wethecherrygardens · 4 years
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"A river cuts through rock not because of it's power but because of its persistence" - Jim Watkins. Water is possibly the most precious element we all living beings need. It is soft and flexible and cuts a new path when it meets with an obstacle. It runs free and wild, by persistence it carves even the hardest stone. We might feel weak and soft, but being flexible like water can help us take shape of the container or flow like rivers, find out make new paths for ourselves and carve through the strongest challenges pushed through us. This year might look an obstacle, we shall move like rivers, collaborate together and flow big for we have the rest of life to love. Garden tip: Use automated irrigation methods to save water. Let's use the most important element responsibly. * * * #motivationquotes #quotes #water #elementoflife #overcomeobstacles #troubles #postcovid19 #covidsituation #gardening #gardenclub #humanpower #waterispowerful #inspiredaily #instagood #inspireme #nature (at Bangalore, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_T3TgZgspr/?igshid=1vfgf4o4cbptl
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wethecherrygardens · 4 years
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SITE ANALYSIS : SOIL (Part 2) Succulents or drought tolerating plants do survive in well drained loamy soil, but their original adaptation would have been to sand or dry clay soil. Similarly each plant would have adapted to certain type of soil, and novice gardeners would find it hard to identify what the plant needs. Hence a general mixture of Clay, Sand and Silt with organic matter known as Loamy soil is preferred for a wide range of purposes. How to make your soil loamy? Clay soil : Mix lot of compost and add sand (if available ) 1:3 ratio, you can also add cocopeat, vermiculite or perlite too. Sandy Soil : Mix only compost in ratio of 1:1, if possible use from varied sources like vermi compost, leaf compost, animal waste compost etc By doing so you're providing them good water retention, aeration and importantly drainage. As a *general rule of thumb* you can use this trick to identify your soil type. Hold the soil in your palm, clench your fingers and release. 1. If its hard and forms a definite shape it's clay 2. If it completely loses shape and flows like particles it's Sandy 3. If it partially retains shape but crumbles loosely then it's Loamy and good soil. Hope this helps you understand about soil. Please let us your thoughts or questions. #goodsoil #soilproperties #learngardening #learnwithcherry #soilhealth #sand #clay #redsoil #shape #shapes #plan #gardenplan #howtogarden #cherryplants #ilovegardens #smallgardens https://www.instagram.com/p/B_OXvSbAlCb/?igshid=2ycqfjvldvch
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wethecherrygardens · 4 years
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"The whole universe supports you even when it doesn't seem like it. All you've to do is practice courage and kindness" - Roxana Jones One constant thing we've noticed is that the universe has always had our back in the adversities throughout the journey. There are countless tales, we had been pushed to the edge; then, we were offered the unexpected and a bigger pie. It seems surreal to revisit those tales, but we believe our courage, determination, kindness, sincerity and integrity made the cosmos bend to push us ahead. We feel this pattern throughout the nature. The soil is like an universe for all the tiny beings to great trees, it offers strength to those who have pushed to the edge. It's takes tremendous energy to grow those roots, but once steady the same ecosystem which gave you the struggles will support you. #challenges #struggle #covid #weshallovercome #blossom #nature #trustuniverse #ecosystem #bangalore #chennai #southindia #roots #kindness #talesoftrauma #pushedtotheedge #surreal #unexpected #courage #lightattheendofthetunnel #therewillbelight #pushyourself #donotgiveup #persisttillyouachieve #dontlosehope #universeguards #cherrystories #leapoffaith #leapandthenetwillappear (at Bangalore, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_KWsZ0Araa/?igshid=1vwq784f8buyo
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wethecherrygardens · 4 years
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SUNLIGHT : Importance We assume most of us know the sun's energy is important for photosynthesis; i.e. producing food for the plants, which are later consumed and carried by animals and birds and disperse the seeds for reproduction. Does that mean only fruit, grains or vegetable bearing plants need more light? So is there any other purpose? Plants are photo (light) sensitive and this helps them to determine the seasons by the amount of day light received and thus the flowers bloom accordingly. Hence we get Spring/summer blooms and Winter blooms in different plants. A phenomenon called "photoperiod" helps us understand how the plants bloom according to changing daylight conditions. How does this benefit a layman who has few plants in their garden? Understanding this phenomenon, will help you choose the right plants for your garden avoiding bad choices in wrong seasons. You can trick flowering plants like chrysanthemums, salvia and kalanchoe which are Winter blooms can be tricked to bloom throughout the year in your garden. Long day loving plants like spinach, potato, hibiscus and lettuce can be made to produce better yields even in winter. We shall share how to trick them in the future posts or stories. #plantfacts #plantbehavior #learngardening #learnwithcherry #photo #growveggies #growvegetables #howtogrow #flowerporn #greenporn #youneedagarden #gardenneeds #cherrygardens #diygardening #diy #instaplants #nature (at Bangalore, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_FAsO0Fu6Q/?igshid=weftoeo91mjd
