#spades gang
breadfacednerd · 11 months
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lettucedoodles · 7 months
Forehead gang ⁉️⁉️
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Just some aggie.io doodles with @broh3m3 pls enjoy :3
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broh3m3 · 1 year
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V! D! C!
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paradoxon-3791 · 3 months
Yuu and Adeuce: *screaming*
Trey, running into the room: What’s wrong Yuu?!!
Ace: Hey, why’d you only ask them?
Trey: Yuu only screams if there’s an emergency, you two scream whenever you have the chance.
Yuu: You know, there’s a “u” in “stupid.”
Ace: Wait-
Yuu: *cackling*
Deuce: Y-you called me stupid.
Yuu: I didn’t call you stupid.
Deuce: Yes, you did! You called me stupid.
Yuu: Okay well, I didn’t mean to call you stupid, but when I asked you to spell orange and you asked me, “You mean the fruit or the color?” It kinda caught me off guard. I’m sorry.
Yuu: Aren’t you lactose intolerant?
Deuce: This isn’t lactose; it’s milk.
Ace: You’re a fucking idiot.
Yuu: Why can’t we just hang out normally for once? Why can’t we do things that normal people do like go for brunch?
Adeuce: What the fuck is brunch?
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tartppola · 1 year
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nrc but everyone is a cat creacher like grim
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skriblee-ksk · 4 months
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I finally finished these pages….. I actually drew the rough drafts at school, but I never planned on actually posting it because I was scared wasn’t into twst as much at the time.
Anyways, Ryoko (@kathxrat-01) and Kiyuu, who both lost their homes and are coping in completely diff ways. I don’t actually know THATT much about Ryoko’s mindset, but this is what I think based on the three comically tiny crumbs of twst Ryoko lore she gave me:
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From what I know, Ryoko hasn’t completely lost all memories, unlike Kiyuu, but it still applies.
Augh…. Kiyuu who is content about nearly everything except home (the one thing [as of early in-game] she can't give up on)... Kiyuu who's scared she'll be forgotten here if she goes home.. But she can't give up home because she might not be the same person the people who might have been called family remembers.... Scrodinger's memories or something (deffo using that example wrong).....
I have many thoughts but I’d rather draw them out so it’s coherent, aha.
Yeah. That’s it, thank you!
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simple-dark-eyes · 1 year
*This takes place some time after Vil's overblot. Mexican!Yuu after somehow getting roped into the other first years' bullshit*
Yuu: Oyes eres un pendejo.
Ace: A what?
Yuu: Un pendejo.
Ace: *turns to Grim* Grim, you're un pendejo.
Grim: Un what?
Ace: *turns back to Yuu* Un what?
Yuu: Pendejo.
Ace: *turns back to Grim* Un pendejo.
Grim: *turns to Deuce* Deuce, you're un pendejo.
Deuce: Un what?
Grim: *turns back to Ace* Un what?
Ace: *turns back to Yuu* Un what?
Yuu: *kinda reaching their limit* Un pendejo.
Ace: *turns to Grim* Un pendejo.
Grim: *turns to Deuce* Un pendejo.
Deuce: *turns to Jack* Jack, you're un pendejo.
Jack: *slightly appalled* Un what?
Deuce: *turns back to Grim* Un what?
Grim: *turns back to Ace* Un what?
Ace:: *turns back to Yuu* Un what?
Yuu: *getting frustrated and talking with their hands* ¡UN PENDEJO!
Ace: *turns to Grim copying Yuu* ¡UN PENDEJO!
Grim: *turns to Jack copying Ace* ¡UN PENDEJO!
Deuce: *turns to Jack Copying Grim* ¡UN PENDEJO!
Jack: *angrily turns to Epel* EPEL, YOU'RE UN PENDEJO!
Epel: *very much offened* UN WHAT?!
Jack: *turns back to Deuce* Un what?
Deuce: *turns back to Grim* Un what?
Grim: *turns back to Ace* Un what?
Ace: *turns back to yuu with a nod waiting for them to respond*
Yuu: *has reached their limit and ennuciating each syllable* ¡UN PENDEJO!
Ace: *turns to Grim copying yuu* ¡UN PENDEJO!
Grim: *turns to Deuce copying Ace* ¡UN PENDEJO!
Deuce: *turns to Jack copying Grim* ¡UN PENDEJO!
Jack: *turns to Epel copying Deuce* ¡UN PENDEJO!
Epel: *turns to Yuu* YUU, YOU'RE UN PENDEJO!
Yuu: *very much done with this long game of Telephone and waves him off* ¡PUES CHINGA SU MADRE!
