#sorta I didn’t make the bowl. but I do wanna be able to come back to this photo
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nebula-nights · 1 year ago
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Astarion themed bowl prefire 👍
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vegalocity · 3 years ago
How about fluff 30 and 31 for the end of White Bone Amnesia, when Red Son and Qi Xiaotian have regained their memories
Dialogue Starters
30. “I’ve been in-love with you since we were kids.”
31. “I’m never going to leave you. I promise.”
all y'all asking about spicynoodles and i'm here like 'i wanna talk about this subplot actually' so then i do both
He was due for a talk with Red Son. That much was obvious.
They’d taken a break from their ‘something or another’ after the battle with the Lady Bone Demon, memories so flooded and overcrowding in Red Son’s and his own mind that it was just easier to go their separate ways while they respectively healed from the battle.
Besides, he had other things to worry about. He had a father clinging to him and Pigsy (Baije, Dadsy was Zhu Baije, he was ‘Uncle’ Baije for so long, that the idea that he’d latched onto someone he didn’t ACTUALLY REMEMBER having a hand in raising him but still felt distantly familiar, was absolutely bananas) and Tang (‘Uncle’ Sanzang! Tang was The Golden Cicada this whole time!.... He was a WAY better actor than Xiaotian would have ever thought) Equally emotional Though a bit less clingy meant that he’d been spending the last couple of days at the bottom of a 2/3rds fuzzy cuddle pile. Xiaojiao and Sandy (Uncle Wujing! He’d visited so rarely when Xiaotian was growing up, always so afraid of hurting him when he was still little) were there for the first few days during injury recovery, and any possible virulent reactions that could arise in the influx of returning memories, but at the end of the second day Xiaojiao had hugged him tight, reminded him if he was a year younger than her or centuries older they were still best friends, and left saying she needed to check in on her own parents and assure them she hadn’t died or anything.
And… It felt like coming home when on that third day he stared at himself in the mirror for awhile, blinked, and felt his fur return. Sprouting from his skin and his hair going a few shades lighter, a tail springing forth and-
He looked like himself. Like how he should be. How he was meant to be.
It almost felt ridiculous he’d spent as long as he had in the human form, it probably would never look quite right again in comparison, like he was just human-passing but not really being himself. No wonder he always felt so self conscious about his appearance when he didn’t remember.
And then his father had seen him like that and clutched onto him again, purrs rumbling so loud in his chest Xiaotian was practically vibrating against him.
It was on day five that he was able to finally slip out while His father was distracted with doting over Pigsy (whom was starting to get rather annoyed with the whole setup himself, Baije or not, memories or no, he was thinking of nothing but getting the shop back in order and was starting to get a bit stir crazy over it) and Tang helped him get away. A look that was far too knowing and a smirk that proved he’d been among mortals for way too long. He’d reached into a pocket and took out a small box. He’d been keeping hold of it ever since He and Red Boy had broken up all those years ago. Somehow he’d had a feeling they’d get back together eventually (and even after LBD had removed Red Boy’s history from everyone, He’d still kept hold of it, he just hadn’t quite known why anymore)
And as Xiaotian ran his hand over the old box (not old, he was only an adolescent when he’d carved it himself from one of the trees Father had felled to make the smaller cabin for the two of them) he remembered what was inside and what he’d made it for. Tang winked at him and promised to cover for him.
He was gonna sneak SO Many noodle bowls for Uncle Sanzang for being the cool uncle. (‘Uncle’ still wasn’t the best term for either of them granted they were both kinda-sorta-’with’ his father, but monks can’t get married so calling either of them dads too felt wrong, UGH this was a conundrum for child-him and yet here he was again!)
He didn’t have his father’s cloud, some things couldn’t be passed down from mentor to successor OR father to son so he wound up pole vaulting across the way to the fiery mountains.
And ironically he’d seen Red Son right out, standing at a near hidden balcony carved into the mountainside he remembered vividly from their shared youth.
And… they needed to talk.
So they did.
“-And suddenly mother couldn’t remember that I was capable of anything at all! And- And being under the mountain had spared father the same effect! He DID remember!” It hadn't taken long before Red Son had started pacing before Xiaotian, waving his arms and whisps of smoke rising from the tip of his ponytail. “I confronted the both of them and Mother was embarrassed but she said it was my own fault for being unremarkable once i myself forgot my own history, but father didn’t know what we were talking about! He always remembered me as Red Boy! Everything that happened! It was- It was why he’d expected so highly of me when he was freed, and-” Red Son paused, the smoke stopping. “Why he was disappointed and surprised, whenever I would fail to meet the standards of the demon he alone remembered me being.”
“And my father couldn’t even talk to me” He agreed. “-Until your father was freed and he had an excuse to be in my life again. He said directly, he hated being so hands-off with the training. He said it hurt to look at me and know i was only seeing ‘the Monkey King’” Red Son looked over at him and sat back down. A silent invite to go on. “I never once called my own father by his name because all i was seeing was the title and reputation.” something about that was finally starting to sink in. his eyes stung a bit. “I spent all that time he was away thinking that he regretted choosing me, Then when he came back that he was barely in contact because he didn't trust me to handle the Lady Bone Demon, that he thought i was weak or stupid or he couldn’t trust me, but he just-! He just couldn’t stand that his own kid didn’t remember who he was! I would have ditched a lot SOONER if the situation was reversed!” it felt so childish now, the idea that after raising him from hatching from that stone egg that his father would think like that about him! He’d ALWAYS made Xiaotian know he was proud of him and how much he’d been improving that first time around while training him! And sure he WAS always intimidated over living up to such a huge legacy, but he’d known that ‘successor’ or not he was his father’s SON first and foremost.
But he’d ran out of words. So he just sat there in his own feeling like a fool and having no one to blame but the Lady Bone Demon, and Red Son in a similar muck, When he’d remembered the box still resting in his jacket pocket.
“We were courting for most of our childhoods.” he found himself saying. Red Son stiffened beside him and then huffed out a laugh.
“No wonder we’d developed our little ‘game’ while on the ship.”
“And we said some pretty nasty stuff to each other after my dad kicked yours’ ass and dropped a mountain on his head.” He made sure the teasing lit was in his voice and Red Son groaned, throwing a hand over his eyes as he slumped backward a bit.
“Don’t remind me! Couldn’t the Lady Bone Demon have kept that repressed?”
“Remember your first courting gift to me?” He watched Red Son’s cheeks turn a gentle pink against the mid-morning light.
He pulled the little box from his pocket and handed it to him. “I was gonna give you this back then, but we called the whole thing off before I could.”
Red Son turned to face him fully, but Xiaotian didn’t return the motion, keeping his eyes on the horizon, the faint outline of the city just visible. He watched from his periphery as Red Son opened the box and pulled back the cloth keeping it covered.
“It’s been awhile since that sort of hair tie was in style, but I figured it might be a nice place to start.” He closed his eyes, he didn’t want to see the reaction until he knew what it would be. “So uh- Red Son, Son of the Demon Bull King, We Did this whole courting thing before, and- I’d… I’ve been in love with you since we were kids so I'd like to try it again.”
There was a silence and he was worried when he’d open his eyes, Red Son would be gone, taken off in a silent panic and he’d have his heart incinerated by the same person twice.
“Look I know it’s cheesy and old fashioned, but this is a pretty big leap of faith and I’m really gonna need you to say something here.” he finally took a leap of faith and creaked open an eye.
His heart sank. Red Son looked furious. Stiff, with his shoulders nearly brushing his ears from how tightly he held himself, jaw clenched, his hair letting out sparks and embers as he barely contained his fury.
“This- Is NOT. FAIR.” he jolted to his feet and Xiaotian flinched back. Well, he tried. He tried and it’s not Uncle Sanzang’s fault it didn’t pan out. “I didn’t prepare anything! You can’t just go and do something this sentimental with a proposition I've been hoping for ever since maybe a MONTH after we called things off without forewarning me! I needed time to prepare something myself! I could have prepared a meal in reference to your gift to me! Or made you something to show off my new prowess in machinery! You can’t just DO this to me while I'm empty handed!”
Wait what
“I, Red Son, refuse to be taken as some simpering maiden with no agency in being courted! So prepare yourself for the wooing of a lifetime Noodle Boy!” He ripped his hair tie from his head in one swift motion, reaching down into the box and taking the purple ribbon out, trying his hair up with the offered gift instead.
“I demand you stay for dinner so I might prepare a feast as my own official start of this new courtship!”
Xiaotian blinked, still a bit reeling from the roller coaster Red Son’s shouting had put him through, before finally settling on- “Is that a yes?” though his voice came out far more vulnerable than he expected it to. Red Son’s expression softened, and when he offered his hand, Xiaotian took it, being helped up onto his feet though he didn’t need to be helped. It was nice to hold his hand again.
“Of course it’s a yes.” Red Son face was bright red and he gave a weak sort of half-chuckle, suddenly he was he one who couldn't look at him.
“And this time, I’m never going to leave you.”
They weren’t children anymore, and they didn’t have to be lead by the nostalgia they only now knew they had. This time when they tried to shoot for ‘forever’ they could do it with intent.
“I promisce.”
Send me stuff!
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echo-of-sounds · 4 years ago
Just a weird thing I thought you’d find funny because I sure as heck do:
I never got diagnosed officially but throughout my life, my mom, stepmom, a therapist, and her mentor have suspected that I was on the spectrum (my brother got formally diagnosed, thus increasing my chances). The problem is that I’m so specific and in need of examples (a symptom) that I didn’t take it quite seriously because I thought “Oh, everybody does that” or “Well, I don’t quite do that so maybe I’m not autistic.”
The arguably funny part is, it got to where an autistic friend told me that a lot of the stuff I do suggests it to a point where I kinda?? Broke her??
So it would be me bringing something up, her explaining how it could be read as a symptom, and then me going, “Oh. ... So I used to (insert v specific thing that matches perfectly that I didn’t think counted).”
Me: *I struggle letting myself break “a rule” I personally established because the thought of it causes me actual distress to the point of stimming furiously*
Friend: Bruh, this is textbook. It sorta mixes in with a sense of right and wrong.
Me: I don’t have that
Friend: Dude, you get ridiculously pissed when people break rules that don’t matter all that much in the grand scheme.
Me: ... My dad did tell me I was very intense about right and wrong as a little girl. 🤔
The ensuing rage from her included lines such as “GO GET DIAGNOSED, YOU FOOL!!” and “GO SMELL A PIE ON A WINDOWSILL AND FLOAT TO IT SINCE YOU WANNA BE SO CARTOONISH!!” After months of me asking if something I did was a spectrum thing (and it always fucking was with the evidence to prove it), I had broken her.
I just have all these quotes saved because seeing her come undone at my obliviousness was hilarious. 😂😂😂
I’m the exact same way! When reading diagnostic criteria for autism, I had a hard time connecting to it. I researched more and found articles about autism written by autistic people. Now those? Those made sense. I connected and understood those.
Like the social parts. I get so unbelievably drained from the smallest social situations. I always keep in my mind how to sit, act, what to say, what tone of voice, where to look, and when to respond. I’ve learned that that isn’t normal.
My face is often flat. My voice is low. People don’t know when I’m joking because my voice doesn’t reflect anything. If I need to try to speak over music or some loud sounds, I just won’t talk because of how much energy it takes to raise my voice even a little.
My friends thought it was weird how invested I got with my interests. When TMNT 2016 came out, I loved it. I went back to rewatch the old cartoons, read some comics, and just read about their creation. They didn’t understand why and how I got so easily involved with something seemingly minimal to them.
I have a morning routine, but I don’t have a daily routine. People think you need the latter for autism. But I have two specific towels, one purple, one blue, that I use for showers. I also have two Purple washcloths. Only I can use them. If someone else does, I get angry. I don’t mean to. Others don’t understand. I just get so irrational because they’re mine. No one else gets to use them. 
I always need to sit in the same chair at my dad’s house. It’s beside my dad’s seat. If I don’t sit there and my dad doesn’t sit in his, I get pissed off and confused. My room needs to be organized how I need it. If someone moves or touches something, I’m hurt and angry. I have a specific cup and bowl only I can use. When I was younger, I never let my sibling use my toys. They’re mine. I was scolded for not sharing by teachers. Other people would just use them wrong, make a mess, get them dirty, or lose them. Only I can touch them. I’m still like that when it comes to my toys, collectibles, and books. 
I learned that humming and repeating words/lines are a form of stimming. Articles by non-autistic people never include things like that. They never actually provide useful details and examples. I thought it was just something I did. But they’re not. I hum the Pink Panther theme song all the time. I love it. I mostly do it when I’m stressed or in a rush. It helps me focus.
I’ve also been able to understand how hypersensitivity leads to meltdowns and shutdowns. I’ve always had them. I never shared that part with my friends and family because I thought I was being immature. But it was my brain genuinely struggling to process wtf is happening around me.
It’s the same with my fumbling and poor coordination. And my uneven skills. I either excel in something because I love it, or I’m the worst and cannot do said thing. I wore the same sweatshirt to school for nearly a year because I couldn’t physically, mentally, and emotionally handle anything else touching my skin.
Or how I never understand why being blunt is rude/mean. My friends would come to me specifically for advice because they appreciated that I could be blunt with them. I don’t understand why not waving or smiling at someone is rude. Apparently, it is? I don’t say ‘hello’ or ‘good morning or whatever when I walk into a room. Apparently, you need to greet someone when you do that? I don’t get why. They can see me. I can see them. Why do I need to say something as a greeting when we very clearly see each other?
But yeah, I definitely understand what you’re saying and can relate. I’ve found that reading and relating to articles/books/posts is so much easier when it’s written by an autistic person because they understand. They don’t stick to the stereotypes. They provide genuine advice and help.
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ecto-american · 4 years ago
Hello there! I forgot if I asked this before (my apologies if I did, I don't mean to rush you, take all the time you need), but I was wondering if you were able to possibly continue of have a part two for that one request where Star stumbled upon Sam and Danny playing bowling. I really enjoyed it, and would love to see more. Thanks!
I take prompts within reason but literally never expect me to write it within any reasonable amount of time because ho boy
The first part mentioned in the post
But why Sam? Out of all girls in town? Well, ghosts were spooky, makes sense that they’d attach themselves to goths like moths to a light. Did that mean the ghost boy hung out with a lot of local goths? No...surely at least one of them would have spilled the beans. 
Star stared off into nothing as she thought, only-half listening to her boyfriend’s commentary on the game. While she wasn’t looking at anything in particular, the popular teen couldn’t help but let her gaze fall into the loser trio’s direction. They were a few lanes down from them, bowling. Why they were in public being losers was beyond her. Especially knowing that Sam’s basement had a bowling alley.
Danny bowled, and he did an excited jump, saying something to the other losers. He had gotten a strike. This was his third one. Valerie had told her he was good at bowling, but she didn’t really ever think much about it. Her cousin was sulking, as normal for her weird, goth self. Sam glanced in her direction, and they met eyes. Star looked away to stare at her own game. Paulina was up, and as normal, she wasn’t a very good bowler. She got a gutter and was complaining to Dash about it.
Star lightly sipped a milkshake to avoid needing to reply, until Kwan finally snapped her out of her thoughts.
“Hey, Starlight? You okay?” he questioned. She glanced at him, and she shrugged.
“Just lost in thought,” she replied honestly. 
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Kwan was always such a sweetie, and Star couldn’t help but smile.
“It’s just some weird family stuff I can’t quite figure out,” she confessed. It was Kwan’s turn to steal a glance at the loser trio.
“Something happen with Sam?” he asked quietly. Kwan was the only one who knew the cousin connection, and he only knew because her parents had accidentally told him. If anybody besides Kwan, who for some reason really liked Sam, knew that she was cousins with that goth freak, her social life would be over. 
“...Sorta.” Star went back to watching them. The three had seemingly completely stopped their game, instead exchanging looks to each other.
And suddenly, they completely abandoned their game.
She didn’t even hide her confusion as she watched them simply...leave. As a group, with their game not even half over and leaving behind nothing, still in their bowling shoes, collectively going towards the back door. Where were they going? They had to be coming back, Sam would have never dared to leave her favorite pair of boots behind. 
Kwan noticed too.
“What’s up with them?” he asked. 
“I have no idea,” she mused. She stood up. “I’m going to go see. Just bowl for me if you want, or Dash can.”
“Gotcha!” Kwan nodded. “Let me know if you need help.”
“I can handle a goth,” Star lightly joked, smiling as she began to make her way towards them.
Sam was the last in line to exit out the back door, but she had seen Star coming for her, and she paused. She turned to her friends, saying something Star couldn’t make out before shutting the door on them. Sam turned to stare at Star as she approached, frowning.
“What the fuck is with you?” Sam demanded to know the second Star was close enough. “You’ve been super weird since Saturday. You actually texted me. You never text me.”
“Well yeah,” Star scoffed, crossing her arms. “I saw you and Phantom bowling together, and now you’re here? Bowling again?”
“Will you stop that?” Sam grumbled. Her hands went to her hips. “I was home alone all Saturday until you and Aunt Rene showed up. Nothing happened. Stop spreading false rumors just because you need a popularity boost in your prep crowd.”
“I don’t need anything from you,” Star replied. “Besides the truth I mean. Something’s going on. I wanna know what it is.” 
“Nothing’s going on,” Sam argued. “Why are you so hung up on this?”
“Because I know I saw something! I heard something!” Star insisted. She jumped, and Sam flinched as a loud crashing noise came from above. 
Star jerked her head to the ceiling, but saw nothing. She glanced at Sam, seeing her cousin stare worriedly above. It was obviously ghosts, any Amity Park resident could tell you that much. 
...Is that why Sam and her friends were eager to go? To see the ghosts? How did they know that there was a ghost fight going on before anybody else? That had to mean that her weird loser friends knew Phantom too. But Fenton’s parents hunted ghosts, didn’t they? They were the weirdos in town that wore jumpsuits everywhere. Maybe they had a tracker device? 
“We should leave,” Star spoke up. “Ghosts are dangerous.” She could have sworn that she saw Sam roll her eyes.
“I’m sure it’s fine,” Sam just seemed to brush off the danger. There were hard thuds on the ceiling, making the room shake, and Star flinched. 
“That doesn’t sound fine,” Star frowned. 
Sam opened her mouth to reply, only for the ceiling to completely collapse as a ghost rammed inside. Star flew back a few feet from the impact, doing a roll as she was only stopped by the railing that separated the main floor from the bowling lanes. All the lights had gone out, and she could hear people scrambling for the exit. 
She looked up to see a full black ghost with its hands around Phantom’s neck, pressing him into the ground. Phantom kicked the ghost off, blasting him with some kind of green energy she had seen him use several times before the ghost screeched in pain, letting go of him and slithering off into the darkness of the bowling alley. 
“Are you okay?” Phantom’s voice asked, and Star immediately panicked. Sam.
She rushed over to see Phantom phasing Sam out from under some rubble, moving her away a few feet behind the bowling shoes counter. Star fell to her knees next to them. Sam looked dirty and had a few immediate scraps and bruises that began to form. Her foot was the worst. She couldn’t tell so much in the dark, but Star knew something was off. 
“I got her,” Star assured the ghost. He looked at her, almost...quizzingly. “She’s my cousin, I’ll ride with her to the hospital and call Aunt Pam.” 
Phantom blinked in absolute awe, glancing between her and the goth with disbelief. Well, it probably was kind of hard to believe. They were nothing alike. He opened his mouth to speak, but closed it. Why was he so hung up on that? 
“Wait, what?” 
Sam scowled, grabbing Phantom by the collar and yanking him to her.
“Danny, go stop the damn ghost already!” she snapped at him. Danny? Oh, right. Danny Phantom. So weird that Fenton and Phantom shared a name. Well, Danny wasn’t that uncommon. They had several Dannys in their grade. 
Phantom broke out of his stupor, and he nodded. He took her hand off him, and he lightly squeezed it. Like they knew each other. It was subtle, but Star saw the touch and that brief look of intimate concern for her. 