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wethecherrygardens · 4 years
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Chrysanthemum demand very less of everything except your attention for consistent watering. . The roots are the most important aspect to note with Chrysanthemum, their roots are thin, tender and do not flow too far from the main plant, until they multiply like a chain. They multiply easily by growing new shoots (pups) from their extended roots. They can be invasive ground plant if conditions are favourable. Hence soil or grow medium should be loamy, not hard, clay or sandy. The tender roots should penetrate easily yet able to hold the plant strong. They love well drained watering, and will easily perish if overwatered or the soil is soggy. Chrysanthemum loves direct sun and you can try planting them in areas with maximum sun light. Make sure it at least receives 4-6 hours of good light. Chrysanthemums are photoperiodic by nature, i.e. as much as they need light, they love intermittent darkness. Keeping them close to artificial night lights will produce less blooms. Most perennial plants produce more flowers , if the existing flowers are trimmed/ cut before they ripe and dry on the plants. Do not hesitate to trim the plants short after you get good blooms. Buying tip: Buy small plants, they adapt better and once the roots are established they grow and multiply better. * ** *** #howtogrow #chrysanthemum #perinneal #blooms #gardentoday #betterhomes #gardening #vegetablegrowers #pollinators #makeitsimple #easygrowing #cherrygardens #cherrygardenmaintenance #plants #houseplants #sunloving #nature #roots #plantproblems #howtogrowcannabis #growingplants #cherryblossom #wateringplants https://www.instagram.com/p/B_CzlZLlpsW/?igshid=152o4zdzmft59
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wethecherrygardens · 4 years
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"Give light and people will find the way" - Ella Baker A powerful quote that changed the way to think. We don't need to be told what needs to be done or sometimes how it needs to be done. The most important thing is to enlighten why it needs to be done. If we knew the why's, we shall find the inspiration from within to all the other questions. We know how to find the way. We believe the same with respect to why's of gardening? You can seek the rest to satisfy your curiosity. #inspiration #instatags #instagood #inspiredaily #quotes #quoteoftheday #garden #learnwithcherry #learngardening #findyourself #findyourstyle #motivation #gardenspaces #youneedagarden #buildyourgarden #youcandoit #inspireme #questions #waytothink #gardenwork (at Bangalore, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_BvJYoA6zN/?igshid=cjwk2u7i1vbc
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wethecherrygardens · 4 years
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SITE ANALYSIS : SUN LIGHT The primary aspect for growing plants in any space is the quality and quantity of natural light . If you live in a city, the light entering your space may be controlled due to various factors like an adjacent construction, tall trees, limited spaces like balconies, not facing the right direction etc. We are also fascinated by Indoor gardens lit by diffused/ dappled light passing through our skylight or windows. Now, how to determine the natural light conditions and to select right kind of plants? a. Find out the direction your space (balcony, terrace or windows face). b. If your space is towards south or west or Southwest, then you receive the maximum sunlight everyday except on cloudy days. c. After a cold damp night, the east facing space only enjoys the warmth of the sun for a short period. d. North and North east facing spaces receive dappled sunlight as much as Indoors. e. If it's an open area like terrace then, these spaces receive sunlight all day long. f. If you've a space like backyard or front yard with only midday sun touching the ground, calculate (Observe) the number of hours the maximum light available. We also need to observe any obstruction for the flow of natural light which cuts down the amount of light for the plants. So make a note of your observations as we shall suggest, the importance of light conditions, how to determine the plants suitable for each light conditions and more in our upcoming posts. #gardenspaces #lightconditions #togrowagarden #growingconditions #quarantine #lessons #gardenersofbangalore #howto #observe #plants #homegardens #learnwithcherry #cherrygardens #gardening #gardentips #housegarden #covid #believeintomorrow #diygardening (at Bangalore, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_APUHigOKn/?igshid=olvlj2kgcckg
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wethecherrygardens · 4 years
