#spanish gothic architecture
illustratus · 7 months
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The Mock Serenade (Cervantes' Don Quixote) by Gustave Doré
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cogumellow · 2 months
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cathedral // granada, spain // 2015 // ©
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thegothicera · 9 months
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Adoration of the Magi on the façade of the Cathedral of Salamanca, Spanish, 16th century (construction begun in 1513)
Photo by Miguel Ángel García
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dutchdude · 11 months
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Cathedral de Mallorca
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pamietniko · 2 years
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Las Ramblas
Barcelona, Spain
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miamaimania · 7 months
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Echoes of Divinity ¬›: San Vicente Church, Ávila - A Symphony in Stone
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honeybeelullaby · 2 years
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Basílica de Santa Maria del Mar, Barcelona
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pollonegro666 · 1 year
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2023/07/08 Esta catedral se construyó hace muchos siglos y conserva todos los elementos de decoración originales en su fachada. La puerta principal, con sus dos agujas, te transportan con la mirada hacia el cielo.
This cathedral was built many centuries ago and retains all the original decoration elements on its façade. The main door, with its two needles, transports you with your gaze towards the sky.
Google Translation into French: Cette cathédrale a été construite il y a plusieurs siècles et conserve tous les éléments décoratifs d'origine sur sa façade. La porte principale, avec ses deux aiguilles, vous transporte du regard vers le ciel.
Google translation into Italian: Questa cattedrale è stata costruita diversi secoli fa e conserva tutti gli elementi decorativi originali sulla sua facciata. La porta principale, con i suoi due aghi, ti trasporta verso il cielo.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Esta catedral foi construída há vários séculos e mantém todos os elementos decorativos originais em sua fachada. A porta principal, com as suas duas agulhas, transporta-nos para o céu.
Google Translation into German: Diese Kathedrale wurde vor mehreren Jahrhunderten erbaut und bewahrt alle ursprünglichen dekorativen Elemente an ihrer Fassade. Das Haupttor mit seinen zwei Nadeln entführt Sie in den Himmel.
Google Translation into Albanisch: E ndërtuar disa shekuj më parë, kjo katedrale ruan të gjitha elementet origjinale dekorative në fasadën e saj. Porta kryesore me dy gjilpërat e saj të çon në parajsë.
Google Translation into Armenian: Մի քանի դար առաջ կառուցված այս տաճարը պահպանում է իր ճակատի բնօրինակ դեկորատիվ տարրերը։ Գլխավոր դարպասն իր երկու ասեղներով ձեզ դեպի դրախտ է տանում։
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Построена преди няколко века, тази катедрала запазва всички оригинални декоративни елементи по фасадата си. Главната порта с двете си игли ви отвежда в рая.
Google Translation into Czech: Tato katedrála, postavená před několika staletími, zachovává všechny původní dekorativní prvky na fasádě. Hlavní brána se svými dvěma jehlami vás vezme do nebe.
Google Translation into Croatian: Izgrađena prije nekoliko stoljeća, ova katedrala čuva sve izvorne ukrasne elemente na svom pročelju. Glavna vrata sa svoje dvije igle vode vas u raj.
Google Translation into Danish Denne katedral blev bygget for flere århundreder siden og bevarer alle de originale dekorative elementer på facaden. Hovedporten med sine to nåle tager dig til himlen.
Google Translation into Slovak: Táto katedrála, postavená pred niekoľkými storočiami, si na fasáde zachovala všetky pôvodné dekoratívne prvky. Hlavná brána s dvoma ihlami vás zavedie do neba.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Ta katedrala, zgrajena pred več stoletji, ohranja vse prvotne okrasne elemente na svoji fasadi. Glavna vrata z dvema iglama vas popeljejo v nebesa.
Google Translation into Estonian: Selle mitu sajandit tagasi ehitatud katedraali fassaadil on säilinud kõik originaalsed dekoratiivelemendid. Peavärav oma kahe nõelaga viib taevasse.
Google Translation into Suomi: Tämä useita vuosisatoja sitten rakennettu katedraali on säilyttänyt kaikki alkuperäiset koriste-elementit julkisivussaan. Pääportti kahdella neulalla vie sinut taivaaseen.
Google Translation into Georgian: რამდენიმე საუკუნის წინ აშენებული ეს ტაძარი ინარჩუნებს ყველა ორიგინალურ დეკორატიულ ელემენტს მის ფასადზე. მთავარი კარიბჭე თავისი ორი ნემსით სამოთხეში მიგიყვანს.
Google Translation into Greek: Χτισμένος πριν από αρκετούς αιώνες, αυτός ο καθεδρικός ναός διατηρεί όλα τα αυθεντικά διακοσμητικά στοιχεία στην πρόσοψή του. Η κύρια πύλη με τις δύο βελόνες της σε μεταφέρει στον παράδεισο.
