#a well needed relaxing break to zone out and create for the sake of it you know?
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I can’t think of any funny quips to put as description for this one so uh- suppose this time around I’ll just let the art speak for itself lol
Enjoy the daily dose of fanart while it lasts because I can’t quite guarantee I’ll be able to keep up this speed throughout the upcoming month. But I’ll sure try to! Thank you all for the support <3
#guys it’s 12:20am I have school today at 7:45 what am I doing with my time management here jksjsksp#was worth it though#oddly enough I haven’t felt this free to express myself or my appreciation for things in a while it seems#so setting time to just let my art take shape on its own accord and freehand it all without any particular goal in mind is just…#a well needed relaxing break to zone out and create for the sake of it you know?#finally i’m not stressing over deadlines or finalizing to perfect#there’s no pressure or obligation <3#kinda like a ‘oh yeah I made this and the fact I made it is special enough’#….ah wait maybe it’s the peaceful instrumental Spotify playlist taking effect on me too lol#yeah actually that would make a lot of sense#doodles#smg4 fanart#smg4 doodles#smg4 sketches#leggy smg4#mario smg4#mr puzzles smg4#hplonesome art
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September 21 - 2023 Thursday
I know I want to follow through with some kind of ACT therapy based plan. Coming up with the plan is the hard part. It's gotta be something I can refer back to when I'm slipping up or losing my way. So far I haven't been able to figure out something that works but it's also because I usually don't have the bravery to face the truth that I am slipping up. Instead I tell myself I'm fine, I don't need to brush up on anything. I act like I've been cured just because things are going well. But obviously it's a slow downhill from there until I have a breakdown and realize I've been neglecting important practice.
In fact this sounds extremely similar to something I experienced with my art where I'd neglect to practice or try anything new until my art became static and dull. I'd slowly forget things I learned until I couldn't pull off making anything interesting to me. I'd catch myself and realize all I needed to do was get some fresh intake of visual information. In other words I'd enter a state of artistic reverb with myself, unable to breath. Maybe the exact same thing is happening with my mental health. I'm relatively okay when I'm exploring new perspectives and actively trying to understand my behavior. The problem comes when I act like I've learned it all and slowly degrade to a breaking point.
The art solution was solved with the awareness of the problem and by scheduling a mere 30 minute warmup time every morning where I specifically get out of my comfort zone. If I'm not struggling, I'm not doing it right. My mental state could benefit from a similar solution. I already have the groundwork made by trying to identify and jot down my objective thoughts and feelings every morning. This could be expanded upon to be time I take to do more focused exercises on different ACT topics. Or just some more reading. As much as I want to do it in the morning, I might save it for the afternoon since I have more time I usually don't know what to do with then. Mornings already seem kinda limited.
I've done some reading today so I have my intake of information. For a few days now I've been exercising a philosophy I like, I haven't had to remind myself to keep doing it. I just do it. It's to work myself until I'm tired. Because inherently I enjoy burning energy. It means I'm doing something, moving things around in this world. It means I'm expressing myself no matter what, even if it's just doing the dishes. I enjoy doing things that serve to benefit the greater good. I DONT value being able to enjoy relaxing and playing all day, only in smaller doses (at least right now). I want to create things and push things. I like momentum.
The things I read about in my act book support this grand sort of method of operation. I mean, ACT is the name of the practice for a reason. It's all about acting in accordance with my values. The hard part is overcoming the things that stop me from doing that, all my internal struggles that are holding me back.
Right now I feel like I'm in a sort of 'up' and I know it would be wise to utilize that. I used to resist the wave of up and down and limit myself for the sake of consistency. I've learned trying to keep anything constant is a bad thing, everything needs an up and down kind of cycle to exist. In the past when I'd naturally feel good and have the motivation to do a bunch of things, I'd stop myself because I knew I wouldn't be able to keep it up when the down came back. But in doing so I missed out on a lot of productivity/joy. These days I'm better about recognizing that it's best to use the energy I'm given when I have it.
As usual a huge problem I've caught again is losing touch with who I am. I forget that I am a conscious being in an ever evolving world. I think because of my relative isolation as a child along with unhindered consumption of digital media, I have an inclination to view the world as a sort of video game and people like NPCs. Inherently I get the feeling that there is nothing beyond what I can see and that a lot of people are no more than very simple, meaningless characters. I do not like this about myself, it's not a good worldview and I feel really good when I break out of it every now and then. I want to see the humanity in people better. It doesn't help though that many people are afraid to express themselves and adopt an oversimplified personality to hide behind. And more or less being locked in this room doesn't help me grasp the grandeur of this world. I think that would change if I learned how to drive, I think I'd better understand the true freedom we all have to translate ourselves across the surface of our world.
This morning was leftover pizza and a granola bar for breakfast. Stream was good, sketching was fruitful and I made good progress on the last commission this month. Also finished another YCH and started sketching potential new ones.
I sorted a few boxes while cleaning today and threw some stuff out. Two places I'd consider untamed lands in my cabin are the top of the closet and the compartment next to the toilet. Both of these places could use a little cleaning out. To me they are like the 2 cabinets above most fridges.
Lunch was stir fry noodles. I was surprisingly starving while cooking it and after eating I felt kinda bloated. Something is up with my tummy today and I think it could be the apple oatmeal I made yesterday since apples naturally contain the kind of sugar I think upsets my stomach. I hung out in David's server for the first time in awhile and got cozy while I did my work. Eventually the call turned annoying because 3 guys were basically all making independent noise so I left. I almost finished my Princess Bubblegum picture so it should be done tomorrow.
After a bit of rest, I played Just Dance with Daisy. Usually I try too hard to match the hand movement perfectly but today I let go and vaguely copied the moves in my own way, whatever felt natural.
I kinda goofed around while she worked on her fursuit in call. I was a little self conscious today because in general I don't like how I look, especially my face and hair. I felt sort of ugly today but I knew that was an exaggeration and that it doesn't even matter if I am. I know I shouldn't have to perform for her either. We watched some Adventure Time and youtube videos. I tried playing Starfield but wasn't feeling it. Also tried to finish that Bubblegum pic but wasn't feeling that either. I took a short video to try and scan my vacuum cleaner which seemed to work fine so I might try a room scan tomorrow.
This evening I just felt like existing and I hope I didn't come off as boring or something. I really just wanted to chill in the same space until something naturally came up instead of always searching for something to do or a way to become stimulated. Maybe sometimes I want to do nothing and try to enjoy some simply emotional security.
I've been selfish lately. In a selfish phase if you will. It's much to complicated to fully explain this dynamic I stumble into sometimes but in a way I haven't been myself. I've been operating based on my feelings and have been focused on taking things for myself as a sort of survival mechanism. When I snap out of it I remember how real affection means giving without expecting something back. I remember to enjoy what I have and to be less afraid of losing it. I start to see the importance of my own interests and it's easier to pursue them.
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And When He Smiles I Swear I Can’t Breathe
Alan Rubin x fem!Reader
Word count: 2,211
Fandom: Blues Brothers
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Blues Brothers characters or movies. This refers to Alan Rubin as a character in the movie, not the real Alan (although he obvsly played himself but you know what I mean)
I’d like to add that I made everyone of the band a few years younger (so the age gap between the reader and Alan isn’t that big), so he’s approx. in his early 30s.
Sophia, Lisa and Lex are two OCs created by two lovely people within the fandom.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of abuse
Chapter IX
Alan watched Charlotte taking a bite from her fried eggs. “What?”, she murmured. “Are we gonna pretend nothing happened last night?”, Alan gave her serious look. The girl shrugged her shoulders. “Wouldn’t be the first time.” “Huh, is that supposed to make me laugh?”
Charlotte didn’t look up. “Why were you at the rehearsal room?” “Where else should I have gone?” “Lisa? Sophia? Or here’s a funny idea, could have given me a call.” “Look, I prefer to go into seclusion when something’s wrong. I’m sorry but I don’t wanna bother anyone with my crap.” “And I’d prefer if you’d come to me, you ain’t bothering no one, alright?”, he said in a soft tone and stroke her cheek. “Does he hit your mum and sister, too?” “No.”, she shock her head but saw a questioning look in Alan’s eyes. “My parents had broken up before my mum found out she was pregnant with me. So for my sake they gave their relationship another shot and apparently it worked but for my father I’m still the unwanted child. And I guess by forcing me to do well, in College and life, I won’t’t be such a big disappointment for him.” “Meaning if you moved out your mum and sister wouldn’t be in danger?” “Believe my, I tried getting my own place but…” “You could live with me until you find your own flat.”, Alan looked at her with raised eye brows. “I can’t, I really can’t.” “Why not?” “Cos I don’t wanna drain on your pocket, that’s why.” “I don’t care. I want you out of there as soon as possible.” “I will figure something out, okay? Don’t wanna jump the gun.” “Jumping the gun? What are you waiting for, Charlotte?”, Alan asked concerned, irritated she didn’t wanna move out. “I will come up with something alright?!”, she said bugged. “Just think about my offer, you’re more than welcomed here.”
A few days had passed and Charlotte still hadn’t figured out what to do. She came back from jogging, when she noticed a stranger’s car in their driveway. Her father’s office was being refurbished this week, so he met all his clientele at home, in his home office. She hurried down the hallway to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water, not keen on being seen in her current shape, all sweaty and her face red like a tomato. When passing by she took a quick glance into her father’s office though and realised she knew the person a few moments later only, so she went back. “What are you doing here?” “Oh, hi!”, the person greeted her with a big, fake smile. “Are you one of Mr. Ellington’s precious daughters? I didn’t know that!” “No, I’m Mrs. Mop.”, Charlotte replied sarcastically. “You do look like her.” “What’s going on here?”, Frank said in a harsh tone and gave his daughter a push against her shoulder as he entered the room. “Be nice to Ms…? I’m awfully sorry, what was your name again?” “No harm done, Sir. My name’s Brooks. Lari Brooks.” “I apologise for my daughter Ms Brooks and also for this chaos. I should have been prepared more thoroughly for this week of Home Office. I left some of my notes in my car, I’ll be back in a moment… Charlotte, go and get us a coffee, won’t you?” “Frankly I’d like to take shower.” “Yeah, you can do that afterwards.” Charlotte closed her eyes and took a deep breath before facing Lari again. “Oh kiddy, milk and sugar for me please.” Ugh that creepy smile again. “Listen up, bitch!”, Charlotte leaned over the desk. “I don’t know what kind of ratty games you’re playing here, getting in touch with my father but stay the hell away from Alan! You heard me?” Lari started laughing, not the reaction Charlotte was hoping for. “You really think Alan is interested in you? He’s not the man for relationships but you’ll figure that out soon enough. Once he had his fun with you he’s gonna drop you like a bad habit.” Lari looked her up and down. “Tsk, I’m surprised he even thinks he will get it up with you in the first place.” Charlotte clenched her fist. “Not that it’s any of your business but he already did!” “Oh good to know he’s finished with you then.” “He is finished with you, or why do you think he started seeing me?” “See honey, what-“ “I’m not your honey!” Lari sighed. “What you don’t see is, Alan needs a real woman at his side. Not only to satisfy his sexual needs but he certainly doesn’t wanna play babysitter for you. And he doesn’t need no social project either.” Charlotte backed down and slowly removed her hands form the table. “Oh, honey, don’t you think I haven’t noticed your bruises. And don’t you think I don’t know who did that to you.” Charlotte swallowed hard. For God’s sake, where was her father when she needed him. What was taken him so long? “Does your father know you’re dating Alan?” Charlotte clammed up. “Aha, I thought so.”, Lari grinned. “Would be such a shame if he did, eh?” “Why haven’t you made any coffee by now?! Frank bumped back into the office, a stack of files under his arm. “Come on!” dragging her into the kitchen. “I asked you for a simple favour.” “You didn’t ask…” “I swear to God, make that fuckin coffee or I loose my shit.”, he hissed through gritted teeth and Charlotte quietly set up the coffee brewer, while Frank went back to his newest client. While the machine ran, she tried to catch a few scraps of their conversation. What was her game? It was surely no coincidence she wanted to hire her dad. Charlotte overheard that apparently she had some trouble with a former affiliate of hers. What a pretence. And Charlotte started to worry. Knowing about her and Alan, Lari had her by the short and curlies. After serving the coffee, Charlotte quickly got into the shower. As the warm water ran over her body she couldn’t help but bursted out into tears. She knew Lari was right. Alan didn’t want no helpless, little girl at his side, that needed to be rescued from her father. And Charlotte wanted to be that independent and mature woman he was looking for but also felt trapped, like she couldn’t break away from her father. That was also why she didn’t wanna move in with Alan, even it was temporary only. She feared someone like Alan would eventually be sick of dealing with such preschool problems, when he was at a complete different state of life than Charlotte was. And perhaps her intuition on this one wasn’t letting her down.
During the next days, Charlotte and Alan didn’t see much of one another, they didn’t had a fight but both felt some tension between each other. While Alan was trying to give Charlotte some room to decide what she wanted to do in order to sort out her problem at home, Charlotte felt rejected and that Alan didn’t wanna see her.
So when she and her besties, Sophia and Lisa were on their way to another concert of the boys, she had mixed feelings. The three entered the backstage area, where they were happily welcomed by the band. Jake pulled Sophia into his strong arms, giving her passionate kiss, while Lou and Lisa were still a bit shy around other people, so the saxophonist grabbed his girlfriend’s hand and gave her a short peck on her cheek. As Charlotte and Alan met they faced each other awkwardly. “Hi Alan.” “Hi Charlie, you look gorgeous tonight.” “Thanks.”, she responded with a little smile. Everyone who was watching the two instantly felt something was wrong and were kind of embarrassed to be present. The blonde girl turned around to her friends “Think I’ll be heading to our seats already, see you in a bit.”
Lisa and Sophia gave each other a look before hurrying after her friend. “Charlie, wait! What was this all about?”, Sophia grabbed her arm. “Nothing.”, she shrugged her shoulders in response. “Did you break off?” “Were we even a couple?” “Were?”, Lisa asked shocked. “Relax, we didn’t. It’s.. I don’t know… tensed. He hasn’t been calling me for a couple of days.” “Have you called him?” “No… I didn’t wanna bother him.” “Why do you keep saying that?” “Because it’s true. Alan could date everyone. It’s just a matter of time ’til he’s tired of my bs with my dad.” “Why would he? He offered you to move in with him for now.” “Right, so what if that wasn’t a genuine offer? Perhaps he only felt the need to say that.” “Jeez, you still think the worst of everyone!”, Sophia rolled her eyes. “Last thing you told us is that he asked you to think about it. So I guess he’s just waiting for an answer.”, Lisa explained. “Go and talk to him after concert.” “But before that we’re gonna enjoy the music, nothing will cheer you up like their songs, trust me.”; Sophia said with a big smile and grabbed Charlotte’s hand, dragging her to their seats.
Meanwhile Lou got after Alan. “Hey man, are you and Charlotte alright?” “Yeah, yeah, we’re fine.” “C’mon Alan, talk to me!” The trumpet player sighed. “I don’t even know what it is! I told her she could live with me until she found a flat for herself cos I want her away from her manic father and gave her some time to think about it and since then: nothing. I don’t know what else to do if she keeps refusing my help! Maybe it’s all too much for me.” “What are you saying? I thought you liked her, for real!” “Yes, I do.” “Sometimes a relationship needs some work, especially at the beginning.”, Lou advised. “See? This is why I never got involved in anything serious before. It just complicates things.” “Even if things are difficult at the moment, I’ve never seen you any happier than being with Charlotte. So perhaps it’s time you step out of your comfort zone if you wanna make things work with her.” They got interrupted by Elwood, yelling across backstage. “2 minutes guys!” “Lou gave his friends a warm smile and a pat on the shoulder “Think about it.”
The concert was extraordinary. They were rocking the crowd and the atmosphere was purely captivating. After the band finished playing “Hey Bartender” Jake got on the mic again. “This next song, we haven’t played in front of anyone yet, so feel honoured to be the first.” He put in one of his little giggles there. “It’s called ‘Gimme Some Lovin’ by the Spencer Davis Group. And me, Blue Lou and Mr. Fabulous here, would like to dedicate this song to three incredible, young ladies in our lives, who also happen to be in the audience tonight. Sophia, Lisa and Charlotte. Sophia? I love you babe!”, he said and pointed to his girl in the audience causing Sophia to scream, who soon got drown out by the band starting to play. Charlotte was excited to hear the boy’s version of that song, thinking back when Alan told her, they worked out a nice part for the horns and they clearly didn’t disappoint.
After like three or four encores, the girls were all hyped up and on their way backstage. “Relax, just tell him how much you liked the song and that you wanna talk with him in private. It’s your Alan after all.”, Lisa tried to support Charlotte.
When they walked up the little stairs their glances first hit Elwood. He was caught up in a passionate kiss with someone in his arms, his hands all over that someone. As soon as he realised all eyes were on him, he cleared his throat. “Everyone this is Lex by the way.”, he said and a big grin formed on his lips. “We met a few nights ago. Please be nice to them.” Lex seemed a big nervous as they were playing with their dark, slightly wavy hair but all that seemed to vanish when Elwood pulled Lex back into his arms and planted a kiss on their cheek. The two seemed like a great match. Lex was really casual looking, they were wearing a jeans jacket and a graphic tee combined with a pair of combat boots. They clearly seemed to be on the same level, funny and not taking things too serious. Most of the guys had a stupid grin on their face except for Jake of course, who already knew about his brothers new partner in crime but everyone was just happy for Elwood, he deserved to be with someone after everything he went through.
That amusement didn’t stay for long though as Charlotte noticed Alan. He was sitting in a corner on one of the amplifiers, focused on cleaning his mouthpiece, Lari standing next to him. She was straddling his shoulder and trying to get his attention. From the distance it was hard to tell if he was wrapped up in a chat with her but frankly, Charlotte didn’t even wanted to know.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
#Blues Brothers#Blues Brothers fandom#Alan Rubin x Reader#Alan Rubin x fem!Reader#Alan Rubin#blues brothers fanfiction#Elwood Blues#Jake Blues#Blue Lou Marini
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pairing: Jungkook x Reader
genre: a bit angsty but fluff at the end
summary: you’re on tour with BTS and Jungkook gets injured while you’re there.
word count: 2,600
It was easy to see how the boys kept their energy going throughout the shows. The dressing room was buzzing with frantic energy; makeup artists running around their stations with brushes galore, stylists attempting to straighten out the clothes they were wearing. Several people with headsets rushed hurriedly through the dressing room, keeping an eye on the band. They knew their jobs were on the line if any of the BTS boys missed their cue. And then there was you. Just you, the partner of Jungkook. You had nothing better to do than just observe the action carefully from your spot on the sofa, which was placed out of the way in a corner of the dressing room. In fact, you had been advised by management to stay out of the way. After all, the behind the scenes of BTS shows was a well-oiled machine and they didn’t need an unnecessary cog messing it up!
If the management team hadn’t drilled that into your head already, Jungkook definitely had. He was less brash about it, simply asking you to busy yourself with work while they performed. However, it was hard to get anything done in the chaos that was the dressing room. What were you supposed to do? Take business calls over the shouts of the stage manager and chattering of the many makeup artists? There was no way this environment could foster any opportunities for you and your business so you simply just watched. While you made it sound like a chore, seeing what Jungkook was like at work was fun. You watched as he politely thanked the artist for touching up the foundation on his forehead and you loved seeing how he interacted with his bandmates; he was so care-free and relaxed around them. It could just be difficult at times. Between soundchecks and press opportunities to the actual shows themselves, you didn’t get much time to actually spend with Jungkook. There was an odd date here and there. But by date, it was going to the local fast food restaurant to grab a quick bite before heading back to the hotel to sleep. You can’t remember the last time the two of you had a full-on conversation like you used to do. The one-sided staring match you were having is cut short by the stage manager calling for the boys. You hear the thumps of music begin and thousands of fans screaming. It’s showtime! As soon as he hears the shouts, Jungkook is fully immersed in his world. He begins jumping up and down, getting pumped for the show that's about to start. There are whispers coming from his mouth as Jungkook recites lyrics he’s sung a million times before. He’s in the zone and so are the rest of them. That’s why when they exit the dressing room, Jungkook pretty much forgets you exist! He strolls past you, fiddling with his earpiece and microphone. It’s only when he’s out the door that Jungkook remembers you’re here with him. He quickly dashes back to the dressing room, gives you a sloppy kiss on the lips and runs to catch up with the boys. The chaos in the room slowly simmers as makeup artists and stylists filter out to get a quick break. It’s now that you can sit back and get some work done. You scroll through work emails, eyes quickly scanning over everything you’ve missed. As the Marketing Manager for a popular fashion brand in Asia, it was important that you kept up with your emails. You never knew what you might miss if you left them for just a day! The sound of tapping replaced the silence in the room as you responded to the most urgent emails. You had almost become scared of silence throughout your time with BTS. It wasn’t often that you were alone in a quiet room with just your thoughts to keep you company. The silence had you thinking about home, about your family and how you had basically packed up your life to follow your boyfriend around. And that frightened you! The thought of losing it all...
As you press send, the room begins filling back up with people. You didn’t need to look at the clock. You knew it was time for the first costume change in the show by watching the flurry of people entering the room! And no sooner had the makeup artists and stylists entered, the panting and sweaty members of BTS rushed in, stripping off their clothes as they went. You watched Jungkook carefully as it was so endearing to see his passion and love for his work. But today something was wrong. He wasn’t acting like his usual self! Jungkook tried his best to hide the fact he was limping into the dressing room. However, you could tell he was in pain from the way his head hung low and eyes stared at the floor. He sat back in the director-style chair and you saw the relief on his face as he took the weight off his feet. Jungkook’s chest heaved rapidly as the sweat was wiped from his brow and the artist patted it with powder. He always exerted himself too much and ended up getting hurt. Yet, no matter how many times people told him, he didn’t want to disappoint anyone. Not you, not the fans and definitely not his bandmates! Each of you shared a glance through the giant Hollywood mirror. Jungkook attempted to give you a weak smile but he had already spotted your concerned look. His eyes almost pleaded with you not to do or say anything. He didn’t want to make a fuss; he just needed to get the show over with for today. Then he could rest. As much as you wanted to make sure he was okay, you nodded and gave a reassuring smile. Jungkook was going to be fine - or so you thought!
It’s no more than fifteen minutes later when Jungkook is being rushed off the stage and carried into the dressing room by one of their bodyguards. His face so contorted in pain that tears are streaming down his face and onto the bodyguard’s shoulder. You know what’s happened before anyone has to explain it to you. One of his arms is outstretched, reaching out to the heel of his foot - almost as if he’s a wizard trying to fix it with magic. But he wasn’t and this definitely wasn’t going to be a quick fix. They lay him out on the floor of the dressing room and call in a medic who can see to his foot. There are massive crowds of people surrounding him and it’s not long before the other boys join the group to check if their friend is okay. Somewhat excluded from the circle, you hover over someone to keep an eye on your boyfriend. As the medic takes hold of his ankle and examines it, Jungkook cannot hold back the screeches and groans any longer. It hurts to see him in so much pain while there’s nothing you can do. After all, you have the back of a bodyguard separating you and your boyfriend right now. There’s no way you’re going to be able to shove him out of the way to get closer to Jungkook. “We have a ruptured achilles, unfortunately,” The medic states confidently, looking at the boy’s swollen leg with precision.
