#source: erika r
samabigailalan · 2 months
For the alphabet ask: A, L, M, and R, please! :)
Thank you! ☺️
A. Ships that you currently like a lot, OTPs, friendships, pairing, threesomes etc.
Ok, so I ship a lot of people, sometimes it’s because there cannon, sometimes it’s because I just think it would be interesting dynamic and some of them just fall into the category of ‘I saw this one moment between them and it defiantly speaks of history.’
I’m sticking to sanctuary because otherwise this would go on forever 😄
My favourites currently are John/helen- because I’m and old romantic and they started off so lovely and soft and so perfect and it’s just so sad how it ends, like the love is still there but it won’t ever be what it was.
Nikola/helen- these two are just incredible together, nikola infuriates everyone and pushes the world away and Helen isn’t immune but she can see through it all as well, she has known him for so long, knows what he is behind all the ego and arrogance, it may have taken her a while to realise she loved him but for nikola he loved her from the second he saw her, loved her mind, loved her ambition, he loved how so very different she was, he saw a kindred spirit, even if he didn’t know how to voice it at the time.
The others I’m currently obsessed with are John/james- they have history, they really do, (I think I giffed the one moment that made me explode for the them as a pairing, the bit where they are trying to retrieve source blood and John squeezes James shoulder) there is love there, it’s just that their time didn’t allow for it.
John/james/helen- again love, just a whole lot of love going on between all three, I adore Helen and James as a pure friendship as well, it’s still built on love.
Helen/kate- because I just love the two characters and think it’s interesting, but I also love them as found family when the mood takes me.
And a rather knew one is Kate/Will- those two would be interesting, a thief a cop, it’s a good trope and she’s sassy and he’s goodie goodie, they would be so good together and I just mull that idea over a lot lately.
Sorry for the essay so far, I like to ramble.😅 the next few will be short.
L. Say something genuinely nice about a character that isn’t one of your faves.
Umm Erika, she seems like she’s good fit for Henry and she’s all bad ass being a HAP, especially when she gets angry.
M. Name a character that you’d like to have as a friend.
Helen magnus hands down! You would never be bored with her as a friend, I don’t think it would always be easy but shes the kind that treasures her friendships, plus I would love to get a chance to look through her library.
R. Which friendship/ platonic relationship is your favourite in the fandom.
I love Big guy and Kate, they’ve both done things there not proud off and know where the other is coming from in that regard. They have an understanding. It also took a while for Biggie to warm up to Kate and I love seeing their friendship grow.
Thanks again for asks ❤️❤️
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newgirlincorrec · 4 years
Schmidt: You know, Cece, I really don’t like your last name.
Cece: What’s wrong with Parekh?
Schmidt: I don’t know... It just doesn’t suit you. You should change it.
Cece: Change it?! To what?!
Schmidt: Schmidt
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thegrapeandthefig · 3 years
Festivals we know (almost) nothing about - Part 2
This is the second part of this post. Please refer to its introduction for details if you haven't read it yet. As stated in the disclaimer last time: this list is in no way exhaustive, as I have taken out deme-specific festivals, festivals relating to hero-worship or political events / commemorations. Again, all information comes from Parker R., Polytheism and Society at Athens, 2005 unless stated otherwise.
The Hephaisteia
There's a bit of speculation about this festival to Hephaestus and Athena. The festival is known from a fragmentary inscription dating of 421 BC, but it is unsure whether this is a new festival or if it's been reorganized/revamped at this date (Parker leans for the latter option). Either way, because this is a festival to Hephaestus and Athena, we can assume that it was somewhat similar to the Prometheia, which hosted a torch-race.
The Herakleia
We know of at least 4 separate events bearing the name of Herakleia in Attica, either as genos/deme festival or as athletic festival. With this information in mind, it seems like Herakles has been widely worshipped in Attica, though the organization of such events seems to have been more local. While we know no dates about this cluster of festivals to Herakles, there is a possibility that there were two Herakleia in successive months, one in Hektombaion and one in Metageitnion.
The Kalamaia
A badly known festival to Demeter, present in at least Piraeus and Eleusis. Ionna Patera places the festival on Skirophoron 16 (only 4 days after the Skira...), but I have not seen this datation being confirmed elsewhere. Parker classifies it as of unknown date and instead theorizes it could perhaps fall in Hekatombaion. The word kalame refers to the stalk of the corn, indicating an explicit link with the harvest cycle. We know that in Eleusis, the celebration included a sacrifice and a procession.
Additional resource: Ioanna Patera, When “women gather in accordance with tradition”. IG II1177 and women-only festivals, 2015
The Kallynteria
A festival in honor of Athena which seems to be have been linked to the Plynteria: while the Plyntheria focused on the cleaning of the goddess' image, the Kallynteria seems to have been a time to clean the temple itself in preparation for the Plynteria. The datation is also contested: Photius tells us the festival fell on Thargelion 19, but this date is shared with another festival - the Bendidea- which would be unusual. Additionally, Aristokles of Rhodes states that "the festivals of Athena" succeed the Bendidea. It is possible still that the festival could have been on Thargelion 20 or somewhere in the last third of the month.
The Metageitnia
A festival to Apollo Metageitnios that probably happened during the month of the same name (Metageitnion - August/September). We can assume it was held on the 7th day, according to the logic of the other festivals for Apollo, but we do not have any proof of this timing. The celebration is also found outside of Athens (Oblia, Miletus), which leads to believe that it probably took its origin outside of Athens and was brought over at some point.
Additional resource (in French): Mihai Feraru Remus, Fêtes civiques et calendriers dans les colonies milésiennes du Pont-Euxin. In: Dialogues d'histoire ancienne
The Maimakteria
A festival to Zeus for which the date is unknown present in the Ionic-Attic calendar. It was probably held during the month of the same name, Maimakterion (November-December). It seems to have been focused on Zeus' role as a storm god and was probably a very old celebration that lost in importance over time. Late-autumn and early winter seems to have been particularly linked to rain and storm, as we can see from Anacreon's fragment 19:
In the month of Poseidon, When the clouds are fat with rain, Wild storms bring us Zeus.
Aside from the logical practical association, the presence of a festival to Zeus on the month just before Poseidon doesn't seem out of place.
The Nemeseia
There is contradictory information regarding this festival (or festivals). On one side, we know of an athletic festival in honour of Nemesis of Rhamnus which seems to have occurred on Hekatombaion 19 (July-August).
On another side, some sources mention a Nemeseia that was a festival of the dead. Parker suggests that this one could be a confusion with the Genesia, in which case it would be held on 5th of the month of Boedromion (Bekker, Anecd. pp. 86, 231, and 282). We know nothing of the rites and ceremonies observed in this context. There is not enough evidence to support anything.
The Niketeria
According to Proclus, the Niketeria was a festival to Athena meant to celebrate the goddess' victory over Poseidon. This is an event for which we again have contradictory information: Plutarch tells us the opposite about this day, which he says falls on Boedromion 2, saying that it was "omitted" by the Athenians instead of celebrated.
The Pandia
The Pandia falls at the very end of the City Dionysia. It seems to have been originally a festival to Zeus, but it's likely that it got sucked into the City Dionysia and lost importance over time.
The Prometheia
Festival to Prometheus, joined with Athena and Hephaestus. No date known, but the festival included torch races.
The Stenia
Apparently a women-only festival to Demeter & Persephone that, according to Aristophanes is "two days before the Thesmophoria, on Pyanopsion 9". What confuses scholars about this one is the timing and its alleged purpose: Pyanopsion is an autumn month, but the festival is supposed to be about the coming up of Kore. If this was the case, it would make more sense if it was placed in spring. Erika Simon* hypothesises that the Stenia might have been the moment where the piglets were thrown in pits and then recovered during the Thesmophoria. Again, there is too little evidence to be sure of what the festival exactly entailed, especially with its close chronological proximity to the Thesmophoria.
*Simon E., Festivals of Attica: An Archaeological Commentary, 1983
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Athenian Political Art: Eirene (Peace)
”Eirene (Peace) ·
Read about the evidence Hesiod (Hes. Th.). Bacchylides (Bacchyl. 14). Pindar (Pind. O. 9). Pindar (Pind. O. 13). Discussion: Hesiod regarded Eirene, Eunomia (Good Order), and Dike (Justice) as the Horai (Seasons), daughters of Themis (Law) (Hes. Th. 901-902). Fifth century poets followed this genealogy (e.g., Bacchyl. 14.59 and Pind. O. 9.22-24, 13.6-8). In Persai, delivered at Athens after 408, Timotheos of Miletos prays for Apollo to send Eirene and Eunomia to relieve the populace (of Athens?) (Timoth. Pers. fr. 791.240 Page, PMG). Eirene presumably represented the harvest season, and it is thus no surprise that she appears with her Aristophanic companion, Opora (Harvest, Autumn) (see Aristophanes’ Peace), exclusively in the circle of Dionysos on Attic vases from the last third of the fifth century. Eirene also appears on a fragmentary altar at Brauron, dating to the early fourth century, on which she joins several other figures, including Eunomia (or Theoria), in a Dionysiac procession [3]. Otherwise Eirene’s role as one of the Seasons is virtually ignored. Erika Simon has tentatively identified the seated woman surrounded by three dancing women, on the East frieze of the Temple of Athena Nike on the Acropolis (after 421), as Themis with the Horai—Dike, Eirene, and Eunomia (see LIMC, 3, 703-704 s.v. “Eirene” no. 9). The figures are so fragmentary, however, that it is impossible to identify them with any certainty. The absence of comparable representations of this particular grouping of the Horai in Classical art makes this identification even more tenuous.