Google Translation into Hungarian: Ez a több évszázaddal ezelőtt épült katedrális megőrizte homlokzatának eredeti díszítőelemeit. A főkapu két tűjével a mennybe visz.
Google Translation into Dutch: Deze kathedraal is enkele eeuwen geleden gebouwd en heeft alle originele decoratieve elementen op de gevel behouden. De hoofdpoort met zijn twee naalden brengt je naar de hemel.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Denne katedralen ble bygget for flere århundrer siden, og bevarer alle de originale dekorative elementene på fasaden. Hovedporten med sine to nåler tar deg til himmelen.
Google Translation into Polish: Zbudowana kilka wieków temu katedra zachowała wszystkie oryginalne elementy dekoracyjne na swojej fasadzie. Główna brama z dwiema igłami prowadzi do nieba.
Google Translation into Romanian: Construită cu câteva secole în urmă, această catedrală păstrează toate elementele decorative originale de pe fațadă. Poarta principală cu cele două ace te duce în rai.
Google Translation into Russian: Построенный несколько веков назад, этот собор сохранил на своем фасаде все оригинальные декоративные элементы. Главные ворота с двумя иглами уносят вас в рай.
Google Translation into Serbian: Саграђена пре неколико векова, ова катедрала чува све оригиналне декоративне елементе на својој фасади. Главна капија са своје две игле води вас у рај.
Google Translation into Swedish: Denna katedral byggdes för flera århundraden sedan och bevarar alla ursprungliga dekorativa element på sin fasad. Huvudporten med sina två nålar tar dig till himlen.
Google Translation into Turkish: Birkaç yüzyıl önce inşa edilen bu katedral, cephesindeki tüm orijinal dekoratif unsurları korumaktadır. İki iğneli ana kapı sizi cennete götürür.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Цей собор, побудований кілька століть тому, зберіг усі оригінальні декоративні елементи на своєму фасаді. Головні ворота з двома голками ведуть вас на небо.
Google Translation into Arabic: تم بناء هذه الكاتدرائية منذ عدة قرون ، وه�� تحافظ على جميع العناصر الزخرفية الأصلية على واجهتها. تنقلك البوابة الرئيسية بإبرتيها إلى الجنة.
Google Translation into Bengali: কয়েক শতাব্দী আগে নির্মিত, এই ক্যাথেড্রালটি এর সম্মুখভাগে সমস্ত মূল আলংকারিক উপাদান সংরক্ষণ করে। এর দুটি সূঁচ সহ প্রধান ফটক আপনাকে স্বর্গে নিয়ে যায়।
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 这座大教堂建于几个世纪前,其正面保留了所有原有的装饰元素。 有两根针的正门带你到天堂。
Google Translation into Korean: 수세기 전에 지어진 이 대성당은 정면에 있는 원래 장식 요소를 모두 보존하고 있습니다. 두 개의 바늘이 달린 정문은 당신을 천국으로 인도합니다.
Google Translation into Hawaiian: I kūkulu ʻia i mau kenekulia i hala aku nei, mālama kēia hale pule i nā mea hoʻonaninani kumu mua ma kona alo. ʻO ka puka nui me kāna mau nila ʻelua e lawe iā ʻoe i ka lani.
Google Translation into Hebrew: הקתדרלה הזו, שנבנתה לפני כמה מאות שנים, משמרת את כל האלמנטים הדקורטיביים המקוריים על החזית שלה. השער הראשי עם שתי המחטים שלו לוקח אותך לגן עדן.
Google Translation into Hindi: कई शताब्दियों पहले निर्मित, यह कैथेड्रल अपने मुखौटे पर सभी मूल सजावटी तत्वों को संरक्षित करता है। अपनी दो सुइयों वाला मुख्य द्वार आपको स्वर्ग की ओर ले जाता है।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Dibangun beberapa abad yang lalu, katedral ini mempertahankan semua elemen dekoratif asli pada fasadnya. Gerbang utama dengan dua jarumnya membawa Anda ke surga.
Google Translation into Japanese: 数世紀前に建てられたこの大聖堂は、ファサードのオリジナルの装飾要素をすべて保存しています。 二本の針を持つ山門があなたを天国へ連れて行きます。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Бир нече кылым мурун курулган бул собор өзүнүн фасадында бардык оригиналдуу кооздук элементтерин сактаган. Эки ийнеси бар негизги дарбаза сени асманга алып барат.
Google Translation into Malay: Dibina beberapa abad yang lalu, katedral ini mengekalkan semua elemen hiasan asal pada fasadnya. Pintu utama dengan dua jarumnya membawa anda ke syurga.
