#sourdough bagel experiment
grubloved · 8 months
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copperbadge · 2 months
Your latest bread success made me wonder if you've tried or had much luck making gluten free bread? I'm so tired of most commercially available options, they all seem to dissolve instantly. Awful for burgers or anything with sauce. I miss sourdough.
I'm afraid I haven't done much work with gluten-free baking; the problem is the gluten tax. As I'm sure you know, gluten-free anything, even just ingredients, are more expensive, and the process of baking is more labor intensive and time-consuming for a product that isn't the same. Even the best gluten-free bread, lacking gluten, is lacking one of the defining characteristics of the thing it's emulating.
Since I can eat gluten and am not regularly responsible for feeding anyone who can't, there's no real motivation to do it. I try to always have gluten-free options when I'm hosting, but that's usually stuff like crudite and dip, charcuterie, or fruit -- things that can also avoid other allergens, and depending on the item be eaten by vegetarians or vegans.
Now, all that said, I can recommend King Arthur's Cup For Cup GF flour for baking; it makes the process fairly smooth and the final product seems pretty sturdy, although admittedly the flour is about twice the price of their normal bread flour per pound. I haven't encountered Bob's Red Mill GF flour in a while, but partly that's because when we stopped using them they hadn't really reformulated in a few decades and their GF flour was pretty coarse, and sometimes made from beans my family members couldn't tolerate. They may have advanced since, this was like 10-15 years ago at least.
The King Arthur website has a variety of GF baking recipes as well as mixes and I do have some experience making their GF bagels, which are pretty good, although I think they're actually better if you halve the size (easier to manage, easier to store, since they really need to be kept cold, preferably frozen, and eaten warmed). I baked those regularly for a while for a colleague's kid who was allergic to wheat, and they weren't much more work than baking regular bagels, just required more delicate handling pre-bake.
I realize this is basic and you've probably tried it, but just in case, any GF product you're going to be saucing (as you say, like burgers), you might try griddling first -- little scrape of butter, toss it in a hot pan for a few minutes. In regular bread it helps to both create a flat barrier so the sauce doesn't sink into the bread, and it also dries it out a little so that it can take more moisture to begin with. This is theoretical though, I've never done it with GF buns. I do know that generally King Arthur recommends toasting GF products baked with its recipes.
Readers, feel free to chime in with recommendations! Remember to reply in comments or reblogs, as I don't post asks sent in response to other asks.
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kedreeva · 1 year
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The breadventure continues.
These are the first loaves baked with Carl! The loaf on the right is all-purpose flour (unbleached) and the loaf on the left is bread flour. It's hard to tell from this photo but the bread flour one is much taller than the all purpose and has a crackly crust. That one sat in a bread basket thing from long Arthur flour, while the first was in a canvas one my mom got me. The taller loaf was also the second loaf to bake, which I'm thinking made a pretty big difference, since the Dutch oven was already hot when I put the dough in it. Thinking I'll put the pot into the oven when I preheat next time and see if it works the same again. Both doughs bubbled really good when rising, I was impressed.
The cookies (top photo) are butterscotch chip sourdough discard cookies, and the dough was flavored with almond extract instead of vanilla. Good experiment, but definitely needs something like cinnamon and/or maybe some cardamom to cut the sweet from the chips.
The bagels are, as usual, perfectly delicious and I cannot wait to have them for breakfast.
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becomingkatie · 6 days
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Saturday morning at 10am I was stomping around like "the weekend is half over and I haven't gotten anything done yet!" Clearly I was feeling more than a little stressed about maximizing the weekend, lol.
Saturday morning I baked a loaf that I'd mixed up Thursday night and shaped and popped in the fridge Friday morning. It's got fish peppers from my garden and cheddar cheese in it - a nod to a jalapeno cheddar loaf, but I didn't have jalapenos. The fish peppers are SPICY. Like, I cut a slice of bread and my hands tingle and then I scrub them with soap and then if I rub my eyes it still burns them. Soooo, maybe not the best? If you've ever wanted to sweat and cough from eating spicy bread, I have succeeded in making the spicy loaf for you.
Saturday night I made marry me chicken gnocchi soup. I'd say it's medium. Good enough to happily eat the leftovers of, but probably not so tasty that I'll make it again. Well, I say that, but Ken has been saying, "Next time I think I'd (insert small change here)" so I think he actually really enjoyed it and might want it again. Anyway, it's gone well with a slice of toast on the side.
We had a big finances talk Saturday, too, since even over 2 years of marriage the only joint finances we have is a credit card I got where he's an authorized user so we can have a "joint" card. We're going to be moving to a fully (or at least mostly) joined approach (with some separate savings and investments) so we are getting ready for that.
Sunday morning I was in a MUCH better mood and we went for an "easy" gravel ride where I cried on the side of the road and nearly puked in someone's driveway because it was such a challenge. I haven't been riding much, and I haven't been challenging myself much either. Combine that with having covid a few weeks ago, and it was a shock to me how hard this ride was. Ken signed us up for a "mini" 25-mile gravel ride in about 6 weeks, so I have some work to do to make that an enjoyable experience and not a sufferfest. I've done a 40-mile gravel grinder ride a few times and loved it - it just makes me really sad to be in such worse shape now than I used to be. At least I genuinely enjoy cycling so the climb back to where I want to be is something I can have fun with.
After the ride we got bagel sandwiches in the town near the start/stop point. Mine had sausage, egg, cheese, and apple butter. I'm a sweet+savory gal so it was AMAZING. And then we showered and I napped on the living room floor for half a football game. ("Ken, can you put on the football channel so I can take a nap?") After dinner I made a blueberry muffin recipe that uses sourdough discard. I'd been meaning to make them for ages and finally had discard in the fridge and time to whip them up. It said to divide into 12 muffins... I am not sure that was the right move. But they taste great.
