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tyronetonyreed · 3 months ago
🌱 Reap What You Sow Mondays: The Importance of Good Soil 🌱
Planting seeds is only the beginning. The soil in which they’re planted—your environment, mindset, and support system—determines whether those seeds will thrive.
Discover how to evaluate your “soil,” nourish your spirit, and remove weeds from your life in today’s post.
👉 Read the full post here: https://wix.to/5v9O1Ni
✨ Your growth depends on where you’re planted. Let’s cultivate good soil together!
#ReapWhatYouSow #GrowthMindset #FaithJourney #SpiritualGrowth #PersonalDevelopment #LifeLessons #PositiveMindset #InspirationDaily #CultivateGrowth #GoodSoil #SOWMondays #Encouragement #FaithOverFear #TransformationJourney #MotivationMondays #NurtureTheSoil
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wiseprincesssong · 2 years ago
Best Drone Photography Service in Grauwyler Heights
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Looking for the best Drone Photography Service in Grauwyler Heights? Then visit GoodSoil Productions. They specialize in Corporate Videography, Video production, Event videography, Drone photography, and more. With plenty of experience and a good client list, you can be assured of a professional job. Please visit the website or get in touch today.
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anastpaul · 2 years ago
Quote/s of the Day – 9 January – Like Mary, put on the Lord Jesus Christ
Quote/s of the Day – 9 January – Like Mary, put on the Lord Jesus Christ
Quote/s of the Day – 9 January – The Holy Family – Within the Octave of Epiphany – Colossians 3:12-17, Luke 2:42-52 – Scripture search here: https://www.drbo.org/ “But put on the Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 13:14 “You are walking now by faith,still on pilgrimage in a mortal bodyaway from the Lordbut He, to Whom your steps are directed,is Himself the sure and certain Way for you –Jesus Christ,…
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oillampslit · 5 years ago
Do not be afraid to sow seeds. Some may fall on good soil.
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But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold. 
Matthew 13:8
Image by lumix2004 from Pixabay
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ianspirations · 4 years ago
Wisdom from Hydrangea
Hydrangea or Hortensia is a flowering plant commonly found in Asia and in the Americas. In eastern Asia, this plant shows the greatest amount of diversity. It grows as a shrub and can be either deciduous or evergreen.
The word ‘hydrangea’ comes from Greek and means ‘water vessel.’ The name was given due to the shape of its seed vessel. ‘Hortensia��� is the Latinised version of the French name, ‘Hortense.’
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This plant has two types of flowers: small non-showy flowers in the interior of the flowerhead and the large, showy flowers with beautiful colours. The distinctive feature of this plant besides its flowers is its large leaves.
The plant can be propagated by cuttings. A decent sized cutting preferably from a branch that has not produced a flower it ideal. The bottom 2 leaf nodes or places which produce leaves need to be cut since the roots will emerge from those points. Trim the largest leaves to about half the size and plant in moist soil.  
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The colour of the flowers varies depending on the ph level of the soil. Soils which are acidic will produce one colour while alkaline soils will produce another and other points in the spectrum will give rise to other colours. Our families and the environment we come from have an impact on the type of people we turn out to be. This is a scientifically proven fact. What is the ph of your family and your immediate environment like your friend circle, education or work environment etc? If the ph is good you will bloom better than if the ph is negative and bad. For this reason, a Muslim child coming from a healthy environment will grow into a conscientious citizen while another from a negative environment will contemplate becoming a jihadi. Of course, there are exceptions but they are very few. 
Now what if the ph is too much on one side or the other? That is also detrimental for growth. A family environment that is overprotective or overbearing or smothering does not allow a person to grow into a healthy individual. Similarly, if the home environment is abusive or destitute or absent than the person will be likely to be bitter, angry and violent. We have to try and maintain a healthy family life so that everyone can grow. What I say about family also applies to other spheres as well like workplace, school, Church etc. Extremes are always bad. You could not choose your family and the environment you grew up in so you will have to seek professional service to help you deal with the damage done but you can shape your environment now. Choose wisely because that will determine the colour of your bloom. 