Read about the evidence Plutarch (Plut. Cim.).
It comes as no surprise that the personification of Eirene temporarily disappears from extant sources after 400: the agreements made at the end of the Peloponnesian War neither brought a lasting peace to the Greeks nor immediate hope for peace. When she returns, in the form of a Kephisodotos’ statue of Eirene and Ploutos (Peace and Wealth) [4], Eirene is still a fertility deity, but no longer a maenad; she is rather presented as the mature mother or nurse of (agricultural) wealth. The evidence for Eirene’s worship at Athens before the fourth century is limited to Plutarch’s attestation of an altar dedicated to her after the Battle of the Eurymedon (467) (Plut. Cim. 13.6). As Alan Shapiro suggests, it is likely that Plutarch confused the Battle of the Eurymedon with Timotheos’ peace of 375/4, when both the altar and Kephisodotos’ statue would have been put up to commemorate a peace treaty with Sparta (Shapiro 1993, 45).
Vienna IV 1024: a calyx krater attributed to the Dinos Painter, ca. 420-410, with representations of Eirene, labelled ΕΙΡΗΝΗ and Opora. A pelike, once in Paris (Raoul-Rochette Collection), attributed to the Group of Naples 3235, ca. 410-400, with representations of Eirene, labelled ΙΡΗΝΗ and Pannychis (All-night Revel) (ARV2, 1316.3; LIMC, 7, 171-72 s.v. “Pannychia,” “Pannychis” no. 4). Brauron 1170: a fragmentary round altar or statue base, ca. 400, with representations of Eirene, labelled ΕΙΡΗΝΗ and perhaps Eunomia or Theoria (Festival), and Opora (Harvest, Autumn), probably in a Dionysiac procession (images of the altar and a detail of Eirene). Eirene and Ploutos type: a free-standing statue (lost, but known from several painted copies and sculpted copies, such as that in Munich, detail and full figure shown above), erected between the Tholos and the Temple of Ares, in the Agora, Athens, between 374 and 371, of Eirene holding the baby Ploutos, by Kephisodotos of Athens (Paus. 1.8.3; see also Paus. 9.16.2). Statue of Eirene (now lost) in the Prytaneion, in the Agora of Athens (Paus. 1.18.3).”
  Source:  Amy C. Smith, “Athenian Political Art from the Fifth and Fourth Centuries BCE: Images of Political Personifications,” in C.W. Blackwell, ed., Dēmos: Classical Athenian Democracy (A. Mahoney and R. Scaife, edd., The Stoa: a consortium for electronic publication in the humanities [www.stoa.org]) edition of January 18 2003. 
Tumblr media
Eirene (Peace) bearing Plutus (Wealth), Roman copy after a Greek votive statue by Kephisodotos (ca. 370 BC) which stood on the agora in Athens. Currently at the museum of Munich. Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Eirene_Ploutos_Glyptothek_Munich_219_n4.jpg
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acosmic · 3 years
reading/watching/listening, 2021 [pinned]:
books (favourites asterisked):
*Zeroville - Steve Erickson
*The Day of the Locust - Nathanael West
*The Haunting of Hill House - Shirley Jackson
The Bluest Eye - Toni Morrison
The Case Against Satan - Ray Russel
Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art - Scott McCloud
The Shining - Stephen King [ugh]
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns - Frank Miller
*Surfacing - Margaret Atwood
The Love of the Last Tycoon - F. Scott Fitzgerald
Murder Mysteries - Neil Gaiman, P. Craig Russell
The Book of Illusions - Paul Auster
Sandman: Season of Mists - Neil Gaiman
Devil in a Blue Dress - Walter Mosley
*House of Leaves - Mark Z. Danielewski
Come Closer - Sara Gran
*The Drowning Girl - Caitlin R. Kiernan [killer, haven’t finished it]
*Whipping Girl - Julia Serano
Darryl - Jackie Ess
*Laziness Does Not Exist - Devon Price
An Unauthorized Fan Treatise - Lauren James (internet novel available here - for now)
honourable mention/large chunks of poetry but not full books: William Carlos Williams, H.D.
A Place in the Sun (1951) [hate it]
Barton Fink (1991)
Adaptation (2002)
Nosferatu (1922)
The Maltese Falcon (1941)
Sunset Boulevard (1950)
something by neil breen (roommate is evil)
short films: Illusions (1983), Emak Bakia (1926)
unfinished: The Watermelon Woman (1996), Paterson (2016) [horrible]
secondary sources re: assigned literature:
Batman: “The Dark Knight Errant: Power and Authority in Frank Miller’s Batman: The Dark Knight Returns” - Christopher Bundrick (Riddle Me This, Batman! : Essays on the Universe of the Dark Knight, McFarland, 2011); “Additionality and Cohesion in Transfictional Worlds” - Roberta Pearson, (The Velvet Light Trap, U of Texas, 2017)
House of Leaves: “What’s Beneath the Floorboards: Three Competing Metavoices in the Footnotes of Mark Z. Danielewski’s House of Leaves.” - Michael Hemmingson (Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction, 2011); “House of Leaves: Reading the Networked Novel” - Jessica Pressman, (Studies in American Fiction, 2006)
The Day of the Locust: “Artists in Hollywood: Thomas Hart Benton and Nathanael West Picture America’s Dream Dump” - Erika Doss (The Space Between, 2011); “Productive Desires: Materialist Psychoanalysis and the Hollywood Dream Factory in Nathanael West’s The Day of the Locust” - Todd Hoffman (Literature, Interpretation, Theory, 2018) [interesting but objectionable]; "The Paintings in the Day of the Locust" - Jeffrey Meyers (Anq, 2009)
Nietzsche [secondary source for Layton assignment, read originals later]: “Apollo and Dionysos in Dialectic” and bits of “The Tragic Moment” - Paul Raimond Daniels (Nietzsche and “The Birth of Tragedy,” Routledge, 2014).
secondary sources not explicitly related to specific assigned literature:
film [assigned]: “The Whiteness of Film Noir” - E. Lott (American Literary History, 1997); “Reading Hollywood” - Jonathan Veitch (Salmagundi, 2000); “The Oppositional Gaze: Black Female Spectatorship” - bell hooks (Black Looks: Race and Representation). did a lot of skimming of articles and didn’t finish or thoroughly read many of them! probably missing some. rip.
misc: “The Concept as Ghost: Conceptualization of the Uncanny in Late-Twentieth-Century Theory” - Anneleen Maschelein (Mosaic [Winnipeg], 2002)
refreshing concepts [not assigned]: chapters 3/“Narrative” and “16/Genre” in The Craft of Criticism: Critical Media Studies in Practice (Routledge, 2018)
short stories, poems:
Fritz Leiber - Smoke Ghost
Ray Bradbury - There Will Come Soft Rains
T. S. Eliot - The Waste Land
Irving Layton - The Birth of Tragedy; The Fertile Muck
Margaret Atwood - It is Dangerous To Read Newspapers
Leonard Cohen - The Only Tourist in Havana Turns His Thoughts Homewards; A Kite is a Victim
AJM Smith - The Lonely Land
Jillian Weise - Ashley Shew Just Invented The Word Cryborg
Isabel Fall - Helicopter Story
June Martin - I sexually identify as the “I sexually identify as an attack helicopter” controversy
rest TBA
essays/articles [very, very incomplete]:
A. H. Reaume - Brain fog
Michael Hobbes - Everything you know about obesity is wrong
Charlotte Hyde - We already have a name for that: why “zoom” fatigue is nothing new.
Gretchen Felker-Martin - “I wish there was a world for us”: on the choice to consume small art; What’s the harm in reading?; 
Katie J.M. Baker - The road to terfdom: Mumsnet and the fostering of anti-trans radicalization
Alex V. Green - The Pride flag has a representation problem
Jamie Mackay - The whitewashing of Rome: Colonialism is built on the rubble of a false idea of ancient Rome
Jules Gill-Peterson - A microdose of liberation
David Davis - XVII, Part 3: On genital preference
Marquisele Mercedes - The unbearable whiteness and fatphobia of “anti-diet” dieticians
Sophie Lewis - Collective turn-off
Daniel M. Lavery - Art criticism in a world where museums let you lick the art
re: helicopter story - How Twitter can ruin a life (Emily VanDerWerff); G F-M piece above; Clarkesworld removes Isabel Fall’s story (Mike Glyer); That Twitter thread [on criticism] (Lee Mandelo); The talented victim is not the point (Conor Friedersdorf);
smaller stuff by more knowledgeable trans than i
a shitton of student presentations, small papers (pretty good), and slides with audio (terrible)
yewchube: corsetry-related videos by costumers, furniture repairs/restoration, recipes/cooking, friend catchup
note: silly formatting meant to aid reading. very, very incomplete. if you want to read any of the books/articles lmk there’s a 90% chance of me still having the file saved.
