#spartan vids
fjordfolk · 2 years
I normally mute videos, but here's some ice echoes for u
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poisonheadcrabsalesman · 10 months
"Numerous Pelicans shot down trying to recover the power supply for the Covenant Harvester. Fireteam Crimson searching for survivors while recovering the replacement part."
A quick edit of "Seize the Power", the third chapter of the tenth episode, Exodus.
This is the level I've been dying to show people.
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ageless-aislynn · 2 years
You already know how it ends. What matters is that, through their bravery and sacrifice, they saved us all. Remember Reach. Remember Noble Team.
(Note: Since you can play Noble Six as either male or female, both are represented in this vid - maleSix is in the gray armor, femaleSix is in red. 😉) For entertainment only. If you watch, I hope you enjoy! 💖
Borrowing from my Reach fic taglist: @morganas-pendragons @hail-libertas @naranghim
If you don’t want to be tagged for anything other than fics (or want to be removed from the fic taglist), no harm, no foul, please just let me know! Or if someone would like to be added to my fic and/or vid taglist, also let me know.
Halo fic masterlist
Various fandom vids
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Because I’m a sucker for Emerald corrupting Jaune
Right before the finale of the Vytal Festival Tournament, Pyrrha Nikos was beyond nervous. The pressure to win along with possibly being the Spring Maiden and finally getting enough courage to ask out Jaune was overwhelming. So getting a text from Jaune lifted her spirits a bit before she opened up said text.
It was a video with Jaune completely nude and tied up under Emerald. She sat on his chest, teasingly reaching back to stroke and edge Jaune while making him say out loud who his true love was. Who had the best ass, the best pussy, who his Mistress was~
Pyrrha took a deep breath, contemplating the chips laid before her. The pressure of winning the Vytal festival, and becoming the new fall maiden weighed heavily on her shoulders. As a celebrity, she should be used to this feeling, but it wasn't like any she felt before. Before it was just to appease her sponsors, a smile here, a few autographs there, simple stuff. But now, the fate of the world bore down upon her. Ishe made a mistake, it would spell doom for everyone. But she was Pyrrha Nikos, the invincible girl, she had to be strong and shoulder this weight. For the world, her family, her friends, for...him.
With a heavy sigh, she readied herself for combat. However, a ding from her scroll stopped her dead. Checking the notifications, she saw a message from Jaune, and a smile formed on her face. Jaune's name alone was enough to ease the burden if only a little. Especially since it was the first time she's seen or heard from him in weeks.
Opening the message, she was a bit puzzled seeing it was a video. As it played, she saw Jaune lying on a bed, tied to the bedposts and completely naked, aside from a blindfold. with an erection that seemed to be impossibly long. A small blush graced her face at the sight but that soon disappeared when she saw one of the Haven students, Emerald come into view. Still, in her uniform, she crawled over onto the bed, planted herself on his chest, raised a hand to her lips where she spat onto it, wrapped it around his cock, and began stroking his slowly.
*what the fuck is she doing to him?!* she screamed internally, her fury rising as she watched the vid.
"So Jaune," Emerald said eyes looking directly into the camera, "Who's got the best ass in the school~"
Pyrrha's brow furrowed. What kinda of a question was that?
"Y....You Do!" He cried, surprising Pyrrha.
Emerald faking shock, asked him another question, "Even better than....Oh, I don't know...Blake Belladonn?"
Pyrrha scowled, her scroll nearly cracking under her grip.
Her fury was quickly replaced with shock upon hearing his reply. She could him moaning Blake's name a couple of times at night, so hearing him reject her was quite shocking. Her hands slowly began trembling uncontrollably as she continued watching.
Emerald smirked, increasing the pace on his cock. "Good boy, Jaune~ now who has the best legs in the school~?"
"YOU DO!" he cried once more
For the next ten to fifteen minutes, Pyrrha watched this process repeat itself. A process that broke the spartan the more show watched. She watched as Emerald jerked him, adjusting speeds, fiddling with his testicles, even denying him and orgasm or two. All the while he sung her praises, complimented her body, and proclaimed her to be the best of all maidens in Beacon. Even above his own partner.
Sensing his climax, Emerald asked him one final question. A question that would be the nail in the coffin for Pyrrha.
"Jaune~.." she said facing the camera directly with an evil smile, "Who would you rather.....Spend the rest of your pathetic little life with. ME, your goddess, or the invincible girl~"
Hearing this question gave Pyrrha a small bit of hope. Since their first semester, she and Jaune grew closer. From their training to the study sessions they'd have, even the one kiss they shared after the dance. There was no possible way he chose a stranger over her. How wrong she was.
"You'd chose little old me over the Pyrrha Nikos?" Emerald replied, mouthing to Pyrrha *He's mine now*
Pyrrha tilted her head, steading herself for what came next.