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theroughartist · 4 years ago
Our #compost #Blackgold #closethecircle #goodsoil #plantfood #earthsoil #lifesource #gardenpride #soilhappy #gooddirt #fall #hardwork #vod #fyp https://www.instagram.com/p/CF0I0ysAhyj/?igshid=1oiiugp75mndu
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hortushorrei · 5 years ago
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Beans are beautiful, beans are good. Do you grow them in your garden? You really should! About 15 years ago, I told a very serious Italian vegetable gardener who was double my age that I didn't grow beans in my garden. He looked at me in complete disbelief, almost disgust... "Do you have any idea how good they are for the soil? If you don't grow them, you really don't have a vegetable garden at all. Start next year, and never ignore them again." That same year, the garden writer Nancy J. Ondra sent me seeds of this Asian bean, and I have been sharing and sowing them (and several others) ever since. #beans #fabaceae #vignasesquipedalis #rednoodlebeans #italiansdoitbetter🇮🇹❤️ #ortisti #goodgardening #goodsoil #sowitandgrowit #beanflowers #ortimantovani #ortifelici #learnfromothergardeners #fagioli #nancyjondra #lamacchinafissa #mezzogiardiniere (presso La Macchina Fissa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCn8_fgpY6l/?igshid=1w4qw8n7nwf0m
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frankie-alisha · 3 years ago
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While we can’t dictate others’ life experience and how they show up in this world, we can be intentional about who we consistently engage. Energy is everything and thoughts and words contribute to that energy. Be intentional about the energy you engage, it does have an impact on yours. . . . #energy #loveyourself #goodsoil #memtalhealthawareness #mentalhealth #selfhelp #therapeutic #growthmindset #loa #coaching #coachesofinstagram #speaklife #thoughtlife https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch7CIoWLihS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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maglife17 · 3 years ago
The Parable of the Sower! Part Five
The Parable of the Sower! Part Five
The Parable of the Sower! Part Five. “Still, other seeds fell on fertile soil, and they produced a crop that was thirty, sixty, and even a hundred times as much as had been planted.” Matthew 13:8 It’s a familiar story: A farmer scatters seeds on the ground, and some of them take root and grow while others don’t. What makes the difference? The seed that falls on good soil and produces a large…
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herbanwytch · 4 years ago
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Last year my dear friend @kathleengips gave me some of her #anisehyssop . To my delight this is what I found as I began to clean up my potager. #goodsoil #goodvibes #womenwhogarden #herbalist #herbalistsofinstagram #gardeners #garden #gardens #kitchenhardens #potager (at The Herban Inn) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMxmRGVpTz6/?igshid=wwh3yotksv8m
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luminousradio · 4 years ago
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Today’s Gospel #sower #seed #word #wordofgod #gospel #bibleverse #todaysbibleverse #dailygospel #planting #100 #100fold #goodsoil https://www.instagram.com/p/CKjkPYfgion/?igshid=pw85vtd8f9so
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newscheckz · 4 years ago
$940 000 seed capital injection into Ghana’s Zeepay
New Post has been published on https://newscheckz.com/940-000-seed-capital-injection-into-ghanas-zeepay/
$940 000 seed capital injection into Ghana’s Zeepay
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GOODsoil VC accelerates Africa’s fintech investment surge with $940 000 seed capital injection into Ghana’s Zeepay.
GOODsoil’s investment will enable Zeepay to continue to scale and roll out its services across the continent, and extend its global reach by launching in the UK in 2021.
GOODsoil VC consolidates its commitment to leading the global surge of investment into Africa’s fintech market by investing in Ghana’s fastest-growing fintech startup – and offering investors a case study of real ROI.
GOODsoil VC, an Africa-focused early stage venture capital firm headed by a diverse team of entrepreneurial investors, makes true on its mission to drive financial inclusion across the continent with an injection of US$940 000 seed capital in Ghanaian fintech company Zeepay.
Founded in 2017 by Charmaine Hayden, Orla Enright, Ashley Thompson-MacCarthy and Richard Mensah, GOODsoil comprises 50% female and 75% black partners, all young, serial entrepreneurs intent on becoming catalysts of economic growth for minority founders across Africa.
“There are clear barriers to entry for tech startups to scale, and our vision is to level the playing field.
We go by the dictum that talent is evenly distributed; opportunities are not,” explains Charmaine Hayden.
The company is the perfect fit for entrepreneurs, markets and industries that may typically be overlooked by other VC firms, adds Orla Enright.
Zeepay focuses on digital rails to connect digital assets. The company has a footprint in more than 20 African markets and, in April 2020, became the first indigenous company to be awarded the Electronic Money Issuer (EMI) license to operate as a mobile financial services company by the Bank of Ghana, the regulator of banking and financial services.
GOODsoil’s investment will enable Zeepay to continue to scale and roll out its services across the continent, and extend its global reach by launching in the UK in 2021.
“We are delighted to have GOODsoil on board,” says Zeepay co-founder and managing director Andrew Takyi-Appiah.
“We believe with their strong brokerage background, with leading Ghanaian brokerage firm Obsidian Achernar in their portfolio, we will be able to attract good pricing on Foreign Exchange for our wholesale clients.”
Exit Strategy
The deal not only highlights the levelling of disparity in global funding for African startups, but also the challenges inherent in various levels of funding, notes Hayden.
