cheekylilfiend · 2 hours
;;Shovel out here becoming EVERYONE'S favorite pet.
Graz'zt's purse chihuahua Haarlep's pug princess Orin's wretched minion
Girl's going places.
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cheekylilfiend · 3 hours
Instead of being put off by her task, Shovel finds herself elated for the opportunity to prove her worth. With her natural ability to go invisible, finding a victim for her new mistress should be a very simple feat. Especially with a bustling city right above their heads! Oh, how Shovel loved a good city! So many dark corners for her to hide and snatch people away!
"Hehehe, yes yes!! Shovel will find the nicest meat bag for the blood bitch!" If she wasn't worried about being kicked again, the quasit might have stopped to ask for Orin's preferences in victims. Just because she was an evil, blood thirsty villain didn't mean she wanted children brought to her. Master Illy usually got upset when Shovel brought back childrens....Ugh. So boring. With a snap of her fingers, Shovel poofed into thin air once again. The sound of feet slapping on the cold stone floor could be heard as she made her way out of the temple and up towards the sewers and city. It took a couple of hours, mostly because she was small, but Shovel made it back with a middle aged human male in hand. The guy was unconscious, blood coming from his ears, and one of his nipples was missing, but he was very much alive. Shovel dumped the body at Orins feet, her mouth moving as if she was chewing a piece of gum, and the waved her hands like she had performed a magic act,
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Orin delights in watching the creature fall and squeak in response to her. Good, the sooner the creature learns its place, the better. Lips curl into a smirk as the creature thanks her and seems oh so excited about the blood they will spill.
But Orin is not done yet. This creature has still yet to prove her worth to Orin and until she does that, Orin has not fully accepted her.
"No, you will not be hunting something with me, wretched beast. Go find me a victim, bring them back alive." Injured is perfectly fine but she will leave that up to the creature.
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cheekylilfiend · 3 hours
The kick to the gut wasn't anything for Shovel, she had endured far worse abuse at the hands of other masters and from creatures of the abyss. Still, she let out a squeaky grunt as the wind was knocked out of her before scrambling back to her feet like nothing had happened. "Thank you, Master!" Shovel gasped, clapping and dancing in a circle as she was finally accepted by Orin. Oh, the Demon Lords were going to be so proud of her! The corruption, the chaos and carnage radiated off of Orin was palpable and oh so perfect, "Yes! Yes!! Shovel will only listen to the Blood Bitch! Everyone else can eat shit and die! Hehehehehe!!"
Then, with a blood thirsty snarl that was as close to lustful as the quasit could manage, she bared her teeth and flexed her claws, "What first Mistress? Burning? Bleeding? Fisting?!"
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The little creature sounds delightful, truthfully. It is hellbent on destruction and murder and all the things that Orin wants more of. What harm would it be to allow this creature to aide her?
She almost feels pity for the poor thing as it drops to its knees in front of her. Almost. Orin juts her foot out to kick the creature in it's small stomach so that it falls over.
"Get up and quit your groveling. If you are to be my pet, you will act like it. You do not bow to anyone - except for me when I ask it of you. Are we clear?"
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cheekylilfiend · 3 hours
The proud stretch of large, impressive red wings cuts off any thought of the pretty Devil Man from Shovels mind as she watches them in fascination, awe, and a bit of jealousy. Shovel never got to have wings like some other quasits did and she hated it. If she had wings she could pretend she was a dragon or reach the high shelves!
With her mouth gaping wide and her eyes sparkling, she spread her arms out and began to flap them as if they were wings of her own while hopping in place. It wasn't until Haarlep beckoned Shovel forward that she stopped, but even as she crawled onto the warm, muscular thigh offered up by the incubus, her gaze remained fixated on the folded wings.
