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themandatedreporterjr · 6 days ago
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oillampslit · 5 years ago
Do not be afraid to sow seeds. Some may fall on good soil.
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But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold. 
Matthew 13:8
Image by lumix2004 from Pixabay
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ohanabito · 6 years ago
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こぼれ種で咲き乱れたレースフラワー 冬を越した種は想像以上に強く大きく咲いてきます。 植えたのは二種類だけれど、出てきたのはmajusだけでした。 #ammimajus #レースフラワー #mygarden #gardening #gardenlife #園芸#花のある暮らし #庭のある暮らし #sowseeds #こぼれ種 https://www.instagram.com/p/ByFuU3lg_Ov/?igshid=nq5q7ek8insm
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sublimespiritoracle · 3 years ago
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All things will work out in Christ Jesus! #sowseeds #beautifulthings #planned #negativity #endures (at Mumbai, Maharashtra) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf0TyPBKdlg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cre8tivevibesstudios · 4 years ago
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[ You Are What You Believe ] Aspiring Entrepreneur, The moment I quit my corporate job I felt a flood of emotions. My heart raced thinking about the possibilities and my spirit leaped for joy at the freedom to find my purpose. After 10 years of planting seeds and sowing into my future it is time to wait. Wait for the fruit. Waiting is not easy but required. What do you do while you are waiting for your blessings? Simple... You BELIEVE you already have everything that you need and you stay focused on the reason why you started. Trust the process 🦋 #transformation #sowseeds #prepare #lpurpose #hustle #Tampa #florida #explorepafe #believe (at Tampa Flordia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTUXz0GnCRW/?utm_medium=tumblr
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fannilovesfufu · 4 years ago
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Coming soon ‘grow a sunflower bigger than Joe’ @joeymcribb I will have a limited amount of seeds to giveaway and preference is given to Joeys friends first, after that any one can grab leftover seeds from me! So if you fancy joining in with this challenge say ‘let’s grow for Joe’ under this post! Friends of Joe please tag other friends so they see it ta xxxx Thank you @kurva_0ne for the art work❤️ #sunflower #sunflowers🌻 #sunflowerseeds #grow #growyourown #joeyrobinson #griefjourney #grieving #grievingmother #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #hookoffmentalhealth #challenge #challenge #sowingseeds #sowseedsoflove #sowseeds #sunflowers🌻 #sunflowerlover #sunflowersofinstagram #harrogate #knaresborough #yorkshire (at Harrogate, North Yorkshire) https://www.instagram.com/p/CL6zzxHHgVB/?igshid=12vwa8uzmbhyb
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gullahislandfarmer · 4 years ago
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It’s been a busy and exciting day. We watched the inauguration and got several jobs done too. Tony helped me move chicks and ducks from one brooder to another and give the brooder container a good clean. The old litter was placed into our raised bed and mixed in with the new leaf debris from the park cleaning Monday. The friendly fowl are allowed to go in the raised beds to help with the composting. The chicks and ducks from one brooder were moved to one with a drip waterer made from an empty creamer jug, they are adjusted. The drip system keeps the container cleaner, especially from the mess ducks are known to make. Most of today’s chores invoked caring for animals though Tony delivered pies he baked and I planted more seeds. Tony’s sweet potato pies are the best ever! More chores tomorrow of course. #farmlife #farmchores #chickens #babychicks #babyducks #ducklings #ducklingsofinstagram #brooder #canards #poultry #backyardpoultry #inauguration #history #sowseeds #seedsofhope #friendlyfowlfarm #friendlyfowl #hipcamphosts #hipcamp https://www.instagram.com/p/CKSxO4jhmWR/?igshid=1agx8g2xbovzi
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odellbenson · 4 years ago
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Success, knowledge, and peace comes from the seeds you sow in the Universe, People, and most importantly yourself. Invest in yourself, by all means. And remember, be yourself, because no one is as unique as you. Much love ✌🏾 #motivationmonday #stayhumble #thriveforgreatness #successfulmindset #successmindset #sowseeds #sowingseeds https://www.instagram.com/p/CGzpGH4HUWo/?igshid=2zm2qwq0wv2q
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growninhaiti · 7 years ago
