#soy luna gifs
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zhoufeis · 9 months ago
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SOY LUNA Argentina, 2016-2018.
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simbargifs · 1 year ago
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top 10 simbar scenes (as voted by our followers)
5 ♡ 3.60 Simón finds Ámbar sad, sitting on a bench, he kisses her, takes her in his arms and they stay there in silence./Simón encuentra a Ámbar triste, sentada en un banco, la besa, la toma en sus brazos y se quedan ahí en silencio.
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dara-lover · 4 months ago
No one can convince me that Sara and Wanderlust would act like Addison and Zed from Zombies once they became boyfriend and girlfriend.
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And that the corrupted versions of both would act as Ámbar and Simón from Soy Luna in season 3 of the series.
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luvrsctrl · 2 years ago
do soy luna fans still exist?? pls say yes i need to rant about simbar
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weirfq1 · 6 months ago
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it's the way simón backs off as soon as ámbar looks at him in a "don't worry, i've got it" kind of way, lmao
+ bonus gif cause it's really cute how nina's looking for a contact as a way to say "hey! i was (and still am) extremely nervous but I DID IT!! you saw that right?"
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girlstalkmichael · 9 months ago
Some green flag characters in tv shows/movies in no particular order
Part 1
Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf)
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Loyal till the very end
Carries the whole show on his back
His bromance with Scott is ICONIC (literally the no. 1 bromance in teen dramas)
Do I need to say more
Jake Peralta (Brooklyn Nine Nine)
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Husband material right there like his love for Amy is the healthiest out of this world love
Immaculate sense of humor
Amazing in his job
Peeta Mellark (The Hunger Games)
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A literal cinnamon roll
Took a beating from his mum to give Katniss a loaf of bread so she won't die of starvation. Selfless king
Michael Cordero Jr (Jane The Virgin)
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Husband material alongside my man Jake Peralta
Supportive af
Loves Matteo like he is his own kid
Literally besties with his wife's dad (aka drama king Rogelio De La Vega)
Loyal and as you know loyalty is super sexy
Manuel Gutiérrez (Bia)
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His romance with Bia is the healthiest non toxic romance in DCLA main ships
Nice & kind
So sweet
He can sing and play piano (his voice is sooo good)
Símon Álvarez (Soy Luna)
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Sees the best in others (aka his whole relationship with Ambar)
Will do anything for his friends (literally traveled from Mexico to Argentina on his own to be with Luna)
Can sing and play guitar AND roller skate (like what can't he do)
Wrote bops like Eres & Valiente
Gaston Perida (Soy Luna)
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He's a super nice jock
Always tries to knock some sense into Matteo (just really his bromance with Matteo)
Super supportive of Nina/Felicity and her boundaries (like when she asked him to dance with her blindfolded as she was not ready to reveal herself to him yet and he accepted)
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Federico Paccini (Violetta)
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Always there for Ludmila and helped her through all her mother's abuse
Really nice and cute
Has the voice of an angel
Sarcastic and funny
My first childhood crush (and better believe I'm not over him yet)
Dustin Henderson (Stranger Things)
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The cutest human being to ever exist
The smartest person in the whole of Hawkins
Super funny
His bromance with Steve & Eddie is brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, complety never been done before
Has the cutest laugh ever
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hide-in-imagination · 9 months ago
Paris & a Promise | Simbar Oneshot
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The studio was pristine and cozy, with bright colors on the walls, white leather chairs, one in front of the other, and a big screen between them on the far wall so that the people in the audience, and of course, the host and guest occupying the two chairs, could see pictures and videos of the topic that was being discussed.
Behind the three cameras pointing at the studio (one on the guest, one on the host, and one holding a general view of everything), the floor manager, a woman in her thirties with a headset to hear and communicate the director’s orders, made a signal to the host, a charismatic man on his forties with black hair, wearing a suit and tie. In the guest chair in front of him, the blonde young woman, wearing a tasteful long-sleeve blouse and a mini skirt, listened to the countdown overhead until the ‘On Air’ sign lighted up anew, followed by a short rendition of the show’s theme song, and applause from the audience on their seats.
“Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen! We are here live with Ámbar Smith,” the host resumed the show with a big smile, facing the camera and then focusing on his guest. “Ámbar, once again, thank you so much for coming to our show. I hope you’re having as good a time as we are, but if not, do not worry, your torment is almost over now.”
Ámbar laughed along with the audience.
“Noo, don’t say that, of course I’m having a good time, I’m always happy to be here.”
“I’m so glad to hear that. Now,” the host leaned forward, “I’m sorry for deviating from your achievements but, we simply can not let you leave without talking about—” he pointed at her with his hand, “that huge rock weighing on your finger right now.” The audience started screaming. “Poor thing, she can’t even move her hand— Look how she keeps it on the armrest! Unbelievable!”
The audience whooped and laughed while Ámbar giggled, her right hand coming up to try and hide her grin and blushing cheeks.
“Ámbar, my sincerest congratulations on your engagement,” the host said now in earnest as the audience quieted down.
“Thank you so much.” The audience cheered again, stealing another giddy smile from her.
“Now, I know everyone already knows this, but in case anyone’s been living under a rock these last few years, you’ve been dating the Roller Band’s guitarist and vocalist Simón Álvarez for quite a few years now.” A picture of the couple posing together at a red carpet appeared on the big screen of the studio.
“Six years, yeah,” Ámbar said with a smile.  
“Six whole years, and he finally proposed two weeks ago, as we can see in this picture you two posted on Instagram, showing off the ring.”
A screenshot of their Instagram post showed on the screen. The photo depicted their hands together, Ámbar’s hand over Simón’s turned-up palm, the thick diamond ring front and center, shining on her finger, while the background showed an orange and red sky, with the Eiffel Tower blurry but visible in the distance. 
The audience cheered and a warm smile curled Ámbar’s lips at the photo.
The host looked at her again. “Tell me, Ámbar, did you see it coming? Did you know he was going to do it or did it take you by surprise?”
Ámbar made a complicated face. “Um, I kind of saw it coming, but no, not really,” she broke off with a laugh.
The host looked at her with intrigue. “What do you mean? Like, you did and then you didn’t? What’s the story?”
“Well. We were in Europe because the Roller Band was touring there, and they had stops in different cities, and Simón was like ‘You should come with me, you could visit Paris’ blah blah blah, so I joined them. He knows that Paris is my favorite city in the world, I’ve always loved it— In fact, I spent some months there when I was in university, as part of an exchange program for six months, and I just have very good memories of the city in general. So anyway, that got me thinking, you know… We’re going to be in Paris…” She started hinting. “He invited me to join… We’ve been dating for 6 years… So, on that front, I did have my suspicions, but I just— The timing didn’t make sense to me,” she said. “That was the problem, that’s what threw me off.” 
“How so?”
“Because we were only staying in Paris for one day,” she emphasized. “The guys were scheduled to arrive in the morning at the hotel, then they had their soundcheck in the afternoon, and then their concert, and that same night we had to go to Italy because they had their concert there the next day. So I was like… Yeah, no. No way.” She laughed. “Like, it was a lot in less than 24 hours. How could he even find the time for it? It’s insane.”
“He totally got you then.”
“He did. It took me completely by surprise, it was so sweet.”  
“It was like in some sort of balcony, right?” The host checked. “I mean, I remember from the photos you two posted— Those ones.”
New photos appeared on the screen. It was two selfies of the two of them standing close together on a black iron balcony with a view of the sunset, the city of Paris, and the Eiffel Tower. They were taken by Simón, one of his arms around Ámbar while the other extended beyond the frame, holding the phone. In one of them, they were both grinning brightly at the camera, Ámbar showing off the ring, her eyes glistening with emotion. The second was very similar to the first, probably taken seconds apart from each other, except in that one Simón wasn’t looking at the camera but kissing Ámbar’s cheek with his eyes closed. Ámbar was still grinning and showing off the ring like in the first picture, but she had her eyes closed in that one too, basking in the love. 