After hearing the diagnosis, Jungkook throws his head back against the floor and begins sobbing into his hands. It’s really the worst case scenario! A torn achilles is a death sentence for any athlete but it’s particularly bad for someone who performs for a living! You feel equally as devastated for him. Inside, he will be ruined for letting this happen and giving a poor show for the fans. “We have three songs left,” The stage manager calls into the dressing room. “The rest of you have ten seconds to get back on stage!”
You watch as the rest of the boys make the hard decision to leave the room and Jungkook stupidly attempts to follow. However, he is quickly struck down as searing pain shoots through his lower leg. The room is quieter now and you’re able to get next to him finally. You grab his hand, soothingly stroking his knuckles with your thumb.
“JK,” You whisper. “It’s okay, it’s going to be okay!” “How do you know that?” He snaps through gritted teeth. Despite your immediate shock at his aggressive tone, you smile through it and continue to console him. He is hurt after all. “These things heal, baby,” You say softly, stroking the hair from in front of his sullen eyes. “It can be fixed!” He rolls his eyes. “I don’t need your optimism right now!” “I’m just trying to help,” You voice gets quieter and quieter with every word. He’s never shouted at you before during your relationship; not even when you destroyed his favourite T-shirt by getting paint all over it. You know it’s because he’s in so much pain but it doesn’t stop the words from creating a hole in your heart. A hole that travels to your throat and blocks it! “What help can you give me right now!” He spits, pointing down at his ankle which grows bigger and bigger every second. “My leg is fucked! I’ve ruined everything.” “It’s fine -” You attempt to reassure him but you are quickly cut off. “No, it’s not okay,” He shouts at the top of his lungs. If the whole room wasn’t looking at him already, they definitely were now. Not only are they looking at Jungkook but you felt the eyes of everyone burning into your back. It was then that you felt the tears prick your eyes and lump become harder to swallow. However, you tried holding them back for the sake of your dignity. You had only been on tour for a few weeks and you didn’t want everyone seeing you ugly-cry for the first time in what was going to be a year-long tour.
“Can you just leave me alone?” His voice was just above a whisper now. It’s so quiet that you don’t catch what he said at first. Until he says, “Please!” You nod, unable to speak for fear of sobs coming out. It’s with his words that you dash out of the dressing room and head to the buses. That’s the only place you can be alone right now and even then, you have a bus driver sitting waiting expectantly for everyone. The driver simply smiles and nods as you run onto the bus in floods of tears. Your makeshift home for the last few weeks was annoyingly quiet; with just the hum of the engine running through the carriage and the faint sound of the driver’s radio. In the silence, you think about going home and throwing this all away. Was it really worth it? Was it worth being away from your family to see the boy you loved suffer? Did you deserve being shouted at for trying to help? As much as you loved Jungkook, the thoughts about your relationship lingered in your mind and there was nothing you could do to get rid of them. It was hard to shake them away without Jungkook, or the other boys, there to distract you.
As you contemplate how to tell Jungkook about your plans to go home, you hear multiple voices entering the bus. Rather than walking out to see what the commotion is, your back shuffles further into the corner of Jungkook’s bunk. In that moment, you wanted to disappear. If it was possible, you would have transported back to your hometown right then and there. You hear their voices; all of them. In between the concerns of the other boys, Jungkook is telling them he’s okay and asking for you. “She wasn’t backstage at the end of the show,” You hear Namjoon say.
Someone, you think it’s Jimin, asks: “Did something happen?”
“Well, aside from ruining my leg,” You hear Jungkook say before he explains the situation to his friends.
“She can’t have gone far,” Yoongi tells the group. “If she ran out with the fans, we would know about it by now!”
You hear Jungkook sigh loudly. “I really fucked up everything, didn’t I?” After listening to his words and how sad he sounded, you choke out a little sob. You never realised how hard touring with your boyfriend would be; trying to manage a job, maintain a relationship and stay sane. It felt you could only choose one of the two at this point.
You soon realise the bus is quiet and you think that all of the boys have left to find you. However, a moment later, the curtain on the bunk is drawn back and you see a concerned (and hobbling) Jungkook outside.
“Oh god,” He says after noticing the tears streaming down your face. “I’m so sorry for getting angry at you. It’s just that my leg hurt so much and I wasn’t thinking straight!”
Embarrassed, you hurriedly wipe your cheeks; thinking that by removing the tears, Jungkook would forget what he just saw. He wouldn’t. “Can I sit please?” He asks, trying to balance on his good leg.
You nod. With that invitation, he carefully lowers himself down onto the bunk bed, wincing and moaning every time his leg so much as moves an inch. “Should you be doing this with your leg?” You ask. “Probably not,” Jungkook replies with a smile. “But I needed to check if you were okay!”
There he was, putting everyone else before him again. He needed to stop doing that! That’s how he got into this mess in the first place and look at what happened.
“I’m really sorry,” He says again. “I didn’t mean to get angry with you!” “It’s fine,” You say but your voice is hoarse from crying all that time. “I didn’t realise it would be this hard.”
“I know,” He sighs.
There is a moment of comfortable silence between the two of you. You wonder what he could be thinking. Is he thinking about the future of your relationship too? Did he want you to go home? “I think,” Jungkook pauses for a moment. You instantly start thinking the worst. It starts with you mentally starting to list all of the things you brought with you so you know what to take home. Then you think about how much money a flight home will cost. What will your friends say if you come home early? You dread to think what will happen if the press ever finds out. “You’re my rock, okay” He says. “I need you, I need you here, with me, at all times.”
You are immediately shocked by what he’s saying. “It’s just not the same without you. You know me better than anyone, well maybe not the boys but you’re a close second.” You give him a glance. “What I’m trying to say is,” He huffs. “I’m sorry for being such an idiot and shouting at you. You were only looking out for me. I want to do the same for you!” “I love you!” He says. Immediately, your heart swells; you feel the broken pieces slowly repairing themselves again.
“I love you too!” You whisper back, leaning over to place your head on his shoulder. He knows you love it when he strokes your hair - especially after you have been crying. It reminds you of your mum somehow! That’s why he goes on auto-pilot when you lean into him; hands automatically going straight to your crown and running his fingers through your locks.
It doesn’t take long until you’re both asleep, exhausted from the long day you had. You fall asleep knowing that tomorrow would be a challenge. Jungkook was most definitely not going to lay quiet while the rest of the guys performed. However, you felt satisfied knowing that you would be right by his side through every moment; no matter how tough it was.
#jungkook#jeon jungkook#jungkook fic#jungkook fluff#jungkookfluff#jungkookfic#jungkook fanfiction#jungkook imagine#bts fic#bts imagine#bts fanfiction#bts fluff#jungkook x reader#bts x reader#bts army
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"Cumshot is not important, but the contact with each other": how tantra gives you a more intense sex life
“In tantra sex, we slow down, feel and enjoy everything that happens in the body and learn to surf the waves of ecstasy that trigger all those feelings all over your body.” The lockdown forced us to slow down, with more time for ourselves and each other. And that makes tantra more relevant than ever. The Eastern attitude to life ensures a better connection with yourself and a more intense sex life. Expert Inge Leemans explains how this works and how you can use it yourself in bed, together or alone. “You create a deeper desire and a fuller orgasm.
”When you hear the word 'tantra', you may think of a couple in bed who - with or without the guidance of a dubious guru - do their best to slow down the orgasm before the explosion. Duh, you think. Why should I inflict such harm on myself? Expert Inge Leemans of Rising Heart (Inge gives tantric workshops and initiation lessons to both singles and couples, ed.) immediately dismisses this assumption as a misunderstanding.
“Tantra is about much more than sex. It is an Eastern way of life over a thousand years old that contains 112 meditation techniques, only four of which deal with sexuality. You can use tantra to breathe more consciously, walk, eat and drink ... In the West, the sexual aspect of tantra does play a greater role, that's right. But even then it is not necessarily about delaying an orgasm.”
Tantra is used therapeutically: think of couples with an unsatisfactory sex life, but also of people who suffer from stress.Inge Leemans, Rising Heart
“Tantra offers you possibilities to create an expansion of consciousness through sexuality. Tantra is a loving life path that does not focus on 'must' but on 'may'. And that has benefits that extend far beyond the bedroom. A tantric attitude to life ensures that you become more aware of what is happening inside and outside your body, so that you channel energy more easily to what really matters and thus more easily let go of what is not important. This way you get closer to your unique self. And don't we all want that?”
Greater meaning
Inge Leemans: “On the one hand, Tantra is used therapeutically when a specific problem arises: for example, couples with an unsatisfactory sex life, but also for people who suffer from stress. On the other hand, there are also many people who seek meaning. In that case Tantra can provide a deeper fulfillment of life, for a greater spiritual connection.”
“People are increasingly searching. While in the past we were mainly concerned with survival – our grandparents had to put bread on the table – today we live in a society in which our basic needs are met and we can afford to go in search of greater consciousness. That also explains the success of tantra and other forms of meditation.”
slow sex
Let's talk about sex. The promise of tantra sex means that we feel more like making love and experience more intense orgasms. And leave those two things high on many a female wish list.
Inge Leemans: “Most people experience sex from a state of tension and excitement, with the aim of discharging. People prefer to make love when they are in love and when there is sexual attraction. In this way, dopamine (happiness hormone) is released, something to which we become addicted. That can be a pitfall. In any relationship, the strong attraction wears off after a while and then many couples turn to attributes or other partners—quick fixes—to recreate that same feeling.”
With tantra sex we slow down, feel and enjoy everything that happens in the body.Inge Leemans, Rising Heart
“Tantrace sex works more on oxytocin (love hormone). You achieve this by caressing, cuddling, looking each other in the eye. Tantra sex therefore does not necessarily start from tension and sexual drive, but from relaxation and love. It's not about cumming, it's about the contact itself. When you make love – with yourself or with someone else – from a feeling of relaxation and not under the pressure of the tension you feel in your pelvis, oxygen and blood will spread better throughout your body and not just centralize in that pelvis. .”
“With tantra sex we slow down, feel and enjoy everything that happens in the body (all emotions are welcome) and we learn to surf the waves of ecstasy that trigger all those feelings all over your body. This way you will feel a greater connection with the world around you, create a deeper desire and experience a fuller orgasm.”
Tantra @ home
Would you like to start it yourself? Inge Leemans developed some simple exercises for singles and couples. They improve your mental well-being and your sexual appetite.
ONLY1. meditate. Sit down and focus your attention on the inside of your body: What is bubbling in your stomach? How is your breathing? Do you feel strong? … Let all the feelings come in. That seems simple, but it isn't. Our head is alert to external stimuli and our mind is constantly wandering. It is important to be aware of this and to return to your body every time. Try to meditate for ten minutes a day.
2. Love yourself. Self-love is not the same as masturbation, where we try to reach arousal and climax as quickly as possible. Self-love is about love for your body without a goal, it's about contact with your body itself. Instead of taking a quick shower to get clean, feel intensely lathering yourself and then rinsing. And instead of masturbating to cum, caress yourself and discover how those touches feel on your skin. Do not touch yourself directly on the erogenous zones, but invite other sensations by touching your body lovingly in other places. Take breaks when the excitement gets too great. At some point, your body takes over and you create so-called valley orgasms, where you feel contractions and ecstasy all over your body and not just in your vagina.
TOGETHER1. Embrace each other. A hug in rest mode, five minutes a day. You are not comforting or coveting, but just embracing, both of you breathing calmly. This exercise is important for your bond of love. Release the oxytocin.
2. Look into each other's eyes. Sit opposite each other in silence and stare into each other's eyes for five minutes. Try to bring some of your attention into your body (what am I feeling?) and some of the attention into the contact (I see you). For some couples it feels familiar, for others it is very uncomfortable. Then share your feelings: Did you feel your heart opening? Did you find it boring? Did you feel relaxed? Did you miss connection?
3. Link! When exercise 2 feels comfortable, you can move on to the next step. When you link or communicate in a connecting way, you each take turns describing what you perceive while looking at the other. Not: 'Your hair looks good today'. Well: 'Looking at you makes me happy' or 'I feel a certain distance between us'. Always from yourself and from the question: 'What does this do to me?'
4. The meditative touch. With a tantra touch you again put half of the attention in your own body, and that turns out to be a major shift for many. Usually people are purposeful in their touches. We touch someone in the hope that they will like it, or get excited. This time you touch someone solely for the sake of the contact itself. Instead of thinking 'What does that touch do to the other person?', you feel what that touch does to you.
5. Predict. Touch each other sensually and carefully, but avoid the erogenous zones or you will quickly relapse into a pattern of rapid arousal. This works wonders especially for the female body. Do this for at least 20 minutes.
6. Tantra sex. When you feel a lot of excitement, it is advisable to take enough breaks so that you are always in the moment. This also applies if you are already entwined. While making love, make eye contact, breathe together and take the time to go back into your body and feel the waves. Try to hold that awareness of your body for longer and longer. Remember: practice makes perfect and with an open mind you will achieve more. If your urge for sensation is too great or if you have little feeling for spirituality, then tantra is not obvious. Tantra is the turning from sensation to the sensitive. Those who can make the sensory switch will after a while feel ecstasy throughout the body and enjoy a deeply fulfilling feeling.'
SOURCE: https://www.hln.be/seks-en- Relaties/maken-is-niet-belangrijk-wel-het-contact-met-elkaar-hoe-tantra-je-een-intenser-seksleven-bezorgt~ ad288dce/
I can write endlessly about tantra. Because as I always start who hears tantra thinks of the word sex. No folks it's much more than that. Is more than those minutes when you cum. Tantra is enjoying body and mind. Is conveying feelings to each other. Touch plays an important role here. But also looking and your breathing. Looking and touching is feeling. Your breathing is calming your body. This way you bring each other to a different level to experience something. It is sharing with each other and this with an open feeling. It is therefore important that you start with yourself and your own body. Only if you know that, then you can also pass this on. Tantra is not focused on cumming but on enjoying each other. Intense enjoyment out of full love. When people feel the need for sex it comes down to one thing. cumming and who often cums the man. The woman is sometimes left with a lot of unanswered feeling. That is why I think it is good that such a text is sometimes published in booklets. And then one can only hope those who read it read it in a different way. The way of feeling and feeling.
Here's a site where the best books can be found; https://hetnlpcollege.nl/beste-tantra-boeken/
I have a few of these on my bookshelf myself.
People know that tantra is more than sex.
Know that you are working with your whole body.
Know that it has to do with your senses and those of the other.
Know that you must first know your own body.
And can you share that.
That Tantra is spiritual practice to increase your consciousness and to bring the masculine and feminine energies together. Tantra is the key to sexual pleasure and mental strength, obtained through rituals.
Om Shanthi,
one must be able to connect spiritual and earthly
#yabyum #joy #karezza #nirvana #yoga #love #meditation #unconditionallove #tantra #maithuna

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A/N: Thank you to everyone who submitted a question for my first ever Q&A session with a character. Enjoy!
Bunny: Welcome to the first ever Q&A marathon starring my first yandere that I created on my blog, OY Jungkook! We have many readers send in questions they want him to answer and they have all been amazing; thank you for participating. Anything said in this interview will not be held against Jungkook whether it is from the readers or from him. This interview is a law-free zone, considering the context of his…activities in the story. Now, please give a round of applause for our cute but scary guest!
OY JK, beaming and bowing: I’m happy to be here, thank you for inviting me. I’m excited to talk about noona and I.
Bunny: Even if it’s NSFW?
OY JK: Especially if it’s NSFW.
Bunny, laughing: Let’s get started shall we? First question! Reader gucieguciekook said: “Hmm, oy!jk. What if Noona leaves you because of your unhealthy clinginess and constant need for intimacy and validation? OMG I LOVE U BUNNY”. Hahaha, I love you too!
OY JK: Phew, that’s a heavy one right off the bat. I think noona always appreciates me asking her for love and attention. Sure she gets a little annoyed sometimes when I’m upset that she’s more into her work than me, but I know when to back off a little bit so she comes after me for a change. I wouldn’t say my clinginess is unhealthy, just unordinary. So leaving is out of the question and I’ll do anything to stop that from happening. I’m a lucky man to be able to say we’re both equally obsessed with each other.
Bunny: I see…relationships are hard but as long as you love each other, it’ll be okay. Right?
OY JK, nodding: That’s right.
Bunny: Next question. From anonymous: “jk how do you picture your wedding with noona?”
OY JK, grinning: How much time do we have on this show?
Bunny: Plenty.
OY JK: Okay, to start off with, I want a small, intimate wedding with a limited number of guests so noona won’t be overwhelmed and it won’t bring back memories of her old wedding that shouldn’t have happened. Seokjin would be banned of course because he’ll just bring bad luck. As for decorations…she really likes peonies and orchids so I want the tables, the aisle, and the bouquet to be matching although the bouquet would be more beautiful because noona deserves the best. I want chandeliers and fairy lights too but nothing too bright and flashy. I’ll have a white suit on and she can pick a soft cloudy dress with a long tail, maybe something with chiffon and silk. No lace on anything except the veil. She might be pregnant by then so there must be a carpet and no dangerous areas like fountains and cliffs…actually, it might be a church wedding because she grew up religious and mother-in-law might like me better for that idea. For our rings, we’re getting them engraved and I’ll get a plain band and she’ll have the prettiest diamond from Cartier. We’ll serve cocktails and savory dinner items like roasted duck and lobster salad…but it depends on the season so I’ll have to wait until then.
Bunny: It seems you’ve thought about the wedding in detail.
OY JK, blushing: S-sorry, I tried to keep it brief.
Bunny: Oh it’s okay, I love the engraved wedding bands and flowers. Do you think noona would be thrilled?
OY JK: More than thrilled. I think she’d appreciate how much attention I’m putting into the smaller details. Noona is enthusiastic about beauty and I wanted to live up to her standards.
Bunny: That’s so sweet of you. Okay…next eyebrow-raising question from anonymous: “i see nsfw so i ask - koo what’s your favorite position with noona?”
OY JK: “I-I um…I like it when I’m sitting up and she’s on top so I can look at her face and play with her nipples. I can also hold onto her waist and control how fast or slow she wants it. B-But I also like missionary because noona gets to relax a-and I’m grateful that I can worship her body from head to toe in that position. It’s hard to pick a favorite when I’m just happy I get to touch her.”
Bunny: Is it hot in here or is it just me? Next question from stressedinmedschool257: “OY JK: will noona ever go with you to a shoot and will you ever ask to take pictures of her?? I’ve been seeing a lot of cute couple pictures like this and I think it’d be so cute to see you two doing it.”
OY JK, relieved his semi-boner is given a break: She’s been my muse since before we were in a relationship and it’s common for noona to model for me. I just keep the photos for myself. When she leaves work early or her vacation days coincide with my shooting days, I like to take her with me too. I gave her one of my cameras to use and she’s already taking pictures on her own hahaha, I think she’ll surpass my skills one day. We take a lot of photos on our dates too and the fridge in my studio has a few of our polaroid photos stuck onto it with magnets.
Bunny: That’s so cute! I’d love to see the couple photos another time. The same person is wondering about Taehyung and his girlfriend: “OY JK: have you ever met Tae’s assistant before?? If so, what did you think of her?? If not, do you want to or does Tae tell you enough about her???”
OY JK: Thank you, swing by my studio and I can give you a peek. No pictures please, for the sake of noona’s privacy. For Tae…I actually haven’t met his assistant before but we’ve talked on the phone and I’ve seen a photo of her. She seems very nice and genuine and I think Tae would appreciate someone who can keep up with him, you know he’s always traveling and it’s hard to get him to sit still. She’s head over heels for him and I think she’s great although I won’t hold my breath if she chooses to leave. Tae can be…difficult so I hope the best for her. I don’t tell them everything about noona so I only listen to what they want to tell me. Relationships are hard.
Bunny: Maybe one day I’ll have Taehyung join us in a Q&A.
OY JK, giggling: It’d take a miracle for him to do anything fun but I’d like to see you try.
Bunny: Okay, now back to noona. Anonymous asked: “Dear oy Jungkook, what’s your favorite physical attribute about noona and your favorite non physical attribute about noona?”
OY JK: Ah, it’s so hard to pick one but I’ll do my best. My favorite physical attribute would have to be her hair. She uses a honey hair mask that makes her hair smell so comforting that I fall asleep immediately when I spoon her and her hair is in my face. It’s so soft and long too. She has wavy hair so when she straightens it, it’s even longer and I just love combing through it. As for a non-physical attribute, I would say…her generosity. When we eat together she gives me the bigger portion and if she sees that I’m tired she always lets me nap on her lap and reassure me that everything is okay. She…she puts up a lot with me, I know. I love her so much for loving someone like me.
Bunny, choking up: Ah, Jungkook, you’re killing me. Please introduce me to any friends you have, I’d like a boyfriend as adorable as you.
OY JK: I’ll call Jimin and see if he’s interested but his cat steals all his attention these days.
Bunny: A cat as my love rival? I’d never win. Okay! Let’s end this on a fun note. Final question from anonymous: “what jk do if noona wont dress as a cat girl for him?”
OY JK: …
Bunny: …
OY JK: …C-can I please borrow a pillow?
Bunny, handing him a pillow to cover the very obvious tent in his pants: I’ll make sure to edit this out before airing.
OY JK: T-thank you and sorry…um…uh if noona won’t dress as a cat girl I…I’ll just have to accept this reality but she can’t resist me putting cat ears on her if I win a bet. That’s the rules.
Bunny: Why do I have a feeling from your reaction that you already have a plan to trap her into wearing cat ears?
OY JK, suppressing a smile: My lips are sealed.
Bunny: Well, this ends today’s Q&A session. Thank you once more to Jungkook for entertaining the readers and extra thank you to the readers for sending in questions. In case I don’t see you all next time, good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight.
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Sonamy (YAAU) - coming to terms [Chapter 15-A]
“You don’t have to let this get the best of you, you know?” The words cut the silence like a knife, breaking the vacuum of his daydreams, breaking in abruptly in the tormenting whirlwinds that were his mind lately.
“What are you talking about?” Sonic asked in an emotionless way. “Come on, hedgehog. You’re a mess ever since-“ “Don’t! Don’t say it,” Sonic snarled at the scientist. “So you do acknowledge it?” “I just have to forget about it.” Sonic turned his head around, just to shift his gaze to another point. He was sitting on a grassy slope, resting on his hands. The wide view over the green hills was amazing and the breeze that brought a gentle chill softly stroked the grasslands like a carpet. It was the most peaceful place Sonic knew and the most rest he could give his mind was here. Eggman kept standing behind him, staring into the open himself now too. It was one of the few times that the hedgehog and the scientist could share a serious moment without any rivalry. Even while he had not verbalized his thoughts, Sonic could feel he was denying himself and kind of hated that it took someone else to make him realize that. “Can you do that, though?” “I don’t know”
It had been six weeks and three, no- four, days ago when the team had split up in duo’s to investigate the widely stretched cave tunnels to learn more about their enemy in order to come up with a detailed battle plan against the A.R. Sonic remembered very well how many weeks and days had passed since then because it had awakened something in him that had taken him by surprise. During that particular investigation Shadow had teamed up with Espio, who had enjoyed each other’s quiet working style. Tails and Eggman teamed up, Knuckles with Rouge and Sonic with Amy. The blue and pink duo had been sneaking around in the tunnels, following some A.R. members but stumbled upon a dead end in one of the tunnels. Similar to the dead end in the Cabbureine warehouse, the A.R.-members disappeared, appearing to use Chaos energy to teleport somewhere. The difference here was that this teleportation act seemed to be working for them only and so Sonic and Amy were stuck in the tunnel when all of the sudden tens of armed A.R.-members showed up in front of them, blocking their way out. They engaged in battle with Sonic and Amy, trying to seize Sonic and teleport him with them, but Amy merged into battle and knocked some of them down. Sonic had known Amy’s strength for so long that there wasn’t a doubt in his mind that she would be able to handle it. That was, before he was introduced to the dark side of the A.R. in person. Sure, he’d seen the destruction they’d created in the cities and all, but their vicious ways of relentlessly hurting the ones in front of them like this… It was new to him and it shocked him to his very core. Amy was brutally shot in her leg and chained to a rock while being held at gunpoint. With her out of the way, they turned to Sonic, aiming a high-energy gun at him, pressuring him to leave her and surrender to them. If he’d resist, they’d finish her off – slowly. Whatever business they had with him, he still didn’t know.
