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feathery-thing · 24 days ago
My parents got a roomba and it's currently going around the room I'm in. Why do I have this urge to pet it? It's doing such a good job! Also I wanna tape a knife onto it.
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axewchao · 1 year ago
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Even if B-Junes can't understand the humans watching over him and vice-versa in the Space Orcs AU, that doesn't stop friendships from forming.
He'd only been with these smooth-skinned people for about 2 weeks and is already making a habit of climbing on the purple-maned one. Said purple-mane ain't complaining, if anything he thinks it's kinda cute ;w;
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authorbettyadams · 1 year ago
Humans are Weird - Local Attraction
#Humansarespaceorcs #EarthisSpaceAustralia #ShortStory #Scifi #HFY
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aromantic-ace · 4 months ago
Humans Are Weird/SpaceOrcs: Human Rage
After my take on "Assholes" i got enough inspiration to actually try to write the entry of that poor T'slich and his reaction after witnessing a real Human Rage.
Cycle 45 after the start of the Expedition.
Crew Member: T'slich of the Kerb System.
When i was taught about humans and their rage i obviously was very impressed by their ability to pull some incredible action and was warned about their irrationnality. But i always though of it as eitheir a myth or something very unlikely to happen, even after the friction between Human Leila and the captain i was glad to learn that it is not as frequent as the Intergalactic Manuals make it sound but all doubt i had about it and all the reassurement from others humans could not make me forget that look on Human Leila after another altercation with the Captain.
Her anger was understandable, it wasn't cargo that was lost this time but a team of three explorator that were ambushed by some kind of unknown floral specie. We were expecting her to be angry, humans are famous for their bonding ability but due to the danger and high chance of death the Captain did not send any rescue team. We could hear her scream and insult from accross the ship and most telepathic crew member had to go to the other side of the ship to lower the intensity of her brain waves. When i went to see what was happening i found her storming through the corridor in direction of the armory, the Captain desk was almost destroyed and his face white of shock. I realise i couldn't stop her when she threw over a Jyr twice her size that was trying to stop her from getting to the armory, she wasn't even hired as a soldier ! How her little scientist body of nearly 1 meter and 64 centimeter could do that ? She continued yelling that she wasn't going to stay passive when her friend were in need of help. She took one of the small vessel for transport in atmosphere and left, alone and wouldn't answer any communication, all we had was the signal GPS of her ship and vital signal of her suit.
Cycle 45 and a third after the start of the Expedition.
Crew Member: T'slich of the Kerb System.
I had to use all of my social ability to convince the captain not to leave and to wait for at least half a cycle, it seem that he also was sceptic about humans and their rage and wanted to charge Human Leila with assault and desertion. But right when my argument wouldn't be enough other members of the crew came to assist me, it seem that they too had bonded with Human Leila and argued that such devotion for the crew could only benefit the Expedition, after realising the support the crew was giving her the Captain accepted to wait and aggreed that he was probably acting under shock and anger.
We got news from Human Leila after around a quarter of cycle after her rescue mission started. She came back with a half destroyed ship and part of her suit and hair had burned. But she was alive and with the three missing explorators who were absolutely unharmed apart for a few first degree burns. I will never forget the look on Human Leila face when she pointed her gun at the one that refused to send rescue and simply said "No one left behind." None of us dared to say anything except the medical team who went to tend the rescued, we all had this impression that saying anything could get us killed. And without saying anything Human Leila returned the stolen equipment and refused any medical care before returning to her room.
None of us asked Human Leila about how she managed to pull such a move when she wasn't a soldier nor a pilot, according to the Intergalactic Manuals About Humans the female humans are often considered to be gentle and caring, there was apparently some casts of human where their female were specialised in warfare but the information is old of at least a milenia and Human Leila wasn't fitting any of their physical traits. I will request a change to the Manual after the report on the incident is completed, because if i have learned one thing with Human Leila it's that you should NOT, EVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE leave crew member bonded with a human behind, because there is a higher risk of mutiny and injury from the human than there would be trying to rescue the missing crew.