Pyrrha's scroll fell to the floor, her heart completely broken from being forgotten by her crust, not her first love. Her face displayed no emotion as she sat on the cold floor, the indication of her sorrow was the tears pouring down her pale skin. However, those tears weren't only from a broken heart. No, the streams of clear fluid running down her legs showed another emotion she felt, shame. The shame of watching your lover be stolen from you.....and getting pleasure from it.
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helix-enterprises117 · 7 months
Halo Reloaded: That Boy From Eridanus-II
In the minimalist confines of the Spartan-II Training Facility on Reach, Linda-058, barely a decade old and already more disciplined than most adults, was about to have a chat with her folks. The room was as inviting as a dentist’s chair, with its drab grey walls and the only decoration being the vid-call screen - a digital window to a world that seemed more fantasy than memory.
The screen sputtered to life, and there they were, Mr. and Mrs. Pravdin. Mom's eyes were like high-beams in the fog, wide and worried. Dad was doing his best 'I'm not worried' face, which fooled absolutely no one.
"Oh my stars, Linda!" Mom practically squeaked. "Are you eating enough? You look thin!"
Linda rolled her eyes, a hint of a smile tugging at her lips. "Mom, they feed us, like, all the time. I've had more protein bars than I can count."
Dad chimed in, his voice trying to be casual and failing. "We heard about Eridanus-II. Horrible news, just horrible." The room suddenly felt colder, and Linda's smile faded. "Yeah, it's... bad." She swallowed hard, the weight of the news still heavy in her heart.
Mom leaned closer to the screen, her voice dropping to a whisper. "And John? That boy from Eridanus-II, how is he?"
Linda glanced over her shoulder, half-expecting to see John's ghost. "He's... um, not great. He's locked himself in his room. Won't come out, not even for extra dessert night."
Dad's brow knitted together, a mix of sadness and confusion. "Can't they do something for him? A psychologist or something?"
Linda shrugged, feeling helpless. "They say he needs time. But I don't know... he's really sad."
The conversation meandered through updates on Linda's life - how she could do twenty push-ups now, and how Chief Mendez always smelled like old socks. But her thoughts kept drifting back to John, holed up in his room like a hermit crab.
As the call wrapped up, Mom's face softened. "Sweetie, look after yourself. And... maybe try to get John to eat something. A chocolate bar works wonders."
Linda's grin returned, a little spark of mischief in her eyes. "I'll try, Mom. Operation Chocolate is a go."
The screen blinked off, and the room was swallowed by silence. Linda stood up, stretched, and made her way to John's quarters. She had a mission now - Operation Chocolate, a mission of utmost importance and deliciousness.
She found John's door and it hissed open, revealing a scene that was part gloomy cave, part boy's bedroom. John was there, sitting on the edge of his bed, staring at a photo of a place that no longer existed.
Linda marched in, armed with a chocolate bar like it was Excalibur. "Commander John, I have been sent on a critical mission to deliver this." She held out the chocolate bar with all the seriousness of a knight presenting a holy relic.
John looked up, his eyes wet but a ghost of a smile on his face. "Is that... chocolate?"
"Yep, and it's all yours, Captain," Linda replied, her voice a mix of cheer and sympathy.
John took the chocolate, and for a moment, they just sat there, two kids in a world too big and too cruel, finding solace in the simplest of things - friendship and chocolate.
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Sick Day, OC Edition
So I've been sick for a week, and have been coughing almost non stop for 3 days. Since I don't have a partner, I have to do everything myself while I'm sick... When I should just be resting in bed or in my chair.
Then I got bored and decided to make this on a whim. Then decided to not write it because I had self sabotaging thoughts of "But does anyone really care?"
So have a series of how my OC act when they're sick: feel free to do this as well @starsandskies @briarfox13 @jackiemychoom / @thegreatdivide @ava-du-mortain @palipunk
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Lt. Frëja L. S. Kirch | Art: @artofmisi
Trope: I'm totally fine (is not fine please take them to the hospital)
Doesn't believe Spartans can get sick. If Frëja is sick, they usually end up unconscious in the medical wing of the Infinity due to overexertion of their body while being sick. A medic ODST has to guard Frëja to make sure they don't try to cheat recovery.
Jun will visit Frëja when they're finally released to their personal quarters. He brings Frëja hot tea from what would be Asian diaspora communities. He also burns Frëja's favorite incense and when he is off duty they watch drama vids together.
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Nathaniel Owen & Ianto Hughes
Trope: I'm really sick please take care of me
Nate isn't anxious about his health. He just hates feeling useless when he's sick. But when he is sick, he milks the "take care of me routine" from Arthur. One time when Nate was doped up on medicine from a respiratory infection, Arthur came into their room on the Prydwen and Nate goes
"Nate go back to bed..."