It's going to be a busy week. Plenty of work, a vet neurologist appointment for Theo, both individual and couple's therapy on Tuesday (I hate double-therapy days ugh), and trying to stay up late and push hard to finish editing this book so I can publish it before the end of the month. This weekend we want to bike again, and I want to do some training stationary bike workouts during the week, and we also both need to make sure we have clothes (or, more likely, get some clothes) for the two October weddings we have coming up. So I am Stressed but it'll be a good time if I can manage to enjoy myself through all the busy. And people add kids on top of this??? Howwww???
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Okay here's my
2024 Goals
Explore [City I'm living in for the next 4 months]
Write + post "damn, baby, you've got me good" (series of klance 5+1 fics I've been working on)
Tat (lacemaking tecnique) a necklace
Do more sourdough (pancakes, bagels, pretzels)
Finish my temperature blanket
Bind more of "The Blonde Collection" (my project to bind my favorite works by leblonde)
Write (at least part of) "it takes three to play catan" (working title for my giant Keith/Lance/Hunk fic)
Organize something
Read 75 books
Curate a more positive internet experience
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abookishdreamer · 8 months
Character Intro: Hecaterus (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- The Many-Handed Titan by the people of Olympius
Father by Ktesios & Hestia
Pop by Adranos
Grandpa by his grandchildren
Age- 67 (immortal)
Location- Corinth, Olympius
Personality- He's stubborn, grounded, and loves working with his hands. He cherises the time he has to himself & with family. He's married.
He has the standard abilities of a god. As the Titan god of manual labor (and hands) his other powers/abilities include enhanced craftsmanship, supertasking, being able to shapeshift into ancient & modern labor tools, being exceptionally skilled in the use of melee weapons, and hand manipulation.
Hecaterus is married to Anchiale (Titaness of fire). They have three children- two sons, Ktesios (god of the household) & Adranos (god of fire) and a daughter Hestia (goddess of the hearth). Other members of the immediate family include his daughter-in-law Soteria (goddess of safety) & his granddaughters Eleos (Ellie) (goddess of mercy, pity, & compassion) and Eulabeia (goddess of caution).
He and his wife live in the state of Corinth on their 100 acre farmland. Spaces solely meant for him includes a small tabacco field, a workshop in the barn, & a basement that doubles as a kiln.
Even though Hecaterus enjoys the company of his many farm animals (sheep, horses, goats, chickens, lambs, cows, & pigs) with the latest addition being an old scruffy sheepdog named Gasket, none of them come close to his animal companion- a dragon named Arrowwing. He's a swift beast of amber and dark copper colored scales, dark green wings with brown horns, claws, & crests. He and his wife's dragon are even a mated pair! A recent clutch of eggs Cinder recently laid are kept safe and warm in the kiln. Arrowwing is Hecaterus' mode of transportation when traveling great distances.
He loves his wife's whole wheat peanut butter pancakes (which he tops with dark chocolate maple syrup). He also likes scrambled eggs added with mushrooms, spinach, & red onions as well as buttered sourdough bagels. A recent favorite has been the Earthly Harvest raisin crunch cereal.
A go-to drink for him is dark roast coffee. He also likes earl grey tea, water, black tea, ginger ale, beer, and red wine.
He keeps a basic flip phone as opposed to the latest touch screen smartphone as a way of communication.
Among Hecaterus' prized possesions (like his simple bronze & copper shield dating back to the Titanomachy) is his simple dark mahogany wood sailboat he built himself. He and his family jokingly nickname it "The Reliable."
He mainly prefers speaking in Old Greek, even teaching his granddaughters "the old tongue." He's also fluent in GSL (Greek Sign Language).
The ghost of the Titanomachy still haunts him to this day, mainly the dark deranged eyes of Kronos. While his wife fought on the side of Zeus & the Olympians, Hecaterus didn't want to pledge allegiance to any cause.
Nothing else is more important to him than family. Though he loves his kids equally, Hecaterus finds himself closer to his eldest son Ktesios. They annually take hunting trips together. He's fiercely protective of his wife, daughter, granddaughters, and daughter-in-law. Hecaterus appreciates when Soteria trims his hair & beard as well as her delicious pot roast. He doesn't mind knitting or visiting a bookstore with Eulabeia or watching melodramatic teen dramas on TV with Ellie. Riding on dragonback is a great bonding experience for him and his youngest son!
In Corinth, he has recently opened up a school for deaf & hard-of-hearing people.
He considers smoking cigarettes & cigars to be his greatest vice.
A guilty pleasure for him are olympian sized onion rings from Olympic Chef.
In the pantheon Hecaterus is friends with the hecatoncheires (Cottus, Briareus, & Gyges), Geras (god of old age), Iapetus (Titan god of mortality, pain, & death), the blacksmithing cyclopes (Arges, Brontes, & Steropes), Eubouleus (god of the swine & ploughing), Logos (god of stories), Kydoimos (god of uproar & battlefield confusion), and Gaia (goddess of the earth). He dislikes Zeus (god of the sky, thunder, & lightning) but admires the tenacity of his son Hephaestus (god of the forge). Hecaterus mentored Ponos (god of hard labor & toil).
His favorite desserts include his daughter's dark chocolate fudge brownies and his wife's red velvet cake.
Hecaterus is excited about an upcoming camping trip he's going on with Eulabeia. It's a family tradition, seeing how he went on one with Ellie when she was a little girl.
A favorite frozen treat is pomegranate sorbet.
His all time favorite meal is spanokopita along with lamb & cabbage soup.
In his free time Hecaterus enjoys spending time with family, reading, pottery, sculpting, glassblowing, ceramics, lava surfing, fishing, archery, bowling, hunting, and mountain climbing.
"The most honest and bare work is manual labor."
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saucymincks · 1 year
I make bagels for a living and today I made the most spectacularly disastrous dough, I can't stop thinking about it.
We do sourdough at our place, so each batch starts with levain, oil, and water. Squishy and liquidy and slimy, oh my.