I am the only one comfortable enough to speak without fear with Human Leila, she is acting as if nothing extraordinary happened, as if it was normal and none of us would dare to say otherwise, she seem to be really evasive with telling us about what happened, she mentionned something about "games" for her ability to do it (secret human training protocole ? I will have to research more about that). And the medical team reported that the burns were mostly caused by the fuel used in her ship, some of us suggested that she probably used Human tactics to make some makeshift fire ammo or fire bomb in order to free the rescued. She hasnt spoke with the Captain since and do not refuse to comply with her orders assigned. We still have much to learn.
End of Entry
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istra-ish-sucha-geek · 9 months ago
I saw someone say how the Humans as Spaceorcs was too painful right now, with everything going on.
But this is human too.
Mister Rogers said that when scary things happen, “Look for the helpers.”
Look for the helpers.
Write the helpers.
Tell the stories about helping, about the best we can be.
Recite us into our best beings.
Star Trek started this - about hope. About becoming.
We are both.
Human hands have done horrible things.
Human hands have ended horrible things.
We are becoming.
We must hold the hope.
We must look for the helpers.
We must become the helpers.
Humanity has finally reached the stars and found out why no one had contacted us. The universe is in a sad state. As such, Doctors without Borders, Red Cross, and many othe charities go intergalactic.
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fireflyknowles · 3 years ago
Ship FirTy Ep 3
Its been 6 earth years since Jonathon joined the crew of FirTy to research plant J15E25 and spurred the crews belief that human behavior was vastly exaggerated. About 1 earth year ago, Alice joined the crew and proved that all the crazy stories of human behaviors are true! Completely True!! And it’s taken a full earth year for the crew to not panic when ever Alice portrays her standard healthy human behaviors. For example, wanting to cuddle vicious animals and make them “pets” or her random bouts of crying, the smile of (apparently) pleasure that scares of most of the crew, and her energy that is only rivaled by a couple other races.
About this time First Mate Ale’eek’s contract is up and he is ready to head home. A new First Mate has been picked to join the crew, his name is Bo. Bo proves to behave exactly as one would expect from a Crovanks. He spends his first few weeks getting to know the other aliens on board the ship and soon believes that he understands the personality and behaviors of all abord the ship except Alice and Jonathon. He has never before met a race with such divergent behavior patterns. Yes, every individual in each race has their own personality, likes, dislikes, desires, strengths, weakness, etc. but no other race he has been around has such divergent behaviors in their species!
Jonathon tends to perform his work exceptionally well, keeps to himself when not on duty, and few of the crew members really know much about him. Alice also performs her work exceptionally well, if a bit different than what any other race would but that is where her similarities to Jonathon end. Where he is quite, she is boisterous. Where Jonathon tends to spend his free time in his quarters, she prefers to spend time in the common areas interacting with other crew members. Bo is very confused and vows to spend more time watching the behavior patterns of these two. He may not be a scientist, but his entire race is very inquisitive and thus has learned how to observe and make accurate conclusions. Bo looks forward to more opportunities for observation of Jonathon and Alice.
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World Leaders
We have spoken about the animals on this crazy planet, about funny confusing body conditions, about whatever. 
I wanna talk about TRUMP, PUTIN, KIM-JONG-UN and the like... 
How to explain an alien that our leaders are mad morons who want to kill each other and the world? It doesn´t make sense even to humans... 
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darkcountrybeauty · 5 years ago
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I like to imagine future fashion trends while reading spaceorcs stories....
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witchglitterbug · 6 years ago
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spaceorc9 · 7 years ago
So midterms and final exams are some of the most stressful things in school. Kids stay up until 3am to study and even then some do not go to sleep but keep studying. It is a very stressful time. Now imagine how aliens would react to seeing someone who has 8-10 recommended hours of sleep and only got two hours a night at best for the past week. "Human-Suzy... are you okay? You appear to be falling asleep. Did you get the required amount of sleep for a person of your age?" "Hmm what? Oh yeah. No I didn't. I got...um... 10. Yeah 10." "Oh 10 hours is a healthy amount. I am curious why you are still tired." "Oh yeah, no. 10 minutes." "That is not a healthy amount of sleep. Why are you not asleep?" "I can't sleep if I have a test" *John walks in and hands Suzy a coffee* "You really need more sleep before a big test. You know that right?" "... yeah" "Human- John I am wondering why Human-Suzy stayed up so late when she knows she should not." "Stress" "but how does this 'stress' prevent Human-Suzy from sleeping?" "She is worrying over a grade because society has made it seem like her grades are more important than her health for her future"
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authorbettyadams · 5 months ago
Humans are Weird – Dirty – Short, Absurd, Science Fiction Story
#Books #Aliens #SciFi #Gathering #SpaceOrcs
Betty Adams Books
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aromantic-ace · 2 months ago
Humans Are Weird/SpaceOrc: Nervous Laugh.