“Get out,” he spoke to Star, and he soon jumped over the counter, and back into the action.
Star watched his leap, before she returned to Sam. With Phantom gone, Sam seemed to finally break a little. She had tears in her eyes now, and she gave a hard sniffle as she tried to not openly cry. Family rivalry was brushed aside, and Star leaned in to hug her. Surprisingly, one of Sam’s arms wrapped around her in a light hug back.
“Come on,” Star said quietly. She let go, and she got to her knees, staying squatted next to her cousin. Sam stared at her, lip quivering.
“I’m not going to be able to walk,” she complained quietly. 
Another glance at the injury, and well, yeah. No way Sam was walking on that kind of a twisted ankle. 
“It’s okay,” Star soothed. “I’ll help.”
Star glanced around, seeing the ghost fight finally be taken out of the bowling alley and back outside. The emergency exit they were by before was completely blocked, and several lanes had been torn up. But at least it was ghost-free from the immediate looks of it. 
She sighed with relief, standing up before holding her hands out to Sam. She pulled Sam to her foot, quickly shifting as they put their arms around each other’s shoulder. Sam leaned into her, and Star wrapped her arm around her waist, and they began to slowly make their way out, staying hugged along the wall. 
“Star! Sam!” The girls snapped their head towards Kwan, who had rushed up to them. He looked a bit disheveled, mostly dirty more than anything else, and he was glancing at them, concerned. “Are you guys hurt?” 
“Sam hurt her ankle pretty bad,” Star explained. Kwan glanced down, and he paled a bit. 
“It looks bad,” he replied bluntly. Star glanced down, seeing the injury truly in better light. Kwan was right. It did look bad. She didn’t realize until now that Sam was actually bleeding from her ankle too, and that the blood was on her cousin’s tights as well as some on Star’s pants. “Here, let me.”
Kwan shifted to pick Sam up bridal style, and Star immediately rushed for the door to open it for him. Kwan carried her with ease outside, where police cars were already pulling up. Star waved an officer down as he was exiting his car.
“We need an ambulance!” she called out. The officer just nodded, speaking into his radio as he came over.
“What’s the damage?” the officer asked. 
“My ankle,” Sam replied, lightly lifting up the injured foot in question. Now in the full bright light of the day, Star was absolutely sure that it was broken. The boot hid her foot, but it was at an odd angle that feet just didn’t bend at. 
“Come over here,” the officer instructed. He motioned for them to follow him as he took a few steps back towards a bench. “Set her down here.” 
Kwan did just that, with the officer’s help, putting Sam sitting down on the bench. Sam gave a small groan of pain as her foot brushed against the ground as she was transferred.
“Did you call your parents yet?” the officer asked. Sam shook her head no.
“I’ll call them,” Star promised. The officer nodded.
“Star, please call Grandma Ida,” Sam pleaded. Star glanced at her. “Mom’ll flip out.”
“I’ll see if I can reach Grandma first,” Star promised. She pulled her phone out, scrolling for her contact, and she rang up their grandma.
She answered, and Star quickly filled her in on the details, even though her mind was still thinking back to Sam and Phantom. Things were still way too weird. They way they looked at each other, Phantom’s reaction to the family connection. They knew each other. Star just knew it.
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innittowinit · 4 years ago
Can you pick me up? my uni burnt down (Chapt. 2)
Relationships: Sleepy bois inc (all fics i write are platonic)
 In which Techno goes to England for University, his building catches fire in the night, and he isn't prepared for the difference in climate between England and California. SBI fluff ensues
Chapter summary: 
After waking up, Wilbur has the great idea that they should do a sleepy boys stream. Tommy doesn't get told about this id
Words: 1785
Language: English
AO3 Chapt. 1
Listen, waking up on a sofa, with a thin blanket shared with 3 men was never going to be the best morning. His back hurt and his legs were numb from Wilbur having sprawled out over the three of them as he slept. 
Stretching his arms back, he recounted the events of last night. God, it really was only a few hours ago, he was so tired. Had this been last year, he would have been able to stay up for days on end and then just crash for an entire weekend. It wasn’t last year though and Techno had gotten himself into a fairly healthy routine, he couldn’t exactly be sleeping through his uni classes anyway. 
“Alright you two” Hearing Philza’s voice, he propped his head up, “Get up, you can’t lay around all day”
A groan came from the mass of blankets and cushions that happened to be Wilbur, who was curled up in the centre of it,
“Phil it's so early and we went to bed so late. It’s fine to sleep in”
“Okay” he chuckled, humouring his tired friend “It’s midday Wil, im taking the blankets away now”
Techno thought it was much too early too, as he tugged the sleeves of Wilbur’s hoodie down a little further so they could act like gloves. 
“Do you mind if I use your PC to try and find out what’s going on with my classes at some point? They'll probably send me an email or something” He grumbled, standing up so he could stretch his back out properly, following Phil slowly to the kitchen.
“That’s fine, it's up in my room, do what you need”
Breakfast was nice, it had been a while since Techno had had time for it honestly, and even longer since he had been able to eat with people he cared about. He had a couple slices of buttered toast and a bowl of some british cereal which he didn’t really like but he didn’t want to be rude so he ate it anyway. 
“You wanna stream together later?” Wil asked through a mouth full of food, earning a snort from Phil. This was nice. 
“Yeah maybe, you use face cam though, I’m not like against showing them my face but y'know, it is what it is” he shrugged, spooning another mouthful of his breakfast into his mouth, he had to admit it was very bland, he much preferred the sweeter ones that were more popular in America. 
“Well think about it, if you decide you don't want them to see you, you can always just sit off to the side and I'll turn my monitor so you can still see it. My office is big enough for it anyway, it’ll be like where Niki was during that one MCC remember?”
Techno nodded and carried on eating, they really were 3 very sleepy boys right now. Maybe he’d take a nap once he found out what was going on with his classes. 
Streaming without any gameplay to comment about and with facecam on? Techno wasn’t exactly looking forward to it. That just didn’t really sound like something he was going to enjoy.
It was nerve wracking and he always seemed to glance at the camera too much when it was pointed at him. He knew the fans would be disappointed if he didn’t do it though, When Wilbur tweeted out saying that he and Phil would join him in a ‘you laugh you lose’ he watched as the replies freaked out. 
You could say he was just a bit camera shy, he wasn’t incredibly insecure, sure there were things he didn’t like that much but everyone had things like that, it just made him nervous to know that people were looking at him. 
He’d be okay with his friend’s though, he trusted that they’d never put him in an uncomfortable situation. He knew if he got overwhelmed he could sit outside the frame. 
It would be okay. 
“Hey hey chat” Wilbur mumbled into the mic, making it loud enough so that everyone could hear but it still sounded like he was whispering. 
“We’ve got the blade here, bet you weren’t expecting that huh chat? Or maybe you were, maybe you read the title of the stream, bet there’s someone watching who didn't think he’d be here though” he finally turned the music off and switched from his ‘starting soon’ screen to his regular camera. 
Wil went through the rules, it was the normal stuff, he added in some jokes here and there, prodding Techno and Phil to talk at times. They’d already agreed that this wouldn’t be for youtube, since that seemed to add a bit too much pressure for Techno, but hey, he still had to welcome his chat. 
“Okay!! First media share! Lets go”  
After a series of videos, some funnier than others, Techno had started to loosen up a bit. He was getting more comfortable with the camera and while he’d probably cringe while looking back at the footage, at least he was having fun right now.
He had a warm feeling in his chest that wasn’t usually there when he was streaming alone, sure it was usually fun but nothing was better than being with his friends while doing it, there was really only one person who was missing. 
As if on queue, chat started spamming Tommy’s name, for a moment Techno thought he had been mumbling his thoughts out loud, before he looked between Phil and Wilbur, who both seemed equally confused. Moving Wilbur’s mouse over the chat to pause it, Techno tried to read some of the messages. 
“Oh he tweeted something” he mumbled, pulling his phone out of his pocket without a care. Maybe some irl streamers would have used the computer but knowing Wilbur’s history, he doubted it could run Chrome and streamlabs at the same time. 
Looking at the tweet he felt a little pang of guilt. It was lighthearted and jokey but he knew there’d be a little truth to it. He nudged the other two and read it aloud to them. 
‘Damn guess I’m not a sleepy boy after all’
The air felt a little thick after that, they hadn’t meant to exclude Tommy; all of the excitement of Techno coming to stay had just made it a little hard to arrange to have Tommy here after all. 
Still, they probably should have still told him though. They were supposed to be each other's family.  
“Hey chat I think we’re gonna have to end stream early.” Wilbur finally piped up, deciding it wouldn't be right to carry on when they had hurt their friend, not that chat needed to know that though, he didn’t want to embarrass Tommy. 
“I feel kinda sick and I don't think you all wanna watch me vomit right? Yeah so it’s best we end it now” 
Techno sniggered to himself at that, in games Wilbur always seemed to be very cunning but he supposed he wasn’t very good at lying when it was about something he actually cared about. Said something being Tommy.  
After raiding Fundy, the trio hopped straight onto discord. 
Tommy didn't answer the first time he was called. 
Or the second. 
Finally, after three calls, Tommy decided he’d talk to them. 
“You are all a bunch of dick heads, you know that? What the hell! Why wasn’t I invited to the sleepy boy’s stream! Wilbur you bitch!” Through all the vulgar language and the constant yelling, it was clear that Tommy was genuinely upset. 
He had every right to be, as far as Techno was concerned. From his point of view his friend’s had just gone off and hung out without him. He just hoped he’d calm down once they explained everything.  
“You know I thought we were friends! I thought we were brothers! But if you don’t wanna hang out with a ‘kid’ you can just tell me and i’ll- i'll go!” He was still yelling, as usual, it was clear he was trying to make this into a joke where he could overreact but Techno noticed the small sniffles and the quiver in his voice. 
By the looks on Phil’s and Wilbur’s faces, they recognised it too.  
“Listen, Tommy” 
Wil was the first to talk, it made sense, it seemed that Tommy trusted him the most at times. Sometimes Techno could be a bit too cold and sometimes Phil could get a bit too overbearing.
Techno understood this, he didn’t take it personally, he knew it was only natural that you have people you trust with your emotions more than others. It didn’t mean Tommy didn’t love them just as much, just that they weren’t his ‘go-to’ when he felt down. 
Techno felt the same way sometimes. Feeling’s got complicated and personally he thought Phil was the best to talk to about that, the fact that he was older and had his life sorted out gave him a sense of comfort, like he could trust him because he knew what he was talking about. 
“We didn’t plan a meetup, it just sorta happened. Phil was at my place, helping me record, and then Techno’s Uni had a fire and he needed a place to stay while they’re making it safe again” Wilbur sighed as he heard Tommy moving on the other side of his mic. Techno wondered what he was doing. 
“We would have invited you, had we known that we’d all be in the same place Toms” 
Phil took over, giving Wilbur a little sympathetic smile. The brunette so obviously felt guilty about the situation. 
“But when we got the call from Tech’ it was past 3 in the morning and it was tipping it down with snow, as soon as we got home we all slept. We decided to do a stream this morning but never once did we intend to try and make you feel like you aren’t welcome with us” 
Finally it was Techno’s turn to talk...Fuck.
He wasn’t exactly the most sentimental guy, he struggled to show his emotions and he just assumed everyone he cared for just knew that he cared for them. He rarely had to say it out loud. God okay. He just had to swallow his pride and go for it. 
“Tommy you are a sleepy boy and you are our brother. We did kind of a dick move today and if I was you I’d probably be upset too. I know I didn't like seeing you guys playing without me during MCC and that wasn’t even any of our decisions. We should have called you or something. I know I kinda tease you a lot but that’s just how I show I like people. Listen Tommy if I didn’t care about you I wouldn’t be comfortable enough to make those kinds of jokes with you. It’s not funny if it’s hurting you though..”
Techno bit his lip, this wasn’t as hard as he had anticipated but it was coming out like word vomit. 
“You’re young Tommy but you’re so talented. We love you”
There was some more rustling, it sounded like Tommy was wiping his eyes. Maybe the boy had expected a yelling match, only for it to turn out to be very emotional. 
“I love you guys too.. If you ever exclude me ever again though I’m getting my vlog knife out”
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hold-me-sickfics · 4 years ago
14 Days: Taehyung
Hi guys! I’m really happy to be able to post this (somehow my internet came back, and I decided to post while I have it). I hope this is alright, I had a hard time writing it because I’m back home for the weekend and it’s hard to find somewhere quiet lol. I hope you guys like it!
TW: Food, Emeto, Nightmares, Slight anxiety attacks, Bruises are mentioned,  (If there are any more, let me know and I’ll add them in!)
Note: Also, I wanna give some major credit to @thatoneemokpop-02 for all their help with ideas and getting me started. I kid you not, I was entirely blank earlier and in a few texts with them, they had me ready to write! Please go check out their writing, because they’re so kind and amazing and not to mention, they have some of the most well-developed fics I have ever seen. Especially their “You’re my Yellow” fic. I love it!!! <3
Prompt: “What they don’t know, won’t hurt them.” That’s Taehyung’s thought process when it comes to the other members. For the past several weeks, Taehyung has been having relatively frequent nightmares. Only these nightmares aren’t just “bad dreams.” No, they have him waking up gasping for breath, tending to an anxious stomach, and really whatever else bad can happen with nightmares. At first, he had a nightmare every week, but now it’s gotten to the point of every other night. Lack of sleep is catching up with Taehyung, causing him to really need some extra love from the other members. The only thing is, he’s too embarrassed and afraid to talk about them. Luckily for Taehyung, one of the members happens to find out on their own… 
“Ladies and gentlemen, BTS!” The host gestured to the boys who were currently walking on stage.
Once the crowd quieted, the host began talking about BTS’ most recent accomplishments and asking questions to each of the members. As usual, Namjoon translated for them… mostly. BigHit had made a huge deal over them learning English and at least answering one question without Namjoon having to translate. Something about boosting their American support? The boys thought this was rather strange, considering their fans didn’t seem to care whether they spoke in Korean or not, but they did what they were told.
Taehyung watched and listened as the other boys answered their questions in perfect English, and the crowd squealed after every word they spoke. Then, it was his turn.
“Taehyung, let’s talk a little about you. A lot of fans, including myself, were absolutely stunned at your Singularity performance. How did you feel about the song? Any favorite parts in the choreography?”
Taehyung couldn’t breathe. He knew he was supposed to answer in English, but he couldn’t remember the words. Not even the first one.
He said his answer in Korean, hoping Namjoon would cover for him. Namjoon just gave him a look, seemingly saying “I’m not helping. Say what you’ve gotta say.”
Taehyung felt his blood run cold. Everyone was staring and starting to gasp… the cameraman looked worried as to whether or not to shut off the cameras and the members… they were looking at him… disappointed and somewhat angry…
Taehyung woke up unable to catch his breath. He was sweating all over, and not to mention trembling. His vision was blurry with tears.
This wasn’t the first time this had happened. He’d had a nightmare every night since Saturday (which was when their manager told them they’d be doing an English interview soon), and it was Wednesday now.  He’d thought about telling the others, but he turned the idea down. He felt too embarrassed about not knowing as much English as they did, and he also knew they were exhausted and he wanted to make sure they got sleep. Or at least, as much as they could get. The boys already weren’t getting home until 11:45 every night, so when Taehyung actually could come home and go to sleep, he’d usually wake up around 2:00 with the nightmare, and wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep after that. Part of this was because of his anxious stomach.
Speaking of which, Taehyung was now frantically pushing his covers off, and covering his mouth. He knew he had about 10 seconds before his late-night dinner would reappear. Luckily, he made it to the bathroom in time, and was able to kneel in front of the toilet. His knees had hit the tile hard, but he figured a couple bruises wouldn’t be as bad as having his dinner projected across the floor.
No sooner than his hands were gripping the sides of the bowl, was his dinner coming up and to the back of his throat. In one retch, he’d brought up a small stream. Followed by another, and another. Taehyung’s stomach was killing him, since he was so sore from having thrown up so much.
After what felt like an eternity, it was over. Taehyung rested his head on the rim of the toilet, and reached up with a sweaty hand to flush it.
Shakily, he stood up and looked himself in the mirror. He washed his face and brushed his teeth, then went back to his bed.
He walked slowly so he wouldn’t jostle his stomach.
Taehyung got into his bed, and pulled the covers up over himself. The warmth felt nice, being as his sweaty skin had felt like ice in the bathroom earlier. He decided to follow his normal routine after this kind of stuff happened…
“Siri, open LanguageGuru.” He whispered, his throat still sore from all the acid.
The app opened, and Taehyung spent the next two hours working on his English. Somehow, he’d gotten lucky, and at 4:30, he’d fallen back asleep. However, since they had to be up and out of the house by 6:00, he had to wake back up at 5:15.
When 5:15 came, he jolted awake, and went to the bathroom to puke again. It had just become part of the routine by now. He threw on a t-shirt and sweats, brushed his teeth, and combed his hair. Each action made his core hurt. Putting on deodorant was one of the worst parts, being as he had to put his arm up and then use his other one to put it on. Every motion felt like his insides had just been squeezed and beaten. By 5:30, he was able to head to the kitchen.
Jungkook just happened to come out of his room at the same time.
“Morning Taehyung!” Jungkook was awake… somehow.
“Morning Kook.” Taehyung’s voice was at a mere croak.
“Woah, hold on are you okay?” Jungkook gently took Taehyung’s wrist to get him to turn and look at him.
“I’m good. Just tired.” Taehyung hoped he’d believe it.
“Yeah, I don’t know about that. Tired is what Yoongi looks like right now… you look sick.” Despite popular belief, Jungkook was actually following in Jin’s footsteps as a lead caregiver for the group.
The maknae pressed the back of his hand to Taehyung’s cheek.
“You don’t have a fever… what else is wrong?”
“Nothing Kook, like I said, I’m just sorta out of it since I didn’t get much sleep.” Taehyung still allowed Jungkook to hold his wrist since for some reason, JK’s touch comforted him.
“I don’t think so.” Jungkook moved his hand from Taehyung’s wrist to Taehyung’s back. He rubbed up and down, and watched as Taehyung leaned into the touch.
“We’ve got dance practice this morning, but if you feel sick, tell me. I’ll get Namjoon hyung to let you come home. Alright?” The concern in JK’s eyes was shining.
“Thanks Kookie.” Taehyung smiled slightly, and then continued walking to the kitchen.
Jin was already rolling with cooking.
“Okay guys, we’ve got 20 minutes till we’ve gotta be in the car. I’ve made toast, and there’s bacon if you can get it away from Namjoon. Taehyung, Jungkook, what do you want to drink?” Jin was pouring “on the go” cups for each of the boys.
“Orange juice. Thanks Hyung.” Jungkook looked over at Taehyung.
“Coffee please.” Taehyung’s bags under his eyes seemed to be deeper and darker than everyone else’s.
Jungkook didn’t approve of Taehyung’s choice, being as coffee in the morning always upset his stomach, but he allowed it, hoping that it would at least make Taehyung feel less exhausted.
By the time everyone had eaten, it was time to load up and head to the studio.
The car ride was torture. Taehyung had developed a mean headache, and felt like he was gonna throw up at the first stop sign.
Jungkook had sat in the seat next to him, since he still wasn’t convinced that Taehyung was as “alright” as he said he was.
They were almost 15 minutes from BigHit when Taehyung’s stomach finally revolted. Before he even had a chance to ask for a bag, coffee and chewed up bacon and toast was spilling down his legs.  Jungkook was quick to put a bag under his chin for the next round, but it didn’t come. That first one and a mean wave of post-vomiting nausea was enough for him.
Taehyung cried, and Jungkook just held him. Jungkook knew he was sick now, and he could prove it. Before he could even tell Namjoon, the leader had already stood up and looked back at them.
“Oh no,” the concern in his eyes was evident. “It’s okay Taehyung, we’ll be at BigHit in a minute and we can get you cleaned up. Jungkook, can you help him get to the showers?”
