#i told you guys im done argueing. sorry that you fucking hate my sexiness i guess. that must suck for you seriously
butchdykekondraki · 1 year
i love being a bisexual dyke butch who is also a filthy transsexual girl and a boy btw. oh and also i take great pleasure from calling myself a faggot and a dyke and a tranny too btw. it IS my favourite activity
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maievdenoir · 3 years
So is this the end? Javi Gutiérrez x F!Reader
Hello my beautiful creatures <3 For today im posting this about our favourite puppy Javi. We finally found out the date for TUWOMT soooo its time to celebrate! This is part of my writing challange so story is based on random chooded charecter, place and prompt. (Javi Gutiérrez - Vocation - Is this the end of our relationship?)
Javi Gutiérrez x F!Reader
Warnings: Soft Javi, Jealous reader, little argument, 
Ps: Once again - I´m sorry for all the mistakes, I´m not native speaker and this is just my second ff in English, but i hope you will like it. 
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You dated Javi for almost 8 months. He was a giant puppy. At the first date he told you that he never had normal relationship. His longest one was couple weeks. “Im not good at these things...” he said. “What do you think?” “Im not good with people. All the girls before just loved my money…” his self esteem was pretty low. You did not understand at all. He was so handsome and easy going. He wasn’t the most intelligent guy; he was pretty simple actually, but he was good man and always polite. He was nearly scared of touching you for the first time. Javi just wanted to do everything right. “Just talk to me and everything will be fine.” you said and kissed him. You never actually fought before. He was honest with you and tells you everything about his past. He told you how Gabriela broke his heart. He was telling you everything. So when you wake up in the morning and didn’t find him next to you, even in the apartment or at the beach, you start worry. He forgot his phone in living room. You were freaking out. You were looking for him everywhere. You start thinking about contacting his CIA friend, but he finally showed at the door. Alive and in a good mood. You want to hit him, really. He showed up after four hours of you looking for him and worrying. “Where the fuck have you been?” you asked. “Just at the yacht with Kay!” he was super calm what makes you even more angry. Were you little jealous? No. Maybe little more jealous than you think. Kay wanted Javier and everybody saw that, expect Javi of course. “We are just good friends, nothing more” he used to say. He would never cheat on you, but you knew Kay would at least try something. “Why didn’t you just let me know?” he still remains calm, and you were still freaking out. “I thought I would be back when you woke up.” “I was worried” you sit on the couch and let the deep breath touch your lungs. “I’m fine… sorry... I forget that damn phone and Kay do not has Hers...” He picked up his phone and looked at the display. So many missed calls till you find it muted in the apartment. “Of course, she will never let you let me know.” You start being little sarcastic, and he starts being little nervous. “What do you think?” “She wants you. A lot. It's obvious. And this whole vocation she tries to steal you from me.” You tried to make it clear to him. He was super easy going with everyone but sometimes, especially when it was young sexy women as Kay, you loose your self-confidence because of it. You knew Javi picked you and you hope he will always picked you but sometimes you actually was jealous of all the attention he gives to random people. “Are you jealous?” He asked with little smile. “Javi I´m not jealous but I´m not blind” Oh, how you hated her. And of course he did not realised. Everybody is always extremely kind to him. There must be something at his magical eyes because there is no way somebody do not like him. You never witness somebody being rude or bad to him. Even the most furious people just calm down next to him. But not you and not now. “You are jealous…” He smiled, but it makes you super angry. “Shut up and listen to me. You try to see always the good in people, but she is not… I wouldn’t be surprised if she knew your cousin.” You actually knew about everything. He told you because sometimes you need to be careful so he can't find you. “Kay is my friend. I feel offended that you do not trust me!” “I trust you. I do not trust her!” you nearly scream. He always loved to make you scream but not at this tone and not from anger. He can´t imagine sweeter sound than when you are screaming his name from a pleasure. You were arguing for a while now. You start regretting that you said something and felt exhausted of this. You wanted just to end this stupid argument and give your boyfriend a little silent treatment for a while. “Okey, Im done with this,” you said, “do as you want…” Javi became silent for a moment. He lowered his head, his curls fall to his face. He looked miserable. “So is this the end?” You looked to him but do not quite understand what he meant. You raise your eyebrows so he asked again. “Is this the end of our relationship?” Your heart aches as you saw his watery eyes. “Of course not, baby” you said, “You are not leaving me?” he asked and looked at you with his puppy eyes. “Why would I do that? Because of one argument? Javi, people argue all the time. Its normal. That does not mean I want to run away from you.” You stand up from a couch to hug him. “Good. Because I love you and I can’t do this without you” “What did you just say?” he blushed. He never told you before. You knew, but he never said that out loud. “I… I… I said I love you” he murmured. “I love you too, Javier Gutiérrez. So sooo much” You kiss his full lips, stroke his curls and realised that you do not need more in your life. Just Javi in your arms and everything other does not matter.
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kisekinodrabbles · 4 years
Can we get detective Aomine, who gets assigned a female partner but from the start they're always at each other's throats. During an undercover case, reader has to be super flirty and Aomine gets all jealous and mutual confessions ensues. Maybe some sexy times at the end? :') Sorry if this is too specific, feel free to come up with your own interpretation! I'm such a huge fan of your work Sam and I'm so excited that you're opening your askbox even just for a little while!
ngl idk what im doing here but this is the last request in my inbox so i wanted to finish it haha pls enjoy (not proofread so excuse mistakes) - also my first time writing smut in like years so forgive me!!
Sometimes, Aomine thinks that if he isn’t a law and order professional, he thinks he might actually commit murder and hide your body away in some undisclosed, obscure location. Most of the time, you feel the same way about him. 
The two work in different divisions—Aomine in homicide and you in robbery. The two divisions have always been highly competitive especially given how much overlap you both encounter. Things can get territorial, but their teams are used to your snide remarks and Aomine’s verbal assault. It’s just the way the world works. 
After all, the two of you were in the same graduating class. You, a valedictorian by books. Aomine, top of the class by combat. It’s natural that the two of you are so competitive with your conflicting personalities.
The two of you may have also fucked at some point. 
“I’m not fucking working with her, are you kidding me?” Aomine spits out at his boss. Any other person would’ve been kicked out of the room or probably fired, but Aomine is the best detective in his division so Akashi would never do such a thing. For now. Aomine’s been wearing his patience thin. 
