#spanish horror u never disappoint
dirchristophernolan · 4 months
30 coins is what spn seasons 6-15 should’ve been about if you even care
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boxwinebaddie · 8 months
do u think we can hear a little bit of the kyle cant say i love u ask?
ugh, yes </3
so...fair warning, idk what this is. also...
why is it written in present tense? idk. anyways!
i started ~writing~ something ( bad ) that i was going to maybe slap to the end of the ask, which is not proofread or finished, but basically context is that it's the #ravesey divorce fight, the climax of it...
...where stan starts packing a bag and for one of the first times in his pleated, completed, type-a, show no mercy, no nonsense, new jersey slaughterhouse life, kyle broflovski...is paralyzed with fear.
because kyle who always has his shit together is completely losing it.
his everything.
his stan.
and he's ripped at the seams, dissolving right before our very eyes: his perfect auburn tresses which usually cascade and glide effortlessly down his lithe shoulders, are fucked up, frizzy and falling all over his face which is pale, creased and gaunt...
— like he's seen a ghost.
his pupils are blown to high heaven and shot to all hell. dilated like two green distress signals. once fierce now frightened, floundering.
his special stan glasses are crooked and fogging up from how hard and uneven his breathing is with the chain nearly suffocating him from how rough and imprecise his startled, frenzied movements are.
he's shaking his head in horror, in shock, in grief, in utter disbelief. really, his whole fucking body is shaking like an addict going through withdrawals, but this is a million times worse than watching someone flush a pack of cigarettes down the toilet. it stings. it burns. it lingers.
in a way that stan won't.
but kyle needs him to, needs him to stay, needs him close, needs him forever, so he's talking fast, way, way, Way too fast, like if he can say enough other words, i love you will seem far less grand and lustrous...
but they're not.
whilist time passes achingly slow. and kyle's given hundreds of speeches, debates and lectures, but words fail him, his lips quiver, his mouth opens and closes helplessly and that booming voice is barely a whisper when he finally musters up the dis-courage to mumur;
"...b-baby? baby! where—where are you going?! w-where are YO—“
kyle darts forward and reaches for his boyfriend before he turns into a memory again, not sure where he was aiming. to please, to squeeze, to stroke his tear-slicked cheek, maybe? to dust the tips of the his trembling, unworthy fingers cross that little spot of sun just beneath his right eye. the gentle curve of his jaw, far less violent than his, or—or even just on the side of his arm where love is written in spanish. amor. like tracing the letters onto his skin would be good enough.
but it never was.
he never was.
and as proof of his inadequacy, stan sails to the left and ducks right under kyle's arm, which collides with the quilted down of their couch.
…their couch.
how long would their couch be their couch? kyle thought that their couch would always be their couch! kyle thought that—
it was a single syllable, uttered in the same bratty voice harnessed by misbehaved teenage boys everywhere, but it was different coming from stan, whose mouth was not made to start fights or draw blood. it was a horrible, harsh sound, wrought with an undercurrent of sadness.
it was then that the realization dawns on him.
stan wasn't angry with him.
stan was disappointed in him.
which was far, far worse.
kyle wants to look strong, look stable, look sturdy, so stan would look at him — god, he would do anything for stan to just look at him! and stop packing that stupid fucking bag, that dumb black jansport backpack they'd bought back to school shopping because...his stan was going back to school. and kyle was so...so proud of him.
but gerald never was, gerald was loud, so kyle was loud, so when he should have congratulated stan for doing something difficult, he criticized him for not doing something easy! like the dishes and told stan he'd stitched his name into the bag...just in case he lost it.
funny how things happen.