Kicking her feet, Shovel squinted her eyes at Haarlep and questioned whether or not they would have the similar ideas on what constituted as fun while accepting the gentle pampering. It was nice. Weird, but nice. "What fun can Shovel have with a horny Bussy? Filthy demons making Shovels meals smell funky, always making mortals enjoy their tortures instead of eating their innards while they cry..." She scoffed, the stink of lust in the air almost enough to make her gag. The squint on her face only grew when her gift for the Raphael was mentioned and she moved to hold it close to her chest protectively as if Haarlep was going to break it, "Idiot, flesh bag masters won't give Devil Man a stupid crown! Shovel made crown for Devil Man instead, but Shovel got hungry..."
"Filthy, horny 'Bussy! Always tainting Shovels meals with their disgusting spittums!" The small quasit grumbled, a pout evident on her face when she realizes the creature before her was not, in fact, the pretty Devil Man she had come to see. In her hand were three dandelion stalks knotted together to make a child-like bouquet except the yellow bits were all bitten off with some of the remnants still stuck around Shovels mouth. Throwing the stalks to the floor, she jumps on them in frustration before pointing an angry finger at Haarlep, "Did you eats him!? Did you devour the Devil Man? Was he tasty?!" ~(cheekylilfiend)
Random asks || always accepting
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Haarlep smirked at the little demon, his wings flapping proudly like a peacock displaying themselves after they'd just preened their most beautiful feathers before they smoothed back down, tail swaying behind him.
"Oh he most certainly is very tasty," the incubus grinned, his eyes halving as he leant down to inspect the little creature. She stank. Of the flowers she had eaten, but also of the stink of demons.
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"Fret not, little one, your handsome Devil Man is well, he merely has business elsewhere." He patted his thighs, as if to get the little creature all excited like a puppy. "But you and I? Oh, we could have so much fun together. First, my dear, you must clean yourself of flower petals. As pretty as they smell, they are not as delicious as they look." He leant down and wiped her mouth with his thumb, like a doting mother would have.
He looked down at her as if he was admiring the cutest of buttons. "Did you make a wittle flower cwown for Raphael? How precious." Raphael would have burned it within an instant, but Haarlep still smiled in glee nonetheless. Not quite the crown his master wanted...
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cheekylilfiend · 4 hours
It was part of a quasit's nature to be loyal to their Master, one of the few things universally understood about the chaotic gremlins, and since Shovel had chosen Orin as her new master instead of that idiot that had summoned her, she knew she had to figure out a way to convince the slayer to keep her.
"Trust me, beefy, always always trust me!" Shovel huffs, a little frustrated that Orin didn't automatically want her as a familiar,"Shovel wants to kill everything. Burn and bleed and torture everything! Shovel can also scratch and shred and terrorize innocents for Pretty Blood Bitch! Shovel doesn't want to be bored anymore, please Mistress pl-eeaaase???"
Falling to her knees, Shovel presses her palms together in pathetic prayer with her bottom lip pouting out and her beady eyes pleading. This place smelled like blood and piss and shit and she wanted to stay.
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@cheekylilfiend sent
Deep in the inner sanctum of the Bhaalist's temple, where she had no business being, a small quasit appears before Orin clapping her hands and wagging her tail, "Gasp! Pretty blood bitch! I found you!" Shovel squealed, obviously glad to have finally landed in the correct place after all of her warping, "You'll let Shovel murderise, won't you? Oh please! Let Shovel stay! Shovel will be good! Shovel admires the blood bitch's thirst for blood!"
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The little creature is surprising but not entirely unpleasant when she approaches her, begging of her to allow the fiend to let her murder with her. Though, she enjoys being called 'pretty blood bitch' she sees no reason to help this fiend - it has not proven a trustworthy companion. It has not proven it's loyalty yet.
"Admiration is one thing, loyalty is another. Why should I waste my time on a wretched creature such as you? What will you do to prove your loyalty?"
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cheekylilfiend · 4 hours
The quasit cackles like the little shit she is before once again turning invisible and running away with louder foot slappies than before fading away.
