#soul saver dragon
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thebladeblaster · 1 year ago
Pokémon: the Dark Circuit (AKA the Vanguard Descends Season 2)
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Hello there…oh it’s been 5000 years. Sorry about that😅.
Chapter 13 Past and Future
I decided to change around some of their moves. It’s okay because they haven’t fought yet.
Aichi’s current team
Level 90 Takuto (Solgealeo) steel/psychic
Sunsteel Strike
Flare Blitz
Solar Beam
Psychic Fangs
Level 93 Wingal (Lycanroc (dusk)) rock
Stealth rock
Stone edge
Play rough
Level 91 Llew (Golisopod) water/bug
Sucker punch
First impression
Level 95 Gancelot (Lucario) fighting/steel
Focus blast
Stone edge
Meteor mash
Dragon pulse
Level 100 Soul Saver (Haxorus) dragon
Iron head
Dragon dance
Level 100 Alfred (Aegislash) ghost/steel
Sacred sword
King’s shield
Iron head
Shadow Claw
Emi had heard about limit break from Aichi and Shuka talking. She couldn’t help but wonder when he would ever need such a thing. Then she had another dream of Shuka’s world a few days later.
It was the only time she had ever seen 003v struggle. The dream Emi experienced greatly confused her both her dream self and her as a spectator. She was watching a monitor alongside her father. He seemed to be facing Ren, Christopher, and Leon at the same time. She noticed sweat dripping down 003v’s brow. Something was wrong with them, their appearances had become bizarre and they seemed to be compelled by something. He was being assaulted on all sides. He ended up knocking Chris away with a wave on his hand then used absolute lock. However, quickly Ren and Leon were after him.
003v just barely evaded them and was actually scratched.
“003v stop playing around and finish them.”, Gin ordered.
“I’m trying to not kill them. They’re important to Team Asteroid, r—“, 003v replied.
“Not more than you. Exterminate them now.”, Gin answered coldly.
003v froze looking unsure. His eyes were hazy as his programming recognized that as an order.
“But…aren’t Leon, Chris, and Ren 003v’s friends?”, Emi questioned, though Gin waved off her concern.
“Right now they are infected and now a threat to Team Asteroid. Now, what are you waiting for 003v? Destroy them. That’s an order.”, Gin replied.
Any light there was in 003v’s eyes disappeared. It was horrifying and it was about to get worse. In mere moments the other three members of project Psyqualia were torn apart seemingly at once. His power use percentage had suddenly spiked from 50% to 70%.
Emi’s eyes were wide.
003v was covered in blood and his eyes were cold like a robot.
“Good.”, Gin said, not alarmed by this at all.
Emi held in a scream. She couldn’t understand. They could have been saved. 003v was trying to save them. However something clamped its claws onto 003v after the sudden influx in power. The bluenette raised his power to destroy the bizarre alien entity which was black and had massive claws.
The dream shifted to later on. 003v was clashing with the alien entity that had become golden. It now resembled a dragon with six wings. 003v had a barrier around him as they clashed in outer space. His power was steadily rising beyond even how much he was using before. This entity was by far the greatest opponent that 003v had ever fought.
The footage was becoming shaky as their battle continued to intensify.
003v was breathing heavily.
“You cannot lose, son. You must defeat him to save everyone. It is time for you to break your limits.”, Gin said.
003v’s head slowly rose as he glared at the alien entity. His eyes were no lower foggy and he was clearly enraged.
003v power was rising even higher as he fired an Absolute Break at the alien. The alien fired back with his own blast which exploded with 003v’s attack on contact.
Emi’s eyes widened as the alien was suddenly sent crashing back to Earth in an instant. Dark blue flames suddenly appeared next to the alien as it almost hit the ground in an instant. The alien was struck again so harshly that it was sent flying out of the planet. It was hit back and sent flying again so fast that if you blinked you would miss it.
The alien was left on the ground severely injured. 003v stood over it menacingly as he pulled out a strange looking poke ball. As the alien twitched trying to get up 003v kicked it harshly.
“So, you think controlling people is funny, huh? Well…now you’re the one who’s going to be taking orders from now on.”, 003v said, before striking the alien with the poke ball.
The ball waddled a few times but then it was caught as it had no fight left in it.
003v collapsed.
“003v!”, Emi called out.
The dream shifted to later on again…
Worry and confusion filled Emi. She needed to know what happened to 003v. How he was feeling after Gin forced him to kill and after that battle. She stopped when she heard shouting behind a door. Emi listened in from behind the door.
“You idiot! How could you hesitate like that? Necrozma almost took over the world because of your feelings of sentimentality!”, Gin yelled.
Emi peeked her eyes through the crack in the door slightly. 003v lowered his head just taking the beratement without arguing. He was shaking. His face was dripping with sweat.
“I’m sorry, father…”, 003v replied, as quietly as a mouse.
“You aren’t supposed to feel anything.”, Gin said as he walked up close to 0003v.
003v was sweating more intensely, clearly mentally panicking. Despite his strength he was completely terrified of one man. Surely he didn’t just have to take this. Surely he could do something about it…right?
