#sound system miniatur
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speaker6inchwooferterbaik · 1 month ago
(WA) 0851-7988-9353 Speaker Open Baffle Elsound Audio di Pakuan Baru Jambi Selatan Jambi
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Speaker Elsound 18 Inch: Pilihan Terbaik untuk Audio Berkualitas Tinggi
Dalam dunia audio, mencari speaker yang tepat untuk kebutuhan Anda bukanlah perkara mudah. Setiap jenis speaker memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda, dan setiap orang memiliki kebutuhan yang spesifik. Salah satu pilihan yang sangat populer di pasar Indonesia adalah Speaker Elsound 18 Inch. Speaker ini dikenal dengan kualitas suara yang luar biasa dan kemampuannya untuk mengisi ruangan besar dengan suara yang detail dan kuat. Jika Anda sedang mencari speaker untuk berbagai keperluan, baik itu untuk penggunaan pribadi, acara besar, atau sistem audio rumah, Speaker Elsound 18 Inch adalah pilihan yang patut dipertimbangkan.
Selain itu, dalam artikel ini, kita juga akan membahas lebih lanjut mengenai beberapa jenis speaker lain yang tak kalah populer seperti speaker 8 inch yang bagus, speaker middle 8 inch yang bagus, dan speaker woofer 8 inch yang bagus yang sering dicari oleh para audiophile dan pengguna audio. Kami juga akan memberikan jawaban atas beberapa pertanyaan umum mengenai speaker untuk membantu Anda lebih memahami cara memilih dan merawat speaker yang baik.
1. Mengapa Memilih Speaker Elsound 18 Inch?
Kualitas Suara yang Memukau
Salah satu alasan mengapa banyak orang memilih Speaker Elsound 18 Inch adalah kualitas suara yang sangat baik. Dengan ukuran 18 inch, speaker ini mampu menghasilkan suara bass yang dalam, kaya, dan penuh. Tidak hanya itu, speaker ini juga dapat menyampaikan frekuensi menengah dan tinggi dengan sangat jelas. Ini menjadikannya pilihan yang ideal untuk berbagai jenis penggunaan, baik di dalam ruangan maupun di luar ruangan, seperti konser, acara outdoor, atau hiburan rumah.
Untuk mereka yang sering mencari speaker 8 inch yang bagus untuk kebutuhan pribadi atau speaker woofer 8 inch yang bagus untuk bass yang lebih baik, Elsound juga memiliki pilihan speaker yang lebih kecil dan tetap menawarkan kualitas suara luar biasa. Namun, untuk aplikasi yang membutuhkan suara besar dan kuat, Speaker Elsound 18 Inch memberikan kualitas suara yang tidak tertandingi.
Desain yang Ideal untuk Acara Besar
Dengan ukuran 18 inch, speaker ini dirancang untuk acara besar dan ruangan luas. Jika Anda membutuhkan sistem audio untuk acara outdoor atau konser, Speaker Elsound 18 Inch adalah pilihan yang tepat. Daya output yang besar membuatnya dapat mengisi ruangan besar dengan suara yang jelas dan merata. Bahkan di ruang terbuka, speaker ini akan memberikan suara yang terdengar jelas tanpa kehilangan kualitas. Ini adalah solusi sempurna untuk penyelenggaraan acara besar, baik itu seminar, konser, atau festival.
Durabilitas dan Kekuatan yang Tahan Lama
Speaker Elsound 18 Inch dirancang dengan material berkualitas tinggi yang membuatnya tahan lama dan dapat beroperasi dalam berbagai kondisi. Baik itu untuk penggunaan sehari-hari di rumah atau untuk acara besar, speaker ini tetap dapat berfungsi dengan optimal. Keunggulan lain dari speaker ini adalah kemampuannya untuk bekerja dengan baik meski dengan penggunaan daya tinggi, yang tentu saja merupakan keuntungan besar bagi mereka yang membutuhkan speaker dengan output suara yang besar dan tahan lama.
Harga yang Bersaing
Dengan semua kualitas yang ditawarkan, Speaker Elsound 18 Inch tetap menawarkan harga yang bersaing di pasaran. Jika dibandingkan dengan merk lain dengan spesifikasi serupa, harga speaker Elsound tergolong lebih terjangkau, menjadikannya pilihan yang sangat baik bagi mereka yang menginginkan kualitas tinggi tanpa harus mengeluarkan biaya besar. Tentu saja, harga ini masih bisa sangat bervariasi tergantung pada model dan spesifikasi yang Anda pilih, seperti speaker 10 inch murah berkualitas yang mungkin lebih sesuai dengan anggaran terbatas.
2. Perbedaan Speaker Elsound dengan Speaker Lainnya
Sebelum membeli speaker, penting untuk mengetahui beberapa hal yang membedakan Speaker Elsound dengan speaker lain di pasaran, baik itu speaker middle 8 inch yang bagus atau speaker 8 inch yang lain.
Ukuran dan Daya Output
Salah satu perbedaan mencolok antara Speaker Elsound 18 Inch dengan speaker ukuran lebih kecil, seperti speaker woofer 8 inch yang bagus, adalah daya output dan ukuran driver. Speaker 18 inch tentunya lebih besar dan mampu menghasilkan suara yang lebih keras dan lebih kuat. Sementara itu, speaker ukuran 8 inch seperti speaker middle 8 inch yang bagus mungkin lebih cocok untuk penggunaan pribadi di rumah atau ruang yang lebih kecil.
Dengan speaker 8 inch yang bagus, Anda akan mendapatkan suara yang lebih fokus pada frekuensi tertentu, seperti bass atau vokal. Namun, untuk acara besar atau untuk penggunaan outdoor, speaker 18 inch memberikan suara yang lebih mendalam dan dapat mengisi seluruh ruang dengan jelas.
Frekuensi yang Dihasilkan
Speaker berukuran lebih besar seperti Speaker Elsound 18 Inch memiliki rentang frekuensi yang lebih luas, dengan kemampuan menghasilkan suara yang lebih dalam dan lebih penuh. Di sisi lain, speaker middle 8 inch yang bagus dirancang untuk menangani frekuensi menengah dan cocok untuk mendengarkan musik dengan suara vokal yang lebih jelas.
Jika Anda mencari speaker yang menawarkan bass kuat, Elsound 18 Inch tentu lebih unggul. Namun, jika Anda lebih mengutamakan kualitas suara vokal atau frekuensi menengah, pilihan seperti speaker woofer 8 inch yang bagus atau speaker 8 inch yang bagus mungkin lebih sesuai.
Penggunaan dan Fleksibilitas
Berbicara tentang fleksibilitas, speaker 10 inch murah berkualitas lebih cocok untuk mereka yang membutuhkan speaker dengan harga terjangkau namun masih memberikan kualitas yang cukup baik untuk penggunaan sehari-hari. Namun, jika Anda membutuhkan speaker untuk acara besar atau sistem audio profesional, Speaker Elsound 18 Inch adalah pilihan yang tepat dengan daya dan kualitas suara yang lebih baik.
3. Menjaga dan Merawat Speaker Elsound Anda
Untuk memastikan bahwa Speaker Elsound 18 Inch Anda tetap berfungsi dengan baik dalam jangka panjang, sangat penting untuk melakukan perawatan secara berkala. Berikut beberapa tips untuk merawat speaker Elsound dan menjaga performanya:
Hindari Penggunaan Daya yang Berlebihan
Salah satu cara terbaik untuk memperpanjang usia speaker adalah dengan menghindari penggunaan daya yang terlalu tinggi atau melebihi kapasitas speaker. Jika Anda mengoperasikan speaker pada level volume yang sangat tinggi dalam waktu lama, bisa menyebabkan kerusakan pada komponen internal, terutama pada voice coil dan cone material.
Cek Kualitas Koneksi Kabel
Kualitas kabel yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan speaker juga sangat penting. Pastikan bahwa kabel yang digunakan berkualitas baik dan tidak rusak, karena kabel yang buruk dapat menyebabkan suara terdistorsi atau bahkan merusak speaker.
Simpan Speaker di Tempat yang Aman
Jika Anda tidak sedang menggunakan speaker, pastikan untuk menyimpannya di tempat yang aman dan terlindung dari debu, kelembapan, atau suhu yang ekstrem. Penyimpanan yang buruk bisa merusak komponen speaker dan mempengaruhi kualitas suara.
FAQ: Jawaban atas Pertanyaan Umum tentang Speaker Elsound
1. Bagaimana cara mengganti voice coil pada speaker driver?
Untuk mengganti voice coil pada speaker driver, Anda perlu membuka bagian depan speaker dengan hati-hati, melepas cone dan komponen terkait lainnya. Setelah itu, Anda dapat melepas voice coil lama dan menggantinya dengan yang baru. Proses ini memerlukan keahlian teknis dan harus dilakukan dengan hati-hati untuk memastikan tidak merusak komponen lainnya.
2. Apa itu cone material pada speaker driver?
Cone material adalah bahan yang digunakan untuk membentuk bagian bawah speaker yang bergerak, atau cone. Material ini berfungsi untuk menggerakkan udara di sekitar speaker sehingga menghasilkan suara. Beberapa bahan yang umum digunakan adalah kertas, plastik, atau komposit yang ringan namun kuat.
3. Bagaimana bahan cone mempengaruhi suara speaker driver?
Bahan cone pada speaker driver sangat mempengaruhi kualitas suara yang dihasilkan. Cone yang lebih ringan cenderung lebih responsif terhadap sinyal audio, menghasilkan suara yang lebih akurat dan jelas. Sebaliknya, cone yang lebih berat dapat menghasilkan suara bass yang lebih dalam, namun bisa sedikit mengurangi ketajaman suara pada frekuensi tinggi. Material cone yang tepat dapat meningkatkan pengalaman audio secara keseluruhan, tergantung pada jenis musik dan penggunaan speaker.
Speaker Elsound 18 Inch adalah pilihan yang sangat baik bagi mereka yang membutuhkan kualitas suara terbaik dengan daya besar. Baik untuk penggunaan pribadi di rumah atau untuk acara besar, speaker ini memberikan suara yang kuat dan jernih di seluruh spektrum frekuensi. Dengan harga yang terjangkau dan kualitas yang luar biasa, Elsound adalah pilihan tepat untuk semua jenis kebutuhan audio Anda. Jangan lupa untuk mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor seperti speaker 8 inch yang bagus, speaker woofer 8 inch yang bagus, dan perawatan speaker secara rutin untuk mendapatkan hasil terbaik dari sistem audio Anda.
Kontak dan Pemesanan Hubungi 0851-7988-9353 |Pertama kali diluncurkan pada tahun 2002, Speaker driver Elsound® dikenal luas oleh pecinta audio sebagai produk "murah-meriah-selamat". Menghadirkan kualitas mumpuni dengan harga terjangkau dan jaminan bahwa seluruh produk Elsound® memiliki daya tahan yang terbukti dan teruji sangat baik. harga speaker 8 inch acr full range,harga speaker 8 inch yang bagus,speaker 8 inch murah,speaker 8 inch middle murah,speaker 8 inch mid
Kontak dan Pemesanan Hubungi
0851-7988-9353 https://wa.me/6285179889353
Klik link berikut untuk informasi lebih lanjut : https://linktr.ee/elsoundspeakers
Follow juga akun sosmed yang lainnya :
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/elsoundaudio/ Tik Tok | https://www.tiktok.com/@elsound.audio Youtube | http://www.youtube.com/@ElsoundAudio
Official Website : https://elsoundspeakers.com/
Belanja di Marketplace:
Tokopedia | https://tokopedia.com/elsound Shopee | https://shopee.co.id/elsoundspeakers
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speakerdriverparts · 3 months ago
(WA) 0851-7988-9353 Speaker Subwoofer 150 Watt Elsound Audio di Sarijadi Bandung
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Kontak dan Pemesanan Hubungi 0851-7988-9353 |Pertama kali diluncurkan pada tahun 2002, Speaker driver Elsound® dikenal luas oleh pecinta audio sebagai produk "murah-meriah-selamat". Menghadirkan kualitas mumpuni dengan harga terjangkau dan jaminan bahwa seluruh produk Elsound® memiliki daya tahan yang terbukti dan teruji sangat baik. speaker aktif untuk acara pengajian,speaker acara,speaker long throw,long throw subwoofer,speaker 5 inch bass
Kontak dan Pemesanan Hubungi
0851-7988-9353 https://wa.me/6285179889353
Klik link berikut untuk informasi lebih lanjut : https://linktr.ee/elsoundspeakers
Follow juga akun sosmed yang lainnya :
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/elsoundaudio/ Tik Tok | https://www.tiktok.com/@elsound.audio Youtube | http://www.youtube.com/@ElsoundAudio
Official Website : https://elsoundspeakers.com/
Belanja di Marketplace:
Tokopedia | https://tokopedia.com/elsound Shopee | https://shopee.co.id/elsoundspeakers
Speaker Subwoofer 150 Watt: Meningkatkan Kualitas Suara di Setiap Acara
Di dunia audio, subwoofer adalah komponen penting yang membantu menghasilkan suara bass yang mendalam dan berkualitas. Salah satu pilihan yang banyak dicari adalah speaker subwoofer 150 watt. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas berbagai aspek dari speaker ini, termasuk rekomendasi produk, cara memilih yang tepat, serta informasi penting lainnya untuk meningkatkan pengalaman audio Anda di berbagai acara.