…not funny.
not funny at all, actually!
so then…why was he laughing?
why the Fuck was he laug—
"out? Out? O-OUTSIDE?! stan, you—ya can't be serious?! you're in a little t-shirt and—and shorts, you'll freeze to death! you'll—“
kyle clings to the thin fabric of stan's tee-shirt, admiring the myriad of sauce stains and makeup marks that, on a normal night, kyle might be livid about, but tonight...they're lovely; they're so, so lovely.
just like the boy who made them.
the boy kyle loves.
not rockstar raven of crimson dawn.
but sweet, sensitive stanley marsh.
his stan.
kyle's eyes fall absentmindedly to the tattered hem of stan's shorts, where amidst a jagged, serrated sea of angry self mutilizations past, was a new beginning...the beginning of a word, a sound, a letter...a
a k...for kyle.
stan had gotten it done last anti-valentine's day, as a gift, for him, but mostly...for himself. because stan cruelly hated himself, every part of his body, but he hated that part the most. his inner thighs, the valley that stretched between them...so he'd gotten kyle's name tattooed down there, so that when he was off on tour and missed his boyfriend terribly...he was with him.
so that on his very worst days, when he felt the worst about himself, he could still see his super best friend. a precious skin-deep reminder that when the dysphoria hit and he felt like shit, craved a stiff drink and the razor blade winked…that when he felt falsely ugly...
...someone thought he was truly beautiful.
and he was.
he was really...and truly beautiful.
everyday. every second. even now. especially now. and god, what kyle wouldn't do to place his lips in that spot right there, anywhere, everywhere! because kyle couldn't say i love you and they weren't married, no, not in the traditional sense, but even so, kyle went to temple, a place of sacred worship & recited his vows every night.
every stroke, every sigh, every stretch of blessed skin.
i love you.
i love you.
i love—
"because you're so Worried about me, right, kyle?"
stan sneers, holding his name like a knife between teeth.
"—because you 'LOVE' me, right?"
he spit and twist it.
it was twisted. and kyle feels those spiteful syllables split him open like shrapnel. he gasps like stan had shot him, grasping the hem of his shirt so hard that it hurt, like a little kid clinging to his mother's skirt.
so scared she would leave.
so scared she would go, begging
don't go.
please don't go.
please, please, please don't g—
"NO! i—i do! stan, i do!”
kyle tries to argue but nearly breaks his neck nodding, with his shrill voice weak and watery and wanting.
“baby—BABY! i do, i DO! i really do! i—I LO—“
but the words wouldn't come.
kyle was banging on the wall, iron clad and impenetrable, he fought and shouted, kicked and screamed and still...nothing would come.
he couldn't say it. he couldn't FUCKING say it!
he had never wanted to cry before but he could feel it in the back of his throat. he wants to come out. the little boy he'd trapped back there. but he couldn't be that big again, that small...that pathetic. so he bites down HARD. harder than he'd even bitten before and thrashes his cheek with his teeth, the taste of blood filling his mouth.
and for a moment...he feels dizzy...
because the blood tastes like metal.
like stan.
just like sta—
"save it, mi sabelotodo."
stan sniffs and lifts his head up slowly. his damp bangs are stuck to his forehead, the tips just barely kissed with bleach, mere whispers of the boy they wanted him, those beautiful dark roots growing with him into the man he wanted to be. whose wonderful face was flushed with frustration, whose kind, bright blue eyes were...
god, all kyle had wanted was for stan to look at him. but it gores him; it guts him. it carves him; it cuts him.
it was wrong. it was all wrong!
he took it back. he took it all back!
take me back, baby.
he wants to plead, while his lip shakes and bleeds.
stanley, PLEASE take me ba—
then, in one foul swoop, the boy with the bag shrugs his shoulders and kyle's hand crumples back down onto the couch. broken. lifeless.
"—save it for someone you ACTUALLY love."
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heyvivalapluto · 4 years
james s. potter headcanons
gryffindor. gryffindor pride. gryffindor king. gryffindor apologist. gryffindor!!!
he honors his name. james AND sirius? come on, u were asking for trouble and make it double
“you look exactly like your father, but your eyes... you have your mother’s eyes.”
yup, it just hits hard, i know
punk punk punk
he’s actually a small/short man, which is adorable. although it kinda ruins his punk scary vibe. he’s just too cute to handle
short king
red is HIS color. i don’t make the rules. red was invented to be james sirius color
they have a red jacket and that jacket is their signature
he’s absolutely gorgeous.
if he’s short, he’s also bad tempered. it’s the law.