“Yeah Hyung, I’ve got him.” Jungkook was wiping the leftover vomit from Taehyung’s chin.
“Taehyung, bud, I’m sorry you feel bad.” Jin spoke up, as he came back from the front. He’d brought a water bottle out of the cooler and a paper towel.
Jungkook helped Taehyung sip the water, and Jin dabbed the sweat from the younger’s face.
“Hey, this is Namjoon…” he went on to tell their choreographer what had happened. (It was always a big deal when one of them threw up. That could mean they were catching a virus, and since their trainer worked with other groups as well, he had to be strict about that kind of thing. It was the same way a few months ago when Namjoon came down with the flu.)
A faint noise told Taehyung that they’d been given the rest of the day off, which they were all more happy about than anything.
Then, they got a second phone call.
“Oh hey um-“ Namjoon wasn’t even able to get a word in. Judging by his expression, whoever was on the other end was yelling- a lot.
“Alright. We’ll be there soon.” Namjoon hung up, and then turned to the group.
“That was the head choreographer.”
Jungkook was still holding Taehyung close. He never was one to let a little throw up bother him.
“He’s still bringing us in. Taehyung… I’m so sorry. He’s letting you take a half-hour to clean up but then you’re supposed to join us…” Namjoon knew they weren’t his own orders, but he still felt like the bad guy having to say it.
“I-I’m okay hyung.” Taehyung shivered mid-sentence. “It was just the c-coffee. My stomach didn’t like it. I’m okay.”
How he looked said otherwise, and Jungkook piped up to mention that.
“Hyung isn’t there anything we can do? We’re all exhausted but Taehyung looks like he’s gonna collapse the second he gets off.”
“I’m sorry guys… he sounded serious… I’d talk to him but it seems the only thing he’s gonna do is make practice worse if we keep bugging him.”
The car stopped, and all of the boys stood up. Hoseok had his earbuds in before, but now that he’d taken them out, Yoongi was quick to get him out of the car and explain to Hoseok what was happening before he saw it. Hoseok’s sympathy sickness was not gonna help the situation at all.
Jin and Namjoon got off as well, followed by Jimin who was headed inside to find some clothes for Taehyung to change into when he got out of the shower.
“Taehyungie, can you stand?” Jungkook sweetly placed his hand on Taehyung’s upper back.
“Yeah I’m alright.”
Taehyung stood up, and Jungkook came right behind him. Luckily, the showers were on the first floor to the left, so Jungkook and Taehyung got there quickly.
Taehyung undressed himself, and then stepped into the shower. The hot water helped to soothe his sore muscles. He used the time in the shower to calm down, and try to refocus on his main mission for the day. Staying awake.
“Hey Taehyung, I’ve got your towel out here and Jimin brought clothes and a toothbrush. I’m out here when you’re ready.”
Taehyung knew what that meant. They’d been called back, and Taehyung’s time for showering was over.
He stepped out of the shower, and Jungkook handed him the towel. He got dressed quickly, and he and JK went to the studio.
By the time they got to the studio, the choreographer had already left, and the rest of the boys were already being led by Hoseok in the routines.
“Woah woah, pause it.” Hoseok waved the music off, and everyone stopped for a moment.
“Feeling better Taehyung?” Hoseok asked, walking toward the two.
“Yeah. The coffee just got me a little. I’m alright now.”
“Okay but if you need to stop just tell me. Joon, can you hit play again?”
Namjoon hit “play” and they started practice up again. Jungkook kept a close eye on Taehyung throughout the day, wanting to make sure that he really was alright.
Rehearsal lasted until 8:30 p.m. When it was over, the boys loaded up and headed back to the apartment.
“I’m making supper for anyone that wants it.” Jin got the chicken nuggets out of the refrigerator, and started to put them in the fryer.
“I think I’m gonna go ahead and turn in.” Taehyung both dreaded sleep and longed for it. H knew he’d end up having a nightmare anyway, so he might as well get some sleep while he could.
“Alright, night Taehyungie.” All the boys said their goodnights, except Jungkook who went with him back there.
“You going to sleep early too Kookie?” Taehyung asked, his eyes already heavy.
“Yeah… hey um if you need me tonight, wake me up okay?” Jungkook gave Taehyung a tight hug.
“I will Kookie. Don’t worry. Just get some rest.”
The boys said goodnight, and Taehyung was asleep almost instantly.
2:00 rolled around quickly, and as usual, Taehyung woke up unable to catch his breath. He was crying, terrified once again of forgetting how to speak in their upcoming interview. He felt sweat coating his skin, and he was almost at the part where he pukes, then someone came in.
“Tae Tae, it’s okay. It’s alright. I’m here. Breathe.” Jungkook was at his side, holding him tightly. Taehyung didn’t know how he got there, but he was glad to see him.
“It’s me. Taehyung, you’re shaking…” Jungkook’s eyes widened.
Taehyung felt the bile rise in his throat, and he quickly went around Jungkook and ran to the bathroom. Once again, he crashed down, and vomit spilled out of him.
Jungkook came up behind him, holding his middle.
“Just get it up Taehyung. It’s alright. I’m here with you.”
The vomiting part didn’t last as long as usual, and Taehyung attributed that to Jungkook being there. Soon, they were back in Taehyung’s room. Jungkook decided to sleep with Taehyung in case he had another nightmare, but they couldn’t sleep until Taehyung told Jungkook what had him so upset.
“It’s that interview on the 25th. I’m- I’m afraid I won’t be able to speak correctly… or at all.”
Jungkook’s eyes filled with compassion.
“How come you didn’t say anything?” Jungkook rubbed Taehyung’s arm.
“I felt embarrassed about not knowing as much as you guys, and I didn’t want anyone to be worried about me since none of us are getting any sleep anyway…”
Jungkook took Taehyung’s hand, and gently squeezed it.
“First of all, I’m so sorry you’ve been dealing with this by yourself. I know it must have been scary. But now you’ve got me and everyone else. The truth is, all of us have been nervous about the interview. Or at least, I know I have. But that’s a good thing because it means maybe we can help each other.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I’ve been studying pretty hard, and I know you have too… so maybe we can study together! Then if one of us has trouble in the interview, the other once can step in and help them out.” Jungkook smiled.
Taehyung liked the idea, and agreed.
“Good. We start tomorrow.”
After that, both boys went to sleep and thankfully, slept through the night.
For the next couple weeks, they worked hard together on learning English. Namjoon got them some extra time by firing their old choreographer and hiring one that gave them more time between rehearsals so they wouldn’t burn themselves out.
By the time the interview came, Taehyung and Jungkook both aced it. Including the part where Taehyung introduced himself.
“My name is V, and I’m good boy.”
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angeltrapz · 4 years ago
saw ur post 4 saw asks n im here to deliver!! (also fully gonna answer the one u sent me i just had a busy night 💚) — hmmm would personally love to hear more abt the Matthews-Faulkner-Stanheight-Blank family dynamic? esp maybe Daniel + Art, but rlly just anything u wanna talk abt there! maybe if they have any sorta family traditions, what holidays look like for them, that sorta deal
shfajs tysm!!!! (also tht's totally okay, take yr time!!!)
also oooo I love this question okay. so like u mentioned this when I asked abt what Eric n Daniel's relationship would b like post-trap, but I think it's very very good fr Daniel 2 like. see tht Eric has ppl who love him n who don't mind helping him when he needs it n who are THERE fr him bc again, like you've mentioned, seeing a parent so utterly shattered th way Eric was after his trap is incredibly difficult, esp for a kid (though Daniel is like. at least seventeen? still). knowing tht his dad has a good support system n is surrounded by ppl tht care abt him helps put him at ease bc he knows he can trust Adam n Art. he knows they'll keep Eric safe n tht they'll help him to heal, tht they love him n want 2 see him do well n get better. plus, Daniel knows tht if he needs to talk 2 some1 abt how difficult seeing his dad like tht is, he knows both Adam n Art r there fr him and tht helps a lot. of course, he also has Rigg + maybe Hoffman (until th whole. u know.), but they don't live w Eric. they don't see him every day th way Art n Adam do. that's not 2 say they don't know Eric is struggling, but there is a difference btwn them n Eric's boyfriends. basically, Daniel is very much grateful fr Art + Adam.
I feel like Art wld be VERY good at lending an ear fr when Daniel needs 2 talk. whether that be abt their trap + tht whole experience, Eric's trap n the consequences/rough aftermath, just plain venting, etc.; Art is there 2 listen to them + offer a solution if they want one. most times I think Daniel just wants to b listened to, esp when it comes to what they went thru in the Nerve Gas House - tht's smth they don't feel comfortable discussing w Eric right away fr obvious reasons, but therapy can only do so much. I think th two of them have more in common than they might realize at first, bc hey, Art Killed A Man Because Trevor Was Going To Kill Him If He Didn't, and Daniel Killed A Man Because Xavier Would Have Killed Both Them And Amanda If They Didn't. I feel like Art is like. very reserved abt th details of his first trap + how they affected him (and th second one tbh; it's not smth he vocalizes often at all), but fr Daniel he wld gladly talk abt it if it meant Daniel didn't feel alone. if it meant it could help them, reassure them that hey, it wasn't yr fault, u did what u had to, n I know tht can be hard 2 believe right now n that's okay. u need to process things at yr own pace.
and so Art tells them abt the Mausoleum, bares a part of himself he keeps locked away where he doesn't often give it much thought/actively ignores it. n I think tht's healing fr him too, maybe. there's solace in tht shared experience, as horrible as it was in th moment. 2 know there's someone out there who has even th faintest inkling of what u went thru + what u had to do to survive. of course Daniel relates 2 Adam fr this reason too, but like. Art will use his Lawyer Voice n make sure Daniel understands tht what they did doesn't make them a bad person or confirm tht Jigsaw Was Right And They Deserved It. n tht's rly important fr Daniel 2 hear, esp early on. it's honestly one of th first times Art is truly honest abt his feelings on th matter + the Mausoleum, n it's just. a step tht much closer to healing for both of them.
family traditions!!! they do have a few! in the summer, every sunday they have Daniel w them, Eric Art n Adam go out fr ice cream, even if they get it at the drive thru n eat it in th car bc none of them want 2 be around all th people/sit outside in th muggy weather. it's a good way to get them all out of th house fr a little while, something enjoyable tht doesn't require too much energy or even interaction. it's just smth nice they can do where they're all together n chilling n just enjoying each other's company!
this is mostly a Daniel one but every year around April Fools he just. puts fucking googly eyes on everything. n every time some1 discovers some, it doesn't matter where in th house he is, u can hear him cackle abt it. Adam thinks it's an absolute delight n has assisted on multiple occasions. tht's abt as far as pranks go fr them, bc none of them like surprises like that, but god is it ever hilarious 2 hear Eric frm the kitchen while Art Adam n Daniel r in the living room when he says "I found another one!" while he's looking fr smth in the fridge kjdkfsf.
holidays!! every Christmas they all sit down in th living room n watch a couple of movies w the blankets spread out on th floor w snacks n hot chocolate. the first Christmas following his trap, Eric was sat on th couch between Adam n Art while Daniel chose to sprawl out on th floor, n he just looked around at his boyfriends n his son n the fake pine tree they had all decorated together n he like. needs to take a moment bc this is it. this is all he cld ever want out of life right here. this is a level of peace Eric never knew he wld ever be able to reach after what he went thru fr those six months. n he just sort of presses his face into Art's shoulder n breathes thru it. he doesn't even have to say anything fr Adam n Art to know what he's thinking bc Adam's hand is on his arm n Art's resting his cheek against th top of his head, n he might cry a little, but he's happy. surrounded by th ppl he loves n who love him, love him enough to keep the lights down low n the volume on th television soft, to use subtitles so he doesn't get overwhelmed, Eric realizes he has a home n it's just. oof.
fr Valentine's Day, this one was actually Adam's idea initially: wht they do is take sticky notes n write little affirmations on thm fr each other, n stick thm in places where they'll see it. sometimes Daniel joins in on this one, but usually it's an Art Eric Adam thing. so like it'll be little things, like a note frm Adam telling Eric how proud he is of him, or one from Art letting Adam know he couldn't have had a better best friend, or th one from Eric that thanks th both of thm fr helping him w his rashes + helping him 2 accept tht part of him n start to see it as nothing to be ashamed of. it starts on th first day of February and ends on Valentine's Day itself, n sometimes they get those packs of cards u get fr kids just to write goofy shit on thm to pass back n forth n make each other laugh. they also get th discounted candy!! (Adam steals all th twix bars tho. tht's okay bc Eric likes snickers anyway n Art is fond of reese's peanut butter cups. they share th sweet tarts + conversation hearts!)
Halloween is when they get a big bowl of candy 2 leave on th porch fr the kids who're trick-or-treating while th three of them stay inside (+Daniel sometimes!) n watch some classics, like their Christmas tradition. they Also add in some bad movies 2 mix it up a lil bit bc sometimes u just need a laugh. I am like in Lov w the idea u had abt Eric n Adam sometimes building cozy pillow forts, so they do tht n the three of them just vibe in there n lay together n look n talk. n like it's So Much Fun 2 have ppl to like. discuss movies w while yr watching them! esp when they're ppl who won't be annoyed w u when u wanna share a thought! like Eric n Adam will get into this deep discussion abt horror movie decisions n Art will just lay there n listen bc he loves them so much n loves hearing them get amped up abt things. he'll offer his own two cents if asked too! mostly he listens, but he can definitely contribute.
inevitably at some point, someone's hand ends up in Eric's hair n he's just. asleep not too long after that. usually on someone's shoulder or against their chest, n depending on who's still awake, they either try 2 move to th bedroom or they just sleep in th living room (i.e.: Art will try to convince Eric n Adam to come to bed properly, whereas Adam will just b like "fuck it" n pass out right there. has this led 2 them waking up sore b4? absolutely. but it's like. "we r adults who live w our decisions n this one happened 2 be sleeping on th floor" so.
n then a minor one is on their birthdays, some1 (usually Art, to be completely honest w u) will cook tht person their favourite comfort food fr dinner n they all help make cake/cupcakes/cookies/something dessert-related of their choice. so like Art rly likes brownies, Adam is fond of strawberry jello poke cake, n Eric can make some RLY good carrot cake cupcakes w homemade frosting too. it's just smth fr them to do together + like! it's celebrating! they've all been thru so much hell but they're still here! n that's rly th focus for the three of them. sometimes they have ppl over too - like Rigg, Gibson, Brit, Mallick, Lawrence, William (all of them best-case, obv); it's nice 2 have a lil party sometimes! after what they've endured they've kind of earned it I think!
thank u sm!!! this was so fun 2 think abt fjdkjsk
(lil random hc: when Daniel was little, Eric used 2 write letters to him frm Santa. eventually Daniel got "too old for that," but honestly? they cherish tht memory. I wanted 2 include it bc it makes me kjehfje!!!)
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endof-theline · 4 years ago
Day 27-Tropetember: Quarantine/Locked In
Day 27 of super early Tropetember with Quarantine/Locked In! Steve and Bucky are forced to isolate after mission, it's just poor timing that Tony had come down with the flu while they were away...
On Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32862223
If Bruce had to hear either the super soldier duo or Tony whine one more time, he was going to have to spend time in the Hulk-proof room. The soldiers had gone on a mission to a Hydra base and their scientists had released a gas through the building that hadn’t done anything to the pair that they could tell but Bruce wasn’t risking it without a hell of a lot of testing and several showers, especially with Tony in his own quarantine currently.
Tony had managed to pick up the flu from somewhere and with his awful immune system Bruce didn’t want him in contact with everyone else who could be carrying god knows what on them, Jarvis was happy to help locking Tony in the penthouse and only letting Bruce up to help look after him.
Normally having two separate teammates in quarantine at the same time wasn’t the big of a deal, but unfortunately for Bruce this wasn’t like when Natasha and Clint had to be separate from each other and the team. Steve, Bucky and Tony had been dating for almost a year and they were lucky until now that no one had to isolate themselves, but it was also the first time Tony was seriously ill since they had started dating and it had come on during their mission so there was nothing they could have done for him.
“Is their quarantine almost over?” Tony rasped hopefully, he had managed to get out of bed today but he was still sitting on the sofa with blankets surrounding him and was still trying to refuse food.
“Almost Tony, I’m hoping that I can release them tomorrow and I’ll get Jarvis to do a full scan to make sure they’re safe before sending them up to you. If I send them up, I would want you to isolate with them, is that alright?” Bruce asked softly as he gently brushed Tony’s hair out of his eyes, sitting by his side and letting Tony worm into his arms.
“Yeah, that sounds good. Just miss them so bad, Brucie” Tony nodded before letting out a little whimper as he shivered with the chills that racked his body, Bruce hugged him tighter and let Tony rest his head on his shoulder.
“I know and I’m trying to get them here as quickly as possible for you, I just don’t want to risk you getting even worse and having to be locked up here longer” Bruce hummed as he grabbed the bowl of soup making Tony whine sadly but sit up a little from his bundle of blankets “Feeling hungry today?” “A little” Tony mumbled quietly as he took the bowl in his hands and carefully ate the gently flavoured soup, Bruce knew that if it was tasteless Tony would hate it but his stomach couldn’t take too much right now so it had been an experiment to find a balance that Tony would eat happily “Tastes good”
“I’m glad, hopefully you’ll be able to keep it down” Bruce smiled at him as he gently ran his fingers through Tony’s sweaty hair, he had planned on getting Tony to have a wash today and knowing how upset Tony would be at seeing his boyfriends while he was all gross definitely pushed that idea to the front of Bruce’s mind.
Once Tony was cleaned up and fed, Bruce had made sure that Tony also had snacks, water and his tablet with him to make sure that Tony didn’t need to move around too much; Bruce marched down to his lab to try and finish off the tests he needed to do before releasing Steve and Bucky.
It was two in the morning when Bruce managed to finish his tests and the man was close to falling asleep at his desk when the equipment he was using beeped at him to let him know it was done. The tests cleared Bucky and Steve from their quarantine so Bruce asked Jarvis to notify the pair as soon as they were awake that they could leave, and after a shower and a full body scan from Jarvis they were also cleared to stay with Tony.
The gas had turned out to be a fairly strong knock-out gas, but wasn’t strong enough to affect either of them or at least noticeable effect them so they hadn’t needed to isolate but no one blamed Bruce for being careful of unknown Hydra gases.
Six AM sharp, Steve woke up and shortly after Bucky was awake and grumbling about being awake, until Jarvis’ voice ran out through the guest room “Good morning, Captain, Sergeant, Doctor Banner has given you the all clear to leave but has requested that you shower and allow me to do a full scan of you before seeing Mister Stark”
“Thank you Jarvis, that’s great news!” Steve cheered happily and that news pulled Bucky out of the bed as he sped into their bathroom “Eager to see our sick boyfriend, Buck?”
“You bet I am, I’m about to compare you and Tony and see who is the worst sick boyfriend out of you two” Bucky called from the bathroom before Steve could hear the shower running, there was a voice in the back of his head that sounded suspiciously like Tony’s that told Steve to get in the shower with Bucky, but the blonde resisted the temptation knowing that they needed to be actually clean before seeing Tony.
Tony groaned as he woke up, feeling the weight of sickness still on his chest and the chills still shaking his body before he could hear a voice that he had been dying to hear for days “Hey sweetheart, you wanna wake up for us”
“Bucky?” Tony mumbled as he blinked open his eyes to see Bucky sat on his bed, the man smiling down at him before Bucky was cooing at him and running his fingers through Tony’s hair “You here to stay?”
