#source: Xenoblade Chronicles 3
totallyrwbyquotes · 2 years
Ruby: We’re not fighting because we want to!
Yang: We’re not?!
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tokufan400 · 2 years
What if: Anakin was able to meet Darth Vader
Anakin: What about Padme? What about the love she had for and others? Was everything you've done really worth losing her!? Vader: Padme!? Padme! Padme! Padme! (Vader points his lightsaber at his younger self. His voice is a mix of hate, pain, and despair) Vader: Your the one who couldn't protect her!! In the end, you where powerless! And now she's gone! How could you!? Answer me!!
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Xzar: Prepare yourself for death! Prepare yourself for fatalities! Basically, you’re going to die!
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Rex: Should I be concerned about the obvious delight our daughter takes in all of the ultra violence?
Nia, patting Mio’s head: It’s genetic.
Rex: Great. . .
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Ashera: What the best way to get revenge on my enemies?
Fiona: The best revenge is letting go and living well.
Ashera: . . . Alex how do I-
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honestlyvan · 2 years
Talk to me about Isurd and bureaucracy
Oh boy, so, I think Lambda's issues with structural inefficiencies and bureaucratic overhead produces a direct parallel between the way Taion and Isurd responded to Nimue's death. After all, we know that commanders get pretty free reign in how they run their colonies, and there are far less subtle examples of "the thing that is Wrong with this colony is also what is Wrong with its commander" in the game, so this isn't even too aggresive of a read, IMO.
For Taion, his bad coping is pretty front and center -- he's got a strong need for control, but also little faith in his own judgement; he's suspicious of other people's conclusions, but also defers to them when it comes to decision-making. He can't even fully stand by his own conclusions most of the time, because the more critical it is to get something right, the worse the runaway anxiety gets, and the more he slips into analysis paralysis. Taion doesn't trust himself, and doesn't trust anyone else -- so no decision he makes can truly be grounded, everything is up for second-guessing, and he can never have peace knowing he made the right call.
Isurd, on the surface, is kind of the opposite. He's very decisive, to the point where he tends to pull ahead of the pack because he's already two steps to a solution while everyone else is still catching up to a problem. Undoubtedly some of the problems with Lambda's system are that peacetime operations are more complicated and they're simply not equipped to handle them at this scale, but a larger problem is that even while authority diffuses down the chain, if there is a fuck-up, ultimately the responsibility will be his. Absolutely nobody is allowed to make judgement calls unless he's personally appointed them, and even then he retains a veto. Isurd also doesn't trust himself, and also doesn't trust anyone else -- so no decision can be made without a second opinion, and he has to run himself ragged not to slow the system he's set up down.
It reads as a kind of hypervigilance -- neither of them has fully dealt with their trauma, and so are mentally braced to react to a similar situation. Now, I do think to an extent both of them probably just are like that, naturally -- Isurd is the strategist of the generation, after all, and Taion is very curious and intellectually engaged in general, they're absolutely the kind of people where "comparing notes" is a kind of love language -- but it just kind of goes to show that sometimes bad coping looks like good coping, but too much. They're overprepared to respond to their own judgement failing, and it's wearing both of them down.
I think this reading of the situation also nicely harmonises with how little presence Isurd has in Lambda's quest line. By his own admission, he's been going through the war essentially on autopilot since Nimue's death, letting the problem grown unfettered just because he naturally tends towards hogging responsibilities. Delegating and leaving actual decision-making to other people is a step forward -- or at least a step sideways -- for him, and leaving Lambda and having to just trust that they'll be okay without his supervision would further help with that. He's at least trying to disengage, even if he's very bad at it, being a dumb moron workaholic who has to make everything into a production.
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filipinosamflynn · 11 months
...lanz xenoblade...
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alan8tor · 2 years
Noah: So, why is Eunie mad at you?
Gray: She sneezed and I accidentally said, “shut the fuck up” instead of, “bless you”.
Noah: How do you accidentally say, “shut the fuck up”?
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Given the troubling removal of the Xenoblade Chronicles 3 soundtrack from the NintendoMelody YouTube channel, I am going to temporarily pause the queue while I look into new sources for the tracks that can be re-sourced (which sadly, not all can, NintendoMelody was a bit more exhaustive than a lot of other channels hosting the soundtracks have been).
I hope to have this cleared up in time to reopen the queue before tomorrow so that this doesn't actually delay the bracket, but I cannot make any promises.