“punks respect pronouns”
“against all authorities, except mi mamá”
he likes to discuss all types of subjects with rose. he feels like she’s the only one who understands
“is crying in class punk rock?”
wears silver earrings.
(fake) leather jacket, (fake) leather fingerless gloves, motorcycle and boots. bad boy vibes alright (but deep down he’s a good boi)
“respecting the environment and the planet is punk rock.”
they are one of the kindest people to ever walk on earth. seriously, they just have the best heart
“there’s bravery in being soft”
teddy lupin is his big brother. period
he will fight. anything, anyone. he’s a fighter. rose and james are the best duo.
popular? yes. but he’s popular not because of his family, but because he’s really soft, and talks to everyone and has the greatest smile. u can’t help but love this guy.
he also has the best hugs in his whole family (and THAT is saying something)
brown eyes supremacy.
he wears glasses (he doesn’t need to!) so his father is not alone on this aesthetic. and he can rock the style as well
“all cops are bastards” / “i’m a magical cop, son” / “i said what i said.” (a conversation between harry and james at some point)
they are hilarious. you can’t be around them for too long and not laugh.
doesn’t care about school, to be honest. he’s an average kid when it comes to grades.
he studies hard enough to pass, but that’s all. james never wants to disappoint his parents.
even if he believes schools are all a governmental scheme
steven hyde is his comfort character
dog person
“i feel like you’re tying to tell me what to do, so i’m gonna do the opposite.”
their patronous is a panther
he’s really into sports, because of ginny. he used to train with her (when she went to the gym) while she was still on the holy harpies. he was little at the time, but he really wanted to train with his mom, because she’s so cool
he refused to be part of the quidditch team, because the captain at the time was an ass and he would never obey to that idiot.
years later, when rose became captain, he entered the team
momma’s boy alright
remember i said he was a fighter? he actually knows how to fight and damn is he strong. but well, he mostly fights bullies
(and as he gets older, he starts to punch racists and cops, which are basically the same)
he really tries to stay out of trouble, but trouble come and finds them.
“be kind. it’s gangster.”
hates coffee, hates tea. water is the real deal, my dudes
fuck gender roles
he loves fun socks. he just does, and that just sums up his whole personality.
so he might be wearing all that (fake) leather and all that black (with his red jacket because what the hey), but you will spot a sponge bob square pants on his ankle and you will be too afraid to ask.
whenever i think of him, he’s kickin ass. literally. i just see him kicking someone in the chest and that’s it.
whenever harry and ginny receive a call from the ministery of magic or from the muggle police, they are not even surprised
(nor disappointed, to be honest. if he hates the government, that came from his parents who LITERALLY fought against the system in their younger years)
don’t ask about his love life (but you kinda don’t have to, because he’s not exactly what we call discreet about his crushes).
[bisexual panic]
hates horror movies
albus is always there to hold them and stop them from doing something stupid. he’s forever grateful
he’s always there when albus needs him too
their laugh is so loud and deep.
and whenever you hear it, you can’t help but laugh too. it’s contagious.
he reads a lot. and no, you shouldn’t be surprised, okay? because if he’s fighting against the system it’s because he’s educated.
he’s an intellectual, ok? ...who can also kick ass and take names.
first thought, best thought.
it doesn’t matter your sexuality. at some point, you had a crush on this boy. either because of his looks, or because he’s really nice and funny, or because of his morals and principles.
terrible dancer
superprotective about lily. he loves her so much and they truly understand and support each other.
so goofy
his favorite uncle is george and his favorite aunt is hermione
queen is his favorite band
tacos are his comfort food
freckled boy
star wars fan because of albus.
those movies were the only things those boys agreed 100% about.
they speak spanish. fluently.
he can do magic without wands. “wands are just a formality”
he was the one who taught rose how to do any magic without wands
they never duel. they hate fighting with magic. they are a fan of the good hand-to-hand.
