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Author's blog now (Header is a picture taken by Author through the app called SNOW. We have no motivation to change it now)
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theoneofmanyofficial 6 months ago
I wanted to quickly draw MC/Kate's vision from the current event while I still had the motivation. There's two versions because I couldn't decide which smiling face Jude should have
1) normal smile Jude
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2) this smile Jude
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theoneofmanyofficial 10 months ago
Now that I'm more awake, I can finally say that I got the Red Fox after four feedings! Now I can stop tricking my brain into thinking there's a medical emergency at 6AM
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theoneofmanyofficial 10 months ago
There was an attempt at making the Heartslabyul logo
(I am slowly learning different tricks to making TOM designs yay)
But I do have it in my boutique right now
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I was also trying to make Idia's lab outfit, but I was so focus on trying to get the stripes to wrap around the shirt and sleeves that I forgot to look at my reference pic (It's not in my boutique at this time because I'm not done. I had it there earlier but then I changed my mind)
This is what it looks like so far
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(I'm using White Cardigan, Black Silk Gloves, Dreamsnap Pants, and White Foodie Loafers)
I also want to try to get the shoes, jackets, and hat. Still debating which one to buy first, but I'm leaning towards this open blazer
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theoneofmanyofficial 10 months ago
No problem, I ended up passing out anyways and have no idea when the game auto-disconnected me
I can get another code ready today by 7 or 7:30 PM Pacific until about 11 PM. Let me know if this is a good time for you
I don't have Daisy or her boutique yet (I'll continue working on that when I get off from work today), but I made this for a person on reddit
I figured since I'm doing this for reddit, I might as well see if there's anyone on tumblr who might also be interested
Also, please note that it's my first time using TOM at all (so if there was an easier way to do what I was trying to do, I don't know them yet)
Anyways, here's my attempt at Idia's jacket:
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(Oh, yeah, I've been playing DDLV. I don't think I've ever mentioned it before, so yeah, surprise!)
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theoneofmanyofficial 10 months ago
@baptismascure I got the code now. It's my first time so hopefully it works
My code is 925379
I'll try to keep it open until midnight Pacific
I don't have Daisy or her boutique yet (I'll continue working on that when I get off from work today), but I made this for a person on reddit
I figured since I'm doing this for reddit, I might as well see if there's anyone on tumblr who might also be interested
Also, please note that it's my first time using TOM at all (so if there was an easier way to do what I was trying to do, I don't know them yet)
Anyways, here's my attempt at Idia's jacket:
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(Oh, yeah, I've been playing DDLV. I don't think I've ever mentioned it before, so yeah, surprise!)
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theoneofmanyofficial 10 months ago
I don't have Daisy or her boutique yet (I'll continue working on that when I get off from work today), but I made this for a person on reddit
I figured since I'm doing this for reddit, I might as well see if there's anyone on tumblr who might also be interested
Also, please note that it's my first time using TOM at all (so if there was an easier way to do what I was trying to do, I don't know them yet)
Anyways, here's my attempt at Idia's jacket:
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(Oh, yeah, I've been playing DDLV. I don't think I've ever mentioned it before, so yeah, surprise!)
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theoneofmanyofficial 10 months ago
Birthday Part 5
This should be the final part. I don't think I forgot anybody
(Long post with the screenshot from birthday lines round 2)
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But...? Why "but"?! You better not be doubting yourself over there! I'm sure whatever you chose was perfect and thoughtful and unique and will be appreciated because you are worthy of head pats just for existing!
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Yeah, but "scores of people" ain't you! They don't have your smile! 馃ズ
(Had me worried there for a sec, but Jamil get head pats for existing)
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That's all you need to say! I already love it! Head pats guarenteed!
(I'm just realizing that this party might have too many desserts that we're gonna have to try. Good thing we have Grim to help us! RIP to my stomach though)
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Bro, you do not have to reassure me! I already know it tastes good. I don't even know what a pound cake looks like so I'm sure it's the best looking one I've ever seen!