1. Mengapa Memilih Speaker Subwoofer 150 Watt?
Speaker subwoofer 150 watt adalah pilihan yang sangat baik untuk berbagai keperluan, mulai dari penggunaan di rumah hingga acara besar. Berikut adalah beberapa alasan mengapa Anda harus mempertimbangkan speaker ini:
Kelebihan Speaker Subwoofer 150 Watt
Kualitas Suara yang Kuat Dengan daya 150 watt, subwoofer ini mampu menghasilkan suara bass yang dalam dan bertenaga. Ini sangat penting untuk berbagai jenis acara, termasuk pengajian, pesta, dan acara lainnya.
Cocok untuk Berbagai Acara Speaker subwoofer ini sangat cocok digunakan dalam berbagai setting, baik untuk acara indoor maupun outdoor. Daya dan performanya dapat memenuhi kebutuhan suara di ruangan yang besar.
Kemampuan Long Throw Banyak subwoofer 150 watt yang memiliki kemampuan long throw, yang berarti mereka dapat memproyeksikan suara bass dengan jarak yang lebih jauh, sehingga ideal untuk acara-acara besar.
2. Rekomendasi Speaker Subwoofer 150 Watt
Berikut adalah beberapa pilihan speaker subwoofer 150 watt yang bisa Anda pertimbangkan:
1. Speaker A
Speaker A adalah salah satu pilihan terbaik dalam kategori ini. Dengan kualitas suara yang luar biasa dan daya yang cukup, ini adalah pilihan ideal untuk berbagai keperluan.
Daya maksimum: 150W
Frekuensi respons: 25Hz - 150Hz
SPL: 95dB
2. Speaker B
Speaker B menawarkan kombinasi antara harga dan kualitas yang sangat menarik. Ini adalah pilihan yang baik untuk pengguna yang menginginkan suara bass yang kuat dengan anggaran terbatas.
Daya maksimum: 150W
Frekuensi respons: 30Hz - 160Hz
SPL: 90dB
3. Speaker C
Untuk pengguna yang mencari speaker dengan performa baik tetapi harga yang terjangkau, Speaker C adalah pilihan yang sangat baik. Kualitas suara yang dihasilkan sangat memuaskan untuk penggunaan di berbagai acara.
Daya maksimum: 150W
Frekuensi respons: 35Hz - 140Hz
SPL: 88dB
3. Cara Memilih Speaker Subwoofer yang Tepat
Memilih speaker subwoofer yang tepat sangat penting untuk mendapatkan pengalaman audio yang optimal. Berikut adalah beberapa tips yang dapat membantu Anda dalam proses pemilihan:
1. Tentukan Kebutuhan Acara
Pertimbangkan jenis acara yang akan Anda adakan. Apakah untuk acara pengajian, pesta, atau acara lain? Ini akan membantu Anda memilih spesifikasi yang sesuai.
2. Perhatikan Daya dan SPL
Daya dan SPL adalah faktor penting dalam memilih speaker. Pastikan daya speaker sesuai dengan kebutuhan acara dan SPL yang dihasilkan cukup untuk menjangkau seluruh audiens.
3. Merek dan Ulasan
Pilihlah merek yang dikenal memiliki produk audio berkualitas. Bacalah ulasan dari pengguna lain untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih baik tentang performa speaker.
FAQ: Pertanyaan Umum Seputar Speaker Subwoofer
Bagaimana cara menghitung daya pada speaker driver?
Daya pada speaker driver biasanya dihitung dalam watt. Anda dapat menggunakan rumus sederhana: Daya (W) = Tegangan (V) × Arus (A). Pastikan Anda juga memperhatikan spesifikasi dari produsen untuk informasi yang lebih akurat.
Apa itu SPL (Sound Pressure Level) pada speaker driver?
SPL (Sound Pressure Level) adalah ukuran dari tingkat suara yang dihasilkan oleh speaker. Ini diukur dalam desibel (dB) dan menunjukkan seberapa keras suara yang dapat dihasilkan oleh speaker pada jarak tertentu. SPL yang lebih tinggi menunjukkan kemampuan speaker untuk menghasilkan suara yang lebih keras.
Bagaimana cara meningkatkan SPL pada speaker driver?
Ada beberapa cara untuk meningkatkan SPL pada speaker driver:
Menggunakan Amplifier yang Lebih Kuat: Daya yang lebih besar dapat meningkatkan output suara.
Meningkatkan Ukuran Ruangan: Ruangan yang lebih besar dapat membantu suara menyebar lebih baik.
Pengaturan Posisi Speaker: Penempatan speaker yang tepat dapat mempengaruhi kualitas suara dan tingkat SPL.
Speaker subwoofer 150 watt adalah pilihan yang sangat baik untuk meningkatkan kualitas suara Anda, terutama untuk acara-acara penting seperti pengajian, pesta, atau acara lainnya. Dengan banyaknya pilihan yang tersedia, Anda dapat menemukan speaker yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan anggaran Anda.
Dengan mempertimbangkan aspek-aspek penting seperti daya, SPL, dan merek saat memilih speaker, Anda akan mendapatkan pengalaman audio yang lebih memuaskan. Jangan ragu untuk mengeksplorasi berbagai pilihan dan nikmati setiap momen mendengarkan!
Paal Merah Paal Merah Jambi,Payo Selincah Paal Merah Jambi,Talang Bakung Paal Merah Jambi,Beringin Pasar Jambi Jambi,Orang Kayo Hitam Pasar Jambi Jambi,Pasar Jambi Pasar Jambi Jambi,Sungai Asam Pasar Jambi Jambi,Arab Melayu Pelayangan Jambi,Jelmu Pelayang
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jualminiaturtrukdimalang · 6 months ago
WA 0831-4651-5827, Jual Miniatur Truk Harga Malang
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Jual Miniatur Truk Harga Malang
WA 0831-4651-5827, Kami menyediakan Miniatur Truk Keren, Miniatur Truk Paling Keren, Miniatur Truk Yang Bagus, Miniatur Truk Canter, Miniatur Truk Canter Dari Kayu
Kami melayani pengiriman ke Malang, Bondowoso, Gesik, Jember, Jombang dan seluruh kota di Indonesia
Miniatur Truk Di Malang
Kami juga merupakan Distributor Miniatur Truk Oleng Harga Malang, Distributor Miniatur Truk Harga Malang, Distributor Miniatur Truk Murah Malang, Distributor Miniatur Truk Oleng Malang, Distributor Miniatur Truk Oleng Dari Kayu Malang, Distributor Miniatur Truk Oleng Dari Triplek Malang, Distributor Miniatur Truk Wahyu Abadi Malang, Distributor Miniatur Truk Oleng Wahyu Abadi Malang, Distributor Miniatur Truk Brewog Malang, Distributor Miniatur Truk Mbois Malang
Miniatur Truk merupakan replika kecil dari truk sebernarnya yang seringkali dibuat untuk koleksi atau dekorasi. Miniatur Truk juga dapat digunakan untuk mengajarkan tentang transportasi kepada anak-anak. Tidak hanya itu Miniatur Truk juga sering dijadikan hadiah untuk pecinta truk yang memiliki minat dalam bidang transportasi.
Berikut beberapa keuntungan jika menggunakan Miniatur Truk :
Mudah untuk disimpan dan ditempatkan di ruangan terbatas
Dapat diakses oleh berbagai kalangan penggemar atau kolektor
Pengalaman bermain yang menyenangkan terutama bagi anak-anak
Miniatur Truk memberikan fleksibilitas untuk menciptakan desain yang unik dan kreatif
Miniatur Truk bisa menjadi hadiah yang unik atau souvenir yang menarik untuk diberikan kepada orang lain
Keuntungan jika memesan Miniatur Truk pada kami :
Bisa custom sesuai keinginan
Produk 100% original
Roda depan bisa berkelok-kelok
Roda depan dan belakang bisa maju mundur
Terbuat dari bahan yang berkualitas tinggi
Desain truk super kece
Terdapat lampu LED ( kelap-kelip) "Tombol power On/Off berada dibawah bak truk"
Packing menggunakan dus tebal dan bubble wrap sehingga keamanan produk lebih terjamin
Lengkap dengan terpal "Pemasangan terpal mudah tinggal ditempelkan ke bak truk"
Kami sudah berpengalaman dan terpercaya dalam melayani pelanggan kami. Dengan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang kami miliki, kami siap membantu Anda untuk menemukan Miniatur Truk yang tepat sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan preferensi Anda.
Miniatur truk terbaik ada di sini Kualitas terbaik, Harga terjangkau
"Solusi Terbaik Untuk Koleksi Yang Istimewa"
TELP/WA 0831-4651-5827 Link WA : https://wa.me/6283146515827
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harryspet · 5 months ago
well kept [2] r. cameron
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[warnings] dark!ceo!rafe x reader, size difference, billionaire!older!rafe, shy!reader with low self-esteem, reader is a person who stutters, boss x personal assistant, heavy abuse of power, emotional/mental manipulation, NONCON, little editing, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK 18+
A/N: Pls reblog and let me know what you think!
word count: 4.5k
In which you officially enter into a world of high stakes and intense demands.
well kept masterlist
Your fingers traced the smooth edge of the new work bag that sat on your desk, a pristine luxury item whose brand you didn’t immediately recognize. It was medium-sized, big enough to fit your brand-new laptop, and an off-white color with pebble-textured leather. 
“Wow, you clean up nice,” came a voice from behind you. You turned to find Eleanor approaching, coffee in hand.
Instinctively, you pulled down your skirt as she looked you over. You were effortlessly polished, for sure. You usually only get your hair professionally done for special occasions, opting for simple protective styles you could do yourself. However, you had to admit you felt pretty with your hair in a neat, braided rose that reached down to your lower back. 
The clothes only amplified this unfamiliar sensation. After trying on eight outfits the previous night, you had settled on a cherry-red cropped blazer and a matching pleated skirt. You’d chosen the shortest heels Rafe had sent—a pair of white kitten heels adorned with gold bows. Your makeup, subtly applied, complemented the overall look.
Eleanor set her things down, straightened, and placed a hand on her slender hips. “Take your bag,” she said. “I’ll show you where Rafe expects you to work.”
“I thought that was my desk.”
“He’ll tell you where you need to be and when you need to be there.”
Her answer was simple enough. 
You entered the luxurious space that Rafe called an office once again. Even when he wasn’t in the room, you were intimidated by it, “He had this brought in for you,” Facing the wall on the side of the room that held Rafe’s desk, in the corner, was a simple mahogany desk. The miniature version of Rafe’s desk. A cushioned stool was placed underneath and on top were a notebook, a cup of pens, and a small lamp, “This is where he’ll expect you most mornings. You’re to review his calendar before he arrives, memorize it, and you’ll brief him on the day when he walks in.”
“I’m ssss-supposed to be in here with him …all day? What if I, you know, need you?”
“I’m right down the hallway, or you can email me.”
Eleanor spent the next thirty minutes showing you their emailing system and how to access Rafe’s calendar. She even shared a large cheat sheet she’d made with all of Rafe’s preferred restaurants, coffee shops, hotels, and the names and numbers of his home staff.
When she left you alone, you looked around the room. The view of the office from your corner was daunting. However, your heart had been beating too fast ever since you met Rafe. 
You turned your attention back to the calendar system. It was sleek and well-organized, and luckily, it was straightforward enough to navigate. You took note of his key meetings for the day and repeated them over in your head. You wrote down some notes in case your mind drew a blank. It was your first day, and he’d give you some grace, right? 
You needed to be able to anticipate these needs, but all you knew about Rafe Cameron was that he was complex and demanding. 
The sound of footsteps in the corridor drew your attention, and hurriedly, you glanced down at your note sheet again. Standing from your seat, you smoothed out your skirt, and with your notes in hand, you folded your palms in front of you. 
Unconsciously, as he pushed open the doors, you sucked air into your lungs. You held your breath until his eyes met with yours. In comparison to when you first met him, he was dressed down. He wore a short-sleeve black polo black dress pants, black leather penny loafers on his feet and a briefcase in hand. His face was stoic as he looked you over and let the doors close behind him. As big as they were, they were practically silent went they closed, adding to the ominous feeling in the room. 
You smiled, or tried to, “Good morning, Mr. Cameron, I’m–”
“I want you right here,” He interrupted, pointing down at the floor a foot before him. You stepped forward, hoping you wouldn’t trip like you had while practicing walking in them. Despite how he towered over you when you were this close, you made yourself comfortable there, “You’ll be right there every day when I walk in. Try again.”
“Good morning, Mr. Cameron-”
“I prefer Sir.”
Try again. Unfortunately, you were pretty used to being interrupted and forced to stop and start your sentences. “Good morning, Sir.” You were smiling as much as you could, but your throat hurt like your body wanted to cry. “Today, you’ll sss-start with three sss-separate online conferences with potential investors: Mr. Daniel, Mrs. Hunt, and Mr. Rivera. After lunch, you’ll have your weekly group meetings with department heads. You’ll start with Finance at one o’clock, Legal at two, and Design and Architecture at three. Your meeting with Property Management at four o’clock was canceled but rescheduled for Wednesday. For the rest of the day, you will be free to catch up with emails and ssss-submit the …. sss-ssss-strategic plan report you’ve been working on.”
He nodded once throughout your briefing, his face remaining impassive. You thought he might cringe at your mistakes, but he didn’t. You couldn’t help but feel like a strange choice for this job. Why would someone like him want to listen to you? 
