#sorry. pissed about terfs again
t4tstarvingdog · 1 year
terfs will be like owowow i am oppressed for the way i spread hate and genocidal bigotry, woe is me 🥺
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babsaros · 6 months
hey. when cis society is oppressing a trans man, what he is experiencing is. In Fact. misogyny. i'm sorry i know none of us like to be reminded of our agab, and it hurts whenever people perceive you as the wrong gender. but a cis person hate-criming, assaulting, verbally abusing, etc, a trans man is not doing "transandrophobia" because they do not perceive him as a man.
they perceive him as a woman failing at her gender, as a woman who has been seduced and lied to and manipulated because women are so easily led astray, just like it says in the bible. they perceive him as a woman who has been mutilated. they perceive him as a dyke that needs to be fixed. if they are hate-criming him because they *do* perceive him as a man, because he passes well enough they aren't thinking he could be trans, then they're doing so out of homophobia, perceiving him as a gay man, a pervert, a sissy, a danger to children. OR, they are being transphobic but specifically because they think he might be transfeminine instead. when cis society oppresses a trans woman, they are able to do it on multiple levels at once. She's a woman failing at her gender, a dyke that needs to be fixed. Or she's an evil and grotesque crossdressing pervert, a rude caricature, a danger to polite society. she will never be doing enough to escape oppression entirely, no matter if she gets every surgery she can and wears makeup every day and passes perfectly, because she lives under a patriarchy, and she's a woman, so she lives in a panopticon, and HAVING to get surgery and wear make-up to be respected IS oppression, especially if the alternative is being hate-crimed.
trans women (and trans men who pass) are not experiencing "transandrophobia" when a 'queer women and nbs" event turns them away at the door for being too masculine. they are. IN FACT!! experiencing the byproducts of misogyny in a patriarchy!!! where the terfs and coward cis women running those events and occupying those spaces have been taught (sometimes through experience, sometimes by men, sometimes by women) throughout life that men = stronger and more dangerous than women ALWAYS. That they need to protect themselves at all times and always be vigilant. That men and women can't be friends without sexual tension (and so as queer women the mere existence of what they perceive as a "man" is a threat). That women need a separate sports league because they can't possibly compete with someone who has even a little bit "extra" (an unquantifiable amount actually because there isn't a standard range) testosterone. That women should cook and men should fix cars. i promise you, i promise i promise i promise. it's misogyny. like!!! you don't say cis gay men experiences "androphobia", bc that's not a thing!! you sound like fucking mens rights activists guys please! you don't say a black man experiences "misandrynoir"!! because living in a patriarchy fundamentally means men do not experience oppression based on their gender. its not happening. shut the fuck up. stop walking us back to 2014 can we please take a step forward and stop bitching about this. there are genuine issues in the world and i'm frankly sick of people who should be smarter than that needing to be gently hand-held through this fucking explanation for the millionth time and still stomping their feet.
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butchdykekondraki · 1 year
i love being a bisexual dyke butch who is also a filthy transsexual girl and a boy btw. oh and also i take great pleasure from calling myself a faggot and a dyke and a tranny too btw. it IS my favourite activity
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agirlandherkinks · 9 months
Introduction Post (Updated!)
Hiiii :3
You can call me Ally (as in like Alison), and I'm an aspiring writer of weird niche fetish content.
Anyway ✨About Me✨:
She/Her, 20, Aussie (AEST timezone), Raging Pansexual, probably Hypersexual, Poly, and Transfem cause I'm cool :3
Sub-leaning Switch, and Neurodivergent if u couldn't tell yet
Asks/DMs are open, although I do have Anxiety. So if I don't respond to something u send me it's usually cause of that <3
All my stories are tagged with "#ally's kinks" if u wanna read them <3. Feedback/orgasms/unconditional praise is always appreciated :3
Oh and sending me unsolicited nudes is a no-no and will be met with an Orbital Missile Strike, or in lieu of personal access to government militia, a frowny face and block.
