#soy luna gif sets
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countessofravenclaw · 2 years ago
The true love of DCLA ~ Happile Ever After
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Yes, I also made a full-on edit, with this song, but the reason why I ever even made that was this gif set, that I finally finished.
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mashirabar · 1 year ago
¿qué våstagos que no has visto interactuar demasiado te gustaría ver mås unidos y por qué?
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he-yah ! ningĂșn vĂĄstago me ha dejado propinas, asĂ­ que inicialmente todos deberĂ­an venir a interactuar conmigo !! irĂ© por clan, me gusta el orden soy virgo con luna en libra segĂșn me habĂ­a dicho haru una vez.
belle con josun y mai. estos tres assamita podrían darnos o nuevas amistades como la de kirino con mai o ¿primeras enemistades entre clanes? can't wait to see how this turns out. me gustaría ver qué puede mostrar sunwoo al clan, verlo interactuar con sid me llamaría la atención.
mis notas dicen que no han visto mucho de devi con kaito o bridie. deben estar equivocados. anyways, este trío podría ser realmente un peligro, los conocimientos de kaito con el trabajo de devi encajarían perfecto. y la actitud de bridie seguramente incitaría a ambos brujah también.
me gustarĂ­a ver a haoyu con mĂĄs de su clan Âżescuche rumores de algo con mortisse? no entendĂ­ bien, pero Âżhao con esra? serĂ­a algo interesante, la gangrel tiene una actitud muy desinteresada que es llamativa, y considero que haoyu aĂșn no saca sus garras. me encantarĂ­a ver a juno con hyengyu, quĂ© podrĂ­a salir de ese par serĂ­a divertido Âżuna nueva amiga? interesada estoy en que se crucen river con hyengyu y haoyu ÂżdesplegarĂĄ sus dotes coquetos tambiĂ©n? must see
would love to see sergei y leuksna cruzarse Âżpueden imaginarlo? es de pĂșblico conocimiento que la condesa con sergei tienen un aprecio mutuo y una creciente amistad que puede desviarse a otras zona... if you know what i mean.... leuksna tiene una personalidad muy estructurada y me encantarĂ­a ver como se cruzan con la condesa, sergei. mis informantes han señalado que no tienen data de isaac con sayuri, dupla explosiva si llegan a verse.
en mis notas tengo que mercury y cricket tendrĂ­an unas charlas de lo mĂĄs divertidas. como cuando tyrus cuenda tres historias a la vez y yo me distraigo en su sonrisa ~ ambas personalidades podrĂ­an darnos algo entretenido de ver, mis informantes estĂĄn avisados. i'm pretty sure que nos llevarĂ­an a dar un paseo por un mundo diferente.
mi amiga que trabaja en un karaoke en shibuya me ha mencionado que todavía no tiene registros de daeul con saeng what a miss! ya quiero ver como entre ellos pueden hacer buenas migas. entre los ravnos son los que mås cercanos estån, algunos mås que otros....yah-know. también estå vacía la columna de daeul con nain like what? esperaré estar errada aunque este par me llamaría la atención pensar en daeul jugando con luna.
sĂłlo tengo anotado a bin Âż bin es el Ășnico que ha sacado la cabeza de la cueva ? esperarĂ© que esto se actualice.
aquí es donde me pongo mås romåntica pero ¿ benedict le haría ojitos a pomeline ? adoraría ver aquello o a eve tratando con pomeline también. uno de mis ghouls me ha mencionado que podría ser que benedict con su personalidad podría ser capaz de sonrojar a pomeline i want that! con todas las problemåticas del príncipe ¿qué pensarån nuestras dos toreador?
tengo una amiga que habló con sus påjaros y mencionaron que sería interesante ver a darcy con aren am i right? ambos son muy devotos a la camarilla ( ew ) y parecería que podrían llevarse amazing. intriga me da luka con ellos ¿qué sucedería? sabemos que luka tiende mås a ser un cantante pero ¿qué pasaría de entrar en debate con leo? me encantaría ver ello, de pensarlo i'm excited.
satomi con seomun like how ? cĂłmo es posible que no tenga nada de ellos. me da la impresiĂłn segĂșn me dijo una clienta que es amiga de una conocida que vio a seomun en varias ocasiones, que es muy probable que entre ellos pueden o llevarse muy bien o muy mal. satomi aunque parezca muy inofensiva es muy manipuladora, watch out ! roman con seomun serĂ­a un buen par new friends ! o algo mĂĄs, seomun no es un alma quieta y roman podrĂ­a usar sus truquitos como con cierto vĂĄstago amante de la quĂ­mica.