“Sure am, doll, Stevie and I are gonna take care of you now” Bucky nodded before he was helping Tony to sit up and lean into his chest, wrapping blankets around Tony when the smaller man kept shaking in his arms “Steve’s just making you some food to eat and then he’ll be here with us”
“Missed you both” Tony sniffled as he nuzzled into Bucky’s chest making the bigger brunette coo at him “Missed you so much, wish I wasn’t sick when you came back”
“It’s okay, Tones, you wouldn’t have been able to see us even if you were healthy” Steve said as he walked into the room with a smile on his face and sat on the other side of Tony, Bruce had told Steve to try getting Tony to eat some toast and had told him that Tony might respond better to him and Bucky eating with him “Bruce said you might like toast so I thought we could all eat together, Bucky and I haven’t eaten yet today either”
“Not had toast yet since I’ve been sick, not sure it’ll stay down” Tony's voice was quiet and shy as he kept his head on Bucky's chest, eyes down as he messed with his pile of blankets.
"That's okay, we'll be so proud of you if you can try for us" Bucky cooed before Steve passed him a piece of toast and Bucky took a big bite out of it, Steve handed Tony a piece as well before eating his own piece "Come on, Tony, eat up"
"Don't want to be sick" Tony grumbled but as Bucky held him closer, he took a small bite of his breakfast and laughed a little when Steve cheered a little "You gonna be my cheerleader, Stevie?"
"If that what it takes to get you better, then yeah Tones, I'll be your personal cheerleader" Steve chuckles before leaning over to Tony and pressing a kiss to his cheek, Tony turned with wide eyes as he goes to protest "Buck and I can't get the flu and we're all clear, it's okay sweetheart"
"But I'm gross" Tony whined as he gently pushed Steve's face away from his, making Bucky laugh before dropping a kiss on the top of Tony's head.
"You're never gross to us, doll" Bucky teased before Tony hit his chest weakly with a whine in his throat “None of that, you’re our sick boy and we’re going to take care of you, even if you try and push us away”
Tony whined again but ate his toast slowly as both Steve and Bucky ate more beside him, and as much as Tony protested against their help much like he had done with Bruce, Steve and Bucky stayed with him the entire time. Bucky quickly found that Tony was easier to deal with when he was sick since the smaller man just wanted to be held and only pushed them away when he was feeling really rough, whereas Steve had fought him against everything Bucky did to try and help him when he was sick.
It was when Tony was almost over his illness that he heard the pair of soldiers whispering above his head as he tried to nap through the day, a smile spreading across his face as he turned into the pillow.
“I really love him, Buck, I don’t know what I would have done if he wasn’t getting better”
“I don’t know either, been a long time since I had to worry ‘bout that sorta thing, but I’m gone on him too”
“Just gotta hope he feels the same” Steve hummed as he brushed Tony’s hair back from his face carefully, Tony peaked an eye open to look up at the blonde who startled for a moment.
“Love you both too” He muttered before squealing as Steve pressed kisses all over his face, Bucky laughing behind him as he watched fondly. Watching his boys tease each other swiftly stopped any of the negative thoughts of Tony leaving them that had bubbled up during their own quarantine period, hearing Tony say how he feels and seeing how he smiled at the pair of them wiped out the rest of his concerns.
In sickness or in health, together or apart, it was going to take a lot more than that to split the trio up.
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snatchedkpopfan · 5 years ago
NCT 127 Reaction to Their S/O Not Being Able to Fit Their Clothes
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Taeyong’s reaction would be based on your reaction
If you’re upset then he’s upset 
he’d be really comforting though 
you’d be sleeping over at the dorms and forget to bring clothes 
so he’ll offer you some of his clothes 
you guys would go through basically all of the clothes in his closet
and in his dresser 
but you couldn’t find anything that you could fit 
which would make you kinda sad and in your feelings 
which would make Taeyong sad too 
He’d be really comforting and say something like “It’s okay that you don’t fit any of my clothes.”
Which wouldn’t make you that much happier 
so he will try even harder 
“You’re perfect and i’m not. That’s why you can’t fit any of my clothes. i’m a literal string bean, most of the members can’t even fit my clothes” 
That will make you giggle at his choice of words 
which would make him smile
because he made you smile
which is always his goal
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We all know that Taeil is a smaller person 
and even though you knew this, you still were disappointed when his shirt hugged your arms way too tight 
and made your pudge stick out a little more than normal 
which would make you a little self-conscience 
you knew you weren’t the prettiest or the skinniest 
especially not compared to all of the beautiful idol girls that your boyfriend was around a lot of the time 
but none of the superficial stuff never really appealed to Taeil 
so when he saw you looking sad of one of shirts that you couldn’t fit 
he didn’t hesitate to go up to you and make sure you knew why he loves you 
he’d say “You are the most perfect person on this planet and I could never imagine a world without you in it” 
he’d go on to list off all of the things that he absolutely adored about you 
and you could tell by sincere look on his face that his words were genuine
which would make you start to forget about your insecurities 
and appreciate your great and supportive boyfriend 
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Johnny wouldn’t even give you a chance to even be sad about the fact that you can’t fit his clothes 
we all know that Johnny is the nicest person to walk the planet 
so when he even thought that you were getting sad about the fact that your thighs were a little too wide to fit into a pair of his sweatpants, he would turn into the biggest hype man of the century 
compliments everywhere 
“Wow, you’re so freaking beautiful” 
“I can’t believe that I got lucky enough to get a s/o as beautiful as you” 
would probably go on some rant about how thick thighs save lives
and how he wouldn’t wanna date someone who had pretzel sticks for legs 
which would make you laugh at his dorkieness 
because he was trying really hard to make you feel good about yourself 
which you really love him for 
he just wants you to see yourself the way that he sees you 
and if he has crack lots of jokes and go on endless rants about how great you are so that you realize that 
he will do it in a heartbeat 
he’s literally perfect. 
This world doesn’t deserve Johnny 
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You being insecure about yourself? 
Not in Yuta’s christian household 
he will not, even for a second, let you dwell on the fact that you couldn’t fit one of his belts 
The pout playing on your lips made him feel bad 
so he immediately took the belt off of your waist and handed you another belt from his closet 
and it fit you way better 
“That belt looks way better on you. It wasn’t you it was the belt” 
He continues to place the belt around his own waist and sure enough it barely wraps around his waist
“Now stop pouting, you look too adorable” 
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Doyoung seems like he would be unbothered by the fact that you couldn’t fit his clothes 
he wouldn’t fully understand why you were so upset when you couldn’t fit his clothes
Bc things like that don’t really matter to him 
but of course since you were upset about it, he would make sure to cheer you up 
he seems like the type to change the subject rather than talk about how is pants were way too tight on you 
he might even lecture you on why you shouldn’t wear his clothes without permission
would probably say something along the lines of “things like that don’t really matter anyways. Your clothes look good on you and that’s all that matters”
and if you’re still not satisfied after that, he’ll look through his closet and give you one of his oversized hoodies to wear 
which would definitely make you happy 
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You and Jaehyun were on the way to the dorms after a date when it started to pour down rain 
so by the time you two actually got to the dorms, you were both soaking wet
so naturally, being the sweet boyfriend that he is, Jaehyun offered you some of his clothes to wear 
without thinking, he pulled out the first shirt and pair of pants he saw in his drawer before pulling out some clothes for himself 
when you went to put on the clothes you found that the pants fit a little too loose, but it was still wearable 
the shirt, however, was a different story
It fit a little too tight around your arms and made your stomach bulge out a little too prominently for your liking 
you had to admit that your self-confidence took a blow at the fact you could’t fit one of your boyfriend’s shirts
so with a dejected huff, you took off the small article of clothing
and before you could even ask for another shirt, Jaehyun was giving you the shirt that he had picked out for himself 
which was actually a little too big on you 
Jaehyun would definitely spend the rest of your night together telling you how beautiful you are to him
bc he never wants you to doubt yourself
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You and Jungwoo had just come back from an event where you had to be all dressed up 
and the dress you were wearing was cute and all but you weren’t very fond of wearing dresses 
so you were very eager to change 
but since you were at the dorms and not at your own apartment, you didn’t have any other clothes to change into
so ofc Jungwoo let you borrow some of his clothes bc he’s an amazing boyfriend
He handed you some clothes and headed to the bathroom to change out of his own uncomfortable outfit 
you found that the lounge pants that he handed to you accentuated the size of your thighs a little more than you were comfortable with 
and although they sorta fit, you couldn’t help but feel the urge to change back into your dress 
bc anything was better than wearing these pants 
when jungwoo walked back into the room and saw you about to put back on your dress he was a little confused 
when you explained it was bc of how tight the pants were, he would just laugh before handing you a new pair that were a little bigger 
he wouldn’t understand why your first thought would be to put your dress back on, but he left it alone bc you seemed to not care too much 
He would be sure to tell you how beautiful you are just in case you were really bothered by it 
“you know your’re the most gorgeous person on this planet, right?”
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You and mark would be in the dorms attempting to cook breakfast and failing miserably 
you were almost done with everything and although it wasn’t perfect, it was edible 
all that was left was the eggs which Mark had decided was going to be his job
he got out the eggs and a bowl and started to scramble the eggs 
when he finished, he turned around a little too fast and eggs splashed out of the bowl 
you happened to be in the splash zone and egg yolk was all over your shirt 
so ofc you made Mark lend you one of his
he stayed in the kitchen to clean up his mess and told you to go wear whichever one of his shirts you wanted 
so you went to his room and picked up the first shirt you saw, put it on, and went back into the kitchen 
when Mark saw you, he couldn’t hold back his laughter 
“what?” you would question with a small pout 
he would just shake his head slightly taking in your appearance 
the shirt was definitely on the bigger side and Mark couldn’t help but think you looked adorable in it 
he would just look at you with a wide smile and say something like “you know you look really adorable rn, right?”
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We all know that Haechan is the king of sass
So when he saw you walk out of his room wearing one of his hoodies, he didn’t hold back
“uh, who told you that you could walk into my room and take my clothes without my permission?” 
you responded to this with “If you didn’t own so many comfortable clothes, then I wouldn’t be tempted to wear them.” before you took your seat next to him on the couch 
He would keep making comments as time went by
which would make you start to take it off when you got fed up 
but he wouldn’t let you 
saying “even though you didn’t ask, you still look adorable so don’t even think about taking it off” 
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yamithediaperdork · 4 years ago
Wolverine and the diaper boys part two
Jamie was chowing down on a bowl of Cap'n crunch when Bobby came down to the kitchen, walking a little weird. While Bobby was in a pair of tan baggy cargo pants and a blue t-shirt with a white strip in the middle, Jamie had the misfortune to realize he hadn't gotten his landry done like he had been suppose to and ergo was stuck in a pair of his yellow sponge bob shorts with a light blue shirt that had a teddy bear on it. Needless to say he'd already been teased about it by Kitty and rouge, though Jean had come to his rescue. Still this had long day all over it and he'd be glad to go and get it all over with as quick as possible. Bobby took a seat next to him and gave him a smile and nod, making Jamie blush and because he was thinking of the night before, that HAD to be why he was smelling baby powder. "interesting attire choice." Bobby commented. "I uh..forgot to get landry done and this is ALL I have left. I already asked ms.Storm about staying home but she told me it was my own fault and to deal with it." Jamie whined, huffing a little. "You know, if you 'accidentally' pours your milk on yourself when you go to drink the rest out of the bowl, and that's ALL you got to wear..they can't send you to school in your undies." Bobby pointed out and winked. "Hey! That's a-" Jamie started, but got cut off by Mr. Mccoy. The Mutant known as The Beast while 'working' so to speak, but just as Hank or Mr. Mccoy to the students had walked in, wearing his lab coat and getting a cup of coffee, and having over heard the boy's conversation. "Very bad idea." he said, chuckling. "And I'm going to pretend I didn't hear it..as long as it's not acted upon." Making his coffee beast paused, and sniffed the air then smirked at the two boys, thankfully the only ones in the room and then walked off, going to work on whatever project currently was holding his attention. "..Well i tried." Bobby said after Beast left. "It WAS a good idea." Jamie agreed, then as he finished his cereal, he was careful to try and not spill any..and still got some on his shirt. "heh, maybe you need a bib." Bobby teased playfully, only to get a glare from Jamie. "Ok..ok.. not funny. I'm sorry." Bobby said, finishing up his own bowl of sugar crisp. "Darn right!" with the boys washing out their dishes, there was just something about the way that Bobby was walking that was bugging Jamie, but the little guy just couldn't figure it out and gave up. "Wanna walk to school together?" he asked. "I don't see why not." Bobby agreed.
Little did Jamie know Bobby was ALL to happy to walk with the little dork who could take the blame for the scent of baby powder that hung around him, since Logan had gone a little over board. Logan of course claimed he's hand had 'slipped' while sprinkling it on, but Bobby had a sneaking feeling that the Canadian was just having too much fun with this whole thing. Still the semi waddle to school had gone off without too much fuss, Jamie had been going on and on about some silly cartoon and got really over excited about it, and Bobby had agreed to watch a episode of it to get him to shut up about it. 'the hell is a Paw patrol anyways?' Bobby wondered, but brushed it out of his head as he split ways with Jamie. getting to his locker he started to load up his backpack when his eyes caught his schedule for the day, and a wave of dread flooded over him. he'd totally forgotten about it till now, but he had gym class for last period. which meant he'd have to get changed into his school issued gym shorts and top..in a locker room with the other guys. and he was in a fucking diaper. 'I'm so screwed!' Bobby mentally wailed, and banged his head on the door of his locker as Ray came over, raising a eyebrow. "Yooooou ok man?" His roomie asked him. "Don't tell me you forgot to study for the math test today." "..That's today!?!" Bobby whined and silently looked up, wondering just what he had done to piss off the almighty.
Jamie huffed, three times already he'd been stopped and asked if he was lost, the elementary school was across the the street. Twice from other classmates who had been of course taking shots at his clothes, and worse, the third time by a new teacher who was just honestly trying to be helpful, and had said sorry when Jamie huffed he was in the 6th grade and even took out his student ID card to prove it. things didn't get better as the morning went on, between first and second period the class bully had managed to get a pinch of itching powder down the back of Jamie's shorts, and had gotten rid of the proof so Jamie couldn't get him in trouble. The side effect meant while it wasn't unbearable, he was squirming lots and looked like a fussy toddler, or a little boy who had to go to the bathroom. (and in fact his third period teacher called him over to his desk to ask if he needed the hall pass before he had a accident) finally it was 4th period and gym class, and Jamie was able to switch out of his itchy shorts though he got a lot of flack over his PJ mask briefs, despite what he was packing in them. "Doesn't matter what your packing if your too much of a toddler to use it." A freckle faced red head named Todd said, smirking. "yeah well even if you know how to use it, it doesn't matter if all you have is a tooth pick." Jamie shot back, and instantly realized he shouldn't of. since he wasn't allowed to use his powers at school, and Todd had a good foot on him and at least 30 pounds, Jamie wasn't exactly gonna win any fights. and even as the other boys laughed, Todd's face flushed with embarrassment and anger. "Care to repeat that short stuff?" he growled. "..Not really..Uh..Sorry?" Jamie squeaked. "Todd man, let it go..it was a good come back and if you get in one more fight your expelled." Anther boy called over. "..You watch your mouth." Todd huffed and shoved past Jamie, knocking him into the wall and leaving him alone to finish changing. "..Just anther glorious day in the life of a X-Man." he muttered softly to himself.
Bobby was sure he'd flunked the test, a combination of not having studied for it and being paranoid the who times everyone knew he was padded. the only reason he wasn't in a constant flop sweat was a by product of his ice based powers as he waddled from class to class, positive every time he heard a laugh or a giggle in the halls it was directed his way. The fact that a end of the day exposure laid at his feet wasn't helping and he was getting tummy cramps off and on and felt his bladder twitching lots, though he didn't DARE go to the boys room to relive himself. That was all he needed, a random kick in of a stall door (Toad was known to do that sorta thing for shits and giggles, though it had mostly toned down after Duncan had stuffed him head first in a toilet) and him with his diapies on display for everyone to see the big baby. the mental image filled Bobby with dread and unwanted arousal and he found himself desperately directing mental commands to his little soldier to stand down, but atlas, he was at a age where it had a mind of it's own. 'can't believe I'm about to say this, but thank god I'm not hung.' He had one hope, that when Logan came to check on him (and Bobby didn't doubt he would, the Canadian loved to follow though on his threats) Bobby would explain the situation out to him and hopefully get person to get out of the diaper. Failing at that, Bobby's plan B was to freeze the entire gym class for the duration of the period. Ok, it wasn't a good plan but it beat plan C, melt into a puddle from sheer humiliation. 'Come onnnn plan A.'
Logan noticed the time and headed for the door,walking out on the card game he and the other teachers had been playing despite the fact he was winning, Making storm give him a look. "Got somewhere better to be?" she asked, raising a eyebrow and hoping he wasn't headed to a bar this early in the day. The professor had of course banned all alcoholic beverages on the ground after some of the students had gotten into Logan's beer. "Yeahhh following though on a punishment I had to dish out." Logan said and smirked. "Don't worry, I'm saving my drinking for the weekend." "..Logan this doesn't have anything to do with how Bobby was semi waddling this morning does it?" She asked, crossing her arms. "Heh, it might. and before you get all high and mighty, at least I let him wear big kid clothes on the outside. Sides, you should be thrilled I'm following up on my duties here and not going out for some brewskis. just no pleasing you some days." Logan chuckled and winked, then walked out. "..I honestly don't get what Charles likes about him." She signed in a low voice, turning her attention back to the game and back to hank. "Ours is not to ask, ours is but to do. by the way, I win." The furry teach said, laying out his hand. "of course you do." Storm said dryly, toying with making a rain cloud appear over Hank's head then recalling how wet fur smelled.
After spending the better part of the free gym period being pelted 'accidentally' by balls thanks to Todd, Jamie was tired, sore and grumpy. not helping matters was the fact someone (read Todd) had stuck Jamie's shorts in a sink and soaked them..and Jamie HAD to return the gym shorts to the gym locker so they could be washed. Which mean he had two choices, walk around in his undies, or walk around in wet shorts. either way it wasn't appealing and he covered himself in a towel to go and whine to the gym teacher about it. Of course having NO proof it was Todd who had soaked them, the teacher couldn't punish him, and he wasn't willing to let Jamie use the gym shorts. the tone of his voice made it clear that he more or less believed that Jamie had wet himself, and had dunked the shorts in a sink to avoid being busted, though he mentioned he'd call home and see if someone at the Xavier institute could bring him some dry clothing. 'Great. just great. Mr. Logan is gonna think i wet myself and show up waving a diaper around! I bet he brings that stupid satchel of his and has diapers in it too!' Jamie huffed and fumed, stomping his way back to the locker room and tugging the shorts up. someone had tried to be nice and dry them with a hair dryer, but this had just resulted the legs getting semi dry and making it look even more so like he had wet himself. as he marched down the halls to grab his bagged lunch and go wait outside, he could see the amusement looks and heard the laughter and whispers, his ears burning. Of course what Jamie didn't know was put off by the brats attuide, stomping out of his office..the gym teacher 'forgot' to call the mansion.