The sound of tiny feet slapping on the ground can be heard drawing nearer, as well as the wet, disgusting crunch of something being bitten and munched on. The noises get closer and closer to the vampire with every passing moment but with no source to be seen. Then, from thin air, a dead pigeon with a bite taken out of it is flung straight at Astarions face as Shovel appears dancing and giggling near the fire. "CATCH LEECH BAG! SHOVEL BROUGHT YOU A PRESSIE!"
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cheekylilfiend · 4 hours
Astarion gives Shovel a fungal bamboozler.
At first, Shovel made like she was going to toss the gift roughly to the ground because anything gifted by Fancy Pants had a chance of hurting Shovel. Their relationship was tumultuous at best...But then she caught the light reflecting off of the mysterious substance inside and, well, Fancy Pants was very good at finding treasures. Maybe it was a good gift? It looked fleshy on the inside, like it might be tasty..... With a shrug, because what could go wrong? She bit the top of the glass grenade like she was uncorking a bottle with her mouth and swallowed the spores (and glass shards) before they had a chance to escape.
"Woah....." Shovel gasped, her buggy eyes wider than they had ever been before as she inspects the new hands she had suddenly grown and the way they trail behind her original ones, "Shovel feels....funny. Shovel can tastes colors and hear the beyond..."
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cheekylilfiend · 5 hours
⚽ Hobbies
"Oh! OH!," The quasit jumps in excitement over the opportunity to talk about herself and her interest and instantly begins listing off things that she enjoys doing with very few pauses of breath in between the hastily spoken words," Shovel likes to murderize, torture, burn things to the ground with fire, fisting, making them cry, making them bleed, making them squiiiirm.....and arts and crafts! Shovel uses shit and blood for gluing. Master says Shovel is resourceful!"
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cheekylilfiend · 5 hours
Haarlep gives her a lil spicy thong... @dvilsdesire (I'm so sorry Shovel lol)
-Truth be told, Shovel had no idea what the incubus had just given her. To the quasit, it looked like a strange, shredded scrap of fabric with unnecessary, sharp, and uncomfortable looking jewels adorning one of the thin pieces. It was a gift though, right? Ugh,'Bussy had looked so pleased handing it to her.... She thought, perhaps, it might be a mask and covered her muzzle with it for a moment to see if it would fit, but it felt too awkward and didn't seem to offer any sort of protection. The tiny bow and silk rose on the top of the largest chunk of fabric also looked ridiculous, in her opinion.
"What the fuck is this shit?" Shovel finally asked after getting it caught on one of her horns. She was wearing it kind of like a eye patch now and was growing annoyed with it not sitting right, "'Bussy giving Shovel defective, useless trinkets?! Shovel has no need for trinkets."
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cheekylilfiend · 5 hours
On this day, the red-skinned menace allots Shovel a severed hand - rings still attached.
The quasit, always excited by the thought of dismemberment, regarded the offering with less caution than one should receiving a gift from strangers . With a small gasp, Shovel threaded her fingers through the stiff cold ones and brought it towards her face with nothing short of fascination. Carefully, she pulled each ring off of the hand and adorned her horns with them before looking back at the stranger with squinty, uncertain eyes.
"Did you poison it? Is it fresh? Shovel likes munching on pinkies."
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cheekylilfiend · 9 hours
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cheekylilfiend · 22 hours
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cheekylilfiend · 22 hours
Make my muse talk about one of their...
✨ Deep interests ⚽ Hobbies 🧠 Expertise 🏆 Achievements 💀 Failures ☀️ Hopes / wishes 🔥 Fears / worries 💥 Regrets 💗 Relationships / lovers 💚 Friends / family members ⚔️ Enemies / rivals 👑 Role models / mentors ✔️ Merits ❌ Flaws ❗ Defining life events
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cheekylilfiend · 24 hours
Give my muse an item, see how they react.
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cheekylilfiend · 1 day
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cheekylilfiend · 1 day
Send " ❗❗❗ " for your muse to suddenly and unexpectedly kiss mine.
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cheekylilfiend · 1 day
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