¥debo partir! esos batidos no se harån solos, tyrus me enseñarå de nuevo en breves. pero håblenme, me distraigo fåcil.
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sapphire374 · 4 years ago
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Tus Besos ~~ Karol Sevilla
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mylutteoheart · 5 years ago
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Matteo serenading to Luna || [part 1]
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ankelspanker · 6 years ago
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lydia-yougowith-stiles · 3 years ago
My Top 2021 Ships
Just like that 2021 is coming to an end, which means one of my favorite posts of the year is upon us: Ranking my favorite ships from this past year in TV and movies (that I watched). I look forward to this every year, and feel like there are a lot of new couples being featured this year. You will see some familiar favorites as well. Slight spoilers ahead (you’ve been warned :) So, without further a do let’s do this!
 Crack Ships
Ever since the one year I didn’t include this category and feature Nancy x Ace I have been kicking myself because I felt something early and then it actually became (is officially becoming) something! So, this year I’m including:
Jonathan and Sarah from Superman & Lois. 
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I know that Sarah is dating Jonathan’s brother, and that her friendship with Jonathan is cute and a brotp, but I just feel so much chemistry on screen when these two share it and I feel their relationship has the potential to be a strong one romantically. 
20. Luna and Matteo (Soy Luna)
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It took me a little bit to get on board the Luna and Matteo train, but once I did I fell hard. I thought the love triangle between Luna, Matteo, and Simon was one where I would have been cool for Luna to pick either guy. (Btw, I have only finished season 1. No spoilers please. Taking a rest before jumping into season 2). I loved Ruggero Pasquarelli as Federico in Violetta, so I was happy to see him on screen again in Soy Luna. His character is very different and while I don’t always love the bad boy trope, as the show grew and he distanced himself from Ambar I liked him more. I think it had to be around the time he officially broke up with Ambar and joined Luna’s team I was sold on him. Definitely when he wrote the song for Luna, which I LOVED the acoustic version. They have such cute moments at school, and the way they joke, and their nicknames for each other. Okay, so I guess I could go on and on about them. I’m just happy that my journey with this couple isn’t over yet. I just want to see some happiness before more drama starts up again.  
19. Zoey and Max (Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist)
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An anticipated ship from one of 2021â€Čs cancelled shows. I will not get over that Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist got cancelled this year--ESPECIALLY with that finale! I know there’s a Christmas special, but I haven’t gotten the chance to watch it yet, so this placement is strictly from season 2 (which I have mixed feelings about). I was very excited when Zoey chose Max early on. I’m a sucker (
HA didn’t even intend for the irony there) for a friends to lovers romance, and felt Max was more of the underdog in the first season. I feel their relationship was too short/rushed and that maybe it should have been delayed for Zoey to explore her feelings with Simon first. But overall, I liked the cliffhanger at the end and how she came to realize how strong her feelings are for Max. I’ve seen some gif sets of the two of them in the Christmas special and I’m looking forward to seeing more of them. 
18. Geoff and Erica (The Goldbergs) 
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Geoff and Erica from the Goldbergs are a ship that I jumped on board early in the show, and I am SO happy with where they are now. The season finale of last season was precious, and I loved how the proposal went about. Geoff’s dynamic with the rest of the Goldbergs is one of my favorites, and I think this show does a great job of the brother’s best friend turned boyfriend trope. I don’t think it’s one we often see on other shows (but the Goldbergs does this a lot with Barry’s girlfriends as well. They always seem to be Erica’s friends and I think it’s happened too much. Even though, I know he’s with Joanne now, but she is Geoff’s sister.) It still warms my heart to know these two are endgame (after that episode of Schooled and seeing future Erica in the 90s), but it’s still nice to see the developments of their relationship in 1980-something. 
17. Alina and Mal (Shadow and Bone)
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The first of many Shadow and Bone ships, Elena and Mal are one that I enjoyed more than I anticipated. Another friends to lovers ship, there were times when I wanted less flashbacks to them as kids and looking at their identical scars on their hands, but overall I couldn’t wait for the two of them to reunite and profess their feelings for one another. I haven’t read the books, but I know a good amount of people said their relationship was redeemed if not a lot stronger in the Netflix show. They felt that Mal was more well-rounded compared to the novel. As this is something I’ve heard and not read for myself (and I don’t plan on reading that series, although I LOVED Six of Crows...more to come on that), I’m only judging on the show’s relationship of these two characters, which I loved. I’m excited for season 2!