Bobby was rocking back and forth in chem lab, his bladder twinges were a full on tidal wave just waiting to happen and his normal lab partner was thankfully out for the day. Still, working on a chemical solution that had to drip slowly over and over again when his own 'chemical solution' was begging to come out wasn't doing the Iceman any good. He thought about trying to do that old rhyme about crossing his legs but he was already getting weird looks from the station next to his and just flashed a weak smile. 'Almost end of class. almost end of class. you can make it! you're a X-man! you don't take shit from anyone! you..your..your wetting yourself.' He mentally cheered himself on, before realizing that despite his best efforts, the front of his diaper was indeed rapidly filling with piss. with was only the noise of all the lab equipment that was covering up the hiss and the soft crackle of the diaper as it bloated out, and Bobby snuck a look down and suppressed a groan (and a moan of relief at that from the bliss of finally going) as the diaper was starting to show, at least if you knew to look for it while he was sitting, getting up off the stool he was on, he could feel the hot piss slosh down and start to soak between his legs and even up the back of the diaper and for the first time he started to worry about leaking. 'Jesus what am I? a camel!?' he thought as he tried to will the flow to stop, "Mr Drake, if you would like to come back from whatever day dream is holding your attention, maybe you'd like to answer my question." Barked the old crone who ran the class, bitter at being called back to teach after the old chem lab teacher had disappeared (the school hadn't exactly been informed Mr. Mccoy had had a second mutation, since they hadn't know he'd had a first one to begin with.) "Y-Yes ma'am!" Bobby squeaked out, the flow slowing there there was totally some wetness on the sides of his legs. "what was the question?" "The question was-" the crone started, but was cut off by the lunch bell ringing. "oh who cares. get out of here, all of you." she said and hobbled off to her desk. saved by the bell, Bobby was torn between rushing out or waiting for the rest of the class to leave, his diaper had ballooned out and he was scared to put too much pressure on it, less he make it leak worse. if he could get the classroom mostly cleared, with everyone distracted he could maybe at least freeze the sodden padding. "Is there something I can help you with Mr.drake?" The crone said, suddenly a few feet away and a wicked grin on her face that had him gulping. most of the other students had cleared out, and knowing her penance for handing out extra homework, those few remaining didn't stay for long. "I..I..No ma'am. I just..um.." Bobby squeaked, his voice sounding higher the Jamie's at the moment. "mmmhmm.. I know a soggy bottom when i see one young man. I watch after my ingrate son's brats enough and not one of them potty trained despite the oldest being six." she said wagging a finger and smirking. "I'm not in a diaper!" Bobby said a little bit too quick and she cackled. "well, this explains why you were so distracted. did baby bobby bring a diapie change to school." this..was NOT the kind of attention he had pictured and Bobby's less then stellar boyhood was getting even smaller. "I..I don't." he babbled."It's..not a..I..see.." "Well spoken. well i can't let you go out in the hall's, your going to spring a leak." the crone said and jabbed at the puffy padding with a glass mixing stick, indeed making a wet spot appear on his pants. "I'll go and head for my lunch..and shut the door behind me. there's a plastic bag in the top drawer of my desk..just take the soggy padding out with you..BABY bobby." she said and cackled again before hobbling her way out, shutting off the light and the door on her way out. "..Why couldn't of this happened during history class?" Bobby whined out loud, thinking of how cute THAT teacher was.
Logan pulled up to the school and parked his bike, Nodding to a few of the other kids from the school who were a little bit shocked to see him there. He had his satchel over one shoulder with a couple of diapers and wipes in it, planing on changing Bobby if he needed it, or double diapering him if he was going around commando. "awww, the babysitter he's to check on the babies~" came a mocking tone from Lance, and Logan turned to see the brother hood standing there smirking. They clearly weren't TOO worried about Logan since it was school hours and with him as a adult, attacking teenagers..well it could only make the Xavier institute look bad. Still he gave them a grin and smirked. "Just because Mystique stopped wiping your noses and kissing your boo boo's better, doesn't mean you have to be jealous lance. i'm sure you'll find someone to read you a bed time story." Logan shot back, Making the geomancer blush and huff and go raise a hand. "Careful bub, you SURE you wanna pick a fight? if I'm just defending myself.." Logan said and he had a glint in his eye. "..Tch whatever. not even worth the effort. come on, let's go get something to eat. Oh, and Logan? one of your boy's pissed his pants." Lance said, turning away and leading the other mutants to their house. "..wait what?"
having gotten the soggy padding off and cleaning himself up as best he could, Bobby could tell he had a few damp spots on his pants but there was nothing he could really do about THOSE. he got the paper towel he'd used and the soaked padding in the plastic bag and tied it up tight, then put it in the back of his book bag. he had of course toyed with tossing it in the trash can in the room, but the thought of someone finding it wasn't all that fun to think about. And plus he wanted to show Logan WHY he wasn't wearing his diaper when he'd be checking in on him. with THAT in mind Bobby made his way out of the chem class, with a semi bounce in his step, feeling lighter and faster now that he wasn't crinkling and waddling from his huggies. he made his way to the front of the school, Planing on meeting up with Logan outside and spotted Jamie looking grumpy on the steps..and in soaked shorts. 'Ouch, guess I'm not the only one the tinkle fairy visited.' Bobby thought, feeling bad for Jamie and was about to over and comfort him when Jamie got up and dashed off. Following Jamie's gaze/the direction he was running off too, Bobby spotted Logan and smiled a little. 'Awww, must be happy Logan's here to save the day.' he thought, then the yelling started. "I'M NOT A BABY!" Jamie screamed, getting everyone's attention. '...or not.'
Logan was shocked to see Jamie coming up to him with soaked pants, but a quick whiff let him know it was JUST water, even if Jamie had tried to soak them he'd of been able to get a whiff of the urine. "Listen squirt I-" Logan tried to start but Jamie cut him off, clearly having had had a BAD day and thinking Logan was there to pamper him. "So either give me the dry pants or don't, I didn't pee my pants, and I don't need a stupid night time diaper!" Jamie screamed and stomped a foot. "Squirt, you need to calm down, I'm not hear for you, I'm just checking in on Bobby an-" Logan said, well aware of how many students just heard Jamie admit he wore diapers at night. With speed Logan hadn't expected, Jamie reached into the satchel and tugged out one of the bulky diapers and waved it around. "oh right! like this is just for Bobby! Don't lie to me! I know you think I'm just a big dumb..baby.." As Jamie waved the diaper around in the air, he turned to see Bobby who was frozen in place, and not by his powers, who was blushing badly and had started to wet himself. "Oh..uh.." Jamie gulped..and then also seemed to realize what all he had just said and that some of the students were recording him with their phones. (Diaper boy has a public meltdown would be trending world wide before the school day was over) His cheeks burned and he gulped looking around, then turns back to Logan with a sheepish grin on his face. "I..I kinda..just..really..messed up.." He said..trying to keep a smile on his face as the weight of what he had just done hit him. As the laughter and hoots started up Jamie whined and buried his face in Logan's side, even as a loud poot escaped and whether it was from nerves, some food not setting right, or just his big boy mind going bye bye for awhile, Jamie's shorts and undies started to puff out in the back as he filled them. Not to be outdone with his break down, Bobby took off running, his pants soaked and having left a smelly puddle on the steps of the school, bawling too and wailing "MR. LOGAN!" and soon was hugging the other side of Logan. Signing and patting both boys back, and wishing he'd had a clothespin for his nose, he let both little guys cry it out.
It was clear in the aftermath that neither boy was in any shape to stay at school. even if he took them home for a change, they would of been too mortified and too out of it for lack of a better term to go home. the problem there though was that his bike could only fit at best one of them, and there was no way he was leaving one of the little guys here alone. it was only the intimidating presence of Logan that was keeping the taunts and teasing long range, and Logan knew even if Chuck got to the students and wiped their minds, the video proof was already out there. 'the marvels of the internet.' Logan thought dryly. The solution to his problem soon appeared as Scott made his way over, with Jean  and Kurt trailing behind. "Jeez what happened here?" Scott asked, holding his nose, but looking concerned. "Long story. Look, Give me the keys to your car, I need to get these two home." Logan said. Scott hesitated, looking at the soaked pants of Bobby, and then the baseball sized lump of brown in the back and the wetness in the front of Jamie's shorts. "it's..not that I don't feel for them, but I just had the seats redone an-" Scott started, and Logan gave him a glare that would of made the hulk flinch. "I mean ok..but..how am I getting home from school?" Scott said Meekly, fishing out his keys. Logan took the car keys and handed over the keys to his motorcycle. "If you bang it up, your dead." Logan said then lead the sniffling and whimpering boys off, they were both sucking their thumb now and had sadly for Logan wiped their noses on his shirt. before getting them in Scott's car Logan did decided to be a little nice..to both Scott and the boys, and get them changed. "Alright guys, lay down." He said gently, pointing to the ground. "Y-Y-Your not..gonna..here?" Bobby whimpered, pulling his thumb out. "We're mostly hidden by the cars and those icky pants and shorts CAN'T feel good." Logan said. Jamie was already on the ground, any and all fight out of him and kept his thumb in his mouth, though he'd scrunched up his face when he'd sat down. "i..I'm not wearing my diapie Mr. Logan." Bobby said as he slowly got down. "B-But it's cuz I soaked it and it was gonna leak!" he added quickly. "heh..then that's ok Little Bobby. you just let me get you guys alll cleaned up. Jamie, do you mind if I get Bobby changed first? he's gonna be a quick clean up." Logan said, giving Bobby a warm smile then turning his attention to Jamie. the little guy just shrugged his shoulders as if to say 'your the boss apple sauce' and kicked his legs a little, looking up at the cloud. 'ho boy..Chuck's gonna have to take a look at them after this.' Logan thought and got to work.
The brotherhood was coming back from doing a dash and grab at a local convince store, handing the snacks they'd looted back and forth though Fred (AKA the Blob) unsurprisingly was hogging most of them. they were cutting though the parking lot when a rotten smell hit them and three of the four boys turned to glare at Fred. "Really man? no warning or anything?" Toad whined, tugging his shirt up over his nose. "If it was me, you'd be dead." Fred growled. Pietro chose to say himself and went to dash off to escape the smell, but came back in a half a second, laughing. "oh my god! you guys are NOT gonna believe this! and Fred, your in the clear." he said, then lead the way. the evil teens made their way though the cars and were greeted wit the site of Bobby drake, sitting on his ass and sucking on his thumb in a t-shirt and childish diaper..while Jamie madrox had just finished getting his poopie backside wiped down and was being taped into anther one of the diapers. Lance couldn't tear his eyes away from how loving and caring Logan was as he looked after the two big babies, and then got them both buckled into the back seat of Summer's car. "Bwhahahaha! their X-babies! X-babies!" Toad laughed. "oh man, Dad's NEVER gonna believe this!" Pietro hooted. "ugh, man, what a stink! gonna make me lose my lunch..just gross right lance?" Fred asked. "..yeah..uh..disgusting." lance said. what he was thinking as he watched Logan use a trash back to gather up the clothes and toss them in the trunk before driving off with the two little guys though, was hope much he wanted to be one of them.
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sourbkg · 5 years ago
fic  navigation
word  count:  2450
warnings:  cursing
The day continued without a hitch, Mina coming over as promised and explaining everything you wanted to know about the daycare and then some, along with letting you know she wouldn’t be his teacher, but would be a classroom away if anything were to go awry. She also lets you know that due to her ties with you, Kiro could start as soon as possible. Meaning tomorrow. Meaning your plan to go job hunting could go on. She left after a few hours, but not without you pestering her about her favorite dishes. You were hellbent on keeping your promise, especially since her and Kirishima have been so helpful despite not knowing you. 
Dinner came and went, and soon you were tucking Kiro in bed. He gave you a sleepy ‘goodnight’ that you returned before his door was shut and you were left to clean up any remaining messes, followed by getting another thirty minutes of unpacking done. After that, you decided it was time to sleep. 
Sleep didn’t last as long as you would have liked. The sound of music brought you out of it. With a glance at your phone, you were made aware that it was only 3:16 in the morning. Who in their right mind would be up this late? Well-- early? You got up, despite the protests your brain gave, and pulled on a jacket. Peeking into Kiro’s room told you he was still asleep, thankfully, but not for long if the music continued to ring through the house. You pulled on some shoes and went out the door, immediately realising where the music was coming from. 
Bakugou’s house. 
The windows were open. You could tell due to flashes of light breaking through the curtains, and you could hear the sound of a videogame between pauses of the music. With a huff, you walked across the yard. 
You knocked three times and made a face. There’s no way they’d hear you over all the noise. After a moment, you raise your fist to knock again, only for the door to be swung and you’re met with a red glare. You bring your fist down. 
He gives you a look, eyebrows raised and you can hear what he’s saying without his mouth opening. What do you want?
You open your mouth to reply, only to be distracted by yelling coming from the house. With a glance past him, you see red and pink hair you’ve come to know, along with yellow-blonde and black all surrounding a TV, playing what you think is Mario Kart. Bakugou snaps in your face, bringing you out of your daze. 
You blink. 
“Sorry.” Your mouth is drier than you remember, but you push on, “do you guys mind keeping it down a little? I can hear you from inside my house and Kiro might wake up and he gets cranky--” 
He scoffs at your rambling, which causes you to stop, eyebrow raised. 
“Why should we care?” He asks, arms crossing over his chest as he leans against the doorframe, eyeing you up and down. You pull your jacket tighter around you. 
“I’d just rather not have to deal with a crabby five-year-old and the easiest way to avoid that is by you guys quieting down. Please.” You add. 
He seems amused for a moment, it dying in his throat the second he speaks, “I get you don’t want to deal with a shitty kid, but again, why should we care?” 
Your surprise must amuse him even more, because he lets out a snicker. 
“Shitty? He isn’t shitty, and you can take that opinion of him and shove it up your--” 
Kirishima pops up behind Bakugou, clapping a hand on the blonde’s shoulder, “Hey, (l/n)! What’re you doing up so late? Or… early, I guess.” He laughs. 
You look from Bakugou to him, scowl forming on your lips, “I just came over to ask if you guys could quiet down a little. Kiro gets irritable if he doesn’t get enough sleep…” 
There’s a pause, and for a moment you think he might agree with Bakugou. Instead, he shoots you a smile and nods his head, shaking the blonde’s shoulder slightly, “Yeah, of course! So sorry if we woke you up, too, we’re not really used to Bakugou having someone so close by. We’ll do better.” 
He gives you a wink and a wave before he’s turning around and telling his other friends to turn the TV and music down, while pulling closed the windows. Bakugou scoffs at how easily he complies, pushing himself up from the doorframe. 
“Have a nice night.” He says, giving you a tightlipped smile, then closing the door a little too harshly to be considered nice. You scoff to yourself, walking back over to your own house and locking the door when you’re inside. You remove your shoes with your back turned and almost shriek when something tugs on the hem of your jacket. Whipping around, you’re met with the tired eyes of your brother, who looks like he might pass out on the spot. 
“Why’re you up?” You ask, picking him up. He lays his head on your shoulder, mumbling his reply. 
“Thought you left. Got scared.” 
You rub his back, “I’d never leave you for long.” 
“Can I sleep with you tonight?” His question is quiet, but you hear it clearly in the silent house. You nod.
“Yeah. Just tonight, though. Don’t wanna make it a habit.” He yawns, offering no other reply as you settle him down in your bed before you lay down yourself. 
You wake up a few hours later to the sound of your alarm, not the sound of a bike revving. Kiro’s curled against you with the blanket pulled to his chin, drool seeping out the corner of his mouth. You smile and get up as quietly as possible, doing your morning routine and eating a bowl of Kiro’s sugary cereal. Kiro’s up a little bit later, and you make him his own bowl, then push him to the bathroom and help him with his morning routine. 
The two of you get dressed soon after, making yourself a little more presentable than usual. You are going to be applying for jobs, after all. First impressions and all that. 
When you and Kiro are leaving, the black haired boy and blonde you’d had yet to meet were leaving Bakugou’s house, giving you a wave as they went. Bakugou was under a car today, instead of the motorcycle. You could barely see him from his position, the only telling feature being long legs sticking out from the front. 
Kirishima takes notice of you before you do him, calling out, “Mina’s already at work! Be sure to give her my love!” 
There’s a clank from the blonde working under him and a curse, followed by Bakugou rolling himself from under the car to send his friend a glare. It doesn’t last on Kirishima long, red eyes following his gaze only to settle on you with a scowl. You give a friendly wave that isn’t returned and put Kiro in his carseat. 
After buckling him in, you’re climbing in the front seat and starting the car, giving Kirishima and co (it’s really just Bakugou) one final wave goodbye before pulling out of the driveway and heading towards the daycare they way Mina explained. 
Take a left down the street, then a right at the stop sign. Keep going until you’re past Sato’s Bakery, and take a left at the very next light. You’ll see the mall, and right beside it is the building. There’s signs near the mall’s parking lot that direct you where to go from there.
She was good at giving directions, you learned, and the daycare was no more than fifteen minutes from your house. You sat in your car for a few minutes, nervously chewing at your lip. This would be the first time Kiro’s ever really… been away from you. Especially in a school-like setting. With other kids his age. But, you’d have to push through. You can’t teach him your whole life, and he won’t get the right social skills being around just you all day (plus, you’re sure you won't be able to work while also maintaining a five-year old-- you’d dote on him too much).  
“Why’re we here?” Kiro asks, already attempting to unbuckle his seatbelt. 
“This is a daycare,” you start to explain, “they’re gonna watch you for a few hours while I go out job hunting, and I’ll probably bring you here a few days a week while I work.” 
He made a face as you turned off the car and got out to properly unbuckle him, lifting him out of the seat and grabbing a bag you had packed and the paperwork you needed. Mina insisted on you bringing a change of clothes in case an ‘accident’ happened. She also let you know she may have sorta fibbed about her relationship with you-- the fib being you were her relative, a close cousin of sorts, and that’s why they’re allowing him in so early. 
“Why can’t I stay with you?” He mumbled, hand gripping your fingers as you walked across the parking lot. 
“I don’t think my job’ll allow that.” You squeezed his hand assuringly and gave him a smile, “You remember Mina?” A nod. “She’ll be a room or so down from you. If anything happens, you tell your teacher to tell Mina and she’ll call me A-S-A-P.” 
“What does that mean?” 
“As soon as possible. That sound good to you?” He seemed to weigh his options for a moment, but the doors were getting too close for him to back down. You gave him an offer, “we can have ice cream after I get you today.” 
Hook. Line. Sinker.
You held the door open for him and smiled at the woman behind the desk. “How can I help you?” 
“I’m Mina’s cousin.” You explained quickly, passing her the papers, “this is my little brother.” 
“Right! She told us about you yesterday. I’m Nejire Hado, I work here in the office.” She peeks over the desk to get a look at Kiro, who hides behind your legs, “we’ll just need you to sign a couple things in person and we can get you going to his class.” She gives him a small wave that he returns meekly. 
You spend the next thirty minutes filling out papers of basic information while Nejire gets to know you without prying too much. You’re glad she doesn’t really ask about you and Mina. Soon, you’re being led past the office doors and further into the building, Nejire explaining things like what time breakfast, lunch, and snack time is and that the latest you can be there to pick Kiro up is 6:00, on the dot. You’re stopped at a door with music notes taped all over, kid’s faces put over the bases. Kiro hides even further behind you, hands gripping your shirt like when you were first being introduced to Bakugou. 
Nejire walks in without knocking, peeking her head around the corner before throwing a smile behind her to the two of you and walking in further. Sitting in a circle are about eleven kids, a woman about your age with purple hair sitting between them and clapping along to ‘Wheels on the Bus’. 
Her eyes flicker to the three of you and she sends a smile, the song finishing itself and she instructs the kids to stay put and clap along to whatever plays next before she’s standing moving to greet you. She offers her hand. 
“Hi, I’m Jirou Kyoka, the teacher for the four and five year olds.” You shake her hand, then she moves to shake Kiro’s hand, who buries his face in your shirt. 
“I’m (l/n) (y/n). This is Kiro.” You feel him glance around you to look at her. 
She crouches down to his level and grins, “Have you ever been in a class with other students?” He shakes his head. She offers him her hand, “C’mon, we can introduce you to everyone, make some new friends, yeah?” 
He looks to you, seeking assurance, and you give it with a small nod and smile, “I’ll be back in a couple hours. Then ice cream.” 
The promise of ice cream gives him newfound courage, letting go of your shirt with less hesitance to take Jirou’s hand. You could cry. With a small tug, she’s pulling him towards the other students who look at him with raw curiosity. He glances to you one more time, and you give him a wave, before Nejire leads you out of the room. 
With that, you’re back at the front desk and Nejire hands you a card. It has Kiro’s student number and a barcode, and she explains anyone who picks Kiro up will need it in order to sign him out. You stick it in your wallet behind your ID as you leave. 
A few hours later, you’d gone to at least twelve places, asking if they were hiring and talking to managers. Most of the businesses were cafes or restaurants, and the majority explained they weren’t hiring at the moment, or had you fill out the application then and there, but were turned off by your schedule needing to be so specific. 