besides, they always end up breaking their wand, because he uses it as drumsticks
he knows how to play many instruments, such as: drums, tambourine, violin, bass, saxophone and electric guitar
he always hums some barbie song whenever he’s distracted.
cursing in spanish is their jam. “it’s just so badass, u know?”
he used braces for a while too. he saw that rose was going to use it (“fix what? she has the best smile?”), so he decided that he would too, because loyalty, man
do i even have to say that rose is his favorite cousin? he just connects with her so easily.
teddy is his best bro, so of course james was teddy’s best man and teddy was his.
holy harpies number one fan.
impatient. big time
“there’s nothing wrong in being weird. and there’s nothing wrong with being average.”
their loves is as intense as fire, but his heart is golden
you can’t make fire feel afraid
his favorite sitcom/show is how i met your mother. he believes in robin scherbatsky supremacy
he asked his best friend, iago zabinni, to the yule ball, because he knew how badly iago wanted to go and how heartbroken iago was because the boy he liked didn’t invite him. they had a great time.
james is an aries
when he plays quidditch, he’s a beater
“be gay, do crimes.”
honestly, think about sokka and zuko in one person
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badgalyadi · 6 years
random survery. / 474 + 560.
How’s your mood? Do you feel any different than you did earlier today? def better than it was earlier
What do you look for in a friend? Is it important that your friends have similar hobbies and interests to you? Or is it more important that you just enjoy their company? i think as long as i enjoy your company, we’re good.
Has anyone ever spread a malicious rumour about you? people have been doing this since middle school lmaooo
Are you comfortable with talking to the opposite sex, about sex? yeah, sex isn’t that deep of a topic lol.
What are your views on people who claim to have had spiritual or paranormal experiences? damn that’s crazy.
Have you ever had a friend that you were really close with, but you ended up drifting apart? Why do you think this happened? lol, life.
How much of an issue would you say peer pressure is for you? FAKE. no way ur gonna get me to do something i don’t wanna do, idc.
Would you be able to give up eating your favourite food(s), if your doctor said you had to? nope.
If you’re single, do you ever feel jealous of people who are in relationships? And if you’re in a relationship, do you ever feel jealous of people who are single? no.
What’s in your pencil case? pens, unsharpened pencils, mechanical pencils, erasers both big & small, a sharpener, a stapler, extra staples, and highlighters.
Is there anything in your room that you wouldn’t want your parents to find? maybe so.
Are you wearing anything fragranced atm? i’m wearing the fragrance i brought back from cuba. it was only $3 and it smells so good, deadass makes me it :(
Was your last illness something contagious? i had a cold, so i guess yeah.
When did you last update your Facebook profile photo? it’s been a year.
Have you ever felt confused about your sexuality? in middle school. terrible time to wanna figure that shit out but 💀
If you found out your friend was sleeping around, what would you say to him/her? nothing b/c i don’t care lmao do you.
How should someone of the opposite sex go about starting a conversation with you? it’s not that deep, just say hi.
Tell me about someone you dislike. Why do you dislike them? Do they know that you dislike them? obsessive and shady asf, can’t mind her business.
Have you ever felt so strongly for someone that you believed them to be totally irreplaceable, as if you could never be happy with anyone else? yeah, and i don’t think i’ll ever feel that way about somebody again b/c i learned u really can live without anybody whether u like it or not.
Out of all the horror films you’ve ever seen, which one scared you the most? uhhhhhh sinister or insidious idk
Who was the last person to tell you that they were disappointed in you? not airing out names. she didn’t directly say it, anyway.
If you’re an only child, do you ever wish you had some siblings? And if you have siblings, would you like any more? i always wish i had other siblings lmao i see people w theirs and be feeling sad as hell :(
Are you friends with the last person you texted? yeah.
Your last Facebook friend request - was it from someone of the opposite sex? no.
What does the eleventh text message in your inbox say? issa meme.