Turn ons (pink = favs): Hypnosis Bondage Latex Bimboification Transformation in general that stuff's fun MTF transformation Inflation Succplants/fuckplants (new!) Furry/partial furry transformation Bunny girl transformation :3 Also Hucow transformation skfdjs (not really into udders but I will accept H-cups) Expansion Corruption Brain Drain/IQ play/Dumbification (the solution to anxiety is being too horny to feel it 😎) Grinding Petplay Edging Orgasm/Arousal control Degradation (call me a slut plz and ty) Some level of CNC I'll define in a bit Stat-based transformation (-1 Int, +1 Cha, that kinda thing) Slider-based transformation (think app with sliders to adjust ass, tits, IQ :3) Slime Lactation Heat Clothing possession/transformation Dronification Pooltoy
Turn offs: Ageplay Feral tfs Feet Intense verbal abuse I'm sensitive :( Not cool enough to be into Sadism/Masochism sorry Unsolicited nudes, again Loli (I mean better than an actual kid ig but nope no thanks) Incest Big age gaps (not my thing sorry for being boring) Piss/Scat/general human waste products Straight-up rapeplay, like as long as there's some willingness I'm chill (I count having my brain fried and rearranged to be horny as consensual)
Feedback for my stories is always appreciated but for now have a good morning/day/evening/night, and I wish everyone that reads this gets some pretty hot orgasms and has their fun niche fantasies come true <3
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imqueerandadeer · 2 months
Okay so why in 2024 are we still making fun of therians and furrys like bitch they ain't doing anything, they're literally just being silly. And fur suits and therian masks look cool too and they completely eat, and the amount of detail that goes into both is amazing. I'm not a therian or furry and I don't know much about being either, but what I do know is yall don't deserve the hate and I'm sick and tired of it.
If anyone gives you shit, @ me or somthing and I will come to back you up pissed off as all hell, unless of course you did somthing problematic then leave me out of it, don't even utter my name. If anyone wants to educate me on being a furry and/or therian I am happy to listen :3
The only kind of hate I tolerate on this blog is towards facists, MAGA bitches, transphobes, sexists, racists, homophobes, rad fems, TERFs, ablesists, Zionists, ect.
Tell me if I tagged anything wrong or said somthing offensive, I'm sorry, again I'm not apart of either of these communities and I am therefore uneducated, so please be patient with me 😔
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ranmagender · 10 months
im sorry the more that i think about it, as a genderfluid person. saying to a person that presentation is inherently linked to things like emotional maturity is like, i loved the special but thats not how it works. Thats gender essentialist terf talk. Holy crap Russel, you've been here a day, knock it off.
The Doctor is genderfluid.
Rose is nonbinary...her being femme presenting doesnt magically give her emotional maturity just by virtue of being femme presenting.
i know you were trying to be progressive but theres a reason shows consult organizations like GLAAD for this stuff or idk have maybe trans writers to co-write things with.
again, loved the special. everything was great except that one line and it just pissed me off
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henryisabigfatbitch · 7 months
Hello, you can call me Asher, Henry, or Micah
I am a physical nonhuman due to delusions
I am a werewolf, fish, werebat, and dragon, Tornado/hurricane, ecosystem, and a Cuban crocodile-esque creature (bigger and longer)
I am a Holothere (werewolf, shapeshifter, vampire)
I am a samgladiator YHS fictionkin
I love GHOST
I am trans masc (typically masc presenting, I'm genderfluid) and homoromantic(?), omnisexual
Sometimes we use We/Us pronouns, this is sometimes an indication that we're stressed out or in a delusion but sometimes it just feels right.
My diagnosis':
Schizoaffective depressive type (schizophrenia+depression) 👁️🫀🌑💊
Bulimia Nervosa non purging type (Eating disorder) 🍖🍲🍜🍗
OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)👉👉👉👉✅ (or else)
SAD (Social Anxiety Disorder) 🥲🫂🔊📸
Clinical Vampirism/Renfield's Syndrome (ties into my Holothere identity) 💉🩸🦇📌
I am an extreme maladaptive daydreamer and sometimes forget that I'm not that paraself, my paraselves include OCs such as Chip Zerthagil, Ruskchre Hirouriski, Kelpoltyosha, Fowl Krasikthia, all bogian species. Non OCs include, Alastor (Hazbin), Severus Snape (HP, I don't support JKR), Wednesday Addams (Wednesday Netflix), normal animals, Tigerstar (WC), Aizawa (BNHA), Izuku Midoriya (BNHA), Shirou Ogami (BNA), and one I will not mention because it is someone I idolize's OC and I don't wish to make them uncomfortable.
There is also Alastor, Fae, Sasha, and Gore who are extremely similar to alters but aren't alters.
A lot of my "OCs" happen to be paraselves so please be polite when talking about them
NOTE: Speculation, but I believe some of my paraselves turn into something similar to an alter when I'm under pressure or extremely stressed, they talk to me and comfort me
Post my shit to r/systemscringe and I will fucking obliterate you, fuck off, I'm not a system. (Not diagnosed with any disorder that might make me plural, minus schizoaffective)
Public proshippers (proshipping publicly for non coping reasons or for reasons such as it providing a safe outlet if you have a para)
Anti kink, y'all kinda piss me off, don't want you here.
