#souji headcanon
shikiii-skadi · 2 months
Shiki! I humbly request Jeanne Alter, Nobu, Okita, and Osakabehime with reader that is taller than them and will at random just *Scoop* them up nearly scaring them out of their skin to give them a hug or kiss then gently set them down and walk on like nothing happend, Bonus points if they're in the middle of a conversation or trying to be scary.
INCLUDES: jeanne d'Arc (alter), okita souji (saber)
NAVIGATION: Fate Masterlist
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Alter Jeanne d'Arc:
Arguably not a smart decision when it comes to Jeanne Alter
If she doesn't see that it is you, because you approached her from behind, you will get burned. If she does see it is you, you probably will still get burned, because how dare you do something like that.
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It was a stupid dare Mordred forced upon you. Being the reckless mage you were, you obviously agreed with little hesitation. You have defeated countless singularities and lost belts. So of course you couldn't just back down from a little dare like that, even if it meant finding yourself on the other end of Jeanne's wrath. It can't be that bad… right? If everything goes wrong, you still had your command spells. Even if you'd rather not have to explain why you used one to the Director.
But now it was probably too late for second-guessing anyway. You could see Jeanne with her back turned to you talking to Andersen and Shakespeare. None of them noticed your arrival, being too engrossed in their conversation about German tales.
You take a deep breath before approaching the group.
"Jeanne!", you call out, so she will know it is you, before already slightly embracing her and placing a kiss upon her cheek.
You hoped Jeanne would be too caught of guard to react, which actually seemed to be the case until...
"How dare you, you dummy!!! La Grondement--"
You've never run faster in your life as you try to get away before Jeanne's Noble Phantasm pulverizes you.
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Okita Souji:
Does not know how to react.
Okita has no idea about romance and such so it went right over her head what your show of affection could imply.
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You thought it would be a fun idea to surprise Okita with a kiss on the cheek to see how she would react.
You begin to search for her. It didn't take you long to spot her together with a few other Servants of the Saber class discussing swordsmanship.
As always, Okita's expression was neutral. You took the chance and approached her. A second later you had scooped her up and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek before setting her down again and walking away as if nothing happened, leaving the other servants rather flabbergasted to what the hell just happened, while Okita stood there with a very confused expression.
She turns to her fellow servants. "Was that Masters way of showing our friendship?", she asks, causing some Servants to facepalm at her obviousness and others to snicker in amusement.
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thebearme · 2 years
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The music we hear in battle is coming from yosuke's headphone and you can't tell me otherwise.
contexts of outfits
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dragologist · 1 year
Which of the remaining fighters will walk into the battlefield like this:
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My bets are on Loki or Nostradamus💀
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narrators-journal · 2 days
Platonic yandere!Narukami headcanons
Woot woot, another Narukami thing! Not much else to say, just that I decided to lean for platonic here. I miiiight return to do more romantic yandere headcanons, but no promises.
Narukami is a bit of a complex person in a yandere situation. At least, for me lol.
Considering I see him as some flavor of aromantic, I can’t really decide if he’d be a sexual yandere, or a more platonic one.
I’m leaning more Platonic though.
Not only because I don’t think he chases after a romantic relationship, but because I think he’s so starved for connection, that all it would take to set off the yandere traits would simply be friendship. Not even a crush.
So, yeah, he’s more on the platonic side of the yandere spectrum. But, that wouldn’t stop him from using sexual tactics to keep people with him.
Flirting, hooking up, anything to keep you with him.
And, when that fails, he would resort to violent tactics instead.
Because, oh yeah! Narukami does not strike me as a yandere who avoids hurting their darling. He is not like Minato.
If he truly fears losing you to someone, he would kill whoever it is.
Your boyfriend? Your girlfriend? Hell, your parents? Doesn’t matter, he wants a stable, substantial relationship that isn’t just his fucking uncle. He’ll kill to get that.
And yes, he will hurt you as well. Whether that’s breaking bones so you have to rely on him, or knocking you out to kidnap you.
Which, is where he gets really scary. Considering his uncle’s a detective, and he undoubtedly picked up a good bit of what not to do as a criminal, or how the police generally work.
So, he’ll know a good bit of how to keep you to himself, and make sure you can’t be found to be taken, or escape.
