conscious-pisces · 11 months
“When the solution is simple, God is answering.”
—Albert Einstein
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ashmp3 · 1 year
everything is getting on my nerves everyone is getting on my nerves too i can’t go to the gym or a on a run bc it’s rainy maybe i should make some nails i don’t even know i am so agitated for no reason hehe
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hawnks · 1 year
not to talk shop on a wednesday morning but I feel like every therapist says they have experience treating adhd but they’re not really…. all that experienced. or at least not experienced with people who are out of highschool…..
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Why Virtual Phone Numbers Are Key to Scaling Your Small Business
Learn Why Virtual Phone Numbers are Key to Scaling Your Small Business In today’s fast-paced, ever-evolving business landscape, small businesses must stay agile, efficient, and customer-focused to stay competitive. As your business grows, your communication system must keep pace with increasing customer demands, expanding teams, and the desire to enter new markets. A traditional phone system…
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sewa32bhav · 2 months
Best online astrologer
Finding the best online astrologer can be a challenging task, given the myriad of options available. This comprehensive guide aims to help you identify some of the top online astrologers. understand what makes them stand out, and make an informed decision when seeking astrological guidance.
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The Benefits of Investing in a Digital Marketing Company in Yamunanagar - Easy Click Solutions
Easy Click Solutions stands tall as the best digital marketing company in Yamunanagar. Specializing in innovative strategies tailored to local businesses, we are committed to boosting your online presence and driving tangible results.
Our expert team harnesses the power of cutting-edge techniques to ensure your brand shines brightly in the digital landscape. Whether it's SEO, social media marketing, PPC advertising, or content creation, we have the tools and expertise to propel your business forward.
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celeseah · 1 year
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Today is #internationalmermaidday🧜🏻‍♀️ I’ve worked with #angels #ascendedmasters #galacticbeings and the #galacticfederation all my life as a #psychicmedium and #channelofdivinewisdomandhealing having a fascination of the #mystical and #magical As a #scorpion #watersign I have had a love of the #water and deep connection with the #ancientcivilization of #lemuria and #mu The last couple of years my connection with the #merpeople has been much stronger and I feel guided it’s the perfect time to start offering some of these #mermaid inspired #soulutions First on offer is #magicalmermaidmessages oracle card sessions that bring #pearlsofwisdom to bring insight to those deep questions and situations in your life. As it’s a #mermaidcelebration day I’m offering these readings for a special price for bookings made till the end of April. Interested DM me to book your online reading via zoom. @missionoflovefoundation @avatar.academy #internationalmermaidday https://www.instagram.com/p/CqY3YjlIZH5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cluethegirl · 2 years
I wish i could support others in the way that they need so so badly. I have the nurturing spirit of a newfie grandmother and so all i can do is stare at them with a heavy heart and big tits and say "Ah, Awh , well, now, that's right awful, whadda sin" and it's with the most sincereity from myself, I'm calling what you're going through a sin, like something that should be punsihed by god for doing to people, but it's so patronizing. Like how is that going to help people or make them feel better idk!
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redsonismywifehusband · 8 months
Even more bai he owl house au
Im sleep deprived and I have a final tmrw
So ofc the soulution is drawing bai he 😎
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creative-classpect · 11 months
I get a lot of relationship questions
So to reiterate something, classpect is an archetypical thing
Character has x relationship and y hero's journey to z list of themes
It's like. Stock characters and tarot cards. It's broad top down view at stories that, in the actual narrative of homestuck divorced from all the lil fan theory stuff, is some damaging fucked up bullshit for real world people, demanding sacrifice without offering real soulutions, and damning people to set paths and destinies
It's an inherently narrow way of looking at people and characters
People are more complex and deep than the lense of classpect allows
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zibethrose · 1 year
Recognize that most oftentimes what is prevalent in your surrounds is simply a mirror of what is within you. That is why the ‘soulution’ to outside troubles come from within, as your soul seeks to empower you by attracting people, places or things that will present you with the opportunities for transformation for your highest good. The source of most outside challenges is found within, created from fears and erroneous beliefs. Move beyond perceived limitations by opening your consciousness to the infinite and allow your psyche to transcend dimensions to the unfolding of new possibilities. It is difficult not to be transfixed by all the things that are going wrong in your life and feel defeated. Have courage and remember that though you cannot control your circumstances the truth is that you can and should control your response to ensure a better outcome than originally envisaged. Always focus on the positives of every situation and celebrate life's milestones, no matter how big or small. Know that Divine timing signifies that you are exactly where you need to be. 