Google Translation into Malayalam: നിരവധി നൂറ്റാണ്ടുകൾക്ക് മുമ്പ് നിർമ്മിച്ച ഈ കത്തീഡ്രൽ അതിന്റെ മുൻഭാഗത്തെ എല്ലാ യഥാർത്ഥ അലങ്കാര ഘടകങ്ങളും സംരക്ഷിക്കുന്നു. രണ്ട് സൂചികളുള്ള പ്രധാന കവാടം നിങ്ങളെ സ്വർഗത്തിലേക്ക് കൊണ്ടുപോകുന്നു.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Хэдэн зуун жилийн өмнө баригдсан энэхүү сүм нь фасад дээрх бүх анхны гоёл чимэглэлийн элементүүдийг хадгалсан байдаг. Хоёр зүүтэй гол хаалга таныг диваажинд аваачна.
Google Translation into Nepali: धेरै शताब्दी अघि निर्माण गरिएको, यो क्याथेड्रलले यसको मुखमा सबै मौलिक सजावटी तत्वहरू सुरक्षित गर्दछ। दुई सुई भएको मुख्य ढोकाले तपाईंलाई स्वर्गमा लैजान्छ।
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਕਈ ਸਦੀਆਂ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਬਣਾਇਆ ਗਿਆ, ਇਹ ਗਿਰਜਾਘਰ ਆਪਣੇ ਚਿਹਰੇ 'ਤੇ ਸਾਰੇ ਅਸਲ ਸਜਾਵਟੀ ਤੱਤਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਸੁਰੱਖਿਅਤ ਰੱਖਦਾ ਹੈ। ਦੋ ਸੂਈਆਂ ਵਾਲਾ ਮੁੱਖ ਦਰਵਾਜ਼ਾ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਸਵਰਗ ਵਿੱਚ ਲੈ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: څو پیړۍ دمخه جوړ شوی، دا کاتډرل په مخ کې ټول اصلي آرائشی عناصر ساتي. اصلي دروازه د خپلو دوه ستنو سره تاسو جنت ته رسوي.
Google Translation into Persian: این کلیسای جامع که چندین قرن پیش ساخته شده است، تمام عناصر تزئینی اصلی را در نمای خود حفظ کرده است. دروازه اصلی با دو سوزن شما را به بهشت ​​می برد.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Diwangun sababaraha abad ka tukang, katedral ieu ngajaga sagala elemen hiasan aslina dina adul na. Gerbang utama kalayan dua jarum na mawa anjeun ka surga.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Itinayo ilang siglo na ang nakalipas, pinapanatili ng katedral na ito ang lahat ng orihinal na elemento ng dekorasyon sa harapan nito. Ang pangunahing gate na may dalawang karayom ​​ay magdadala sa iyo sa langit.
Google Translation into Telugu: అనేక శతాబ్దాల క్రితం నిర్మించబడిన ఈ కేథడ్రల్ దాని ముఖభాగంలో అన్ని అసలు అలంకరణ అంశాలను భద్రపరుస్తుంది. రెండు సూదులతో కూడిన ప్రధాన ద్వారం మిమ్మల్ని స్వర్గానికి తీసుకువెళుతుంది.
Google Translation into Thai: มหาวิหารแห่งนี้สร้างขึ้นเมื่อหลายศตวรรษก่อน โดยยังคงรักษาองค์ประกอบการตกแต่งดั้งเดิมทั้งหมดไว้บนส่วนหน้า ประตูหลักที่มีเข็มสองเล่มพาคุณไปสู่สวรรค์
Google Translation into Urdu: کئی صدیوں پہلے تعمیر کیا گیا یہ کیتھیڈرل اپنے اگواڑے پر تمام اصل آرائشی عناصر کو محفوظ رکھتا ہے۔ مرکزی دروازہ جس کی دو سوئیاں آپ کو جنت میں لے جاتی ہیں۔
Google Translation into Uzbek: Bir necha asrlar oldin qurilgan bu sobor o'zining jabhasida barcha original dekorativ elementlarni saqlab qolgan. Ikki ignali asosiy darvoza sizni jannatga olib boradi.
Google Translation into Vietnamese: Được xây dựng cách đây vài thế kỷ, nhà thờ này bảo tồn tất cả các yếu tố trang trí ban đầu trên mặt tiền của nó. Cổng chính với hai cây kim sẽ đưa bạn đến thiên đường.
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isisbaal · 2 years
Gothic ruins. Time is always passing. But our dream is still over there.
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softle0 · 2 months
A little message for mostly YouTube builders but y’all in general, I hope I’m not being too rough but..
I know it’s been just a couple of days but guys what you mean when you say you were expecting more “Mexican” style furniture in the new ep? 😭😭 y’all don’t expect us to have art deco or modern stuff? Like seriously, what do you guys want 😂 We all Mexican simmers think this new pack is very accurate, you can even ask the simmers that worked in the official builds 🤷🏻‍♀️
Y’all really falling over the Americanized cliché of Mexico fr, this pack is inspired in Mexico City. We are a city, the population is like 24million, we’re a really big city 💀 please leave your “villas” and “haciendas” to oasis springs or sol del valey.