They promised him they would torture her before his very eyes until death would befall her if he was playing games with them. And so, astonished by the sight of his crippled dear friend, screaming, bleeding heavily and crying until she passed out, he gave in. They handcuffed him with special equipment that was supposed to block any Chaos energy in his body, but when he was given a preview of their sickening promise, he snapped. Even without any Chaos emeralds near and the energy is his body being blocked, in a split-second the spines on his head and back curled up and darkened while sharp fingernails and teeth clasped into his enemy. With an uncontrolled, raging roar he smashed big rocks onto the heads of the A.R.-members, scratching their limbs until the blood was seeping out of it, colouring the place violently red. The screams were blocked from his ears while he was raging and attacking everyone one who was trying to destroy the one he loved. After killing all but one, he cornered the remaining enemy and ordered them to report this to their chef, as an example of what would happen if they pulled something like this again in the future. The remaining soldier was in awe of what he had witnessed, but smiled confidently at Sonic. Unnerving and uneasy it had made him feel, doubting whether this had been a set-up all along.
Sonic rushed over to break Amy’s chains, ripped a piece of her clothes to stop her leg from bleeding and let out a powerless whimper. The now unconscious woman in his arms was weak from the harm they had intentionally caused her and he was overcome by so much fear at once that it just hurt. His chest cramped and he started to feel this tingling sensation in his fingers. He was going to lose her because he wasn’t strong enough, hadn’t been fast enough. Before realizing it, he was crying like a baby, uncontrollably and loud. He clamped his body against hers roughly, burying her face in his chest, wetting everything with his sobbing. When the sparkly vision between his lashes focussed on the device on his wrist, he pulled back, wiped his tears away and closed his eyes. Tails��� device was able to transfer Chaos energy to heal her, something he’d never done before. Sonic held Amy’s hand, inhaled deeply and concentrated. A strong power and comforting warmth rushed through him. His surrounding slowly faded as he let the light of the Chaos take him wherever was needed, lifting them off the ground into and endless ocean of lights. The lights drew closer to them one by one, each and every one carrying a memory of him and Amy. Some of which he had forgotten they took place. Overtaken by this transcendent experience, his mind became peaceful again and his body relaxed. His heart overflowed with warmth and a confidence so strong: he loved her deeply. And with that confession the peace was gone again, and replaced by a fear that she had been able to feel what he felt, but she wasn’t awake yet. After that, Shadow had stormed in, alarmed by the many unknown markers that had showed up in the map where Sonic and Amy were. He had had taken her from him and took her home in his arms while Amy looked back at Sonic over her shoulder and he stared into the blooded cave, zoned out about all of it.
And now everything had changed. Ever since this whole fiasco he had felt it so strong and now it was undeniable: he had romantic feelings for someone! And not just someone, Amy for Chaos’ sake! Amy, who had been crazy about him for years when they were teens. Amy who has been dating Shadow for almost a year now. Amy, his friend. He never pictured his life without Amy, but it now dawned to him that there was this urge to have her with him in a whole other way and he did not know how to act around anyone at the moment. He had just forgotten how he would normally act and therefore avoided most of his friends. Shame fell on him that he was in love with his friend, the girlfriend of his other friend and he was ashamed of the massacre he made in the cave. It left him running in circles through the Green Hills in attempt to clear his mind, but his mind didn’t clear. The fog didn’t lift and so he stared into the wind on this cliff, talking to Eggman. “It might go away over time.” Sonic sighed. “Can you wait that long?” “What’s the alternative?” “I happened to find this document while we were exploring. I didn’t show it to Tails.” If he didn’t show it to Tails it was sure to be something suspicious. He handed Sonic an old, brown piece of paper that was folded twice and smelled like the dirt of the cave. Sonic unfolded and read it, slowly raising one of his brows in disbelief. “Do you really believe this crap? That the red emerald can take away my feelings for her? Why would it work like that?” “Not just take away, it would store them inside the gem, forever. You of all people shouldn’t be the one to whom I’d have to explain this to.” He already knew that the emerald did not only transfer energy, but also could connect with one’s feelings. He’d seen it happen, like when Eggman used the hatred of the Echidna tribe to destroy Station Square with Chaos. In fact, he had experienced it many times himself when he was transformed into his super- or dark form, but this was different and sounded like an old urban legend. A fairy tale. Or maybe, part of him didn’t want to say goodbye to these feelings. Maybe part of him was curious what would happen if Amy knew about his feelings. If it would change anything. If she still loved him. If she would choose him over Shadow. His cheeks and ears coloured slightly pink when picturing him holding her in his arms again, stroking her rosy quills and even kissing her. The second his hopes were rising, the guilt flushed it away like a stormy wave. He shook the thoughts off and rose up to face Eggman, who was holding out the emerald for him. Sonic gave him an annoyed look. “Don’t you want to get rid of these feelings? She is with Shadow now and hasn’t been in love with you for years. You’ve had your chance, hedgehog.” The words were harsh and stung a little, but they were true and he knew it. She would never be his. “And besides that: you’re a complete mess. We’re at war and you’re useless like this.” “Fine, but you can’t tell anyone about this!” Sonic hissed at Eggman and grabbed the emerald.
#YAAU#Young adults alternate universe#Shadowsfascination#sonic fanfic#sonamy#Shadamy#amy rose#Amy Rose the Hedgehog#sonic the hedgehog#shadow the hedgehog#sidestory
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Let’s take a break from specific fandoms to talk about:
Platform Wars
In 2020, we’re all asking what’s next after Tumblr. This is nothing new. “Is thing X killing thing Y?” is a question fandom has been asking since long before Escapade. But these panels offer comfort and insight into our current fear of change.
They’re also fucking hilarious.
So, without further ado, here are some past Escapade panels on the subject of Change Is Scary:
1997 - Effects of the Internet on Fandom & Slash (On the upside: more fans, more conventions, more excitement and a 24-hour party. On the downside: are the connections more shallow? Are the changes made to "fandom as we knew it" change what we enjoy? Do print fans have something to fear? Or is this simple another wave?)
2000 - Less is More: Gluttony & the Decline of Quality in Fanfic
2004 - Amusing Ourselves to Death (Fannish Discourse in the the Age of the Internet By sheer quantity, has the quality of our conversation declined to predominantly static?)
2004 - LiveJournal, Boon or Bane? (Has the advent of LiveJournal brought about the demise of mailing lists? Has it splintered the venue for discussion to the point where it's impossible to have meaningful conversation? Is the LJ phenomenon just one big egotrip? Come join us to discuss these and other questions.)
2007 - Is F’locked the New Black (Is the flocked post the future of fan communication? Are we returning to the dark ages of closed lists, zines under the table, and "have to know someone"? More and more LJ posts are locked, communities are closed, and groups are invitation only. Is there a way to protect our RL selves (and our fannish selves), yet share our fannish commentary and fic? How does this all look to a newbie? Where is our new comfort zone? And how do we keep track of all of this?)
2008 - The Organization for Transformative Works (The Best Thing Since Ever, or the End Of Days? The OTW is an incorporated nonprofit organization established by fans to serve the interests of fans in multiple ways, including by providing open-source archive software (and an archive), legal assistance, and various efforts to preserve the history of fanworks and fan culture.)
2011 - Delicious - Rumors of Death Greatly Exaggerated? (Delicious, fandom's favorite bookmarking site may be getting shut down (or at least sold out) by The Man. What to do?)
2016 - Fandom Is Fic: from BNF to TL;DR. (From paper through Usenet to Livejournal, text was king. On Tumblr, long text is an imposition—isn’t it? Has fic been dethroned from its place at the top of the heap and fic-writing BNFs along with it? Discuss the dirty little social dynamics of the shifting patterns of fannish value and how we define 'fandom' itself. And what of zines and zine eds?)
2017 - The Kids Are Not the Problem (In recent years, media fandom has grown enormously. It has also scattered, spreading out to new platforms and meeting spaces. You often hear talk about "the kids" vs. "the olds," Tumblr vs. LiveJournal, or the problem of recruiting and retaining new fans. In this panel, let’s try flipping that script. If kids are not the problem, how can we change and grow? What awesome things are other fans doing/trying that people at Escapade should know about? Most importantly, what strategies can we use to leave our fannish bubbles and more fully experience fandom in 2017?)
2019 - The fall of tumblr (Fans have always looked for a good place to build communities on line. Recent events with Tumblr and other platforms like Facebook are restricting our gathering places and even blocking and purging our self-made content. How are people dealing with this? Fandom will survive, but where? Come discuss the problems and options out there.)
And below the cut, a whole bunch more panels on platforms and change:
1991 - Quality Control in Zine Publication/Economics of Fandom (Who is making money in fandom? Should they be? How accountable are fans? Editors? Artists? Have you ever written an LOC?)
1993 - Supply and Demand in Fandom (Can we have too much of a good thing? How many cons or zine is too many? Are we glutting the market?)
1994 - Changing Nature of Fannish Communication (E-mail, and virtual zines, computer video editing and morphing -- all the new toys at our disposal...)
1996 - Internet—Will it eat your brain? Or take you to the poorhouse? (Nearly everyone has or can get access to a computer and thereby the Internet and the World Wide Web. What's out there for fans? What should you look for? What might you want to watch out for? How can you protect your pocketbook at the same time?)
1997 - Net Fiction & Print Fiction (Is the very existence of net fic changing the characteristics or reducing the quantity of print fic? Are there really stylistic and/or content differences? What makes some shows predominantly produce netfic, while others happily generate both? How do the barriers of access to each affect the fan community?)
1997 - History of Fan Socialization (Was fandom really different in the "old days"? Was there a feeling of community that we're missing now? Or is that just nostalgia clouding our memories? In today's net-connected fandom, what is (or should be) different? And what elements of the past should we try and retain?)
1998 - Professionals: Is the Circuit Dead? (Or has it just moved on-line? Is Pros fandom split on the subject of the internet? Many old circuit writers don't want anything to do with the new on-line library. They have objected to having their stories retyped an sent out, even on private e-mail. Has the paper circuit given way to the on-line library?)
1998 - Netfic Formatting A: How to Print It Prettily (An instructional panel, covering the basics of formatting, macros, and other time-saving tips to get the results you want.)
1998 - Privacy and Community: Pseudonyms, Screen Names and Face-to-Face Meetings (As more and more fandom is found online, how are we adapting to the anonymity that comes with it?)
1998 - Netfic Formatting B: From Word to Web, Making Shapely Net Slash (This panel is for everyone who wants to venture into the world of online slash, but gets nervous when faced with the myriad technical difficulties. Relax, it's easier than you think. We look at stylistic conventions, how to make your work newsgroup and e-mail friendly, and the dreaded subject header alphabet soup. We'll also cover some basic info on how to make a www archive site user friendly.)
1998 - Crossing the Line (An instructional panel on how to get what you want (more stories) in a world that may be unfamiliar to you (the web for print fans, and the insular world of zines for net fans).)
1999 - Does Print Fandom Have a Future? (In the age of instant, free net fic, is print fandom a dinosaur on its way to extinction, or a promise of reasonable quality in a sea of mediocrity? What are the key differences between zines and netfic, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each? Can the two coexist happily? )
2000 - Promoting Critique on Mailing Lists (How to promote critical discussion and attention to the mechanics of writing on email lists?)
2000 - Changing Power Dynamics in Fandom (With the decline of zine editors and growth of the Net, what's changed, and how does it affect us and our fanfic?)
2001 - Website Workshop 2 by the lady of shalott (Setting up and maintaining a fanfic archive, and in particular how to set up the Automated Archive software used by 852 Prospect and the Due South archives.) [NB: Yes, she went through a bunch of name versions before ‘astolat’.]
2002 - How to run a Fiction Archive (and Maintain Your Sanity)
2002 - Nobody Here But Us Sockpuppets (How multiple personality disorder takes on a whole new meaning in the world of mailing lists.)
2003 - Getting slash onto your PalmPilot for computer free reading
2003 - Recs Databases! Creation and Commiseration (Do you run a recs database and want to commiserate? Do you currently have a recs page and want to become database-driven? Want to talk about the relative merits of using PHP, MySQL, or Access to organize smut?)
2003 - How to Set Up and Maintain Fanfiction Archives (If you're thinking of running an archive, or already do and need some help, this is the panel for you. We'll cover everything from choosing a method of archiving, handling fandom growth, dealing with troublemakers, and just how much time, webspace and money are we talking, anyway? Come pick the archivists' brains.)
2003 - Has Escapade Run Its Course (Scuttlebut says: It's not like it used to be. My old friends don't come any more. My new friends can't get in. It's too big. It's too small. Oxnard, for god's sake? I'm getting sick and tired of the same shit year after year. Is Escapade old and tired? Does it need to be retired?)
2004 - HTML and Website Introduction (if you don't have a website and want to create one. where doyoustart'This will cover creating basic HTML pages and common webhosting options, as well as things to think about as you set iin vour first website.)
2005 - Where Have All The Good Conversations Gone? Rise & Fall of the Escapade Panel (Are people still interested in talking about the characters, plots, and themes of their shows? Has in-depth analysis of our fandoms been abandoned in favor of meta and fannish introspection? The forums for analytical discussion are disappearing as self-censorship and over-moderation increase. Can we change this? Do we want to?)
2005 - The Fannish Wiki (So we have the directorium, the directory of All Things Fannish. We visit it and it's just so cool, and we look for our fandom to see what it says... and it's not there! How to add it? What sort of info belongs there? How does a wiki work?)
2005 - I Was So Much Older Then, I'm Younger Than That Now (We've all heard about or lived through the tumultuous era when fandom moved online. But how has slash fandom, particularly slash fandom, changed since then? Are the changes the result of online fandom, or simply of a change in culture?)
2005 - Fanfic Archives (Setting up and administering fanfic archives: concepts, considerations, techniques.)
2006 - Putting your fic on the web (Basic skills for putting your fic on the web, including building your own very basic website, using LJ as a fic-site building tool, various options for labeling adult content, and using the standard upload interfaces for popular self-submit story archive software.)
2006 - Nifty Technology and the Future of Fandom (Fandom is quick to adapt to change and continues to bring fen together and to create fannish product. Fans have thrived regardless of how they communicate; via the post office, mailing lists, message boards, and Livejournal; they've pushed the frontiers of video and audio technology; and have managed to survive changes in copyright, pornography, and other laws. What are the upcoming trends and shiny new technologies on the horizon and how will fen use them to enhance fandom?)
2006 - Intermediate Webmastering (Designing your website for usability, options for restricting access to your website, making your stories easily accessed by mobile devices, and things to consider so fans can easily locale your site.)
2007 - Free Webtools and How to Take Fandom Advantage (Lots of free tools are available on the web to help the needy fan! Tools to edit pictures, make icons, write stories, share recommendations, share stories, and be fannish are becoming more available and more user friendly. Come chat about tools like del.icio.us, google docs, pxn8 audacity, itunes, the gimp, bittorrent, imeem, youtube and lll other things that you come and tell us about!)
2008 - E-book Readers (Sony PRS-505 or Amazon Kindle what's all the fuss about? Introduction to E-Ink and other mobile devices. What are the pros and cons of various devices? Where do you find e- books and fan fiction, and most importantly how do you get fan fiction formatted so you can read it on your ebook reader?)
2008 - If You Build It, Will They Come? (Roundtable on meta fannish infrastructure building strategies. bethbethbeth can talk about some of the specific challenges OTW is facing in its brave new fan territory, while oulangi can talk about why metafandom has flourished while very similar projects have failed, while we'll both discuss some of the challenges of the established meta/fannish structure of new communities, new fans, new technologies—and most of all, how do you keep the meta-fan conversation moving forward?)
2008 - Livejournal: Should Fans Take Their Business Elsewhere? (A discussion of the pros and cons of fannish communication on the various blogging entities.)
2008 - How to Find and Use Free Stuff on the Web (All kinds of free webapps are available for fic, art, icons, communication, and all sort of other fannish stuff. Come share favorite sites—we can bookmark everything we talk about on del.icio.us in real time!)
2009 - The Organization for Transformative Works (Off the ground and starting to soar! Come here about the latest developments in the OTW's projects and discuss where you'd like to see it go next.)
2010 - Is Somebody Taking Notes On This?: A Discussion of the Role of Fannish History (In honor of Escapade's 20th anniversary, let's talk about recording fannish history. What are the challenges? Is it worth doing? Can it be done in a fair way? What are we afraid of happening if we try? Is Fanlore the right vehicle for the project?)
2010 - The OTW in Its Third Year led by Elke Tanzer and Shoshanna (Okay, sure, the Organization for Transformative Works bought its own goddamn servers and hosted an archive (that hosted Yuletide) and published a journal (with a special issue on Supernatural) and saved a bunch of Geocities sites and testified at the DMCA hearings (supporting the FFF's proposed exemptions for vidders and other remix artists) and made a bunch of lolcats—but what have they done for us lately? [5] What do you want them to do?)
2010 - We Are All Naked (On The Internet Now) led by treewishes (Social networking platforms like Facebook and Twitter are conspiring with Google and your ISP to out your slash pseudonym to your RL friends, and to tell all your slash buddies your real name. Is there any way to stop the wave of facial recognition software or your oh-so-helpful friends who type your birthday into the cloud? Or is all this an inevitable consequence of evolving technology? Come on in and let's talk conspiracy theories!)
2011 - Fanlore: Are BNFs Writing Our History?, led by Sandy H (Fanlore has an official policy of 'plural points of view', but is that really happening? Have you ever looked up a kerfluffle you were involved in, and seen how your side of the battle was portrayed.' And on the other side, are we afraid of conflict, to the point that Fanlore is bland and safe?)
2011 - OTW/AO3 Wish List Conversation, led by Sandy H (Do you feel like you don't know how to get your A03 or OTW wishlist through the bureaucracy? A03 is getting better all the time, but there's a ways to go. Let's brainstorm and turn a list over at the end of the panel.)
2011 - The Reccing Crew (Recommending a fanwork is deeply woven into our culture. Are there new social mores at work when we make public recs? How has the move from letters to mailing lists to Livejournal and Delicious affected reccing? Delicious was conceived as a bookmarking site, but often operates as a recs and comments site. If it goes away, what would replace it?)
2012 - Tumblr, Twitter, and Pinboard, Oh My (and GetGlue, too!) (In the past year, the ongoing fannish diaspora has picked up speed, as more fannish activity has moved away from LiveJournal and Dreamwidth, and onto sites like Tumblr and Twitter. And then there was the Delicious implosion. Now there's GetGlue, a social network specifically for entertainment. Let's talk about navigating these sites—their strengths and weaknesses, and how to use them.)
2012 - The Kids These Days (Ever wanted to tell someone to get offa your lawn? Strangle the next person who said that? Revive a dead fandom? Joined a fandom you were 20 years "too old" (or young!) for? Did you go from Usenet to mailing lists? From zines to livejournal? Are you eyeing Tumblr and Twitter with alarm? Let's talk about weathering changes in fandom with grace—or at least a little humor.)
2013 - Privacy, Secrecy, and the Fourth Wall (The fourth wall between fans and The Powers That Be is shrinking day by day. Are the technologies we're using changing fannish etiquette {from invite-only mailing lists, to friends-locked journals, to all public all the time tumblr)? Should we run for the hills or embrace the change? Discuss!)
2013 - The What With the Where Now?! (Every time you turn around fandom is playing on a new site that has new functionality, new ways of interacting and new lingo. Join us in surveying places like tumblr, twitter and getglue.)
2014 - Tumblr: Missing Missing E (So you've just gotten the hang of Livejournal when all of a sudden fandom has jumped shipped to this new "microblogging" platform called Tumblr. What is "microblogging" anyway, and where do you even start? Join us in this tutorial/discussion on creating an account, deciphering the culture, finding fandom, and making Tumblr work for you.)
2014 - Out Of Step With the World (You have no current fandom. You can't even get Tumblr to load. What do you do when you're feeling disconnected and alienated, but you don't want to leave fandom for good? If this sounds like you, come join us to figure out some strategies for rekindling the love, making new friends, and finding your place.)
2014 - Real Fannish Community (Has AO3 ended the era of real fannish community or has it ushered in a new era of increased connectedness? Is Tumblr better or worse than the old days (and were the old days livejournal? yahoo groups? APA snail mail zine groups?)? I'm hoping for equal parts 'get off my lawn' and 'the future's so bright I gotta wear shades' debate here.)
2015 - Tumblr 102: Into Darkness. You’re here, now what? Here we talk about etiquette and xkit and making the most of your fannish tumblr experience.
2017 - Home on the Web (LJ's Russian overlords have removed HTTPS support and are moving the server activity to Russia; some say a shutdown of US services is on the horizon. Yahoo fails to make money with Tumblr. Dreamwidth is slow, and doesn't have media hosting. Email lists are a hassle. Imzy, a startup, places branding aesthetics over design usability. Where's the next place for fandom, or should we reclaim one or more of the platforms from the past?)
2018 - How to Tumblr (Like it or not (often, mostly not), tumblr is where fandom is most active right now. How do you find anything? How do you have conversations? How do you archive the bits you like best? The good news: the answers are not, "you don't; you don't; you don't." Bad news: Those aren't actually good questions for being fannish on tumblr.)
2019 - Social Network of Our Own (SNO3?) (Between FOSTA/SESTA, Article 13, Facebook's new "don't mention that sex exists" policy, and the Tumblrpocalypse, is it time for our own fannish social site? Or are Dreamwidth and Pillowfort enough?)
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I Don’t Know What To Do With My Hands. - A CloTi Fan Fic
My first fic in a long time. What better way to get back into the swing of things than with Cloud x Tifa. My OTP. c:
- 10.5k words. Rated M. Completed.
NSFW Chapters on AO3
A strip club.
Could Zack be more of a cliché?!
The neon sign baring the name “Seventh Heaven” burned so brightly that Cloud swore he could read it through his eyelids, a headache already beginning to stir.
“Oh, don’t look like that, Cloud. It’s not that bad! It’s way more respectable than that Corneo’s gig.”
Cloud refrained from pointing out that Corneo’s place wasn’t exactly hard to beat – in entertainment value or health and safety standards. Regardless, he took notice of Zack’s enthusiasm about the club and with a sigh, pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Let’s get this over with then.”
The grin on Zack’s face was infectious even to the blonde ex-SOLDIER, a gleam in his eyes the only outward sign of amusement, but to Zack it was all the encouragement he needed. Zack laughed, clapped his hands together and strode right behind him, hands placed on Cloud’s shoulders as he ushered him off of the city street and through the door, giddy with excitement.