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koter-irl · 1 year
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My Xenoblade OST Trinity Box Set arrived! It contains 5 OST discs for Xenoblade 1, 6 for Xenoblade 2, and 9 for Xenoblade 3, as well as a booklet containing tracklists, lyrics, credits, and messages from the composers (as well as Tetsuya Takahashi), I am uploading these messages and transcriptions of them for any Xeno fans on here that may be interested in seeing the contents. Let's begin!
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Message 01 - ACE (Tomori Kudo)
I first participated in the production of the series with Xenoblade Chronicles, in March of 2009, which is exactly 14 years ago from the time of writing this comment. Thanks to being given the chance to join the project, I was regarded as a "Xenoblade Chronicles Composer" and gradually started gaining recognition. It became a precious project for me as a composer. The first time I really felt this is when I performed music from Xenoblade Chronicles at the video game music orchestral concert "PRESS START." The fans cheered a lot for us.
My creative spirit was kindled every time I read the series' scripts, and I found myself thinking, "wow, this is interesting!" I was always inspired to create new video game music that hadn't been made before (well, "new" within my own range of experience.) As the series piled up with new entries, the music also powered up. We even recorded with an orchestra. Although there was hardship each time, I think I was able to grow alongside the Xenoblade Chronicles series.
I would like to express my gratitude again for being given the opportunity to take part in such a wonderful series. I would be thrilled if everyone enjoyed these musical pieces, while remembering the various scenes in which they were used, for many years to come.
(More messages below the cut)
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Message 02 - ACE (CHiCO)
I was deeply moved by the first game's script and vision which went far beyond my imagination, and with the words of the person in charge of the music at the time, "This project will go down in gaming history," I wanted to create music that would overturn the existing "video game sound." It seems like yesterday that I started composing with enthusiasm, and I have constantly taken on many different challenges through my music. I worked so hard that the phrase, "as if my life depended on it," most likely isn't an exaggeration. Before realizing it, it had become a life's work.
In my personal life, I became a mother between Xenoblade Chronicles and Xenoblade Chronicles 2. One month after giving birth, I had the chance to perform the Xenoblade Chronicles portion at the concert called "PRESS START." There are so many things I'd like to say about that busy time; it truly left a deep impression on me.
I would be more than happy if the music I made became someone's enjoyment, thanks to the wonderful Xenoblade Chronicles series.
My childhood dream was to be like Mother Teresa. Though, even if I lived for a thousand years, I'd still be nowhere near her.
I am full of gratitude for the director, the staff at MONOLITHSOFT, Nintendo, Dog Ear Records who reached out to me, everyone at PROCYON STUDIO who produced this CD album and everyone else involved for allowing me to take part until the end of these three entries to the Xenoblade Chronicles series.
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Message 03 - Kenji Hiramatsu
Each time I worked on the music of the Xenoblade Chronicles series, I steadily looked for and drew out new sources of creativity within me. To ensure that my music did not get overshadowed by the world of the game, I wanted it to have unprecedented brilliance. Although there were many struggles, I took on the challenge with all my might and somehow reached the end. Like an RPG, the Xenoblade Chronicles series helped me grow immensely.
Looking back at the past three games, I feel that time has really flown by. However, taking part in a series loved even now by many throughout the world and overcoming many hurdles have become a precious treasure to me as a composer! I also treasure the many thoughts and feelings I receive from the fans about my music. These treasures are an important driving force in helping me take on the next challenge.
To be honest, after completely using up all my energy working on Xenoblade Chronicles 3, I feel a little weak. But I think sharing this soundtrack with everyone will become another source of strength for me!
Now that this series has reached one point of closure, it's time for a fresh start! I wonder what kind of sources of creativity I'll find in the future. I hope everyone's looking forward to it!
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Message 04 - Manami Kiyota
Ever since I was a child, I wanted to become a composer. Although I somehow found myself debuting as a singer, I was given the opportunity to write music for the Xenoblade Chronicles series.
At first, I think I caused everyone a lot of trouble with all the retakes. When I managed to successfully submit my work and played the game for the first time, I remember how excited I was to hear my music in the game. That said, whenever I play the game, I get so immersed that I forget I created music for it... (laughs)
By the time I started working on the third entry, I feel I had come to understand what my role is in the Xenoblade Chronicles series. I always aim to create music that exists as a sort of atmosphere within the world created by the director and among the visuals, the voice acting, and the sound effects. After playing Xenoblade Chronicles 3, I've been playing Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition, Future Connected, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Torna ~ The Golden Country. There are new discoveries and excitements when playing through the series.