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stuffedgrapeleaves · 4 years
Don’t want to make you feel put upon or anything but if you have any good references on the Culinary History of American Chinatowns .. I would be delighted to read some 😳
sorry this response is so late, I have a massive essay due on this topic in 3 days so I’m truly swimming in these sources atm. I’m actually really buzzed to share anything I can on this though 🥺🧡🧡
Essential readings (imo):
**Liu, Haiming. Chop Suey as Imagined Authentic Chinese Food: The Culinary Identity of Chinese Restaurants in the United States. Journal of Transnational American Studies. (available free: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/2bc4k55r#main)
**Liu, Haiming. From Canton Restaurant to Panda Express: A History of Chinese Food in the United States. Rutgers University Press.
Chen, Chin-Yu. San Francisco’s Chinatown: A Socio-economic and Cultural History, 1850-1882. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses.
Peters, Erica J. A Path to Acceptance: Promoting Chinese Restaurants in San Francisco, 1849–1919. Southern California Quarterly.   
Rast, R. W. Tourist town: Tourism and the emergence of modern san francisco, 1869–1915. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses. 
Light Readings:
Mendelson, Anne. Chow Chop Suey: Food and the Chinese American Journey. Columbia University Press.
Chen, Yong. Chop Suey, USA: The Story of Chinese Food in America. Columbia University Press.
Liu, Haiming. From Canton Restaurant to Panda Express: A History of Chinese Food in the United States. Rutgers University Press. (I know I’ve listed this twice, but it really is an easy, comprehensive read).
Deeper Readings:
**Imbruce, Valerie. From Farm to Canal Street: Chinatown's Alternative Food Network in the Global Marketplace. Cornell University Press, 2015. (Imbruce really digs into ‘authenticity’ as a historically transformative concept)
Christ, John. A Short Guide to the Art of Dining, Slumming, Touring, Wildlife, and Women for Hire in New York's Chinatown and Chinese Restaurants. Oxford Art Journal. (Interesting look at performativity and self-objectification)
Wang, Xinyang. Group Loyalties in the Workplace: The Chinese Immigrant Experience in New York City, 1890-1965. New York History. (examines the transformation of Chinese labour + community in the age of exclusion)
Beck, Louis Joseph. New York's Chinatown: an historical presentation of its people and places. (Written as a white guide to Manhattan's Chinatown in 1898. Obviously a fantastic and deeply flawed source.)
Lee, Erika. At America's Gates: Chinese Immigration during the Exclusion Era, 1882-1943.University of California, Berkeley. 
Chee-Beng, Tan. Chinese Food and Foodways in Southeast Asia and Beyond. NUS Press. (I recommend the chapter “Global Encounter of Diasporic Chinese Restaurant Food” by David Wu)
(** my personal faves)
God I have a lot more but I feel like I already went a little overboard here! The food history of American Chinatowns really is an amazing topic to have a little (huge) spiral over, so I do hope you have fun on your own deep dive!
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Shandi’s Writer’s Month Prompts!
Day 13: Music
So @star--wolf requested a story about the pretty little Nymphs of Glass Lake and I am happy to oblige! Hope you enjoy! <3
The Faerie King sighed and sank low on his throne. He could feel another migraine coming on. He remembered Vince saying that Steel Panther would be trouble..but he had no idea how much of an understatement that was. Nicholas came entered the throne room with medicine and a glass of water. “Here, luv..take these an’ you’ll feel right as rain.”
“Thank you, darling.” He smiled and quickly swallowed the bitter tasting pills. “I just wish I knew what to do with them..” 
“I know what we can do..” Nicholas grinned when his lover turned to him. “Introduce ‘em to the Nymphs~” 
“Ohhhh. Brilliant~” 
After tucking his poor lover into bed Nicholas went off in search of a servant. When he heard one shriek he ran towards the source of the commotion. As usual is was in the direction of the detention wing. “What’s goin’ on here?!” When he reached the doorway the servant practically threw herself into his arms. “I beg you, My Lord..please let me leave! I cannot serve those..beasts any longer!” 
“Take y’self a powder, luv..I’ll handle ‘em. Get a message over to Glass Lake will ya?”
“A-as you wish, My Lord!” The servant bowed and ran back up the stairs. “Come back here, baby~!!” he heard Satchel shout. “I just wanna get a little friendly with ya~!!” Nicholas sighed and shook his head. “Incorrigible, they are. Hey hey! We can’t have ya harassin’ our servants! You’re still prisoners y’know!” Satchel rolled his eyes. “Hey man I didn’t do nothin’ to her. I just wanted her to sit on my lap.” 
“That..qualifies as harassment.” 
“Pssh whatever. Maybe where you come from.” 
Nicholas clenched his fists behind his back. It was so hard to not lose his temper with these guys. Hopefully that message got to its destination soon.
A short time later Sami pulled his glass carriage up to the gates of the Palace and nodded to the guard. The guard nodded back and allowed him to pass. Nicholas greeted him with a big smile ad a wave. “Good to seeya again, Sami! Glad you could come on such short notice!” Sami shrugged. “The Nymphs never turn down an invitation to the Palace. You know that.” 
“Never been more grateful for that than right now, lemme tell ya.”
Nicholas nodded. “Four of em. But I’m sure the Nymphs can work their ‘magic’ on em~” 
“That’s what they do best.” Sami jumped down and opened the carriage door. The Nymphs stepped out of the magically contained water one by one, all dressed elegantly in soft blue satin robes, complete with glass shoes. Their leader Tomaisin held out his hand with a smile. “Nicholas..how lovely to see you again~ You remember my brothers Erikas, Frewyn and Jefferie~?” 
“How can I forget such lovelies~?” Nicholas took Tomaisin’s hand and lead them to the Palace doors. “Happy you all could come~ ‘Fraid Michael won’t be able to greetcha. He’s taken ill.”
“Oh my how unfortunate. Is there anything we can do for him?” 
“You’d be doin’ him a real solid by takin’ care of this..problem for him.” 
“Oh yes, of course~ Take us to them~” 
When they reached the stairway to the detention wing Tomaisin stopped them. “Will you go on ahead? My brothers and I must prepare~” Nicholas tilted his head but nodded. “If y’say so..”
“All we need is a distraction. We’ll be down in a moment~”
Nicholas went back downstairs, sighing when he could hear yelling. Lexxi was complaining about needing to fix his hair and the others were trying..and failing..to get him to shut up. As usual Satchel’s voice was the loudest. “Gettin’ laid is more important than you gettin’ a perm, asshole!!” 
“Y-your..dick’s not the boss of me!!” 
“You two are giving us headaches!!” Michael yelled. Stix just covered his head with his pillow. “Too late..” Nicholas cleared his throat loudly to get their attention. “Sorry for interruptin’ but..I thought I might offer you all a lil’ somethin’ for your cooperation.” Satchel raised an eyebrow. “Don’t tell me you brought us hot chicks~” 
“Then your ‘somethin’ ain’t worth--hey..you guys hear that?” 
Nicholas smiled when the Nymphs’ beautiful vocal melodies drifted down to them. “Sound amazin’ don’t they~? Bet you’d like to see ‘em~” Michael’s interest was certainly piqued. “If they sing that nice then they gotta be hot. Bring ‘em on down here~” 
“Gentlemen..if you would~?” 
The Nymphs descended the stairs one after the other as if they were floating on air. Even Nicholas couldn’t help but be entranced. Tomaisin approached Michael’s cell and smiled sweetly. “We heard you were lonely~” 
“Oh, I am..and you’re just the company I need~” 
Satchel wasted no time grabbing Jefferie and pulling him close. “Sure, you’re no chick..but right now I couldn’t give a shit~” Jefferie giggled. “I am here to entertain~ Let me show you what I can do~” 
“I absolutely love your hair~” Erikas said, reaching out to touch Lexxi’s hair. “R-really..? But it looks so awful..” 
“Well don’t you worry. I can make it look as fantastic as mine~” 
Frewyn sat on the edge of Stix’s bed. “You look like you could use some cuddles~” Stix lifted his pillow, gawking at the gorgeous being in front of him. “Am..I dreaming..?” 