The red-haired man sighs, folding his hands together atop his desk. “Aomine, I understand you both have had your immaturity in the past. This, however, isn’t the time for such trivial matters. There’s a double homicide downtown during a robbery. She’s the lead for the case on the robbery end because they’ve been tracking a series of these.” Aomine opens his mouth to argue again. “No more buts. She’s already down there getting witness statements. Unless you want to be behind again, I suggest you get in your car and start driving.” 
He grits his teeth. Breathe. Don’t strangle your boss, he’ll probably kill you first. “I’ll take Wakamatsu.”
By the time he arrives on the scene, a crowd has gathered behind the police line, snapping pictures in the hopes of getting something Twitter worthy. He growls past all of them and ducks underneath the tape. “Where’s the officer that called it in?”
“Inside talking to the detective.”
“I’m the detective,” he snaps right back, knowing full well you’re already three steps ahead of him. And you definitely won’t let him forget that.
He marches past the thick front doors, Wakamatsu in tow. From a distance, he spots you talking to another officer. When he finally approaches you, he realizes that you’re in a skin tight dress covered by an oversized police jacket.
Your name slips past his lips. “Did we interrupt a hot date?” He smirks.
You whirl around, knowing full well the irritating voice that grates on your nerves. Aomine Daiki. “Unlike you, I have actual friends and actual plans on a Friday night. Did you decide to give your wrist a break for the night?” 
Aomine bites back, “Well, it’s not getting much rest either when I had my fingers knuckle deep in something tight and wet tonight.” Complete lie but he’s not about to lose this battle. “Not sure you know how that feels though.”
“If you’re talking about the pudding in your fridge, you might want to ease up on that. Doesn’t look like it’s doing you any favors,” you smile right back at him, knowing full well you’ve won this argument.
Aomine growls low under his breath, jabbing Wakamatsu hard with his elbow when he hears the snort escape him. “Brief me on the situation,” he tells the police officer.
“Well, uh, I already told this detective here—”
“I’m the other detective in charge for homicide. Now, you better fucking brief me before I tell your captain.”
The guy glances at you warily and you just laugh. “Told you he hasn’t gotten any in a long time. Come on, sugar, I’ll brief you on the way down to the vault.” You curl your finger in a gesture to get him to follow you and he sucks up his pride for the first time and do as he’s told. If he solves this case, he still gets the credit and you can go back to that sewer where you came from.
There are two bodies at the vault and forensics are already working to collect evidence when they arrive. “Your area of expertise, double homicide. Both are surprisingly the robbers. Four of them broke in, only two were seen exiting with money bags. No other casualties.”
“Fucking weird,” Aomine mutters. It’s not new for robberies to go wrong, but for two of them to die with no civilian casualty? That’s fucking weird.  
“Interesting, isn’t it?” You grin, seeming way too pleased considering there are two dead people in front them. “The ammo is the same as the previous bank robberies in the area. We’re going to assume they’re linked to the Red Dragon clan.”
“Fuck,” he groans, “I fucking hate those guys. Bitches to deal with. Hard to infiltrate.”
You flick your hair over your shoulder, grinning at him. He can’t help but draw his gaze to your neck, a very attractive neck. Now that he notices how tight that dress is, he can’t help but admit that it has been a while since he’s gotten any action. The curves of your breast defined so clearly by the fabric that stretches across the mounds, the flow of your hips, every dip and rise. Your exposed legs further emphasized by your heels. God fucking damn. He feels his pants tighten as he licks his teeth. Get it together, Aomine. 
Of course, the clothes do nothing to remove the memory of your nude body from his mind. He’s seen all parts of you some time ago. A drunken mistake that ended in a brief, but extremely satisfying night of passion. Your tight pussy wrapped around his cock, your nails digging into his biceps. He can still picture the sheen layer of sweat on your skin as he rams into you, your broken moans falling from your lips. 
“Well, lucky for you,” you start again, pulling him out of the hazy cloud of lust. “I already have someone on the inside. They’ve set up a meeting for me tomorrow night meet with the head’s son. I’ll try to get some information done.” 
“Lucky for you, I’m free tomorrow to be your backup. You’re welcome,” Aomine smiles, “Don’t fuck this up. I don’t feel like cleaning up after your ass.”
“I should say that about you, asshole.”
Aomine is sat in a dingy van just across the street from the bar you’re having your meeting. You’ve hidden your mic in the perfect spot, a location which you do not disclose to Aomine. However, he has a feeling it’s somewhere promiscuous that he wants to be aware of. They can see the restaurant clearly, their brat hacker Sakurai having plugged into the restaurant’s security cameras. 
“Shut the fuck up, Aomine. I can hear you munching on your stupid sour cream and onion chips.” You mutter into your mic before the guy arrives. You sip your wine and take a deep breath. This isn’t the first time you’ve gone undercover but it is the first time to have Aomine behind you while you do so. 
The detective looks down at the can in his hands. Sour cream and onion. How did you know? He sets it aside, bringing the mic up to his lips. “Maybe you should do your job better and focus on your meeting instead of listening to me. Why are you so obsessed with me, hm?” 
However, a man’s voice on the other side of the headphones has him straightening. “Good evening, I didn’t expect to be meeting a lovely lady like you tonight,” the sleaze says and Aomine can just imagine him kissing your hand. “When Tanaka said I’d be meeting with the right hand of White Claw, I didn’t expect it to be a woman.”
“Well, we are moving up in life, Mr. Ito.”
“Your good looks are certainly quite persuasive. I’m sure there are ways you can convince me to strike a deal.”
Fucking. Sleaze.
“Oh,” you laugh lightly, “what a flatterer. You’re not so bad yourself. I can imagine people fall at their feet for you.”
“Well, I am quite knowledgeable in more ways than one. Perhaps I can show you tonight after dinner.”
The two banter back and forth, trading flirty comments that puts Aomine on edge. You’re supposed to be doing your job and he knows that. He knows this is all an act but you’re a damn good actress. 
“Aomine, where are you going?” Wakamatsu’s concerned voice carries through the speaker.
You freeze. This fucker better not screw this whole operation up. “Well,” you say, “this has been a lovely dinner. I’m sure we both can come to an agreement without doing anything reckless.” 
The double meaning, a sentence meant for the man across from you and the man listening to you rings clear. Aomine growls, sitting back down petulantly in his seat. He was about to rage in there and start a war, but holds himself back. Be professional, Aomine. Job first, dick needs later. 