Anti Reality shifting, I'm not talking about people who don't believe in it, I'm talking about people who go out of their way to harass shifters
Extreme anti endo (I MIGHT tolerate you ONLY if I really like you and you're a good person in general)
Anti alterhuman
Any people with HARMFUL PARAPHILIAS who think PRO CONTACT is okay, I'm not getting groomed and molested again, fuck off
Schizoposters (non-schizophrenic people posting things to trigger paranoia and delusions)
Elon musk supporters (he's a dickbag)
Political blogs (pro-Palestine is not political, it is anti genocide)
Ai bros (not much else to say)
Sorry if I offended you but I have a no-hate policy here
Other than that I'm a friendly person who likes making friends (I do have pretty bad anxiety though so it may take a while) :3
If you have any questions, send an ask
Me (might update sometimes)-
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Minors DNI!!!!!
A note for anyone trying to follow me if you’re a minor or your blog is ageless you’re getting blocked sorry not sorry
But hi!!! Hello! My name is Reed
Also DNI if you are: transphobic, homophobic, terf, a pedophile or racist
So a little bit about me I know this is a kink blog so I’ll get into the main meat you’re probably looking for
Kinks I’m into: primal play, hypnosis, free use, cnc, drug/int0x, bondage, bdsm, knifeplay, hucow, degradation/praise, somno and many more
HARD NO: scat, piss, age play, vom and intense guro/gore(intense times coming out and shit like that I’m fine w blood and cuts) race play, b3astiality, inc3st, detrans
I have a task ask list! Its just been updated so please send some my way, i want to be a good boy and complete tasks ^^
Tasks completed: 12
Most tasks completed in a day: 3
Current on going task: none
My inbox is absolutely open! I may be terrible with dming/dms though I try to stir conversation when I can but I am incredibly awkward and a bit tistic so please bare with me. If you’re nervous about messaging me don’t be! Hypocritical coming from me I’m too scared to ever message anyone first
Pet names I like to be called: pet, baby, prince, whore, slut, bunny, good boy,
But on the less horny side I’m into DND(I’ve been a forever dm for the longest time and I just recently got to be a player again), anime, watercolor/painting and drawing, I’m a baker that loves coming up with weird random recipes
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rjalker · 10 months
I've left this as a comment on the site, but, you know, they might just not publish it so here you fucking go.
= = =
I'm sorry but it's very ironic that this review brings up the Doctor asking for the Meep's pronouns and respecting those pronouns, only for this review to misgender the Meep by refering to the Meep as "it". The Meep explicitly uses nameself pronouns -- ie, the Meep/the Meep's. The Meep doesn't use it/its pronouns. I see so many people celebrating that this episode is "making TERFs mad", but then in the same breath they misgender the character whose pronouns we are explicitly told.
The Meep is not an it, he, she, or they. The Meep is always "The Meep", as is demonstrated in the episode. But I guess people only care about neopronoun users when our existence will make TERFs mad, but not when it comes to actually using our pronouns! I wish I could say I'm surprised, but by this point the Doctor Who fandom has proven to me they don't actually respect neopronoun users, they just hold us up to scare away TERFs, immediately followed by misgendering us -.-
As many people have pointed out, Rose being trans *because* of the metacrisis is just the "nonbinary alien" stereptype all over again, as a tripple whammy with the Meep also being the only character in this episode using neopronouns, and here's something I haven't seen anyone else point out--
If Rose were being written like a character who makes sense, why wouldn't she have just asked the Meep's pronouns when she first met the Meep? Why didn't she introduce herself to the Meep with her own pronouns? If she's the sort of person who corrects other when they assume someone's pronouns without asking...then if she were a real person not meant to set up a tired, transphobic joke ("Did you just assume my gender?!?"), then she would have literally just casually asked for the Meep's pronouns in the first place, instead of only randomly getting upset when the Doctor assumes he/him for the sole purpose of being corrected.
No parts of this scene was written in a way that makes sense for the characters as we're supposed to believe they exist. If we accept that Rose is willing to go to bat for other people about asking for pronouns instead of assuming, then she would have asked as soon as she met the Meep! She would have asked the Doctor! She'd be introducing herself to everyone she meets with her pronouns!
But no, that would mean that Russel T Davies didn't get to use the "Did you just assume my gender???" joke in 2023 while pretending to be progressive about it. And it very much is pretending to be progressive about it, because if he actually wanted to show that asking for pronouns is normal, he would have had Rose and the Meep introducing themselves with their pronouns in the first place!
Imagine if Rose had asked for the Doctor's pronouns! Imagine if we'd gotten to have a legitimate conversation about the Doctor's pronouns and gender identity outside passing jokes!  Imagine if the Doctor had been given the real opportunity to think about the answer and genuinely choose, rather than having everyone else assume based on whether they think the Doctor currently looks like a man or a woman! Imagine if we'd actually gotten to see the Doctor allowed to truly express a preference or even just saying "all pronouns are fine with me"!