Today at 4:00 AM, I clocked in and was informed I'd be making the dough - an unusual amount for a Wednesday for the last few months, but school in back in session and a local college buys our stuff wholesale, so our numbers jumped a LOT this week. First batch went great, nothing out of the ordinary.
Batch 2, however?
Okay, how do I describe what I saw when I lifted the mixer? It was...you know those fish that blob out when you lift them out of the water too fast? We literally call them "blobfish" in English?
Which is not really what you want in a sourdough.
So my manager and I problem solved a bit (well, she did. I panicked and wondered if I could just lock myself in the walk-in and call it a day). We added some more flour and gave it another quick mix, and we decided to put it in the fridge a little early and shape it last. Worth a shot. I PRAYED I hadn't just fucked over our numbers on our first big shaping day in a while.
Batches 1, 3, and 4 were totally fine. No issues at all apart from being on the warmer side, but the bagels were looking good and the tension was decent. We saved batch 2 for last in hopes it would firm up enough for us to work with it. I opened the bin, turned it over onto the table, and it just...
Sticky jello. That's all I can think of. It was jello but GOOEY. Remember being a little kid and putting Elmer's glue all over your hands? Tacky like that, but just...worse. I literally don't know how else to describe it. It felt like an incorrect experience to be having, as part of being human.
We tried to shape a few bagels just to see if there was any hope. Spoiler: of course there fucking wasn't. I just stared at it as it blooped over the side of the metal table like a Dali clock. It was looking at me like "see, this is what you get for acting like hot shit at 4:00 AM. Stomping in here with your little beanie on, thinking you're Marcus from The Bear. This is what you get."
In the end we decided to just add some more onto the next couple of days to make up for it and pull from other orders we had proofing. It sucks, I felt awful, but my coworkers are seriously the kindest people ever and gave me a ton of reassurance, which I appreciate greatly. It's nice to work somewhere that doesn't make a genuinely huge fuck-up feel like the end of the world. Wild that it's a relatively unique experience in this country, we should maybe do something about that? Anyway.
I just cannot stop thinking of that big ol' blump of dough taunting me like that. That image is gonna stay with me for a while.
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Idyllic coffee places in Oxted
Whether Oxted residents fancy a quiet coffee, a family brunch or a working lunch, Oxted has it covered. With a wide selection of coffee shops and eateries dotted around the high street, there’s something for all tastes.
A Station Stop
Located next to the station is Café Papillon. A popular option is a tasty takeaway coffee and bacon bap for a commute, or there’s seating inside and outside. Take advantage of the wide selection of hot and cold breakfast, and lunch choices and the homemade cakes are a must! Café Papillon also has a children’s menu, daily lunch specials, and on Friday nights, there’s fine dining with entertainment.
The Toast of Oxted
Toast, opposite Courtyard Gardens, is another popular café all day. It has a lovely outside area at the front, which is perfect for relaxing and watching the world go by. Handmade food and freshly roasted coffee make this a café not to miss. Brunch specials include homemade granola, folded eggs on sourdough, avocado mash, sweetcorn fritters and various delicious brunch bowls and bagels. With tables inside it’s an ideal venue for Oxted locals or visitors to kick back, order coffee and enjoy the atmosphere alone or with company.
Deli Treats
The nearest coffee shop to Courtyard Gardens is The Deli Oxted, and customers won’t be disappointed. Offering a daily selection of organic treats, they cater for brunch and lunch, snacks and of course, coffee. There is some seating available inside, and customers need to be quick because the grilled cheese ciabatta and a vast choice of deli cheeses and meats make it a popular place! If visitors fancy a light bite, the rose-soaked oats are another brunch favourite.
Traditional Tea Shop
For a quintessential English tea room experience, then look no further than Robertsons Coffee Shop on Station Road West. Robertsons has a large cosy inside area with tables and some pavement seating outside. This quaint tea shop is open Monday to Saturday, and alongside freshly roasted pure Colombian coffee, there’s a vast selection of fine chocolates and delicious truffles to sample. Charming Robertsons serves a range of fine loose leaf teas from traditional tea drawers, cakes, afternoon tea and sandwiches. They’re also are dog friendly!
A favourite chain
For those who have a preferred coffee shop chain, then there is a choice in Oxted. Caffe Nero and Costa Coffee are located in the high street and minutes from the station so are convenient for takeaway coffee. Both offer all the branch favourites with ample seating at both cafés inside and outside. They are often busy after the school run and popular with commuters and Oxted residents.
Coffee at Kiwi House
For those who fancy combining a walk to the picturesque village of Limpsfield with a well-deserved coffee and cake, visit Kiwi House. The neighbouring village is bursting with history and unique architecture, and Kiwi House is a welcome pitstop. The family-run café offers tempting homemade cakes, pastries, soup and quiches. They cater for dairy-free, gluten-free and vegan, and the cosy inside area is large enough for family gatherings or quiet catch-ups with friends.
Oxted has plenty of places to stop for a coffee, and with a variety of options, there’s somewhere to suit individual needs. Coffee connoisseurs, families or weekend brunch lovers can explore the independent café choices or stick to the chain they prefer. Courtyard Gardens, the spectacular new development situated in the centre of Oxted high street, is just minutes to a multitude of coffee shops.
Content source: https://www.robertleech.com/idyllic-coffee-places-in-oxted/
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articledude · 3 months
Slice Like a Pro: The Advantages of Using a Manual Bread Slicer
In the realm of culinary arts, precision and consistency are key. Whether you're a home baker or a professional chef, the ability to slice bread uniformly can elevate your dishes and presentations. This is where the manual bread slicer shines. In this comprehensive guide, we explore the numerous benefits of using a manual bread slicer and how it can transform your kitchen experience.
Consistency in Every Slice
One of the most significant advantages of using a manual bread slicer is the consistency it provides. Slicing bread by hand can often result in uneven pieces, which can affect the presentation and texture of your dish. A manual bread slicer ensures that each slice is uniform in thickness, giving your sandwiches, toast, and appetizers a professional look.