In fact, I think I'll give myself 2 slices of this cake because I know I'm gonna love it!
(RIP to my stomach x2)
Head pats for Silver! (Even if he didn't smile, but I'm gonna imagine he smiles after we tell him how delicious his cake is)
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Not gonna lie, he sounds like he ripped this off a birthday card
Head pats for Cater though. Look at that smile!
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You remembered! 馃槂
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Of course, of course! I've already added everyone's birthday to every calendar I own!
I swear I'll have one serious attempt at drawing you by the time your birthday comes around!
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Will we get to see this gargoyle? It's getting such high praise from the gargoyle expert so now I wanna see it
(He looks so proud of himself lol How could I not give him head pats?)
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For that smile you gave me, yes! VERY YES!
And be sure to enthusiastically share every detail I need to know about the gargoyle while you're at it
(Bro doesn't realize that gargoyles aren't the reason I would go to these viewings)
Many head pats for this horn man so he doesn't catch me staring at his smile while he's trying to educate me
And we're done! Hurray! Head pats to everyone! Can't wait to see what happens in round 3!
Now I'm going to take a nap for a few days. Hopefully, Leona will have that song ready by then lol
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theoneofmanyofficial 10 months ago
Part 4
Some house wardens/dorm leaders (Malleus not included*)
*by not included, I mean I'm saving him for later
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You offered, man. Now ya gotta commit to the bit
I even got the ghost camera ready to immortalize this once in a lifetime moment
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Bold of you to assume I'll be lucky enough to reach the end
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Actually, yes it does. Your sarcasm wasn't obvious enough for me to pick up the telltale signs.
I thought we were doing a dark humor bit.
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We are not showing this guy any mercy, are we? lol
Come along, Idia! I need your introvert support buff and heals to boost my introverted social battery! Plus, I get bragging rights that the Idia Shroud was physically present to my party as a bonus with a happy Ortho as a double bonus!
Win-win for me and Ortho!
(I mean, poor dude gave his best attempt at saying happy birthday last year and now we're forcing him to attend a party? Next year, is he just going to resign to his fate of attending our parties? And it just keeps going until he willingly comes to our party on his own because we'll be there hanging out with him? Probably not lol but like, imagine birthday line mini plots. That'd be cool)
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Love you, Kalim, but please don't, for my wellbeing. I'm an introvert and that will put me out of commission for a few days, even my insomnia wouldn't be able to keep me awake
Head pats for the enthusiasm though
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My first thought was skin care/facial care, but that might be too obvious. I hope it's something cute.
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Is it a massage? Trip to the spa? Therapy? A raise from Crowley? Everyone overcoming whatever issues they may have? I don't know, man. What I need most right now is to sleep, so please spell it out for me
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Dang it! My first guess was right! I shouldn't have second guessed myself!
Too bad I can never keep up with a skincare routine because they usually have more steps than I can handle
Extra Riddle because I couldn't fit it in the last part:
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Not the smile I was talking about, but this smile is still worthy of head pats
So happy head pats for Riddle!
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theoneofmanyofficial 10 months ago
Birthday Part 3
"I do not trust" is the theme of this one I guess?
(Long post with screenshots from birthday lines round 2)
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Why, Riddle?! Why you gotta use that smile? I would have been fine with the regular adorable smile, but not this one! I feel like I need to hit the save button before proceeding with this conversation
If I give him head pats, will that spare my life?
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Why does this also feel like trap? Because it's always that particular smile. Once again, it makes me feel like I gotta be careful and hit that save button
Have some head pats, just don't take my happiness, sir. I just got that tiny crumb back! 馃ズ
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You mean like a party? 馃槂
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I don't trust this, but I'm willing hear you out
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Floyd. Floyd, listen. Love ya and would love to take up an offer of a tour of Coral Sea. You're my favorite wild card fishy eel boy and I like your laugh and I love your happy chibi sprite and all that jazz... but I don't trust like that!
I feel like this adventure will involve getting chased by an angry shark (comedic route) and I doubt I would survive that heart attack
Head pats for offering though...