I think the only thing Narukami wouldn’t do as a yandere is directly guilt trip and emotionally manipulate you.
I mean, he’d probably still do it unknowingly, or play into your emotions to keep your sympathy and in your good graces, but he isn’t much of one to stoop so low as to manipulate like, say, Jun would.
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gelstertherealgel · 2 years
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This rank was my whole universe
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ultimateotaku666 · 6 months
Persona 3, 4, & 5 Protag sexuality headcanons
Disclaimer: I am not going to include the first three Persona games as I have no way to play and figure them out, but maybe I'll find a way.
Another disclaimer: I sadly won't include the FeMC, as I haven't played P3 Portable. But I got it recently, and I shall repost once I finish!
Makoto Yuki:
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HeteroAce. I know it seems like a cop-out, but I think it fits him well. He probably never thought about romance and didn't think he would ever fall in love. Then he meets the girl of his dreams (me and my fiancé say Fuuka) and he finally understands.
Another idea is AroAce, it's more an idea.
Yu Narukami:
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Polysexual and possibly Polyamorus. Persona protags are lady killers, but it doesn't mean that they can't also be different. Narukami is no exception. He gives off Polysexual vibes. You have many female options, so there's one. Yosuke was supposed to be a romance option (we were robbed!!), so already makes sense. And I headcanon Naoto being Non-binary or Genderfluid, so check on that! As for the Polyamory, depending on who you romance, you could be a throuple (We imagine Narukami, Naoto, and Kanji. It would be sweet).
Akira Kurusu:
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Pansexual. I know we have many female options, but four of them are adults. And I know Japan is different, but its still strange. But that's a rant for later! And let me say we all know that if we had male options, people would have Ryuji and Yusuke as their partner. Plus, Akira seems like he doesn't discriminate (like I said, he dates adults), and he values their emotions and love.
These are just headcanons, so if you don't agree, that's perfectly fine! Everyone has an opinion, and they can be beautiful (not all and you know who you are 🫵😡)
Thank you for listening to my TED Talk!
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crappyheadcanons · 6 months
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Persona 4 transhet icons
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dreamerslovechaos · 2 years
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the applicant, sylvia plath // revolutionary girl utena
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eleiyaumei · 1 year
LGBTQ+ and ally Hakuouki headcanons
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Anyway, headcanons are subjective. Feel free to share your own!
Aromantic asexual: Sannan, Amagiri, Kaoru
Aromantic: Yamazaki
Asexual: Okita, Saito
Pansexual/Bisexual: Harada, Souma, Sen
Gay/Lesbian: Shiranui, Kimigiku/Okiku, Itou, Takeda (let's take those 2 gay stereotypes and turn them into real characters!)
Heterosexual Pan-/Biromantic: Hijikata, Iba
Gender-non-conforming/Demi-girl/Agender/Non-binary: Chizuru
Gay asexual: Nakaoka
Cishet ally*: Nagakura, Ryouma, Miki
*Allies of the community are those that don't just tolerate LGBTQ+ people, but actively support and defend them.
Shenanigumi might be the only who's done this before...
(Sorry for not including Heisuke, I just don't think he fits anything here. I think he's a straight cis guy that would not go out of his way to support the LGBTQ+ community. He probably has other things on his mind... I don't HC him as queerphobic, just not as an ally.)
For those in the aromantic&asexual lines: I don't have a HC what their sexual/romantic identity is, I guess I'm open to any interpretation there. For the people in the pan&bi and gay&lesbian lines, I mostly HC their romantic identities to allign with their sexual ones.
(I saw someone musing about whether or not Kaoru is trans* (since identical twins usually share the same biological sex) and... I can't see how? Him "having the wrong genitals" (as in: him being AMAB) is a fact important to his backstory and he seems to have always identified as boy/man, even before the attack on his village, no matter what the Nagumo did to him. (Kaoru and Chizuru being oni is probably an excuse for how it's possible that they're identical twins with different sexes). But it's a trans* spectrum so while I can't see how he could be MTF trans*, maybe he's GNC/demi-boy/agender/enby?)