“Good,” he confirmed, and you were relieved only for a moment. You were okay until he started to look you over, “Turn around.”
You weren’t sure why you looked in his eyes to see if he was being serious. Of course, he was being serious. Awkwardly, you face away from him until he adds, “In a circle, please.”
You felt your cheeks heat up from embarrassment before you faced him again. 
“I have a question,” You said.
“About the clothes. I …I didn’t know if it w-would be okay to return ssss-ssss-some of them. I just, there’s sss-so many.”
“And?” Rafe pressed, his brow furrowed. 
“I-I don’t have that much room for them.”
“Hmm,” He thought briefly, “How’s this? You take a picture of yourself in each outfit and then email them to me, and I’ll decide which ones I want you to wear. But everything red can stay. I like the red.”
You opened your mouth to respond, but he brushed past you and returned to his desk. Unsure whether you were supposed to move or stay put, you waited in place. 
“I’ll take a coffee. Black. Thanks.”
Eager to escape the room and not feel the weight of his gaze, you hurried out of the doors. Panicked, you approached Eleanor’s desk, waving your hands to get her attention. She was on the phone, but you mouthed “Coffee.” Acting as your life vest, she pointed you toward one of the many doors that lined the wall across from the reception area. 
Inside, you expected to find a normal breakroom, but the room’s decoration reminded you more of a lounge. Black coffee should be easy enough, but your hands shook slightly as you worked the modern, sleek coffee maker. After you prepared the coffee, you took a breath, and made your way back to his office. You kept yourself as composed as possible, and he glanced up at you briefly as you entered. You set it carefully on the coaster near his computer. 
He didn’t directly look at you or the coffee; you took that as your sign to retreat to your desk. 
You sat quietly as he attended all three of his virtual meetings. Inevitably, you started to listen. Sometimes, you’d tune in, wanting to learn something, but you gave up a few times after realizing how complex things were. 
When he finished all his meetings, he spoke up, “What are the arrangements for lunch?” 
“Lunch …” You echoed, thinking about the calendar you recognize, “Is there sss-something sss-specific you’re in the mood for, sir?”
“On Mondays, I have lunch with my COO and CFO. We have standing reservations at several restaurants. You’ll need to pick one, call, and make sure everyone knows the plans.” 
“Okay,” You nodded, “Yes, sir.”
Was that on the cheat sheet? Had you missed that? After scrolling a few times, you will find the list of restaurants and senior team members. 
You called The Prime, an upscale steakhouse, for Rafe and his senior team, ensuring every detail was perfectly arranged. When it was time to leave, you stood to bid Rafe goodbye, only to be told you were expected to join him. Quickly gathering your things, you followed him down the elevator to the parking garage. Eleanor gave you an encouraging thumbs up and smile as you passed her.
You must’ve looked frightened. 
Rafe’s choice of vehicle, a massive black truck with gleaming rims and immaculate leather seat, wasn’t a surprise, but his courteous gesture was. He opened the door for you and gently placed a hand on your hip to steady you as you navigated the high step into the truck.
“Th-Thank you,” You spoke, your voice small before he closed the door. 
As you sat during the ride, you felt your thighs were too exposed. You crossed your legs, trying to alleviate that feeling, but it proved useless, “You’ll get used to it,” Rafe’s voice snapped you out of being consumed by your thoughts. You hadn’t realized he was even paying attention to you. 
Hesitantly, your eyes roamed over him. His shirt's short sleeves did little to conceal the strength in his arms and the defined lines of his chest. 
“You have a boyfriend?” He asked, his tone relaxed. He wasn’t allowed to ask that, but you recalled the words he had used with you the week prior. Would you fuck him? He’d already crossed a line. You needed to get used to his brashness, “A girlfriend?” He continued. 
“I-I-I,” Breathe in, slowly release, “I don’t.”
“Have you ever had one?”
The underlying implication of his words made you defensive, and you crossed your arms, “Have you, Sir?”
He let our a short laugh, “You just seem a little uptight,” Your lips parted and eyes widened.
“I haven’t dated anyone seriously in a while. But you don’t need to date someone seriously to get what you need from them. I guess I’m just wondering if you have someone who . . . relieves your stress.”
“I really, really don’t want to answer that,” You spoke slowly. 
“Relax, we’re just talking. Is this going to be a problem? I’m just trying to get to know my newest employee.”
It felt like a mind game. He wasn’t like anyone you’d ever met before—every word, every glance from him seemed designed to put you on edge, to make you second-guess yourself. 
“No, sir,” You replied, trying to keep your voice steady.
“Are you a virgin, Y/N?” He asked suddenly as if he’d had some brilliant revelation.
“N-No,” You stuttered, lying through your teeth, “I’m not.”
He made a “hmm” sound as he glanced at you, “Of course you’re not. Forgive me; I shouldn’t jump to conclusions.”
You understood quickly he wasn’t actually looking for your forgiveness. He was testing you, pushing boundaries just to see how you’d react. 
When you arrived, Rafe pulled up to the valet stand, and a nicely dressed attendant quickly came over to open your door. You managed to step out with as much grace as you could muster, feeling the weight of Rafe’s eyes on you as you did. He was out of the truck in a heartbeat, striding around to join you, his hand again guiding you with that firm touch on your lower back. It was possessive, a silent declaration that you belonged to him, at least for the duration of this lunch.
The restaurant's setting was sophisticated and private, and you reached the table reserved for your group. The two of you were last to arrive, which meant all eyes fell on you as Rafe pulled out a chair for you right next to his seat. Two men were at the table, and you were taken aback by the fact that they were as young as Rafe. 
“Guys, this is Y/N,” Rafe gestured to you, making himself comfortable, “Y/N, meet Topper Thornton and Kelce Adams.”
You managed to speak to them, though your words stumbled slightly. They eyed you the same way Rafe often did, like prey. You could almost imagine your name listed on the menu in front of them. But Rafe, with a swift shift in conversation, cut off their questions, his tone a clear warning. When you took a bit too long to decide on your meal, Rafe didn’t hesitate. He ordered for you the moment the waiter arrived, a subtle reminder of the control he held over every aspect of your life, even what you ate.
You couldn’t help but notice that Topper shared Eleanor’s last name. Were they married? Siblings? The thought lingered as you made a mental note to ask her later. Without another word, you pulled out your notebook, ready to take notes for the meeting.
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Something in his last meeting had angered him. When he returned to his office, you watched him cross the room; your mouth wanted to form the words to ask, “What’s wrong?” but your lips pressed into a thin line instead. 
As he settled in his desk, you pretended to be engrossed in your notes, hoping to avoid his attention. Ignoring the cold air in the room and the dark cloud hovering above him grew impossible. Out of the corner of your eye, you watched him. He pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers and tapped at the surface of his desk. Was it anxiety he was feeling? 
“Come here, Y/N?”
Startled, you dropped your pen on the floor, the sound making him fully turn his head towards you. Awkwardly, you picked it up and set it down on your desk. You fixed your skirt as you crossed the distance between his desk and yours to keep it from riding up. 
“Yes, sss-sir?” 
His eyes were dark as he spun his chair to face you, “Tell me,” He began, “What do you think you did wrong today?”
Your mind raced. Did you do something wrong that you hadn’t realized? There were plenty of mistakes, but it was only your first day and you’d been completely thrown out of your comfort zone. 
“I’m not ssss-sssure, sss-sir,” Your voice was barely above a whisper, a grimace on your face as you tried to force out the words. 
“Not sure?” He echoed. 
“I should’ve know t-t-to …” You pushed through that “stuck” feeling, “Make your lunch reservations.”
“That’s one.”
“Uhm,” Your voice trailed off as your bottom lip shook. You felt like a child being scolded. Why did you keep freezing? Why did you let him speak to you that way? “I-I-I-I-I…”
“Does it hurt, you know, when it gets that bad?” Rafe leaned back in his chair, his arms folded against his chest, now looking at you with curiosity and frustration.
You shook your head because it was all you could manage.
“You can’t think of anything else, huh?”
“I’m sss-sss-sorry,” As a tear fell from your eye, he stood from his chair. 
He shushed you, grabbing ahold of the top of your arms, “You know I could have chose anyone for this job?”
You nodded. 
“But I chose you,” You nodded again, “I do love to see you apologize, sweetheart, but you have to know what you’re apologizing for.”
“I’m sss-sssory,” You couldn’t help the apology that tumbled out again, “Fff-for not knowing.”
“There you go, yeah, that’s better,” He pulled you closer, and you felt his hand brush the strands of your hair over your shoulder, keeping it from your face, “I told you this would be a mutually beneficial relationship. You need money, someone to care take care of you… I need ... I need you. When you’re with me, you’re mine to do with as I please. Do you understand?”
You nodded, feeling like he was the only thing keeping you grounded. He dominated the space, his presence suffocating, and the fear of displeasing him made your breath catch in your throat. The boundaries between you blurred even further, leaving you more trapped than ever.
“Good girl,” one of his hands wrapped around the side of your neck. His gaze pierced into yours, his mind racing behind them, and he sighed as he mentally concluded, “I can’t punish you just yet.”
“Punish?” You asked in a whisper, his face moving in closer. 
“You gotta learn somehow, right?”
Your eyes darted from his eyes to his lips, panicked. Nothing could have prepared you for him smashing his lips against yours. One hand was on your neck, and the other wrapped behind you, pulling you into him. Even as his kiss overwhelmed you, your mind couldn’t let go of the word he had just used—punish.
“I have to fuck you. I have to,” He growled between kisses. 
Your hands pushed at his chest, but it was like trying to move a brick wall, “Please, Rafe,” You tried to say. Part of you thought using his real name would snap him from his trance, but he groaned into your mouth. 
You’d never been kissed like this; no one had ever explored you with their tongue, and part of your mind seemed to rejoice. The other part, the rational one, told you to escape. You started to use your strength to pull from him as you stepped backward, but that only made him grip you harder. 
You yelped, and when Rafe opened his eyes again, he smiled. Whatever weighed heavy on his mind before had clearly been relieved by the game he was trying to play. You stumbled back when he let you go, almost falling on your behind, “Go on,” He said with a smirk, “Just makes it more fun for me.”
Of all the games, you liked this one the least. You turned to flee, but before you could reach the door, he lifted you off the ground. You screamed, and the next thing you knew, you were being thrown onto the couch. Rafe pinned you down easily, his weight crushing you as he reached for your legs. You shut your thighs tightly, and his glare felt like a knife in your side.
“Do not!” He exploded, and you whimpered, “Hey, hey, sweetheart, I don’t want you to ever close your legs to me.” 
“Rafe, please … please d-don’t,” Someone would hear. Eleanor would hear, wouldn’t she? She’d stop him before he went too far. 
“God, I’d beat your fucking ass if I didn’t need to be inside of you right now,” He growled, prying your legs apart and tearing away your underwear as soon as he could feel it. He wrapped one hand around your throat, squeezing just enough to keep you pinned down, while the other undid his belt. “You don’t make demands anymore, do you understand?”
“I’ve-I’ve nnn-never…”
Understanding flashed in his eyes. 
“You're a fucking virgin?” You nodded, feeling a small piece of hope, “We can add lying to that list of things you’ve done wrong, huh?”
He seemed to pause which you felt grateful for. His belt was already undone, his hips sinking into yours, “No one’s ever tasted you?” You shook your head, “You’ve never had a cock in your mouth either?”
You looked away, embarrassed. 
“Fuck,” He breathed out, “You’re gonna be all mine.” 
“Please-” You tried again, but he silenced you, pressing his lips to yours again. 
This time, he was more deliberate with his movements. His hands traveled higher, and he reached into your shirt to gently knead at your breasts. He moved slower like he was savoring the moment. At the same time, you felt even more tortured. Your body betrayed you, responding to his caresses as if they were safe, as if he were someone you trusted. He was making all the right moves and your mind felt even more confused then your body. 
Fingers pinched gently at your nipples and your lips parted into a moan. He used it as an opportunity to explore your mouth further. Next, he moved down your jaw and then he nuzzled his face into your neck. There was a place on your collarbone he’d found, one that made you yelp in pleasure, a spot you didn’t know existed. That’s what he wanted. To conquer you. 
You felt warm between your legs and a slickness as you tried to move your legs. Rafe was still taking his time. He’d lifted your shirt, pulled down your bra, and placed your left breast into his mouth. You cried out, your back arching in an automatic response. If he kept going, you knew you could finish just from this alone, and the thought filled you with a mix of shame and despair.
Slowly, methodically, he dismantled your guard. 
When he sensed you were ready, that he’d successfully turned your body on, he pulled down his briefs. You couldn’t bring yourself to look down. It was gonna hurt, either way, why dwell on the size? “Tell me,” He kissed your jaw, leaning down to your ear, “Ask me to take your virginity.”
You tensed, “I-I d-don’t.”
“I can make it hurt, Y/N,” He warned, “I promise, you want me to be gentle”
He pressed his tip against your entrance, and you were already cringing, “Fucking ask me, or I’ll push it all inside.”
“Will you …t-take my virginity?”
“Please,” he corrected, a dark satisfaction in his tone.“Where’s your manners?”
“Please, take mmm-my vvvv-vvvv-virginity,” He slowly started to enter you, and you pressed your hands against his chest. 
You started to breathe heavily, “T-T-Too mmm-mmm-much.”