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We have our first cotton ball from the red foliated cotton variety that we planted last year. I’m already thinking of building my first cotton gin and eventually learn how to spin my own thread. #growninhaiti #cotton #redfoliatedcotton #harvest #bloom #pod #haiti #ayiti #growsomething #alwayslearning #sowseeds #rare #heirloom #homestead #nogmos #nopesticides #noherbicides
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realestatelu · 5 years ago
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Keep planting those seeds. #plantingseeds #germination #plants #harvesting #seedsoflife #seedsofchange #sowseeds #seedsofsuccess #seeds #successisattainable #succeed #sellinghomes #njlistingagent #listingagent #laughin #newconstructionhomes #buynew #remotesales #secretsofwealthywomen #realestatewealth #realestatepays #carpediem #molecular #breatheH² #cancersmancer #cancerhealer #MolecularHydrogen #molecularhydrogenheals (at Wall, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7_yYgbAY8O/?igshid=j2pqc55914mj
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rashidatowe · 7 years ago
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Fall Harvest 🍂🍁🌞 #runningerrands #fall #sowseeds #plantseeds #consciousliving #consciouswoman #demigod
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jeweljonesuk · 6 years ago
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Our card for this week features another magical queen, the Queen of Water. Water in this deck represents emotions, our emotional well-beings and all that influences it. This Queen is vulnerable and her vulnerability is her strength. She is sensitive and caring, nurturing all around her and within her. She tends to herself, knows that self-care is key to being her best. This Queen knows her boundaries and ensures that she and the others in her life respects them, too. We, regardless of how you identify, all have this Queen inside of us. We are a blend of the King and Queen, masculine and feminine, and this week, our card is asking to get in touch for our nurturing nature and tend to ourselves. Autumn is approaching and we are in need of tending our inner garden, planting the seeds of change we wish to sow, looking ahead to the future with positivity and joy. 🌱 How will you nurture yourself this week? Jewel 💛✨ Card Deck: Angel Tarot by Radleigh Valentine Card image: ©️Hay House #cardoftheweek #tarot #angeltarot #radleighvalentine #hayhouse #queenofwater #queen #queenofemotion #emotionalwellbeing #nurture #plantseeds #sowseeds #seedsofchange #lookforward #lookingforward #tendyourinnergarden #positivity #tarotreading #energyreport #tarotreader #jeweljones #jeweljonesuk #walsall #westmidlands (at Walsall) https://www.instagram.com/p/B18dk2SHG-3/?igshid=nq0ec8ryrjlb
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holly-omigie-blog · 6 years ago
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Got these seeds to start planting just in time for Earth Day from Gallery Night Providence! 😄💚🥕🥒🍅🌽🍉🌺🌸💐 . . . . . . . . . . #EarthDay #GalleryNightProvidence #Peas #Pumpkin #MorningGlory #GreenBeans #SweetCorn #Lettuce #Tomato #Carrots #Celery #Cucumber #Watermelon #Seeds #Plant #Plants #SowSeeds #TillTheSoil #BurpeeSeeds (at Providence County, Rhode Island) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwa2rGag_Nl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7ehwedaqosen
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nurserybuy · 6 years ago
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#value #nature #planttrees #sowseeds #plants #plantsofinstagram #seeds #motherearth #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantselfie #succulent #plantstrong #india #instagram #instagramers #pune #likes #comment #love #behappy #www.nurserybuy.com (at Pune, Maharashtra) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvoQE9mJue9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=15zyckew9hqqq
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goalgraphics-blog · 8 years ago
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Today is the first day of #Spring. 🌸🌻🌺Time to review you goals! #springbreak #sowseeds #startup #business #owner #smallbiz #GraphicDesign #goalgraphics143 (at Los Angeles, California)
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sireeorsara · 8 years ago
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As followers of Jesus, we often use the term, "sowing seeds". Let's also stop to think about the seeds that we are sowing. Whose seeds are they? We better make sure we understand that those seeds are from God and not our own adulterated seeds! . . #sowseeds #typography #journaling #thoughts #prayers #discipleship #artistsofinstagram
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