But no. We get another iteration of the "trans people are unreasonable and get pissed off over things that don't matter" joke but this time...pretending to be progressive so now people aren't mad. Even though it makes no sense for any of the characters and is clearly only here because the cis man writing the episode thought it'd be funny.
And seriously, does Russel T Davies think all trans people are inherently nonbinary? Because there is a massive difference between purposefully creating representation for nonbinary trans women / transfeminine people, and assuming that all trans people, no matter their gender identity, are inherently nonbinary. And because Russel T Davies doesn't seem to understand the difference, he gives no explanation to the audience, which is made up of millions of cis people, for whom this is their first introduction to trans and nonbinary people! So now are they gonna think all trans women and trans men are inherently nonbinary? Are they gonna think all AMAB nonbinary people use she/her pronouns?
RTD has a responsibility to represent trans people in a responsible way, and this episode is just failing that. Rose is presented as being trans and nonbinary only because she's not fully human, as though being trans is something unnatural that happens to you rather than something you are.
And even if we ignore the rest of the problems with the way trans issues were handled in this episode, you know the thing that's causing the most lasting damage?
Russel T Davies teaching millions of people, cis and trans alike, that assigning other people "x-presenting" terminology is Progressive™ and Cool™ and Fun™ and Acceptable™. When trans people have been talking about how harmful assigning other people these terms is for years now.
It's literally just misgendering but masquerading as progressive, and placing the blame on the person being misgendered, rather than asking the perpetrator to check their own biases and learn not to assume people's genders or pronouns just based on appearance.
No one has ever asked the Doctor what pronouns to use, or what gender-terms, or anything. All everyone does is assume based on the gender of the actor who currently has the role. And that's not how gender works. And calling it "gender-fluidity" is just completely false. Gender fluid people aren't literal shapeshifters who magically change their sex when their gender shifts, and saying that the Doctor is inherently genderfluid because a woman had the role one time is just, plain biological essentialism and assuming that everyone who looks like a man is a man, and everyone who looks like a woman is a woman, and all aliens are magically cis to whatever their current society-assigned sex is.
Which is something trans people have also been talking about since Jodie Whittaker took the role. Just because the Doctor is being played by a man at the moment does not make the Doctor a man. That's just reinforcing cissexism and shoving trans people under the rug so you don't have to think about us anymore. Why do you think the Doctor has to be a man because David Tennant is in the role? Why do you think the Doctor has to be a woman because Jodie Whittaker had the role? It's because considering the idea that gender is separate from sex is uncomfortable for you, so you decide that the alien shapeshifter Must Always Be Cis To The Sex I Think They Are Right Now.
And I was hoping RTD would maybe address this when he came back as showrunner, but we've all seen where that's taken us now. So I guess we're just gonna keep playing this game of "everyone's always cis because I don't want to think about gender" for the next few years.
And no, the Doctor is not “male-presenting” just because David Tennant is in the role. That’s not what those terms mean, and it is absolutely negligent for Russel T Davies to have characters assigning these terms to other characters without permission, while portraying this as Progressive and positive and funny. It’s literally just misgendering. It’s not okay.
And again. Cannot stress enough how painfully ironic it is that this review is praising the show for respecting the Meep's pronouns while misgendering the Meep with it/its pronouns that the Meep explicitly does not use.
There's absolutely no excuse for misgendering the Meep after you praise the show for not doing that. Come on, people, please at least pretend you respect neopronoun users if you're gonna hold us up as anti-TERF shields -.-
I need absolutely everyone reading this comment, whether you’re cis, trans, nonbinary, or other, to swear on all you hold as holy that you will not ever call someone any “x-presenting” term unless you’ve explicitly been told by that person that that’s how they identify.
Do not call trans women who haven’t transitioned “male-presenting” or “masculine presenting”. Do not call trans men who haven’t transitioned “female-presenting” or “feminine-presenting”. Do not call gender nonconforming men “female-presenting” and do not call butch women “male-presenting”. Do not call nonbinary people any of these terms unless you’ve explicitly been asked to do so. “male-presenting” is not a synonym for “looks like a man” or “wears men’s clothes” or “assigned male at birth”, and vice versa for “female-presenting”.
These terms are strictly for self-identification only. Assigning them to other people is literally just misgendering. Do not do it.
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lunes-interlude · 1 year
As a person who is black, bisexual and genderfluid to have a white trans woman @trans-girls-who-eat-subway-2016 say that I said I hate trans women on an app that regularly dogpiles onto black people is INSANE. You and you're little lesbaphobic friends may think that shit is funny but my account is literally at risk of being banned again.
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You couldn't even respond to any of the points I made or the stuff my mutuals said. You just kept taunting me and replying with dumb shit because you know I'm right. And the fact that you had the audacity to not only misgender me seen here is so pathetic.