Gin puts his hand on 003v’s shoulder. In response 003v nearly flinched.
“You are supposed to be perfect and execute my commands without question. Yet you didn’t. So, what’s wrong, 003v? Why are you malfunctioning?”, Gin questioned.
“Malfunction…? He’s your son, not a robot. Is this how father really thinks of brother…?”, Emi thought, as she felt her heart aching.
“…..I…”, 003v replied, seeming very hesitant again.
“What’s wrong? Can’t you say it? It’s quite obvious.”, Gin questioned.
“Because…I didn’t want to kill Leon, Ren, or Chris…I just thought…they’re a part of Team Asteroid so I was supposed to save them…”, 003v answered.
“003v, why are you using those human names? They’re simply a part of Project Psyqualia like you. Not people.”, Gin replied as 003v flinched.
“Not people…? They were all people! Even if they were made they were people like everyone else!”, Emi thought.
“I’m sorry…”, 003v replied, weakly.
“Would you stop saying that? You sound like a kicked Lilipup. Hit yourself with 70% power.”, Gin replied.
Emi put her hand over her mouth as 003v struck himself in the cheek without question.
“See you can follow orders. Your emotions are the problem.”, Gin said.
“I won’t mess up again…I promise.”, 003v replied.
Gin slammed his hand against the wall next to him.
“Did I say you could speak?! I know very well that you must understand what this means! You have a will of your own when you’re not supposed to! After all, why do you look so damn concerned?! You know we can’t have you doing something so untoward like going against your purpose.”, Gin shouted.
He really was helpless.
He wasn’t capable of doing anything against their father. That’s not how he was made. Unlike Aichi nothing was ever done to help with the brainwashing or training.
Emi sneaked away with tears stinging her cheeks.
“I need to help my brother. I don’t want father doing anything to him.”, Emi thought.
Nearby a familiar shiny mythical flew towards the building.
The present…
Emi felt a chill go down her spine at the memory. She was beyond worried for Aichi. The point still stood that she didn’t want their father to do anything to him.
Gin paid keen attention as Aichi took his place in the arena.
“I’m going to have to deal with Groudon after this so any of my steel types is a horrible choice. Llew would be a good choice but that’s way too predictable. He will definitely have an out for a water type so…”, Aichi thought.
“For our next contestants we have Lee Shenlon of of Team SIT Genius. He’s the #2 top student at SIT having only ever lost to 004a.”, MC Miya said.
Lee looked annoyed at the announcer’s words.
“Not anymore…I’m going to prove it first by defeating 003v. He’s obviously thinking about Chris’ Groudon so he’s going to foolishly use a water type. I’m prepared for that. It’s the obvious choice considering the only two Pokémon he can use against Groundon effectively are his Golisopod or Haxorus. Even if he chooses Haxorus he stands no chance.”, Lee thought.
“For Team Q4 we have 003v, the son of Gin Gaillard who has been rumored to have driven Team Asteroid out of the Kakusa region. This battle has me so excited that I can hardly contain myself. These two are definitely about to show us an amazing battle!”, MC Miya continued.
“Umm…sir, my name is Aichi Sendou.”, Aichi corrected sheepishly.
“Oh um…Aichi and Lee are sure to have a force battle for the ages! Let’s go! 3…2…1!”, MC Miya announced.
The two threw out their Pokémon at the same time. Aichi chose Soul Saver and Lee chose Cyclizar.
“What’s that Pokémon? It looks like a dragon type.”, Aichi thought as Soul Saver roared challengingly.
“So he did choose Haxorus. Not ideal but I can still beat him.”, Lee thought.
Cyclizar responded with its own roar.
“Soul Saver use Dragon Dance.”, Aichi ordered as Soul Saver started dancing as it bolted forward.
“Cyclizar use Shed Tail.”, Lee said.
A substitute appeared around the smaller dragon.
“What is he doing…? Surely he can’t expect that substitute to last long when I have super effective damage. This is a trick.”, Aichi thought.
Haxorus kept dancing, waiting for her moment to strike. Lee smirked as the substitute made his current Pokémon out change. The other’s eyes widened.
“W-what?! Isn’t that cheating?!”, Jonouchi questioned.
“No, that’s Cyclizar’s special move. It can give a substitute to another Pokémon and switch out with the same move.”, Yugi explained.
“This is dangerous…”, Misaki thought as he sweated.
“He’s switching out so…”, Aichi thought as his eyes widened.
Haxorus charged forward ready to ram her head into the substitute which was now as hard as metal.
“Iron Head!”, Aichi ordered.
“He predicted me!”, Lee thought as he snickered.
In Cyclizar’s place was now Tinkaton who got nailed by the Iron Head and destroyed the substitute.
“There’s no time for Swords Dance, Haxorus is way too buffed now!”, Lee thought.
“Use Gigaton Hammer!”, Lee ordered.
Tinkaton slammed her massive steel hammer in Haxorus’ face so hard that some of her teeth came out. Aichi looked stunned and concerned.