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fragiledaisysstuff · 5 months
Persona 4 height headcanons
*this is based on canon, but with some alterations and future height headcanons
(every single member of the investigation team!)
the shortest (next to Naoto)
id imagine she used to be tall back when she was a kid, but never really grew after 13, she got EXTREMLY salty about it for a couple years.
she's the type of short to never ask for help with high places, she'd rather climb up like a racoon up a pipe.
this changed after she defeated her shadow and started asking (only) Yukiko for help.
about 3rd tallest(only like 3 cm taller than Yosuke tho) after Kanji and Yu
she and Chie used to be the same height back in the start of high school, but she shot up during their 2nd year
she developed shrimp posture as she used to subconsciously make her self smaller, but after she got her persona she stands tall and straight(ha!)
she enjoys helping Chie reach tall spaces a little too much
(makes her feel helpful to Chie)
taller than Chie and Naoto, but still fairly short, about the same height as Teddie
honestly this one is closest to canon
she drapes herself over Naoto a lot, dramatic swooning style
she has the posture and confidence to make her seem larger than she is
slightly taller then Chie(not by much honestly)
he's a bouncy guy, and a hugger, definitely the type to latch onto people in hugs, Kanji can bearly(HA!) peel him off
he's still got shadow strength, so Yosuke makes him carry the heavier boxes sometimes during Junes restocking, the box ARE half his height though
Naoto (he/they style)
the official shortest member of the team
much like Rise, his posture and stance make them seem taller then they actually are
isn't as annoyed at rise for draping herself all over him as he pretends to be
also like Chie, never asked for help with high areas until their shadow was accepted, now he's more comfortable asking for assistance.
wears heels, but they don't add as much height as he'd hope
the tallest member, but he hunches over a lot so he looks closer to the rest of the team then he actually is
once he stopped hunching over, he was a good couple of inches taller then Yu
he helps out the shorter members of the team the most(especially Naoto)
fourth tallest (him and Yukiko and basically the same though)
lanky as hell when he was younger, looks more balanced now
he's mostly legs, explains why he's so clumsy (i relate man)
got EXTREMELY embarrassed the first time kanji helped with a high shelf, and kanji could not understand why he was freaking out so bad over it (cue Chie and Yukiko laughing at him)
got shocked when Yukiko got taller then him, she definitely lords it over his head.
second tallest
id imagine he still scares people (Yosuke) by appearing behind them even with his height (he's a sneaky man)
also helps out the shorter members of the team
his height contributed to his popularity a lot, not like he gets it though even when Yosuke and Rise try to explain it
one time he was complimented on his height in class and it just never stopped after that
he hits his head on doorways a lot :(
got a tiny growth spurt while in Inba, nothing crazy like Yukiko though
if Yukiko wore heels she could be the same height as him, which used to annoy Yosuke a lot( he can also just wear heels but refuses for his 'pride')
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fanficfish · 1 year
a couple of persona 4 headcanons
Just a list of my Persona 4/affiliated media headcanons (I really hope this doesn’t get buried lmfao…also before you ask no I don’t normally post persona I kinda got hooked through the Honkai SR fandom. What can I say, Yu’s very relatable about not wanting to upset and needing to protect the cute kid calling you “big bro”)
I have no idea what’s going on with the whole “Teddie lives with Yosuke” thing because I have literally searched up everything (don’t ask about my youtube watch history please) and here’s my take on it: Yosuke basically came home with a Teddie in tow, presented him as a guy with nowhere to go who was willing to work for his keep, stuffed him in his closet because the “spare bedroom” is his dad’s home office or something, and at some point the Hanamuras just accepted they have two sons now because how can you not like sweet, innocent, naive-but helpful Teddie? Also Yosuke played Teddie’s disappearance off as him being at Yu’s or something. I have no idea how that man pulled this off but it worked. (yes I”m a sucker for hanabros)
I still can’t decide which i prefer: Yu x Yosuke or Yu x Rise (I do like the idea that RIse grabbed Yu, flung him over her shoulder, and marched off into the sunset, though like…have you seen the Persona 4 partner dances???)
I’m actually kinda surprised Yu just goes back to wherever he came from for his third year, like just stay in Inaba for your last year of highschool? You already stayed a whole year. And he canonically has parents who are away a lot on business. But to make sense of this, I propose: He goes back only because the school he’s going to gives him a leg up into the uni he wants to go to (which is understandable. Inaba is a tiny rural town in the middle of nowhere, he’ll probably get some better connections in a city school or something). He definitely comes back on every holidays possible, and messages his friends so often that his new friends at his other school are just like “bro….please at least wear the right uniform….”