This was 100% already done but idc i wanna participate. So, you know the times where you laught or sing in the totally wrong moment (for exemple when someone get hurt or you get scared). Well i just love to think of how much freaked out the aliens would be upon seeing that.
All lights were off on the ship, only the emergency lights were barely functionning and won't be for long thank to the ship reactor being unable to provide much power. The Expedition Cruiser wasn't a war vessel despite its name, sure it had some Guns and turrets but those were mostly fitted for clearing out debris and asteroide, not to resist an ambuch from an unknown specie. But the worst part wasn't the attack from those other being, no it was that they were INSIDE the ship now, and killing the crew in an extremely cruel and sadistical way but Lieutenant Grex knew that already, he saw it happen and so did the Human, and honestly he was worried for her. Human Leila wasn't on soldier duty, sure she had some basic weapon training and understanding but she was a scientist, she wasn't fit to fight and the situation couldnt be worse.
The both of them were roaming the corridor with caution until it happened, out of the blue Human Leila started singing calmy with some sort of maniacal laugh about the fact that they were "going to diiiie" or that she was "not liking this and going to shoot anything that move". Lt. Grex was used to civils freaking out but this ? If anything that was bloodlust, he already knew the fact that humans were great soldier and could be absolutely terrifying in fights, but he though that was only applying to soldiers ! As a training to do some kind of psychological warfare ! He certainly did not expect the civil to start singing about what atrocities she was going to do to those "weird ass lizards".
Suddenly one of the invaders showed up, probably tracking the song of her voice and before he could even react Human Leila sniped the lizardman accross the corridor in almost total darkness, a mix of fear and respect came in Lt. Grex mind, she was only armed with a civil laser pistol, how did she managed to do that ? With such aim !? Memories of the time where Human Leila had one of those "Human Rages" rushed in his mind, she wasn't someone to mess with. And then she started to laugh even more ! Saying how "scared she was" and how "in fact those guys are ass". Poor Grex wasn't understanding a single things, all that he knew is that he now have a bloodthirsty human going around doing better job than the elite force.
The light went back on, and through the speakers news of the enemy being defeated was announced, and during the little time between the first altercation and that Human Leila killed four other invador, laughing and laughing sometime even kicking the bodies telling them how much she got scared.. but was she tho ? She didn't miss a single shot and always killed them in one or two charges, Lt. Grex couldn't even do anything before they were dead and he took the opportunity of this mess ending to ask her.
Grex: What was that Human Leila ? Why didn't you specify you had those skills ?
Leila: Specify what ? It's the second time in my life i'm using a laser weapon.
Grex: This ! All this ! The laugh, the weird "singing" as you call it ! We only ever saw those in elite humans troops and now you take on five of those beasts !?
Leila: What do you mean "only elite troops" that's called fear ! And you probably have heard of adrenaline right ? Surely you have that's like the most known things about us.
Grex: Just a drug don't cause that ! You- you were acting as a bloodiust soldier going on a rampage !
Leila: Well that's because i was affraid, people tend to laugh in these situation even if its not funny, that's called nervous laught and we all have that.
Leila: Yup !
And without a word she left, going back to her quarter to clean the mess, with a flabagasted Lieutenant in the corridor that was rethinking a lot of things about humans, and doing a little promise to himself to never ever scare Human Leila, under any condition. He will have to inform the higher ups of her abilities. "Deathworlder" he muttered to himself going back to check the mess and the casuality.
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3dkamp · 2 years ago
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Orkaz Thazaron is a model I did for the amazing Stationforge based on their concept description, I sculpted and cut-n-parted the model with 3D printing in mind. This is probably the biggest set of wings I've had to cut and part in order to be printed in the smallest printers available! This is quite possibly one of the baddest dudes I've ever done so far! So excited it's finally released!