“Atta boy! You won’t regret this, I promise. Once we get a few Cosmo Canyons in ya, you’ll be a new man! Come on, the others are already inside.” Cloud shook his head, unsure how his introverted self ever became friends with the living definition of “extrovert” that was Zack Fair and also dreading to think what a “Cosmo Canyon” even entailed. But it was Zack’s bachelor party on the eve of his wedding to Aerith, and if this is where he chose to celebrate it then Cloud would at least try not to hate it. He’d really try.
They walked into the establishment together, Cloud with his eyes fixed on his feet and Zack strutting as if he owned the place. The quiet blonde braced for jarring club music, but it never came. Instead smooth, sultry jazz emanated from a live band playing on a stage nestled in the far corner of the room. Red curtains, faint cigar smoke and soft low lighting surrounded him.
It certainly was no Honeybee Inn.
Small round tables littered the area before the stage, candles flickering at each one. Some patrons filled these tables simply enjoying the music and a drink, their fingers drumming on the table matching the tempo of the band. Others sat in booths set to the side of the room, a bottle of champagne in a chilled bucket on the table and a beautiful woman at their side or - those Cloud quickly glanced away from - on their lap, wrapped in nothing but fine lingerie and a sheer robe.
Similarly dressed woman floated past the two ex-SOLDIER’s as they headed for the bar, their robes open to expose the lingerie beneath and flowing behind them gracefully as they slipped past, hips swaying wide to the accompaniment of the double bass that Cloud could feel in his chest, even stood as far as he was from the band on their stage. Multiple women greeted Zack by name as they passed which said to Cloud his friend had frequented Seventh Heaven more than he let on. Zack simply shrugged good naturedly.
“Aerith’s friend runs this place, we drop off flowers every once and a while.”
He gave a small nod and spotted another woman approaching, growing nervous Cloud darted his eyes around to settle them somewhere not involving bare skin before choosing to stare at a spot on the floor where plush carpet met the dark stained wood of a dance floor. Zack felt Cloud’s shoulders tense and gave them a small squeeze while directing him towards the bar. He grounded himself in the security of his friend’s grip on his shoulder, the man literally having his back, and let his shoulders drop from up near his ears.
“Relax, man. It’s gonna be a good night. Have I ever led you astray before?” Cloud was tempted to throw a dirty look over his shoulder at him, remembering that time Zack convinced him it was a great idea to cast Fira on a camp fire during basic training. His eyebrows had never grown the same since that day.
It was a hell of a campfire though.
As the pair drew closer to the bar, they spotted the rest of their party. Barret, an unmissable giant of a man, occupied a large portion of the bar himself. He was stood gesticulating wildly as he told whoever was working behind the bar a story of his glory days as a freedom fighter, no doubt. An older man sat hunched over in his bar stool beside Barret, his elbows propped up on the bar as he sipped a whiskey, definitely Cid. And a tall, thin man sat at the very edge of the bar where it curved to meet with the wall. His back rested against said wall as he surveyed the room, from body language alone Cloud knew it to be Vincent; never one to drop his guard, Cloud revelled in the fact someone else would be watching his back.
Vincent noticed the two ex-SOLDIER’s approaching and tapped on the bar to catch the rest of the party’s attention, whom all turned and raised a glass to herald in the man of the hour, it really was a rag tag group of friends to celebrate with but Zack couldn’t have been happier to see them.
“You finally made it! Was beginning to think you’d done a runner. And I was just contemplating which kneecap I was gonna break first, for Aerith’s sake.”
Zack barked a loud laugh, and slapped Barret on the back.
“You’d have to have caught me first!” They bantered, Zack pretending to jab the much larger man in the ribs as Barret took him in a headlock and messed the raven spikes atop Zack’s head with his prosthesis.
Cloud took special notice of how easily Zack bounced off of other people, allowing a small pang of envy at his friend’s confidence before pushing it aside to enjoy his night.
Their friends parted to make room around the bar, Cloud pulling himself up onto a barstool and settling slightly self-consciously, nodding in greeting to the others before picking imaginary dust off his jeans as Zack made conversation with the bartender.
"Teef, my girl! Have no fear, your VIP is here" Zack took a small, half-bow from his seat and beamed his classic charming grin at the barkeep.
"I can see that. Good to see you, pup! What can I get for you tonight?”
A wholly feminine voice spoke up and dragged Cloud’s attention from his lap to behind the bar. The first thing he noticed was silk. Smooth, black silk.
Smooth, black, dangerous, silk.
The woman behind the bar stood wrapped in a short kimono-styled robe that caught the light as she shuffled her weight from each foot, taking in Zack’s round of drinks he bought for his party. The second thing he noticed was her hair; Cloud really wasn’t sure where her hair ended and her robe began. So similar was the sleek shine of the long, dark tresses to that of her silken robe. Despite the ribbon tied tight around her waist – Cloud paying extra attention to the way it created a dramatic curve of her silhouette- the sleek material was pulled taut and extra shiny across the fullness of her chest, trying desperately to conceal her enormous…
Wine coloured eyes filled his focus as he snapped his eyes away from dangerous territory, thankfully her eyes still focused on Zack. A blush blazed hot across Cloud’s nose. He desperately tried to look anywhere but the tempting valley of flesh that disappeared beneath the neckline of her robe and safely dropped his eyes to his lap, wishing to be back in his comfort zone, far away from jazz and alcohol and silk.
Alas, a quick elbow to his side brought him back to the uncomfortable present and Cloud met Zack’s gaze, a dark eyebrow raised as he looked at Cloud in question.
“What drink do you want, dude?” Cloud opened and closed his mouth several times, unsure of what to order, or what to say. Zack had many dealings with Cloud’s shy, quiet way of communication but never had he seen him entirely struck dumb before.
“Urm, he’ll just have what I’m having.”
“Coming right up.” She answered Zack.
Cloud once more dropped his head, content to listen to his friends chatter around him. He was too preoccupied staring a hole into the bar floor to notice his closest friend tilt his head to one side like a curious dog, and narrow his eyes as he examined him.
Too deep into his thoughts, Cloud was oblivious to his audience as his eyes drifted up from the floor ever so slowly to settle on Tifa’s back while she got to work preparing drinks on the other side of the bar.
Although the silk gave no hint of what lingerie lay beneath - such as the sheer robes the dancers wore - from this angle, anyone sat at the bar could see the outline of suspenders clipped onto stockings just out of sight beneath the hem of Tifa’s robe. A dark line ran down the centre of her stockings, the entire length of her leg, and Zack watched as his younger friend’s eyes followed, marvelling at the length and strength of each leg, topped off with black stiletto heels with red bottoms.
In all the years of their friendship, Zack had never witnessed Cloud take interest in a girl before. Suddenly, his friend’s new found muteness made sense and an idea began to form in his cunning mind.
Without turning his head from Cloud’s direction, Zack spoke.
“Hey, Teef? Have you still never danced yet?”
“No, I'm just a bartender Zack.” Her modest answer floated across the bar as Tifa continued making drinks with her back to the party.
“Would you consider a private?”
“Remember you're marrying a friend of mine tomorrow, Pup.” She laughed.
“Oh, it’s not for me. It’s for him.” Cloud’s head whipped round to catch Zack’s knowing smirk before Tifa turned to face them.
“Zack, what are you up to?” Tifa placed her palms down on the bar and cocked one hip. Eyebrow raised in question.
“Well, y’know, I was just thinking. Doesn’t Johnny like to stop by around this time?” Tifa showed only a small amount of panic as her eyes flickered to an old clock hanging on the wall behind Zack’s head, he was right. Within the next 10 minutes Johnny would surely arrive to begin his nightly routine of flirting – borderline harassing- Tifa until the end of her shift.
“Your point being?”
“Well, my buddy Cloud here gets a little overwhelmed with crowds, and I feel bad for dragging him way outta his comfort zone for my big night. Why not take care of 2 birds with one stone. You both get to hide in a private room until the coast is clear and my friend here has settled into the night. I know you'll take good care of him.”
Tifa turned to look at Cloud who refused to make eye contact and had one hand nervously rubbing the back of his neck.
“I don't know, Zack.”
“I’ll pay double what you’d make out here on bar. No Johnny, no pressure to dance - just serve some drinks to this poor Chocobo head and make my bachelor party a little easier for him, huh?”
Cloud was expecting a polite decline, maybe a “Thanks, but no thanks” after he felt those red eyes of hers take note of his nervous fidgeting, and yet -
“Alright, I’ll do it.” Cold sharp nervousness spread from Cloud’s stomach and sent a shiver up his spine, his eyes zipping between his friend and the barmaid incredulously.
That was unexpected.
“Excellent! You’re an angel, Teef!” Zack slapped a hand on Cloud’s shoulder and gave him a wink, Cloud gaped.
“I know.” She said cheerily and finished preparing the drinks Zack ordered, setting them down in front of each of them. A Bloody Mary sat in front of Vincent, another whisky for Cid, a surprisingly fruity smelling and colourful cocktail sat in front of Barret and two shots were placed before Zack and Cloud.
Stepping out from behind the bar, Tifa turned towards Cloud and gestured for him to follow. She offered him a warm and friendly smile that lit up her entire face, a smile which made Cloud’s Adam’s apple bob on a visible -and almost audible- gulp.
Zack picked up his shot and placed Cloud’s in his hand.
“Hey, do me a favour, enjoy yourself.”
Looking nervously at his shot, Cloud clinked it against his friend’s glass; downing the shot in one go, both grimacing at the burn of alcohol and the following shiver that racked through their bodies.
Cloud took one last deep inhale, pushed himself off of his barstool and followed that dangerous silk further and further away from his comfort zone without daring to look back.
“He’s a goner.” Spoke Vincent, quietly.
“Oh yeah.” Remarked Zack, as he giggled at his smitten friend following the barmaid like a lovesick puppy dog.
#cloti#Cloud x tifa#tifa x cloud#zerith#zack x aerith#Yuffientine#If you squint#FFVII#FFVIIR#Fanfic#My writing
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Once upon a time, I was going to write a Danny Phantom fic post-Connections and Confessions with Dani. This is the first chapter of that (there’s more if anyone’s interested), and it involved me essentially writing out Phantom Planet as canon, because why not.... (Brief bits of blood and torture ahead.)
Dani had never dealt with Clockwork before, but when he shows her the current path of the timeline, she has to change it--no matter the consequences.
Danielle bit her lip, hoping the pain would distract her from how tired she was getting as she strove to hold her intangibility. For all her travels, she’d never had to turn anything particularly big intangible. And this…. This was beyond big. Yes, it seemed like half the ghosts from the Ghost Zone were helping, but that didn’t make it any less complex. Every person. Every tree. Every building, every animal, every blade of grass. Ice and rock and water and burning magma. She had to force her intangibility outward, jumping through the very molecules in the air so that it spread to encompass the entire atmosphere to catch whatever wasn’t physically touching the ground at the moment, from birds to planes to insects— Everything.
But even though she felt like she was going to collapse, Dani continued to pour her strength and energy into creating and maintaining her intangibility.
And the asteroid got closer.
Danielle wondered, for a brief, panicking moment, what would happen if Danny was wrong. If ectoranium had anti-ghost elements, would intangibility even help, or did that make it phase-proof? Were they doing this for nothing? Had they just created a sense of false hope? Was she going to die in the next second anyway, despite everything?
She knew how this played out, so why was she having doubts? They were going to succeed. The Earth was intangible, and the so-called Disasteriod would pass harmlessly through it.
Correction: was passing harmlessly through it. Dani grunted at the extra strain it took, and she started to shake despite herself, though she didn’t break her hold. Usually, when she passed through something intangible, or vice versa, it was as easy as going through air. As if nothing was there. No resistance whatsoever. At best, if she was really, really tired, and whatever she was going through was really, really thick, then it was a bit more like swimming.
This felt like slogging through waist-deep mud.
It was nigh on impossible to keep going, and it was a test of wills to get through it.
A shout finally rang out, and Dani was able to relax, releasing her intangibility and sinking back down to the ground. She still had to stay out of sight, but so long as she melted into the crowd of ghosts, she was fairly certain Danny wouldn’t spot her. And even if he did spot her, there was a chance that he wouldn’t realize…everything. It was possible that there were too many ghosts around for him to make the connection.
When the rest of the ghosts went back through the portal to the Ghost Zone, though, she summoned up the last of her strength to turn invisible.
And that was how she watched as Danny’s parents confronted him about his secret and as he chose to reveal it to everyone who was there.
For the sake of Danny’s future, she made sure all the news cameras had been turned off. His secret would be hard enough to keep from the world at large with everyone here knowing it, even if they reached some agreement to keep his identity a secret.
Though the scene Danielle watched was a happy one, she couldn’t help but frown.
Danny’s parents had accepted him. Valerie had accepted him—Danielle could see her smiling and clapping along with everyone else—and it looked like Danny might have more than a friend in Sam after all. And, best of all, Vlad was out of the picture.
So why had Clockwork told her it would be better if things played out another way?
Danielle heard a small sob and turned to see herself, in human form, watching the very same scene unfold. Crying, but smiling. Because she was happy for Danny, but still unhappy that she was here, separate. Alone.
Danny had lost track of her, then, for all that she’d been close by him when they’d turned the world intangible. Danielle, for her part, had stayed well away from Danny—and well away from her other self, until now—while here. She hadn’t wanted to arouse suspicion, so she’d taken up a post on the other side of the great tower, near its base, while the other Dani had positioned herself just behind Danny.
But before Danny could spot the Danielle of this world, of this timeline, where she now stood, off on her own behind the rest of the crowd, there was a flash of light and she transformed into Dani Phantom and took off.
Off where, even Dani couldn’t say. But she was so tired now, and she felt she’d seen enough, so she pulled Clockwork’s Time Medallion from her neck and dropped it into the snow, closing her eyes as the world dissolved around her.
When she opened them again, she was not in Antarctica but rather back in Clockwork’s tower.
With the sound of ticking clocks filling her ears, Danielle admitted, “I don’t get it. What’s wrong with that future?” It was the only future she had ever expected: that Danny would eventually be discovered and accepted by his parents, that he would be happy, and she would continue doing…whatever it was she was doing. Living a nomadic life, on her own, making her own discoveries in her own time, and living her life to its fullest.
Besides, Danny’s idea of turning the entire Earth intangible had worked. If it hadn’t, Dani could see why Clockwork thought this was not the best future to be had. But as it was….
“Even that which looks promising can be disastrous.”
Dani cocked an eyebrow. “Disastrous enough for you to interfere?” She might not know Clockwork well—heck, she hadn’t met him personally until he’d found her a couple hours ago—but his reputation preceded him.
Instead of answering, Clockwork waved his staff, and the portal in front of Danielle, which had been frozen on the frigid scene of Antarctica that Dani had just left, changed.
She saw statues of Danny Phantom holding up the world on one hand, signifying how he had saved it, but before a smile could spread across her face, the scene focused on the statue erected in Amity Park.
And how it was toppled amid a seething crowd, their cries muted to Dani as she watched with a terrible pit in her stomach.
She saw the Guys in White—unmistakable, as always—dragging an older but still very recognizable Danny off in phase proof chains. He must have put up quite a fight, judging by how beaten up he looked, but she suspected they’d caught him by surprise and overwhelmed him. And, judging by the bloody shoulder wound that she could see with remarkable clarity, they’d gotten in a lucky shot. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be slumped between two of them, head lolling forward and the rest of him looking no better than a rag doll.
She saw Sam screaming and crying, trying to break out of Tucker’s hold to go after him, and she saw Tucker’s grim expression as he held on, stronger there than she had ever seen him before.
She saw a weeping Jazz and clearly heart-broken Maddie held in Jack Fenton’s strong arms, the great mammoth of a man himself stilled only, no doubt, by the very real guns pointed at him and his family and the grim knowledge that they would be used without a second thought.
She saw a reckless Valerie springing to the defence of her friend, dodging the shots by the Guys in White as she dove and weaved to get closer to Danny—only to miscalculate, be hit, and crash to the ground, sled smoking and limbs splayed out at unnatural angles.
The scene finally changed, showing the inside of what must be one of the facilities of the Guys in White, and Danielle finally saw herself. Battered and bruised, body coated in a sick mixture of blood and ectoplasm, hanging limply by her wrists in a manner that more befitted a side of beef than a person. This Danielle looked haggard, lost and without purpose, weary beyond belief, all matted hair and tattered clothes. One eye was swollen shut, the other hidden behind straggly black locks. Her lip was split, and all visible skin, discoloured or not, was crisscrossed with angry welts, infected cuts, and telling scars.
This Danielle didn’t twitch as one of the Guys in White injected something into her neck, emptying the large syringe as neat as you please.
But she found her voice and opened her mouth in a scream, twisting and writhing in her chains, as her skin began to shift and melt, as her legs stretched out beneath her and the tips of her toes reached the base of the tub that they’d been high above before. It became blindingly bright, almost unbearable to watch, and as the light faded, Danielle saw that this Dani had been forced into ghost mode.
It was a defence mechanism, she realized. But though her ghost half could withstand more than her human body, the change did little more than speed the process as the other Danielle’s boots began to bubble and boil, sickly green ectoplasm bursting forth and trailing down what was left of her legs to be collected in the tub below.
Danielle thought she might be sick, and the scene changed again.
Danny, straining against the straps that held him to the table, as the Guys in White circled him. Danny, screaming as he was electrocuted. Danny, twitching uncontrollably as they injected something into him. Danny, still as Phantom and semi-conscious, as they cut away his suit and carved deeply into his flesh, reaching in with gloved hands to remove pieces of….
Gagging, Danielle tore her eyes away. When she thought she could speak, she said, in a hoarse whisper, “That can’t be what that leads to.”
“That is not all it leads to,” was all Clockwork said in reply, and Dani felt her stomach turn once more.
“I don’t want to know any more,” she said hollowly.
“What more you do need to know,” Clockwork said, his voice gentler than before, “is that this came about as a result of the Disasteroid incident and Plasmius’s ambition to turn the situation in his favour. The humans turned against their young hero when they realized he was not just a ghost but one which played at being a human as surely as the one they knew to be Vlad Plasmius had. They felt that they had been sorely tricked and that they were lucky to discover the ruse in time.”
“But Danny is human as much as Vlad and I,” Dani protested. “He wasn’t playing at being anything.”
“No,” agreed Clockwork, “but fear and hatred of the unknown, of what was not understood, allowed the events you saw to unfold. Had things been different, there would have been a different outcome.”
“But there still can be a different outcome, can’t there be? That hasn’t happened yet.”
Clockwork smiled at her. “Not in your relative timeline.”
“So I can stop it then, right? That’s why you wanted me here? That’s why you wanted to show me all of this?” She couldn’t let it happen. It was…. She couldn’t let it happen. “What do I have to do?”
Clockwork considered her for a moment, his ever-shifting form settling, at present, on that of an elderly man. “It may be possible to…nudge the future along a different path,” he conceded at length.
“What do I have to do?” Danielle repeated, her fatigue of earlier gone. “I have to be able to do something. You wouldn’t have shown me otherwise!”
There was a pause. “You are familiar with the various FentonWorks inventions, are you not?”
Dani shifted on her feet uncertainly. “Some of them,” she admitted, “but not most of them. I never stuck around Amity Park long enough to need to know them all.”
A slight smile. “But you are familiar with the Booo-merang.” It was not a question, but Dani nodded anyway, remembering how Sam and Tucker had used it to track Danny the first time she’d met him…and delivered him to Vlad.
Clockwork told her what must be done, though she wasn’t entirely convinced any of it would help. For a plan, it seemed entirely too dependent upon coincidences and assumptions to be feasible. But she knew enough of Clockwork to trust his judgement, if not to entirely trust his reasons. If he said this would lead to a different future, then she was willing to try it.
Anything to prevent…that from happening.
It was late when she sneaked into the Fentons’ lab. Dani was grateful that, for all that their Fenton Ghost Portal was tightly sealed, they had taken no real precautions against ghostly invasion. No active alarms, no shields…nothing.
Unusual, perhaps, if she didn’t know how likely Danny was to set half the things off.
But she wasn’t looking for everything that reacted to Danny; she was only looking for three specific inventions. The first, the Ghost Gabber, she found crammed in the bottom of a box shoved on the bottom of a shelving unit and filled with various odds and ends from pieces of wire to stray nuts and bolts tossed together in an old peanut butter jar.
The second, the Fenton Finder, was retrieved from the top of this same shelving unit, from within a small box (labelled ‘instruction manual’) inside another container that held something that looked, to her unschooled eye, suspiciously like a blow torch.
The third, the Booo-merang, she unearthed from the back of a cupboard, where it had been hidden in a tiny box behind a crate of test tubes.
These three inventions found their way into another box, a simple cardboard one without label or lid, which she placed strategically in the lab so that it would be seen the moment the Fentons came down to the basement again.
From the disarray of the rest of the lab, she rather doubted the box would seem suspicious. After all, as far as Mr. or Mrs. Fenton knew, these inventions had something in common: they all reacted to Danny. It would make sense for them to be placed together, being affected by a similar ‘glitch’, and Danielle was willing to bet Jack and Maddie would assume the other had put them together for that very reason.
“Place them in plain sight,” Clockwork had told her, referring to these three inventions, “and let everything play out from there as it would.”
He’d neglected to tell her exactly how everything would play out, but despite her questioning, she hadn’t gotten any answers, and she’d eventually conceded defeat and agreed to complete the task he’d set her.
It wasn’t hard, after all. Sure, it had taken her a while to find everything, but she’d finished well before the dawn, and no one, not even Danny, had become aware of her presence. She just didn’t understand how this would help. How it would change…everything.
She had a slightly better idea of why Clockwork had chosen to interfere. From what she’d gathered, he looked after Danny. She wasn’t sure why or even how he’d come to do that, especially since she’d never heard of him interfering with the time stream without leave of the Observants, but she didn’t need to know. It wasn’t important, not really. But if this somehow saved Danny from that future, she was willing to do it.
Nothing could be worse than that, right?
Danielle stood in the lab from a moment, taking in all the differences and similarities to Vlad’s lab, with which she was unfortunately intimately familiar. She knew all his labs like the back of her hand—or she had, until they’d been destroyed to the point that he would’ve had to rebuild at least part of them, and she had no desire to go back.
Vlad might have created her, but if there was one thing that she had learned, it was that he was not her father, and he was nothing like a father should be to her.
But because of who she was, she would never have a father. The best she had was a false ‘third cousin once removed’ relationship with Danny, and perhaps a tentative friendship with his friends, the Red Huntress included. She’d never stayed in one place long enough to make her own friends. She’d never wanted to form a bond with anyone when she knew it would have to be torn away when she had to move on, and she always had to move on, because she was no one and she belonged nowhere. If she was discovered, she had to disappear and start over.
She’d lost track of how many times she’d done so already.
True, she could spend more of her time in the Ghost Zone. She had no need to hide herself there. But she felt out of place there because she wasn’t truly a ghost and she didn’t truly belong. It felt easier to hide in the Real World and…pretend.
Even if she couldn’t pretend forever.
Dani’s eyes roamed over the lab once more, and she reached out to adjust the Booo-merang so one wing stuck prominently above the top of the box.
She didn’t know if this would help.
She didn’t know if she’d get in trouble with the Observants if it did.
But she had to try, no matter the consequences. For Danny. Because he’d trusted her, had faith in her, and had saved her, more than once. If this changed the future, then she could begin to repay him, even if he would never know about it.