Perfect Thickness Every Time
Manual bread slicers come with adjustable settings that allow you to control the thickness of each slice. Whether you prefer thick, hearty slices for French toast or thin slices for delicate tea sandwiches, a manual bread slicer can accommodate your preferences. This level of control is particularly beneficial for recipes that require precise measurements and uniformity.
Enhanced Aesthetics
Uniform slices not only improve the visual appeal of your dishes but also enhance the overall dining experience. When each slice of bread is perfectly cut, it creates a sense of balance and symmetry on the plate. This attention to detail can impress your guests and make even the simplest meals feel special.
Time Efficiency and Convenience
Slicing bread by hand can be a time-consuming and tedious task, especially if you're preparing large quantities. A manual bread slicer streamlines the process, allowing you to slice multiple pieces quickly and efficiently. This can be particularly advantageous in a busy kitchen environment where time is of the essence.
Easy Operation
Manual bread slicers are designed to be user-friendly, with simple mechanisms that require minimal effort. Unlike electric slicers, which can be bulky and complex, manual slicers are straightforward and easy to operate. This makes them an ideal choice for home bakers and chefs who value simplicity and reliability.
Reduced Waste
When slicing bread by hand, it's common to end up with uneven pieces or excessive crumbs. A manual bread slicer minimizes waste by producing clean, precise cuts. This not only helps you get the most out of each loaf but also reduces the amount of mess to clean up afterwards.
Versatility in the Kitchen
A manual bread slicer is a versatile tool that can handle a variety of bread types and sizes. Whether you're slicing artisanal loaves, baguettes, or even bagels, a manual bread slicer can accommodate different shapes and textures. This versatility makes it an essential tool for any kitchen.
Suitable for Various Bread Types
From crusty sourdough to soft brioche, a manual bread slicer can handle a wide range of bread types. Its adjustable settings allow you to slice through both dense and delicate loaves with ease. This adaptability ensures that you can use the slicer for all your bread-cutting needs, regardless of the type of bread you're working with.
Great for Specialty Breads
If you enjoy baking or buying specialty breads, such as gluten-free or whole grain varieties, a manual bread slicer can be particularly useful. These breads often have unique textures that can be challenging to slice by hand. A manual slicer provides the precision needed to handle these specialty breads without compromising their structure.
Cost-Effective and Durable
Investing in a manual bread slicer can be a cost-effective decision for both home bakers and professional chefs. Unlike electric slicers, manual slicers are generally more affordable and have fewer components that can wear out or break over time.
Long-Lasting Performance
Manual bread slicers are built to last, with sturdy construction and durable materials. With proper care and maintenance, a high-quality manual slicer can provide years of reliable service. This durability makes it a smart investment for anyone looking to enhance their kitchen tools without breaking the bank.
Lower Maintenance Costs
Electric slicers often require regular maintenance and can incur higher repair costs. In contrast, manual bread slicers are low-maintenance and easy to clean. Most models can be disassembled quickly for thorough cleaning, ensuring that your slicer remains in top condition with minimal effort.
Safety and Control
Safety is a crucial consideration in any kitchen, and manual bread slicers offer several advantages in this regard. Their simple design reduces the risk of accidents and injuries, making them a safer option compared to electric slicers.
Controlled Slicing
With a manual bread slicer, you have complete control over the slicing process. This control allows you to operate the slicer at a pace that feels comfortable and safe, reducing the likelihood of mishaps. Additionally, the sturdy base and secure grip provided by manual slicers help keep the bread steady during slicing.
No Electrical Hazards
Electric slicers come with the inherent risks associated with electrical appliances, such as short circuits or power surges. Manual bread slicers eliminate these hazards, offering a safer alternative for kitchens that prioritize safety and simplicity.
Eco-Friendly Choice
In an era where sustainability is increasingly important, choosing eco-friendly kitchen tools can make a significant difference. Manual bread slicers are an environmentally conscious choice, as they do not require electricity and have a smaller carbon footprint compared to their electric counterparts.
Energy Savings
By opting for a manual bread slicer, you can reduce your household or business's energy consumption. This not only lowers your utility bills but also contributes to a more sustainable lifestyle. Every small step towards reducing energy usage helps in the broader effort to protect the environment.
Sustainable Materials
Many manual bread slicers are made from sustainable materials such as bamboo or stainless steel. These materials are not only durable but also environmentally friendly, offering a sustainable option for eco-conscious consumers.
In conclusion, a manual bread slicer offers numerous benefits that can enhance your kitchen experience. From ensuring consistent, uniform slices to providing a time-efficient and versatile solution, this tool is a valuable addition to any kitchen. Its cost-effectiveness, durability, and eco-friendly nature make it an excellent investment for both home bakers and professional chefs.
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grubloved · 8 months
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Frequently Asked Questions About Bread Machines
In recent years, bread machines have become increasingly popular among home bakers. These small kitchen appliances make it easy to bake fresh, homemade bread without all the time and effort of traditional methods. But with this rise in popularity comes a rise in questions from those who are new to using bread machines. In this post, we will address some of the most frequently asked questions about bread machines to help you become a more informed and confident baker.
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What exactly is a bread machine?
A bread machine, also known as a bread maker, is an electric kitchen appliance designed specifically for making bread. It typically consists of a mixing bowl, kneading paddle(s), and heating element. The user adds the ingredients into the bread pan, selects the desired settings, and the machine takes care of the mixing, kneading, rising, and baking process.
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Can I use a bread machine to make other types of baked goods?
While its primary purpose is for making bread, many modern bread machines come equipped with settings for making dough or even jam. This allows you to easily make homemade pizza dough, rolls, bagels, and more. Some machines even have a gluten-free setting for those with dietary restrictions.
Is it worth investing in a bread machine?
This is a common question among those new to using bread machines. The answer really depends on your personal preferences and baking habits. If you enjoy making fresh, homemade bread but don't have the time or energy to do it by hand, then a bread machine is definitely worth the investment. It also allows you to control the ingredients and customize your bread to suit your taste.