Please I beg you to not come and say “oh this is not giving Mexico” cause clearly you don’t know what are you talking about, be educated fr. I said it before and I’m gonna keep talking about it; But the architectural limitations in Mexico are pretty much non-existent. We probably have every single architectural style you can think about. Modern, post-modern, brutalist, art deco, mid century, colonial, Romanesque, gothic among others, probably even Tudor 😭 so you coming and expecting us to only have the villas or colorful haciendas fiesta salsa talcos it really hurts me as Mexican 😂
I’m not hating against them, I love them and as I said we have all types of places so keep doing them if you want but that’s not really common in Mexico City. So why y’all keep going with the same villas or just straight boxes builds 😭 please do more research over than using only Pinterest please, is really not that hard 🙏🏻 there’s a lot of fellow Mexican simmers, there’s google, google maps, you can even do a research of Mexico City in airbnb 😭😭 likeeee there’s a ton of ways to get information really…. You can really step up your building game if you only do a proper research. As I’ve seen a lot of you do for other worlds, why not taking the time for Mexico? Why y’all don’t respect us as much as other cultures?:(
And I know and I understand y’all probably won’t be 100% accurate if you’re not Mexicans but that doesn’t mean you can build a Los Angeles Spanish style of home and get away with it by saying “sorry if is not that accurate” 😭 cause you’re not even trying :( Mind you I been working on a uk inspired save when I never been outside my country other than some places in Canada and Florida and I’m still doing very realistic builds just by doing some research. And I’m 100% sure almost every other realistic builder is in the same situation.
Y’all are amazing and you’re so creative, I love that about the community and I know y’all can do wonderful things if doing a really small but proper research!
And next time you wanna talk about if something is giving or not Mexican at least be educated before talking about something you don’t know, it’s honestly very disrespectful. Y’all are better than that and please don’t take this as an offense, this is more like constructive criticism. I know y’all not doing this on purpose, this is just based on ignorance which is nothing bad, you can always learn something new!🥺 please do better!!
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illustratus · 6 months
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View of Toledo by El Greco
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cogumellow · 2 months
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gothic quarter // barcelona, spain // january 2024 // ©
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vestaignis · 2 months
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Коломарес – самый фантастический замок Испании.
Испанский замок Коломарес – недавняя постройка, которую возвели в честь пятисотлетия со дня открытия Америки. Причем, строительство, начавшееся в 1987 году, возглавил доктор медицины Эстебан Мартин, который, как это ни странно, не обладал специальным образованием. Вместе с несколькими помощниками, которым ранее приходилось заниматься только кирпичной кладкой, он соорудил замок за 7 лет и в ходе работы освоил все премудрости строительства, это уникальное сооружение, позволяет проследить путь знаменитого мореплавателя через Атлантический океан. Автор проэкта и его помощники запечатлели в камне «Санта Марию», «Пинту» и «Нинью» – три корабля, которые приняли участие в плавании Колумба. Результатом столь кропотливого труда стал большой ажурный замок, площадь которого составляет не менее 1,5 тыс. кв. м. На сегодняшний день он является наибольшим памятником Колумбу не только в Испании, но и во всем мире. Любопытно, что при создании замка кроме кирпича были использованы мрамор, камень, стекло и даже древесина, из которой выполнили ряд элементов декора.
Это строение стало великим шедевром архитектуры, в смешанном стиле: византийском, римском, готическом и мавританском. И подобное смешение не простое совпадение, оно символично, потому что рассказывает об этапах развития страны и о многообразии культур, некогда населявших ее народов. Доктор Эстебан Мартин гармонично объединил в своем грандиозном сооружении элементы трех основных культур Испании времен Средневековья: христианства, иудаизма и ислама. Красота этой изумительной достопримечательности испанского курорта на Средиземном море в городе Бенальмадена, привлекает на отдых множество путешественников из разных стран мира.
Кроме того, архитектор символически отобразил и другие события испанской истории. Например, «Фонтан влюбленных» посвящен королевской чете – Фердинанду Арагонскому и Изабелле Кастильской. Эти монархи после долгих раздумий одобрили планы Колумба по снаряжению морской экспедиции.Еще одной составляющей Кастильо де Коломарес в Испании является часовня Santa Isabel de Hungria in Colomares, сооруженная в честь Св. Елизаветы Венгерской и числящаяся в Книге рекордов Гиннесса как наименьшая в мире церковь. Площадь этой капеллы составляет не более 2 кв. м, поэтому во время мессы в ней помещается только священник.
Colomares is the most fantastic castle in Spain.