Just... a little... hesitant... head pats...
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Quite confident, are we?
I mean, I'm not about to challenge him about it... Because I would lose... And because he could win with only a pretty shell and that smile...
Head pats for Azul but I mean, look at that smile! How could I not give head pats?!
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Dagnabbit, Azul! Only Ortho (and maybe, maybe Malleus) is allowed to say that out loud! You're supposed to say that part quietly, with the parentheses!
Gonna be taking my head pats back, mister XD
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Tempting, very tempting. However, I prefer more of a "boys being sillies" kind of entertainment
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No! No love! Just sillies! Please, I just want sillies! 馃ズ
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Was worried for a sec there, but don't worry, folks! Silly boys are back on schedule!
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theoneofmanyofficial 10 months ago
Birthday Part 2
The rest of the first years
(Long post with screenshots from birthday lines round 2)
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I would rather share it with everyone. I love sweets and desserts, but not that much.
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Or I could share it with Grim, I guess lol
Growing boy needs his food after all
Head pats and cake for the hungry boy
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Last year was classified information.
This year is human experience, it seems
Love that for him. Head pats for Ortho
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Deuce is out here practicing the art of omelets and we're just gonna throw a curveball at him like that?
No mercy
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I would suggest making the cake together as a fun activity but that might go against the principle of the matter, so...
Head pats for trying your best, man
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This was so funny, I can't stay mad at him
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Hold on! Did I miss something? Since when did Ramshackle have a garden? How big is it? Where is it? How long has it been there? Before or after Book 6? What do we have growing there? I want to know!!!
Anyways, shoulder pats for Epel, but I want info
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I'm a simple human. Seeing you boys smiling and having fun and notbeingtraumatizedbythemainstoryandcertainevents is always a good option to me
(Not being difficult for me to draw or getting your SSR cards in the first ten rolls are also great options)
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Oh no! We went against his principles by not wanting anything! Quick! Gotta come up with something! Pronto!
Good gacha rolls! Especially for the Sebek fans!
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Actually, I'm sure some people would enjoy that lol
Head pats for Sebek because he did smile in the beginning but I'm handing him off to his fans
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theoneofmanyofficial 10 months ago
Birthday part 1
(Screenshots of birthday line are included but some not in its entirety)
(Apologies in advance for long posts)
Last year, I had Idia. This year is Jade because I feel he might curse me if I didn't choose him.
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Yes, it is I, the guest of honor!
Please don't curse me...
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I never had any doubts about your ability to remember. I just don't want ya cursin' me...
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Thank you and all, but...
Boy, I have no idea how to start a terrarium! And even if I did, you have too much faith in me if you expect it to survive for very long so prepare to be disappointed 馃ぃ Unless his whole plan is to watch me fail, I guess?
I mean, I have a (used to be) tiny bamboo plant I got from some small flower fest stall and that thing's been fighting for maybe 10 years now while its two potmates died within 4 years (a miracle they even last that long after the drought I accidentally put them through).
After this one reaches the end of its lifespan, I don't know if I can successfully care for another plant. I would need one that's determined to live as much as this one and can survive months without water.
(I'm really bad at taking care of living things long term)
Thank you for not (as far as I'm aware of) cursing me, Jade! You're the best! I love not being on your bad side!
Anyways, moving on!
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My daily greeter was Ruggie then I used the 2 10-pull keys from our combined birthdays and it was enough to get Broom Ruggie twice
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Bro, you showed up twice in gacha! Plus, I rarely have issue with your gachas in general (after I full capped Dorm Leona). Have all the food you want. You deserve it at this point!
Since I can only fit 10 pics, I'm gonna end part 1 with Jack because Jack is best boy and we can't possibly go wrong with Jack!
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Huh, I wonder what his plan is going to be...
I'm sure it'll be something he put a lot of thought into and it'll be sweet and thoughtful and all that stuff and it'll make me want to give him head pats because he's best boy doing his best
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Workout? Workout?! JACK NO! I TRUSTED YOU!