Has anyone ever called you easy? yeah LOL
Would you consider having a child with the last person you kissed? whommm... can’t be having a baby rn when i’m still the baby myself
Is there a cover version of any song that you like more than the original? soooo many.
Have you ever liked someone who was a player? yea lol
Do you own anything that has sequins on it? also yes.
Have you ever done anything to embarrass your parents? not on purpose but they def do shit that embarrasses me too so we’re even 
Do you own a teddy bear? yethhhh
What’s the worst relationship advice anyone has ever given you? all of it. nobody ever knows what they’re talking about LMAO.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy are you with yourself as a person? a 6.5 lmao.
Would you ever kiss someone with facial hair? yeah. Have you ever drooled in public? nah. Do you agree that facebook is taking over the entire teenage population? ???????????? what 80 year old wrote this Have you ever met a mainstream band? no. Have you ever yelled at an electronic as if it could hear you? i get mad sometimes & be fighting random shit LMAOOOO so yes Have you ever been bitten by a dog? yeah LMAO
Would you ever shave your head? if i didn’t have to? no. Have you ever spelt your name in Alphabet Soup? no. What do you think would happen if the Earth suddenly stopped spinning? my stupid ass has no idea & i’m not boutta guess so i can be made fun of What did you want to be when you were little? probably some generic shit like a princess idk Have you ever drawn a picture with sidewalk chalk? yeah. What is the worst possible way to die? slow, painfully. Have you ever burnt yourself with a lighter? sooooooooooooooo many times. Would you ever meet someone you met online? mayhaps. What’s your favorite online game? cricket noises.. What do you think of gay/bisexual people? A1. Have you ever kissed the TV? no. Have you ever thrown your cell phone across the room? yeah, then regretted it LMAOOOOO Have you ever been hit with a ball in gym class? not often but once in hs i got sockedddddddd in the face during volleyball & thought it was on purpose so i hit her w the ball even harder and ended up getting suspended cuz i wasn’t discreet about it lmao Will you be single over winter? [brain muscles overworking themselves] what season is this Where do you wanna live when you grow up? out of miami mayhaps. Are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants, or pajama pants? pajama pants. Would you get married if you could right now? nope. Do you consider yourself spoiled? maybe so. Do you get annoyed when you see someone you don’t like? i usually just focus on other shit. Could you see yourself dropping out of high school? surprised i didn’t. Is there anyone you want to see right now? santi?! What were you doing 12 a.m. last night? fixing my living room. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now? :] Are you a mean person? no, i really try not to be. What woke you up today? yesterday*, alarm clock. Have you kissed anyone whose name started with a T? probably lmaoo
Did you date anyone last summer? nah, i was minding my business, enjoying my life. Where will you be twelve hours from now? class. Do you remember the first time you kissed the last person you kissed? yeth Have you ever slept on a couch with that person? also yeth Have you written a letter to a soldier? no. Ever been in a perfect relationship? lmao “perfect” How do you feel about the person who texted you last? loveeee me some them. What are you looking forward to? cricket noises.. Do you think you are an argumentative person? hhhh.. maybe..  How did you feel when you woke up today? tireddddddd asf. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex? mhmmm What time did you go to sleep last night? i always go to bed late asf. i’m boutta go to bed now just to be up in two hours. What color are your eyes? brown. The last song you listened to? a veces, it’s literally on repeat. When you shut off your alarm clock, do you tend to fall back asleep? if i don’t get up, yeah. Do you believe change is always good? sometimes.