Your last hope was an older looking diner in the downtown area of the city. It looked fairly busy, people and cars alike coming to and from the parking lot. You pull in and find a parking spot, before taking a deep breath and getting out. You could do this. When you walked in, there was an older man standing at a host stand while organizing something. 
“How many?” he asks, not looking up. 
“Oh, I’m not here to eat.I was wondering if you guys were hiring.” 
He pauses, looking you up and down, “How early can you start?” 
“As soon as you’d let me.” 
He sets the papers down, rummaging through something else under the desk and hands you some papers, “Fill this out and bring it tomorrow. We can start training you after going over everything.” 
You take the papers with surprise, not expecting to be... hired (if you could call it that?) so quickly. 
“Thank you so much, what time should I come?” 
“Eight.” He gives you a smile and offers his hand, “I’m Chihiro Nand, the owner.” You take his hand. 
“(l/n) (y/n), I’ll be here at eight.” 
“I’ll be waiting to see you.” 
You leave with a pep in your step, excitement coursing through your veins. Life really seemed to be throwing you easy hits since your move. Maybe it really was for the better. 
{𝓽𝓪𝓰𝓼} @mrsreina @cold-deep-water @pm4gal 
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Strawberry Icecream.
Dean misses Cas.
Well, sue him for having feelings about his very awesome boyfriend, who is currently living out his highschool dream in Washington, interning at the frigging White House. 'They're very lucky to have you', Dean had said, sincerely, to a very white-faced Castiel, in a student blazer. 'I just hope they let you come back home, when you're done'. And the latter had smiled, in spite of himself, and planted a chaste kiss on Dean's lips.
That was the last time he'd been kissed in the past six weeks. Not the longest span of all time, but it sure feels like an eternity.
It's not just the feeling of lips on his; that shared softness, the sweet ecstasy of such intimacy. The shuffling closer and the teasing apart, the hums of pleasure and all the infinite sparks everywhere. It's not just Cas's kisses he misses. It's Cas.
It's all of him. It's the morning snark, and the having someone to surprise with coffee in bed. It's the checking-in at lunch - they obviously still do that, but those bastards give him only enough of a break to text, and the going shopping for groceries, almost daily, (Cas would have said, it's because they're both really bad at shopping, and also have a tendency to speed-eat through everything, if they've got the stuff at home.) It's the dinners - it's not nearly the same thing, when you're the only one snickering at the sitcoms, through a mouthful of pizza. And it's the going to sleep, together, and wrapped around in all the most perfect ways.
Fuck, Dean misses Cas so much, it hurts.
He hates that he wasn't able to join him in the capital - since bunking twelve weeks off a year, is the kind of dumb thing Dean would've done for someone like Cas, but wasn't allowed to, because that's who Cas is. The sonuvabitch had rolled his eyes in a partial reprimand, when Dean had hinted at it. 'Oh, Dean'. He'd said, in that beautiful fucking voice of his. 'I'm going to be back so soon to ruin that bachelor's life you'll get used to again; you have no idea'.
Well, to hell with that. Dean had learned to dig the committed scene now, okay? He didn't like living alone in their apartment, any more than he liked sleeping all up on Cas's side - trying to bury himself and fit in the impressions on the mattress.
It was a weird life he lived.
He didn't even have any pending deadlines, for a huge fucking change, because most months of college when Cas is around is spent regretting all of his life choices - times when Cas is right there, so warm and delicious and amazing, and Dean has a stupid essay due Monday so he can't join him in bed.
Without too many things to do, but drag himself to every class he's taking, literally everyday - he's this sort of unbelievably punctual these days, which makes no dense - he has way too much time to long.
Dean curses silently at himself at his own trail of thought - a rather sad, long monologue, indeed - and especially his choice of words. Makes him sound like a war widow for Christ's sake, and his man is just a few states over. Kicking ass, for the US government - among other, more boring stuff he has to do.
And that's usually where he stops thinking. It's where he picks himself up from the couch, and sits at his desk with a Mechanics textbook instead - or somedays, it's where he goes over to his neighbor's, to simply hang. Charlie Bradbury recently moved in across the hallway. A complete dork, of the kind to battle his stupid brother - but incredible at taking his mind off of other things. (It was impossible to be discussing Star Wars ships with her while missing Cas.)
But today, he does something different. Instead of shoving his loneliness away, and adding it to the pile of feelings he has built his throne on - read, is sitting on presently - he picks up his phone. Unlocks the screen to Baby staring back at him with blaring, truly picturesque headlights that is Dean's wallpaper - and clicks around till he has opened his chat with Cas.
The last thing they'd been talking about was how Cas's deskmate listens to a lot of Korean music, and he's kind of falling for BTS himself - Dean had asked him, perfectly serious, if he needed to show up at his workplace, to serenade him with Led Zepp as drastic times call for drastic measures, and Cas had sent a laughing-with-tears emoji and added, that he was sure Dean would enjoy them too, and that he'd definitely make Dean listen to it when he got back. The only unread message he had, was a song rec, which Dean rolled his eyes at. The only way he was going to "fall" for a modern-day boyband ever, is if Cas was right by his side, telling him to do it.
Dean's thumbs click-clacked on his phone keyboard until he'd typed it out.
I miss you.
But who was he kidding? He wasn't going to send that. Or say that. At least, that wasn't what he was going to lead with. The reluctance was half-ways Dean's internal hesitation, for unexplainable reasons, and also knowledge of the fact that such a blatant confession would tell Cas just how devastated Dean was, on this end, and he'd probably fly back the next day to check on him. The thought brought a random pricking sensation in his eyes, but he ignored it.
He erased that.
>>> hey, what are you up to?
He hadn't expected an instant response, so he immediately leaped when he got one. A smile, brighter than any that'd made it to his face today, showed up at the pleasant surprise, that Cas was around his phone and probably available to text.
<<< nothing much. got home ten minutes ago.
To read 'home' in any context, than to talk about their apartment with him in it, here at Stanford university - was all sorts of revolting, but he swallowed his first reaction.
>>> half day? did you have food??
<<< yes, to both.
Dean thought of what to say next, miserable because he was bad at this - dammit, conversations always flowed when Cas was in front of him, but he'd never been good at texting - but thankfully, Cas went on.
Dean sighed, softly. Imagining that gave him another smile.
<<< hey, guess what I'm up to?
>>> nothing much.
He pinched his brows together, as he squinted. Would Cas be able to hear him tease, from his words alone? He must, right? Unlike him, Cas was always a good texter. 'Emoticons', he'd just vaguely justify it.
<<< what I'm up to NOW, is smiling
<<< but I'm also getting something to eat. What do you think I'm having?
Dean bit his lip, thinking about it. It's probably like four, in the afternoon, because he's only been wallowing in his misery for an hour before he's texting Cas. That's like a couple hours after lunch for Cas, which means this is probably a late dessert.
That makes sense.
>>> pie?
But then, he thinks about it, and how Cas loves potatoes enough to have them for most meals these days. And he used to frown over Dean and burgers, while gorging on his new love, the world's unhealthiest vegetable, first thing since he got out of sight.
>>> does it involve potatoes?
He sends in, last minute. But perhaps Cas was already typing out his answer, because his message hasn't even been read when he receives another message.
Dean takes one look at that, and is suddenly collapsing on the couch in a fit of laughs. He melts spontaneously, and his phone falls on the carpet, as he bends over, laughing. He can't help it, the image is just too perfect.
Cas yelling those words, at the top of his lungs - that's what all-caps mean, right? - in his deep, gorgeous baritone - looking all rebellious about the last part, just like he can be some days. That ridiculously adorable scrunched-up nose, and that stubbornly jutted-out chin with a defensive glare, which is also meant to stand it's ground in a fight, and just -
It's too perfect.
He imagines Cas in front of him, and he imagines that everything is perfect again - he's right there, and he's pouring his stupid chocolate syrup over a bowl of pink ice creams plentifully, all the while being smug because he's basically breaking societal norms, and just being so fucking proud of himself with that tiny smirk and the pout he'd have, and his -
Fuck, it's hard to even think about it, without getting a goddamn attack about how much he misses Cas.
<<< Dean??
<<< This is the part where you tell me that if that's a crime, you wanna share that cell with me ;)
Dean is pretty sure that in that moment, he dies. He can almost feel the moment his spirit leaves his body, because he's frozen for a full minute - stunned by the amount of love he has in him. His heart is brimming over with emotions, and every string in there is screaming for Cas, in the name of love.
He's known he loves Cas for months now, but he's never fallen so hard for someone.
Yet it only makes sense, in fucking leaps and bounds, that it's Cas. Who breaks all those limits. Who turns Dean into mush, who breaks all his limits, who owns every square inch of Dean and his heart, and who just makes him melt.
It's not even an incredibly romantic dialogue. It's childish, and hilarious, and just so Cas, that all of Dean aches at once.
>>> you're sorta wrong
It's a wonder that Dean can even keep holding onto his phone at this point. He's basically a puddle of emotions, a mess of feelings, letting every current of love wash over him and deride his boundaries, just a little bit more. He's suddenly euphoric; it's like he's seeing his situation from an elevation now, and he doesn't care about anything else - the whiney voice in his head reminding him it's gonna be another six weeks can go screw itself, because Dean loves Cas so much, nothing else can possibly matter.
>>> this is the part where I say I love you
It will always work out. Distances will go away, and Cas will return, and Dean will get to hold him again, and he'll get to kiss him again, and call him an idiot, and then bring him coffee again.
And what else could Dean Winchester ever really need?
Notes: Oh, Sammeh. I wrote after a couple millenia. And there's so many people who've all been heartwarmingly nice about my *block* and I've been getting pretty much a lot of inspiration lately, though I haven't been writing it - but today was different. Today, I was m o v e d, and I told life to shove it's shit someplace else and cleared my brain and fucking wrote this weird-ass tiny piece of feelings.
I dedicate this to @screamatthescreen. She's my texting soulmate (in the sense, that we were made to text each other) and says the most amazing things and I love her and well, she inspired me so hard that I threw away redox and equivalents and began to type. And this came out. Thank you, Zina!!!
Since I'm back on my BS, here's a word out to the tribe: @ctrl-alt-destiel @emmii4 @awkward-penguin-in-a-trenchcoat @styggtroll @adventurous-blob @petrichoravellichor @all-or-nothing-baby @moderatelypanickedbiromantic @elvenlicht @legendary-destiel @noemithenephilim @galaxy-charm @trenchcoatsandfreckles @naitia @ladywaywarddsc @zoerayne2426 @thekidsmaybealright @hellfire37 @3dg310rdsupreme @impulsivedandelion @iamcharliebradburylevelperfect I have a feeling I'm forgetting people. I should've updated my list, dammit. So sorry if I am, please just drop me a line. Taglist open, Please ask if you wish to be removed/added.
210 notes · View notes
insideoutstory · 6 years ago
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Inside Out → Chapter Four
summary: Christine’s neighbor comes to check on her, which makes it hard to avoid her problems. word count: 4.5k warnings: n/a [ masterlist ] [ FF.net ]
If this was what a hangover felt like, Christine vowed she was never going to drink again. 
The end of the night was a smudge of memories—crying on the sidewalk, stumbling through the door, collapsing onto the couch. She hadn’t even bothered to take off her shoes before falling asleep. Her arms felt numb where the denim jacket cut off her circulation, and she knew that the throw pillows were leaving unsightly creases in her face. But she was too tired to move. 
The only idea that seemed tempting was a trip to the bathroom. At the moment, it felt like she’d sustained a gaping wound in the lining of her stomach, and gastric acid was flooding her body, disintegrating her organs as it went. She wasn’t sure if vomiting would help. It certainly wasn’t going to help her head, which was pounding like she’d never felt before. 
Boom. Boom. Boom. 
“Hey! Hellooo in there! Rise and shine, Walcott! Wake up!” 
Boom. Boom. Boom. 
“Hello?! I know you can hear me! Christine? Hey, Chrissy!” 
Boom. Boom. Boom. 
Christine groaned, pressing her face farther into the pillow. She was relieved that the pounding wasn’t just her head, but she wasn’t sure she had the energy to kill the person knocking on the door. 
“Go away,” she grumbled. “I’m up! Just go away!” 
“No can do,” the voice called through the wall. “Come on! Up and at ‘em! Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey! I’m not leaving!” 
The banging resumed once more, twice as persistent now that she was definitely awake. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom… 
“Shut up! Fine! I’m coming!” 
Christine forced her body upright, and every nerve screamed in agony. She clutched her head, waiting for the tilt-a-whirl that was her living room to come to a halt. Then she dragged herself to her feet and stomped to the front door. She threw it wide open with a death glare set on her face. 
“See? I’m awake. Go home.” 
“Woah,” said the boy on the stoop, grabbing the door before she could shut him out. “You look like shit.” 
“Thanks, Dustin. Go home.” 
“No can do. I told you. You didn’t check in yesterday, so Mom sent me to make sure you’re alive.” 
“Well, I’m alive. And it’s…” She leaned back to glance at the living room clock. “Jesus! It’s eight o’clock! In the morning!” 
“Yeah? It’s also really cold! Are you gonna let me in or what?” 
Christine huffed, and threw a hand up in exasperation. Dustin mimicked her, waving his arms over his head and side-stepping her to get into the house. She smacked his hat off in retaliation, which he was only just able to recover. 
“What are you doing up, anyway?” Christine asked, closing the front door. “Kind of early for a Sunday.” 
Dustin rounded on her with his arms over his chest. “Is it early? Or were you just up too late?” 
“Excuse me?” 
“That’s right. What were you doing getting home so late?” 
“Well, what were you doing up so late?” 
“Well, what were you…?” He trailed off, realizing that she had him. Then he shrugged. “I was reading. New X-Men comic came out last week.” 
“Okay. Well, I was coming home from a party.” 
“And I’m up because it’s campaign day. I’m on my way to Mike’s. You wanna come?” 
Christine frowned, her memories of the previous night becoming clearer. “Uh…no. Not this time, buddy.” 
“Is it because you’re drunk?” 
“Oh ha, ha. I’m not drunk. I’m…hungover.” 
Dustin grinned, jabbing a finger at her. “You need fluids.” 
He marched into the kitchen without invitation. Christine went to roll her eyes, only to find that somehow hurt. She pinched the bridge of her nose and trailed behind him. Taking a seat on a stool at the counter, she watched him bustle around. 
“Not to be a downer, Dust, but I don’t really think more liquid is the solution here.” 
“Nope!” he said cheerily. “Alcohol dehydrates you, which is why you need to drink water. And you need to eat, to soak up all the nasty shit in your stomach.” 
He slammed a box of Cheerios in front of her, along with a glass of water, and slid them across the counter. 
“You should also take some aspirin. But I don’t know where you keep that.” 
“Medicine cabinet in the bathroom,” she groaned, grabbing the glass. Dustin, however, didn’t move. “...Well?” 
“What, you want me to get it? What am I, your dad?” 
“Of course.” Christine shook her head with a grudging smile. “Thanks, Dustin.” 
“You got it.” 
She grabbed the box of cereal, plunging her hand unceremoniously into its depths rather than wait for a bowl. “Where’d you learn all that stuff anyway?” 
“Anti-drug assembly. You probably had one too. You’re just too drunk to remember.” 
“Not drunk,” she corrected, offering him the box. “Hungover.” 
“Whatever.” He stuffed a handful of Cheerios into his mouth, and continued. “Wha’ par-ee were you ah? You didn’ sah ahneethin to me ‘bout it.” 
“Yeah, it—it was sorta a last minute thing.” 
“Yeah. What about it?” 
Dustin gulped, fixing her with a suspicious stare. “So what does that mean, ‘sorta’?” 
Christine suffered through the pain to roll her eyes. 
 “It means someone asked me about it when I was at work.” 
“Was this someone a dude?” 
“Was his name Steve Harrington?” 
“God, you’re annoying.” 
“Well? Was it?” 
“Yes,” she groaned, leaning back on her stool. “Yes, it was Steve Harrington. Are you happy?” 
“Um, obviously,” said Dustin, grinning. “I don’t know why you’re not.” 
“What is that supposed to mean?” 
“Well, Steve Harrington asked you out,” he said, raising his voice an octave at Steve’s name. “Mr. Perfect Steve Harrington who you’ve been obsessed with for like, ever. I’d figured you’d be over the moon. What’s your damage?” 
“It’s nothing,” Christine sighed, propping her elbows on the counter and laying her chin in her hand. “Just girl problems.” 
“Girl problems like emotional drama or girl problems like body stuff?” 
“What?” he asked, holding up his hands defensively. “It’s a valid question!” 
“I don’t want to talk about it.” 
“Did something happen?” 
“What did I just say?” 
Dustin jumped back, and Christine instantly regretted snapping at him. But there was some sick satisfaction that came with the silence. He didn’t push her. He just frowned at the cereal box and scuffed his sneakers against the floor. 
Christine turned away, busying herself with the glass of water he’d poured for her. Even after one sip, she felt a little better. Stupid psychosomatic crap. 
“I heard you crying.” Dustin was kicking the baseboard idly, avoiding her gaze. “When you came home last night. That’s why I came to check on you.” 
She bit back a sigh. Annoying as he could be, Dustin always meant well. It was one of the reasons it was nearly impossible to stay mad at him. 
“I’m fine, Dustin,” Christine said softly. “I promise.” 
“Did he hurt you?” 
“Do you want me to egg his house?” 
“No, Dustin.” 
“Are you sure? Cause I really wanna egg his house.” 
“Yeah, I’m sure,” she chuckled, shaking her head. “It’s…It’s not his fault anyway. Not really.” 
She was hoping that they could leave it at that. But of course, with Dustin there were never any open-ended conclusions. His curiosity always needed to be sated. So he stared at her expectantly until she conceded. 
“It’s nothing. He just doesn’t like me. Not like that.” 
“If he doesn’t like you, why did he invite you to the party?” 
“Um…well, I guess he was hoping someone else would come with me.” 
This time it was Christine who stared pointedly at Dustin. A look of comprehension dawned on his face, and his mouth dropped into a small oh. 
“So that’s why you don’t want to come to D&D.” 
“Yeah. And considering I ditched crying when I saw her making out with Steve, I doubt she wants to see me either.” 
Christine wiped her hands down her face, as if she might be able to remove her problems like a mask. “Look, I don’t want you talking about this with the party. The last thing I need is the four of you gossiping in the basement about Nancy and me.” 
“Hey, I’ll be cool,” he said innocently. “Scout’s honor.” 
“You’re not a boy scout.” 
“Bard’s honor.” 
“Slim at best.” 
“Well now you’re just being rude. And for that, I’m taking your Pop Tarts.” 
Christine lunged forward, but Dustin was faster. He swept the entire box of pastries off the counter, ran round the other side, and bolted into the living room. It didn’t take long to catch up. She grabbed him round the middle just before he got to the front door, and hoisted him up into the air. Dustin squealed, kicking his legs desperately as he tried to wriggle out of her grasp. 
“Let go of me! Put me down! This is child abuse! Child abuse!” 
“You’re child abuse,” Christine grunted. She placed him back on the ground, and wrenched the Pop Tarts out of his hands. “Gimme that. You can have one package. That’s it.” 
Dustin stuck his tongue out at her, but accepted the snack without complaint. He made a show of tucking them inside his backpack, and carefully pulling it onto his shoulders. Then he dusted himself off, trying to look dignified. 
“Alright, get going, loser,” said Christine, walking to get the door for him. 
But Dustin stayed where he was. 
“You know there’s always gonna be one person that loves you, right?” 
“Wow,” Christine laughed, ruffling his baseball hat over his curls. “You are such a ham today.” 
“Oh no. Not me. I meant Lucas.” 
“Oh my God, just get out of here, Dustin.” 
“No, I’m serious! He’s always had a giant crush on you! Why do you think we’re friends?” 
Christine sighed, leaning back against the front door. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought it had something to do with comic books.” 