I had to rewrite this cause when I first posted this tumblr got rid of pretty much more than half of the dialogue leaving only yhe names. I wanted to cry.
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twstjam · 1 year
First Years Shenanigans at a Malleyuu Wedding
As much as I have Malleyuu Thoughts I'm also constantly thinking about First Years Gang so there's frequent overlap between the two, so have some Typical Wedding Goes Wrong Trope thoughts I had featuring the beloved First Years and many shenanigans.
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Malleyuu wedding centered around the First Years making sure the wedding is going to go smoothly. So much shit is going wrong and they're trying desperately to fix them all without Malleus or Yuu finding out.
Sebek is freaking out the whole time, Ace and Deuce are mixing up each other's jobs, Jack is the only sane one, and Epel who is helping Yuu get ready is trying his best to focus on distracting them instead of running out there (he's still a tough farm boy through and through but a lot of things have gotta stuck after all those years at Pomefiore and under Vil's tutelage). Ortho is the only one who is even marginally helpful (as long as his gear somehow doesn't break that is)
I've got this image of Malleus summoning Sebek in the middle of all the chaos to have a bit of a heart-to-heart with him, thanking him for his years of service and friendship with Yuu, but meanwhile, Sebek is trying desperately to keep his composure because the entire time Malleus is speaking all kinds of nonsense and shenanigans is happening behind him.
I can also see Epel working with the other hairdressers, makeup artists, etc. (Maybe Crewel is there too because heck yeah father figure!Crewel helping Yuu get dressed for their wedding) on Yuu and Ace suddenly smacking into the window.
Yuu: Did you hear something? Epel: *making sure Yuu doesn't turn around and see Ortho trying to unstick Ace from the window* Prob'ly just the wind.
There's also a subplot going on that makes keeping everything a secret exponentially harder where Malleus keeps trying to run off to go see Yuu because his Dragon Clinginess is acting up and Lilia if he's still alive along with Silver and other servants are doing their best to keep him in his room and also make sure he gets ready in time for the wedding (and also bcs of the bad luck abt seeing each other before the wedding thing)
Sort of like the Tangled wedding short, by the time all the problems are solved Yuu and Malleus look at their friends and are shocked by their various disheveled states.
I also think it'd be funny if Maleficia is also there and she's completely Aware of all the nonsense going on and is mildly amused by it. Though she's not exactly working together with the boys she's calmly helping them fix certain things with a wave of her hand behind her back and also helping distract Malleus.
None of them knew she was in on it until the end of the actual wedding where she casually mentions to the newlyweds about the "issues" with the preparations and the two of them exchange confused looks while Yuu's friends freeze and break out into a sweat.
Ngl I kind of forgot about Grim agshdgdj. I imagine that he's getting ready WITH Yuu, getting his coat all groomed and stuff, but it takes less time and he walks in on the others and the messes they're trying to fix and he's like "MYAH!! If Yuu and Tusnotarou find out about this they're gonna FREAK!!" "We KNOW! Instead of standing there and complaining why don't you help us out instead?!" (-Ace, probably)
Helps distract Malleus and Yuu by clinging to them, making demands, lying about things like his outfit feeling uncomfortable or his coat needing a better brushing. I've got this image of Ace picking him up and rubbing him all over the betrotheds' wedding outfits to get cat hair all over them.
Grim: UNHAND ME!!! Sebek: TRAPPOLA?! Wh-What are you doing?! Ace: Trust me, this is gonna buy us tons of time!
In the end, the wedding goes smoothly. Sebek cries ofc, so does Deuce, Jack denies getting emotional, Epel too but less insistently, Ortho is being all sweet and soft and mushy about it, and Ace is making fun of them all but very lightheartedly :)
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cup1dt3a · 2 years
A deal you say?
summary: In a odd turn of events seemingly from how magicless you are you could possibly be their one way ticket out of this place. Do you still want to continue on travler their is no turning back after this point on?
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“ So have you come to apologize or just come crying back to us once again?” the tyrants voice echoed in the eerie dark room.
All the multi glowing eyes peered down onto the three. Each one filled with a venomous stare or one of curiosity.
“ Let’s just get this over with. You’ve already ruined my nap so this better be good.” One of them yawned out with a growl.
“ Oh the humiliation! You’re all already drowning within guilt how will you redeem yourselves worthy of redemption?” Another cackled before anxiously biting their nails.
“ I think we should have just thrown them to the ends of the world by now for their failures!” Another hissed gleefully.
“ Oh keep your damn snakes in your pants you freak! I’m intrigued as to why they now have the courage to show their pathetic faces here.” Another seethed at the scummy snake. “ Let’s just hear them out I’d like to see why my dearest Epel is even back here.” He chuckled with a venomous tone of the purple headed man.