How long was your longest relationship in highschool? 3 years. Do you know who Philip DeFranco is? nah. What’s the most illegal thing you’ve EVER done? 💀 the OP responded to this with weed, i’m really screaming rn.. Where did/do you want to get married? all these questions about marriage, whew. What’s the highest level of education you’ve reached? i’m in college rn Is your last name extremely common, like Gonzalez? no, but i don’t think it’s rare either. Ever notice how most flags are red white and blue? no. Have you ever had a crush on a family member? what the fuck How old is your YOUNGEST friend? bitch.. i don’t know How old is your OLDEST friend? i don’t. know. How long should people be together before they propose? these questions are starting to make me uncomfortable lmaoo Have you had your first touch screen phone yet? that’s how you know this survey is old. Don’t you hate when parents divorce but then still argue regularly? can’t relate, hope i never do. Would you ever join the military? sike. If you could have any dog, what dog would you have? a shihpoo. Would you ever kill a bunny and make soup out of it? what the fuck x2 Do any of your friends own a ferret? no. Do you believe that Christians are better than non-Christians? no? Do boys really rock pink more than girls do? ????????????????????? Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? yerrr What’s your view on the Islam culture? hard to have an opinion on something you know nothing about. Do you know what, “C'est la vie” means? i know i’ve seen this but idk what it means Do balloons make you have a better birthday? nah; they’re loud asf too when they pop, so. Krispy kreme donuts aren’t as good as Dunkin Donuts, are they? DELETE THIS. What is your favorite song from, “Aventura?” THE SPANISH GROUP?! WAYMENT...... i don’t even know. prob something generic. yesterday i was listening to por un segundo lmao :( If you could legally assassinate any celebrity, who would it be? bro.. Do you use Twitter or Formspring? twitter. rip formspring babie love you. Why did you last cry? a few hours ago, real crybaby bad bitch hours. If you had to lose 5 lbs, how would you do it? lower my calorie intake. Is there anyone who seems to think that you are a pillow? ???????? Tell me about your BEST New Year’s Eve ever. wasn’t this one. If you HAD to change your name, what would you change it to? alejandra, idk why that name sticks with me. i just feel like i look like someone named alee & idk how that makes sense but it does to me LMAO. Lunapic editor is amazing, no? whommmm... How do YOU write, “Okay?” depends on my mood, who i’m talking to, what we’re talking about.
How old was the last person who kissed you? 28. Do you have any plans for the day after tomorrow? not that i know of. Do you have a good relationship with your parents? yeah. What time did you wake up today? 7. Name something you can’t wait to do: idk. If you had to choose, would you rather be an alcoholic or a pothead? pothead. What has pissed you off today, if anything at all? cricket noises. Can you honestly say that at this point and time you’re happy with the way life is going? no lmao. Can you easily tell if someone’s fake? mmmmmmmmmmm.. depends. Is there someone you don’t ever want to be out your life? yeah. Did you kiss or hug anyone in the last 48 hours? yeah. Looking back in time did you ever waste your time on a certain boy or girl? feel like most ppl have been thru this. Has anyone ever sang to you? yeah bfsjklj Can a boy and girl be friends without having feelings for each other? LMAO yeah. Coffee or alcohol? oof.. both. together. Have you ever kissed anyone whose name started with C or J? yeth and yeth. Do you ever cry during movies? hell yeah w my crybaby ass Do you have any piercings? ears. Have you ever found someone you really like? my BOO. 🗣 Did you go outside for more than 30 minutes today? yeah LMAO Do you remember who you liked three months ago? was that november... idk how to do math LMAO pretty sure i liked ques by then.