Can I use regular flour in a bread machine?
Yes, you can use all-purpose or bread flour in a bread machine. However, it's important to note that different types of flour have different protein contents which affect how the dough rises and the texture of the final product. Bread flour typically has a higher protein content and is better for making bread in a bread machine, but all-purpose flour can also be used with good results.
Do I have to use yeast in a bread machine?
Yes, yeast is an essential ingredient in making bread. It's what causes the dough to rise and gives bread its airy texture. Most bread machines come with a recipe book that includes instructions on how to use yeast, so even if you've never used it before, the machine will guide you through the process.
How long does it take to make bread in a bread machine?
The time varies depending on the type of bread you are making, but most recipes take anywhere from 2-4 hours. Some machines also have a delay timer option, allowing you to set it up in the evening and wake up to fresh bread in the morning. It's important to note that the overall time includes rising and baking, so you don't have to actively be involved in every step.
Do I need any special ingredients for making bread in a bread machine?
No, most bread machine recipes use common pantry staples such as flour, yeast, sugar, and salt. Some recipes may call for additional ingredients like milk or butter, but these can easily be substituted with dairy-free options if needed.
Can I make different sizes and types of bread in a bread machine?
Most bread machines come with multiple size options to choose from. You can typically make a 1-pound, 1.5-pound, or  2-pound loaf depending on your needs. You can also experiment with different types of bread, such as whole wheat, sourdough, or even cinnamon raisin. The possibilities are endless!
Using a bread machine may seem intimidating at first, but with the right information and practice, it can become a valuable tool in your kitchen. We hope this post helped answer some of your burning questions about bread machines.
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hauntedeaglepizza · 4 months
Ideal Cities for Foodies in America
Ideal Cities for Foodies in America
Hey there, fellow food lovers! Are you all set to start a mouthwatering journey throughout the USA? Get those taste buds tingling and your elastic pants prepared, since we will study the most effective cities for foodies in America! From mouthwatering road eats to exquisite delights, these cities are a gastronomic heaven simply waiting to be explored. So, loosen that belt a notch and let's dig in!
New Orleans, Louisiana - A Symphony of Cajun and Creole Flavors
Allow's kick points off with the cooking resources of the South-- New Orleans! This vivid city is a fusion of French, African, and Spanish influences, causing an unique culinary scene that'll have you coming back for seconds (and thirds).
Treat on your own to a mouthwatering dish of gumbo, crispy fried beignets sprinkled with powdered sugar, or bite into a divine po' child sandwich. Make sure to attempt the fabulous Creole meals like jambalaya and étouffée, best experienced in a vibrant jazz-filled facility in the French Quarter's heart. And, obviously, no trip to NOLA is complete without sampling the fresh caught Look at this website seafood-- oysters, maybe?
San Francisco, California - A Paradise for Food Adventurers
Next up, we're heading to the West Shore treasure of San Francisco, where innovation satisfies practice in a culinary surge of tastes. This city is a heaven for food adventurers, with its varied communities offering everything from Michelin-starred restaurants to hole-in-the-wall restaurants breaking with character.
Enjoy delicious fish and shellfish at Fisherman's Dock, where you can delight in a hot dish of clam chowder in a bread dish. If you're eager to attempt San Francisco's distinguished sourdough, visit Boudin Bakery for a fresh baked loaf. To experience the very best of the city's cooking scene, endeavor to the Goal District for authentic Mexican cuisine, consisting of delicious tacos, passionate burritos, and rejuvenating horchata.
New York City, New York - The Fusion of Culinary Delights
Ah, the Large Apple! New York City is a food lover's heaven, with its varied range of foods standing for every corner of the globe. From the fragrant street food carts to first-rate fine eating, New York City has everything.
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Begin your day with a traditional New York bagel smeared with cream cheese and lox, after that dive into a slice of tacky, foldable pizza for lunch. Yearning something a lot more upscale? Treat on your own to a lavish supper at one of the city's Michelin-starred restaurants, where culinary masterpieces wait for.
But it's not practically the expensive eateries-- don't lose out on the hidden treasures of the city's varied areas. Explore the dynamic tastes of Chinatown, Little Italy, or the dynamic grocery store of Brooklyn, where you can example whatever from artisanal cheeses to authentic Ethiopian injera.
Austin, Texas: The Ultimate Destination for Barbeque Fanatics
Calling all bbq fanatics! Austin, Texas, is the utmost destination for those who prayer at the altar of smoked meats and tasty sauces. This city takes its BBQ seriously, with fabulous joints serving up mouthwatering brisket, ribs, and sausage that'll have you licking your fingers tidy.