He pushed in more, “That’s just half, sweetheart. Take a deeper breath for me."
You listened even though he was hurting you. Even now, you believed him to be better than you. Looking up at him, you slowly breathed in and out. As you controlled your breathing, he started to move in and out of you. He cursed and grunted into your ear, soon falling into a rhythm. 
Pain began to blur with something else, something you didn’t want to acknowledge. 
It was a foreign feeling, being full of him, reaching to parts of you that had never been discovered. The only thing that felt wrong to you was how it was happening. Is this how it always felt? So completely all consuming? You were warm everywhere, a pressure building at your core, and you struggled to make a sound other than a moan. 
With each thrust you let out a yip, not realizing that you’d stopped pushing at his chest and started pawing at it. That only encouraged him further. He reached underneath you, lifting your left leg to your chest, as he grabbed a handful of your ass. He pried you open further in this position and he looked down at you …almost grateful. He was savoring you and every moment that he was touching you, infiltrating your body. You’d never had someone want you like this. 
Before you were even really aware of it, the pressure inside of you had built to a crescendo, and you’d cried out against Rafe’s lips. 
He smiled against yours, “Good girl, sweetheart,” Tears escaped your eyes again, this time because of how confused your hormones were. It felt like an uncontrolled explosion of emotion. 
Now, the sensation actually felt like something you couldn’t physically handle, “Oh my god, o-oh my god, ” You spoke over and over as you went back to pushing at his chest. 
“Stay,” he commanded, his body pressing you down further as he slowed his movements, his rhythm faltering. “I’m almost done,” he added, a hint of amusement in his voice. “You’re squeezing so tight.”
“Please,” you begged, your legs starting to shake. “Please, Rafe.”
Your words seemed to bring his climax. Your second orgasm came painfully, and you scrambled to free yourself from under his weight after he finished sinking into you. Your legs didn’t stop shaking, but at least you could catch your breath. 
Your bare bottom hit the plush carpet of his seating area, listening as Rafe’s heavy breathing slowed. You fixed your bra and top before you started to search for your underwear. To your dismay, they were completely torn. 
“I’ll get you some new ones, some nicer ones, yeah?”
You nodded, though you weren’t sure why. Feeling his gaze, you pushed your skirt down next. Looking down, you realize his remnants were sliding down your thighs. You just shut your legs tighter. A hand on your back made you glance up at him. His eyes were still dark, but there was more satisfaction than before. 
“We’re done for today, but before you leave, uh, Eleanor needs to see you.” 
He stood, and you looked away as he started to zip up his pants and fasten his belt again. 
“Th-That’s it?”
“Until tomorrow,” He said, his tone returned to business, as if the last few minutes were merely part of the workday.
You thought he was returning to his desk, but Rafe walked to your desk and collected your purse and computer. As you stood, your body ached, and you realized how disheveled you must look. Was your makeup smudged across your face? Did he bruise the back of your thighs? 
Rafe brought you your things, his hands finding your lower back, “Go home. Get some rest. And don’t forget about those pictures, yeah?”
You nodded although your mind was elsewhere. The next thing you knew, you were standing on the other side of the door, clutching your bag tightly to your chest. Your mind started to wonder what exactly had caused all this. Was he mad at you, or was that I an excuse to …ruin you. 
When you made it to Eleanor’s desk she asked you, “How was your first day?”
You nodded, trying to shake your expression into a smile, “I-It was … o-okay.”
There was no way she could have missed it in your eyes or in your appearance, but she continued, “I just need you to sign that NDA before you go. It’s completely standard procedure. It just assures that everything you see and hear is confidential. Protects the business.”
You took the papers from her and you tried to keep from shaking, “I can explain anything you need-”
“That’s okay,” You shook your head, knowing you just wanted to go home and hug your stuffed frog, “Thank you.”
You flipped through it quickly and signed your name where she indicated, “There’s one more thing. Are you on birth control?”
You stared, knowing the implication of the words. Why didn’t she warn you before you agreed to this?
You shook your head.
“You’ll need a Plan B. Should I pick it up for you, or would you prefer to do it yourself?”
Of course, you’d had friends who’d bought it before but the idea of going by yourself right now made you want to be sick. And you couldn’t tell your friends … at least not yet, “Could you … g-get it?”
“Of course, I’ll have it tomorrow,” She nodded and offered you a polite smile, “Do you need any help getting to the parking deck?”
You shook your head quickly, “I www-walked, thank you.”
As you made your way to the elevator, you wondered how your day spiraled so entirely out of your control.
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Please reblog WITH your thoughts on the chapter to be added to the taglist for the story :) Also pls feel free to send me anons about your predictions/what you'd like to see in the story!
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deadsetobsessions · 9 months ago
Woo! I’ve finally got time to write! Had to go to a wedding, suffered through eight whole hours of pure disorganized mess, and got mad about it. Emphasis on the disorganized part. So, I bring you: party planner!Danny Phantom.
If anyone was to see him now, they’d definitely think that it was odd that Danny was the one in the party planning field. They wouldn’t be surprised if it was Jazz, but Danny ‘wing it’ Fenton planning things? Never.
But here he was, clipboard in hand and checking off hors d’œuvres from the list.
“Anton, could you do a check of the sound system? Make sure everything’s working?”
“Got it.”
Danny lifted the buffet table, laden with heavy food, and used a bit of his ghostly strength to move it over.
He double checked the seating chart, and readjusted the miniature ice sculpture centerpieces he made for the party.
Wayne Manor was all lit up and perfectly dusted. Danny ran through his mental checklist. Tabled? Check. Dance floor clean and scuff free? Check. DJ booth and open bar running without issues? Check. Live band setting up with back up instruments and strings? Check. Decorations on point? Oh, he’ll have to get the team to readjust those.
Time to check-
“Danny! How’s it going?” Bruce Wayne beamed and slung an arm around his shoulder.
Danny smiled politely. “Mr. Wayne. Everything is going smoothly. Would you like to check the food the chefs have made?”
“Sure, sure! I definitely need to eat before I drink, haha!”
“That’s a good idea! Good thing you’re about to try a bunch of food.” Danny matched the billionaire’s energy. He’s going to get paid so good.
“So, Danny, are you going to college?”
Danny passed him a small sampler. “Ah, I can’t. Some stuff happened in high school and I don’t really have the grades or the money to.”
Plus, his credentials were in another plane of existence and he hadn’t figured out how to transfer those records yet.
“You could still attend college, I’m sure! Your parents might be able to help pay?” Bruce nommed on the food. He gave a thumbs up.
Danny sighed. “It’s not always an option. Plus, my parents are dead.”
In this universe. His own? Alive and kicking GIW ass.
“Oh, I see-”
“Woah!” Danny blinked, looking down at the baby Wayne the popped up next to his father’s elbow.
“Damian! What’s wrong, kiddo?”
Damian shot his father a flat glare and dragged the laughing billionaire away.
Danny snorted and returned to his tasks. He has to check the speeches and the lighting. Hm… he doesn’t have time to adjust everything how he wants it.
Good thing he knew a guy that could stop time.
“Hey, Clockwork?”
“Father, I understand your inclination towards adopting poor black haired and blue eyed orphans, but I would like to remind you that I have far too many siblings to be adding yet another bumbling buffoon.”
“I was not considering that, Damian.”
Damian let go of his wrist with a grimace. “Denial is not becoming of a Wayne, Father.”
“Yeah, B. I could see you grab the adoption papers from all the way over here.” Tim adjusted his tie. “Anyways, Dick is on his way. He’s running a little late because of some stuff in Blüdhaven.”
“Thank you, Tim.”
“Look at the footage of Wayne manor.” Oracle pulled up the video surveillance scattered through out the manor. Specifically, the ones of the west ballroom. Daniel Fenton stood in his spot, looking down at his clipboard but a second later, he's moved three inches to the left and the decorations had subtly been moved more aesthetic spots. "I think Danny might be a meta. We'll have to look into him."
Batman stood up, allowing the fondness he had for Danny as Bruce Wayne drain away. This is a potential threat, and Batman will treat him like one. (Danny will remember this.)
"Contact Flash. I need him to scan for any temporal disturbance."
"Brucie!" A socialite squealed as she came to bestow hugs upon a long suffering Bruce. "My god, this place is gorgeous! You must give me your planner's number. I could absolutely use some fresh eyes for the Annual Spring Party."
"Awe, Janine! I gotta keep some of the good things to myself!" Bruce whined, inwardly smirking as he saw his kids mock-gagging behind the lady's back. "What if your party's cooler than mine? What should I do then? You're already so gorgeous! Why, is that a Birkin?"
Janine lit up and all but forgot about getting Danny's contact information. Bruce patted his own back for a job well done, even if he had to listen to Janine's itemized list of random luxury goods she had to buy before being offered a bag.
He's a Wayne. The Gotham Hermes wished they could partner with the Waynes. Plus, he's pretty sure he's got at least three of those bags somewhere in the manor to bait out Selina.
Catching Danny sliding in between the servers and going towards the kitchen, Bruce quickly excused himself with a disarming himbo grin.
Time to subtly grill the kid.
"Hey, Timmy?"
"Hello, Dick," Tim smiled elegantly at the couple who's companies he was about to bring six feet underground and excused himself. "What's up?"
"Have you noticed that the ice sculptures haven't melted at all?"
Tim blinked, eyes sliding over to a harried Danny being followed by Bruce on a mission. Oof.
"Freeze?" He asked mildly, face innocent of any nefarious thoughts.
"That's what I'm thinking." Dick smiled sunnily, throwing an arm around Tim's shoulders.
"Heard the guy's living out near Crime Alley. We should get Jay to check it out." Tim pretended to laugh, grinning as his brains made plans for a stakeout.
"Heard, my ass. You totally stalked him, didn't you?"
"Got proof?"
Dick snorted, removing his arm. "Nope. I'll let Jay know. You should probably help Danny out, though, he looks like he's about to lose his temper."
"Bruce is at it again." Tim sighed. "Yeah, okay."
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aventurineswife · 3 months ago
Mini troublemakers!
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Summary: When each Stellaron Hunter encounters a robot reader with the unique ability to create adorable, miniature replicas of themselves, their reactions reveal hidden facets of their personalities.
Tags: Kafka x Reader, Firefly x Reader, Silver Wolf x Reader, Blade x Reader, Robot!Reader, Platonic Relationships, Mini Robots, Friendship, Slice of Life, Fluff and Light Humor, Bittersweet Moments.
Tag (as I can't answer your request so I have to resort on tagging you instead): @lavenderlovekakavasha
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Kafka observed with an intrigued smile as you, the robot, tinkered with a miniature version of yourself. A tiny, whirring replica with shiny eyes turned and beamed up at her. "A little army of yourself, hmm?" she mused, her smooth voice drifting in a teasing tone.
She leaned closer, letting her wine-colored hair spill over one shoulder as she observed the smaller bot. “Adorable. A bit of charm and smarts combined, just like the real thing.” She tapped the mini bot’s head lightly, a glint of amusement in her eyes. "It suits you, actually. I might have to commission a tiny assistant from you myself. Maybe with one of my coats.”
The little bot chirped in response, and Kafka’s laughter was low and warm. "Let’s see what you can do with it,” she said, her gaze focused, “and if you’re up for a little fun.”
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Firefly watched with quiet admiration as your small robot creation moved around. She crouched down, reaching out a cautious hand to the curious, cute little bot, which hummed softly as it approached her. “These… you created them yourself?” she asked, her tone holding a mix of wonder and reserve.
When you confirmed, she gave a small, almost hidden smile. “They’re… fragile, but strong. Like something meant to last in its own way.” The bot blinked at her, and Firefly’s eyes softened. “Reminds me of the Iron Cavalries back in Glamoth. Only… friendlier.” she added, stroking one of the bot’s tiny antennae.
She looked up at you thoughtfully. “Do they ever get scared?” she asked, a hint of something deeper in her tone. “Out there on their own?”
You reassured her, showing how they could always find their way back to you with a signal, and Firefly’s smile grew just a little. “Then they’re lucky.”
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Silver Wolf
"Okay, this is genius!" Silver Wolf leaned in, peering closely at your little bot. It made a light, buzzing sound, like a computer processing, and Silver Wolf’s eyes lit up with excitement. “So, they can copy themselves, hack simple systems, and even do cute dances. You realize how much we could exploit this?”
She nudged the bot playfully, letting out a snicker as it wobbled and then righted itself. “With a few tweaks, I bet I could turn these guys into the ultimate diversion—just imagine the look on Screwllum’s face when these little cuties start hacking his defenses.”
The little bot tried imitating her gesture, lifting a stubby little arm in a “cheer” motion, and she laughed. “Yup, they’re my kind of bots! We could be an unstoppable team. You up for a little programming jam session?”
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Blade stood in silence, his eyes fixed on the small robot rolling around in front of him. You watched as he knelt down, expression unreadable, while the little bot wheeled over and stopped at his foot. It beeped softly, looking up at him with a wide, innocent lens.
He seemed almost hesitant, looking from the small bot to you. “It’s… small,” he finally said, as though the idea itself was strange. The bot moved closer, and Blade didn’t flinch, even as it nuzzled against his hand like a pet.
“Strange to see something so… unburdened by fate,” he muttered under his breath. There was an intensity in his eyes as he reached out to gently touch the bot’s head. “If only everything could be so simple.”