The Spanish castle of Colomares is a recent construction, which was erected in honor of the 500th anniversary of the discovery of America. Moreover, the construction, which began in 1987, was headed by the doctor of medicine Esteban Martin, who, oddly enough, did not have a special education. Together with several assistants, who had previously only had to deal with bricklaying, he built the castle in 7 years and during the work mastered all the intricacies of construction, this unique structure allows you to follow the path of the famous navigator across the Atlantic Ocean. The author of the project and his assistants captured in stone "Santa Maria", "Pinta" and "Nina" - three ships that took part in Columbus's voyage. The result of such painstaking work was a large openwork castle, the area of ​​​​which is at least 1.5 thousand square meters. m. Today it is the largest monument to Columbus not only in Spain, but also in the whole world. It is curious that in addition to brick, marble, stone, glass and even wood were used to create the castle, from which a number of decorative elements were made.
This building has become a great masterpiece of architecture, in a mixed style: Byzantine, Roman, Gothic and Moorish. And such a mixture is not a simple coincidence, it is symbolic, because it tells about the stages of the country's development and the diversity of cultures that once inhabited its peoples. Doctor Esteban Martin harmoniously combined elements of the three main cultures of Spain during the Middle Ages in his grandiose structure: Christianity, Judaism and Islam. The beauty of this amazing landmark of the Spanish resort on the Mediterranean Sea in the city of Benalmadena attracts many travelers from different countries of the world to rest.
In addition, the architect symbolically displayed other events in Spanish history. For example, the "Fountain of Lovers" is dedicated to the royal couple - Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile. After much deliberation, these monarchs approved Columbus's plans to equip a sea expedition. Another component of the Castillo de Colomares in Spain is the chapel of Santa Isabel de Hungria in Colomares, built in honor of St. Elizabeth of Hungary and listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest church in the world. The area of ​​this chapel is no more than 2 square meters, so only the priest fits in it during mass.
Source: //kidpassage.com/activity/ispaniya/kosta-del-sol/zamok-kolomares?,/alandalus.ru/andalucia/provincia-malaga/benalmadena / castillo-monumento-colomares/,://balttur.spb.ru/countries/spain/ zamok-kolomares.html,/kuku.travel/country/ispaniya /dostoprimechatelnosti-ispaniya/kolomares-samyj-fantasticheskij-zamok-ispanii/,/portal.azertag.az/ru/node/20093, //www.tripadvisor . ru/Attraction_Review-g562812-d669392-Reviews-Castillo _ Monumento_Colomares-Benalmadena_Costa_del_ Sol_ Province_ of_ Malaga_Andaluci.html.
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Love me or hate me, both are in my favor. (Miguel O’Hara x Fem! Reader [HS Academic rivals AU])
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Babe wake up, new series just dropped! This is not proofread btw
(Y/N)-Your name.
Cursing, Miguel being jealous? (If you squint), i am mexican but my Spanish sucks so apologies I’m advance, Phantom of the Opera spoilers (???? Through I’d throw it out there)
Word count: 3k
Series Masterlist Series playlist
Chapter 1:The world was on fire
“Love me or hate me, Both are in my favor. If you love me, I’ll always be in your heart. If you hate me, I’ll always be in your mind.”
The quote was etched into the front of your red hardcover notebook, with gold details covering the edges of the front. The black ink was oddly neat despite how deep you had to indent the words over and over on the cover. Miguel has noticed that you would always write a beautifully tragic quote on the front of all your English notebooks every year.
Last year, the quote was, “Love is blind, and lovers cannot see.”
For sophomore year, “She could have been a poet or she could have been a fool.”
And for freshman year it was, “‘I miss her.’ ‘You’re dead.’ ‘Even in death, I mourn her.’”
The first time Miguel saw it was when you both were in the 7th grade, being paired up to write a report about some random novel that Miguel couldn’t remember the name of. You had pulled out your notebook, that year it was a dark forest green, with the quote being, “But just because I’m not going to wish for it doesn't mean the moth can ignore the flame. It’s in the moth's blood.”
Miguel’s dark maroon eyes rolled to the back of his head, it was almost pretentious he thought, a way to show off how “artsy” you are. He allowed a scoff to escape his plump lips, you simply ignored him as you began to flip through your notes.
You were much more into history, the arts and most of all, Literature, while Miguel was more into science and math. Miguel didn’t understand why you loved it so much, he didn’t think your favorite subjects were nearly as important as his. Who cares what some dead poet wrote a thousand years ago, when he could be the next to make a big scientific discovery? Like time travel or curing cancer. Sure, Miguel still did the work in english and history, and for someone who didn't care for it, he would always do so well, and that drove you up the wall, but Miguel could say the same about you with math and science. Miguel would always tune you out when you would ramble on about some new book you were reading to your friends, or would ignore the way your eyebrow would furrow together and your teeth would bite down on your lips when you’d get to a particularly good spot in your novel, stopping every once and a while to annotate, would scoff at the the way your eyes would stare at piece of art with such fascination and wonder when the class would go to a field trip to an art museum, groan at how’d you always talk about the beauty of old gothic architecture, talking about how the beauty of the buildings was almost tragic.