Satisfied with her work, Danielle turned intangible and flew out of the lab, out of the Fenton household, and out of Amity Park. She’d return sometime to see how things were going, to make sure she couldn’t see any stepping stones to that horrible future being laid down, but she felt certain that Clockwork would call on her again if this didn’t work, for whatever reason.
She wasn’t sure why he’d called on her and not Danny in the first place, if Danny was the one he meant to protect, but she was happy to help nonetheless.
Part II
#danny phantom#dani phantom#dp fanfiction#dp fanfic#dp fic#phanfiction#tw blood#tw torture#my writing#ladylynse#lynse's random WIPs#snippets#dp wip#dp snippet#so this has been sitting in my drafts for over a year#because I forgot I was going to post these
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Elliot Alderson x Fem Reader x Fem Reader
Warning: hot hot threesome smut; girl on girl, sub/dom, light restraining, face sitting, hair pulling, choking, light degration, drug usage, swearing, and alcohol usage. SO BASICALLY FILTH
Word Count: 10k *and i’m not sorry about it.
A/N: I wrote a sort of epilogue to this, which you can read here X if you feel inclined to. Hope you enjoy! xx
It was like an out of body experience. My mind was buzzing from the alcohol and this absolute terror of a work party wasn’t helping much either. Everyone was fucked up already; it was only 10 pm for Christ sake. I’m sure the nine to five lifestyle gets to some, me, not so much. Allsafe is what pays my bills, sure, but it’s not my priority or what I invest my talents in to. Everyone else probably worked this shitty job to pay for their shitty apartments in an even shittier neighborhood just so they could go home with their loved ones and feel at home, whatever home even was anymore.
“Hello!”, a pale hand waved itself in front of my face -- I suppose I must have zoned out whilst lost in my thoughts; nothing out of the ordinary.
The redhead behind the bar stared at me, hand on her hip, waiting for my response.
“Sorry, what did you say?”
“I asked if you wanted another drink. You finished yours like ten minutes ago.”
My eyes glanced towards the empty glass still sat near my hand as I lightly pushed it towards the bartender. “Just another of these is fine.”
She nodded, a soft smile on her lips; her pretty, light pink lips.
I slightly shook my head, moving the absurd and obscene thoughts from my head as I watched her walk away, hips slightly swaying and the light peaking through her black mesh top so I could see her red lace bra clearly.
See, this is why I don’t drink. Drinking gives me a different affect then when i’m high; i feel so out of control and anxious the entire time i’m under the influence of an alcoholic substance, whereas drugs, drugs make me numb, drugs make me relax, drugs make me forget that i’m not in total control and i fucking love it.
“Here ya go”, the redhead pushed the ‘whiskey on the rocks’ my way as she waltzed over to the next awaiting customer, but not before shooting me a smile.
She’s hot.
I continued to watch her for the next several minutes, sipping my beverage to a speed fit to my liking as a crowd screaming and hollering brought me out of my gaze. I watched them all staring excitedly at the sports event set on the big screen television, cheering as if they had just won some sort of lottery.
Sports. What a mindless way to spend your time when you could be doing so much better in the world, but instead you’re racking up millions and millions and buying one car, then another, yet we have hungry, homeless people in our country alone, not to mention the entire fucking world. How do they sleep at night?
“You think a lot huh?”
Again, the redhead was leaning towards me, elbows holding up her upper body from the bar as I mentally yelled at myself for going on a inner rant.
“I guess,” I shrugged.
She eyed me for a bit, not saying a word, just watching me. Every once in a while, she’d smirk, probably noticing my uneasiness with the way she was literally just staring at me.
“You smoke?”, she lifted a cigarette in the air that was placed between her fingers.
I nodded, turning my eyes away from her to stare at my hands set on the bar.
“Wanna come outside with me? I hate taking my break outside alone in this neighborhood at night.”
Isn’t it sad? People can’t even enjoy life anymore without the fear of getting stabbed or shot or fucking murdered.
“I’ll get you another drink after; no charge, I promise.”
My eyes traveled back up to hers, her playful little smirk enticing me to follow her request.
“Okay,” I nodded, keeping my reply short.
The woman nodded towards the front door, silently telling me to meet her outside, as she headed for the back exit, I suppose, to grab a personal belonging or two.
I pushed my way through the crowd of people who were still indulging in whatever else was on television, and finally landed my feet on the sidewalk set outside. It was nice out - a little breezy, but not too cool, making it desirable to actually be outside which was a lovely change of pace from the brutal winter that had came with full force this year.
A dark haired girl was also outside with her back against the brick wall as she dragged a cigarette to and from her lips; exhaling and keeping her eyes fixated on the streetlight across the street.
She briefly glanced at me, most likely just to get a good look at the person who had taken her seclusion away from her, but quickly brought her eyes back up to the tri-colored lights, seemingly memorized by them.
I pulled my pack of cigarettes out of my pant pocket and slipped a stick out, bringing it to my lips, and lighting it with my eyes also now fixated on the streetlight.
It was pleasant, I guess. Coming and going colors, almost hypnotic to the eye, yet so relaxing at the same time.
“Enjoying the light show are we?”
The red head emerged from the alley with, what looked to be, a cigarette and phone in hand, as she glanced at me and the dark haired girl; particularly spending a little extra time glancing at the other girl, eyeing her up and down, which i couldn’t blame her for...
Her tight fitting dress cut at the knee, was flattering to her small frame. Especially when she exhaled; her lips slightly a gap, her breasts gently heaving as she let out a deep breath. I caught myself licking my lips, subconsciously, as I eyed her up, probably a little too long.
“It’s okay, I think she’s hot too”, the redhead whispered.
I was caught in a sandwich sort of situation with two beautiful women and most men my age wouldn’t have a single complaint, except that I was nothing like the rest of them and by them I mean the other inhabitants of the world. My anxiety was at a high as we all sat in silence that was anything but comfortable, at least not for me and all I wanted to do was make a run for it, which I nearly did before I felt a hand on my shoulder, making me instantly shrug the sharp touch away.
“Seems like someone needs a hit?”
The familiar, sweet aroma of marijuana filled my nostrils as the red head glided her hand near my lips and the alcohol made me much too gullible as I, without hesitation, brought my lips around the joint and took a deep inhale of the substance.
“And you?”, she peered over my shoulder at the dark haired girl, who shyly looked at the joint and then at me as the bartender passed the stick to me to then pass to the girl.
“Won’t kill you, I promise”, I quietly smiled in the dark haired girls direction as she also had a slight smile on her lips and took the joint from my fingers, breathing in a nice long hit before passing it back to me.
All three of us were silent as we breathed in the spring night air; the zipping of cars and the buzzing of tourists walking by always made me feel comfortable or, rather, surrounded by something comfortable and familiar. It was like one giant distraction for my mind, but, on the other hand, it was also something that made me quite anxious. Having loads of people all scrunched in one place felt overwhelming to me if you caught me on a day where my anxiety was particularly god awful.
Isn’t it funny? All we need is a little background noise and our minds are put at ease. Our loneliness is diluted, even if its just a little bit.
“Would you guys want to hang out?”, The redhead chimed in, breaking my mental thesis I was creating on ‘Humans: Why the fuck we like noise’.
“Ma--Maybe we could smoke some more at my place or something”, I joined, but quickly trailed off, realizing how utterly creepy I was sounding to these two women I had just met, but i was merely trying to think like a normal person would and inviting them to hang out seemed normal, right?
Fucking hell, they probably thought I was a fucking pervert.
“Where do you live?”, the dark haired girl asked, finishing off her cigarette and kicking it to the ground as her high heeled clad foot stomped out the burning flame.
She nodded, “I live not too far from there. I’m in.”
I’m sure my expression was one filled with disbelief, but her friendly smile eased me as I returned a small grin.
“I get off in a half hour, I can meet you there.”
“No,” I shook my head, being much too nervous to have only one person in my home that I would have to entertain somehow, two people, sure, especially since this red head seemed outgoing and quite the conversationalist, but just me and this dark haired girl, no way.
“I mean, I’ll wait for you. If--If that’s okay with you,” I turned to the dark haired girl and she nodded slowly, resting the back of her head onto the cool wall once again.
“Buy me a drink and I’ll stay.”
So the quiet girl was also flirtatious; I could live with that.
“I think I can do that.”
The back seat of this taxi cab was instantly making me regret everything. Why the fuck would I invite two strangers into my apartment, not to mention invite them to smoke more with me. It was making me start to question my intentions; why did I want them to come over? Was I merely lonely? Seeking out strangers for company was something I would never do, but alcohol combined with weed could very well be a lethal combination to my psyche.
Yeah, maybe that was it.
Thankfully, the drive wasn’t long and I was able to pile out of the cab quickly as I began to start for my apartment buildings main door.
“Slow down why don’t ‘cha!”, the red head called as her and the other girl were still situating their clothing after just getting out of the crammed car.
“Sorry”, I said quietly, not even sure if they could hear me. I tucked my hands inside my jean pockets as I attempted to relax just a bit.
“Eager are we?”
“I’m just--cold is all..” the red head nodded, clearly not buying my lame excuse as she watched me unlock the door, letting the three of us into the slightly heated building.
I knew they were both judging where I lived as they glanced around at the cheaply painted walls and the various stains set on them while we walked up the stairs, eventually landing at my door.
My keys jingled as I twisted them around in the door knob, unlocking and opening up my home to the two mysterious women.
No going back now.
Again, they looked around my apartment, silently judging, as everyone is constantly doing all through out their lives.
“Your place is...cozy”, the dark haired girl complimented, or at least tried to muster about some sort of compliment purely to be polite.
“I guess.”
Both of the girls immediately got comfortable; taking off their coats and holding them up questionably as I tried to configure what it is they were searching for.
Oh right, a coat rack..
Anxiously, I searched around my small apartment looking for any nearby space to place the two warm pieces of fabric.
“Here is fine,” I said, motioning to the hook placed on the inside of my open bathroom door; that’ll do i guess.
As the girls figured out the arrangement of their coats, I took a spot on my couch and attempted to not look as awkward as I felt right now.
“So...”, the redhead started for the couch I was sat at, making me scoot over so I was no longer in the middle of the plush seat as she sat next to me.
“Are we smoking your stuff or my stuff? I may not have enough for-”
“Mine is fine,” I said rather hastily and honestly as I just wanted to get this over with and return to the seclusion of my home and my computer.
No matter how lonely I felt, I would much rather prefer my own company then anyone else, besides the select few in my life that I could tolerate. Because loneliness was something I could cope with, but having someone, I wasn’t too comfortable with, in my presence would send my anxiety through a roller coaster like spiral, which was something I couldn’t handle, nor ignore because of the physical symptoms I would begin to show.
My box, containing all of my narcotics was set on my coffee table, directly in front of the dark haired girl, who had just taken a seat on the floor, directly in front of me.
I didn’t want to say anything, feeling much too anxious about how I would even ask her to kindly scoot my ‘drug box’ over to me, as crazy as that sounds and as small as that sounds, that was a big deal for me to even mutter any sort of request to a stranger, well a kind of stranger. I suppose we had gotten decently acquainted while waiting for the bartender to get done with her shift.
I settled to awkwardly reaching over her body and grabbing the box, setting the wood in my lap as I pulled out the baggie and rolling paper while I began to spill the weed into my grinder before rolling a medium sized joint that we all could indulge in. And indulge we did, indeed.
By the time the joint was burnt to its end we were all chatting along comfortably in conversation, me being much more relaxed, the dark haired girl being quite the chatter box, and the red head remaining true to her outgoing self, but much more touchy as her hand kept coming in contact with my shoulder.
I didn’t mind the touching as much as before, but the drugs were still starting to settle in my system so I wasn’t my completely comfortable high self just yet and I was seeking desperately for an excuse to to get away from the red heads touch on my shoulder.
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom”, I announced as I maneuvered my way through the two bodies and shut the door behind me while I figured that a splash of cool water and some quiet couple of minutes should do me just fine. However, after my few minutes were up and my anxiety was calmed, I returned to find the girls were not chatting comfortably, like I had envisioned while I was in the bathroom.
I stood and stared unabashed as their lips were connected while the two women gently made out with one another; it was hypnotizing really and almost seemed too perfect and choreographed with the way they were in sync with one another as their hands roamed each others bodies and their tongues danced with the others while they left lingering open mouth kisses.
The red head must have sensed my longing stare as she opened her eyes and looked directly at me with a smirk that was just barely visible to me because of the dark haired girls needful mouth that was still ravishing the red head. However, she quickly took her eyes back to their closed position as she kept on entertaining the other girls lips, acting as if I had never seen anything...or maybe she wanted me to see...and wanted me to watch as her hand, ever so slightly, moved to the back of the dark haired girls dress, clasping the zipper in between her fingers as she dragged the metal down until it stopped at the girls mid back, making her slightly tanned skin peak out.
I remained standing like statue, watching as the red head assisted the other girl out of the straps of her dress, leaving the fabric clustered together at her waist and letting her chest, only clad in a black bra, feel the crisp air from my own window. The dark haired girl then, also, dragged her eyes over to me as the redhead placed bruising kisses to her neck, surely leaving hickeys scattered across her skin.
A loud gulp left my throat as the dark haired girl remained with her eyes fixed on me as the red head began to leave kisses to her cleavage, even going so far as to move one of the bra straps down the girls arm, but quickly bringing the strap back up to rest on her shoulder as they both now fixated their eyes on me.
I wanted to say something along the lines of ‘what the fuck are you guys doing’ but, to be frank, I was enjoying it too much. Had i said such harsh words, maybe they would’ve both left leaving me regretting and slightly turned on..and i wanted nothing but the complete opposite of regretting.
“Do you mind?”
I look towards the red head, not even noticing that the two girls had finally pried away from each other as they both relaxed on my couch, their backs hitting the cushion so they were sitting up straight and both watching me like a hawk.
“Do I mind what?”
“If I play with her a bit? It’s your apartment so I don’t want to make you uncomfortable and - - you look really uncomfortable.”
At her words, I attempted to make myself look more relaxed, slouching my shoulders and clearing my throat, in the hopes it would relax my facial features just a tad. Anything to make them stay and keep doing..whatever it is they were planning on doing.
“No, no. I don’t mind”, my words were strangled, but they seem to have done the trick as the red headed and dark haired girl both turned to each other, giving off almost devilish type grins while the dark haired girl shimmied down the couch, letting her back fall onto the bottom cushions so she was laying down. The red head watched the other girls movements as she bit her lip and immediately crawled in between the girls legs.
“Sit there”, the red head ordered me.
“Because I want you to have a good view of me eating her out.”
Holy Shit.
“Holy Shit.”
“Sit, I insist.”, the redhead’s playful grin quickly turned serious as she pointed to my bed, immediately making me comply and take the small strides over to the sheet clad mattress.
I sat on the edge, nearly very edge, of my bed as both of the women kept looking back and forth between me and each other as they shared giggles while their hands caressed each others arms and legs and whatever else they could get their hands on.
It was rather odd, they seemed so comfortable with one another and yet, to the best of my knowledge, they had just met. I suppose the alcohol and weed were to blame for this relaxed feeling and I wasn’t complaining because I too felt relaxed and comfortable; two things I am usually neither of.
Although my vision was finding it hard to concentrate on most things, I couldn’t keep my eyes off of the two women who were in front of me as they teased each other by brushing their lips every so slightly together and then pulling away and sharing a laugh.
“What do you think I should do first?”
Was she talking to me? The redhead wasn’t looking at the other girl..so she must have been asking me.
The redhead scoffed, “Yes dear, you. What should I do first to our friend here?”
As I dove into my thoughts, getting the most stunning of mental images, the redhead eyed the dark haired girl up and down as her hands wrapped around the girls waist, pulling the girls body adjacent to hers.
I’d never been in this situation before, so you can imagine the only things I could conjure up in my mind of what i wanted to watch them do was from some shitty porn that I watched as a teenager.
“W-What do you want to do to her?”
The redhead, who I decided to nickname Red for the rest of the evening, shook her head with a small laugh.
“That’s not what I asked. I want you to tell me what to do to her.”
Fuck, that’s hot. Well, it would’ve been hotter had I not been nervous to say some stereotypical bull shit that any guy would say if he had two women who were practically dry humping in front of him.
“Touch her.”, I managed to squeak out.
“You’re so cute babe, but can you be more specific? Where would you like me touch her?”
I scanned my eyes up and down the dark haired girls body that had her upper half clothed in only a bra and god, I honestly didn’t know what I wanted to see her touch first. I just knew I wanted her to touch everything.
“Maybe here?”, Red traced the tip of her finger along the top of the dark haired girls bra as her breasts were pushed up into the cups, making me lick my lips as I watched Red’s finger every so slightly dip under the fabric of the brassiere.
I quickly nodded, my dilated pupils not being able to keep their eyes away from the two beauties as I could feel the heat beginning to rush down my body, into my thighs, and down to my cock.
I clenched my hands on the edge of my mattress as Red let her entire palm spread out across one of the dark haired girls breasts, giving it a firm grab as she continued to massage her over her bra, while her other hand moved around to the girls back and unclasped her bra, making the fabric slump away from her chest.
Red took her hand away from the other girls breast so she could slip the straps down the girls shoulders and fling the bra to the floor and immediately Red’s lips attached themselves to the girls neck, leaving soft bites, making the dark haired woman moan so softly, it was barely audible.
Red’s kisses trailed further and further down, first to the girls shoulders, collarbones, and down to the dip between her breasts as her mouth began to leave sloppy, wet kisses that moved over to one of her breasts as she lightly nipped at the skin.
The dark haired girls hands went to Red’s hair as she began to graze her teeth along her nipple before enveloping her lips around the pink nub, making her squirm beneath Red’s touch as she added some swirling of the tongue to the action, making me also squirm as I watched the dark haired girls breathy moans leave her open mouth.
Suddenly, Red pulled her face upwards to look directly at me as she wiped some of her saliva from her lips. “Take off your pants.”
I gulped, knowing she was directing her order towards me as I quickly obeyed and stood up so I could slumped my way out of my jeans before sitting back down to my original spot.
“Good boy”, Red smiled.
Until now, I hadn’t realized how aroused I was until the bulge in my briefs caught my eye, making me feel a bit self conscious..but then again, what would have been the purpose of these girls wanting me to watch them if it wasn’t to get me visibly aroused.
“You can touch yourself, but only over the briefs, nothing under them just yet. Got it?”
God, if I wasn’t already dripping pre cum, I sure as hell was now just from hearing her order me around some more. It was very attractive, to say the very least.
“Say it.”
“Say what?”
“Say you understand. I want to hear you say it.”
I nodded, but quickly scolded myself for going against her exact wishes.
“Words babe. Use them.”
“I understand.”, I said quickly which seemed pleasing to Red as she flashed me a smile before returning her eyes back to the dark haired girl.
Suddenly her expression changed from sweet smile to vixen as she returned her lips back to the girls chest, teasingly pressing a kiss to her nipple once more before starting to lead her kisses down the girls sternum, down her stomach, and to her waist, right where the girls dress was still bunched up.
As red pulled the dark haired girls dress down the remainder of her body, I felt my hand instinctively twitch, knowing exactly how badly I wanted to touch my growing erection. I settled on at least moving my palm to my thigh, resting it dangerously close to the thumping pulse in my groin area as I watched the girls dress be thrown to the ground, leaving the dark haired girl completely naked on my couch and making me thank the invisible gods in the sky that she decided on not wearing panties tonight.
“Ooo, no panties?”, Red smirked up at the girl and then at me as if she knew she had just read my mind, but she also had her eyebrows knitted together as she looked me up and down.
“Why aren’t you touching yourself?”
I took my gaze away from her and let my eyes fall to my lap as I shrugged.
“I want to see you tease yourself through your briefs babe.”
I bit my lip at her words, keeping my eyes still focused on my lap which also meant my erection was in my perfect view and just begging and aching for me to listen to her words.
“Do I have to beg?”
Now that, I wouldn’t mind.
I looked up at her with a slight smirk as my teeth still tucked my bottom lip in, “Maybe.”
Red and the dark haired girl shared a few ‘ooo’s’ before answering me, “I’m sure you’d like me begging on my knee’s sweetheart, but right now i’m in charge. Maybe i’ll let you tell us what to do later, okay?”
This time, we all shared a small flirtatious laugh as I nodded in Red’s direction.
“For now, I better see your hand on your cock in the next 30 seconds or i’ll come over there and make you touch yourself.”
The mood shifted back into a sensual type feel as I shakily brought my hand to the ever growing bulge in my boxers, but not making any movements despite my brain shouting at me to give myself some god damn relief. Red was silent, but evidently pleased with my obeying action as she returned her attention back to the girl as she moved her body down to the very end of the couch and brought her arms to wrap around the dark haired girls thighs.
Red’s still clothed ass stuck up in the air as I watched her slowly drag soft kisses up the tops of the girls thigh and further and further..until her mouth made contact with a, apparently very pleasurable, spot as the dark haired girl squirmed and winced below her.
From my view, I wasn’t able to see exactly what Red was doing to the girl which, i’m sure she planned out perfectly in that little red head of hers. but what I could make out was Red making long, slow strides with her tongue being just barely visible as the dark haired girl placed both of her hands on her thighs, squeezing them tightly as her tan skin shimmered with a light layer or sweat.
Red switched her movements as she kept her face in the same spot, but hollowed her cheeks out, making a sucking noise as she would pull away and then return to, what i’m assuming was, sucking on the girls clit, causing the dark haired girl to move one of her hands into those red locks and tug on them as she began grinding her aching core against Red’s mouth.
However, the action didn’t last long as Red pulled her mouth off of the dark haired girl, much to her dismay, and moved her eyes to me while she dipped her hand between the girls thighs.
From the way the dark haired girls legs shook, I presumed Red was furiously rubbing her thumb on a particularly sensitive area, but regardless, Red kept most of her attention fixed on me as she bit down on her lip.
“Someones having fun hmm?”, Red moved her eyes down to my lap and back up to my face with that trademark smirk of hers.
I followed where her eyes were signalling and saw my hand, every so slowly and subtly rubbing my erection through my briefs. I suppose my subconscious must have taken over as I mindlessly indulged in watching the two women deep in pleasure because I couldn’t recall my hand moving to tease myself what so ever; not that I was complaining, more so thanking my mind for allowing me to indulge in relaxation and pleasure for once, but feeling slightly bashful under Red’s gaze, I went to move my hand away.
“Don’t.”, Red warned, with her eyes still on me.
“I just want you to make yourself feel good for me, is that so wrong?” Her bright blue eyes turned baby doll like as she fluttered her lashes, while a slight pout made it’s way to her swollen lips as her fingers kept moving and making the dark haired girl squirm and moan.
Reluctantly, I sighed and slowly started grazing the tips of my fingers against my cock, feeling the sticky pre cum as it seeped through the fabric of my boxers.
“Good boy.”
Just from her words, I could feel my cock ache and pulse even harder as I, finally, began to fully palm my erection whilst Red started to stand up and walk towards me, leaving the dark haired girl in a hot tizzy as she watched the both of us.
Red didn’t say a word as she sat on the floor directly in front of me with minimal distance between her face and my hand that had froze in its place.
“Show me how you pleasure yourself.”
My breathing hitched as she nibbled on her lip, flickering her eyes from where my hand rested and up to my face. She seemed almost anxious looking just waiting for my move and it gave me a gigantic confidence boost to know that she wanted to watch me make a mess of myself with her so near to me and with those precious little swollen lips and flushed cheeks.