“It wasn’t super effective but it did that much damage?!”, Aichi thought.
Haxorus stumbled to her feet with her vision having become blurry after that titanic strike.
“Now, use Swords Dance!”, Lee ordered.
“Is this really all you have, son?”, Gin thought looking very disappointed.
“003v can’t do anything with this match up. Tinkaton resists everything his Pokémon can dish out.”, Sierra commented.
“That hasn’t been decided yet. Types aren’t everything.”, Neve replied as he crossed his arms.
Olivier watched the match intently.
“Earthquake.”, Aichi ordered.
Everyone looked stunned as the battlefield suddenly shook, making Tinkaton stumble. Aichi’s expression looked extremely serious. Tinkaton barely clung onto consciousness as it swung its hammer at Soul Saver.
“Catch it!”, Aichi ordered.
Soul Saver moved her head up and stuck her tusks into the hammer cutting into it. Everyone gaped in disbelief.
“Looks like Aichi has been keeping her tusks extra sharp.”, Shin commented.
Tinkaton gasped looking wide eyed as the dragon continued moving her head and pulled Tinkaton upwards.
“Slam it down!”, Aich ordered as Lee panicked.
Soul Saver jumped backwards and pile drives Tinkaton into the ground. Tinkaton fainted instantly as Lee looked stunned.
“H-how?!”, Lee questioned.
“I win. Umm…you might want someone to check out Tinkaton’s head.”, Aichi said.
Soul Saver removed her tusks from the hammer.
“Haxorus. (Sorry.)”, Soul Saver apologized to Tinkaton but it was passed out cold.
“Heh. It seems you aren’t as good as you thought, Lee.”, Chris said as he walked past Lee.
“Chris…d-damn it!”, Lee growled and punched the wall.
“Well, at least I get to crush 003v myself now.”, Chris said as he smirked.
His aura was completely different from before. His teammates stayed back being able to tell this.
“Woah…that match was over in an instant. 00-Aichi’s power truly is amazing! Now, he has to face his fellow in Psyqualia, Christopher Lo! He’s the #1 genius at SIT with perfect grades and a perfect score in batting! He’s never lost a single game!”, MC Miya announced.
“That’s right. I’ve never truly lost and I definitely won’t lose to you if you were struggling with trash like that.”, Chris said.
“I won’t lose to you, Chris. I CAN’T. I don’t care what you throw at me.”, Aichi replied.
“You know what’s coming don’t you? That pedestrian Pokémon stands no chance against what I’m packing.”, Chris replied.
“Here’s the first real test. If he completes this test then his victory against Ren wasn’t a fluke.”, Gin thought.
Chris brings out the titan of the earth. It easily towers over the arena and the colosseum. Soul Saver looks like a toy in comparison. It entered its primal form as the weather around them shifted to intense sunlight. Many in the stadium were now sweating like pigs in the heat.
Soul Saver looked up at the absolutely massive Pokémon.
“It’s even bigger up close.”, Aichi thought as he sweated.
“That thing is bigger than Kaiba’s ego.”, Jonouchi commented.
“How’s Aichi supposed to beat it alone? I don’t think he can Dynamax, right?”, Anzu questioned.
“I don’t think so. But, he must have some plan.”, Yugi replied.
“Come on, Aichi…”, Misaki thought.
Aichi’s loved ones at home watched with extreme worry. Kai and Kamui looked over to the arena in the distance to see the massive figure of Groundon.
Chris’ Psyqualia activated as a green aura surrounded it powering it up even more and its eyes flashed. Aichi looked up without fear.
“Let’s go, Soul Saver!”, Aichi said as Soul Saver roared.
The others could only pray that the previous timeline wouldn’t be recreated here.
To be continued…
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godiscommitingtaxfraud · 13 days ago
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A bunch of Touhous&co.