The key word, would.
As you two grew older, and your competitiveness in your grades became more intense, Miguel couldn’t help but start to wonder what goes through that pretty little head of yours. He wanted to see how the deep corners of your mind worked. What made your brain tick, maybe if he saw the world through your perspective, he would understand you more.
Your manicured hand grabbed your notebook by the bloody red spine, gently gripping it before placing it into your bag, and zipping it up. Slinging it over your shoulder as you turn to talk to your friend who sat next to you, before you both made your way out of the AP English classroom.
You and Miguel had been attending the same classes since you transferred in the 6th grade, both of you attend one of Nueva York’s most prestigious and high-end boarding schools. At first, Miguel didn’t pay you any mind, figured you were just another spoiled brat with daddy’s money, and a trust fund big enough to last you until you find some poor unsuspecting fool to ask for your hand and make you into a trophy wife, like most of the girls who attend the school. But it wasn’t until you had beat his score later that year on the mid-year school wide testing did you get his attention. He could remember it like it was yesterday, he was sitting in class with a near perfect score of 97% written on top of his test answer sheet, a self-satisfied smirk on his face as he slid the paper over to his left where Peter Parker had sat.
“I swear man, you’re like, a genius.” Peter grumbled to Miguel as he glanced at his friend’s paper, before at his own which had 78% written at the top. Peter’s hand went up to pat Miguel on the back, but before Miguel could reply, just bearly in earshot, he had heard an unfamiliar voice speak.
“Yeah I got a 99, I wasn’t expecting…” Miguel didn’t catch the rest, but the first part was enough for his whole body to feel hot all over, and make his stomach twist in discomfort. He felt like he was about to go into a state of shock, or rather he was already entering one. He’s never had someone top before, if felt like he was dreaming, well, maybe having a nightmare was a better way to describe it. He couldn’t remember how long he had sat at his desk afterwards, in a weird state of disassociation until Peter had pulled him back to reality. He swore to himself, after that moment he’d never let you top him again.
But that was a hard promise to keep. Because whether he'd like to admit it or not, you were good, always keeping him on his toes. You were almost like a breath of fresh air for him, albeit a painful one, like the first shallow breath after almost drowning. Before you , Miguel was growing content, growing bored, no other student was anywhere close to his GPA, even the second best at the time, he felt simply untouchable, but then you came along, and you changed everything for him.
At first, he saw you more as a pest, an annoying little fly that kept buzzing around no matter how many times he had tried to swat you away. Upon your first time formally meeting with Miguel, you were polite and civil, the kindest smile on your face as you stuck your hand out for him to shake as you introduced yourself to him. Miguel just glanced at your hand with a sour, unamused expression on his face, before his eyes wandered back up to your face and he just let out a noise that was a mix between a grunt and a scoff before turning and walking away, leaving you confused and a little bit hurt from his unfriendly and quite frankly rude actions, you decided to just brush it off, maybe he was having a bad day and wasn’t in a good mood. So a few days later you tried to approached him again in hopes for a better interaction, only for those hopes to get squashed when he basically told you to fuck off, rolling his eyes and ignoring your presence once again as he walked past you, “accidentally” shouldering you in the process. You decided to stop trying to be nice to him after that.
For about the first year since you transferred, you and Miguel simply pretended the other didn’t exist, neither would approach or interact with the other unless absolutely necessary, the only constant reminders of each other's presence was when one would beat the other during tests, report cards, etc. Eventually the plain out ignoring shifted to fleeting glares and glances, eye rolls and snarky remarks muttered under both of your breaths, both of yours already rocky relationship with each other becoming more and more intense and open as you both got older, neither finding the energy to even attempt to tolerate the others presence anymore. So now you and him were stuck in this repetitive circle with each other, but neither of you were doing anything to stop it.
“I’ve already told you Gabe, I’m not going to give you my notes from last year. Read the book like everyone else.” Miguel sighed, stuffing his free hand in his pocket, his other hand holding onto his backpack strap, walking to the housing building across the campus of Nueva York’s Preparatory Academy, where he and his younger brother shared a room.
“But Miggy!” Gabriel whined, his lips coming out in a pout, and Miguel’s nose scrunched in annoyance at both the nickname and the high-pitch tone of his brother's whine. “What’s the point of me being brothers with one of the top students at this school if I can’t steal your notes! Besides, I've tried and I just can’t get into it. Who would have thought that Frankenstein would be such a boring book, and don’t get me started on how the paragraphs are set up!”
“And that’s my problem because?” Miguel’s eyebrow quirked up, sending Gabriel an unamused look.