“Whilst the growth of seed investment in Africa is incontestable, it does not reflect the same volume of exits that is able to attract mass investors to the market.
In order to sustain real growth, we believe there needs to be an increase in trade sales (exits); real tangible successes that can have a light cast on them to increase investors appetite into the continent.”
GOODsoil’s partnership with Zeepay proves that investors can see significant returns in African startups, confirms Takyi-Appiah.
“In the deal, two initial shareholders at Zeepay exited from an initial investment of about USD24,000 in 2015 to USD940,000 at the 2020 exit, making it the first of the kind that a Ghanaian investor has exited a local startup with such significant gains.”
Based in London and Accra, with a portfolio as diverse as its team, GOODsoil VC aims to fund 50+ startups in the next 5 years, while also building longterm relationships with investors who are equally passionate about tech innovation, early-stage companies and investment in Africa.
“GOODsoil will remain bullish on Africa for the foreseeable future, as we scale our portfolio and invest in new exceptional startups.
We look forward to shortly confirming a $67.5m fund we are currently raising,” confirms Hayden.
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anastpaul · 5 years ago
Quote/s of the Day – 24 July – "Good Soil"
Quote/s of the Day – 24 July – “Good Soil”
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Quote/s of the Day – 24 July – Friday of the Sixteenth week in Ordinary Time, Year A, Readings: Jeremiah 3:14-17, Responsorial psalm Jeremiah 31:10-13, Matthew 13:18-23
“Good Soil”
“This, beloved, is the way in which we found our salvation, Jesus Christ, the High Priest who offers our gifts, the patron and helper in our weakness (Heb 10:20; 7:27; 4:15). It is through Him, that we look straight at…
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prju77 · 5 years ago
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#goodsoil https://www.instagram.com/p/CA6VcfQlKaU/?igshid=z41wac0bs6es
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goodnesstea · 5 years ago
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Blossoms budding, blooming and begetting. This Tibetan tree peony has taught me so much. A gift from my mother some 8 or 9 years ago, i had it for three years, and moved (transplanting it) the first season it started to bud up. It was spring, she withered, nearly dying from loosing so much of her root system. I watered her and learned to give myself grace for the pain and shriveled leaves I felt in my heart as I was uprooted too. Three years later she bloomed again. And after a few seasons of gracing me with flowers and growing strong, I find six young ones at her feet. Her seeds swollen and giving rise to a tender stalk and gracious leaflet. I welcome the reminder to give it time. All things grow and bear well in their season when given love, good water, clean soil, sunshine and patience. We don’t need to push it, just to welcome what is real -be that transplant shock or sowing seeds- and keep the faith to grow on. In Tibet I read it is known as lumaidao meaning "God’s flower" #nature #teacher #wisdom #thanks #beautyallaroundme #ispy #sunshine #goodsoil #community #biodiversity #adventure #family #plant #kingdom #queendom #tibetantreepeony #paeonialudlowii #godsflower #blooming #settingseed #growing #forme #now #gift #permaculture #zone0 #zone1 #inner #outer #landscape https://www.instagram.com/p/B_nYjHiplZ4/?igshid=2zvv1al1q915
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wethecherrygardens · 5 years ago
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SITE ANALYSIS : SOIL (Part 2) Succulents or drought tolerating plants do survive in well drained loamy soil, but their original adaptation would have been to sand or dry clay soil. Similarly each plant would have adapted to certain type of soil, and novice gardeners would find it hard to identify what the plant needs. Hence a general mixture of Clay, Sand and Silt with organic matter known as Loamy soil is preferred for a wide range of purposes. How to make your soil loamy? Clay soil : Mix lot of compost and add sand (if available ) 1:3 ratio, you can also add cocopeat, vermiculite or perlite too. Sandy Soil : Mix only compost in ratio of 1:1, if possible use from varied sources like vermi compost, leaf compost, animal waste compost etc By doing so you're providing them good water retention, aeration and importantly drainage. As a *general rule of thumb* you can use this trick to identify your soil type. Hold the soil in your palm, clench your fingers and release. 1. If its hard and forms a definite shape it's clay 2. If it completely loses shape and flows like particles it's Sandy 3. If it partially retains shape but crumbles loosely then it's Loamy and good soil. Hope this helps you understand about soil. Please let us your thoughts or questions. #goodsoil #soilproperties #learngardening #learnwithcherry #soilhealth #sand #clay #redsoil #shape #shapes #plan #gardenplan #howtogarden #cherryplants #ilovegardens #smallgardens https://www.instagram.com/p/B_OXvSbAlCb/?igshid=2ycqfjvldvch
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