Artstation project: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/0349m5
Photos of the printed model courtesy of Stationforge For more Stationforge awesomeness, check out https://www.patreon.com/stationforge https://www.facebook.com/stationforge https://www.myminifactory.com/users/StationForge
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pansexual-perfection · 6 years ago
Humans are unstoppable...Until they aren’t.
I’m not the most eloquent writer, but I’ve had this idea kicking around for a while and figured I’d put it out into the universe.
A lot of the basis for the “humans are space orcs” stuff is the idea that we’re pretty durable compared to many species, yeah? When it comes to physical trauma, we can bounce back from most things that don’t kill us outright, especially given the benefit of hypothetical space-age technology, and adrenaline is one heck of a drug when it comes to functioning under stress. 
But that doesn’t make us unkillable, and even though we can survive debilitating injuries and not die from shock, it doesn’t mean it’s fun. Dying of shock sucks, but at least it’s probably quick.
So - Imagine a ship, adrift in space, slowly being drawn into a star or something. In order to save the ship, someone has to repair the hyper-quantum-relay-majig on the hull or in the engine or whatever. Bit of a problem though- there’s a ton of deadly, deadly radiation (Wrath of Khan style) or poisonous fumes or, I dunno, electrical current, between the crew and the repair. Like, enough to kill most species instantly, so the crew is just like, ‘welp, guess we’ll die then’. But then.
They ask the human. Because everyone’s heard the stories - you’re basically unkillable, right? Could you survive long enough in there to fix it? And their human goes real quiet for a second, but still says ‘Yeah, I could fix it’. And the rest of the crew is like, ‘Whaaaaaa, it won’t kill you?’ and the human repeats “I can fix it” (which isn’t an answer, but no one catches that, not yet at least), so they send ‘em in. And the human fixes it, they come back, the ship flies to safety, and the crew is thrilled to survive. If the human is a little quiet, well, they’re entitled after pulling off a miracle. Everyone else is just excited to get to the nearest station’s bar to tell their very own human story, cuz, ‘those crazy humans, amiright?’.
The good mood keeps up until the human is late for their next shift. At first it’s just faint unease, but- but they earned a bit of a lie-in, right? No reason to begrudge them some extra rest, even if it is a little weird for them to oversleep. They’ll be fine. Humans are always fine. 
- What is… help. Help!-
- ake up! You have t-
- been days. You need sleep, you-
- nother transfusion. We could-
- out of sedatives!-
A week later, the crew finally reaches the station. They stumble into the bar, haggard and haunted. And over the next months and years a new rumor about humans starts to make its way through space. A rumor unlike any before.
‘Be careful with your humans’ it whispers. ‘Their strength is not always a blessing. Be sure they don’t do something they can’t come back from, because when a human dies… they die slowly.’
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laughingjade192 · 8 years ago
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Ok so I saw this prompt on Pinterest, typed out a long comment, and they had the audacity to say "500 characters or less please!" so this is option 2.. IMAGINE THIS PROMPT THOUGH. You aren't a human at all. Far from it. You are an alien trying desperately to get a grip on humans ways. So you entered the virtual reality long, long ago and lived it yourself. You have discovered that not only are humans fragile and vulnerable, they are also resilient, complex, fearsome, and can be downright horrible. You have learned the highs and lows of humanity. You have experienced first hand what it's like to be apart of a small speck of a dust particle in space called Earth. You realize now why the humans find it difficult to explain their ways to aliens. How could words properly express the flutters of young love? The gut-wrenching sensation of despair? The slow sinking of dread? Your species is incapable of such complex and intertwining emotions, and therefore could never comprehend the hopeless babbles of human crewmates desperately trying to reason with the other species. Just imagine the possibilities of this prompt, guys.. just.. just imagine...
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crasybirdlady · 5 years ago
Humans are weird: monsters on the station
Haffy tried to stop the whine from escaping as he squeezed in between the foul smelling dumpsters.
He was so afraid. The other waah younglings had disappeared and he was all alone. He had been so happy when they said, they wanted to play with him. But he should have known better. No highborn waah would want to be around a lowborn like him.