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Please comment, share, like, and subscribe @ zibethrose for more content
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rosemelodyshah · 6 months
This is not a hate post, its a semi-rant post and hopes to tell people something they don't realise.
Every now and then a post about commenting blows up and while I do agree that it is a great motivation to make more fics, I think people have to understand that its not always easy to comment.
I appreciate spreading awareness on how commenting helps and how annoying it is to not get comments, but at the same time I think these post can also have the negative impact on making people who struggle to comment, for any reason, feel bad about themselves and possibly struggle even more.
I am a fic writer, and honestly if someone's comment has a bit of negativity or 'I didn't expect/agree with this bc I see the character like this', I wouldn't be bothered. Of course I don't want people swearing at me, but if someone expresses expecting something different, I wouldn't really mind (and I say this as an over thinker). The point is if a comment isn't a 100% positive, I wouldn't mind too much. As long as it doesn't outright abuse me or my fic, I'd appreciate it.
This really is a small issue but I say it bc I myself sometimes keep away from commenting bc I keep fearing that my comment might be read the wrong way.
Regardless, I think people can be a bit pushy on the subject of commenting. It's sad when you have zero comments and lots of kudos, but the point of commenting is so people express how much they like a fic, and sometimes people don't quiet know how to do that.
Sometimes people find it easier to rec the fic as compared to commenting.
Sometimes its easier to gush on how great the fic is online than saying it to the author themselves.
Sometimes your in a hurry and forget you haven't commented and so it odesn't get a comment.
Sometimes you bookmark a fic to comment on later bc you couldn't comment then due to any reason, and haven't gone back to comment on it yet.
Some people aren't in the habit and hope to come to comment another day and so bookmark it.
Sometimes you aren't feeling very good and don't comment bc of that.
Sometimes you read a multi chapter fic and are too interested to pause the fic to comment.
Sometimes you comment on every other chapter and gush about multiple chapter at once.
Ofc, the author isn't likely going to know why they're not getting comments and might not feel very happy, but I think people have to realise that the reasons people aren't getting comments isn't bc people are just ignorant or bad or something like that.
And I think there are solutions to this. If you struggle to comment and instead gush about the fic or rec it somewhere you could send a link of that to the author and tell them it was you talking about their fic.
Choose a day where your happy and available to go through your bookmarks and comment on those fics.
The soulution, imo, isn't to say that people have to start commenting on every single fic and that every single comment has to be a 100% positive and 'comment in that pattern or don't comment' or something.
I don't think the 'comment more post' always help increase comments itself.
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princess-of-the-corner · 11 months
One baby problem. Alya isn't a tech person how will she make web shooters? Soulution. Her guy in the chair Trixx.
Could work. Or just make Alya more of a nerd.
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summerlovingbaby · 2 months
death of the living
“ I have to kill him,” she said. It seemed like something so simple at the time, something that would be of little to no consequence. He took everything from her, he had to die. She saw no other soulution besides lead in his brain.
Guns were messy and violent, but that was what he deserved. Maybe it was because she was American, and the use of guns was nothing but second nature, but magic seemed to simply a death for a man like Peter. Though Peter was never really a man, he never got over his pathetic cowardly boyish habits.
Habits that were cute and accepatble when he was younder, but the more he aged, and the longer he refused to change, those habits made him weak. Y/N had a few bad habits herself, she picked up a pack a day habit, and could drink with the best of them. She could out drink Remus on a good day, and long trapped in the cave that was Grimmaud Place, she could drink all morning, spend the afternoon stumbling along the hallways like an uncordinated child and spend the evening sad and pathetic at her situation. The next moring she would do it all again, so she never experienced being hungover.
“ Peter has to die,” she said again, “ he has to die tonight, he’ll kill Harry, he’ll kill you,” she looked at Sirus, who sat pathetically in the corner, chewing hoplessly at his cutcules. Azkaban aged him beyond mesaure, and made him fragile and brittle like an old man. “ He tried to kill you,” she pointed to him.
Remus sat at the dinner table watching her decompensate. There was so much to say, none of which would be helpful or needed, when she made up her mind on something, she would do it, and if she wanted Peter dead, he would be dead even if it killed her, which it probably would. Peter was surrounded by death eaters, a whole army of them, not to mention he was the Voldemorts right hand, something that was at first shocking to Remus, but the more he thought about it, the more it made sense.