I am truly happy to have been able to work on a world I love, the world of the Xenoblade Chronicles series. I'd like to give my heartfelt gratitude to the director, Mr. Takahashi, everyone at MONOLITHSOFT, all the composers, all the staff, and the players who enjoyed the games. Thank you very much.
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Message 05 - Yasunori Mitsuda
Having worked with Mr. Takahashi, the director of the series, on numerous projects over the years, starting with Xenogears released in 1998, then Xenosaga Episode I, and then the Xenoblade Chronicles series, he is what I would call a brother in arms and a good friend who fully understands my music. That said, when he contacted me saying, "I want you to work with us on Xenoblade Chronicles," I declined. I felt that the project didn't need me because its fascinating atmosphere and world were already complete. As my own rule, I never decide whether to participate based solely on how much honor or profit I can get. Instead, I always try to consider what kind of "music" and "sound" the game wants and whether it really needs my "color." After he contacted me, I concluded that the game's already-established world didn't need anything new. For that reason, I declined his offer many times.
However, after Mr. Takahashi spoke to me in person and said, "Mitchan (note while writing - this is Mitsuda's nickname,) the series only makes sense if we close Xenoblade Chronicles with your music." I decided to accept his offer, though only the ending theme (I'm weak to heartfelt requests.) After that, I participated in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Xenoblade Chronicles 3, and found myself working with him for a very long time. Although the Xenoblade Chronicles series has successfully reached one point of closure this year in 2023, to be honest, I'm still asking myself if there was a meaning in my participation. The answer shouldn't come from me; if fans have been happy throughout the series, I think participating was the right decision. I'd like to express my gratitude to all those who have enjoyed the Xenoblade Chronicles series up until now. Thank you.
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Message 06 - Tetsuya Takahashi
I have had few experiences where the word "harmony" has fit so well. I've known Mr. Mitsuda for around 30 years and it has almost been 15 years since I first met each of the other Xenoblade Chronicles composers. I suspect it's due to the accumulation of a decade and a half, but it was easy to imagine the kind of music I would receive in return to any request I made. And the music that I received far exceeded my expectations.
Looking back, when working on Xenoblade Chronicles it's true that I was fumbling to find each composer's expertise as I sent out orders for the music. However, that was only until halfway through. In the latter half of development, I personally remember there being considerably less trial and error. Most importantly, the composers were so passionate that I thought preserving that passion, without tampering with this or that, would be the best way to reach the players.
After going through that process, I felt I had a lot of leeway when working on Xenoblade Chronicles 2. This was largely thanks to Mr. Mitsuda, who doubled as music producer. From small matters to more important ones, he listened to my various thoughts and also gave me a lot of advice. I was able to use that leeway to spend more time thinking about the overall direction and mechanism of the music.
Speaking of mechanisms, the incorporation of a jazz-style atmosphere in Torna ~ The Golden Country is fresh in my mind. While the main reason for it was simply because I liked an American film I watched in 2015 titled Whiplash, there wasn't enough time to implement it in the main game, and considering the flow from the music in Xenoblade Chronicles, I decided it would be too abrupt so I incorporated it in the additional story rather than the main game. Considering each composer's style, I was confident that it would go well and was very happy with the result.
And then, Xenoblade Chronicles 3. There waiting, cultivated over time, was peace of mind and a sense of trust. This is what I mean by "harmony."
While also feeling apologetic, I'd like to express my gratitude to the composers for sticking with me without getting discouraged by my selfishness over the past a5 years (twice as long for Mr. Mitsuda.)
To all the composers, thank you!
And that's it, these are the six messages included in the booklet contained with the Trinity Box Set, hopefully this has been insightful and entertaining for anyone reading, and I hope you enjoyed reading it, I'm glad to have been able to post these online for all to see. Thanks!
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satoshi-mochida · 1 year
Xenosaga Fan Translates Full Playthrough of Canonical Phone Game, Pied Piper
Noisy Pixel Source. Possible Spoilers for Xenoblade Chronicles 3 below.
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To celebrate the 19th anniversary of the largely unknown Xenosaga: Pied Piper, fan @ValakTurtle has announced that they have translated an entire playthrough of the game on YouTube by @Keju_frangelico. Additionally, “the translation was built on top of Chaoslace’s original translation that was hosted on Zarathustra.”
The script was previously translated, but an in-game translation was absent.