Head to Franklin Barbecue for a taste of the city's most desirable 'cue-- simply be prepared to wait in line (depend on us, it's worth it). For a more laid-back vibe, look into the food vehicle scene, where
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recipespancakes · 10 months
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livefuntravelposts · 1 year
Foodie Delights: A Culinary Journey Through America's Gastronomic Hotspots
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Though we have traveled to many places, we probably have more food photos than anything else.  Kati loves to take a photo of each and every breakfast, lunch and dinner while we are traveling. Embarking on a culinary journey is one of the most delicious and exciting ways to explore a country's culture and diversity. In the United States, there is an abundance of gastronomic hotspots waiting to be discovered. From vibrant food markets to Michelin-starred restaurants, America offers a wide range of culinary delights that will tantalize your taste buds and leave you craving for more. In this blog post, we will take you on a culinary journey through some of America's most renowned foodie destinations, uncovering the unique flavors, local specialties, and cultural influences that make each place a gastronomic paradise.   New Orleans, Louisiana: The Soulful Flavors of the Big Easy  New Orleans is a melting pot of cultures, and its cuisine reflects the city's rich history and influences from French, African, and Caribbean traditions. Indulge in iconic dishes like gumbo, jambalaya, and beignets, and savor the vibrant flavors of Creole and Cajun cuisine. Explore the bustling French Market and dine at legendary restaurants to experience the soulful delights that make New Orleans a must-visit destination for food lovers. My first time to New Orleans I had to go to K-Paul's Louisiana Kitchen which was amazing and closed down in 2002 after 40 years in business and Brennans for breakfast.   San Francisco, California: A Food Lover's Paradise by the Bay San Francisco is renowned for its thriving food scene, influenced by its diverse population and proximity to fresh, local ingredients. Discover the delights of Chinatown, where you can savour authentic dim sum and hand-pulled noodles. Indulge in fresh seafood at Fisherman's Wharf and sample the city's famous sourdough bread. Don't miss the chance to explore the Ferry Building Marketplace, where you can find a wide array of artisanal products, from local cheeses to gourmet chocolates. San Francisco is amazing and we always love to visit and eat some amazing food.   New York City, New York: A Culinary Melting Pot As one of the world's culinary capitals, New York City offers a gastronomic experience like no other. From hot dog stands and pizza joints to Michelin-starred restaurants, the city caters to every palate. Explore the diverse neighbourhoods, such as Chinatown, Little Italy, and Harlem, to discover a world of flavours. Indulge in classic New York dishes like bagels with lox, pastrami sandwiches, and cheesecake. Treat yourself to fine dining experiences and sample innovative fusion cuisine created by renowned chefs from around the globe. Honestly, since visiting New York since I was 16 years old, the street food for me along with the pizza is still where I eat.   Charleston, South Carolina: Southern Charm and Lowcountry Cuisine Charleston is a charming city known for its Southern hospitality and rich culinary heritage. Dive into the world of Lowcountry cuisine, featuring dishes like shrimp and grits, she-crab soup, and hearty seafood boils. Explore the vibrant farmers' markets and sample farm-to-table creations that celebrate the region's bountiful produce. Don't forget to indulge in sweet treats like pecan pralines and Benne wafers.   Portland, Oregon: A Haven for Foodies and Artisanal Delights Portland is a foodie's paradise, renowned for its thriving food cart scene, craft breweries, and farm-to-table restaurants. Explore the city's eclectic neighbourhoods and taste a wide variety of cuisines, from Thai street food to gourmet vegan fare. Indulge in artisanal coffee, local craft beer, and delectable pastries. Don't miss the chance to visit the Portland Farmers Market and sample the region's fresh produce, cheeses, and handmade chocolates.   New Mexico: The Flavors of the Southwest New Mexico's cuisine is a fusion of Native American, Mexican, and Spanish influences, resulting in a unique and vibrant culinary tapestry. Discover the bold flavours of green and red chile peppers, indulge in traditional dishes like enchiladas and tamales, and savour the warm hospitality of the region. Explore the bustling markets, where you can find traditional spices, handmade tortillas, and local crafts.   Austin, Texas: The Capital of BBQ and Tex-Mex Austin is a vibrant city that has gained a reputation as a food lover's paradise, particularly when it comes to BBQ and Tex-Mex cuisine. Indulge in tender, smoky brisket, ribs, and sausages at renowned BBQ joints where pitmasters work their magic for hours. Experience the unique flavours of Tex-Mex, a fusion of Mexican and Texan influences, with dishes like breakfast tacos, enchiladas, and queso dip. Explore the city's food truck scene, where you can find various culinary creations, from gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches to Thai-inspired tacos.   Chicago, Illinois: Deep-Dish Pizza and Culinary Diversity Chicago is famous for its deep-dish pizza, characterized by its thick, buttery crust and layers of cheese and toppings. Indulge in this iconic dish and experience the unique way Chicagoans enjoy their pizza. But Chicago's culinary scene extends beyond pizza. The city is known for its diverse food options, from classic Italian beef sandwiches to vibrant Asian neighbourhoods with authentic cuisine from various countries. Don't miss the chance to try Chicago-style hot dogs, loaded with toppings like pickles, onions, and neon green relish, or sample the city's renowned steakhouses for a mouthwatering steak dinner.   New England: Seafood Delights and Clam Chowder New England, encompassing states such as Maine, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island, is a seafood lover's paradise. Feast on fresh lobster rolls, succulent oysters, and creamy clam chowder along the picturesque coastal towns. Enjoy a traditional clambake on the beach or indulge in a seafood feast at a quaint waterfront restaurant. The flavours of New England are deeply rooted in its maritime history, and the region's seafood delicacies are a must-try for any food enthusiast.   Napa Valley, California: Wine and Culinary Excellence Napa Valley is renowned for its world-class wines, but it also offers a culinary experience that perfectly complements the vineyards. Explore the region's farm-to-table restaurants, where chefs showcase the finest local produce in their creations. Indulge in wine tastings and food pairings that highlight the region's exceptional vintages. From Michelin-starred establishments to charming bistros, Napa Valley's culinary scene will delight food and wine enthusiasts alike.   Our Final Word America's gastronomic hotspots offer a cornucopia of flavors, traditions, and culinary experiences that satisfy even the most discerning foodie. From the soulful delights of New Orleans to the vibrant food scenes of San Francisco, New York City, Charleston, Portland, and New Mexico, each destination invites you to embark on a mouthwatering journey. Whether you're savoring regional specialties, exploring bustling food markets, or indulging in fusion cuisine, the diverse and delicious flavors of America's culinary landscape will leave you with unforgettable memories. So pack your bags, prepare your taste buds, and set out on a culinary adventure to discover the remarkable gastronomic hotspots that await you. Let the flavors guide you as you explore the cultural richness and diversity of American cuisine.
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Exploring regional variations in bakery products
Bakery products are an essential part of our daily diet, and there are many variations in the taste, texture, and ingredients of bakery products found in different regions. In this blog, we will be exploring the regional variations in bakery products.
Bakery Online:
In today's digital world, ordering bakery products online has become a popular trend. Many online bakeries offer a wide variety of baked goods from different regions. For example, if you are looking for croissants, you can find authentic French croissants from a bakery in France or croissants made by a French-trained baker at a bakery in the United States.