List below because HRM v
Touhou Games
Meira - Story of Eastern Wonderland
Kotohime - Phantasmagoria of Dim. Dream
Kurumi - Lotus Land Story
Louise - Magic Mirror
Daiyousei - Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Cirno - Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Chen - Perfect Cherry Blossom
Mystia Lorelei - Imperishable Night
Hina Kagiyama - Mountain of Faith
Parsee Mizuhachi - Subterranean Animism
Kogasa Tatara - Undefined Fantastic Object
Kyouko Kasodani - Ten Desires
Sekibanki - Double Dealing Character
Ringo - Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom
Nemuno Sakata - Hidden Star in Four Seasons
Urumi Ushizaki - Wily Beast and Weakest Creature
Takane Yamashiro - Unconnected Marketeers
Enoko Mitsugashira - Unfinished Dream of All Living Ghosts
Len’en Games
Aoji Shitodo - Evanescence Existence
Shou Amanomori - Earthen Miraculous Sword
Tsugumi Umatachi - Reactive Magestical Imperial
Kujiru Kesa - Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle
Medias Moritake - Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle
Taikan Games
Raven - Incarnation Erased from History
Loki - Forget Not Primordial Chaos
Fan Made Games
Corin Charite - The Last Comer
Momo Tobikura - Mystical Power Plant
Hatsuna Magatsuji - Riverbed Soul Saver
Ren Hitotachi - Infinite Blade Pavilion
Ten Hitotachi - Infinite Blade Pavilion
Tobiko Takatou - Book of Star Mythology
Chii Shirobakama - Hollow Song of Birds
Kagemo - Servants of Harvest Wish
Jiriri Kim - Sapphire Panlogism
Sakkagumi Yamomo - Sapphire Panlogism
Shounen Hiraga - Fan-made Virtual Autography
Naruko Uzushima - Marine Benefit
Mezuchi Takebashi - Over the Developed Eden
Tetsuko Yorubana - Dream Logical World
Serene Heikegami - Wonderful Waking World
San Alkaloid - Treasure Castle Labyrinth
Watatsuki no Itsuhime - Glory of Deep Skies
Theone Phillips - Glory of Deep Skies
Aiguillon Gifttaenzer - Glory of Deep Skies
Miyaka Yamika - Abyss Soul Lotus
Euphotrice Rappaccini - Little Doll Queen
Yayoi Shouyousan - Immortal Immanuel
Sayuri Katsuki - The Shattered Sky
Demo Games
Annika Aureola Theophrastia Bombastia von Honenheim - Consciousness’ Unity of Opposites
Noah Amenohara - Terminus of Unreal Darkside
Nansei Albums
Taeko Yuhara - Performance of Rain
Youna - Toxic Difficulty
Sakka Kira - Dark World
Lenna Kyouhaku - Abandoned Mansion
Panti no Kodomo - Celestial Event in Fairy Land
Ikimono - Underground Former City
Kudan - Dark Autumn of Slayers
Amami - Dark Autumn of Slayers
Fan Made Albums
Mushibo Binawaka - Heart of Sacred Singularity
Unane Gakudzuka - Champaign of Unfinished Dreams
Matilda Klabautermann - Sibmarine Dragon
Margarita Kodama - Zenith of Antimonic Monarch
Chima Oozorax - Awakening Deep Mythos
Iwabami Nobuzame - Empyreal Garden of Amusements
Riyoko - Artificial Star in Forgotten Orbit
Moritake - Origin of Dragon Dharma
Midori Homurani - Anthology of Forgotten Fables
Arkadia Albums
Marchosias - Eternal Night of Divine Entities
Oro - Resting Grounds of Ancient Wars
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taoofshigeru · 8 months ago
Pointers for That One Postgame Boss
I got a reply question about this, and the writeup went long. Now it's a separate post.
Here are my general tips for fighting Galdera in Octopath II.
1) For the first Eye phase, I made sure to have at least two merchants in the party. Hired Help beastlings does 4 shields of damage when fully boosted, and foreign assassin does almost 40,000 damage when coupled with a physical defense debuff. I also carried about 3 million leaves into that fight and ended up with (checks screenshot archive) 14273 at the end of the second phase.
2) For the second Galdera the Fallen phase, make sure Ochette is in your party, and you have the SP Saver passive equipped. There are a number of beast captures that hit twice for a specific weak point. My beast lineup for Galdera and (all 4 DLC fights) was: -Vagrant Frogking II (2x axe hits on all) -Wild Moleking II (2x dagger hits on all) -Ancient Lizardking II (2x sword hits on all) -Woodland Birdking II (2x spear hits on all) -Peek-a-Boo (1x staff hit on all, plus a number of defense debuffs.) -Ice Guardian Mk.II (1x axe hit+1x ice hit on all)
These can do 6 shields to multiple foes without even spending BP, up to 12 shields. If you're using Castti's concoct with Pomegranate Leaf x2+Diffusing Serum+Strengthening Serum, or Revitalizing Jams, which can be farmed, she'll do 24 shields of damage in the interval between enemy turns. This is vital for the final phase where Galdera's main body gets 20 shield points and that number goes up. In general, it's also good to partner this version of Ochette with Castti, because Peek-a-Boo's debuffs make Castti's Drastic Measures a stronger damage option.
3) Hunter's Leghold Trap (in the first phase, since it's mostly just the eye) and Agnea's Windy Refrain (in the second phase, where the limbs are around for a while and you need crowd control) were indispensable in controlling the boss' turns. After the boss uses its recover-from-break turns, you have the one turn before, and the one turn after to deliver hits. If your party survives out of break, this means you either Provoke Beasts with Ochette twice (24 shields), or get in two fully boosted regular attacks (16 shields). Ideally, the only time the enemy is attacking is when they recover from break status.
4) You can farm Revitalizing Jams by getting into a fight with a higher-level side-dungeon boss (i.e. Direwolf or Decaying Dragon), fully boosting a steal, breaking them once, then fleeing. The ability to fully restore HP and get 5 BP with a single item use is really helpful, especially when combined with Dohter's Charity.
5) Make sure your phase 2 party's minimum level is 60, and realistically 65-75 is a good range to do the fight at.