16. Lois and Clark (Superman and Lois)
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Lois Lane and Clark Kent are forever one of my favorite ships. So, there was a lot of pressure on Bitsie Tulloch and Tyler Hoechlin when I started the pilot episode of Superman and Lois. Other than the Elseworlds crossover, I hadn’t really seen them in action as I stopped watching Supergirl after season 3. Well, I can say they are fantastic and a welcome addition to the history of Lois Lane and Clark Kent/Superman on screen. I love how this show is set in the future from the other Arrowverse shows, so we get to see the Kent family raise their two teenage sons in Smallville. Their family unit is one of my favorite parts of the show, and I really like how they’re able to keep the core of these legendary characters, while at the same time show them in new situations-such as being parents. They balance each other out so well, and the trust is so strong. I love seeing an equal romantic pairing (and that’s with him being Superman!). You can just feel how long the characters have been together, which is refreshing. I have seriously loved every minute and am greatly looking forward to season two which will start in January. 
15. Talon and Garret (The Outpost)
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From #4 last year to #15 this year, Talon and Garret from CW’s The Outpost will go down as one of my favorite ships of all time. This last season wasn’t my favorite in terms of their relationship as it didn’t feel consistent throughout. The pacing was all over the place and there were several times where I didn’t think they’d be endgame. But in the end they were and (SPOILER ALERT) GOT MARRIED! I truly loved the end featuring their wedding, and both being King and Queen of the Outpost. The flashback scenes showcasing their relationship was beautiful and something I am constantly searching for on YouTube for a re-watch. (This show is so underrated, it’s so difficult to find anything with it). As I’ve stated previously, I absolutely love how evenly matched these two are in their warrior status. It’s something I continue to look for in things I read and watch. (They have even inspired me to try my hand at writing a couple like this.) I think I’ll be re-watching the series as whole sometime in the near future. 
14. Kaz and Inej (Shadow and Bone)
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Going into watching Shadow and Bone on Netflix, I knew about the love for the Crows as well as the love for Kaz and Inej. After watching the show and reading the first book (Six of Crows), I understand why these two together are so beloved. They are drastically different from each other, and that’s why they work so well. The tension is amazing, and also heartbreaking at the same time. They LOOKS they give one another are HUGE; and I love how in the book we get to read more into Kaz’s thoughts as he’s not a man of many words. Freddy and Amita’s chemistry is off the charts (and I also enjoyed watching behind the scenes clips and interviews with them. You can tell how much they love these characters). I’m so happy that Netflix picked up the show for a second season and I hope that more of the Six of Crows storyline is showcased. I’m worried about the outcome for these two and the status of their relationship in Crooked Kingdom, which I intend to start my year reading. (Please no spoilers :)
13. JJ and Kiara (Outer Banks)
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Another show where I went into it knowing how beloved the JJ and Kiara ship was. So, I was surprised when Kiara and John B kissed early in the first season, and then Kiara was with Pope at the end of the first, and for a good amount of the second. I watched both seasons back to back, and felt my love growing for JJ and Kiara’s relationship as the episodes progressed. The two are often paired up together, and their dynamic is great. As Kiara and Pope became more of a thing, I could feel JJ’s jealousy grow-whether it was a look or how constant he was at bringing up their relationship/how it was going. Then I was totally sold when JJ and Ki helped JJ’s dad leave, and then OF COURSE the above scene in the season 2 finale. I’m very invested in what’s ahead for these two :) 
12. Captain Holt and Kevin (Brooklyn 99)
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Captain Holt and Kevin have always been a great ship on Brooklyn 99 and as the show came to a close this season, I knew they had to be included on this list. In the final season, their relationship saw more ups and downs, showing how realistic relationships can be (despite being fictional and on a comedy). I loved how they worked it out, and in the end were stronger than ever. I also feel that we have always seen Kevin in previous seasons, but this year it was more of a focal point in the show’s plot. These two characters will always be Holt and Kevin to me. 
11. Nina and Matthias (Shadow and Bone)
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What a rollercoaster it’s been with these two. This is my last Shadow and Bone ship that I’m spotlighting on for this list. While I have enjoyed each of the above ones I listed, there’s something about Nina and Matthias that puts them as my favorite (although, it’s a close list). Once again, I have not read Crooked Kingdom yet, so this is strictly based on the show and Six of Crows. They did give a very accurate backstory for the two of them in the show, and I was impressed how close they were able to get to the book; even quoting dialogue word for word. Their journey is a wild one, and I think that’s one of the main reasons why I enjoy their relationship so much. They’re not supposed to be together or work, but extreme obstacles pair them together and that makes them fall in love. Once again we have an opposites attract trope, which I am here for and think it really works. Shouldn’t be a shock that I’m interested to see what’s ahead of them (and I am worried as they end the book separated). If you haven’t guessed already I highly recommend watching Shadow and Bone on Netflix! 