“Yeah, that’s the balcony of the hotel room we were staying at,” Ámbar answered, pointing at the screen. “Simón specifically looked for one that had a view of the Eiffel Tower for us.”
“He had it all planned out,” the host said, impressed.
“Everything,” Ámbar confirmed. “From the very first second. Cause— Look. This is how it all went down.” She leaned forward in her seat, entering story-telling mode, and the host leaned forward as well, giving her all of his attention. “We arrived at around 11 am in Spain. The first thing we did was sleep because we were all dead on our feet, and then around two, Simón asked me if I wanted to go out to eat, and I was like ‘Yeah, sure’, so we went to this restaurant I recommended to him, I knew it from my many trips to Paris, and we just, you know, had our meal, talked, walked around the city for a little bit after— Very normal stuff. Then, Simón had to go to his soundcheck, so he left, and I just kept walking around ‘cause, you know, I was like ‘I don’t know when I’ll be able to come back, better make the best of it now.’”
“Of course.”
“And that was all I was planning to do for the rest of the day really, but then, like an hour or so later, I get a call from Simón like ‘Hey, I’m done with the soundcheck, I’m going back to the hotel now, let’s meet up there’, and I was like… Why didn’t he just stay in the arena?” She said, bemused. “His concert was like in two hours, it would’ve made more sense. But anyway. I got back to the hotel, and I asked him how the soundcheck went, and he was like ‘Well, very well, everything good’— Which was a complete and total lie, by the way,” she pointed out, looking at the audience.
“What do you mean ‘lie’?” The host asked with surprise.
“He never went to the soundcheck,” Ámbar said. “I only found out about it later. The guys went to the soundcheck by themselves, Simón never joined them.”
“Then what was he doing?”
“I’m getting there,” she said. “So, we met at the hotel, and Simón was like ‘Hey, so, I only have like an hour and a half before I need to leave but, what do say if we order room service and eat a little something before I leave?’ and I was like, ‘Yeah, that sounds nice.’ So we sat at a little table there on the balcony, and we were just, you know, having like a regular dinner, when suddenly he says: ‘My love. I didn’t want to tell you before, but I have a surprise for you.’ And I was like.” Ámbar made a face of curiosity. “‘What?’ And the very instant— I have this so ingrained in my mind— the very instant the sun started setting, he got down on one knee.”
“Oh my god.” The audience cheered and clapped, joining the host’s excitement. “That’s crazy! So, he had it all timed down to the second.”
“He did! He totally did. I couldn’t believe it. And then he, you know, started saying all these beautifulthings, and once the shock wore off, I just started crying,” she laughed a little bit. “And just, you know, I said yes, obviously.”
The audience screamed. Ámbar laughed, radiantly happy, the camera capturing the emotion in her eyes. “Then we hugged and it was very sweet. I really couldn’t have imagined it a better way; it was perfect.”
“And then you two went to celebrate, right? We’ve got some pictures of you on a rooftop.”
“Yeah! That was the craziest part! We had just gotten engaged and Simón was like ‘I’ve got another surprise for you’ and he led me to the hotel’s rooftop, and the whole time I’m thinking, ‘What now?!’ Like, what else had this guy planned? Fireworks? I genuinely couldn’t put it past him by this point. And then we got to the rooftop, and my whole family was there.” The audience went aww. “With our closest friends too; it was like fifteen people up there. And I was like— ‘What are you all doing here?!’” The audience laughed. “‘When did you get here?!’ It was insane!”
“Simón got them all there without you knowing?” The host expressed with awe.  