“Nope. On the first day of fourth grade, you offered to walk me to school, and everyone in my class thought I was the coolest because I had a middle school girl as a friend. Lucas was the first person to say hi to me after that.” 
“Wait,” she said, narrowing her eyes at him. “Didn’t I introduce you to Mike on the first day of fourth grade?” 
“Semantics.” He waved a hand at her contradiction. “I just want you to remember there are people out there smarter than Steve Harrington. And we’re also like, way cooler.” 
Christine nodded, unable to contain a warm smile. She swung the door open, letting Dustin go first and then following him out onto the stoop. He practically skipped down the path to her driveway, where his bike was waiting faithfully. 
“Hey,” she called, as he clambered on. “Thanks for the pep talk, Dusty.” 
Dustin lifted his hand in salute, and gave her a toothless grin. “Hey, I learned a new trick on my bike this week. Wanna see?” 
“Yeah, go crazy.” 
He beamed, getting off to a rocky start as he peddled down the driveway. He looped the wrong way when he hit the street, gaining speed before he raced toward the Wheelers. Once he hit top speed, he took both hands off the bike, cupped them to his mouth, and screamed at the top of his lungs. 
Christine clapped a hand over her mouth. She instinctively checked the street for bystanders, but no one was around to glare reproachfully. That was a relief, since she failed to repress her snort of amusement. 
“Hey!” she shouted after Dustin. “Watch your language!” 
“Watch your alcohol intake!” 
He waved to her over his shoulder, hardly breaking as he zoomed around the corner and completely out of sight. Christine grinned as she watched him go. 
“Little shithead.” 
She closed the door, heading back to the living room where the couch was calling to her. She hadn’t planned on being up this early. Not that she’d done much planning anyway. Her muscles begged her to go back to sleep—couch, bed, it didn’t matter. However, she also knew that she had a lot of homework to do. And of course, she felt like crap. 
She finished another glass of water to be safe, and passed on the Cheerios to make some toast. The thought of eating still made her insides writhe in protest, but she knew Dustin was right. She wouldn’t feel any better until she got something in her stomach. 
After that piss poor breakfast, she dragged herself to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth twice, desperately trying to remove the slimy feel of punch from her gums. She scrubbed at her skin in the shower, nearly scorched herself with hot water, but none of it mattered. It was like the ghost of that stupid house party had gotten under her skin. 
While the shower didn’t particularly help ditch her bad mood, it had made her exhausted. Christine didn’t think twice as she passed the phone, or the pile or work next to her desk. That could wait until after a nice, long nap. 
 At least, it had seemed like a good idea at the time. It had seemed like a good idea when she woke up again at noon, the sun gently filtering through the window. It had only started to seem questionable when she sat down at one o’clock, refreshed and well-fed, and faced the enormous pile of homework that was due the next morning. 
As much as people teased her, Christine was not a particularly studious person. She wasn’t diligent like Nancy—studying weeks in advance and chipping away at large projects in reasonable, organized amounts. More often than not, everything was pushed to the last minute, and she’d give it her best shot. Thankfully, her best shot was usually pretty good. 
Science came easy to her. Analyzing how things worked, actually wanting to understand—it was natural for Christine. In other subjects, she had to work a bit harder. Her math grades were fine, even if she didn’t love trig. What was the point of studying something they couldn’t use in everyday life? She always struggled with history. Dates and names she didn’t need went right to the garbage center of her brain. But at the moment, she was grappling with an English paper. 
It was just a chapter analysis, and it should have been simple. But her head was aching, the words were blurry, and she couldn’t have cared less about the assignment. Every few minutes, she’d get distracted by cleaning her room, or getting another snack. She told herself she was mulling the answers over in her head. She knew in reality she was just finding more ways to procrastinate. 
Eventually, she reached the point where she began eyeing the telephone. Her homework wasn’t the only thing she’d been putting off, and she honestly wasn’t sure which chore she’d rather face. But knowing she wouldn’t get much further without some assistance, she decided it was worth the risk. 
Christine dragged her schoolwork into bed, pulling her phone off the nightstand and plugging in the familiar number. It only rang a few times before someone picked up. 
“Hi, Mrs. Holland. It’s Christine.” 
“Oh, hello, Christine! Is everything alright? It’s getting a bit late, isn’t it?” 
“Yeah, I’m so sorry. I’m having some trouble with my English homework and I was looking for some advice. Is Barb still up?” 
“You know, I think she was just heading to bed. Hold on, sweetie.” 
There was a moment’s shuffle as Mrs. Holland pulled the receiver away, calling down the hall to her daughter. Christine barely heard her muffled reply, and a few seconds later there was a soft click as the call was passed off. 
“Hey, Barb. Did you finish the review for Striffler’s class? I feel like I’ve read the chapter eight times and I’m still not finding anything useful.” 
“That’s it?” Barb asked flatly. “No ‘what’s up,’ ‘how are you’? ‘Sorry I didn’t call you back last night’?” 
Christine closed her eyes, briefly pressing the receiver against her forehead. That was the attitude she’d been hoping to avoid. 
“Barb, I’m begging you. I feel like crap, I’ve read the same sentence seventeen times, and I just want to finish this crap so I can go to bed. Please.” 
“Funny,” she said sourly. “How is it you can rant for twenty minutes about symbolism and foreshadowing in Hitchcock’s Psycho, but as soon as it’s time for Striffler’s assignments, it all goes out the window?” 
“Because Grapes of Wrath is boring as shit, Barb. Please. If I try to relate one more scene to the turtle in chapter three, Striffler’s gonna have me kicked out of school.” 
“Fine. But you are not hanging up until we finish this conversation.” 
That was as good as she was going to get. It was lucky enough that Barb hadn’t forced the conversation first, and made her wait for homework answers at the end. Not that she made it easy. Her advice was all given pretty flippantly, parsed with vague jabs about unreliability and lack of commitment. Christine knew she was just joking—mostly—but she also knew she deserved it. She had promised to call, after all. 
It took Barb twenty minutes to finish what Christine had been working on all evening. It was a relief to finally close her binder. She took a moment to relish the sound it made when she kicked it off her blanket and onto the floor. 
“Seriously, Barb. Thank you. I’d be lost without you.” 
“Yeah, anytime. I’m just glad to hear you aren’t…you know, dead or something.” 
“I’m sorry,” Christine offered earnestly. “It…It was just a really rough night.” 
“Yeah, sounds like it.” 
“You already talked to Nancy.” 
It was a statement, not a question, but Christine was still hoping Barb might correct her. She did not. 
“Yeah, first thing this morning. And again like, half an hour ago. Chrissy, you should really call her. She sounded pretty freaked.” 
“I’ll bet,” said Christine, unable to repress a snort. 
“She was worried about you,” Barb insisted. “I mean, from what she said you went to the bathroom and just disappeared.” 
“I was sick. If she was really so worried, she could have called me.” 
“She thinks you’re mad at her.” 
Christine pursed her lips, twirling the phone cord around her finger. “Yeah, well she’s not wrong.” 
“What happened?” 
“You talked to Nancy. You know what happened.” 
“Maybe I wanna hear it from you.” 
“Right. You wanna hear it from me, or you wanna find out how much I know so Nancy can keep the rest to herself?” 
“No, Christine…” 
“No! Let’s—Let’s be real, Barb. I know why Nancy didn’t call me. She wants to keep her perfect fantasy alive for just a little longer before I come into the picture and mess things up. Because, you know, it’s me that messes things up. That’s what I do. We went to the party, I messed up, Nancy dazzled everyone with her sparkling personality, and next thing I know, she has her tongue halfway down Steve’s throat.” 
Christine huffed, banging her head against the wall. 
“Sorry,” she sighed. “I just…I was being an idiot. I don’t know why I thought it was gonna go any differently. In the end, Nancy always gets what she wants. She always has to get what she wants.” 
“I know you don’t want to hear it, but…she could kind of say the same thing about you.” 
Christine glared at the foot of her bed. “Excuse me?” 
“Look, I get that you’re upset,” said Barb, speaking very quickly now, “and I totally feel that. It sucks. But look at it from her point of view. You made it into Steve’s class, you got to be his lab partner, he visits you at work, and every time Nancy’s tried to be supportive. She’s been happy for you. That’s all she wants from you.” 
“It’s not like I chose to be Steve’s partner. I didn’t have any control over that. She didn’t have to kiss him.” 
“Takes two to tango,” she pointed out. “And I’m willing to bet that you’re not as angry at Steve as you are at her.” 
“And what is that supposed to mean?” 
“Oh come on, Christine. I know you’re smarter than that.” 
“How can I blame him for liking Nancy better?” she sighed, picking at the edge of her blanket. “Everybody else does.” 
“Okay, no. You are not allowed to turn this into a pity party.” 
“I’m just saying it’s true. It’s not his fault.” 
“It is his fault because he’s using you! He used you to get to Nancy, just like he’s using you to pass physics! Chris, you…you have to know that.” 
Christine frowned down at her sheets. She did know it. She’d known it from the moment Tommy had made that stupid joke and Steve had freaked out. She’d probably even known it before. But what on earth was she supposed to do about that? She couldn’t get away from him. She couldn’t just stop saying yes, even if she wanted to. It was so much easier to pretend it wasn’t happening. At least then she got to enjoy some of his company. 
“It doesn’t seem to bother Nancy,” she said instead. 
Barb scoffed on the other end of the line. “I know. And I won’t pretend she’s not being dumb. It’s just because you’re both blinded by his luscious locks or his sunglasses or whatever it is.” 
Christine chuckled wistfully. “Yeah. Sorry about that.” 
“Hey,” she continued, her voice softer this time. “I know that he’s cute, and he’s super popular and charming, but…you deserve more than that. I need you to know that.” 
“Thanks, Barb.” 
“Anytime. Really. Anytime you need me to remind you that the guy’s dumb as dirt, I will.” Christine snorted, and she could hear Barb’s smile through the phone. “I just worry about you, Chris.” 
“Did you say all this to Nancy?” 
“I tried to. She was actually pretty blasé about the whole thing. Keeps insisting ‘there’s nothing to worry about’ and ‘it wasn’t like that.’” 
“Right. Take it from someone who was there. It was definitely like that.” 
She bit the inside of her cheek, trying to focus on the intricate seam-work of her comforter. She didn’t want to remember what they’d looked like cuddled together on the couch, wrapped up in each other’s arms. The image kept creeping up behind her eyelids when she blinked. She suspected that was part of the reason she still felt so nauseous. 
“Is that why you left?” Barb asked gently. 
“Kinda,” admitted Christine. “Part of it, anyway. I was pretty drunk, and then Tommy and Carol started ragging on me about the whole thing.” 
“Yeah, well, I shoved Tommy into a wall so…I kinda split after that.” 
“Look at you,” Barb laughed. “What a badass.” 
“Oh, totally. I spilled punch on Carol and then ran out of the house crying. Real badass.” 
Christine managed a grin, but it was short lived. Another thought was creeping up on her, a question she wasn’t certain she wanted the answer to. 
“Was Nance mad that I left?” 
“No, no,” Barb assured her. “Mostly she just sounded concerned, but…Steve also drove her home, so. I imagine that had something to do with it.” 
“Right.” Her heart sank, which didn’t help matters with her stomach. “Of course.” 
“I really think you should call her, Chrissy. You two need to talk.” 
“I know. I know, I do. I just…I kind of want to wait until I know what I want to say. Until I’m over it.” 
“Do you really think you’re gonna get over it?” 
“Well…no. But I’d at least like to wait until I can close my eyes without imagining the two of them groping each other again.” 
“It could be worse. You could be stuck seeing Tommy and C—…” 
The line went dead without warning. Or not dead, so much as broken. Loud static screeched from the phone, and Christine wrenched it away with a yelp. She rubbed her ear, grimacing. 
“Hello? Barb? Barbara?” 
She rattled the handset at a loss, then whacked the base for good measure. When that didn’t work, she jiggled the hook. She brought the phone back to her ear, expecting to hear the dial tone, but—nothing. Just the static that she couldn’t place. 
Christine frowned, dropping the set back on her nightstand. Well. At least she had a good excuse for avoiding Nancy. 
Figuring she would worry about it later, Christine decided to get ready for bed. She shoveled all of her books into her bag, and double checked that the front and back doors were locked. The bathroom light flickered annoyingly—too dim, too yellow, then bright enough to blind her as she brushed her teeth. She smacked it to limited effect, and made a mental note to change the bulb sometime soon. 
She slipped under the covers, stretching slightly so she could turn off her lamp. And just before she could, the light flickered, and went out. 
Christine paused. A glance out the window confirmed that there couldn’t be a blackout. The streetlamps were still shining brightly, and a few of the lights were still on next door. She listened carefully, but there was nothing out of the ordinary. Just the clicking of her alarm clock, the gentle rumble of the heater. A dog barked somewhere down the block, but besides that, it was silent. 
Nothing stood out, except for the uneasy prickle on the back of her neck. She did her best to ignore it, and pulled the blankets a bit tighter around her.
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doodles-arts · 6 years ago
Pairing; Peter Parker x Reader
Warnings:???? Maybe some cursing. Some crying from our soft boy
Description: Peter has been Ned friend for YEARS!!! But when your old enough to catch his eye, you become his crush. And in the year that passes by and you become junior, you can’t help but notice him as well. Soulmate Au where the soulmates can’t lie AT ALL to each other.
I had to change Peters birthday to June 10 from August tenth. Cause I wamted it to take place in the school, BITE ME! This is a Drabble. It’s honestly really crappy, I did try to revise it as much as possible however.
Saturday, june 8 12:37 pm
You opened the front door to see peter, the only crush you’ve had that knows you even exist. And he was SUPER cute, even though you were sooo much more ‘eccentric’ than him (that’s what Ned says). You look up at him, soaking up his milky skin and little freckles . You also take in context that he’s probably here for Ned and not for you, unlike one of your fantasies.
“NEDDD! PETERS HERE!” You smiled while moving aside for him to walk in to your house. Your brother Ned not far from walking out of his room to greet peter. He rolled his eyes at you as you hovered right behind peter, “thanks (Y/N), think you could bring the soda and chips”, you stuck your tongue out at him while getting their snacks. Brushing past peter’s arm with your own, on purpose.
You could hear their steps walking to Ned’s room while you put the chips in bowls. Your mom winked at you while bringing the chips. You groaned already knowing what was on her mind, she liked Peter. And she also thought you two would make a cute couple, even though she knew you hadn’t found your soulmate yet. Knowing yourself you’d probably find your soulmate in the most embarrassing way possible. Seeing as when soulmates do meet it is physically impossible to lie to one another.
Pretty handy if you say so...
You pushed the ajar door open with your hip because your hands were full. An orange crush and a bowl of Doritos, peter was quick to help you with the heavy cold soda. “Thanks peter, I’ll get the cups right now.” Peter nodded, Peter usually got quiet and awkward with you and Ned in the same room.
But when it was just you, he’d laugh and talk miles a minute. He was comfortable with you, but when Ned was around, it felt wrong, hitting on his younger sister, you guessed. And even though Peter knew you were only a year younger than him, it felt like he was betraying his best friend. Peter was a cringy nerd compared to you, he didn’t even know what memes were before he met you. Any sense of good humor or having the ability to notice backhanded compliments, he learned from you. You also thought him really funny and heart burning comebacks. He didn’t use them of course, but they were awesome to know
It made him feel like a bug under a rock and old. It made him feel super old. But if peter was being honest with himself he liked you, more than a friend. And even though he tried to keep it on the down low, Ned knew.
And it sorta creeped him out for a while, but he knew Peter would be the only guy he’d like around you, and as much as he pushed you around and teased you, if cared about you. Speaking of which- you walked in with the cups, “here you go, guys. Ned- mom just ordered the pizza.” Ned nodded and pumped his fist, saying a ‘yes’ shortly after.
And high fives with Peter.
————3 hour time skip———-
When you heard Ned walk in to the bathroom after a 3 hour long movie sheesh with peter you knew, he’d be there for 20 minutes tops. Peter would usually go around an hour after. You took this as your chance, to sneak into the room to finally talk to Peter. (And no it was not creepy that you knew there movie sheesh bathroom schedule)
opening the old wooden door, the soft creaking brought Peters attention to you from his phone. Peter really got to know a year ago, so he didn’t mind you walking into Ned’s room. It was actually a routine you both had, Ned would go to the bathroom and you’d talk to him. Sometimes about memes, other times you needed help in chemistry and trigonometry. Mostly you’d both just openly flirt, but you’d both never admit that out loud.
But you were just being a normal little sister, checking in ‘cause curiosity called you to what your older brother did with his friends. And you needed some idea for a present because Peters birthday was coming up and Ned and you wanted to plan something with aunt May. your job was to find out if he already had plans.
“Sooo.. peter, what are you gonna do for your birthday?” He gave a smile and rose an eyebrow at your question. You put your hands up in surrender, “okay okay! You caught me. I wanted to know if you’d be going to school, and what class you have first period, I have a surprise for you. I wanna be the first person to say happy birthday to you in school!”, you said it as innocently as possible. And Peter thought nothing of it.
But the little wink you gave him after, still made him blush. “I-I mean, I have physics, but you really shouldn’t get me anything. I couldn’t get you anything for yours.” You were going to reassure him with a lie, something along the lines that you didn’t want one anyway, which was very wrong, but you didn’t want him to feel bad.
“Yeah that’s true, I was pretty sad, but I want to get you a gift anyway”, it had just slipped out, you couldn’t believe yourself, you couldn’t believe what you had said. Peter look at you with wide eyes, which you mirrored, “I’m really sorry, I did want to get you something though, I even had something in mind. Promise.”, Peter felt bad that you were sad on your birthday just because of him.
“So, are you going to be doing anything special? Or does aunt May have anything planned?” Trying to stick to the plan before you embarrassed yourself even more than you already had. The plan being that you or Ned get as enough information from Pete without being obvious. He pondered on it and shrugged. “I mean aunt May did ask me if I wanted to go somewhere, but I just want to stay home and chill”, you nodded, relating to that.
“Maybe you, me and Ned could hang out at the movies, or something?”
He saw your teasing smile and smiled back with a small blush. “I m-mean if you w-want to”, you giggled at his reaction and he followed by laughing softly with you.
“Nah I can’t go”, it slipped out of your mouth before you could even stop yourself. ‘Shit.’ If you could kick yourself in the ass, you would have! He looked up in shock, before frowning while nodding, “Yeah I g-get it, what will you be doing if you don’t mind me a-asking, that I-is.”
And you were going to lie before your big mouth dug you in a deeper hole. You were going to tell him you had a super hard chemistry test you had to study for. But... your mouth had different plans. “I won’t be able to ‘cause I’ll be planning a party.” You wanted to literary cut your throat out. You could feel your face being lit on fire.
Peter’s face lit up, and you already knew he was onto you. “Oh! Who’s else has the same birthday as me?” You tried to lie. But there was no point. It felt impossible to lie while looking at those brown puppy dog eyes.
“No ones.” He looked at you a big smirk, and a fake ‘thinking face’.
“So who’s a party are you planning (Y/N)”, Peter already had a good guess but maybe he just liked torturing you.
You sighed. There was no point. “Yours Peter”, his eyes turned to saucers, grinning so large you thought his jaw hurt. “You don’t have to do that, I’d rather just chill with you guys.”
Ned walked in, and yelled your name out in frustration, “seriously! It was your own idea, and you couldn’t even keep it a surprise!!?” You cringed at Ned’s yelling voice. Getting up ready to leave, before he chewed your ass off.
“Ned it’s alright dude, I’d rather chill anyway. Besides I was the one interrogating her”, Ned rolled his eyes. You two were such love birds and it made him sick. “I’ll leave you guys to your marathon”, you said awkwardly. Peter wanted to stop you, but he knew it would be weird. Seeing as he already defended you, asking you to stay was just playing bold in front of Ned.