Bakery Near Me: If you prefer to shop for bakery products in person, searching for "bakery near me" on a search engine or map app will help you find bakeries in your local area. When you visit a local bakery, you can explore the regional variations in bakery products firsthand. For instance, a bakery in New York City might offer bagels with a distinct chewy texture and flavor, while a bakery in San Francisco might specialize in sourdough bread.
Bakery Delivery:
Bakery delivery services are becoming increasingly popular, especially during the pandemic when people prefer to order food and groceries online. Many bakeries offer delivery services, which allow you to explore bakery products from different regions without leaving your home. For instance, you can order cinnamon rolls from a bakery in Sweden or macarons from a bakery in France and have them delivered to your doorstep.
Regional Variations in Bakery Products: Now let's explore some of the regional variations in bakery products from around the world:
French Bakery: French bakery products are known for their delicate flavors, flaky crusts, and light textures. Some popular French bakery products include croissants, baguettes, and macarons.
Italian Bakery: Italian bakery products are famous for their rustic flavors and textures. Some popular Italian bakery products include focaccia, ciabatta, and cannoli.
German Bakery: German bakery products are known for their hearty flavors and dense textures. Some popular German bakery products include pretzels, black forest cake, and stollen.
American Bakery: American bakery products vary greatly from region to region. Some popular American bakery products include bagels, doughnuts, and cupcakes.
Conclusion: In conclusion, exploring regional variations in bakery products is a delightful way to experience the diverse flavors, textures, and ingredients of baked goods from around the world. Whether you prefer to shop at a local bakery, order online, or have bakery products delivered, there are plenty of opportunities to explore the wide variety of bakery products available. So go ahead and indulge in some delicious bakery treats today!
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abiteofnat · 3 years
If you’re reading this, I’m coming back to Chicago, beetch
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The non-existent rumors are true. After a brief 10-month exit from the city to soak up the fresh air and social distance-friendly suburbs, I am now returning to Chicago as a single, slightly more anxious version of myself. While I’m still trying to kick some of the anxiety and OCD that COVID-19 pushed from “lifelong tagalongs” to “all-controlling demons”, I feel 97% ready to be back where I feel most myself, and cannot wait to welcome that change. While that 3% still makes me a little uncomfy and hesitant, I’m a believer in pushing your boundaries to allow yourself to grow, and also, I am really sick of suburbs food. 
Ha! I joke. I wouldn’t move downtown simply for access to more diverse & higher quality food... or would I? All I know is while there are plenty of gems in the North Shore, I’ve eaten take out from all of them ten times over, and I did not foster my dislike of cooking out of nowhere. My parents do not enjoy cooking, my sister pretends to enjoy cooking, and I will cook if it is 5 ingredients or less. My latest speciality is a toasted bagel with butter, hummus, and EBTB seasoning. Voila. So when it comes to dinner, we are living off of a carousel of suburban favorites, and are losing steam as we are still not comfortable with dining inside (or dining inside in the city, where the fun food is). 
All of this to say, it’s exciting to imagine what life is going to be like in a few short weeks. While I’m still extra precautionary, I can’t wait to have my own space downtown, where I can enjoy coffee on my little balcony (!!!) and dream of the days friends can come squeeze into my studio safely while I lay out an entire table of sharable spreads and snacks from Ema (Charred Eggplant Spread is the best one, don’t fight me). 
So you may ask, how did you come to this decision to move to the heart of downtown out of seemingly nowhere, you hermit? 
It starts with my mom and I having a brief, simultaneous breakdown and coming to the conclusion that we would both feel comfortable doing a staycation downtown, as long as we wore masks, sanitized always, and braved the cold to eat outside. This was big for me! As a person with real OCD, not cute TV show “I have to keep my pens straight” OCD, this would be the most exposure I’d had to a lot of uncontrollable variables since the pandemic started. If you’re thinking, “you get to spend a weekend downtown in a hotel with your mom, shut up”, know that I hear you. I am unbelievably grateful that I’ve gotten this time with my parents, and that we can do a staycation. However, having anxiety comes at a cost, and that cost is blowing everything way the fuck out of proportion instead of being able to rationalize it sometimes. Let’s! Normalize! Having! This! Discussion!
So, we went downtown in early March for a two-night stay, and oh my goodness. The realization that we got to be in a different space, and do different things, and eat different food for a weekend made it feel like a legit vacation, and not like we drove 30 minutes to get there. The view from our room was of Michigan Ave, and hearing the traffic and seeing the people out and about instantly made me feel a sense of peace I wasn’t expecting. I’ve lived downtown for 6 years, but it always shocks me how much the city feels like an extension of me once I’m in it after being away. My mom and I went out for a walk (gentle yet forceful reminder to please wear a mask), then decided to grab dinner while we were out. The plan was to bring it back to the room, but there was a warm spell, and there just happened to be a table for two at Topolobampo on Clark, and suddenly we were sitting on the patio under the lights eating masa quesadillas dipped in a spicy salsa verde. It just happened!!! 
Before getting downtown, I was tentatively looking at apartments for the spring. I was looking at Lincoln Park, Old Town, maybe Lakeview, and came across a listing in the Gold Cost that caught my eye. That one was swiped out from under me within days, but I couldn’t stop thinking about the area. Then I discovered another unit that was available, and couldn’t shake it from my mind. Over mushroom tacos I discussed it with my mom, and we decided to go see it. Totally not what I had been planning for in terms of location, but why not? 
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Once we polished off breakfast the next morning (Eggs Benedict with fried eggs, extra hollandaise) we headed out to see the place. Let me say I have never seen my mom fall in love with a single apartment I’ve lived in, and she was ALL. FOR. IT. Unreal reaction on her part. Once I saw the west-facing views and the incredible natural lighting, I was 100% in as well.