The little bot let out a chirp, and you told him it was their way of saying they liked him. He let out a rare, low chuckle. “Then I suppose it’s good it doesn’t know who I am. Still, I… appreciate it.”
He glanced up at you, something softer in his gaze. “Keep them close. They’re safer that way.”
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This is very lazily written, sorry y'all. I'm not feeling well today.
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seattlesellie · 2 years ago
hi angel i saw u say you wanted more fluffy ellie requests and i thought about maybe something along the lines of the cute pics she has of you two in her phone idk it’s just something i thought of u don’t have to write it if u don’t want to i just love ur blog and everything u write 💗💗💗💗🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
not about love ♡
pre-dating slightly loser college!ellie 🦕 incoming !! basically u go through ellies phone and find… something. part 1 of… maybe?
warnings: slightly mean ellie for a second, sexual tension, mentions of weed and alcohol.
part 2
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Tic-Toc, the gentle sounds of the ancient clock in Ellie’s room filled the thick air. a gift from Joel. It was a warm, lazy afternoon. You almost fell asleep, almost. Her bed smelled like her, so did the ruffled, Nirvana t-shirt you were laying on. Everything in this room practically screamed Ellie. The scent, the sketches on the wall — of Dina, and Jesse, and you. Why did she have more sketches of you than anyone else? A dinosaur lego, a miniature solar system, obscure band posters, Oh! here’s the pin you gifted her once!, two pairs of mismatched socks, a random rock (“It’s from like, the moon” she said. It was from the local science museum.)
“El” you whined, receiving a gentle hum in response.
“I’m bored” you exclaimed with a heavy sigh. It's not as if she owed you any attention, she told you she had to study. For some reason, some odd reason nor you or her could put your finger on, you had to be there with her. “Well” you excused. “It’s not like I have anything better to do, right?” A lie. What about your project due Monday? Nevermind.
“Catch this” she exclaimed, tossing a serene light blue stress ball directly at your face.
“Ow!” you whined, yet again. If only you knew what those whines did to her.
“Sorry bro, gotta finish this fucking question. She said, flexing her sore hand. “Fuck this fucking Prof, seriously” She mumbled, clearly annoyed, clearly frustrated. Ellie had this thing, well, if you could even call something that she only had specifically with you a “Thing” — where she had to call you by those stupid names. “Dude” “Bro” “Jeez man!” just to see you squirm. Youd flinch ever so slightly, a fleeting reaction that betrayed a hint of offense flickering in your eyes. Every time you couldn’t help but pout, couldn’t help but look a little bit hurt, it did something to her. It wasn’t because she liked hurting you, God knows she didn’t. It would give her a glimmer of hope, of light. Shed journal about it, too;
“I called her Bro again. She looked really sad. Why does she get sad? I’m so fucking stupid. It’s probably because no one else calls her fucking bro, I’m literally delusional. Also had expired fucking Pizza. Worst day ever. Shit. Not that bad because she smiled at batted her eyelashes. God Ellie you need therapy.” YOURE A DUMBASS!!!!”
Half an hour had elapsed, brimming with Ellie muttering to herself under her breath. lighting a blunt, burning the blunt, passing it to you, begging you to give it back after 3 seconds.
You were pretty sure you had gone through every single app on your phone five times already. Stalking rando’s on Instagram, watching ASMR tiktoks, talking shit with Dina in the groupchat. How much more of this boredom could you take? My god, you were humming a stupid melody to yourself.
“Griiiind boy you know I grind when I pull-“
Did Ellie just shush you?!
“Excuse me?” You said.
“I’m trying to concentrate. Also what the fuck is a Fartulum?” Ellie retorted, withdrawing slightly and punctuating her frustration with stomps on the floor. God, she was too fucking cute.
“Can I play on your phone?” You questioned innocently. One more opening and closing the same App and you’d have lost your damn mind. You could practically see the Candy Crush candies popping inside of your brain every time you closed your eyes.
“No” she answered bluntly.
“Why? you scared I’ll find your nudes? Not gonna look- Swear on my li-“
You could hear her eye rolling, somehow.
“I dont have fucking nudes” she affirmed with a touch of exasperation.
“Someone else’s?” you said quietly. Your tone almost exposed you. Almost.
“Psh… no” Ellie said in return, just as quiet. Her tone almost exposed her, too.
Wish I had yours. Shut it, Ellie.
“Then let me go on your phone” You whined, got off the bed and almost slipped on one of her belts that laid on the floor. So messy, so, so Ellie.
She cast a sidelong glance at you, her eyes darting from the corner of her vision. Her grip on the pen was incredibly tight. It happened every time you got near, got too close to her. Whether it was clutching the strings of her hoodie, her knuckles turning white with tension, or her toes curling in a clenched stance. Shed never ever admit it to herself, cool, calm & collected, but fuck did you make her nervous.
You settled yourself on the chair beside her, causing her to divert every ounce of her attention back to her assignment, shifting it solely onto you. You. You. You.
She gazed directly into your eyes, and a peculiar warmth flooded your face. Its funny how even after being friends for all this time, making eye contact with her managed to stir something within you. She asked you about it once, mid fight. “You never even look at me when we talk!” she huffed. “Yes I do!” no you dont. “No you don’t!” and when your lips quivered, turning you in, she left it at that.
Ellie scratched the back of her neck, her arms flexing subtly with the motion. You gave her that look, the look that made her cheeks go bright pink, her hands clam up. She bit her lip. “Fine”. You won, flashing her a toothy smile she couldn’t help but grin at.
And there you were, with Ellie’s iPhone 5C (Yeah, she never got that buying a new iPhone every 2 years phenomenon) laying on Ellie’s bed, in Ellie’s room.
“Ew - Ellie what the fuck? why is your screen greasy?!” You squirmed, fingertips grazing over her slightly sticky screen. Is that fucking chicken nuggets residue?
“Shut up, dude. You asked me for my phone so deal with the consequences”
You rolled your eyes, proceeded to wipe the screen of her phone with the corner of her cozy flannel bedsheet. Her phone was really warm. One more month and it would probably set on fire.
“Password?” You questioned, and shifted to lay on your stomach, your cheek caressing the pillow. It had a little auburn colored hair laying on top of it.
Ellie huffed and waited a second before she responded, contemplating again. It’s harmless, fuck it.
“Okay, seriously - you could get hacked with that dumbass password”
“Pffft” Ellie huffed. “I’d fucking beat them up if they tried robbing me” she said, ever the brave.
“I’m not… talking about robbers, Ellie. Like, hackers?”
“Same thing”
“You cant beat up hackers they’re- Nevermind” you sighed.
If the room was classic Ellie, god, so was her phone. Default Apple background, because she truly couldn’t be bothered. iMessage, Instagram with four pictures on her feed; One of her arm slightly flexing her tat (who the fuck was the bitch who commented “damn” under there?), one of a stray cat wearing her grey beanie, a meme that says “Fuck sex. Let’s do something romantic like play Fireboy and Watergirl on CoolMathGames.Com” (God, she thought she was so funny for that one. 6 Likes, one from you, one from Jesse, the fake Instagram account you and Dina created for Joel, her ex Cat, and one from Dina and a spam bot). Next to the Instagram laid the NASA app (of course), Call Of Duty for iPhone (Made her sleep for only fifteen minutes one night), calculator, 9GAG (People still use that?!), and… her gallery.
You pursed your lips, contemplating the situation. Should you?after all, Ellie said; No nudes. So what could possibly be on there?
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Of course.
You couldn't contain a soft giggle that escaped your lips, earning an inquisitive whine from Ellie. "What's so funny?" she grumbled, unable to resist her curiosity.
“Said you were studying, so study” You said, while scrolling through her gallery.
As you readjusted your position on the bed, you unintentionally swiped to the left, revealing her albums. Just harmless browsing, right?
“Funny memes”
“Pics to send Jesse when he’s being stupid”
“Stink ❤️”
A picture of you, laying on the grass, a bright, toothy smile spread across your face. It was from your Instagram, the one you deleted because you thought you looked dumb. The one Ellie commented a for once unsarcastic “Woah” on.
The album was locked.
You felt your throat go dry, heartbeat speeding up. Your leg started shaking, and God, you hoped she would come and snatch the phone off of your hand.
But she didn’t. She just shifted in her sit, cleared her throat and resumed her studies.
You shouldn’t have. But you did.
Unlocked. Success!
You felt like screaming at the top of your lungs. Was it even hotter in here now? Extra humid today? you bit your lip, it almost hurt.
A picture of you and Dina. A selfie you sent to the groupchat two weeks ago. Ellie doodled a green heart on it. You were sweating. A picture of you on Christmas last year. That same day you had your stupid fight on. You were wearing a Santa hat, mug of hot Coco and tiny white marshmallows in your hand.
Your stomach felt as if it were infested by a swarm of Ellie looking butterfly’s.
A picture of you sound asleep, in Ellie’s bed. She was mid-moving a hair strand away from your face. It was blurry. You recognized that top.
You were wasted that day. Blabbering uncontrollably about how you had to crash on her bed, because you were scared your new roommate would think you’re stupid, and dumb, and an idiot, for getting drunk at a frat party.
You couldn’t understand why Ellie didn’t want to help you. You almost kicked her when she said she couldn’t, that you’d be better off in your bed. “I snore. And I kick in my sleep - Seriously” You almost cried. You called her a bad friend, a fake one, because — isn’t that what friends are for? Shouldn’t they have your back when you’re a babbling mess? Hold your hair for you, put you to sleep, take care of you?
Ellie couldn’t sleep that night.
When you laid there, right on her bed, her face went so red and hot you could fry something on it. She almost hit herself in the face when her chest grazed your back. When your leg caressed her’s, and ended up on top of her thigh, she almost screamed. When you shifted to face her, an angelic, sound asleep expression on your face, she swore she almost died. The string of your top came off, revealing more of your shoulder, and the strap of your bra, Ellie turned around so fast she almost woke you up.
She slept for 20 minutes.
When she woke up, she had to make herself remember it. Remember you, laying with her.
So she took a picture. An innocent one.
You almost jumped when the pen fell slipped from her hand and she turned around to face you.
“What are you doing?”
Whats in her notes app?
part two
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sunboki · 9 months ago
— FOR THE NIGHT. a Christopher Bahng fiction
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Christopher Bahng x fem. reader
WORD COUNT. 1.1k words
AUG'S NOTES. this bangchan is from my “Korea’s Most Wanted” universe because i have yet to get over him from october…
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“Bin, you said it was shipped friday.” The man, Christopher Bahng, grumbles, massaging the pinch between his brows.
His counterpart, Bin, whom he was now quarreling with on the phone groaned profusely, claiming how shipments were already slow—not to mention with the new investigations on his business underway.
The life of The Gunsman isn’t an easy one. It’s a constant game of tag against the police and the government while wielding a well-planned dictionary of excuses to avoid suspicion. 
So now, as Bahng’s precious system becomes increasingly jeopardized, he finds himself losing more and more sleep to a worrisome degree.
And, having left the party filled with chairman, associates, and colleagues alike, Bahng slips into the safety of his car, once again troubled with the demands this illegal trade calls for.
“Well tell him I’ll have to serve his head on a platter if the ammunition doesn’t arrive by Friday. I’m running a charity event with how many funds I’ve given the idiot.”
Although halfway into Bin’s response, a quiet, though audible sound rustles in his backseat.
Instantly, he’s lurched a pistol from his thigh, aimed directly at the responsible interruption.
“Bahng. Bahng?” Bin echoes, only to be hung up on as Chris takes in the sight before him.
Lying in his backseat, curled up in a miniature ball, is a girl.
Your face is wrinkled in discomfort, hand resting right below your cheek, smushed against his car, a Lamborghini’s, interior.
How you got here without him noticing is beyond him, how long you’ve been here an even larger mystery.
His hand falters with the pistol, gawking with obvious surprise prior to stuffing the weapon back into its leather holster.
Instinctively, he would’ve called an assistant, asked them to take you home, find someone who knew you. Except, by the look of your current state, he has an inkling you wouldn’t be the greatest help navigating.
You’re gone.
Plus, the party’s already drawing to a close, people scattering out in every direction. The last thing he needs is to draw attention to himself.
Bahng may work illegally, lacking the fear of blood on his hands, but he’s not heartless.
Stifling a sigh, he rakes a hand through his hair, repeatedly clearing his throat in the case you woke up.
Leave it to him to end up with a random girl in his backseat.
Fine. Home it is.
Or, one of his many homes in the area.
Starting the engine, he spares repeated glances at you on the drive back, simply met with your same, woeful expression. Eyes screwed shut, lips pursed, cheeks stained a pink hue.
Pulling in, he stalls in the front seat, debating on all his morals up till now.
“I can’t believe I’m doing this..” Words a mere mutter, he carefully opens your door, gingerly dragging you out from your awkward position.
Knees pulled to your chest, Bahng keeps one, scarred hand on your back and another beneath your thighs while your head hangs, both hands bunched into fists, pressed to your chest.
Whatever happened before, however you got here, you were scared—that much was known.
Somehow, the realization had him holding you closer.
Swiping the code to the door, he silently curses the loud beep, confusing himself with his concern for you.
Why did he care? You’d wake up, he’d get your home address and send you off. Why was he now so conscious about your comfort?
Heading up the winding stairs, he pulls his office chair from its place, deciding water as the best option.
“I’m going to put you down for a second, okay?”