Phase 1 is a lot more flexible. I managed it with Hikari and Osvald at essentially level 50, thanks to Hired Help's damage being divorced from stats.
With those tips in mind, here was my specific configuration.
[Phase 1] Dancer Partitio (level 65) Merchant Hikari (level 49) Hunter Osvald (level 51) Thief Temenos (level 61)
Hikari and Partitio break and do damage with Hired Help. Temenos debuffs with Thief's Armor Corrosive, Osvald uses Hunter's Leghold Trap for crowd control, plus does the one hit needed to bring soul shields down from 5 to 4 with magic.
[Phase 2] Armsmaster Castti (level 73) Cleric Agnea (level 71) Merchant Throné (level 66) Conjurer Ochette (level 73)
Castti concocts and hits for massive damage. Agnea heals and buffs for extra turns with Aelfric's Blessing. Throne provides wide-area damage with Hired Help, and when she has 5 BP she can use it for (almost) full output twice in one turn. Ochette should be using Provoke Beasts every turn, no exceptions. I made her a Conjurer because, when everyone else is dead and there's nothing else left, she can raise the rest of the party from the dead and maybe inflict a little extra damage at the end.
(Feel free to tweak the setup based on which of your characters are higher level. This is just what worked for me.)
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hermesserpent-stuff · 11 months ago
Thoughts for Transmutation of the Soul plot lines @lirabuswavi
reader beware there are spoilers in there
So i have a few plots that I'm trying to hammer out. that may or may not occur
Hiccup growing close with toothless, learning to fly, and then making armor and then having dagur meet him. Dagur has his own dragon encounters and now both are ready to go out and save dragons dagur meets his own dragon within 2 or 3 outings.
viggo and ryker investigate the boys background. they journey south. when they arrive on berk, viggo insists on silence about their association with the boys. he wants to know what the village knows and offers up hunter expertise to berk to be able to dig into the island for information. they are not happy with what they find
the boys turn into dragon savers. they run across the info of the hunters going south so they go south
sub plot of romance for ryker if i can figure out how love works. unlikely given my past lol
i want hiccup to still kill the red death
i want viggo and ryker to recognize the ax and shield the boys use and then they assume that hiccup and dagur were killed by these two and their items taken as trophies.
I want ryker to shoot dagur at some point maybe more than once.
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heyyoushouldexperiencethese · 9 months ago
LAST UPDATED 1/25/2025
All of milestone media
Bomberman Jetters
Id: Invaded
Useless Ponko
Yu-Gi-Oh (manga)
"My son is he man or beast" from action comics 400
adventure comics 205: "The Journey of the Second Superboy!""
Spy x Family
Chainsaw Man
N52 Superboy #26-34
Digimon (Especially Adventure, 02, Tamers, Savers, Appmon, & Ghost Game; for the movies, all of them aside from Tri)
Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth
Marx Brothers
Get Smart (1965)
Superman vs Meshi
Detective Comics #500 "To Kill a Legend"
Christmas with the Super-Heroes #2 "Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot"
Captain Atom (1987)
Bronze Age Firestorm
Legion of Superheroes
Amethyst Princess of Gemworld
Ookami Shounen wa Kyou mo Uso o Kasaneru/The boy who cried wolf tells another lie today
Hundreds of Beavers
3:10 to Yuma (1957)
The Maltese Falcon
Cast a deadly spell
Beetlejuice Musical
Beetlejuice 2
Paper Mario
Paper Mario the thousand year door
famicom detective club (both games)
Ace Attorney 1-4 & Great Ace Attorney Chronicles
Ghost Trick
Marvelous: Another Treasure Island
Pikmin 1-4
Kirby and the Forgotten Land
Kirby Planet Robobot
Kirby Triple Deluxe
Kirby Return to Dreamland Deluxe
Kirby's Adventure
Kirby Superstar
Dark Matter trilogy
Batman: The Audio Adventures
Powerless (2016)
The Good Place
Arrested Development
Be Cool Scooby Doo
Sakamoto Days
El Chavo del Ocho
Chapulin Colorado
Arnold Drake's Doom Patrol
Grant Morrison's Doom Patrol
Rachel Pollack's Doom Patrol
Neil Gaiman's The Sandman
batman ego
Scooby Doo Team Up
The Batman & Scooby Doo Mysteries
Happy Halloween Scooby Doo
Tsukumojuku (2005)
Dragon Quest
Rocket Slime
Mario & Luigi (all titles)
JoJo's bizarre adventure
Witch Hat Atelier
John Wick 1-4
Weird Al Biopic
Little Shop of Horrors (original film & musical)
Super Friends (1976)
A series of unfortunate events (books)
All the Wrong Questions
Power Bomberman
Custom Battler Bomberman/Bomberman 2
Tatami time machine blues
The Amazing World of Gumball
The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy
Codename Kids Next Door
Assassination Classroom
Regular Show
The looney tunes show
Sonic Boom (2014)
Hector con Carne
The Book of Life
films starring cantinflas (preferably in spanish, but if you don't know spanish well)
tear along the dotted line
this world can't tear me down
Casa de papel
Everything Everywhere All at Once
Wayside School
Fullmetal Alchemist (Manga)
Meanwhile (Comic)
Way of the Househusband
Welcome to demon school iruma kun
Infinity Train
"The Twilight Zone" Her Pilgrim Soul/I of Newton
The Twilight Zone (Original Series)
All of Alan Brennert's comics
Class of 3000
Rankin Bass Christmas specials (shout-out to Santa Claus is coming to town)
Moral Orel
Dungeon Meshi
Don't Blush, Sekime-san!