10. Eliza and William (Miss Scarlet and the Duke)
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Miss Scarlet and the Duke was a very early 2021 watch for me as it aired on PBS in January. As an avid lover of all things historical and on Masterpiece, I instantly was invested, and also upset that the season went by so fast. (I know it’s been picked up for a second season, but don’t know if they’ve gotten to filming yet. I hope so.) The show focuses on Eliza Scarlet who is an investigator at her father’s P.I. office after he mysteriously dies in the first episode. Her childhood friend, William (aka â€œThe Duke”) works at Scotland Yard and (at first) does not take Eliza’s detective skills seriously. He’s not the only one as this show takes place in Victorian times and women were not expected to have occupations, ESPECIALLY not something as â€˜morose’ as being around murderers and the dead. Eliza and William’s relationship really makes the show. They have a past from childhood, which allows a closeness, but also banter like enemies. While you can always feel the chemistry there, they start to feel it as the first season progresses. (Now you can see why I desperately need a second season.) The last episode was *chef’s kiss.*   
9. Wren and Janzo (The Outpost)
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That’s right, Talon and Garret aren’t the only great ship on the Outpost. Wren and Janzo are also one of my favorites and perfectly encapsulate the â€œpair the smart ones” trope. Wren became a character on the show in the third season, and her and Janzo’s expertise aligned, proving that while, at first, they butted heads, they were bound to fall in love...and they did. Their relationship has always been solid throughout the many conflicts that occurred on the show. I like how much of a powerhouse the two of them are. They are so smart, and so many people look to them for help. I also like the dialogue they had this past season about how she’s a Black-blood and he’s human, and what that means for their children and place in society. I’m upset the show ended before seeing their baby be born.   
#8. Gaston and Nina (Soy Luna)
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Another pairing that has warmed my heart this year is Gaston and Nina from Soy Luna. As I mentioned when I spoke about Luna and Matteo, I have only watched the first season of Soy Luna, so I haven’t seen these two date yet. I also know that their ending isn’t satisfying, but I’m going to live in the moment for the good parts to come. Early on I shipped these two. They have so many elements I look for in a couple. They’re complete opposites (especially at the start). Nina is a big introvert and Gaston is popular at school. They had an online relationship without knowing the true identity of the other person, and then Gaston started falling for Nina too! Ah! Still so good as I think back on it. My only frustration is the pacing as the first season is 80 episodes, so there’s times where things get dragged out more than necessary, but they are definitely one of the biggest highlights of the series for me.  
#7. Sara and Ava (Legends of Tomorrow)
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Legends of Tomorrow is one of the remaining original Arrowverse shows that I still tune into each week. I didn’t love last season with the aliens plot as it was tough for me to get into, and I didn’t enjoy seeing Sara and Ava separated for such a long time. But there were still so many great moments between this ship as Ava traveled space and time to find Sara, and Sara did anything to get back to Ava. I loved how Ava learned that Sara was going to propose and I am happy they were able to officially get married before the start of the new season. I’m loving seeing them as the Blonde Bombshells, and on screen together at the same time. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: They are both badass, female action heroes, and I’m so happy to see this representation on the CW.  
#6. Wanda and Vision (Wandavision)
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Disney Plus’ Wandavision gave us the most Wanda and Vision content in the entire MCU thus far....and I loved every second of it. The show kept you on your toes the entire time as we didn’t exactly know what was going on and who was behind it all. We got to see Wanda and Vision’s relationship, and what Wanda hoped their future would be like. The show was heartbreaking at times, but also gave us so many precious and quotable moments. I absolutely loved their family and don’t want this to be the last we see of them. I wish Wanda and Vision could have more time together, but we’ll have to see what happens in Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Maddness.  
#5. George and Nick (Nancy Drew)
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These two are too good for the world. Protect them at all costs!
Nick and George are one of the best ships on the CW’s Nancy Drew. (Here’s my first plug: Make sure to watch this show if you aren’t already. It’ll be one of the best decisions you’ll make.) They are such a healthy relationship that we don’t often get to see on TV. They listen to each other, and don’t jump to conclusions causing unnecessary conflict. While the show has only taken place over a short amount of time, their relationship is well paced and feels realistic and what people could hope for (minus the supernatural stuff that happens). I didn’t see them becoming a couple in the beginning, and it is one of the best things to happen on the show. I am looking forward to how their relationship continues to strengthen and progress. We need to see more relationships like this in shows.