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I'm sorry that lesbaphobia is seen as "nonsense" and "twitter brainrot" but if this was about niggas being transphobic or homophobic you people would be up in arms. Also that fact that you wanna misgender me is crazy. I don't use they/them pronouns bitch I use he/void/it, it's in my carrd, we was mutuals you saw it. And even if wasn't you could've asked I would've told. Not once did I use he/him pronouns or they/them or be transphobic not even in my mutuals DM's. I made sure to respect your trans identity but when it comes to me and lesbians you wanna be a quirky bitch and act dumb because you think "well it doesn't affect me so who cares :3" like all you're showing is your lack of intelligence. You didn't eat in fact you vomited all over the table.
You wanna say that I am "using my identity" when I bring up how you're using your white privilege to say something that isn't true but all of a sudden you forgot how you used yours when you called me a terf on a post calling out people being transmisogynistic and not seeing trans women as real women. Isn't that funny? Like I said before I will use my BLACK ASS IDENTITY till the day I die, because I know it pisses you white bitches off. Y'all gag at the fact that y'all still have privilege and it pisses y'all off when people don't wanna center homophobia or transphobia in and outside the LGBTQ community. But don't worry you and all you're friends will be blocked after this, I don't have time for annoying lesbaphobes and unlike you, you don't stay in my mind and I have other shit to do (hence the late reply). And if anyone needs more context or screenshots PUH LEASE let me know.
Also P.S. you won't die if you reblog a black trans person (scary I know)...
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transtums · 3 months
💕 Welcome to my Tummy Blog 💕
Welcome to my wonderful transgender world of stuffing, eggpreg, and other various kinks, mostly tummy related! I mainly post about run of the mill tummy stuff, but other niche or specific things will crop up too.
If you are a minor, for your own safety, do not interact with this blog. If you are underage or have no age in your bio I will block you!
Things I’m into:
Feederism, more on the feedee side
Oviposition, more on the carrying side
Bondage and power play
Slightly outside of realistic tummy sizes
Slime inflation
Cum inflation
Things I’m kinda into:
Weight gain. It’s a bit touch and go!
Pet play, just a tad (Tip: Being called puppy is like an instant win condition for me)
Other kinds of mild inflation (air, water, bloating)
Regular preg
Degradation and embarrassment. (Do NOT take this as an invitation to insult me though ofc. I’m very picky)
A little bit of burping
Dub-Con. It’s finicky
A little bit of intox and somno, on the receiving end. Again, finicky
Object vore. Super depends
Things I am NOT into:
Fat-related degrading names
Blueberry inflation
Hyperinflation and Hyperpreg
Trans fetishism and detrans fetishism
Vore. Sorry folks!
Piss/Scat/Gore/Farts/Vomit and things of the like. No shade but it’s not for me
Full on non-Con
Pain without relief
If you’re a racist, “pro-shipper”, terf or other queerphobe (including exclus and transmisogynists), ableist, fascist, or any other kind of bigot, you’re not welcome and I’ll block you on sight.
Now happy scrolling, and I hope you have a good time <3 don’t be afraid to shoot me an ask!
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You don’t have to post this. I’m a little bit delirious from illness. But I didn’t realize you only have 2k followers more than me. I’ve been following you for so long and seeing your posts that I thought you were tumblr famous. People really just want to bash other people for opinions so bad they gang up on you and I’m so sorry. People don’t realize you’re just a dude with a passion for the welfare of birds and other animals and telling people the proper way to care for animals shouldn’t piss them off so much. It’s like when you tell someone their beta fish can’t live in a vase and they get mad at you for making them feel guilty. Real experience. Anyways I’m rambling. I enjoy your blog since I also care big time for animal welfare. (Not animal rights). End of my sickness fueled ramble.
I am genuinely just some guy. I have a few posts that get a lot of traction but I don’t Only Post Owls so that doesn’t lead to that many people following me, which I am more than happy with. I used to be strict about only posting owls and never getting political and I had a larger following on that old blog but it just felt artificial. I am passionate about a lot of things and I don’t want to box myself in like that again. When I realized nothing was stoping me from saying terfs are freaks or that listening to marginalized groups is a good thing and who cares if a protestor breaks a Walmart window or whatever, it was just very freeing. I can’t speak this way on accounts attached to my rehab or at my job, but I can speak my mind on here and that is cathartic.
This is just a personal/discourse blog now, I just happen to have a lot of information on raptors and big cats and certain herps in zoological settings, and I am still more than happy to rate media based on whether it’s an appropriate situation for that wild animal to be in.
But honestly I am so deeply tired of people assuming I have over 200k followers or something and acting as though I have to tread carefully because of that assumption. Even at the peak of my old blog I had around 20k. I am at this point just a weird little hermit in my weird little corner occasionally tossing a rock at the nearby town.