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odds for the most recent ask thing :3
1: Full name Jagger Joseph Alexander!3: 3 Fears Every horror movie ever, bein alone, and bein ugly (this one is 2 real)5: 4 turns on girls who 1. singalong in the car 2. are smart 3. are athletic 4. are fun w kids7: My best friend really don’t have one9: My best first date maybe going to the opera for extra credit for school lol11: What do I miss travelling and my ex13: Favourite color brown eyes15: Favourite quote you have no idea how high i can fly - michael scott17: Favourite food waffle house19: What am I listening to right now you belong with me - tay21: Shoe size literally only 8.5 smh23: Hair color dark brown25: Ever done a prank call? throwback to when i was like 1027: Meaning behind my URL the wonder years song!29: Favourite song born to run - bruce springsteen31: How I feel right now bangin!33: My current relationship status single n sad35: Favourite holiday Halloween!!37: Tattoos and piercing i want none atm39: Do I and my last ex hate each other? idk maybe she does41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? no43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? 30 minutes-ish45: Where am I right now? in bed!!47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? l o u d49: Am I excited for anything? goin back to school and killin it at soccer!!51: How often do I wear a fake smile? i think i sorta just hole up when im sad53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? wouldn’t care at all55: What is something I disliked about today? had to go to the doctor for my FAI /:57: What do I think about most? love and the future59: Do I have any strange phobias? maybe just regretting decisions61: What was the last lie I told? i told my mom i was working on my paper oops63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? i believe in ghosts and life outside of earth but not smart life65: Do I believe in luck? i believe in luck but like for a reason67: What was the last book I’ve read? new guinea tapeworms and jewish grandmothers for school69: Do I have any nicknames? call me jag if ya want!71: Do I spend money or save it? def spend73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me? don’t think so75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? gettin good sleep!77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? jackie and wilson by hozier79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? fre shavocado81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr senilegambino, spoonemoji, tipsyhipsylipsy are the ones ill shoutout!!83: Do I have any relatives in jail? not that i know of85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? im an open book87: Had sex? ok ya89: Gotten pregnant? twice91: Kissed a boy? nope93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? yes!!95: Left the house without my wallet? ive gotten on a plane without my wallet lol97: Had sex in public? yikes99: Smoked weed? never101: Smoked cigarettes? never103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? vegetarian!105: Been underweight? maybe a tiny bit107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? gross only for school109: Been outside my home country? yes!111: Been to a professional sports game? mhm113: Cut myself? its hard to let out your emotions sometimes115: Been in airplane? yes117: What concerts have I been to? honestly way too many to list119: Learned another language? yea im okay at french n spanish!121: Lost my virginity before I was 18? no123: Dyed my hair? no but one day tbh!!125: Rode in an ambulance? no127: Met someone famous? tons129: Peed outside? yea131: Helped with charity? yes133: Broken a mirror? no135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names? rhiannon, leo, and some other princess-y girl name!137: Do I like my handwriting? mostly!139: Favourite Tv Show? the office141: Play any musical instrument? yes guitar piano and others!143: Favourite pizza toping? extra cheese145: Am I afraid of heights? not even a lil147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? w love and college149: What my greatest achievments are bein here and trying my hardest to be a kind person151: What I’d do if I won in a lottery probably just live off of it and donate my salary and money that i don’t need! i might buy a lot of land and just keep it as protected land also153: My closest Tumblr friend prob tipsyhipsylipsy155: Any question you’d like? just ask!
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grantsattler · 7 years
tagged by @knightinironarmor
A- age: 23 B- birthplace: tegucigalpa, honduras C- current time: 8:22 pm D- drink you had last: water E- easiest person to talk to: @luvindowney @pepperonys @rosendie F- favorite song: uuuuuuuh i’m gonna divide this is in: this week: vente pa’ ca - ricky martin ft maluma (don’t judge me, i’m on a latino mood). past six months: miami 82 - syn cole (kygo remix) G- grossest memory: i have tripophobia so whenever i think about it i just get a really nasty feeling H- horror yes or horror no: YES PLS, especially at the cinema I- in love?: rdj probably lmao. but in real life, getting over it actually (i mean the other dude, not rdj) J- jealous of people: sometimes K-killed someone: i assume not L- love at first sight or should i walk back by again?: umm first sight? M- middle name: monserrat. my mom has a weird obsession with spanish names (spanish like names really popular in spain but not in latin america) N- number of siblings: fun fact: i have two (half) older brothers, but my mom recently told me that as it turns out my dad had 4 other kids before me??? lmaooo O- one wish: be motivated to do well in life P- person you called last: @rosendie via skype  Q- question you’re always asked: how was it like living in China? (it’s Taiwan but they always say china for some godforsaken reason) R- reason to smile: rdj! tony stark! good memories! youthfulness!! S- song you sang last: “everybody wants to rule the world” by tears for fears bc i usually have this 80′s90′s classics station on when i’m driving lmao T- top 3 fictional characters: tony stark, remus lupin, prince vegeta U- underwear color: pink V- vacation: south america. or the philippines ‘cause i didn’t go when i was in asia W- when’s your birthday: february 21st X- x-rays: panoramic dental x-ray for the most part Y- your favorite food: pizza never disappoints, but i’m always a sucker for sweet crepes or mashed potatoes Z- zodiac sign: pisces
tagging: @luvindowney @pepperonys @effiestrinkets @sexydowney@tsundereslasher @dougross @newtsckamander idk if you guys have done it or want to!