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#4. Jake and Amy (Brooklyn 99)
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Jake and Amy will forever go down as one of my favorite comedy couples. While I’m sad Brooklyn Nine-Nine ended this year, I was really happy with the way the show ended and how Jake and Amy’s story concluded. Looking back on the pilot, it’s crazy to think that Jake would give up his job to be a stay at home Dad, but he does it for Amy. For her to succeed and advance in her career, Jake stays home with Mac, but that doesn’t mean his time at the 99 is over. (I liked the flashforward in the last scene.) With this couple we have another opposites attract and enemies to lovers, and it works so well. Not only do they balance each other out, but they have also taken on characteristics of each other--like a real couple. Brooklyn Nine-Nine is a great show and Jake and Amy are just one highlight of it. 
#3. Nicky and Henry (Kung Fu)
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GUYS! I love these two SO MUCH! It has been months since I finished watching the CW’s new reboot of Kung Fu and just looking for a picture of these two have made me want to go back and watch this first season. Nicky and Henry are the perfect combination, and I am SO HAPPY that she chose him in the love triangle. I was worried for a little bit as he was up against Evan who had history as the ex-boyfriend that Nicky left behind without an explanation, but Henry had so much more to offer and I was ecstatic when the two became official. Nicky and Henry are both strong fighters and warriors in their own right, but when they come together they’re even more powerful. They had sleuthing moments as they tried to uncover the mystery behind the sword and the other mystical weapons. And they look great together, btw. The list of my favorite tropes goes on and on and these two check off so many of the boxes. I was so happy when I first posted about them here, and I found the love for this ship was so strong. 
#2. Devi and Ben (Never Have I Ever)
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Where do I start with these two? There’s so much that I want to say. This was another ship where I knew the love for them before entering the show and seeing gif sets made me want to check it out. It was also another love triangle that I thought was well done. While I was always pulling for Ben, I liked how the show created character growth in Paxton. Once again, there’s so many of my favorite tropes with these two: rivals-enemies-lovers, pair the smart ones, the banter, Ben’s dating someone else, but you can clearly see he’s still in love with Devi and doesn’t want to see her upset even though she broke his heart. He calls her David and she doesn’t react like anything is wrong. HIS FACE WHEN ELEANOR TELLS HIM THE TRUTH! And now we’re going to have to see his pining for Devi as she dates Paxton, for real this time. I believe Ben and Devi are endgame as he’s always been there for her, and what Devi needs even if she believes Paxton is. Ugh! It’s SO GOOD! But also slow burns hurt so much!!
Speaking about slow burns that are amazing, but hurt my soul....
#1. Nancy and Ace (Nancy Drew)
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We all knew where this list was headed...right? If not, then you’ve got to be new to this page. 
I just love these two SO MUCH. They were my number one pick last year and that was even before the season 2 finale. Now I have even more content to help solidify them in this spot. First, the chemistry between Kennedy McMann and Alex Saxon is amazing, and beautiful to watch. In the early season 1 scenes, it’s hard to see them as platonic as there’s just something that oozes between them in each scene. (1x14 will forever be one of my favorites in season 1 because it was one of the first times we see the two of them investigating and the â€œI love you too” moment at the computer was just chilling!) In season 2 the crumbs continued to grow and then we get the â€œI couldn’t lose you” moment and the entire fandom lost their minds. We were beginning to get recognition that we weren’t just seeing things and these two had a future together on the show. Now in season 3 we were left off on one of the biggest mid-season cliffhangers of Ace owning his feelings, and wanting to talk to Nancy, but then getting trapped in an alternate world at the last minute (you know, because these things happen-:)
From the close proximity to the eye contact, Nancy and Ace don’t know what personal space is, and I am so looking forward to the moment when they know their feels are mutual. I long for the times they share the screen together whether that’s investigating something supernatural or having a heart to heart about the future. There’s so many layers to their relationship, and it’s a beautiful thing. I’m happy to be a part of Nace Nation, and for getting here so early so I could watch the love for this ship grow. It’s been a pleasure. 
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And so, my top 2021 ships list has been completed! Let me know if your favorite made the list, and of any shows you think I should check out because of their fantastic ships. I’m always looking for more to add to my list for 2022. Till then, I just want to say thank you for all who follow or share a like/re-blog, and thank you to the content creators out there. I love searching for your stuff to share. 
Happy New Year :)  
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from-red-string · 3 years ago
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I posted 697 times in 2021
5 posts created (1%)
692 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 138.4 posts.