RIse’s idol group starts flinging around wild theories on what she did during her year-long break. It ranges from everything from hooking up with three different guys (they spied on her while she was doing a video call with the others (FaceTime apparently existed in 2012, which I kinda forgot about. I think the flip phones kinda just threw me off.)
Yukiko and Chie definitely get together. Have you seen those two? They’re definitely roommates, at the last.
At some point someone asks about Teddie’s bear costume, and Yosuke covers up by saying Kanji made some alterations to it. Kanji does not approve, and Yosuke is seen later running through Inaba with an angry Kanji on his heels.
Also that new outfit Teddie wears in the epilogue of Golden? That’s just Yosuke’s old stuff - Teddie still wears the first human clothes he ever got for fancy occasions, but between Yosuke and Chie they manage to talk him into regular stuff. 
And they definitely have a running joke where they introduce Teddie as an exchange student from France (with that bright blond hair and Ouran Host Club-esque style choices, it was bound to happen) whenever they meet someone new. Yosuke knows Teddie will play along anyways, but buys him sweet treats as a bribe anyways. They usually drop the act pretty quite, but it’s really funny for the Hanabros. Especially if Teddie is crossdressing, because that man totally kept his Alice outfit. 
Kanji, unfortunately for Yosuke, uses Teddie as a model whenever he decides to get creative. Yosuke is considering getting a second closet because Teddie shares most of Yosuke’s old stuff. Like clothes (Yosuke is the only one who has stuff in Teddie’s size, and Teddie’s growing a bit anyways), In the winter, Teddie regularly shows up to places wearing Yosuke’s sweaters and jackets, and Yosuke is just thankful that Kanji makes Teddie stuff like that in Yosuke’s size so both of them can wear it. 
TImeskip: Nanako moves to the city with Yu for highschool, so she can attend a more liberal-arts focussed school. Yu doesn’t mind (he’s like, 26 at this point, and probably works some kind of office job (he likes a bit of quiet in his life, after the chaos called his teenage years and having famous idol Rise Kujikawa as a mate) (and also he gets free Nanako time) and Dojima, finally taking more breaks from work, sometimes drops in to say hi and maybe buy dinner.
Yu also gets to shovel talk Nanko’s first boyfriend. Nanko has to spend half an hour reassuring him that Yu is actually in fact a really nice guy….and then turns around to see Yosuke and Rise waiting for their turn to shoveltalk. And while Yu is scary, having your girlfriend’s older brother’s brofriend and Risette staring you down was not a good follow up. Nanako is rightfully mortified, Yu does in fact bake apology cookies, and Yosuke and Risette manage to drag the couple into an impromptu dance session to ease the tension just a little after nearly scaring the poor kid half to death. (The poor kid is someone in the Phantom Theives, because I saw a really cool AU on AO3 and it lives rent-free in my head. And I like the idea of Nanako becoming a Phantom Thief because “it runs in the family, thanks a lot Yu >:l “
Naoto ends up taking Aketchi under her wing. Does she mind? I mean, to her he’s not entirely horrible. Is she pleased with his actions? …that’s debatable
Inaba becomes known for having great weather. Except for the one time Marie catches a bug going around the town, that ends up behind a horrible mid-January snowstorm. .
Those are the ones I have right now. I’m still working my way through everything (HSR is taking over my brain, I love the Astral Express crew dynamic-)
(also I'm really disappointed we didn't get human Teddie dancing with the others. I need that boost of serotine of watching Yosuke and human Teddie try to dance together.)
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sunset-bridge · 1 year
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❤ your affection ❤
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thebearme · 1 year
Old Yu art w/ hcs yippie
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-Yu is non-binary
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- Yosuke and Yu got to work with S.E.E.S at least once
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- Yu LOVES postman pat
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- Yu believes in communism 
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dis--parity · 3 months
For no reason whatsoever, here's a cursed headcanon for each muse!
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Alex owns a white turtleneck and a long purple skirt, as well as a pair of cat ears that match the hue of her hair. She's fully aware and intent on cosplaying Neco-Arc one day, and even used Neco-Arc quotes at one point in her transition for her voice training.