“The same to you. It’s been a pleasure meeting you,” the man smiles. “Are you sure you won’t join me for the night?”
Aomine snarls low into his mic. Wakamatsu shoots him a weird look. You let out a little giggle and he knows it’s meant for him. “No, thank you, Mr. Ito. I’m afraid I have other commitments to tend to.” 
When he knows it’s safe, he storms into the restaurant where you still sit, sipping your drink. Sliding into the seat across from you, he rolls his eyes. “Enjoy yourself?” 
He didn’t see when you were set up with the mic earlier so he also hadn’t seen what you were wearing. He’s almost grateful because he knows he might’ve lost it if he did. Tight ass dress, deep neckline that shows ample cleavage (he’s always a sucker for this), sultry eyes, red lips. God, all his favorite things packaged into one. 
Your lips quirk up. “The breadsticks here are quite nice.”
“Fucking hilarious. Let’s go.”
“Why the hurry?”
“Unless you want Wakamatsu to hear me fuck you, you better dump that mic and get your ass up.”
You lean back, narrowing your eyes at him. “I’m not sure I like your tone.”
“Trust me, you don’t have to like my tone to enjoy what I’m going to do to you.”
Licking your lips, you consider your options as you bring the wine back to your lips. “Fine,” you mutter, unclipping the mic from the strap of your dress. Aomine moves faster though, snatching it from your hands and dumping it into the wine. Before you can protest, he already has a hand wrapped around yours, tugging you up from your seat and into the back room. 
You’re stumbling in his manic rush, heels barely keeping up with your movements. “Aomine!” You chide as he pushes all the way to the employee break room. The space is fortunately empty and Aomine locks it to make sure it stays that way. “Can you please stop?! You’re such a caveman, I—”
He’s quick to shut you up, swallowing your words with his lips as they slot over yours. He doesn’t waste time, shrugging off his leather jacket as he licks your bottom lip for permission. You gasp a complaint, but he takes advantage of the situation to stick his tongue in, pressing it up against yours. 
All your worries fall away into a moan as he separates from you only to gasp for breath and pull his t-shirt over his head. With nimble fingers, he’s unzipping the back of your dress and yanking it down, leaving your top half exposed. Shivering, you’re about to voice your disapproval but your brain seems to stop functioning the second your gaze lands on his tanned body.
Aomine’s always been attractive. No one can deny. There’s a reason why he’s simultaneously the precinct’s most eligible bachelorette and most insufferable jackass. His confidence matches his skills. His looks live up to his brags. Hard lines and shadows are painted on him like a masterpiece in a museum. His broad shoulders make him look even bigger with his height. His jeans that hang just low enough to be tantalizing with the hint of a v that leads to the space between his legs. 
Your mouth dries up at the sight and Aomine smirks knowingly. You’ve fallen into his bed before, he can make it happen again. “Take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
“Fifth grade humor doesn’t become you, Aomine.” You scowl as he backs you up against the table in the middle of the room. He effortlessly grabs you by the ass to lift you up and onto the surface, the metal cool against your exposed thighs. 
“Did you dress up for me, doll? Knowing full well that this was going to happen,” he grins devilishly, bringing his hands up to shamelessly cup your breasts. 
It’s not as if you’re embarrassed for being so bare before him. You’re proud of your body and he damn well knows that. You let him fondle you through your bra for a little bit. “No, you animal. I dress for the job.”
“You tell me you wear this flimsy thing—” he teases the light coverage of your lingerie. The lace is sheer and barely covers your nipples, the material holding onto your breasts for dear life. “—for the job?”
“I do my job right, asshole,” you spat right back. “So are you just going to stand there or are you going to fuck me?”
A wide grin stretches across his face. The heat in his eyes carry to his hands as he works to unclasp your bra and let it fall to the ground. Aomine doesn’t waste time as you lean back on your palms, granting him full access to fondle and suckle on your tits. His tongue swirls around the sensitive nubs that have grown stiff in the contrast between the cold air and his warm breath. His teeth graze the sensitive skin hard enough to have you groaning in pleasure. His lips close in around them and suck. He uses his hand to tease and tug your other breast, pinching it to elicit that delicious whimper out of you. Aomine alternates between the two, making sure you stay warm. 
Meanwhile, you let your hand fall to the bulge between his legs. He lets out a small grunt at the initial touch but seems to respond favorably to the way you stroke the tent, nudging his hips forward for more friction. “Is that a gun in your pants or are you just excited to see me?”
“You’re so fucking ridiculous,” Aomine mutters, both humored and unamused by your comment. 
“Fuck,” you let slip as your fingers struggle to unbutton his jeans. “Your fucking pants. Don’t you live in sweats? You choose today of all days to wear your stupid tight jeans?”
Aomine chuckles, “Patience, baby. You know you like my ass in these.”
You do, but you’re not about to admit that. He quickly works off his pants, letting them drop to his ankles as he moves towards you again. While he continues to stimulate your tits, your hand begins groping his cock which is rock hard and peeking from the top of his boxers.
“God, I miss having this inside me,” you whine, pulling the flimsy fabric off and letting it pool on top of his jeans. “Condom?”
“You don’t want me raw? You know you want to feel all of my cock,” he grins. You throw him a glare and he just chuckles as he reaches for his wallet on the floor, pulling out a packet and tossing it onto the table. “But first,” he pauses, letting his hands slide down to cup your pussy, which is admittedly already drenched at that point. 
He hisses when he feels your juices drip and coat his fingers. “You’re so fucking wet, goddamn. How long have you been waiting for this?”
“When that robbery happened, I was about to get laid for the first time in months. So fucking sue me,” you snarl at him. 
“Well, I am here to please,” he wets his lips. He slips one finger in, sliding in all too easily. So he adds another finger and feels your walls pulse around him. He begins pulling it out before shoving it back in, repeating the measure to stroke your walls. He curls his fingers inside as he watches your face closely.
Your expression morphs from irritation to blinding pleasure in an instant. Your eyes slide shut, your lips part to exhale shaky breaths. Aomine seems to know exactly how to angle and twist his fingers to induce a heart attack. The sounds falling from your mouth are ephemeral, Aomine wishes he can film this moment so he can replay it over and over again. 
