#special needs school
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this is second blog worthy.
"someone thought this was Pikachu..."
Pointing at Cinamoroll.
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the5parkers-blog · 5 months
Racism And My White Privilege
I had kind of a weird thing happen at work a few months ago. In the mornings, a few of us sit in the lobby waiting for the kids who were still arriving (late). One of the moms stayed back to talk. After a few minutes, the conversation turned to how she went to a “black” high school. She blamed integration and clearly didn’t have a high opinion of it. Subtle but not so subtle comments started to…
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autism-moms-blog · 2 years
The real reasons i chose a Special Educational Needs School and why it will help your child thrive!
Transition between primary and secondary school is stressful and emotional for any parent but especially us SEN parents. It can also trigger many emotions in our SEN children. So how do we decide which school is best? How do we choose between Special Needs School or Mainstream. Perhaps your thinking about a Mainstream School with a Special Support Centre? Maybe your considering home…
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cubbihue · 26 days
Did Peri tell Timmy that he was planning to become a Fairy Godparent/that he was assigned a godkid? When we first see the fam reunite in the series, Cosmo and Wanda didn't seem to know.
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Timmy had known Peri might pursue becoming a godparent, because Peri had consulted with him about career tracks!! And like. Being the only one invited to Peri's college graduation tends to give Timmy more insight than his parents. Special older brother privileges.
As for being assigned a Godkid, Timmy sorta... Stumbled into it. He found out long before Peri was told he had been given an assignment!
Bitties Series: [Start] > [Previous] > [Next]
Peri's Assignment: [Next]
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canislupusangelus · 2 months
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THEY DID THE THING!!!!!!!!!! The gingersnaps(and jennifers body) hallway thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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lovelyrotter · 19 days
ill probably delete this in a minute but ive just been fuckin boggled by what ive seen across tumblr in the last few days in particular. its why i havent really been around. like holy fucking shit, its really like some of yall just dont want a chunk of the trans community to exist. like some of yall are thisclose to saying it verbatum. way too many already have. 'shut up sit down be quiet and smile for us' type shit, gee where have i heard that before. oh yeah my entire life cause i was forcefully gendered as someones daughter. shock horror i know. you might be surprised to remember and/or learn that very few trans folks know theyre trans before we're 5, or even 10, and that that gendered experience stays with all of us in both/either small or large ways. either bc we literally dont have a solid identity yet (bc we're very small children), dont have the words, we're repressing it out of fear from how others will treat us, we're actually enjoying or enjoyed being another gender in our childhood, or we just genuinely didnt fuckin know until shit lined up later in life. weird isnt it that transmascs dont pop out as 6'1 brick shithouse cis men when we're born so yall know for certain that we're confused lost girls/women oops i mean big dangerous scary men. its almost like we're transgender too. none of yall actually know what intersectionality is or means
#my t#transandrophobia#yeah ill tag it why tf not#i just dont understand why transmasculinity is scrutinized and dissected like this within the trans community#when its just not the case for other gendered trans folks amongst themselves more often than not these days#which is a good thing! a really really good thing! but why are we scapegoating transmascs#''we need more weird trans people!!'' yall cant even handle like. a pre-everything trans guy coming out for the first time#yall cant handle a pre-everything tguy wearing a tshirt without tearing him to shreds & calling him shit like afag/theyfab & ukelele boy#im tired of my identity being treated as a debate. i had enough of that in highschool as#very literally. **the only trans kid in my grade** surrounded by cis teachers & peers USING ME AND MY BODY AS A TALKING POINT#i was the only one who wasnt deeply closeted that is. and holy fuck do i still not blame anyone for being closeted in that school#why is it only okay to try to separate trans ppl from our gender when we're not fem/me#why is one celebrated and the other treated like radioactive waste **within our own community**#god i need to find an irl community fuckin badly online trans circles are hell on earth#ill be describing smth that happened to me as a clocky tguy and someone else will say TO MY FACE#that what happened to me wasnt bc i was a clocky guy but purely bc i was trans#like i. what. how. how does that make any kind of fucking sense#i wouldnt be clocky if i wasnt trying to look like my gender. like i. hello?#would u say that to any other trans person or am i just that special?
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randomminty · 1 year
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speciouspessimism · 10 months
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if the person i had prayed to god about said this to my older brother i just think it would fix me
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nixthelapin · 4 months
I don’t think enough people realize that Origins Pt. 1 & 2 happen on the same day
In French schools, they have a long lunch break, so lots of kids just go home for that time then come back. Seriously, they get like 90min- 2hours! (Which blows my mind as an American, who only got 30 minutes for my lunch break)
So when Adrien runs away again to school, the stuff that went on with the seats, the hurt from Kim taunting Ivan, Marinette’s insecurity about being picked as Ladybug, is still fresh! They didn’t even have the night to process it!
I just still see a lot of people who discuss origins talk about pt. 2 as “the next day,” when really it’s just the afternoon, so I thought I’d make a post finally lol
This has been a short PSA, thank you.
EDIT: ok, turns out I am a moron. I am being torn in the replies 😭 The amount of time for lunch in French schools is true, so I just took that info and went with it lol- I definitely should’ve just rewatched the episodes instead of being stupid, my bad y’all 😂
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hplonesomeart · 1 month
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I can’t think of any funny quips to put as description for this one so uh- suppose this time around I’ll just let the art speak for itself lol
Enjoy the daily dose of fanart while it lasts because I can’t quite guarantee I’ll be able to keep up this speed throughout the upcoming month. But I’ll sure try to! Thank you all for the support <3
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theology101 · 5 months
This is a school of Adventurers and they’re all at Fabian’s party
500 characters with class abilities and spells, ranging from third (that seems normal for an end of the year freshman class) to like, 10+
And instead of doing fucking ANYTHING to help, they party. If they realized the thing they’re being trained for is happening its “total chaos”
I know this is for plot and gameplay reasons but totally honest, in pure action economy alone, I think 500 pcs could literally kill a tarrasque before it can move. Fabian should’ve been able to roll to convince those fuckers to just, omni.
“Hey if anyone knows a spell, just shoot that dragon right!” *Cue a million laser beams, magic missiles and fire balls*
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im not autistic but i believe in their beliefs (because i share like 80 % of symptoms typical for autistic women with yall)
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STILL on my silly little traditional art arc, just messin around with cleanin up my pen sketches. made this with NOTHING but pens n colored pencils, n error corrected with paper n glue. i LOOOVEEE my captains i love my captains so dearlyyyy it so fun to draw them n play wiht colors......
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aprilblossomgirl · 1 year
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My School President: Super Special Episode (2023)
I don’t like Win at all yet I can feed him food. You guys are overthinking it.
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nox-sssscraps · 9 months
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Gawd I’m. it’s 4:20am and I’ve been listening to exclusively the new 21 savage album since it dropped last night and I’m thinking abt my ocs . And spacewaffles I suppose
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01tsubomi · 9 months
cultural perspective being indispensible in media consumption but looking back i find it so funny that for years and years before teaching in japan i thought it was another suspension-of-disbelief surrealist kagepro thing that haruka and takane spent all their time in a homeroom class for just the two of them and now the maximum number of kids we've ever had in my special needs class is 3
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