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Since Yeong-Hui tends to have a lot of free time when they're not touring or doing promotional things, they turn that energy towards their more artsy pursuits. They don't post any of it on social media, though - they can't, really, since most of what they make are things like clay sculptures of naked torsos, or candles shaped like vaginas.
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More than once, Garis has, more than once, recorded xemself while fronting, as xe goes out into the middle of nowhere, and partakes in some of xir favourite activites with nobody to accomany xem, like smashing up junkyards or running blindly through a forest just to find strange things in the undergrowth. The only thing stopping xem from turning these recordings into a found-footage series of some kind of the fact that xe might be recognised as Yeong-Hui, bringing up alarm bells in the media.
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Souji eats pizza with a knife and fork.
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Theo doesn't let his culinary arts degree go to waste; only, his definition of art is in making food that's either plain inedible, or trying combinations that nobody in their right mind would. This can range from something as tame as putting a hotdog in a taco shell, to something like using mustard as a pizza base, or putting energy drinks in a rice cooker instead of water. Like Garis' footage, he's considered making a YouTube channel dedicated to this 'art' of his, but he honestly doesn't have the free time to keep up with that.
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narrators-journal · 3 days
Narukami headcanons
Okay, so I’m not gonna lie here. I am not a super big Narukami fan. He’s not my favorite protagonist, he doesn’t supremely interest me like Minato or Akira do, so it’s a bit hard to cook up thoughts for him. So, you could say that I was...less then prepared for when the persona 4 fans found me and began asking for Narukami smut. Which, is why I had to pull away from writing for him and basically just, take a big ass break from persona 4 content all together there for a while
But! That being said, I DO think he’s got some fun potential for dissection, and I feel mean for denying the Narukami fans some content of him just because persona 4 didn’t consume me like p3 or p2 did. So! Have some headcanons on the man to ease me back into portraying him. Hopefully, with this, I’ll be able to find some personality traits I like for him, and any askers won’t suffer a bland portrayal lolol.
As stated in my sexualities headcanons, I sort of, hover around the headcanon that Narukami’s aromantic and bisexual. I’m noncommital on the aromantic portion a little bit, but I do think he’s very bisexual at least.
He’s a very charming man, a bit of a playful flirt maybe. So it’s not out of place to still call him a heartbreaker.
He is almost too mature for his age, though.
Being neglected will sort of do that to you, after all. His parents weren’t there to make sure he ate right, or did his homework. So, he had to be the one to stay on top of that stuff.
This is also why he’s pretty parental to kids. Namely Nanako, but he probably takes on a brotherly vibe for just about anyone younger than him, or in need of it.
Narukami is still a little bit awkward though. All that maturity and self-discipline does not always help with the social skills.
Being from the city, he tends to be more accepting. Which is mostly only noteworthy since he gets sent to an itty bitty, one-street town like Inaba. Where you’d sort of expect more conservative views.
I like to think that, Narukami would sort of become Akira’s mentor if they met. A sort of, big brother figure for him.
Obviously, homie has issues with being abandoned.
He’s protective of his friends because of that fact. And equally protective for his family, even his parents.
Naturally, Narukami’s a bomb fucking cook.
Though, that maturity from his childhood comes back once again to bite him in the ass.
Because, with that mature look on life, focus on school, financial stability, and whatnot, it can be hard for him to actually make friends.
And, I mean honest, lasting friendships. Not just those ‘oh we share a class and talk when we have school projects’ type of friends. After all, when everyone else your age is caught up in video games, girls/guys, and parties, you sort of become the ‘buzzkill’ for being the one who’s worried about gpa, or has to go home at a certain time so you can cook yourself dinner or go shopping.
Which, yes, is a little sad, but it also makes Narukami a great friend. One who is very loyal, wise, and compassionate to any of your struggles.
Plus, he’s not entirely humorless. He’s still a highschooler, he’s got a childish side to him and he can be a lot of fun when you get to see that side.
You just have to brave the parental, responsible, slightly-stick-in-the-mud sides first lol.
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akumanoken · 5 months
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No one asked but Souji has bratty sub energy in the right situation. He's the kind of person who, if you're strong enough to fight him for dominance, he will melt 1000% from the thrill of the struggle.
That being said, you don't need to be stronger than him to turn him into submissive goo. The right words, the right praise, the right kind of voice... he responds so well to a stern voice telling him how good a boy he is.
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