He pumps his fingers into you and ducks his head to take your nipple into his mouth again, tongue circling the tip. “God, you taste so fucking good. I forgot how wet you can get. Don’t even need lube to slide into you, huh? You’re already dripping for me.” 
“Asshole,” you murmur weakly, clearly in no place to retort. 
“Remember the first time I fucked you? God, you were so easy,” he grins, “you were so wet, so turned on already. Remember when I stuck my tongue in your pussy? Licking up your juices. You tasted so sweet.” 
Your breath stutters in your chest, hitching in your throat. “Fuck you, let’s not forget how quickly you came when I sucked you off.”
“I mean, the sight of you on your knees is enough to get anyone off, sweetheart.” 
“Fuck me,” you groan. Any rational thought has fizzled from your brain. The feeling of his fingers inside you is enough to consume you whole, overwhelming you in waves of rapture. 
“What was that?”
He chuckles darkly, licking his lips again. “Beg me.”
“I’m not going to—”
Aomine yanks his fingers out, looking down at you, taunting you. He waits as you internally struggle with your moral convictions. Are you willing to give up your pride for one night just to get fucked out of your mind?
“Please,” you huff, “please fuck me.” 
“Please fuck me who?”
Your eyes find the ceiling, wondering what in the hell you did in your lifetime to have met the devil that is Aomine. Biting your lip, you lean closer to whisper, “Please fuck me, Da-i-ki.” 
The man is a sucker for you calling him by his first name. And to get what you want, you’re willing to play into his hands. Aomine lets out a low growl before ripping open the condom packet and rolling the thin rubber along his length. Your pussy squeezes at the sight. Just imagining what it’s like to have that thickness inside of you, fucking you full, has you on edge. 
He doesn’t waste a single second, pulling you forward and slowly positioning himself in front of you. He holds onto his cock, letting the tip trace your pussy lips, circling it and letting your juices drip onto his cock. Stroking the wetness along his dick, he uses it as a lubricant before he slides himself inside you.
When he’s buried to the hilt, Aomine leans forward and lets his forehead rest on your shoulder. Your pussy is so fucking tight. It’s squeezing and throbbing around him with the engulfing heat. He feels as if he’s going to explode right then. 
“Fuck, you really haven’t been screwed in a while,” Aomine rasps. 
“Told you.”
Aomine starts off slow, pulling out and pushing back in. With how thin the condom is, he can feel every ridge, every bump in your heat rub up against his cock. The sensations is enough to have his thighs quivering, but he’s not one to back down. He begins to pick up the pace, thrusting deep inside of you repeatedly. HIs mouth latches onto your neck, tongue lapping and teeth nipping to paint purple blooms upon your skin. 
His movements are building a bubbling pressure in the pit of your stomach. You feel your heart tightening with every move, your insides squeezing. The absolute pleasure that crashes over you has you breathless, your hands finding purchase on his arms. 
He mutters filthy words in your ear, one of his hands reaching up to tangle in your hair. He yanks back lightly, just enough to have you moaning. You like it rough, he’s well aware of that. He pounds into you relentlessly, hands keeping you in place as whimpers tumble from your mouth. 
“Fuck, right there, oh god,” you gasp, “fuck me harder. God, your dick feels so good. Filling me up so full with your thick cock.” 
“Keep talking like that and I’ll be tempted to come in you, baby,” Aomine grazes his teeth along your ear, hot breath kissing your skin. “God, I want to just fucking cream inside you.” 
“Better watch yourself, Daiki.”
Aomine grins lasciviously, sweat beginning to bead his forehead as he attempts to keep himself in check. He feels you tighten your pussy, walls closing in around him. “Bitch,” he growls. You know what you’re doing but he’s not about to let you gain dominance of the situation.
So his hands dig deeper into your hips as he fucks you harder and deeper, his cock pulsating inside of you on the brink of his self-control. “I’m about to come,” he says with eyes squeezed shut. If he sees your tits bouncing as he fucks you again, he might actually combust in that second. 
“Me too,” you panted, fingers scraping down his arms. 
With a few more pumps, Aomine spills into the rubber with a grunt. He feels you convulse around him, your entire body trembling in the aftermath of your orgasm. He can feel his come continue to leak from his cock. God, he hasn’t come this hard in a fucking long time. 
His heart is thundering in his chest from the impact of his climax. He slumped forward, leaning against you for support—also partially to feel your tits press up against his chest. “Fuck,” he huffs.
“That was good,” you admit to yourself, still breathing heavily as you begin fixing your hair. “We should do that again sometime.”
Aomine just laughs, huffing against your skin. “You’re the fucking she-devil.”
“Says the guy who’s fucking me in the back room in the middle of an undercover operation.”
“Dick first, job second.”
Wakamatsu looks at him when he walks into the precinct that morning. “You do realize the captain is going to kill you for fucking up that expensive mic, right?”
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horansqueen · 5 years
AM Conversations : chapter 20
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his. -3.9k. -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- if you want to be notified when this is updated, please message me or leave a comment!
- nothing really happened in this either? but he’s really thinking tho? next chapter more stuff will happen i promise :) idk when itll be posted because i work the next 4 days but ill try to take some time to work on it.
- thank you so so so so much for everyone who reads this and especially those who comment. honestly it means so much, you guys make me smile. you make me want to update more and faster. so thank you. thank you so so much <33
-please, message me, give me feedbacks, it would mean sooo much to me!
Chapter 20 : His chapter
When Olivia left, I waited for Maya to show up. I decided to invite her home but as I was waiting for her, I changed my mind and decided that maybe it was a mistake. I didn't want to give her the wrong impression and I also didn't want to be stuck with her. It was too late though and the more I thought about what she had done, the angrier I was getting. When the doorbell rang, I literally jumped off my couch and ran to the door.
There she was, on my porch, with a large smile gracing her lips, and it made me realize I would literally have to break her heart. I breathed in and sent her a polite smile before moving out of her way.
"Come in." I simply said as she walked inside.
Her eyes lingered on all the bags still laying in the lobby and I noticed she frowned but I just closed the door and walked past her to reach the living room. I moved my hand to show her the couch and I waited until she was sitting down to take a seat on an other couch but still close to her. We remained silent for a few minutes and I looked at her as her eyes roamed around the room.
"Where is she?" she asked without looking at me.
"Who?" I frowned.
I felt surprised that she asked but I didn't know what to answer. Was that a question I was required to answer?  I shook my head slightly but she finally turned back to look at me, sending me a weird look. She looked a mix of pissed and hurt and I was not sure I really understood her reaction until she talked again.