“No one told me anything! I genuinely don’t know how they managed to keep it from me,” Ámbar said with disbelief. “And the rooftop was decorated with balloons, flowers, there was food— Well, you’ve got the photos there.” She pointed to the screen where the pictures from her Instagram were displaying. “So, like, it was amazing. It was truly amazing, and so beautiful. And our friends started hugging us and giving us their congratulations, and… What got to me the most was that, well, my mom couldn’t go,” she started explaining. “I don’t speak about her a lot publicly but, basically, she’s got a certain degree of blindness, so it’s complicated for her to move around on her own, she has to be accompanied— And honestly, good for her that she didn’t go, I would’ve felt terrible if she had made that huge trip just for me. But she did send me a video congratulating me. I watched it on a tablet. And I just… Well, if I had already cried, that was the moment I finished ruining my makeup.” The audience laughed with her. “But it was sweet. It was all very sweet and moving and just amazing. I had a very good time there with my friends and family until we had to leave.” 
“Sounds wonderful.” The host had a sweet smile on his face. “I bet it was a very treasured moment for you two, for your family, your friends—I have a question though,” he said, more serious now, “that I imagine all of us are wondering as well— What about the concert?”
Ámbar nodded like she knew exactly what he meant. “Yeah, you see, that’s the funniest part! Cause like— Just imagine: Simón organized this whole thing— When he was supposed to be at the soundcheck, by the way; he never did that, he was on the rooftop with everyone else getting everything ready— and in the end, he just like, stayed for half an hour and then he left.” The audience laughed. “Because he had his concert! You know?” She said over the noise. “So like. It was crazy. It was really crazy, he totally rushed to the arena. He must’ve put on his outfit and the microphone in record time, the poor thing. But he always tells me that it was worth it. So.” Ámbar shrugged with a little smile.
The audience went aww again.
A mischievous glint appeared in the host’s eyes. “Yeah, he looked very excited the night of the concert. There was even this video that went viral— You saw it, right?”
“I’ve seen many,” she deadpanned, nodding her head.
“Well, here we’ve got the one that made the most headlines on the internet; a little video posted by a fan.” A video of Simón taking the stage started playing on the studio’s big screen on mute. It was a vertical video, filmed from up close, maybe from the fifth row, or maybe using a lot of zoom. “This is the same night you were telling us about, when the Roller Band was playing at the arena.”
The volume went up and the screams of the crowd could be heard as Simón walked up to the front of the stage where a microphone stand was waiting. He had his guitar hanging from his shoulder, ready to play. For everyone watching at home, the video took the whole screen of the TV, replacing the image of the studio. 
“Paris, how are you doing tonight?!”
The crowd went wild in response to Simón.
Simón laughed a little and started talking again, so the crowd went quiet to be able to hear him. “You know, I’m the exact same way as you, guys, like, exactly. Because this next song,” he started leisurely playing the guitar as he talked, not a melody but just a simple, soft up and down of his hand on the strings, “is one I wrote about a very special someone to me, many years ago now. And since then, I’ve had the fortune, the pleasure, the utter privilege of having this gorgeous, amazing woman by my side. And this night is very special, Paris, because… This very, very night…” He started laughing and had to take a step back, unable to contain his joy. The crowd was screaming. Simón walked up to the microphone again and yelled out ecstatically.
“SHE SAID ‘YES’!!!!”
Simón began strumming the guitar as the rest of the band joined in, playing together the intro of ‘Tiempo de Amor.’
The studio came back on screen and the video continued rolling in a lower volume as Simón started singing the song, eventually going mute, and then pausing altogether. The audience in the studio was screaming excitedly.
“You do realize that because of this 15 thousand people knew about it before many of our relatives and acquaintances, right?” Ámbar told the host, making everyone laugh again.
“I can just picture them seeing this on Twitter or Tiktok and calling you up like ‘WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU’RE GETTING MARRIED?’” The host acted out.
“It happened with more than one person,” Ámbar declared. The audience laughed.
“Alright but, putting all of that aside, the important thing is that you two had this magical moment and now you’re going to take this next step together,” the host moved the narrative along. “Tell me, have you set a date yet for the ceremony?”
“We don’t have an exact date yet, but the idea is to have a Spring wedding next year.”  
“Love that. So, that means you’ve got plenty of time to plan for the event then. I imagine you’ll need it. Are you planning for a big party?”  