Stepping in to the comfort of your own room, you thought back as to why you had caved into Peter so easily?. You couldn’t lie to him! You probably gave the guy an emotional rollercoaster the way you told him everything. And he even agreed to you asking him out, Ned would be there too so it wouldn't be much of a date, and you flat out told him no, you lead him on and than shot him down. You wanted to punch yourself, that was literally a cue for you to take things forward. You knew that’s what it meant because peter was too much of a softy to ask you out straightforward. He was openly asking you to start taking him seriously by saying yes, and you blew it! Because you had to be honest…
Of course you didn’t mind, but you wished you could have given him another response. All he did was ask and you told him everything. It wasn’t like it was the first time either. You could never bend the truth around him, but you always thought it was his beautiful eyes and cute lips.
But, but it was like... you couldn’t help but always tell the truth….
Was this what your mother spoke about? Not being able to lie, not being able to keep secrets at all. Could Peter really be your soulmate? Could your dreams and late night fantasies really have come true?
While the boys laughed and ate in your brother’s room, you were conjuring up a plan to figure out if it was true. Guess you’d have two gifts in the morning for Peter if this went right.
—————/second time skip, to the next morning/—————
The weekend passed and you hadn’t, nor spoken with peter until Monday came around. However both you and Ned did get him present on Sunday, You got Peter a new pack of film for is instant quality camera with some Star Wars frames, Ned got him some games he had his eyes on for while. Ned walked in with Peter to school, wishing him a happy birthday with you trailing behind on your phone. It was like that every morning for school, you didn’t mind. Peter was Neds best friend, you guys weren’t anything but friends who spoke when you knew the topic. So you tried not to intrude, you did give him his present and wish him a happy birthday too. But Peter secretly liked the days you talked your way into the conversation. He liked talking to you.
Ned, fortunately for you, had AP english while Peter had Physics and also fortunately for you, you had earth science and both classes were on the other side of the campus on the second floor. But unlike other mornings that you’d say goodbye and go to you own class, that wasn’t the case for today. Once Ned left, you grabbed peters arm, ignoring his slight and nervous manner.
“Peter, I have a few questions if you don’t mind.” He looked surprised and nodded with wide eyes. You breathed out, trying to calm your nerves or doubts. Remembering all the neutral, safe questions you could ask. Without being obvious or being caught.
You were in a less crowded highway, and even though people were still passing by, they paid the both of you no mind.
“What’s your favorite color?” Smooth. Unsuspecting.
“Red. I think? Blue is pretty good too”, he seemed to calm down and giggle at your first question.
“Favorite movie?” Good, you already knew the boys LOVED Star Wars and Star Trek. Let’s see how he answers.
“Ahh.. Probably Star Wars, but I can’t really just pick one.” He looked more calm.
“What’s your size in pants?” Of course you knew how it sounded, but you got the exact response you wanted.
“34, regular fit”, he had a furious blush on his face. It made you grin, he was so cute.
“Do you have a crush?” Of course, if he were to ask why, that meant he might be able to lie to you. But if he had no their chance but to answer truthfully because of the honesty charm between soulmates, you might just have your answer.
“Yes”, he said while looking down, the blush on his face reaching his ears. You knew he didn’t want to keep answering. Just when he was going to ask you something and change the subject you cut him off.
“Who is it?” His eyes shot up, teary eyed. It broke your heart to see him this way. Just about to tell him to forget it, about to apologize, he answered.
“Y-you”, his hands flew straight to his mouth, blush on max. Eyes glossy.
That’s when you noticed that your plan might not have been too straightforward. You had put the poor softy on the spot, practically embarrassed him, and you knew peter was bullied relentless;y
You felt like a monster, but your heart was doing flips, and it made you feel worse. So much was happening at once. You knew people would start staring if peter started crying. Pulling him to the back staircase G, completely empty, as expected. When you turned to look at him, he choked back a sob and your heart broke. You shushed him, standing on your tiptoes, (or pulling him closer depending on your height) pulling him for a hug. You saw the few tears falling down his cheeks.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have forced it out of you like that. It was wrong.” He sniffled, his hot cheeks, from the blushing, were wet from the tears when you laid his head against your left shoulder blade.
“I have a crush on you too, Peter.” You pulled him off your shoulder slowly, wondering what his reaction would be. Hoping he be as excited. He had a blush on his cheeks, but a big grin contrasting his tears. “We might also be soulmates..” you said sheepishly. His wide eyes and breathless laugh was all you needed to calm your nerves.
“I knew I was having trouble lying to you.” You laughed, knowing the feeling. Pulling him for another hug, and his arms around your neck squeezed you harder. Your grin couldn’t falter.
But you had to giggle and chuckle once peter pulled away, dropping your [book bag/purse] with his own and he wrapped his arms around your waist, spinning you around. Whooping in pure happiness, cheeks still blushing, and your warm cheeks felt on fire. “I’m so happy! I got the best soulmate ever!” He said softly against you while you hugged him.
Your grin only grew by the second, pulling away and adding, “me too❤️.” You looked at his wet eyelashes and tinted nose and cheeks while his grin toned down while looking at your hazed eyes. You leaned forward and brushed your nose against his, your toes tired from keeping you up. You bought leaned in slow, but you froze, afraid of disappointing.
But peter came to your rescue by leaning down to meet yours. Of course you were the one who took charge in the kiss, his arms tightened around you. You were full of energy with his lips against yours. He was so soft, so gentle, you were afraid he’d break if you kissed too hard.
His lips tasted of mint and raspberries, like if they were an ice cream mix of the two. You bit at his bottom lip, he whimpered and pulled away, panting. You felt bad for taking it so far.
“Sorry, sweetie”, your tone soft and whispered while you panted. He shook his head, a small nervous grin on his face. “I liked it, r-really, was just surprised.” He gave you that million dollar smile and those diamonds in the rough eyes. You thought you’d melt and your knees would buckle.
Your soft boy was in your arms and you couldn’t ask for more. “Peter I’m sorry, but, you will be skipping first period with me.” Before he could protest or laugh, you weren’t sure what he would say or do, you pulled him down to another kiss, savoring him, and his mint, raspberry lips.
“Happy birthday, soulmate!” The mixture of both of your laughs could fill any heart with love.
Pretty long Drabble.... ikkkk but I couldn’t help itttttt, I can never rush ANYTHING
Hope you loved!!
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fereality-indy · 6 years ago
Coolest - Wendip Week Day 6
July 14th, 2019
 Wendy pulled up to the closed Mystery Shack. Dipper was supposed to be out front waiting on her. Shutting off the vans engine, she pulled out her phone and dialed him up.
When he picked up he sounded winded, "Hey Beautiful, *huff* what's up?"
"I'm out front, where are you?" She said as she felt the blush rise in cheeks. If anyone else had called her that she would have thought they were trying to get something from her, but not her Dipper. "You sound winded, you're not in trouble are you?"
"Not *huff* unless you *huff* count fighting with your wardrobe *huff* trouble."  Dipper said in as jovial a tone as he could. "Why don't you com'on in and grab yourself a Pitt from the break room. I'll be down as soon as I'm able."
"Alright, don't take too long dork." She replies with her nickname for him, "Remember this is Gravity Falls, a lot of stuff does stay open too late."
"Alright, I'll try to hurry. See you in a few moments." He said  before the call ended.
Wendy went ahead and got out of the van. As she headed in she thought about the various events of that has happened since initially meeting her boyfriend and his twin. She wouldn't trade them for anything. As she made it to her destination she noticed that there was light coming out from under the door, but brushed it off as Mabel forgetting to turn them off. She was in for a shock.
"What is going on here?" Wendy asked as she looked around the Shack's former break room. 
It had been redecorated since she had left work that afternoon, majorly redecorated. The desk and futon were gone. So were the motivational posters from the walls. In their place was some sort of silky green fabric that was tied off at the sides like curtains. Even the floors appeared to have been wax. The only thing that was still the same as when she left was the room's table. But now that she looked at it, it did have a new table cloth on it. She was so taken aback by all this change that she hadn't even registered the gentleman in a vest and bowtie standing next to the door. 
"Ah, madam. I see you have arrived. I have been asked to see you to your table, Mister Pines will be along shortly."  The vested man, who she now vaguely recognized as Pacifica's butler Milton, said as he attempted to guide her to the table. 
As she followed him, began to recognize some of the handy work. The curtains definitely had Mabel written all over them and now that she was over the shock she heard the music in the background. The sound system looked like a Tambry set up. So that is Pacifica, Mabel, & Tambry, something's up. This was supposed to be a simple date. Maybe dinner and then bowling or going to the movies followed by some time at her apartment. But this is suspicious. 
She was about to get up to go find Dipper, or at least get Milton to talk, when he walked in the door. The last seven years had certainly been kind to him. While nothing short of steroids would ever cause him to bulk up, he was certainly no noodle armed little kid anymore. He had a nice runner's build and after loosing the baby fat had developed the Pines' family jawline. 
"Hey there, sorry I was late." Dipper said as he crossed the small room, guided by Milton, "I let Mabel use the shrinking crystals earlier and I think she shrunk most of my pants."
"Is that why you're in dress slacks and a dress shirt?" Wendy asked as he leaned down and they shared a kiss. As they broke apart she added, "I'm feeling seriously under dressed here." 
"Yeah, these and the shorts I had on at work today were the only pants that fit. So it was these or the kilt your dad insisted I get at the Ren Faire last year." Dipper said with a shrug before he sat down opposite her, "And I'm still working up to being able to wear that in the 'traditional' fashion, so I didn't think it would be appropriate for a date. As for feeling under dressed, don't worry this is just a simple dinner. Besides, you look stunning in anything."
"OK, we need to keep you away from Stan. He's been feeding you lines again, hasn't he?" She responded with a smirk. It was at this moment that Milton arrived back at the table with two glasses of Pitt. She had almost forgotten that he was even there. 
"Thanks Milton," Dipper said to the butler before returning his attention back to Wendy, "Nope, after the last time I think he's realized I may have finally gotten everything right."
"So dinner at the Shack wasn't his idea?" Wendy said with a wave of hand.
"Nah, this brilliant idea was all mine."  Dipper said somewhat proudly, " I mean we're always going to Greasy's or Yumberjacks, so I decided to try something different. And as I was working it out, Mabel overheard. When I explained what I was doing, she insisted that she and Paz could help."
"That explains Milton and the decorations." Wendy said with a smile before taking a drink. Mabel loves to organize things like this, heck she was ready to plan their wedding when she found out that Dipper had finally asked Wendy out the second time. That was three years ago and she still bugs them about their future. Heck, Wendy has caught her knitting baby booties for them more than once.
"You don't mind, do you?" Dipper said with some of his old nervousness showing through, "I mean we could still go bowling or something if you do." 
"Oh no way man. You started this, I wanna see where it leads." Wendy said with a smile that really hasn't left her face since he walked in the room. "Besides, we can always have as movie night after this. I know we haven't even put a dent in that stack of DVD's you brought with you this year."
"Dinner is served," Milton said as he brought in a tray with two covered plates on it. 
Wendy hoped it was something good and not anything too fancy. The Nuevo-French/Hindi cuisine restaurant they tried during their trip to Portland last year has sorta turned her off fancy food. They ended up getting burgers almost immediately after leaving the restaurant cause they were still hungry. So she was overjoyed to see a rib eye, some Spanish rice, and an ear of blackened corn on the plate. 
"Oh man, you went all out here. Wait, who cooked all this?" She asked as her mouth started to water. It all looked so good.
Dipper started to fidget a bit, "Uhm..."
"I don't see any sprinkles, so I know it wasn't Mabel. And the Shack is still here so it wasn't Paz." She's knew both girls hard gotten better in the kitchen, even if you exclude Mabel's addiction to Mabel Juice, but she still had to razz them a bit. 
"Heh." Dipper had to laugh a bit at that one, "Nah, Mabel roped Melody into it. Apparently it wasn't that hard to do, especially when she heard I originally planned to order a pizza for tonight."
"Pizza would have been nice, but this looks great. I'll have to thank her when we're done." Wendy said before she cut into the steak. It was cooked just the way she liked it. 
"It'll have to be tomorrow," Dipper replied after swallowing a fork full of the rice, "she left with Soos after she was done. Something about needing to make sure Mateo got Abuelita to bed on time. The food has been in warmers waiting on us. Really it should just be Milton and us here tonight. And he gets to leave once we get dessert."  
They continued to eat and banter through the rest of the dinner. And through it all, in the back of her mind, Wendy was still suspicious. Really, their dates were usually a lot more casual than this. So when dessert turned out to be ice cream and a cup cake, she made up her mind. She quickly devoured the icing off the cupcake then split it in two. Then she tackled the ice cream, but didn't see anything. 
It was then that she realized that she had been so distracted by the dessert that she hadn't notice that Dipper had gotten up from his seat and was now standing next to her until he took her hand in his.
He pulled something out from his pocket. "You looking for this?"
Getting down on one knee he said, "Wendy Blerble Corduroy, you are the coolest person I know. I love with all of my heart and I want to know if you would make me the happiest man alive. Will you marry me?"
She had been suspicious all night and she still was taken aback. He looked so in love as she looked at him. And he was loved. By her. She should be answering.
She was just about to answer when she heard, "Come on we're waiting.", come from the radio. Of course Tambry would have some way to listen in on this, probably the whole group is there if Mabel knew this was happening. At least Dipper seemed as surprised as she did.
Finally she got up and pulled him into an embrace, "Of course I will, Dork."
"I told you.", "You owe me twenty bucks.", "Congrats, Doods." and more poured out of the radio, but the young couple was too distracted by each other to hear it.
Unfortunately I was only able to get four of the days done this year. but I do hope you all enjoyed my work.      
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blog-in-a-corner · 6 years ago
The moon rose as the sun vanished, just for the night, the same as every night, as the cycle never changes. Unlike the life on earth, that changes constantly, with every passing day.
Everyone was gathered around the fireplace, snuggled up in big, fuzzy blankets and sipping on hot cocoa. They laughed and cheered as they recounted stories of their past to one another.
“I’m sorry you what?” Aphmau snorted, trying not to choke on her cocoa. “You just-just BOOKED it out of there-after spilling a whole bowl of soup all over his legs?!” Lucinda laughed, falling to the floor in her fit of laughter. “What was I supposed to do?! Just be like “oh, sorry about spilling soup all over your legs”?!” Kim protested, chuckling about the story. “YEAH SORTA!” Aaron replied, wiping tears away from his face, having broke into tears at how hilarious the story was. “YOU DON'T JUST SPILL SOUP ON SOMEONE'S LEGS AND THEN JUST LEAVE.” Garroth commented in fit of laughter. “Did-Did he ever text you back?” Lucinda inquired, getting up from the floor and trying to regain her composure. “Heck no! And I hope he never does!” Kim responded aloud, taking her glasses off to clean the tears off her face, as she too started to cry at how ridiculous the tale was. “”Heck”? You say heck? We’re grown-ups we can fucking say HELL these days!” Aphmau lectured in a joking manner. “Language!” Kim retorted. “My bad, we can hecking say FUCK these days!” Aphmau repeated. “YOU KNOW THAT’S NOT WHAT I MEANT.” Kim laughed out loud, placing her cup of cocoa down. “Irene, swear words aside, I think Kim’s date story takes the cake for worst date ever. At least in comparison to everybody here.” Lucinda sighed. “Oh definitely, and I thought I’ve had bad dates…” Garroth admitted, sitting back down with a new cup of cocoa. “Garroth...isn’t that your fourth cup?” Aaron quietly asked, staring at Garroth’s cocoa cup. “....No.” “But that was the third time you went back to the kitchen…” “.....So…” “Garroth I don’t think that’s good for you.” Aphmau stated, slowly taking another sip of cocoa. “You’re not a doctor!” Garroth argued, hastily taking a huge drink of cocoa. “I’m a doctor!” Kim asserted. “Hah! Kim can you-” “That’s doctor Kim to you!” Dr. Kim demanded. She didn’t go to medical school for four years just so people could leave the “Dr.” part out of her title. “Doctor Kim, can you tell us whether or not drinking four cups of cocoa is bad for you?” Aphmau questioned, gesturing to Garroth. “Well I suppose it would vary depending what kind of cocoa you’re drinking, what brand, how much milk. It’s most likely not healthy, but despite all of that I once saw Garroth chow down what was probably twenty pounds of sugar in cakes and treats yet he’s still retained his figure so I’m sure he’s fine.” Dr. Kim explained. “Ha! Take that guys!” Garroth mocked, chugging the rest of his cocoa. “Way to get a mouthful of cavities.” Zane sneered, coming out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee. “Actually sugar doesn’t inherently give you cavities, cavities are formed by-” “I don’t care.” Zane interrupted, going to sit on one of the chairs. “-Right. Of course.” Kim glared at Zane in annoyance. “So baby brother, was there anything interesting up in the third floor while you guys cleaned?” Garroth inquired, putting down his empty cocoa mug. “Tch, hell no, what could possibly be even remotely interesting in this run-down shithole?” Zane hissed, rolling his eyes at the question. “The library! Me and Kim found tons of cool stuff!” Garroth stated gleefully. “Oh yeah! The library had all sorts of cool and interesting books I've never seen before!” Kim elaborated in joy, cocoa eyes sparkling in excitement. “Uh huh. Sure you would be interested in the books, but I can't fathom Garroth actually being intrigued by any single piece of paper let alone take a second to glance at it.” Zane taunted, rolling his eyes once more. “Actually there was this one book I found really interesting! It was-” “Probably a picture book of sorts, knowing you.” Zane interrupted. “No not really..? I mean it has a few pictures but-” “Go figure. I wouldn't be any more surprised if it were some kind of silly fantasy book.” Zane snorted, drinking his coffee. “....y-yeah I guess it is kind of silly!” Garroth chuckled nervously, looking down sheepishly. “Was there anything else Kim?” Aphmau asked, curious about the library. “No, not really, just a loooot of dust. It's kind of weird that they would leave so much behind when they closed this place.” Kim replied. “I guess they were in just that much of a rush huh.” Aaron thought aloud. “Yeah…” Kim said, getting up from where she was sitting. “Well I'm going to get some more cocoa, I'll be right back.” “Oh I wanna get some more cocoa too!” Aphmau added, getting up and following Kim to the kitchen.
Kim and Aphmau were both in the kitchen, waiting for their cocoa to be ready.
“Man I have to find out where I can find this hot cocoa back home, it should be Illegal to for hot cocoa to be this good…” Aphmau commented, watching the pot. “You probably shouldn't try to find it, or else you'll drink it twenty-four seven and die of some sort of hot cocoa poisoning.” “Ha! You're probably right….” “Hey Aphmau….can I ask you something?” Kim asked, stirring the spoon inside the pot. “Go ahead!” Aphmau insisted. “How did you and Zane become friends? I don't mean to be rude but Zane is….kind of a jerk…” Kim asked, looking away, feeling a bit bad for asking the question. “I mean, Zane is a bit abrasive, but he's a good guy once you get on his good side! You just have to give him a chance is all.” Aphmau explained. “I don't know how much I can take that for truth, he acts cruel to just about anybody he doesn't know well and he…. isn't really any better towards his own brother…” “I guess you make a good point….” Aphmau muttered, thinking about what Kim said. “Could….could you talk to him about that? I would, but I highly doubt I'd even be able to get him to listen to me for a second. You don't have to if you don't want to, I just don't like seeing Zane pull that crap, especially with his family.” “I don't really like opening the family-can of worms, but I'll try, as much as I care about Zane he should be becoming an all around better person not just towards me. So don’t worry about it, I’ll take care of it.” “Thanks Aphmau…” Kim said happily. “It's no problem at all Kim.” Aphmau smiled.
Aphmau and Kim walked back to the waiting room where everyone was very involved in a deep debate.
“I'm not saying I would have won the oscar, but I would have been nominated!” Lucinda argued. “What are you guys even talking about now? We were talking about books before we left…” Aphmau muttered.
Everything was okay. Things are going to be alright.
But that’s just wishful thinking.
//sorry for the short page today, thanks for reading!//
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