No gyarus in this class
the Philadelphia story
Yuri is Taboo to a Yuri Otaku
True Detective S1
Superman & the Authority
All-star Superman
Morrison's Action Comics
Morrison's Animal Man
Moore's Swamp Thing
Muppets Most Wanted
Twisted Tales of Felix the Cat (specifically season 1)
Baba is You
Henry Stickmin
The Giver quartet
Bomberman Generation
Bomberman Journey
A Bomberman Journey 2023 Followup
Bomberman Battle Pack: A way too in-depth analysis
The Weird
Sam & Max series (comics games AND show)
Goodbye Eri
Only Murders in the building
Archie's Weird Mysteries
Please Go Home, Akutsu-San!
Mousou Telepathy
Tomo Chan is a girl
Lovely Complex
Lovely Complex TWO
Love after world domination
Samon the Summoner
Shinobi Undercover
The Green Lantern
Green Lanterns
Green Lantern Legacy
Green Lantern Alliance
Immortal Hulk
The Flash by Mark Waid
The Flash by Jeremy Adams
Oracle Code
Shadow of the batgirl
batgirl 2000
Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
The usual suspects
Ip Man
kiss him not me
Carole & Tuesday
Catch 22 (book)
Space Dandy
Rush Hour
What's up Doc
The cheap detective
The awful truth
his girl friday
bringing up baby
your name
the afterparty
mad monster party?
little shop of horrors (original)
sound of music
Netoge no Yome wa Onnanako ja Nai to Omotta?
music man
singing in the rain
The great race
Artemis Fowl (main series)
Don't hug me I'm scared
ultimate exorcist kiyoshi
squid games
Dokapon kingdom
lego city undercover
Summer Wars
Culdcept Revolt
hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy
batman no man's land novelization
Ultraman Rising
“When I woke up I had become a girl” Disease
My New Wife Is Forcing Herself to Smile
She gets girls everyday
Hero-san and Former General-san
the dangers in my heart
Heathers (film)
Scarface (1932)
Rear Window
you and i are polar opposites
the guy she was interested in wasn't a guy at all
Kaguya Sama love is war
We want to talk about kaguya
Arakure Ojousama wa Monmon Shiteiru
A succubus and thereafter
A Story About a Man and a Woman and When They Sleep Together, Money Appears Out of Nowhere
Nanaco Robin
Egg of my Youth
The girl I like forgot her glasses
Tokimeki Academy ❤ Class of Princes
Please love the useless me
please love the useless me R
Secret Base
berry dynamite
Otona Najimi
Smother Me
Magokoro scramble
Watashitachi wa Koi wo Shiranai/We Don't Know a Thing About Love
Takane no Hana nara Ochitekoi?/lofty flower fall for me
Koudaike no Hitobito
undead unluck
the night is short walk on girl
Shuumatsu no Koe
fire punch
akane bashi
kaiju no. 08
Koudaike no Hitobito
The Story Between a Dumb Prefect and a High School Girl with an Inappropriate Skirt Length
disastrous life of saiki k
mekakushi no kuni/land of the blindfolded
jitsu wa watashi wa/my monster secret
The New-Hire who Could "Read" Emotions and the Unsociable Senpai
Boarding School Juliet
Happy Kanako's Killer Life
Romantic Cider/Romantic Drop
Phineas and Ferb
bigtop burger
pseudo harem
gravity falls
Tatami Galaxy
Kindergarten Wars
My friend Irma
A story about smoking behind the back of a supermarket
Meguro-san wa Hajimete ja Nai/It's not Meguro-san's first time (specifically the first 52-ish chapters. Do not read the final arc. Final chapter is ok)
Class de 2 Banme ni Kawaii Onna no Ko to Tomodachi ni Natta (I Made Friends with the Second Prettiest Girl in My Class)
Kijima-san & Yamada-san
shikimori is not just cute
no miyahira not you
My boss doesn't have a face
A Story About Treating a Female Knight, Who Has Never Been Treated as a Woman, as a Woman
Asahina Wakaba to Marumaru na kareshi
Super Secret
mob psycho 100
sublo & tangy mustard
they might be giants
weird al yankovic
saint motel
cab Calloway
St. Arnaud
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appletart09 · 2 years ago
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Revenger, Raging form Dragon + Soul Saver Dragon
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thebladeblaster · 1 year ago
Vanguard Divine Z episode 6 reaction Ooh this one was kinda fire
Sorry for the late reaction I was busy yesterday
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I think the masked person is someone from Overdress who Akina will meet later. Mostly because Taizo recognizes them and it seems that they told Taizo about Akina’s sister. I feel like it has to be a character we would recognize otherwise why the mask? The only ones short enough that I can think of is Yu-yu, Urara, and the gremlin (but I don’t think they met). I’m pretty sure the masked person is a guy so that leaves Yu-yu or the gremlin. Those are my guesses for now. They could be putting on a voice or something.