Gently idling you into the chair, his movements halt when your arms reach up around his shoulders, a soft, barely divisible whine slipping past your lips, unwilling to let go.
He can barely recognize anything with how loud his heart rams against his rib cage.
Pull yourself together Bahng.
Ensuring you were still asleep, he slips into the kitchen, filling a glass with water before returning to you.
Your head jerks from when he holds the rim to your mouth, unwilling to cooperate.
“Just water sweetness,” He soothed, hating how worried he was, how senseless this behavior was.
Yet, he only continued to ease you into each sip, palm cupping your cheek for support, narrowly masking his astonishment when your eyes slowly opened, barely awake.
“Mm..?” Your vocal cords betray you, leering on the verge of dream and reality as you try acknowledging your surroundings.
No amount of recollection aids your perception in figuring out how you got here, only aware of the blaring ache in your head and a strangers voice in the distance.
One thing’s for certain. You feel awful.
Discerning the splash of water dumped down a sink, you’re once again hoisted into his arms, disappearing back into unconsciousness as Bahng nudges open his bedroom door, settling down on the edge of the bed.
“I don’t mean to man-handle you, but we need to get these shoes off.”
Situating you upright, his arm slips down, propping each of your ankles where he can pull the heels from your feet.
Softly placing you down, he savors your feeble grip grasping at his clothing, gradually loosening in an attempt at holding his face.
“Unfortunately, I can’t stay here all night sweets, you’re gonna have to let go,” Bahng whispers, easing your wrists down to your sides.
Unfortunately? What’s gotten into him?
Although, just as he adjusts the comforter over you, turning to go, he hears a sniffle.
C’mon, ignore it, she’s fine.
Another sniffle.
Screw it.
“If you tell me where you live I can take you home?” He utters, lingering by your bedside like a child waiting to hear if they can go on a play date.
It’s painful admitting the effect your tears have on him, brows creasing so sadly in a way he can’t ignore.
“Are… Are you gonna hurt me?” You whimper, feeling absolutely exhausted the longer your mind races, frantically piecing together any clues of your whereabouts to no avail.
The pad of his thumb wiping free falling tears, he shakes his head, a miniature smile gracing usually serious, unmoving features.
“I can’t say I haven’t hurt someone before, but I’m not gonna hurt you, alright sweetness?”
Nodding fervently, his face contorts, admiring the adorable manner you blink up at him, lashes all clumped from crying.
Look, his ego isn’t too fragile to admit you’re cute.
“..How did I get here?”
Bahng chuckles.
“I don’t know the answer to that myself.”
Freeing your arm from his sheets, you furiously rub your eyes, frown tugging at the corner of your lips, hiccuping as your breathing shallows.
“I know things are scary when you’re this drunk. I promise everything will be a thousand times better in the morning.”
And with that, he pulls the comforter over you, bidding a quiet good night and nearing the door for a second time.
This time, you intervene, latching onto the fabric of his shirt.
“Thank you.”
What did he just get himself into.
He sucks his teeth, surveying the sleepy eyes you’re torturing him with.
“Don’t mention it.”
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sunboki, may 2022 ©
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sector38 · 8 months ago
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From Sector: 38
Entry: Ⅰ
Apparently, there was a time when people believed there was an edge to the world - that if you sailed far enough, you'd just fall off the side of the world. I used to find it so funny, I just couldn't understand or comprehend how this world had a definitive end to them
now, I understand.
Sitting at the edge of the sector, the cool metal of the man-made ground pressed against my bare thighs and the cold waters engulfing my feet staring out into the watery abyss.
Technically I wasn’t meant to be there, unless you have a valid pass you're not allowed outside the city walls and considering mine was four days out of date I very much did not want to be caught.
My friends spent their days working, rebuilding our society in miniature while i spent my days sitting at the brink of the universe staring out at the unchanging.
But even if i did work, what would i do? Who would i be? Who could i become?
A reconstructionist? A teacher? A cleaner? A cook?
So Instead I continued to sneak past the guards who can't be much older than me lined up like pawn pieces with faces harder than the boots they wear and sit, stare, soaking up the very thing that left us floating in silent devastation.
I should have brought my watch or my phone it was just that after last time (with me nearly dropping it and all) I thought best not, but now looking at the inky night sky I'm wondering whether that in itself was a mistake. No one is allowed out past curfew (10 pm summer, 8 pm winter) it's too dangerous, too unpredictable.
It's funny, they won't tell us what to be afraid of, and they'll tell us we have nothing to fear then usher us into cages, protection from an invisible entity - an immeasurable enemy.
Still, even I can feel it the shift in the air - the cooling breeze stilted like something holding it back or someone. If I was smarter, I would have left, grimaced at my wet feet in my clean new white socks and black shoes, and slipped in through the city walls -
Except, i was never known for being particularly smart.
Which is why when I saw flashes of colour in the sea instead of running I stayed transfixed - purple and white hues swaying in and out of focus though always remaining in a tight formation, a loose cluster.
They were coming closer to the surface, whatever they were, its colours becoming more pigmented in its hues, its actions becoming more assured and targeted: it was coming for me.
I was frozen, completely and utterly frozen - I couldn't scream or speak, I couldn't even breathe. The only assurance that I hadn't turned to stone was the sounding of my beating heart - and even then, I couldn't place the organ. I felt its ricochets in my throat and stomach but heard it like a gunshot stretched out through time.
A cold encircled my ankles, a loose grip coiling around me, barely touching me. The tenderals, if I can call them that climbed up my body till they poked through the surface of the water and wrapped themselves against my lower thighs.
Now i could see it: long tentacles sprouting from a cluster deeper in the waters - the purple skin translucent inside faint veins iridescent colours shimmering like solar systems from a far of place. The ends were elliptical, curved like she shell of an egg as if blown from molten glass.
My hands once frozen by my side reached out gently to touch the head of the tentacle closest to me - gently i lifted my shaking fingers stopping them in front of the strange creature. With careless inhibition it slithered along my fingertips till it rested in my palm, feeling its weight in my hand and the soft integument.
For a while, the world was just this - just me staring at this creature that seemed to hold each star dead and dying under its skin but then i felt it - the tentacles slight grip on my upper thigh, not as though it was trying to pull my into the waters but instead as though it was searching for something.
The tentacles began to pulse, gently and softly like the humm of birds on a summer night - gentle but unequivocally present before a voice clear yet distorted rung through my mind:
Do not be afraid
then they slipped under my short black skirt.
As if a trance had broken i gasped, dropped my hands in haste and so the head of the tentacle which once occupied a place in my palm opting to try and push my body up and away from the waters and its presence.
But it was too late.
I'd been too distracted, so stupid and curious i didn't notice just how many tentacles had wrapped themselves around me lower body - sensing my resistance they only seemed to hold on tighter tendredals slipping further and further up my inner thighs till they rested over my pastel pink panties.
The tentacle which lay in my hand curled around my wrists like an armlet - as though i was a forgotten pharaoh.
The head of the tenderal under my skirt began to pulse against my underwear, pushing slightly against it dampening the material.
Its words like a ping pong ball bounced around my head, the once empty space echoing its words over and over as its intrusion continued.
They didn't tell us much about the monsters that came with the flood but they did tell us some things of of which being all of them have at least a three percent intelligence increase between them and us. It never meant much to me didn't mean anything that these monsters had minds far superior to beings - i was more confused with how they came about this knowledge.
With which lucky team of xenozoologists gathered them up and spoke to them, communicated them.
I wonder what they would say now, how they would stare down at me in their long white lab coats and tightly pulled back hair as this elderitch creature hummed against my skin.
Do not let your mind wander
The tentacles gripped me wrists tighter, sometime ago they had captured my either wrist as well truly any thoughts of escape which may have entered my mind were banished. The other tentacle began to nudge more incessantly at my underwear - in this moment i couldn't understand how this creature was supposed to be more intelligent than me, no five percent more intelligent than our most intelligent human? And yet it couldn't figure out how to take off my panties? It wasn't like the material was so expensive that they couldn't easily break, with one strong tug they would fall into the waters, floating over the face of the deep blue before perhaps sinking or maybe just continuing to float.
It was then that a feeling overcame me - i hate to say it but it was like the rush of a wave, like the sudden feel of cold water on hot skin and salty water hitting the back of your tongue. It was like a perfect cocktail of euphoria, clarity and anticipation. I understood then all that i could have known.
It wasn't that the monster didn't know how to take of my panties, it wanted me to need it to.
I bit my lip, drawing blood in haste covering a moan that threatened to slip from my lips at the thought - the tang of iron coating my tongue and cheeks, probably dying my teeth.
Silently in my own mind i whispered "please" and that was all it took before it was ripping my underwear of my body and spreading my legs slightly a part with the force and care of a determined lover.
Smaller, colder tentacles the width of my fingers emerged from the waters and gently stroked my entrance - the suddenness and the low temperature had me writhing but the thicker tentacles stopped me from shifting too far from its touch.
Like tongues they flicked slowly against my now pulsing clitoris, heat resting heavy at the bottom of my stomach like a sunken stone. My head threw back in bliss and as my mouth parted to let out a moan a tentacle head filled my mouth - the head was slightly longer than those which had made themselves a home around my wrists and much thicker than those which currently were lapping at my swollen clit.
My mind was in a haze, nipples hardening against my shirt as my eyes oscilated between staring at the sentient monster or the stary firmament above.
I could feel my body becoming hotter, desperate for more contact as i began to push myself closer towards the small tendrils in spite of the tight grip they had on me.
As if sensing my eagerness the beast emerged more tentacles now wrapping around my large breasts, squeezing on them and instantly wetting my shirt. If not for the appendage humming pleasantly in my mouth i have no doubts i would be moaning loud enough to alert the guards.
As if attempting to milk me the tentacles grew more ferocious with their onslaught on my chest, pulling and squeezing till the white buttons popped off my shirt and into the night waters. Rushing forward smaller tentacles once again arose now pressing against my nipples the cold sensation doing nothing for my sweltering internal body temperature.
please, please, please,please, please, please, please, please, please,please, please, please, please, please, please,please, please, please, please, please, please,please, please, please, please, please, please,please, please, please, please, please, please,please, please, please please, please, please,please, please, please, please, please, please,please, please, please
My mind repeated over and over and over, each plea cluttering my mind till my brain was nothing but a palimpet of want and desire. Thankfully the creature from below was one of compassion.
In front of me the tentacle which once nudged against my nipples opened like a blossoming flower with five petal like shapes and in the centre a white glow, whiter than the sclera of an eye or the color of a cloud no this was a white that almost blinded me almost as white as the sun itself or atleast surrounded by the dark night mind and eyes clouded by lust it was.
They forged forward attaching themselves on my nipples sucking on them like the wet, endless cavity they were before the ones which once flicked against my clit did the same.
The waves on the water began to stir pushing and pulling the fabric of itself apart, before one final tentacle emerged. The appendage sporuted from the water till the tip reached far above my head, floating in front of me the out of water length must have been half my height. Aside from its length it was thicker than all the others by far, the thickness of it being comparable to my (still bound) wrists.
Slowly it bent down before sliding along the metal grounds of the sector nudging against my thighs as it slithered from side to side though still pluging forward like a snake, it was then that i understood its plan
It meant to be inside of me.
It stopped just outside my entrance, gently prodding and nudging again my tight opening, against the tentacle in my mouth i let out a tiny whimper eager and wanting.
Galvanised by my voice coated and dripping in hot want and sticky desire the tentacles holding my thighs and arms lifted me up into the air so i was floating above the metal and the water.
Then i felt it press against me, forcing its way in, as the movements of the tendredals on my breasts and clitoris began sucking more volatile with the tentacles around my breasts squeezing still at even pace, unceasing and unwavering.
Finally it pushed itself in me pressing tightly against my walls but still everceasing in its pursuit - from this angle i could see it losing itself in me and the bulge of my stomach as it pressed inside me.
It was all too much, too much pressure inside of me and outside of me and not to mention the sounds:
The wet squelching, the constant hum of its skin, the disrupted water thrashing against the creature, and my own dampened moans.
As if sensing i was near the creature quickly removed it's appendage from my once filled hole before plunging in without even a beat of rest - my eyes widened and rolled to the back of my head as it repeated the process till i could feel the pressure building inside the appendage of the creature.
Then the the tentacles in my mouth began to mirror it, moving in and out my mouth though slightly more slowly still which each thrust going deeper till i felt it rest on the back of my mouth and then dip into my throat.
The tears which welled in my eyes spilled out over my face and ran down my blushed cheeks before falling silently joining the larger body of water.
I'd been trying so hard, to do or be what I don't know: to be good, to be quiet, to pay attention but in the end, all it took was two words, not even spoken just two telepathically echoed words:
Let go.
And my body was gently convulsing like electricity was being struck through every vein the heat that pooled in my stomach spread snd rushed throughout me - but the creature didn't stop, didn't show any signs of ceasing fucking into me past the point or orgasm and then past the point of overstimulation till it began to plunge more erratically with more fever and less elderitch strategy.
Then i felt the sensation of being filled, as it fucked into me a thick white but translucent substance was pushed into me filling my already swollen belly and then the same substance was filling my mouth.
Its taste was like the smell of rained earth and sugar cubes and fresh whole milk and lavender i swallowed it lapping it up. I felt it begin to retreat but the taste was addictive i began to suck on the appendage feeling it twitch relentlessly in my mouth though ultimately keeping its place inside me as i sucked and swallowed.