“Perhaps you are..perhaps..I’m your guardian angel~” Stix sat up and held out his arms. “I can live with that~” 
Finally hearing quiet talking and laughter from Steel Panther’s cells, Nicholas silently went up the stairs and closed the door behind him. “Damn..they are good~” 
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thzmttkk · 4 years
Long list of this years favourites. Spotify playlist via this link here. Buy Music Club link for albums here. Special mention to Sferic, Experiences Ltd, Youth, Motion Ward, West Mineral, and XPQ? who pushed nothing but cool stuff this year. Same for an unstoppable flow of spaced out mixes by Perila, Pontiac Streator, Special Guest DJ, Ben Bondy, Exael, Aeriform, J, JS, mdo etc. Too many to list them all really.  Most listened albums (a-z) buymusic.club link Actress - 88 ( Self Released ) ASC - Isolated Systems ( Samurai Music ) Civilistjävel! - Generalstrejk ( Low Company ) CS + Kreme - Snoopy ( The Trilogy Tapes ) DJ Python - Mas Amable ( Incienso ) DVS1 - Beta Sensory Motor Rhythm ( Axis ) Israel Vines - And Now We Know Nothing ( Interdimensional Transmissions ) Jake Muir - The Hum Of Your Veiled Voice ( Sferic ) K-Lone - Cape Cira ( Wisdom Teeth ) Koraal - La Casa del Volcán ( Nous’klaer Audio ) LF58 - Alterazione ( Astral Industries ) Move D & Benjamin Brunn - Let's Call It A Day ( Smallville ) Perko - City Rings ( Numbers ) Piezo - Perdu ( Hundebiss ) Pontiac Streator - Triz ( Motion Ward ) Regis - Hidden In This Is The Light That You Miss ( Downwards ) Romeo Poerier - Hotel Nota ( Sferic ) Sockethead - Harj-o-Marj ( Youth ) Soft Boi - So Nice ( Climate Of Fear ) Terrence Dixon - From The Far Future Pt. 3 ( Tresor ) Tolouse Low Trax - Jumping Dead Leafs ( Bureau B ) Ulla - Tumbling Towards A Wall ( Experiences Ltd. ) URA - Blue ( NAFF ) Favourite mixes (a-z) Agonis - INVEINS \ Podcast \ 061 link Bake with Lewis Lowe (Redstone Press) - 30 November 2020 link Bake with Wonja - 28 September 2020 link dBridge - Essential Mix 2020-02-01 link Dino Sabatini - Global Vibe Radio 227 link Erika - vurt podcast 23 link F-on - Alpenglühen #54 link Forest Drive West - Bleep Mix #131 link Garçon - Dekmantel Podcast 284 link Garçon - MNMT 277 link GiGi FM Presents Azu Tiwaline NTS 11/11/20 link Jane Fitz - isolatedmix 97 We Fall Into The Sun link Joe Ellis - Phonons Podcast 065 link Jon K - Cav Empt /// TTT TOKYO Tape link Joy Orbison - wooly window sessions part wun - UKG 4/4 +++ link Karl Meier - The Bunker Podcast 211 link Konduku - The Memoir — Page 46 link Lcp - Blowing Up The Workshop 111 ◆ re:st link Lemna - MNMT Recordings: Lemna (live) — Contact Tokyo link mad miran - a message of manifestation, from the music room link mad miran - clone records x radio radio x ade link mdo - Knekelhuis 63 link Milo Bragg - Campfire Stories 79 (A New Dawn) link Milo Bragg - Club Rooted #1 link Nadia Khan - RA.710 Nadia Khan link Objekt - Essential Mix 2020-06-06 link Patrick Russell - IT.podcast.s09e01: No Way Back Streaming link Patrick Russell - Patterns of Perception 76 link Pessimist And That w/ DJ Python - Noods Radio - EPISODE 9 link Spekki Webu - RA.714 link Toki Fuko - Oslated Mix Episode 205 - Toki Fuko link upsammy - Bleep Mix #122 link Vlada - RA.742 link Woody92 - Patterns of Perception 68 link
Favourite tracks longlist (a-z) playlist Al Wootton - Snake Dance ( Livity Sound ) Andria - Komina ( Phase Group ) Archivist - Cinder Cone (Patrick Russel Remix) ( Second Nature ) Artefakt - Delphic ( Delsin Records ) ASC - Lost to the Void ( Samurai Music ) ASC - Orchid ( Samurai Music ) Azu Tiwaline - Terremer ( Livity Sound ) Batu - SYX ( Timedance ) Ben Bondy - Bodi ( Experiences Ltd. ) Ben Bondy - Lith ( Experiences Ltd. ) Black Merlin - MIEA ( Bitta ) Blâme - Bells ( [Re]Sources ) Blazer SoundSystem - Heavens Gate ( Youth ) BNJMN, rRoxymore - Atoms Speak - rRoxymore Remix ( Delsin Records ) Cio D’Or - Celestial ( Semantica ) Civilistjävel! - Generalstrejk ( Low Company ) Clarity - Taking Effect ( UVB76 ) CS + Kreme - Slug ( The Trilogy Tapes ) CS + Kreme - Blue Flu ( The Trilogy Tapes ) CUB - Dream Logic ( Osiris Music ) D.K. - The Three Realms ( Good Morning Tapes ) DB1 - Point Three ( Nullpunkt ) DJ Python - Alejandro ( Incienso ) DJ Python - oooophi ( Incienso ) DJ Python, LA Warman - ADMSDP ( Incienso ) Don't DJ, Harmonious Thelonious - Hambi ( Midnight Shift ) Donato Dozzy - Mai ( Samurai Music ) DVS1 - Drifting ( Axis ) DVS1 - The Five Aggregates ( Axis ) DYL, DB1 - ECOU #2 ( re:st ) DYL, DB1 - ECOU #12 ( re:st ) E-Unity - Not for Me ( TemeT Music ) Eszaid - The Most Sacred Syllable ( Good Morning Tapes ) Felix K - Deconstructor ( Nullpunkt ) Feral - Crossing ( Hypnus ) Flora Yin-Wong - Aurochs ( Modern Love ) Forest Drive West - Terminus ( R&S ) Forest Drive West - Hidden Past ( Mantis ) Franck Vigroux - Styx ( Raster ) Gavsborg - Making Love To Volca ( Equiknoxx Music ) Gavsborg, Shanique Marie - Earth & Clan ( Equiknoxx Music ) Grimescapes - Emergence ( Youth ) Haedong Seoungguk, D.K. - Daegeum Dosa (D.K. Huru Mix) ( Total Unity ) Henzo - Not Like That, Not Like You ( Worldwide Unlimited ) Higher Intelligence Agency - Sound Matter ( Headphone ) INTe*ra - Aqueduct B1 ( Acting Press ) Israel Vines - Tri Polar ( Interdimensional Transmissions ) Israel Vines - Path Correction ( Interdimensional Transmissions ) Jabu, Daniela Dyson - Slow Down ( Do You Have Peace? ) Jake Muir - Resevoir Of Memory ( Sferic ) Jake Muir - Fleeting Touches ( Sferic ) K-Lone - In The Pines ( Wisdom Teeth ) K-Lone - Bluefin ( Wisdom Teeth ) K-Lone - Honey ( Wisdom Teeth ) Karenn - On Request ( Voam ) KGIV - Blue Octavo ( Eye Teeth ) Konduku - Fallout ( IDO ) Konduku - Cipres ( Mantis ) Konduku - Şeker ( Disk ) Koraal - La Casa del Volcán 7 ( Nous’klaer Audio ) Koraal - La Casa del Volcán 9 ( Nous’klaer Audio ) Kӣr - Topot ( Disk ) Lack - RRRush ( Livity Sound ) Laksa - Fire Kit ( Hessle Audio ) Last Life - Escape ( Samurai Music ) LF58 - Metamorfosi ( Astral Industries ) Ligovskoï - Emeyo ( IDO ) Lo Kindre - Grey Skies (i) ( Phase Group ) LOG - LOG 4 ( Experiences Ltd. ) Low Budget Aliens - HOME SICK! ( XPQ? ) Lurka - Rhythm Hi-Tek ( Timedance ) Lurka - Clean ( Don’t Be Afraid ) Maayan Nidam - Untitled B2 ( Hellium ) Marco Shuttle - Ritmo Elegante ( Spazio Disponibile ) Meetsysteem - Je Wist Het Al ( Nous’klaer Audio ) Mike Parker - The Melting Mask ( Spazio Disponibile ) Monolake - Beirut ( Morphine ) Monolake - Espace Fourier ( Monolake ) Move D, Benjamin Brunn - C-Sick ( Smallville ) Nathan Melja, Pariah - Synesthesia - Pariah Remix ( Kalahari Oyster Cult ) natural/electronic.system. - Scirocco ( Tikita ) natural/electronic.system. - Marea ( Mantis ) NRLSD - Marching Band ( Man Band ) øjeRum - Prelude To The Immortality Of Nothing ( Opal Tapes ) OL - Block24 ( ГОСТ ИНСТРУМЕНТ ) Pan Sonic, Muslimgauze - Muslimgauze - Remix 2 ( Sahko ) Pearson Sound - Alien Mode ( Hessle Audio ) Perko - Stutter ( Numbers ) Perko - Pippin ( Numbers ) Pessimist - Love In The Jungle ( Ilian Tape ) Piezo - Blue Light Mama Magic ( Hundebiss ) Piezo - Amore Tossi ( Hundebiss ) Pontiac Streator - Triz Cohors Pt. 3 ( Motion Ward ) Pontiac Streator - Stuck In A Cave ( Motion Ward ) Primal Code - Elixir ( Hypnus ) RDS - Aro ( De Lichting ) Regis - The Sun Rose Pure ( Downwards ) Regis - Everything is Ahead of Us ( Downwards ) Regis - Eros in Tangiers ( Downwards ) Relapse - Two Worlds Colliding … ( Pinecone Moonshine ) Robin Stewart - Not Buoyant ( The Trilogy Tapes ) Roméo Poirier - Le bématiste ( Sferic ) Roméo Poirier - Du rocher ( Sferic ) Shed - Try ( Tectonic ) Significant Other - Little Blue Pills ( Oscilla Sound ) Simo Cell, Abdullah Miniawy - Caged in Aly's Body ( BFDM ) Skee Mask - Zzodiac ( Ilian Tape ) Sockethead - Love Loss Missing Yearning ( Youth ) Sockethead - In Search Of Truth ( Youth ) Sockethead - Jahiliyyah ( Youth ) Soft Boi - Something to Say ( Climate Of Fear ) Soft Boi - Guestlist ( Climate Of Fear ) Stave, Grebenstein - Rack 4 ( Standards & Practices ) Surgeon - The Golden Sea ( Ilian Tape ) SW. - theMARTIANswing ( Avenue 66 ) Tammo Hesselink - Ballet Mécanique ( Nous’klaer Audio ) Terrence Dixon - Unconditional Love ( Tresor ) Terrence Dixon - Program Weight ( Tresor ) Terrence Dixon - Earth Station ( Tresor ) The Untouchables - Pon A Dread ( Rupture London ) Tolouse Low Trax - Dawn Is Temporal ( Bureau B ) Tolouse Low Trax - Inverted Sea ( Bureau B ) Tolouse Low Trax - Berrytone Souvenier ( Bureau B ) Toma Kami - Gymnase Chaos ( Man Band ) Two Shell - Fracture ( Mainframe Audio ) Ulla - Leaves and Wish ( Experiences Ltd. ) Ulla - Feeling Remembering ( Experiences Ltd. ) Ulla - Soak ( Experiences Ltd. ) upsammy - Send-Zen ( Dekmantel ) URA - Dirge ( NAFF ) URA - Shojin ( NAFF ) Varuna - Ratu ( Mantis ) VC-118A - Plonk ( Delsin Records ) Via Maris - Lapse ( Timedance ) Wang Inc. - Gommone ( Random Numbers ) Waon-P - BRF dante2infelno - donfellianoeverythingmix ( The Trilogy Tapes ) Web - Ancient Wind ( Acido ) Yogg, Pharaoh, CUB - The Neverending Gever (CUB Version) ( Parallax ) YPY - Garando ( Acido )
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wholesomeyuri · 5 years
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✧・゚: *✧ Love is Beautiful ✧ *:・゚✧
♡ Characters ♡ : Chidori Takasaki ♥ Erika Yaegaki
♢ Visual Novel ♢ : Flowers -Le Volume sur Été- - (VNDB, Wiki)
☆ Source ☆ : pixiv
.。*゚+.*.。 Art by Irua 。.*.+*゚。.
♥*♡+:。.。 check out r/wholesomeyuri for more wholesome yuri goodness ~ 。.。:+♡*♥ + *゚ 。. The artwork(s) belong to the respective artist, please SUPPORT THEM by LIKING/RETWEETING/SHARING the original post(s) .。*゚+
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tellusepisode · 4 years
Black Dynamite (2009)
Action, Comedy |
Black Dynamite is a American blaxploitation action comedy film starring Michael Jai White, Tommy Davidson, and Salli Richardson. The film was directed by Scott Sanders and co-written by White, Sanders, and Byron Minns, who also co-stars.
The plot centers on former CIA agent Black Dynamite, who must avenge his brother’s death while cleaning the streets of a new drug that is ravaging the community. The film is a parody of and homage to the blaxploitation genre and its era. It had a trailer and funding even before a script was written. Black Dynamite was shot in 20 days in Super 16 format.
In the early 1970s, Black Dynamite, a Vietnam War veteran and former CIA officer, vows to clean up the streets of drug dealers and gangsters after his younger brother Jimmy is killed by a shady organization. O’Leary, Black Dynamite’s former army and CIA partner, reinstates him into the agency because they do not want him seeking vengeance by himself. While trying to get to the bottom of Jimmy’s murder, he finds out that his brother was actually working undercover for the CIA. Black Dynamite also discovers the shady organization is filling the black orphanages with heroin. He declares war on local drug dealers and successfully cleans up the streets, earning him the affection of Gloria, a Black Power activist who works at the local orphanage.
After discovering the government’s involvement in the drug ring, Black Dynamite steals the ledger belonging to corrupt Congressman James which details illegal shipments to a warehouse. Black Dynamite and his team storm the warehouse to capture a big shipment.
Director: Scott Sanders
Writers: Michael Jai White, Byron Minns, Scott Sanders
Stars: Michael Jai White, Arsenio Hall, Tommy Davidson, Byron Minns, Kym Whitley, Cedric Yarbrough, Brian McKnight
Phyllis Applegate…Aunt BillyObba Babatundé…Osiris (as Obba Babatunde)William Bassett…Captain YancyTroy Lindsey Brown…Kid #1Fredella Calloway…WaitressCheryl Carter…Black Dynamite’s MotherJuka Ceesay…Valet Girl (as Juka Cesay)Kevin Chapman…O’LearyTommy Davidson…Cream CornLucky Davis…PaperboyNicholas Earley…Neighborhood KidRichard Edson…DinoJason Jack Edwards…Soul BrotherJon Kent Ethridge…12 year old Black DynamiteMary Evans…Woman at tableCory Gluck…16 year old JimmyDionne Gipson…AfroditeyArsenio Hall…Tasty FreezePaul Hayes…DoctorDarrel Heath…Militant 2Erika Vution…Black Chick (as Ashli R. Jackson)Justine Joli…White Woman SwimmingIzetta Karp…GrannyIrwin Keyes…HenchmanJohn Kerry…ChiefCharmane Star…Asian Chick (as Sheryn Lascano)Daniel Leavitt…Teasing Boy #1Buddy Lewis…GunsmokeNeil Lewis…18 year old Black DynamiteBuddy Love…Drug Dealing PimpBrian McKnight…Sweet MeatJames McManus…Richard NixonByron Minns…BullhornPhil Morris…SaheedJessica Moreno…Dumb Broad #1Stacy Adams…Nurse (as Joy Mulligan)Tumani Nicole…BrikwillaMiguel A. Núñez Jr.…Mo Bitches (as Miguel Nunez)Victor Orlando…Club M.C.Nicole Ari Parker…Mahogany BlackDamion Poitier…Thug #2 (as Damian Poitier)Candace Rice…ShawandaSalli Richardson-Whitfield…GloriaJohn Salley…KotexAkhir Shabazz Regains…FreddieTucker Smallwood…Congressman Monroe JamesEdwina Snowden…Black Chick #2Brittney Sorensen…White ChickChris Spencer…Militant 1Mike Starr…RafelliLarnell Stovall…Thug #1Nicole Sullivan…Patricia NixonNakia Secrest…Euphoria (as Nakia Syvonne)Ben Tan…Kid #2Paul Taylor…Pretty TerryAl Vicente…CapoBaron Vaughn…JimmyJimmy Walker Jr.…Roscoe (as Jimmy Walker Jr)Michael Jai White…Black DynamiteKym Whitley…Honey BeeLee Whittaker…Donut ManBilly ‘Sly’ Williams…Willy SlyMykelti Williamson…Chicago WindBokeem Woodbine…Black Hand JackCedric Yarbrough…Chocolate Giddy-UpAndre Younge…ReggieRoger Yuan…Fiendish Dr. WuPete Antico…Abraham LincolnSorana Black…Disguised Waitress #1Sean Christopher…NipsyAndray Johnson…Karate InstructorLauren Mary Kim…HoeJesse Lewis IV…Militant #3Alexis McCombs…HookerK.J. Middlebrooks…Pimp in barbershopKevin Murry…Nipsy’s neighborLoren Oden…Leon St. JamesGaren Petrossian…Goon 3John Rhymes…Suga PimpCharlotte Stokely…White Chick #2Poco Zocko…Goon
Sources: imdb & wikipedia
The post Black Dynamite (2009) first appeared on TellUsEpisode.net.
from WordPress https://www.tellusepisode.net/black-dynamite-2009.html
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arteducation · 4 years
Powtoon: ITEC Tool Time Showcase
By Erika Folk
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· Tool Name:
· Tool Creator/Company:
o Ilya Spitalnik, Daniel Zaturansky
· Cost:
o Basic Subscription (Free), Pro Subscription ($19/mo or $2228/year), Pro+ ($49/mo or $588/year), Agency ($89/mo or $1068/year)
· Platform (iOS, Android, Mac, PC, etc.…):
o Windows, Mac, PC, Android, iOS
· Target audience
o Teachers, students, Company: Human Resources, Internal Communication (employees), Marketing
· Features
o Allows users to make professional-grade videos and animations.
· Details: PowToon allows users, with easy to follow guides and access to a variety of assets and resources, even at the basic level, to make videos and animations to present information. You can use the PowerPoint extension to recreate your PowerPoints into videos. You can also use the Adobe extension to incorporate Photoshop aspects into your work as well.