People know of me, but that doesn’t mean I have a particularly large following or influence. And I like it that way for the most part. Every few weeks I have to say pedophilia is bad and trans people are just human beings living their lives as rent lowering gunshots because otherwise I get weirdos and edgelords following me and I don’t need that in my happy little corner.
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windandheartbeat · 5 months
Hello there!!
You've reached AXYER's SFW "weird stuff" blog. I hope you enjoy your stay!
Here's my SFW vore and SFW tickling account! Obviously, you can block this account should you desire to and wholly dismiss that you ever saw this account, that's totally fine! I wouldn't even judge you!
HOWEVER, I do humbly request you don't post me anywhere or laugh at me with your friends on a voice-call! I know it probably seems really fun, but it really, really hurts! I promise you there's better things to laugh at, I'm not trying to hurt anyone and I'm just doing this for comfort! We can be friends, even if we don't agree on everything, alright?
Now, DNIs are famous for literally not working whatsoever in most cases, but I'm going to try anyway, just so if you're blocked you know why:
-Racist, homophobic, transphobic (including believing there's only two genders/TERFs), radfems, radqueers, "MAP"/"NOMAP", ableist, sanist, sexist, conservative/alt-right/Republican
-Religious extremist (NOT just Christians or Muslims)
-Zionists 🇵🇸
-If you love arguing with people/brag about how you "take no shit" and love hurting people/committing crimes
-Obviously, if you think being "cringy" and being "bad" are the same thing!
-If you think talking shit about people is a likeable personality trait (sorry I hate these people so much)
-Com-shippers, ESPECIALLY if you ship characters with abusive dynamics (I had to resist saying so many mean things but I will refrain, I will refrain…)
-If you're a fan/kin/identify as/with WHATSOEVER anyone/anything from a certain webcomic where a white stick figure with a tie is tormented by a black stick figure with bat wings + red tendrils (I am extremely uncomfortable with anyone who applies to this. DNI. I mean it, please.)
-If you're unable to agree to disagree/accept differing opinions
Otherwise, here's a bit about myself!
Hi!! I'm an aspiring child psychologist from Long Island! I love to write, draw, maladaptive daydream horrifically (/hj) and walk!! A LOT!! I LOVE WALKING!!
I'm also a Heart (C/C/C/C) fictionkin!! Technically also a G/r/i/m/m/c/h/i/l/d and stick figure fictionkin, but those are less important!!
I promise you that I do not bite and unless your ask scares me I will respond as kindly as I possibly can!! And if it does scare me, dw! I probably just won't respond, but feel free to clarify! I LOVE clarification!!
I am ABSOLUTELY willing to make friends!! Let's be little /pos freaks together!! <3333
My taste in vore/tickling depends on the current hyperfixation, but Soul is a pred/ler whilst Heart (me yk yk me) is a prey/lee!! Sometimes I throw in Mid as a switch for both 👀
My preferences in vore are:
-No fluids! Everything is cushiony but dry, saliva actually REALLY icks me out!!
-Food and prey go in different areas!!
-I most like same-size + half-size but I'm A-ok with G/T!! HOWEVER I always prefer the bigger one to be the pred!!
-I like only a small belly, enough that the people around them go "hey, have you gained weight recently?" but no more than that!! Less than that's good too!!
-Fearplay is my FAVORITE!! No foodplay tho!!
-I prefer humanoids (not humans) but anthros and taurs work too!!
-I'm uncomfy with children being involved as well as animals but siblings is cool with me simply because I like to imagine it similar to how bickering siblings will do crazy things to piss one another off!!
-Vore used as timeout is EXCELLENT and probably my fav trope!!
Tickling preferences!!
-No tongue!! Again I don't like saliva!!
-I really like it when they're held down!!
-Cuddling afterwards when they're all sleepy mhm mhm yessssssss
-When the belly and sides are the most ticklish 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
-Ticking with MORE than two arms YESSSSSS MHM MHM MHM MHM MHM
-Tickling as revenge :)))))))))
#vore moment - Vore stuff!!
#tickle moment - Tickle stuff!!
#*receives food* - Reblog!!
#hearb spelling bee (vore) - Vore fic!!
#hearb spelling bee (tickle) - Tickle fic!!
#fellow freaks slash pos - Friend reblogs + discussion!!
#sad times - Angsty stuff!!
#owa goodness!! - Happy/fluffy stuff!!
#the blues and greens - Fav posts!!
#realising through glazed eyes - ALL TIME fav posts!!
What I censor:
#cw profanity - Post has curse words!!
#cw all caps - Post has all capital letters stuff in it!! (Might forget I apologize!!)