As they all chattered among themselves deciding whether or not to hear the group out one of the horned members only sat there in the darkened corner. Curious to see who’s glistening eyes they could see behind the creeped doors. For he paid no mind to the others endless bickering only staring back into the brave eyes that stared back into his. It’s such a shame this poor being won’t last a single day here. It’s even the first time someone has ever looked into his eyes without immediately looking away. Oh well all good things must go eventually. Meanwhile as you stared into the emerald eyes the two men behind you soon pulled you over to them. Causing you to make a small squeak as the green haired guard squeezed your arm. “Sebek lay off on the grip will you? We want them in perfect condition at least.” He growled making Sebek let go immediately with a nod before muttering a ‘ you’re lucky filthy mortal’.
The five of them had brought you here with obvious intentions. They all had an unspoken plan that had the hairs on your back standing. If only you hadn’t grabbed that forsaken hand in the first place. You were eventually brought out of your heads anxious overlapping throughs from a blood curdling hollar.
“ ENOUGH! Let’s settle this like reasonable people and whoever agrees to see what’s so redeeming of the idiots say ‘I’. The tyrant spoke through his teeth with a fake smile.
Four of the throned members said I as the majority had been ruled. The tyrant now eagerly told them to get on with whatever it was. You gulped as the two muscular men brought you to the middle of the room. As if you were on display for all to see. They all huddled in shushed whispers except for the horned man in the darkness. For he only smiled at you with a smirk in his eyes as he softly gazed upon you. “ My king and liege’s I present a mere mortal that his no magic nor any blot on them!” Sebek announced quickly bowing at their presences. “ Well who are you? State your business here! Go on we don’t have all day!” The tyrant spoke up. “ I…uh _______ ______…I um have no business here.” You shrugged horsely from your dry throat. They all just glared at you with curiosity? Or plotting ways to kill you perhaps as the deadly silence dripped in the atmosphere like poison. But the dark figures emerald eyes looked at you almost adoringly. He just sat in the shadows unbothered by the others. One of them had finally come up out of their thrones. “ Huh well _______ you’re quite a rarity here. Due to our hideous cursed blot we’re all stuck like this for eternity.” the blond said coming over to you tilting up your chin “ but you could perhaps be out ticket out of this place.~” he purred as he analyzed your features. ” That is if you cooperate with us.” A lion eared man added on with a smirk. ” Fufufu~! Finally freedom from this hell hole~ How about we make a contracted deal my dear.” A half human and half octopus said to you. “ Ugh! It’s exactly like you peasants to just swarm some other normie!” The robotic man groaned rolling his eyes. ” Oh hush wouldn’t you be excited for the chance of freedom and vengeance!?” The snake haired man raised an eye browl to the robotic man. As they continued to swarm you a sudden unknown voice range out from the shadows. “ I think you’ve all hogged the Child of Man enough. For it would be rude to not formally introduce ourselves now wouldn’t it?
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Hope you all enjoyed the second part to this and are having an amazing day/ hope your day gets better
Sincerely- Cup1dT3a <3
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jabberwocky-warrior · 7 months
TWST phone wallpapers
Watermelon and poppy-themed for no reason at all
Free to use | All NRC Students | Let me know if there is a problem with them Or if you want a different character card on it.
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beta1m · 1 year
shadow mobster money gang
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we love committing crimes
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this art was sponsored by: The Midnight Crew Casino
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pluralquotebook · 1 month
🤠: "OH GOD WHERE AM I SOMEBODY PLEASE HELoh wait is that an eagle? :) it's ok then 🙂"
-♠️ (vwe're back lol)
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theoneofmanyofficial · 5 months
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Can't relate
I say as I laugh in 10 alarms, 4 missed check up calls, 1 dog (35 lbs) dropped on me, and a karate chop (right in the stomach) from my sister
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This would be my reaction but in the opposite direction. Four alarms is not nearly enough for Silver. That boy needs an entire collection!
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writingonthemoon · 1 year
Once again Gen Loss has changed genres!! Tonight's variation was:
Every Jigsaw movie if it was a comedy with one person that didn't get it
Sunday's genre prediction: Liminal Horror institution (mall) break out
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lisaas2418 · 1 year
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The difference is BIG 😅
First Year Gang: Caring Mutals 😊
Our Gang: Chaotic Dumbasses 😅
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In This World, There Are People
Ace: I may be stupid but I am free.
Deuce: I may be free but I am stupid.
Epel: I may be-
Jack: I may.
Sebek: I.
Grim: .
( Yuu/MC: Free how, you dolts? The Tomato Tyrant is literally your dorm leader. )
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