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Taizo is so nice 😊
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I love these dorks. It’s interesting that Akina already knows to aim for a winning image though he has a very experienced friend teaching him so it makes sense.
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Haha, I LOVE this man🤣! He really said “fuck it we ball”. Okay, I feel like Akina is already my second favorite Vanguard protag behind Aichi. He’s just so funny and likeable. I like the way he won was through catching his opponent off guard with a crazy and unique strategy. I was thinking that I didn’t want him to win because it would feel like he has plot armor but the explanation is actually pretty satisfying. I was EXTREMELY worried that Akina would become Chrono 2.0 but I was wrong. This man isn’t trigger sacking he actually has some skill. Specifically this man pulled a Jotaro and bluffed like hell to win🤣. It was a real cool mind game strat. Like I don’t blame Taizo for getting sucker punched by his mad strategy. So it’s…
Favorite Vanguard Protagonists:
1. Aichi
2. Akina
3. Shinemon
4. Yu-yu
6. Kai (This is as a protagonist not a rival. I just don’t think he works well as the protagonist. He’s best as a rival.)
7. Chrono
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Of course Masanori can smell the bs. This plushie is definitely secretly evil I’m calling it. Though, who knows maybe Vanguard will try to subvert our expectations with that as they do often. Otherwise I’m thinking the plushie is linked to Gyze somehow.
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Hello, the gremlin is returning in the next episode 👀!
I’ve definitely been appreciating a return to tradition with Vanguard focusing back on character strategies and connecting to Cray.
Also I’ve been reading the comments and the haters seriously boggle my mind. It feels like they’re trying to hate it for the sake of it. Geez, they’re making og fans look bad. Like I am THE og Vanguard fan. I talk about it leagues more than the rest of the franchise but these people are seriously acting like this is the most boring and predictable series. Like dude this is not G or V series calm down. If anything those two were predictable af. The most unpredictable series have been og, Shinemon, and the D era. They’re like “oh Akina is so perfect that he isn’t a person” as if Akina didn’t lose his first fight and lose a bunch during his training 😅. The writers also went out of their way to actually justify his crazy win. Like it’s not like he trigger sacked to victory. He did a crazy aggressive and unorthodox strategy to catch his opponent off guard and win that’s actually good writing and reminds me of og. For instance when Aichi blindsided Goki with Soul Saver Dragon and it’s skill. Much like this win it didn’t come out of nowhere and was foreshadowed before and during the fight. That’s why I like the D era it reminds me of og in spirit. The characters actually have strategies to win that are explained like og. Honestly, I just really don’t get the hate. Some won’t be satisfied by anything.
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vanguardus · 7 years ago
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Today's Card Analysis: Soul Saver Dragon
The Japanese cards of the day for May 11th, 2018, are Soul Saver Dragon, Blaster Blade, and Dragonic Overlord. Blade and Overlord were previously revealed as the cover cards for the first Trial Decks of the Standard format, but Soul Saver Dragon is the final Triple Rare for the Royal Paladin clan out of V-Booster Set 01: UNITE! TEAM Q4.
ACT [Vanguard Circle]: [Cost: Soulblast 5] 6 of your units get Power +15000 until end of turn.
AUTO [Vanguard Circle]: When it attacks, you may Soulcharge 1.
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When Soul Saver Dragon first debuted seven years ago in Onslaught of Dragon Souls, her power was unfathomable. Nothing was on the same scale, making 21-21-26 columns that demanded an overwhelming 50k shield for a one-trigger-to-pass defense. This was at a time when trigger units carried just 10k shield as a standard, and in the new format Soul Saver's soulblast has been scaled accordingly. Instead of giving 5k to three rearguards, the new Soul Saver gives +15 to six units including herself.
In practical terms that means whatever shield the opponent would have to put down to guard an attack that turn, they would need to add 30k to that--equivalent to two Critical Triggers, three grade 1s, or a grade 1 and a Heal Trigger. With the standard shield of a crit now at 15k, and heals at 20, Soul Saver Dragon's ACT forces the opponent to put down a minimum of two more guardians per attack, or perfect guard.
Keep reading
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thebladeblaster · 3 years ago
Ngl I panicked a bit seeing Psyqualia 😂(Psychi alone made me forever cautious of that ability).
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22-23 Aichi and Gaillard begin their cardfight, each player riding up to their respective avatars. In the midst of this battle, Gaillard is overwhelmed by Aichi's image, 'transporting' the both of them to Cray. In the climax of the fight, Gaillard reveals another form of his avatar, Prominence Core of the Azure Flames. The fight eventually comes to its conclusion, the two fighters leaving on good terms. And now having faced Aichi, Gaillard returns to Europe and the Euro League to face off against Kai once again.