I added 30 tags in 2021
#maya y los tres - 5 posts
#soy luna fic week - 4 posts
#doom at your service - 4 posts
#extraordinary you - 3 posts
#fanfiction - 3 posts
#thank you artist - 3 posts
#that's so cute - 2 posts
#simbar - 2 posts
#thank you - 2 posts
#they look so good - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#the true bilingual experience is at least once thinking the songs was talking about all the 21 nights of september not specifically 21th
My Top Posts in 2021
I just saw a mutual I hadn't seen posting in a long time. When we used to talk, they were going through a tough time. I worried about you but didn't dare to message. I'm happy to see you're alive and seems okay
0 notes ‱ Posted 2021-08-08 19:37:04 GMT
Oi lembra de mim
Oiiee claro KKK que icon lindo
3 notes ‱ Posted 2021-01-16 16:40:30 GMT
The Fall
Soy Luna Ficweek 2021
You can read the fics on @sl-server​
Day 2
Prompt: “I scraped my knee and now you’re fixing it up and I swear if you don’t stop running your hands over my leg, I will kick you.”
Summary: BenĂ­cio's stubbornness had real consequences. EmĂ­lia got hurt because her partner is stupid but she can't help but feel her heart racing.  
Warning: blood
Genre: fluff (?) BenĂ­cio is one of the main characters so you decide what it means
Pairing: EmĂ­lia x BenĂ­cio
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"BenĂ­cio, slow down." I heard Juliana yelling from the corner of the rink, but my partner didn't seem to do so keeping the same pace. "Your hand is too high." He ignores her again, not moving his hand on my hip. The next step of this choreography is a lift which wouldn't work because his hands are in the wrong place. I slide away before the next point.
"You need to listen to Juliana." Benicio stared at me in disbelief as if I betrayed him with only a phrase.
"What? Are you crazy? You're telling me to listen to Juliana?" Defensive as always, I wouldn't give in to his stupidity, I set my hands on my hips clearly ready for the confrontation. "She is just picking on me, EmĂ­lia."
"No, she's right. You won't be able to lift me if you don't keep a steady pace or hold me the right way." He scoffed and looked away. My partner has to be the cockiest person alive. His eyes weren't on me exactly, staring past me, I followed his eyesight line until it landed on Ámbar, he was waiting for reaction to decide on his next act, but Ámbar didn't show anything, she was just watching. 
I'm more than sure Ámbar knows Benício's feelings for her better than Simón's, she wouldn't believe the guitarist could forgive her but knew exactly what Benício expected from her and she wouldn't give him. Benício is too stupid for not noticing Ámbar didn't and won't move on from Simón. I wondered daily if he really liked her or just the idea of having Ámbar.
BenĂ­cio is complicated, not in a good way, you don't want to stick around to solve his puzzle, learn his cracks, and how to put it all together. He's complex in the sense that you're left guessing why you are still around him, what makes you stay with him. That's where I find myself right now. He's my best friend in Buenos Aires, but why do I trust him?
"Maybe you're not a partner on my level." His voice filled with poison, he knew it would hurt. Pouring alcohol on an open cut. His eyes weren't even on me, focusing on Ámbar. 
"No! You're not on EmĂ­lia's level, you won't be near mine." She rejected him, nothing new, BenĂ­cio didn't show surprise. "Hear Juliana." The coach stayed quiet the whole time, she is used to his mood already, he's unbearable when he's like this. 
"Are you done, BenĂ­cio? From the start." Juliana says not waiting for his answer, counting down before playing the song.
My partner is completely oblivious to what we said, or that's what he wants us to believe. I know him too well, he's putting this as a show to prove his right even when he's wrong. He makes the same mistakes again, switching between rhythm, at a second slowing down to spin then speeding up for our moves together. When he holds me again, his left hand is placed between my back and hips but not on any of them. If that's how he wants to play, I'll accept his lead. 
Until 10 seconds for the lift:
 He won't be able to lift me at this speed. 2,3
 Turning around to face him, I should let go of him. 4,5
 His eyes shine with determination, I could trust him. I lowered my kees getting ready. 6,7
 His grip on me gets stronger. 8,9
 It'll work, pulling myself forward I repeat these words. 10
 It's too late to get away, I'll fall.
At first, the lift began as expected, BenĂ­cio held me high, above his head. A clean move. My legs were at a good height. My right hand pinned to his shoulder while I made the moves I trained so many times before, I watched my fingers moving to make sure it was what I practiced with Juliana but I felt BenĂ­cio's hands tighten around me, when I looked down at his arms were shaking, and then one of his skates kicked the ground, I immediately prepared myself for the fall, placing my arms around my head and spun to my side. 