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CHRYSANTHEMUM: In southern India, this flower plays a major role in floral business and are widely circulated with varied colors, shapes and sizes. Few varieties of the flower have the capability to survive/ retain shape for 3-4 days after being plucked from the plant. This flower is mainly used for devotional purpose in Indian homes decorating the room where Hindu Gods are worshipped. Many households try to grow this plant with little to moderate success and most of them give up since the plant doesn't seem to produce flowers at all. Are you one of them? This isn't a difficult plant to maintain or to produce flowers. In fact it's commercial aspect is because of it's easy growing of flowers. Even you can grow them in your balcony or terrace garden with very few requirements. We shall discuss further in the next few posts how to grow them successfully. #chrysanthemumtattoo #chrysanthemum #flowersofindia #indianplants #devotion #hinduism #growingplants #maintenance #challenges #easyselfmaintenance #cherrygardens #cherrymaintenance #growyourownfood #growyourgarden https://www.instagram.com/p/B-9YWVXFJgJ/?igshid=pf2dfjcoc6e9
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wethecherrygardens · 4 years
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We are a small garden and landscaping company based in Bangalore, India currently serving all over Karnataka. Started by Rajhesh and Ramya, we've come a long journey of 10 yrs from it's tiny beginnings. We have noticed that there aren't many garden sites/ pages which is handled by real experts. South India which has variable climatic, soil and water conditions needs a different approach than those websites of other countries. With our experience in handling gardens for these long years with almost 300+ of them created or renovated by own hands, we believe we shall be able to help you with the right kind of expertise needed to handle your garden well. Feel free to contact us for any questions. #introduction #new #cherryprojects #cherrygardens #diy #gardens #diygarden #gardenmaintenance #handyman #lawnmaintenance #lawncare #newbusiness #cherry #spring #summer #renovate (at Bangalore, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-4qWXvlLPY/?igshid=1f4vc0urlim42
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wethecherrygardens · 4 years
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"Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other" - Walter Elliot The best things are built by people who have pursued when the odds weren't in their favor. As we know currently our world is a state of affairs which isn't promising and disdainful. But it is this period the has taken over and reviving with a rich range of colors. This shows how the earth has been persisting all the time. Let's take this opportunity and join hands with the planet; start with planting at least one plant this week. Try planting CORIANDER or METHI in your kitchen. #instatags #cook #determination #perserverance #persistence #houseplants #motivation #growveggies #covid #success #win #gardening #soil #bestgardens #lifequotes #beautifullife #gardendesign #instagood (at Bangalore, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-1t1PLgGND/?igshid=clguxkwqk1zi
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wethecherrygardens · 4 years
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Any execution needs a plan with extensive details broken into clear and attainable tasks. Each of our project demands us to make several lists and sketches before we complete them. The "simple" balcony pot arrangement requires a list of suitable plants, pots (shapes, sizes, material), color choices, soil/ growing medium, work force (skilled or unskilled), transportation, vendors etc. We also require a person (supervisor) who can visualize these on site and complete it on site. All this is preparedness, and is done before we start the jobs on the site. There's already a 50% chance of winning when you're prepared. #chance #success #whitepots #terracotta #containergarden #preparedness #covid #plants #houseplants #success #succulents #coloritwhite #paintedpots #pots #maintain #howto #gardenlife #homestuck #cherrygardens #cherryproject #deck (at Bangalore, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-1HIapghfl/?igshid=7to93tvcm9j2
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wethecherrygardens · 4 years
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"A person who is well prepared has already won half the battle" - Portuguese Proverbs Anticipation of the problems is far more fearful than the actual events. In the times of uncertainty, it's even harder to estimate what's stored in for the future. However, the future isn't far away than today, we change it this moment and the challenges become absolute. For that we need to prepare ourselves, identify the skills needed or just what can excite us, train well to become an expert and boost body and mind. The other required skills can be collaborated with the rest of the world. The universe will always divulge for those who believe to ask for it. The future needs us, Grow a Garden for yourself and show the universe that you believe that in tomorrows. Grow for future! #growwithfuture #letsgetit #covid19 #gardens #learnwithcherry #growgreenthumbs #believeintomorrow #universe #skills #skillstraining #preparewell #identifyyourself #cherry #becomeanexpert #diy #learn #beagardener #battle #covid #gloomy #future #motivation #quotes #adage #proverbs (at Bangalore, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-zLl-Sg5GC/?igshid=kpnnq22zyvfk