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inkymari · 2 years ago
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Would be cool if Jheva could switch between her normal form and her egg form
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goldenlord0001 · 8 years ago
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cfv-week · 2 years ago
Ooooooooooooh, hell yeah!!! That's awesome 🤩🤩🤩
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CfV Prompt Week, Day 3: Role Swap / Favourite Unit
Decided on Soul Saver because the first time SSD appeared I really liked it and because dragons :)
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carnelianwings · 2 years ago
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I can’t believe it took me this long to realize the Blaster Blade Aichi Rides in the Get Back Yourself ED sequence is Blaster Blade Seeker, not Blaster Blade. Why is this relevant?
I submit, Kai’s Ride chant for Blaster Blade Seeker : “Stand up, my avatar! The true friend within my soul... my mate! Ride the Vanguard! Blaster Blade Seeker!”
Also, Kai’s Legion chant for Thing Saver Dragon, the same one he calls “Soulmate Legion”, and describes as “the bond between [himself] and Aichi” in ep 169 where he first meets Gaillard: “The light of courage that connects me and my mate in the darkness! Seek the mate! Friendship is in this hand! Our bond is in this heart! Line up, avatar of my soul. Legion!”
My only excuse is that every time I watch Legion Mate I’m scraping my jaw off the floor because “how on Earth (and Cray) did they ever green light a season that’s just made of There’s No Heterosexual Explanation For This Whatsoever”.
And I thought it was obvious enough with Aichi’s little proposal speech at the end of Link Joker 😅
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hookedatweiss · 3 years ago
🧶🎣 Meet My Koi: 😁
This project took me just over a month to complete with some hook attention almost daily. (Confession: I did make a couple 'quick gratification' projects along the way.)
The pattern I used is 'Whomsoever's Koi' by Terry Finer. From the get-go I ventured from the instructions by selecting worsted weight (Red Heart Super Saver in Dusty Grey) over sport weight making this catch 34" compared to the pattern projection of 24". I also ventured from the instructions using a crochet scale technique from Rachy Newin's pattern 'Mother of Dragons Dice Bag' (free Ravelry download and highly recommended!). I might've managed a better job with the koi scales, but - like the Alabama song goes - it was close enough to perfect for me. 😁 Anywho, the Newin technique creates a more solid fabric than the typical crochet scale fabric worked over v-stitches.
An old tee shirt was upcycled to quick sew a lining for the scale body. And OMG, I can still hear my grandmother's (RIP) seamstress soul scolding me on that bit of sloppy work. 😅
I crocheted the eyes, and variegated embroidery floss created the illusion of reflected light: big accidental score on that actually. I am very happy with this outcome! 
Lastly, my fish head came out flattish for the liking, so I stitched a fold on either side of the head and declared it part of the gill.
#crochet #mycrochet #hookedatweiss #whomsoeverskoi #terryfiner #crochetkoi #crochetfish #redheartyarn #crochetscalestitch #crochetdragonscale #motherofdragonsdicebag #rachynewin #crochetlake #crochetlove
In summary, I am very pleased with the money invested in the Finer koi pattern. While I'm not a great pattern follower, I learned some really neat techniques through the work. Bravo, Terry Finer. 👏
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stuckinthewrongworld · 3 years ago
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Time spent on this piece: 19 hours 19 minutes
This Digimon line was created for me by Phillip Green. Attacks were created for me by @Callum Tobias Brooks
Name: J
Age: 17
Crest: Perspicacity
Height: 6'
Fresh: Newtmon
Attribute: Free
Field: Deep Savers/ Dragon's Roar
Element: Fire
In-Training: Axolmon
Attribute: Free
Field: Deep Savers/ Dragon's Roar
Element: Fire/ Water
Attack: Boil
Rookie: Mandemon
Attribute: Vaccine
Field: Deep Savers/ Dragon's Roar
Element: Fire
Attack: Combustion
Champion: Mandramon
Attribute: Vaccine
Field: Dragon's Roar/ Nature Spirits
Element: Fire
Attacks: Steam Room/ Cinder Carnage
Ultimate: Wizardramon
Attribute: Vaccine
Field: Dragon's Roar/ Nature Spirits
Element: Fire
Attacks: Warm Soul/ Fireball
Mega: Flammenmon
Attribute: Vaccine
Field: Dragon's Roar/ Nature Spirits/ Virus Busters
Element: Fire/ Light
Attacks: Knight's Vow/ Sun's Mercy
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goothemighty · 5 years ago
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FYI, this is WAY bigger. I need to update it again now that I’ve beaten Dark Souls and stuff.
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My first finished art of 2020 ties to the only resolution I’m bothering to make. I want to finish more things (games, books, movies, etc...), rather than leaving them half finished or unopened for a billion years, as is my typical practice.
So yeah, I’m focused on games right now since their probably the most plentiful. I have a rather long list of unfinished titles that I want to beat in the first half of 2020, if I can.
Also personal projects and comics, but... one thing at a time...
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