They had taken him to a different part of the station and then run away from him and now he was lost.
Haffy's ears hung low and an other low whine escaped despite his efforts to keep in in.
What if the monsters found him. The terrans had come to the station and every waah was on high alert.
Haffy had heard all about the terrans while he had helped his mother clean.
Terrans were predators and they were merciless against their enemies.
Their teeth were as sharp as a gahlt warrior's sword and they were as tall as the thyrans but had the strength of at least 5 hyras.
Haffy didn't want the horrible terrans to find and eat him.
Suddenly a strange alien came into the back alley. Haffy had never seen such an alien before.
It was about his hight but unlike him it didn't have scales or a tail. But it did have courly bright red fur on top of it's head and green eyes.
Haffy had never seen green eyes before and he was so surprised he forgot to be frightened.
"What's wrong?" The strange alien asked. At first Haffy didn't want to tell it what had happened.
But the alien looked nice and when he sat down beside Haffy and said that his name was David and he was 5 standard years old and livede with his brother and father, Haffy calmed down and soon the story about the other younglings abandoning him spilled out.
Haffy also told David all about the horrible terrans who might find and eat him.
"You can't stay here" David said. "The terrans might find you. But don't worry, my dad will protect you from the monsters. He is really strong and he knows how to fight. He used to be a soldier"
"David where are you" an other voice sounded.
"In here" David yelled back and now an larger version of David came into the back alley. "What are you doing in here?" Then it saw Haffy and stopped.
David told the larger alien about Haffy being lost. "I'm Johan" the new alien said. "Where are your ship parked?"
Haffy didn't know and he almost started hyperventilating but Johan said not to worry. "Our dad will look into it, when he gets home"
Haffy followed David and Johan back to their ship. It was a strange ship but Haffy soon forgot all about that, when he and David started to play.
David had some strange building blocks. "It's LEGO" he said "and you can build anything with them"
They played until Johan came and asked if they wanted a snack.
Haffy didn't know what a snack was. Lowborn waah hardly had enough food for meals let alone snacks.
When Johan heard this, he made them hot chocolate and gave them a banana. It was wonderful. Haffy loved the chocolate but even though he ate as much as he could, he couldn't finish the banana. He was simply to full.
Then the aliens father came home. His name was Jasper and he was even bigger than Johan!
But unlike Johan and David his hair was dark and straight and his eyes were blue. It was so strange. When Haffy told him that, he laughed and said that David and Johan took after their mother.
He looked op Haffy's ship in the stations manifest and soon they were in the way.
They walked very fast and Haffy had trouble keeping up. When Jasper saw this, he kneeled down and told Haffy to climb onto his back. Johan did the same with David and then they were off again.
David said it was like riding a dragon. Haffy didn't know what a dragon was but it sounded awesome when David told him all about them. He thought a dragon would come in handy if the terrans came and he was very disappointed, when David told him dragons weren't real.
When they came to the waah section of the station everyone stopped and stirred at them. They also became really quiet. Haffy didn't understand but he was very happy, when he saw his mother. Jasper put him down and he ran into her arms.
Then Jasper talked with the captain and he was obviously upset about the other younglings leaving Haffy in a strange part of the station.
The captain apologize, which was so weird. He normally didn't care about the lowborn waah. He seemed almost afraid. Haffy thought that was dumb because Jasper was really nice.
Before Jasper, Johan and David left they arranged for a new playdate for David and Haffy.
As they walked back Haffy heard David say to his father "It was really good we found Haffy before the terrans, because they might eat him"
Johan laughed out loud "David you dumbass we're terrans"
David looked surprised and said "we are? but we're Humans"
"No name-calling" Jasper said to Johan. "Remember David is only 5 and you are 16"
"Sorry David" Johan said "Earth is also called Terra and some call us terrans"
David looked worried and ran back to Haffy. "I'm a terran, but I promise I'm not a monster. Will you please play with me tomorrow?"
Haffy couldn't help but laugh, to think that he had been so afraid of terrans when they were so nice and didn't look like monsters at all
"Of course I'll play with you David I can't wait to build a dragon out of LEGO"
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