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wethecherrygardens · 4 years
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Flowers are attractive and are often the reason we start a garden. * * Have you ever witnessed blooming of a flower? Do you know different flower types bloom vary in the way of opening of petals. Some of them open slowly spiraled, others open in pulses, and few they just pop open as if they're bursting from inside out. * * The primary reason behind this process is re production and many factors may influence these blooms like the day length or hours of sunlight. * * While we shall share many more interesting facts about the garden and it's behaviours, we appreciate you to observe the wonder about your plants and write us about it in the comments. Let us know if you like us! * * Let's start our everyday lives like the flowers. * * * * * #flowersbloom #interestingfacts #aboutplants #plantfacts #houseplants #artofseeing #observe #plantchat #sunflower #learnwithcherry #cherrygardens #gardenersofbangalore #curiosity (at Bangalore, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-vh4hRgpQp/?igshid=ah1soe4ytlro
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wethecherrygardens · 4 years
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"Let me tell you a secret that has led to my goal. My strength lies solely in my Tenacity" - Louis Pasteur. * The time when vaccinations have become important for our health, we ought to remember the man who discovered the principles of vaccination. * At the same time, we've value these great men for their secret principles in life such as 'Tenacity' * The quality of strong determination and persistence to exist by holding the ground. * The tall strong tree was once a seed who held his ground, not giving up and set his roots strong before he grew up. * We need this quality now more than ever, like the plants in your garden hold on until the monsoon favours them. * ** *** **** ***** #teamwork #tips #lifequotes #vaccine #vaccination #louispasteur #covi̇d19 #secretofsuccess #secretoflife #quality #gardenlove #persistence #treelover #tree #fear #strength #thiswillpass #winner #cherrylove #cherrygardens #coronavaccine #needofthehour (at Bangalore, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-jQqfIg_GZ/?igshid=r46b8zujsblq
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wethecherrygardens · 4 years
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"Slow and steady, wins the race" - Aesop Fables The constant question we get asked by our clients - 'how long for the garden to grow? * * Patience and perseverance are the keys for a good garden. * * As plants grow together, we shall know the missing spaces of color, shapes and density that needs to be fulfilled. * * We can constantly keep adding new plants, artifacts, statues or some fun elements to keep the garden fresh and interesting. * * Starting a garden is ONLY THE FIRST STEP, as you work slowly and steadily along with your garden, you shall reap the benefits. * * ** *** ** #firststep #babysteps #aesop #fables #learnwiththecherry #gardentales #reap #gardenlove #trickstoplay #patience #perserverance #loveyourselfquotes #maketime #gardentips #cherryhowtos #cherry (at Bangalore, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-gFRAXADTJ/?igshid=1xc51lrrcbubr
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wethecherrygardens · 4 years
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The multiple plants are set by @ramz_ramyar who designed this whole outdoor space. Her visualization was planned over a paper and the plants were picked accordingly from the nurseries. * * Clubbing plants is an art, you can master it too if the plants characteristics are understood better. * Even here plants are repeated to maintain balance in the row. * * * * * * * #balance #gardenideas #learning #cherryprojects #cherrytips #gardentips #learngardening #onlinelearning #gardensofinstagram #instagardens #cherrygardens #flowers (at Bangalore, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-e31r8ghtQ/?igshid=lf7ifeznze5e
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wethecherrygardens · 4 years
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A cluster or group of different plants definitely adds variance to the garden and spices it up with shapes and colors. * * Do a research on the growth rate the plants, their visual appeal, flowering plants needs to be checked if they're annual or perennial, colors and shapes of the leaves. * * Since few plants grow rapidly, they shape up the garden based on their characteristics, we've to choose right plants for visual uniformity. * * Warning : TOO MANY DIFFERENT SPECIES/VARIETY IN ONE ROW ISN'T ADVICED, UNTIL YOU'RE AN EXPERT. * * #clubbing #plants #houseplants #gardentips #cherryprojects #cherrygardens #gardenideas #bangaloregardeners #landscapersinbangalore #landscapers #grouping #learngardening #bangalore #colorful #gardenart #greenbeauty (at Bangalore, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-dekJHAO2R/?igshid=nda8o0kymtdm
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