“Look Miguel, you might not get it from my point of view, but it’s very difficult for me, being your brother. From an academic standpoint I mean. The teachers expect me to have the same intelligence as you. I'm not stupid, don’t get me wrong, I’m just not on the same playing field as you. Also, I don’t like reading.” Gabriel shrugged.
“And what makes you think that I do?” Miguel retorted with an eyeroll, opening the glass doors to the housing building for his brother before stepping in himself and shutting the door behind him.
“Well didn't you get an A+ on your report about the book last year?”
“No. I got an A-.” Miguel grumbled, and after a moment, Gabriel’s expression perked up a bit, as if a light bulb had gone off in his head.
“Oh riiight, that one girl got an A+, what was her name again?” Gabriel said in an almost teasing tone, before throwing out various names at Miguel that were similar to yours, obvious bait to see if his brother would bite, and he did.
“It’s (Y/N).” Miguel corrected with a hash glare.
“Oh, right, right.” Gabriel’s lips went up in a slight smirk, his hands going into his pockets to fish out the keys to their shared dorm room. “Maybe I can ask her to help me, I mean she’s a bookworm, right?”
Miguel didn’t answer the question, not completely sure if it was rhetorical or not, choosing to stay silent as they finally stopped in front of their room.
“I could ask for her notes, maybe take her out for some coffee as a thank you.” Miguel’s face scrunched with annoyance at the implication, his brother knew how much you two disliked each other, and a more sound part of his mind was telling himself that his little brother was just pulling at his leg, but that didn’t stop him from the draggers he glared at Gabriel.
“Don’t even think about it. Hasta la mira mal a esa niña, y estás muerto. ¿Entiendes?” Miguel hissed, his voice dropping an octave with the threat. (If you even look at that girl wrong, you’re dead. Got it?”)
Despite his older brother’s threats, Gabriel’s smirk only turned into a wide grin, before he put his hands up as I sigh of surrender, his keys dangling with the motion before he unlocked the door, and walked into the room, Miguel following closing the door behind him.
“I don't understand anything about this, (Y/N).” Your friend, Mary Jane, or MJ for short, groaned as you both sat down in one of the school's many libraries, school supplies sprawled on top of the mahogany desk. It was fairly empty, today, but you both took space in one of the empty study rooms to keep from making too much of a disruption from anyone else who might go in, the repeated sound of rapid tapping of MJ’s mechanical pencil hitting the desk as you catch her biting her bottom lip in frustration.
“I know.” You giggled with a small smile, putting your hand on her forearm in an attempt to comfort her. You both have been at it for about 3 hours now, your English teacher had assigned everyone to write a 2,000 word essay about the book being read in class Romeo and Juliet. You’ve already read and watched the play a million times so you knew the back of your hand.
“Like I understand that, they fall and love and die and stuff, but all the jokes and the symbolism and stuff-“
“That’s why I’m here, MJ.” You grinned at your friend, and she just scoffed at you with a friendly smile, a smile you returned, before getting up from your seat with a small stretch. “I’ll be right back, I'm going to go stretch my legs.” You told her, which only got you a hum in response, before you slipped out of the small room. No matter how much time you’ve spent in this specific library, (it’s your favorite one) you’ll never get tired of the earth and wood-like tones that filled your senses whenever you would enter in the building, the four old walls always filled you with such warmth, they were like a second home for you. You let out a deep content exhale as your black Mary Jane heels tapping quietly against the old wooden tiles of the library floor. Mindlessly wandering with no real destination in mind, but making sure you don’t stray too far from the study room, it wasn’t difficult to lose your sense of direction in the make-shift corridors made from old bookshelves. You turn a corner without thinking, a hand goes up , gently brushing the spines of the books as you continue walking. What genre section were you in?
Your steps came to a halt, taking a step closer to the shelf as you grabbed the book your hand was resting on. Your lips came up in a soft small smile as you read the title of the book in your hands.
The phantom of the opera.
Oh how you loved the story, you’ve watched both the movie renditions and the stage version countless times, but you’ve read the novel more than you’ve watched all three combined, but your copy sadly got ruined when you dropped it in a puddle of water while on a walk, and haven’t had the time to get a new copy. Was it bad that if you were in Christine’s shoes, you would have picked Erik over Raoul?
Your fingertips opened the door, flipping the pages until you landed on the page you were looking for.
Hardly breathing, he went up to the dressing-room and, with his ear to the door to catch her reply, prepared to knock. But his hand dropped. He had heard a man's voice in the dressing-room, saying, in a curiously masterful tone:
"Christine, you must love me!"
And Christine's voice, infinitely sad and trembling, as though accompanied by tears, replied:
"How can you talk like that? When I sing only for you!"
Raoul leaned against the panel to ease his pain.