"Hahaha Elder Grumpy Santa!"
Arthur loves him though and between being busy with the Brotherhood and delegating Nate's duties, he actually sometimes puts Nate ahead of other things and pressures Cade into treating him because he's worried whenever Nate gets sick.
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Ianto is a drama queen and totally milks the drama "I'M SIIIIICK PLEASE TAKE CARE OF MEEEEEEEE."
Shin pretends to be annoyed and scoffs but then secretly hands Ianto treats and cookies. Meanwhile if Shin is sick, he refuses to be taken care of and Ianto has to basically force feed him immunizations and medicine.
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Vincente Eurodyne
Trope: Yes I took my pills this morning (Did not take his pills)
V knows he's sick. He knows the pills help. But he hates taking treatments for being sick. He hates cold medicine and he hates his new infusion drug that helps keep his body stable after losing Johnny.
Kerry greeting him in the kitchen with "Did you take your meds this morning."
Kerry then holds the meds up saying, "No, you didn't dumbass."
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dreamed i watched the spartan school musical vid with friends and then told them about yonderland. the propaganda never stops
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I'm still working on stuff, so here's an update post regarding Operation Streetlight.
First Video will be set to "Ungrateful"; it's going to establish the characters of Fireteam ARES, but not focus too much on Fireteam ATHENA. It's going to focus very heavily on the character of Spartan Charleson Savek, who's not mine so I won't discuss this too heavily, but he's the newcomer to Fireteam ARES, and it's going to be about him trying to get used to it all as he prepares for his first mission on Fireteam ARES.
Second one will be actually in the mission, dunno what song though. It'll be focused on Clark-T426, as he's the figurehead for the team, Clark also isn't my character, but I know his focus is going to end up being alot more action heavy and riff off of blockbuster movies and such.
Video 3 is about the covenant forces that Fireteam ARES and Fireteam ATHENA are dealing with. It's the mirrored perspective of Clark's vid. It'll be hectic and chaotic, as the forces scramble to assemble themselves against the Spartans. Likely "Forty Days" or "The Hands That Thieve"
Any other videos are unplanned as of current.
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meeedeee · 1 year
The Halo Collection [vids]
Fandoms: Halo (TV 2022), Halo (Video Games) & Related Fandoms
No Archive Warnings Apply
John-117 | Master Chief/Kai-125
John-117 | Master Chief
Thel 'Vadam | The Arbiter
Avery Johnson
Noble Six | SPARTAN-B312
Character Study
A collection of my Halo vids. New vids will be added as chapters. If you watch, I hope you enjoy!
(Feed generated with FetchRSS) source https://archiveofourown.org/works/38551980
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timeofgreecenews · 1 year
Β��σίλης Σάμιος vs Πανα γιώτης Ελευθερίου για τ ο SPARTAN’S NIGHT 3 (vids)
Βασίλης Σάμιος vs Παναγιώτης Ελευθερίου για το SPARTAN’S NIGHT 3 (vids) Μεγάλο παιχνίδι προβλέπεται από τους δύο αθλητές που ανήκουν στην ελίτ της κατηγορίας τους των 71κιλών. Ο Βασίλης Σάμιος από το ARCANE FIGHTHOOD με προπονητή τον Ξενοφώντα Σκούρα και με πολλούς και εντυπωσιακους αγώνες θα αναμετρηθεί με τον “οικοδεσπότη” Παναγιώτη Ελευθερίου από το BG ACADEMY των διοργανωτών Γιώργου Χαλκίδη…
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poisonheadcrabsalesman · 10 months
Sarah Palmer: "So I killed Merg Vol and we all went home? Is that the official version these days? Ha. You ought to see what came next."
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ageless-aislynn · 5 months
Okay, I realized today that the fluffy Vannak fic I started had gotten REALLY lost somewhere in my Tumblr drafts. 😬
You have to understand, my drafts are like a giant dumping ground of posts I want to come back and look at later, posts I intend to reblog but don't have time to tag at the moment and, since getting Georgette (my computer for anybody who doesn't know) last December and her "issues" with blue screening and crashing multiple times a day, every day, a bunch of my in-progress fics.
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I have a problem and I can admit it. 🤷‍♀️😂
Anyway, I decided that since Georgette has gotten more predictable in her crashing (still not stoppable but she generally now gives me a warning noise that, in about 30 seconds, she's going to freeze and blue screen), I decided to try installing Word 2003, my beloved, once more.
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I found the fic in my drafts (from February 🤷‍♀️😉) and now we're hopefully back in business with Word, my beloved, once again! 🤞😣🤞
This will also hopefully benefit speeding me up on my other WIPs, such as "15 Minutes" and "Recreation" (chapter 4 is currently about half done). I'm going to give Georgette a little while to make sure that Word doesn't destabilize her further or in some way make her issues worse, then I'm hoping she'll tolerate my Vegas again. I'm MISSING my ability to vid and make GIFs so much, I can't even!