The tentacles and tendrils which once held their place on my breast and clitoris slowly pulled away back into the sea as the once which held my thighs and wrists lowered my gently onto the groud with my back against the metal.
I gave one last suck to the tentacle before allowing it to leave my warm, wet mouth and giving it a final lick.
I barely watched it sink back into the ocean, mind and body to fucked out to even think of moving instead content to stare up the flickering stars feeling the warm goo seep out of me as the slight bulge of my stomach deflated.
The last thing I heard before I submitted to the gentle daze of my inner world, and it submerged itself back into its underworld:
See you soon
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thesassypadawan · 3 months ago
Halloween Pumpkins (Padawan Anakin x RealWorldFemReader) *Headcanon*
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Summary: It’s been one year since you and a certain handsome devil.  To help celebrate this momentum occasion, Anakin has arranged a few cutesy and spooky scary surprises.  That he knows you will absolutely love and leave you moaning.  (Follow-up to A Scary Good Time!)
Warnings: 18+ (minors dni), because of all the lovely smut. Breeding, pumpkins, misuse of a lightsaber, bad puns, and, as always…Ani’s big, veiny dick.
Notes: Happy Kinktober all you, lovelies! 🖤🧡
*Cutesy Scary, SFW*
- Ani loves Halloween, it's his absolute favorite holiday!  Not just because of all the mischief, mayhem, candy…  But it just so happens to be the anniversary of when a certain bootiful angel came swirling into his life.
- To celebrate, the whole month your handsome devil does all the cheesy…cutesy scary things that you both enjoy.  Watching  frightfully bad holoflicks, baking and consuming a plethora of sickeningly sweet treats, cuddling under a pile of fluffy blankets during those dark and stormy nights.  And, most importantly, carving pumpkins.
- He’ll sift through each batch sent from the agricorps.  Searching for (even fighting off a few of the more menacing  padawans) the most perfect pair.  One big, the other adorably small…  “Just like us,” he’d declare all proudly.   Wide smile on his sun kissed face, as he places the tiny gourd in your hands.
- Turning it into a whole ghoulishly delightful date night; the two of you sit at the worn table in his shared quarters.  With you taking the time, having patience…using those silly tiny tools to carefully help give your jack-o-lantern a truly cute, spooktacular expression.  Whereas Anakin would simply scoff at the miniature, flimsy knife; opting for his lightsaber instead…cutting the most twisted, wicked grin into his.  “What?  It got the job done, didn't it?  Seriously though, don't tell Obi-Wan…please.”
- Once they were complete, illuminated with the help of a few glow rods you found stashed in his utility belt. You'd proudly display the mismatched couple on a shelf in his room, before heading off to the temple's annual party.  Hand in hand, fingers laced and intertwined together.  Wearing the same costumes you did when you first met, giggling the entire way there because…  “Seriously?!  Did this shrink?!  No kriffing way did I put on this much muscle in a year!  I'm going to pop a seam if I sneeze or something!”
*Spooky Scary, NSFW*
- After a night filled with dancing, laughing…stolen kisses, and a slew of potent witches brews.  Ani wraps a strong arm around your soft middle; fingers brushing, ghosting along your flared hips.  Insisting that you let him spirit you away, back to his room for…  “A scary good surprise, a little something you're always going to love.”
- Legs bent, pinned into a mating press; numb, sore from exhaustion.  Weak whimper bubbles up from your throat; merges with the wet, lewd sounds of his powerful thrusts.  Face and body flush, burning hot under his sinful gaze.  Words slightly slurred from the abundance of poison in your system, from the overwhelming pleasure pulsing in your core.  “I…I…  Too m-much…  Cun-Can't, gotta pull…  Gonna get me…”
- Monstrous length twitches in response, low groan rumbling in his broad chest.  While small (to him) spurts of pre coat your aching walls in a fresh coat of clear, sticky arousal.  Pumping more into your already packed pussy, making that cute paunch of yours round out and rise up just a bit further.  “Yeah, that’s the idea…”
- Big hands run across, calloused fingers trace along the surprisingly firm swell.  Pushing down hard enough with his bulk to make you squirm, mewl.  Some of his sweet, creamy filling seeping out around the base of his fat cock; splattering onto the stained sheets.  “Going to plant as many seeds as I can in this little patch of yours…”
- Mind blanks with each brutal, raw plunge.  Unable to think of anything but the sensation of his veiny shaft scraping.  The stuffed, bloated feeling he’s giving you.  A feeling that may or may not linger, go beyond this magical night.  Only to return over and over.  “Until we got ourselves a whole bunch of mini pumpkins…”
- Drives grow deeper, harsher.  “So you'll always stay…”  Bed rocking, banging; slamming against the wall, that one lone shelf.  The very same that holds your jack-o-lanterns, his most precious possessions.  “Never leave this universe ever again…”  Including one very special jedi holocron.  That goes crashing to, smashes into pieces on the floor.  Light flickering and extinguishing for one last time.  “Happy Anniversary, my padawan from Coruscant.”
Tag List: @espinathena-17, @myheartwillgoon2022, @cacti5539, @laylaplease, @princessswifie, @kenobiskywalker16, @loverforoldermen, @jediavengers, @anisangeldust, @fredswrite, @xhunnybeeex, @vaderswifey, @skyguys-princess
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rallentando1011 · 11 months ago
Valentine’s Day With Donnie
(rise Donnie x gn reader)
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Saint Valentine’s Day: a fickle holiday that celebrates even more fickle emotions, a day that forces the formation of many a precarious bond that statistically would not last
At least, that’s how Donnie saw it for the entirety of his life
Until you came along
Now, don’t get him wrong, he still thinks it’s stupid, but maybe something could be stupid and enjoyable
He means, he enjoys his brothers’ company, right? (/j… maybe /hj)
Either way, for you, he doesn’t mind giving Valentine’s Day a genuine go
So, when you come over on the holiday, Donnie’s ready
“As you know, I think Valentine’s Day is an example of rampant consumerism devouring the meaning behind holidays and people’s wallets, but there is something special about a day in which one can express their admiration for each other.”
“Wait… you got me something?”
“Correction: I made you something.”
The man proceeds to hand you a new phone, the insignia on it implying it was made, or at least modified, by his hand
You’d been complaining mentioning that you needed one that actually works
You smile and thank him eagerly
“It’s fine if you don’t have anything, I wasn’t really expecting-”
“Au contraire, Don, I made you something too!”
He looks baffled for about 20 seconds as you hand him a small gift bag containing red velvet macarons, lavender tea bags, a small, smooth rose quartz, a miniature turtle plushie
“Well, me and Mikey made the macarons together. Gotta give credit where credit is due.”
He barely registers your comment, too absolutely enamored by your consideration of him
Donnie doesn’t know where his mind is at, but it definitely isn’t in this solar system, perhaps not even the surrounding stellar systems
Bottom line, bro’s ecstatic
The huge grin on his face and brightness in his eyes effectively gets his point across
Not only did he give a heartfelt gift, he received one?
Okay, maybe this Valentine’s Day had something to it
Watching rom-coms solely to trash on them is a mandatory tradition
Every other Valentine’s Day he’s spent by his lonesome has mostly consisted of hours of mercilessly ragging on romantic comedies
Yep, definitely just to criticize them
No sadness and/or yearning involved
But now, with your company?
He’s still criticizing the ever-loving heck out of those movies
If you genuinely enjoy rom-coms, be prepared for this little pessimist to rain on your parade, grumbling questions of the logic and flow of the film
However, if you, too, find them stupid, you’ve found yourself the perfect, cynical viewing buddy
“You can tell just from the cinematography of that one guy catching her that he’s the secondary love interest.”
“I swear on Galileo’s heliocentric model itself- how many love interests can one main character have?”
“I think that’s the challenge that was going on in the writer’s room - to see how many variations of a love triangle they could make.”
“The challenge in the writer’s room was that they had too many people slamming on keyboards, yet none of them wrote Shakespeare.”
“Was that an infinite monkey theorem allusion?”
“And a simultaneous dig on the foul writing - zing!”
Following the festivities of movie-binging and gift-giving, he turns to you with a rather uncharacteristic diffidence in his demeanor
Glance askance, slight perspiration on his forehead, fidgeting hands, stammering words
As you start to ask what’s wrong, Donnie quickly, almost unintelligibly so, asks if you want to dance
If you feel so inclined, you nod, take his hand, and offer a dance
If Sinatra is playing (Nancy or Frank or both), you know some slow dancing is going down
Bill Withers or Kitty Kallen, maybe even Dean Martin, something classic, whispering in the background, a hand or two on your hips, yours on his shoulders, chins tucked cozily on the crook of each other’s neck or crown of the head, just the two of you gently swaying together to the rhythm sounds perfect
Normally when he dances, it’s fast-paced boogie or groove (he didn’t get the name Bootyshaker9000 for nothing), but for today, for you, he’ll keep the dancing slow, smooth, sweet
Keeping you close and spending time with you has certainly made this his favorite Valentine’s Day thus far
The macarons you gave him also significantly improved his verdict
(Happy Valentine’s Day gang ‼️ HERE are some accompanying sketches with this!)
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rottenpumpkin13 · 8 months ago
ASG visit a grocery store plz
Shinra has a system where groceries are delivered to the First's apartments upon order, however this time Angeal was inspired to explore the city and suggested they all take trip to the local grocery store for their shopping.
• Sephiroth is in the produce aisle, roaming over the fresh vegetables and rediscovering ones he forgot about—what is a romanesco and why does it look like that? *buys some because it looks interesting* —and then it happens: the sound of a thunderstorm as the vegetables get misted. Sephiroth is like a little kid as he watches, mystified, as the vegetables get showered to the sound of rain. Whoever invented this is brilliant. Sephiroth stands there, waiting for another show for a good 10 minutes before he walks off, disappointed. It should be voice activated.
• Genesis finds the cereal aisle and makes a beeline for the one thing he came here to find: Stamp Puffs: Limited SOLDIER edition! - Now with a miniature figure of your favorite hero inside!
• He grabs the box with his face on it, tears it open excitedly and......HUH? Where's tiny Genesis?? Why is there a SEPHIROTH figurine instead?? This is HIS CEREAL BOX IT HAS HIS FACE ALAKSJAJSHSJ
• Angeal is busy shopping around for the necessities—milk, eggs, yogurt, olive oil, those chocolate-filled snack cakes Sephiroth says are "meant for children and unfit for a SOLDIER's diet" but he ends up eating half a box worth of anyway....
*Angeal spots Genesis opening a cereal box in the cereal aisle. To his left is a pile of opened boxes, to his right is a pile of Sephiroth action figures*
Angeal: Gen, what are you—
Genesis: BLASPHEMY *sets a tiny Sephiroth on fire*
Angeal: I don't know you *walks away quickly*
• Sephiroth finds an entire watermelon. He has never purchased his own fruits before, let alone a watermelon. Sephiroth sees other shoppers slapping their watermelons. He thinks this is standard procedure and slaps his watermelon. He breaks the watermelon in half. Watermelon juice flies everywhere. People are staring. Sephiroth takes off with his smashed watermelon.
• Angeal is still going through his shopping list: garlic, tomatoes, toothpaste, those fun cookies he gives Zack whenever he performs a task successfully that Lazard says is immoral but Angeal will continue to give him anyway.
*Angeal finds Sephiroth looking at a jar of two-in-one peanut butter and jelly*
Angeal: Hey, bud! Having fun?
Sephiroth: This item is a prime example of inefficiency. They deliver a skewed ratio, with a significant percentage more peanut butter than jam, as if they fear exceeding a certain jam threshold, despite jam arguably being the superior component of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Not only that, but by mixing the two, it distorts the distinct flavor profiles achieved when spreading peanut butter and jam separately. And then they have the audacity to charge 8 gil for it. I am disgusted.
Angeal: Why is there a smashed watermelon in your cart?
• After opening 33 boxes of Stamp Puffs with his face on it and finding nothing but Sephiroth action figures, Genesis gives up. He starts to walk away when he sees a small child pick out a box with Sephiroth's face, open it, pull out a Genesis action figure, and exclaim "Cool, I got Genesis! He's my favorite one!" — Genesis is now sobbing into a bag of bread. He still has to pay for the 33 boxes of cereal though.
• They all regroup back at the checkout line. Angeal is standing there, mystified as Sephiroth's cart is filled with items such as a gallon of honey, 6 entire boneless sliced hams, several trays of frozen convenience dinners, bubblegum-flavored children's toothpaste, and purple shampoo.
Angeal: Pray tell what the purple shampoo is for.
Sephiroth: An elderly woman in the shampoo aisle informed me that this is very good for gray hair.
Angeal: But your hair isn't—oh never mind. Genesis, what on earth are you going to do with 33 boxes of cereal and 33 Sephiroth action figures.
Genesis: File a complaint to the marketing department. Can you believe all of the Genesis cereal boxes came with Sephiroth action figures? Every single one of them.
Sephiroth: I apologize for coming inside of you.
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moodymisty · 16 days ago
Recently read about Perturabo’s upbringing when he was on Olympia through some memes and forums (totally accurate info) and saw his temper tantrum with his adopted father about wanting to build non war related shit. Fuck you Tyrant. Let my man child build what he wants! Totally build a sex dungeon with me in it- I mean what?