"Before we left, you told me you wanted to be alone." she added, explaining her question. "But her stuff is in the lobby. Why did you lie to me, Niall?"
I was flabbergasted by her reaction and at the same time, I was getting pissed. I didn't understand exactly what gave her the right to act possessively with me but I was clearly beyond annoyed.
"That's why I asked you to come here."
"So you're breaking up with me? For her?"
I made a grimace and shook my head.
"Wait, what?"
i didn't understand how she came up to that conclusion and I frowned more, trying to remember the conversations we had had in the past few days. I didn't remember that seeing a girl would bring all of these problems but I knew it did. It reminded me most of the girls I used to date before and how hard it was every single time because of the friendship I had with Olivia. I used to get so many questions, get into so many arguments... I knew it would be different if my best friend was a guy but that fact that she was a girl made all of my relationships so fucking complicated.  The only exceptions were girls like Heidi, who didn't see any competition when they looked at my best friend. Perhaps that was why she was the only one I still had something going on with.
"You said you didn't feel like hanging out, yet you're hanging out with her." she repeated. "She's not only your best friend, right? She's not really dating Harry?"
I took a big breath and brought my hands to my face before rubbing my eyes. I was so tired of people expecting Liv and I to be in love, so tired to have everyone telling me how I supposedly feel, so fucking tired to argue and fight about it... I was not in the mood to repeat over and over again that we were just friends and that it wasn't anyone's place to decide for us what our relationship consisted of. Plus, I was already mad at Maya for that stupid picture she posted online and that was the only thing I wanted to address at this moment.
"I am not dating Liv, she's my best friend. You know that."
"Yea, I know that the first time we almost had sex, you left when I was half naked to go take care of her. I know that you and her are close, maybe even too close, for friends. And I know that earlier you told me you didn't want to be around people yet you invited her here."
The memory of that time, a few months ago, when we almost fucked, came back to my mind. I swallowed hard at how wrong it sounded the way she just explained it and I knew I should feel guilty but I didn't. I was fine with leaving her there and yes, maybe I had just changed my mind about wanting to have sex with her but everyone makes mistakes, right? At that moment, leaving seemed like the best solution and I couldn't pretend that running away didn’t seem like a great solution to escape this ridiculous discussion, too.
"I didn't ask you to come here to talk about Olivia!"
"I don't care, Niall, I came here to make love, but clearly now i'm not in the mood anymore."
She inhaled angrily and got up, making me do the same quickly.
"I didn't invite you here to fuck, Maya!" I let out a bit too loud. "I asked you to come here about this!"
Roughly, I brought my phone closer to her face where the picture of us was posted. Her gaze moved from mine and down to the screen of my phone before her face softened slightly, turning into a guilty look.
"I thought we were dating." she explained so low I barely heard.
Her words made me even angrier than I already was and I swallowed hard all the rude words I wanted to tell her. I was not an angry person normally but in the past few days, it seemed like everything annoyed me and I became way more impulsive than my personality normally shows.
"You know damn well we're not dating, Maya." I let out in a lower tone, trying not to sound too mad. "I said I wanted to try. I said we'd start with a date."
"We kissed, too. And held hands... I thought-"
"I know." I cut her quickly, watching her facial expression turn into sadness. What was it with me, recently? Why did I hurt everyone? "I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression but you need to delete this picture."
She scoffed and shook her head, avoiding my eyes and I could feel the pain emanating from her body, making my anger decline slightly. I didn't want to hurt her but at the same time, we really needed to make things clear about how we felt and what we expected from this relationship.
"Do you know how many times this picture has been liked, Niall?"
I sighed loud and rubbed my eyes again, letting out a short groan. I didn't know but I could certainly take a good guess. I was also aware that someone probably took a screenshot of it in the next few seconds after it was posted. I hadn't taken the time to look at the comments but I could bet there were many and I wasn't too sure I wanted to read.
"Take the picture off." I asked again, feeling defeated. "Or at least, change the damn caption, Maya."
It took her a while but eventually, she rolled her eyes and took her phone in her purse. I waited impatiently as she typed on her phone and with a sigh, she looked up at me.
"I deleted it."
"Thank you."
I was not sure why but it felt like a weight had been taken off my shoulders and I closed my eyes. I felt lighter, like half the stress I had had just disappeared. My whole body relaxed and it's when I realized how tensed I had been. When I opened my eyes again, Maya was throwing back her phone in her purse, making sure our eyes didn't meet.
"Do you want to talk about it?" I just asked in a calmer way as she shook her head.
"Not now, Niall." she admitted, passing a hand in her hair nervously. "I need time."
"I think we need to clear up what this relationship is exactly." I insisted.
This time, she looked up right in my eyes and I knew that if looks could kill, i'd be a dead man. As I stared back at her, I realized that all these problems and fights were definitely not worth the relationship we could have and the thought made me feel guilty as shit. She stood there in front of me, extra gorgeous and fucking sexy, and I couldn't feel an ounce of regret at the thought of stopping things with her immediately. Even the way she was angrily looking at me should have been some sort of a turn on but I felt nothing and I had no idea why.
"We don't need to clear up anything, Niall." she let out harshly, putting the strap of her purse on her shoulder. "You were very fucking clear."
We stared at each other in silence for about a minute and I knew that her irritated expression hid something else, I could read it in her eyes. She expected me to say something, beg her to stay, tell her I have feelings for her... I knew it. I just didn't want to say these things and lie to her. For a few seconds, I saw sadness in her eyes but she quickly shook her head and pressed her lips together.
"Goodbye, Niall Horan."
I was almost expecting her to add something like 'I hope your dick gets bitten off by a wild animal’ but she just walked past me quickly as I stood there motionless and powerless to the whole situation. Did we just 'break up'? How can you break up with someone you weren't even dating? I shook my head to get out of my thoughts and ran behind her until the front door.
"I'm sorry!" I let out. "Are you still in for that double date?"
She stopped dead in her track and stayed without moving for a while, her back facing me, as i held the side of the door, keeping it ajar. She seemed to hesitate as I asked myself internally why the hell I had just asked that. It's not that I didn't want to try with her, it's just that clearly, we were on a different page. She wanted something steady and I just wanted to have fun.
She finally turned around slowly and I raised my eyebrows.