For those unaware, Xenosaga: Pied Piper is a canonical entry in the series that is essentially required reading to fully understand and appreciate the events of Xenosaga Episode III. Given the title’s exclusive presence on mobile phones plus its lack of official localization, it’s not really known by those who haven’t played the Xenosaga games.
In fact, while it has been over a decade since I last played Xenosaga, I (think?) I remember Episode III trying to recap the events of Piped Piper because it is actually significant. As a result, it’s recommended to check out Pied Piper after playing Xenosaga Episode II, despite it taking place roughly a century before the events of the first game.
Piped Piper is arguably more vital to experience than Xenosaga: A Missing Year, which connects Xenosaga Episode II and Episode III.
If you’re a Xenosaga fan and have never delved into Pied Piper, this is a pretty fantastic way to do so. Honestly, huge thanks to @ValakTurtle for deciding to translate this playthrough with English captions. It even appears they’ve translated the menus during battles, which is a pretty intense and intricate step.
You can check out the full Xenosaga: Pied Piper playthrough playlist here or start watching the first episode below:
Earlier this year, fans united for G-MODE Archives to officially re-release Piped Piper.
Speaking of Xenosaga, the conclusion of the Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Future Redeemed storyline has seemingly opened up the possibility of a Xenosaga revival or continuation.
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The minor bracket for the gay wrongs/murder husbands and wives poll is here! Major bracket is being made rn, decided to make and seed the minor bracket first since it's shorter.
Full list of couples/ships & sources under the cut!
(Not in order they're in the tournament)
Billy Loomis & Stu Macher - Scream (movie)
Neil Josten & Andrew Minyard - All for the game
Basil & Sunny - Omori
El Mariana & Slimecicle - QSMP
Peter Nureyev & Juno Steel - The Penumbra Podcast
Herbert West & Dean Cain - Reanimator
Neo & Miw & Shin - 3 will be free
Root & Sameen Shaw - Person of interest
Jin & Malos - Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Yan Wei & Xu Youyi - Couple of mirrors
Buddy Aurinko & Vespa Ilkay - The Penumbra Podcast
Nigel Colbie & Alex Forbes - Like Minds (2006 movie)
Charn & Tinn - Laws of attraction
Mr. Erskine & Mr.White - Old Gods of Appalachia
Millions Knives & Legato Bluesummers - Trigun (one submitter specified Trigun Maximum)
Jolyne & Foo Fighters & Ermes - Jojo's Bizzare Adventure: Stone Ocean
Wu Zetian & Li Shimin & Gao Yizhi - Iron Widow
Elias Bouchard & Peter Lukas - The Magnus Archives 
Adam Parrish & Ronan Lynch - Raven Cycle series
Augustine & Mercymorn & John - The Locked Tomb series
Jane & Lizzie - DnDads
Mick Rory & Leonard Snart - Flash (TV series)
Phillip Morgan & Brandon Shaw - Rope
Mike Walters & Edgar - Woe.Begone
Sergey Razumovsky & Oleg Volkov - Major Grom comics
Lord Hater & Commander Peepers - Wander Over Yonder
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cerisezero · 1 year
Bionis/Keves alphabet. For all your Consul (or related?) needs.
As a little DLC-warming present for A and the crew, I'd like to pass a little bit of research into the Homs/Kevesi alphabets that I've done onto Tumblr. While I don't believe I'm the first person to get this much of it worked out given how long it's been since game release, I haven't been able to find any sources that've gotten as far as I have, so I'm presuming it's all on a Xenoblade Discord somewhere.
Credit of course goes to Reddit user xDennisJ and cohorts for doing the biggest chunk of the work. I just stood on the shoulders of Titans and filled in a couple of gaps. Anyway!
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So: sources!
Letters ACDEHIKLMNORSTUVWX are all sourced from artbook text as in the Reddit reference. These should be fairly accurate, within my ability to trace. BFGJPYZ are visible ingame in Xenoblade Chronicles 3, although as the signs they are on are handpainted they might not be quite as intended by Monolith. No 'Q' could be found ingame. Except the punchable sort.
Digits are from characters wearing them ingame. They might be a little misshapen but they should be good.
I'm working on a font; while I created a first version of it to produce this chart it doesn't seem to be working in all programs, so I'm going to see if I can fix it before uploading.
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N: Because I’m you.
Noah: No, I’M me!
N: "I’m me," he says.
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Isurd: Yesterday I overheard Valdi saying "Are you sure this is a good idea?", and Triton replying "Trust me.". I have never moved from one room to the other so quickly in my life.
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