#source: celestialvoid fanfiction
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Chris: I have a gun, so do as I say and no one gets hurt. Stiles: And I have a death wish, so I’m going to do what I want. Derek: STILES, NO! (source)
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newgirlincorrec · 3 months ago
Nick: *angry* You -
Nick: *turns to Schmidt* How much money would I have to put in the swear jar if I said- *whispers word in Schmidt's ear*
Schmidt: Oh, that'll cost you at least twenty dollars.
Nick: *digs in pocket and pulls out a rock, a button and a crumpled lolly wrapper*
Nick: I can't afford that.
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Stiles: I’m glad I didn’t send any drunk texts last night.
Derek: You did.
Stiles: What?
Derek: You sent me a text that said “If you ever want your dick sucked, I’d gladly volunteer.”
Stiles: Oh, that wasn’t a drunk text.
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incorrectatotcquotes · 4 years ago
*Lucie reads in the news that a nobleman has willingly gone to France in the middle of the Revolution*
Lucie: What an idiot.
*Lucie realises that it's Charles*
Lucie: Wait, that's MY idiot!
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risinglightfic · 6 years ago
Ben: *Sees stranger doing something stupid*
Ben: What an idiot.
Ben: *Realises it’s Kate*
Ben: Wait, that’s my idiot.
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incorrect-tanz-quotes · 8 years ago
Alfred: *fighting with Herbert* Bite me!
Herbert: *raises an eyebrow in surprise*
Alfred: *instantly regrets his choice of words*
Herbert: *saunters forward, pulling Alfred close and kissing his neck*
Alfred: That wasn't what I meant but, please, don't stop
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theofficialstereklibrary · 5 years ago
Hello!! So glad you’re back, you’re so helpful! So idk if this is allowed, so feel free to ignore me if not, but I was just wondering if you knew any authors who take commissions? Or artists if not writers? Was just thinking about how a lot of people don’t have their normal source of income rn, and this could be a good way to help out. Would be really cool if there was like a post that had a list of people taking commissions. Wasn’t sure who to asked, but you seemed like a good bet. Thanks!
this is a wonderful ask! i don’t think this is something this blog has ever done before but to be fair, we haven’t had something like this in a long time. 
So, I do know of a few people who have open commissions but this list is not exclusive or very extensive. Feel free to reply/reblog with more and I’ll make an updated post in the future!!
@benaya-trash was doing emergency doodle commissions
@batwynn has art commissions but they are limited in number
@celestialvoid-fanfiction does penny-a-word commissions 
but don’t forget plenty of blogs have a ko-fi or a personal paypal for little donations and the like. I’ll wait a couple of days and then reblog this post with the additions i find in the comments and in my own searching :) - Jeep
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incorrectinfernaldevices · 7 years ago
Jem: *Sees stranger doing something stupid*
Jem: What an idiot.
Jem: *Realises it's Will*
Jem: Wait, that's my idiot.
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Stiles: *flirtacious* Oh no, I don’t have enough money to pay rent~ Derek: *smirking, flirting back* I’m sure we can come up with some kind of arrangement. Isaac: This is why I hate playing Monopoly with you guys.
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Derek: Eli, we need to talk. Eli: Is it about the empty cookie jar in the kitchen? Because that was me. Derek: No, but thank you for your honesty. I got a call from the school…
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Stiles: When have I ever done something rash or irresponsible?
Derek: I keep a list.
Erica: Mine’s in order of date.
Boyd: Severity.
Isaac: Mine's colour coded.
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Gerard: The anger of a good man is not a problem. Good men have rules.
Chris: Good men don’t need rules. And you don’t want to find out why I have so many.
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Derek: I love you. Stiles: Good choice. Derek: Fuck you. Stiles: Better choice.
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Derek: What are you doing?
Eli: Talking to God.
Derek: Is he telling you to kill everyone?
Eli: Yeah.
Derek: That’s not God, that’s Peter in the attic.
Peter (in the attic): Why must you always spoil my fun, Derek?
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Derek: What did Argent say?
Stiles: He thought we were divorced. Which is obviously not true.
Derek: Obviously?
Stiles: Because if I were ever lucky enough to marry you, I’d never divorce you.
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Sheriff: Stiles, you need to stop picking fights. The guy you beat up wants to press charges for attempted murder. How would that look on your record?
Stiles: Bad. Everyone would know I failed.
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