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And on that note, I think I need to play some Reach. Wait, I mean, I need to do some writing! Yeah, writing. With Word, my beloved. 😉
Ooo, and this also gives me back my Choose Your Own Spartan Adventure Reach WIP (temporary title "Choices")!
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Yeah, it's been since the end of 2022 that I started that one but at least it, by its nature, won't post anything until it's all ready to go, so I'm not leaving anybody hanging, lol. 😇😉
Love you, frens, hope you're having a good day! 🤗💖
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fjordfolk · 3 years
Living with Sparta is like those magicians that pull rabbits out of tophats, except instead of rabbits it's yarn and instead of a hat it's your dog and you're not a magician ur just trying to knit
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helix-enterprises117 · 6 months
Halo Reloaded: TV Show
The bustling heart of the Marathon Infinity's cafeteria is filled with the aroma of rehydrated eggs somehow always battled to a stalemate against the scent of industrial-grade coffee, the day's entertainment was in full swing. The room, usually a cacophony of clattering trays and grumbled complaints about MREs, had transformed into a makeshift theater. Its audience: a motley crew of Spartan-IIs, lounging in their sleek, almost-too-tight compression suits, and marines, whose fatigues seemed to have absorbed as much grease as valor, were united in their rapt attention to "SPARTANS," the galaxy's guiltiest pleasure.
"Man, oh man," a marine muttered, his eyes wide as dinner plates as an actor, decked out in a Spartan suit so shiny it would give the sun a complex, executed a leap that defied physics. "If I tried that, I'd need a new pair of knees."
Beside him, Kelly, her arms folded in a way that suggested she could bench press a Warthog if she felt like it, snorted. "Cute jump. Reminds me of my warm-up routine."
This elicited a round of snickers from the table, a sound that mingled with the crunch of someone bravely attempting to masticate the cafeteria's excuse for bread.
Just as another impossibly muscular Spartan on screen began a monologue about the "heart of a warrior," the room's metal door slid open with a hiss that sounded suspiciously like it was judging everyone's life choices. In strode John, fully armored as if he’d just mistaken the cafeteria for a warzone. Or perhaps he knew exactly what kind of warzone a cafeteria could be.
The remote control, previously the subject of an intense, silent battle of wills, was suddenly the hottest potato in the room. It flew from hand to hand, each marine trying not to be the last one holding it when the music stopped, so to speak. The channel switched with a speed that would make a Covenant Elite nod in respect—goodbye, dramatic reenactments of Spartan heroics, hello, galactic weather report.
"Nice timing, Chief," Fred said, a grin in his voice that his face couldn't quite make, given the situation. "We were just... um, studying... atmospheric conditions. Yep."
John paused, his helmeted head turning so slowly you'd think he was auditioning for a role in the next horror vid. Then, from within the confines of his helmet, a sound emerged—a chuckle. It was a sound so rare and unexpected that it might as well have been a unicorn tap-dancing across the table.
"As long as it’s not predicting rain on the parade, we're good," John’s voice, modulated but unmistakably amused, filled the room.
A collective exhale, sounding suspiciously like relief, whooshed through the cafeteria. Chairs scooted back as everyone relaxed, the threat of a Spartan critique apparently averted.
John made his way over, armor clanking with each step, the sound a stark reminder of the difference between the person and the persona. He pulled up a chair with the ease of a man who regularly bench-pressed fate itself.
"You know," he started, the casual tone almost jarring coming from the galaxy’s most decorated supersoldier, "I caught a bit of that show once. They got my armor color all wrong."
"That’s your beef with it?" Linda chimed in, leaning back with a smirk that could cut glass. "Not the part where you single-handedly arm-wrestled a Hunter?"
"Wait, that wasn’t a documentary?" another marine piped up, the mock seriousness in his voice drawing a round of hearty laughs from the group.
Just another day on the life of the UNSC...
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...Now, I know I’ve had to tell people that I don’t have booze where my blood should be in the past, but I think that I’ve discovered another... ‘misconception’.
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...for the love of Gaia, my bloodtype is NOT ‘Protein Shake’!
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woon0 · 4 years
mandalorian culture borrowed heavily from a lot of polynesian warrior cultures in legends and i hope they bring back those elements for season three bc it seems like din is gonna be leading the charge to unite his people as mand'alor.  the war chants and ritual dances are so desperately in need of a live action reproduction and it would be awesome to see some implementation of traditional pacific islander war dances like the: the maori haka , the samoan siva tau , the togan sipi tau and the fijian bole .
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