BenĂ­cio fell on my legs making me hit the ground harder, the bruises would color my right side later, I felt my hand get hot and swollen. Although it hurt, my first instinct after remembering how I fell is checking on BenĂ­cio, his head lying on my thigh, he seems alright, I shake him scared because he wasn't moving. 
"Benício?" He answered to his name with a groan while sitting up. I hear Juliana and Ámbar gasp and notice blood on his neck. "You're bleeding!" He looks at me confused then touches his neck.
"No, Emília that's yours..." Ámbar says kneeling near me to help me sit, Benício softly moves my legs to look for the cut. My black skate tinted read, they were stained. Then when I moved my left leg to the side, the pain started, we found the cut on my knee. It hurt a lot but the scariest part is the blood drips, the red liquid pooling the floor under me. "I'll get the first aid kit," Ámbar warned running. Juliana said she'd help Ámbar and ask someone to clean it. Benício's arm scooped me from the floor, his arms embracing me tightly. He ran to the bleachers. He sits with me on his lap.
"Sorry." He whispers still holding me. Surprised, I tried to escape from his lap but he still held my legs, his eyes landed on mine which made me stop. He felt guilty. "You shouldn't have gotten hurt for me." I can say anything, I shouldn't have been hurt for him. "I just wanted to prove my point." I know that. "You." The last word I heard. Right after that, his hands started moving on my legs, caressing them? His fingers tracing mindless on my skin, his invisible drawing left a trail of goosebumps, his tips were cold in contrast to my temperature. He isn't aware of his acts. My heart races, my head feels lighter, the pain seems like a memory from long ago. He is much less aware of his effect on me. His hands distract her enough for me to absently listen to him, nodding to anything he is saying, probably his apologies.
My own thoughts occupied the surrounding. I accepted falling. I never accepted going on when I knew I was going to be hurt. That's called self-preservation, risking myself for someone else is not okay. This cut would prevent me from practicing at all for 2 days and no heavy training for a week, I don't have time to waste how did allow it to happen. His stupidity is the only answer, it must be contagious. 
Benício calls me getting my attention again, well getting to face him, my head still too clouded for him, I nodded. My eyes began to study his face, noting the details, he's not ugly. If it wasn't for his obsession for Ámbar, he'd be a nice person, we could've been friends with benefits or more than that.
No this again. I hate thinking about this, imagining BenĂ­cio as a boyfriend seems like a distant dream, something that shouldn't belong in my head but it is a sweet and comforting scenario, BenĂ­cio is her best friend in Buenos Aires, he was there for her in her brightest and darkest hours, whenever she called him. Did I accept falling not only physically but also metaphorically? Can I just like him?
It has to stop. It's not okay, he's obsessed with Ámbar.
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10 notes ‱ Posted 2021-02-09 17:57:34 GMT
I'm so nervous for posting this for Day 3, I worry if anyone would read about Ana and Mora since they're not even secundary characters, they are just extras not in my heart but in the show, and this made it harder to write it. Anyway, it's here and I hope you like it.
Shout out to @sapphire374 for easing my worries and beta reading it 💛
Find all fics for Soy Luna Ficweek 2021, here
Day 3
Prompt: “Is this the second time we’ve both gotten stuck in the same elevator?”
Summary: The first time Ana and Mora got stuck in the elevator was when they stopped talking, a week later when it happens again: is it the time to rebound? or something more?
Warning: unfortunately it's not canon. Tino and Cato don't exist, they have never seen them, no one knows them in this fic
Genre: angst
Pairing: Ana and Mora a.k.a the lesbian moms
Another silent morning in the apartment, a rare situation for Nina. From what she could remember, there has never been a quiet day home ever since they moved in. Mora's sewing machine, some random song playing as background noise, or just Buenos Aires' downtown being crowded and busy. Although she appreciated the silence, it's odd, the girl is not used to it anymore.
Now both her mom and auntie didn't exchange a word, Mora has been working on arranging some photoshoots, she woke up for lunchtime and only came back late at night, while Ana left early for her meetings then arrived at 4 pm. Seems like they had it all planned out just so they didn't have to face each other. 
Nina didn't know what happened between them but hoped it would go away soon.
Well, unexpectedly it got different from other days from the beginning. When Nina left her room, Mora was awake and making herself breakfast. The girl checked the clock again, still at 7 am.
"Good morning, cariño" Mora smiled at her while Nina approached to sit on the chair.
"Morning." She reached for the bread slowly, hesitant. Her instincts told her to move carefully. "I thought I'd only see you later." Mora laughed but it was too stiff.