“We’ll see,” Ámbar replied. “We’re still deciding whether we wanna do this biiig, over the top wedding or just a small ceremony with our closest friends and family. But, whatever we end up choosing, I think the most important thing is just, our promise to always be together. So,” a serene smile graced her lips, “the rest is just a complement to that and we’ll figure it out as we go.”
“That’s beautiful,” the host said. “Seriously, I’m so happy for you two, congratulations— Give it up for Ámbar Smith, ladies and gentlemen!”
The audience went wild.
“Thank you so much for being here with us today, Ámbar,” the host told her, starting to wrap up.
“Thank you for having me, it was lovely,” she replied with a smile.
The host turned to face the camera and the shot focused on him. “And to everyone watching us at home, you’ll want to stick around because our next guest is an artist who’s been trending all over social media, not only in Spain but in all parts of the world. We’ll be right back!”
. * ⋆ . ·  .╰──────༺♡༻──────╯. * * .   *
Okay so, originally, I had this idea in the context of my Actress!Ámbar x Musician!Simón AU. It was going to be, like, a second chapter where I mixed different interviews, some of Simón, some of Ámbar, as a way to tell how their relationship developed after the ending of chapter one. But then I thought—Why limit it to just that one context? I really loved the idea I came up with for this proposal, so I wanted it to fit as many different worlds as possible, especially canon for those who aren’t such big fans of AUs, so— Here it is! I really hope you liked it. It’s very different from everything I’ve written before in terms of format, but that’s precisely why it was so much fun to write. What would you even call this type of POV? Second Person or something? Sdfkjn. I don’t know, I don’t remember much of my high school lessons; it’s been too many years.
And speaking of years. It's been 6 years now since the show ended and this proposal took place 6 years into their relationship, so I think it would be sweet to imagine that Simón and Ámbar are engaged right now as we speak and that they’ll be getting married next year in 2025 <3
Our babies have grown up, and so have we.
See you all next time. – C
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simbar-tvshowgirl · 2 months ago
I just love how good Simon and Ambar fit with each other. From an outside perspective you wouldn’t typically pair them but when they are together it’s just 🤭
Ambar has a very strong character. She has no issue with speaking up and defending herself and those she loves. Having such a tough appearance people wouldn’t necessarily view her as weak as she is seen to have everything in order. But with Simon it goes away. Like there is no reason for her to put up that act which allows her to just breathe.
Outside of the relationship I think many people looking in it would see ambar as the one bossing around Simon and wearing the pants. But i tend to believe she does wear the pants but Simon wears em more. He’s gonna tell her ‘what’s up’ and she’s going to hate hearing it and probably roll her eyes but she knows he’s right. 😋
That man is going to protect his girl and don’t double cross him. Simon may be portrayed as the nice guy but don’t play cause he got layers to him 🤷‍♀️
I think this scene pretty much explains what I’m trying to say. Clock itttt
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violettaenlaluna · 11 months ago
Top 3 DCLA mexicans <3
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turtleboi11037 · 7 months ago
they're....they're doing the same little boogie 🥺....
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minamotoz · 1 year ago
how it feels shipping lumón in 2024
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zhoufeis · 9 months ago
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SOY LUNA Argentina, 2016-2018.
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countessofravenclaw · 1 year ago
Somewhere, maybe someday...
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...maybe in another universe...
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They get their happy ending...
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lastshadeofme · 7 months ago
What was your favorite Simónetta moment throughout their full relationship?
let people believe it really happened
1. Almost kiss
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2. First kiss
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3. Music Open
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luvrsctrl · 2 years ago
okay so now that ik there’s soy luna fans here i feel the need to rant about simbar
first of all, i genuinely love this ship like i find it hard to believe this is a disney based ship granted disney channel LA is veryyy different with their shows it’s still mind boggling like even as someone who was a violetta and leonetta shipper since 2012 they don’t even compare to simbar for me.
i started watching soy luna recently when i was bored one day and went to rewatch violetta, i always knew of soy luna but it came out when i was already way out of my disney phase. but geezzzz simbars chemistry is unmatched and they don’t make me get second embarrassment from any of their scenes. dare i say they solo every other disney ship 🤔
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