With the utmost amount of confidence I could muster up, slowly my hand began palming myself as I let out a soft sigh. Red’s eyes continued flickering between my hand movements and my face as she’d always switch to look at my expression every time I let out an audible noise as I could feel my cock become fully erect and ooze with precum.
Apparently, Red noticed as well as she laid her hand on top of mine and pushed it to rest on my thigh. I watched her with wondering eyes as she moved her face towards my lap, never taking her eyes off of me, as she pushed my hand away and let her lips linger over of my clothed cock.
Subconsciously, my hand went to her hair; my go to move that didn’t seem to get any complaints from any of my partners prior to this, but she quickly moved her hand to the palm I just laid on top of her head as she pulled her mouth away from me so she could get a better look at me.
“I’ll let it slide this time, only because I love having my hair pulled, but if you don’t ask next time, it won’t be good for you. Understand?”
Her warm breath was hitting my cock with every word she said and it was difficult to even listen to her as she spoke because all I wanted was her lips back on me..except without my briefs covering me up. However, I was able to nod, solely for the purpose of having her lips back to what they were getting up to because god did I want her mouth right now more than anything.
Red smiled up at me as she continued to linger her lips against my cock, occasionally pressing light kisses, sending a hissing noise through my teeth as I silently pleaded with her. Although I was silent, except for my noises of pleasure, I tried my absolute best to get my eyes to tell her how much I fucking craved her right now.
I suppose she may have gotten my message as she gripped the waistband of my briefs, making me lift up my body with my hips, and letting her take the black fabric off of my lower half.
Before I could even entertain the mental images of her mouth wrapped around my cock, Red motioned to the dark haired girl as she silently called her over to where she knelt.
I watched as the dark haired girls naked frame glowed in my dark room, only being illuminated by the neon lights on the building across the street that displayed her breasts with shadows framing them perfectly and the dim lighting highlighted her toned legs.
God, I bet her thighs taste amazing.
Eventually, the dark haired girl made her way over to Red and bent down to her level as Red whispered something into the girls ear, making her bite her lip and look back at me as she nodded. She then made her way over to me and sat on the bed as she took a seat behind me, having her legs spread so I was now sitting in between them.
The dark haired girls fingers went to the back of my neck as she lightly tickled my skin all the while Red was raking her nails gently up and down my thighs, watching my every move and reaction in the process.
“Okay so here’s the deal”, Red started as I anxiously awaiting her words. “You’re going to touch yourself for us, think you can do that?”
I gulped due to the sheer erotica coming from her lips and because of my nerves. The anxiety wasn’t prominent in me, at least not at the moment, but more just being nervous and shy I suppose, but I still nodded because they both had me eating out of the palm of their hands and I was completely okay with it and based upon their reactions, so were they.
Red sat back on her heels, giving me a little more room, as I gripped my shaft in my hand, giving it one long slow pump, making a deep groan leave my throat as I subconsciously fluttered my eyes closed.
Auto pilot soon took over as I continued pumping myself in my hand, now, at a fast pace as I nibbled on my lip with a crease buried deep into my forehead and my eyes still closed, that is until I felt a gentle touch come to cup my balls sending a spark of pleasure that I hadn’t yet experienced tonight. With a breathless expression, I opened my eyes to see Red smiling up at me as she continued gently squeezing them in her hand and then moving her palms to rest on the tops of my thighs as she scooter herself closer to me.
“Can I taste you?”
Even I was shocked I had manged to answer so quickly, usually my brain was one to over think and then think some more before I spoke, but I wanted nothing more then for her to have those red stained lips on me right now.
“One condition”, I nodded, urging Red to go on, “our little friend behind you is going to hold your hands down so you can’t touch. Is that okay?”
I quickly nodded, not touching was something I was more than comfortable doing so this should be no issue with me what so ever.
“Good”, Red replied as she pushed her hand against my chest, urging me to rest my back against my mattress, to which, i did so obediently as the dark haired girl lifted both of my arms, straight out above my head, as she held my wrists together with her two hands and sat next to my face.
I couldn’t help but admire her body which was now very up close and perfectly personal with me and, surprisingly, I really wanted to wiggle my hands out of her grip so I could admire the softness of her breasts in my hands. She must have noticed my new desire as she gave me a wicked grin.
“You can still use your mouth ya know.”, she whispered in my ear as she dipped her upper half closer to me, leaving her chest so close, i couldn’t resist.
I stuck my tongue out and gently ran it along the skin of her breasts, nipping and leaving saliva everywhere I wanted to taste her at until I got closer to her nipple. Slightly, I stuck my neck upwards and wrapped my lips around the pink nub as I sucked and licked gently while she hummed in pleasure while her hand began to gently rub against the hair on top of my head.
I continued loving on her chest as I felt a hand grip my shaft and slowly start touching my tip; my swollen and needy tip that was surely smothered in pre cum by now.
I shifted my head so I could gaze down at Red who was gathering the precum from my slit, on the tip of her finger, and pressing it against her tongue as she licked her lips in anticipation before she brought her lips down to fully envelope my tip.
I sunk my head back down to the mattress as I stared up at the gorgeous naked girl hovering above me. “Can I kiss you?”
The dark haired girl smiled as she peered down to look at me “Yes, thank you for asking.”
She was much softer then Red, I came to notice, even her kisses were soft and sweet, all the while Red was sucking hard on my tip, making me moan against the other girls mouth as our tongues began to dance with one another in a lazy, but pleasurable fashion.
After Red had teased my tip for a while, she started to move her lips all the way down my shaft, taking every inch of me that she possibly could, making my hips buck upwards into her mouth. Her lips were so perfect around me and her hollowed cheeks made everything even more tight as she smothered my cock.
Without noticing, I went to move one of my hands so it could rest on top of Red’s head, but I was quickly reminded that that was not allowed as the dark haired girl removed her lips from mine and tightened her grip on my wrists.
“You know the rules baby. No matter how much I want you to touch me right now..no touching.”
I nodded slowly, keeping my eyes on her face and admiring her beauty as she brought her lips back down to mine and we began making out again as Red started bobbing her head slowly on my cock. Up and then down, then back up and all the way back down until I felt the tip of her nose touch my lower stomach.
Fuck she was taking me so deep and I wanted nothing more than to cum down her throat..but I also didn’t want to let my orgasm come so easily and quickly..I needed to devour this moment that would, most likely, never happen again.
I quietly worked on holding in my nearly present orgasm as Red bobbed her head at a nice medium pace, lathering her tongue on my skin, and using her hand to pump the rest of me as she hummed against my cock every time my hips twitched in pleasure.
I began to slightly rock my hips in rhythm with Red’s movements, but she quickly pulled her mouth off of me as I looked down at her, disconnecting my lips from the dark haired girl in the process.
“Why’d you stop?”, I said breathlessly.
“I can’t have you cumming already babe. I want to make you last a while so we can have our turns.”
Red came to a standing position as she motioned for the dark haired girl to come next to her as I rolled my wrists around a couple times, getting adjusted to the newly found freedom as the girls conversated about who knows what until the pair parted ways. Red stood to my left and the dark haired girl taking a seat on my couch, facing me as she patiently rested her elbows on the tops of her bent thighs.
Without any words, Red began to lift the hem of her shirt before discarding it completely, flinging the mesh fabric to the floor. Her red lace bra hugged her breasts so well, making the tops of them perfectly puffed out and pushed upwards -- you have no idea how tempting they were as I licked my lips and eyed them up, dreaming of all the things I wanted to do with them.
“Wanna give me a hand instead of just staring?”
Red reached her arms out to grab each of my hands in hers as she placed my hands on either side of her waist, just above the top of her black jeans and left my hands there by themselves to figure out what they wanted to discard first.
Of course, I settled on unbuttoning her jeans, not wanting to leave her chest bare just yet; more for my imagination to unfold and a longer anticipation of what she looked like in the nude.
My fingers stuttered a bit, but eventually they got the metal zipper to drag down as I began to tug the denim down her thighs, until she assisted me and kicked each leg out of the fabric and off of her body completely.
I was nearly convinced she had this all planned somehow due to her matching lingerie set -- the red lace complimenting her pale skin and nearly matching the hairs atop her head as she, for the first time tonight, didn’t seem too overly confident or dominant, in fact, she looked a bit shy as she nibbled on her lip while I took in her underwear clad body.
“Don’t be shy. You’re beautiful.” Red smiled down at my briefly before taking her hand and wrapping it around my chin, shifting my gaze to look her directly in the eye instead of my fidgeting gaze shifting across her body, taking in every single piece of skin I could.
“You’re sweet”, she said calmly and soft, “and I can’t wait to ruin you.” This time her speech was much more prominent as she snuck back into her dominant role as she moved her legs to straddle me on the bed.
“Is there anything you don’t want me to do? Tell me now or i’m not sure i’ll be able to stop myself once I have you naked and lying beneath me”, her voice was so soft and dark and lust filled, it nearly drove the orgasm to rip out of my body as she moved her hands to either side of my jaw.
I shook my head and gave her a quiet ‘no’ as she smiled down at me and gently pressed her lips to mine. Eagerly, I devoured her lips -- the anticipation surely made everything feel ten times better as I felt every flick of her tongue and twinge of her lips as we moved together. Our mouths were hot and full of saliva as I felt some drip down from my lips to my chin and, fuck, I didn’t care. I really didn’t care about anything, except this woman who was grinding so painfully well against my cock.
“Undress me”, Red pulled away, her lips so swollen and smeared as she tried to catch her panting breath.
My hands were hurried and hungry as I went to her back, immediately fixing my hands to the clasp of her bra as I struggled to unlatch the hooks and release her chest to my feasting eyes.
Red giggled and set her hands on top of mine, “You must not do this often hmm?”
I briefly looked away with red cheeks, no doubt, as she pressed a kiss to the tip of my nose. I brought my eyes back to hers and, while diving into my own embarrassment, I must have not seen her discard her bra so quickly.
Her breasts were perked up directly into my face as she grabbed my hands and, yet again, moved them down to her waist, mere inches from the lace top of her panties.
God, those glorious panties.
“Take them off.”
“Yes ma’am”, I half jokingly, half seriously muttered as I hooked my thumbs into the fabric and began to slowly drag it down her legs.
Seeing as she was straddling me, she assisted in discarding the fabric and with a final flick of her foot, she was utterly and deliciously bare in the literal palms of my hands.
Shamelessly, my hands smoothed against the curvature of her hips and her waist as I brought my lips to her neck and began to leave small bites along her skin. She was easily marked up, I came to notice, and I loved it -- god did i fucking love it as I obsessively continued to leave little purple marks all along her neck and collarbone as my lips moved their way down to her breasts.
Red wrapped both of her arms around my neck as I devoured her chest. Letting my tongue flick against her hard nipple and my hand pinch and twist the other. Just the action was making my cock ache more and more and I think Red could tell as she let her hand wander down between our bodies to my clothed stomach and down to my bare cock as she slowly pumped me in her hand.
I winced in pleasure and nearly forgot we had another set of eyes in the room, that is until I felt the dark haired girl come up behind me and slink her hands up and down my back.
“Do you want to taste her?”, Red puffed out, still reeling from my lips on her chest as her eyes motioned towards the dark haired girl.
“I’d love to.”
“Good answer”, she smirked. “Now, take your shirt off and then lay on your back.”
Eagerly, my shirt was discarded while the dark haired girl moved so that I could rest my back fully against the mattress as my feet slightly dangled off of the edge.
The dark haired girl maneuvered her body so that she was straddling and hovering over my face with her body facing towards Red. Her wet folds gloriously glistening mere inches from my hungry lips as I wanted nothing more then to move my face to cover the distance and envelope my tongue in her sweet juices.
“Wait”, Red said, giving my thigh a light tap as I heard the rustling of an unknown object, however, I was made very clear what this said object was once I felt her roll the condom onto my hot member.
As I had done all night, I never questioned Red’s actions. She had definitely treated me well up until now so I was putting my well being in the palms of her hands and it felt nice, very out of my comfort zone, but nice that I was no longer needing to think for five minutes in order to make a decision on something.
From my position, I wasn’t able to bend my neck down and get a good glimpse of what I was in for so I relied on the sounds and feeling of the bed dipping below me to drop me hints.
A few more movements on the mattress and then Red and the other girl were motionless as they whispered, to one another, some words I couldn’t make out.
“Yes”, I squeaked out as I felt a warm sensation looming above my cock.
“Eat her up then.”
I didn’t waste a second before my tongue licked a long strip up her, as I had guessed, very, very wet folds, as I felt my cock become enveloped in a warm heat as Red sunk her body down onto me in a tantalizingly slow motion.
Out of shock and pleasure, I moaned against the dark haired girls pussy as I gathered her wetness on the tip of my tongue and spread her juices all along her core, making her hips slightly flinch as she began to grinding herself against my mouth.
Red’s movements were still slow as she let out loud and high pitched moans every time she would move up and then slowly back down on my dick while my hands immediately reached out and grabbed her hips in my hands.
“Mmm I bet she tastes so good”, Red gasped, “I loved how sweet she tasted earlier.”
Is it bad that I loved how out of breath Red was? How much she was struggling to catch a few gulps of air simply because she was loving the feeling of me inside of her? Even though I was particularly busy leaving kitten licks and sucking mouth movements to the girl above me, I was still so deep in the pleasure of Red as her tightness was making it increasingly difficult not to reach my peak too soon.
I roughly dug my fingers into Red’s hips, attempting to get her to slow down or stop moving so that I could enjoy this for what it was and to its fullest potential, but she must’ve taken it the exact opposite way as she sped up her bouncing, making me absolutely lose it. The pleasure hit me like a heavy wind as I felt the current shoot through my body, making my head fall back against the mattress as my hips moved with Red while she bounced on top of me until my body stilled and my breathing began to even out.
Before I could even begin to scold myself for hitting my climax way too soon, Red was moving off of me with the same giggle she’d been wearing all night.
“Don’t get too comfy now, our friend hasn’t cum yet.”
I suddenly remembered the other body in the room that was hovering above my mouth and i’m sure she didn’t appreciate me stopping the pleasure I was giving her when my climax hit.
In one swift movement I lifted my hands up, one going to her hips to hold her in place, and the other began caressing her wetness as she flinched at my touch.
“I just wanted to make sure you were still sensitive..sorry.”
I heard the girl above me laugh a little as she brought a hand down to caress my hair, “You’re sweet, but right now I want you to be anything but sweet to me.”
Her words made me suck in a breath of air through my teeth as I felt the familiar ache returning to my deflating cock as the dark haired girl lowered her body down to my mouth, once more, except this time she didn’t give me time to let her body adjust to my tongue laving in her arousal. She took complete control as he kept her hands in my hair, slightly tugging, as she shamelessly grinded her folds onto my mouth and chin.
I moved both of my hands to her hips to assist in keeping her balanced as she used my mouth to hers and my liking. Deep moans were ripping from my mouth every time she let out a carefree and loud moan and I could tell she was nearing her end..but I wanted to try something first.
One of my hands moved to her backside, giving the skin a quick smack before I dived two of my fingers inside of her. God, she was dripping and she loved it, I could tell as she started to grind even faster as I plunged my fingers in and out of her heat. The feeling of her around my fingers and using me for the sole purpose of her to get off was driving me mad as I looked up at her and watched her face twist and turn and dive into pleasure as her climax hit her with a screeching moan. She truly looked beautiful as she brought her hand up to her hair, giving it a small tug to release some of the pleasure as her creased forehead began to relax again and her body stopped moving.
She looked down at me briefly with a grin just before lifting her leg over my face and plopping her body down onto the mattress so that we were laying parallel to one another. Our finger tips lightly grazed each other as she turned to rest her cheek on the bed and look at me.
“You’ve got a little something...”, suddenly her hand moved towards me as her thumb smoothed over my bottom lip and chin.
As she pulled her hand away from me, I saw the clear fluid on her thumb, just before she dipped it between her lips to taste herself, all the while maintaining eye contact with me.
I continued watching the dark haired girl just as Red crawled up the girls body, hovering above her as she looked at me.
“Now this seems a tad unfair doesn’t it?”
I wasn’t exactly sure what Red was talking about, but I still gave her my undivided attention as she, every now and again, pressed kisses to the other girls lips.
“You’ve both cum and I haven’t. Maybe we should fix that, but the problem is choosing which one of you gets to make me cum.”
If i could raise my hand and say ‘i volunteer’ and not have that be completely and utterly dorky and weird, I would have. I wanted nothing more then to make her a mess, just as I had with the other girl – just the thought was making the heat in my cock get warmer and warmer.
“No takers? Am I going to have to do it by myself?”
“I want to.”
Red maneuvered her body so it was resting between the two of us now as she laid on her side, facing me, while her finger traced up and down my chest.
“and how do you expect to make me cum?”
“Let me show you”, I rested my hand on her hip, making sure to leave a firm grip.
Red looked at me a little while, seeming to process whatever she was thinking about before she hiked her outer leg up so it rested on my hip, making her core be teasingly close to my growing erection.
“Your time to shine babe; show me what you got.”
Without skipping a beat, I removed my hand from her hip and moved it to my shaft as I began rubbing my tip all along her slick folds. Although I wasn’t fully erect again just yet, the feeling of her arousal and her little noises and hip thrusts were sure to get me where I needed to be so I could please her properly.
“You like that?”
“Mhmm”, Red hummed, falling into a vulnerable, more submissive, role as she relaxed and just let me pleasure her as I continued pressing my shaft into her core, without fully entering her.
Her red hair was so unruly as she had her eyes closed, lips parted, and deep pants coming from her mouth and I couldn’t keep my eyes off of the stunning women that I was working on it. Then my eyes flickered to the dark haired girl as she moved to a sitting position with her head and back resting against the wall at the top of my bed. Her legs were slightly parted as she watched us intently with a hand between her legs. She was shamelessly getting herself off to us and that only spurred me on even more as I pushed my tip into Red’s entrance, eliciting a silent, but open mouth reaction from her as I fully thrusted my hips into her, making her take me as deep as she could.
Instantly, I felt my cock become fully hard as her warmth and wetness covered me. I repeated the action, picking up the pace a bit, and then I began my assault. Mercilessly, I fucked her as fast and as hard as I wanted and she wasn’t complaining at all as her hand gripped my shoulder like her life depended on it. Her mouth was filthy; she was swearing with every moan that escaped her lipstick smeared pout, but my favorite was when she breathlessly whimpered in my ear and said, “you know exactly how to fuck a lady don’t you?”.
That did it. It really made my dominant side, that was often present anytime I was sexually active, come out as I pulled out of her and aggressively rolled her body so she was on all fours. I situated myself behind her and with zero warning, my hands went to her hips as I sharply thrusted into her, making her yelp as she scrunched up the sheets in her hands.
All the while, I was getting a great view of the dark haired girl as she continued pleasuring herself, this time adding two of her digits to the mix as she slowly penetrated herself over and over with her lip tucked into her teeth and her eyes boring into the actions me and Red were doing.
“Grab my hair”, I glanced towards red as she watched me with desperate, begging eyes and, at her request, I brought my hand up to her long red locks and gathered them into a ponytail in my hand as I yanked my arm back roughly, making her neck jerk backwards as she arched her back, letting a loud moan rip through her throat.
“Yeah you like that don’t you? You fucking slut.”
Soon as the words left my mouth, I knew Red was in for a brutal, brutal fucking that would leave her and I trembling. See, whenever I came into this dominance, I wasn’t stopping. Not until I got exactly what I wanted and how I wanted it. I was in control, no one else. The girls had their time to mess with me and treat me like their slave and I quite enjoyed it, but I also couldn’t wait to ruin the little red headed girl whimpering and clenching for me, not to mention, put on a great show for the dark haired girl with her legs spread wide and her fingers knuckle deep inside of her.
As my hips smacked against Red’s ass, I couldn’t help but tug just a little bit more…and a little bit more on her hair, until her back was flush against mine as she stood up on her knees with me still buried inside her. Instinctively, I moved my hand from her hair to wrap around her neck; feeling every gulp and breath she took underneath my palm as she continued leaving high pitched moans, letting me know that she wasn’t lasting much longer and neither was I.
“Are you going to let my cum inside you, huh?”
“Yes–yes please”
“Good girl”, I affectionately patted her hip before digging my fingers into her skin as I picked up my thrusts pace again, “and are you going to cum all over my cock?”
She nodded, unable to speak as our skin slapped together until I felt her tightly clench around me as weak moans left her lips while I loosened up my grip on her neck.
“Fuck, i’m cumming, fuck”, she sounded so needy and weak, like i’d wore her out just as intended. Just the noises she made, brought on my release as I spilled my arousal inside of her while the both of us grinded against each others bodies, riding out our highs.
“Shit”, I said, breathlessly, as my weak legs collapsed while my body flopped onto the mattress with Red doing the same.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were such a dom? I would’ve let you take the reigns a long time ago.”
I shrugged as I rolled the condom off and deposited it into a nearby trash can, “I wanted you to be in control. It was hot.”
Red and I enjoyed some light banter, until I heard a noise coming from the top of my bed. In my heat of the moment, I had completely forgotten about the dark haired girl who was a frazzled, horny mess right now. Loud moans ripped from her mouth as she furiously pounded two fingers deep inside of her and I could see her wetness dripping down from her swollen core.
“Can I help?”, She nodded at me, so eagerly, as I could tell she was close to her climax
Quickly, my body moved to rest between her legs as I moved her hands away and replaced her fingers with my own as I slowly pumped them inside of her, but I wasn’t planning on just using my fingers. No, I wanted to taste her again.
I wrapped my lips around her swollen pink nub and sucked as hard as I could, ignoring her clear over sensitivity, until she was a cumming mess. She grinded her body against my fingers as I let her ride out every ounce of pleasure she had built up, until her body slumped against my head board with a content sigh.
I dipped the two fingers into my mouth, clearing them of her arousal as I got situated in my bed. The sexual desire was fading and pure exhaustion was hitting me hard as my head hit my pillow that was next to the dark haired girl.
“Just a bit”, I said timidly just before closing my eyes.
“I’m going to use the bathroom”, the dark haired girl said as she made her way up and off the bed and traveled in the direction of my small bathroom.
Red didn’t waste time as she took the other girls place, curling up next to me in bed, but making sure not to cuddle her body up against mine.
“You don’t seem like the cuddling type or else I would totally spoon you right now.”
I laughed, “Yeah no cuddling please.”
“Whatever you say”, Red said as she draped my duvet over her naked and now bruised up body, “Sweat dreams sweet heart.”
Tagged: @amcquivey @rami-malek-trash @sassystrawberryk @siriuslovesmarlene @queen-rogerina-mercury
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The Royal Romance Deleted Scenes, Alternate Endings & Additions...Book 1, Ch. 16

These “deleted scenes”, alternate endings and additions are from The Royal Romance – a story written and owned by Pixelberry Studios. All main story character names and fictional places are owned and created by Pixelberry Studios. Some content belongs to Pixelberry, whereas the rest is created and written by this author.
Master List of Chapters
Book/Chapter: The Royal Romance, Book 1: Chapter 16: The Beaumont Bash (Alternate Ending) “One Last Hurrah”
Content Type: Alternate Ending
Pairing: Drake Walker x MC (Bragnae Bennett -- *pronounced Brawn-yah)
A/N: I fell in love with this series immediately, and I always envisioned more depth and experiences with the characters to make it more realistic. I had a lot of fun writing these “moments” that we didn’t get to see in the books, especially when giving Drake and the MC a lot more time together to show just how much they care about each other. These are NOT the full chapters from the book itself, rather they add to or expand upon certain moments in the story. I do apologize that they are scattered across the series, but I am working to fill in the moments in each chapter. I hope you enjoy what I’ve decided to add to this already amazing series, and stay tuned for more posts!