"!'m sure Liv and Harry are still up for it." I let out, shrugging one of my shoulders.
"But she-"
"She's my best friend." I explained a bit louder, cutting her. "Just my best friend."
I watched as her shoulders fell and she closed her eyes with a sigh. I was not sure why she wanted to try again, or why I even proposed it to her but I felt bad for hurting her and I didn't know how to make things better. The small smile she sent me proved that I did the right thing.
"Alright, call me."
The left corner of my lips raised up and I nodded.
"Sure will." I promised with a small wave.
I was a bit surprised when she blew me a kiss but I sent her a bigger smile and waited until she got in her car and drove away to get back inside and close the door behind me. I breathed in deeply, closing my eyes and leaning against the door before sighing loud. Once again, I felt like I took a wrong decision but if i wanted to be honest, it felt like a recurrent thing these day. I was trying to make Maya happy, to respect Harry and Liv's relationship, to convince everyone that Liv was just my friend and to keep all my bitter remarks to myself. I hit my head gently against the door a few times and groaned, searching for my phone in my pocket.
'I'm done. Come by whenever you want.'
I quickly hit send, not really expecting my best friend to run by my side unless it didn't go well with Harry but I still waited a few minutes against the door, trying to convince myself to move. I ended up back on the couch, laying down, scrolling through social medias when I really shouldn't. I wanted to know who had seen the picture Maya had posted and what everyone was saying but at the same time, I didn't want to.
I went back to the picture Harry had posted on instagram and my eyes caught the name of my best friend in the comments. I couldn't stop myself from reading what people had written and I felt my heart twist in my chest. I was not the kind of person to let what people say affect me but some of these comments could really put me in a bad mood, sometimes.
'Harry is dating Olivia????'
'!!!!! look how he's nuzzling her hair !!!'
'this makes me want to puke'
'I ship it!'
'I was so sure she and Niall would end up dating why is she with Harry and why is Niall with that girl?'
'he's hot and she's hot'
'wow big surprise he's now dating a model 🙄 so predictable'
'i hope she dies'
'you guys need glasses that girl is fucking ugly'
'Niall and Olivia are literally my OTP this is so fucking sad'
I blinked a few times, staring at the last comment and decided to open google to search for that term I didn't understand. Most of the reactions were not surprising but the comments about my best friend and I made my heart sink in my chest. Clearly, we were doing something wrong if everyone, including people who didn't know us, thought we had feelings for each other.
"One true pairing." I read outloud.
It took me a few seconds to realize what it meant and I cursed low, shaking my head with a sigh. After all this time being friends with Olivia, we had some random people wishing -and expecting!- us to end up together. I placed my phone on my chest and closed my eyes, trying to think of which comments seemed more off to me. The ones about me dating Maya, or the ones about me being meant to be with Liv.
I let my mind wander on some of the memories we had and it made me smile. I couldn't deny that we had amazing chemistry and that we understood each other like no one else did but at the same time, isn't it a fun part of starting a relationship? Getting to know each other? There were definitely some things I didn't know about her but I knew a whole lot and I was wondering if it would make things boring or monotone to date my best friend. There was one thing I didn't know about her but just thinking about it reminded me of my dream and I closed my eyes even tighter, trying to get rid of the images flooding my brain. There was also that time when I caught her masturbating a few days ago that seemed to appear in my mind randomly and although I had found it funny at first, now I couldn't help but wonder why the hell I remembered it so clearly and intensely.
I felt myself get harder in my pants and groaned, annoyed by how easily I was turned on. It was not like me to get hard with random thoughts, especially not about my best friend, and I sighed, passing my hand in my hair, irritated by my own behavior. I heard the doorbell ring and with a lot of effort, I jumped off the couch and walked to the door.
My heart jumped in my chest when my best friend's smiling face appeared behind it and I didn't know why. After all, I did expect her, but maybe the fact that I had been thinking about her naked only a few seconds before she got here was embarrassing me slightly.
"Oh, hey."
Her smile fell a bit and she scoffed, pushing my shoulder jokingly.
"You're the one who told me to come back here." she explained, raising her eyebrows. "I can leave if you want."
"No, no it's not you." I groaned. "Wasn't pleasant with Maya, t's'all."
I saw her frown but she took a step inside and I sighed again, turning around and walking back to the living room. I lied back down and closed my eyes again but I felt her push my legs to sit next to me.
"You're a paiiiiin in my ass." I let out dramatically but jokingly.
"But you wouldn't be happy without me."
"That's right." I confessed with a sigh, searching for her arm and pulling on it when I finally found it. "Come here."
I felt half her body laying on mine and she moved, trying to find a better way to lay with me. She ended up holding herself on my stomach and I groaned again when she hurt me a bit.
She ended up laying on her side next to me, her arm around my chest and mine around her shoulders. We remained like that for a few minutes until she finally talked.
"Is it weird that we cuddle like that?"
It took me a few seconds to understand what she said but I finally opened my eyes and turned her way, my face in her hair and a lock of it sticking to my lips. I didn't want to answer because I didn't know what to answer. I wanted to say no, and if she had asked me that a few months before, that would have been my answer. But now, everyone seemed to say that things had changed and that our friendship was not normal. Some people even wanted us to be together, which was a new thing for me and kind of hard to assimilate. I was not lying to myself and I had no idea why everyone thought so. I had a few moments of weakness where I actually lusted my best friend, big deal.
"We've always cuddled like that." I just replied, pointing out the obvious.
She looked up in my eyes and I sent her a smile. I was not sure if it was fake or not but she answered it and after a while, I tapped her arm a few times and sat up.
"Come on, I'll prepare some food for us, what do you say?"
She followed me to the kitchen and reached for the fridge, opening it and bending down to take a look inside. My eyes fluttered close and I groaned again at the sight, deciding I had been abstinent for way too long if I was about to think about sex every single time my best friend was bending down. I couldn't get hard whenever I saw some skin, I was not 16 anymore, and the whole thing sounded so juvenile that I was starting to be mad at myself.
"Pancakes night." I just said, trying to think about something else than how horny I was.
She giggled and I opened my eyes again, noticing she was holding the milk and flour in her hands. I smiled back and shrugged, not really surprised we had thought about the same thing. We started preparing everything and without any surprise again, she dropped an egg on the floor and spilled floor over it. I hated messes, that was a fact, but watching her face all white with powder as she tried to clean her mess was more endearing that I could admit.