· Usability
o The basic form of PowToon is quite easy to use, only requiring an email or simple login in information. All the individual needs are access to some form of Wi-Fi or internet source. Once the account is made, the video-making can begin through the use of tutorials to walk you through the process.
· Aesthetics
o PowToon is an organized tool, breaking down the aspects of its site by the workspace, the different resources for different clients, the prices, other resources for the site itself, and so forth. The color scheme of the website itself is white and a bold blue to help it stand out. The font is clean and forward, and everything is easy to read and follow along with.
· Technical issues/concerns
o Some technical issues that may arise would be having a device that is stable enough to be able to work on creating the video properly. Different devices and applications may present the screen differently which may change the aspects of what tools are easily presented. The saving process may also be different compared to other video editing programs so some users may find saving their work to their account and on their desktop difficult.
· Value
o I do think that this website is worth the money is that they yearly plans are not only saving you between nearly seventy to eighty percent sale off versus the month pay out but with the plans, you immediately gain access to more resources. With the different per package, you get increased storage, more access, unlimited premium exports, you get the opportunity to build your characters with certain packages and you even gain third party seller rights, something to which can be proved beneficial in the chance that others may want to use your assets.
· Emotional Reaction
o I was quite shocked to come across this tool because of its easy usage and guidelines along with its accessibility. I always felt as though animating videos and creating them were so difficult to do. It also felt like there was nobody to teach me how to use it. With PowToon however, it is so much easier to understand and take part in and be a part of the experience of making those fun, memorable infographics a lot of my teachers and professors like to share with us.
· Recommendations for educational usage
o I would recommend this outlet to teachers and students being that many businesses use this when it comes to human resourcing and animation. I feel it should be first introduced to the teachers, not only as a way of learning themselves how to make their videos to present their information in a new and exciting way with their visuals but also learn it that way when it is the students time to use it, they can help the students learn how to use it if they are having difficulty following along with them. This tool can be used, from my perspective as an art teacher, a news outlet and experience for students to use as video making/ editing/ animation is a genre of art in its own and I would like for my students to have that opportunity to be able to see if maybe that is the outlet for them to express.
· A — Analyze learners-->
o This tool can help in analyzing one’s ability to retain visual and auditory information through a series of digital media presentations. This can also help analyze students via the different styles and methods to which they create their content and then see how the students are understanding the program, liking the process, see where they do and don’t understand, having ease and difficulties.
· S — State standards & objectives-->
o This tool has the capability of meeting learning objectives in the art classroom as it is not only able to be used as a method of interaction and presentation of their activities and information, but it can also help students develop their skills and create their presentations to show what they have learned from the standards through creative visuals.
· S — Select strategies, technology, media & materials-->
o PowToon allows students to interact with the new forms of learning materials as well as an artistic digital platform for the students to be able to try with and experiment with. They also get the opportunity to learn about other platforms such as PowerPoint and Photoshop to add to their repertoire of digital skills that they can then use towards presenting information in their other classes.
· U — Utilize technology, media & materials-->
O Students can no only have a new way of having information presented to teachers in a more personalized matter as we, the educators, can begin to make our content and personalize it towards the broader learning capacity of the classrooms. The students also can then take that interest in that personalized learning experience and put it into the won work that they can then use to re-install the information.
· R — Require learner participation-->
o Powtoon has the chance to increase learner participation because the information and animations can be personalized to the students and the classroom for easier understandability.
· E — Evaluate & revise-->
o I believe that this tool can be highly meaningful in revising instruction because of that personalization in expressing information as well as personal student expression. The art classroom has many mediums to which the children use to learn as the curriculum changes and grows more advanced and requiring the students to learn more skills, I feel as though this multi-dimensional outlet can help to make instruction meaningful and easier to retain.
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interfaithconnect · 6 years
Ancient Greek Holidays: Diasia
On the 23rd of the Attic month of Anthesterion, equivalent to late February on the Gregorian calendar (the calendar systems and placement of holidays are explained in my ‘Greco-Egyptian Calendar’ post), I celebrate a festival known as Diasia which is dedicated to an epithet of Zeus.
Within Ancient Greek religion, the gods generally belonged to one of two realms: the chthonic or the ouranic, roughly equivalent to the ‘underworld’ and ‘heaven’, respectively (there are also a number of non-Olympian ‘rustic’ deities such as Pan and Aristaeus who reside in and preside over the countryside, but the large state-sponsored festivals for which we have the most robust records were not typically dedicated to Them except in passing). In ritual settings these two realms can never be allowed to come into contact, meaning that offerings to chthonic deities cannot be eaten or shared with the ouranic gods and are usually ‘poured down’ (typically as a liquid offering) instead of ‘sent up’ (in the form of a traditional burnt offering). More information on these categories can be found here, if you’re interested.
As a result of this restriction, otherwise-ouranic deities would take on a chthonic epithet in order to cross between the domains (or vice-versa, as in the case of Plouton, a more positive aspect of the god Hades) - examples include Hermes Pompaios, who guides the dead to the underworld; Hekate Khthonia, who leads the restless dead; and Zeus Meilikhios, the chthonic Zeus who traditionally receives offerings only at night. 
Along with Thargelia and Anthesteria, Diasia is a festival “of a gloomy underworld character” (Harrison 1903, 11) which involves themes of purification and propitiation. Zeus Meilikhios, in the form of a snake, was invoked as bringer of wealth, remover of curses, and reliever of criminals - that is, any bad luck or unclean deeds a person had committed throughout the year could be cleansed with the appropriate offerings (sacrifices of sheep or pigs, or of grain and barley, depending on your source). Furthermore, as a springtime festival Diasia would have also been agricultural in nature, with citizens likely asking for blessings in the upcoming growing season (Simon, 1983) and recognizing previous good fortune. Today we can translate these practises easily enough - any day is a perfect day to give thanks for good fortune, after all! 
Personally, I always do my best on festival days to both make something with my own hands and to try something new (often this involves trying out a complex recipe or making a piece of art which I can then dedicate to the gods). So long as I’m doing something mindfully and giving an honest effort, I have no reason to think the gods would ever be displeased! I also try to spend time with people I care about and do something nice for them - usually cooking or taking them out for a meal. As a paternal and hospitable god, and as a festival dedicated in part to rectifying past wrongs, I believe Zeus enjoys seeing us care for members of our households and for strangers equally.
References Cited
Harrison, Jane Ellen. 1903. Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Simon, Erika. 1983. Festivals of Attica: An Archaeological Commentary. The University of Wisconsin Press, Madison.
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smilestudy · 6 years
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Everyone knows that it’s incredibly important to take breaks while studying so I thought I’d help you guys out with some ideas. My personal favorite way to relax between study sessions or just when I need a break in general is to watch YouTube! Here is a masterpost of various YouTubers that I absolutely adore and hopefully you will, too.
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Retro Flame:
Erika is an Irish businesswoman and influencer that lives in New York City. She frequently posts fashion, organization, decor, and general lifestyle tips. All her videos are a great source of inspiration and I highly recommend checking them out.
Drew Scott:
Drew is a Los Angeles based influencer and creator. He posts lookbooks, hauls, DIYs, and guides! He is super underrated and I just adore his content. He also has a second channel that is primarily DIY projects.
Kara and Nate:
Kara and Nate are a married couple who are currently traveling as their full time job on a mission to visit 100 countries! I seriously cannot recommend these two more because they are very laid back and mature compared to other travel vloggers. I have tons of respect for them because they also post their quarterly income reports so you can see exactly where their ad money is going and how they pay for their travels.
Hey Nadine:
This girl seriously deserves a million subscribers. Nadine is a travel vlogger from Canada who posts some of the most beautiful and informative content. I’ve been following her channel for years and am so impressed by how much her content has improved. She’s the only other travel vlogger I watch in addition to Kara and Nate.
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Most of you most likely already know Jasmine from her tumblr, but she also has an incredible YouTube channel! Her videos, just like her tumblr posts, are so beautifully done and a great source of inspiration.
I don’t watch a lot of booktube content, but Lily is the one person who’s videos I will always click on! She’s absolutely hilarious and really the only booktube creator that can keep my attention.
Casey Aonso:
I made a post yesterday about a booktube creator I had come across so I had to add her to this list. Her videos are very informative and I find her to be super relatable (and not in an annoying quirky way, ya know?)
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My favorite section!!! TBH, these are the people I watch religiously and never fail to make me laugh.
Cody Ko & Noel Miller:
I’m putting these two together because you rarely get one without the other lmao. Cody and Noel are both ex-viners who make weekly content on YouTube and also have a podcast together. Cody makes primarily commentary videos and Noel makes vlogs (and not the annoying Jake Paul kind).
Danny Gonzalez:
Danny is also an ex-viner who makes commentary/comedy videos on YouTube. His are probably my favorite and I tend to rewatch his videos over and over.
Tom Harlock:
Okay YES another ex-viner because surprisingly there are a few who aren’t annoying! Tom’s videos vary, but I love his commentary videos on Vine and YouTube stars. 