***These chapters set the foundation for my fanfic series The Royal Couple.
Warnings for deleted scenes, alternate endings and additions: Adult content, suggestive and strong language, sex, violence
Warnings for this chapter: Adult content, strong language
Word Count for this chapter: 4747
Setting for this chapter: The beginning of this chapter has references from @burnsoslow‘s “Quiet Hour” of what happened between Drake and the MC after Truth or Dare was over. It is the day after the Beaumont Bash, and Bragnae and her crew are looking for something normal and fun to do before Prince Gabriel’s coronation in a week. Let the karaoke begin!
Permatags: @burnsoslow @cora-nova @dcbbw
Bragnae rolled over to hug her pillow feeling the sunlight hit her eyelids. She slowly opened her eyes to glance at the clock on the nightstand reading 11:42 a.m. She gasped as she sat up quickly in her bed.
“I… what? I must’ve slept in!”
Just then Bragnae felt a pounding in her head, which caused her to slowly sink back down onto the pillow clutching her forehead.
“Oof. Maybe I’ll just lay here for a second more.” Bragnae closed her eyes trying to will the throbbing away.
As she tried to relax, she let her mind wander to the crazy events that transpired last night that led her to her current position.
I can’t believe I ran around the ballroom in my underwear. All in the name of Truth or Dare…well, for him. God, I’ll do anything just to catch his attention. How embarrassing. But…he does seem to enjoy when I make an effort to embarrass myself for his benefit no matter how silly it is. And he did kiss me back last night. Oh, his lips…they’re so soft. I could kiss him all day.
Bragnae smiled to herself remembering his hands touching her for the briefest of moments last night after he walked her back to her room.
He said that it was ‘the most incredible kiss’ he’s ever had. Bragnae grinned peacefully to herself as images of Drake flashed across her mind. I can’t wait to see him again. I need to see him again.
Thoughts of Drake motivated Bragnae to get out of bed despite her now dull headache. She got herself dressed, and took a few minutes to complete her morning routine before heading downstairs. On her way down, she saw a few members of the house staff plus Bertrand and Maxwell cleaning up last night’s mess.
“Hey, why’d nobody come get me?” She asked.
“You earned a day to sleep in,” Bertrand replied as he bent down to pick up another shard of glass from a broken Champagne bottle.
Bragnae was taken aback by his comment. “I… did?”
“We also thought it’d be better if we minimized the destruction from last night before you woke up,” Maxwell added.
“I could have helped you guys… You know that right?”
“We don’t want you wasting your energy when we’re heading into one of the most important events of our lives…” Bertrand said, waving Bragnae off.
“The Coronation Ball is next, and after last night, all eyes are going to be on you!” Maxwell said proudly.
Bertrand continued, “So, get what you sleep you can. It’s not long before we depart for the palace.”
Bertrand walked away toting a full bag of trash in one hand as he instructed the staff on their next steps. Realizing just how soon the Coronation Ball was, Bragnae started to panic internally.
I knew this was coming, but I didn’t realize just how soon it was. I’m not ready for it. I need more time. I need to see Drake. But maybe also Gabriel? I just need to do something with them that’s normal for once. Like regular people. Maybe Maxwell would want to go, and Hana. But what could we do?
“Hey, Maxwell.”
“What’s up?” He asked as he continued to sweep.
“I was thinking we could all go out tonight to do something fun… you know, for old time’s sake before Gabriel’s Coronation? Before things get crazy for all of us. Not that last night wasn’t fun, but I was thinking about something more ordinary than, say, riding horses in the house and breaking open champagne bottles with swords.”
Maxwell abruptly stopped sweeping dropping his broom to the floor as he raced over to Bragnae who was still standing on the stairs.
“Bragnae, you’re a genius! I’ve been dying to check out this new place here in Ramsford. It’s a karaoke bar and dance club all in one! You know, I’m always ready for a party.”
“Do you think Gabriel, Drake and Hana would want to go?”
“Go where?” Hana asked, rubbing her eyes as she descended the stairs toward them.
“Morning Sleepyhead!” Maxwell practically screamed.
“I haven’t slept in like that in a very long time,” she said stifling a yawn.
“Maxwell and I were just discussing going out tonight to a karaoke and dance club. Do you want to go?” Bragnae asked.
Come on, Hana. Say ‘yes’.
“Sure! I’m well-rested, and I’d love to try karaoke! I’ve never done it before, but I’ve always wanted to.”
“Well, apparently this weekend is full of ‘firsts’ for you! Maxwell, where are the guys? We need to see if –”
Before Bragnae could finish her sentence, Maxwell was already speaking to Gabriel on the phone.
“… Yeah. So, do you want to go?… Of course, Bragnae’s going. It was basically her idea. Ask Drake if he’ll come too... Oh, come on! He has to sing! … Okay, fine. As long as he comes. Let’s all meet up here, and go together. Okay, see you then.”
“So, what’s the verdict?” Bragnae asked, trying to restrain her excitement.
“They’re in! It’s going to be one awesome night! Oh my God, what am I going to wear? What are you going to wear?” Maxwell asked. “Let’s go pick out our outfits, ladies!”
The three of them walked briskly to the boutique leaving Maxwell’s half swept mess on the floor behind them. The girls immediately walked over to the rack of dresses as Maxwell flipped through countless shirts occasionally tossing some to the floor with a look of disgust.
“So, what kind of look are we going for at a Karaoke Bar?” Hana asked, waiting to be inspired by the perfect dress.
“We definitely need something that will stand out. We’re going to be on stage singing in front of people, so we need an outfit that looks great against the lights that will be on us,” Bragnae said as she slid more hangers across the rack.
“Glitter and sequence, ladies. It’s all about the sparkle!” Maxwell called over his shoulder.
Hmmm… what am I going to wear? I want something with color. I wonder which one Drake would like. Should I ask Maxwell what his favorite color is? No. That’s too obvious. I’m sure he’ll like whatever I pick out.
“I’ve got it!” Hana exclaimed, holding up a hot pink dress with rhinestones delicately placed in a starburst pattern. It had spaghetti straps and the front was cut low… lower than Bragnae thought Hana would choose to wear.
“That’s perfect, Hana! Go try it on!” Maxwell suggested.
Damn it. What am I going to wear?
“Hey, Princess-to-be. I think I found what you’re looking for,” Maxwell said, dangling a dress in front of him.
Bragnae turned around and her eyes grew wide. “Maxwell! That’s it! How do you always manage to find the perfect outfit for me?” She ran over to him grabbing the dress and headed for a changing room.
This is definitely going to turn some heads.
Bragnae took off her clothes and slipped on the dress Maxwell found. It had a plunging, cowl neckline held up by a halter strap, which allowed only a hint of her cleavage to show in the center of her chest. The back was completely open, and the rest of the dress hugged her curves nicely. Perhaps the best part that made this dress stand out was its green and blue gradient sequin design. She watched the dress change colors against the light as she rotated her body back and forth in the mirror.
“I want to see too, Bragnae!” Maxwell cried.
“Yes! Come see mine as well!” Hana added.
Bragnae stepped out of the changing room strutting like she was on a runway in Paris.
“Woohoo! That’s what I’m talking about! Get it, girl!” Maxwell called out.
“Bragnae, that’s beautiful!”
“So is yours, Hana! We’re going to light this club on fire!” Bragnae said confidently.
Maxwell held a deep red button up shirt against himself. “This is what I’m wearing. Talk about fire. It’s going to be an inferno up in there! I may even keep the top few buttons undone.”
“Oooh, scandalous!” Hana said.
A few hours later, Bragnae and Hana were in Bragnae’s room getting ready for the night. Hana chose to straighten her hair completely for a more edgy look, whereas Bragnae added a soft curl to hers to provide more volume against her already form-fitted outfit. They began applying their make-up, already dressed.
“You want to be bold and dramatic, Hana. Don’t be afraid to go outside your comfort zone. Here. Add some wings to your eyes with the eyeliner like this.” Bragnae turned her attention away from the mirror, and faced Hana closing her eyelids to display her own design.
“That’s so pretty! I’ve never worn gray and black eye shadow before. My mother always told me to stay with neutral tones as to not offend the eye of a potential suitor. It’s not too much, is it?”
“That’s called the smoky look, and no, it’s not too much. It’s exactly what you need for a night out like this,” Bragnae reassured her.
The girls finished with their make-up, spritzed perfume on their bodies and slipped on their black high heels. With a final look in the mirror, they headed downstairs to meet the guys in the foyer. Bragnae couldn’t help but feel a twinge of nervousness like she was meeting Drake for a date. She hoped he liked how she looked, and couldn’t wait to see him. Maxwell, Gabriel and Drake were standing near the front door talking when the girls began their decent down the stairs.
Maxwell stood facing the stairs in his deep red shirt with his collar popped, and a few buttons undone at the top as promised, along with black slacks. Gabriel and Drake also wore button up shirts, but Drake had rolled his sleeves up to his elbows. Gabriel’s was a steel blue color, which complimented his eyes, and looked great with his hair. Drake’s was black, a color Bragnae had not often seen him in. He completed his look with a pair of dark jeans, which he wore very well. Drake stood with his back to the stairs, keeping his face out of Bragnae’s view much to her disappointment.
“Damn, ladies! Check you out!” Maxwell said, looking up at them.
Gabriel turned his head to the right, and Drake slowly turned around to face Hana and Bragnae.
“You ladies look beautiful tonight,” Gabriel marveled.
“They’re gorgeous!” Maxwell added.
“Oh, you guys! Stop it!” Hana playfully dismissed.
Drake stayed silent as he clenched his jaw and swallowed hard keeping his eyes on Bragnae. When her eyes met his, she felt a little weak in the knees, so she gripped the railing tighter as she continued to walk down the steps. Bragnae felt her heart flutter as her breathing increased slightly. She wanted nothing more than to run into his arms and kiss him for the rest of the night. Bragnae realized she had not looked away from Drake this whole time, so she decided to divert her attention to the others to avoid suspicion. She looked towards Gabriel who had a big smile on his face. He stepped forward to offer her a hand as she took her last step off the stairs.
“Thank you, Gabriel. You look nice.”
“Thank you, but nothing rivals the way you…and Hana look tonight,” he replied.
Bragnae turned to Drake and smiled. “Drake, I’ve never seen you in that shirt before. Is it new?”
“Nah. This is Maxwell’s. He made me wear it tonight,” he said, almost curtly. His eyes still focused on Bragnae and his body rigid.
“Well, it looks good on you.”
“Let’s go, guys!” Maxwell shouted as he threw the double doors open and walked out to the limo waiting outside.
“After you,” Drake offered.
What a polite and subtle way to check me out, Drake. Good one.
Knowing his eyes were most likely on her backside, Bragnae added an extra sexy strut to her step as she followed the others out the door. They piled into the limo and soon they arrived at the club.
“Alright, everyone. I called ahead, and got us the VIP table in the back. It includes drinks all night!” Maxwell stated.
The group sat down around the table as the waiter came over to collect their drink orders and place glittery plastic VIP bracelets around their wrists. Maxwell ran off almost immediately toward the stage and returned just as quickly with a large binder, a pen and a couple pieces of paper. Bragnae found herself seated in between Drake and Gabriel with Hana and Maxwell across from her. Maxwell flipped rigorously through the binder until he suddenly stopped and his eyes lit up.
“Oh! That’s the one!” He said as he lowered his head toward the table covering his paper with one hand writing his selection down secretly.
“What are you going to sing?” Hana asked him.
“You’ll just have to wait and see,” he replied turning his paper over on the table.
“Bragnae, do you know what you’d like to sing? I’m looking forward to hearing your beautiful voice again,” Gabriel said, smiling at her.
Drake looked over at her. “You sing, Bennett?”
“Yes, I do,” she replied proudly.
“Are you any good?” He asked.
“I guess you’ll have to be the judge of that,” she said with a wink. “I’m not sure what I want to sing yet. Maxwell, pass me the binder.”
Taking the massive binder from him, she began to flip through the seemingly endless pages. With some songs standing out, she still felt they weren’t quite right. Drake moved his leg slightly under the table brushing against hers, which made Bragnae lose all train of thought. The slightest touch from him wreaked havoc on her mind and body. She stared at the binder trying hard to steal a peripheral glance at Drake without making it obvious.
“You could sing Empire State by Alicia Keys. And ooh! I can rap Jay-Z’s part!” Maxwell offered with enthusiasm.
She smiled at him and resumed her search through the binder before seeing it. This was it. The song she would sing. It was perfect. Bragnae quickly closed the binder, and grabbed a piece of paper writing her name, song title and the artist on it.
“Do we get to know what you chose?” Hana asked.
“Like Maxwell, I too shall keep it a surprise,” she said pressing the paper to her chest.
While Maxwell and Gabriel helped Hana pick out a song to sing, the waiter dropped off their first round of drinks.
“A martini, huh Bennett?” Drake inquired.
“A dirty martini. I love them. Plus, I think I’m going to need the vodka to calm my nerves. Stage-fright sucks. I see you’re staying well within your whiskey comfort zone.”
“Why mess with a good thing, Bennett?” Drake smirked as he took a drink.
With their selections given to the DJ, the group passed the time talking about the past week’s events until the lights in the club dimmed, and the DJ began speaking.
“Good evening ladies and gentleman! Who’s ready to get this party started? Our first guest who will be singing tonight is Maxwell, A.K.A ‘M-Dizzle’ delighting us with Gansta’s Paradise by Coolio. M-Dizzle, come on up!”
Maxwell hurried up to the stage transforming his face to a hard, determined look. The signature 90’s beat Bragnae knew all too well hit the sound system as the crowd cheered.
“Wooooo! Maxwell!!!!” Hana yelled.
Maxwell rolled right into the song impressively rapping every verse, and loving every minute of it. When the chorus hit, Maxwell threw his arm in the air waving it back and forth to the beat causing the audience to do the same. His presence was commanding, and he shined on stage. He was truly in his element.
♪ Fool, death ain't nothin' but a heartbeat away – I'm livin' life do or die, what can I say? – I'm 23 now but will I live to see 24? – The way things is going I don't know ♪
“That’s for sure,” Drake said chuckling.
Bragnae moved slowly to the beat in her seat mouthing every word along with Maxwell.
♪ We keep spending most our lives – Livin' in a gangsta's paradise – Tell me why are we so blind to see – That the ones we hurt are you and me? ♪
As the song came to a close, the crowd cheered even more chanting his name. He dropped the microphone and ran into the audience high-fiving and fist bumping anyone in his path before returning to the table breathless.
“Maxwell! That was amazing!” Hana screamed.
“I loved that song so much growing up, and now I love it even more! You nailed it!” Bragnae said offering him a high-five.
“Thanks guys. That’s felt incredible! I need a drink!”
Drake shook his head while smiling at Maxwell as Gabriel patted him on the back. A few other patrons got up on stage as the group continued talking, laughing and having a good time.
“Hana, you’ll be fine. Just go up there with confidence, and you’ll kill it!” Maxwell encouraged.
Drake excused himself from the table as Bragnae turned towards Gabriel.
“So, Your Highness, will you be gracing us with your singing talent tonight?” She asked.
Gabriel chuckled. “No, I came for the entertainment. Truth be told, I’m really looking forward to your turn up there in the lights.” He smiled at her with a bit of heat in his eyes. “I have no doubts you’ll blow us all away.”
“You sure are putting me on a high pedestal. I hope I can meet your expectations.”
“As a woman of many talents, I think you deserve that high pedestal,” he said with a wink.
With the current singer stepping off the stage, the DJ spoke again. “And next, we’d like to welcome Bragnae to the stage who will be singing Christina Aguilera’s Bound to You.
Her friends cheered her on as she made her way to the stage feeling butterflies in her stomach with each step. She reached the stage and stepped up to the microphone, which she decided to keep on its stand throughout her performance. She adjusted its height, and braced herself. The music began and she took a deep breath…
Drake heard soft music starting to play as he returned to the table noticing Bragnae wasn’t in her seat.
“Where’s Bennett?” He asked the group.
Gabriel nodded his head in the direction of the stage as Drake heard an angelic voice come across the microphone.
♪ Sweet love, sweet love – Trapped in your love – I've opened up, unsure I can trust – My heart and I were buried in dust – Free me, free us ♪
Drake was instantly mesmerized by Bragnae’s voice as he stood there watching the most beautiful sound come out of the amazing woman he knew standing on stage. As she continued, he slowly sank into his seat listening to her as every word she sang felt like it touched his soul.
♪ You're all I need when I'm holding you tight – If you walk away I will suffer tonight ♪
♪ I found a man I can trust – And boy, I believe in us – I am terrified to love for the first time – Can't you see that I'm bound in chains? – I finally found my way – I am bound to you – I am bound to you ♪
Drake was frozen in place. As far as he was concerned, he was the only one in the audience, and she was singing just for him. That voice. It’s amazing. She’s amazing.
♪ So much, so young, I've faced on my own – Walls I built up became my home – I'm strong and I'm sure there's a fire in us – Sweet love, so pure ♪
♪ I catch my breath we're just one beating heart – And I brace myself, please don't tear this apart ♪
As Bragnae came to the chorus again, Drake couldn’t help but think this song was chosen on purpose. She sang it with such passion, and it felt like it was coming from her heart. Is she singing this for me? No. It can’t be. Maybe it’s for Gabriel. But the words. It makes sense for me and Bragnae.
♪ Suddenly the moment's here – I embrace my fears – All that I have been carrying all these years – Do I risk it all, come this far just to fall, fall? ♪
That last word led Bragnae to crescendo into a loud and powerful note sending a chill throughout Drake’s body. He watched in amazement as she closed her eyes singing the next verse with conviction.
♪ Oh, I can trust – And boy, I believe in us ♪
Shit. She’s looking right at me. Oh my god. She’s not looking away.
♪ I am terrified to love for the first time – Can't you see that I'm bound in chains – And finally found my way – I am bound to you ♪
As the intensity of the song grew, Drake stopped breathing watching her, listening. Breaking her gaze for just a moment to summon the final notes of the song, she looked at him once more.
♪ I am – Ooh, I am – I'm bound to you ♪
As Bragnae finished singing the last word of the song, the lights faded off her as the crowd erupted into a thunderous applause. Hana, Maxwell and Gabriel stood to give her a standing ovation, but Drake couldn’t move. He finally let out the breath he’d been holding as he watched her exit the stage. Realizing he was the only schmuck not clapping for her, he snapped out of his temporary paralysis, and stood to join the others clapping. Bragnae joined everyone at the table receiving a hug from Hana as Maxwell playfully bowed down in front of her reveling in her stellar performance. Gabriel pulled her into an embrace as Drake watched him whisper something into her ear. She pulled back and smiled at him.
What was that about? Stop. He’s probably just telling her how amazing she was. Because she was. But look at her smile at him. Maybe she was singing it for him. But those words…it made sense for me. Maybe I want it to make sense for me, and she’s just singing a damn song. Ugh, I don’t fucking know.
The crowd was still clapping and cheering for her. Bragnae made her way over to her seat and smiled at Drake as she sat down. He joined her as he trembled slightly trying to think of something to say.
Speak. Say something, you idiot. Anything. Tell her she killed it, tell her she’s amazing. SOMETHING.
“Wow, Bennett. Didn’t peg you as a Christina Aguilera fan.”
Okay, that was dumb. Say something better. Why can’t you say something nice to her? Fucking give her a compliment!
“Uh… I meant to say, that was, uh… pretty incredible.”
She smiled at him and touched his shoulder. “Thanks Drake.”
He melted at her touch as he watched her turn to the others and graciously accept their endless praise. Shortly after, she excused herself from the table and headed back toward the restrooms. Drake finished off his whiskey trying to shake himself loose of the trance he couldn’t get away from.
“She slayed up there! I’m still freaking out about it!” Maxwell went on. “Who knew our little Bragnae was a master vocalist? We should start a musical group. We could sing and dance, and go on tour!”
As the others went on about Maxwell’s day dream of starting a band, Drake felt himself watching the hallway that led to the restrooms waiting for her to return. He wanted to look at her and never stop. He wanted to hold her and gaze into her eyes and tell her how much that song meant to him. He wanted to kiss her. God, he wanted to kiss her. He was enraptured. He didn’t care if anyone saw him do it either. If that song was truly about him, for him, then he wanted to know for sure. Finally, Bragnae emerged from the hallway, but headed to the bar instead of returning to the table. Drake took this opportunity to join her.
“Time for another drink. Anybody want anything?” He asked the group, hoping they’d all say no, so he could get to the bar as quickly as possible.
“I’m good, thanks,” Hana replied.
“I’ll take another Manhattan, Drake,” Gabriel announced.
“Could you get me a large water with lots of ice?” Maxwell requested. What the fuck, Maxwell?
“Yeah… Be right back.” Drake spoke with little energy as his attention was still on Bragnae.
He made his way over to where Bragnae was standing. She was leaning into the bar with one foot balancing on the foot rail beneath it. He asked the bartender to fill his drink orders, and turned to Bragnae with a smile.
“You know, you really were incredible up there. I’ve never heard a more beautiful voice in my entire life.”
She smiled the biggest smile he’d ever seen on her. “Thanks Drake. That really means a lot. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Singing is one of my favorite things to do.”
“So, I was wondering… what made you pick that song out of all of them?”
Drake watched as Bragnae looked down at the bar pausing to come up with her response. “It’s one of my favorite songs to sing. I can really showcase my talent with that one.”
“Oh, well… you certainly did that. I think you blew the roof off this joint with everyone’s cheers.”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
Come on, Drake. Just ask her.
Drake mustered up all of his confidence. “You sang with a lot of passion behind your words. It seems as if you might have picked that song to relay a message to someone.” He looked her in the eyes so intensely that he saw her draw in a sharp breath before she spoke.
“Well, Drake… did you feel that it was a message to someone?” She spoke now playfully, but also with a hint of seriousness.
“Yeah, I did.”
“Then maybe you should trust your instinct.”
Damn, this woman is so elusive with her words sometimes. Just tell me it was about me, so I can pick you up and take you out of here.
Bragnae leaned in closer to him placing her hand on his arm. Their faces just inches apart. “I’m bound to you, Drake.”
Oh my God. It was about me. Holy shit.
“Bennett, I –” Drake began.
Just then the bartender placed the drinks they ordered in front of them breaking their attention on each other.
“Come on, let’s join the others,” Bragnae said, grabbing half the drinks as Drake took the others.
They returned to the table and distributed the drinks just as the DJ called Hana up to the stage.
Hana picked up the microphone and sang Dolly Parton’s Jolene as if she’d been singing country music her entire life. The group cheered her on as she finished strong, earning loud praise from the audience.
“Well, guys, I think it’s time we head back to the estate,” Gabriel suggested.
He’s always the party pooper. Can’t he just rebel and stay out late like any normal guy? He’s not normal, asshole. He’s the Prince. Give him a break. God, you’re such a dick.
As they made their way to the doors, Hana, Maxwell and Gabriel walked outside and got in the limo. Drake was about to walk through the door himself when he felt his arm getting tugged hard. Bragnae pulled him back inside and up against a wall near the entrance. It was dark and secluded in that space, and she had him pinned. Without speaking, Bragnae reached up and gave Drake a searing kiss grabbing his sides as he kissed her back. He held her face with both hands and deepened the kiss. All too soon, she pulled away from him slowly and breathless.