We spent the rest of the weekend wandering the downtown area, enjoying another dinner outside at The Gwen and my mom’s first visit to the Starbucks Reserve Roastery, which was 95% more empty than I’ve ever seen it given we went in a pandemic at 8:30PM. Shit on Starbucks all you want, but that Roastery is an incredible use of space (in non-pandemic times) and the coffee & Princi pastries are really, really good. 
When we got back home feeling refreshed and like we had actually gone on a vacation, I jumped into apartment shark mode real fast and signed as many documents as the very kind realtor could send over. One week later, whabaam, I was a Gold Coast girl. Ahem, *lady*. What better way to celebrate than going to Somerset and having the Rapini & Roasted Garlic Flatbread and Wild Mushroom Risotto? No clue. As I sat outside, yet again with my mom, I felt a wave of excitement come over me and realized, this is it. This is the sign and feeling I’ve been waiting for, telling me it’s time to move back to the city and start over. The creamy, herbacious risotto also helped solidify that. 
SO. After all of that, the news is I’m moving, and you’re probably wondering why I shared all of this on a blog about food. I meant for this post to be about everywhere I ate during my staycation, but realized quickly we ate at some very basic places - DELICIOUS, but still basic. Oops. Below are all the dishes I had and a rundown of the flavors, textures, etc., however don’t expect to find any new, revolutionary restaurants. Sorry! 
1. Topolobampo 
This Rick Bayless restaurant has been around forever, and unfortunately, you can tell by the interior. We’ve eaten here as a family a couple of times before, but never had a noteworthy experience. I can confirm that in a pinch, the patio covered in fun lights & mini piñatas, and the sharable, filling bites will do just fine. This was my first time going to a Mexican restaurant as a non-alcohol drinker, and instead of my typical mezcal margarita, I opted for a Fresh Limeaide which was refreshing and flavorful. We split the Guacamole and Chips, which if you’ve ever stopped at the Frontera in O’Hare, you know is good as fuck. It’s smooth, creamy, tangy, and topped with chopped onions and cilantro for a little crunch. It’s not the most life-changing, but it is consistently satisfying. Next, we got the Mushroom Tacos and Masa Quesadillas. The Masa Quesadillas were a fun surprise, as instead of a tortilla, the masa is what makes up the outside. They are almost like empanadas and stuffed with gooey, melty cheese, and come with a spicy salsa verde on the side. I would come back for these alone - they’re rich yet light, warm, and comforting, all the things you would want when dining outside when it’s still a little chilly. The Mushroom Tacos were quite frankly unreal, because whatever they seasoned the mushroom slices with and grilled them on made them taste unlike any mushroom I’ve had before. There was definitely some meat crossover on the grill, so don’t order those if you’re vegan, or ask them to prepare the mushroom separately. I however was LOSING MY MIND. Over mushrooms. The joys of being vegetarian! 
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2. The Gwen
On a happening Saturday night in Chicago, Upstairs at The Gwen is sure to be a packed scene. Located in River North, this hotel bar/restaurant offers a somehow cozy rooftop filled with loungey couches, fire pits, and ambient lighting, even though you’re surrounded by apartments and skyscrapers and there is nothing “cozy” about River North. Every table was filled, yet since you’re outside and it’s fairy spread apart, it still felt safe. I got my new classic, a Lemonade, and we got the Burrata to start. With sourdough, roasted beets, squash, pomegranate, pistachio, & arugula, this plate was nothing short of mouth-watering. It has textures! It has flavors! It has pomegranate seeds, the TikTok must have of the moment! The bread was 10/10, the burrata was 8/10, and all of the toppings made for a very find bite of salad on their own. For my main I got the Lobster Fettucine, a beautiful bowl of “charcoal fettuccine with saffron-tomato sauce, lobster, calabrian chili butter, and basil-brioche crumbs” as listed on their website. Take any of those ingredients and it’s going to be delicious, but all of them TOGETHER? INCREDIBLE. The chunks of lobster were huge, absolutely making the dish worth its price tag, and the sauce was flavorful, unique, and unlike any sauce I’ve tasted in the last few years. It’s typical to do a squid ink pasta with seafood and tomato sauce, but the saffron added a new element I very much appreciated. 
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3. The Starbucks Roastery 
I KNOW. THIS IS A TOURIST DESTINATION. All I am saying is if there’s no line, go get an iced latte with two packets of sugar in the raw. That’s all. It’s really good after something like, I don’t know, Lobster Fettucine. 
4. The Penninsula 
You cannot go wrong with hitting up The Penninsula for breakfast or brunch, especially if you are staying there and have the option to do room service. Typically we would go to Pierrot Gourmet, the cafe in the ground floor of The Penninsula, however it has been closed temporarily. If there’s one thing to order with your breakfast, it’s the smashed fingerling potatoes. Delish. 
5. Somerset 
Somerset is becoming a quick go-to of mine for an impromptu dinner downtown, given it’s in the heart of Gold Coast and is cute if you’re sitting indoors or outdoors. The food is nothing too innovative, but it is done well, which is the most important part with “cuter” restaurants that may focus on the Instagram appeal over the food sometimes. Each time I’ve gone I’ve gotten the seasonal flatbread and a pasta or risotto, usually something with mushrooms, and it’s always been plate-licking good. To drink, I got -you guessed it- a Lemonade! For dinner I went with the Wild Mushroom Risotto which was everything you could hope for in a risotto, topped with olive oil, herbs, and local parmesan. We split the Rapini & Roasted Garlic Flatbread which was as it sounds, flatbread covered in rapini, garlic, and ricotta, which added a nice crunch and had enough rapini to feel like it was replacing a boring vegetable side dish or salad. The patio vibes were wonderful, the judgemental girls in the greenhouses looked like they were having a good time, and our waiter couldn’t have been sweeter. I will be going back to try the Fontina Arancini, which I just noticed on the menu. FRICK. 
So there you have it, a very long-winded explanation of the last few weeks of my life and where you can find me on a staycation in Chicago. Hopefully once I move back to the city I’ll have endless new spots to try and won’t be basic anymore! 
Until next time, Happy Eating!
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