Drew Gooden:
The absolute legend behind the “Road work ahead? Ah yeah I sure hope it does” vine. Another ex-viner who makes commentary/comedy videos. I have a very specific taste in comedy I guess and just gravitate towards these ex-viners. 
I hope you guys enjoyed some of these suggestions! I had to cut some out because this post was getting quite long so I might make a part two soon. Feel free to reply with your YouTube recommendations because I’m always looking for new people to subscribe to.
more original content | my blog
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dustedmagazine · 6 years
Dust Volume 4, Number 10
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Underworld and Iggy Pop photo by Rob Ashton Baker
The fall rush of record releases is in full swing, and unopened promos are piling up like leaves on hard drives, kitchen counters and office floors. We’ll never catch up, but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth trying, as Dusted writers crack open the obscure and the celebrated, the familiar and the new to us, the comfortably in our lanes and the way out there. As always this edition of Dust covers a lot of ground, from retro New Orleans R&B to grind to dream pop to some eyebrow raising cross-genre collaborations. There is also a surprising amount of improvised bass music. Contributors this time include Jennifer Kelly, Ian Mathers, Bill Meyer and Jonathan Shaw. 
Carlo Ditta — Pass the Hatchet b/w Life in Heaven (Orleans)
After a lifetime of making other people sound good — as the songwriter for the Mighty Sam McClain, Willie Deville and others and as the long-time proprietor of Orleans records — Carlo Ditta carves out a space in the front for himself in this smoldering R&B single. “Pass the Hatchet” on side A revives a slithery 1966 classic by New Orleans songwriter Earl “Stereo” Stanley Oropeza, with Oropeza himself in tow. The song is a marvel of shimmery swamp guitars, squalling sax and back-slanting swagger, like Andre Williams in a deep ruminative groove. “Life in Heaven” is slower, blearier and more rickety, like a Tom Waits cut lost in the rain. There’s no hurry anywhere in these two sides, no particular urgency in catching your ear, but give it time and a moody magic will take hold, hot, humid and indolent.
Jennifer Kelly
 EMA — Outtakes from Exile EP (City Slang)
As you might expect from an EP of offcuts from a very strong album, only a few of the five tracks on the newest release from Erika M. Anderson are truly essential, but nothing here is really lacking either. And those two tracks are at near opposite ends of the spectrum of EMA’s work; the 20-minute “Breathalyzer Instrumental (EMA Long Cut)” is pretty much what it says on the tin, one-third of an hour worth of the sinister, fuzzed out, gradually shifting drone and clang that underscored one of the highlights of Exile in the Outer Ring. To listeners not into this kind of thing it probably feels indulgent; for the converted, it could easily be doubled or tripled (or just, you know, looped). Whereas “From the Love That We Made,” which Anderson feels strongly enough about to play at recent shows is more distinctly song-like and intensely emotional in a way that links it to everything from Exile opening track “Seven Years” all the way back to Anderson’s “Cherylee” from her years in Gowns. The other three songs here are worthy of being collected (two being fun, darkly electronic tunes and “Anything Good” feeling like a dry run for “Down and Out” from the album with different subject matter) but it’s in those two tracks, one of which it feels like a shame there wasn’t room for on Exile and one which absolutely would not have fit in, that are the best reminders of EMA’s talents.  
Ian Mathers
  Billy Gomberg — Beginners (Dinzu Artifacts)
Beginners by Billy Gomberg
Billy Gomberg is no beginner. He’s been releasing music of his own and with Fraufraulein, a duo with Anne Guthrie, for nearly a decade. And the sound sources he uses on this tape are familiar ones — electric bass, urban field recordings, synthesizer and hand-manipulated objects. Even so, it feels like something new is happening here. Gomberg’s music has often seemed to stretch away from the listener, luring you to follow it through virtual expanses of space and time. Now it seems closer at hand, the sounds like sunning fish just under a pond’s surface. They’re simultaneously more recognizable and more processed that what he’s played in the past, creating a discreet reality that never quite loses its mystery no matter how often you play it.
Bill Meyer
 Brandon Lopez — Quoniam Facta Sum Vilis (Astral Spirits)
quoniam facta sum vilis by Brandon Lopez
One door closes, others open. Barre Phillips, the grand-père of solitary improvised double bass performance, has just closed out a half century of exploration with a final solo CD. In the same year, two musicians young enough to be his grandkids have taken up the gauntlet by releasing albums on Astral Spirits. Luke Stewart’s wasn’t quite solo; he gave his amplifier a co-starring role. But Brandon Lopez’s Quoniam Facta Sum Vilis is full-on mano a contrabass. Each of its eight tracks zeros in on a particular way to attack the instrument. Fittingly, “Vanitas” sounds like it arises from some great sonic depth to ascend to a writing platform. On “Lay,” stark figures blossom and twist like bursts of turbulent cloud erupting from a soon-to-blow volcano. The energy that Lopez expends on each track might give the listener pause. Will he stay in his corner? Will he throw the fight? No, he comes back for another round, and the listener’s the winner.
Bill Meyer
 Stefan Neville / Greg Malcolm — A Nuance (Feeding Tube)
A Nuance (2017) by Greg Malcolm + Stefan Neville
Sometimes you can listen to a record and know who engineered or produced it. Steve Albini, Steve Lillywhite, Roy Thomas Baker — these guys have a signature sound or respect for certain kinds of sound that stands out no matter who they’re recording. To that number, add New Zealander Stefan Neville. He’s mostly recorded himself, performing under the name Pumice, and anytime he gets his hands on the two-track he favors a blown-speaker distorted quality that’s unmistakably his own. That sound meets a song selection process that could best be described as “let’s call our favorite tunes and whack ‘em down” on this record, which was mostly recorded live one night in 2015 in Ohope, a surfer’s haven situated on the Bay of Plenty. Research turned up no evidence that Neville, who plays drums, keyboards, and tapes, and Malcolm, a marvelously idiosyncratic guitarist whose aesthetic cherry-picks the best of rock, jazz and the folk musics of the world, caught any waves while making this record. But their treatment of the Klezmer tune “Sirba” evokes mental images of dudes with sidecurls riding their boards right through that hole in your woofer. They aren’t confined to one mode of transportation, though; in their hands “Telstar” becomes an ode to a rocket ship held together by duct tape and the Scottish hornpipe “Banish Misfortune” soundtracks a dogged march through ruins.
Bill Meyer
 The Papercuts—Parallel Universe Blues (Slumberland)
Parallel Universe Blues by Papercuts
Jason Quever’s sixth album as Papercuts gets the balance between daydream and muscle right, shoring up his delicate melodies and shimmery guitar textures with drums in a way that much of his work between the stellar Can’t Go Back and now have not. Thus while tremulous organs and feathery fretwork strew glitter dust on tracks like “Mattress on the Floor,” while lush, choral harmonies buttress its wistful wondering, you don’t get lost in the clouds. A swaggering Spector beat punctuates airy “Laughing Man,” underlining the keen ache of its melody and resolutely preventing the cut from evaporating into mist. “Clean Living,” with its strident bowed cello and pounding toms, is even more emphatic, a drifty melancholia anchored to the here and now, and “Walk Backwards” slips a drum-pumping adrenaline into its narcotic haze. Quever’s world maintains its soft, evocative edges—there’s plenty of space for moody contemplation—but runs a through line of rhythmic motion from one end to another of his songs. Always lovely, his songs here are unusually purposeful and gripping.  
Jennifer Kelly
  Pig Destroyer — Head Cage (Relapse)
Pig Destroyer’s new LP opens with 20 seconds’ worth of Ray Noble and His Orchestra’s “Midnight, Stars and You” (which some listeners will recognize from a certain scene in Kubrick’s The Shining); over the strings, a cultivated English voice, sounding much like Margaret Thatcher, intones, “We will not be held responsible for any hearing impairments or damage caused to you from excessive exposure to this sound.” Then the record proper starts. It’s not a particularly new device, but it’s sort of funny, and it signals something about this record: Pig Destroyer are making music you can enjoy. That’s a big shift. On 2012’s terrific Book Burner, the band distanced themselves from the gratuitous gross-out splatter (and the even grosser misogyny) of earlier records like Terrifyer and Prowler in the Yard. But like that early music, Book Burner was a grindcore record: uncompromising, unrelenting, deeply pissed off. Head Cage varies the sonic palate. There’s still a heavy dose of grind, but there are also hearty portions of death metal, hardcore and even suggestions of slam. That’s not to suggest that the record is incoherent or opportunistic. Pig Destroyer have been at their craft for the better part of two decades, and all that experience shows. Songs this precise and athletic are hard to perform, and harder to compose. In addition to all the pace and volume, Pig Destroyer have discovered a groove: check out the supple bottom end and nigh-danceable riffing of “Army of Cops” and the first minute of “The Adventures of Jason and JR.” There’s even a sort-of love song. Fun may not have been on the agenda when Pig Destroyer were creating these songs, but it’s hard not to have some fun listening to this madly pinballing, energetic album. 