“Shall we go?” She asked looking up at him.
Drake nodded as she had removed all words from his body. He only wanted her and to keep doing that. Reluctantly, she walked out of the club as he followed her. They got in the limo and made their way back to the Beaumont Estate.
Drake savored the ride back stealing glances at Bragnae, as he knew his time with her as a single woman was coming to an end with Gabriel’s coronation happening next.
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Hey Maybach. Your long response was great. Thank you for putting thought and time into this blog. Could you elaborate on the problems unique to Princeton mentioned in the following section?“Are there problems that are unique to Princeton even if it’s only 10% of its total problems? Yes. And pre-frosh should be aware of them and I’m happy to talk about them.”-a different 2023 prefrosh
Thanks for stopping by. Sorry, it took me a week to get to this, I just had a lot of other things I also needed to take care of in addition to answering the questions before you.
As I’ve stated previously, most of the concerns students have at this school are largely similar to the concerns students have at all other elite schools (whether they know it or not). However, one issue that I think Princeton has that is uniquely “strong” is a cultural preoccupation with prestige primarily through the lens of exclusivity and image. By this, I mean that the campus seems to foster this idea within students that they need to be constantly in the most visible and public elite and selective positions. This somehow permeates all throughout almost all aspects of student life whether it be in performing groups, clubs, work experience, academics, etc. I’ve talked to ivy league students from pretty much all the schools and this last point of this obsession with prestige in almost all facets of the student experience is what is uniquely problematic. For example, while people contemplating self-harm due to not gaining entrance to a social club is not unique (frats and sororities at Dartmouth and Vanderbilt have the analogous issue), what is unique is that this idea of NEEDING to be in these exclusive circles outside of just one particular area is what I find particularly troubling. I can’t tell you how many people come here and they have a passion. Just to give you an easy story, I know a person who was good at playing their instrument and tried out for “performing group x” (avoiding specifics here), but she didn’t get in (they accepted like 3 out of 100 applicants). Now because group x is the most “prestigious” and special group on campus this person lost motivation to practice their instrument because performing group y (the second best group) is not “good enough” to warrant spending time on when Princeton already makes us so busy. As a result, this horrible recursive loop happens where people no longer want to put effort into their passions and the next time they apply they do even worse because of this. There’s a culture of not being able to let go and just do things for the sake of fun or enjoyment. Same thing with internships. “I’m only making $15,000 next summer, but someone I know is making $20k at a company with better name recognition.” People just can’t stop comparing themselves to each other and constantly forming a culture and system of exclusivity based on trying to define as many of our interactions in this sense (whether consciously or unconsciously). Even more ridiculous is that people often base comparisons off of faulty data sources such as social media, which only strengthens feelings of inferiority. I actually read a really good article in the Daily Prince a while ago that was something like “you won the Princeton lottery, now play again to get into exclusive clubs” or something like that. Pretty much it was just talking about just this issue in a better way than I’m describing and how people who just want to do say “good” stand-up comedy vie for like 2 spots with 100 people applying and it creates this terrible binary huge win or huge loss, nothing in-between culture. However, I would like to state 2 big notes about this issue. While it is a problem, luckily it is not competitive between students, only from within. In other words, it’s not like people will go out of their way to denigrate people in less “prestigious” groups and people aren’t cutthroat about it generally. Secondly, there are still a number of people who literally give NO attention to any of this nonsense. They are the minority, but it’s certainly possible to ignore all of this and just be part of casual stuff. For example, there are now numerous clubs on campus that are non-audition based and allow people to put in as much effort as they want.
Another unique problem, I think we have is an excessive academic system at times. However, I think this issue is becoming less and less a problem year after year and certainly was not big enough of a factor to make my experience here bad. As previously stated, grade deflation was quite a bad system, but grades are now reaching all-time highs and the average GPA of each new class is significantly higher than the last. Another old systematic problem was the calendar, which I loathed, which put breaks before finals. This encouraged people to work super hard during the time for family in order to “beat” the kids who didn’t study on Christmas Day to do well in intro classes. It was horrendous and hearing stories of CS kids spending 80 hours on an assignment over the break and still not finishing was just terrible. Luckily, you will not have to deal with this though lol. Our academics were also too rushed with the old calendar and material moved SUPER fast. It’s still pretty fast, but that is expected. However, overall, I would say that Princeton is probably harder and more rigorous than most of our peers. I’ve taken courses abroad and at NYU, and for sure the standard was noticeably lower. I will say though that I learned more at Princeton as a result though. However, for some people, it’s too much and they feel overburdened by our system’s rigor and of course the independent research process. If you hate the idea of research and don’t change this perspective by your second year of college here, I can imagine that your academic life would be quite stressful.
The last major unique issue I think Princeton is a little bit too uptight at times. What do I mean by this? It’s probably a combination of the academic system, modern age, and students’ own egos, but the culture is sometimes not chill enough for my liking. For me, I’ve had to make my experience chill and more relaxed at times and it can suck when friends around you are just stressed out and don’t want to also make time to just you know… have fun. Have people forgotten about that concept? (joke) This is a bubble and at times that is problematic because like I said before, everyone has no sense of comparable reality and thinks they need to be overloaded with work. Obviously, it doesn’t apply to everyone (case and point me), but it’s still worse than most of our peers I think (except Columbia and University of Chicago and a few others that are totally insane). It’s shocking for me sometimes how “in the zone” people are and totally overfocused on their classes, a particular club, and getting an internship. I remember I told someone “did you hear the big news?” in reference to North Korea last year and the person replied “Yeah I know! It’s crazy! my math exam got rescheduled.” People seem to have commitment problems as a result of being super busy. LDR’s are rarer than leprechauns compared to other universities and people just seem to not prioritize things like maintaining familiar and friend relationships enough. This is not to say this isn’t a problem at other universities, but just a little worse here.
Anyway, so I hope you got something out of my candid answers. To be honest, it was hard coming up with unique problems. Only the first one I listed is REALLY unique. The other two are just noticeably a little worse than at the “average” elite school. So don’t think that by going to say Columbia over us is going to make your academic life way easier. Trust me, it won’t.
Edit. I forgot to add one more thing because I personally don’t consider it a “problem” lol. But I thought I’d be fair and put it in. Princeton is uniquely anti-drug compared to other universities. I’ve pretty much never seen weed here (except at Terrace after 2am when all the other clubs close) and hard drugs are extraordinarily rare. Compare this to say Berkeley or Brown and it’s like comparing night and day. We also actually punish students who openly use things like marijuana in their dorms and students have been turned over to the police and/or expelled for infractions such as this. Simple and to the point, we don’t have a very heavy drug culture. People still do them, but generally in more secret and secluded places like a private eating club, Poe field, etc. Now, I don’t consider this a “problem”, but if in the spirit of total transparency, those of you pre-frosh who like the kush ought to know this haha.
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two people. one hurt, and the other was trying. without anything such as clarity, their love went straight undefined. Nalu AU.
“I love you,”
she said.
“I love you so much,”
she smiled.
One year ago, she came unannounced, uninvited, like the orange sunlight in the afternoon at 2 p.m. past the window and through the drapes, and along with her, unexpectedly, came security. But she brought more than security and offered it to me with great generosity. Once, I thought, she was a nuisance. A complete moron with too much free time and a big nose to butt into my–
“You know, you can tell me if you want. I’m all ears.”
“And unlike some people, I do know how to shut my mouth.”
Why do you care?
“It might be forward of me, but you might as well try it out.”
I don’t even know you.
“While you still be able to be honest with yourself.”
Why you look–
“By the way, I’m Lucy.”
Lucy. Lucy. That was all I knew about her. Except the fact that she had this temper, liked sweet things, able to gulp down two bowls of udon alone and stayed slim especially around the belly, and she had a sweet, sweet smile and understanding glances. She was bright. Her blonde hair made it so. And if I were to compare myself with her, I would like to say that I was the shadow of her light, despite my salmon pink hair. She was deep, passionate, and positive. Maybe not always, but 8-% of her was made of positive energy, 5% negative, and 15% neutral somewhere-in-between. And it seemed like her energy was powered completely by the sun. Eco-friendly, I once commented and earned myself a sweet, sweet laugh from her.
She blended perfectly in my dark room. Often she would pull the dusty drapes and pushed the window open to make it a little bit less dark. A little bit less dreary. She glowed, smiled, and told me to open the window as often as I could remember for the sake of air circulation. Maybe it wasn’t that. Maybe it was meant for me. To see the world as a bright place. While she knew I could hardly done that, she always tried it nevertheless. But she didn’t force it to me. She always understood. She was patient.
I like to touch her. Her slender fingers, her soft hair, her arm. I like how she always let me did that and I was careful not to go further. I was capable of hurting her, I knew it. But I didn’t want to. Even though I knew she would forgive me, but I didn’t want to disappoint her.
I didn’t want to lose her.
“What are we?”
What do you mean?
“Are we friends? Or lover? Or somewhere in-between?”
It’s up to you to decide. I’m fine with whatever you choose.
“I love you.”
I... love you too.
“Does that make us a lover?”
I’m not sure.
“Me, too.”
I’m sorry, Luce.
“Don’t be, Natsu.”
She was so high above me. I learned it one day as I accessed Instagram (she made me one and had my account followed hers immediately) and saw her post in which she became a princess. Literally a princess. Luxurious gown, a string of gemstone around her neck and on her ears, high class dining. It was pictured that she was having her birthday party with her friends.
Why she bothers befriend a scum like me?
It was her birthday. Yet she never told me that. Maybe I was delirious, but I found it as an opportunity to celebrate with her. I quickly ordered a pizza with extra cheese just as she liked and cola. Though, the pizza hadn’t arrived yet, there was a familiar knock on my door. Lucy was there, yet there was something missing. She didn’t bring those positive and sunny vibe with her. It was as if it was lost somewhere when she made her way here.
She was silent. Like a waning moon, covered by drifting clouds. I had never seen her like this before. Her rigid posture was something she never had when she was with me. She was always relaxed, open, even though she was guarding her personal information. Yet now she was as rigid as statue and reclusive.
“Lucy,” I called. There was no response. “I’m sorry, but you can kick me if you don’t like it.”
A hug. I had never realized it before but she was so small. So small. She squirmed but didn’t try to break free. Her posture began to relax and there was a muffled sob. She was hurt. Somewhere. But I couldn’t make her talk it out. I knew nothing of her wound. All I know that she was hurting. Just like me. And I was trying to help her gathering every fragment that was lost. Just like what she did to me.
So we are the same.
“I love you.”
Why would you love me?
“I don’t know. I just did.”
I don’t want to hurt you.
Because all I could do was causing wound to people. I was good at that. Maybe I had hurt her before, but she never showed anything. She was like a saint, but she wasn’t perfect. But, to me, she was perfect. But she wasn’t meant for me, and even if I yearned for her, I knew better than letting myself have her. I didn’t want to break her. I didn’t want to show her my ugly side.
“You’ll never hurt me.”
You don’t know what I’m capable of.
“Maybe I don’t, but I believe you.”
“And I love you.”
..I love you too.
I love her. Her smile, her voice, her laugh, her scent, her glance. And she loved me. But we weren’t lovers. We weren’t friends, either. We were somewhere in-between. One step ahead of friends, one step behind of lovers. We were at the gray zone. And we were both content with it.
Maybe I was obsessed with her, maybe she was infatuated with me, maybe we both yearned for each other. A hug was nothing new, kissing became a routine, and sex… we both agreed not to go somewhere near that. A silent agreement. I knew she was reluctant because she wanted to do it with someone she would spend her life with. And me, I didn’t want to make it as a coping mechanism. Because I knew I would be addicted to it, because I knew I wouldn’t be able to let her go. Because I knew I would force her to stay with me.
The love between us is something ambiguous. But neither of us wanted to define it. Neither of us wanted to go further or step back from it. We were content of it.
For now.
I thought that I will be fine with anyone, with just anyone else. But I was wrong.
I need you.
Yes, you.
She smiled, a sad smile.
I’m sorry for having to put up with a depressed person like me.
Her smile faded.
Her eyes found mine.
I’m sorry for loving you.
And warm. Warm. A big hug.
“You crybaby.”
Her voice muffled, reverberating through my chest. I wasn’t crying. Why did she call me that?
Don’t cry, Luce.
“At least let me cry for you. You aren’t going to do it, anyway.”
And many, many moment between us lost in the time as we took everything for granted. When we lost it, we didn’t even bother think about it. I thought that we would be able to do more next time, to create more memories and I thought that it would forever be burned into my mind. Thus, as she leaned against me chest and my arms around her, nose smelling the scent of sun left on her hair, I asked her:
What are you gonna do if I have been in love with you all this time?
And she tilted her head.
“That should be my line.”
“Because you’ve been loving me all this time.”
Her hand found mine.
“But me, the love I gave you is…”
A lie?
She gasped, turning toward me, eyes wide in astonishment.
“No! I would never lie to you! It just…”
It’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it.
"No, I’m just trying to say that.. for someone like me… to love you that way is…"
She sighed. I released the breathe I didn’t know I was holding. Tough topic. But she wasn’t going to back down from it.
“I’m afraid of falling, Natsu. Falling to you too hard, too deep, and only to find it a delusion.”
’You know, I think we should put an end to all of this.’
That sentence had been swirling around my head since the past four days. Since the last time she came here, since she told me her fear. I couldn’t chase away her fear, and even if I wanted to, it would have the need for us to act as a lover.
What good would it bring when her love to me was strained and my love to her was a coping mechanism?
“Thank you,”
she whispers.
“Thank you for all these times, for knowing me, for accepting me, for loving me. I’m glad I met you, know you, loving you. And then,”
she cries–
“Goodbye, Natsu.”
Just like the sunlight in the daybreak, she wasn’t all sunny. Waning, out of reach.
Goodbye, Lucy.
–and she disappears.
a/n: A Tale from Thelua is on hiatus, but I will be back around Christmas! thank you for reading and being so patient with me :”)
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Casino Nightmares Zone
Hey there, lungfish. Since we're all caught up with the regular pony comics and finally finished that one miniseries, why not start on the next miniseries? I promise you this one is really cool. (Not that Ponyville Mysteries was bad or anything. This one's just really cool~)
I mean, just look at this cover:
Small confession, I got a later printing of this series, so I have cover B instead of this one. But I have to show you cover A, because it sets up the rest of the miniseries so well. First impressions are important, and if the first thing I showed you was Casino Nights Princess Luna, you wouldn't take my word for the coolness stated in the opening bit. And, I mean, look at this cover. It's very cinematic. Who could those silhouettes be, I wonder? It's very mysterious, isn't it~? But yeah: Luna is the focus character of this miniseries, and that's awesome. Anyways, good cover, great poster.
For spoilers sake, I'd say you need to have seen the movie, the season 7 finale, and the two-issue series on Tempest Shadow's backstory. If you haven't seen the latter, I reviewed it previously~
So we open in an unexpected location: Twilight's dreams. Luna is doing her usual rounds, and admits she sometimes comes to Twilight's dreams as a comfort. Twilight dreams about menial alphabetising her library, and the simplicity is relaxing. However, she can't stay here all night. She briefly helps Applebloom solve a nightmare about dividing her time between friends and family, then moves on to one she admits is much tougher: Stygian and his fears of being the Pony of Shadows. Even the memory of Luna's past self is passed out on the ground here. Is that how it happened? This is a good question because suddenly the Pony of Shadows starts addressing Luna directly. Not memory-Luna, the actual real Luna who is visiting the dream.
This shouldn't be possible, of course, because this is Stygian's dream. It seems this is not our Pony of Shadows, but one from another world. In their world, he was defeated, but he shows them what happened in his world. He takes Celestia and traps her in a slave collar, announcing he plans to corrupt her and create a world-breaker. He taunts them, saying they can stop him just by looking in a mirror, and disappears into the aether with a sobbing Celestia. Upon waking, Stygian takes Luna to see the place beneath the castle where Starswirl kept all his mirror portals. They stop in front of a particular one with a huge spider-web crack in it. Stygian reveals he's been saving the missing shard. They replace it, and decide to go looking for this alternate Pony of Shadows. He's now strong enough to reach into Stygian's dreams, so he's a threat.
They emerge, and we get a full-page splash of this alternate world. Picture a big tree with a towering castle-themed casino sitting atop it. There's spotlights and marquee "chasing" lights, and a long line with guards at the front. And you must be this evil to enter! No, really, there's both a bouncer and a scanner that measures your morality. Say, do you know Lucky Clover? He's a background pony of no real renown. He's immediately rejected as he tries to bluff his way through the gate. Next is a dragon, who is allowed in because he ate the three ponies ahead of him in line. And that's not a bluff, if you look between him and Lucky between panels, there's clearly three ponies that go missing between their approach. That might be the darkest joke in any pony comic I've read to date~
Stygian flatly tells them his backstory in a morose voice, and is immediately let through by the scanner. Luna, however, has to resort to her Royal Canterlot Voice to convince them of her identity as Nightmare Moon. And if you though the outside establishing shot was cool, here's the interior shot. Literally every damn villain is here. Tirek? Chrysalis? Babs Seed and her sister? Lightning Dust? Nightmare Rarity? Sunset Shimmer and season 5 premiere Starlight Glimmer? The Power Ponies' villains? Even Suri Polomare is villain enough to be here. It's a big casino, like I said, and the Diamond Dogs are working as staff. This is also clearly not the Pony of Shadows' style, so who's actually in charge here?
Well, they're about to find out, as the Diamond Dogs lead them to an elevator. They enter into the big penthouse, and Luna spots Celestia and immediately rushes to her. Unfortunately, she hasn't noticed the spell circle etched on the floor, and is quickly trapped. As she calls for Celestia to help her, the mysterious figure nearby tells her it's very rude to address the pet and not the owner of the house. She blasts Stygian out of the room and reveals both herself and her "pet". Celestia, of course, is now corrupted into Daybreaker. But the mystery figure? She's one of those anthro birds introduced in the movie. Her name is Princess Eris. Perhaps you know her cousin, Discord~?
Unlike Discord, she's not interested in chaos as an amusement. Eris instead wants to cause destruction. And that's where all this is going: Eris was actually disguising herself as the Pony of Shadows, specifically to lure Luna here. Since the Luna of this universe died in the conflict, she only has the one princess to control. Now, she doesn't have a thousand years to break Luna's will like poor Daybreaker here. Instead, she uses her staff to drain Luna's magic, which she plans to auction off to any of those villains out in her casino right now. And even if she escapes, she's powerless and the morality detector will prevent any of Luna's friends like the Mane 6 or original flavour Celestia from coming to the rescue.
It's a pretty good plan. Eris, however, has forgotten one thing: Stygian. He's small, but talented. He breaks the bindings on Luna and hurls them at Daybreaker, and then incorporates something he learned from Flash Magnus: "Do something brave and dumb, and hope it works out". That's actually a really good line. In this case, that amounts to "get back on the elevator and cut the cables", using a sphere of magic to protect themselves. Their retreat from the Chaos Casino is complete, but Luna's still powerless. They have to make a plan. Fortunately, that's another thing Stygian is good at. As he puts it, do you know what he's known for besides the whole Pony of Shadows thing? Luna guesses it's defeating the Sirens. Stygian corrects her: he didn't defeat them. He assembled the team that did. And that's where all this is going. It's a caper plot~
This is a fantastic start to what will probably be a great miniseries. Everything from a high-stakes encroaching villain to a mysterious alternate universe to goddamn heist. It’s all here, with the interesting focus being that all the characters are former villains. Oh yes, we’ll be getting to those in the next issue. Because what is a good caper without a good team~? Additionally, Stygian and Luna have a good dynamic because of their very similar personalities. I even daresay I would ship it, were I the kind of person who ships characters. I am not, but the seed is there for some fanfic potential~
So, speaking of the next issue, we’ll be assembling our team. Presumably out of those mysterious silhouettes on the cover. Boy, they’re mysterious, aren’t they? There’s no way you’ll guess who they are. But anyway, why wait? I’m liking this enough that I really feel like we can catch up and do two issues again this week. God, I’m just spoiling you guys lately, aren’t I~?
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The sins were the ones who helped Meliodas build the crude nest by gathering the materials for him. They were super confused about why Zeldris suddenly collapsed or why, instead of bringing him to his room, Meliodas took him to the ‘closet’ which apparently wasn’t a closet at all! Meliodas was in too much of a rush creating the crude nest to explain, but once Gelda took over caring for Zeldris he had to explain that demons have extremely good senses and, in a place as loud, bright, and crowded as the human realm, tend to be prone to overstimulation because of just how much it is to take in at once. Over the years he’s developed a bit of a resistance to it but the closet isn’t actually there to store sentimental things (although it does serve that purpose) but rather to give him a safe place to go when he needs to just… relax and give his overstimulated senses a break. The sins collectively lecture the hell out of him for not telling them!
For weeks afterwards the Sins were noticeably quieter and more subdued around Meliodas and Zeldris, much to the latter’s relief. It annoyed Meliodas though because he knows his friends are just acting that way because their worried that they’ll set off another attack and he doesn’t like them treating them so delicately. He knows his limits and now that Zeldris knows about the closet they both have a safe zone they can go to, there’s no need to hold back in their account! At least, that’s what Meliodas tells them when he finally confronts them for it. (Secretly he’s really happy they would be willing to calm down but he doesn’t like them holding back, it’s just not them)
Elizabeth had not known about the nesting before Gelda showed her and was just really confused about where Meliodas had gone. She was worried too because she too had seen the signs that Meliodas wars starting to get overwhelmed but he wasn’t in his room or outside or anything. When Gelda showed her the nesting room she let out a little gasp of delight at the sight of the two demons cuddling around each other in such a beautiful nest! She couldn’t see it very well because of how dark it is (as a goddess she’s more adapted to light) but the light seeping in from the outside was more than enough for her to see how much effort Zeldris had put into it.
She did ask Meliodas later why he never told her about this because that’s one thing he’d kept hidden from her for 3000 years. He blushed and told her that it’s not that he didn’t want to tell her in their first life, it’s just that, at the time, he was so new to stigma he didn’t want to seem greedy or anything. He didn’t want to put her in a position where she’d have to accommodate him based on something most others would consider trivial, even if it’s really not. At least, not to a demon. He makes sure there’s a space in the castle when he moves in with her for him to build a nest and helps him with it. Her father and sisters help too since they’re fascinated by the tradition.
Grooming is a very important tradition for demons. They do communal grooming a with family and pack members as a form of bonding. When they were younger, Demon Gowther had to be the one to teach the boys about it since, as per the king’s orders, Cusack and Chandler never let the boys close enough to learn about it. The first time he tried to groom Meliodas (back in the TC) ended in disaster. Meliodas later returns the favor by teaching Doll Gowther how to do it. Apparently the communal grooming is also something they share with the goddesses, as is nesting (albeit the nesting goddesses do is very different form the demons version. Demons nest for the comfort and support of the demon, goddesses nest to protect their young and wrap them in a comfortable, warm cocoon. It’s cold up in the celestial realm because of how high up it is. Thus the reason Elizabeth never really felt the need to nest before she became pregnant with Tristan and was mainly doing it for Mel’s sake before)

Meliodas’s face after Zeldris says that is so heartbreaking especially when you remember in the scene before this he was already having anxiety’s about being a bad big brother to zeldris and zeldris saying that basically confirmed his fears
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