#tw digestion - Post has digestion!! (Would only be used in fictional content)
#tw suicide - Post has suicide!! (Would only be used in fictional content)
#tw suicide attempt - Post has a failed suicide attempt!! (Would only be used in fictional content)
#tw suicidal ideation - Post has thoughts/plans/consideration/reflections of suicide!! (Would only be used in fictional content)
#tw panic attack - Post contains a panic attack! (Would only be used in fictional content) (well, hopefully!)
#tw s/h - Post contains self-harm!! (Would only be used in fictional content) (will also be tagged as #tw self harm + #tw self-harm!!)
#tw homicidal ideation - Post has thoughts/plans/consideration/reflections of homicide/murder! (Would only be used in fictional content)
I think that's all… anyways, have fun here!!
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crystalsandbubbletea · 7 months
Rant about TikTok and sexism, and also a rant about feminism and Islamophobia at the end
I fear nothing, but that... Thing.
*TikTokers trying to make sexism trendy again*
It scares me-
I LITERALLY JUST WENT ONTO TIKTOK FOR THE FIRST TIME IN A YEAR AND THE FIRST THING I GET WAS THIS GIRL BEING LIKE "Heeeeyyyy just remembered that you were meant to be cattle for the patriarchy! Women are always supposed to be weak and bear children! 🤪😝" AND I LITERALLY BLOCKED HER SO QUICKLY-
Anyways if you support any form of sexism stay the fuck away from me.
Oh, and Radfems and TERFS, just because I'm anti-Sexism, don't assume my blog is a safe space for you, because it isn't. My blog is also not a safe space for Islamophobes.
Smh most feminists will see a Muslim women wearing a hijab and be like "Oh you poor thing! Are you being forced to wear that? Just take it off!" Like... No, it's literally their religion? I had a best friend who was Muslim and she was so happy with her hijab and everyone just kept killing her happiness by trying to yank it off her and they had the AUDACITY to wonder why she was upset afterwards.
Sorry for ranting, I'm just very pissed off at multiple things right now.
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switch-puppygirl · 9 months
⚠ read before interacting ⚠
minors - block on sight if no age in bio
anyone with blank/ageless blog / a blog that seems fake / anyone that looks like a bot - you'll be blocked on sight, you've been warned
terfs, transphobes, anti-LGBTQIA+ folk
DNI if you don't respect trans rights.
anyone with the following kinks: r4pe, detrans, raceplay, misoginy, patriarchy, incest
this list may be edited at anytime.
Why did you follow me?
Your posts probably made me horny. Yeah that's pretty much it.
Should I send asks/comment/interact with you?
I mean feel free to (after reading the whole post), but I can't sext back. I do feel my tail wag and exhibitionist kink tingle when you praise me there, tho~
Oh, I may take a while to answer you. That's because I need to talk to my owner first. If he doesn't like you that's too bad. Please don't pressure me to answer quickly.
Asks are tagged #sunny asks.
Can I DM you?
DMs are too personal for me. Idk if I'll ever answer them. I'm sorry if I just ignore you. You could send an ask tho.
I'm not looking for new friends but some puppy buddies seem nice. Just remember, I already have an owner!
Again, I may take a while to answer you since I have to talk to my owner first.
If my owner doesn't like you I may never answer again 🤷‍♀️
Oh, I almost forgot: English is not my first language. So if I say something in a weird way, feel free to help me correct it, as I'm always learning.
now let me introduce myself 🦴
Hello! I'm sunflower. You can call me sunflower, sun or sunny if you'd like.
Have you noticed there's a dom/switch puppygirl shortage in the market? Well, fear not, for here I am.
This is my horny blog to post about my puppy thoughts without my friends thinking I'm a weird furry.
Feel free to read my hornyposting, but beware: I bite.
Me being switch also means I won't be all helpless and braindead as you may expect. I mean, I am pretty helpless and dumb, but not as much as my puppy friends. So keep that in mind!
some things about me
I'm a woman and use she/her pronouns.
🏳‍🌈 I'm a panromantic sapphic. I may post about men or women at anytime. I will use #sunny sapphic when posting about girls and and #sunny fiancé when posting about men (likely only referring to my fiancé).
💍 By the way, I'm engaged to the most perfect owner ever! That means I won't be able to flirt with anyone. Sucks to be you I guess. He also reads my blog. Hi, love!~
As for cute pet names, you can call me pup, puppy and good girl. Yeah not all that creative right, I'm still discovering things. If you act someway I dislike, I'll tell you and I expect you to respect me okay? We're both adults here!
💛 My favorite kinks (for now) are: pet play (duuuh!), praise, orgasm control/edging, overstimulation, breeding, impreg, bondage, shibari, free use, dry humping, femdom, thigh riding, scissoring, feral play
⚠ I may post about those kinks as well (in a light way! :3): knife play, impact play, exhibitionism, blood play, masochism / sadism, choking, intoxication, breathplay. All those will have cw. Consent is mandatory.