Peter was nothing if not parasytic, clinging to power and using it for all it was worth. Remus had to give it to him, he didn’t think he had it in him. Peter was always patheticlly simple, but not stupid like everyone assumed, and Remus understood exactly how smart he was and forgot almost every time. He wasn’t street emotionall intellignet like James, or booksmart like Remus, he wasn’t charasmatic enough to not bother with either like Sirus, he was clever. More clevar than anyone gave him credit for, which was prehaps the greatest rouse of all. To come across no more than a bumbling idiot, and be the death of them all.
“ He has to die, he’s taking to much from me, I won’t let him take anymore,” she said again.
Remus blinked at her, and she sat back down. Sirus sniffled loudly and ajusted his position, he chewed harder on his nail ripping it from the cuticle.
“ How do you plan to kill him, walk right up to him in a army of 100 death eaters and whip one out,” he parsed.
“ Something along those lines,” she said. In all honesty she hadn’t thought very much in ways of a plan, just something that started with her buying a gun and ended with Peter bleeding out in a shallow lonely grave that would be forgotten in 8 years.
Sirus sniffed loudly and cleared his throat, he croaked out something initelligable and breathed loudly. Remus looked at him and lifted a brow, so Sirus spoke again.  “ I want him dead,” he said plainly.
This statemnet seemed to solidify somthing in her, because she stood again.
“ Sit down,” Remus demanded, she was a bit taken back by his authority, but slowly sat back down in his chair.
“ Lou I know your opinion about murder, but frankly I don’t care. You don’t get to call yourself a pacifist were in war. I’m not asking for you to do anything-”
“ We don’t kill the living,” Remus said.
She concidered this. Remus wasn’t a man to speak in platitudes or vague useless setements or sonnets. Peter was dead, he had been dead for years. He died the day he stood on that porch, called for James and watched as his body fell limp and lifeless in the floor. He didn’t even have the diginity to fix his glasses, as fell when he collapsed to the ground. Peter signed his death certificate the moment he left Harry alone and crying in his crib while the lifeless body of his mother turned stiff in the corner.
“ Peter is dead already,” Sirus spoke quietly.
Remus considered this, Peter always seemed like nothing more than a vague memory. 
“ I’m talking about you,” Remus said. “ Pete is a cockroach he won’t die easily or quickly. You know that. He’s surrounded by an army, you can’t just go up to him and point a gun at his head. It’s not that simple.”
“ It is that simple-” she started.
“ We’re not kids anymore. You are alive, and that’s more than I can say for the rest of us. There’s just three of us now, and if you die, it will just be the two of us,” he motioned to Sirus, who had a vaguely unsatisifed expression. “ And it just can’t be the two of us, I’m not letting anyone else die that I love. I won’t. Peter has to die, he will die, but he’s not taking you with him. I won’t let him take anything else,” Remus said.
Peter took a lot from Remus, and took his whole life before he even got to live it. Remus wanted to get married, but now that idea seemed like nothing but a vague childish wish.
She considered this, chewed on her inner lip and nodded, she placed her arms on the table, folded, and placed her neck on her forearms. 
“ Fine,” Y/N said. “ Fine, but I want him in pieces.”
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idontknowisenough · 5 months
I'm a problem.
I learned wherever I go I should be a competitor unless I couldn't compete and there I should be quiet. But lately I have come to the conclusion that 95% of the time the competition is amongst yourself and so is being quiet. When you're quiet you get to listen. When you're prepared- you get to better understand the responses of those who are there to receive your work. I'm learning that 95% of my joy in life should come from life outside work and the 5% of joy from work should be spent being quiet, learning and being prepared for work.
Here are a few suggested responses I'll be using when I'm not sure of an answer or prepared to dialogue.
If you don't know the answer to a question: A: I don't know are there any suggestions in the room? A: I'd like to take a bit of time to ruminate on that?
When you have a suggestion: A: Suggest absolutely nothing A: If there is a need to find a solution so not speak up in the meeting but create a solution, put it on paper and share it with a group on a Monday. Just say your mind wouldn't stop until it solved this issue during the weekend and here's a rough plan of action. A: Bring up the foundational elements of the solution in an online group chat and let the other workers come up with the solution.
When co- workers are talking shit about other people on the team or venders:
A: Say nothing (always be working on a project and be distracted with that business) A: Smile (Say you zoned out and was admiring one of your co-workers shirts)
I've had to realize that I am the problem and these are the soulutions (yep) I'll be testing!
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