope with and understand these events. I created three social stories for masks, coughing and sneezing, and an explanation on covid 19 on a very low level for kids to understand. It's animated so they'll love it too. Check out the link to our channel in our bio. #sensoryathome #socialstories #socialstory #coronavirus #covidtips #covidmask #covid19 #sensorykids #autismspectrumdisorder #autism #quarantinekids #coronavirusvideo #preschoolathome #preschooler #specialeducation #specialneedsmom #specialneeds #specialneedsteacher #exceptionalstudent #ese #adhdtips #adhdparenting #parentingtip #parentingtips #parenting https://www.instagram.com/p/CDHvvCvBW_f/?igshid=1q5lqgdb20ctj
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annamkf · 5 years ago
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A simple act of kindness can go a long way, especially in times like these. About a week ago I made a fb post about how we ran out of Zuko's favorite popsicles and how upset he was because they were all sold out at the grocery store. For those of you that don't know Zuko is a SUPER picky eater and firecracker pops are his absolute favorite treat. He'll even go to his pecs (picture exchange communication) book and hand me the popsicle icon out of nowhere. • Then yesterday, Zuko's teacher messaged me saying she found a box of Zuko's favorite pops, and asked if she could bring them to our house and leave them at the door for us. • Not only did she bring two big boxes of pops, but she drove 45 minutes just to bring it to our house. We are so grateful that she is an amazing teacher to Zuko, and we are forever grateful for her act of kindness to our family. #actofkindness #covid19 #coronavirus #asd #autism #autismspeaks #autismparent #autismmom #autismfamily #sped #specialneedsparent #specialneeds #teacher #specialneedsteacher #grateful #kindness #teachersareawesome #autismproud #preschool #prek https://www.instagram.com/p/B-m4VAzhYpy/?igshid=19jep41ly6sya
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traceymhawk · 5 years ago
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It’s been a long, long, long time since I’ve had a “school picture”. #schoolpictures #september #school #schoolyear #schoolyear2019 #teacher #counselor #specialneedsteacher #counselorsareheroes #autismspeaks #autismadvocate #autismadvocacy #proud https://www.instagram.com/p/B22Ye7rJ4o8_SCJm-iRX1DS7afpyaL9QxUXTl00/?igshid=8ed46vlycubu
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kieranhiggins · 7 years ago
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Missed my calling as an artist...😂 #girlwithapearlearring #vermeer #teaching #teacherlife #specialeducation #specialeducationteacher #specialneedsteacher (at Belfast Metropolitan College)
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gwennie9213 · 11 years ago
This is the Hardest Thing
Being a special needs tutor/teacher/shadow is HARD.
Travelling alone in foreign countries, getting back on a horse after my accident, stopping myself from self-harming, all the things that have broken my heart, and making it through high school and college all pale in comparison to the challenge of being a special needs tutor.
I can't take anything personally.
When my kid (the 6th grade boy I work with) tells me he doesn't like me, I have to tell him, "I'm sorry". I ask him what he doesn't like about me, and he says, "I don't know it's just you!" (he's angry) I ask him who/what his ideal teacher would be and he says, "Anyone that's not you". Ouch! I can't allow my feelings to be hurt I can just LOVE him.
I tell him I'm teaching him because I care about him and I want to see him succeed. He says, "No, you're just doing it cause you're getting paid". (ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!) After taxes I'm making maaaaaybe minimum wage. Don't even go there with me kid! But I gently explain that I can't possibly be doing this for the money because I'm not even making enough money to pay my bills, and that if I wanted to make money, I would go get a job that paid more.
Then I tell him that none of this has to do with school and I ask, "Please sit up and look at the board so I can teach you?"
He refuses.
The beauty of being a special needs teacher is that when there is a positive result I feel like I have moved mountains.  
The beauty of being a special needs teacher is that I am in a constant conversation with God asking Him for help, listening for Him to show me the way.
The crazy thing is that, as hard as this is, I kind of love it. The more I teach, the more I want to teach. I think I'd rather get into the regular classroom in the future, though, where kids could receive my love and love me back!
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