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betterneko · 8 years
I was tagged for this by the lovely @gingersnarls!   This is actually the first little personal info tag thing that I’ve ever been sent.  I get a tumblr achievement for this, right?  Anyway, as you’re about to see for yourself, I am WAAAAY too wordy with things like this online and find it hard to restrict myself to simple, single answers.  This balances out because I am the opposite of that in real, face to face life.
1:COUNTRIES I’VE LIVED IN : Sadly, only the US.  That’s probably not going to change.
2:FAVE FANDOM : The Ghost fandom is what lured me into the reaches of tumblr’s claws.  I have no regrets.  I like the Bowie fandom as well, but it’s so insanely massive that it’s harder to wrap my head around or keep up with.
3:LANGUAGES YOU SPEAK : English.  Does ASL count?  I know and can sign and understand a little bit of that.  Sometimes a random Spanish word surfaces in my brain from the three years of classes that I took, but apparently did not retain in any effective way both in and after high school.
4:FAVORITE FILM OF 2016 : Hmmmm....I think my FAVORITE film of 2016 was probably ‘I Am The Pretty Thing That Lives In The House’, which was directed by Osgood Perkins (son of Anthony Perkins!).  I think it played at a festival or two, but then was released directly onto Netflix in October.  It seems to be a bit divisive among people who have watched it.  Which I get - it’s quiet and dark and slow - and some people are not into that kind of horror, which is fine.  But I love that kind of creepy.  It’s also very literary and feels more like a focused glimpse into a never ending cycle than like a fully contained story, which I also like.  So basically, if you watch it and think it’s boring, I apologize.
I also loved The Witch.  Honorable mention to that.
5:LAST ARTICLE I READ : Does that translated Ghost article I reblogged last week count?  That, then.
1.  Singapore by Tom Waits 2.  Night Vision by Electric Six 3. Rise by Public Image Ltd.
7:LAST THING YOU BOUGHT ONLINE : It was the Lightbringer/Popestar shirt.  Merry Christmas to myself!
8:ANY PHOBIAS OR FEARS : This list is a little long and basically ridiculous, but I’ll pare it down to: “when the power goes out suddenly”, “being in natural bodies of water that I can’t see through (like lakes, mostly), but also just the thought of really, really, really deep, dark water” and “disappointing anyone I know in any way”.  Life is fun.
9:HOW WOULD YOUR FRIENDS DESCRIBE YOU : I actually expend a lot of mental effort trying to convince myself that nobody talks about or even thinks about me when I’m not directly in front of them.  Hopefully, if they do, they just say that I’m nice.  I would also accept “punctual”.
10:HOW WOULD YOUR ENEMIES DESCRIBE YOU : I don’t THINK I have many enemies?  I mean, I’m not everybody’s best friend or anything, but enemy may be too strong a word.  I do know that people who don’t know me very well think I can be cold or stuck up, but I’m actually just really shy.  As for the few people that I genuinely don’t like, they know that I NEVER FORGET ANYTHING.
11:WHO WOULD YOU TAKE A BULLET FOR : My darling husband, our children and my cat.
12:IF YOU HAD MONEY TO SPARE WHAT WOULD YOU BUY FIRST : A really, really nice computer.  And a maid service to clean my house once a week.
I’ll tag.......@meemalee, @lucifersbrightstar, @e-m-e-r-i-t-u-s, and @bearfeat42.  All of whom are totally welcome to ignore this if they’ve already done it a million times or just don’t want to.  =)
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