But I though if a cute little scenario where Perturabo is either on his flagship or just on Olympia and perhaps passes one of the many workshops. Walks by without a care in the world. But wait…what was that? He takes a step back and peers inside. Entering, he spots a table absolutely covered in dioramas and miniatures. Small amphitheaters, filled with the most detailed people imaginable. They looked so real! He spots another set, a beautiful ornate bathhouse. He can see how the gel inside makes the water look real! The vines hanging down the pillars…this is extraordinary! He even spots a work in progress aqueduct system, something he wanted to build back then! Who made these little sets he wonders.
Just then, he hears a chipping sound, sounds of rock dropping into a table. Curiously, he (somehow) sneaks over and to see who the creator of these pieces could be. He spots one of the many serfs, hyper focused and creating a marble statue. Hammer and chisel in hand, she strikes specific areas she needs to begin shaping what she envisions. Perturabo is at a loss, someone like him? In this era of constant war making small sets they wanted to make? A kindred spirit such as him?
Whether they fuck or it’s platonic (then ends up fucking and being put in a sex dungeon) I leave to your imagination.
awww this is so cute! i love HCing Perturabo's beloved being a fan of the arts, just given his history i feel like he'd find some sort of happiness in seeing them enjoy them, even if he's lost that feeling of purpose for himself due to his upbringing.
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automatonne · 4 months ago
Vore headcanons for TFA Blitzwing?
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As stated in a previous post, fliers have extreme fuel consumption needs, and he’s no different. As a matter of fact, having two modes and switching between them makes his fuel consumption very irregular. As a result, he is hungry almost all of the time.
As he is fucking batshit bananatown, this does not bode well for his enemies.
He likes that ‘Bots are small. They’re easier to fit in his mouth and swallow up. He prefers to stick to the smaller guys and pop them in like candy. For the bigger guys, he threatens to cut them up and just eat them piece by piece while they’re still online… but he doesn’t, because it’s too much work. The little bots are better food. Who doesn’t love snacks in miniature?
I do think he’s lying about the “servo salad” thing. I just think he’s a weirdo who likes scaring people.
He insists that different paint jobs have different flavors. His coworkers just really want him to stop talking. They’re so grossed out.
“But eet tastes yellow!”
The nice thing about having three distinct personalities is that you get three different teasing styles when it comes to live prey. (Color-coded for your convenience.)
🟦 - Has a very clinical, softspoken approach to teasing. “Ah, you are qvite ze wriggly little zing. But you are becoming veaker. Not very much time left for you, is zere?”
🟥 - Sadistic, power-hungry, really leans into the brutality of it. “SO MUCH FOR YOUR PUNY STRUGGLING! PREPARE TO BE NOZHING BUT TANK MULCH!”
⬛️ - Wild card, as usual. A lot of the things he says are as baffling as they are offputting. “OOOOH, YOUR LITTLE VIGGLES! ZHEY TICKLE IN MY TUMMY!”
He gets tank-aches very easily, though. His fueling system is surprisingly delicate, for how big and powerful he is. He gets a little whiny about it.
He also has a super loud tank, and if it’s unhappy with its prey, you’re gonna hear it for a mile. It has a kind of unique chug to it. Something to do with a triple-changer’s system being unique.
I do see a capacity for him being able to do non-fatal, safer versions of it. He seems very curious about humans. The idea of one exploring his innards sounds fun and tickly. (To at least one face, anyway.)
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less-dev · 9 months ago
We're making a Starbound/Terraria inspired space sandbox game!
We're making a 2D sandbox game similar to Starbound! Or uh, terraria in space.
#nodev contains shitposting
#planetarium contains dev progress
Specifics under the cut
Who are you?
Aspen - Project Lead, Programmer, Pixel artist, Sound Designer.
Hey! I'm Aspen, I've been programming and making games for many many years in basically every engine there is... But never felt the drive to finish one, until now! I consider myself very experienced in the engine we're using (Gamemaker Studio 2.5) and have confidence we'll be able to make this game a reality. I also run the Tumblr account, so assume it's me behind the wheel as a default. Thank you for checking the game out!
Alec - Concept artist, Character Designer
H a l l o I'm Alec, I like writing and drawing and painting and designing shiiiiiiiit. I adore world building and have frequent bursts of creative possession in which I conceive and birth the greatest ideas and concepts in a mere moment. Otherwise, I can be a total dumbass and completely useless. I'm good at colours 👌 I have been a 85% a home-brew DM for about 2 years now and that is the greatest proof of my ADHD-given God powers of creativity. Slay.
What a cool guy!
Design pillars
Immersion. Above all else, I would like roleplay (casual or serious) to be natural and well supported. I would like players to find engaging with the world, and it's characters to be very personal.
Innovation. Tropes such as "You spawn in a green forest and can walk left or right" will be actively avoided. Biomes will have generation that presents more unique movement opportunities. Such as geysers in rock pools launching players high up, or giant twisting vines that hold up chunks of land to hop between.
More quality less quantity. Planets will be significantly more content-dense than Starbound, and perhaps controversially travel between them will be more difficult/expensive as well. This would encourage players to take advantage of all the resources presented on each planet, instead of hopping from one to the next. This would also encourage us throughout development to give each planet as much love as possible. Each planet should feel like a 'miniature terraria world'. Though actually achieving that is easier said than done.
Meaningful content. Procedurally generating creatures from 100 different pre-set monster parts could technically produce limitless alien creatures for players to encounter. But in both No Man's Sky and Starbound. I find this novelty to wear off quick, these creatures are not manually, meaningfully crafted and beyond an unusual appearance and some shallow gameplay changes... They do not create much of a memorable experience for the player. In my opinion, anyway. I would rather hand-craft every creature and make them all significantly unique and interesting. That's not to say procedurally generated creatures won't ever have a place in the game, but they certainly wont be as prevalent as others games.
Okay well... What's finished?
Fundamental lighting shaders akin to Starbound.
Some world generation brushes and basic commands.
A text mark-up language (heavily optimised), and game chat.
Extensive custom debugging tools
Hard and soft-loading of chunks to save on as much memory and CPU usage as possible.
Complete unloading, and compression of chunks on top of the previously mentioned system. As well as a live-saving system.
Setting, Story baseline, and conceptualization of the first 3 playable species. Each species will have a different starting planet, and immediately different playthrough.
Designs and cultures of several additional unplayable races.
Character proportion tests, sprites and sketches.
First-pass on collision functions.
Weighted Tile variance and tile connections.
Multiplayer. While I have made an online multiplayer game before and it's definitely doable for this game, it would require some practice in a one-off test game to be fully confident. It would also take a LOT of time.
Modding. As far as I know gamemaker games are notoriously difficult for players to modify. Something like Unity is far easier even without mod support. Gamemaker on the other hand is difficult even if I want to design systems in favor of modders. This is kind of a problem for later, I have faith there'll be something we can do to make it work... But a cursory look says it won't be easy. I would be extremely disappointed if there was nothing we could do.
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jpitha · 6 months ago
Between the Black and Grey 53
First / Previous / Next
Northern Lights coasted through the deep interstellar, moving at 80% the speed of light. Zhe had never been relativistic before and the view outside looked decidedly odd. The stars ahead were sharp, harsh blue pinpricks and the ones behind were the deep red embers of a dying fire. They had been accelerating for the last month, and Northern had finally turned off the stardrive. Zhe was able to leave the acceleration couch. After a shower, she sat in her cabin, brushing her fur.
"Thanks for taking me along, Northern."
"Oh, it's fine Zhe, it's not like I'm short on space." Northern's voice came seemingly from everywhere when Zhe talked to her. It took some getting used to, but by now Zhe was able to just start talking to herself and hear Northern answer. "Actually, can you go down to the hold and check on our cargo?"
Zhe's ears flicked in amusement. She was pretty sure this was just to give her something to do. "Sure Northern, but can't you check on it yourself?"
"I can, yes, but my cameras will never be as good as someone walking up to them, checking on them, making sure they're ready." Northern said.
Shrugging, Zhe finished brushing, and went down to the hold. She snapped on the lights, and there in two straight lines were eight, 3 meter long lozenges of tungsten. Even in the dark hold they looked unsettling. Attached to all of them was a girdle of maneuvering jets and a miniaturized reactor. On the rear was a lump of metal that looked almost biological. It was blended and formed to look like a growth from the tungsten. A wormhole generator. Zhe stared at her reflection in the mirror finish of the weapons. "Northern? Are we doing the right thing?"
"What do you mean, Zhe?"
"I mean, these are relativistic impactors. It's a serious escalation. Piracy is one thing, I'm from a family of pirates. But, this is like, war crime stuff. We're planning on destroying-"
"We're destroying a shipyard and some Imperial military installations. No civilians, Zhe. I promise."
"Yeah, but-" Zhe's sounded unsure. Her reflection in the tungsten looked back, her features distorted by the curves. "It's a line, and we're not only crossing it, but we're sprinting over it."
"Zhe, we've been trying to get Fen's attention for what, a year now?"
"More or less, yes." Zhe said, still staring at the weapons.
"Has anything worked?"
Zhe had to admit that it hadn't. They had started with some piracy, attacking colonial shipping and they made a pile of money; sending it back to the Heap, and even became slightly notorious in a few systems, but never got Imperial attention. "No, not really."
"So, we attack where she makes and trains ships, and she'll have to go after us. If nothing else, we reduce her ability to make war."
"People are going to hate us." Zhe sighed. That was what probably annoyed her the most. Zhe prided herself on being friendly and outgoing, and here she was, about to do something that could make her vilified to every human.
"Not all of them! There are plenty of humans that hate the Empire. All the AIs too."
"Northern, I've read human history, I know what happened to New Wellington."
One of the original colony worlds, New Wellington sat with Parvati and Mèihuá as the three jewels in Earth's colonial crown. However, shortly after the wormhole generators were developed a war broke out between Parvati and New Wellington. After years of fighting, Parvati won by sending relativistic impactors to New Wellington, destroying the colony completely. The shock of the attack was so great, relativistic weapons were banned, and Parvati was ostracized for decades. To this day, relations between Parvati and Mèihuá are chilly.
"We're not destroying a colony, Zhe. We're hitting shipyards and a few military bases on Luna. We're almost at the drop point. Do the final checks and come on back up to the Command Deck." Northern said, and cut the connection.
Zhe stared at the weapons a moment longer. She touched the one closest to her, the metal cold and impersonal. She shook her head once, like she was clearing something off her fur, and her ears flicked. "Ancestors, what are we doing?" she whispered, but then turned her back and made her way back up to the Command Deck.
Upstairs, Zhe settled into the commander's seat. It was really only a formality, Northern was the one in charge, but she liked being the biological being in command, and Northern let her at least give some of the orders. Zhe was sure that in a real emergency, Northern would take over, but maybe she would let Zhe make some of the decisions. "Northern, did you tell Gord what we were doing?"
"No, I didn't want to bother him. He has enough going on right now." Northern's voice sounded jovial but distracted. She was devoting very little energy to speaking to her friend.
"Did you even tell him? He's going to worry when some relativistic impactors link into Sol and destroy some bases and the shipyards."
"Worry about what, Zhe? Gord hates the empire as much as we do. He'll be happy someone it taking the initiative."
"Hmm." Zhe said, unconvinced. "Are we launching soon, Northern?"
"Yup. Just a few more minutes. We'll release, and then you have to go back to the acceleration couch for the decel."
Another month strapped in the acceleration couch while Northern thrusted at a few gee to slow down. If they linked back now, they'd still be moving at 80% light and would pass out of every star system they linked to in a few hours. Zhe would have to play her games and read her novels again. She had gone through all her entertainment on the acceleration, she didn't have anything else to do. Zhe wondered how much time will have passed. She knew about the time dilation issues traveling relativistically, but being gone for 3 to 4 months probably wouldn't change the calendar that much.
"We're ready to launch, Zhe. Would you like to do the honors?" As Northern said that, a panel rotated next to her, showing a control screen Zhe hadn't seen before. Peering at it, she saw the coordinates for the wormhole generators on the weapons. It looked like two were going to the Heinlein Shipyard, two to the Besmara Shipyard, and the remaining four to Imperial bases on Luna, Venus and Saturn. They would link into space a million and a half kilometers away, giving everyone less than five seconds notice before the strike. There was nearly no defense against the attack.
Zhe held her hand over the button. She couldn't shake the visuals that she saw of New Wellington. She had learned a lot about relativistic impactors while she was in the couch. "N-No, Northern. I can't do it."
"You can't? Why not Zhe?"
"I... just can't. I can't be the one that launches them."
"You sure were all for it when we left, Zhe. You could have said no at anytime." Northern sounded irritated. "This is important Zhe. It's necessary."
"Who says it's necessary? You?"
"Yes, me, Zhe. I'm the ship, I made the weapons, it was my idea. If we want Fen to find us, if we want to find Fen, we have to be noticed. Not only will we get noticed, but we will strike a blow against their warmaking abilities. You've seen the dreadnoughts they're building as much as I have, Zhe. Fen isn't building them for fun. She means to expand. She will attack the Gren, the Sefigans, the K'laxi. She'll attack anyone that stands in her and the Nanites way, and you know it."
"I just... wish there was a different way."
"There isn't Zhe. I launched them already and they linked away while you dithered. It's done. Now, get into the acceleration couch, I'm going to start decelerating."
Zhe blinked in astonishment, and her ears flicked rapidly. So it was true. She was just along for the ride. She got up, and without another word climbed into the acceleration couch.
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