Jonathan Shaw  
 Quietus—Volume Four (Ever/Never)
Volume Four by Quietus
Geoffrey Bankowski makes slow, somnolent, surreal music, employing the usual tools of bedroom recording—hushed voice, lingering tones of guitar and piano, tape hiss—in hypnotic, idiosyncratic patterns. Here, simple melodies course through complex architectures of noise and music. A clarinet soars over clatter and dissonance. Odd, evocative fragments of lyrics drift in and out of focus. It’s a gentle ride, but surreptitiously wild, lulling you into calm, even as it takes you to some very odd places. “Airfield” for instance has a sleepy indie rock surface, all strummy guitar backdrop and whispered fantasies. Still anarchy lurks in the sounds between phrases, muted clashes and hums and booms suggesting a fight in the room down the hall. Likewise “Whisper into Muddy Cloth” slouches into being, a dirty rain of guitar chords pelting slack murmured phrases; it could be home-taped Pavement or nascent Silver Jews. And yet, a scrim of noise obscures whatever’s pop at the core of these songs, grounds them in a lo-fi bank of decomposing organic matter and makes them both realer and harder to grasp than you’d expect.
Jennifer Kelly
 Underworld/Iggy Pop — Teatime Dub Encounters EP (Caroline International)
Other than, er, both appearing on the soundtrack of Trainspotting (the sequel to which was the catalyst to this EP, where soundtrack supervisor Rick Smith met with Iggy Pop and to the latter’s surprise were ready with a portable studio if he was willing to seize the moment…) it’s unclear how much overlap the fan bases of these two titans in their fields actually have, but the unexpectedly winning Teatime Dub Encounters ought to have something for both. “Bells and Circles” immediately establishes the mood, with a clearly whimsical Pop talking about having wings and smoking on airplanes and trying to pick up stewardess while Karl Hyde and opera singer/Smith’s daughter Esme Bronwen-Smith (both in fine voice) coax him into a refrain of “sunlight on my wings” that’s as beatific as anything on Barbara, Barbara We Face a Shining Future. While much of the EP’s material works in that register, with beautifully sculpted productions from Smith given an appealingly ramshackle feel by Pop’s vamping about losing his shirt and being trapped in the suburbs, there’s also the slightly melancholy, surprisingly moving “I’ll See Big,” where Pop reminisces about the nature of friendship and the way life changes relationships. As one element of a more joyous overall work it’s strongly effective, but much of Teatime Dub Encounters suggests neither Underworld nor Iggy Pop need are in any hurry to stop creating.  
Ian Mathers
 Various Artists — Seed Blunt / AC DC (Gilded Records)
Seed Blunt / AC DC by Vibrating Skull Trio // Packard/Hoogland
When two ensembles share a recording, one hopes to find some shared resonance. You could listen for a while and keep puzzling, but you don’t have to look too far to find the common vibe on this tape. Both sessions were improvised in Chicago, mostly by Chicagoans. Vibrating Skull Trio, which includes drummer Phil Sudderberg, prepared guitar player Eli Namay and clarinetist John McCowen, obtain an electronic-sounding foundation from the latter’s contrabass clarinet. Further pursuing paradox, their music feels patient even when it arises from the collision of agitated actions. Flip the tape and you’ll find a more fractious encounter between Dutch keyboardist Oscar Jan Hoogland and Chicago-based drummer Ryan Packard. Both men bring plenty of electronics into the fray, so that it often sounds like a sound clash between a drum machine and an old radio tuned to somewhere east of Istanbul. Electric sputter gives way to reluctant exchanges of feedback squiggles punctuated by cheap electric key plunks. The two sides of this tape don’t sound like each other, but they jointly make a strong case for not sounding like those who have come before you.
Bill Meyer
  Matt Weston—This Is Your Rosemont Horizon (7272 Music)
This Is Your Rosemont Horizon by Matt Weston
Chicagoans of a certain age will get the reference. But for the benefit of everyone else, the Rosemont Horizon was once the name of an arena situated just northeast of O’Hare Airport. Depending on your age and tastes, you might have had your life changed there by Madonna, Andrea Bocelli, Taylor Swift or Queen; this writer cherishes memories of a pretty rocking night involving Sonic Youth, Neil Young & Crazy Horse and thousands of pissed-off Neil Young fans. Matt Weston might have been there that night, but this record doesn’t sound like anything you’ve ever heard coming from any stadium PA. People move on, and Weston’s moved into an idiosyncratic extension of INA-GRM electro-acoustic composition filtered through some more contemporary rock and glitch moves. Keyboards dance, needles scratch and bump and monolithic sound walls grow out of the splatter and evaporate in the echoing space of some airport terminal. It’s just the thing for when you don’t want any questions answered.
Bill Meyer
 Xylouris White — Mother (Bella Union)
George Xylouris and Jim White have, for three albums now, shown that their collaboration is among the best places to catch these two supremely talented musicians. Even existing fans of the Xylouris musical dynasty in Greece (George specializing in the lute-like laouto) and White’s drumming with the Dirty Three and Nick Cave’s band might have been surprised at just how much the two have shone together. With Mother, for the first time one of their albums begins with the big bang rather than moving towards it, with the one-two punch of the forbidding “In Media Res” and the incredibly fun “Only Love” beginning things strongly and the album gradually exploring less urgent rhythms until it winds up with a beautiful closing “Lullabye.” About the faintest praise you can damn Mother with is that it’s another excellent, compulsively listenable album from the duo, but whereas 2016’s Black Peak marked a leap forward from their debut, here there’s less of a significant progression than a refinement. And that’s not really a criticism; when you’re as adroit and compelling in conversation as Xylouris White is, it’s hard to hope for much more than many future albums like this.  
Ian Mathers
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bringinbackpod · 3 years
Interview with Erika Tham
We had the pleasure of interviewing Erika Tham over Zoom video! LA-based pop/R&B singer-songwriter and actress Erika Tham makes a fiery entrance this year with new single “Shhh” and premieres the sultry coinciding Patrick Wilcox-directed video today. Co-written with GRAMMY-nominated producers Deion Gill (Kelly Rowland, Miguel, Playboi Carti, Usher) and Major Myjah (Chris Brown, J.Cole, Ty Dolla $ign), the tongue-in-cheek track demonstrates Erika’s lyrical wit and seductive flow as she puts every mansplaining fuckboy firmly in their place. Paying homage to the unapologetic female pop stars of the ‘90s, “Shhh” is a loose spin off Shania Twain’s 1997 megahit “That Don’t Impress Me Much” and laced with alluring Asian string instrumentation against a modern R&B production. “Shhh” is the follow up to Erika Tham’s 2021 debut release “Admit It” also co-written with Deion Gill and Major Myjah. The track landed on Spotify's 'Fresh Finds: The Wave' and received positive praise from Earmilk, HollywoodLife, Noctis Magazine, Ones To Watch, Raydar Magazine, Viper Magazine, Wonderland, among others. The acoustic ballad version, which arrived with a video this past November, featured Brian Kennedy (Rihanna, Jennifer Hudson, Kelly Clarkson) on the piano and grabbed the attention of Teen Vogue who listed it as their "pick for Best New Music Friday." A beautifully blended mix of four nationalities—her father is Chinese-Malaysian and a mother is Dutch/Ukrainian-Canadian—Erika Tham is a stunning representation of global beauty and a powerhouse singer, songwriter, and actor with the innate ability to reach a worldwide audience with her sultry, sophisticated, and nuanced pop vocals. With talent radiating from her every pore, Erika is a performer at heart. She is a natural on stage who is inspired by the phrasing and cadences in rap songs, but also the orchestral and melodic music of the Disney renaissance era. Following an outstanding acting career as a teen, where she starred as Corki in Nickelodeon’s ‘Make It Pop’ (executive produced by Nick Cannon) and appeared in other television shows including the Disney Channel original movie ‘Kim Possible’ and FOX’s ‘Star’, Erika realized that her true passion and love were with music. She is most at home in the studio, and music is her creative outlet. Her yearning and desire to find where she fit in and belonged, gave her the strength and sense of purpose to create, to envision, and to elevate the ideas, emotions, and sounds that run rampant through her music. We want to hear from you! Please email [email protected]. www.BringinitBackwards.com #podcast #interview #bringinbackpod #ErikaTham #MakeItPop #Nickelodeon #Shhh #NewMusic #zoom Listen & Subscribe to BiB https://link.chtbl.com/BiB Follow our podcast on Instagram and Twitter! https://www.facebook.com/groups/bringinbackpod source https://www.spreaker.com/user/14706194/interview-with-erika-tham
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wholesomeyuri · 5 years
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✧・゚: *✧ School Girl Love ✧ *:・゚✧
♡ Characters ♡ : Erika Itsumi ♥ Miho Nishizumi
♢ Anime ♢ : Girls und Panzer - (AL, A-P, MAL)
☆ Source ☆ : twitter
.。*゚+.*.。 Art by 14Sai Bishoujo 。.*.+*゚。.
♥*♡+:。.。 check out r/wholesomeyuri for more wholesome yuri goodness ~ 。.。:+♡*♥ + *゚ 。. The artwork(s) belong to the respective artist, please SUPPORT THEM and DON’T remove the credits .。*゚+
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