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Man, I would die (and probably pull my back) before I get to that point. He would have better chances training me to run for my life than getting me buff.
But gotta hand it to him, he's got that optimism and he deserves head pats.
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theoneofmanyofficial 11 months ago
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Can't relate
I say as I laugh in 10 alarms, 4 missed check up calls, 1 dog (35 lbs) dropped on me, and a karate chop (right in the stomach) from my sister
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This would be my reaction but in the opposite direction. Four alarms is not nearly enough for Silver. That boy needs an entire collection!
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theoneofmanyofficial 11 months ago
It looks like Malleus double booked himself
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Or he's just being efficient
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theoneofmanyofficial 11 months ago
On this homestuck day, my sister decided to give me my birthday present a week early
Shark and (mainly) Azul themed!
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Azul was the only name she remembered me mentioning so that's why I say "(mainly) Azul" lol
The other side of the bottle has the groovy candies for the sea boys and the stickers were just bonus that was put in
I put the cards/info it came with in the photo in case anyone was interested in where she got the twst stuff from (For those who can't read it: Yovinah/Yova for the lanyard, 15MLKT for the keychain, and Katezawa for the bottle and stickers)
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theoneofmanyofficial 11 months ago
My brother's workplace was trying to get rid of some crochet/knitting stuff long time ago (and nobody at his work wanted to take them) so he gave them to me since he knows I crochet. I really didn't like this yarn that I quickly gave up on it and it became the occasional chew toy for the dogs when they go digging into my yarn stash without permission.
Anyways, I recently watched a few tutorials so I decided to try again and decided to use markers this time. I'm only doing ten stitches wide because my markers tend to go missing despite my best efforts so I only got ten right now. I only got two rows of single crochets so far and the process isn't too bad now as long as I don't make a mistake that forces me to try and undo everything. I'm planning on making a scarf out of this.
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If this goes well, I might make a shawl or something next since I have another ball of this kind of yarn in a pale orange/yellow/blue color. I'll probably get some jumbo sized hooks and see how that goes.
My brother also gave me some knitting needles and a Tunisian hook. I tested them out for a bit but I couldn't find a pattern that inspired me so I put them away until I got the motivation. I now seem to have motivation again so I might try again. I also seem to have motivation to finish some old projects that I never finished.
So I'll see how that goes and hope that I finish those projects. But I also started doing diamond painting last year as well and have several that I want to finish (including a big one that my brother's gf gifted me). I'm also trying to make a cosplay outfit for the first time since I'll be going to AX this year. I have all the materials so all I need to do is put it together somehow.
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theoneofmanyofficial 1 year ago
I somehow injured my lower back the other day (pulled a muscle? Something got pinched? Sat in my chair wrong? Who knows) and now my movements are limited. It is slowly getting better but it still hurts a lot and I'm on several pain meds and pain patches.
Anyways, yesterday was the worst of it (took about five minutes fighting the pain to get out off my bed because I needed to go to work and thought a few pain meds would be enough get me through the day and thought I'd be fine. I was not fine but I didn't need to move around much so it's fine) and I decided to open Twisted Wonderland. I told the game not to have Jade greet me today because I'm already struggling enough as it is and the game had the audacity to send Jade to greet me with some sugar cubes for my "continued efforts"
Headpats for Jade but this is not the face I want to see when I am in pain
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I am hesitating to login today (I still will login but I need to mentally prepare myself first)
I swear, if it's Jade that greets me again, I will start drawing silly moustaches on him.
Update: Just like the time I dislocated my ankle without realizing it, whatever was wrong with my back put itself back in place (hopefully this time without any torn ligaments or whatever because that took weeks to recover). It still hurts a lot but I don't have to struggle climbing in and out of bed or bending down to pet the doggies (who kept looking betrayed whenever I couldn't reach them) anymore.
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Thank you, Grim. Taking my can of tuna fixed my back and granted me Broom Azul and Track Jack.
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theoneofmanyofficial 1 year ago
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Day 1
I'm already screwed
Sorry, Sebek
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