"You're such a clumsy ass." I chuckled, bending down to help her.
"Yea, and you're an asshole." she joked, avoiding my eyes as she used a paper towel to clean the egg. It escaped her fingers and she cursed in a whisper.
"Actually, Maya said-"
"Maya can go fuck herself."
We both stopped moving at the same time, startled by her harsh words and I moved my head up very slowly to look at her. Her lips were parted and I could even swear I saw her bottom one shake slightly.
"I mean..."
Her words lingered in the air, turning the atmosphere upside down until she sighed and closed her eyes.
"I'm sorry, I know you and her have something going on but I just, I don't know. She gives me a bad vibe."
I raised my eyebrows in shock realizing she felt for my sort-of relationship exactly what I felt for her sort-of relationship. It was weird and sad at the same time, especially that we both seemed to enjoy each other's company more.
"You and Harry give me a bad vibe too."
She looked up and her eyes met mine. I didn't know why my heart jumped in my chest again but it did and I just accepted it.
"I know."
We stayed motionless for a while but eventually, we finished cleaning and kept on cooking in silence. It's only when we sat at the table to eat that I dared to look at her. She was sitting besides me and I poured some syrup on my pancakes as she was grabbing the butter, spreading some on hers. She looked sad and I hated it. All I wanted was to see her smile again. i dipped one of my fingers in the syrup and quickly wiped it on her cheek. She held her breath as I started laughing and she finally turned to me, sending me angry eyes. I knew she wasn't really mad but the sight was hilarious and I laughed again.
"Oh hey, Liv, you’ve got something on your cheek." I chuckled, getting up. "Let me help you with it."
Quickly to make sure she didn't have time to react, I bent down and licked her cheek, making her scream in a high-pitched voice. I burst into laughter again as she rubbed her hand on her cheek. I let myself fall on my chair again and when I opened my eyes, she was smiling widely at me.
"Just for that smile, it was worth it."
Her eyes softened and her smile turned into a fond one. At that exact moment, I would have given anything to find out what was going on in her head but I just reached for her hand and squeezed her fingers.
"Come on, eat." I proposed, moving my chin her way.
She reached for the bottle of syrup and put it out of my reach, making me laugh again. I didn't want to hear about what happened between Harry and her, and I didn't want to tell her about Maya and I's conversation. All I wanted was to spend time with her, pretending no one else was important. I just wanted to pretend things were exactly the way they were a few months ago because If I wanted to be honest, that's precisely how I thought things should be: me, her, and no one else.
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caandlelit · 6 years
what if the way that hawks went about to infiltrate the league wasn't as upfront as joining them straight up, which by the fucking way caused a lot of complications for nobody but him
because newsflash asshole my man dabi isn't a fucking moron and he can tell when a wanna be villain is a spy seeing as they're the fuckin number two hero
what if he tracked down their new hideout
a bar as usual
in a shady alley in the depths of tokyo, and he just steps inside the door that's helpfully labelled, ‘l.o.v. hideout and bar’ with his jacket slung over his shoulder and an easy smile on his face
hes immediately slammed against the back of the door by the most wanted, second to shigaraki tomura himself, fire villain dabi, the league of villains' heaviest hitter
dabi presses one scarred hand against the door next to hawks’ head
and the other hand is wrapped around his throat, long, capable fingers tightening, threatening to choke him and its slowly heating up dangerously against his skin
and the cold metal of his staples contrasted deliciously with the heat
hawks prays for his hard on to go away
“how the fuck did y’all find our hideout this time, hero” whispers dabi, leaning in close
hawks gulps, which was a mistake because he feels dabis hand tightening against the movement of his throat
and his breath is hot on hawks face and he tries not to cry
because jesus fuckin christ those bright blue eyes are way too close and hawks is so weak
‘t-there was a sign that said ‘lov hideout and bar’ and im just-’
dabi interrupts him with a groan and a
and he pulls away and hawks lets out a quiet whimper of loss cause there goes that warm, hard body
dabi turns and yells at a door behind the bar
“NICE GOING TOGA, the heroes found our hideout. AGAIN.”
hawks can't help letting out a snipe of his own at this toga person and whispers
‘yeah toga you had one job’
dabi lets out a surprised snort and turns back around to run his gaze over hawks
here goes absolutely nothing
‘uh it said ‘bar’ man and i just want a job, im not gonna tell the heroes’
dabi snorts
“pardon me if I don't fuckin believe you in the slightest”
‘but its true I swear I won't tell those dickbags’
“lemme guess you hate them and you wanna’ join the league and stick it to the man, right”
‘yeah how'd you know??’
“oh my god you know i know you are a hero right”
‘im not’
dabi stops and stares at him
“let me get this straight-”
‘I'm gay’
“-ok not straight then and nice same-”
‘are you single’
“-im not answering that-”
“you're telling me you're not japans number three hero”
‘im not but I've been told he looks just like me must be a handsome guy’
dabi stares at him, deadeyed
hawks tries for a winning smile
this is when the rest of the league floods in from a door in the side of the bar, arguing loudly
‘why the fuck would you even put up that sign in the first place’
‘what possessed you to think that that would be okay’
‘that was so fuckin stupid and stop yelling at the love of my life she has never done anything wrong ever!!!’
‘im sorry okay but I forget where it is all the time alrighttt’
dabi sighs and turns around
hawks observes the league of villains, the most feared and most wanted criminals in all of japan
bickering like children
he glances up at dabi whos staring straight ahead and hawks bites his lip
dabi sighs and slowly, one by one the villains finally notice them
there's a silence as they stare at dabi and hawks
then a weirdo with a hand on his face and blue hair glares at dabi and oh fuck that's the fuckin bossman the commission showed him photos of ah crap oh fuck
shigaraki, incredibly confused and vaguely pissed: dabi why is the number three hero standing next to you in our villain hideout
‘i already said i'm not this sexy hero guy im a college dropout and I wanna work at your bar’
dabi shuts his eyes against hawks’ bullshit and walks blindly towards the bar and pours himself a shot
shigaraki squints at hawks as he leans to stare at dabi, who is throwing back a shot, from around the league
the little blonde girl, toga, speaks out of nowhere, comforting shigaraki and patting him on the back
‘yknow, maybe this is just one of those days when you're like, this might as well happen’
dabi groans loudly in the background and throws back another shot
hawks looks at him worriedly
this really wasn't going how he'd hoped it would
shigaraki sighs
“if you're not hawks-”
shigaraki turns around to glare at the guy in deadpool cosplay and he coughs and looks down and mumbles an apology
“who are you”
‘im sora and im broke can i work at your bar’
before shigaraki can say anything, a guy in a suit whos head is made of mist leans forward and says
“yeah sure you can! as long as you work hard!!”
hawks beams
dabi groans again and tugs off the stopper on a bottle of vodka with his teeth and fuckin chugs and woah that shouldn't have been as hot as it was
suit guy introduces himself
“its nice to meet you sora im kurogiri and i own the bar”
‘nice!! that's so cool!!’