His heart, which had seemed gone-
“Why am I not surprised I’d find you here?” The sudden words interrupted your reading. You didn’t need to lift your eyes to know the source of the voice, the slight accent and the deadpan tone gave it away.
“Hello to you too, O’Hara.” You replied, your eyes not lifting, your hand flipping to the next page despite no longer reading the words on the pages anymore, you weren’t going to give Miguel the satisfaction of knowing he had your attention. The act didn’t last very long though when his finger went up to lift the book up to read the cover, your gaze going up to finally look up at him, a bored expression on your face, a tsk leaving his mouth when he realized what you were reading.
“What?” You question him, wanting to know what that reaction meant, you closed the book and put it back on the shelf.
“Tell me.”
His lips come up to a smug smirk.
“That you find that shit romantic.” He stated like he knew it was a fact, and you’d rather die than admit to him that you did, in fact, find it romantic. “Don’t act like you don’t, I can read you like a book. No pun intended.”
Your face came to a scowl, instead of entertaining him with a response, you crossed your arms and slightly leaned against the bookshelf behind you.
“What are you even doing here Miguel? You don’t even like reading.” He didn’t entertain your question with a response either, rather he just shrugged, and took a step closer, his hand going up to rest against the self, his hand was right next to your head.
“Do me a favor?” He asked, but his tone came out more like it was a suggestion rather than a request.
“Why would I do that?” You scoffed.
“Don’t make me beg, muñeca.” His tone dropped an octave. Despite the pet name, his voice was filled with nothing but coldness. (Doll)
“Don’t give me ideas.” You teased. Your lips twitched up slightly.
“If my brother comes to you and asks to take you out, go ahead and say no.” That certainly wasn’t what you were expecting him to say, but you slowly nodded your head regardless, deciding to not ask what his brother said to him that would make him come up to you about that. His hand came back down to his side as he took a step back “Good. How’s the essay coming?”
The sudden topic change you off guard a bit, but you quickly recovered, since it was something you’d both been more used to talking about, your studies.
“I’m almost done, I’ve mostly been just helping MJ with hers.” You explained, as you stood up straight again. “You?”
“Same, if it weren’t for Peter I probably would already be finished with it.”
“Don’t stress about it too much, O’Hara.”
“Oh, why not?”
You smiled.
“Because I'm gonna get a better grade on my paper anyways.”
Taglist: @famouscattale @oharasfilipinawife @mxltifxnd0m @loser-alert @homewreckingwreck @dumb-gemini12
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pamietniko · 2 years
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Picasso, vermouth, and Barri Gòtic meanderings.
Barcelona, Spain
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richwall101 · 2 months
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The Sagrada Familia - Barcelona - Spain
The Basílica i Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família, otherwise known as Sagrada Família, is a church under construction in the Eixample district of Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. It is the largest unfinished Catholic church in the world. Designed by Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí (1852–1926), in 2005 his work on Sagrada Família was added to an existing (1984) UNESCO World Heritage Site, "Works of Antoni Gaudí". On 7 November 2010, Pope Benedict XVI consecrated the church and proclaimed it a minor basilica.
On 19 March 1882, construction of Sagrada Família began under architect Francisco de Paula del Villar. In 1883, when Villar resigned, Gaudí took over as chief architect, transforming the project with his architectural and engineering style, combining Gothic and curvilinear Art Nouveau forms. Gaudí devoted the remainder of his life to the project, and he is buried in the church's crypt. At the time of his death in 1926, less than a quarter of the project was complete.
Relying solely on private donations, Sagrada Família's construction progressed slowly and was interrupted by the Spanish Civil War. In July 1936, anarchists from the FAI set fire to the crypt and broke their way into the workshop, partially destroying Gaudí's original plans. In 1939, Francesc de Paula Quintana took over site management, which was able to go on with the material that was saved from Gaudí's workshop and that was reconstructed from published plans and photographs. Construction resumed to intermittent progress in the 1950s. Advancements in technologies such as computer-aided design and computerised numerical control (CNC) have since enabled faster progress and construction passed the midpoint in 2010. In 2014, it was anticipated that the building would be completed by 2026, the centenary of Gaudí's death, but this schedule was threatened by work slowdowns caused by the 2020–2021 depths of the COVID-19 pandemic. In March 2024, an updated forecast reconfirmed a likely completion of the building in 2026, though the announcement stated that work on sculptures, decorative details and a controversial proposed stairway leading to what will eventually be the main entrance is expected to continue until 2034.
Describing Sagrada Família, art critic Rainer Zerbst said "it is probably impossible to find a church building anything like it in the entire history of art", and Paul Goldberger describes it as "the most extraordinary personal interpretation of Gothic architecture since the Middle Ages". The basilica is not the cathedral church of the Archdiocese of Barcelona, as that title belongs to the Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Saint Eulalia (Barcelona Cathedral).
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