"I have to drive 3 hours to check for some special fabrics I'm looking for." The redhead tried to show excitement, however, such a rush manner showed her nervousness. Nina knew it wasn't about the fabrics. As soon as the clicks sound of Ana's heels started, Mora stands up. "I really need to go. Bye, darling." And left through the door carrying her purse, phone, and keys.
"Good luck there." Nina greets her and takes Mora's plate away immediately. She'd rather not step into whatever happened. Ana comes from her room in a rush and Nina wide her eyes when her mom gets to the front door. "Mom, you can't leave without eating."
"I'm late already. Sorry, cariño. I'll be back early. Bye
 Hold the door, please!" Ana fleed before Nina could react. The girl opens the door to check on them but they were already gone. 
The silence from home followed them into the elevator. None dared to look up from their phones. Mora started to tap her foot impatiently when she noticed the elevator was slow today. 
"Can you stop?" Ana asked, staring at her screen.
"Oh, good morning. Now you can see me." Mora smirked, still avoiding Ana's face, kept tapping her shoe.
"More like I can hear you. Always so noisy."
"Can you? It didn't seem like that last week." The snark got the fashion designer, she provoked back looking at Ana and waiting for a reaction but she got nothing. "Back to ignoring me. Hope Mario has a better shot talking to you than I do." The lack of response from the lawyer building up her annoyance. "Even though we live together and have been friends for a lifetime. You rather believe in him than..."
"Give me a reason," Ana said, losing her temper. The elevator stops, slowing down. "I need a plea." Walking side to side in this shiny box they were failing to realize they were trapped in.
"My instincts are not a good one. I don't trust him." Mora decided to watch her friend through the reflection, pretending to fix her hair in the mirror.
"Of course not." Ana laughed at her. "Do you think I can defend a case based on your feelings? A judge would accept it, declare him guilt for you." Her voice was cold, but the rage -boiling inside was still audible.
"You're not a judge, Ana." Turning around she steps in Ana's way, staring at her. "Ain't a case but your life." Each word was another step forward, the lawyer's back hit the wall, but she wouldn't give up on a debate, her index finger touched Mora's shoulder.
"That's exactly the problem." This time the designer was the one walking backward. "My life is never good enough for you. I can't even decide on Nina's life without you around." Mora's jaw dropped and she stuttered, with a non-comprehensible sound coming from her mouth. "Not even a boyfriend." That's the moment Ana breaks, lowering her head and resting on Mora's shoulder while the other was glued on the wall, still recovering from shook, nevertheless, she wrapped her arms around her friend's body. 
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12 notes ‱ Posted 2021-02-10 17:59:01 GMT
Before the Storm
It's finally here!! The first day of 2021 Soy Luna fic week!!
It's been a few years since I last wrote a Soy Luna fic, so I took this chance to look for characters and interactions I didn't explore before.
I hope you enjoy reading it!
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Day 1
Prompt: “Hey, I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve turned your entire living room into a blanket fort and I have no plan in taking it down any time soon.” 
Summary: Matteo told them he never had a blanket fort since he kept moving and his parents were too strict to let him have friends at home. Gastón and Ámbar decided to surprise him.
Warning: probably not canon accurate, they're 14
Genre: fluff
Pairing: Matteo Balsano x Ámbar Smith, Gastón
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19 notes ‱ Posted 2021-02-08 13:44:41 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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xtheboar · 6 years ago
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                                          ÂĄFeliz Navida’, Summer!
                                                         ( @judgmentman )
ÂĄHeeeeeeeeeeeeeey, Summer! No puedo ser mĂĄs feliz de que me tocĂł Brimstone, y con este muchacho... Y soy tan lenta que hasta que hice el gif set me di cuenta que es un gif set de Tyrion y Robb.... Wow. HAHAHAHA. 
Pues eso, tambiĂ©n me tocaron los amigos. En sus caras Klaus y Elijah, hehe. Espero mĂĄs interacciones entre estos dos muchachos, porque seguro serĂĄn geniales juntos. 
Te deseo lo mejor del mundo, Summer. Sigue siendo tan geniales como eres. ÂĄGracias por llevar a Klaus, el amor de mi vida!
La Luna. 
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countessofravenclaw · 2 years ago
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countessofravenclaw · 2 years ago
I see a future in your eyes...
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countessofravenclaw · 2 years ago
Loving him was red... Burning RED
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countessofravenclaw · 2 years ago
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countessofravenclaw · 2 years ago
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It is a Small World after all
Sorry about this BIA
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countessofravenclaw · 2 years ago
I chose passive aggressiveness today
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countessofravenclaw · 2 years ago
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countessofravenclaw · 2 years ago
More random SoyLuna gifs
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