“im glad you think so!!!”
shigaraki sighs and pulls out a psp from his hoodie pocket and sits down on a stool next to the bar and for what hawks can hear, starts playing animal crossing
he can't help but mutter to the person nearest to him, the deadpool wannabe, ‘wow animal crossing?? can't believe the most wanted villain is a bottom’
deadpool wannabe laughs loud and obnoxious and slaps hawks on the back so hard he trips but manages not to fall as deadpool slings an arm around his shoulders
“man you're funny!! even though you're totally a spy sent by the heroes I think we're gonna get along dude! im jin! nice to meet you!!”
hawks beams
‘even though you guys are villains and im- uh not a hero you guys are really cool!!!’
“thanks bro! you too!!”
dabi presses his head against the counter and whimpers
so hawks gets accepted into the league just because shigaraki decides to let it happen because kurogiri deserves help around the bar
he gets a cool bartenders outfit from toga
‘wow where'd you get this?’
“im into cosplay!! i have seven different schoolgirl outfits and a nurse outfit, and a cop outfit, and a-’
hawks is nodding and listening attentively and twice is staring with heart eyes
and dabi is just so disbelieving of all of this what the fuck
‘hey dabi do you like my bartenders outfit ;)’
“yes actually”
“almost as much as your hero outfit”
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catbtr0822 · 7 years
Joshlerr part 1
Tyler gasped for some air after all he’s ran in the forest looking for Josh but Josh was nowhere to be found
:Tyler: Josh Josh! Where are you I’m sorry for what I did I shouldn’t have punched you I’m sorry…
Tyler went back home and in the way he started to think about what he had done he loves Josh but he lost his temper As Tyler starts walking towards his house he sees his brother Zack getting beaten up by the douchebag that lives next door
:Zack: please stop I don’t know why you always hit me like this I’m very sorry
:Douchebag: shut the fuck up you stupid bitch you asked for it!
:Zack: no I didn’t its not my fault he’s like that!
:Douchebag: well its still your fault for having a gay and crazy brother!
:douchebag: oh look who’s here the gayylord haha
Tyler rushed in and went to go get his fathers shot gun then he was thinking about it but he was tired of getting shamed on all the time so he did it he cocked the gun and walked over outside and shoots the douchebag 4 times until he is completely dead
Zack rushes to his room up stairs and starts crying Tyler waits until he’s completely gone since his parents aren’t home yet he has time to bury the body while Tyler is draging the body to his back yard its unoticed because they live in a small town in Ohio close to a lonely river and a forest where Tyler usually meets Josh but right now Josh is mad at Tyler because Josh said if you want LEAVE ALREADY they were arguing about who has a worse life but Josh lives in a treehouse all alone so they argued so much until Tyler punched Josh in the face and he ran away from Tyler as far as he could he knows the whole forest he couldn’t get lost
tyler sighing as he’s burying the body and crying at the same time tears run down his face as the thought of josh comes up his mind
He says I need him I need him now he runs back to the forest and as he enters the forest he suddenly thinks of where the treehouse is he runs so far until he reaches the ladder of the treehouse how he climbs up and sees josh with a pocket knife writing on the wood
As he dreamily stares at Josh he looks at his beautiful purple hair and his sexy muscles as josh turns Tyler stares at his soft looking lips he’s beautiful brown mocha eyes Tyler stays staring as josh stares back
:Josh: what?
:Tyler I uh-huh I’m so sorry I never meant to hurt you I-i-i lo-ve u so much and I wouldn’t try to hurt you…
Josh stares at Tyler disgustingly and spits Tyler starts crying and puts his head down as tears run down his face Josh leans forward and grabs Tyler then furiously makes out with Josh then Tyler looks at his brown eyes and Tyler kisses back then josh starts unbuckling his belt and unzipps his pants Tyler gasps at what he’s looking at
:josh: take your pants off and boxers
:Tyler: do you even wear boxers?
:Josh: no never who does haha
As Tyler starts removing his pants he smiles and says I want you to fuck me so hard josh says oh believe me I will
Josh starts getting on the back of him Tyler suddenly feels something inside him he wanted it badly they kept on going Tyler says harder harder faster please josh starts moaning and Tyler it continues
After they’re done josh puts his pants back on and keeps his shirt off and and Tyler gets dressed and starts licking josh’s body josh and him make out in the treehouse
:Josh: want to take a walk?
:Tyler: yeah sure
As they start walking josh exclaims why do you love me huh?
:tyler: because you’re my everything and because I love you because we belong together and were gay
: Josh: true
:Tyler: yeah well its getting dark I wish I’d live here with you but I cant I just cant
: Josh: okay want me to walk you out?
:Tyler: yeah I do
They start walking in silence mostly embarassment since it was their first time having sex
:Josh: am I dead to you?
:Tyler: no you’re very alive to me
:Josh: But to other people I’m just a guy that went missing and died
:Tyler: But to me everything we do is real I know its like you raised me since we met when I was 12 and now I’m 17 and you’re still the same age doesn’t mean you’re just a ghost you have feelings like me we belong together forever
:Josh: yeah see this is why I love you well OK bye see u tomorrow
And they gave each other a goodbye kiss
Tyler came home his mom arrived she was cooking while his sister was in the living room watching tv Tyler said mom I need to talk to you she said OK Tyler
:Tyler: I have something important to tell you I made up with Josh after what happened
:Mom: I told you to stop talking to that imaginary ghost ok
:Tyler: I had sex with him we kissed we touched he not imaginary if I felt that OK so stop judging mom
:mom: what um OK Tyler we’ll figure this out I love you don’t let him hurt you please
To be continued…
Inspired by forest fic Not a joshler shipper just boredddd
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