❌ Hard limits: r@p3 play, CBT, hypno, scat / piss, cuckold / cheating, basicaly anything else that makes unconscious, anything mortal aaaand, believe it or not, eating/drinking out of a bow or being out in public while leashed.
I'm still getting used to a bunch of things. I guess I'm primal hunter. I guess I like knotting. Who knows. I'm about to find out.
ALSO (I keep on remembering things to add...) I'm GNC (most days). That means I'll sometimes post about wearing ties, suits and boxers. Just a heads-up - my pronouns will always be she/her tho, and I don't like to be called darling, handsome etc
#sunny sapphic
#sunny fiancé
#sunny asks
#sunny dom
#sunny top
#sunny sub
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hi-im-dingo · 2 years
Hey how ya doing, lemme introduce myself
Tumblr media
Pfp created by chemicataclysm from Picrew
The name is Dingo. I'm 20 years old, go by they/he/it/bark/guts and I'm transmasc genderfluid (+some xenogenders). I'm bisexual demirose, and ambiamorus. I'm a full on sub/bottom I can't even think of being a dom or topping it gives me major anxiety lol. I am mainly t4t most of the time. Unless said so, my posts are all mlm. I do get shy almost 24/7 so sorry if we are ever texting/talking and I go quiet all the sudden hah. I'm single, and it's gonna stay like that for a while until I get more therapy. I love marine life and big cats so much please we must talk about them they are the best
I'm both mentally disabled and mentally ill af lmao /srs. Please be patient with me if we ever talk and please use tone indicators
I finally decided to make a side blog for reblogging nsfw stuff. I shall remain anonymous and not tell my main blog, so I can't follow back. Sorry :(. If you do find it, no you didn't <3
Even though I am a nsfw account, I do NOT sext or flirt, and do not ask for hookups/pictures. If this sounds mean I'm just setting boundaries for my mentality. Only those very close to me can do these. However I will allow nsft asks, and they can be nsft related as well and what you would like to do to me :3 I also would like to meet you guys, so my DMs are open. However due to my anxiety I take a while to respond sometimes. I also sometimes get sex repulsed due to some past events so I'll disappear for a while from this blog
Alright might as well tell some stuff/kinks I'm in to and along with turn offs
I am a dude so refer to me with masc related things, but I am fine with pussy, clit, tcock, and chest. I do prefer to be called handsome. Those who are close to me can call me cute, adorable, hot, etc. and only I can call it boypussy if it's myself. Don't ever refer to me in a feminine way
Turn ons:
Being the pillow prince I am teehee :3
Free use to an extent
I call it being playful, but others call it being a brat lmao
Degrading, teasing, and humiliating to an extent
Fear play to an extent
Praising/being called "good boy"
Light bondage (like a simple hands behind back, maybe even blindfolded)
Voice kink
Denial, edging, and overstimulation
Breeding (no pregnancy)
Ice play
Height/size different (I'm 5'2" lol)
Thigh riding
Light claiming
Predator/prey dynamic
Receiving oral
Taking things slowly and romantically
Consent and communication is the best /srs
Aftercare, cause that's important frfr
Turn offs
Non consent/r*pe. Fucking nasty why would you ever be into that.
Ageplay. Also nasty.
Scat, piss, vomit, etc.
Face slapping, hitting, and punching
Misgendering/detrans, why the fuck you even do that???
Heavy bondage
Corruption (trauma related)
Public sex
Weapon play
Fake safewords
- # Dingo is posting : Any post that I make will always have this, even those with no nsft
- # Dingo is shit posting : Just me being a silly fella teehee
- # Not my post - self explanatory
- # Nsft : self explanatory
- # Not nsft : self explanatory
- # Serious post : for addressing anything very important
- # Please💀 : Scenarios, imagines, etc. from I really like. Will be seen with other people's posts
None as of now. Send an ask for any emoji you'd like to claim along with your gender and pronouns ^3^
!! DNI LIST !!
- Minors and ageless blogs. You will be blocked on sight
- Cishets. Once again, blocked on sight
- Anyone 25+
- basic dni criteria (homophobic, transphobic, ableist, zoophiles, pedophiles, incest supporters, etc)
- Proshitter/"anit-anti" or whatever you sick fucks call yourselves these days
- People who age up any minors for anything nsfw and shipping with an adult
- TERFs/radfems
- People who exclude neopronouns, xenogenders, aroace, and/or more
- fetishize age regression
- DDLG and anything relating to such
- Fujoshis
- YBC supporters/fans
- My ex and anyone who has connections with him
- Support/like yanderes (also trauma related)
- Dr. Rockso apologists
- Anyone who is neutral about any of the above
We got that all covered? Alright cool nice :3
I have a feeling this blog won't be 100% nsfw cause I like to be a silly guy most of the time lol
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